The Huron Expositor, 1882-11-24, Page 51882
to-hur nation
; Vend mere
the terreint,
mph. put to!
were recently
two vaoanciet
)01$&nd from
a of &wade,
iloPt were set
if Clinton, net
icaney caused
Coulter; sal.
,c4 Hallett,
%eye ago, met
Drtt. Hie left
itiok he w&s
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t great force,
litti& toe. out -
and fleabag
LY Part of hat
Eti has leased
a min for a
ears. Wiles &
S: the erection
Tie at once.
aorthern end
imen have re-
ship, and wai,
k of the flaw.
r factory.
of Goderioh,
lorly 0001Ipied
tle village of
Hallett, and
ein Auburn.
tduate of 'Go-
er session& at
teioine. Last
ne to hospi-
and we have
working tin &
east of Huron's,
1- residence in
4 week, after
SS. DGOGEti3ed
WAS Mit a wil-
tee it a lively
had acquired
at the time
[al disposition,
d by all with
id. Deceased
asorde Longo,
terred in the
irsday of last
John Hall,
voter tank for
her day, on a
',laborite, near
the covering
rds gave way,
into the well,
feet in depth.
. a orib at one
feet from the
, in about two -
W. Price, of
But for the
tbability have
ng rescued he
iiete the job of
>f last week,
lathcart, who
oad, near the
outside of the
k, his wife and
to bed. On
re-enter, he
s. and had just
[rush from the
the children.
at sleeve of its
passiog out.
ni brinaing for
ceiling, and
rve it through
the door wait
way of either
saved. There
on house and
to Mr. M. C.
days ago, and
t which it was
it through the
ging behind,
mpt terattailt
row & Proud -
p by jumping
Mr. Potter, of
tra atarted, off,
away between
elves, until it
A little child
nga was run
tit The horse
if its strange
•eek Mr. Peter
ap, drove into
t young horse
him a. lady
driving along
xy pace when
fieldback gave
aka the horse.
*Melted and
tt at a furious
to Bide and
k3r- Kr. Cook
tawever, with
tuscle behind
- keeping the
colliding with
m of about a
it was brought
ring done any
been a kicker
aye been seri-
king character
his home in
tity of Walter
4 farms near
is of this par-
lors consider-
nters a_ house,
to the doora
[our, &o., with
aid ni&k�Se his
kens he does
aelf to them
resents itseiL
Lite it is he-
al' not use the
caping detect-
tr five, months.
the vicinity
been Been &
is caught last
of his fires,
attempted by
1 him but he
tfon whatever
ts between Mt
light oora-
revr any whis-
sting "- Iooali-
hip of Morris:
fattory closed
r of last week,
a.r.„—Mr.. John
eta some time
OVEMBER 241 1882.
bas removed to the Northwest,
,Iere he 'intends making his honie.—
aart Tames D. Forsyth, son of our Wor-
thy Reeve, has gone to London'nuo
loshetakdolies th4epositcoionmopfant7_vellcoertiforolthe
Mooney has greatly, improved the ap-
oaranee of the farm lately vacated by
irr.Denbow. by a complete overhauling
eithefenoes.—Stuashine is getting to be
& place of some importances, which is
lingsay attributable to the energy and
enterprise of Mr. IMMO 110g8r11013., Sao.
cog tO --Threshing is all the rage
at present, and farmers say they
'leveled suoh full granaries. Mr. David
Wine, adjoining, had ever 1,800 bushels
ea grain. Some of his wheat aiVeraged
at bushels to the acre.—Mr. James Ait-
kenianorthhalf lot 16, concession 5, has
* splendid Berkshire- boar. purchased
nem Mr. A. MoArthur, of Lobo,breed-
era would do well to see him. The fine
Suffolk boar Mr. Aitkens showed at the
tsar died last week.—Mr. T. A. Reid,
teacher of School Section No. 8. has
Win re engaged, at a salary of $475, for
the ensuing year. Mr. Mosgrove, head
teacher of Blnevale School, has been en-
gaged for the incoming year, at a salary
el 1440. Mise Gilpin, teacher of School
Electiou'No. 7, was the sucoessful appli-
mut for School Section No. 6, Tucker-
-smith. Efer salary will be $100. Miss
Harkness has been re-engaged at an ad-
vance of salary. Miss Eddie, of Wing-
hanOthas been engaged by the Trustees
at School Section 00. 7 air next year at
a salary of $360.
—Rev. Mr. CasWell, of Dungannon,
preached the funeral sermon of the late
joseth Howson, of Ilullett, in the
Canada Methodiat church, Londeslaoro,
•on Sunday last. The banding was filled
to its utmost capacity. and the practical
and pointed sermon received the closest
*ttention throughout.
—A Sabbath School Convention of
the` Methodiet churches of the Goderich
District, will be held at Goderioh on
Monday and Tuesday of next week.
—Mr. Wna. Blatolaford, of Walton,
ass purchased the property of Mrs.
J. Draper, at Prospect Hill, in the
couitty of Perth, and intends rernoving
thither. -
Manitoba Notes.
Wood is bringing $6 a cord in the
Portage. -
—Rak shooting is reported to be good
in Southern Manitoba this season.
—Over 15,000 bushels of grain have
been taken in at Portage la Prairie al-
—Several sheep have been killed by
wolves in the neighborhood of Pilot
—A. mammoth hotel, with a frontage
of 80 feet, is to be commeuced forthwith
in Pilot Mound.
—Wheat is reported to be coming in
rapidly at Emerson, and is quoted at
from 78 to 8) cents a bushel.
—Tenders are being asked for by the
munieipaiity of Montoalra for the erec-
tion of a bridge over Plum Coulee.
—The Engineer of West Lynne re-
ports an expenditure of $4,50U in grad-
ing etreets during the Seal40o.
—Initiatory steps for the erection of
* second bridge over the Red River, be-
tween West Lynne and Emerson, are
being taken.
_Ogilvie& Co. intend erecting a large
grain elevator at Morris, and three
others at points along the Canadian
Pacific southwestern branch.
—Dr. Schultz is still in New York,
and is reported to be somewhat im-
proved. in health. He will go south for
the winter:
—Oue of the prairie chickens of the
West End, of Portage la Prairie, de-
posited $600 in one of the banks there
last week, notvvithstanding the cry of
bard times. -
—Nearly 150,000 feet of lumber have
been brought into Selkirk from the lake
within the past few days, exclusive of
that required for barge and boat build:,
—A. Is.rge number of Icelanders, direct
fromIceland. arrived at St. Vincent last
week to eettle along the international
boundary west of Pembina, in the Ice-
landic colony there.
—The teachers in the Winnipeg Pub-
lic Schools have sent in a united appli-
cation for an increase in their salaries,
and if their demand is not acceded to
several of the best are likely to resign.
The school expenditure in Winnipeg ia
something enormous.
—The natives have been catching
large numbers, of whitefish in the river,
near Selkirk. This is very unnsual. It
is believed that the presence of sawdust
in the Winnipeg River prevents any fish
going up it, and more, consequently-,
°gene up Red River.
—R. W. Francis es, Co.'s warehouse,
Winnipeg, was hurginTized on the 8th
inst., and several thousand dollars'
worth of valuable furs carried off.
Three days later, a man named San-
derson, was relieved of $800 at the Turf
Wine, Vaults. Other robberies of minor
importance are reported. t
—A Regina, Northwest Territory, ho-
tel -keeper writes to bis relations in On-
taxio Our rates are $2.50 and $3.00 per
day; our bill of fare would be quite a
novelty in Ontario. I will ntite down a
few of the delicacies, as follows : Elk
steak, broiled; antelope stew, loin of
buffalo, prairie chicken, pot pie; and go-
pher stew, this, with the usual substa,n-
tials, such as roast beef, corned beef and
cabbage, and. boiled ham, maksa quite a
square naeal for a new country. I for-
got the wild ducks, they are so plentiful
that people get tired of them; therefore,
we do not take the trouble to dress
—Some two or three weeks ago, a
quiet looking individual visited Selkirk
and remained for a few days. His visit
excitedono continent until last Saturday,
when he again made his appearance and
served the liquor -dealers with sum-
monsee to appear before Captain Ken-
nedy, St. Andrews, on Tuesday, to an-
swer to charges of infringement of the
Scott Act. Messrs. Howell and Bul-
look, West Selkirk, and McLean and
Smith, East Seikirk, were among the
number summoned. The cases were
heard on Tuesday of last week, when
the defendants having signified their
intention of appealing, it was decided to
tie only one, and let the others stand
until the appeal is decided. Mr. Howell,
therefore, paid the fine of $50, and costs.
The appeal will come before the Court
of Qaeen's Benoth sometime in Febru-
—Saturday night lait Edward Wil-
tunately the transom remain open,
and mach of the I noxiona par was
driven fr\om the rocim. As it ivas Mr.
Willi= was seriouily affected,' for on
and had great difficulty b thing.
rising he felt a suffocating turtion,
He came down stairs, and upon walk-
ing out into the open air the. reaction
was so great that he becam
enifocated, and fell prostrat
pavement, but in a short
—The formal opening of
Liberal olub-rooms in Listo
plaoe Monday evening last.
hall was fully and suitably
for the purpose it is intended
to the
ime re -
he new
el, took
he main
o serve,
being brilliantly lighted with gas, and
the walls adorned with the represehta-
tions of the leading reformer a of the
Dominion.' Abont one hundned and
fifty of the leading Reformers! of the
town were present at the 1 opeuing
ceremoniesowith a number of visitors
from a distance, prominent among
whom were the Provinci Secre-
tary, the Hon. Mr. Hardy: jajmes Mc-
Mullin, M. P. for Notth W Ilington ;
Mr. Trow, M. P. for South Petah; and
Mr. Gibson, M. P. P. for East Onron.
—A Shakespeare correspcindent of
the Stratford Beacon, refeOring the
in that
ay was
✓ One
section .of the community, the,emallest,
showed their gratitude by itttending
church, another section showed theirs
by slaughtering as many of thei Creator's
harmless birds as their gtins could
reach,and called,that a shoothlig match,
winding up witti a ball at night, whilst
a third section followed thiiir usual
avocations, and tried to snow their
gratitude by earning an hon st dollar
heir act -
keeping of Thanksgiving day
place says :—As usual, the
kept in a very hybrid mann
to pay their debts and keep
counte straight. '
—In August last, a boy na
ed John
Morrison, aged 13 years, ran aWay from
his home in Stratford, and tvas sup-
posed to have gone to British [Columbia
to his father, who resideethere. Noth-
ing was heard of his whereabouts until
Tuesday last week, when hie mother
received the sad tidings that her son
had been killed and buried
Tennessee, It -appears! that he
was travelling with Forepangh's circus,
and on the 2nd inst., lay doWiato sleep
onta flat car; and as the circus men
were taking the wagons off the car on
which he was sleeping, one of the wa-
gons passed over his body injuring him
internally. He was taken to !the Nash-
ville infirmary, and died on the 9th
inst. This is a sad warning! to boys,
showing that "The way of the trans-
gressor is hard."
Auction Sales. -
On Tuesday. December 5th, 1882, at
10 o clock A. M. on Lot No
cession 13, Hay, Farm St
ments and Household Furn
drew Bonnet, proprietor;
berry, auctioneer.
On Thursday, Nov. 30, an 1 o'clock
P. M., sharp, at the Proprietor's farm,
Brussels. Thoroughbred and Grade
Stock and Real Estate. J. N ; Kn echtel,
Proprietor • C. R. Cooper, Auctioneer.
On Tuesday, Nov. 28, at! 3 o'clock
P. M., at the Commercial Hotel, Sea -
forth, Farm, Lot 31, Concesstain 11, Mc-
Killop. McCaughey & Holmested, Ven-
dor's Solicitors; J. P. Brine, Auctioneer.
Qu Thursday, Nov. 30, on iriot 9, Con-
cession 8, Tuckersmith, Farm Stock,
Implements and Household Furniture.
David Payne, Proprietor; J. P. Brine,
12, Con-
k Im ple -
ure. An-
. • Bossen-
-4 c
old. "To 'Tkers, gOod to ithoiee, $6.80 to
86.-40. Mostly $6,35 • light ' Yorkers,
$6.10 to 8626; good butchers' and
Mediums-, 86.60 to 86.60; good heavy,
$6.70 to 46,84 ; pigs slow at &taint $6
per cwt: i
! a•etteetteweemestis. - -
. i LoCal Notices. , 1
WINES. AND LIQUORS of the finest
ramubrandys Lfoiromoedr sittoinrep. u.nrp6oses at L. linens's%
CARLING'S AMBER ALE and porter, La
bat's India pale ale and XXX stout in wood
and bottle at L. Tuousit's Liquor Store. 776 ,
I Wszirxr..—A smart, intelligent boy,
age, from 14 to 18, as apprentice to the general
business. i Apply to TilomAs Kum, Omer -of
Main and Market Streets, Beaforth. 779 1
, To THE FARMERS.—Fosterr di, Sons
are still pushing their business. Remora 'would.
do well to give them a call aud encourage home
rade, as they keep first-class workmen land do
repairs for all kinds of Agricultural Implements.
Grain crushers re -cut and eatisfaction guaranteed.
All kinds of their celebrated plow point kept in
stock. 780 _ ,
' 1
.SPECILT, NOTICE. —A Gambler's Epi -
Asph.—The celebrated wit and punster —.
evIlilet Strolling with a friend through a trburbaii
churchyard, called attention to a grave, , he stone
of which bed no name nor inscription on it.
,"This," said, He.---, "is the grave of the no-
torious gambler and card sharper, M. il— I '
3'0:i observe that there is no name record d on the
' tombstone, but I think I could suggest an appro-
' prlate epitaph." "What wouldyon Eitiggest ?" in-
qtiired his ,riend. "Waiting for the laet trump,"
WaR the reply. Li-quor Tea is used by millions
of Her Majesty's KO* cts throughout the world.
D. I). RosE, Grocer, Agent, Selforth. 774
OAK HALL Clothing House la the place
to buyFur Caps in all qualities and styles,
Tweeds in angliate Scotch and Canadian,
C ents' Furnishings in all the latest novel-
ties, comprising a large assertment of
Collars and tiee, just receivied, Under-
clothing:in Scotch and Canadian, .(sizes,)
Bays'. YOuths', S. Men's,Men's Si O.S.Men's,
Readymade Clothing in Boys' and Men's
Snits and a -large assortment. of Over-
cOats in all sizes, which will . be sold at
very much reduced prices. Ordered
Clothingn. specialty. All orders guar-
anteed. . DUNCAN & DUNCAN.' 179 •
SEAFORTH, N4v. 23, 1882.
0 87 to 092
Fall Wheat per bushel -
Spring Wheat per bushel
Oats per bushel
Peas per bushel.
Barley per bushel
Butter, No. 1, loose
Butter, ..
Flour, per 100 lbs
Hides, per 100 lbe
Sheepskins eaoh
Salt (retail) per barrel
Salt (wholesale) per barrel
Potatoes, per bushel (new)
10 85 to
08& to
1ri) 68 to
45 to
0 17 to
0 17 to
.0 20 to
2 60 to
18 00 to
15 00 ,to
O 75 Ao
0 20 to
1 0 30 to
0 95
O 88
BARR—At Osprey, Big Plains, Manitoba, on the
llth inst., the wife of Mr. S. D. former-
ly of Bruseelts, of a denehter.
ELLIOTT `.2,-= In Goderich on the 7th inst.
ths wife; of Mr. John Elliott of a daugh-
ter. 11
MORTON — In Whigham ou the 12th inst.,
the wife of John A. Morton, Esq., Barrister
at Law, of a son.
SENIOR --In Centralia on the 10th inst., the wife
of Mr'. Wm. Senior of a daughtele
HUBERT—In Witigham on the 16.h inst., the
wife Of Mr. Thos. Hubert oi eon.
BEER—In Brussels on the 7th inst,! the 'wife of
1 Mr. Geo. Beer, of a daughter.
HARTLEY—At the Manse 1131nevale, on the 21- t
inst., the wife of Rev. A. Y. !Nutley of a
son. '
O 67
O 55
O 19
O 19
0 21
2 70
1 50
O 21
1 25
1 00
0 40
CuNron, NO. 23, 1882.
t 0 85 to 088
Spring Wh.est per bushel ...... 0 88 to 0 90
0 82 to 0 33
0 65 to 0 86
O 82 to 0 65
0 18 to 020
0 20 to 022
7 00 to 800
O 32 to 0 85
O 20 to 021
7 00 to 8 00
Fall Wheat per bushel
Oats, per bushel
Barley per buehel
Peas per bushel
Hay per ton
Potatoes, per bushel
Hides, per 100 Ms
Liveupooro Nov. 22.—S
08s 10d; red. winter, 8
Od ; white, 09s Od ; cl
oats, 5s 06d; barley, 50 6
10d; pork, 0980 Od ; chee
Deaths. -
I have
Birthday P
BIRTCH—In Wingharn on the 16th inst., Robt.
H Birtch, aged thirty-five, years and six
IIRUCE—In doderioli on the 14t Inst„ John
' Bruce aged 88 years and 6 mon he.
JACKSON—In Winnipeg on the 1 th inst., Chas.
' . G. Jackeon, formerly of Clin on, aged - 22
years and 1 month.
ii.ILOR—In Brussels op the 9th . inst., John
.Geo:ge, teirth on of Thos. and Elizabeth
i Taylor, aged 16 years,.,
FOUNTAIN—In Exeter on the llt
Ann Fountain, relict of the late
tain aged 78 years.
ACHE8ONIn Exeter on theleith inst., Joseph
Achetion, aged 67 years. •
()KE—In Usborneon.the 10th inst, Noah Grace
Oke, aged 23 years and 5 mont se
gTRATTON—HAY—On the 27th of Srpteinber,at
Sault St. Melia, by E. F Rev. Wilson, Mr.
Wm. Stratton of Seult St. gale, to Miss
Christina Hay, of Tuckersmith' 1
BYERS iN — CROWTHER — t St. Peter's
Churoh, Toronto, by the Ven. rehdeacoa of
York, G.Steaiug Ryerson, M. D., to Mary
Amelia, second daughter of J es Crowther,
Este, 1.
MoALLISTER—ELLICiT r—On thO 16th inst. at
the residence of the bride's father, be Rev.
Mr. - Johnston, of Listowel, • Mr. Hugh Mo -
..kAllister, of Ethel, to Wilhelmina, daughter of
_Mr. Robt Elliott, Meleswortb,
BITE--FITpPeTRICK — In :St. Angustiae
Church, Wiewanosh, on the 15th inst., by
Rev., Father O'Connor, Mr. Thos. Weite, to
Miss Anne Jane Fitzpatrick, yonugest daugh-
ter of John Fitzpatiick, E.q., all ot Wawa -
nosh. '
SNELL—BRADFORD—By the Rev. J. 'Casewell,
of Dungannon, at the residence of the bride's
father, Mr. Geo. Snell, of Lucknow, to Mies
Jane Bradford, of Belfast, '
ALTO N--WHI1E—On the 8th int., at the Ash-
field Parsonage, I ucknow, by Rev. R. C.
Renders, Mr. Daniel Alton, to011iss Elisabeth
sa; bite, all of Wawanosh. 11
B ABBER—SMITH—On the 8th inst, at the rem-
denee of tee bride's father, hy Rev. R. 0.
Menders, Mr. Wm. Barber, to Miss Mary
Smith, all of Wawanosh.
ng wheat,
9d to 00s
b, 09s 5d,
peas, 75
,'60s 6d.
in et., Mrs.
Robt. Faun-
TORONTO, Nov. 23.—F wheat, $0.90
to $0.94; spring, $1.00 to $1.05; oats, 42o
to 43o; peas, 76o to 77o; b
17c ; hay, per ton, $12 0
butter, 23c to 26o; potat
75o to 800; eggs, per dozJ
dressed hitgs, per 100 1
rley, 55o to
to 81650;
es per bag,
25o to 26o.;
s., $7.50 to
88.25; wool, per pound, 1.E4) to 20o.
son of St. Marys, occupied a room at
the Grigg House, Toronto, and on re-
tiring blew out the gas. The stuff wee
611118 allowed to escape all night,but for -
i •
now my stook of Fan4y Goods for Xmas, New Year, Wedding an&
esents complete, and would • ask the attention of all intending
call and examine it. note below a few of the leading lines: •
LADIES' COMPANIONS in Plush and Leather Cases; one hundred
styles, ranging in price front 25 cents to $17 each.
ODOR OASES in Plush and Leather -25 styles.
Dressing Cases
Writing Desk
Wok Boxes,
Jewel Oases,
Gilt Goods,
Olive Wood Gods,
Glass Ink Stands,
Brqnse Ink Stands,
Cigar es,
Cigarette Cases,
Glove and Handkerahief 'Sete,
Pocket Companions,
Pearl Card Cases,
Leather .'ard Capes,
Paper Weights,
Pocket Books,
Bill Books,
Ladies' Satehele,
Toilet Seta,
ush, Leather, Celluoloide and Tinsel.
Harmon* ,
Mush. Box
Bisque Fig
Bieque Dol
Solid Bras
Velvet Fra
Smokers' 8
Cigar Stan
Togacoo B
Cups and
Photo Mb
Wax Dolls
Rubber Do
China Doll
Japanese '
1 .
Japanese Match Safes,
Japanese Card Receivers,
Japanese Flower Pots,
China and Glass Flower Pots,
Flowers & Birds in Glees Globes,
Gold Pens, Pen Oases & Pencils,
Slipper Patterns,
Ottoman Patterna,
Bracket Patterns,
Wall Pocket Patterns,
Miscellaneous and Standard
Large Assortment Poets inCIoth,
Leather and Wood Binding.;
—large variety. Bibles,
Prayer Books,
Hymn Books,
Toy Books,
Annuals, &a.
TEACHER WANTED —For Sdhool Section No.
5, Grey,, hol,-ing a second or third class cer
Whittle Duties to commence January -1st, 1883.
Address, HUGH MoNEIL, See etary, Ethel. 781x4
Cheese Markets.
INGERSOLL, Nov. 21.—Fif been factories
were present, and 6,895 boxes offered,
of which 4,115 sold, namely, 675 - at
1,000 at 11 13-16c., pc, at nio.,
1,540 at 12o., Ootober and balance of ,
the year make. This is our last market
day for 1882.
UTICA, Nov. 21.—Cheesei—Sales. 5,200
boxes at 10 to 120.; rulingprice,
Stock naostly of October make.
Live Stock NE kets. .
MONTREAL, Nov. 21.— utohers were
tot anxions to buy, as their purchases
in Friday's market were Itberal. Prime
beef brought a shade over last week, the
price being 410.; seoond-olass, 4 to tlac.
and third ditto, 3 to no. per pound, live
weight. Sheep sold at ria5 to $7 each,
and lambs ranged all the way from
$2.50 to $4.50. Hogs were •atlier• higher,
bringiog 7c. per pound. I
Burrow, Nov. 21.— Ctttle — Fresh
arrivals were light, and the demand
was only fair, with the supply more
than equal to the inqtliry. ! A few
choice to extra steers brought -$5,65 to
$6, - and light to fair 4.40 to-
P. A few very choice heavy sold
at higher prices.—Sheep and ambs.—
The market at all *tern points is
reported as in a demoralined condition,
and the outlook is bad. Fair to good
sheep, $4 to $3.40; good feeders. $4.50 to
$5. A few Canada lambs brought $5.50.
Hogs —Receipts liberal, liana Market 50
to 100 lower; all offerings will not be
L. Prang & Co., Raph
tionery Comp
rrEACHER WANTED.—For School Section NO.
-a- 10, Stepliet, holding a second elass certificate.
Apply stating salary to R. C. ARMSTRONG,
Harpley 781x4
el, Tuck 8s Son, Artistic Sta-
ny, Hildesheimer and
and ten others.
Prices about- half of former ye rs. ' Silk Fringed Cards from 10 cents up.
cs-w- raEss
Having imported the greater part of my stock direct from the foreign
markets, I will sell them at about one-third less than former prices.
Remember, you eau see in re and get more for your money at
Bookstore than at
aly other place in the county.
A UOTION SALE of Real Estate.—Mr. C. R -
•L -3- Cooper, Auctioneer, hee received instr tion
from the Excreter% of the late John Holl nd, to
8811 by Public Auction, at Robertson'a otel,
Othel, Township of Grey, Huron Conn y, on
Tuesday, Deeember 5th, 1882, at 1 o oloe , p. m.,
' bar the following valuable Real Eetat ,
Lot No. 20, 6 h Concession, of the town hip of
Grey, in the County of Buten, 100 acres is all
timbered with beech, maple, pine and eedar.
Soil is a clay loam, slightly rolling a d well
Adapted for wheat growing. The pretperty s only
two mile-. frem Ethel Station, on the Great
Western Railway, and one and a half mil s from
church, school and post office, and in a is a
valuable lot. Terms of Sale —Ten per e nt. on
;day of Rule; balance in 80 days. For urther
particulars apply to the Auctioneer, Brum ls, or
, to the Exeoutors, Holland Landing, P. 0. C. R.
COOPER, Auctioneer • T. COOK and R HOL-
LAND, Executors. drey, Nov 14, 1882. The
reenter Monthly Fair for the sale of Live Stook
will be held at Brussels, on Thureclay, No ember
30th, 1882. 781-2
Section No. 6, Hay; second class. Duties
to commenne on the 3rd of January, 1883. Apply 1
to JOHN BRODERICK, Secretary and Treaen rer,
Zurich P. 0. 78111
TEA.CHER WANTED.—Wanted, a male teach -
er, Pretestaet, holding a third-class certifi:
cate, fee school section No. 8, prey. Duties to
commence on Jai uary 1, 1883. Applica,tions
stating salary with testimonials iwill be receited
by the undersigned until December 16th, 1882.
JAMES ItcN AIR, Secretary,',IMoncrieff Post
Office. ' 1 781-4
ANNING & SCOTT, Barristere, Solioitore,
'LL Goneeyancers, &o. Solicitors for the Bank
of Johnston, Tisdale & Gale. Money to loan
Office, Beaver Block, Clinton, Ontario. A. H.1
T OST.—Between Seaforth and Harpurhey, a
j" hunting case lenzlish Lever silver watch, be
Thomas Russell & Son, London and Liverpool'
No. 16,521. The finder will be handsome y re
wardedhy leaving it at M. R. COUNTER'
Jewelry Store. 781-3
IV- G. S. MACDONALD, M.D., C. M., Physicia
• Surgeon, Acconchenr, Sm. Office and rear
donee that lately occupied by Dr. Hutchison,
9 781,
-11- sale, Lot 11, concessions, Tuckersmith,
taining 100 acres. 90 of which ere cleared, undee-
drained, well fenced and in akood state of culti-
vation. There is a large and !comfortable stone
house, first-class learns and erietbuildings'a large
orchard and three never failieg wells Also t4
north hall of Lbt 6, on the 8t1ii concession, coie-
taining 50 acres, well timhered. The aboare
farms will be sold together oeeeparately. They
are Situated within five mill Of Seaforth, on the
Grand Trunk Bailway, and .3 'I from Kippen, dn
the Great Weetern Railway i These farms e 11
be sold on reasonable and eel y terms. Apply
the proprietor on the Prem:4 es, or address E
mondville P. 0. DAVID Moo(, Proprietor. 749
ikUOTION SALE of Live Stock and Fur itures
—Mr C. R. Cooper has received instr tion,
from Mr. John Campbell, of the Tecumseh House
Brussels, to sell by Public Auction at the Tecum-
seh House, Brussel% on ;..taturday, December 2nd,
1882, the following' valuable propertee viz: One
Clear Grit mare rising four, 1 Warrio mare
rising four, 2 ex.tra good cows in calf, 1
including good breeding sows, k, set te
ness, 1 set light double harness, 1 set ligh single
harness, 1 three spring wagon, 1 top b gg,y,1
family cutter, 1 pair bob -sleighs, 1 large buffalo
robe 20 kegs and barrels, also a quan ity of
household furniture, including sofas, char , bed-
steads, bedding and numerous other rticles.
This sale will be uoreserved_as the hotel Ye : been
eold over my head and I am forced to di pose of
the above. Sale' at 1 o'clock p. m., sharp.
Terms.—All sums of $5 and under, cash • over
that amount 6 months' credit on approv 'd joint
notes. JOHN CAMPBELL, Proprietor • 0 R.
COOPER, Auctioneer. 781-2
Clompare quality and note prices. Those buying nn FM. or
DOX lots very liberally dealt with.
NeW Fruit, the finest in the trade, at very low figures.
be seen elsewhere. I can say- with -out being
ONCE° oosuchetaai 1.1 tut e de to , that I show the Purest and Cheapest Refined
Sugars that I 52..t0w the Purest and Cheapest Raw Sugars, and
that ;how the Cheapest Ground Sugars. Buy your Sugars from
; if by the pound you will save money, and if by the barrel you
11 make Money. Call and examine, and be convinced that whAt
I say is right. No value likestooeukrs oeflseTwehaesr.e. Japans—in
price and
TEAS,—Just to hand an immense
quality, extra value; Gunpowders—For strength and flavor, with-
out equal; Etlacks—Only see the price for the best artiele ; and Isat,
but not least, our Young Hysons. My prices and qualities ate
• many, and you have a choioe but seldom offered. Any one gradelI
guarantee cheaper than the lowest jobbing prices. A fact I wishe'd
remembered is the LACE or TRASil in our tea stock. As we have dis-
posed of any old or off -flavored Teas we have had, we can show you
no second qualities; all we offer is VALUE UNSURPASSED, and
in every case guaranteed to please the purchaser.
To PIG BREEDERS.—The un_dersigned will
-1- keep during the pigment season on lot 259
Conceeeion 1, L. R. S., Tnekersnalb, one mile and
a quarter south of Brecefield, a Thoroughbred
Berkshire Boar. TERMS.—$1, payable at the time
of service, with the privilege of returning if neces-
sary. 7. PATTERSON. 779x4
cery Division.—Pursuant to an ord& of the
High Court of Xustice, Chancery Divisio , rnade
in the waiter of the estate of Henry Mo ley, de-
ceased, and in a cause Morley against 1 orley
'Ilie creditors of Henr3 Morley, late of he vil-
lage of Belgrave, in the County of Hur n, who
died in or about the month of March, are
on or before the 80th day of November, 1882, to
send by post pi epaid to B. L. Doyle, of erich,
the Solicitor of the plaintiff, Sarah Mort y, the
administratrix of the deceased, their •hristien
and surnames, addresses and description, the full
particulars of their claims, a statement of their
accounts and the nature of the suretie (if any)
held by them, or In default thereof the will be
peremptorily excluded from t e benefit of the
said order. Every creditor ho ding any security
is tie produce the same belorel nie, at y cham-
bers, at the Court,House, in the town of Godee ich,
in the County of&Huron, on the llth day of De-
cember, 1882, at30 o'clock in the forenocn, being
the time appointed for 'adjudicetion on the
claims Dated this 20th day oF November, A D.
1882. S. MALCOMSON, Master at Godei ch. 781-1
See thera, a2nd know where to bny best.
Full assortment of General Groceries. Give me a can and
satisfy yourself, as your neighbors have done, that mine isthe beat
and cheapest place to make your fall and winter purchases-. All
kinds of fowl and produce taken in exchange, and the highestprice
paid for the same. Goods sent to any part of town free of eharge.
Corner Main and Market Streets:,
A SUFFOLK PIG.—The undersigned will keep
-A-A- during the present season, at his place in
Hill's Green, a Thoroughbred Suffolk Boar. He
is from the celebrated herd of Mr. Leslie of
Toronto. and is a splendid animal. TERMS! --111
per sow, payable at the time of service, with the
privilege of returning if necessary. CHARLES
BEnasui RE PIG.—The undersigned will keep
for the improvement of stock this season, on
Lot 29, Concession 8, Hlbbert, a Thoroughbred
Berkshire Pig. TERM8.—$1, payable at the time
of service, with the privilege of returning if
necessary. WM. EBERHARDT. 781
Don't fail to observe that We give special value in TEAS and C0141,E13.
You ought to have one trial of our 70 oent Tea for 60 cents, imported; also 75
oent Tea for 65 eents, imported, and be convinced that there is no bettervalue
in the market.
TO PIG BREEDERS.—The undersigned will
-a- keep during the season at his hotel, Kippen
Road, Tuckersmith, five miles south of Seaferth,
a Thoroughbred Berkshire ,,poar. TERN18.—$1,
payable et the time of servidi, with the privilege
of returning if necessary. WM. KYLR. 781x12
signed will keep daring the present Beasen
on Lot 25, Concession 5, McKillop, a Thorough-
bred Berkshie e Pig. TERMS.—$1, payable at the
time of service, with the privilege of rreturning
if necessary. WM. HABKIRK. 781
We have just received a large consignmerrt of Currants and Raisins of the -
first quality. We keep on hand at all timea stock of
TWO thoroughbred Berkshire boars for service
A -at Rodgerville as usual. Terms —One dol-
lar, at the time of service, with the privilege of
returning if necessary. An easy appliance for
loading and unloading sows. JOHN P.:MAR-
SHALL, Rodgerville. - 781
VSTRAY CATTLE.—Came into the premises of
-1:4 the undersigned, lot 35, Concession 1, Mc -
Killen, about the end of Oetober, two yearlings,
one heifer, sed and white, and one steer, red.
The owner can have the same en proving property
and paying charges. RALPH THOMPSON. 78114
*L` STRAY HEIFER.—Strayed from Lot io, Con-
eeesibn 7, Stanley, a.boutAhe lst of July, a-
light red yearling heifer. There are a few scat-
tered white hairs among the red. Any person
giving such information as Non lead to the re-
covery of the above animal will be mutable re-
warded. JOHN TURNER, Jr:, Varna. 781x4
STRAY CALF.—Came into the premises of
the undersigned, Lot 34, Concession 2, Me-
Killop, about the 1st of October'a spring °sif—
ted and white. The owner cenhave 1 same on
proving property and psying charges. JOHN
VirDOWELL. . 781:4
v STRAY SHEEP.—Strayed from th premises
-1" of Henry Holtz, Blake, about the at of No-
vember, 5 lambs and 2 yearling ewes. Any per-
son giving such information as will 1 d to their
recovery will be suitably rewarded. HENRY
HOLT Z 781-4
L. 'THORNE has been appoin :d Agent
for the Faiitield Plains Vineyard, whi is noted
for the best veines in Canada. 776
Pails, Brooms, Brushes all kinds, Wash Boards, Lamps, Lamp Chimneys. -
A NOTHER GO.OD PIG.—The undersigned will
-s" keep daring:the present season at his Frotel
In Bracefield, a thoroughbred Berkrhire Boar.
This aninial was,pnrchased from the celebrated
breeders' Messrs. J. G. Snell & Bros., of Edmon-
ton, andis one of the best pigs ever brOught into
the county. His sire, "Royal Carlysle," is well
as the sire of his dam, "Sir Dorchester Cardiff,"
and his grand sire, "Lord Liverpool," were firet
pike winners at the Royal Shows in England,
also at the Provincial Fain In Canada. TFAL118.—
$1 per sow, payable at the time of Bellewiwith
the privilege of returning if neceeesry. R.
TURNER, Brucefield. 77Ik
FARM in Tuckersmith for Sale.—For saleethat
splendid fared, known as the Moore Farms
being Lot 25, Coneession 4, H. R. S., Tnekerismithr
containing 102 acres, about V5 of which are clear-
ed and in a high state of cultivation, the balanee
well timbered. There Is a bergs brick house and
good outbuildings. and a splendid orchard. The
farm is six miles from Seaforth and the
same from Clinton and is within a mile of school.
Apply to the proprietor on the premises or to
Seal orth P0. H. CRICH, Proprietor. 781
In Persian _Lamb,
Plush and Imitation Yur,
Frost -Proof Felt Boots., Overshoes, Rubbers.
QMALL FARM FOR SALE.—For sale cheap, the
k -v east half of Lot 27, Concession 10, Maillop,
containing 50 acres, about 40 sores of which are
cleared and tinder good cultivation. The balance
is well timbered. The farm In near the northern
gravel road, , and is six miles from Seaforth
and within olae mile of the village of Winthrop -
where thereto a post office, mills, stores, dal.
This property will be sold cheap and on easy
terms]. Apply to JOHN TORRANCE, Pro-
prietor. 781
Seaf:orth Boot Store.
.THE Council of the Corporation of the County
4- of Huron will meet m the Court Room in
the Town of Goderioh, on Tuesday, the 5th of
December next. All accounts against the Coun-
cil must be sent in before the &et session of the
seeond day of meeting,. PETER ADAMSON,
County Clerk.
(Tinder the 'Clock.)
CASH BUYERS will do WM by calling and inspeoting our
Before making their purchases, as we Offer large inducements to the cash pur-
chaser. Our atocks in each depantmeut were never better assorted. Our stock
was never so large. Our prices wexe never better. Our goods are the best in
the market. Our stock is simply immeese. Special value in TEAS, SUGARS
and COFFEES. Extra value irA CANNED FRUITS. Our Coffees and Ground
Spices are pure.
New designs in Tea. and Dinner are New designs in Mailer ware.
New designs in Glassware. New designs in Majolioa ware. New designs and
large stooks of Fancy 'Cups and Saucers. Large assortment in Vases, Toilet
Sets, &a.
Come and see rva. No charge gr looking through our immense display.
Provisions, Flour %tad Feed always on hand. aiir Free Delivery.
Main Street, Seafortb.