The Huron Expositor, 1882-11-17, Page 71,t71 1882. HOLisr- tTH -ernises former., Bani., of Com_ he Commercial DISCOUNTED. [Wet Exchanea, nd el"w LE Neer Es tnable Rates. 2ett Seen t ea kt at par at ale k of Conaro.erce. 01‘ OePestle t Mortgagee. ProPne. tor. _ OKI VETY STDRE. e people of Seaforth eve opened a Branch popice Weir's Rotel, ie of Seaforth„ would heir teethe. The stock r books, schoul sup- ne Berlin, wools, toys 'het mueic, all new ray largely and in the seh very low. WEIR, VI and Parkhill. e Manager. rORTII LAND ACERCY. .cs T it 0 N G irst-CIasa 8tooke Fire ,enieg, and is orepar. .t favorable terrine f the best Loau so. aed Purchase of Farm first-Ciass ns for Sale. S.;.ix per eclat feet. in Steamship Tickets orrisona St ore, Main 645 • .Phyaiden,Sorgeon and th,Ont. Offiee and reel- teli Street, aecond door ta. 342 C. M.. Physician, Sur- tr the Countyol Karon. Jarvis street north, Ptfbliet School. • „C. M.. Graduete of Physidane Surgeon and — Office and Residenee, eut, firat Brick Roues arch. 4245 BRIIGEFIELD, eity ; M.D. C. M., Vie - Y. IL C. P. and S..0n- n ; L. R. C. 8, Eden: d, Loudon, Englend, for 774 , - DENTIST teryal College of Dental - Office in the rooms 'Derhyshiree Whitney's performed and setts - :Tee Muderate. Ili -wee without ,etters BYSIIIRE, Dentist, haw Chased the business of eleeh, and removed to -Block, Mitchell, where I eeth extracted with her and nitrouta oxide temIty. Partici from a Iueir tzeiri expenses. eee PST.TRiTY— If DENT, ST, aliat and College R. C. D. S. -experience he ie able to es in Dentistry suitable hie teeth a Specialty. [trous Oxide Gas given. aerate. -S111 ke Main Street, Seaforth. .11" -IT, L.. D. Swg 'FORD, be at bie office, CADET'S K, ke A FOR'rel, oppo- Commercial Rotel, ore eSDAY and TIIURSDA,T eettk. Nitrate Oxide Gas ruction of teeth. This gee 'oe- Dr Cartwright since :se, he having been one of into this province. re- acted may inhale the gal ;eth extracted in a mine • withoue disagreeable -desiring new te• th please ?at ticular attention peid [decree teeth. Teeth in- ti eat. 730-52. TH MILLS. • e ttimate that since intro - ad hi .h anticline- system aur has given great saas- tr entire local retail and le, and we &site to. thank Er liberal patronage, Which encreased. We are wen Le firet-eneee flour from the hope to merit a contin- e. e. Our flour alto take( :dapping trade cus...0enerS. tli at good prices. WW1 nye to be able to pay goed all endeavor with others armersgrain market. We carefully learn Seaford' .e selling elsewhere. Flours td land salt constantly? 4 Also a. quantity Of kw r. OGILVIE & CO. 771 NovEmBER 17, 1882. News Items. The lams of Colorado forbid the torriaga a men under 21. years of age sua of girls under 18, but a young ceetple of 19 and 17 have just run away from Greely to Denver, and got mar- - seed spite of the restraining statute. Sohwalhack some Englishmen get up lawn taxis. After a. day or two sse Mayor requested that the gentlemen "rota play with their coats on, as the !tidies of the place were shocked at the went of decency shown by the for- eigu8rs. woman was lately indicted in Sngland for causing the death of her elaild by denying it adequate nouriah- matt. Investigation showed, however, that the mother held fed the child regu- lerly on cern starcil, mixed with a little ignorant of the fact that starch is enable to snpply the neceesary nutri- ment to young children. Under these circumstances the woman was, of course, scluAittsed. aw York paper remarks sarcastie ally that when Engliala publicists grow angry with Prince Bismarck for perse- seeing the Roman Catholic clergy, and when they denounce M. Jules Ferry for former skill in breaking open monasteries and picking the locks of convents, they will do well to remember the case of the Rev. Sidney Faithorne Green, whose release from prison was last Saturday ordered by the courts. Yr. Green's stole, which he wore in defiance of his bishop, has already rallied round it many champions of ecclesiastical liberty, and his imprison- ment will do much for the disesta.hlish- lima of the English Church. —If death remains five years more a • stranger to a certain home in Sandgate, Vermont, that rare anniversary, a, dia- mond wedding. will there be celebrated. ]Jr. and Mrs, Josiah Hurd, the oldest married couple i.n Bennington County, and probably in all Yermout, last week made merry with their friends over the completion of theie seventieth year of wedded hiiss. Their sgea are now respectivelyninety-one and eighty-seven years, but thei both are well, strong and active. They Estill Eve in the house in which they began housekeeping, and display with pride two goblets, two saucers and two sponns, which were among their original wedding presents, —An eccentric Spaniard, who lived at Keokuk. Iowa} six years ago, died last Auguet in Spain, leaving a 12 -year- old daughter, whom be wanted reared as a Protestant. In his eccentricity he named George Bland, a colored biack• smith of that city, as guardian. He also made a contract with a priest in Spain to carry out the conditions of his will for which the priest was to receive • aixty-eioht thousand dollars but in case of failure receive nothing. Bland, the colored guardian. is to have the same amount and the custody of the child, who gets $160,000 aud a large amount of jewelry and diamonds. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. London Times •writes: — "The opening of the St. Gothard Railway has already led o a considerable augmenta- tion of trambetween Germany, Italy and Switz rland, and bids fair to bring about ome important and pro.. .bably unlodked for commercial de- velopments. Swiss cheese and con- densed milk are being consigned to Italy by the St. Gothard so largely as to cause an unusually brisk demand for milch cows in the cattle markets of Central Switzerland. Italy, on the other hand, is finding north of the Alps a new outlet for all sorts of fruit and agricultural; products, such as vege- table breadstuffs and grapes, as well as for wine and fat oxen. A simplification of tariffs would doubtless bring about a still more rapid and considerable ad- dition to the traffic, and Italian and. German, as well as Swiss papers, are calling tbe attention of their Govern- ments to the question, and demanding in the interests of all, the general adoption of a more liberal fiscal policy. As touching English interests the St. Gothard Railway seems likely to affect unfavorably the English coal trade. Before the opening of the line it was a moot point Whether or not German coal would be e,ble to compete with En- glish coal in the markets of Northern Italy. The Germans are now sending coal into Italy at the rate of 20,000 tons a month. —It is not in Tunis alone that France is actively mashing her conquests, hut in Annam also; and the Chambers, when they meet, ill be asked for a credit of several million francs in order that the colony may be &Oily estab- I lishecl. just now it is ergaged in mak- ing war on pirates and capturing a town er two. This is the probationary stage. When that is passed France may have to try conclusions with China, ' for Li Hung Chang is in a bellicose mood, and there are statesmen at Pekin who foresee the day when the Celestial Empire will be caught between the Russians advancing from the north and the French advancing from the south, and when a foreigner will be seated on the throne now occupied by the Tartar dynasty of Tsing. —Regarding the progress being made in the surveys of the Dominon Lands in the Northwest, the Ottawa corres- pondent of.the Globe says that a num- ber a surveyors' reports have lately been receivedfromtheNorthwest by the Department of Dominion Lands. It is expected that fully 500 townships will be roughly surveyed this season, mak- ing semething like 10,000,000 acres of land. Sub -division surveys this year have extended to about 20 miles west of Moose jaw, on the Canada Pacific Railway, and. besides this there have been sub division surveys at Prince Albert and Edmonton. Next year sub- division surveys will be made along the Canada Pacific Railway from a point 20 miles west of Moose Jaw, to about 25 miles west of Calgary in the Rooky Mountains, near the head of the Bow River. —A most novel feature in political campaigning is about to be introduced by the Democratic managers in the campaign now on hand. It will un- doubtedly prove attractive as well as navel, as the feature consists i a beau- tiful young lady named. Miss Anna Jen - nese taking the stump in behalf of the candidacy of Gen. Butler. Miss Jen - nese belonge to the renowned family of that name in New Hampshire, and is a. near reletive of ex Mayor Jennese, of Haverhill. gbe is 23 years old, was • educated in Boston, is a brunette, with Meek eyes, and proved suffieiently at- tractive in the eyes of the Ohioans to help to swell the opposion of Gov. Fos- ter into an overwhelming majority against him. She will probably speak in Braintree and, other towns during the week, aael will doubtless address herself to the fair sex, with a view of impressing on them •the importance of having their brothers, husbands and fathers support and help to elect Gen. Butler.—Boton Herald. —An Englieh jockey named Mannder was summoned at Exeter, England, on the 4th ult.., by the Society for the Pre- vention of Cruelty to Animals, for cruel- ty to a horse, by using the whip and spur unnecessarily, at the Clyst St. Mary races, a rural meeting held near Exeter. The defendant rode a geldine, araed After Dark, at these races, and it was stated for the prosecution that when the animal was pulled up at the winning post there were thirty punc- tures in its sides, caused hy the use of the spur, and that frorn these there was a stream of blood "of the thickness of a • quill." The defendent's boots were also "smothered with tdood." The horse had P1111 in two previoue races the same day. The Society did not press for a severe penalty, as the defendant had received certain instructions. The defendant in defence, said that he had spurred the horse ie a moment of excitement. He had been a jockey sixteen years. He believed the horse was net fit to race; it was "thin-skinned." The Bench said the case was a very bad one sad fined the defendaat £5, including eats. —The Geneva, correspondent of the EriPs's Cocoa. Grateful and Coniforting.—"By s thorough knoVrledge of -the natural 1 Mb which govern', the operations of diges- tion and. nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfaat (tables with a delicately - flavored beverage, whtch' may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use 9f such articles of diet that a constitutioe may be gradually bnilt up until 'strong enough to resist every tendency to diseaae. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there - is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal liaft by keeping cursplves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser. vice Gazette. Made aimply with boil- ing water or milk. Sold Imply in packete and tins (1 pound and potind,) labelled—'James Epps & Co., .H ommo- pathio Cheraists, London, Eng." ---Also makers of Epps's Chocolate Essenoe for afternoon -use. 736-52 • ineral ingredient is contained in it, and though its action is thorough in cases of costiveness, it never produces Isfriping pains in the abdominal region, er weakens the bowels likes violent pur- gative. It invigorates the system through the medium of the incteased digestive and assimilative activity Which it promotes, and is also a most efficient renaedy for kidney complaints, ecrofuloue and all diseases of the blood, female weaknesa, dee, &c. Price, $1. Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Ask for Nor- throp & Lymati's Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure. The wrapper bears a facesimile of their signature. Sold by Lumsden:Wilson, Seaforth. 750 52-o The experience of thousands has Shown that the stomach, liver and bowels may be kept in a perfectly healthy condition — the attacks of diseases weeded off, and a vigorous state of health maintained by the Use of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipa- tion Bitters. Are you troubled with Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Billiousness or Constipation,? If you are, try this remedy and be cured. For sale by all druggists in large bottles at 50c. The sudden hanges in our Cenadian climate are certainly condecive t� lung, throat and chest affection, but by the prompt nee of the proper remedy, there is no reeson • why coneumption should be so prevalent. Dr. Carson's, Pulmonary Cough Drops never fail' to cure coughs: colds, bronchitis, asthma, pain or oppression of the chest, and all pulmonary affectiaps. It loosens the • phlegm and breaks up the seugh. Sold everywhere . in large bottles at m50 cents. • Them is no better cough medicine in the world than the preparation known as "Pectoria." It promptly cures all throat, lung, and chest affections. Its good effect cap be felt after the first dose. It soothes,warms and penetrates the bronchial tubes, affording im- mediate reli-efi and a -speedy cure. Have you got a cough or cold, then try it? For sale everywhere, price 25 cents. A Fact. If you suffer from chr nic dipease, snd have little faith i advertised remedies, end have sought vainly for a care, oomph your druggist, ur address T. Milbure & Co., Torop to, for Proof positive regarding the merits of Bur- dock's Blood. Bitters, the great regula- ting blood purifying tonic, that aces on the liver, kidneys stomach, bowels and akin. 774.65.2w. Best of _AIL Our rigorous and changeable climate, and our mode oflife induces frequent colds, that often lead to severe coughs, bronchitis and other lung troubles that are liable to 'end in consumption. The best and most pleasant remedy known, for these pifficulties is Hagya.rd'e Peo- toral Balsam, to be obtained of any druggist. 774-65.2w. Decline of Man,. Impotency of mind, limb, or vital functions, nervous weakness, sexual debility, ,and all diseases caused by indiscretion and abuse, are radically and promptly cured by the use cif Mack's Magnetie Medicine, which is for Hale by all resPonsi le druggists. See adver- tisement in pnother column. Guaran- tees of cure issued by J. S. Roberts, Seaforth 780.522w • FQRBES' AN D— SA LE STAB LES,, SEAFORTH. A RTHUR FORBES, the old eetablished Liv- -LA erymani keeps:the hest and most etylish rigs and tie° be driving horses In the businesa. Neet and Nobby Cutters, handsome and corn- forttible Lobes, and fast and sal horses alwaye Os hand. A gory hane some fatally eleigh for one or two home. • I Dae and night calla promptly attended -to. Good driving horres bought and sold. REMEMBER THE PLACE — Opposite 0. 0 Agxieultural Wareroonae, &Moral. 6.89" ARTHUR FORBES. , London, Huron and Bruce. Goinfe Nowt— Express. Mail. A.M. P.M. Leaden, depart,. .... .... 7 20 4 00 Exeter 8 86 6 16 Reilisall Hi pen Brecefield Clieton Beth ....850 530 ..8L55 585 9 05 6.45 930 610 10 00 68 Wingham, arrive .10 35 7 10 Geller SOUTH— Mail. Express. Wingharn, depart Blytth Cli ton Brioefield Ri pen Heusall Exeter. London, anive Wand Trunk- RailWayl Treins leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as follows: Gone° Wen— SEAPORTII. Eeprees, 217 P. M. Express 8-12 P. M. Mixed Train-- ,8-15 A.M. Mixed Train. ...... 6:40 P. M. Gpieue PART— SEAFOBTH. lEepress t... ..... 6:25A. M. 'Eeprees Trale.....1:28 P. M. Mixed Tettin......4:35 P. M. • Mixed Train... .10:30 A. M. Toronto, Grey ,and Bruce. A. M. P.M. 710 240 745 313 • 8 20 85c 835 40 ▪ 8 45 41t 80 41$ 9P5 48 10 10 53 A simple herb found on the sunny plains of a, sonthern clime has, under the skilful manipulation of Dr, Van Buren, proved one of the greatest bless- ings ever sent to suffering humanity. Dr. Van Buren's Kidney cure is ac- knowledged all the world over as the only perfect rOnedy for kidney troubles. your druggist as it. 770.52.8 778 Proclaim it fee and wide that Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure not only im- • mediately relieves all kidney diseases, but what is more important to the un- fortnna.te sufferer, will ultimately cure him effectually. -770.52.81778. A beautifa bead of ham.— There is nothing more pleasing in the external appearance of women or men than a beautiful head of hair, and it is possible for every person to possess it hy using the long and well known Cingaleee Hair Restorer. Sold at 500 per bottle. 770.52.8.778. Beautiful hair is one of the most. striking and pleasing of characteristics, and can easily be obtained by the use of the Cingalese Hair Renewer. Sold at 50e per bottle. 770.5218.778. Farmers before buying your reaper and Mower oil ask for 13ind procure a sample of "Kaiser" Machine Oil. It is warranted not to gum, and is guaran- teed to give good satisfaction. 753-52 Now that the reaping and mowing season is coming on, fitri4ers should remember that that "Raise*" Machine Oil is the best reaper endmower oil in the market. For sale by all dealers. • 753-52 Caution—Prudence—Care. Beware of the medicine represented as jnst the same, or fully as good' as Dr. Smith'Great German WorecnRemedy, by dealers who sell the article that pays test, regardless of merit. Dr. Smith' Great German Worm Remedy is beiu endorsed by all as a pleasant sap re- liable and prompt remedy for the removaliof stomach, seat or pin worrae from child or adult. It is easy to take, never fails,' absolutely harmless, and requires no after physic. Sold ever' - where. grime 25 cts. 754.52. Holloway's Pills. Nervonsiless and want of Energy:a-- When firet the nerves feel unstring and listlessness supplants energy, it is the right time to take some alterative as Holloway's Pills to prevent disorder runninginto disease. These excellent pills correct all irregularitiee a,nd wea,k- neeses. They act so » kindly, yet o energetiCally on the funotions of s gestion and assimilation, that the whole body is revived, the blood Is rendered rioher and purer, the rouscls become firmer and stronger, aud the nervous aud absorbent systems are ill- vigoratel. Theselpills are suitable f r all classes and all ages. They have a most marvellous effect on persons who are out of condition; they soon rectif y whatever is in fault, restore strengh to the body and confiden.ce to the mind. 754.52. A New Principle. The principle upon which Pntna is Painless Corn Extractor acts is n• tirely new. It does not sink deep h4to the fleshthereby producing sorene s, but al directly upon the external c v- ering of the corn, separates it from t -e under layer, removes the direot pr s• sure from the part, and at once effe ts a radical Tare, without any pain or is. comfort. Let those who are euffering from corns, yet skeptical of treatnae t, try it, end by the completeness pf ihe cure they will be ready to reconam nd Putnana's Painless Com Extractor to others. 762.52.e • The teeth become pure white, And give intense delight; The breath is purified When it TEABERRY " is tried. 1 CLINTON. 2:45 P.M, 9:00 P. M. 9:35 A.M. 6:15 P. M. CLINTON. 6:10 A.. M. 1:06 P. M. 3:50 P. M. 985 A . M. GOING EAIIT— A. M. P.41. Teeswater 6 15 8 10 Wroxeter 6 42 8 44 Gorrie. 4 5 47 8 50 Fordwich , 6 57 4 02 Herriston 6 16 4 26 Orangeville 8 08 6 50 Teronto . 10 35 9 25 (nem WEST— MONEY; MONEY TO LOAN—I am prepared to lend money at lowest rAtes oi interest, payable yearly. Principal at the end, of term. Private Funds. JAS. H. BENSON. t 723 s, .AUCTIONEERS. Tprontot I Orangeville Harrieton Fordwieh Gor'ie ee reset er Teeswater A. M. P.M. 785 485 1010 720 le 55 915 .122 988 184 943 141 948 225 10 15 BARGAINS GI- 0 o t 0 c 30 1 1 • I FALL, 1882. Received and Opened up the Contents • 30 Cases of Old Lountry Goods. P. BRINE, Licentsed Auctioneer for the " • County of Huron. Watt attended in all Parte of the county. All orders leftat the Ex. eosietee Office will be promptlyattended to. 11. R. COOPER, Brussels, County Auctioneer. • Sales of all desoriptious promptly at- tended in any part of the comity on reasonable terms. Ordera left at the office of the HURON ExPosieon, er addressed to Benesele, will receive prompt attention. ADELG ATTY, Licensed Atietione. r for the County of Huron. Sales of all descriptions promptly attended to on reaseptible terms. Ad- dress Walton P. O. or Lot 14, Concession 14, McKillop. • '774 IMPORTANT NOTICE . A Prolific Source of Disease. A trifling indiscretion in diet may- Ly the foundation of confirmed dyspepsia, and there is no fact in medical science more positively ascertained or more lein- thoritatively asserted than that dyspep- sia is the parent of a host of Wily ills, not the least of which is contamination of the blood and the maladies of which ti that is the direct consequence. Their original cense is, however, thoron ly eradiceted from the system by Northrop Jr Lyman's Vegetable }discovery nd Dyspeptic Cure, a medicine wlaida Only reqnires regularity and persistence in its use to cure dyspepsia and the many ills that arise from it. No deleterious BRACE UP Your system for work. ZOPESA the new Dyspepsia and Live Remedy, attends strictly t business in correcting th Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. Sample bottles, 10 cents ; large bottles, 75 cents. ' SEAFORTH PLANING MI4, INSPECTION INVITED. 7 SPAPOiR.r111-1. SASH, DOOR AND BLIND RC CRY CLEAR EVIDENCE. We Have Now Positive Proof That Our Teas are the Best Value in the Market. rpHE sUbscriberbegs leave to thank Men mereat customers for the liberal patronage exte ded him since commencing bus,iness hi Sealer horrid trusts hat he may be favored with a coati liana cif the same. e • Partieeintending to bnild wonld do well to give him a eallete ht will continue to keep on hand r l'arge stook of all kinds of pry Pine Lumber, 'Sashes, poor, Blinds and Mouldings, ShiAgles, • Lath, &c. Hefeeleconfident of We/inpatient:Aloe totheat who may favourhim with their patronage,IL none but first-claeeworkenen A reemployed. 1 1 Particular ateentioo paid to Onetorn Planl $ I/0E JOHN IL BROADFOT. ‘,/iack's Magnetic Medicine •NERVE AND BRAIN FO0111) TNSURANCEFor sale, the hi- d- tenet and good good will of a well etitablished Conveyancing, Real Estate end 'Insurence bu-e- nese in the County of Huron. I For particulars address box 3, EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. 778 - -- nOG LOST.—Strayrd from lot 12, eduble Line Stanley, about the 1st Of November, a black Collie Dog, powering to the mime of "'Johnnie." One hind foot had been ort qff.. Any information that will lead to the recovery 'of this Animal will be suitably 'rewarded. JAMES COWIE, Jr, Bayfield P. 0, 779r4, . _ "XT ()TICE —All persons haying claims against the estate of the late Jelin Watson Towere in his life time, of the township of 1 u••keremith, and who died on or ab ut the 19th of May, 1882; are requested to lodge t• e same with the excel), tors, and all persons indeb eI to the estate are required to pay the same to :the said executors before the ist day of December, 1882 Timken - smith, Nov 1, 1882. WM. lifeCONNELL and JOHN HANNAH, Executors. 778-3 fe STRAY CALVES.—Strayed from the premisee -Aee of the updersigned, south bell of Lot 5, Con- cession 16, Grey, on or about the 5th of October, four spring heifer calves. One is all red; one spotted red end white Muley ; and the others mostly red with white on their faces. Any per- son hearing of or seeing calses of this description, would verygreatly oblige by sending word to the undersignee,,Walton P. 0., and any informatiop that will lead -to their recovery will be suitably rewarded. WM. D0UGLA.1. 778x4 • ree.00D SHEEP FOR SALE.--Tne undersigned " has two thoroughbred shearling Leicester rams and on ram lamb for ;ale. The shearlings are bred from a iam import d by Mr. Wm. Olivet, of the County of Oxford. ,The lamb is from a splendid ram owned by Mr Patterson, of North Easthope. These sheep are all they are represen- ted and will be sold cheep. Apply ou the prem- ises, Huron Road, McKillop, or to Seaforth P. 0. MICHAEL REFFERN N. 1 7784 • MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OHO, SEAFORTH, grARIO- NO *ITNESSES REQU IREO 1 - A Cure Guaranteed. FOIL OLD AND VOTING, MALE AND F1 -:M Is a sure, prompt and effectual remedy f vcusness in all its stages, Weak Memory, Brain Power, Sexual Prostration, Night SpermatorrhoceteSeminalWeakness,Leuc Barrena.ss, and General Loss of Power, pairs nervous waste, rejuvenerates the j tellect strengthens the enfeebled brdn, 0 1\1. El 'Iv I _A.. 1_, RTI�tjRP J. S. PORTER SEAFORTH. I am determined to Clear Out my Entire Stock of Furniture regaird- lesS of Cost. THOSE IN WANT, it will pay them to aseer- tairt prices before purchasing elsewhere. 1 give a large dieconat to those paying cash, es- pecially to newly married couples. I am still selling six highly finished chairs for $2. I aleo keep Knowlton's Spring Bed, the beet and cheapest in the market; warranted perfectly noiselees. Wareroorne ditectly opp ite M. R. Counter's MemtnothJewelry Store, n Street, Seaforth, East Side. 626 RN S. PORTER. Trade Mark _Registered. ANOTHER CREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEC ftsual obaervatien, we find all lama specula - tete have a. clear head, and watch the ups raid dowel of propeety, thus making large fortunes. But the whole eecret is they keep the system in a a healthy condition by the USG of THE PRIDE OF THE VALLEY MEDICINE. We can safely say that hundreds come to US for the great lung and blood purifier before going West. Read the folleating statement,. We could give thousands of the SIMS kind if it were necessary. "I certify thet f was troubled with catarrh in the head_ gathering of phlegm in the throat, choking and coughing at night for years, eo 1 could not sleep; often troubled with dull, lifeless feelings, pains in the chest and back. After givieg hundreds of dollars to doctors, and giving up all hopes, I tried the VBIDE Or THE VALLEY, and am MOW able to do my work after seven year's sickness." Mrs. James le cNeil, 202 Sinecoe Street, London, Ont. The above statement of my wife's is eorreet. Jamee McNeil. For sale by all druggists in Seaforte 745-52 • Is all that is necessary from those who have not already tried them. OUR STOCK OF GENERAL GROCERIES Is being continually renewed from the best and cheapest markets, which en- ables is to sell as cheap as the cheapest. The public vvill do well to call and inspect our stock, and get clear proof of the above at ALE. r ger- oss of weats, rrhaete, It re- ed in - and re- DUNCAN & 'DUNCAN'S • GROCERY DEPARTMENT. I KENDALL'S SPAV1N CURE! It cures Spevins, Splinits, Curbs, Ring 3 Bone and all sina- 3i- lar lemishes, and removes the bunch without blistering. ' - We feel positive that every man can have perfect success in everyroase if he will only use good common sense in pplying 'KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, and persevere in bad cases of long standing. Read below the experience of For man it is now known to be one of the best, if not the best, liniment ever discovered. othefs stores surprieing tone and vigor to the xhaost- ed Renerative organs in either sex leer With each order for TWELVE packages, accompanied with S5 we will send our written guarantee' to refund the money if the treatment doee pot effect a care. It is the elneapese and best medi- cine in the marlict. Full perti 'tilers in Our pamphlet, -which we desire to mail flee to eny address. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold by Druggists at 60 cents per box, or 12 boxes I for 55, or will be mailed free of postage on receipt of money by addressing MACIe'S MAGNETIC MEDICINE Co., Windsor, Ont. Sold by all Deug- gtsts. Guarantees issued by J. S. Roeeftes, eea- forth. 78'e-52 FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER. YoUNGSTOWN, Ohio, May 10, 1880. D. B. J. Kendall & Co.—Gents: I had a very valuable iHambletonian colt which I prized very highly; he had a large bore spavin on one joint, and a smaller one on the other, which made him very lame; I had him under the charge of two veterinary surgeons, which failed to cure hire. I was one day reading the advertisement of Kendall's Spavin Cure in the Chicago Express. I determined at once to try it, and got our druggists here to Send for it; they or- dered three bottles; I took them all, and thought 1 would Igive it a thorough trial; I used it according to directions, and by the fourth day the colt ceased to be leme, and the lumps had entirely disappeared. I used. bat one bottle, and the colt's limbs are as free from lumps and as smooth as any horse in the State. He is entirely cured. The cure wad so remarkable that I let to of my neighbors have the remaining two bottles, who are DOW using it. Very respectfully, L. T. FOSTER. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE 1 ONEONTA, New York, Jan. 6th, 1881. Early last summer Messrs. B. J. Kendall &,Co., of Enosburg Falls, Vermont, made a contract with the publishers of the Press for a half column advertise- mept for one year setting forth the merits of Kendall's Spavin Cure. At the sanah time we secured from the firm a quantity of books, entitled Dr. Kendall's Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases, which we are giving to advance paying sub4cribers to the Press as a premium. About the time the advertisement first appeared in this paper Mr. P. G. Scher- merborn, who resides near Colliers had a spavined horse. Reread the advertise- ment and concluded to test the efficacy of the remedy, although his friends lifted at his credulity. He bought a bottle of KendalEs Spavin Cure and com- me ced using it on the horse in accordance with the directions, and. he informed us this week that it effected, Bach a complete cpre that an expert horseman, who exained the animal recently could find no trace of the spavin or the place where it h d been located. Mr. Sehermerhorn has since secured a copy of Kendall's Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases,which he prizes very highly and would be loth to part with it at any price, provided he could not obtain another copy. So muth for advertising reliable articles. KENDALI_'S SPAVIN CURE1 TO PIG BREEDERS.—The undersigned will A keep during the pi esent season on lot 25, Concepsion 1, L. le. S., Tuckersmith, one mile and a quarter south of Brucefdeld, a Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar. TERMB.-51, payable at the time ot service, -with the privilcge of reeurning if neces- sary. J. PATTERSON. 71914- •A NOTtiteR GOOD PIG.—The unders e will a -e- keep during the present season at his otel in Brucefield, a thoroughbred Berkrbue leoar. Thie animal was purchased from the elebfated breeders, Mesers. J. G. Snell dc Bros., o Edrnon- . ton, and is one of the beet pigs ever ro ghe into -the county. His sire, "Royal Carlysle "a8 well :as the sire of his dam, "Sir Dorehester Caediff," and hie grand sire, "Lord Liverpool," were first plize winners at the Royal Shows in England, also at the Provincial Fairs in Caaaaea. i)1 per sow, payable at the time of seivice; with 1 the privilege of returning if neceseare. TURNER, Bruceteld. 77 Kendall's Spavin Cure is sure in its effects, mild in its actions as it does not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated pain or to re- move any bony growth or any other enlargement if used for several days, sue,h as spavins, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enlarge- ments of the joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for any pcirpose for which a liniment is used. for man or beast. It is now known to be the best lini- .ment for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. It is used, full strength with perfect safety at all seasons of the year. Send address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof sofas virtues. No remedy bas ever met with such unqualified success to our knowledge, i Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Druggists have it or can get it for for beast as well as man. you, or it will be Bent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors. 74.52 DR. B. J. KENDALL & CO., Enoslahrg Falls, Vermont. THE RED MILL. THE Min ill the Town of Seaforth known as A the Red Mill, will be gold cheap and on eatiy terms, as the proprietor has got the eianitobe fever. 'I here is in connection with the Mill a lise. recentle LE CREDIT FONCIER THIS uew Crimpany, formed for thepurpoee of inveetting French Capital Canada, is now preps./ ed to advance money on the most favorable terms on good lended seouriiies. M P. HAYES, Agent for County of Huron, Seaforth. 699 - aee grain storehouThe mill has be n thoroughly overhauled and repaired, and is DCW III Tsrkin order, and capable of n S. CAMPBELL, Provinelal Laud SiaraeYoe doing alarge and profitable greeting and flouring 'I En int or. Orders by maIlpaompt business. Apply to the proprietor,M. SCLATER, iy atteneed to. or to A. STRONO, Seaforth. 744 B. 8. CAMPBELL, ell tab ell CO ereee t"'-▪ • OL t73-; 1-3 C.1.2 Rcf .P 1.•••4 Best American Apple Parers. . lTi cue n() A uV wEjO V1d S31VOS 0 Composed largely of powdered MiCa or Isin- lass, is the BEST and C H EAP EST 'tor, in theiworld—the BEST because it does not gum, but forms a highly polisbed sur- face over the axle, reducing friction and lightening the draft; the CHEAPEST be- uause It costs NO MORE than inferior brands, and one box will do the Woreof itwo of any other make. Answers'As well or Harvesters, Mill Gearing, Threshing Ma- chines, Corn -Planters, Carriages, Buggies!, etc., as tor Wagons. CUA R ANTE ED to contaln110 Petroleum. Soldby all dealers. Our Pocket Cyclopedia. of Things !Forth. • Knowing mailed free. MICAMANUFACTURINGCO. 22fl Hudson St., New York. Cleveland, 0. and Chicago, 111. SAMUEL. ROGERS & CO. Toronto,Ont. •Sol"' Acrents for the Dominion.