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The Huron Expositor, 1881-12-23, Page 6
qat V . . - ___ _� �awi6u , . 1 . c MB -ER Vhe �' 'tor and tate Shoemaker . � ,They'll awV.me to the graveyard, its :very incarnation of neatniess ,in � heir �' - � • Oce d yari tori -lard at work try - likely, .,*Ad I dont mean to have.my Ymmaonlate hues and dean, w shed ,ir�1A1`�108 & ►RGANS 'GREAT BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS THIS WEEK HEAT YOUR MOUSES T tc de a a plan to make del ngn eat dash mired with them dead Presby- '.faces. The dining room is a arge - _ NORODUjl1.y re pay their dues, was called terians." apartment, forty by sixty, to the 4,a�t - 'upon by sl rine ker, who droppped in At last the time came when the •of the front entrance,, - It !is sup lied I --AT— - j to give a editor some valaable hints owner of Bo many broad acres must give ; with a number of tables, inten�� to - •—AT F g a newspaper, The editor, them up, and go to occupy -his six feet seat'parties otsix, eight and tens and I BY USING THE vve oy at the opportunity, gave the of earth. On his death bed the ques- the furniture is very nide. from, this - 1� beat cane -bottomed chair, tion who should ,settle his estate is reached the'kitchens, of;which , here HOf man Er0 ' handed a fresh cigar and listened troubled him much, He had looked are two, and:in one of which is • be S. �' ��� CaS I StCire, Seafort ,1. sttentiv, 1y,4 , fluoth the and as after his property so entirely and ex- :placed a huge cooking range o the A C,� O R Y P R I C E S i - - lu i CHALLENGE HEAT he lit th weedt : `clusively himself., and So long :taken most approved st le. Beh><nd the i a "Yo paper needs a hundred im• it for granted that all the rest of man- kitchens is the lauugy, in which is a , i proved tuns. You don't grasp the kind were knaves, that now he was � in $400 washing machine with the va�•ioaa - topics o the"&y by the right handle ; despair what to do. Even the mein=' lco4vebienees required in the work' DURING THE HOLIDAYS, AT, you do 't set the locals in the right ' bers of his own family—yea, he had a Passing upstairs to the first Sa one 1 kind of , our telegraph -news is family—he he could not trust. He,. word ' ;finds himself treading on the softest SO, FULL STOCK OF ALL SORTS OF WOOLLEN GOODS, SUCH AS -HICKORY or yl - your y— I too thug even the paper itself is poorly tied over the matter terribly, canvas- +Brassela carpet, into which one' foot i manufa tared, not thick enough and of sing the whole roll of his acquaintances sinks with. a pleasant sensation, I and SCOTT BROTHERS I ` . too chsrlky a white. You don't run up and down, and before he breathed which gives back no Sean-. To the enough =9,tter, and what you do run hi"ast he named a man for his ad- -right and left stretch ,away long-- vistas CLOUD$ SOAR aWt o the right sort. Your ideas ministrator; and one man among all he •mf this comfortable looking material, .. tt PS' SQUARES, HOOD►B RAD ANT HOME STOKES about p ot6otve lases are foolish and knew. It was a good deacon of the along which the visitor passes silently �+ A I , your don the Cifnklug matter was Presbyterian church. of a spirit: A glance into a apaioae M�7'4:AL EMPORIUM, ' bad, b � Y tell yon these things be. , `There comes & spasm of honest dia- parlor revealed a set of very bandt#ome . cause I want on ,to succeed. I. tell cove to most self-deluded people in Sofia and ear chairs into one of w `ch y P y OPERA SHAWLS, MITTS, CUFFS CAPS BLANKETS YOU as friend. I don't. :eke your the article of death—a �sonfe�aion that the reporter Sank wit)�� a feeling of � tier � � - s paper ,self, but I See It once in a will be Sure to come later if it comes s rest, and felt as if he would li . to S F A F O F, T H bile, ofd as a paper is a'pgblic affair, not then. The rich man in the par- homestead it forever. But it was not The have the I suLppos I have as good a right to able despised Lazarus and alighted to be. Reporters are too valuabl to YARNS,. FLANNELS, TWEEDS, SHAWLS, &c., &c., &c. y best known improv Criticize anybody, If a man wants Abraham. In his "torment"'he turned the world to be permitted to aste _ . meats for saving fuel and labor of any 1P give a advice I let him ; I'm glad to them, and was quite ready to let their lives in an easy chair. A ag- I _ similar stoves ii this market. U have IM, in .fact." them help him. --Neta York Observer. nifioent Heintzman piano stood at one . - i4Tltsts exact, it," said the editor, — aid`s, and when the aocom ed C and See for Pourtselves. p �No Trouble to Show Yox& Goods. r3lMy; k`1 always hada m idea of Manitou Notes. Rooks opened it and rattled off a, ul 1 shtir. comings, but never had them Taxes to the extent of $15,000 were inspiring waltz, it seemed as if t re our usual solids Redact' e€r clearly and convincingly set forth as collected during the month of Novem- was little else .to live for. A brief y ion in f, prices has been attended with so' much you. ;It is impossible to express my ber in Winni period of profound ecatacy, and hen I REMEMBER THE ONLY CHEAP CASH STORE : CALL AND SEE T • t snocess in the past, we have again de- HEIS AT ' �" titnde� for the trouble yon. have —Almost the entire Drop of the Sea- the cold world again. Immedi 'ilei, oided to offer for the neat •three weeks, taken, act �y to find out these facts, katehewan neighborhood has been mar- above this pallor is another one,im- Pianos and Organs lower than ever but to Point them out also. Some keted at $1.15 a bushel, cash. iliarly furnished in which a Thal erg g offered before. UABIAAIU'>3 people I�wing all these things perhaps —A, W. Ogilvie & Co., of Montreal., Piano tempts the visitor to invoke the IBts,pd;g. } $®FFIVIAN BROTHERS, Sea�Or�h. JOHN ICI®D'' 1. warly as Well aeyouu, are mean enough intend erecting another mammoth grist muse. The bedrooms on both flats, are. S, MAIN ST• to, keep them to themselves. Your mill at Rat Portage. furnished with a lavish hand, and ook suggestions come in a most appropriate —Mr. A. P. Stuart, of Winnipeg,. sold` the picture of comfort. The farii . • • %me; I have wanted somebody to lean. his residence property on, the south side is all walnut and ash, the rooms or. D Ur, N H_ A M P 1 A N O S - ". as itwere, for -some weeks. Keep of the Assiniboine to Mr. Geoff. H. upper flat being furnished alterna ely I SEAFORTH, your eye , on, the paper, and when you Walker for $10,000. . . with walnut and ash, so that if a guest ; 50 years in the market. - K I LLORAN -& RYAN I" a we4k spot, come ap." -The Winnipeg. Free Press of the doesn't,fancy sombre colors he cap be -- SEAF'�RZ' The sh�oemakes left, happy to know 9th inst. says: Dr, Gouinlock, of Sea- accommodated with something ligh er. • that his suggestions had- been received forth, is in the city with a lot of money. . The servants' rooms are grouped in he EXCELSIOR ORGANS: in subh a_! spirit. l Next day, just as he for investment. rear of the building, -and are ni sly ARE NOW SELLIN F INSURANCE AGENOY G O F_ THEIN IMMENSE STOCK OF was fin s sing a boot, the editor came —An unexpected and unprecedented furnished, and connect with the at - Have been awarded the highest pre. is,, andp"eking up the mate, remarked: frost in the middle of ,October caught way. Steam heaters are placed al ng miumi, wherever .exhibited. Pianos GROCERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, 1`I wan to tell 'you how that boot and material- injured what the corridors, and in fact all over he and Organs of other makers supplied. SC IPTION, VIS.: Y j potatoes house, so that the tem WM. N. WATSOi, strikes: Vie. In the first place, the r were still in the ground on the Sas- temperature throe h - leather is'poor; the stitches in the sole katchewan. out is that of summer. A soft, warm , Teas, Sugars—all qualities—Coffee—F teen, Rousted ' ' d Gron low ervades the entire establish- nd--Rice, R#'is- t ire too" m -de apart and in the uppers —It is said that a financial .giant is g P sh- .AGENTS WANTED , `ins, Currants, S ices—Whole and 'i P G ound—Canned Geode of all Rinds, the General Fire, Marine, Life a Aa, tea near the. edge. Those uppers will on his way from New York to winni - Ment, and induces a feeling of lusnri'' us `Best Brands of Cigars, American and Canadian Coral Oil, -&-c. to Pieces in two weeks. I.t's all peg with nearly a million• of Money for ,laziness. _cident In8uf'ance Agent, Cone . The building contains sixt °n salary or commission. ej gong, m friend, putting poor leather . investment in this country. -He thinks g ,•five sleep- f - ''ance�', .d��rZt�er, Etc.:, in the h s and smoothing it over with there is millions in it, and he is prob. ` ing rooms, exclusive of fifteen devoted ' 11 I grease slid - Iampblack. Everybody ably correct. to the use of the servants, and ev'ry send for Catalogues and see ns before -'. ' ' MAlt11 complains of your boots ; tl e3. don't —The Local Government have .es-_ room .ig carpeted with Brussels caret. buying. It will pay you. .Pianos and ST., S EA FO RTH. Let; theiegs,axe too short, the toes too ` tablisheO new registry offices for the There are bath rooms on every . flofor, Organs tuned. and repaired. A few . CROCKERY DEPARTMENT. narrow and the instep too high.. How counties(of Turtle Mountain .and Nor and a barber shop on the first floor. , good driving and working horses taken - The building in exchange for Instruments. Oto" Crockery De I lou have the cheek to charge $12 for folk. The former will be opened on the, g will be lighted with g s, i g partment is filled with the Largest and Cheapest Stock of such boo beats me. -Now, I tell yon first of January with A.' S. Stuart as which is manufactured on the premii ea Goods in Seaforth, or any other Town Weat of Toronto, this as mend, because I like to see Registrar at Turtle Mountain, and the from gasoline. The machine used- i a ONLY �? 1RST-(�''';LA SCOTT BRIGS �S, . you sue d. Of course I don't know latter at Ddwiutou on the 20th of De- Canadian air gas machine, and will be , . prompt companies located in a detached building in res of p e p represented- 3 kinds my more bout shoemaking than yen camber, with Donald McGillivray as g of risks effected at lowest current rates on ail do about newspaper, but still I take Registrar. the premises. SEAFORTH, ONT. FLOUR AND kinds of propert;. Special attention devoted u an interestin you because you are so —Considerable difiieulty;is being ex- Taking it all in all the Iinap ea -- - _ _ E E D DEPARTMENT. 1e ms+�nce- Insurances effected on farm well dispo ed to me. In fact---" perienced in keeping the Canadian compare favorably with I proper-ty in the `Gore District," of Gait,estabiish. HOa6e will Som ar over 43 years, at from .82 to 1 Our Flour and Feed Department is always stocked with the beat Goods in for three sears Cheaper than per cent., cash, .Here th exasperated cobbler grab- Pacific Railway open to Portage La � most of the best hotels is the large,� the market; p .any mutual pang in existence- The following' companies bed a laps one and the editor gained Prairie owing to the drift off Lake cit' a- represented, viz.; London &Lancashire land .the street 'followed by old knives, pin- Manitoba. The Air Line from .Winni• Northern, England; Scottish Imperial,'� f •tiers, ha'n" Zrs and awls, sent after him eg to the Portage is beim hurried A Culinary Novelty. i Scotland-' British America, Toronto; Royal c;anad3an Mau_ by the wra` hfnl cobbler, who on regain- rough in order to obviate re eated in } Young ladies of the beat families 1 treat; Gore District, Gait; Canadian Dire dt ing, his seat remarked that no imper- rrnptions to traffic. p I have deserted the old idea of refine. " LI - Marine, Hamilton; Alliance, Hamilton; Toronto went and are about to put • that '; g - Q U O R DEPARTMENT. ' Life, (Life), Toronto; 7;'rav ellers, Life and Accir .tiisent lop- arecl idiot should ever come . —Mr. Frank Glass, of London On- nal( CS , round trying to teach him his trade.— ' � quality on• a new basis. Instead of H ` � � _ dent Hartford Conn. Agent for the Canada —Mr. Bold lots 298, 299 and 300, Smith sitting around,and embroiderin tidi s m ' Our Liquors are widely known, and we guarantee them to speak for th - lone, loan t oat and savings Company, Toronto, Cdrs0n, (N ') 'A'Fpeal` O p em nay loaned at 6 per cent, on real estate. Agent 1 street, just off Portage avenue, in the .and painting pond lilies on a shin e I CD selves. The Celebrated MARSALA Sacramental wine always on hand, for the State Bine `teamship Company, sal cit of 'I'hq IVIa1n he Trusted. Y Winnipeg, , to Messrs. Stobart they now devote themselves to ter u between New York and (llasgow. First Cab In a pretty village among.the hills of P Y, for $15,000, also 100 culinary art. An :u -town young la 1 W M � We must trouble all those indebted i W to $75 ; second Cabin t40 ; steerage, $2g Eden & :Com an P Y g Y U� hied to ns, �o Dell at once and settle up. turn tickets issued h*ocad for I2 months, w. N .Berkshire lived a farmer who neither . feet at Portage la Prairie on the corner has recently" frosted three . loaves f Z WATSON, Bain street, Seafort1 month of Manitoba and Saskatchewan streets cake with eminent success, the on y ; r belts Block o , Camp. Ieared God nor trusted his fellow -men. - KILLORAN & RY-AN. , opposite'the Diangfon Hotel. .1116 was sh ewd to accumulate money, for $12;600, or $125 a foot. The same difficulty being that she used salt i - ; . 0 cti . and beyondthis world he eared for ,property changed hands a .few -}ours stead of sugar for the ground wor . � iuothing an expected nothing. It was ;afterwards at $135 a foot. Perseverance, however, will eventually v ON EXHIBITION.— iiis principal concern to "make" as —While Mr. •ScammeI of 7-9, near oorrect little mistakes like that.—Nelo i ►01 . � y > ( � much as he could, and put it where no. Nelsonville was oil his way to Portage Raven Register. - �i 'HOLIDAY PRESENTS, ` I �� body else c uld get it. Banks were his la Prairie a few days ago with a load of --- W ^^ horror, and moat of his surplus gains he wheat he mat with a very sad accident, �Dhy He Pays the Bills. 0 ( y Q Z�J { The Crand'Pianetory Wonder which caaoea so mach excitement is yet visible to the gazing Mil• vested in land. It was a form., of while crossing the Assiniboine river at Clara Bell says.: i i O - y Z D lions, and the 26th of June having come and gone property that he could -keep his eye on, Hamilton's crossing. It appears that ``There is no use- in letting your lo�'e ' Q b "' with every prospect of several anniversaries of and that" oald not run away." Year the river had only frozen over a few blind you to the . nndeniabte fact that ¢� - 0 1 W i Z this eventful time, the well known firm 9f after he e tended his territory, and days previous and of course was not in every girl of cultured tastes wishes to ' O (n It finally them was so mach of it that he 'fit condition for a heavy load, al gratify them-; so, if you take one f R, (r,1 Q 1 WH ITN E'Y° 1ROTH E RSa could not watch it conveniently, He though others had crossed two or three these delicate, refined, sensible ere - I must dispose of his wealth in some other - p c�ys before this. And as Mr. Scammel tures for a`wife, you must couch hero (f) D H --j Stove I and Tinware _31,rchants, way; but growing more suspicious and � drove on to the ice with the load it brocade or your marriage bed will nclt � � ►�' r- � The largest collection of novelties in the Count 1' • ' miserly as a grew old and rich, uo 1 gave away, and his horses, sleigh and be downy with her happiness. Not onL ® O __ y Hfl i ' Gooce + rate per cent. could tempt him to allow wheat went down under the foe and are theca exquisite birds desirous f ! 0 CD r I that cannot be seen elsewhere. Raphael, Tuck &Sons Prize Exhibition i MAIN STREET, S EA O R T H anv #allow -an, or any institution, to was carried away with the current, Mr. fine plumage, but isome °f them a telae care of it for him. To lose even a F Scammel barely escaping with his life, hindered from flying away by nothin y�t Cc '"f few of itis h rd dollars would have left I His loss will be about $500: else. I know a worshipful hnsbau .`� r+ 0 CI�IRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S CARDS. Of thgc�ahs'Solicit thelaspection andpatronsge him moor ing like the Ephraimite ' whose beaatifal young wife woaldn' I . N I _ lio of Seaforth and vicinity, to `their what the ro ues of Dan came alongand 1 g Winnipeg Hotel. roost in his cage a ti splendidstockoi STOVES, &c. Don't pass the g year if he didn sign of rob -bed him. "lie have taken away my I , The latestg,od-acquisition to huts- accom- Provide her with just the kind of feath M Hand Painted Cards, Canadian Scenery, Perfumed Sachets, Frii ed ' I CD s, and w at haus I more ?" He be- f modation in Winnipeg is the gnappen era her high -held head demanded. H m Onto lzoa d luB focus,, and for the i House. It is situated on - -portage knows it, too,. and scratches grave ! I � Cards, &c. About 7,000 cards in stock at from 2?�c to $1 each. Misoel- T I" I E BIG C O 'F F E E 'P POT :Set of his life continued to "salt it Avenue, and is a very handsome, sub- right lively to satisfy her dress ezao I �`' leucons Bo down ," in oc 4 places, known only to i stan,tial and csommodioas brick struc. tions. He is miserable now, but think 1 Books, Posts, Standard Works in Sets, Bibles, Pray®tall Hymns, Yon can see at the sign of the big coif himself, a tie Pat, p tore of four stories. It was.erected by he would be more so if she should flit I that WHITNEY BB,t�s, keel, stoves and what Misanthr is a disease, and apt. Mr, Fred McKenzie. of that city, at � a &c•, in Cloth and Fancy Leather Bindings, not i why Harvest Fools, Binding 7Xi'tts, and PY P I He reminds me of the Mau who h v 1 _-- all kinds of Tinware, as Cheap ands (food as any be an incurable one, and incurable ` cost of about in inadvertent) sat down ou the oiil 1 •° store elsewhere. $30,000.. It is now cc- g Y Some think ,� riot tree, diseases alw ys grow worse. Our mix- copied by Mr, P., L. >inappen, late of i outlet of & hornet's nest, resolatel--- but only a rhyme. er's; f,nhapp r�j ad ccs naturally in- - Thunder Bay. He has expended some I stayed there for 'hours, preferring t Sq'OCIi` FOR SERVICE. But come, inspect our Stoves; t'wont take much creased with his yeara. what David f $20,000 in fitting u and farnishin the , g in a oirou�nscribe I I "• r time. endure the stip B _! said of ,,all an" in his haste he said at I place, and the result is that he has got � area rattier than be stung all over," , co contained ; Tis his notion the world ; as erfectl ----- -. I Z ® We, Will Sell .Test cos Cheap c><s We p y equipped a hotel as can be contained i,c�bady but Iahmaelitas and. f found anywhere. A short description DOD$ the World Mian any OIle I y Possibly Ca�z Philistines, ad the church was a oate- i of it may not be uninteresting- As one Not long. The beat and most usefn � W V■ We PAPST, . wry quite I i speakable. If there was ' entero the lar of us w'1 - ge street door he steps in- l soon be forgotten. Those : �^ say choice o'~ difference in this univer Ito the spacious hall the floor of which who •to -day are filling a .large place in ' co .� From a Fine Polished stove to a Bird Cage or Dan. ,est dislike, t ' e last beings in the world ! is covered wi the world's g —FPl th hand d s re ar ease enquire f d will pass away from Wor a°me oil loth. FANCY C X" G O D 'Whom he would trust were the Presby A door to the left leads into the office the ramambrance ®f men in a few GOODS IMPORTER, Won, s. Ch 'aliens were his pat aver- ! the floor of which is also .covered with ` months, or, at farthest, in a few years �ERKSHIBE BOAR --A thoroughbred Ber k -V �lN ("{ I T%i E Y .* Sion., and all Christians were Presby- the same material. l In the centre after the grave has closed upon their shire boar pig wi�1 be kept for Nenzce at B R O T H E RS . terians, for is ideas of religion and stands "a handsome steam heater, and remains. Colbert's Brewery, Egmondville, during the r _ CL X MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. religious pec le were as narrow as they aroand the sides are plaeed•comfortable We are shedding tears upon . a naw ifine of secs, with the lto be privilege ofret nunthif Web e profane The word Presbyterian seats upholstered in leather. A large made grave and wildly crying out in necessazy, 73Tx4 NOS. I AND 3 CARDNO'S BLOCK, _m - condensed in twelve letters xIt his writing desk for the use of guests Will our grief that our loss is irreparable, yet - ERKSHiRE P.IG.—The coders' OH RYSTAL & BL,ACK, Mean opinio of men in general. shortly be placed in one corner. Across B undersigned will keep . . in a short time the tendrils of love have oq Lot 3s,, concession 2, ruckersmith, dur- PRACTICAL - But this d belie and hater of his the north side is an elggaut counter, entwined around other supports, and ing the'present season for the improvement of kind had one belief. $e believed that which is soon to be fitted up with a we no -longer miss the one who has stock, a thoroughbred Berkshi•epig• TERMS.— SEAFORTH, ONT.:_> M s,6 some tirnel or other , he would die, miniature post office, a key_ rack, stat. �1 per sow, with the privilege of return ug if ® 1 BOILER MAKERS. gone. necessary JAkfE$ CR[CH, Proprietor: 751x5 Z - J-0 dap h ppeu ng fcyto a_ cabinet 1 uary and so on. Behind this counter So passes the world. But there are', _____SUFTOg >=I(l—$amuel sanniehas uaro731xi 1hakaing rho , . saw the mechanic i sojourns the genial clerk, Mr. T. Rooks, `—" those to whom a lose is beyond repair. � from the pia breeder, of � ,s,� malung a. co n. His habit of seeing " late of London the less, .a very Cheater- There are men from whose memories Lobo, a thoroughbred Suffolk Boar pig, which. ho r�HE Sabaoribers have bo will keep fur the improvement of stock at his saw Boiler Bueinese L right the Tool and @verytnt a hims�alf that concerned field in deportment, rind a gentleman of no woman's smile Dau chess the reeol- mill on the 9th Cones ��//�� lately carried on b Concession o1 the township of $$y. Vi er[oh Foanary and Manufacta y the sod- tO his awn inter st led him to propose infinite aeeompiishmenta. Behind, :11 ) lections of the sweet face that has given ?`� pis is a s lendid animal. He took third ® rhzg Company, sad that the man should take .his measure on the wall, is placed ,an electric in. up all its beauty at death's is touch . having An experience of over eight years in Y prize at the l rovinoial Exhibition over a large Albums,' Ladies' Companions, Odor C&sea Dref3sii !fiat shop, -are now prepared to carry on the trail and make an then coffin.. There are women whose 1 ` number of other good animals, and ill -at prize at _ - P , g Cases, Work in all its branches. e dicator, connected with every room in p fghted faith ; ,nn' Zurich show Terme —1 payable at the I An work e "For you f"� said: the astonished me- the house, so that althoggh one may be extends beyond the grave, and drives time Zurich service with the privilege , y ntrnxted to us will receive p g of retarning if Boxes, Writing Desks, Ink Stands, Glove and Handkerchief Boge I attention. Ftrst•olass work uaranteed,prompt chaaic. "Make a coffin for you while in the•furthest.confines cdthe establish. away as Profane,those who would entice necessary- SAMUEL-RANNIE, Proprietor. 722 s, ,all kinds of Boiler 8 boa are alive :`I ' Wly, I never heard of Ment all he has to do is to touch a little P s made and repaired, also them from a worship of their buried smoke Stacks and Sheet Iron work, &o,, a_t rea- guch tithing. Its horrible.,' I button in ttie wall. , A bell on the in- loves' To di B+ eERThe undersigned will keep Vim, age line, from 10c to $18 per pair; `Toilet Sets, Cups and � sonable rates. "Its buaine a," q-uoth the old farmer, I dicatbr rings, a Such to alt e present season at his farm north . + New @�It Pans made and old ones grimly.. If I ,tend to it m •aelfI g + pointer indicates the Y y, however, is hidden of Seaforth, Two Thoroughbred Berkshire Saucers Tobacco 1 the shortest St repskr-edoa awe from the Boars the one large and the other small.. Both ' aCGO Boxes, Smokers Sats,, Cigar Cases, Velvet Piaoto st notice, and at prices that defy eom- know iia done;" S $ball number of the''room, theelerk looks up Y public gaze. The world + g I petition, brings big hand down on the head of sweeps on peside and around them and first class animals and pure bred. terms $1 ClHRitS3' So after considerable demur the cao- a bell on the counter, a bell bo �, 'payable at the time of service with the Frames, Gold Pens, Pen and Pencil Cases, Japanese Goods lar a Iiia AL & BLAOX, cares not to look upon this anohtruding ! of returning if��ecessary. ROBT. Govxvrocxi1726 g e ' f =�B'S2 Box 163, God -crick. iiuet maker m asured him and under. I to the front;, and, the next momenta is ! grief. It carves a line and records a -took the Sub. Morally speaking„ he had scurrying away to see what the man in West's Composition Statu6ry, Tors of all kinds, Sleighs, Rockin S E/4 y — atone over the dead, and hastens away T° Pia BREEDERS— The undersigned will g FORTH taken his oust mer's "measure'' a good the other end of the house wants. It g g. It cries Lot 3 keep dunsces nthe resent season on his farm . ' ' bile. to offer home a to the livin p g p &go• H knew the man, and had is very convenient.:' some very. nice ; 7, Stanley, near bilis Green a .horses, &c. I Act weepingly, le roi est Mort, but With Thoroughbred &A -shire Boar. A first-class M A rl B L E known him a ons time, furniture and a huge safe 'has I the next breath exclaims animal and ure bred. 'rerms— i WORKS. The coffin as made exactly accord- added to Air. Rooke's den, which will joyously Ziz'e p ,payable at r. P PSr le rot. the time of service, with tha privilege of return- �,c ipg t°' orders, 1 It was an enormously make it a decidedly pleasant place to . . mg if necessarN. JosBrtt HL'DsO�, fi33s4 , -;cavy hoz oft o-i�nch, pitch -pine lank A Cur f -- -- -• — ned with she t load, the lead extend- I Froumi the ofliee we pass into the bit- e or Croup. o Plc: BSEEDEB$—The undersigned will + Apply flannel saturated with flag- keep at his hotel in Varna during this see- ing above the edges in flaps, BO.&S to liard room to the rear. 1};t is a s aoioils {yard's Yellow Oil and administer the on, a thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, and will re MOr'NUML�'NT,S` fI�'�Q�„Sq' Nd down ovv the roe I P Oil internal- on a little sugar as di- -1, B©OKSELLE '101,5`, d prospective dead and wall lighted I y ive a limited number of sons. i arms y like a I c apartment, m m m in which rooms on the bottle. Yellow Oil cares nt n the neuen of seri ice, with the pri��ege f T`�13LL� ?'O P yoverlet• The eccentric will be placed five mammoth billiard S- r4yaer's last fre ak wag the talk of the f Mules of the beat make. At the south rheamatiem, barns, scalds, chilblains, g �`�' tr• COOP' 732 town. it ! lameness, and all flesh wounds. All iirkof all lino! s ezecaW in the best --tyle of "What int world possessed you to ` magnffioently fitted a be bar, a adorned dealers en 1 it WARD CASH ,S H JNOS. I a?ld 3, CARDNO'S BLOCK, d cannot be surpassed in western on. get such a thin As that to be buried with i rich roitted oP ned pP y ,price 25 cents. 724 y tario. The commnuity at large wia besr.in mind D$ALBB Iti--� I that we do not mike a.Drsatice of [ > Y' utas one of the questions he had to - ware of the 1 &test and stinelel ant i C $ airy Butter, Wool, 12des, FurB, ' °g agents agryaral t3 :Pectoral Balsam ; to ran the Country at -the buyers,e pence• We agawer more ,hen once during the g a, es• coughs, colds, asthma, crop and Peltrtes o a kinds. win •t aaT, .rbeu requested, give vac price " day's wo 'der," g pr ttsr„s• Belliuti the counter may be :whooping cough, sore throat, bronohita�>i 'f Sea, fort. asT it2onameat or Headstone in the burying the old observed the pleasant faces of Jim and alllung complaints; that lead to 1�'Nea ands. we ase the best grades of marble, bay- , aIl's only answer web, dohnsou -find C. C. Tilley o t house street tmm the - 1 eking the 1 oonsnngption. Price 26 cents. ?�# rth to the Egg Emporium, 4nnrriea. Shop oa Main HOLIDAY PRESENTS. ,sear (rhe statkon. A sell reQpeelwly E _ H. MESSETT. . S { - . F `` . S I - I I - . - -- . . a.- _ _ - - M -.. -.. _ ..- " The clergy i the matter set to "J" Aart witb- - ,-•Mr. Chia the novel'fst, is ganef" tv °cora tion of Loi —Mr. H �m the Gov, near the �l laid, he will e . �_Nfadame �nanza� mill' Amisr, who fo picture repres dr88• Telena i I _ .mss df Waldo I'�ce;Leopoi be 20 years of .a pretty, form hv been bast �triarcl3 ial 1 ther�s castle cipa ty has o: ---As is -vel'. ' the Premier% the property ing- am. Th .expire, applic renewal for st 8- "on that th &m addition ii room. Sir -Sc and festive, - ---All perao Rusaia.n fron passing by G- mars has beer, watch for let; fixes. All p • travellers ov frontier a,nd t the place mti .journey. —An Eva: tr�pal�i�aY,]]Prefuse( 1 vacciue,R-d' - slist. He ,1 his ebild shell Ritualism. t he did not ac :been inocula.t, very mild att religious var_i? - —On Mond a lady visitor rather navel ing.in front of in hand, one anatched the . the top of the a pole he d - scattering t] to about I floor below, torn into shr recovered, —Malcolm; honest brakei . A few days .r,3 01,000 frts~x3 t ped it in b, his pocket.` St- martin:' - pocket °withc ward McLeo( floor, and sul socks, tossed the owner, � next day, he finding that . It over to the' who restore Leod refused; --.British death at Mai ail, leader 0 Mission on 11 - Africa.. The traveller] -wh' for his work,, Ho8pital, a* College, Bow: left with abs industrial an ol, the CiuLLLg pushing on ti tacked by a pelled to ret' deris on bis ceed no f brother left' s few days telegram ca- Macca)l's d years of age, 9 The follo ination in Senior of Geo. Amos Xnox 108. J Wells 99, T - Matt 80, W fit, Alex. R Albert XOG 3aue watt Mills 00, Htl ing receive papers ; it Annie llrf -Smith. • =T}ae fc a written. e No. fi, Gr obtaiiiable Agnes Bis 208, 3rd d clato'— tat BiBhcp Junior Th` age 2e 3, 2 Mary Will ney 204. Second cI 2fad Josep w4, 4th L. Necartne_ —,.rho f duct, etc,* p€�pils of ;_ for the IT Fifth Cl. James A. 4th W. R Lizzie SU Sophia Third. Cl Emily B 4th Geu' Senior,--- Findlabar Mawlfinn Second C day, 2nd key, 4t13 1st mag, Lucas, --The pupils in of Sch mouth., _ o —Fifth Willie �- Thom -as 245, Josel : - 2.10. doh ` bell 177fi