The Huron Expositor, 1881-10-21, Page 1In
OCTOBER 21 1881.
MeLEAN BROS., Publishers.
$1.50 a Year, in Advance.
DRY G001)S
W. C A M
Mr. Parnell, the great Irish agitator
and leader of the Land League, was ar-
rested in Dublin on Thursday of last
week, at Morrison's hotel, where he
was stopping previous to starting for
the Kildare convention at Naas. In-
spector Mallon called. at the hotel at
nine o'clock Thursday morning„ and
sent up word to the land league leader,
who was still in bed, that he would like
to see him. The hotel porter returned
TereVAllasgust 0 ened up'eadi Lends,—
r Embracing 6.inadian, Scotchland
books and papers of the league have
been removed to England, where an
office will be opened in Holyhead. The
central office is completely broken up.
All connection with lam' leagues is
practically suspended. The league ex-
ecutive decided Friday night on a gen- 1
eral strike against the payment of any I
rent whatever.
The Tribnue's London special says
the arrest of Parnell will Bend a thrill
of satisfaction through Great Britain.
No act of Gladstone's ,Government has
evoked such hearty approval, even in
Ireland. ..
Great riots occurred in Limerick on
Sunday. The Coldstream G-uards ar-
word that he would be happy to see the rived from Dublin by sPecial train about
inspector as soon as he was dressed. eleven o'clock to assist the local au-
Soen after he 'sent for Mallon, who,
with Detective Sheridan, Went up -
stars. Parnell met him pleasantly,
an asked, "Do you intend to arrest
me ?" "Yes," replied. Mallon, handing
him the warrant, still wet with Fors-
ter's signature, for the chief secretary
only returned., from London by the
morning mail at eight o'clock. Parnell
then glanced over the warrant, and
said, dAll right." He put on his hat
and. walked down stairs with the two
policemen. A cab was waiting at the
door and the three men entered at
tborities in preservieg order, and in
suppressing the meeting which was
called to express sympathy with Mr.
Parnell and the other imprisoned SIlll-
peas. It was a complete surprise to
the people. The ground designed__ for
the meeting was occupied by a squad-
ron_ of dragoons, Scots Greys, and
about two hundred of the Royal Irish
Constabulary: Thousands of people
elocked into the city for the purpose of
being present at the meeting, and by 2
p. m. the estrees were crowded with an
excited mob. The military and police
exaetly half -past nine. "Kilmainham were under the command of Mr.
prison," cried Mallon to the driver, and. Rolleston, resident Magistrate. In the
they drove off. Beside the cab were
four other policemen in citizen's clothes
in another carriage. On arriving at
Kilmainhana, Mr. Parnell was at once
assigned to a cell. There was no de-
monstratien, and no one knew about the
arrest beyond the parties concerned.
afternoien the orowd moved toward
Bank Place, where the meeting was
first intended to be held. The Mayor
and several other prominent citizens
met Colonel Knox, commanding the
Scotch Greys, in the Mechanics' Insti-
tute. The Colonel cautioned the Mayo
The news of Parnell's arrest soon spread against holding the meeting, saying tha
like wildfire through the city and coun- he would not have his men injured an
tre . The telegraph offices were be- wounded. If they were assailed h
sieged. Many seemed glad and re-
lieved, and others were angry and ex-
After the arrest of Parnell became
known a man with a bugle paraded the
street a of_Duhlin, ,warning the people the troops already mentioned, the 57t
to close their shops. A number re- Regiment and the artillery were stand
fused, but eventaally closed, owing to iug ready in their barracks to mare
intimidation by the crowd of 2,000. out at a moment's notice. Matters pro
The Lord Mayor -elect of Dublin pre- grossed with coinparative quiet durin
sided at the indianation meeting in the the day. At 4 p. m. the .Mayor an
Gents' White Regatta Shirts—
Perfect. its.
would ask the resident magistrate'
permission to fire on the people. I
may be recollected that the requisitio
for the meeting was signed by th
Mayor, who urged the people to assem
be in their thousands. In addition t
the wagon, and when found was quite
dead. It is supposed he strained him-
self some way, but how will never be
—A young -man named Kay McLeod,
of East Nissouri, was fined $1 and costs
by a London magistrate for calling a
colored man named White a "black
nigger" and a "cow -boy."
• —It is propose 1 to build a railway
from the village of Rondeatt through
Kent and Lambton, a distance -of about
80 miles, making either Forest, Sarnia,
or Camlachie the northern terminus.
—On Thureday of last week the wall
paper factory of Messre. Barber & Bar-
ber, of Georgetown, Was partially de-
stroyed ley fire. Mr. J. M. Barber was
seriously injured by the falling belfry.
• —A farmer named Peter Dodsworth,
living about eight miles from Mark -
dale, Grey county, committed suicide
by hanging himself on Friday morning.
No cause is assigned for the act.
—The butter and cheeSe factory on
, the 4th concession of the township of
Peel was totally destroyed by fire on
Friday last. Of 1,600 pounds of cheese
. stored in the building about half was
j saved in a damaged condition.
—The jury in the .case i of the four
: prisoners charged with the murder. of
the old man Wetherell, et Ottawa, on
! the evening after his marriage, returned
a verdict of not guilty, mad the prison-
ers were accordingly discharged.
. —Mrs. Allan, wife of Mr. A. Allan, of
the great shipping firm died on Sunday
• Morning last. Mrs. Allan has been ail-
ing for some time back, and was in
. Europe in the hope that thed ,change.of
' scene aud air might benefit her‘!.
j —An advertisement in the.' Toronto
World, under the head,', personal, is
l unique, to say the least.' of ie. It runs
thus: "Mrs. Hamiltomfdrroierly of John
I street, this city, is respectfully request-
ed to come forward and pay her debts."
--The Great Western Railway Com-
peny's half -yearly • report 'announdes
• receipts to the amount of 2470,000, and
a surplus of £45,000. The half -yearly
, dividend is 5 per cent on preference,
and. per cent on ordinary stock.
—It is reported that a Man named
Beck, of the Turtle Mountain dis-
trict, the other day eloped with the
wife of a farmer named Bolton. The
lad -y took all her husband's money and
rotunda. in that city on Friday night ; other promineut citizens moved abou , one childe leaving the two 91dest with
the robbed and deserted father.
—Mr, Kranz, M. P., is endeavouring
to arrange with the German delegates
to furnish sufficient names of German
, emigrants to take up a township in
. Manitoba or the North-west, in which
, case the township indicated would be
reserved for them.
—The Canadian North-West Land
Corporation, the name of which ex-
- , plains its object, will iesue its pros-
pectus in a few days. The capital is
Ipiece of masonry. The old. eneine and structive gales of wind that lately the Niagara River. The ,young man
engine house torn do n, and a new companiediu each CaSO t'',,, vioknt seow and no trace ef him could. be found.
drain laid. drifts, and during th.e whole of last until the body was diecovered the other
—Last Friday m ning a freight week there were snow storms along the day. It is surmised that he had sat
tram on the Northern ance down on the edge of the cliff, to pass
the three hours before his train kft;and
had probably fallen asleep and rolled
over. When found his arms and legs
were broken, but otherwise he was not
iujured so far as external appearances
are econcerned. In hise pockets was
found 25 cents, and by his side the dase
of his revolver. The weapon was gcle,
but this might have went further,
owing to its being heavy. At this same
place it is said rota lives have been loet
before; and it is no wonder, therefore,
that all Ontario is crying out to the
Government to take same steps to have
the man -trap fenced in before any more
valuable lives are lost. ,
boiler are to be remov d and °the old swept over the Labrador coast were ac- disappeared on the 7th of September,
20,000 were unable to gain adnaiesion. and the people were informed that n
Dillon said he should be greatly disap- meeting would be held. Shortly afte
minted if Parnell's arrest facilitated four o'clock the trOops and police bega
the payment of rent. A motion by E. to move off from Bank Place. Stone
Dwyer Gray denouncing Parnell's a.r- were immediately thrown at the polic
rest was carried. The police dispersed who were hooted and groaned at. Th
a noisy crowd outside the rotunda after troops were thereupon halted and o
the meeting concluded. dered to
There was a meeting of 3,000 pereons The police were then directed
in Belfast on Friday, at which twenty charge the mob, which they did, pa
Campbell's Block No. 1.
ailway, between coast from Hallam Harbour to L
an Loup, ranging from seven inehe
two feet.
—The Guelph Central Exhib
was able to offer only a very limited
amount in prizes, and the consequence
'wasit failed in attractions. The Pres-
ident, Mr. Gowdy, says it is nowt -im-
possible to secure an influx of visitors
sufficient to compensate for a heavy
outlay in prize , money. There was,
however, a surplus, and next year, the
debt that has weighed heavily on the
exhibition will be wiped oat. The re-
duction of the prize list below Insm
was a financial necessity; but the
want of the attraction of large prizes is
fatal, exhibitors going where a different
Colwell and -Utopia stations, parted. in
the middle, and the r
in:manageable and cs
forward. cars with gre
the cars being teleseol.
thrown into the adjoining field. The
train hands escaped injury.
—Norfolk is probably the only county'
in Canada which has still in harness an
official who was in the public service in
1814. A few days age Mr. F. L. Walsh,
in response to an euqiiiry from Michi-
gan, furnished a copy of a will regis-
tered in 1814, and certified to in that
year by Mr. Walsh, vibe), was then Sur-
rogate Court Registrar for the London
—There is tome !difficulty between atate of thin exists.
the settlers upon the southern portion —The Donnelly Brothers were re-
part became
Hided with the
t force, several of
ed, and one car.
Catholic Priests were present. A gen- tially clearing the streets.
At ti s ' L1 000 000, and. it has see.ured 2,000,000
b acres of land from the Canadian Pacific
e Railway Company.
e —The ruffian Howell, who was one
e of the party that outraged thegirl Sarah
Dillon was arrested at 4 o'clock Fri- so, with fixed bayonets they aga n Jane Potter near Merriton, 1st SUM-
eral strike against rent was advocated time there were over six hundred mil
as long as Parnell remains in prison. tary and police in the streets. The m
A similar meeting was held in Lim- closed upou the force again, when t
erick. ' police once more charged. They we
ILLON ARRESTED then or to load, and having do
day afternoon and was lodged in Kil- charged. the people, scattering them in mereathe girl dying shortly afterwards
the most intense feeling in -Dublin. An them gather together and renew the Thursday last week, and sentenced to line there would be this present year be coevicted upon that chezge, as lae the Logan fair as week. hey were
mainham gaol. Dillon's arrest caused various directious, only, however, to see —was tried at the Lincoln. Assizes on
several ten years' penal servitude. an ad.ditional 200 miles of the main line was extradited for murder. The in- eeteiasively admired, a,nd Mr. M. Kest -
Dr. Pynehon for pro- net of Ellice, was so captivated with
wool dealers who purchased wool in !something between .500 and 600 miles, curing abortion will probably be.; called
And work of all kinds execrtted in the test style of
the sat, and cannot be surpassed in Western On-
tario. The comraunity at large will bear in mind
that we do not make a pmitice of keeping agents
to run the Country at the buyers' expense. We
will at any tirae, when requested, give our price
on any Monument or Headstone hi the burying
grounds. We use the best grades of marble, buy-
ing direct from the qciarries. Shop on Main
Street, near the station. A. call respectfully
saids SEPT.MES
of the Mennonite ROB rve in Manitoba
and the Government. The latter have
concluded to allow the settlers to re-
main upon the lands on payment of
re. The settlers
ross into Dakota
three dollars an a
threaten to remove a
if payment is forced.
—The manufactur
is evidently about to ngure among Ca-
nadian induetries. 4 second factory is
projected, in Montreal, by Messrs. Hart
ck Tuckwell, wholesale fruit merchants, "Thank yeti, your Honor; we can get —Mr, John Keefe sold hiS farm of 50
Stites for 1,000 barrels. The necessary side of an hear the bail required was Ellice, to Mr. E. Brown, of Kinkora,
acres, being part of lot 28, concession 4,
who are said to have orders from the fifty of that amount, if necessary." In -
men and machinery liave been brought procured and the Donnellys released, to for $2,200. Mr. Keefe has left for the
cabbage are grown around Montreal. don, for trial. Their bondsmen are State of Wisconsin.
—The people of Stratford are agitas
from Chicago. Immense quantities of appear onthe 8th of November, in Lon-
-Mr. Jeffrey, of Plympton, Manito- Detective Phair , and ex -Alderman ting a separation of that town from the
ba, comes to the front with 260 bushels Thompson. of London. .. county for municipal purposes. It is
of wheat from six and a half acres of —The following superannuatione and contended by some that the town would
ground. Robert Scott, of Sunnyside, appointments have -recently been made make a direct saying of $600 by separa-
in the same Province, obtained 125 by the Government: Godfrey Lavio- tion.
bushels oats from four bushels sown. lette is appointed ar e h St. - —Mr. William Clegg has pure sod
Mr. John W. Grant, of Rat Portage, Vincent de Paul Penitentiary. Mr. the old Stiles property in Mite ell,
also _grew a stool of oats containing 43 ' Cooper, chief keeper of the same insti- frOnting the driving sheds of Mr, Watt's •
stalks, with an averege of 114 kernels tution, is superannuated after thirty- hotel and purpoees going extensively
to the stalk, the product of one seed. seven years' service. This vacancy is into the manufacture and repairing
—Owing to the long continued not filled. Mr. Flannigan, Deputy- of machinery.
dronth, the low water in the wells at Warden of Kingston Penitentiary, has —Mr. Alex. McDonald, of James- j
Amiga.ri (Gland Truek Railway station been superannuatediandreplacedby the town, in the township of Grey, has I
at Fort Erie) has developedthe presence former steward, Mr. Sullivan. Mr. been engaged as teacher of the Moles- 1
of poisonous mineral admixtures, and Benson, Warden of Stoney Mountain ' worth school for the coming year. Mr.
the Use of the water has been forbid- Penitentiary, North-western Territory, McDonald. is an excellent teacher, and
den. Attention was directed to the I will act at St. Vincent de Paul for a the Molesworth people have done well
d . f weeks while Mr.- Laviolette at- to secure his services.
fair held
a of saner kraut
lessed on Saturday on bail. His
Honor Judge Elliott said he had con-
sidered the case carefully, and , had
come to the conclusion that it would be
proper to accept bail. He did not , pro-
pose giving any reasons therefor, ais he
did not desire to go into the merits, of
the case previous to the trial. He would
accept two sureties of $250 each, and
themselves in double that amount.
William Donnelly at once replied:
Perth Items.
—Mr. C. H. Barr, of Logan, has sold
a six months old Durham bull calf for
—Mr. William Ryan, of Dublin, has
gone to Muskoka to take charge of the
saw mill and stave' factory of Mr. Jos...
Kidd in that place.
—George McGill, of the 9th conces-
sion of Elma, has sold his farm of 100
acres to John Petrie, for $4,650. Mr,
McGill intends removing to the North-
circumstaame be 0 se pe -j
culler illness of persons in the neigh- tends the Kingston Penitentiary to —The last monthly cattle
borhood, when the water was analyzed learn its methods. Mr. McKay, the at Listowel was, without exc
and found to contain alkali. Acting -Warden, goes meanwhile to largest and best in every res
—It is stated upon reliable medical , Stoney Mountain. has been held. for years. Ove
authority that thirty of fever, ace —The, trial at Buffalo of A.„ W: dred and fifty head of ieattle
companied by eruption of the skiu and Brown, Of Chatham, for the murder of hands, and these at pries w
other marked symptoms of typhoid, Buddie McCrae, was brought to a close ed satisfaotore to both b
have occurredg thelast six on Saturday. Brown was released on seller.
weeks in the districit situated within the following grounds: First, that the —The annual plowing ma oh under
about three miles, east of the Don evidence does not establish the com- the auspices of the Molesworth Plow -
river at Toronto. The attacks, how- mission of any crime whatever; 2nd, man's Association will this year beheld
ever, have been gen.erally of a mild that the evidence faile to show that on Friday, 28th October, when liberal
type. No fatal cases have oczurred, murder or manslaughter in any degree, prizes will beeofferecl for edmpetition.
and all the patients are rapidly re- or any offeuse lesser under the indict- The ground has not yet bee selected,
covering. t been committed • 3rd, there but will likely be in the vicin'ty of the
—Hon. Donald 4. Smith, at the can be no conviction on the charge of village.
Winnipeg banquet to the Governor- abortimmas it does not come under that —Recently Mr, Michael
General, having to reply to the toast of head. of homicide. That if the evi- Logan, purchased a pair o
the "Canada Pacifi0 Railway," stated &nee tends to establish any crime it is tonian horses in New Yo
besides some 10 miles of branch abortion, and that the priaoner cannot brought them over in time
ption, the
ect that
one hun-
ieh seem-
yer and
ollins, of
Ramble -
k, and he
o show at
immense crowd had assembled in Sack- disturbances. The police matte
ville street, opposite the Imperial no- similar charges with drawn swords. but , --The Weetern Advertiser says : The graded, while during the next year dictment against.
th d riash
tel, where members of the league ale inn at length, worn , y
the habit of staying, expecting. Biggar for their barracks in William Street, in large quantities have what they term
d b d of the au- "white elephents" on their hands. The
would. make a speech. After resiating which they retire y r er
the attempts of the police to disperse thorities. The mob gathered around
them, they followed Biggar to the office the barrack buildings, throwing show rs
of the leape. of stones. Subsequently a squadron of
i O'BRIEN ARRESTED. Scots Greys charged the mob do n
O'Brien,_another leader, was arrest- George street, and repeated the ch ge
ted on the street in Dublin on Friday. up the street amid showers of ston s.
He Watil formerly a well known cor- As the evening wore on, the po ce
respondent of the Freeman's Journal. sallied forth again, .charging the peo le
Dillon was arrested at his t residence up and down the street. Later a pa
and accompanied to gaol by a mounted of constabulary, under the command
escort. The whole affair was Managed Major Rolleston, R. M.; fired on a
so quietly and promptly that the public in Denmark street. One man
were not aware of the arrests until the wounded by a bullet in the side. S.
issuance of special editions of the even- end charges were Subsequently ma
ing papers announcing it. and over twenty rioters were arreet
Instruetions have been telegraphed to While the police were marching p
every military station in Ireland en- slates were thrown on them from
joining vigilance, and flying columns roofs, and several of the constabul
mediate were wounded, but none severely.
are held in readiness for
movements. The numbers of troops 'city still continues in a fearful state
now in Dublin is 5,000. Every sentry disorder, many houses having b
Of the Harlock Sem Mills, on the 12th Concession
of Hallett, has completely overhauled and re-
fitted his Saw Mill, and now has it in the very
best of working order, and is prepared to purchase
a nuraber of
For which he will pay the Highest Market Prioe
in cash. CUSTOM SAWING done as
He has also on hand a considerable stock of
Bock Elm, three inche.s thick and 16 feet long,
suitable - for bridges, which he will dispose of
oheap. Setae R. H. KNOX.
11 wrecked.
. Canada.
The Governor-General sails
England. on Saturday.
—The Kennedy family are giv
concerts in Toronto this week.
—There are eight lady students
session in attendance at -Queen's
eersity studying medicine.
—Nine sheep and three calves
longing to N. McIntyre, Pontiac con
have been killed by bears within
—The venerable Dr. E. Ryerson
To-ronto, has been ill, but is recove
He evinces mu -ch impatience to be
and about again.
—A sad drowning accident occu ed
at Aylmer, about. ten miles ham Otta-
wa, on Friday night. Two men, two
women and one child were lost.
is provided with twenty round of ba s.
John Heffernan, of the Cork branch
of the land league was re -arrested on
Saturday and conveyed to Limerick
gaol. It is stated other warrants are
in the bands of the police against
prominent members of the Cork league.
The New York Herald's Dublin cor-
respondent says the free use of British
bayonets for three days past has tempor-
arily scattered and demoralized the
league.The chiefs of the league are all in
gaol or their arrest ismorcient arilyexpect-
ed .Satuitday night Sackville and Grafton
streets, Dublin, 'were --- crowded with
people,cheering, hooting, yelling, and
whistling. The military were under
arms at -the barra ks. i'The naounted
Police were patrolli g everywhere, and
the ordinary fovea of polioe had been
O'Kelly was arrested in his bedroom
early Saturday Morning. He prepared
for the depertere with the utmost de-
liberation, occupying an hour and it
quarter. The crow h red him SA be
entered the cab. The police refused to
allow O'Brien to visit his mother, who
is ' f ble health and much dis-
tressed. When the detectives called on
'.-Dillon he inarnediately entered the cab.
Twenty mounted police who had been
standing in it lane a few Yards distant,
followed all the way to the gaol.
While the detectives were looking for
Arthur O'Connor he was visiting Par-
nell, by whose request he slipped away
at night iia a Liverpool coal boat.
No Thar arrests .W0113 made, .fts
it would have been dangerous. Large
mobe are surrounding all the haunts
of the renaaining members of the league.
leagUe are gone
to Holyhead or Paris. 'Most of the
The chief clerks of the
v -
wool purchased during the past tyro
seasons with but one exception remains
unsold, with poor prospects of realizing
upon it in the near future.
--The Winnipeg Free Press of the
12th inst. gives a detailed list of the
improvements maderand being made in
that city during the current year of
1881. This list shows that over two
millions of dollars are tieing expended
this year in building inehat city.
—A man named Whitney, aged 60,
the boss dyer in the Stormont Cotton fac-
tory at Cornwall, whilst under the in-
fluence of liquor, to which he had re-
course in consequence of a domestic
unpleasantness, fell down stairs at his
residence on Saturday night and broke
his neck.
—Work on the Ontario Sault Rail-
way has actually, been commenced.
Two surveying parties are locating the
line. Mr. John Carroll has taken the
contract for clearing up the right of
way, and is at present prosecuting it
with energy and rapidity between
Spanish River and Algoma Mills.
—On Wednesday evening of last week
two young men named Wheeler and
Copeland, aged nineteen and fifteen
years, were caught in the act of robbing
be- the Tamworth post ,office, in- Adding-
tY, ton county, by Mr. Rose, the post -
d'70 master, who was watching for thieves,
. having been robbed several times pre.
of vionsly.
ng. —The Blenheim stage driver, Little,
111) who ran away with a large amount of
money on Tuesday night of last week,
was captured in Greenville, Michigan.
He changed one hundred efand eighty
$10bills, and was suspeeted an de-
tained. Proper authorities have left to
—Lieut. -Governor Robinson, Miss bring him back.
Robinson and Master Robinson left To- —Dwight Brown, a yonng farmer,
ronto on Saturday en route to the Sand- Was fatally injured by a horse on
wich Islands. the Exhibition grounds at Brantford
—On the 7th inst. forty-five Pilot laskweek. The blow from the horse
Mound lots were sold at Winnipeg, at broke, the frontal bone and crushed
an average rate of $75 per lot. Forty it in so that the brain could be seen.
Brandon East lots were sold for $5,277, - The unfortunate man died on Satur-
an average of 5132 each.
—The Ontario Poultry Assoeia
has decided to hold an. exhibitio
poultry in Brantford, from Thiars'ay,
9th February, till 15th February,' 1882.
$1,500 will be offered in prizes.
—A young man named Peiader
while book-keepei for Messrs. Fla
Bradley, t Hamilton, forged a
cheque by changing $15 to.$1,500
decamped with the money.
—Mr. Lewis Esseltine, son of
Erastus Esseltine, of Dereham,
rather suddenly Monday mornin
inst. He went to the barn in a
ently good health to get a load of
ready for market. It appears he
loaded four bags, when he lay do
, 3rd
par -
—Two ex -convicts at Kingston,
O'Brien and. Henning, got on a tiptoe
and were locked up. They appeared
very anxious about a .box which they
had left at their boarding house. The
police took poseession of, it, and on be-
ing opened it, was foun to contain an
excellent collection of urglar's tools.
—Ailsa Craig will on be able to
boast of being one of the finest watering
placeeefor locomotives on the Grand
TrunkRailway between Stratford and
Sarnia. The new tank, which is near-
ly comPleted, is a very large structure
and will hold 44,000 gallons. The new
engine house, which has been in course
and more likely upwards of 600, won Monday.
—Rev. Dr. McGregor, the Scotch of Malden, Essex county had 200 bush-
-This fall a farmer in the township
be laid, and if possible in running order.
thorn that he is now the proud owner
of the team.
—There came near being a bad fire
at the Public School building in Listo-
els of harley to sell. The highest price wel the other day, owing to a defective
di ine who was with the Marquis of
Lorne on his Northwest trip, sailed offered at the home market inAm-
from Quebec for Scotland. on Saturday. herstburg was $1.25 per 100 pounds. In
country through which the party had He
tsrho 1 tthe phe e dpricetil,ew
g raians t$02.D10e Detroit,
,100p a ylibnsg,
He states that in the entire section of D
but what was either fit for agricultural bushel), and 4.90 consul and entry fees
passed there was not a hundred acres
uses or grazing purposes. The party —$41.34 in all. The price received for
from the time of leaving Halifax tray-forreigt,.2e6tC.,mthoraen,
were fifty-six days under canvas, and tali tee rbarley,paying 22601a.6uOt y, ,
elled over 5,000 mile. the gross amount he would have re-
-At a meeting at Montreal, Chan- oeived for his barley at laome. The
cellor Day stated; that McGill Uni- conclusion is that the policy that in -
order to place it ;upon a prosperous farmer has to buy, but does not increase
creases the price of every artiele the
versity naust have et least $150.000 in
basis. It was shown to be the general the price of the products of his farm, is
000 in order to naake the University or any other place.
poor policy for the farmers of Essex,
opinion that this stim should be $250,- a
spirit of the age. Aeasommittee was -Kincardine on Saturday afternoon.
Geo. accident happened in
progressive and in keeping withathe —A distressing
to be one of the fifty who would give Huron township, was driving in town
While John Snowdon, a farmer, of
appointed, and Mn Go. Hague offered
—At a Catholic bazar in Cornwall his horses took fright, throwing the °c-
one thousand dollars.
last week great exoitement was occas-
ioned by the contest between Mr. Thos.
Tweed, the manager of the Stormont
Cotton Company, and Mr. Pratt, the
manager of the Canada Cotton Com -
popular, the prize , being a handsome man had several ribs broken, it
and McCrirnmon, it was found that he
pany as to which candidate was most
gold mounted eboey cane. Nearly 8,000 i fracture of the temple, his jaw broken,
Tweed was the successful candidate, his , about five p: m. The woman's , injuries
and several internal injuries. He died
votes were cast, yielding $800. Mr. ,
majority being over 1,000. , • : consist of an arra broken in twe places,
—A gentleman from Kensas City, her tongue is cut completely lin two,
Mr. D. Christie, reports that on Wed- ' her face badly fractured, and other in-
nesday night of keit week, as he was juries. Very little hopes are held of
(hiving to London from Nilestown he her recovery. The deceased was one of
, the oldest and most respectable settlers
was met some miles out by two men
one of whom grabbed the horse by the of Huron township: -
A heartless case of seduction hae
reins and held it, while with it revolver —
gh come to light at Brighton, leTbrthum-
pointed at him the other went thron
berland county. A young &I, aged
his pockets and stole the sum of $325
It was in the gloaming, and he is able only 16 years, has been sedu ed and
ruined by it married school tea her,who
to give but a very imperfect description
drove a good and affectionate ife from
of the robbers; It is very unlikely that
him, in order to be able the more sec -
they will ever be brought to justice.
—A prominent criminal lawyer in cessfelly to accomplish his fiendish de-
Montres.1, was recently retained for the signs upon his innocent and 4onfiding
defence of an expert pinkpocket. Thee victim. On Wednesdey night of last
was a flaw in the indictment, which Week the deluded girl succeeded in
was consequently upset upon technical escaping from her bedroom by the win -
grounds. The prisoner was discharged, dow, and arrived at Brighton to take
and next day he appeared at the office the express in order to ioin her &blue—
of his lawyer and expressed his grati- tor at Colborne. The train being some
tude for the able defense with tears in hours late, enabled hey aged mother
hie eyes. In bidding farewell, he hoped and aunt to OVertake the recreant
God would shoveer blessings on the child. She was at firat firm in her de -
head of the lawyer, and promised to termination to join the villain in whom
send him the firet valuable diamond she confided, but at the sight of her
pin he secured. mOther's gray hairs and grief-stricken
'—There have been severe storms and fame, she relented and returned to her
terrible gales of wind along the coast home.
of Labrador, causing great loss of ship- —The body of the late A. J. Watson,
ping and lives. The fall cod fishery j coleamercial traveller, and son of Rev.'s for some dap previously. Mr. G
on the Labrador and the salmon fishery 1 James Watson, of Huntingdon, was way has offered it reward of $100 for like
of erection since Jane lastos a fine is also an unmitigated ure. e
fluethe wainscotting of a room on e
second flat became ignited. The only
damage done was to frighten the teach-
ers and scholars. Had the fire occurred
in the night instead of the day the
building- would, in all likelihood, have
been destroyed.
---The congregation of Nnox's church,
St. Mary's, of which Rev. Mr. Wili3o
is pastor, held their first anniversar
services on Sunday and Monday last,
The Rev. Mr. Laidlaw of Hamilton
occupied the pulpit on Sunday, and o
Monday evening delivered his leotur
entitled "The Days of Our Years." Th
church is a large and magnificent +Ail
fice. . It has ouly been open one year,
and is new entirely free from debt. -
—A few days ago eighty head o
grass-fed cattle passed through Mit
°hell for the American markets. The
would average in price $35 each, an
oupants over the bridge on Huron er-
were the property of Mr. DOM, Zane .
race. On being picked up heth Mrs.
At the rate cattle and horses have bee*
and Mr. Snowdon were discovered to be
taken oat of the country of late, we feed
very seriously injured. They were
brought to McLean's Hotel, ana on be -
more extensively than they have done,
that unless our farmers go into breedin ;
ing examined by Drs. Secord, Martyn,
- that we wall soon have to import, in-
stead of export..
—A very distressing -accident occzr
red at Listowel one day last week to
young man named Albert Baker,
Stratford. 'He was engaged as brake
man on the Stratford and Port Dove
and while coupling cars at Listow
station, he slipped and fell across t
track, and before he could recov r
himself a car passed over both his lege,
mangling thern frightfully. One k
had to be amputated, but it is expecte
that with careful treatment the oth(
can be saved. This was his first day
run on that seetion of the road.
. i
—An unfottunate man named On
Mahoney died! last week in Goderikh
from the effedts of taking too minh
liquor. On the night previous to is
death some unscrupulous scoundr IIs
taking advantage of the poor wretch's
appetite for whiekey, supplied him veijbh.
all he could. consume, and he -neer
recovered from the effects of the ov
dose. 1
—We notice by the Manitoba pap4s
that Mr. Thos. Greenway had a spa of
matched black mares valued at $6 lO,
aeplatform spring wagon, a eat of silver
mounted harriess, halters and blank Wi
stolen frorn his stable at Crystal
one night last week. The 'thieves
supposed to be a couple of tramps
were seen loitering around the
• * • found a few days ago oii the bank of recovery of his property.