The Huron Expositor, 1881-06-24, Page 8. , • g • 1; nvon expooitor. .DISTRICIT MATTERS. DUNCAN'S CLEAttiNG SALE .— Special to Iliousekecpers—Great lie - &action in an classes of Mouse Fur- nishings ; everything in this clams of goods marked down to wholesale prices. Dress goods, prints, and all kinds of fancy dry goods at sweeping reductions. Every Lady should ex- amine, our stock before purchsusing. Walance of millinery to be cleared out at half price. • NEW ATTRACTION.—Qiaat Sale at the Ontario House. We have commenced our semi- annual Clearing Sale, and offer bargains in Dress Goods, Prints, Tweeds, Readymade Clothing and Small Wares. Boots and Shoes below cost; many lines of men's and boys'; Felt:and Straw Hats at half price; see our tan cent table; parasols from 20e �p. Customers may depend on getting the beat vslue in town, at SMITH & WEST'S. 707 Boy WANTED.—Wanted immediately at TICE EXPOWTOR Office, Seaforth, a stont in- telligent boy, either to work by the week or to learn the printing bu4ness. Mast be a good reader and not afraid to work. Gila who can board at home preferred. Good wages for a good boy. A. G. McDouone & Co.'s Great Sale of Dry Goods, before moving into their new brdld- ing, will continue for two weeks longer. Bayer who have not yet attended this sale should call early and see the bargains. Butter taken In ex- change at the highest market price. 707 FRUIT JARS, Fruit Jars, Fruit J8113.— Wilson & Young have received this week, direct from the manufacturers, 125 dozen of Gem Jars, which they are offerbag at factory prices. 707 • THAT WOOL.—The Huron Expositor, Beaforth,--In the letter addressed by me to your paper, and published in the issue of the 17th inst., I did not mean to state or insinuate that John S. Porter stole my fleece, or intentionally appro- priated it to his own use, or that he committed any criminal offence with reference thereto, or did anything that could be called an offence in law with regard to my wool. Yours, &C., JAXES PICKARD. DOINGS IN Couecne—At the meeting of Council held on Monday evening last.the Clerk was instructed to procure a barrel of lamp glasees and three bar- rels of coal oil for the use of the town. The health committee were instructed to make a report at the next1Meeting of Council respecting the sanitary con- dition of the town. Councillor Camp- bell gave notice that at the next meet- ing he would move to amend the dog by-law so as to make it provide or the impounding of dogs found running at large without the regulation tag previous to destroying them. After passing ac- counts amounting in all to $242 the Council adjourned for two weeks. • G -00D HORSES.—MR. Elmore—SIR,— Horses seem to take up the attention of naost people just now. When on the road nearly every second Iman you meet is a horse buyer. We I were sur- prised when going up the Situble Line the other day to see Mr. Dan el Wilson, of Maple Grove, refuse $200 or his two year old Clear Grit. His b ood mare has a very fine colt this yeaif by "Sor- rel Cloud." This is as prett a colt as we ever saw and will, no doubt, be heard. from yet. Stanley ean boast of some very fine horses, some of which must eventually win a recor second to. none in. Ontario. Heavy D aught hor- ses also receive special attention, and the prices offered and paid go to show that we MU at least cerap te in, horse fteeli.—OBBERVER. EXPLANATI ON . —We last week pub- lished a.letter from Mr. James Pickard, of Tuckersmith, making certain accusa- tions against Mr. J. S. Porter, in con- nection with some wool transaction be- tween them. Respecting the naerits of the dispute between these 'two gentle-' men we know nothing. We published the letter not for the purp se of injur- e contrary, rests to do Mr. Pickard secret, and them public considered it r. Porter as rket to per - Porter could that in this laced before the reasons h the letter, ing Mr. Porter, but, on tul believing it to be in his int so. The charges made by were not likely to be kep when he wished to make over his own signature, we to be in the interests of well as of the Seaforth m mit him to do so, that Mr. publicly reply to them, an way both sides could be the public. These were which induced us to publi and we believe the public will sustain us in this position. We regret, how- ever, to learn that som sentence in Mr. Pickard's indirect charge of theft Porter. Such a suggestio car to us before publishi else we should certainly that part, as any person Mr. Porter, would never, ion, think of insinuat' openly preferring, such a construe a letter into an against Mr. did. not oc- g the letter, ave omitted who knows n our opin- , much less harge against him. His character for iilitegrity is, we believe, unimpeachable. We make this explanation in justice ,both to Mr. Porter and ourself. His Version of the affair will be fonnd in another column. 1 house with me. Mr. I eat rented a , house to -day and Wilkins n and I a e going to room with them and prow a our own eatables. In thatway We w I get much better acconmodatiou at a reasonable figure. Everypereoa here seems to be up to the ey :: in busineds and speculation, and s thistle and stir from early morn till 1 te at uight., ' ter* ended. d during the e work again esd y even - for the tete*, the lustitute r inspecti . McCaugh FROM WINNIPEG.—he ollowing is an extract from a letter received from Mr. M. C. Kenealy, who le t here a few weeks ago for Winnipeg, k anitoba. Mr. Kenealy for eeveral mon hs before his departure from here wa: engaged as book-keeper in Messrs. ill Brothers' store. His letter is dates June 14. He says: I reached here saIely on Satur- day evening of the week left Seaforth and was agreeably surp ised with the appearance of the city. It is much larger and the buildings generally aree better than I expected to .ee. I was on the street only a few Minutes when Dave McCloy slapped me on the shoul- der; in a few minutes more Bailey, Wilkinson, McIntosh, Hume, Byrnes, and George Stone hove in sight. Of course I was as pleased tq see them all as they were surprised at seeing me in this pert. There are s many from Seeforth here that the pl ce don't seem at all strange. On Mond y I had three situations at the tins ithing trade offered me. My first trouble was, which would be the best ne to accept. Atter a consultation with friends I ac- cepted an offer from J. H. Ashdown, and commenced work n Thursday morning at $2_50 per ay. So far, everything is shaping to ney entire satis- faction with one ex-ception, and that is the great difficulty there it in getting a suitable boarding house. 1 Any kind' of decent board can't be got for less than $5 per week. There are so many stran- gers flocking into town that the hotels ' are all crowded and ca11 get whatever { charge they like to naake. Messrs. ; Smith and West are both in the same DRAW• ING CLASS.—Fii• t The class to be discone warm weather, and res on the 4th of October. jT ing being the closing less several of the directors f visited the class, and '4.f the work of the pupils ' Mr. Lumsden and M.LI addressed a few remark pointing out the benefit e a be obtained from suc the Government, realia tance of this departme s t gives a grant for the p couraging such ciasses,I a Institute had secured a teacher, Mr. Gray, the class, which had prove cessful class ever hel with the Institute. learned with pleasure gress being made by t interest they had. m study, and they felt co the school resumed we a g y, mpbell oacli to ' the claps, d plOasurea to study; tit,tt the imp e - of education rpoee Of en- d , after the i hly qualified. had opened th is the Most sub - in connection ey had also he rapid pro - 0 pupils, and the Pifested in the fihient that when rk on the 4th IA October again that the cllites Would be well attended. Upon 1 a motion being put to the class by Mr Campbell, I a unanimous vote of thanks wastendeeed to Mr. Gray for the •Iab1e manner na which he had conducted the cams, and also fer the amiable vay in whieh lie interested himself itt behalf of the pupils, to which Mr. Gray replied, thanking them for thcir expressions of approval, and hoped tliat when they TO- sumed their studies again they wonld i spend as pleasant and rofitable a sea- son as was now brought to a closeeI-- Com. 1 . I Ceicaele—The first eleven of the Sea - forth Cricket Club visited G-oderich and played a friendly match, with the ell) of that town on Saturday last. T ie Seaforth team went up by the is o'cloek train on Friday evenipg, On arriving at Goderich they were Met at the etatten by the Goderich Club accompanied by the town band whichesc rted them to the town, and wer 1m st hospitably treated by the Guderch rien s. T e return match will he played s The following score shows liuw the match resulted : GODERICH—FI si • C. R. Dan_sford, b G. Bo; A,. M. Ross, b G. Baird Wna. Ward, c Baird, b C eron E. Ross, b Cameron_ A. Ross, ran out J. W Small], b Cameron. Germyn, c Cameron, b G. McDerrnid, b G Baird Stark, b G. Baird. • 4 McDougall, c Reid, b Cold Armstrong, not out 4 Byes 1, leg -byes 3. ST Total. GODERICH—SE C. R. Dinasford, b Came A. M. Ross, b G. Baird 'NIN •T • natioa aespt ao dol isoyt f. nor bp Id I° ted p c 8 itlltiO Cale SS 1 kit ern frei Baileys Toroa We f rmer rs. J to c arge. ourt d y ev a peal a peal osto nath 13 me nentl snail ateri and M ap ° kl pfk,aeS g up inthat Il aiding the Mechanics ould besolved. A man hed,i, ed from Toronto, who -go n in time for business on ne would scareely believe ng effect in builiness the n losing, even for a day, of of this kind formerly stet town on T ell. Mr. Moo ht agent for . His headqu as.—Mr. on agent esday last. e is now he Intercol ters are sti , HO has a ve y geed situp, otioe that Rev. Mr Th y of this town, and fathe mes Beattie, his been app lora, where heihas a very An adjourneemeeting of f Revision iwill )ae held on ning next, l when Dr. Cole will he heard. The Docto d against I, the the property boys are eXpeo port at this me the audience large.—The n g purposes has 'n street was ✓ for the —There is some talk of • flower bazaar, or some sort, to be hel in the ek d the profits o be devot Institute. 'ed out, vto onized.—We SO HE HURON st- nial 1 in ion. gin, of int - SS asaessment of n Main id et, ting there w'14 be eting, and ill likely be nu - w tank for e red been compl ted, atered wit the first time oa hing ing d to he ld, projectif it could be c tiodou ersta ater leaving It ie er Mayor Shop. portio Ipa.seen inapt° lwere i posed bled a friend splltite 1We int of the author signs o If the the bui to be in its burned lotion its/ 'ret CTOSSe Havin clubs tus 'Ie. onyt t .... 6 cha le . 2 7 of the o and B • 1 Cfoor:n.tn 0 graeel 9 fere there • 1 4_48 ttn ahhr th , a, INNINGS. Coteac . ttdi ihwo aeaiv l ip eat • ' " ' • • ' •1 gBrues o seems OND Wm. Ward, c Roberts, b p. Ba E. Ross, b G-. Baird A. Ross, b Cameron J. W. Smaill, c D. Baird 1 G. Germyn, c Reid, b Canie• n McDermid, b G. Baird Stark, c C. Charlesworth, Ip Ca McDougall, not out Armstrong, c Girdlestone, b Byes 1, leg -byes 3. rd eroa .1 16 Morris • 6 sacrile •rneron,4 0 , 4 -Ln2 Total SELFORTH--FtI ST IINNINOS D. Charlesworth, b 110$ . . ... • .t G. R. Coldwell c A. M. Rss, b LE. Ross R. J. Girdlestone, c and Ros . . , IL Cameron'c Mc °riga , b R ss . < D. Baird, c Stark, b Bo S 4 G. Baird, b Ross 4•1 T. Coleman, b McDoug 11 J„ .•I 2 J. S. Roberts, not out r , 13 W. 0. Reid, c C. Ross, I) McDo galt • ..... ,5 4 . .1 T. E. Joslin, c A. M. Ro . .. ...... s 1. .. .. J. Watson, b A. Ross... ....... , 0 Byes 8, leg -byes, 1, "dos ' 12 — Gr 29 Mo is nia tak 10 2 5 7 8 18 LOCA.L BRIEFS.—'Mr. ., ndreve 'Yoe g has sold his Royal Geo go c It 1 to Dr. Hurlburt, of Brucefield, •or $ 30. T,he Doctor has got a ge d and chap driver. —A few days ago a numeer o yagr nt pigs broke into th garden of 1MrJ, F. Hohnested, at his r sidenge i Harper - hey, and rooted u and destroyed number of beautiful ft wer beds, be. sides doing other damage. r. Hol e- sted does not live within the ounde of the corporation of 1 Seaforth,1 else this would not have happen d hi as B and cows are not allowed t ' Trun at large here at unseasonable a tirs.—The many hiends of Mr. D. McN ught *ill be pleased to learn that hi s lf family and effects arrived safely at apid 0ity on the 28th of May, and we ap osetley this time will be co for ab y lo ated in their new home.— he eafo th crick- eters gave Goderic a te hike drab ing in a match on Sat rday last. It 1.oks as if Seaforth is dt,stin d to whip all creation at cricket this seas n.—There is lots of cordwooc being pe med into town now.—The ollovting •eetlereen represent Seafortlittt the We:tern Rifle Association's MartI II ld iLondon this week, viz: .i. ?sera. J. . Wilaon, .. I J. A. Wilson, C arle Wilson, Alex. Wilson, J. S. Roberts, M. Monroe nd Dr. Gouinlock.—We aro informed that • one night not longa0o some villainous person entered the eta le here Mr. Carter's stallion "01 1 ,W llington," was, when on his regu er r unds, and with a knife or se e other sharp instru- ment inflicted a b d wound upon the animal's tongue, from the effects of which he has sincei been laid up. --The Street Committee re haying the gray - ening and other tred tinoyements done in good timethis season.—Mr, Wm. Fowler, ofthe Huron Ritad, Tack- ersmith, returned omefrom Dakota. on Saturday last. 1 r. F wler likes -the country well and s ys art if be could sell his farm hers to advantage he would go out there to live. He is very comfortably situat d here, and if he will take the advic of a friend, he will leave well alone. Mr. Robert McMil- lan, of Roxboro McKillop, intends starting for Kansa in a few days. He goes for the purpoe of visiting his Bon, who holds a responsible position on a railway iu that State and is also largely engaged in stock raising. He will have a pleasant and enjoyable trip. He ex- peets to be gone about three weeks.— There was a money famine in town on Mouday last. The regular teller in the Ba k of Comrnero6 left on Saturday for his holidays and transferred his books and cash to another than. Zhese were deposited in the vault as usn I on Sat- urday night, but after closing the safe the new teller forgot the combination numbers of the lock on, the vault door and consequently admission to the vault eould not be got until the combi- 1 , t, be well pa d that some o ject to the, aew auk for street atering purpOses been erected on private property. cted on a lot belonging to the in rear of Mr .I Ward's harress We have in our posses of the front sill of the Se er station honse. Whe ements mentiened last 11 - ion a L forte the week progrees, the front sill was ex - o the atmosphere and it ay almost like snuff, icked up a fetv of the and presented them nd keeping them as mem e Grand eaforth. ast encou olks won' as there liberality of t ties toward decay are at I rand Trunk ding down, an me special Providence op avor which prevents its down, it is at least some o know that there are s e Ses.for ing for 1 comer to give ending t LOW publ'ehes a d team in either of Huron Perth ad on ing down.—TJ lub are spoi vanquished ow seem afraid In the hope o e Secretary go to any pick hree counties Is rum/ nd otten o usi ntoea runk Thee aging. pull SeenIS rating being coned- gns h La- . fight. , other hem la is ag- Is uce. "Who will dare tr: av me coat."—The i IcKillop are having a good , oat of aid on the road north et Sea - The Council battle bray -1y with airs of this road, and a though • of keeping it lup is alai; Ofit too or them, they eserve c edit for raiseworthy efforts. If the Is of Morris an Grey wo d only ell as McKill p, the r ad be- eaforth and Brussels ould be ry creditable c ndition, «hereas rtion of it bet een Wal on and Is is the revers of -this. But it o be a recogniz d princi le of the Council, which they co eider it :e to violate, n t to m ke any •ements on botindary li4ies, and y ••on't do anything to i unlees is does, and consequently the road oing to ruin as fast as it ce.n.—We 1, erstand that Mr. James tat has n p land itt Dakota, and is nolve busly engaged break ng and making oth r improvements preparator to r- rnofrin his family there. He will lik ly e home in the fall.—Mr. Whit - mash has been awarded the contraet for Ithe erection of the new Methodiat parsonage at Walton. It is to be a comfo table and ootnmodious frante edifice and when finished will cot ab ut 1,000. The cellar is now dag an the material is being laid upon the kro n.. — Haying has already co me ces in this vicinity, and about tlte be in 8 mg of the weekl it will be general. Th crisp will be a fair one, t king it all rob nd.—Mesers. Brownell & Ab 11 ha e gain received the con act f r wa eri a g Mein street. i Those iiiterested ma tierefore rely that the Work will be ro serly done, sa whatever these ge tie's en undertake to do they_ alwa,ya do we . 1 ro HE • Morris. WAY To Do IT, --On Feiday the 10t st., Mr. George Moffat, of Moreia erebteilthe frame of a barn 50x80 feet, being he largest in this vicinity. Arthslr Murphy, the framer, is highl y reclonaiss ended for the manner in whiela he fidshed the job. I As is usualn such ases sides were chosen, Mr. Ro1:t. Mille , of Turnberry, and Mr.; George Johns on of Morris, being baptains. After very severe centest the Turn - berry :ide came out ahead. In the owns g Mr. Moffat p ovided an excel - 1 lent s pper, and had he floors cleared for th dance, which as kept up until the m ruing star gave signs of the coin ing d y. Mr. Moffat 'is to be very hig ly cO.i plitnented for his fine bnildin s, as we 1 as his success in farming and raising. stock OU T OF REVISION —The Court la Re ia on met on the 13th inst., accord - in to adjournment. The following ap- pe le lwere heard and disposed of, via : C as. McRea, assessed for lot 16, Jaiie str et Belgrave, in place of G. -Johns- to ; Phos. Creighton, assessed for lot 2, Cies. s survey, Itelgra,ve, in place of Ro t. Morrison; Roht. McCutchedn, on dog struck off; James Speir, oae do struck off; Mark Cardiff, assessed fo Nt of St of lot 24, concession 5, in pi ce of John H. Olaldwell, personal pr pe ty struck off arid real estate re - du ed 8140; Stephen Lamb, assessed for lo 23, concession 10, in place of Jame Murray; Michael Kelly, assessed fot no thwest part of lot 11, concession 8, in lace of James Newcombe, per- soital roperty struckoff and real estate reduc d $100; Geo. Parker, entered for north ast quarter of lot 10, concession 6; H Claek, personal property Btrtiok off. n motion, the Court of Revision was t en closed and the assesement roll a revised and corrected was estab- lished as the assessment roll of this towns ip for the chrrent year. Coun- cil be iness being taken up, the follow- ing az ounts were ordered to be paid: Simeon Eaket, for planking Rattan's bridge, 838; Missos, Exford,. charity, 810;' eter McArthur', ditch and pipe, $2; j.len McArthur, ditch and pipe, $1.10. Moved by John R. Miller, sec- onded by H. Goarnan, that the Reeve be instra ted to have Armstrong's bridge 0 re -built as soon aa p H. Mooney be instrao vert put on sideroad and 26, in the south sion, also three only° cession line opposite Carried. Moved by ed by H. Mooney, tul instructed to have a side line at lots 10 8, also, that D. Bell a ditch and put in a concession 3—Carri er's bond, on being Conncil, was accept The Council then a again on the 11th da Wrox XPOSIT011a ssible, also, that ed to have a cul - between lots 25 slf, 5th mum's- ts on the 5th 0011 - lots 27. and 28— . Wray, seoond- at H. Gosmati be nlvert put in en nd 11, concessicn e instructed to dig ulvert at lot 15, d.. The Treasur- examtned by the as satisfactory. journed to meet of July next. ter. DEATH.—Mr. John! Caskie, of Turn - berry, aged 48 yeartiq died on Sunday last at 5 o'clock A.I M., after a I very short illness. RETURNED. — MF. John Hooey has again returned from Winnipeg, having sold off his stock of herses. He intends going out again shortly with other two loads. CROPS.—Since the recent rainy spell t the crops have impr ved a greatdeal and hopes of a better harvest tha was anticipated are being ntertained. Some of our farmers are putting in a large supply of turnips to make up ter the deficiency of the graie crop m the ear- lier part of the season. Blu.evale. DOMINION DAT.—Among the various attractions to be offe ed the people of Blnevale and vicini y on the Mist of July there will be name more des rving of public patronage than the cone rt to be given by Mr. Efollis on the ev fling of that day. Mr. Hollis is a h at in himself, and aa an original comic Inger he has few supetiore. Among dthers who will assist hitn an this occas on is Professor Jones, of Setaforth. Thi gen- tleman's reputation is already s well established that any Words of conimen- dation from us are Unnecessary. The entertainment will be one of the best, if not the best ever given in Blnevale, and all who do not attend. will miss a rare musical treat. There should be a crowded house. Hibbrrt. SHEEP WORRIED. On Wedn sday night of last week Nir. Wm. Selley, of the 9th concession f Hibbert, h a 15 sheep and 12 lamb worried by dogs, and seven of these w re Bo badly torn and mangled that h does not expect they will recover. n going out early in the morning Mr. ellery noticed his sheep scattered arouiid the field, and OR going to seo what wa the matter two dogs jumped over th fence in front of him. One of the d gs he recogaized, but the other he did iot know, and was unable to keep track of him. The one dog belongel to Mr. Wi11iam Bickle, of the 9th concession, who immediately destroyed it on learniag the facts. There being no dog tax collected in Hibbert Mr. Sellery will likely have to bear the loss himself, as the township is not res. ponsible. Brucefield. Aeon:arm—A distressing accident oc- curred on Monday eVening last at a bare raising on the farm a Mr. Molienaie on the road between Bretcefield and yarnai. A young man named! Colin McDonald, son of hitt. Dunoap McDonald, of Tuckersmith, near 1rucefie1d, fell froth the top of the buildi g to the ground, a distance of about 2 feet, and receive such severe injuries hat he is not likel to recover. It se -em one of the plate had been raised up b the men ,below when the pike Pole, hich was helding it commenced to slip Young McDonald came along the plate and righte the pike pole, when the men attemp ed to shove the plate to its place, but instead of going straight forward as was expect- ed, it turned round, e.nd the young man losing his footing fell to the ground head formost as above deseribed. Medical aid was promptly sumnioned, but very slight hop** are entertained of of his recovery, as his lower extremities are completely paralyzed. The sad affair was purely accidental, and was not due in any respeet to carelessness or rashness on thepartof anyone. • • Winthrop. FARMER vs. GRA.NGERS.—Mr. Editor— Sir: I notice in a communication in your paper of the. 17th inst., a letter from one signing hhateelf " Farmer," in which he uses my name to beck up some of his assertions against the Grille- gers, with whom he- seems to be et variance. In the firet place he rows mly name without my knowledge or consent. This I wish to be dietinctly understood. In the second place, I heard no distur- bance or noise whatever on the night to which he refer. I am as easily wakened in my sleepas any other indi- i vidual ia Winthrop, and had there been any unusual noise would have heard it. I have known t e Grange and its members ever since 't has been organ- ized, and consider I am able to jnd e for myself, and the result of Day jud meat is that the Gr ngers each and 11 are as respectable a class of people as I would desire, and ainst whom 1 ha''e no cause of any c mplaint whatever. Hoping you will in rt this and oblige, I remain, yoms, &o., Wieetalt Coos. ED. Noric..—We have also received a letter frofn " Granger " in reply to that from " Farmer " which appeared last week, but as it is rath lengthy our apace forbids its publication this week.. It will appear in our next ' Hay. 1 COURT OF RHVISION.—The Court of Revision met pursue,nb to adjournment on Wednesday, 15th June. Moved by Mr. RannieSeconded by Mr. Heyrock, I that John Esson be placed on the Resi- i dent Roll as owner of north half of north half of Lot 9, L. R. W. and J. Beck as tenant of Perk Lot 21, K. S., Zurich—Carried. Moved by Air. Ran- ; nie seconded by Mr. Moritz, that the following farmers' seals be placed on , the roll for 1881: Christian Heyrock,H. Miller, 3. Kleindefeldt, S. Rosenberger, I. Martin, T. Decket• R. Bailey—Car- ried. Moved by Mr Rennie, -seconded by Mr. Heyrock, that the. Court of Re- vision of the Assessiuent Roll for 1881 be now closed—Ca 'ed.—The Connell met at the call of thie Reeve after the ' close of the Court of Revision. , Moved by Mr. ,Rannie, seconded by Mr: Moritz, that the Clerk be instructed to draft a by-law for the purpose of raising the sum of $2,500 for paying the South Boundary Gravel Road Debentures — Carried. Moved by Mr. Moritz, seconded by Mr. Heyrock, that byela* No. 3, 1877, be repealed, and that he Clerk draft a , byelaw dividing the Municipality of Hay into 6 polling sub -divisions for Legisla- thief and Municipal purposes. The by- law was read, passed and signed. The Ceuncil adjourned -o meet on the 9th of Aegust next. iBeotesrominAgiroBanni h. tm ie is expected heren Slits to spend a philaia—ssaeuniltiPfaanraadliPeleenersjdoeiynn the history of Bly - able day,let him orlhercome to Blyth.— Dame Rumor says that our enterprising livery man on Dineley street is going to be—well, next Tuesday is said to be the day set. Varna. 'TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. — The next meeting of the Varna Teachers' Insti- tute will be held in the school house on Saturday, June 20111, at 1 o'clock P. X. A very interesting programme is being prepared, and it is hoped that teachers and other e interested in edu- cation will make lit a point to be pres- eat. These meetings are productive of na much good, and should receive that patronage which heir importance de- mands. H eitt COW KILLED. On • Friday last a s lendid grade cow belonging to Messrs. . Snell & Son, was skipping playfully &pound a pasture field, when it met its death in a singular manner. Espying a snag sticking up in the field, the cow ren at it with low red head, when her here caught under it and she turned a solmersault, fallin With her head be- neath her body. n 1 two minutes she wee dead. GOOD FkLL Wei 4.—It is not often this year that we Meet with farmers who can boast of their fall wheat, but Mr. William Stew rt, of the 8th conces- sion of this towntlhip, seems to be an eXception. He hae a field of ten acres which he assures is will ayerage four feet two inches iii length. It is also thick on the green d and well headed mit, and promises big crop. The land is high and retitle end was summer- fallowed, and is *ll sheltered by bush. BLRN BURNED. During the storm on Thursday , night of last week, the barn of Mr. Andre» Ginn, of the 3rd. Cencession of Hu lett, was struck by lightning and the s arn and its contents were entirely dest .yed. There was no insurance. Mr. G nit had. his property i Isuted in the Mc t illop 'company but h s policy expired. few days previofls. lyf. On the preces sg Tuesday, Mr- N1eilands, the agen for the company, et. him and asked him to renew his p licy, but he put t off till a future d te, and his dela has occasioned him censiderable loss. • Star' e'31". , LIGHTNING.—Two horses belonging to Nr. Cooper, Stanley, were struck and k lled by lightning during the storm en Thursday night of 1ast week. Strange t say that a lit e foal which was wth the horses at t e time of the storm eecaped unharmed. , 'PAINFUL ACCIDENT. — Mrs. Forbie, who was visiting her sister, Mrs. a. McKinley, Goshea I line, Stanley, met with a very painful'accident on Sunday afternoon. She, in company with the McKinley family, 0. tended. the Metho- dist Church in Bae sold. After service, jest as they got in s the carriage,an um- brella, was raised, 'ghtening the horses, which plunged vio ntly,overturning the carriage, and resu mg in the fracture of Ural Forbie's leg. Comicie DOINGS.—At the last meet - i g of the Stanley Council tenders were ✓ ceived from the following gentletnen, ✓ z.: Messrs. J. S , erritt and J. Shep- pard, for putting in stone culvert; Messrs. J. Starro , and James Galagher, Henry Cook and Jelin McCann for grad- ing and cutting I down embankment. oved by J. Torrance, seconded by eorge Castle, that the tenders of Messrs. J. Sherritt and J. Shephard, $260, and Messrs. J. Sparrow and Jas. Galagher, 8200, be accepted—Carried. Moved by George Castle, seconded by P. Douglas, that the Reeve give an order to Mr. L. Hardy, for expenses con- nected with _drawing the plan and specifications of culvert between lots 18 and 19, B. R. N., said expenses being $6—Carried. T e Connell adjourned te meet again at the call of the Reeve. Tuaersmith. FOR MANITOBA.+—MT. Alexander Dav- idson, brother ofi Mr. A. Davidson, of riarton Brae, sailed from G-oderich by t e steamer Qeebec, for Duluth on Saturday last. He goes from thence to Manitoba. It is his intention, if he likes the country to locate there. We are sorry our youtig friend has left Tuck- earamith, but wish him every possible saccess in the Great Lone Land. He is jest the right kind of a man to succeed, and we have no doubt but he will do better there than he could do here. THE ANCIENT LEADERS.—Not a little amusement was Occasioned at the barn raising on the feral of Mr. Charles Eb- erhart, about a mile east of Egmond- ville, one day last week, by the choosing as leaders of a coeple of old residents in the persons of lr. John C of the Mill Road, aud Mr. Daniel Kennedy. Twenty years age these veterans were oonsideren A 1 men on such occasions, ' but time has at length made them both " not so smart as they used to was." However, on this occasion they display- : ed wonderful agility and skill, and the building under their captaincy went up ha quick order. Mr. Cameron's side, however, got through first, which gave brother John a chance to crow at the expense of his vanquished but good aatured oppone t, all of which made lots of fun for th se who attended the °‘11seting. Iereo{retirees. Notwithstanding the almost total faller° of the wheat crop in this township this year, in passing through the various concessions we have never Been so meet), substantial improve- ments going on n the shape of new barns, old ones reesed and stone founda- tions put under them, under -draining, fencing, &c., t1 every direction you travel. We mig t mention a few of the parties, and first we will take those in the building line. A new brick eharch at Chiselhurst ; puncan McLean, new atone foundation for barn: James Mc- Farlane, new stone foundation for barn; Thomas Robertson, new stone founda- tion for barn; Wm. McDougall, new stone foundation for barn; Peter Day - mond, new stone foundation for barn; Wm. Chapman, new stone foundation eorbarn ; Archie McGregor, new stone foundation for barn; James McLean, tiew stone foundation for barn; John Lindsay, new stone foundation for barn; James Houston, new stone foundation 1 REMOVAL, REMOVAL for barn ; Wm. Alleti, new stone foun- dation for barn; James McIntosh, new stone foundation for barn. Itt addition to these Mr. James Pickard hae erected the largest barn that we ever attended the raising of, and the splendid frame as well as the correct manner in which it A f! went together is creditable indeed te, "1 1" workmansliip and skill of Mr. Keating, the framer, and a Satisfa.ction to the proprietor. Next come the new barna of Mr. Babols and Mr. Charles Eber- hart, which, though not so extensive, are neat and commodious buildings. Mr. John Hannah, our worthy deputy reeve, is not lagging in the march of improvement. He has wisely taken down an old dilapidated building and replaced it with al;ne etructure that has a magnifieent ppearance on the castle hill. Mr. James Johnston, his neighbor, has followed snit and raised and renewed an old barn and put a stone foundation uuder it, while Mr. Joseph Fowler and Mr. John Hugill have done likewise. I am sure that none of these parties will regret the trouble or expense they have been at after one winter's experience of the convenience and comfort to themselves and their stock. The old Ex. is also making large additions to his barracks. He must be expecting another Fenian raid when he is providing so much ac- commodation. In the fencing line the names are too numerous to mention, but the Messrs. J.- and T. Broadfoot take the palm. Others may count their rods but they count by the mile. Suffice it to say, in concluston, that the im- provements are of a lasting and sub- stantial nature, an1 old dilapidated barns and fences are fast becoming s thing of the past as well as the frog ponds and worthless ewanaps.—Co. Me -Kill op , MA'TTERS AND IHINGS.—MR. EDITOR, IR—As this is the 'first time I have Jroubled you, I hope you will spare me a little space in the columns of your valuable newspaper. As I was return- ing home from Mitchell on Wednesday last, I noticed a part of side line 10 and 11 newly gravelled, about 70 or 80 rods or thereabouts. I am told the council- lor for that ward, namely ward. 2, managed to get a grant of $200 for 'that ideline, and I am Informed on good e•uthority that the greater part of that eum will be expended on said side line extending 2 miles north from` the Huron Road, which I consider is very unjust on the part of our councillor, who made such flattering promises to his constituents at the nomination, which is the case with most of thern until they are elected. But I must say Mr. John Horan was the only mani who ever gave us north people fair dealing. He may have his faults but he was strictly honest. He {was sometimes ac- cused of letting jobs privately, but lam told our present councillor does the same, so I think the l sooner this town- ship is out of wards the better kir all parties. It ought to get a trial by general vote of the ratepayers. ; Mr. Holland will please , explain his Object for trilling with the public funds, as he has done by giving an exorbant figure for hauling gravel, hiring men to fill gravel, and also a man at the duMp for a dollar a day, when one man itt! one day could spread all the gravel hauled in four days. It looks as if he wee only there for an excuse; and if Mr. H011and wanted to bestow a charity on hirn he should place him on that list. tours, A TWELFTH CONCESSION RITEPAYE 'Jam eStOW11. ANOTHER BAR.N.-;,--MF. Henry MeLean, framer, Brussels, raised a large raine barn for Mr. Ingraham, 3rd concession of Morris, 011 Tuesday. THE QUESTION.—" To be or not to be" shortened—the holidays in the jublio schools, or will they drag theizj slow length as in the saintly days of yo e. Th DAKOTk.—Mr. Reuben Beldeia,who went out to Dakota last spring, is doing well out there and likes the country much. He is located in Northern Da- kota, whioh, he writes, is an excellent farming district. He expects to accu- mulate the " ducats " pretty lively out there during the next few years. May he prosper. Beows OVER. —A barn on the farm of Mr. Donald McDonald, 2nd concession of Grey, had been raised up off the ground and supported in the way such things are usually done. It was intend- ed to Put a stone wall underneath it. Everything was dn readiness for the work to be conmenced—the owner being absent trona home getting a tank to draw the water with—when the wind storm of last Moaday sprang upon the scene and razed. the entire fabric to the ground after the Most orthodox fashion, leaving it a complete wreck. FERSONAL.—Dr, John lIanailton and wife, of Pompeii, Michigan, are paying a -visit to their daeghter, Mrs. Taylor, of Grey township, near here.—Mr. Daniel McGillicuddy, one of the editors of the Huron Signal, a sharp, lively writer, and a veritable ;Attila in newspaper warfare, was seer up in this part of the country on Monday. He looked well, and we never before knew or thought that he could don such good clothes or occupy them sO, jauntily as he did. Verily, he can never more claim kind- red in the matter of wardrobe with the Cherokee Chief ae he was wont to do. • liensall. STRAWBERRIES.' — Strawberries are being freely brought to the market and appear to meet with good demand. We notice Mr. John Gilchrist and Mr. Robt. Laing, of Tuckersmith, are shipping away large qua,ntities from this station to neighboring towns and villages. PERSONAL.—The RON/. R. Redmond, son of Mrs. Redioinnedo,bo.ofarElagi yw, where re- preosfer d lino h studies at the e ' hadtcann pleased to learn the reverendir tont', and e Canada Methodist gColllsege. We at K' ri email think the ir on peop e ortmtate in has been statioped having such an able minister and earnest worker sationed among t ern. HEA.RD Feom.1—, Your correspendent is just in receipt bf a lengthy and inter- esting letter from Mr. R. G. Hillen, Who was formerly a r sident of this Vills.ge, but is now a set ler in Dakota. Mr. 1 Hillen is highly leased with the coun- try, and has beep fortunate enoegh to secure a nice property within a short distance of a thriving village. There is also a line of railtoad under construc- tion that will pails within_ a couple of miles of his property. Mr. Hilton says he almost feels as though he were in. Canada,from the fact of being surround- ed on all sides by settlers from Canada, , MCDOUCALL::& COI MAIN STREET, 0 1:?i H BEFORE REMOVING INTO THEIR NEW STORE -I WILL SELL OFF TIIE WHOLE OF TB:EIR SUMMER STOCK AT Wholesale Cost Price. SALE TO COMMENCE TIM OAT And Continue for On Mona. ALL GOODS SOLD FOR CASH AT COST PRICE. Any baying at this Sale on tirne will besiharged. Ten Per Cent. Extra, but the Goods •will be sold at Wholesale Cost the same as to Cash -Custom- ers. THIS IS A GENUINE SAM; And all we ask is a Call to Compare Prices with any other Dry Goods House in Camila. Factory Cotton, by the Aga,' At 8 cents, Old Price 8 and 9 cents per yeti. 1 A. G. McDOUGALL &Ca MAIN STREET, SF1AFORTH. many of Whom formerlet resided near Seaforth,: Clinton and iti Hallett. We are confident Mr. Hilton's many friends here will be pleased to learn that he is nicely and conveniently Settled, and so well satisfied with the country. We wish him inu3h prosperity and happi- ness in his new honae. STRUCK BY Thursday evening the 16th inst., the barn of Mr. G. Ingram, of Tuckersraith, was struck by lightning. The electric fluid came in contact with the centre of the roof, cutting an opening of over two feet in the seam,. It then followed the centre post , to the ground sill, 'shivering it to atom,aad then passed into the ground . without doing farther, injury. The barn whett struck contained four hones. We congratulate Mr. Ingram on hie narrow escape from what came so near- ly proving a serious loss to him. Howioe. Coneme.—At the last. meeting of the Howiok Council, held on the 15th Mate the following business Was transacted: It was reeolved to expend 040 on the hill on concessions 16 ,and 17, lot 11; Messrs. Weir, Johnson And the Reeve were appointed to &asinine the road scrapers before they are given out for use; the Reeve and Mr. Weir were in- structed to procure an outlet for Albert Willis across It 20, coacession B. A letter wasread from the -Clerk of Minto relative to the repairing of a boundary bridge, when it was decided that $50 be expended in improvements on, the , boundary, providing Minto appropriate a similar sum. Mr. Weir was author- ized to expend $15 on Turnberty boun- dary, providing Turnberry will expend an equal sum. The Reeve was empow- ered. to expend $20 in improvements on side lines 5 and 6, and I. and 2, and on the east endof concession C. It was resolved to expend $13 on the Carrick boundary opposite lots 29 and 30'pro- viding Carrick give an equivalent. Mr. Joseph Mahood. applied for a bridge ou concession 14, opposite lot 18, aud Messrs. Jacques and Johnston were ap- pointed to elaraine the bridge and re- pair it if necessary. Messrs. Weirs JtteglleS and Johnston were appointed to inspect side line 10 and 11, conces- sion 12, and repair it if necessary. It was resolved that Mr. Ketchum receive iao more aid from the Council at pres- ent. The Clerk WEIS instructed to no- tify Mr. Robert Elliott to take any ma- terial he may require for filling the dump at the bridge on cOneeSSiOn 61 SO long as he does not spoil the road or ite- terfere with the fences. It was decided to pay Mr. George Padfield $6 extra for taking school census on the assessineat roll. After passing a number ot ac- counts, the Cotwoil adjourned to meet itt Gorrie on the third Wednesday itt July. FOITI Nonloi THE c EADY1 4 MIT muFsE GO 3. Cat *nd sna (11.0thing. Se SCOTCH and- ENGLISE - and V BIACK $1.2. Y013TIIS' BOYS' St SPEW, We offer TESTS at a gains sts the STVL OCOM r pi Aszu8t l- :and Sti AsOorted THiE 011 Scotch As these Na P°110 lirrN nest1=J the Lovett Q. VATS AN llsis sin the stock ori Stock oi READY 1 -Gentlemen tiouls•rly hrvil proven= is fl lientna Ladies war find them hei Britt Block FARN REA PO MAO 'VARMERS ' hag man Idellis Kipp i stands the new metal, a) notice. GiV money, F1 j Tiovdrin Or the old Special att* rue. flz 01 Black A Laspigfi , ParUes 011,01-m ignrsofl,4t tne.mhat eemorabLis.tt 707-8 T ER Sr in the II situat,ed ant L ttte corner o tOWte,where A ystars. effizs -of plteCabout particulars ay V