The Huron Expositor, 1881-06-10, Page 3FUNK 10, 1881 %el\T —OF -- AIL STEAMSHIpa L, LONDONDERRY ) GLA.SGOW. WEST SEA. ROU ediete and Steerage Tickets et tteerage Passengers are booked Hit, Bristol, Qiieenstown,DetrY, and Glasgow, at same rates ei FROM QT.TEBEC 7th Aso 14th. MO 21st lantx 24th MA'x ^ .... ... • ... 4th Juice lith. assl,,st 18th JUNE 25th aiszit 2nd JULY Jur 16th .1111ez 23rd JULY 30th as -LI • reeding at Quebec with the lea-% e Toronto every M. For ticke s and every ies CENCI. Agent, Seletfortb. _ ; RE AN 0 E. FARM FOR SALE • ,ettan, at the Village of :flry evi el (I . E has been instructed by the DONALD Mc D 0 UGALL, nction, at TURNER'S 110TEL, fl JUNE 21. 1881, Farxu, consisting of Lot Stanley, centaining 100 acres, Lt an d, well fenced and in, a first: titivation ; the balance ie well iemg e nsiderable first-class rail egocd buildings, a large bearing it- little hayfield river rune et the film; It is on a go :in three miles of Brucefield, and chnrchea, &e. TERMS. t Le jurehase money to be paid and the balance on easy terms apply to the proprietor. or to the auctioneer at SeafOrth. 1,t11 the let October, 1831. McDOUGALL, Proprietor. L tioneer, 698 - FAL & BLACK, E. MAKER& re have bought the Tools and lately carried an by the Sled. ta Manufacturing Company, and cperience of over eight vearaM w prepared to carry on the trade 8. ttel to us wfll receive prompt sclass work guaranteed. tuners made and repaired, also :d Sheet Iron Work, &e., at ma - I made and old ones repaired, on ce, and at prices that day cam- 3.TAL & BLACK, Box 103, Goderich. T E OWE CALLERY. W CALDER, 1:•cit el:rasher of Se a(orth , having the tit ry ordeal, is now sunning Str, in his new and commodious 11 s Eleck. This is the Oldest ectieri, and has been thoroughly A.u3 aith, all the latest appli- ! effects specialty for the acoom- r. Calder's, large and increasing, now get into one of the hand. eeninletely furnished galleries Lew in a better position than time to tern out all work in the ae entrusted to him in a superior Itwtst living profit, and on the notice. A call is cordially 80- ,..t/ER„ Scott's Block, Seaforth. :MPORIUM. tr hereby thanks his nurneroue reerchante and others) for their during the past 7 years, wad intesrity and close attention to their confidence and trade in ng great ls enlarged his prem. t• Eater, he is now prepared tolpay [EST CASH PRIQE e•f Good Fresh Eggs, delivered_ riam, REET, SEAFORTH. ilubscribez, 25 tons of good dry D. D. WILSON 1 CARRIAGE FACTORY. HABERER t on hand, and make to Order,. Weighs, Carriages, Bug. la and every other exticlein their sr.1 exintend their own busterantee a good article both as ,rkmanship. I Finish their work cannot be e large city establishments. tly atteuded to. Give ns a i need that we can satisfy you as lee. iI known to the public, having in Zurich for over 12 years. HESS & HABERER. HT SIDE UP. LLIAMS KINBURN. ed the t•ezvices of Mr. Henry 0 is a .11 lotowzi in. this Vicinity If s. se-slieer, and as a general, to no man in the County, we in being able to give 74 ill all lied& of work, and to, ft t t in the I est possible manner. -Wagropri,_ Sleiglie, Cut - 1 :14W14E and Harrows kept on ord. r on short notice. any others:hop. and, satisfaction guaranteed or JOHN WILLIAMS. HOR LINE. 1ES MAIL STEAMERS Sail erlay flora NEW YORK and Leudonderry) and LONDON era E (41 I. Lon lendt rry (}Ias I Ettroi e. Fares tieflow e Certilleatt H to persons their friends, 1.• con:nu:dation of Anchor Line p:11,:•,ed for Elegance and cOm- S. DICKSON, Ai the Offices.fort13 RSESI WANTED. AN & SHARP : ;1" ti 11 ts TE L, SEA.FORTH, , for the purpose of buying ore 11 to 7 years old. (i S riARP LL, Provincial Land Surveyor g.neer. Orders by mail prompt 1'. CMPBELL 4itthe1l. JUNE 10, 181. 1 TH*ati -4- ON EXPOSI'FfOR. 1$ The Father's Advice to its Son. finradtwgajordd,aand action ; Leint hoovneryest Ythbeougyhourt, a Wthout this principle of pride The heart can feel no satisfaction. The honest man, though e'er so poor, May scorn the rogue with gold encrusted; An upright column stand secure, Abroken branch is never trasted. he poor and lowly no'er despise, Nor judge a man by his apparel; The slave though wrapped in humble guise, afity be nacre honest than an earl. 'is not the gay in gilded dress Whose bosoms most with truth aro glowing; The poppy robed in loveliness Is black at heart while smiles bestowing. To those beneath you never do A deed that may demand defending ; To comrades still be kind and true, To ll be just and condescending. By gentle means you'll win your foe, By frowns his pride you'll only wake it ; The sunbeams melt the frozen snow, The Borcas blast the harder makes it. Rut let no base, insidious power Deprive your mind of just opinion ; Nor to the tyrant ever cower, Nor blench before his dark domir1ion. Look in his face with steady eye, , With brow unbashed, with lid unfailing ; The fearless falcon sweeps the sky, The wenn, yoa know, was made for crawling. Be not too quick to join. a fray, Nor reckless bravo the risk of danger ; Nor deem your own the wisest way:, Nor think at once to know a stranger ; Believe not man is void of grace, Because his looks are not the lightest; Nor always trust a sniffing face - The coldest nights are oft the brightest. The woman who shall win your heart, Let her be simple'wise and tender, With more of modesty than art, .Against the willows to defend her. With power of mind in such a maid, You may despise all vain regalia ; Tbe gent[e violet 'neath its shade Breathes sweeter perfume than the dahlia. In ranking choice of bosom friends, Beware of those who fawn before you ; The smiles which summer sweetly lends Are dark when winter blusters o'er you. And fawners they in friendship fail, So trust them not though e'er so warm ; The osier bends with every gale' • The oak alarm sustains the stonn. With talking fools your distance keep. - They'll bring you nought bat pain and trouble; The placid waters still and deep, Throw up no froth and empty bubble et Then choose a friend of steady mind, 'ea\ Whose every lot is ruled by reason ; til A feather flies with every wind— A rocks the same in every season— . Mr. Martin's Scalp. BY JI1111Y BROWN. After that game of munablete-peg that rat) and. Mr. Martin played he did not come to our house for two weeks. Mr. Travers said perhaps the earth he had to- gnaw while he was drawing the peg had stuck to his insides a,nd made him sick, but I knew it couldn't be that. I've drawn pegs that were drove into every kind of earth, and it never hurt me. Earth is healthy, unless it is lime, and don't you ever let anybody drive a peg into lime. If you were to swallow the least bit of lime, and then drink some water, it would burn a hole through 3 ou just as quick as anYthing. There was once a boy who found some lime in the closet, and thought it was suaar, and of course he didn't like the whispered through the door ti.e.t it was all right ; that Mr. Marti as made that way, so he could be t n apart easy, and that I hadn't h him. I shall have to stay in my r all ;day to -day and eat bread and ater, _and what I say is, that if men with scalps that may co minute if a boy just tout isn't fair to blame the bo Young People. Josh Billings' Trum I have never known a but what was boss of the sit After a man gets to be 38 he haul form any new h the best he kan do is to st Ones. Enny man who kan or ketch fish, and not lie just az pins az men ever this world. • The sassyest man I eve hen-peckt husband when from home. An enthuasiast iz an indt believes about four times ' he kan prove, and he kan four times az much az an lieves. The dog that will follo ain't wrath a cent. Those people who are tri to heaven on their kreed at last they didn't have a t Too long courtships are judicious; the partys oft skoreing fore the trot begine One quart ov cheap w cheeper the better) judicion will do more business for the smartest deacon he has I don't rekolect doing that I was just a little ash what somebody remembered it, and n waz sure, once in a while, to put me i mind ov it., Young man, learn to t; if you undertake to sett a hen b f re she ready, yon will lose your ti and con', fuse the hen besides. 1 the advance of speaker spoke of other States' of t Oat a prohibitory eVerything. - He eral prosperity of re made 1 but there was one off any eral rnle. This them, it I tOn. There he ha Harper's than he had ever The prohibition] forced there. W rty ? Was it t nee from drink oor.1 The cause arried on the gre tate, and wages low rate. The li ue great evil, au utnre time be gaiust the evils entrated capital hey were now e iquor traffic, n Itriction. He w hibition if the m could be got to d -could not have favor of inducing beer and light w iticoholic liquors. Buc1hit Penit nts. 111 11 ards.• nd wife shun. ears old ts much; hie old p horses out it, iz to be in met iz a iz away dual who much az ve about bodey be. any body g to get find out ticket. t always tire out key (the applied, tan than, ny thing ed ov but 1 • ; The Emperor Nich s and the Gypsy 1 His Majesty happened on day to be Iengaged in inspecting a St Peniten, tiary, and took it into his h d to quea, tion some of the convict respecting the nature of the offencee or which they were suffering punish t. "Wha are you -here for ?” he a , of one "I am innocent, Imperial i jesty," ref plied the prisoner, falling ' his knees a victim of false witness!. A 'churc1. was robbed, a beadle kno6 d on the head ; the peasants caugh ld of rne and I knew nothing abut t'" Turn ing to another the Czar ked, "Auc you ?" "False witness ag:, Imperial Majesty. A pedlar was do for close to my house. I never eve reamed of such a thing." "And you?" said Nichol to a thir "Sheer malice, sire. One my neigh bore conveyed a lot of forg notes int my pockets, and hid a a litho- graphic stone in my bedroo . I am 4 taste of 4. So he drank some water to innocent as an unborn bab take the taste out of his mouth, and The Enaperor, obvio9 pretty soon his mother said, "I smell these successive protesta.ti something burning ; gocalness gracious ! 1 lessness, caste, glance along the house is on fire." But the boy he prisoners until his eye fell rt gave a dreadful scream, and sai , "Ma, ged, wretched -looking gypsy 1.1 it's me !" and the smoke curled p out , beckoned forward with th of his pockets and around his ne k, and course you, too, are -here he burned up and died. I know this is 1 charge?" "Not a bit of true, because Tom McGinnis went to ! jesty," replied the Tsigan ; school with him, and told me about it. i and squareas far as I ani Mr. Martin_ came to see Susan last ; stole a pony from.a trades night for the first time since we had, , a pony, did you ?" said th our game ; and I wish he had never 1 laugh, and then, addressin come back, for he got me into an awful 1 or of the prison with scrape. This was the way it happened. stermaess, said : "Turn t I was playing ,Indian in the yard. I % nothing rascal instantly o had a wooden tomahawk and a wooden cannot allow -him to rem longer in such honorable company, lest he -pervert all innocent people." e 6 3 scalping knife and a bownarow. I was dressed up in father's old coat turned inside out, and had six chicken feathers in my hair. I was playing I was Green Thunder, the Delaware chief, and was hunting for pale faces in the yard. It was just after supper, and I was having a real nice time, when Mr. Travers came, and he said, "Jim- my, what are you up to now ?" So I told him I was Green Thunder, and was on the war path. Said he, "Jim - ray, I think I saw Mr. Martin on his way here. Do yoa think you would mind scalping him ?" I said I wouldn't scalp him for nothing, for that would be cruelty • but if Mr. Travers was sure that Mr. Martin was the enemy of the red man, then Green Thunder's heart would ache for revenge, and I would scalp him with pleasure. Mr. Travers said that Mr. Martin was a notorious enemy and oppressor of the Indians, and he gave me ten cents, and said that as soon as Mr. Martin should come and be sitting comfortably on the pi- azza, I was to give the war -whoop and scalp him. Well, in a few minutes Mr. Martin came, and he and Mr. Travers and Su- san sat on the piazza, and talked as if they were all so pleased to s e each other, which was the highestpo raey in the world. After a while Mr. Martin saw me, and said, "How silly hays are ! that boy makes believe he's an Indian, and he knows he is only a little nui- sance." Now this made me mad, and I thought I would give him a good scare, just to teach him not to call he liked it. A person names if a fellow dbes beat him in a down into a dirty cellar, candle, and pay from fift five cents for a glass of V key many times a day, I not be as much liquor d and jumped at him. I caught hold of the large towns if the 1 his scalp -lock with one hand, and .drew , rigidly enforcsd. The my wooden scalping knife around his why the law was not m head with the other. - enforced was on political I never got such a fright in nay whole liquor could not be ob smaller towns; village country districts. The 1a generally supported, and backbone was all on the ponents. Very few, eve ents of prohibition therd. /.• 11 • t 1 bored by s of guilt- the- line f on a ra whom h words, "qf n a false , your Mal - it's all fair ncerned. n." "Stole zar with a he govern - I assumed 0 Prohibition Ai Maire It Works.1 At a recent meeting in t Dominion Temperance A other speakers was Mr. Phil son, the Globe's anti -Pro Commissioner, who said t ed, not as an advocate, bi not to advance any set C, principles, but to give the Maine trip. His position perance question. was th should be willing. to give liquor if it would do any; fellow man. But beforei Maine he did not believe! hibitory law would result% done, and he had believe say that the Maine law The facts as regarded the were these : There was la obtaining liquor in the la towns. It Wtate sold at th-s in various other placei ever, did not tend to sho was a failure, because one law was to lessen the am consumed in the State, a not the shadow of a doub was not generally used ev habitants of the towns in sold. One reason why li drunk in. Maine was bees; price and poor quality. whiskey in Maine he dr 1 1 ublic opi the lista() e Union, law won ad spoken he peopl exception as the tow seen pov witnessed w ; was at caused e law? ever mad was that t cotton ere redo nor traffi it mig ecessary f monopol by the 8' ploying mely, leg s in favor :jority of clare for i rohibition the cons nes in p I I • • 011 ion. The r laws in and added Id not do of the gen- of Maine, to the gen- n of Lewis. rty greater elsewhere. Wetly en. this pox/. o; abstin. any man here was rade of the_ ed to a very was only t at some to proceed and con. me means ainst the slative re f total pro • the people , but if they he was in imption of efsrence to : The central id of Budd o be that Of buy ng merit, he favor of, the gods by eeds and suffering for the hose who tortur their bodi Special privations hope by gore up large q antities o even to be deifie Their devices t various. One three years' vow ly hut at some di ple. Another s tiny cell, coming They say he has years and proba the vow bf pe especially pleasi another, even sm than his fellows, fingers as a situ offer more, we is described as wound with flax in kerosene oil, placed a lights slowly down, co the stump is fin of shears.-1-Chinc hism seems or gaining meritorious ✓ sake, and es or suffer doing so to f merit or in the future world. sh this are fulfilled 3, e in a lone - n the tem- gged in a )r hie meals. n for three will agair., fence being ddha. Still g to suffer i one of hie proposes to he process he finger is been soaked the end is hich burns e finger, and with a pa --r • 1 accompli onk has f hermita tance fro ts cross -1 out only f not spok ly never etual si g to Bt re willin has offere Tice, and re told. follows: hich has and- on taper, sunning t ly cut off Letter. 1 • V QUeen Victor siotal of the pet Beaconsfield %When the gong Windsor, tie Qu itrice and her so aviary to give th %-,The Whitec ;Public Works f 1measures to the of emigrants the froth the Cont nent. Th signed by lanndr ds to ag don and sleep c •owded to i llod ing houses, without Ihea th or decen y, --Mrs. Glad tone is woman and doe, many: kii the villagers of Haward given them an which is open w She has also est :a home for o Gladstone serva estate twenty, t -Near Cochr day's ago, Mrs. daughter quar daughter eized good -for• b - the itop f he f doors. I firedaagai , but a minute aside by her lit, d virtuons father ca e ho these good nearly to dea daughter will li _ vet- -0 and Ho_vv.,_ -a-The lirince y p pu ar d ieties. a has t ken posse eacocks -hich Lo d ept at Hughende i. bons bird arrived it en, her d ughter Be t - Leopold rove to t e , m courteous welcom . apel District Board f It compe led to tal e k the o etacrowdi g e, en rout to Amerii' a y are co nts in Lo ether in l•vs regard o benevolent d things for n. She has xcellent offee hou e, ek-days tnd Sunda s. blished n ar the seas le phans. a any of t • e ts have een on t e irty and f rty-years. ne, in Georgia, a f:w iny Garrett and ler elled, whereupon tie il a shotgun and shot off mother' head. Sig e the gun was knoc ed le brothe . When t • e e he whi ped the sirl h. The mother al d ely die. of Wales has bow.. e ring his vi:it to Pes h. told hi at a pub '0 .. aft, by *hi: frank aid r, taken every 11.11 - storm. I: e predic ed would m ke as exc:1- ign . as '. e was new a man. The Pri • ce hie visit, four magn fi- -horses a • d several sits national costume of t • e • ed wit • remarka•le e gems of great vain:. lo Healt Physiciin e dens of the Polac s, d of that 1 ity the oto er as thoro ghly shoc ..ed o behold umanity liv- and wret hedness. e three f:milies cro ed one bar:room, id povert . The flo overed ith dirt e disorder If the ap 1 descrip ion. He ode of liv ng one of retched he has e lurks in :very cor nstances has attic e There ere found persons ick with s. He ha already is ses of am 11 -pox am n Count Andrass ronto of the dinner that he nce, among amiable mann ips Thoth- garian heart b ition Maine that the Prince he appeal- lent a Boyer s a witnesS; charming as temperande bought, during acts of his cent Hungaria the tett- of the gorgeous any man Magyars, ador the use of jeWelasaid nati od to his .---The Buff e went to went throb& t at a pro- in the thiad wa good being morningatand from hear- and disgu ted s a failure. Maine law difficulty in cities and hotels and This, how - hat the law pject of that t of liquior there avas that liqnor by the in- hich it .was or was not of its Wish tmandrafrik it beca, se ld not go ghted by a to twenty - poor whis- here would; k even in was more1 reat reason thoroughly ounds. Bat ned in the land in thei Jv was very, the lack of de of its op - Of the oppona ere in favor1 do it, and I'm awfully sorry." But he of the repeal of the , law. Another' just caught up his scalp, stuffed it in thing that impressed huh was that, n force for es that had direction of he language of ping up the argument in everywhere of neatness, perity not to where there even in the t squalid ini be seen _in] s the cage in oil of Canai that the re nearly equal e had aske4 is be dile t asion, and 1 • a • fair game. So I la&gan to steal softly up the piazza steps, and to get around behind him. When I had got about six feet from him I gave a war -whoop hfe. The knife was that dull that it wouldu't cut butter ; but, true as I sit here, Mr. Martin's whole scalp came right off in my hand. I thought I had killed him, and I dropped his scalp, and said. "For mercy's sake ! I didn't go to 11 1 • a his pocket, and jammed his hat on his head, and`walked off, saying to Susan, I didn't come here to be insul ed by a _little wretch that deserves the allows." Mr. Travers and Susan nev word until he had gone, and t laughed till the noise broug out, to ask what was the naatt he heard what had. happened, instead of Iauehiug, ho looked very a gry, and said that "Mr, Martin was a worthy man. My son, you may come up stairs with me." is If you've ever been a boy ou know what happened up stairs, and I needn't say any more on a very panda' subject. I didn't mind it so much, for I thought Mr. Martin would die, and then I would be hung, and put in jai ; but be- fore she went to bed Susan ame and while the law had been thirty years, all the cha been m de were in th making i stronger. InJ r said a Neal Do, they were et Len they rat holes: The stronge, ti t father favor of the law was t a r. When he went there were sig cleanliness, thrift and, be seen in Canada. Ev were signs of industry, cities there was none o digence so frequently , Canadian cities. This) spite of the fact that the da is far more fertile, sources of Maine are ti to those of Canad. B while there, maytot ail other causes-ato moral 424,, r 1 • r 11 t t 1 ing in sue filt says that ltwo themselv s int thrive in squa and walls are vermin, nd t. ments pa ses a nonnces t eir most vile and seen. Di ease and in many whole families. one room seve cases of measl coVered three c the Polacks. a -On the ev: •STOC FOR SERVICE. , 0 CATTLE will 'keep o ttioron,glibted ullett, during from the' best et and is a stire st ayable at the t returning if HAEL. REEDERS— The undersign d his farm, Lot 2, Concession 8, he ooming season, that superi r rill "Honest Sandy." He is ek on both Hides, is 2 years old ck-getter, Terms—$1 per cow, me of service, with the privile e neceisary. ROBERT ?de I- 699 : E TRAY STOCK. 11 I I Si nd rs nd rt- TO - he • er er, 111 a ning of t e 26th nit., attempt was made, to reek a tr near Kingston j depot. bont ten from the easterjn semaph re on the grade, where ti e trains usually thnn alOng at great titiaber was pia road at an ang track. About fifteen feet further another tie was also secu ely placed the track. , 4bout tw lve o'cloc special. freight ram pass d the sta by a po ruck the ob ed a se n off the tr peed, a ed again e, and re eavy piece t a tree on ting upon g ing east. It fal-engine. struction s ock, but was the end of the by the blow w engine mounte was draw hen she s e sustai not thro imber ha rich it r the sec ing it lengthwise on the venting a run ff. Wh: tibn was reached teleg spatched to ngston trains to bew re of obs the train run off the been a sad los of life train, as ther is a stee on each side o the road referred to. It is thong blocked for th purpose express traiu hich goe rim The reg lar freig from the east passed t 11.45 o'clock. The lin he special g ing east fterwards a 12.05 the interval t e sconn done. The ailway reward for t offender. 1 • ing been ceived, hilt nd tie, rack, an n Rideau ams were a • ee 11 bh as 0 • er rS er ck pli th OW pre ta de warning othe ructions. I a e might av n the fiaigh embank .en • 14 at the ilac t the roa• wa of wreckin, th east at 1., 5 STRAY CAL isee of the oKillop, about alves—thiice st Leers were allr tar on the -face bite with red n ace and head, a nd watite. An Et will lead to ill be suitably 3eeehwood P. E8—Strayed from the pro - undersigned, Lot No. 4, Oon. p , the First of May, Five Yearli g ers and two heifers. The thro d with the exception of a ern 11 of each ; one of the heifere w s eok and a little red around t e d the other was spotted rd ; person giving such informati n e recovery of the above animele awarded. THOS. O'ROURKE, 704-4 • A • a P. ERIN arts of the C OBITOR Office • County of CTIONEERS. , Licenced Auctioneer for the Huron. 1 Sales attended Iniell unty. All orders left at thehx- ill be promptlyattended to. VRANCIS CI "L. LAND AG sale of landed red Stock. Ca et. Office an look, Goderie A LIIMANDE eer, MeKi sales of Land Implernente. signed at Wa (session 14, will bills, notes an ALEX. DELGETTY, Walton. AHAM, , AUCTIONEER AND NT.—Sieoial attention given to roperty, farming and thorough - tile selected for the Engliah mar - Auction Rooms, Acheson's new , Ont. Terms moderate 615 DELGETTY, Lieen Fed AuctiOn- op. Special attention given to d Property, Farm Stook and 11 orders left with the under - ton P. 0., or Lot 14, cpn- be promptly attended tb. Suis stamps furnished if required. 639 MONEY. M ONEY TO LEND -Money to lend on god improved farms only, at 74 per cent. in °r- est, playatlQ ye erate. JOHN AiT011EY.-T 1 -Y -L money for mortgages on f per cent. intere agreed upon. for th e ONEYLA. lend inone any 11outit, eat ohred onl commission oh G. McDougall rly ; private funds; charges m d- . PORTER. 681 LO undersigned has a large su of immediate investment on rat rm property.' Seven and a la11 BI yearly; principal as may Ibe J. H. BENSON, Solicitor, S a • 6 G. MoDOUGALL is authorize at 64 per cent. on mortgage, d for auy number of years; i n on the unpaid principal. rgod. Apply at the Store of Co. 67 3 to. for 6Y - No A,. $10,0,0U of years not ex minutia ; • No principal mane giving siXmon ing one -forth year without time I of !payi OFFICE Vi BILL. t train, o. 2 LO semapho e t was then lea aseed the oi 'clock. D rwin relly deed as mpany ier e apprehension D the • 00 TO LOIN on Securit of • Real Estate for any t rm eediug twenty, at 6 per cent. Iper ommissione ; The whole of Ithe may be repaid at any timol on hs' notice, or any, EMM not exe ed - ay be paid at the close of e ch otice, interest ceasing from Ithe ant; Loans effected promply. itoria Square, Seaforth. 0 11 7 IMP RTANT NOTICES. EVIODIS P aRSON AGE AT WALTO Tenders ill be reneived for the orectio a Parsonege at the Village of Walton, up June 91h,at tender wil), not the building biome oanbe s Mprrison,i near Walton'after the 6th of J ANDREW MORRISO el, Secretary. 7 • pASTURE-60 Berea for cattle; Si 60 -1- single month, or $1 25 per month for ing cattle at 75 cents per m All pasture to be paid for be mals. °mare of stock to be trays or losses. Apply early. ber wanted. JOHN .TH0 . R. S., Tuckersmith. A ted for a term of months. A GROCERY NEXT DOOR TO HE TEAS. TEAS. OST OFFICE, SEAFORTH TEAS. TEAS. - IN GEENS, JAP S iikND BLACKS, FAIR YOUNG HYSON TE 30 CENTS PER POUND. GOOD YOUNG FiYSON TA, 3p CENTS PER POUND. CHOICE YOUNP; HYSONITEA40 CENTS PER POUND. EXTRA CHOICE 50 CENTS PER POUND. VERY FINE, 66 CENTS PER PUND. THE BEST IMPORTED, 4) CENTS PER POUND. VERY FINE JAPAN TEA DUST 30 CENTS PE il POUND. At 25 cents, 80 cents, 35 cents 40 cents, WHITE SU GARS -9 and 9i 4unds4br LIGHT AN D 1YELLOW S GA S-10, FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS -A Full and 45 cents per pound. 11,12 and 13 Stoc. pounds for $1. I?. D. ROSE, SP.FORTH. A NEW GROG E Y N S EAFO RTH I -I TT GI- XTAVING Removed to the Commodious St -1-1- and Roberton'e Seed Store, and having Meat Business, was added op, e in Stark 98 Block, between Megarey's Bakery ore roor at his disposal than is required for hie Cured A STOOK OF NEW nAIND rRESH GROCERIES Which will he feund as Complete and V ried as any in the Trade, wad EVE RYT H ING IS • FEtESH AND NEW. He is determined to sell stri“ly for cash, and Iwill con Liberal Di sconnt frim ordin Some of the 13est Teas in tit 'clock P. M. The lowest oi nsss„ be accepted unless satifactor to ommittee. Plans and Speci en at the residence of And ow , ne. 4 ea Beaseln, Year for the season. rem &al of an poneible for e a Iithlted nu Concession 2, farm hand wa to above. N OTICE T Storm Cu bankments o abort onehal ceived by' tbe June, 181, at fications to be further infor lors or to Wil or a STE 70 ONTR A.CTO RS -Tenders verb and Catting Down the the 6th and 7th Conoessi mile north of Varna, will b ndersigned up till the 131h da o'clook P. M. Plans and Bp seen at the Clerk's office. ation apply to any of th e Con lam Graham, Reeve. The lo y tender ot necessarily accepted. GEO ART, Clerk, Varna. 70 FOR SALE OR TO LET. rrn LET—Si rooms over A. G. Ault's Gr -I- Store, S &forth. Suitable for dress m or private day lling, with front and rear entr Apply teL A. G. AULT, Proprietor. ra the nth ore res. nly P, ood plY 4 - or a ns, re - of ei- Or oil - est GE .2 - I eery iters 93 TWO nOUS 15 TO RENT—To Rent, a 40m- fortable welling obso adjoining the Old Temperance all, i nicest part of the wn ; also the 'house adjoin' g the Dominion Cu ling and Skatlng ink; possession at once ; ren rea- sonable. App y to L. MURPHY, Seaforth. 00 QTOREHDUSE TO BENT.—To rent a good Li grain storehouse on the south side of the railway track in Seaforth, with two Bete of scales, trucks and jig ers all complete; possession iven immediately. Apply to Scott Brothers, Se af rth. or to the pr prietor, 11)BERT SCOTT, Rox- boro. 77 ST°E31TO modiOus Street, Sento ton. The s room 30 feet able and pose Appy toW VARM F )It ci 12, Con aorB, 55 acre bered with va orchard, hous miles frcim Ki Seaorth. Fo Constance P place. ENT -o rent a large and °m- eter° in Whitney's block, ain th, in the best business part o the ore is 60 feet . long with a tore n length in the rear. Rent re eon - salon giyen on 5th Janury, 881. TNEY BROTHER. 79 SALE OR TO RENT-Bein Lot ession 6, Hallett, containin 100 cleared and the balance well 1 Uni- fiable timber •' soil good clay I am and frame barn on the place14 burn, 74 from Clinton, and 9 rom terms apply to THOMAS MI 0., or at his residence on the 792-8 MEDICAL. T G. SCO T, M. D. &c, Phyeician,Sargeon an • A,ccou heur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and reei denbe Beath :ide of Goderich Street, second doo east of presb terian Chgroh. 312 COE, M. C. M.. Physician, Stu - geon, e c ,Coronet for the County of ninon . Offiee and • esidence, on Jarvis street north, dirctly, opposite Seaforth Public School. WM. HAN VER, M, D., C. M., Graduatieof! McGil University, Physician, Surgeon fin Accbucheur, eaforth,Ont. Office and Rename e North side Goderioh Street, first Brick no use east of the e etliodist Church. 496 DB. HUT lege, M lege of Ph Surgeon of Office—Blue HINSON, Graduate of McGil. ntreal, Licentiate of the Rayed Col sicians, Edinburgh, and late House Craiglockhart HospitalaEdinlrgh. ale, Ont. 68f352 11DERBYSHIRE L. ja. S., • Surgeon Dentist, Grdaate of the Royal College of 1lenta1 Stugeons of Ontario. Office hours from A. M. to 6 P. M. Rooms in Mr4. Whit ey's new brick block. Main Street Setorth, ARTWRIGHT, L; D. 5 ‘-l• Member of the Royal Golle e of Dental Surgeons of Caned Office—Indian block, Market St., nt., has now opened out an Orioe Seaforth at .he Queen's Hotel, where he w 11 e prepared to perform all dental operations wit' ease arid skii. Office open first Tueeday i eve month: 5 52 MISCELLANEOUS. PEE DAY at home. Sapap 1 e $5 to 'J' -'worth $5 free. Address STI SON & Co., Portland, kaine. 6.9qx52 72 enA WEEK. ade.Costly .:idc1=1P1Iti oitt2t fiat fdraeya o &o.AnguBta,MalTh. 69252 n6 A WEEK in sour own town. Ternis a " 5 outfit free, Addrasell. HALLETT Co, Portland, Maine.! 691x52 fl CHROMOS, mine in new type, 10 cen s, tr, mail; 40 Agentlf samples, 10 cents '• U. CARD Co. Northford, Ct. 6155 JUTISH EXCHANGE HOTEL, Goderi.h, Ont WM. COX, Proprietor. This is on: of the Quietest, Most Comfortable and Be4t C dtieted Hotels in the Province. The Roolns re cOmmodious and the Table and Bar 1ber.11y • sapplied. Good stabling in connection. 68C-52 equently give his customers the benefit of a ry trade price. Market for the Money. CURED MEATS OF ALL DESCR11710Ni ALWAYS ON HAND AS USUAL. Goods Deli/d ed in any Jlart of he Town Free of Charge. BUTTER AND EGGS TA EN FOR GOODS AS CASH. R emeriti er the P1 ce and Give Me a Trial. Gil R BB Main Street, Seaforth. "AND DON'T you FORGET IT," 0 K I LLORAN RYAN THE OLDST' FIRM IN SEAFORTH They have always paid 100 ne do likewise." They do not pr to sell the VERY BEST ts on the dol ar'and they expect their customors "go and do tend to sell G ods at Cnit, or even below it ; but they are prepared GROCERIES, CRO9KEY, AND LIQUORS IN THE MAKET, AT A FAIR, LIVING PROFIT. .....w ......,-,,....g.. TiIE SEAFO RTH ----- l' N S _IRAN OE AGENCY. _ w.AS soi.,T -ST., NORTH, -SEAFORTH, % Gr'ii aEllNkIiRns of property effected at lowest eur- FIRE, Marine, Life and Aecident Insurance Agent, Conveyancer, &e. Risks rent rates. , Losses adjUsted promptly and atis- actorily. iNone but first-class reliable CQM panies rep esented. Exceptionally low rtes on U1 classes Jof farm property. Only 60 cents to per $1 for three years in the Gore District I Galt, ea Wished for over 40 yeaz. The fol - owing Cor1panies represented Britis Anierioan, Of Toronto, Seotti 11 Imperial, of Glasgw, Scotland, North rn, of L011 on, England, Gore istriet, of qalt, Ontario, n Caad Fire and arine, of Ilamiltota, Ont., Royal Canadian, °If Montreal, P. Q., Quebe , of Quebec, P. Q., Allian e, 91 Hamilton. Ontario, Travel ers (Lift and Accident), of Hartford, C an., Toron o Life, of Tbronto, Ontario. I A,111 ALSO AGENT FOR THE The Very FinestBRA, .VDIES from, o r Resident Buyer in, France, and WINES From our Agents in Spain and Portugal. FINE TEAS A SPECIALTY. SUGARS, TOBACCOS, &C., AT THE VERY LOWEST FIGURES.' GIVE US A CALL AND ,SE FOR YOURSELVES. KII440RAN. & RYAN, SeaTorth. N. B. -We are also Agents fiat the Celebrated " Ma sala " Sacramental Wine. Warranted Pure. CAN LOAN Money per cent. ADDRESS ' TO T E ELECTORS. SMITH.-" Good morning Jones, where are you going to ?" JONES.-" I am going down to M. ROBERTSO'S Furniture Warerooma, to get some new furniture, you see mine ie getting played out and I want to get some first rate furniture at very low prices. Our baby wants a ne cradle, and they say that he has the very best end cheapest in the . riDt.DY *PRESS. — 7 o th Free and independent People ot Huron: 1 - M. ROBERTSON begs to state that he has removed to the premises lately oaeupied by Mr. John Kidd, as a Hardware stereo and that he is now prepard to furnish everything in the Furniture line at remarkably low prices. Intending purchaeers will, find it greatly to their advantage to call and examine his stook before purchasing elsewhere. Rep iring promptly attended to, Farniture made to order on very short notice) Picture framing -a ape ialty. All work guaranteed. Farm proadtuene,. feathers, wood and lumber taken in cichangin , I Is, as formerly, under his own supervision, and will e conducted with the g a est care and te HISU1116ERTAKIN DEPARTMI T , tion. His stock of Caskete, Coffins, Shrouds,&o., wil be found complete, anj at the very lowest rate. Funerals attended in the country. A Hearse t& hire. Remember the pace. M. ROBERTSON, SAFOR,TH. STATE kDA PERMANENT AND SAYINGS COMPANY. dvanced on Real Estate at 6 and Or annum. ALSO AGENT FOR TH UNE STEAMSHIP CO 'Y Sailing fr m New York City every Thursday, to all point in Europe. Tickets issued from here or New II rk, to snit purchaser. First Cabin, $60 to $ 10return. Second Cabin, $40 to $75 -return- Steerage, $26. Parties gonag to En rope should try the STATE LINE, as it is undoubtedly one of the Best and Safest Steam ship Companies sailing from New Yrk. THE HUR N FQUNDRY, SE FORTH. WM. N. WATSON, Main Street, SEAFORTH, Ontario. OFFIeEamIonn Hotel.eninpeirs Blocks 01TOgit4 br C1-1 NGE OF BUSINESS MR E. WHITNEY, T1ESI ES to state to her zustomersi and the publ'e that she has disposed of her Tin and Stove B siness to her sons, CHARLES and GE0BGJ WHITNEY, who have had the princi. pal ehar4e of the business for several years and she hope the same liberal patronage will be extended to them that has been accorded to her- self for s many yearn. fiction with the above the undersigned to state that they will continua to keep at the Old Stand, a lull stock Of TN con, -I- beg on hand ITAVING put an Engine into the Fitting She p to drive Lathes, Planes and Drills, independent of the Plow Grinding ! and Polishing Mac hine , par tiee wanting work 4one can have it at any time, as steam will be rip elv ry working day. ALL REPAIRS ON ENGINES MI IS AND OTHE MACHINERY Attended to on short noti�e.j On hand and ade to rder, Horse Powers, Galain Crushers, Strew Coltman Land Rollers,Gang low, Grate Bre, &e. low Castings made te order from patterns furnished by parties wantin the same. Plo Pointe specialty, made from teuaine Plow PoW.t Iron; and warranted berdenil tough. Will a o Fit, rind and Polish Plow C stings cheap, as the shop is fitted with Grinding "atones and Eme y Wheels for such work. Will aleo take Contraets for Engines, Boilers, Griot and Flouring Mills, Saw Mills land other Machinery. Will make Plans shad 13 eeifinations for Mills . All Alteration on Mini or Engines attended to. Will 'also make val- uations on all kinds of M ehmery. J P. 8. -As Mr. 3.8. madman has goal Mr. B. Runoiman until hs return. S. UNCIMAN Seiforth. aw ay f r the winter, the businers will be carried mil by STOtVES OF ALL KINDS —AND-- Tinw re of Every Description. We are algo prepared to do Q1L8C0774 Work of Every Description onth,e Shortest Notice, and Cheap. Haying a thorough practical knowledge of the business in all its branches, they hope to con- tinuethe large patronage which has been given to the o d and well known house for so many years. WOITNEY BROTHERS. N.B. will pie once, as old busi Bettie ca until th account lection. 665 All parties indebted to Mrs, Whitney se _settle their indebtedness with her at the new firm open new books and the ess must be closed. Parties desiringp do so at the store of Whitney Bo: first of Oetober- After that date the will be put into other hands for eel MRS. E. WHTNEY. SE ING MACHINES! JAMES WATSON, Dealer in all kinds of First-Chss FAMILY AND MANUFACTUR.■ ING SEWING MACHINES. Knitting Machines, Lawn Mower, Sad Irons, Sewing _Machine Re - pas, Needles, Oil, Attachments, &c. I am t13 ONLY Agentin this part of the County for the Celebrated WHITE SEWING MACHINE! Which has succeeded in taking the Vint Prize for two years in euecession at the Seaforth Fair, over all its competitors. Also Agent for the Wheeler & Wilson, Howe, Osborne A, Wilson, Waiazer C, and any Mechine a customer may want. All Kinds of SO-Wlia Machines Repaired. Second-hand Machines taken in exchange as part payment for New Machines, and Illsehines sold on easy monthlypayments. Satisfaction Guaranteed, JAMES WATSON MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. OFFICE—In Canapbell'e Block, opposite the Mansion Hotel. 1188 THE VERY BEST MACHINE OIL In the World, is Manufactured by 41-cColl Bros. 4 Co., Trot, And for sale by dealers. A.k your Merchant for Ler-dine and take no other. This oil, underthe severest test and most activecompetition, wa, at the Toronto Industrial Exhibitdon,aws.rded. the highest prize; also the gold medal at the provincial exhibition, Hamilton, and the high. est award et the Dominion Exhibition, Ottawa, the silver medal.. Farmers and all who use a grieriltural machinery-, will gave money tundra:tea ehinery by neing none but Lardine, 704-28 STILL AHEAD. BRUSSELS 'LIME WORKS. TOWN & SOS. THE Snbeeribeas take this opportunity of re, turning thanks to the inhabitants of Braude and vicinity for past patronage,and beg to state that having made several improvements in their kiln and mode of burning, they are now in a bet ter poeition than everbefore to supply the pub- lic with first-class Lime at 18 cents cash at the kiln, or 15 cents delivered. This being the seventh season of our business dealings in Enuisls, and having given linguali. fled satisfaetion so far, the public eau rely ora frreeedom uvia.ng good treatment and ilret-olass sztlde 6971 emembem the Spot--Brassels Time Works. TOWN & SONS.