The Huron Expositor, 1880-11-12, Page 2k .11 2 bIGHTEEN YEARS ALONE., A TALE of TH$• PACIFIC. IEC.—Continued. As the comrades were about to re- trace their steps, Nidiver stopped, look- ed quickly about him, then stooped and closely examined something on th ground. In the weird moonligh ., - plainly outlined on the lonely shor , was the print of a slender, naked foot. "The woman of San Nicolas ! My God, she is living 1 Helifted his voice, and shouted in Spanish that:friends were come to res- cue her. Ovcercome by the oonvietion that the Iostt woman must have been near when: he was in camp two years before -!-that it was not a creation of fancy, .but a living being, they had seen in the storm—the-captain ran to and fro, calling,, looking and swearir)g by turns. Hours were spent by the two men in search, but in vain. The next day Nidiver found a basket of rushes hanging in a tree. It con- tained bone needles, thread made of sinews, shell fish-hooks, ornaments, and a partially completed robe of birds' plumage, made of small squares neat y matched and sewed together. Ni:div r proposed replacing the things, b t Brown scattered them about, saying that if they were picked up, it would be proof that the owner had visited the spot. Inland they discovered several circular, roofless inclosures, made of woven brush. Near these shelters but she could t cad the were poles, with dried meat hanging ' Brown prepare d gave her from elevated cross -pieces. - The grass I cloak of Nidiv mend, and was growiug in the pens,. and nothing .she took her fi ss nein , and indicated their recent habitation. In told her teach s, ip.in s , by ewin '� fissures. of perpendicular rooks near the portions of her life on the island. springs were wedged. dried fish a d She had fro time to time see seals' blabber ; but no sign of the nee . presence of the hermitess. pass, but none I She watched e After several days the men abandon- tem, and, d a ed the chase. There was no doubt : she threw he that some one had been on the island cried, but aft very lately. Either the woman, or the the island fie child grown to womanhood, had . lived ;could smile ag there, or, perhaps, both mother and people on the child had survived until recently. B t was afraid an they must have been dead months. t one and t least The footprint was older than at -1 not made Alla first supposed.. The robe had not ben ° that he had ta replaced in the tree. The captive per- she could not i chance died of despair after they left1 cense he wauli her beckoning. in the storm.. her people had After that the fishing went on for i men in a shit weeks, and they were about return lg + her signs that home, when Nidiver said he believed._ tion of the ilii person was hiding , on the island. LII.1 baby, which -s the party were able tq converse with their hostess, or understand a word sh uttered; and they wer forced to to and make her know b signs that she was expected to go wit them. Beewti went threugh t e mo ion• of packin her_ thugs -in bask.ts, ehoulderin th m, and walk ng to ard the bach. S1 e'comprehen ed in tautly, and Made preparations t dep: rt. Her a eot' were neatly plc ed in • teak -basket , one of Which she a ' ung ov:r her bac - from the tread afte Beside the ied, Nidive ms full. entered wi,h rd to the ! b to either { s ��as reache. any trouble, n the cabi, ren in their leer feather preserve, of ticking E; 1. shirt and ni-civilized di Brown was s lim closely lner- of us him that he cloth witil nd then.pat perforations wished to nd Brown �g ewing matett:els, eedle. n. old ,w1 ile she 119, taking a burning stic she started wit a Indians to the hor thie female Cru oe c Brown had their reaching the boat s hesitation, goin kneeling and When the sch went aboard w' down near the quietly we -take on boards To r which he wis. neade her a pe with a man's neckerchief, was complete. iule she wat laughed at h ( needle. She s was to punctu bone needle, o thread throng th I signified that sh threaded needle, neturedly gave her 0 it, is t st 1 r on r r a ow oldii onel' thout tove th n place ed to ticoat cottoi er ser While lied 1 8 mai owed e t e awl a he �1t ,;and wick tress, raven lid xy eas l- �iid u ja r y it lie he a od h she was living he was bound to fi ,her. U dead, he would find her bo d 1 her finger, an Y tion of holdin came to take li s long as she cou. jr the were out of self or the group a ti she walke 1 she "f rgot about t in. he had als peach everal time . 1 hid until they 1 - w pt because s e rse : sown. Sh ken by surprie un, a d she was g i take er to her . iso gone *ay with . Brwn underst at the time of the nd a had a le rep esented by i piaci g her arm i an in ant at the if he had to serape the island inch by ; she waved her ha •ver the sea inch.. This provoked a laugh of de:- dioate that the s sailed awa rision. Of course the wild dogs had ! in;g back "Manan (to -morrow devoured her remains. Rut Nidiver she could not nd r child, an wasconvinced that, the woman was : until she was ill, and lay p afraid had concealed herself, possibly !for days, in a of plants rese si 8 d si r 9 d P h er ed ca es. :for s h on the opposite side of the -island, ' cabbage, . an 0I d u tic Os 1..d. by Califor • where the shore was precipitous, diffi- E "Sola Santa." 1 ad nothing ' t cult of access, containing perhaps r but the lea , hen she re gulches and caves unknown to them. somewhat, sh ed to a spri g, The men murmured at the delay, were after a time, strength resp incredulous as to the success of the 1 she made a I apidly rub •i raid, rebelled at the long -tramps over a pointed stick : he groove o wild country. ; stick until a . as struck. The old captain was firm ; suitable a difficult tas she was car she took , and cove to present: her capti it oots and sh skins she se a birds, wh a their roosts Th bush een fr ecti n whil Sh made ;he island fr richwas a la e b e w r ion ar ,a d u ip preparations were made, and the entire ! to let her fire go force of otter men started on their 1 with her on h ti final hunt for a ghost. Near the head ; home fire wit 1 as of the island they came across the bane:' ' She lived darn house Jeffries had described. -.Rashes ° fi.sh., seals' bl • bber, were skilfully interlaced in he rib 1 and the birds whos frame -work, an olla and old basset_ 1 for clothing ere s were near the door.. It stood amidst caught at nig t o untralnpled weeds. ' After several days' C seams of the rag march,.. a dangerous climb over slippery - ures she mad:: fo E rocks brought Brown to a spot where E winds, and a there were fresh footprints. He fol- I from wild ani lowed them up the cliffs until they i excursions ov Were lost in the thick moss that covered ; main dwellin, the ground. Walking further, be fo nd , on the north a piece of driftwood, from which he I- kept dried concluded the person had been to he i station ; the 1 beach for firewood,, end dropped. the 1 springs.was- faggot on her way home. From a high 1 sickness or o point on the- ridge he saw the men 1 able to crawl moving about: below. Then his eye 1 what she had - caught a small object a long way off on f of the dogs. the hills.. It appeared like a crow at That the first glance, but it moved about in a preme power singular •manner. Advancing tow rds 1 schooner se. it stealthily, he was dumbfounded find that it was the head of a wo barely - visible -above the ?ow wo brush sides of her roofless retreat in hushes. As Brown drew nearer; a pack • dogs reclining _close to the woman growled ; but without looking - around. the woman uttered a peculiar cry which silenced them, and they ran away to the hills_ Brown halted within a few' yards of her, and, himself uns en, watched every movement within the hot- Inside the inclosure was a m nd of grass, woven baskets full of thi gs, beach. Th and a rude knife made of a pies of bewildered. iron hoop; thrust into a wooden ha elle. had been on A fire smouldered near, and a pit of ' sail, rode do bones lay in the ashes. The - gore- haudso-me'li plexion of the woman was much fairer who had jus than the ordinary Indian, her personal with delight appearance pleasing, -features regular. and examin her hair,. thick au:d brown, falling about and, if the s • her shoulders in a tangled mat From them to co she tried to by patting t over the th them to imi Captain man to his of his Spani ing,; Father Mission, ca. sons gather about, and constantly.. into port so offered Nidi would mak: be exhibite. offer was from a Cap would not tura being The bere est fo:ndnes caressing a hour, end that when her baby w dogs had again and a her frantic had been g of being al. rescue, and time bode •• e to grounds. A an, the passeng thewould o sdstop storm came, of prayer until turned wit. and motion been answer 'the lee of Sa man was hi another isle they approa ,Barbara, an a .. al w end f Sa Nicol: s neat at each •a :ood in the :crevice.' or the ti a whe d age,: she would o to tie wa er and li the lle stord out if an, ha faith n eyinc d soon : f it fr m the ook t 0 f SO 11 m re e Ips off. see ht nd ver. and e'en Sh€ ere an le e hit lb ser sin .in cosi est; ail he .apt rate lin ian ea ived and ned, g flat was not ands thee on fish ured she the clos- the Sleep luent cher Cave She Ping the f•om 1' be eo 01ac Eutonic he mid it to Yue1, nO who c sl nder, is s i{l L.: o the Pep •� o former R San Ni se, nor Via, or Sa nd her, )d. I In little b it whey 'El.- 1 The ani of se . e ' of ►� words, tongu kay) sky, t clic (ilei Saiii tat; e5), ca led (f th he, gen untuJo c Were nature t she w of dis ck au ore thei ere e nem n r,th t ag: goi wr be Otl .ref a,lo aft t1 tal1en f Old alio she e ras �l pd Chi d. tel sh -s rf Om a Sh- was t r the( sa skiing gale over ,and ✓ r)ia a signs t she e wi d. With er face direc ion from w Joh th. ski lit ered io ds o lievl ,e the a d d.. ta hly d t1 rhed ox stri Ca: the time Brown arrived within L ing, she kept up a continual talki herself. She was leaning for shading her eyes with her hand., w ing the men crossing the fiat below dwelling. After looking at them an anxiety impossible to be clepi ted, she crouched. in terror, bait immediately started up as if to run. The men on . the flat had not seen her, and Brown, putting his hat on the ramrod of his gun, alternately lifted and lowered it to attract their attention, then by signs he intimated th�.t the woman was found, and they should spread out so as to catch her if she tried to escape. Be- fore the men reached the knoll, Brown " stepped around in sight and spoke. She gave a frightened look into his face, ran a few steps, but; instantly controlling herself, stood still, . and ad- dressed him in an unknown tongue. She seemed to be between forty and fifty years of age, in flue physical con- dition, erect, with well -foamed neck and arms and unwrinkled face. She was dressed in a tunic shaped garment made of birds' plumage, low in. the neck, sleeveless, and reaching to the ankle. The dress was similar to the one found in the tree. As the men oamne up she greeted them each in the way she 'had met Brown, and with a simple dignity, not without its effect on both. Indians and white : men, made Allem welcome and set about preparing food for them from her scanty store. The meal consisted of roasted- roots, called by Californians carcomites. ; but when was there known a more touch- ing hospitality ? Among the Indian crew there were several dialects apoken, but none of eer- g to ard, tch- her ith .. h They ( anchor Cruz, where interested i lard her own the shores o eam passed a nger as co Main idiver't the looko t for hi n to the landi br dh t h' d aba g cou r petit e .1 �g tle nco., The his st p ed shore, S e tou led t d t e ad, talking ilor urn d away e ack`" a d loo rep esent tale no o fingers of her ri nib '-of her left, ate the horse wal idiv r conducted th om , and put her n; h ifs!. The new on ales, of Sant= e t see her ; man d frirm the ranches the house was The brig Fremo n after, and the er the half of , if he would cello in San Francis. effused. and also enc ha nde wo- eein e, o h Co d e he to t s efkil, ads''it civflizat he e of sped out - no dko t e Aft er weak tie1 pore do ed in dre pia tie t an eve, y n BO 1l etim dire. Ni et wo seal's me 'hen th d her n gout her c!hai insensibl proael p a priest t he cfuse liad been the bard leul� h istress, he rite, reething as ppres anIuiow ehr;.sten e beautiful �' walled gleam g close to under th neglscte heroic . The a occurred r of r s t 110 viv out e, 'n sigh ed eat (b Nidiv theirs fat er or ..11. old e wh re no sc of in h uld that Angc eros, ars las 1 ose f� ta,p ma ss th d h' bout wer fs ; k issio othli ma gua oo•'c • wor a ball aptai sd eness jmodes dwidwom fore 1gi to 1 that 8azne p not an In 1 nct'io, i east': adop ed b rem v� fr cert fr that he b d ad d ifted ud a:� �vom: nd ad i be. th otigin 1 h r:cued clan, t echoo resent an s out fro , t e possess trait: ; pr. iall units i ma ernal ha`s • ever s ge: tly disa k n r1d We de o vilizat' r life if her w w:eks Ik ; ::hew s ever day iu e su•shine, d ar. u•nd her heerf 1 loo fac: for sin, *rig s er lig . ed a e hep her. an. foss e sick •dman se's ads at th:food ne •i 4 nin for c4 rs. cath rs. bapt ze her 1p not knowi aptied pre of p oc f w: s edin• t e ki s- c.ns me coud do all her 1:stith donhe co and n mel by at er pan'sl, °'J emet-ry fr astly s ull e S:n a ahel er of of d i ola nt Ye ye • nt for Indians fro San Fernand 1 at p ofinding o ••re oonv s1e , wit t • e t'me tliere bel n 'n~ lbs c untEy, ii' g ho, t was sa d, h d i mm a ii0 ation wi 11 u ran Taut eit• er ohm S n uen V:n- a}bar , ould nd:r- ives nd:r- tw . ecade of er d lef an icol : s, could n' t be iscev- �drop n the o n b 'thegeneralncli ,' Be and a g lavas a ,r known of ide h 13 calla j to co izach ` (nah the ) ; tay-gw 11) ; the bo y, ey). S e lea ned a s pan, ;1+ 'read), pa tc8 (horse So 11 eti es Nidiv r, in S • enish, etirnes lna (' other.) a} .. m e t .• • • Ind act •of tle P s -of t ies b , but ;ay b is their i1her dt be San' nF peril niistak idavag: e affir r ` sa•• to s: i dent, t v"e of the 11 gray aSnadno orty- ghte ber, ere t the any eor befo Bro man lo physic reseieh centur carried that bla sockets, stattli 1E00 ull th noor On e horse -ed eee alli anethe mansio sigh lady hen I ovin re ro th t sedan o lpu The can br vv harg ptea pe MUD owde cam aptai vliet her an th t eae" of the friend less ere d add a show for th 1006. thi.ng tmother evinced he reat- co d playing with th y the ellieg the_ lady, ,y, he awam back to lve s gone, end. she be iev ain, her grief at- ite seerph for it, even. f vitae, long time ; ne ; her hope, for at last the despa, The vis'tors sometimes ga presents, w donors had. by intuitio ed if she re soon as the the c pleased, an A few da ich she put aside u, departed, seeming t that they would be ; used to accept them guests were gene she them, laughing if th happy in their joy. s after her 'arrival, • reti effri ide h erho an N of t yea of m the partiall a lit ed is a by he ol ead his arks, th oard ue k es, b easee an F nee ✓ cur sion om y pin tbe d so C011 111 091 nt tra olbo if llo as bo al nd ho ty. th lievtd , BT and is ho is. vident ii long icolbls ed been 11 e! Who vae ttrt le and lean y, considera e, al; she raise d $sland ea p. (Irani° on to ile t to herself. n to er Old he recured it lashes. it, he pat- ing the a ver sent f r ut t at she agains it. Atl I A8 lie was i,ga of he crass 9,11dohez in the !Whoa ortala cr sabot*, owe , is the HUF11O FOR SAL SIT TOI LET. rooms above, n Mai given on he let bf Fe CAUGHEY & SOL EST VALUABLE FAR TO 34, Copecks* 2, acres • upwards of 1411 claim land ; known as Mr% bsiek store, it uaiy. Apply to Me 681 ENT OR SELL—Lo eat Wawanosh ; 21 cres cleared • goof 174-4 STOCK FO ram lambs, from import° apply to the linden igned, S FOR SALE —Fo aur,erior Le cede stook on one bide HFFERNAN 6"3x R. T.4 OBS'ES POR SALE .1-1- Draught two year and sired by. Lord addo ing two yeare old a d one two years old, Aptly on MeKillop, er adore SCOTT, Roxboro. or! Sele, Two d Geldings, ba ; also one M 667 • Heavy rive orlioer. REATe ES ATE FOR SALL41 ‘. RARE CHANG .--TWent.yeive acres of This property is we 1 situiatedicr either far 1 ROBERT MITT. to OR SALE.—Fo situated in, the ilo WIll be sold elm -pROPERTX IN 'L For sale the ho present occupied h is a frame, the lbt one of the, hest b There is a W var.:toucan, an. Will apply to JAS4 IL B A CORNER, LO POR East half of Lot 2 cleared and „in s lendie and all underdrain d. It Seaforth, on a goo orchard and plent lot, and one of the con eeniont to sch ill% on the pre 1 San B arar t in l• die an 'are li the s Geri en co, grega e. s he s mete 'la 6 ing ley ha r. a we le known t ered the O- a her Gonzales tin ter of a 1 zed and as an, ith e es wee ra rend ed more uried tinder the c a 'he rambling ha shelt' red tour - ac unt. I Was the pri ate re idence of 35, the woman ju s o Lewis ;Burt re dafryhise or es ada. A hers eent r feat er he were made of 'lfu\ly 'ate ed as to owl n of changeful en Franeis- ry the 8th lave' is 6 poip Ed as WS and lir gee 1 riuming o de:, irishinp, Town of Seatcrth, GMONDVALE FOR S.. Tgle 501 eres, nearl 11 date elf cultiva , graTel road. There is a go d best Tnekersmith ; is ard in e splendid lee y. t H. S., containing 501a res o'f choice the lace i14 a Ironic h neerly new, beari fall N 44 m gray I read. township, a particualrs premises, o les Iron the . town of Seaforth on This is one oAtigebC et properti a d will be solid clioap: For f if by letter e Seeforth P. 0 ' 674x lie lf of ni 011 g itain good or he 0. elHOICE FARM FOR ALE—For Sale, log house, ith stone cellar, nd well bank barn 86x60, stclnd foun tion, a stabling; g od bearing orehar and 8 we venient to church, school! and ost office • atedwithini8 miles of Seeforth and 4 of on a good gravel road. For urther pa IL apply to the proprietoil o the premises, letter to ChiSelhurst P.O. JOHN C. STE la ti ot 2, ta la- st to g od rs by 54 FO LIST 81 ne if "FARM FOR SALE—Being Lot 15, co 17, Grey, containg 100 acres, about cleared, and is in a good state of cul There is a good bank barn 'built last size JO by' 60, also a log barn 40 and a very good new frame dwelling implement limit ngs, c., and a good orchard. The far is nly 12, miles fr n forth and 9rniles from rues4 able for par eash and balance proprietor on the reniie.is or by letter to select horn )— tion, is willing t 5 s. Term r oil time t hat in What yer to lilt 8 de fis all d I'd be fa regia ut t ers 1 Hee ope he pail - gray by tla 11 ot le of bega "Ho He chil in't se 8." Ain't big ould yOu ile a himself. abbe dat e of • Philaish Ye darkies me 1t 1k1 g Over s le _Colo sh d him ince got n e' for at tirrie as ould ram ape cle see he eed nd a he we r If so • his chi nd . the other atters end el Jo es • ou be st be is rea are on- efoah4ast the at such 01 otc ed. dram, an n de el reolemmseoimf as afeare knife ac he the remar ed an's st • 7 Selected F Lots i r Sai elle p; 21,700 own! r, fro ipei sone guar ntee that any p chasing can, get is p iiehase money b interest at 12 per ceet. per a num, at e en thiee years; if he eo da i;e it, where the id money does. not ,xcee "3 a acre. Pa ta s deaire to parches at the pre grit low prie 8, to A. STRONG, and ent. Setiforth. e 8- 1 I -fil ARM FOR 8 LE --The mirth half 1 ot 26, sion 4, L. 11). S., uckersmitle • ,200 acres or s• ale in one pan41, o two di 150 atkes and 5 *roe re spectively'; fir t-clasis buildings, goo ferices, vation, is well vg tared, and is Well situate as to roads, &c. Any person Wancing a good ,fin a go dd. locality wil do w 11 toi look at th ind be- fore buying !else here. !For iperticulars t rms ss on • res ati n. 50, ng Ca- uit he est to ec- ur- th of ase ho but hey the NOVEMBER 12, 1880. CHRITMAS ANC N W YEARS. SEAFORTH ()RicFACTORY Wk DING, XM OyNTER'$ JEYVE AT IT, ItEAD E S AND! NEW YEARS FOUND AT RY EMPORIUM AIINE THE ,'GOODS, AM3 OU WILVFIND THAT C UN ER HAS—OAK/37G THE QUAL- clay loam 1 nd, cleared and in a remainder is premises ripe a 4 frame kite en, good spin er This farm i sit and 10i railes 1 particulars ban proprietor en t THOMAS GILP conta ping 75 acres of about ; 66 I acres of mall log house, aide through th ek running steal f a coed gr 4011 nler apld pi rill ibitoeraoftlit 0 ce ce eh Pr sion are the ith and. P. 0., tahmeer the 29 RIGEST, BEST ASS IbRITEO ifkND OH AI3EST st WA With ' sion 17, Aleltillqpi-conte ning 100 cr which aro dear d, wet fene , under al free from stump ; there are wo log ho ing orchard, and plenty of go .1 Water; is all hardwood , is within a mile on the village of Walto, where are fit of payment —Alegi the west half of L cession 8, McKillop,, nd a ept half Concession 9, McKillop, will le sold. el e wise severed properties hn Seif rth an villa. Apply to A. STRONG, Land. Co ces- and d ear - ti nber y erms ond- x4 in 100 • nhoctit:esse: good g of ain- yr of 672 I Fa Spectacles and Fancy G eh Ohl/el.:Plate Ware, ods Wiestof oro Ito. CHES. VVATCHES. ATCHES. Ladies' and Gents' Gold Hun ers, Irey and tem inder Ladies' and Gents' Gold Open Pao , hey an stem wind rs. Ladies' and Gents' Silver Hu ters, keyi and steni winde Ladies' aed Gents' Silver Ope Fa6e, key a d stem vvi de▪ rs. hite, black, and illuminated dials and Swiss ma cy Walnut Cases—Eight Day and Thirty Hour. Eight Da.07, and Thirty Hour ; both Spring JEWE 0,dies' Bright and °Glared Gold Sets. Brooches and Ear Rings in Roallplate. Rrooches and- Ear Bin- s in Electroplate. Orme es and Ear Ri gs in Gilt. Lock ts, Necklets and Charms. Brace ets, Watch Chains and Keys. Of th Celebrate Meriden Brittania Co facture Every piece stamped TWO GOOD FARMS FOR 'SALE— r -1- 7, coneession 6, MeKillop, cont t acres, also East halt of Lot , n the 7 h 11 liand young orchard, elk a never failin s water. Olt the small ifarm there ar cleared, fee fr m stumps:well fenced i. ed. Log build ngs, a eoodeal chard an water. Beall fa. ms are convenient to Dublin, a ith a good rend leading to Apply to the proprietoi• on the pre ise Beachwood P. Q. JA,ES REID. one hundred acres of land, about 5 of hich with hardwood ; there is a f e hou e and frame barn and stables ; alsO a yo g bear ng o chard the same' distanoe from ippon, a d 7 miles running past the farm, and echool 'thin three qtiarters of a mile. This is Ile of th best farms ther particulars appt to he propiietor n the premises, !or to Bin efield P. 0. ILES Me - 1 664 ao 5 en 00 es Dinne Break Pickl Indi vi Card Eperg Coffee Tea P Salt Wine Sugar Syru Toilet Waite In divi -1-4 For Sale, Lots No' 7 and 8, Conce sion 2, How - ick , contetining 200 res ore or 1 s, about 160 acres cleared and n arly ree frac. stumps, 10 acres ced r and black ash, rid the balance good hardwoo bush ; there is a ew bank beim other two barn put up with ceder poets, wc good log homes, I g steble and other out buil ings ; a good bearing rehard ; this farm is well fer eed with cedar and black ash raila, also ove 100 rods of board feneing ; this pm is in a rod s ate of cultivation, a d over' half of it has eer_ lying in , plenty of shoi e watek the year round; s 4 miles from the' vill ge of Gorrie, 5 from Wroxeter, 1 from school, a d 2 from !church ; s arm is a great bargain and can be bought for $5,500— mortgage on e farm at 8 per cent. interest, for a term of years, to snit pnrchaser ; t'tle indisput- able ; possession given immediately. For further particulars apply to vhe preprietor on the prem- ises, or if by letter to Goriie post elm. j. R. ROSS. 671 Castors. ' ast Castors. nail Castors. res or Fruit ts. and. Crumb ts. s' Salvers. ual Salts. Stands. Dessert nives, Forks, IN C Dinnee Knives. Tea nives. Tea °dee. Dinn r Spoons. Desse t Spoons. Tea poons. SPE 25 cente to $1 p with Black & C KS. Plai Veneered Cases-- nd eight. G-ena Rings, Band Rings Seal Rings. Scarf Pins nd Cuff Be tons. Stp.dds and Collar ButtOns. AVING conangehced business for the Fail and Winter Trdde,As now prepared, as usual, to puithaee any quantity of Pork, Subject to tha following regulations : We will take off 2 pounds pet hendrcd if dry, and 3 if soft. Shoulder SOMETHING NEW. Shuck 25 cents. The undersigned will also open a Store :la Seatort b, 'next door to Killoran & Ryan's, -where he will keep constnntly on hand a ehmee and complet e stock of all kinds; of Cured Meats, Satt- sage% dogna, Pole and other Cuttings, &e. STOCiE WILL B4 OPENED THIS WEEK. TED ARE pany and Rbgers, Smith & Co. menu- nd -warranted as represented. Biscuit J s. Butter Di hes. Cake Bas ets. Call Bella. Celery Sta.nd.s. Tureens and Cups. Flower Stands. Berry Dishes. Ice Pitehers. Swine Ke tles. Toast Ra ks. Vases. Car Receivers. Nap in Rings. Giv e rne a trial. Nothing but to. good article kept, and aatisfacti n guaranteed. 671 HUGH noDe, Sea -forth. DARING BURGLARIES MAY BE 40AIMITTED BUT CALDER I SI NEVER ASLEEP HE IS ALIWAYS AWAKE ! TO- THE Wants bf his many friends and the -I- public at large, Supplying themwith first dare work of the Plietogkaphie Art, in the latest -styles and newest desigss, at reasonably low prices. This is the main seicret of my success in thepast, and will be by Itto for the .future. Pictures taken when the tei pest blowa, when -dark donde hover, above us, When thunder and lighining rages} when it rains, when it snows, and when the sun's bright !raye 'shine forth—no matter , what the weather muy be, Calder aiways takes a good impression a(1 turns out a No. 1 Photo. Old Pictures copied and enlarged. PletureirameS kept in stock. liqueeniber the People's Favorite, .—No Plains taken in total darkness. poons and Napkin Rings. TACLES AND 'EYE Sal Spoons. Mu tard Spoons. Fish Keives. Fish Forks. Fruit Knives. SOIFORTO FLAX Mita JOHN! BEATTIE o.'s and Lazarus, Morris & 60.'s manufacture in Gold, Silver, Frames, from $1 50 to $12 Per pair. COMM011 Spectacles from r pair. A case eiven with eVery pad . -Have your eyes tested .'s Indicator and*get fitted tlie first ti e. ' SUNDRIES. Gold Pen and Holders. Pencils. Tuning Hair Bru he . Nail and Toot Brushes. Fine and Dres mg Combs. Scissors nd P cket Knives. Pocket Beoks n Leather. Pocket :oaks n Shell. Pocket B eekt le Steel. Meersch um Pipes. Brier Pi es. The Largest St doll WATCH In all their br to all work ent trade, I can Wi REMEMB opposite J S. torter's Cheap Cash Turnitur Store. Cl Pipes. Pi e Steins. To aeco Pouches. To aeco and ▪ igar Stands. To acco and igar Boxes. Fa cy Flower Pots for table. Walking Sticks, . Strary. La les' mad Gents' Satchels. Fans and Vases. II ck of Violins in the Co nty, which I Will sell at 75 cents on the r. Violin Strings, Bow , Tail Pieces Keys and Rosin. Is STILL Desiieons of dispoting ef his Flax Imo ese Than, whio is likely to manage it prop. erly(., He hs B sufficient Flax sown, and in splen- ing the season, t ethbe did leader, to kec the Min running steadily due- evneerfietilealimnr+connection web MONEIY TO LOAN, Any amount of ingoney to loan on reasonable JOHN BEATTIE.. E G El M P RiUM. THE Subscribe hereby thanhe his numerous -a- icustomers (inerchants and others) 1 or their liberal patronage during. the nest 7 years, and hopes by strict integrity angi close attention to business to merit their confidence end trade in the !future. llanhig greatl, enlarged his prem - is es ' during the writer, he is no* prepared to.pay THE HIGHEST CASH -PRICE For any quantity of Good Fresh Eggs, delivered at the Egg Empo ium, riAIN ST BET, SEAFORTH. Wanted by the subscriber, 25 :tons of good 417 clean wheat stra S, CLOCKS AND JEWLRY REPAIRED, °Moe. y giving my personal attention g over weety years experience in the work to give satisfaction. ncheS, on the shortest usted to me, and hay]. THE ZURICO CARRIACE FACTORY. AAVE alwayri on _hand, and make to Order, gons,1 Sic mho, Carringe*,13ing- gie s, C iga lac** and every other artickin their bey pereona ly superintend their own bitsi- ne s, and can ara.ntee a good article both se to material and ivorkmanship. For Style and Finish their work tannot be surpassed by thee large city est*bliehments. Repairing primptly attended to Give us a trial and be continced that we ma satisfy youas to ist?juranlitiseanied willirinown to been in bueinesil Zurich fon over12 years. 686 HESS, & HABERER. 0 HERE. OINC,ALES HAIR RENEWER. 0 OT_Ine.R Preparation yet discovered. does its tem k -sea quickly and Otis: actoilly as the CI GALESE. at never fails to restore GRAY H IR or FADEP HAIR to its youthful color and life, as it contains the SPVJIFIC ALIMENT which is the life of tha hair, and in this way its NATURAL COLOR is RESTORED with rapid- itY. It cures Dandruff, Itching and Eruptions, and keeps tbe dietial clean, siveet and healthy. th Hair a -silken lustre and softness which is the a iration isle Try it and be convinced. Sqld by Druggiats, and in SEAPORTS by LS. 668-52 ROBERTS, at 50 cents a bottle,. of Old Gpld and Silver Wanted, for which I will pay Cash or Trade. R STAND—Tree of Silver -Plate in Window, directly Watehma T -er and Jeweler, Seajorth. PIAN AND ORGAN As. C. Ai. DUNLOP Teaches 'Music in all its branch4e ; Metsical Science and Harmony write their own; compositions t; careful attention given to young beginners ; alma the most approv- ed vocal training faer streegthiming and develop- ing the voice given when desired without extra ckarge. Use eit instrument fee practice -, tharges moderate. Residence on George Street, first door east of nin Street, SeafOrth. • 678 AN HO -R 1-0, Every S. turday 1•rom !NEW 'YORK and GLA.SGOW ia Londonderry) dud LONDON !TICKETS fr Liverpool, ondonolerry, Glas- wlisbing to bring out their friends. The Passenger accommodation of A1101101- Line Steamers are nneurpassed for) elegance and aom- fort. Apply to 593 At the Pint 'Office, Sealorth S400.00 RE ARD. rrHE Undersigned will givel Eimard of UN f or such informatlon asi will lead to the re- covery of the Goods stolen fr ie his store in Kip - pen on the night of the 23rd Ocreber or the morning of the 24th ; er he will give II reward of $400 for information that -willilead to the recoy- ery of the said noods and the idetection anal eon - 673 -4 APPI4ES AOPLES. AAT ANTED liby the Subscribers, Ten Thousand I Y Bushels of Apples d ing the next two months ; 10114 be sour or e eking varieties; no aweet apples Wanted. 673 D. D. WILSON & Seaforth. Wholesale 11114 RetailDealer t.n LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS of Evary Description. None but the Very Best Suck kelit. Tenni Moderate. A Trial Splicited, All ordersby mall Or otherwite Promptly filled. -n 5. CAMPBELL, ProvinCial Land Surveyor I 79 D. S. CAM BELL, Mitchell. NoY —all one afroreemenNtl fine singe I to have 5 have had t enence the tohfe—t111:tpolasti). day's elle() carry the :why oee_or sYyD:1,73. isnyoeco eyssoi:ng said the d sure," rep able bell, dozen ho - Imo at an -41bbrilliitotalftoPhr- 43 Xi; oi 10 of a et oa:roSokll Stilted by °Ilti:hwsBekeilleaa. erYaeecipilutilli 11'; Reade 'enjoyed t thatiTt of Antonia perun life wont judge here, zharatter ztealing was prey,: Slit in tial; the bag. the couni over," eal "gay i shrewd h acquittal is not elm tent. C1 -one half half out The ja ernergen body; ani The tent pritonew years. nther pal The shai They convict 1 Giflhoelj in. If tli they in ' young In some ted his felloti la WA) , no:BoGTIoitinhil the violii An by a fooliehtt daring that tb_ dog, w laage onetime ing wh he witi -the t of hese so et grennd the ao the ire plante self th The tip ef and 1 Deat The years traeti of Liv Lake appea name attrat reside name Rel- Pernh in M young Ogle 1841. ried this New 1860. perso till sh a ve to ap fotta peara she w