The Huron Expositor, 1880-02-06, Page 5FEBRUARY 6, 18 the best inducements to buyers. t .ealeS so far reported amount -to ; 2,00a,00ef feet, all of which es bed immediately. _De, Schultz, of the Prairie vince, is about to take up hie essie in Ottawa. _me. James Begg, Of- .Net4e hams, is to the fore witii the test; of maple sugar -this year's maks: _A railway has heeli coeseer, across the, river on the ice at The first train croesed on Saturday -The Ontario Poultry Shaw oe at Guelph on Tuesday-, te coatieue da.yee The number of entries ie a 1,100. --arr. John Watson, of Ayr, hes hie farm, on the outskirts of thevill to Mr. James L. Robspre for the Of $6,000- Hoegarth, Great WHeesspbe way station -master ateriner twelve years, has been removed Kincardine. eralr. Alex. Gibson, of Gibson, y county, the lumber king of New wick, has cabled $5,000 to the relief fined. _it is proposed to establish. Associatiou in connection with ete University, at Montreal, to be Universite- Association for the 'Ste Music. -A party from the Pembina le tains has arrived in Emerson,. ports ports the discovery of Gold -be quartz. The -parties keep• the lee a secret. ' -e-It is announced_ that Anges badie, of Sandwich, the °elate draught player,. liasibeen pronoun insane and will be taken to the asyi at Loudon in a few days. =Last Sunday morning in. Mon theetheeinoineter regietered 26 de - above zero, and at midaight about degrees below. There was a fan. about 38 degrees in twelve houra. _A littledaughter of John lames, Norwich, Jet a eouple of cents slip do [ her throat. It was deemed_ better force them deven, and 'after go trouble' this was clone. She feels, inconvenience. -Twelve years ago a number of tides were stolen from the Re Catholic Church., St. Catharines. - few days ago they were found by so workmen-- who were tearina''down embankment, buried Some feet the around. They are valued at ---7mr: and Mrs. McMahon, kee and matron of the Waterloo House of dustry, have tendered their resi tions. They have managed this .i blame in such an admirable ma daring the many years they have connected with it that their resigna will be a public loss, and effortsrilj made to get them to ±e -consider matter. -A steteraent appeared in the Oe :time Free Pre.,,w the other day to effect that Mr Whelleree, of Rs City, had cleared out to England $580 belonging to a widow of th.at pl He denies it in the Citizen over his signature, and holds the pub chargeable to an action for libel. in Ottawa on, business for the le City railway. -Au insane beak clerk rta.nted :mat walked up the aisle of S. Jo Episcopal Church at St. John, Brunswick, during service on Su :night, and halting before the pulp . the voluntary was beingplayed s -'God save Victoria” . The e caused a sensation, until it wag lea he WaS not of sound mind- He is t� sent home to Montreal. - -A statement published shows out of sixty Protestant churches Montreal, only fourteen are clear -debt. The debt on the remaioder eregates $477,500, as follows: Ep pal, $155,500; Methodist, $100;5* -- Congregation a 1, $1)1,700 ; Presbyteriati Refannea Episcopal; 820,00U aptist, 812,000 ; Church. of Seal tSt. Andrews), $6,000 ; German Pft teetaut, $2,500. -Two weeks ago Dr. Crawford, Alvinston, retrieved a cancerous tu from the mouth of N. Alex. Livi etorieeof Masa. The turctor was ne large as a hen 'e egg, and grew at flt- 'r ,,ot of the patient's tongue, Sated th his swallo-wnit st four weeks food, milk and grut ng 'materially .uriteei, the I meld' eat to, sell eni,g the ordy_eu, stance he could swat ow, He ie now perfeotly. well. Ths .peration was a complete Success. --its1/4. -A caution). ti ‘ feom the _Portage de-: zing to eend. . meesage- from . Wi at to his fpds ier',.Germatiy, patChea a ea"61ekrare to Frankfort:, 'eine avabont 0 o'clock 'in'- the' " e a and •ethe- folloii•ng. , incaleing. 4 waking fonnet an Answer to 'hie-. uiries. The total. distance. of 13, iiles has ing been, traevereed, toget* all the pecessary tinad•eaCupiedile' Tering 'end replying, tiiiteing only our This is one of the ;blessings e:teiegrapli; --,The- attention of the Excise •ertMent having been . called by, t Fees to the fact that coal oil of a I ado was being sold throughout rovince, and that several ' 'map osious had. oceurred, an exeise offi sited all the shops inethe city of - ye. where goal oil was sold and ,ined samples., He found that v w of the samples stood the fire t report has beeil sent to the Gov ent, and the matter will be enquirOe to. --IIeureePatterson, musician, late: i,(3 7th Battalion. Band, London, n the Artillery Brigade -Band, Guet tempted suicide on Saturday eye ; striking hiniself ou the head with. tchet. Ire had inflicted six danget is wounds. when his wife, attracted e noise, found him and took !toilet from him. He is in the G. al Hospital iu a precarious conditio* - says he was provoked to the if iipt by seeing nothing but povert d. starva,tiou for his wife and di all children. te-Ifer Itoyal Highness the Princ etise arrived at ilalifaxeon Monde Excelleucy the Governor -Gen steaaned down to the month of t , to meet his Royal wife, Tht incess on landing was received. W- s Honor the Lieutenant-Gevernots- dy :Macdougall, Col. Drayson, pinf ,s Woreliip the Mavor. She wore r cap and silk jacket lined with fot tir face was covered by a white sr •e looked in good health, but a lit Ie, douletless the result of sea -Sic ee, caused by the rough weather rienced off the coast. The wea perieuce was most boiste roughout the whole passage, tima ssel was delayed by incessant g head winds,. The Princess suffe FEBR Aim «,1880. „ THE HURON EXPOSITOR. , - - aggpscgia:firearapOOWttaxer.gete•SIE much, but is now recovering, and with rest will regain her usual health. Nothing of any note occurred during the voyage). -Mr. Ballantyue, M. P. P., has recovered P97.96 from W. Watson for failing to deliver 700 boxes of cheese after their purchase. The amount claimed was the aggregate amount of the profit aceruing fr%rie --the cheese rising in price. -James 'Vence, of Clifford .was ewindled out of 4175 because he was foolish enough to bet that amount on a knife trick with a couple of sharpers. he had sold 5 cattle at the fair and bet his Whole pile. Theswindlers have not been arrested yet. -Miller, the man who was sent to Penitentiary for 14 years for having set fire to the house on Yonge street, Tor- onto, in whieh young Nash and his wife were burned to death, has been liberated, and is in England. After serving four years he secured a pardon. --Mr. Asa Schermerhorn, orie of the veteraus who served in the rebellion _ and did duty at Kingston, died sudden- ly in his chair. at Napaaaee last Sunday • evening, at the advanced age of 82 years. b'He was highlY respected, and one of the oldest.pioneers in the town- ship of Richmond. -Last Friday night, in Quebee, while the Holman Opera Troupe were per- forming in the Music Hall, the room of Mr. A. D. Holman, manager, was en- tered and a- large sum of money, up- wards of $800, taken from his trunk. A young man, engineer at the hotel, has been arrested on suspiaion. -It has just come to light that among the victims of the Tay Bridge disaster there were Mr. Robt. Watson and his two sons, former residents of London. The deceased father wa em- ployed for some, time in the 0 tario Car Wheel Works, and return d to Dundee, Scotland, a short time since ID consequence of slack work. -A smash up on the Grand T unk, near Duffin's Creek, occurred on riday. morning. Four caxs.laden with wine collapsed owing to a wheel eying • broken, and were badly wrecked, raffle on the road being delayed for bout twelve hours subsequently. No erson is reported t� have been injured., but a number of the hogs were killed. -A_ Mrs. Porde, of Londo , was jostled on the street by a man r nning ast he stopped and -begged her p rdon, then turned back and disapp axed. A few minutes after on putting her hand in. her pocket she found her purse was missing. The man referredi to is, no doubt, the thief, as. the description - given is that of a well-known har1 case. -The outbuildings of' Mr. Bice, adjoining Clandeboye station, fo build- ings, barns, sheds, stables ;drivin eleven horses, seventeen head of cattle, a large number of she hermitic utensils, Size were entir sumedf3by fire at lfe. o'clock o day evening last. The loss i. about that he still lived. Be was taken back 6,000; amount of ineurance, if any, to the hospital. It was a clear case of not.known. suspended animation and the man is -A terrible domestie traged occur- now recovering. red at Billing's bridge, a small village -A very serious accideut occurred near Ottawa, on Wednesday n'ght of Galt on Wednesday aftern000ni 1 - last week. One, Octave Sabou in and week, Whereby a young son of Mr. his wife had. a quarrel, beth being drunk M. Lumsden received such injuries at the time, -when the woman used an to cense grave apprehension. The poor axe a,nd inflicted wounds -upon the heed boy, in ctompany with the sou of a of the husband, who clied on Saturday neighbor, was playing in the barn at the from the injuries received. Mrs. Sa- time, and had climbed .up very near to bourin has been arrested, tried and the roof, when he unfortunately slipped and fell to the floor beneath, a distance found guilty of murder. -The orossing sweeping system in of over twenty feet. He was picked up • vogue in Loadon and other European in an entirely unconscious state, and cities has sprung up- in Windsor. Boot- conveyed to the house. He is now blacks and other Gamins were busily recovering. -A despatch from Fort Walsh says: engaged with brooms, during the muddy . comber 17th, 1879. All of the above part', who are now in jail awaiting were over eighty years of age at the th trial. It is earnestly urged upon time of their death. • the ithorities to see that the carriers -A telephone was placed in Sand- between the Current and the Sault and. wich gaol a couple of weeks ago. One those between Manitoulin and Parry of the workinen While climbing up a Sound are properly armed, and that at telegraph pole outside the building, held least one white man aeconapanies every the Wire between his teeth. On arriv- mail sent out, as Indians are not suffi- ing at the top lie reached out his hand ciently careful, and do not fully appre- and caught hold of one of the telegraph date the value of the mail entrusted to wires. As the batteries were in opera- their tion at the time his act formed. a con- nection and he was the recipient of an electric shock that nearlrknocked him down. --Bruce County Couricil are deter- mined to put down the "tramp nuis- ance."- They are petitioning Parlia- ment either to amend the Vagrant Act, • so that able-bodied tramps can be im- prisoned in the Penitentiary for a period. of from two to five years, or otherwise to pass a special Tramp Act, and that the warden is authorised to communicate with the wardens of the various counties asking them to cp- operate in this matter. -Miss M. Thomas, the young lady in Toronto whose peculiar case was noticed by the press some time ago, is still in the hospital. The disease under whicile She suffers is termed scleroderma. Its characteristic feature is • that the skin gradually hardens, becoming, as it Were, petrified. Dr. Graham, who is 'watch- ing the case, has strong hopes of an ul- timate cure, and intends at the proper time to describe the different phases of the case very fully. -On Tuesday night of last week an accident occurred which might have proved fatal to a little daughter of Mr. John Wadland of East Zorra, It ap- pomp that Mrs. Wadland was engaged in house duties, and had set a pen of boiling water ,on the floor '; she had just stepped into an adjoining room for some cold water -to put into it, when the little girl who was playing in tke kitchen, accidentally fell or sat, in the boiling contents severely scalding the lower part of her body. -The manufacture of Ca,nton flannel on a large scale is about to be com- menced in Montreal, and machinery for the purpose is to be brought from Lowell, Mass. This new branch of manufacture evillgive employment to a number of extra hands, and as the companies intend to turn out a large quantity of this rticle, or as the di- rectors expressed it, "sufficient to sup- ply the entire remaining -demand of the Dominion," substantial results' may be anticipated. -A few days ago in Ottawa a small-. pox patient had a narrow escape from being buried alive. It appears he was coffined and placed in the grave before it was discovered that he was not dead. house, The grave -digger bad thrown three orned • care. Perth Item.s. Mitchell boys alarm their friends by persistent skating on the thin ice of the mill pond. -Measles are very prevalent in the the neighborhood. of Donegal; _ Elma Auction Sales. Friday, February 13, 1880, on Lot 12, Con. 10, Hay, Farm Stock and Imple- ments. James Coxworth, proprietor; E. Bossenberry, auctioneer. Wednesday, February 18, 1880, on Lot 19, Con. 11, Stanley, Pant Stock and Implements. 1VIrs. Jane Wilson, proprietress; E. Bossenberry, auction- eer. THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, Feb. 5, 11-80. Fall Wheat 1 16 to 1 18 Spring Wheat, Fife, per bushel1 12 to 1 16 Spring Wheat,RedChaff,perbuele1 10 to 1'12 Oats per bushel 0 82 to 0 33 Peas per bushel .. 0 60 to 0,62 Barley per 0 45 to 0 50 - 0 16 to 0 17 0 12 to 018 8 00 to 800 .. . 7 00 to -800 . o 07 to 008 0 50 to 125 0 75 0 60 0 85 0 35 800 0 06 6 00 6 90 3 90 township. No fatal cases. ' Butter No l Loose ---J. W. Scott, Esq.,of Listowel, is sggs ' , pigs, lyecon- Satur or four shovelsful of sand • oft the coffin,when hedencied he heard a, noise. The coffin was immediately raised, and the cover being removed, it was found. in st J. as about to open a private Bank at Dur- Flour, per 100 lbs ham, in the'Comity ,ef Grey. • Hay -No fewer than five hotel keepers in stiireeepReWebreee Listowel were fined $20 and_ costs a few days ago, for -violation of the liquor Salt (retail)per earrel, law. -On Wednesday night of last week a barn belonging to John Hazzard, of Tallow, per lb 0 05 to the 2nd concession of Elma, was com- Beef, hi quarters, per 100 43 5205 to o pletely destroyed by fire. Dressed Elogs per 100 nes 5 50 to -The bachelor's ball, in Stratford Clover Seed, per bashel was a grand success. Woodstock, Centron, Feb: 5,1880. Simcoe, Malph, St. Marys, Goderich Fall Wheat,per buehel. ..... 1 20 (.0 1 22 • b h 1 guests. Barley, per bushel °ate, perbuehel -The county of Perth has six Diyis- Peas, per bushel ion Courts with an aggregate -of 2,586 Batter ford, Shakespeare, St. Marys, Mitchell, Hgagy,per ton, Dressed Hogs Milvertou and Listowel. Clover Seed -At their next meeting the Mitchell u ar tion,Resolved, "that Breach of Promise is a greater Criine than Criminal Bank- ruptcy:" A big audience iS expected. spell la-st week, only pausing in their operations in order to solicit pennies from pedestrians. Aloud paper says it -would require about 5,000,000 of them to keep the street crossings. of Windsor clean. A, • -At the theetiugerfethe Elgin County Council, the warden mad.e refexence to the mysterious disappearance of Maggie McVey, the young girl who left iYar- mouth over 12 -months ago, and has not yet been heard of. $1,000 has peen • offered for her recovery by her family, • and $250 by the Ontario Government. The Council resolved to offer $200 for the recovery of her body, either dead or alive. -A few days ago as a son of lir. Samuel Gilders, of Amlerdon, was going to Amherstburgh, the horse on which he was riding suddenly reared up and fell back dead. The , animal fell across one of the boy's legs, but he . , inanae,aed to extricate himself uninjured and slipping the :bridle off the dead horse's head, he continued his joarney ID town. The horse, was ---Worth one hundred dollars. ' -In the neighborhood of Comber, ESsex County, the 10anada Southern railroad authorities have issued orders to the section men to stop all drains be- longing to farmers whiela convey water into the ditches along the railroad. This is a very arbitary measure and one which will cause much incon- venience to farmers 'residing. along the • line, if the coinpeny persist in carrying out their present intentions.1 --:•One day lately a fartnerle team -Which was standing on the s#eet in Cam- .- lachie, took fright at a coming train and ran off full speed. After they had ; :gone a short distance they ran astride a • cow,when a lively race ensued for about a distance of 20 rods, when the cow )3,61ted leaving the course clear for the ,horses. They were soon stopped beieg evinners by about 20 rods,- Fortunate- - ly there was no harm done. 1 .-The Directors of the Eastern Dairy- men's Association havo. resolved that their. eienual convention will be held "at Hineistoil on the _24th, 25th and 26th of .February. They also appointed a de- putetiot to ask `the Ontario GOveria- ment to grant 82,500 for the purpose Of obtaining the necessary statieties, and. ID employ oae or more of the best instractbrs to be had in. Europe and Anierica to asSist iu developing the dairy interests._ -In October, 1877, Mr. Paltridge, a Galt photographer, exhibited at the ag- ricultural shpw, in that town a most • interestina picture in the art depart- ment.' ltbrepresented twenty eof the oldest settlers the,n residing in the township .of Beverly. The peculiar character of the picture attracted a • great deal of attention at the time, a.nd it will probably derive additional inter- est in the future from the fact that the subjects of it are fast passing away. taki Within the past fourteen months five of , time them have died, namely: B. Vansickle, , eng November 15th, 1878 • Thomas Niehol, Seel February 1st, 1879; 'Alexander Weir, elene September 8th, 1879; Aarou Cornell, eons December 15th, 1879; Jacob Cope. De- ' fort Salt( wholesale)per barrel........ Potatoes, per bushel Apples, per bushel °amen) Viirl 0 30 to 0 25 to 2 75 to and other towns sent their quota of In n3 suits. These six courts are , Strat- t;otestoos Timothy Seed DebatingCl b e to discuss the • clues- A party of Government surveyors are spending the winter at this post. .In the spring they will lay out the Indian reserves near here. The Assiaiboines are to have 80 miles square east of the. Fort, and the Blackfeet the same quan- tity on the west side. Ten square miles between the reserves are to be kept for Mounted Police purposes. Great num- bers of the Blackfeet have gone into American territory to hunt buffalo. Two whiskey smugglers were arrested last week at this post and fined $100 each. One being unable to pay his fine is condemned to spend six months in the police guard house. -Farm lands sell at a high figure m South Essex. To give a few in : Fred. E. • Elliott, last fall sold to John S. Patton, of Colches- ter South, 100 acres of his farm, two miles below Amherstburg at $70 per acre. On this 100 acreis there are no buildings and very few other improve- ments, the quality of the land and the eituation being the only enhancing characters. John Maneon, sold 83 acres at $50 per acre ; 1 Dennis Lane 50 cres at $42 per 0 acres at 48;$ res at $58 ; J. H. Lockhart 280 acres ht $40 per acre; Wm. Caldwell 100 -acres at $50; D. P. Reaume 33 acres at $100 per acre, and Peter Cadarat 50 acres at $60 per acre. acres at $40, and 75 acre; F. E. Elliott 1 Edward Honor 100 a -The Methodists, of Mitchell, con- tributed last year to their Missionary Society, $190.75, against $83.11 con- tributed by Stratford. Mr. hallo Hord was the largest contributor, his subscription being $30; Mr. Flagg came next with $15, aud the next highest is 45. St: Marys contribution was $288. , ----A full web of cloth was found in an j adjacent lumber yard, a few days after - the burning of Mr. Dorman's mill in Mitchell. It was supposed to have been stolen by, some rascal from the pile carried out of the mill at the time of the fire, and hiddenemong the lum- ber till the thief could get a favorable opportunity to carry it off. -At a meeting of the shareholdersof the Elms, Butter and Cheese Manu- facturing Company, held on the 285h of January, Mr. N. Harris, late of Napauee, was selected to manufacture thq Company's cheese for the -coming meson. His recommendations are of the higheet character, and last year he took the sweepstake prize at the inter- national Fair lately held in New York city, and it was considered by experts as altogether, the best article at the Exhibition. • -A. petition was handed to Mayor - Grant, of Stratford, the other day sign- PA -Ps ed. by 36 persons, stating that they had • no work nor any immediate prospect of -AND- obtaining any, and asking that employ- ment be given them by the corporation M ECHAN ICS' BAN Ki to prevent the necessity of their apply. ing for relief. His Worship promptly called a meeting of the board of works and relief committee, when the matter was fully discussed. It is thought that owing to the open winter the construc- tion of drains might be advantageously M • 113@115 0 33 ceri 034 045@056 . 0 63 066 014 0 016 030 0 085 012@013 8 00 (a 900 6 00 0 600 4 00 0 4 25 2 75 , 3 00 Live Stock Markets. MONTREAL, February 3, 1880. -Alder- man McShane bought a carload of cat- tle from H. Gould, of Whitby, and a carload from R. Jones, of Mitchell, pay- ing from 02-c. to 5c. per pound: He also bought seven head of cattlefrom dealers at Viger Market this forenoon. There were no cattle sold to butchers at St. Gabriel Market to -day. About 100 head of cattle Were brought to Viger Market, and by noon they were pretty, well sold out. R. J. Hopper had a car- load of cattle, which were brought from Brighton, and he sold fifteen of them at an average of 434 each. Last Friday he bought twenty - two cattle from F. Shields, of Toronto, at $28 each, and re- sold thirteen head of them for $369. P. Dardis,, of Morrisburg, had a carload of cattle, and sold three large oxen, weigh- ing 5,030 pounds at 4ic. per pound, less $3 on the lot. Mr. Dardis sold the balance of his cattle at from $20 to $38 each: There were about 50 head of reugh cattle and bulls on the -market belonging to the numerous jobbers, who infest the cattle market. Most of these cattle found ready eale at improved rates. F. Shields sold a lot of live hogs last Friday, at 5i.o. • per pound., and to- day Mr. Laporte, of Mildway, sold 26 hogs at 5c. per pound. proceeded. with. The willing hands will ,(weather permitting) shortly be .provided with work. -The citizens of St. Marys are show- ing a rather quarrelsome disposition and should remember that "A house • divided against ,itself cannot stand." One party elected' a -certain man for _school trustee, and another party ap- peals against the election. The bill to amend the act to incorporate the St. Marys and Credit -Valley Railway Com- pany is supported by a large number of the citizens and has been introduced and read a first time in the Legislature, while meetings have been held. by the' opponents of the railway in the town, and over $200 has been subscribed to oppose the act to legalize the by-laws. -There are in Ontario 161- High Schiiols. The head masters of these are thus distributed, among the univer- sities: -Toronto, 39; Victoria, 23; Queen's,_ 10; Trinity, 6; McGill, 4; Trinity (Dublin), 5; Albert, 1; Aber- deen, 3 • others, 13; Of the ten Col- legiate Iristitutes in Ontario, the lowest average -salary per teacher was paid in Hamilton, viz.: $725; the highest, in Toronto,$1,025,Kingston ranking second lowest, $779. The highest =remount of municipal grant was given in Hamil- ton; $11,700; the lowest amount in Brantford, viz.: $2,000, Kingston re- ceiving $2,025. The average cost per pupil to the various, eities aud towns, based upon the ,municipal grants, was lowest in Brantford, viz.: $8; highest in • Ottawa, viz.: $50. • -The Manitoulin Expositor tells of an attempt to rob the Sault -mail while on its way from Little Current to Sault Ste. Marie. When the carriers were near the Brnce Mines on the last trip up but one, six Frenchmen from the American side suddenly sprang upon the caxriers and attempted to arrest their further progress. The driver of the sleigh in which the mail was being carried at the time is a powerful than, and eucceeded in breaking loose from thosel who had laid hold of him. He at one whipped up the horse, and made a run for it. The would-be robbers were determined, however, not to be baud ed of their prey, and followed the sleiglji for six miles in hopes of over - g it. The carriers made the best • however, and succeeded in mak- od their escape. On reaching the infprmation was at once given ming the attempted robbery, and ables were spilt back, who were nate enough to capture the whole SEATORTH. JOHNSON COAL OIL. 11&YEJB, Manager and Proprietor. - Office in -the premises under David- • son's Hotel, formerly occupied by , the Bank of Commerce. NOTES AND BILLS DISCOUNTED. Englisii and Foreign Exchange Purchased. FARMERS SALE NOTES BOUCHT. ROTHERS,SEAFORTH. HOTELS.• ipellITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL, Goderiels, -1-1 -Oat. "WM. COX, Proprietor, Tlds is one at theelDieteet, Med Corafe rt able ;led Beet Con- thiettel. Bettis in the Proviece, he Reams fie - commodious sea the Teble in Bar liberally supplied. Good stabling in connection. 335-52 COAL OIL. COAL OIL *ANTED. • AMERICAN WATER WHIg,160 DECREES FIRE TEST. "SILVER STAR" BRAND CANADIAN REFINED. FOR SALE IN ANY DEALERS LIBERALLY DEALT WITH. A PPRENTICES WANTED -Wanted Iramedi- - ately, Apprentices to learn Drown Apply at rooms over T. Ride's dom. Entranoe same hall as the Mechanics' Iuditute. MISS SLEETH. 635 TENDERS WANTED-Teuders he re,e,eiv. ed np tili noon, on the 18th ol February, by the Trustees, for the erection of a Scheel House two miles -north of Rtyth. Plans and Specifica- tions can be seen on implication to Andrew W. Plow]iIllyth, 073 and alter Monday, the 9th inst. The Trestees do not bind theme -elves to ateept the lowest bon any tender. ANDREW W. SLOAN, Seeretary-Teeasurer, Box dee Blyth post office. 6354 VOTICE-Tenders will be received by the eta- Pewee- Mon -LI Biel. al Corporation of Tucke • 'th for the QTJANTITx. erection of a Bridge ou the Hayfield River, be- : tweet] Lets 20 end 21, on the 4th concession, H. , R. S.. Also for making approa.ehes thereto, at BO much per yard for entting and filling. Plans and Specifications can be teen et the house ol . David Walker, Reeve, Lot 31, Concession 5, L. R. S. Tenders will be received up- to noon on 'Wednesday, the 25th day of Febeuary, 1880- WM. MeColiNELL, Township Clerk. 335 - SPRING SEED SHOW. QPRING- SEED SHOW -The Annual Steil , ,-, Shew wader the auspiees of the Tutkeremith Btanch Agrieultunil Society will be held in the Ask for the `. SILVER STAR " the Best • in the Alarket. e AGRICULTURAL HALL, in the TOWN OF SEAFORTH, on WEDNESDAY, February 25th, 1880, when the loIlowing prizes will `he offered for Grain, Seeds and Boot, viz.: Four beveliels - Lost Nation Wilettt, let V, 2nd $8,814 $2 ; Font bushels Spiing Wheat, any other vaaiety, let e4, 2nd $3, 3rd $2 ; Four bushels 2 -rowed Barley, let $2, 2ed $1 50, 8rd 31, Four bushels 6.rowed ; Bariev, lab $2, 2ted $1 50, 3rd. 31, , Four bushels . • : White Oats, 1st $2. 2nd $1 BO, 3rd $1; Font TWILL PAY TO BUY YOUR DRUGS AND rataiciNES ., , i Four bushels Small Peas, 1st $2 tale ei 50,3n1 , bushels Bla-ck Oate, let $2, Sod $1 60. 3ed $1; ( , - JOHNSON BROTHERS, SEAFORTH. Births. GOUMLOCK-In Seaforth, on the 4th inst., the wife of W. C. Gouinlock, MD, .daughter. of a Drafts Issued, payable at par at all. . . WILLIAMS-At Constance, on the 3]..d. inst., the Branches of the Bank of Commerce. wifa of Mr. John Williams of a diuhter. CLUFF-In Blyth, on the 23rd elt„ the wife of g AIRENFild eAD-In .Staalley, on the 2Iult., the Interest Allowed on Deposits. Mr. Riebard Muff an daughter. , wife of Mr. James Aikenhead, of the 2nd' con- eesNICHOLSON-In Walton, on the 13th ult., the M. P. HAYES, son, of a son. • -wife of Mr. Win. Nicholson of a daughter. • . • Marriages. SPROAT-McCONNELL-At the residence of 'the bride's father, on the 4th inst., by Rev. William Graham, -Mr. George Sproat, to Miss Isabella B., second daughter of Wm. McCon- nell, Esq., all of Tuckersmith. WHITESIDE-McDOUGALL -At Chicago, on the 13th ult., by Rev. Frank M. Bridal, at -the Wabash Avenue Methodist Episcopal °bush, Mr. James Whiteside, to Miss Annie McDougall, both of Seafortle COWAN-WELLS-At the Methodist Parscputgele Walton, on the 28th ult., by Rev. W. -Baugh; Mr. Thomas Cowan, of Manitoba, to Miss Eliza Jane Wells, of Hulled. BEDGGOOD-FYFE-On the 28th u11., 4t the • residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Colin Fletcher, Mr. J. H. Bedggood, of Woodbridge, to Jennie, eldest daughter of John Fyfe, Esq., of Lumley. FEENEY-OLVER-In Hibbert, on the 27th nit., by Rev, P. Scott, Mr. Daniel Feeney, to Je- mima, youngest daughter of Mr. Francis Olver, all of Hibbert. REARDON-DORSEY - At St. James' Roman - Catholic; Church, Seaforth, on the 2nd inst., by ROT. Father O'Shea, Mr. Dennis Reardon, to Ellen, second daughter of Mr. Michael Dorsey, both of Seaforth. McMICHAEL-FISHER-At the residence of the bride's father, Colborne, by Rev. Mr. Crupp, on the 21st ult., Mr. Thomas MeMiehael, of Hullett, to Lucy Ann, youngest datee'nter of J. J. Fisher, Esq. YEO-RIGHT-At Trowbridge, on, the 28th ult., by Rev. J. Stinson; Mr. Henry Yeo, of Grey, to Jane E., eldest daughter of Mr. Geo. Wright, of Wallace, formerly of Hulled. LAWRENCE -BOND -At the residence of the 2 bride's father, in Bright, on the '2nd inst., by Rev. Win. Robertson, A. M., Alex. Law - react), Eke of Tuckersmith, to Margaret, . eldest daughter of Wm. Bond, Esq. VelLSON-.ANDERSON-At the residence of the bride's father, on the 21st ult., by Rev. George Brown, of Wroxeter, Mr. John Wilson, to Miss Jane Anderson, all 6I-Howick. McLEAN-ROSS-At the Ma.nse, Kippen, on the 30th ult., by Rev. H. Cemeron Mr. Win. M ' c - Lean third son of JamesieleL4o,n, Esq., Lon- don Road, to Miss Alice C. Ross, second daughter of the late Janaes Roes, all of • Tnekersmith. SREFFER-ANDERSON-At the Manse, Rip ,- pen on the 3rd inst., by Rev. H. Cameron, Mr. Charles Sheffer, of Rapid City, Saskatche- wan, Northwest Tenacity, to Miss Margaret Anderson, eldest daughter of Mr. John Ander-. son, Stanley. Manager and Proprietor. 1880 MANITOBA. 1880 GREENWAYS First Special Passenger Train for this year will start from 0 7E] mQr '17 TR, IN. MA 1 A. On TUESDAY, MARCH 165h, To be followed by others on Tuesday, April 6th, Tuesday, April 20th, and Tuesday, May 4th. FROM- LUMSDEN VVILSON, SEAFORTH, - Freight leaves the day previous to all the above dates. Dae notice will be given of all future parties. Rates always the lowest, and the greatestpains taken to have arrangements most complete and satisfactory. Persons joining these parties are released from all care in bonding baggage, freight, live stook, &o. 150 Pounds of Baggage Free. 11 Mr. Greenway goes through with each party. For particulars apply to JOHN 'KNOX, G. W. R. Agent, Centralia. Deaths. - McLAUCHLIN-On the 28rd ult. Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. William Moilluehlin, 10th concession Grey, aged 26 years and 4 months. MoDONALD2On lot 16, concession 4, Grey, on the 29th ult., Christina McDonald, aged 82 years. 635 STOCK FOR SALE As you can depend upon getting the Purest Article that can be obtakid, and at as Low a Price as is usually paid for an inferior quality. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES THOROUGHBREDS FOR SALE -For Sale, 4 -1- Thoroughbred Durham Ball Calves, from 11 to 15 months old; good animals good pedi- grees. Apply to JAMES DICKSON, Tacker - smith, Seaforth P.O. 635x4 Accurately Prepared from the Purest Drugs at Bottom Prices, 31, Four bushels Large Peas, la:$2, 2n4 $1 50. 8rd $1; Two bushels Timothy Seed, let $2, 2n4 31, Two bushels Clover Seed, 1st $2, Bushel and a half Early Potatoes, 1st $2, 2n4 1, Bushel and, a half Late Potetoes, let $2, 1 2n4 $1.. RULES AND REGULATIONS -1d. ' All artmIes ehown must be the geowtb. of 1879, : and peoduced on the farm of theeabibitor. 2n4. No person shall be entitled to more than one prize for grain, i,eed » roots et the seine kin& 3rd. No person will be allowedate *how Bliea or ; sell on the emends evitbout tret becoming & ntember a the Society, 4th, 'n exhibitor al- lowed t -o expose his name on the hags. 50ie All articles for txhibition to be on the ground by 10 o'clock A. M. 60. No grain, eeed, or roots to be reineved from the 'building before 4 o'clook P.M. GORDON MeADAM, Seceetaty. JOHN MeMIL- LAN, President. 0354 FOR SALE OR TO LET. TO RENT -That tondortelde Wel: store, With -1- rooms shove, on Main Street, Seaforth, at present occupied by W. N. Wateon, Foisted= given on the lst of February. Apviy to Me- CAUGI1EY & liOLMESTED.• 4 631 TTIOUSE TO RENT -To Rent; a -comfortable frame 1301.1hB on Godelich street, near the Skating Birk; contains 8 looms, with cellar. A Large Assortment of Shoulder Braces, Trusse.4, C hest Protectors, Ilair °°a'b6(iv 13alra al'd tat water_' .811 all '31;bet and Cloth, Brushes, Peifuntery, Toilet Soaps, &c. -con veniences attached, Rent $6 per mon Apply to L. MURPHY. 331 TORE '10 BENT. -To rentethe store known. , -as the re))).e.ne Store, -on the toner of Main, • ; a nil jeln Stietes, Staforth. It is eitentted ALL THE POPULAR PATENT IVIEDICINES OF THE DAY t h:bettb.ipart t1 awelegotMeLre:prtt* I . Dickson, Stem tin or the , proprietor Ae DICKSON, Goderieh. 898 1-‘ ARAI TO BENT -To Rent, Lot 19, Conceeilon ; -1= 8,o derith Townehip ; this farm containsal , ; acres of the best land in the County of Iletron.;, in a high state ef tultieation ; 15 sores r.xnder fall wheat and 25 acres under glass; there is good orchard, good well and pump, and ZOILII110-‘- ; diens buildings on the premises. For particulare ; apply personally or by letter to the undersigned. F. CLEGG-, Lot 5, Con 5, Morrie, Belgrave P.O. AL EX. CAMPBELL, Con. 12, Hullett, Oarlock P. O. WM. CLEGG, Blyth P. 0„ 885x4 KEPT CONSTANTLY IN STOOK. PACKAGE DYES -ALL SHA DES -ALWAYS IN STOCK. UMSDEY & WILSON, Druggists and Booksellers. STOCK FOR SERVICE. 1880 TO BREEDERS -I- OF PIGS. - • Robert Govenlock of the Northern Gravel Bead, Mc - Sinop, one mile and a half north of Seaforth, hav- ing pnr chased from the Bow • 1880 IMPORTAVT NOTICES.. • 1\1 OTICE-AB. parties indebted to E. fieSps 4-• Iteg exmet call at the °nice of Gray, Tering Sp ruling's Salt Wells and settle their *teem* hetene 1 he 29111 01 Feb) uary, 1880, arthey will lie put into Court ler collection. 4.313 GREAT STOCKTAKING SALE THOMAS KIDD'S MAIN STIIETISEAFORTH Park Herd'a Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar, will keep him for the improvement of stock during the present season. Terms fa, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. R. GOVENLO-1I. 685 POOR COPY Being desirous of Clearing Out the remaining po,rtion of my Stoek, in order to make room for my r 1\7-"91CT SIDIZINCIr Winter Whic'h shortly begin to arrive, I have decided to offer during TRE WHO-1JB OF THIS MONTH the balance of my well assorted Stock AT AND BELOW*COST FORCASH Ladies' Winter Mantles in great variety. Ladies' Hats a,nd Bonnets -a select and. stylish assortment. LadiesFurs in Mink; Astracanand Seal. Ladies' Clouds, Hoods and Sqtiares. My Entire Stock of Shawls -a most magnificent assortment. Men's and Boys' Clothing. Ulsters and Fancy Overcoat, Under Clothing, All Wool Shirts. Mufflers and Fur Caps -newest styles and patterns. Hats, Caps, Neck Ties and Gloves --extraordinary -cheap. f A VERY FULL LINE OF BOTS AND SHOES In Coarse, Medium and Fine, suitable for Men's, Boys', Ladies' , and. Children's Wear. PEM OVAL-1VISS SCOTT, toaeerta, hae'rot nro ved her Dtessmalting :Business father's reeteente, .Jobn 8 -beet, opposite the n.pisoopa1 liettedist Church, where she hopeeta x_whajisloetiaemaylel.firtecnujibeerazgotrgiej4nds end eustomeOt the Dress 425 - ' AINT1NG-17M. B. FREW, late et Soot. land, begs to intimate to tbe inhabitanteof ; Se atorth and surrounding country that he -co XOTO elate d budnees as General House Paintera Pa per Hanger, Sign 'Writer, As All work on - trusted to him finished in rust -ekes style. Office, meantime, at Le. D. Rose's Grecery,Ses" • fortt., "WM R. FREW, -811 This is a Rare Opportunity fir securing Unheard of Bargains, and 1 trust ?ny Customers -mid the Public in general will take, full advan- tage of it. Every facility afforded Pr the Inspection of Goods, and polite attention to all, whether you buy or not': GROCERY DEPARTMENT IS WELL SUPPLIED With a Fresh Stock. Another Large Consignment of that FAMOUS 60 -CENT TEA to arrive this week. Don't buy elsewhere tilI you try a sample of it. Satisfaction Guaranteed. TIISSOLUTION :OF PARTNERSHIP - The partnership hitherto enbaleting betwtentbe undersigned, under the firm- uame nIGurgles Brothers, as Saw-Alillers and LanaberDealere, Of the Village of Cm:I:brook; in the Townaliip of Grey, bail this day been dissoleed by mutual con- sent. The business will hereafter be eateled on by Edward Gaerow. The liabllities of the Iate ; firm will be paid by John 08.*OWIB.Ya all out - 'standing debts will be collected by hhne JOHN GARROW and EDWARD GdRROW, Grey, ; Zanuary 26th, 4.80. N. B. -In- ;eonneetion 'wink the above, the undersigned 'desires to =Myatt - paeties indebeed to the late tern to pay their -indebtedness on or before the 20th of Felneutel. ' After that date the books will lie handed overtte the Clerk of the Division. Cont. who will mke further collections with -costs, es the affairs ranst ibetoswe.ltled up without delay. also aitthoriret grant receipts in my name,. JOHN - GAR- ! Mr.. Edward Garrow to collect for me, and to 6844 THE LIQUOR DEPARTMENT, As usual, is in full running order, and Pure and Unadulterated Liquors always in Stock. Hotel Keepers and parties buying in large quantities liberally dealt with. THOMAS4KIDD 'Main Street, Seaforth. V :K. REAL ESTATE FOR SAT.R. 1'011SALE Oil TO RENT -A small Store in Exeter Neath, weB suited for mostly any business, being on the zorner where threeof the moat leading reads wine into thevillege; would - bo enlarged ot Enelisdaitions Made as might ha e quired for a _good tenant. Aloe foksale, a large d welling house, with every- etnevenienes; good stable, two lots, with bemieg fruit trees. L. IleTAGGART, Seafortli. • 631-4x 11,-1 Els.TSALL - Desirable Villeg. Property for Sale -The undersigned bas a fiva-aerie Fettle Lot in the thiieleg Village of aeneall whiclelee, offers for Bale; there is an excellent-, orenincelioe& aatgdooeryoveunniegntebarieriekesh.o.r..oz'ite.Yr bpeefltati, tint* very comfortable home for a retired lamer, thei terms will be very reasonable. For further are ticulars apply to the propietor, TPEOMAISeeP REN, Hensallpost °Alm --"PARSI FOR SALE. -For Sale or to Rent, North :-1-* half of Lot 9, Con. 14, Matiop, oontatning 100 acres, 65 acres elcared, and the remainder Well timbered with white -ad; maple, beech and bass wood, good barn and stable, and good' hots° ; plenty of water, young orchard. good fencing, &ce cenvenieut to chug -Choi and sehooVe and 3 miles from gravel road, possession gwen immediately, For further paeticuleas apply tie M1IS825 i'AHalW.FLO.R117,-BWD:te:: Loth 15 aud„ 16 in the dth.Concession a Stanley, contain - mg 99 saes. 80 of 'which are eteared. There SIM o acres 01 fell wheat sown and tel acres fall plow - reg done; good hainestable and outhouses, alt frame, also good frame home with stone cellar 18 x 24, good wen with pump, and an extellent orchaed. This property is sheeted within 02116 : of Varna. village, 12 ratios from &aorta, eneeeue be bought for $4,500. Any one wishing futthee informetion can apply en. the Pesnelseemar+ THOMAS JOHNSTON. --- -VARM FOR SALE. -North half of Lot22, Smei ble Line (Lake Shore Road) Stanley; 80 =res 60 acres tieared and in good enitivation; 20actesS good bush, 9 sores fall wheat ; 15 *ores tell low- ed ; three-quarters of a mile le ex Drysdale and store; first-class land, • veetient to sebool and elmrch; brick house eteXY ima well finished, viith.goodt!telkg; bur* bent, 5zie stream of running water Telose ti barn; splendid Dreher -dot bearingtreea, Terms vall\bet made to suit purchasers, if timO is required; leaf ftg(I°: RL bilrEga130NinwilICAS-ssgiliken't4ADryeasiti:38ittlY .orttith: .