The Huron Expositor, 1880-02-06, Page 1J RY 30, 1880. 3 ntmegs.r s tom: (TER GOODS. Q )11:AX OF 'FAZING L E G E S ria tut ut tYf their license - /7 TI L %` i r tiftn it is Eo -date. z1 �, i) ess Gods ai31:1i1-t .Z i attel. Stapht tl tttt;:tlhed iu he .County. Y --New . ltd ltttt al up` EAFORTI-1, ONTARIO. '1H1 d Hats, and ap. lid Hats s :Warm De:kver Mantles Pattern Mantles positively Wrap Cloaks, Dolmartcf, 00Ds--We are clearing. )ek at prices which everybody that we carry vertisc:ueuts to the very --Most complete Stock we 01, and at pepular prices. lin this department amply 1- Warm Winter Gloves, great variety_ -YOUR _CLOTHING ..e largest steck te select „e g eale are thoroughly finished, and their priees OUR .SALL. ked dowel the whale of Meu's, Boys' and _ I duislied, This is the ateee this to Le excel/ - WINTER SUITS. undred Suits to select • nei.vest aut.' best ma - AND YOUTHS'. 'iited Bees' and Youthe stock. and the prices Yu Discutottx. Plans Dealere in DRY eieu 14, Grey, by soma ese in the stable, and aceouut of not having ry room, and died from. :eating too many oats. valued at $100. She e about six months,,ago dueled in a, tether hese s losing the span with- ei are the officers of the current year z Presi- IL II. Scott ; Directors • ,"Nreddi Geo. Cox, rat - IL Scott, Robt. Mc- Andrews. Auditors— d Dickson and Wm.. ago .s.`frfr. Leathorue, of an unpleasant acci- *r remarkable manner-, his -linger nails, when ed, and falling hori- :.z0.1 his legs sudden - was driven into his leugth tif the blade. . about two inches 111- CluSO IL Cs li.kely to in - it' Era of last week lit mild weather has r these who had killed etentioit (4 marketing lal-t a farmer from ' been killed for of which Was con- _ quite dark in color; get a bid, he had to home. Had lit been Tal days sooner, he, lized per hundred sibly more. Having determined to clear ont oar resent Stook to make rooin for our go:Spring Purchases, we are offering GREAT INDUGEMENT o Cash Buyers. Come along with the Money and we will show goods at SUCH LOW PRICES HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The County Council of Huron met at Goderich, Tuesday of last week. The first business after the Council met was the election of a Wazden. Mr. Charles Girvin, of West Wawanosh-, moved, and Mr. Wm. Young, Colborne, seconded, Mr. J. T..Garrow, of Goder- kit Mr. David Weir, of Howick, mov- onded, Mr. A. L. Gibson, of Wroxeter. In accordance with Mr. Gibson's wish his nominatien was withdrawn, when Mr. Garrow was elected by acclamation. On resuming the chair Mr. Garrew, a neat speech, thanked the Council for the honor they had conferred upon. him, .and. opened the busiuess of the session. After the transaction of some fermal business, the Connell adjourned until Wednesday. WEDNESDAY, January 28 The Counal met at ten o'olock. Af- ter the minetes were read, the follow- ing members were elected by ballot a committee to select the standine com- mittees for the year, viz.: Itessrs. Strachan, Wilson, Girvin, johnston and appointed county auditor by the Coun- cil, and Mr. A. Dickson, of Goderich, by the Warden. -- Mr. Bell; the inspector of the work on Grand Bend Bridge, reported having paikethe contractor, Mr. Purdy, the that theewirk was no* finished eatis- factorily; except the pointing of the ma- c, sonry, hibh, coield not he done until nd recominending the retain-. Mg of the sum of $25.of the contract price meta the work is completely fin- ished iu the spring. This repori; wee referred to the Road and Bridge circalar from Lieutenant-Colonel Otter, asking a graut of $10 for the On- tario .Rifte Association ; a letter from ment of land -need. as au approach to naent from the Treasurer of the County of Lambton of amount paicl by that County towards the construction of- the Grand Bend bridge, were read and refer- red to the Finance Committee. A motion of Mr. Keine, seconded by Mr. Weir, authorizing thetraising of the sum of $3,000 for the iraprovement of the boundary lines of the various mu- nicipalities, and to be distribute& in the sarcie manner as similar grants Of for- mer years, was referred to the Finance Cheap Dress Goods less than Cost. Comnaittee. On 'motion. of Mr. McMilla.n, seConded by Mr. taunt, MI'. Gr. Edwin Cressvvell, of Tuckersinith, ‘. es appointed a mem- ber of the Con' Of Appeal, to deeide upon appeals freet the equalization of cently amended statute. Hitherto all such -appeals were decided by the Coun- ty Judge. -;.The a,mendment referred to provides that the Court of Appeal shall hereafter consist of the County Judge, Warden and an a,ppointee the A communication from Judge Squier, asking the Council to secure the ser- vices of a short -hand reporter to take evidence at the june Sessions, was read and referred tothe Finance Committee. THE STANDINO COMMITTEES. The standing committees for the year in accordance with the report of the Selecting Committee, will be composed Equalization.—Messrs.Strachan, Gra- ham, Girvin, Watson, Kay, Forsyth, Ghidley, Black;Weir, Walker, McMil- lan, Leckie,: Clegg (Blyth). Finance.—Messrs. Johnston, Clegg, (Blyth), Gibsou, Menzies, Mason, Ho- garth, Bucharta, Koine, Hennings, Castle, Carter, Hays, Slernmon, Gaunt, Taylor, Shier, Ford, Young, Griffin, Hannah and Emote - Road and Bridge.—Messrs. Hardy, Gibson, Menzies, Giryin; Bell, Webster, Whiteley, Allan, Cook, Clegg (Morris), Kalbfleiseh, Eilber, Hislop, Walker, Currie, Evans and Castle. School ,and Printinge2Messrs. Wil- son, 'Clegg (Blyth), Detlor, Leckie, Mc- Millan, Johnston, Taylor, Hannah, Weir, Hays, Hogarth, Strachan, Web- ster Young, Forsyth, Chidley and Jail and Coart House.—Messrs. Grif- fin, Gaunt, Currie, Black, Bell, Kaine, Hislop, Clegg (Morris), Alla,n, Evans, Mason, Carter, Menzies, FOrd, Esson, Shier, Either, Detlor, Hardy and Kay. Walker, Whitely, Hennings, Clegg, Kalbfleisch and Cook. Wardens and County Property.— Messrs. Johnston, WilSon, Girvin, Mc- Millan, Graham, Young and Hardy. THE COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT. - Mr. Ross, the County Treasurer, re- ported that the actual expenditure dur- ing the past year had. only exceeded the estimates by $20$, but a considerable variation exists in.Some of the particu- lar accounts, as for insta,nce : the ex- penditure for administration of justice has been $679 less than the estimate, which was based on the expenditure of 1877-78, which were respectisiely $2,197 and $2,433, evhile the expenditure of 1879 was only $1,620. The gross ex- penditure for criminal justice, however, which the Government pay, has been mnch more than in former years. The conclusion drawn from this by Mr. Ross is, that there had been a greater number Of the more serious offences which were tried before the' quarter sessions and assizes during 1879, and a Jess number of what may be called police cases dealt with summarily; by the magis- trates. Attention was also directed. to the small amount of fines paid by magistrates to the County Treasurer. Most of the fines imposed were, paid into thetreasurers of the local munici- palities, while all the costs connected with cages where they are not reeover- ed from the party, are paid by the COM1ty. Mr. 'Ross continues, "more particularly is this the case M the town orGoderich, where I find that ,during That the 'very GloseSt Buyer will be perfectly satisfied that our house is THE RICHT PLACE TO BUY GOODS. CHEAP DRESS GOODS. We are closing out a few lines of OUR 'MANTLE STOCK. The balance of our Mantle Stook must be sold ,during the next two weekie SEAFORTH FRIDAY FEBRUARY 6, 1880. the last ten years but six fines have been paid into the county treasury by town magistratest and amounting to only $25.50. It IS but right that ia these classes of cases where thet county has to pay all the costs, it should have the benefit of all the fines. 1Bearing also upon the cost of the administration of justice, and more, ,particularly on the cost of the maintenance of the jail, I may draw the attention' of the Council to the cost of maintaining vagrants in jail. Mild from the returns received from the sheriff of prisoners °caned in the jails in 1879, out of atotal of 115 committed under summary convictions, no less than 41 were committed. for vagrancy ; and of the total number of days, 3,015, these prisoners were con- fined, these vagrants were maintained. 1,395. Some of these were committed for six months, and thus got their board and odging in idleness at the expense Of the:county during the whole winter. The actual cost to the county of main- taining these is aboet 50 cents per day for each. This, of course, is much more than the actual cost of their food, but as the whole cost cf the mainten- ance of the jail, including salaries, is borne by the Government andthe coun- ty in proportion as the criminal prison- ers committed by Quarter Sessions and - Assizes bear to those summarily coni - milted by justices, these numerens add long ecommitnaents for vagrancy throw a large proportion of the whole cost of maintenance upon the county. The in- creased. expenditure this year for jury purposes has been caused byan excep- tionally long sitting of the Spring As- sizes, during which the jury were de- tained two weeks, and also by a some- what extended. sitting of the December Assizes. It is hoped the new Jury Act which comes in force this year, will make a considerable redulction in this rather expensive eervice.' The expen- diture on roads and bri oes durine the year was $8,593. The t tal receipts of the registry office for the ast year were $9,035.90, and. Mr. Dickson, the Regis- trar, has paid over to the county the sum of $2,767.95, this being the per- centage of the fees returnable to the county under statute. The balance of Mr. Ross' report referred to eiuking fund moneys ivhich had accumulated, and asking the advice of the Council as i to their disposal. The report was re- ' ferred to the Finance Committee. THE COTEAU BRIDGE. A communication from the County Council of Carlton -respecting a bridge over t4lie River St. Lawrence at Coteau Landing was read, when it was. Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded by Mr. Girvin, that this Council believes that it is decidedly in the ' interest of the Dominion of Canada to have as many facilities for traffic as can be had to carry our produce to the seaboard: Therefore, this Council authorizes the Warden and,Clerk to respectfully re- present to the Governor-General in Cotnicil, that they would wish to have all obstacles to the- ;building . of the bridge over the St. Lawrence at Coteau Landing removed, and! also that our members of Pa,rlia,ment be requested to use their influence. with the Govern- ment for that purpose—Carried.. THE TORONTO, GREY AND BRUCE. Moved. by Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr. Weir, that the Warden and Clerk be instructed to memorialize the Local Legislature on behalf of this Council to great the charter asked for 137 the Tor- onto, Grey and Bruce Railway Company, empowering them to widen the guage of their road and Iso extend it to the town of Wingha,m—Carried. WE DON'T WANT OUR OWN HEADS CUT OFF. Moved by Mr. Strachan, seconded by Mr. Hanna,h, that this Council having understood that the Government of On- tario have under their consideration the advisability of abolishing Deputy Reeves, that the Warden and Clerk pe-. tition the Government in behalf of this Council to take no action in this matter as the people of this county do not de- sire a change. Moved in amendment by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. McMillan, that the Warden and Clerk memorialize the On- tario Government, desiring them to re- duce the number of the members of the County Council, either by abolishing the Deputy Reeves or by increasing the number of Voters required to obtain a Reeve and Deputies. 1 ' After a long discussion, during which pretty much the same arguments as were used last December when this sub- ject was before the Council, were again gone over, a division was taken result- ing as fellows : Against the amend- ment there voted Messrs. Graham, Castle, Taylor, Koine, Gaunt, Weir, Cook, Ford, Whitely, Eilber, Webster, Griffin, Kay, Shier, Kalbfleisch, Ho- garth; Stracha,n, Currie, Leckie, Gibson, Girvin, Hannah, Henning Johnston, Slemmon, Hislop, Chidley, 'Clegg (Mor- ris), Evans, Esson, Walker, Hays, Det- lor, Mason, Clegg (Blyth), Chidley and. Forsyth. For the amendment—MessiS. Young, Wilson, McMillan, Blacka_Bnehanan, Allan', Menzies, Hardy, Bell and Car- ter. The amendment was lost by a majority of 26. The motion waS car- ried by a majority of 10. The Council adjourned until ten The Council met at the appointed hour, and after routine business Messrs. of Goderich, and Thomas Kidd, of Sea - forth, were ieappointed trustees for their respective High Schools. Messrs. Malloch, of Clinton, and Gregory, of Exeter, were reappointed members of the Board f r examining the papers of candidate for public school teachers' certificates. ROAD COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS. Mr. Hardy, Road Commissioner, re- ported as follows : Since last meeting the bridge on the boundary line between Huron and Mid- dlesex has been completed, but the .ap- proaches shduld still be widened and HATS, FLOWERS AND FEATHERS. Ladies' Trimmed Hats, Flowers and F eathers very cheap. ORDERED CLOTHING. ' Selling Fast. We take the Lead in Ordered Olotlaing. Every suit guaran- teed a Perfect Fit. R EADYMADE 0 LOTH 1 N G CHEAPER THAN EVER. A Fresh Stock of Groceries Always on Han,d. • Renaeraber the Place—Opposite the Commercial Hotel. HILL BROTHERS, Main Street, Sealorth. • raised higher. I have examined the Sauble bridge on the boundary between Stephen and. McGillivray, and found. that the high water and driftwood have carried away one post and a brace out of the centre bent. This bridge will need. considerable repairs, or will, per- haps, be required to be rebuilt. There is also a, small bridge on the London Road, -between Hay and Tuckersmith, over Warren's Creek, that will require a new superstructine this summer, and. the Saable bridge, between Hay and Stephen, will require a new floor., have also prepared plans and specifica- tions for Black Creek bridge, on the boundary between Hay and Stephen, and have received tenders for the re- building of the same which will be laid before the_Couneil al this session for year approval. Mr. Menzies reported as follows : Since last meeting the approaches_ ,to Helps' bridge have been completed. At the request of and in company with Mr. Gibson, I examined and took meas- urements of Wroxeter bridge, and had plans and specifications prepared for„ a new structure, whieh will be submittki for the approval of the Council at this meeting. I would reCommend that the cores of the new structure be covered with galvanized iron on the top, to pre- vent the wet getting into_ them. This could be done at a coste'jnot exceeding $100. At the request of and in com- pany with Mr.• Hays, I examined Grieve's bridge, and feel satisfied it is safe for at least another year. • These rePorts were referred. to the Road and Bridge Comniittee. Mrs. Matron, for the jail, sent in an applicatioh for an increase of salary, which was referred to the jail and Court House Committee. On motion of Mr. Hays, seconded by Mr. Evans, it was agreed that a grant of $100 should be given to repair the toundary between McKillop and Logan, providing the County of Perth or the township of Logan give a similar grant. On motion of Mr. Kay, seconded by Mr. Walk.er, asking to have a bridge on the boundary line between Usborue and. Hibbert rebuilt, as it is unsafe for travel, was referred to the Road and Bridge ROAD COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED. Moved by Mr. Henning, seconded by Mr. _Buchanan, that Messrs. Gibson, Hardy, Girvin and Menzies be appoint- ed Road Commissioners to assist the Reeves of the various municipalities in this county when called upon by any of the Reeves to assist in letting the build - ins or repairing of he county bridges, mid that the Reev of such municipali- Aies request the as istairce of the Com- miesionerinearestethe said bridge with power, if necessa4, to have the assist- ance of an engineei—Carried. AmALGAMATION pp AGRICULTURAL Moved by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Kay, that this Council grant the sum of $800 for the purpose of having a county show, on condition that not less than two of the Riding Societies amalgamate. Referred to Fidance asking for a grant to improve flee county boundary between McKillop and 'Logan was read. Moved by Mr. Hayes, seconded by zies, road conamissioners, examine the road which Mr. Kidd's petition refers to add report at the next meeting of the Council, and that the further consider- ation of the petition be left until the June meeting—Carried. • THE ONTARIO SURPLUS. Moved. by Dr. Buchanan, seconded by Mr. Hogarth, that the Warden and Clerk be authorized to request the- On- tario Government to distribute a -por- tion of the surplus now in the Provin- cial Treasury in the same manner as was done under the former surplus dis- tribution—Carried. COUNTY BOUNDARY EXPENDITURE. Moved by Mr_ Black, seconded. by Mr. Hannah, that in future no road commissioner or Reeve expend any grant by this Cou-ncil on the county boundary without a resolution has been passed by the Council of the neighbor- ing county or tovenship interested agree - per pupil lap of Br cost per r pupil aver of SeafOrtl average s female te Moved 1 Mr. Wal Clerk be i Council t ment to e to regulat steam th and prop by having inspected fore passi tor, said ing pass recomme added to ing to bear their proper share of the ex- the purp pense—Carried. • to fame THE DOG QUESTION. they cou Moved by Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. such sch Whiteley, that the Warden and Clerk, run engi on behalf of this . Council, memorialize A the Local Legislature to so amend the Moved municipal Aot in reference to the taxa- Mr. Bell tion on dogs and bitches, so that any and Cle ratepayer may own one dog or bitch be autho without taxation, and that any person Legislat owning more dogs and bitches than one shall pay the sum of $5 for each addi- tional dog or bitch. After a long and weary_ discussion, -which consumed. nearly the whole of the forenoon sitting, the motion was lost on a division by a majority of 24. Moved. :by Mr. Mason, seconded by Mr. Grah:am, in amendment, that the Railway Move ssels—total paid teachers, ary of male teachers, $650 ; 25; total expenditure, $2,45f; gister pupil, $5.06 ; cost per ge attendance, $10.28. Town —total paid teachers, $2,411; ary paid male teachers $587 ; 1 ; total cost per -register 5 ; cost per pupil average at - 6.22. 'TEAM ,FIRE ENGINES. y Mr. Graham, seconded by er, that the Warden and strncted on behalf of this petition the Ontario Govern- deawor to devise some means or govern the working of shing machines, so that life rty may be better protected all boilers properly tested and a into the hands of the opera - oilers to be stamped as hav- d inspector. We would also MeTaEAN—BROS., Publishers. $1.50 a Year, in Advance, joining counties be a _committee to de- cide appeals from county equalizations . instead. of the County judge, Wardell, a,nd an appointee of the County Coun- cil, the Committee recommend that it sh.ould not become law, as they eon- sider the present system more satisfac- tory and. less expensive. The bill giv- ing villages the same poWer to enforce statute labor as is now enjoyed. in town- ships is approved. oL The bill provid.- ing fcr the abolishing of market fees, and also that providing for the shorten- - ill:1g of summer holidays in rural schools, were also approved. of: A. bill provid- ing that cattle and other animals should not be permitted to run at large on the public highways urdess the municipality passes a permissi-ve by-law, and one providing that bridges on boundary lines ehouR not be maintained by counties at shorter distances between each bridge than five miles, not meet with the approval of the Com- mittee. A bill providing that in town- ships not divided into wards,caralidates d that a training school be. for election shall be designated by HUM - the Agricultural -College for hers, wae approved of. The effect of se of givinge such instruction this proposed amendment would be that s' sons and- others, whereby the respective candidates representing receive a certificate froin each number would be pitted against ol that they are competent to each other and -would be voted for an- es—Carried. coidingly, instead of all the candidates AIL1VA.Y CHARTER WANTED. being pitted against each other. For in - by Mr. Detlor, seconded by stance, there are three Councillors and. carried, thOt the Warden wanted for each township ;. all pro - k, on behalf of this Council, posed as No. 1 candidate would be ized to memorialize the Local voted on .by themselves, and the one re to allow the bill to pass to obtaining the highest number of votes would be- elected ; and. so on in the same way for the No. 2 and No. 3 comacillorship. Several other bills pro- posing minor amendments to the Muni - Mr. Mcelillan, that the Warden and cipal Act were considered by the Clerk be authorized by this Council to Committee. memori lize the Local Legislature to so Uponthe above report being read. it the open was Moved. by Mr. Leckie, seconded by Mr. Hays, that the school report be so amended as to inetruct our representa- tives in the Local Legislature to use their influence to prevent. the bill pro- hibiting the imposition of market fees becoming the la,w of this Province, as we Consider it au arbitrary measure. • every such animal found running at munici I Alter a lengthy discussion the roo- ty which may need hand - ANOTHER MEMORIAL. by Mr. Menzies, seconded by as to ap tax on dogs and bitches be as follows : ing to That each person owning a dog or bitch shall pay a tax of one dollar on a dog and two dollars on a bitch, annually, and that the owner of any dog or bitch be required. to have a collar around the neck of each stech animal, and that Bridge Move Mr. Es Bayfiel e Municipal Act referring to ng of township boundary lines ly to the township roads lead- ivers forming township horn'. Referred to the Road and. HANDCUFFS WANTED. byeNr. Hogarth, seconded by n,: that the municipalities of and. Stephen and any other large without such collar be shot. ton was carried en a division by a ena- cuffs m ay be supplied with one pair jority of eleven, and. the reeort, after This also was lost on a division, by a each; and that the Clerk be instructed. - hems amended was passed. majority of 35. to procu TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARDS. Moved by Mr. Hogarth, seconded by Move Mr. McMillan that the Warden and --Kr si Clerk memorialize the Ontario Govern- • .. ment not to make the township school strUcted to communicate with the High School Trustees of the cbunty, board system Compulsory, as a very large majority of the people at the an- and request them to furniih the Coun- cil with a statement in detail of the ex- nual school meetings have decided. in penditure of each High School, to be favor of the school section system as at present—Carried. laid before the Council at its meeting in June next—Carried, SCHOOL REPORTS. • _ FINANCE REPORT. The following report from Mr. Dewar, The Finance,Committee reported re - Public School Inspector, was read and commending thitt no grant be made in referred to the School .Committee : aid. of the Ontario Rifle Association ; The condition of the schools on the that Mr. Meyer be paid $50 in full of whole is perhaps as good. as could rea- his claim for land taken for approaches sonably be expected. It is to be re- gretted, however, that young men who have taught three years and afterwards e twelve pairs—Carried. HIGH SCHOOL REPORTS. by Mr. Strac'nan, seconded by mon, that the Clerk be in- to new bridge at Bayfield a that the Council pay one-half of the account of expenses for Grand Bend Bridge fur - qualified themselves as second-class flashed by county of Lambton ; that the teachers should find it a difficult mat- sum of $3,000 be granted to improve ROAD COMMISSIONERS' EXPENSES. tor indeed. to secure schools. Teachers boundary lines in accordance with Mr. Moved hy Mr. Strachan, seconded by being more plentiful than for. some time Kane's motion ; that the matter of em - Mr. Currie, that the Treasurer be in- - past produced, of course, low offers, structed to lay before the Council the amount of the cost incurred in the pay- ment of bridge commissioners for super- intending the county bridges and for plans and specifications for last year, aud lay it before the Council at the present session—Carried. The 'following is the statement aaked. for in the abov motion : i, Paid A. L. ibson, road commission - Hays, letting contracts, $29.50 ; A. Bay, 'plans, eac., $12 ; making a total expen- MISCELLANEOUS. A motion was carried for the re- arrangement of the desks of members, according to the alphabetical order of municipalities. The Warden and Clerk were instructed to consult some eminent architect,with a view to having the sound in the council room improved, so AS to obviate the difficulty of hearing. A ra tion for a grant of $200 to aid in rebui ding the Clinton lock-up, was re- ferre tol the Finance Committee. The Council. adjournell 'until 10 o'clock Friday. On the opening of Council on Friday morning and after routine business, a petition from 0. L. VanEgmond and forty-four others, of the village of Eg- mondville, asking to have that village incorporated as a police village was read. Mr. VanEgmond, in reference to the petition, was heard before the Council. He -said the limits of the proposed police village had been changed since the petition was signed. The plan before the Council included the whole of his farm, whereas the plan first agreed. upon and to which he assented only included a portion 9f his farm. He was willing that the most valuable part. of the farm should be in- cluded in the proposed police village which was being established, so the vil- lagers'could have themselves specially taxed, and thus procnre suitable fire protection, but he did not consider it. just to indude that portion of. his land on which tliere pre no buildings and to which the fire protection secured would not be of any benefit. He asked the Council te leave the matter over until the June session. Mr. Thomas Hill_ appeared on behalf of the petition. Mr. Walker, Reeve of Tuckersmith, stated that his township, of which Egmond- vile formed a part, had no objection to the Council granting the prayer of the petition, but he thought the Council should. not take action until the peti- tioners settled the existing difficulty On ma ion of Mr. Castle, seconded by Mr. Weir, the matter was left over un- til the June :session.. THE MCRILLOP BOUNDARY. A petition froni Mr. Kidd and others young men thiuking it better to teach for a low salary than lose time. The resUlt, in many cases, turned out to be a teacher engaged at a low enough sal- ary. Whether the ultimate result will be to the- advantage of these schools can better be estimated a year hence. I do not know but the series of. dull years we have had may have had some- thing to do with the matter too. - You will observe that the amount reported as paid for building, sItc., is small com- pared. with What .it has been in the past. Only two school houses and One addition have been built during 1879. Oim Model Schools have produced a marked effect in the discipline of our schools and that for the better too. These young people have certainly given more value for the remuneration received than they would have done in the same time and under similar cir- cumstances provided that they received. no special training. It A to be regret- ted that the everlasting canker of our schools, irregular' attendance, cannot be swept away. Were our children kept at school more regularly and. longer in the year, there would be little reason to complain of the expense of Canadian Common School education. It is true that some parents may not be able to do what they willingly would, yet it is qnite as true that many do not try to give their children the chance at school that with little difficulty they could do. The following statistics are taken from Mr. DONVOY ES report : The total amount paid teachers in Howick last year was $7,040 ; , average salary for male teachers, $392a female teachers, $267.50 ; total expenditure for all pur- poses, $8,736 ; total cost per Pupil en- rolled on register, $4.56 ; total cost per pupil, average attendaece, $11.91. Township of Grey—total paid teachers, $4,553 ; average salary for male teach- ers, $366 • female, $283 ; total expendi- ture for all purposes, $6,115 ; cost per pupil on register, $4.00 ; -cost per pupil average attendance $10.56. Township erage salary for males, $426 ; female $271 ; total expenditure, $5,599 ; co per register pupil $4.02 ; cost per pup average attendance $11.33. Townshi of Turnberry—totk paid teachers, $3,683 ; average salary paid. male teach- ers, $395 ; female teachers, $240 ; total expenditure for all purposes, $4,621 ; cost per register pupil, $4.63 ; cpst per pupil average attendance, $10.57. East Wawanosh—total paid teachers, $2,284; average salary for males, $364 ; total expenditure $2,373a coat ,per. register pupil, $3.99 ; cost per pupThaverage at- tendance, $9.69. Tuckersmith—amount paid. to teachers, $4,595 ; average salary for male teachers, $462 ; for females, $319 ; total expenditure, $5,536; aver -- age cost per register pupil, 46.04 ; cost ploying a short -hand reporter at the - County Court sittings be 'left in the hands of the Warden and, Clerk , with power to act if necessary ; that the money to the credit of the sinking fund be invested as soon as practicable, and that no interest be hereafter charged on the countY rate until after the 14th of February in each year ; that the further consideration of the grant of $800 for the purpose of a county show, as asked for in Mr. Mason's motion, be deferred until the June meeting ; that the BUM of $100 be granted to the town of Clin- ton for the purpose of re -building the look -up. The payment of a number of accounts was also recomniended. The above report was amended by striking out the paragraph relating to the county show business and substi- tuting one providing for the settleinent of the question at this session. The report was also amended by instructing Mr. Adamsona peremptorily to engage a short -hand. reporter to write for the June Assizes, and was then adopted.. JAIL AND COURT HOUSE REPORT. The Jail and Court House Committee reported having visited and carefully inspected the jail, found it clean and well kept, and- the pfficials eourteous. Theret are at present incarcetated fifteen persons=thirteen males and two females. The Committee regret to find that four of the inmates are insane, but are pleased to learn that the necessary steps are being taken for their removal to the, asylum. They also reported, that they found the drainage defective, in fact of no use, and recommended that proper drainage be effected. They fiirther recommended the procural of two straight jackets, one for males and one tor females, for use in the jail. The new clothing for nee in jail has been otdered, butt has not yet arrived: The report was adopted.. SALARIES COMMITTEE REPORT. The Salaries Committee reported re- commending that the salaris of the Ma- tron of the jail be increased in the stun of $50, in accordance with her request. Respecting the saldries of the other county officials, it was recommended that they remain as before. . The report was adoptea. SCHOOL AND PRINTING COMMITTEE apeour. The School and Printing Committee reported recommending the acceptance of the ender of the Exeter Times, for the eo nty printing, it being the lowest. With femme to the several bills be- fore th Local Legislature amending, or propos g to amelid, the Municipal Act, copies f which. have been submitted by Messr . Ross, Bishop and Gibson, M. P. .'s, for the purpose of getting the vi ws of the Council on the same, the Co mittee recommend as follows ; Respe ting the bill providing that the Count Judge and jtidges of the ad - GRANT TO AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES. On 1110ti011 of Va. Currie, secondedby Mr. Girviu, a grant of $100 was given to each. of the Riding Agricultural So- cieties, said grants to be dietributed among the branch societies in the same proliortion as the Government grant is now distributed. REPORT OF THE ROAD AND BRIDGE COM - The Road and Bridge Committee re- ported, recommending that the Treas- urer be -authorized to pay over to the Treasurer of Lambton the balance of Huron's share of -cost of Grand Bend bridge that may be still unpaid as soon as the Warden is notified of the amount due ; that the tender of MT. Thomas Ballantyne for the erection of Black Creek bridge, amounting to $670, be ac- cepted, and that Mr. Hardy be in- structed to have the contract closed and bonds properly signed, said bridge to be built on apnea in. accordance with plans and specification& Respecting , the report of Mr. Hardy on various bridges, the Committee recommended. that the. approaches to the bridge be- tween Hiiron and Mid.dlesex be widen- ed and repaired so as to be safe on condition that the township of Bida;lph pay one-half the cost. As reaards the Sauble bridge between Stellen and McGillivray, it was recommended that the necessary repairs be made as soon as possible, on condition that the county of Middlesex pay one-half the cost. It is renommended that the sug- gestions made by Mr. Hardy in. his re- port respecting repairs on the bridges on the London road and on the boun- dary between Hay and. Stephen be -car- ried out. Thereport of Mr. Menzies Road Commissioner, was taken. into; Consideration. In reference to the Wroxeter bridge, the Committee re- commended that the abutments be built of squared cedar instead of stone, as they findthat owing to the difficulty of finding a stable foundation for stone- work and the cost of suitable stone, the expense will be very high ; also, that the necessary cha,nges in the plan be made BO as to make the superstructure suitable for cedar abutments, as abut- ments, when made of timber, are gen- erally broader than when made of stone, and that cribs -filled with stone and covered on the top be plaxed close to the abutments, BO as to protect the fotmdations, and that the contract be let by sealed tender as soon as possible. With regard to the bridge at Brussels it was recommended that the abutments be built of stone, that the span be ten feet; and that instead of a stone arch it be covered with cedar timber, aud a covering of gravel OT143 foot deep be laid On the top of the cedar timber. With regard -to the bridge on the Belraore road, it was recommended that the abutments be built of squared zedar instead. of Stone, and. covered with cedar stringers, with a floor of cedar plank, and, the span to be the same size as at present. It was also recommend: ed that a bridge be built on the boun- dary line between Usiborne and Hib- bort Mt accordance with the request contained. in Mr. Hays' motion, It A recommended that the motion of Mr. Menzies asking the Council to memori- alize the Local Legislature to amend clause 615 and following clauses of the Municipal Act, so as to apply to roads leading to township boundaries, be granted. On this report being read, a motion was submitted to expunge the last clause. On a division the motion was carried, and the report as amendedwas adopted. ,, After the reading and confirming of 8., few by-laws, the Council _adjourned until the first Tuesday in June. 3.