The Huron Expositor, 1880-01-23, Page 5TANIMIW: 23„, 1880.,
ae taverns, and in towns aura
=ken sprees and broken beans
t yet unknewri, But iiiiblie
2is against Ulm- and even those
low such courses cannot 7ulory•
i as they used to• do in, other
No respectable man now COre.
il haviug beerf tight, and to he
tareerine ou the streets almost
ee s,
:rile- invoIvea a loss of caste. We
old to affirm that on this, last
ear's day there wa.s not oue offer
, to visitors, where ten years ,ee
Lre ago there were tem- le je.
bear this ia mind when there is
alency to despond or to imagine
the matter of society Canadians _
6 change for the better. • There
) hilri In the agitation against
riakiefg customs. The Diinkia
at be set aside in this raunici-
er in that. Very great scandals
rankenness may sometimes crop
l'ait it would be far contrary as
0 suppose that all the labor of
rears was lost, and that things
eing from bad to worse. The
tie of public sentiment aaa
, s beconnug more and more
t ought to be There is scaly
g minister of any denernination
j. not a tetal. abetairter. It is taken
atter of course that he both is
ght to be. There may still be
ged topers who write Bev. before
tunes, but as a elass they are
tit. Even those persons who
hemselves don't like to see their
r taking a hora. And, as fi,
fence of this, the 9 druakeu
ian has become a rare and cari-
nomenort. Let any one gather
statistics and Say how- many
fli of the Gospel have been
for drunkenness,cluring the last
are, in the whole of our Do-
' or let him try, to eetimate .
uv, or rather how few, get eveu
it ot beinhtIable to take a -pretty
mbler.h A. poor wretch may
alsioually be found who has dis-
himself and east -reproach upon
11 by having looked on. the wine
was red, but the eases are very:
ld every year increasingly so.!
pinion gets too strong' for old
lsweut. Intoxicating liquora DA.-
ou dinners; or where professedly
s people do congregate, are al -
lugs of the past •' and the old
the clerical worshipper of toddy
but entirely- disappeared. At
era-, Synod and Assembly m.eet-
contrast between the past ama
k; very marked. It used to be
al abstainers had to stand upon
aisive and give reasons why they
iat they were. It is all changed
'hose who still drink, feel coa-
1 to -rise and explain," even
i on e may be inquiring., about
1th or finding fault with their
'attire, in short, is full of hope -
We confideutly anticipate that
Istaut day intoxicatinghdrinks.
her be made nor sold thronghe
wide, fair land, and that not by
catch vote either of the Parlia-
r the people, but by public opin-
ing come round to the right side
ch overwhelming force that the
raffle, with all its abominations,
, disappear like snow before a
sees sun. -Toronto Pre,byteriatt.
fl.tori61:311,blic Works.
Leport of the Commissioner of
:works for 1879 points oat forcibly
essity for new Parliameut build -
al gives a brief summary of the
ens of the year. Construction
iave beeu in progress on eight
aroads, having a total length of
e miles, viz., The Credit Valley,
& Erie, Georgian Bay & Wei
Midland Extension, Prince .
I County, Canada Central Ex-
. Stratford & Lake Huron and
Jrnaction roads. At Coufedera-
re were 1,4114 miles of railway in
e-rovince ; since then 1,974 tniles
tu constructed and, 470 are
se)eatruction or contract. Of
length of 1,410.6G miles have
ded by the Province of Ontario.
tri of ;se,11,000 was spent last year
iriug the parliament buildings,
100 was speut on Osgood& Hall.
leant spent on the public works
9 was ...4198,000, making the
aa spent on that a,ccourit since
:ration $3,855,0t11) of which no
0,000 has been laid out in
to the _Parliament buildings.
Utral Prima has cost5520,000;
idon Asylum, 594,000 ; and the
tui ti College and Fame. $175,-
Erwarde of$400,000 had been
works in the Muskoka Ter-,
The Commissiener says the
r -Mercer Refermatory is nearly
L and will peobably be ready for
-ien before the end. of June; the
e'l1.000 has been spent upon it
Ile close of the year. The drain -
he swamp leads is going on
torily through the machinery of
,suship Councils, to whom the
neat advances money, ou the
of thseir debeeturee. Alto- •
(fr. Frasers departmeut appears,
Annual Meeting.
areauid meeting of the
Fire Insurance- COM -
as held at Mrs. Day's Hotel, in
iee of Gerrie, on Saturday, jail-
1ee0, at 1 p m. Abeut 150
:,.atliug men of the tewnehips of
Turnberry, Grey, M urrise
Minh.) were present, and aTT ap-
Uglily satisfied with the man-
:hich the affairs of the c'onspanY
el conducted, durine the Pfita
rhe annual repert of r' the Dire
the financial report were passed
without discussiou, the zneeting
thereby the uneinitnitv hf their
L considerable arnouut 4 discus- •
k place as to tiw proper number
ers te be elected, and the Aa -
y emptuying paid agents to
14icatious instead. of allowing
• to act in their own ueigh-
• btrtofure. It w , haw-
aded, by a very iunianineus Yote
the ez.Lnie rani& r of directors,
:tn. I the nernivations having
litad.;.the members proceeded
fer the new directerate, the
aultine in the electien of the
geuti• Iran as directors for
ernes_ Edgar, Win- MeNercher,
Bryan, Alexender Thompson,
int-P.:eon John Tullis, John Ma-
i. Giles, AVzu. Douglas, Henry
?veer Samuel John -
'ales Martin, Robert Scott and
Came. The meeting wa5
slat eteiducted iu a most orderly-
: end a great meaty a th(t
JANUARY 23, 1880.
hers 'showed themselves thoroughly
alive to the importance of their institu-
tion, and thoroughly able to conduct
the business in a proper way. The ma-
jority of those peeseut seemed also to
have come to the conclusion that in
the Howick ,Insurauce Company they
haa forma evb at every man wants; viz,,
cheap and at the same time perfectly
reliable insurance. We subjoin a con-
densed statement of the Directais' re-
port and financial statenaent, so that
your readers will be able to form an idea
for themselves -of the standing of the
company:' Number of policies in force
on 31st December, 1879, 1,879; increase
of policies for 1879,252 ; total' amount
Of insurance effected by the company,
as shown by the Secretary's books on
December 31st, $2,133,807; increase in
amount of insurance during 1879, $339,-
828 ; total -amount of premium notes in
possession of- -company, $106,690.35 ;
amount payable on premium notes after
-dednctiug amount of assessments paid,
9&,608.07; number of losses in 1879,
13; aggregate amount of losses in 1879,
• $2,750.i8; rate of assessment for .1879,
41 per cent. per $1,000.; amount realiz-
ed from assessro outs, $4,747.74; arnount
of assessment of 1879 unpaid.$582.93 ;
-amount of assessments for 1818 unpaid
at beginuing of 1879, $317.39; amount
of 'assessment for 1878 paid during 1819,
2O&.49; struck off as bad. debts, $21( .28;
balance of assessinent for 1878 unpaid,
$83.62; total unpaid assessment, 6669:55.
There also renaairis unpaid on new poli-
cies the sum of $20.04 of the per cent -
sere colleatable at time of issue. The
company have paid all outstanding
debts and all proved claims in full to
G. Dyer; Treas., Jas. Pickard;
Auditors, M. Eacrett -and Wm. Sweet;
Directors. John Willis, John Hunter,
John Glenn, Christ. Eacrett,
Lewis, John Digna.n,Nne. Brock, Thos.
Worry, John Fishborne.
-The receipts for the Exeter Public
School for the year 1879 amounted to
$2020.60, and the expenditure to e1993,
of this $1,686 was paid to teachers.
Lecke and Jacob Reymann,
of Grey, on Tuesday of last week, felled
the tiuiber and cut, split and piled one
cord of beech wood in forty inifiutes.
-Mr. Gregory, principal of Exeter
public school has been made the re-
cipient of -a writing desk, ink-etand and
gold pen. accompanied With an ad-
dress by his pupils.
--Mr. Samuel Gilmore formerly of
the Royal Canadian Hotel, Gorrie, who
reuted his hotel to Mr. Jaanes ROI3E3, and
wout to reside in Fordwich, has again
returned to reside in Gorrie.
-At the annual meeting of School
Section No. 3 Morris, Mr. Samuel Love
was elected a trustee. He fills the
vacancy caused by the non -residence of
Mr. Wm. Hogg, who has recently re-
moved to Michigan. ,
-Messrs Watson and Jesse Wilbe
recently cut, split and piled 84 cords of
wood, in 12 days, being an average of
7 cords a day, and say, although, they
do not think worth while blowing about
it, that they can do it again.
-The Winghtun brass band seSe!
13aded those Councillors who were
elected by aOclamation, and. succeeded
in ,collecting the handsome sum of sn.
On the eighkof the election the boys
serenaded the parties who were elected,
and added some $15 more to their pile.
in smothering the flame u no e -
fore damage to the extent of about one
hundred -dollars had been_ done the
furnitur and other (articles. Had it
not been for the quickness of Mrs. Mac-
whirter a serious fire would have been
the result.-
-At the annual meeting of the How -
ick Agricultural Society, held at Gorrie
on the 8th inst., the following officers
and directors were elected -for the en-
suing year: Preeid.eut, Mr. S. Greer;
Vice -President, Mr. W. Strong; Secre-
tary and Treasurer, Mr. R. Robinson ;
Directors, Messrs. B. S. Cook, . John
Jaques, Moses Aldrich, George How -
let, Win. Evans, P. P. Aylsworth, Jas:
MbLauchlin and A. Malcolm.
.At the an nnal meeting of the mem
bers of the flullett Branch Agricultural
Seciety held last week it Clinton a re-
port was read, showing that the sum of
$353.50 was last year paid. out iu prizes,
and that, considering the many disad-
vantages under which the society labor-
ed, its standing was- favorable: The
following officers were then elected :
John Mason, President; N. Matheson,
Vice -President; Jas. Snell, John Ship-
ley, W. Graeiger, R. Cole. J. Brunsdon,
JT Johnstou, J. Beacoin, A.. Innis, T.
Tipling. Directors; T. Cooper, Trees-
, N. Robson, Secretary. It was
urer •
decided to hold. the annual dinner at an
early date, at Swarts' Hotel.
-Mr. James W. Green has assumed
the editorship of the Howick Enterprise,
published Gorrie. The new editor
intimates in his salutatory that the
politics of the paper will be Con.serva-
tive ; that be wants to make money,
and that he "will endeavor to advocate
"the principles laid down by the Great
datelof meeting. The .financial report
shoved the receipts for the year to have -The annual meeting of the district "Father over all for the salvation of
been $6.564.37 ; expenditure forall pur- Orange Lodge of Morris, was held in "the world," and concludes by inviting
poses, $6,181.79 ; cash on hand; $a82.58, Londesboro on Tuesday the 13th histall well wisbers to call and see him,
which, together with the unpaid assess- Thefollowieg Officers were elected for suggestively remarking: "Ladies in-
ments and percentages, leaves an actual the ensuing year : Wm. McGill, D. Me. "vited also., We are married, but as
balance to the credit of the company of eArthur Woodman, D. D. i1.1.; G. Hal-' "our better half is miles and miles
rison Clia,p • J. Callum, Treas.; H. "away just at present, we feel safe in
$1,069.17, so that taking it all in _all the ,
gentlemen -who compose the Howick
Insurance Company have reason to be
proud of the success that has hitherto
attended their undertaking.
_ _ J
Algoma Heard From. .
the festival. The tea was served in
Mr. Thomas Miller writes to his Henry's Hall, , and the entertainment
friends in Belgrave and vieinity as fol- was held in the Methodist Chureh.
lows: On Christmas day Mrs. Miller -The young men of the Union Liter
bad.a fine fat rabbit that would com- .ttry Association, Grey, have challenged
pare favorably with any of your Mum the residents of School Section No. 2,
geese, which we all did ample justice Grey, and No. 6, MorriS, over 40 years
to. With about six inches of snow ard of age, to a friendly debate, five on a side
beautiful weather, we enjoy ourselves the ancient ones to choose the subject
well in -this new country. We,
have and the place for holding the debate,
, the 15th inst., by Rev. 11. Cameron, Mr.
Clark, Sec.- C. V. Floody, D. D. of C. "extending this latter invitation.'
-On Thursday evening, January
15th, .the Fordwich Orange Lodge gave
a soiree at their village, which was in
. every way a great success. It is esti-
mated that over two hundred attended
1 inspected hides are $10 to $10.50 ;
No. 2, $9 to $9.5O; and No. 3, $8 to
$8.50 per 100 lbs. Calfskins, 12-ic per
lb. Sheepskins, $1.40 to -$1.85 each.
THOmPSON-In Seaforth, on the 17th inst., the
-wife ot Mr. John Teompson of a son.
BURGESS -In Bluevaleeen the 19th inst., the
wife of Mr. John H. Burgess ofau
, a dghter.
HILL--ln Egniondville on the 13th inst., the
wife of Mr. Neil lid of a daughter.
"McEINNON-In Blyth, on the 141h inst., the
wife of Mr. M. F. McKinnon of a son..
. Marriages.
•BUCHA.NAN-MeGILL--On the 20th inst., at
• the residence of the bride'e father, by Rev:W.
Henderson, Mr. Sidney Buchanan, to Mb -.s E.
McGill, both of Weet Wawanosh.
HAY-STEWART-At the Manee, Kippen,. on
Local Notices.
Pouernr.-Geese, Turkies and DuCks
cheap at HILL BnornEsts. 628
Remit ON HAND, as 1181181, Bell's Ex-
tra Family Flour -the Houaewife's delight -sup-
plied direct from the D. D. Rosi. 622
New. -Now is the time to secure your shadow.
CHARLES Moons is now mitking four Ambrotypes
for 50e. Picture feaanes cheaper than ever. 610
Losa.-Lost on Sunday evening, Dec.
21et, between the Presbyterian Church and the old
Temperance Hall, a Mink Boa. The tinder will be
suitably rewarded by leaving the etune at the
Fon THE best value in Green' Black
and Japen Teas Freeli, Pure, BondedCoffees,
Pure 8110.t5ars, Pure Spices, Fine Table and Cooking
itaisins,Fitie Currants, and General Groceries, do
not fail to see D. D. PosE'S prices before purchas-
ing elsewhere. No trouble to show goods, and you
wont be bothered to buy goods you don't want.
628 -
just been threshing; our first s proand give the Association two week
ducts are 150 bushels of first-class notice. . David Hay, to Miss Jane Stewart, both of
.spring wheat. Our oats and peas are -Mr. Attrill, of Goderich, - baying BicALLISTER-FORREST-At the Mange, Kip -
, _
good, but not threshed yet, 150 bushels sold and killed offall his Merino sheep,: pen, on the 2001 instetabytRev. Hoi ACiamalenron,d
of potatoes and about 400 bushels of
has now purchased a herd of short- atslimate'ill• visl:fr,Lepsid stiointy, i:Noc;...euweesrt
turnips. We are going into chopping horn-6attle, and inter ds trying hie Territory, to lime- Catherine Forrest, eldest
pretty lively this winter, and inteud to luck.with them. He purchased theon the t
Ziaughter of Cooper Forreet, Esq., all of Hay.
have a much larger crop -next summer, remainder of the stock left over from GLE-In Seatorth, 1s
wilaraTtitqlhe Cesidence of the bride's father, by
Providence permitting. Flour is selling Mr. Craig's late sale and has had them hse. Mr. McCey, Mr: Joseph Shier Watson,
placed on his -farm at Goderich. Its a of Embro, to Jane, eldest, daughter of Mr.
good thing to have lots of money. - Hugh Pringle.
LOElms, on
-On:Wednesday night of last week, NG-ENNIS-in the 14th inst., by
Rev. R. Renwick, Mr. JaCob Long, to Miss
as the train from Wingbam, due at Susan M. Enuis, both of Giey.
Clinton at 7.24, was on its way down, it GRAY -BO sseest the Walker Howe, Kincardine,
struck a. couple of colts which were on on the fth inst., by Bev. j.- L Murra.-y, 11.•A ,
assisted by Rev. P. Stealth, M. A., Mr. Sam
-village. The Gis fl
road- built. the track where it crosses the Base -
uel Gray, to Miss Ellen, daughter of Edmund
to it, and we are waiting patiently for Line, killing them at once. The catcher Ross Esq , all of Ashtleld.
Mr. Ainsley to get his mill running. on the train was slightly broken by the SINCLAIR-I-CAMERON-At the residence of the
Taking all into consideration, we are a . accident. The colts were the property bride's father, on the 31st ult., Mr. Peter Siti-
happy people. The nearest hotel is 10 of Mr. John Colcleugh of Hullett, and . eron, Esq., all of Tiverton.
U, to Jessie, eldest daughter of jai). Caen -
miles a.way, so if a Mall nets drunk, he had been let out to water. ; VA/STE-STEVENSON-At the residence of tint
is pretty near sober by ''the time he -A retiring member of the Winglia,m W. Bell, M. A., Mr. Joseph Vance, of Us -
bride's father, on the llth inst , by Rev. J.
at $6.50 per barrel; potatoes, 400. per
bushel, and butter 25c. per pound. We
want some smart man with about $2,000
of a capital to come and start store at
the Dump on Thessalon river. It is be-
ginning to have the appearance of a
NI•k -
lEY.-The molt r-igned has a large sum of
money for immediate investment oa first
mortgagee on farm property. Seven and a half
JCI eent. interest yearly ; princieal as may be
al yr( td upon. J. H. BENSON, Sol '
icitor Sea -
forth. 638
walks here. -Cost.
---------- -------
Thekersnaith School Board.
Ma. EDITOR. -As the township of
Tuckersmith hat adopted tbe School
Board System, I therefore asked for in-
formation about the workinh of the
same. When the movers of tlbiis School
School•Board named Youhill, before borne, to "Aftery, - second daughter of. John
withdrawing from the board, made the Steveuson, Esq, of Elmo,.
statement at the last meeting that the • i
School Board for 1879 was themostoor- Deaths..
rupt and rotten body that he had ever KESSACK.-In London, en tlie llth inst., Miss
Jessie Kessack, teacher, Collegiate Institute,
belonged to, ani that the members bad '
i and daughter of the late Thome.s Kessack.
sed the public money for their own ,
aegrandizement,and tha the couldprove
• - ---- -----
TENDERS WANTED. -Tender s will be re eeiv-
ed by the undersigned -until noon, on MON-
DAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, 1880, for drawing milk
to the West End Cheese Factory. For particulars
apply to N. Cozens or the undersigned. A.
HALL!. 683
Board System went around they toldhis statement. . A meeting of the THE MARK:.ETS.
the electors to vote for it s,nd to give it I citizens is to be called to consider the —
a trial for oue year, aud •if it did not matter. SEIFeeIt.111, Jan. 22, le 80.
suit they could vote it off the next year: 1 -The Annual Meeting of the _Loyal sF'all Wheat 1 23 to 1 23
But, lo and. behold! the advocates of the Orauge District Lodge of the Township Spring Wheat -Red Ohaff,perbiteh1 15 to 1 is
pring Wheat,Fife, per busbele. 1 20 to 1 20
School Board stood aghast ‘vhen they
of Howick was held m the Orange Hall oats per Us
0 32 to 083
found, instead of one year, it was sacl-
dled on the township for eight yeara.
They also stated. that it would lower the
tax. Instead of that it has made
eighty per cent, higher than
before, and if asked the
cause of the rise the trustees
answer, they don't know; but
they seem to know enough to act ille-
gally in hiring teachers without adver-
tising accordiug to law, and then get a
special school tax struck on the town-
ship to raise extra money to 'carry on
their illegal work. A_ccording to law all.
contracts must be let by tender. Did
our trustees advertise for tenders for -
our schools? If not, they have acted
contrary to the law, and therefore they
are responsible for the teachees' salaries,
and should be made to pay it out of their
own pockets. I see by newspapers that
their has been as high as silty tenders
for some schools and, second class
teachers teaching for $360 ; female
teachers, second. class, for $325; so
Tuckeramith must be a grand haven of
rest for weary school teach -us. New,
Mr. Editor, I leave it to our trustees to
explaie why they could hire teachers
without advertising according to law.
Huron Notes.
The salary of the Treasurer of the
village of Blyth has been -raised to forty
• -Oise Of the chimneys' of the Exeter PieSilent, John W. Walker; Vice -Pres-,
, Presbyterian Church -was blown down ident, John Coutts; Secretary Trease
by a wind storm a few days ago.' . urea, john Anderson ; Directors, Dr.
-Mr. D. Tiplady, last week sold on Tatelyn, J. Farrow, Geo, Moffatt, Wm.
the Clieton market, a steer 22 mouths man shard, Chase Henderson, A. Young,
old, which weighed. 1,300 pounds. McGregor, G. Hughes, John Little..
-The annual meeting of the Ceunty, •Tho Society is in -a very flourishing con -
Orange Lodge of North Huron will be dition..
held. in. the Orange Hall, Blyth, -One evening daSt week, as an aged
Tuesday Feb. 3rd. lady belouging to Clinton was ,getting
-Mr. Jas. Barbour, blacksmith, of off the evening train at the Grand
Gerrie,. had the misfortune to lose his Trunk station, she la.a,d a narrow escape
pocket -book .contaiuing $26, between from what might have been a serious
Orange Hill anal Gorrie. accident. She bhd two small children
-Daring the 6 months ending with with her, and a number of bundles, and
Dec. 31st, The Clinton Organ Factory before she had got' off the steps. Of the
manufactured over 106 organs all of car, the train started .the motion threw
which were disposed of. her off, her arm passing through the
-The baukrupt hardware stock of hand railing, and for a moment it
- Messrs. O'Byrne Co., Of Exeter, has _seemed as if she would be seriously
been pureha,sed by Mr. jamee Howard, hurt, but the arm was released ancr.she
at 77 _cent
-The pe
ity are TalSie
Gorrie, on Tuesday the 13th inst., evhen Peas per bushel
Barley per bushel
the folloWita officers were elected for :Butter,No.1,Lo0ee
. . 0 60 to 064
0 45 to 0 55
0 16 to 0 17
the ensuing year viz: -D. M., Robert Begs 014 to 014
Hay ...... ..... . .. .. ..i7 00 to 8 00
Lucas; C., Mr. Geo. Strong •, S , • . Hies, per lb 0 0'7 to 0 08
.. ...... . ..
Mahood, Esq.; D. D. M., Nen wre. Flour, per 100 lbs3 00 to 3 15
S. Cook; T., Mr. John Walters; D. of Sheep Anis each
C., Mr. Wm. Doble ; Mr. Henry Perkins Salt (retail)per earrel,-,
on- retiriug from the office of District ' sait(Wholesale)per barrel...... :
tpalteoses' gebrastsihet
Master which _lie filled with efficiency , APop
for the last twelve years, read a report . mon.
of the financial position of the District ' , P
. Be.ef, in qnarters, per 100 lbs'4 5u to 6 00
0 50 to 125
0 75
'0 60
0 30 to 085
0 25 to 035
. 2 75 to 800
0 ('510 0 .06
which was very satisfactory. Dressed Hogs per 160 lb o 80 to
-/•\_ complimentary supper will be '
tendered Mr. Leonard Hunter, late , CtietToN, Jan. 22, 1880.
11-1 1 20 tee 1 23
118 SO 123
0 32 4 034
C45 056
0 63 @ 066
15.di 0 16
30 (4. 085
0 14 @ 015
8 HO fib 900
600 (Fel 600
Reeve of -Osborne, at White's Hotel, 13Pring Whe'aPt,perbushel.
Elimville, on Thursday evening, janu- Cattle -esi eaBnel
y 22nd, at 7 o'cokr. inter Barkeeps/alolael
has been in th,e Township Council for • f'oatts, per bushel
the.past fourteen years, with the ex- pleieZ„
°option of one yea,r, and the people of I Ego
the township have taken this method nfay,per ton
of testifying t eir o
L)resseU nog
appreciationf th
$itfin WILL I3UY a good 24 H. P. Engine,
Saw Cm go, Car, Saw Belting, &c.
Ever) thin comph te for a good saw mill, $00
down • balance cn time. Also for sale cheap,
One 0/Emerson's Planer 'Toothed Saws, nearly
new. Apply to BECKETT & WILLIAMS, Hen -
fun, Ont. 682
TO PIG BREEDERS. ---The undersigned will
keep dating tbe preeent Beeson, on Lot 17,
coma Mee 9, McKillop, for the improvement of
t ock, a tberough-lned Berkshire Boar. Terms,
$1 for the keereon, with the:privilege of. returning
if recessary. SAMUEL HARRIS, prop. 629
'ROAR FOR SERVICE-Tbe undersigned witl
J" keep for the improvement of stock this sea-
son, bn Lot 22, Concession 4, McKillop, a
,Tboioughbred BerkshiraBoar, of superior peed -
wee. Tams, $1, }Dyable at the time of service,
with the privilege of 'returning 'if necessary.
With the Full Determination of Closing Out the
of my Stock, I have mad another
A RARE 0. ---Twenty-five acres of land
-1-1- with he nee and burn for said itt Egmotidville, •
This property is well situated for either faem or
garden pre -poses. Title indisputable. Apply tto
ROREItT 13E17T. 615
VOR SALE. -For Sale a first class Planing
•L: nettely new and in good nmnino or4e±,
situated ni the flouriahing Town -of Seetforth,
Will be 'Sold cheap. Terms easy, Enquire ed
SECORD, COSSENS & CO.„Goderich, Ont.
T the east half of Lot No. 4, Con. 4, IL. R. S.,
Tuckersmith, County of Huron, consisting- ed 350
acres, St -miles from the Town of Seaforth, and
convenient to school The land is of the very
best quality. For further particulars apply to
;AMES PICKARD, opposite the premises, or to
Be...gin_ e_ P. • a._ .
et- .ror Sale the house and lot Egmondville at
preeent occupied by Mr. S. Cameion, The hone
is a frame, the lot toetainse half an acre mad is
One of the best bending sites in Egratteadville.
There is a god well and ell other necessary con -
Tulle/ ces, and will be sold Cheap. For paitionlees
apply to JAS. 11. BENSON, Seaforthe 521
CILEAP.-Lot No,24, Con. 9, MoKillop, 100
acres; north half Lot 30, Con. 9, Maintop, -50
acres; north half ef north half Lot 31, Con. 9,
Megillop, 25 acres; residence occupied by Mr.
Malcoltason on Ganialock Survey., Seafortle
building lots oniervis' and F. G. Sperling's Sur-
-veys. Apply to GRAY, YOUN'G SPARLING.
Will be Sold at Prices Never Heard. of before m this. Vicinity.
TORE TO RENT .-To rent, the store known
P.'" as the Fanners' Store, on the corner of Main
and John Streets, ltileaforth. It is situated in
the best business] part of the town. Also a
a dwelling overhtete. For particu;ars apply to
S. Dickson, Seafolth, or the p roprietor A:
DICKSON, Goderich. - 633
VARM FOR SALE. -North half of Lot 22, San-
-1- ble Line (Lake Shore Road) Stanley; 80 acres;
60 neres cleared and in good cultivation • 20 acres
good bush; 9 nitres fall wheat ; 15 acres 'fall plow-
ed ; Once -quarters of mile from Drysdale P. 0.
and store • first-e'ass land; convenient to school
and church; brick house, 20x30, story and a half,
well finished, with good cellar; bank barn, 40x58;
fine stream of miming water close ti barn • a
splendid orchard of bearing trees. Terms will 'be
made to suit purchasers, if lime is required; but
for cash a good bart ain will be given. Apply on
the farm or to NELSON MOUSSEAU, Drysdale
P0. 63314
many valuable services he has rendered
LIVERPOOL, Jan. 21. - Spring wheat
the municipality, both in the Township lis 4d;
red -winter, lis 10d ;
and County Councils. Mr. A. Duncan
white, lis 5d; club, lis 7d;
is Secretary, and will spare no .effort
pork, 60s -0d. ; beef, .82s Od. ; cheese,
to make the affair a complete success. oats,6s 2d; barley, 5s 3d ; peas, Gs lld ;
-The annual meeting Of the Turn- 72s 4d.
berry Agricultural Society was held at
BelPs Hotel, 'Lower Wingham, last TORONTO, Jan. 22. -Fall wheat, $1.25
Thursday. The attendance of members to $1.26; spring, $1.24 to$1.2:5; oats, 390
was very large, showing that consider- to 40c; peas, 65c to 68c; barley, 58c to75c;
able interest ia taken by them in the hay, per len, $6 50 to $10 00;
-welfare of the Society, and in the proper
management of its affairs. The follow-
ing officers were elected for 1880;
on the dollar. - fell violently on the side track, being
pie ot Cranbrook and vicin- stunned and somewhat bruised by the
g. a bonus to aid in erect- fall, but fortunately, sustained no other
ing a grist n ill. A cousiderable amount injury. "
has already been subscribed., -One evening last week, as Mrs. J.
--mr, E. Mountcastle, of-Clintoa, iSfacwhirter, of Clinton, was
intends erecting a new
Blyth, to be located on 51
between- Morris and Bulk
aw mill in her room, ala,mp staucling on a dressing
e boundary bureau suddenly exploded; the oil rap
t. down the bureau, taking fire, and en-
- -The annual meeting o the Stephen tered one of the drawers containing . a
&Osborne Agricultural Society was held lot of light fancy. articles, which were
at Hawkshaw's Hotel, Exeter, on Ths i a blaze , in a amoment. Mrs: Mac -
day, Jan. 8th. The followins officers and whirter, with commendable presence of
'directors were elected :-Pres., Jas. mind, instantly placed a couple of
Oke; Vice -Pres., D. McInnis :... Sec., A. blanketin the drawer, and succeeded
butter, 17c to 21c; potatoes per bag,
$0.60 to $0.65. Clover seed per bushel,
.$3.80 to $4.20 ; .dressed 'hogs, . $6.25 to
$6.50. e—
Live Stook Markets.
MONTREAL, Jan. 29. --Very few choice
cattle are offered, but there is very lit-
tle demand from , eXporters, which.
causes slow sales ameng really good
cattle. j Ald. McShane bought eight
oxen and steers at $50 each, and four
steers at $65 each', or near 4c per M.
Mr. LaPorte sold eleven cattle to a
jobber fr $4.05, or from 3ic to 31c per
lb. Themes Kelly sold two cattle at
from 3,110 to 31c per lb. James Eakins
had about three carloads of cattle for
sale, and sold about a dozen bead at
from $30 to $40 each, or from -3c to 31e
per lb. G. Patterson sold nine cattle,
bulls; steers and dry cows; at $30 per
head, or less . than 3c per lb. R.
Cochrane sold a large bull for $48, or
about 2ic perlb. W. Johnston, of Co-
bourg, sold about dozen cattle at from
524 to $40 each. P. Dardis had 28
cattle on the market, and sold seven of
the best at from $24 to $34 each. Mr.
Dardis says that be will lose money on
his .sales to -day. Mr. J. K. Wilder
made several sales to -day at less than
cost price. D. H. Elliott sold a car-
loa,d of cattle, chiefly bulls, at from $15
to $27 each, or from 2ic to 2;e3.c per lb.
Mr. Laporte sold 26 live hogs at 51c
per lb.; dressed hogs are reported to be
worth $6.50 per 100 lbs. The price of
hides and pelts are rather higher. No.
NOTE LOST -Tb -is is to forbid any person
from purehaeing a Pronnepory Note, given
,by John Heim Ball in favorof job Wilson, and
bcariug dateJannary lett, 1879, payable twelve
months after elate, as the sante hes been loot..
env per on firebug the same ai d returning it to
JAMES EARL, Lot '26, Ceneeseion A, Howick, or
to his ,adthess, Wzoxeter P0., will be reward-
ed. 632x4 -
Ministers and Others requiring :those God& can save money by Calling and
Buying at
We have Everything Required by those Attending School, and
we would Guarantee
We would also draw the atteption of the public to our
Stock of Note Papers, Envelopes and General Stationery.
Our Stock in this Line is row Large and Well Assorted, and Merchants and
others who use quantities will do well to call and be convinced that they can save
money by dealing with us.
VOR SALE OR TO- RENT -A email Store in
Exeter Noxtb, we» -suited for mostly arey
lra sin eee, being on the eorner where three of the
most leading roade rome into tbeviliege; would
be enlarged or _ioteli eddit ions made as might be
required for a eood tenant. Also for sale, a large
dwelling house, -with every coevenienee ; good
stable, two lots, with beating feuit trees. .L.
MeTAG-GALT, Seaforth. -631-4-x
FARM FOR SALE -For Stde, Lot no', Conees-
sic n 7, Eibbert, containing 31.0 acres'abont
50 are eit arcd, well fenced end in a geed statoot
cultivation ; 1I2e balenece le well timbered; there
are leg buildings, en teecbard, and a well ; is 7
miles nom Set:death end 6 miles freen Dublin;
good. school close to the WM, and churches also
convenient. Apply on the premises or to Staffs
post office. JOHN LAItNER. 63114 t
V ARM FOR SALE. .-For Sale, 1.:43t1, Comes-
-A: sion 7, Morris, containing 80 acres, 67 of
which are -decreed, laneed end in a good ete.te
of -cultivation; a good frame -dwelling, els° baXDO
barn, stables and sheds; pod oecbard; en.
gi avel road; 8 miles from Blythe -tad 9 miles Atm,
W in ghetto For nal timbers address eithei- of the
following executers, THOMAS LAIDLAW,33lyth,
JAMES ANDERSON, Belgi-eve. 631-4 ,
• ENSALL - Desirable 'Village Property for
-"• Sale --The -undersigned. lase a five -acre Patk
tot in the theiving 'Village of Balsa» which be
offers f -or sale; there is ,in excellent, commodious
and convenient beick he use on the property, sud
a good y our% betnix gencherd; itwdl be ulna s
very -comfortable home for a retired tanner.; the
terms will be very reasonable. For luither par-
ticulars apply to the propriet-or, THOMAS PEA..
1tEN, Ileosell post office. 63118
FARM FOR 41 -.V.. --For Sale, the west part
Lot No. 1, Con. 17, Grey„ coutaluing 50 acres ,
85 of -which are cleated, wen fenced, and in estate
of good cultivation. There ie a good freene house,
good orchard and plenty of water, It is on the
gravel road leadhag to Braesels anaSeafortio and
adjoins a church and school.. It is also within
half a mile of the 'Village of Walton Applyon the
pnenderes or to Walton Post °Bite. CHARLES
FARId FOR SALE.—Por stele Lot 2; eon. 10
Tnekersteith, containing 100 axles, about
80 cleared, the balance Well timbered. There lel"
stone house and good frame barn, it is well fenc-
ed and underdrained. There is a young bearing
orchard. It is abotte seven mileLeona Seaforth
and four from Eloise», and is convenient to
school. Two good. wells of water. Posseesion
given at, any time. Apply at the EXPOSITOR
office, Settferth. 610
A'. Full Stock of BLANK BOOKS always on hand. ___---- -
1.4'AIIM FOR SAI.141.--North half of South hall
J-• of Lot,- 30, concession 7, township of Morrie,
County of Huron, 45 acres; 40 eats cleated;
LUMSDEN & WILSON Whitney's Block.
ss,Tgm w farmae hgeoavode waneldl
and pump ; the premises are on the gravel road
one mile vonth of Brussels.Tems--$1,000
down; balletic e -can remain for 7 or 10 years at
7 tier cert. F or further particulms apply to C.
R. COOPER, Lend Agent and Auctioneer. 628
-TOTES LOST -Loi-t, the folloeing promis-
eory notes: bt, one made by 1 homes M.
' Bowerman, in favor of tbe undersigned, for
$100, bearirg date July, 1876, and payable one
• sr encl. date • 2n6one made by A. Cook, he
favor of Thonason-& Williame, for ti e sum of
beat ieg date Septernber,1878, and payable
one )(Ar alter date.; Si -6, one made by Henry
iu favor of Thomsen & Williams, for
$10, bearing date 3875, and payable one year
after date; 41b, etre made by J. Brown, in favor
ef Thomeon & Williams, for $10, bearing date
June, 1879, and pa3able January, 1880. The
put lie is bereby cautioned against purchasing or
ro gotiating tbe above notes or any of them, as
thy are euppoted to have been stolen, and pay -
m cut of them has been etoppedi I. »OWER.
MAN. 631x4
IT 33007.S.
VAR11 FnR SALE. -For Sale or to Rent, North
hall of Lot 9, Core 14, Mcliillop, containing
As I have a Large Stock of Facto7T Boots and Shoes on, hand, which, were No. ecres, 65 acres cleared, and. the remeinder
Well eimbered with white itch, maple, beeca and
bought before the prices rose, I ictil sell them Int- WOO. • good barn and - etnble, and good.
. house; plenty of "Water, 3 Gnng tie -chard. good
' feneing, &c.- convenient to elonches and schools,
FOR ONE MONTH MORE AT OLD PRICES l alla 8 uliles'i")31 gasAvd. 1.°d; P°sRessi°11 giwa
' immediately. For further peiticulare mkt. te
. '
. MRS. W. L. 'STAFFORD, Seaforth, 625
B ut in consequence of the great advance ill prices of Leather of all kinds. I have
Y FOR - SALE -.--F-o—r _ S -al -e, lin"t--1-4---,
been compelled, in justice to myself, to raise the price of Custom MadeWork, pit()ER
J-• Con 16, Oxey, ; West half of Lot 29, C'on. 6,
with cheese factoly complete; Lot 11, Coe-. -6,
and Louth half of Lots 16 and 17, Con. 5, town -
Either by Note or Book Account, will please remember that the season ha
arrived when such thfugs ought to be attended to. •
EeTRAY STEER-CtItme into the premises of
the undergigned, Mill Road, Tuckersmith,
abo It the latter parted October, a yearling red
and white Steer, The owner can have the same
ou iroviIlg property and paying charges, Wtl.
TB LAND. 6;11'4
V STRAY LAMB -Came into the premises of
•'-' the undertianed, Lot 11, Couceseion 2, L. R.
S., Tuckersruith, in the early part of, June last,
a sMall Spring Lamb. The owner can have the
s aitie b3 provieg aroperty and paying charges.
ship of Morris; Lot 22, Con B, and Lot 28, Con.
B, township of Howick, an good improved turtle.
together with several 50 -atre anus in Grey toad
Morris, and houses and lots and vacant tots in
S •
the villeee of Brussels. Prices 1 low, terme easy,
and title good. Apply to JOIIN LiCKIE, Brus-
sels. . 574
I &ere now on hand ancl for sale, or for Exchange ,for Cordwood, Horse
Powers, Straw Cutter.; Grain Crushers, Gang flows, Grate 3ars, &c.
PLOW POINTS made from h.ard Wbite metal. Plow -makers will findit to their
M Killo about the llth of October two sheep
advantage to order castings from me, as I have all the machinery for grinding
and. polishing the mouldboards and points, and can turn out a first-class job. In
Te 11 AY SHEEP. -Cane into the premisee of
•:•4 the undereigned. Lot 8. conceasiV 4
of Varna village, 12 miles from Seafort a end MI1
and fon' nabs. The owner eau have theme on cormection with the above
Mr. Wilson Salkeld is Running the Finishing Shop,
And -will attend to all kinds of Repairs on Steam Engines, Flouring and. Grist
8, , and all Repairs on Farmers' Implements, and from his long ex-
perience as foreman of theeGoderich Foundry, and his knowledge of Engine an
Mill Work, parties sending work here may depend on having a good job, and as
cheap as possible. Give as a trial. J. S. RTJNCIMAJN.
Proving property and paying expenses. MICH-
AEL M LR VIII, Be echwood P. 0. 630x4
VARM FOR SALE., --For Sale, Cheap, the east
eit: half of Lot 28, Conceseion 9, McKilloi, eon-
teining 50 acres, 85 of -which are clearedove»
fenced and in a good state of cultivation; there -
a good flame barn and stable and log house
with. frame edelitione.alto a Bra's» orehaed and.
we» of WS ter ; is whim half a mile ef the village
of 'Winthrop, and six miles from Seaforth. This
farm must be sold at once, and a bargain win be
given. Apply to Winthrop O., ertothe propriee -
tor on the prendse.s. JOHN BROWN, 623
V ARM FOR SALE -West part d Lots 15 and
16 in the t6th COIM,SSIOn -Of Stanleee contain.
hag 99 acres, 80 of which are cleared. Tnere are
9 acres 01 till wheat sown and 22 Acres bill plow,
lug done; good barn, stable end outhouses, all
flame, also good Mune house with stone oellor
18 x 24, good well with pump, and an excellent
orchard. Thio property is situated warn a mite
be bought for $4,500. Any one wishing further
information can apply on the prendees to
14LIFERS 1N POUND Caine iuto the Sea -
forth Pound, on Tuesday. November 25, two
three-year old Heifer a, both red and white, and
one locks as.if in calf. The owner can have the
eaMe on provirig property and paying charger'.
DORRENCE, Ponndkeeper. 625
ESTRAY STEER.- Ceme into the premises of
he undersieered I ot 26. concession 14,
grave+ road, near Walton eliillop, in Sept.
last. one red and white N,eiteer. The owner
can have the some by proving property and pay -e
ung charges. ANDREW MORRISON, Walton
•-* 630
Tie STRAY CALVLfe-Cume into the premises of
the undersigned, Lot 6, Concession 13.31. R.
5., Tuckeremith, about. the 1s1 Of- i =eeember, two
Spring Calves, Steer and Heifer; steer spotted
red mid white; the heifer all red. The owner
an have the ne on provieg pi opertv and paying
expen see. DUNCAN ld °LEAN , Chiselbur at post
• --
°ViteSTRAY STEER --- Strayed from Lot 3, Con-
cession 3, L. R. S., Tuckersmith, a red and
white yeailing Steer, with a email piece of his
right ear cut ff end a slit. cut in; this will notbe
net iced except on dose examination. Any per-
son giving Ruth inlormation as will lead to his
recocIy wilt be suitably rewarded. WILLIAM
S' ONEMAN. , 681x4
STRAY CATTLE.-Strae ed 'from Lot 14, Con
10 McKillop in July hest, Three Steers
e ming thee 3 ears old. Two of them red with
w ite apo s, oue red and white, spotted
tit mere -wh te than red. There was bell on 1
. I
cleat mentipned teniensl when .he left home. 1
Airy informatton that v.ill lea° to tbe recovery
of the above animate will bp enitably rewarded.
ANTHONI_ BOYD, NVinthrop P. O. 624 ;
ESTRAY C LVES-StraYed from the prem- i
me of tie undereigned, Lot 26, Concession I
7, Ustii.-orn , about the latter rei" ro September,
six Spring Calvee-tbree heifers and three steers ; !
one 01 the steers was brindle, one red and or.e 1
spotted; two ' of the beiferei were red and one I
spotted. Any information 14 to the whereab6o2t6it
of a I:
the tebovi enter -rids will be suitably rewarded I
---- - --- - - -a - - - - -- - a - --- - -- I
le ST AY CATTLE -Steayed front the premises I
of %Le unelereigneel, Lot No. 24, Con. 8, Stan- 1
ley, in 1ny lase, Three Yearling Cu ttle-2 steers I
and 1 eifer. One of the steel* wns all white, i
and tb4 other a vete, with a wide white ittripe on ,
the fa*, and it white not on the shoulder; the l
heifer els vthite, with ied on bei ears, hend and 1
lege. eery person giving -such niformataon as I
will lead to the recovery of the above animala I
will be enitaldt reesurded. JOHN GILMOUlt, ;
620-4x '
VOTICE.-ApplicationR will be received at the
•LI Clerk's (eke up till MONDAY 26th filet., at
6' P. M., ' for the venous municipal oiilces
the Town of Seatorth, for the year 1E80. WM.
ELLIOTT, Clerk. 63:3
OTICE-All parties indebted to F. G, Spar -
ling roust call at the office Of Gray, Young &
. Sp arlirg's Salt Wells and Kettla their accounts
before the 291b of February, 1880, orthey will be
Put into Court for collection.
TT WO. MEYER, Berrieter and 'Attoreey at
"" • Law, Solicit orin Chancery. Commissioner
for taking affidavit's in the Province of Manitoba.
Solicitor for the l3ank of Hamilton, Wingha-m.
Private funds to loan al,71 1o8 per cent. 633
EMOVAL-MISS SCOTT, Seaforth, has re
1110 \ Ed heir Dressmaking Bueiness to her
father's residence, John Street, oppokite the
• o al Metitodiet Churcla where she hopes to
have a call from her many friends an3 customers
who may icquite anything in the Dress and
Mantle hue. 625
OTICE - The public are hereby- -cautioned
against giving credit to anypereon in my
name without ray voitten older or eon: ent, as I
eel; not be responsible for any debts contracted
iti nay name without my writteu autboriey. front
this date. DAVID FERGUSON. Tuckersmith,
Morning Service at 11 o'clock.
Sunday School and Rector's Bible Class • at
2:30 P.M.
Service at 7 P. M.
Wednesday EveningeLeeterre at 8 o'clock
The Ladies Aid Association meet _at the
Rectory eeery Thuesday afterrooit at 3 o'clock.
633 REV. J. -FREDERICK RENAUD, Beet -or.
the North part *1 Lots 8 and 9.. Con, `.13, Me-
itlel.RM FOR SALE -For Sate, Lot 25, Con. 5,
A: L. 11. S , Tnekersmith, -containing 13.1 atres, 65
of which are eleared, feneed, and in good
cuitien.tio.n ; the balance iet tinebered with harde
wood.; log house and barn, and -frame stable; it
:good beating :orchard ,and. plenty of water enie •
within 5 miles •ef Seaforth and 4 fro-rn Bratefielde
with a -ch.olee of markets; a ,gravel road to Ault
place ; itamediate noesession if der -bed ; thereare
13 aeres of fell wheat, and about 30 ares tan
edowed. Apply to the proprietoron the pt'emises,
ANDREIN" ROSS, Egmonelville Pe O. 632x4
FOlt SA LE. -For sale, Lot 2, eOneeSSIOR
-A; 13, Hullett, tontaining 75 Beres of excellent
-cla3- loam land, about 66 acres of which are
eleared and ha a good state of cultivation, the
remainder is good hardwood bush. On the
prendeee are a. email lig house, sided up„ with
frame let cher), nith good eve» and pumpe. and a
good spring ere ek running threugh the land.
This none it; eituuted 1 mile from tiarlock- P. O.,
and 10/ miles from Seafortli, and about the earn°
from Bruestis an a good oravel road., l'ulther
pen ticulma can be obteined on application to the
proprietor on tire premieee or to Ilarlock P. O.
The only article known that will -4/ive away
IT(n especially
R, S -
It is n -colEonons,and isacknGviledod by chem
ists and Pbyeiciaes of the beghet, etanding to
I be the aret blown article tor the following
res sone : It retaies its etreegth ruttch lower
than any otbet, end It has no disngieeit .
1 To be had o boxes. Price: fifty
cents at
Jauuary 5th, 180.
TICE.-Tbe Council of the County of
Huron will meet in the Court Room, in the I
Town of Goderich, on TUESDAY, the 27th day j
of JANUARY next. All accounts egainst the I
Council 'inlet be presented before the first session ;
of the secondday of- meeting. PI.1',TER ADAM -
SON, County Clerk. 633
pAINT1NG-WM. R. FREW, late of Scot -
hand, begs to intimate to the iubabitants ot j
Setiforth ten rcumliag ccuatry thet he has '
commenced business as General Houle Painter,
papee anger, Al" & Al work en-
, .
n reed to him finiehed in first-class etyle.
Office, meantime, at D. D. Rose's Grocery, Sea. I
forth. WM. R. FREW.
Ding Store, Sole Agent for Scaforth.
J. B. SLIORLY, Box 985, Montreal. 683-52 ,
'• about 75 eleseed; clearing nemiy" all free of
.."NIEETINGS TO HELD. are 140V.71,13.1u1 balance of :clewing teeded dawn;
.k .......-,—..---
Killop, containing 112 aures, there -are nbOtlt 13,0
cleared, well feateed, underdrained, and in e. high
stateof enitivatien the belernee is well timbered
with hardwood.; good datellirg, new hank benne
"barn 5(h '7, with etabling underneath, and. other
ontbuilelinge, also a good young onthard lend
plenty of water. Is 10 'MICR frOln BVISSeiS, 5 from
Walton, and 12 from Seaforth, with good' gravel
roads to each plate; eieonvettient to ehterelt and
s.e..1.e.ot...-ds; will be sold as a whole or in tea* parts,
Waite* It, G. or to the proprietor on the premises.
ea ' .• h n ed for a. small farm. Apply to
' .1 593
, . .
' (100.1) FARM FOR SALE. -Being Lot 30, Ceti; .
" 11 Tovtrehip of -Grey, eontaining 190 ogres.
et:mute; cley loam ; 10 agrtli of fell wheat
JC NT OTICE-The Alleluia lleetiog of the Hi; 1 °11; tebtoerleoytet-111,-37111,seagge°:": 1bain-111131e3htioN2f4)7S2ie'
-LI Tee whip Fairmes' Mutual Fire Insurance 1 eteble and other out-bnildie gs i a good bearing
Company will be held iir the I own Hall, Zurreb, 1 oic on 4 8116 I feed wells - the lot is faxorablysil-
on. Monsay.,fthe 2nd dae of February; 1880, corn- ' meted on leading road through tne township, si
inencing nt 10 o'clock A. lti ., for the imrphse of I miles from Crimbrook and 21 from Renfryn roil-
electil•g Diteutots and transueting other bug- 4 war stution; 8eheo1 -within a quartor of a. mile,
eese, anti ' lin r giving foil explanations of the i tena eburchelose by, as -the proprietoe haseetired
pstroanspeltioxign; ribileywoourdkintxgpoefettoblejonC.onles:tyrg,ewsttitechu,
is. ; Iront farming, the lot will be trold on easy tells's.
' f titer partiettlers apple to JOHN 11.
anee is looked. for. H. V. DIRSTEIN, 'iect' 1 110DG-E1i, on tbe pro:cities, or if by lettet to
, 022
tary, Zerich. , , 632-2 1 Colebrook post office.