The Huron Expositor, 1880-01-02, Page 5ARY 21, 1880. re of last week for Jamaica, , he having been employed a book publisher, Guelph, him there. - eve ago the pupils of Moles- ' to the uuniber of 52 were sleigh ride to Wingha.rci. jolly time. tract for building the primp ume for the water works has been let to Mr. L. j, cost will be $720. day; as a young horse be - [r. E. IIelmes, of Clinton, led out of the stable, it a small hole in the plat - ng its hind leg so badly as its being kilted. MeKibbon of Wiughara, of his b'eisiness ia that • essrs. Robert Orr and. H. ;naiads removing- to Gorrie, .e purchased the bankrupt if R, Leech & Sons, which Over $12,000. eeter marksmen cleaned .-retratford badly at a, match towu a few days ago. The -at ten 'birds each, far a. K in four prizes. The 1st (-n by 'eklr. A. Bright, $50; ett„,35; 3d, j. Westcott,e a man in Clinton 5f1 years seesses a, set of entirely and who never had the aid Theta is a mau in Stan - (if age who yet has his and sound and who has v experience of the tooth - eek Mr. John Mason, of ehased a two-year old colt ugh Ross, of WaWadlOgh, for the sum of $130. He ed one of the same age Watt. of Hullett, far $115. verv fine colts, and were (if Ragland. ning in Wingham yaung John Toole came very near enall finger of his left hand Ile was skating in the -a he accidentally fell, his left g on the ice. The skate of rem over the little finger,. mix to the bone. av morning of last week, a named Charles Williams, eitiug to jump on a sleigh, , was kicked am the fore - horse. He was taken to /laid's; Where the terrible etd was Stitched up. It is ether the lad will recover, was exposed. - veuings ago a lady in Clin- king at a sewing machine, p standing thereon. The vf the floor and the motion e caused the lamp to fall tie oil instaatly taking fire. • unusual preseoce of d procured a pan of ashes, iSpread over the flames, at og them. luesday of last week, Mr. ,..11.C.8, of the -6th _concession, wuship, was so 'unfortunate Ieg, He had got a load ttly to take into''Goderich, ro hush to chop a bind - jell he succeeded in doing, ,a struck him on the leg, zi.liove stated. He was un - a, mid although he called 'seistance, it was some time sies were heard, succeasfal entertainment given. in Holmes' school berry, under the auspices :Lbyterian Sabbath School. well filled, there being 'present. The programme singing, dialogues, recita- eaches by Mr. W. B. Hut- elonald, and Rev. Mr. Mc- Tiughani. Over .$25 were !:.4 will be applied to fir- , are- with more books. ],"1. Smith, of Brussels, had iape. She took a dose of - ;in mistake far pennyroyal. Hok immediate effeet, and ers her life was despaired :in autidete was- success- ,: tered. and sve are glad to _a; rapidly recovering froni f the drug. , The stramoni- e. in the }tense for over a r. Smith was' uriaware of It was well that the !an Over -dose. eilar- annual meeting of - ige, No. 348, for the °lee- rs, was held in the stelae on the 211d on Mon - if last week. The follow - ere elected ; Master, John ; Overseer, James A. eturer, Johu Triggerson; Own, Warwick ; Assistant Olit Elston, Jr.; Cha.plain, R" Treasurer, John Elston, - ea Wm. Mill ; Gate Keep - Oaten The iustallation of iiatke place on the 9th of will be (Ten to all. eiciug particulars of M- aned front the list of Gela- tins cutinty for the quarter .Uher e. ,The total number ;‘ is 153 as against 12a for :erni. which indicates as t*t- age to law" as ever. tinber, 32 were atade by Jstrates, 25 by Goderich, nh, 20 by Clinton, 16 by Dungannon, 6 by Wing - :Ira th ; the °there being .ndividual magistrates. en as (4 cenvictiou are 37 irueke, 20 nou-payineut of • selliug liquor, and 2 Lee The total amount of ieteil was $1104.42; in this k a line of :..`::500, for illicit e.hielt was discharged on nveetigatien. In only 8 e• lines not paid. A num- aes were brea,chee of the • parties beingbound over, talicted. sten Nsic Era says : On ine last the:firm of machine agents, of this ifferere to the extent of ery b,>14 rfibl wry. Mr. een out making collec- returned with a consid- aart thie was mailed, 7ie ler left in a pocket-boak During the evening he otf. and threw it across ;le a attn. Mr. McCully, writing, some time after f as the nano became ;hisser it over the other, %eaten when they retired • te hour. A lamp was left lat room, owing to Mrs. g Somewhere about Eke heard a noise down t out of bed, but diecover- 1 0 • s JA N UARY 21 8,SO. ed nothing to indicate the presence of burglars, partly attributing the noise to a small dog kept about the house. She then Went back to bed, and soon fell asleep. It is supposed that the burglar ' • or burglars then commenced operations and made a _complete ransack of the place. The secretary, in the office was opened, and letters and papers strewn • all over. The bureau was next visited and. the drawers ran acked, one of which was taken to a t .10 in the hall, and all the letters and eapers carefully examined. The coats ere then visit- ed, when what they we e after -money -was obtained; note and account beoks being opened, le t none 0 the notes taken. A gold atoll that had been left lying on the ta le, was casual- ly -picked up by Mrs. a tewart, when she got up, and carried back to bed, where it remained safe. Mr. McCully had bean up for several ights, owing to sickness, to which fact h attributes his - not hearing the noise. n the morning a chair was found ly ng down, the lam -king over of. which 's supposed to have been the noise he -d. Entrance, is supposed to have been aained. to the house through a rear d or. There is no clue whatever to the r bbers. Perth Ite Mr. Robt. Etty, of a dressed pig to Mr. chell, last week, whic pounds. --A St. Marys firm, Thompson, have shippe pounds of dressed hogs t Provinces. -The ladies of -Kinox wel, are this week giving bition. They are showin tion of relics and curiositi s. ullarton, sold hyte, of Mit- weighed 516 Dunseith & over 100,000 the Maritime hunt, Listo- an arts exhi- a fine cone°. s. -4t the apron bazar! in Mitchell, lield on Monday evening bf last week, -ender the auspices ef the pinada Meth- - odist church, about.$60 was. realized. • -Rev.. Mr. -Wilson, M. A., pastor • of Knox churele St. Diarys, was - married •Christmas 'Day, in Toronto, to the 'e eldest (la -lighter of Rev.. Principal Gwen, D... D. -A. most successful soiree Was held I - on the 22ud in. the Peesbyterian church, at St. Marye, over which Rev. Mr. McAlpine presides. Theproceeds amounted to $166.. ie proposed to have a new jail and court house built in Stratford. The: comaty of Perth .being one of the -weal- thiest enunieip.alities in Ontario, cat avell afford to: erect such Ibuildings • as - shall be an ornament to the town and a eredit to the county. - -Gee dey'lately three fanners .with loads of wheat and- pork- refused. $1 27 per bushel for their grain• in Mitchell, ,and drove on to Stratford,- where they _ had to sell their wheat for $1 24; and pork for five Cent§ per hfindred les§ th.au they were offeted Mitchell.. - -The relatives of some bf those Who lost their'lives on the Wail:ben°, on. the 22nd of last November, are calling for an investigation of the whole matter, so thet the dispitted point as to the sea- worthiness of the lostevessel may be set at rest.. • -A •charter has been applied fof to incorporate a joint stock company bear- ine the name Of the , Avonbank Cheese Manedacturing Company, with a capi- tal stock of 85,000 in shares of $20 each. A board of directors Was elected, con.: sisting .of Messrs. Thos. ,Steel.e, Wm. Ro.dgers„ Charles Baird, Peter, Taylor, and Ale- Hotson., Fifty shares were takeu-up at the meeting. • -One morniag last week in Mitchell, during the early small hours, a party pre, voUng then on their way home found • the town Constable sonnd asleep on the salt barrels in front of Mr. T. McDon.- ald..'s store. Thinkieg that the health .of that vigilant pi otectoieM would suffer if left to sleep in the epee air, they took the keye from. his pocket and conveyed him to the lock-up. After ma,king cemfortabre with the new blankets that. the vigilant "bobby " had lately- placed in the lock-up for the use of eome otheri,. poor unfortunate, they delivered the keys, &c., up to the Mayor, and. in- • formed him of what they, , hade cloue. - Next mornine the coustable retired . from the lock-up a Sadder,. and we hoPe a wiser man. • • --Tho proprietor of the Kirkton hotel„ owns a fast horse. On Thursday even- ing he promised two friends a fast ride from St. Marys to iiirkton. The trio were ie good spirita and the trip was commenced . under favorable auspices. Before proceeding far,. however, they had the misfortune to meet a, team, and Mr... Shoebottom (always a very obliging • gentleman) considerately gave the whele road, by upsetting his cutter • into the ditch, with the occupants uoder it. The horse got away and ran._ back to Mitchelladistributing piedes along the read.• No Shale d.amage.was doae, and after tcoasiderable delay a fresh start was made, and they reached halite be- fore morning. the morning, a -al a policeman was pro- ceeding along th Esplanade, he heard a low moaning, and upon opening the door of the car he found the body of a man lying on th floor and a charcoal stove lying across his legs. The man was unconscious, and the policeman with considerable difficulty had him removed to thd American Hotel. He remained unconscious for about an hour, but the free application of _cold water had a -reviving effect, and the sufferer told his story -as above. His trousers and lege were badly burned, and it is a wonder that the ear was not destroyed. -Rev. J. Hurd, Baptist minister of Burlington, Iowa, died verysuddeoly on the 22nd ult. He had been in his usual health and preached an eloquent and powerful sermon on the previous day. theiReverend gentleman was at one time pastor of a church at St. Thomas, and later at Brantford. Dr. Hurd was a magnificent natnral orator, possessiug a rich flow .of language rarely equalled, and consequently was a preacher of much power ald influence. Socially and morally, he W, as highly esteemed by all who knew him. e -A few days before Christmas a De- troit sportsman having heard there was an abundance of dame in the Delaware woods and came over to have somewild. turkey shooting, intending to take back some wild turkeys to his friends for Christmas. An enterprise ing Delaware farmer . hearing of his presence in the neighborhoed and his ill -luck in sport, went into the farm yard and blazed way, shooting seven of his tame turke . The legs of these he boiled until t ey became of the proper hue:and t en strolled into the woods with the ti -keys strung over his - arm He met the Detroiter sold the e • wild turkeys at $3 each, pocketed the greenbacks, and w nt home to spend a merry Christmas. McDONALD-In_Itiorr wife of Mr. Robert a davehter INGRAM-In Morris, Ain Wm. Ingram, . - .. Marr ages. 3103EURTRIE-LOVE' At the reeidence of the • . bride'adfather, by R n. EC. Cameron, on the 80th tate Mr. Alien Mc:Mud-de, of Hay, te Mary, eldest . daughter of Hugh Love, Esq., Ste, of Stanley. - PHA '..." . t the residence of the bride's father, on the 2sith ult., by Rev. P. - :Musgrave, Mr. Rieherd.Phair, to Miss Matilda -Menary, both of MaKillop. PRITCHARD-11400,'TIE-At the resideuce of the bride's father, o the 25th alt., by Rev, R. . Leask, St Helens, assisted by Rev. R. W. Leitch Dinigauno , Rev. James Priteharde • Manchester, to Cln gine. daughta of John hicOoostie, Esq., W st Wawanosh. ' JACKSON-LAIDLAW At the residence 6f the bride's fathor, on t e 25th ult. ' by Rev. R. Leask, 81 Helens, i ra Wm. ,Taason, •Huilett; to Jessie B., da•ught r of James laidlaw,Esq., Weat Wawanosh. . SdPPBELL-e-LOGAN--- 1 -Seaforth, at the resis deuce of thebride's other, on the 25th ult., • ' by Rev. A. D. MoDo alcl. Mr. E.- M. .Sipprell, of South Dumfries to Miss Mary Logan, eldest daughter of the late Patrick Logan, Esq., of Pads. WILSON-CAVEN-At 38 St. James' square, eV the iloth ult., by Rev. J. M. Hang, 31. A., 'Rev/ W. A. Wilson M. A., of St. Marys., 'to Mar- ' garet Flizabah, eldest -daughter of Rev. Dr. clip Ca-ven, 'talent°. - ' HALGAN- ORBANCE-At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. George Dorrance on the 24th ult., by Rev. A. D. McDonald, ir.r. Wm. R. Hergan., to Miss Ann Jane Dorrance, all of McKillop. . . • ths.. s, on the 22nd ult. *the cDontild, concession'S, of the 23rd ult., the wife of oncossion 3, of teson. BLA1R-WELSH-At the residen.ce of the.bride's father, on the 16th ult., by Rev. J. L. Murray, 31. A., Mr. George Blair, to nllss Catharine, &tighter of Thomas Welsh, Esq., all of- the township of Harm. BRADLET-McCRINDLE --In Kincardine, on the 2,2eit nit., by REX. J. L. Murray, Mr. Jas. A Johnaton Bradley, Jr., to Miss Margaret I Goldin daughter of James McCrindle, Esq., 1 all of Pille RiXer. SINCLAIR-WILSON- At Varna, on the 25th . by Rev. M. Denby, eit. Charles Sinclair, to Miss Uteller Wileon, all of Usborne. • LATRIELLEI-DAYMLN-Ae the Manse, Kippen, • on the 30th ult., by Rev. IL °smarm, Mr. • George Latriplle, of West Tilbnry, to Miss Maria, Jene Dayruin, daughter of Mr. Peter • Dunmire Tuckersraith. . STORY-MUNDELL-At the' Manse Kippen on - the 81st elt., by Rev. H. Caineron,• Mr. George • Story, to Mies Sarah Ann, second daughter of W. S. Mundell, Esq., all oi Tuckersmith. • . •• Deaths. • HOGG-At Wroxeter, on the 27th ult , Eliza, sec- ond daughter of Mr. Jno. Ilogg, aged 17 viten. -HUGELL-In McKillop, at the eeeidence of her son, 'Elizabeth Mohun, relict of the tete WM. 11111,111. McKillop; aged 84 years. ORMISTON-On 'the 25th alt., at ha lather'at • General News It-6ms. Captain W. Smith, ofe0-btitwa, has been left aa fortune of $2,000,000 by the -death of an uncle iu Australia. -Rev. 5Ir. Handford Was presented at Toronto, on Christmas Eve; with an 'address and a purse of 50 British sovereigns. -Iron ore in the Ottawa district is lieiag taken to Ohio to be- smelted, the 'fifty molts per ton duty on, -coal beine atal to smeltiog in Canada. -A. terrible accident took place last Saturday night to a traio on its Way from Edinburgh to. D.undee. While -passing over a three mile bridge which crosses the Frith of Forth, it broke through, falling iuto the water beneath. Neither cars, eogine nor passengers have since been seen. They all sank irnmediately. There were three pas- senger. coaches croevded full, or- about .90 persons in all. -Last - Sunday, at • Knox Churgh, Toronto, the Rev. Mr. McLeod, late of_ Glasgow,- preached au eloquent mid. earnest Gaelic sermon from the text, Luke xiie•32 : "Na biodh eagal ort, threud bhig, oir is e deadh thoil bhur n' Athar ail riogbachdla thoirt d.uibh." (Fear: not, little 'floc a for it is your Father's good pleasu e to give you the Teingdona). At the ponclusion of the service the reverend gealeman ex- pressed his desire to officiate at the same time and place on Snnday next. -On Wednesday of last week- a. speculator named. Menne arrived in To- ronto- with a car loads of apples., whibh he intended to dispose of in the market, The Car was left standing on the Gneit Western Railway track: Moran, fear- ing that the applee would freeze, pro- ceeded to the car anal shutting the door lit a, charcoal fire. At four o'clock in • home In New York, Clara, only daughter Or Rev. Dr. Ormiston, in the 19th year of her age! . RITCHIE-eln Egmondeille, on the 29th eine llettie G. Ritchie, daughter of ;Mr. Dayid . Ritchie, aged 4 yeas and 8 months. - MULHOLLAND-In Brussels, at the retidence of her father, on the 12th ult., Edith, second I daughter of Adain Mulholland, Esq., aged 20 - years and 9 months. -________ ___ Local Notices. POULTItY,-Geeso,. Turkies and Ducks cheap. at HILL DitOTHEItS. 628 CROCKER-Y. - There _ ate • Bargains in Crockery at Wernon heYouiee's. 616 • ! . I HAVE ON HAND, as usnal, Bell's Ex- .• • tile Family Flour -the .Rousewife's delight -sop - plied direct from the mill. D. D. Rom. 622 GREA.T VineEnt of handsome goods suitable fof Chrietneas Preseets, marked very low WILSON . & YouNG's. Call and SCe them.' 628 . I/OBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP.-}laviD g ob- tajned the Agency df this celebrated soap in Sed- forthand Ilueon Comity, I append the opinion of some of our best peeple as to itsnnerite : I have used Dolsbins' Electric Seep, made by J: L. Oxigin '& 0o., Philadelphia Pa. and find it very cro d s The clothes are beautifully. white n,nd the washing is done in much less dine-Mrs./U. P. Hayes." ". I lend Dobbins' Electric Soap, a ccorning to di- rectionnernil found the elothee whiter than, when washed in the old way, and in half the usual time --Mrs. M. Y. McLean." "I have tested Dobbins' Eleetric Seep, and am highly satisfied -with the. result. I belieye it capable of doing all.the wrap- per claims.for it, and most confidently recom- mend it as economizing both time and labor and as doing tts work well-dMrs. T. Goldsmith." "Having given Dobbins' Electric -Soap a, fair trial, I think it is all the manufacturers represent it to ' be -Mrs. R. T. Coleman." I desire all my friends - and cnstomers to give this Soap one trial, so they I may know just how good the- be* soap in the United States is THOMAS KIDD, Seaforth, Ont., Agent for Huron County.' 571-52 THE MARKETS. SEAFORTH, Dec. 31,-1879. FsparllinWghweahteat, Spring Wheat,Led Chaff,per bush.. 1 22 to • 25 Fife,per bushel... lu 2352 tto.0 1 sh'313 1 80 to 1 82 Oats per binshel- 0 45 to 0 55 i Barley per bushel Peas per bushel 0 16 to 0 17 . 0 GO to 64 Butter, No.l, Loose Eggs . . 0 16 to 0 16 Flour, per 100,1bs. lifides, per lb. ay , ,S heep skins each - Salt (retailjper barrel, Salt (wholeeale)per barrel Potatoes, per bushel A iles, • b - ' . Oatmea 3 rbrl Tallow, per lb . 0 05 to 0 06 Beef, in quarters, per 100 lbs..... 4 50 to. 6 00 Dressed Hogs per 100 /les ,.... 6 00, to 5 45 a CLINT "ON, Dee. 31, 1879. Fal1Wheat,per bushel 1 27 to 1 30 pring heat; perbushel t.. 1 2o - g 1 30 Oats, pe bushel. Barley,per b,ushel ,-, 0 40 CO 0 56 0 82 @ 0 83 Peas, per buShel 0 60 @, 0 64 EPogtgastoes i Batter 0 14 @ 0 15 0 15 (4 0 16 0 30 @, 0 35 Hay,per tonl, 8 00 @ 9 00 3 00 to 13 0 LEG -AL NOTICE. THE HURON E)IPOSITOR. pXECITTORS' NOTIOE.-M1 persons heving -2-].2 any c.a im age beet 'William. Mesmer, date of tho townehip of Tuckeremith ,• in:the County of Huron, farmer, deceased, are regnested on or before the 9th day of Jarlunry, 1880, to send to Messrs. McCaughey Holmested, Sett forth, Solicitors for the undereigned, their ntunee and addresses end the partieuhn.s of their °Jahns against the said Walnut. Chcsn-ey, deeeased. After which -time the Executors will be .lat liberty to distiibute the assets of the testator amongst the ;parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims. of which they shall then have notice, in "pursuanee of the :Revised so tattites of the Province) of Ontario, chapter 107, section 84. All portions indebted to the deceased .tti•e required to make immeditete payments of the amount due by them to the undereign ed. AGNES CHESNEY and IL M. CHESNEY, Exceetors. - 628-2 _MONEY. - MONEY TO LOAN -In large or email sums 4-T-1' • on first-class security; at 8 per cont. yearly intemet.. Private funds, or on the installment plan. Apply to V. HILL, Settfort h. 628 WHO WANTS MONEY ?-A few thousand T dollars, private funds; for itarnediate invest- reent at 8 per cent. interest. Apply to JAMES, " II. BENSON, Selieitor, Seaforth. 533 MONEY TO LEND. -I have any amount of 43-1* hileney to Lend on good improved farms only, -at -8 tier cent. _ Charges very Small. Sinn no object if security ample. I don't lend for any sqempany. JOHN S. 'PORTER, -Seaforth. 670 O'NEY TO LOAN -Oe Improved Farm Prop - `13'!" erty, at 8 per cent. interest. Ititerest pay- able half -yearly of yearly, as desired, with a por- -tio n of the principal, if so preferred. Expenses ligh t. Apply to THOMAS D. RYAN, Seaforth, Ont. • • 625 I THE GREAT DRY GOODS , . . VOTE LOST -Lost, a note of .band kearing . . I. .." date Septembo r let, 18',7, and due or/ Iona- , . ‘ , wry 1st, 1.,...60, made by Gilbert Dick, in favor at 1 - Thomas Me/lis, E.ippen, for the sum of $36. Ae '. - payment of this note has been stopped the pie -b- ile are hereby eautioued against purchasing 031 ne3,otiating it. THOMAS MELLIS. Kippen, Decen.ber '8, 1879. - 627 e I 1 LOST OR FOUND. ' WANTED.. HOUSE OF THE WEST. mmainnimi••••••••• IT oRsE . WANTED -A good drivieg hoise-i! THOM AS KIDD MAIN -STREET SEAFORTH " Will either engage for the winter or per- 1 ' - r - I. chase. • SMUT& & \VEST, 625 . GReD RIVER MUTUAL Fire luminance Man a gGeirli.Pastrjl'AGgeaeltt.W0an. tel. Vd.foGriSiteDaLT° _1161 pRECENTOR W -ANTED. - Wanted for the 1- Egmoneville Presbyterian Church, a pre- centor ; salary $100. Application to he made to SAMUEL CARN 001:TAN . 680-8 -- • _ _ _ - -- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. A RARE CHANCE.-Teventy-five acres of land " whh lic use and barn for nale in Eginondville. This peopetty is dell odtuated for either farm or garden putpeses. Title indisputable. Apply to ROREPT BRETT. 615 je-dOR SALE. -For Sale a first class -Planing 2-; Mill, nearly new and in good running order, situated in the flourishing Town of Seaforth, WIll be sold cheap. Terms easy. Enquire of SECORD, COSSENS & CO., Goderich, Ont. _ LIARM AND TOWN P.ROPERTY FOR' SALE, PRIOldS TO SUIT THE TIMES. -Lot 17, , on the Ilth concessien, AlcKillop; price .$40 per acre ; Blinding lots in different parts of the town. of Seaforthe purehasers can make their own tains of payment, at 8 per cont. interest., JAS. MEETINGS TO BE HELD. BEATTIE.. • EAFORTH CHEESE FACTORY. -A meeting 'ad of the patrons of the Seaforth Chem Fac- tory will beheld in the town hall, Seaforth, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1860, et 2 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of making arrane-nments for neit seasone busdnees. T. DUNCAN, Secretary, ROBT. 0 OTENLOCK, President. 629-2 Itsr cKILLOP INSTJBANCE COMPANY AN- NUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the mettebere of the McKillop Insurance Company will be held in the town hall Seateatb, on FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, at ene o'clock P. M. for the election of officers and the transactio n of other business. W. J. SHANNON, Secretary. JAMES KERR, President. - 029 A NN UAL MEETING. -The torus] meeting '1-1- of, the members of the Tackersmith Branch. Agrieultural Society for the eleetion of Directors and the transaction. of other business will be beldat the Commereial Hotel, Seaforth, on THURSDAY, JANUARY 8; 1880, at t he hour, of 2 °cloak P. M. A full attendktice is pn.rtioular- ly deeired. -GORDON MeADAM, Secretary ; fdEORGE SPROAT, President, 629.2 IMPORTANT NOTICES. VARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, the west part of Lot No. 1, Con. 17, Grey, containing -50 acres , MUSIC. -31m. McMnIkin will give inetructions 35 df which are cleared, well fenced, and in a state of good cultivation. There is e good frame house; good orchard and 'plenty of water. It is on the gravel road leading to 13russels-and Seaforth, and adjoins a hth.urch -and school. It is also within gall audio of the Village of Walton. Apply on the premises or to Walton Post Office. CHARLES duitcHIE. • 498 591 VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, - the east half of Lot No. 4, Con. 4, 11. R. S., - Tucker -smith, County of Huron, consisting of 50 acres, 81 miles from the TONVII. of Seaforth, and convenient to school. The land is of the very best quality. For further particular? apply to JAMES PICKARD, opposite the premises, or to Egmondvillo P. 0: 521 - - • pROPERTY IN .EGMONDVILLE.FOR SALE. For sale the hone° and lot in Egmondvillo at preeent ocenpied by Mr. S. Cameron. The house is a frame, the lot contains half an acre and is one of the best building sites in Egmondville.. There is a good -well and all other necessary con- venie e ces, and will be sold cheap. For particulars apply to JAS. li. BENSON; Seaferth. 521 VARM AND TOWN PROPER17 FOR SALE, CHEAP. -Lot No, 24, Con. 9 McKillop 100 acres; north half Lot 80, Con. 9, McKillop, 50, acres ; north half of north half Lot 81, Con. 9, hIcKillop, 25 acrea ; reaidence occupied by Mr. Malcolinson on Gouinlock Survey, Seeforth ; building lots on Jarvis' and F. G. Sparling's Sur- veys. Apply to GRAY, YOUNG,& SPARLING, Seaforth. • 595 • in instrumental music to a few pupils. Use of pianosiven fer practice if desired. Residence east of Victoria Square, Sea.forth. 614 THE DIVISION 'COURT. -The office of • the Second Division Court will be opeu daily from half -past one to 'Jour o'clock P. M. Office in my Block, over the. store of Johnston Bros. L. MEYER, Clerk of Division Court, Sen.forth. 562 • r AST NOTICE -it am 'equated to notify all -2-2 parties (through the HuRON Exeosinoe) in al rears to the 'Varna Chem Fenton? Oen] pany that unless payment be made to me before the 10th dee of January next, they will theta be put into Couit for collection. JOHN ESSON. Col- lector; Hayfield. 62C, ; REM OVAL-aMISS SCOTT, Seaforth, has re- moved her Dresemaking Business, to her father s residence, Sohn Street, opposite the piscop al Methodist Church where she hopes to have a call from her many friends a ni cue tomers who may require anything in the Dress and •Ilautle line. 625 'T-4.0XBO110- Allia.S.-The undersigned deeii:e n-2-4" to inform their custoniere and the public, that the damage •occasioned to their mill by the late freshet hes been repaired, and the mill is now woik ing as usual. Parties requiring ' gristing chopping, or anything iu that line can be ac - co it node fed on the shortest notiee and satiefac tion guaranteed. BURNET & DOLPHIN. 629-2 • ISSOLTITIO NT OP PARTNERsurp.-Tbe partnership beretefore existing between Thomas end James Armstrong ,as Foe pert; and generel jobbers has this day been dissolved by mutual cc-neent. All accounts doe the fitna to be pa. o ames Aimetiong at once, either by cash or note, and all liabilities of the firm will be wee by him. Detect at Varna this 19th day of December, 1879. THOMAS ARMSTRONG, JAMES ARMSTRONG. Witness -NEIL PAT- TERSON. James Armstrong v111 carry on the buttiness in theold stand, and takes this oppor- tunity of thanking his. customers tor past favors, and hopes by etnet attention to business to merit the confidence reposed in the firm Wodd and iron turning,. specielities. 629-3 AUCTION SALES. . A 000D CHANCE1a-Mr, J. P. BRINE has t been instructed by Mrs. E. WALKER to sell by Public Auction, at the COMMERCIA.L 110- . TEL, SEAFORTE, en Sattn•day, January- 8rd, 1880, at 1 ondoek P. 3I., Heuee and Lot; on Main Street,- Harpurhey. There is a frame house, wood-ehed, well, and other 'convenieuces ; also a choice young orchard. The property wilt he sold subject to a mortgage. For further par - dalliers apply to the auctioneer. • J. P. BRINE, Atietioneer. 628 3 ---711EAT AUCTION, SALE 01P TOWN PRO- PERTY IN SEAFORTH--Mr. J. P. 11, ine has been inshucted .the Executors of the ostate of the late Shnon Powell, to sell by Public Auction, et the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, on SATURDAY, JANUARY ard, 1880, at 2 o'clock P. M., two valuable bueiness sites. The propertydis composed of lots 14 and 40, Gouinloek Survey and contains a frontage of 60 feet each. The one fronts" on Main Street, and is in the centre of the business part of the town.. The oth.er fronts on Geo' ge Street. There is a large - dwelling hovse on tho hack lot. The property will be sold with- out reserve, as the affairs of the eetate must be wound up at once. Terms. -One third of the purchase money on the dey. of sale, and. the balance within ten days. A. G. VAN ECENIOND and T. T. COLEMAN, Executors. 629 . ALU -ABLE FARM FOR SALE BY PUBLIC Y AUCTION IN MeKELLOP -31r. J. P. Brine has be en inetrneted by Mr. Iteinhait to gen by Public Auction, on the premises, on WEDNES- DAY, dANTI ARY 7th, 1880, that Valuable Fartn being composed of Lot 11, Concession 12, Main- top. The farm contains cores of land, about 25 eats, of which ere cleared, 20 acres in fallow, five in good hardwood bneh. with two and a half acres in tall ti heat and FiX acres mendow. On the place there ere two lOg houses .16 x 20. Is situated 8it miles from Lea,dbury, and 101 miles from Seaforth, ea miles from school house; There hi a email epdng creek runnieg through the farm. The above is an excelleet -farm, of heavy clay loam land and will be sold without reserve. Sale to commence at two o'eloek sharp, Ternas :made known on day of sale. FRANCIS BEINHAltT, propiietor; X. P. BRINE, auc- tioneer. 628 MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE 13USI- NESS PROPERTY IN THE VILLAGE OF WINGHAM, IN 5.11E COUNT Y OF ENRON.- Under and by virtue of a power of mile contained in a Registered Mortgage made by George Green and wife, will be sold by Patio Auction by C. Tait Scott, Esq., Auctioneer, at the ;Royal Hotel, in the town of Wihaham, 0/2 THURSDAY JANHARy the 8th, 18811 at 2 o'clock P. M., the foliotying 1 reehold p rop erten viz : That part o f Lot number Four, on the north -e est side o f Josephine Street,in the said village,of Winghane, according to the Registered Plan of Park Lot One, government survey, made by Edward Foley, described as follows : Commencing on josephine Street, at the north-east angle of said Lot - thence westerly along the northern limit of said Lot, to the north-west angle thereof ; thence 8 00 to 9 OC vontherly along the west limit of said Lot., to a 0 07 to 0 08 point 2,3 feet froiu the north west angle, afore - 0 ZO to 1 25 said ; thence easterly parallel to the said 0 0,.0 76 northern limit of said Lot, to a point on the eastern limit of said Lot on Josephine Steeet, 0° 2355 tto° 0° 345° twenty-three feet from. the nortteeast anele of seid Lot ;, thence northerly along the eastern. 2 75 t o 3 00 limit of said lot to the place of beginning, • and being cal of said Lot number Four, except those portions heretofore conveyed . to one John Hobblethwate, and to outd Frederick Bond. This Lot has a frontage of 23 feet, with a depth 01150 feet, and a lane 12 feet wide iuns across the rear end. There are on the premises a brick store and dwelling 23x76 feet, ttt storeys high, with stone foundation andiron roof, all in good repair. Two vsells, &c. Terms and conditions will be made known at time ,of sale, or may be ascertained on arm lication to C. Tien SCOTT, Esq., Auctioneer, Wingham, Ont., or' to HARLIS, 11A.GEE & Co , Vendors' Solicitois, Londou Ont. 030 FARM FOR SALE. -:-For sale Lot 2; con. 10 Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres, about BO cleared, the balance well timbered. There is a stone house awl good frame barn, it is well fenc- ed and underaftieed. There is a young bearing oridtard. It is about seven mike from Seaforth and four from Hensel], and is convenient to school. Two good wells et water. Posseesien given at any time. Apply at the EXPOSITOR °Inc, Seaforth.. 610 VARM FOR SALE. -North half of South half -1; of Lot 30, concession 7, township of Morris, County of Huron, 45 acres ; 40 acres cleared; soil is clay loam • ehere is a new freme house and shible, a, young h'eating orchard, and a good well and pump ; the premises are on the gravel road one mile eouth of Brussels. Terms -$1,000 down ; balance can remain for 7 or 10 years at ., 7 per pent. For further 'radical -ars apply to C. COOPER, Land Agent and Auctioneer. 628 • FARM POR 8ALE.-For 'Sale, North half of Lot 9, Concession 14, containing • 100 acres, G5 acres cleared, and the remainder ' well timbered with white ash, maple, beech and bass wood ; good barn and stable and good house ; plenty of et ater, young ()relax& good fencing, &c.; convenient to Churches and schools, and 3 miles Iron! gravel road ; possession given ONTARIO 3TE.8. W. L. STAFFORD, Soeforte. 6 5 IS NOW SHOWING THE BEST GENERAL STOdK IN CANADA -IN- DRY GOODS -I am better prepared this season green ever to show extra- ordinary bargaime in Dress Goods, Winceys, Famielseand all House- holcl*Stuffs. M1LLINERY-I will offer Special Fashienaable Mil-el:awry, at greatly re- duced prices, during -,the next Thirty Days. Ladies, call and examine for yourselves. FANCY GOODs-Thia Department is Filly Assortedi Special Value in Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, Feathers, Ties, and Ladiee' Dress Caps. Gloves cheaper than ever. Don't fail to see my_ 50 cent Kid Glove, and my 2 -button Josephinesr Rollion for 41.25. Hosiery and Corsets in abundance. clearir.k this month MANTLES, SHAWLS AND FuRs---I am the entire stock, at prices • which will convince everybody that I carry out my advertisements to the letter. - enormous- sales in the past have READYMADE CLOTHING -my compelled me to be continually adding to my stock, and many of our Overcoats and Ulsters have been received duting the last month. Every garment is of late style, and many of them are decided novelties. I call the attention of all wanting Overcoats to the fact that my stook is the largest in the west, and is superior in quality, style and excellence of manufacture. Full assortment of Underclothing, Hats, Caps and•Gents' Furnishings. BOOTS AND SHOES -In this Department my sales have greatly increased, owing to the heavy purchases made before the late rise on these goods. All prices and sizes of Ladies', Gents', Misses' and Child- ren's on band. See our $2 Lona Stoga Boo.ts, worth $2.50. Also our Ladies' Real Goat Button and_ 'race Boots. This is the house. to pro- cure the real goat. GROCERIES -New and Fresh arrivals in Teas, Raisins, Currants, Sugars; Syrups, Tobaccoes; Etc. QuoRs-An the best brands of Wines and Liquors WINES AND LI always on hand. Why buy impure and. adulterated Liquors from unre- liable houses, when you can bane the best brands from me at the lowest. figures. Liquor Store, corner of Market and Main Streets. KIDD'S EMPORIUM -Come one, come all, Roth great and small, Great Bargains you will get ; And if you want to buy cheap goods, T. Kidd's is the cheapest yet. • DRY GOODS. BOOTS AND SHOES. immediately. ler further pasticulars appl tu 11)110PERTY FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot 14, Con 16, Grey ; West half of Lot 29, Con. 6, with cheese factory complete • Lot Con 6 ' end south hell of Lots 16 and 17, Coin 5, town- ship of Morris • Lot 22, Con. B, and Let 28, Con. B, township oillowick, all -good improYed farms, together with several_d0 acre farms in G-rey and Morris, and houses and lots and vacant lots in the village of Brnssels. Prides low terms easy, and title good. Apply to JOHN LiCKIE, Brus- sels. 574 • DRY GOODS HOUSE; SEAFORTH SMITH (Sz 7.T\TST Aro continually receiving Nel,(1 Goods, which, are bought in the best mark- kets jor cash, Mdrked at the Lowest Price possible - 1 1 11 ant t ten, so t fo) cash. VARM FOR .SALE. -For Sale, Cheap, the east half of Lot 28, Concesaion 9, MeKillop, con- taining 50 genes, 35 of which ale clearednwell fenced. Etna in a good state 9f cultivation; there is a good franc barn and stable, and log house with frame addition; also a small ,orchard and well of water ; is within half a mile of the village .of Winthrop, and six miles fkom Seafortli. This farm must be sold at once, mid a bargain will be given. Apply to Winthrop P. 0. or to the proprie- tor on the premises. JOHN BRUWN. 623 MUM F OR SALE. -For Sale Lot 2, Con. 17, Greyrand part of Lotle Con. 17, containing in all 129 "-Acres, about 90 di which are cleared, and undergood cultivation. 1•The balance is well thnberednvith bardwooeis There is a hewed log house, ati'd. frame barns, sheds and stables. There eituated on a ttood gravel] road within half a male of Walton village; five:miles from Brussels, on the Great Western Railway ; end ten miles from Seaforth, on the Grand Trunk Beltway ; with a ',Oleic° of markets. For further particulars apply to the i•o rieto • on tl P. 0. JOHN lleFADZEAN. • t Walto _ 61000 • We shail be pleased to show all who wish through our stock, quoting prices TWO SPLENDID FARMS FOR SALE - is a good bearing. =held and good water. Is THIS SYSTEM OF DOING BUSINESS Ilits secured for us a larae and profitable trade during the season, and we avail ourselves of this opportimity of thanking our customers for the liberal patronage extended us. Every effert will be made in the future to render business relations nautually advantageous. We would also respectfully request that all will recolle3t that we can have but one price, which is marked iu plain a -gums upon the goods, and that we much prefer that purchasers should leave the goods if the price does not suit. The injustice of selling goods at a reduced rate to a certain class known as " Bargain Hunters " must be very evident to the more respectable portion of a Either of the undereigned will sell two splen- &On arid. affording every opportunity for cpinpaxison with other houses. did farms within a short distance of Seaforth, • the best reatket town west oi Toronto. Both farms f1,1 0 on good gravel road, ample supply of water without the trouble of pumping, buildings, orchards, &c., complete. As both gentlemen have retired from business, terms of payment will be made exceedingly easy. The gi-tater part of the purchtiee money may rematn- on mortgage for years. Immediate possession can be given. Full descriptiqn, price, term's, &ce, given on applica- - tion to Jtei. COB McGEE, Egmondville, or WM. LEE, SetWierth. 619 _ _ _ - FARM FOR SALEn-For sale, Lot 2, concession 13, Hulk tt, containing 75 -acres of excellent • elay loam land, about 66 :lens of which are cleared tald 3 11 a good state of cultivation, the remainder is . good hardwood bush. On the p: S are a small kig twine, sided up, with frame kitchen, with good well and pump, and a good SpriDg creek running through the land. This farm is eituneed 1 mile •from narlock P. 0., and 10!/ miles from Seaforth, ;and abont the same 'rem Brussele on a -good . gravel -road. Further pnatietlars ean be obtained ott application to the proprietor on the premises or to Harlock P. 0. THOMAS GILPIN, proprietor. - 629 FARM IN McKILLOP FOR SALE. -For -Sale, the North part of Lots 8 and 9. Con. 13, Me- Killop, containin,g 11T acres ; there! are' about 80 cleared, well fenced, underdrainetl, and in a high state of cultivation, the balgnee is well timbered with hardwood; good dwelling, new bank frame barn 50x57, with stabling underneath, and other outbuildings, also a lewd_ young orchard. and plenty of water. Is 10 nules from Brussels, nirom Walton, and 12 front Seaforth, with good gravel roads to each place; convenient to church and schools ; will be sold as a whole or in two paets or will be exchanged for a small farm. Apply to' Walton P. 0. or to the proprietor on the premises. WILLIAM DYNES. 598 a 0 OD FA1131 FOR SALE.--1-Being Lot 30, Con., hd 11, Township of Grey, containing 190 acres, about 75 clue ed ; clearing ] needy all free of stumps ; soil clay loam ; 10 Acres of fall wheat are F own, and balance of clearing seeded dowel; on the lot there is a_good new ,frame house 20x80, 1-4- storeys 'high, a good log barn 30x60, frame stable and other out-buildiu s ; a good bearing orchard and 3 good wells - th lot is favorably sit- uated on leading road tIlrough the township, 3i miles from Crenbreok and 211 from Henfryn rail- way station; School within a iquarter of a mile, and church close by - as the ploprietor has retired from. arming, the will be sold on eaey terms. For further particulars apply to JUGS' H. HODGES, on the premises, or if by letter to 622 Cranhrook post office. SMITH & WEST, Seaforth. Opposite Carmichael's Hotel. SCHOOLBOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS. , A Full Supply of all the Books used in Public and High S-chools 'at G. W. PAPST'S Book, Stile' tionery and Fancy Oroods Depot, Cardne's Bleck, Seaforth. Orders hy mail will have prompt at- tention. ROD GERVILLE THE ONTARIO CHEESE FACTO1,1Y MEETING. LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY A MEETING of the Board of Directors of the -e" liodgexville Factory will be held at the Fate- , tory on Tuesday, January 6th, 1880, at 8 o'clock P. ai. A Meetiug of the Stockholders wall be held at the same place, on Wednesday, January 7th, at 12 o'clock noon ; at the contlusion. of which a General Meeting of the Patrons will take place at 1 o clock to select sal tsmen and auditors, and to let the milk routes, and for the transaction of other business. 630.1 JAM.ES LANG, President. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. A LL Parties indebted to the estate of the late Robert Armsteone, take notice that all ac- e ounts and notes mustebe settled at once ; and accounts against the estate to be presented to Xs mes Beattie. and all accounts to be paid to W. M. GRAY, SAMUEL STARK)} Eeecutors. 630-1 JAMES BEATTIE, LONDON. WORKING CAPITAL, 52,700,000.00. THIS Company now has the largest evolking d- capital of any Loan Company in Western On- tario, and are receiving menthly remittances of British capital, obtained: at a low rate ef interest for investment in mortgages en real estate tip to half the cash value. Straight Loans at S Per Cent. For further particulars .apply te any of the Company's appraisers throughout Ontario, or to • WILLIAM F. MILLEN, - 630-8 Manager, London. SUNBB..e31 ART G..kLLERY.-Something New. -Now is the time to secure your shadow. CHARLES AloOtt is now making four ...9.rehrotypes for 50c. Picture Starnes cheaperthan ever., 610 • 5 STOOR FOR SALE. V OR SALE Two colle, one riving thtee yews* old and the other two both marts. Apply to DAVID DOBBANCE;Sr., Lot 29 Con. 1st 60* r.1OLT FOP SA T,IP -For Saleot Heavy Draught' N--/ Colt, rnieg two, sired by old Lord Haddowe Apply on Lot 11, Cenceseion 4.H. R. S., Tucker - smith, to J. H. GARTER. 623 -------- - - SPECIFIC ARTICLES. OOD FOR SALE.. --For Rale -cheap, en Lot T 4, conceesion 10, H. R. 3. Tuekeremith, the 'wood on about 20 acres of land, all fIrst elass - hardwood, road easy of access. Apply en the remisee or to Chieelharst I'. Os dAnIES BURNS. -629x4 istALL AT Je S. ROBERTS' DRUG- STORE, -Seafoxtla, for the Great Sierra Nevada Snmk- ing Compound, a positive cute ler Catarranand is egunily (Men cious ell Bronchial AffectiOnss The worst cases of Aethnis Phttsic end all Diseaees of Mel's-tinge yield reti'dlly to this treat,- ment. Id. L. SMITH, Arizona, Ont., General Agent: For fele by all deoggistes Peiee, 75 cents a box. d.01-52 . _ FOR SALE OR TO LET- " TO LET -House and Store to Rent in Kinburn, -2- tegether nith enedwarter acne of lane. Ap- ply to MRS. YOUNG, Efadock pest offiee, -628x4 ✓ OR SALE OR Tdi RENT. -The Senforth knewn as the Red Mill; 4 =not Monett; ste ara powei ; with siding frem Omnd Tinen Railway ; e eseession about the let or 15th of September. Apple' to W. KINGSLEY, Stsat- ford . C94 . TOITE TO LET -One ef the best etands f'siorthS.eaftath-31r. Dent is giving np business eta wilt let cn eney terms that fitenclass store oecu- pied by himself. Possession given at enee -clesieed, Enqrzire of GEORGE DENT, Sea - 628 p ARE CHANCE. -Photograph Booms to Let L•21 on hist floor in Scott's Brick Block, Seaforth, position -central. thme lone Rooms on the flat above, suitable for a dwelling, Posses- sion let January, 1879. Appin to F, HOLME- S TED, barristen on the preinieee,or to 1.1.0BT,. SCOTT, 578-11- n oust TO BEN Ts -To rent, that coeivaant- 1-2- ler eituatred and ecnimodione residence on Godedeli Street, at present ocetzpied by Mr. Z. D1112Cfill. The haute is in firet-elass -order, and heti „in connection all Itonvenienees fotiha in 4 firsteilass residence. Yetoseession given at any time. ,Apply to J. Dune.an or to Ele SCARLET, proprietor. ; .62/ ESTRAT STOCK. V STRAY STEER. -Carne into the premiees of J"' the undereigned, London Road, Stanley, near Mucentld, a red one yeat old .steer. The owner can have the satne on proving property and peying -charges. JOHN ROSS. • 629x4 V "STRAY STEE11.-Cente into the premise rf the tindaeigned Lot 28, voncession rris, il1 attne latt, thrc e 3 ear old steer,dark colo r. The owner can have the same on preving prop erty and paying eharges. DAVID NIG-DT. 6290 ' V STRAY HEIFER -Strayed on to Lot 10, -1=2 /eh:nth 13.mendary Bond, Stanley some time ha September, 1879, a 2 -near eld Heifer, red -with some white., The o'weter -can have it by proving property and paying expenses. WILLIAM STEVENS, Goshen post office. 627x4 VSTRAY STEER -Came into the premises of -Id' the -undersigned, Lot I, Con. 5, MegillePe about the first of November, a 2-yeat -01a. Steen] of reddish color. The oyvner tan have the Jenne by nroving property and payingexpenses. HUGH] DUNN, Dublin post office. 62714 1 VS1 BAY SEIFEP.-Came into the miinises 0 XI. the andertigned, Lot 8. COItteliiiiOn 3IcKillop, about the Ilth of October, two sheep, and four lambs. The owner can have thew eni preying- proPerty anti paying expenses. MICH-] AEL MURPHY, Beechweod P. 0,„ 080x4 T_TEIFERS IN POUND ---Came into the Sea-, 1-1- forth Pound, on Tuesday. November 25, •tneo-, three-year Dia Heifer -le both red and -selite, and ] one Woks as if in calf. The owner can have the] same on proving peopeity and paying clungeen DORRENCE, Pounakeepas ' 625 E S TEA y EEIEER-Ceme into the meneiries of the nude reign cd, Lot 10, Concession 11, H. R. - S., Tuckeremith, abont the middle of November, ] a red and white ;rear need a half old Heifer. The owner Cell "lave the Mile 0)1 prOViVg property and pasing charges. CHARLES ROBB,. 62,7x4 STR AY STEER.- Came ieto the premisenof -id' the lintleil.itat,ed Lot 26, toneession 14, gravel road, near Walton, h in Sept. las t, ;one red and whito eteer. The owner cern have the EOM* by proving property and pay, ing chaeges. ANDREW MORRISON, Walton P. O. -WO ' VSTRAY SHEEP, -Came bete the .prepaisee -" the undereigneel, Lot 12, Comession 5, Mc- : Killop, two Ewes and a Ram; the ewes came about the first of July and the ram aboat the fiist of De caliber, The owner elm have the ; same on proving property and lite:beg eharges.' WILLIAM REEDY. 628x* SI.RAT CATTLE --Strayed front the prem - 1 -4 ises of the underfierreds Lot -8, concession 9 Morrih, a steer and 7heifer tanning rtwo years old, he th slotted red and -white, with large white epot en forehead. Any person giving infornmtion as to theie -whereabouts -will be suite.lity rewarded. THOMAS LAIDLAW, Illyth P. O. 629x4 _ _ V STRAY CATTLE.-Stmeed front Lot 14, Con -2=2 10, MeKillop, in July last, Three Steam connng 'three 3 ears old. Two of them red with white epots, and one red and white, apotted -w ith more -white then red. There was a bell on. t he last raentioned animal -when he left home.' A ny inf,ormation that will Iea-d to the reeovery of the above animate will be suitabie- rewarded. A_NTHONY BOYD, Winthrop P. , 624 V STRAY CALVES -Strayed bona the prome ises of the undereigned, Lot 26, Coneession 7, Usbane, about the better 'pait of September., six 'Spring Calves -three heliersand three steers ; Ono of the steers was toinrile, one red and one spotted ; two of the heifers were red. and -one spotted. Any informationas to the whereabouts of the above animals will be tuitably rewarded S26 RI CII_AltD MARQUIS,. --.. - V STRAY CATTLE.-Straledfatemthepreinis. es -2-'• of the Inadersigned, Lot NO. 24, Cons 8, Stan- ley, in May last, Three Yeading Cattle -2 eteem and 1 heifer. One of the steem was all white, and the other te roan, with a wide White stripes= the face, and ttlybito epot on the ehoulder; the heifer was whites with red on her ekes. head and legs. Any person giviug such information' as will be enitably rewarded, An:IN GILMOUR, Iead to the xecovery ol the above 6a2noita-4xals, Brucefield._ STOCK FPR TO PIG BREEDERS, -The nrelersigned will keep dining the present exson, on Lot 17, COnCefai033 9, MeKillopefor the improvement of f-toek, a thorough -bred Beilehire Boar. Teems, $1 for the eeas on, with the,pdvilege of retuming it neceseary. SAMUEL HARRIS, prep. 629 er0 PIG BR EEDEITS.-The undersigted will -L- keep char ieg the present eetteort, Ott Teat 2d., concersion 11, Hihhert, ler the intprovement ' stock, -a tiler ongh bred Seffols Boar. l'Ins is a pig for/nett,- owned be. Mr. Alex. Yule, of Tuekersinith, and ie. -known its the producer of excellent stock- Terme.-One -dollar payable at the time of eervice, with fbe tprivileee ee turning if necessary. THOMAS LEEMING, Proprietor, 629x4 - 1-n0AR FOR SERVICE -The undersigned. will -2-d keep f on the iMprovement of etock ibis eea- sou, en Let 22, Concession 4, Mellillop, a Thoronghbred Berkshire Boar, of superior pedi- gree. Teeme-.$1, payable et the atnae of ner- viee, with t privile,ge of returning if necessary, WM. HENDERSON. 628x4 9'10 BREEDERS OF PIGSs - Tire undereigned will keep during the enne.ent nee - seen, at his prem - lees, Lot 11, Con. , 4, IL S., Tuck- eramith, one mile southof Egmontle Thoreughbred Large Breed Berkshire Boar. This anitmel 11711S sired ten a Pig imported from Engleird, and for which the sum of $750 .was paid. His dam was /Ilse imported. Re ds one of the best at present in. the County 01 Huron, having taken first pale° at the County and all the other ehowse Terres-One Dollar, to be paid at the time a eereiee, -with the privi- lege of returning if n-ecedsary, Je CARTER,e Proprietor 628 •