The Huron Expositor, 1879-10-17, Page 31879. TION SALE LE PARIVi- titn4)kmentg. has been instrnetecl by I.F.AN to Re11 by Public resoojeku 12, Stanley, on th, the following vain - love. seppir4rd to be in pare (ea; jblue Le of steel a, risieg 2 yes ; ; 1'Iv b)ttic ; plows ; ; t,e1 ewe of lily . 30G tqt (if lumber, heat- s. of potatoes ; carrots, re; 1 bOX Stc.,Va ; cup- rto quantity of • r ar tittles. -1,# al be ofTered for !Alt 2, Cen 12, Staat- . frame barn, log : toteleird ; 84 acres i,own ; 20 acres fall gool state of cultiva- s going to Mari•oba, h •ot reserve. Sale to 4. sit #rp. rei Imph ments : All ": over tied moat 1.2 (el furnishirg ap- -omit f 8 per cent.1 11 for credit amount& e. on (ley of sale. CLEAN, Proorieter. ,oneer. 618x2 S A L E -implement& instruend bv Anetion, with, R. $„ on Dog), the following ',7wo ,spon of working i mares, one rising 3, tn imporffl ted horses; I41 l. to imported 1ruluern hull, 2 years ' irg zrfachine, Repar- ke, all complete 1 lum'oer wagon- 2 'el one 1,V0o;ls—bo'th 1 mower, Seragne's ty of whej. artielos. no in. and under cash ; credit will he given, t notes. A discottnt . be allowed for cash LE1rProprietor. 618x3, fly AUCTION s beer it.$t1etedby to sal by Publie L.Poll,* NS' QUEEN'il 218T, 1879, whip Coneessien 12, Me: .4#1 of which are condition ; a 3 (mug orehard outlaws!, of water ; r&-[ tad, an,d 1,101 and post office: and eu Neal dis- cuumence at 2 ..ie perehise money • ; th a ter-0.411.1er 'IASI', Proprietor. - I.e.. 618x2 :AA). _ 3TH E RS, ess eo.rried on so many .1 ears, are AKJG ut tice and - the very best ma- mans/tip they guar- eaiei, giving a, good ,e prieee, they hope ,;-1 :hate el publie L.- in Ilatteeburry's tinary Oflice, one W, BRIGGS. 1-WHiGHT Fr of Lie cortstita- '1 -olay evening the day. But, ' one e 1 upon the t (le rap h y Calder a r4'. eonet t mats !Its' on thit paint. hl•PlYin... his pat- e uhrotypes, well W Piet in es copied L.1dre14'8 Pictures ke MOtlFira smile e, 'a Peppier (Iwi- 4r4ap trash' -a reed work can Seaforch. -IN E. -TEA MERS Sail ;LW IK and and LONDON londerrs, Ghia- Fett s as low as sued to persons ds, of A nehor Line ,eoneeaud corn- ( Seaforth OVE0.. T111 Sulforth and urge she has re - e, wit -hes to Sa- 1 I srs f busi- ors Dry Goods .ready to receive to her care in t tied reeeecte as Mee ham- tua . into co -part. •t tiie waate t .e re who may alai from, th,o ; het e moat leP at joaeph Jet:Live prompt ;IZO WNERL ii LL. 1ES. eatte to the 7, that she has yephyr wools, leo:dies, card- tr. Meiittrey's le her utmost eg-her with a o arid hair ClioN'ALD. ES. Dresemaking, good -work to give les- nvented and ell. ROOMS reit, Seaforth. 617 oCTGBER 17 1879. THE 1-111RON EXPOSITOR. airy ..6.-eild Scotch Plaid. i "eels Foray mulct Scoteli plaid, rer a' the dainty haps I sec; 2100 twa score years sin it was reado, It's aye the same as new to me. last it lacks{ the gaudy charm ' That skinkles in a foppish e'e, Bat, ()Tit keeps me tight and warm, Iola while I live my hap 'twill be. It's been a comforter for lang To rey Auld. wife as weel'a to me, It deftly on her shoulders hang, And wrappld the bairns when they were gear they aro a to manhood grown, And buirdly chiels its ye may sue; (a, may they aye through life be known #1. credit to the plaid and inc. i Auld Scotia to her clemsreen Raid, , When first their i aeks she did review, l,et hearts that heat beneath the plaid ' Be ever geu'rous, brittm turd true; Toar backs ne'cr turn on friend or foe, The peaceful straugt • shield and aid, Let traitor knave and co 'ard know The law that: gleams (low the plaid. ,- •,. There's something in thel Scottish plaid kfair than to,fetul fraa weet an' caahl, Bright rummies that neler shall fade, It still endears to yo ing and auld ; 0tworship-conseerated dells— Of bluidy heath and _nartyrs' urns— In mystic eloquence it t lls, • And of a Wallace tual a Burns. Wad ilkanation don the plaid, And wear it tta it sho ild be worn, Uiii suipeFs wad be feckless made, Banns' be indepen lout born; Andciansmen brave the world o'er Ilk servile ireptilse t ample (loon, And homage cease fate sore to sliore; Seve to the Chief w a rules tthoon. • CO. 0, there's pleasure in th pliti.1„. A tome cif classic heto lore; And Imes, ere court costumes were made,. The royal garb youngFreedona -wore; And though it leeks the gently charm That skit•kles inc f i)ppisit fe• keeps ate tidy, tight and warn i, while I live myihip 'twin be. CHARLES ST43V.kitT.. • to do their -duty ; "You lazy swine, do you think it's for this I give you each your tett kopecks a day? There'll be no kwass for you by and by if you don't bestir ye-ursel ves." Now, kwass in ayery small beer which the Russia,n peasants love. Prince Nokine's tenants set to with a will, and soon there are n6 sounds beard but their toilsome gasps mingling with the swishing noise of their blades as these sweep through the corn in various semi -circles. Even women and children are at work with sickles, and as fast as sheaves an be made up little bands of totteripg boys and girls carry them to the carts, where- some sturdy louts pack them down tight till each cart bolds a pyramid; which is covered with a tarparulin. Then the Rev. Dr. Talmage bids fair to leave carts set off, and. old Benjudas, who has a very unenviable reputation behind been surveying all the operations, re- him in England on account of his dis- turns to the field invtardly chuckling creditable meanness and extertion i but outwardly morose. He never shows his laborers that he is pleased With them, el e they might be asking for • more kwass. Of this liquor each reap er gets a much as will make him glad, but no more.; and -Benjudas, as he prowls a out, notes every stalker who, after doi g less thou his share of work, would li -e to secure more than his a lowance of beverage. -Now, then, yo hog, be if; a few more of your sor would r in me. I shan't employ yo to-morr w." These are the beuiso which enjudas scatters about him he stem fir tree, able he Mall 0 wool, a large head, eyes wide from each other across the forehead, not lone from the eye to the nose, jaw deep and.etaper- ing to the mouth, ears longle and 'fine, the head well covered with wool, a grand arched neck, set on high leading etp to tbe ears, ribs well spruug out from the back and chines, a prominent, full, expanded chest, deep fore -flanks, wide back and loin, rump nicely form- edi all around from one loin to the other, heavy leg of mutton, good and full in the twist, moderate-sized bone, feet small, clean and upright in the posterior or fetlock joints. —English, Writer. Dr. Talmage in England. Some • • money matters. On the strengch of the organized system of puffery by which he •was represented in advance tie a much greater man thin he really is, he secured numerous lecture engagements at a high priee, which, for the most part, resulted disastrously to the parties who hired him; despite which he has rigidly exacted his full price. In one case a number of workingmen engaged him to lecture in Burnley in aid of the erection of a chapel. They foolish- ly agreed. to give him the exorbitant sum of 2100 for deliverine hisfarr go of and, s did ount. I was aims, d lee- s in the shadow of a roadside washy sentiment and stale jokes arefully protectiug his vene - as might be expected, the receip d from the sun's rays.—Pa I not exceed oue-half of the -a :elle. - • Under the circumstances an appe . . Hints Relative to th made to the lecturer to abate hs e Sleeper's Position. Positi n affects sleep. A constrain Incomes of Physicians and or uncomfortable posture will often pr -Clergymen. vent re ose. Lying flat on the ba A li ew York letter/ to the Boston Journal with th limbs relaxed. would. seem 0 most farthing of the amount seeured by , says : "A large nutiber of the New York secure t e greatest amount- of i•est f n!, his agent's misrepresentation. It is to pastors are very w althy men. This is the natincula,t • System. This is the p - be feared that British communities do ik ahnost alw-ays true of the Catholicseend sition assumed in the most exhansti g not understa,nd the grasping, mercenary 'has been true of nearly all of the olcler diseases, and it is *generally hailed as a character of uearly all of the itinerant pastors. Dr. Spring was a very Hell token of revival when a patient volun- Yankee lecturers and "moral reformers." man, and in an oldage marriedet very tarily turns on the side, but l there are Nine times out of ten they are the wealthy woman for a wife. The elder several disadvantages in the stipi e. sheerest humbugs, managed. by astute Tyng is a millionaire ; Dr. William posture which impair or embarr n agents of the Barnum type, and the Adams hap aAways been rich since he sleep. Thus, in weakly states of t ie only object of their frothy rant and - heart and blood vessels, and in certe.' morbid conditions of the brain, t blood Sq(31113 to gravitate to the back the head, and to produce troubles° dreams; In persons who habitually, their gait or work, stoop, there is prol ' but he publicly replied that he h tured according to engagement;and had • nothing to do with the financialresults. - • A very similar case occurred at South - sea, where he also exacted. the utter - SUNBEAM A R T .GALLERY. has been m New York. Dr. BeYean, of Trinity Church has an estate in liti- gation to -day. A large portion of the dergy are poor. Two or three of the - denomination are rich. Nearly every successful doctor has a. fortune: It is the same with eminent legal practi- tioners. When the minister gets poor, as he does at the last of his life, the lawyer and the doctor become rich. When he outlives his usefulness, as he Cheap grandiloquence is to eetploit the ie pockets of gullible foreieners. We are ()fe eetthee to understaud the type better in ban atilt . T WAR. AFTER THE BATTLE, a- Mr. Vennor on the Present and bly -distress consequent on straigbt- have pleurisy and retain adhesions of autumn inCt°13;islelgctioWn Winter. The seine ening the spine: Those who have can- traeted chests, especially .persons who There are yet no indications of - the lungs, do not sleep well on the back. woods are still qf a fresh and beautiful • • e green, but -few el our birds have left, The Battle is now over, an a Peace is restored in, our quiet tom. OH ARLES MOOR his many patr ground floor, and h make it among tho rs to the front to selule ns. Ilia Gallery is on tbe hes now every accessory to nest galleries in -Onterio, WhioU is a credit to the Town of Salforth. HIS ARTISTIC WORK And highly finished Photographs enable hire to gain victory after victory. Remember he is now making four Ambrotypes for 50 cents. Pictures and Picturing cheaper than ever. CHARLES MOORE) Photographer, Picture and Picture Frame Dealer Whitney's Block, Seaforth. THE EGMONDVILLE MILLS MHE undersigned having purchased the Eg- Je: inoudville Mills, and having secured the ser- vices of - an experienced and competent milleia. are now prepared to do does wheu he becomes old, the lawyer Nearly a who are inc ine . o b s becomes a judge, and. the 'doctor a pro- so when in that position, because the and several specieof these are rising fessoy. I asked an eminent physician, soft palate and uvula hang on ththeir clutch. A second eaition ofe the other day, 'Why es this?' Ile re: tongue, and that ()reran falls back so as mosquitoes ande black flies have ap- plied : `It results fro•tia the way we be partially cloee tbe tbpeared, the sand neidges are as hard ep of the windpipe. s gm. Nearly every practising physician I It is better, therefore, to he ou the ide, at work in their attempts to make us _. and lawyer at the start is poor. He has and in cases wh.ere there is weeknees miserable as everThe general his fame to get an! his fortune to winof either of the lungs, to lie on the weather is warm, hazY- and balmy, ' al - He spe,ads years i laying the founda- Weak side so as to leave the healthy lung though the nights aro occasionally Lion of his fameHe studies economy free to expand ; and iu the absence of pretty sharp. A great deal of grain is The bueiness will be under the personal super- . . ivisiof the proprietors, who will always and rigidly looks but for the coppers. such weakness, it is well to choose the : out yet, and much has yet. to ripen. Altogether it looks as if our summer baudon to receive and attend to- custombe on ers. He isn't required to entertain anybody, right side, because wheu the body is thus ' i season w " k Trial is solicited.. and nobody expects he will maintain placed the food gravitates niore eaeily as to be protracted, and as if . the style of a 5u4cessful merchant or out of the stomach iutu the intestines. our winter was to be, as it were, shoved JA in ES TORSYT ISE . rich lawyer. Hel travels little, and A glance at any plate of the vigceral Of or out a little of its usual position, 614-8 JA.M.ES ICYLE. earns his Money ljefore he spends it. A. ! anatomy will show how thie must* be. The rivers and sinaller streams are low, ministet takes his:positio-n at a bound.. 1 ------------------ deaf in onear, and and still fallinw notwithstanding the The 'younger he is:the more popular he is. He takes a ra,4ls. with a lawyer and naerchant and doctor at the start. He is flush in fund, and imagines his bright day will I always last. The moneythat he should lay up for his_ waning hours he i spends in trips to Europe, and visits the places of fa,shion and culture. When tbe pastor has got to the summit and looks down the western slope, he has apent his money, just as the doctor: and lawyer have the foundations of their wealth laid and GRISTING, CHOPPING, ' And all other work in the Milling line. Parties bringing Grists can hare them Ground the same day as lea. Chopping can be done any day, as there is a run of stones kept for thee epode' purpose. FLOUR. FLOUR. FLOUR. THOMAS IS SHOUTING THIS WEEK Over Five Hundred Choice Mantles to Select From. Flour of the very choicest quality will be sold at Wholesale or retail, and -will be delivered in Egmondvilic or Seaforth free of charge. , the Mill is • being fitted up -specially for Cus- tom Grinding, so that every farmer will be sure , to get tbe flour made from his own wheat. KIDD'S The Newest Cut and the • Best Fitting in the Market, New Mantle Cloths and Fringes. Don't buy your Man- tles until you have examined my Stock. The Mill is one of thebest in the County, hav- ing all the newest and most improved machinery, and parties ilvoring us with their patronage may rely upon getting satisfaction. prefer to ie on a. pal mu a.side;' but, wet sumneer, and, as there is no chance • 4 - -' if possible, the right side should. be of these filling again, winter will, in, all chosen, and the body rolled a little for- probability, set in with. low water ward, So that any saliva which ieav be everywhere. The approaching winter secreted shall run easily . out of the of '1879-80, though still distant, looked mouth, if not unc eisciously swallowed. at through the weather glass of past ex- ' Again, sleeping \rel.]. the, arm thrown perience, appears formidable. There over the head is t be deprecated; but are well defined indications of severity this position is • en assumed during .and. lengthy duration when it does set sleep,. because cie:ulation is then free iu. in, but the outline presented to me just the extremities ei.d.' the head and neck, • now depicts the heaviest snow -falls as and the muscle.s of the chest are drawn - characterizing chiefly the latter hall up and fixed by the shouldees', and thus. and end of the winter. Further, it is , . , 11 set in fame and usefulness well secured. the expansion of the thorax is ease-. pto a e a , There is not a profession in New York The chief objections to this positi6n abruptly towards the middle of No- . in which it is so easy to lay up a o0113- are that it creates, a tendebcy to cramp : vember and continue through a porton s. petence for the future as the ministerial and cold in the arms, and sometimof December, with but cant snow -f ils es one. The average pay is larger than seems to cause headaches during sleep,. • and dreams. These small mittters of- Manufacture of Toothpicks. • any other profession. r-, ten Make or mar. comfort in sleeping.— _the toot ipic mar te is ted Harvest in Southern Russia. Medical Journal . Those chiefly in. use are` of white wood A field stretoldne away for miles and and pointed at both ends. A patent miles, without a hedge, ditch or boun- dary stone to relieve the sight offered by what seems to be a very ocean of waving corn, ting,eci with red by mil- lions of poppies.. A Jew is surveying this glorious crop, and. as he does so he turns to sniff the breeze which is blow - hie gently from the Black Sea, about 307versts off; then he lets his eye wan- der complacently do-wn it steep road, up which a long procession of empty carts is toiling. The Jew is a mer- chant from Odessa, who bought the crops before him as far back as three years ago from a nobleman in difficul- ties; and he is pleased by the sight of those carts, beceuse he knows now that he will be able to get his wheat corn- - Cotswold' Sheep. ' for fourteen years-- was obtained for The Cotswold sheep are snineoseel to them in 1S67, and. the factory of the derive their name from the,. ' "/ cots " • or Boston owners at Buckfield, Me., used e Le win from three to five thousand- cords of or open wood yearly and . turned. out incalcu- lable quautities. A box of 2,500 sold. , sheds frem which. they were ter, and from • the " wolds ' hilly grounds in which they THE CANADIAN BANK pF commERcE. Kid Gloves. Kid Moves - Josephine's two -button Best " Bouillon "* Kid , Glove for only $1.25. HEAD OFFICE, tured iu suremer. I belie-ve , them to tL for twenty-five cents, and the profit was be the original long wool .' sheep, ai large. A log six feet long and. about they are continually spoken of from the , eighteen inches in diameter was placed earliest.times, when no other sheep are in a machine, where bevil knives cut it noticed. . in each direction and turned out the I find that, Gloucestershire, was * the toothpicks ready for market. About earliest trading district for native wool eighteen months ago- another Boston ' in England. alouceeter had its trade firm started a factory in the woods of companies and Guildhall long before Ohio and used similar machinery. The one was established in London. In the Price -then began tumbling, and fell to 13th century Gloucester had two mar- i twenty cents at retail, then to eighteen,' kets—one on 1N.toinlay for corn, and cue I fourteen and twelve. Of • late the - • • t 1 original manufacturers have reduced* fortably to Odessa before the Septene- on Friday for e‘oo L The ber rains set in. The difficulty in brasses in the church Cireucester the figure to ten. cents, or eight cents Southern Russia is not to rear wheat, and Northlea,ch were paid for in Cots- w-holesale, and report the antagonists to but to get it shipped ; so when the aged wold wool to foreign artists. That at- be on the verge of stoppage. Benjuda,s was haggling with PrinceNo- tests the importance of the wool trade at • that eriod The inamense quantity of Steamed Corned Bread. kine, the straitened noblenaan &Wee mentioued, about the purch.a,se of his wool grown in the county of Gloucester ' harvest for three years, he took care to es apparent from the fact that, inthe reign of Edward. III., 300,000 sacks of --mention that it would require more native Cotswold wool was the annital than a huudred carts to carry the -wheat quantity eranted from the county for rexpected some friends to tea a short time since, and knowing them to be fond of corn bread, I steamed a loaf in the forenoon, that I might not be ob- liged to keep the house heated alter that tbe-re - raight be some trouble about gettipg a the king's household.. dinner, and when, the fire was lighted to Odessa, and. that a er h t In the fifteenth centurv both sheep for tea, I warmed it over : it was as nice as whet first cooked. I made it after the follOwing receipt: 21 cupfuls but- termilk, 1 onpful cream, 1 large cupful barn in which to store • • , it could be shipped. • In fact, he de- scribed the purchase of the corn as quite a gambling speou ion , it like Ben - and wool we -re Jargely exported. In 1437, D'on Durantee, Kiing pf Portugal, applied to Henry VI. for Permission to export sixty sacks of Cotswold. wool to sugar, 1 egg, 1. teaspoonful saleratus, h:ol tined stiff with two- ehitrds fine corn meal and one-third whqat flour. It was turned into a but- -terekl mould and steamed three hours. Thwas apparently relished. very much, judging by the wheat bread being al- . most untouched. When making it ex- clusively for the home -circle, I follow tbe directions given me.by an old cook; three cupfuls buttermilk, one half cup- ful molasses, ale teaspoonful saleratus, stirred quite stiff with equal parts of . corn meal and evheat canaille, or mid- dlings. This is 'very nice, but I am not always so sure it will be so good. as I am When I follow the first recipe. Summer Complaints', or Cholera In- fantum, which is carrying off the in- fants and children by the thousand. at this season of the year, can always surely be checked and cured by Dr. Fowler's. Extract of Wild Strawberry. It has never failed to give immediate relief in the most. severe cases. It is a boon within the reach of- every mother. Do not fail to give it a trial; you will be -pleased with its charming effeas. For sale by all dealers. Milburn, Bentley & Pearson, Toronto: - SERVANT, GIRL' WANTED.—Wanted, a Good Clever Girl. Apply to Mns. W. N. CRESS - WELL, Tuctersmith. 610x 1 often is But not to dealers ce 1 h f ld for andIthe w e s judas. He never buys an acre of corn without being quite sure about his carts, his barn, his ship and his reap - ere,. for, behold even as he stands sur- veying that noble field at 5 in the morn - Bag on a promising August day, a, hu a.- dred or so of Prince Nokine's tenants come slouching ,out of their cottages 11.1 e distant group, Owing from the baron's castle„ appear pesbing before them a grand steam mowing machine. Prince tokine, like all Ituesian landholders, invests largely io agricultural anachin- ery, as a child would. in toys, if he had •the money ; and it was part of- Ben- judas' contract that he should htive the Prince's machines at his disposal. Not one of the Russian peasants Call everk them; but Benjudas has brought with him a couple cif sharp German ship stoker e who knoev how to do everything more or less, and who soon light the fire under the engine and set the mow -i, er snorting, moeteig and cutting. Preal ently this big inachine is strewing the corn around it es easily and gracefullY as a ship's keel Slices the sea and laye it out in foam ; and the Muscevite , peasants, marvelling at the spectacle, rest idly on their scythes and utter ex- olamotious of delight. But Benjudale h nd calle thew with scythes ane sic e s , 'lifts both his an s . oii nianufacture certain c ot o go his own privat_e use. At that time the wool of the Cotswold seeefi stood un- rivalled. in point of excellence', and bore a higher price than. any other kind of wool. It is said to have been worth four shillings per poteud at present value of mo.uey. Notwithstanding the. im roe -eine -lit in most breeds . of • sheep the Cotswold holds by far the pre- eminence. , Their bealitiful and im- mense frames, their fine countenance and full fleece give them a grand, ,ma- jestic appearance, such •as no other breed f sheep have ever yet attained. I thin them the -beet sheep in existence, and Ye I produce more metton and e'vool for th food. they censume tha,u any other •reed of sheep.. _Tb: Cotswold, although large sheep, have lig backs and small bellies, a,nd will et consume so much food as some small:r sheep that hese little backs and g eat bellies. Nearly 50 years past the otswold ram breeders all used Leicezter rams. That greatry improved their flocks, giving them better symme- try, better quality, and more aptitude to fakten. Before the introduction of the Leicester, many of them were gray, but are since mostly white. A good Cotswold sheep has a large, wide frame, with abundance of valuable Paid up Capital, Rest, - - - - TORONTO, - - 56,000,000, - 1_,40 0,000. DIRECTORS. HON. WILLIAM MCMASTER, President. Hos. ADAM liore, Vice- President. Noah Barnhart, Esq. James Michie, Esq. William Elliott. Esq. T. Sutherland S tayner, Esti George Taylor, Esq. John J. Arnton, Esq- -A. R. McMaster, Esq. - W. . ANDERSON, General Manager. JOHN ROBERTSON, Inspector NEN YORSC.—J. G. Harper, and J. 11. Goadby Agents. Carcioo.—J. G. Orchard, Agent. BRANCHE . Barrie, Hamilton, Belleville, London, Brantford, Lucan, Chatham, - Montreal, Collingwood, Orangeville, Duudas, 'Ottawa, Dunville, Paris Giiit, Peterboro, Goderich, • St -Catharines, Guelph, . Sarnia Simeoe, Stratford, Strathroy, Seaforth, Thorold, Toronto, Walkerton, Windsor, Woodstook, MANTLE " Dress Department. Full Line of Black Cashmeres. Full Line of Black Lustres. A Full Line of Black Silks. Commercial Credits issued for ase in Europe,, the East and West Indies, China, Japan, and Beath America. Sterling and American Exchange bought and sold. Collections made on the most favorable terms. Interest allowed on deposits. 11A.NKE RS. New York—The American Exehange National Bank. ,London,England—T110 Bank of Scotland. SEAFORTH BRANCH. M. P. HAYES, - - MANAGER. See our Nobby Col- ored Cloth Mantles for Wedding outfits. Full Range of decided- ly the Best 50c. Glove yet offered in Seaforth. Never before have I :Offer- ed. a Better Assortment rT1-101Ril-s-th-Y7S IMPROVED HORSE AND CATTLE FOOD of Colored Dress Goods. Splendid Value in Colored Silks. DEPARTMENT. Good Shawls at all Prices. VTA.1-11101T. GOOD NEWS- FOR ALL V;SMITH, baying purchased a Bankrupt • Stock of 1111.11.1ANKRIt AND FANCY DRY GOODS, At a Great Sacrifice, intends giving his custom- ers the benefit, and will for the next thirty days sell at such prices as have never been known in Walton before. The Stock is all new sea in good order, and must and .will be sold, so come along ane get the Bargains while they last. GROCERIES And General Merchandise as formerly, at the Lowest Prices. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange • G d Remember The Cheap Store, first door North of Sage's Hotel, Walton. 603 - F. SMITH. pbURIFIES THE BLOOD, Remevets Obstrue- tions in Water, Loosens the hide, Relieves Heaves and Influenza, Improves the Spirit and. gives a fine glossy appearance to hoises, while they keep fatter end do their work Vitil one- fourth less grain. Cattle fatten rapidly when fed with it, by assisting in digestion. Cows give one-fitth more miik, and calves thrive wonder- fully well. Sheep keep in better health, lay On fat abundantly, and grew MOM wool, while its fattening results on pigs is truly surmising. Partners ehouid not fail to feed it to animals they intend to exhibit at Fall Fairs. For sale in all princigal placed. PETER STEWART, HA -RUCK, General Agent ler WesternOntario. Hamilton Manufactory, 48 John Street, South. j 616 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. THE partnership heretofore existing between Reid & Barton, as Manufacturers of Plows, Wagons, itc., has this day been dissoltted by mutual consent All accounts due theftrin to be paid to Mr. Barton at once. either by cash or note'who will pay all liabilitiee of the firm. Dated at Seaforth this 19th day of july,1879. S. K. REID. SAMUEL BARTON. Witness --EDWARD CASH. BARTON will ear27 on the business iu -1"-the same place, viz., that old and -well known stand of G. Willianison'e„ on eoderieh 13treet, and takes this opportunity of thanithng his cus- tomers for pat favors, hoping, by strict att#3u- tion to business, even to .ncrease the tonfidence reposed ie. the old firm Minigolf Dressing and Brazing Specialties. SA.M.IJEL BARTON. BARTON is a first-class tradesznan, ""-a- strietly honest and of temperate habits, has had a large experience and extendod opportuni- ties, and 1 therefore hope that Mr. Barton mew receive that patronage allele his talents and abilities justly -merit. S. K. REID- 607 Flaimels and Blankets cheap. Don't Forget I Offer 5 Per Cent. Discount on Dry Goods. THOMAS KIDD MALY STREET, ISEARORTH. THE SEAFORTH, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENCY. ALONZO STRONG TS AGENT fo Several First -Class Stock, Fire " and Life Insurance Companies, and is prepar- ed to take risks on THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Also Agent for several of the best Loan Socie- ties. Also Agent for the sale and purchase of Farm and Village Property. A NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS IM- PROVED FARMS FOR SALE. $50,000 to Loan at S Per Cent. Interest. Agent for the.White Star Line Of Steamers OFFICE—Over M. Morrison's Store, Main -S Seaforth. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS COMING IN EVERY DAY AT CAMPBELL'S CLOTHING STORE MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. YOU WILL FIND THERE- AS GOOD VALUE THE COMMERCIAL LSVERY SEAFORTH. ARTHUR FORBES, T_T &VINO prochtteed the Stock and. Trade of tail Commercial Livery, Seaforth, from Mr. George Whiteley, begs to State that be intends carrying on, the business in the old stand,and hat addett sevetal valuable horses and vehicles to the formerly large stock. None but First -Class Comfortable Vehicles and Good Reliable Horses Will be Kept. Covered and Open Buggies and Carr3ages, an Double and Single Wagons always toady fox -use. Special Arrangements .Made With Com. menial Men. Orders bet at the stables Or any of the hotels promptly attended to. _ TO MERCHANTS.AND DAIRYMEN. As Large and as Well Assorted a Stock, and as Good a Fitting Suit of Clothes as can be got in any Town, East or West, North or South, and HE IS DETERMINED NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD. WORSTED 'SUITS 'FROM $12.50 TO $30.00. OVERCOATS AT ALL PRICES. SaTROTT, SEAFORTH, -pees nanch plersure in caning particular attelV tion to his airtight. BUTTER This rei•kin is warranted air tight, and will consequently keep the butter ranch put -or and sweeter than any other tub made on the ol4 principle, saving Minn than the price of the tub iu enhanced value of butter. Samples always on hand. COMMOn Tabs on hand as usual. For par- ticulars eall at Factors or address S. TROTT, Seaforth. N. 33.—Coopering and repairing as usual. 600 A LONG' WA.NT S*6PPLIE1. Suitings in all Suitable Materials, among which the Fa- mous Scotch Tweeds are a Specialty. THE IMPROVED STAR WASHER. iv! B. THOILAS n. O'CONNOR, having par- 'LLA- OhAfidd the sole r'glit for the tale of this ex- cellent Washer in the To linsbipsof Tnekerarnith and McKill op, is now prepared to fill all orders on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. The Star Washer is one Of the best in the market, and is pronoiniced by those who have used it to be the acme of perfection, doing bet- ter work in less tints than any other machine. Those who may wish to give tbe Star Washer* thorough lest before purchasing can have the opportunity of doing so.. Without enumerating in detail the various Lines and Departments comprising the Stock, i is sufficient to say that you will find at CAMPBELL'S every- thing required in a Merchant Tailor's business. NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE BARGAINS. WILLIAM CAMPBELL, SEAYORTII. THOS. D. O'CONNOR. - Seaforth, Ontario N.B.—Two good smut, puehing men -wanted t o act aa Agents for the sale of this machine.800 SOMETHING NEW 114 SEAFORD". FLOUR AND FEED. � R. MONKMAN T_TAS OPENED a Full Stock of Flour and Ned, -Li- of every descrintion, in STARK'S BLOCK, -adjoining Megarey's Bab:11y. Parties wanting FLOUR or MEAL of all kinds, or GRAIN of all kinds, cam slake money bY puichasing It•om me, Cash paid for Potatoes, Apeles,Baeon,Butter, Eggs, and allitinds of produce - Goods Delivered in Town Free of Charge. Remember the Plate — Stexk's Block, Mein Street, Seaforth. •610 G. R. MCNEMA, THE SEAFORTH PORK FACTORY,. TR,03333 AvniLE thanking his numerous patrons for TV the liberal patronage bestowed upon him during past years, begs to intimate that he is again prepared to furnish his patrons and the public generally with as good an article {if not better) this season as in the past. All kinds of Cured Meats, Pork Cutting, Sausages, Bologna, Arca, constantly on hand, H. ROBB. N B --The Aghest vice paid for hogs, drew ed or olive. PAINTING. TJ r110 1)6S to lpf°Plbis !lien" IMO the pubhe in general that be has commenced business as a Painter, arid Glazier on his own account, midis prepared to execute all orders entrusted to him in the most satisfactory manner and on reasonable terms. Orders bit at the store of Messrs. John- son Brothers will receive prompt attention. 588-4 IL TOWN, Seaforth. .B.—Whitewashing and papering a specialty. - THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY- IVj R. W. Y. SHANNON, Secretary and Treas. nrer of the above Company, will attend at the QUEEN'S HOT.EL, SEAPORTH, on Satur- day of each week, from 2 to 0 o'clock P. M., ler _ the ptirpose'of transacting the business of the Company_ All intmosted will take netiee andgovern themselves accordingly. JAMES KERB, President-. W. X. SHANNON, Seeretary- 586 E LLV I L LE'S NULLS; KUL.LETT. T HATE Mach pleasnee in informing the public gonemlly'that I have corerneneral the milling business in -what is known as MELN-ItLE'S MILLS, Rullatt, and hope by strict attention to business and fair dealing, to merit a share of public paisonage. Gritting and chopping done. 611 WILLIAM JAMIES04. SAWS. SAW. SAWS. ivow is the time to get your saws gummed tit 4-` A., Callender's,biacksmith, Clinton, All Vie& of heavy or light saws gummed so that they can be taken borne the seine day. 817 A. CALLANDER, Huron fitreet,Clinten.: