The Huron Expositor, 1879-05-23, Page 7MAY 23, 1,870. -NEW-TAR-I -POSiIttLY EFFECT THE. SPRI*0. A,ND SUMMER sroct,- OF TSAND SFIOZs ,inet opening, AB they were all pet. ne its advent. eriece all Feetery Meals; LATEST STYLES dill:rent lines of Ladles% Gentso,esolegt :weer. My Stoek of Cifildren's Weer simedy immense, Alt of whit* bouaut .)/T011 FIGURES . anti whet is of more importanea to , puhlie is, that they will be sold ae hues, 'which I flank any pereon, after Le gods and aeeertaining the »does DEPARTIVIENT. 1atiet of illy business, stein eenduere'l en the principte or ets reels the very heet possible value 'nev. ant as I bought heAsSYlls ORTED STOCK on of the rise in prices which have . will be able to sell at old peices. Xeatly Eseeat311 on the rttst .41Totice. 'TO thanks for past patrortage, and a; 1 obtaining a liberal share ite the rtie. Sae, IIOX‘S COVENTRY h Boot, Staak's Block, East (a Street, Seaforth. ELLIS, KIPPEN, 'AIN ON HAND, e THE FARMERS' WANTS. •.IELI IS hes uow on hand a stock :inane aid Harrows, ev/aleh for work- pi•ive defies an comers. Also Plows manaftietured by Monroe, of eh speek for themselves. In fact it. is wanted in fainting. ORS -E. -,-SHOEING • 'L usual, with ettiet attention tO the 'Itstions. T. Nellie' horse shoeing [ stlf, and, irt eon:iv:me/ace all work I in this line is held in high estima- ulics RS! EARS! -.veer -Plows and Ilarrowe Repaired. .14, Kipp( LI—he makes them work ; Bei ening of al/ kinds attended to t nteice, and satisfaction. guaran- , ea ttiel and he convinced. ;ELLIS takes this opportunity of Sig many customerand the public - 'the very liberal pport they hen ith h the paet, and hopee that by e -k &oil by close at t entiori to basis, L-ir coefidenee in tbe future, to - many new ones as may wish to (Ole Stand, ami Cfq/1-9 when yon will a tind me ready for letieiriess. EAS .211ELLIS, Ys_itapern.. --ale, a good cow--wi/I calve abeitt 589 III PLANING MILL, ,R AND BLIND FACTORY erbegs leave to thank his numerate r tb.e liberal patronage extendeelto uencing basiueas in Seatorth,and ay be favored with a continuance Sing to build ,Fold do well to gin t. will eteatintte to keep on hand a Si kinds ef NNE LULNIBER., fl E , 3 LI NDS, OULD'INGS, 4LES, LATH, ETC. ;.ne ofgiciageatiefaction to t hoge *titan with their patronage,as noise ..rkmen are einoloye d. tion paid t o Cuetom Plan.ing !ifiN H. BROADFOOT. ed is/inlay, $3 per M. PINE from $8. CUT TO- ORDER, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the IoL,. IN MoK.ILie0p. ibeeriber has rasa a (ARD If SEAFORTII, Lumber can be Obtained. THOMAS DOWN. MANTLE MAKING.: 1)- FO -RBI -S,: Ord, begs to announce to the. feral and viethity that ehe has ,nable Dresa and Mantle Making' - iSi e forth. Reome over Thomas Store—Entranee be Meehan- - aving a perfect knowledge a 1.topes te be favored with a tit- •-nd guarantees to, hee entire ring fold Fitting a Specielty. se wanted—apply irn nediatcles. MISS F RSES. MANTLE MAKING. SLEETH Race to the Ladies of See - deity that idle has commenced. Making in all their various years experience she eive general satiefaetion- eeted. Rooms in th rear i,iste`estare. Entrance three& Jclin etreet. Cutting *ad' 535: S STARK rin the Ladiee of Seaforth and Lie: is prepared to make up If LS, &c:, aehien from Combings. see cioters punettiellyate -O:eite.t. Re.-idenee—Main 'AYAGE. evitto entered into co -part - Er/ ti to itv:ett tho NirS-138 Of kid.,rth alpl others who may :te v.irri ft:: ;CY and from the and elsewhero on most • rs may he left at Joseph , and tt ill receive precept NORMAN BROWNELL- JOSEPH ABELL. , 559 [i LLOP ANCE COMPANY. '‘` Seeretary and Trees - 4i‘. • • C, mei et rte., will attend at SEAF eRTII,on Slane - (no 2 to S tic:ock P. M. far tetiog the !mei:less. of the eted wit! pleaee take Rake es tieeordingly. JAMES ETORR, President. hosretary. ,585 • NAV 23, 1879. spungeou on Perisl.from the Pulpit. The following is a " wa.lning note sounded by the great London preacher: The liahit of perpetually mentioning the theories of unbelievers when preach- ing the G-ospel gives the Man the ap- pearance of great learning, but it also prove* his want of common sense. In order to show the value of wholesome feed it is not needful to proffer your guest a dose of poison, nor would he think the better of your hospitality if yen did so. Certain sermons are more calculated to weaken faith than to ren- der men believers. They resemble the process through which ; a, poor un- bappy dog is frequently passed at the Grotto del Cane at Naples. He is thrown into the gas, which roaches up te the spectators' knees, not with the view of killing him, but as an exhibi-: time Lifted out of his vapory bath, he ia thrown into a pool of water, and re- vives ia time. Sacla a dog is not likely to prove a very efficient watch dog or -flamer of game; and, when hearers 'unday after Sunday are plunged into a bath of skeptical thOught, they may survive the experiment, kit they will never become spiritually strong or prac- tically useful. It is never worth While to make rents in a garment for the pur- pose of mending them, nor to create doubts in order to show howoleverly we can quiet them. Should a man set fire to his house because he has a patent extinguisher which would put it out in no time? He would stand a chance of one day creating a conflagration which all the patents under heaven could not easily extinguish. Thousands of unba- havers have been born into the family of sceptiaism by professed. preachers of the Gospel; who supposed that they were helping them to faith. Young men, in many instances, have obtained their first knowledge of infidelity from' their ministers—they have sucked in the poison, but refused. the antidote. The devil's catechists in doubt have been the men who were sent to pteach "Believe, live." This is a sore evil,and it seems hard. to stay it ; and yet ordi- nery common sense ought to teach !enl- isters wisdom in such a matter. Life' and death hang upon the question of truth or falsehood. If lies be propa- gated, or truth be clouded, the watch- men of the Lord will have to give in their account for permitting. it. A Spool of Thread. The thread is now ready to be wound upon spools, or formed into bane' for the market. The spooling machine is a, most ingenious piece of mechanism. It deals with a number of spools at a time. Thee are placed empty upon • spindles, and the thread is wound upon there at a rapid rate and in the beauti- fully even leyers with which everybody is ' When the spools are full, the machine forms a notch in the wood, into which it draws the thread, cuts it off, and tosses the completed spool into a basket. In addition to the above achievements, machines most recehitly, introduced supply themselves with - fresh spools, attach the thread, and proceed with the filling without any aid from the attendant. An eight -spool machine, superintended by a girl, is capable of filling 3,600 pirris per day. The balling meanie is an exceedingly simple contrivance, the thread being wound into the well-known form on a spindle which works at a continuously varying angle to the point from which the thread is delivered. Au important department of a thread factory is that in which the spools are made. At the Anchor Works an enormous quantity of wood is cousumed every year, and no fewer than 400 varieties of spools are sent out. Many of them are made- on the premises, but a considerable quan- tity is imported from Germauy,Sweden, and elsewhere. The wood having been sawn into couveuient sizes, is turned into cylinders of dimeusions suitable:for the kind of spool to be made. The cylinders are next bored in a very expe- ditions ina.nner, and finally have their sides hollowed out and ends tairnmed ha a machine, which requires but a second to accomplish the work. The full spools are conveyed to the depart- ment where they are labelled. and pack- ed into boxes of various kiuds, accord- ing to the market they are designed.for. A ma.chine has beendevised for etach- ing the labels to the spools. It consists of a wheel having in its rim a dozen or so 'of apertures, each capable of holding a spool. As the wheel moves round, the spools drop from a hopper into -the receptacles, and are carried forward first under a wheel which pastes over the exposed end, and then under a tube containing the labels. As the spool passes beneath the tube, a label is pressed down upon the paste. When the pressure is relaxedithe wheel moves round, brings a, fresh spool under the • tube, and turns out the labelled one into a basket.— Great nclustries• of Greet Britain. Scotch Short Bread. The articles required are one pound. • of tour, half a pound of butter, quarter of a pound 6f sugar and the yolk of ;one egg. Put all these ingredients in a bowl, mix them slightly and kriead them together with the yolk of the egg. Lay the dough on a piece of brown pa- per folded into three or four thicknesses, and press it out to the right shap'el with the fingers, occasioually rolling ,it with &rolling -pin until it is half an. inch in thickness. Now take a teaspoon, dip it ha flour and. mark the dougli all around the edges with the spoon., after -which prick it all over with a fork to prevent it from rising. Then put it on a cold. beanie; tin and bake for fifteen minutes in a quick ovene .Sailing Ships Disappearing. There woul(i really seem to. be no -fu- ture forthe poor sailing ship. Abhut the may paying bueiness that has been left fee the smaller :class of - vessels of late has beeu the West India sugar and. raulasses trade, and now even that is about to be turned over to the "all -de- vouring British steamship. At this. element there are some six or seven of these quick sailing theap manned Brit- iSh freigistesis on their way to this side, under charter to bring sugar at •$.3 26 to 84 per hogshead, port charges in- cluded-, whereas the sailing vessels here - Were ba.ve thought they were doing badly if thee could not get a much high- er figure. These steamers are upwards. a L000 tone burthen, but their draught is not so great as to prevent them from :getting ineaud out of any ef the sugar ports .without difficulty. " The 'worst of it is," said an old shipowner at a Araritime Exchange, "when these Brit- tts•••••• vt. Ca :neneteatasssinvootessissuriezaterze ish steamers take hold of any parte lar trade, they never let go their 116.'" until they have driven everybody else out of it.. We may as well accept the situation, however, and make the hest of it. Certain it. is. the sailing ves- sel has had. its day, and as things stand at present no one but a lu- natic 'will think of buildineb a new THE HURON EXPOSITOR. s and Indigostiou. GREEN'S AUGUST 1 Feowen is now acknowledged, by- all druggists to be a positive cure._ 2,400,- 000 bottles were given away in the ,Uuited States throus.;h druggists to the\ iple as a trial. Two doses_ will. sat - any person of its wonderful quality ie 7 0, niug all forms of Indigestion. &Jape, ie bottles ten cents. Regular size aeae. nty-five Cents. Sold positively by an eient-class druggists in the United States, Buckka's Arnica Salve. . — Thn bpst may& int the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Uleers, ,Rheunt2 Tette; Chapped Hands-, Chilblain -es Ocean, '• and alt Itincts of Skin Eruptione. This salve he oaranteed to give per - or money refunded. feet entixfaction in-' Pike :.15 cents per bole Fier sale by Hickson & Bltetsch II, Soaked h. 556-8m - • .The Greatest Remedy- Kno certainly the greatest mensal remedy ..-vcs placed Dr. King's New Discovery' for ConesulaPtion i8 A1- ithiti the reach of suffm ering huanity.. sas.ds of 'micro hopoeu elt ss sufferers now liT11011 lor pro - one.. - i New Book by an Old Author.' it It is aid that admix:era of -The Re- ' creatier s of a Country Parson" -will find in his ew y-olume of sermons entitled "From, a Quiet Place," many of the same characteristics which mark his secular writings; touches of -the same kindly, practical moralizieg ; the same little teudency to wax diffuse arid pro- lix, and at times.his usual quiet happi- ness of Illustration ; but nothing fierce nothing dogmatic, nothing of the colder, harsher forms of Presbyterianisne,which they mi slat possibly expect from a Scot- tish minister seeking to ireprove the oc- casion. ' Frying Oysters. First strain off all the' liquor; then put on a plate about half a tablespoon- ful of fiour, mixing in a very little milk, and dip the oyeters in the mixture to make them adhere to the cracker :dust, in which they should be well rolled a d then set aside to -become firm. After fuming, beatupan egg ancl roll the cysters in it. Now put .on a paper a little bread. crumb, and add a little cayenne pepper and salt. Then roll them again in the bread crumbs. They should then belried in clarified fat for two or three minutes. When they' are fried putthem for a secoud on a piecu of paper. InseellaneOus Items. Parole won the great Cheshire stakes in England, ou thd8th inst. —Lord Dunraven has been _lecturing grat applaus in Y ' orkshire, on 595-4 with t • claim their praise for this wonderful iliscoveeT, to BE LEGAL. J. McCOLL, Solicitor, Son, Brnseels. Office in Leckie's new brick building. 604-52 ERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. 1. C. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- YOLI 506 C' AN/ YOU LLIAR1 SMA.LL, Conveyancer and Commie - signer in B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and aiser. Ac000nts and. notes colleeted on nable term 360 B L. DOYLEs arristor, Attorney, Solieitor in Chaneery, te., Goderich end Seafortle Oh floe, over Jorda 's Drug Store, Godericb, and, Kidd a Store, Sea orth. 354 lie, r fuu d Win ha n, Ont. Cana BROW & MEYER, Barristers, Attorneys- -Law, Solicftors,in Chancery, Notaries Pub- nd Conveyancers. Money to Loan, private ., at 8 per cent. Offaces—Goderieh and ham. H. W. C. Meyerdient's Block, Wing - Solicitor 0 insolidated Bank. 681 LOOMSON neya, Soli° Office—Fir ion Bank b prope •tyl S. ALCOMEION. wl deb they tove.their lives. Not only does it jhai- • tively cure consnmption; but coughs, colda, aro,11- Conisae ma, bronchitis, hay se -ver, hoarkeness end all affea rth teens of the throats cleat mid lunge yield at once to its wonderful enmities° powers as if by Magic. We do not aek e on to• buy until you Isuow what you are g tting. W tlurefoie earnst1y request that you cell on your druggist,Hickson & illettsdell, and get ,t triol bottle free of charge, which will convince the most skeptical of its wonderful merits • and 8110\V you what a regular one dollar sieat bottle will do For sale by Hickson and BIeasdell, Sea - forth. 556-28m8-4 .66 . Gilt Edge Butter. Thera is always an active demand an butter thatis up to the gilt edge standard in quality and color Muell biftter that is otherwi-e good eells at's ivilnetien of front one to five cents per poued, bet:as/se deficient in color. When the -color is not up to the stinelard, makers USO Richard - un & Co.'s Perfected Butter Color to 04'0: • bright Julie This color is by fasethe bright- est, purest and best made. It is as harmless as jealt, and never imparts any taete ot smell. It is everywhere reconunended by butter buyers end dairymen. Sufficient to color a tub of butter costs bet 'five cents, and it is no work to -use. For further particulars in le gard to it inquire of Hick- son and Bleasdell, druggiets, sole agents for [Sea- WATSON,. I:al-sisters, Atter - tors in Chancery, &in, Clinton) t door east of the new Royal . Money to loan on farm 1 404 G. A. WATSON - • moose hunting in Canada,. , —Garibaldi is at Rom.e, and is suffer- ing so enuch that his physicians have forbidderp him to see'visiturs. —Mrs' Maggie McCoy hanged herself at Pittsburg, on Friday. It was the sixth suicide in that ;city within 24 hours. —The Woodruff scientific expedition was abandoned on. the 10th inst., its in •tended sailing day, on account of in adequate support. —The funeral of a child that died o malignant fever was held in a church at Jam.aica,-Loug Island, on Suuday and since that day an alarming outbreak of fever has occurred. Some schools are closed. — In the English House of Lords the Prince of Wales introduced a bill to legalize marriage with a deceased wile's sister. After a short debate, in which th.e Government Opposed the measure, it was defeated by a vote of 101 to 85. —A number of law-abiding citizens of Brooklyn are discussing the advis- ablility or arresting Dwyer and Elliott npon their return for violation of a State law, fcr having trained and left the Stateto enga,ge in a prilze fight. Sporting Men are very much excited over the subject. ; —Six Roman Catholic children have been expelled from the State 131iiid Asylum at Detroit, for refusing to !sing the Gloria, " from Mozart's Twelfth Mass at a public exhibition. Father Hare, their pastor, instructed them. that such singing would be impious. A legis- lative investigation is proposed. • — The itrorld says : The steamship Andes, fr sh from the. seaport cities of the West Ludies, in two- of which at least yell w fever is epidemic, is on the way to N w York. It is feared that the plague may at any time itt the next mouth or two, make its appearance at some point much nearer this city than is desirablp.. — On Snnday night all thc prisoners but one in, Bryan, Texas, jail escaped. A confederate of the prisoners, conceal- ed in thee jail, overcame and secured the jailer.1 Among the escaped are the John Brothers and Stearns, the mur- derers of Morse at Calvert; And. Walk- er, inurdeeer, and Rends counterfeiter. The prisoners secured: the jail arms. Citizens are in pursuit. —Talmage has been acquitted of the charges falsehood' and cleceit, by a vote of 25 to 20. Dr. Vandyke made au appeal and Talmage delivered a char- acteristic Speech. The New York See says: ReV. Dr. Vandyke. practically gave notice to all concernetal on Wed- nesday that the Presbyterian church, big as it is, is not big enough to hold him and T mage any. longer. If Tal- mage stays, he goes. As Vandyke is nauch looked. -up to in the denomina- tion, this is rather a solemn state of things. 1 —The statement that Yankee swine were slaughtered. ie. England cm ac- count' of tem chium, is erroneous. They were suffering from typhus. Five hun- dred head fof cattle from South America were slaughtered at Glasgow on Frida,y, in consequence of typhus. In the House of Commons Lord George F. Hamilton stated that swipe from the United States having- been discovered suffer- ing from trinchinte, an Order -in -Coun- cil would! be issued, enacting that swine from the Uuited States must be slaughtered at port of landing after June 1st ! • —A Berlin despatch 'states . that a Nihilist printing press has been discov- ered at the office of the Ministry of Pub- lic Communications in St. Petersburg. Eight officials have been arrested. A Bucharist Correspondent says: Private a-ccounts friom Russia repreeeut the sit- uation a.11 (liver thatcountry -as beyond description. The present annoyances and outrageous oppressioneof all -classes are rapidlyspreading the feeling that anything is preferable to the existing state of affairs.' The St. Petersburg journals say the news published abroad about the state of affairs at St. Peters- burg. is untrue. There has been no prohibition, against the possession of arms, but persons possessing arms must inform the authorities. The statements that the theatres could not be visited without an official permit, and that lights would. not be. allowed after ten, are ridiculous. • , ASK YOISE SELF THESE QUESTIONS.— Are you it; despondent sufferer from Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness; Palpitation of the Heart? Have you Dizziness Of the Head? Is your Nerv- oria_ Systena depressed ? Does your Blood circulate badly? Have you a Cough? Low Spirits? Coming up of the food after eating ? &c., &c. All of these and much more are the direct re- sults of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint .esstr's"-' • -• STILL Tseasv Como—Dr. II. En. Ross, Kincar- dine, considere Yellow Oil as staple an article as he luul in his store, and. as sure to sell as tea or su- gar, Jas. Bobbin, Bobbiuton P. [0., writes : "We have need Hagyardss Yellow 011,road find it answers every purpose for which it is recomnsended." There itt nothing , better for burns, bruises scalds, etc.; . no better liniment in the world. Milburn Bent- , ley & Pettreon, proprietors, Toronto. For sale by Mr: j S. [Roberts, Se/forth.. 4.595 Agedepersons are often troubled with derange- ments of the kidneys and urinary organs, and will be glad to.[Ifern that VictoidaBuchu and "Iva Ursi fit; prepared with the (special purpose of meeting, these troubles, and making life happy to the aged. Those who have used itspeak highly of it, and it is highly reeommended with contidence.. For sale by Messis. -Lernaden & Wilson, .Seaforth. 4-595 - If those who luive 31(s.Ver tried that unrivalled preparation for colds, coughs, hoarseness, asthma, sore throat, etc , Hogyard's Name Balsam, will but receive the teet hoemy itf the Many thousands who bare successfully used it, they will be acting wisely. It if; one of the oldest and best known remedies in the Dominican For sale by all dealers, at 25 cents per bottle_ Milburn, Bentley, & Pear- son, Proprietors. • 4-595 NanvontosiSss.—A very great number' of those in the middle arid higherclasses of society, who, without being ever actually hick, never' know what eeal health is; who live constantly in a lower plane of living thee ts normal in man, who are weak all - over, though not specially and constantly weak in any one organ, who may not experience piercing .and grinding pain, Yet stiffer at times, if not al- ways, that profound exhaustion which in many .estses is worse than pain. Those in that lamenta- ble state have always been relieved, and minty per- manently 'So by w-ing the Yictolia Syrup of Hypo- phoSphites, it being particularly adapted for those emsca. For sale by Messrs Hickson & Bleasdell, Seaforth. 4-595 ••••IAGGICIATNEnsanmgps.........111Clii•Mis STOCK FOR SALE. Air ARE FOR SALE.—A. large general purpose Mare, good to work n either double or sing- gb perfectly quiet and not breeehy. Will exchange for a, food driver. Apply to A: STRO FG, Seaters h. 597-2 _ . _ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 174 AliM FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot 8; concession 7, Hullett, containing 50 acres, 46 of which are cleared, the balance hardwood. A good bear- ing. orehard, frame house, barns and sheds ; plenty of Witter, end ou a gond gravel road leadine to marliets. ithin half a mile of tbe eellage of K inb urn ... 1Vi ti be sold chetep,app/y on the premises oi to A. STRONG, Land Pgdnt, Beaforth. 597x8 LEGAL NOTICE. • - • ---- Tam DIVISION COURT.—The office of the Second Division Court will be open deily from half -pa- t one to lour o'clock P. M. Office in my Block, over the store of Johnston lime. L. MEYER, Clerk of Division Court, •Seaforth. 562 TOriN LECKIE, General Loan and Real Estate Agent, Grain, Produce and Corntnissiou Mer- chant. Money loaned on reel estate in town or country, at 8 per eent. simple interest. Charges moderate. Mortgages bought and sold. Matured mortgages paid off. Tomas to suit borrowers. Farms. and village property for sale. Office— Leckie's new brick block, Brussels, Ont. 515 — *PXECUTORS' NOTICE TO CRIfDITORS.— .14 theiftore of Robert A. Hays', late of the Town of Sea forth, in the County of 'futon, gen- Winer, , deceased, -who died on or,about the 2dth day of December, A. D. 1678, are required on or heft re the (28rd day of 111 y, A. D. 1879, to send by letters'post paid, to James H. Benson, of the of Seaforth aforesaid, Solicitor for the Executors of the said Robert A. Hays, -deceased, their.christian manes and EturnsIneF,1 addresses and dcssi i pi io s , the full particulars of their claims, ststement of their acconats, and the na- e ofthi sccurit lee (if any) held by them; and immediately alter the said 23rd day of May, the asset e of the estate of the said Robert A. Hays, deceosed, will be distributed among the palsies entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which nctice shall heve been received, and the said Fxeenfors Bloat uotbe liable for the assets so. distributed, or Rey part thereof, to any per- son of whese cluiroe notice shall not have been received by them or their said Solicitor et the time of dietribu lions This notice is given itt puren erne of Cap. 107; Set. 34, Revised Statutes. jAhlES 11. I3ENS0N, Solicitor for Executors. Dated at Seaforth, this 20th day of March, A.. D. 1879. 594 IMPORTANT NOTICES. SON & ME ER, 1.3toxistess and Attorney Law, Solicitiors in Chancery and Insolvency, , ancers, Notaries Public, etc. 0ftlecs-8ea. aid Brussels. $23, oex) of Private Funds to inves at once, at Eight percent. Interest. payalde , year] . [ 68 a JAS. EL BENSON. EW. 0. METER. Th above firm has this day been dissolved by 1 consent. All accounts due the firm to to Mr. Bennis who will pay all habil- nart.fn be psli Riess Nov MC a-AmEstil. BENSON. 176' , H. W. C. MEYER. A UCHOf & HOLMESTED, LAN , CHAANCERY, AND CONTEYANCING 0 OFFICE, Scott s Block, Main Street, Seaforth. ROLI ITORS 14 the Consolidated Bank of he' Canada and tth4t Canadian Bank of ConaMerce in Sea. irth. anhaassro da. na Town • Mon y (private f nds) loaned on naorfgege• culi tic at reasoneble rates of interest. Charges moderate. Money invested fin pfivate persons upon tlis best mei-twig° securities, without any expenee to. the len er, S. G. eCAUGHEYI M. ie. P. HOLMESTED. and Village Peoperty bought El4CAL. 1 J G. SCOTT,e.M. &e., Physician, Surgeon and • Aoconeheur, S4aforth, Ont. Officio and resi- dence smith side of -Goderich Street, find dooi east of Presbyterian Ohttreln 349 J. L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M., Physician, Sur- • goon, etc., Cmonerfor the County of Huron Office and Residence op Jarviu street north, directly opposite Seifirth Public School. W As ADAMS, hl D., late of Laketiftld, Ont., • Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheui. Graduate of the Th iversity of Trinity College, Toronto. ,Memheror the .Royal College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ont. Kinburn.Ont. 486 WM. -1ANOVER, M..D., C. M., Graduate of McGill lJniverity, Physician.; Surgeon and AceouelSonr, Seafor h. Ont. Offiee--Itooms in Meyer's lock, lately ocenpied by Dr. Phelan, and for -merle by the late Dr. King. Will attend at Carronb ook on Tne disysi and Fridays. 496 1)Mos AHT, eterinary Suegeon, Glade • ate, UG -of Ontario eterinary College, Seaforth, Ont. °nice and Res donee in rear of Killoran & Rya,n's. Calls prom. tie attended. to, night or day. A stock of veterinary medicines en hand Charges eea.s enable. Horses examined as to sound- 1:10SR and certificates given if required. 407 JAMES W. ELDER, V. EL, Graduate of the " ,Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting two year to practice with Professor Smith, of Toronto,t has settled in Seaforth. Office at hie residene eaat of W. M. Church: Cells promptly attended to by day dr night- A. lards stock of Veterinary Medicineeconstantly ou band. Horses examined as to eoundiaess and certificates given Horses bought and shld on comrniasion. 424 hours from 8 Mrs. 'Whitney's Seaforth.' IDERBYSHIlelte L. D. S., -1-1-• !Surgeon Dentist, Graduate of the lloyal College of Dental Sargebrts of Ontario. Office A. M to 5 P. M. Rooms in new brick block, Main Street, MISCELLANEOUS. e will receive prompt attention. If by letter addresreSeaforth P. 0. I 1 A. MeLEOD, Libeneed Auctioneer for 5:h1 e --1--•• Comity of Huron. All orders left at Tanis McBride' 3 P. 113.1NE, Lieenced Auctioneer- ior the -'• Cou ty of Martin. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders left at the Ex - PO SIMI Office will be promptly attended to. , ' 'HE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY.--e-Job Moses Periodical Pills—This invaluablereedicine ie unfailing in the cure of all those p:inful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitu- tion in subject. It moderates all exeetis and re- moves all obtractions; and a speedy euremay be . relied on. To rmieriedledies, it is peculiaaly suited. - It will, in a short time, bring on the Monthly pe- riod. with Iegularite . These pills should not be taken by Females during the first three months of Pregrancy, as they -are sure to bring on Mis- carriage, but at any oter time they are safe. In all eases' of Nervosis and Spinal- Affections, pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and whites, these pills willeffect a cure when all other means hove failed; and, although -a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful t'o the constitution. Fall directions in the pamphlet around eaeh package, which should be carefully preserved. . Job KOROS, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 124 cents for postage enclosed tei Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will haspre a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by Hickson & Bleasdell, J. S. Roberte, and R -Lumsden. 197 NJ OTICE.—Al1 pnities indebted to the Estate of the late Simon Powell are reqnested to pay the same finthwith to the undersigned, or they Flinn be blinded into the Court for collection. T. T. COLEMAN and A. G. VANEGMOND. Ex- ecutors, 561 _NOTICE TO DEBTORS.—Notiee is hereby given that all persona indebted to mo for email bet* accouots, that if- their indebtedness ie. Lot paia before January _fiist, 1879, tbey will be sued withcut further notice or respect of pcha sons. O. C. WILLSON. 576 1 nISSOLTJTION OF PARTNERSHIP NOTICE -Li —1 he Ilim of Ilickeon & Robertson, Butter D ealeie, sec., of Seaforth. is this day dissolved by nintual consent, E. ilickeon retiring and W. S. Robertson con tinni ug the business. All accounts ank uotes due the mid firm ate payable to W. S. Robertson, and all liabilities (if any) to lie paid - by him. Signed—E. HICKSON, W. S. ROB- ERTSON, Witness—W. H. 13LEASDELL. Sea - forth, .April 7, 1879. 592 • toEAFORTIE PUMP FACTORY.—The under- sesigned, while returning thiteke for the pat- - ronage already received, would remind his many customers and friends that he still continues to make pumps and cisterns of the best material and by the beat workmen. None but quartered thinber used for pumps. A few farm gates still on hand. All overdue amounts net settled forth- with will be charged 10 per nut. interest from the 1st of January, 1878. NOBLE CLUFF, Seaforth. 568 - - MARRIAdE LICENSES OK IDER'r1FICATES, (Under the new Act,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. TO THE PUBLIC.—Read what the people say "A" in regard' to the Great Shoshonees Remedy and Pills. Levi Jones, Markham, says: "1 had very severe attack of bronchitis. I Was BO bad that It could 'hardly get my breath. I sought for a quick remedy, and ateing the " Shoshonees Reined -y" so highly recommended, I -procured a bottle, and am happy to say that by the time it was taken I was entirely well, and have remained sooalthough I 'WAS much exposed through the winter in trevelling." Rev. P. B. Stratton, Dem- orestville, writes: "1 have found your re- niedies particularly beneficial for liver complaint, dyspepsia and bronchial affections, and would advise all similarly affected to give the.m a trial." John Finlayson, Athol, says: "When travelling one of my feet got sore and broke out. I could not cure it, and had to return home. It became better and afterwards much. worse. Ifiaally pur- chased a botle of the Remedy and a box of Pills, and before they were half gone I commenced to improve, and before they were finiehed my foot Ives comp since, but of the Rerned.y a box. otely eared. It is now 17 month have had no further attack." Price in pint bottles, $1. Pills, 25 cents 522 MB, . C. M. DErlia,OP'S Fall Term in Music will open 4:6 Sept. 16th. Pupils should give in their names previous to the op ning of the elass. Those not havs g I struments Oren be accemmodated with u e of Piano or organ at very mod- erate retes. Seaforth, 9 cpt. 7,11378. 561 DR. WILLIAM RAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great English Remedy i especially recommen ed as an unfailing cure for Seminal Weakness Spormatorrhea, Impo- tency, and I all diseases that folloiv as a se- quence of Self abase, Before akin as Loss MemorYAfter akin& Universal Lassitude, Pan in the Back, Dimnees Of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other diseases that leadseto Insanity or Constimption and. a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are first caused by deviating from the Path of nature and over ipaulgenco- The Specific) Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of ex- perience in treating theSe special diseases. Pam- phlet free by snail. The Specific) Medicine is Bold by all Dru gists at $1 per package, or 6 package° for $5, or 11 be sent lay mail On receipt of the money, by ddressing WILLIAM GRAY & CO., Windsor, lint. Sold in Seaforth by Hickson & Bleasdell, S. Roberts R. Lumsden and all pruggist ra reliant& tvalliNIMPsitccineklelratriftfalifjoistartarASZAliiiaa=6. 7 FOR THE SEASON Otr: 1879- ------..,N - -- ---.--4 ,,,,,z,- •:-.4,A._. • - .e„ 1-Wgi''k 0,NeARLEBuy f.i'7;,...-1 -4 i :..1.11aTED SfATES „.. CERTEIIIII/II cossmisstO CENTENNIAL AND SYDNEY MEDALS AND DIPLOrMAS, MALCOLM! IVIORROE & BROTHER, SEAFORTH, HARDWARE. HARDWARE SIGN OF THE OIRGULA SAW. Are again to the -fore this season with their Agricul Weal Implements. They are still manufacturing the same Plows as were awarded Special Distinction at the I-4 Centennial and Sydney Exhibitions. They desire to direet special attention to their. NEW GENERAL PURPO-SE PLOW, 0' c1. 0 co 1" 0 This is one of the best Plows that has ever been introduced into this part of the oountry. It has been thoroughly tested, and has given 'general satisfaction to all wl o have use d. it. It is no Yankee invention, got ep for sale only, and depeadent on the blowing merits of agents to commend it to favorable notice. ALL THAT IT WANTS IS A FAIR TRIAL. it is warranted to clan in any ground: We ask the Farmers of Huron and Perth' c..) to give it a trial before investing their money in a Yankee humbug. 11 : ea: WE ALSO MANUFACTUEE IRON PLOWS, HILL'S PATENT PLOWS, The old awl well-known Thistle Cutter Plow, which, with recent ini- provements, is better tr) a:a . than ever. A Iso a 7-ei One Horse PLOW, Suitable for Plowi ---essesa' ng G-ardens. SUCTELERS, AND IRON AND WOOD PLOWS eifT- - -•••••. • 7,42:21S.:21.1N.LE13..&_ Ti is Plow is universally admitted. to be the beet Gang Plow Far ers should give it a trial before purchasing any either. iI m r 2 0 0 Z 1:0 now in use, 4nd 1 these implements are' manufactured by themselves, of the very best material, and ire better and more durable than those got up by large establishments for catcl sales. Every implement warranted. to give satisfaction. Prices as 'low as thos of any respectable establishment that turns 01.14 a good article. P1 ws of all the above kinds kept constantly on hand, and can be seen at their shop at any time. IR N.HARROWS—THE SCOTCH DIAMOND HARROWS KEPT COSSTANTLY ON HAND. Re rairs for all kinds of Plows kept constantly on hand. Also Plows of any make . Rep ired. Remember the Shop, opposite Weir's Hotel, Main-st., Seaforth. MALC ese, eas ea, ••reQ, 0 0 0 U l udialitos w. Th ^ PAINTING. 1 Q.4 H. TOWN BEGS to inform his friesids 1 that he has coramenced liminess as a Painter ALCOLM MONROE & BROTHER. 1 , Tht3;1431.alt€:111i:irs:le7toloaiyrritinexiirlu4°Fendd 12 Ix easoeiaibii;e a pr west] , ALEXANDER MONROE- terres. Orders left at the ;store of Messrs. jelru- sw L.. son 13rothera-will receive prompt attention. 586-4 H. TOWN, Seetforth. N.B.—Whitewashing and papering a specialty. and the public in general LM MONROE.- D. D. ROSE, FAMILY GROCER, Ilas Pleasure in, announcing to his Friends and CUS- tomers that every Department is fully stocked with .First–Class GOods. Hundreds of Families testify to the value given at Rose's Grocery ins the past, and he looks forward to the future with every colfidence. To Prices quoted. Come and see, and be convinced of the advantages offered. To trouble to show Goods and give samples. Flour, Corn, Oatmeal, Buckwheat Flour, Cracked Wheat Hominy, er..c., always kept in Stock. D D. ROSE, Seaforth. W. i W A_ 'T s ON, INSU ANCE AGENT, DEALER IN SEWING AND KNITTING MA- CHINES, CONVEYANCER, &c., SEAFORTH, ONT. IN URANCE.—Mie Watson is ag(sit for the following first-class Insurance Companies: FIRE. Pbeinix and Northern, of London, England; Scottish Imperial, of Glasgow, Scotland; Royal aanadjan and National, of Montreal; British Ameriea, of Toronto; Canada Fire and Marine, of Ham 1ton ; Gore District of Galt. LIFE AND ACCIDENT.—Teaveller's, ot Hartford. N EY TO LOAN.—ma Watsonis ai Savipgs Company, of Toronto. The oldest and abpepartLsectrfor the Canada Permanent Loan and Loan Society in the Dominion. Money advince on allkinds of Real Estate SE ING MACHINES.—The following ma.utiffictnring and family sewing machines kept co sta.nttly on hand: teowe, Wheeler & Wilson, Osborne A and the White. Machine oil, needles nd all kinds of attachments on hand. Machines of all kinds repaired. Mr. (ate on is agent for the Franze & Pope knitting machines. The beat family machin manufactured, capable of doing all kinds of cotton and woolen work. Lai SI) CD 0'‘ CD P - knitting 0 Mr. atson is agent for the State Line of Steamships, sailing hew -teen New York and all pont in Euro es's °Me , Main Street, Seaforth, nearly opposite Mansion Hotel. READ. CD 0) ONTARIO PRIMERS' EMPORIUM. ' GWATKIN & SON HA,V E "Pl 1,./I 0 "ST T1 1) TO THEIR NEW PREMISES, Con Bay and Wellington Streets. "THE DISCLOSURE." READ. Having fully decided 072 moving to Manitoba, Mr. Dent offers to let, on easy terms. that first-class business stand occupied at present by himself: Possession given at once if desired. And to the vublic he would say that, in view of the above fact, he is going to run off his present stock qf Dry Goods; some of which have only just ban, received, at less than any one else can sell to you, as his object is to get away at the earliest possible moment. Don't buy until you have called on him. Look out for the Auction Sale of his Dwelling House, on long time, which, will be announced in a couple, of weeks, if 2zot privately disposed of before that time: *S2 I1O11a NOSN 0 r+ 1-0* CD CD O (1) ,s a1V aGAXlQ Jo CD (D 100111•Vd N3U100 D>i NONHt sEGRioaa P:21 D- S. 0A3IPBELL, Proveincial Land SurVeyem • and Civil Engineer, Order by mail prompt, Iy attended to. 479 D. S. C4APDF.1,14 )(lit one%