The Huron Expositor, 1879-05-02, Page 1APRIL 25e 1879.
RoadsterS—Ist John Perd
Ae; 2d W. j. Miller, TOtosg
3c1 John Ansley, Dictator.
arhane—aged-1st Geo. MA,
Strathallan ; 2d. W. Rau*,
Year Old Durhara,lat
21 Alex. Malcolna, Rureet
Devon—Robt. Currie, Duke.
ALT.. — Although business ia -
dull it is surprising how busy
kept at the Oak Hall Clothe
lishment. A very large ritual..
ids are employed ou. fell eleae.
is good, and4knowing ones say
ay suits cheaper here than you.
Lin,- other place in town. No
Policy prioes at Oak Rola ;
i prices at Oak Hall; no lace
apt stocks at Oak Rail. Au
to rock -bottom prices, ard
new and fashicmable. See
atisement in, another column.
m Europe This Week
(owers, French, and Eng -
yes, Ornaments, Crystal'
ts, Ribbons, Laces, ffrets,
r)ticed Dress Goods
Low .Priced Dress Goods
the Largest aaid.Best
.ssortnient at
various qualities' as
th New York, in Great
ioney, to- find the best
pafactured, to find. the
.iety to select from, it
y to go to
DOUGALL & 00.1
orters and Dear/era in
Goods Only.
Taken in Exchanga
)n and. after the 10th
F3xtrenae Prices Paad
- taHOPERTY FO' SALE.—For Sale, that eon -
.1. yenient and de irable residence' on the corner
of High and Marko Streete, lately occr.died by
B_r.Vercoe._ Appl to DR. VERCOE.
— 488
LUEVALE.—N w Dwelling House in Muevale
- for sale; story nd a half, 18x26, with kitchen
attached 14x18; extfra well finished; one quarter
sere lot well fenced and pump. Price, $500. Ap-
ply to JOSEPH BLIRGESS, Blnevale. - 589
All Situated. on Main Street, North, Seaforth,
consisting of 9 acre i of land, a comfortable dwell-
inghouse and good barn. Apply to S. F. JOHN-
— A TW.--F-mi Sale a first class Planing
F" s
Mill, nearly new and in good running order,
situated in the Ildurishing Town of Seaforth,
Will be sold cheat). Terms easy. Enquire of
BECORD, COSSEN1S & CO., Goderich, Ont.
1 ._
_ rcB SILE.—The subscriber has for sole a 50
acre lot in the to-vriship of McKillop, Co11nty1of
Huron, 20 acres ase cleared and the balance well
timbered with beeeh and "maple. The property
will be sold cheap. Apply to JAS. H. BENSON,
Solicitor, Seaforth, nt.517
_-_ .
on the lith concess en, McKillop; priee $40 per
acre; Building loEs in different parts of the
town of Seaforth; 1 urcbasers can make their own
terms of payment, t 8 per cent., interest. JAS.
BEATTIE'. 5911
- -
111.1311 FOA SAL .—For Sale, iLot No, 5, Bay-.
fedi GoncesSi 11, Goderich. Township, con-
taining 85 acres, 50- 1 which are cleared mid in
good state of et tidy tion.rThe farm is adjoinieg
thevillage Bayfie I, and will be sold cheap and
on favorable terms Apply to the proprietor,
ftlf0I0E FARM FOR ' SALE—Being Lot 4,
xi Con. 7, Ilullett, minty el II roil; 100 acres;
80 cleared, well und rdraitied, a d in a good state
• rd cultivation; bu' dirtgs convenient and good;
terms easy. For further particulars apply to
Mesars. M GAU01iJ3 .3; HOLMESTED, Seaforth,
Or on the premiees t WM. E. 0 LDWELL. Con -
dance P. 0. 555
...„ _ .
Y the east hull o Lot No 4, Con 4 II R.
Tuckersmith, Coarity of Huron, eonsisting of 50
Rae; 31 miles from the Town of Settforth, and
convenient to seho 1. The land is of the very
best quality. For arther partieulars aPply to
JAMES PICKARD, pposite the premises, or, to
Egmondville P. 0. 52 t 4,
. t
wARm Fca $ AIN —For Sale, :he west part Of
-a' Lot No. 1, Com 7, Grey, containiug, 50 acres,
85 of which are clear d, well fenced, and. in a state
of good cultivation. There is a g,Ood frame hoese, '
good orchard and pi nty of water. It is on the
gravel road leading o Brussels and Seaforth, and
adjoins rt church tu d. school. t is also within
half a mile of the Vil age of Walt n. Apply on the
premises- or to Wal on Post Office. CHARLES
3tUR0111.E. • 493
FARM FOR SALE --That well-known and fine-
ly situated farm, Lot 1, Coll.:, Hullett, in the
Cotuaty of Huron, ontaining 130 acres, 90, of
which are cleared ; t iere are two frame dwelling
houses, barn, horse s able, cow stable, slaeep-house
mad drivinglionse ; a so orchard and abundance ef
water. The farm is itnated tiwo inilesfroni th
Town of Segerth, o the Huron Road. For full
particulars apply to Me0AUGHfIY & HOLME-
STED, Son:forth, or t SIAION Y TING, proprie-
t_o_r, on the preinises. •
---1 553-4x:
'PROPERTY FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot 14,
' Con 16, Grey; es a of'Lot 29, Oon. ',
with cheeie faCtory complete; Lot 14, Co. 6,
and south half of ts 16 and 1,7, Con. 5, town-
ship of Morris; Lot, 2, Con. B, and Lot 28, Con.
B, township of Howl k, ali good improyod farms,
together with seven& 50 sere farms in Grey and
Morris and houses and lots and vacant lots in
and title good, App y to JOHN LECKIE, Brus-
the villaIfrusse s, Pge of rice& low, terms easy,
eels. 574
FARM FOR SALE. --For Sale, that most desir-
" able farrn, being Lot 1, Con. .6, in the town-
ship of Hallett, situated 14 miles from Kinburn,
and 6 miles from Se forth. There are excellent
stone house, two sto ey, 50 by 40 feet. A sprang
buildings on the pren1
ises, inducting a first-elasa
creek rens through t e farm; • good orchard, good
fe.ncos, and the land. n an excellent state of cul-
tivation. Apply on t e premises to JAMES Mc -
or to M1*. JAMES H. BENSON, Sea -
forth. 562
west ilia of Lo 27, Con. 3, McKillop; eon-
'aining 50 acres, kilo. aa the Deigle estate. This
arra is situatetl with n one mile and a quarter of
cleaforth. The land is of the choicest quality.
There is a handsome esidence and good outbnild,
higa. The farm is wc11 planted 3vith fruit and or-
namental trees, is in. excellent order, and well
fenced. It is a irdily suited for a retired gen-
tleman, a doary-man, ormarket gardener. Toms
eaay. This property Mnst be sold at once. Apply
to A. STRONG, Settfcirth. 539
FARM FOR SALE:I-South half of Let 26, Con,
"• 6, Morris, Count Y of Huron, containing 100
acres, 85
nares cleared, balance hardwood; 60
acres clear of stumps and underdrained ; soil
clay _loam; 13 acres fall wheat; good bearing
orchard; bank barn 4(x60, nearly new, and other
outbuildings; good 1 g house, with new frame
addition; 2 wells; we fenced. The above ftarm
is only two miles fron l3russels, on good gravel f
roads; school house on the lot. For further par-
ticulars apply on the Premiaes, or to C. I: Cooper,
etor I3russels P•0 588
_ _
Huron. Assizes. •
The Court of Assize for this bounty
closed on Friday last. IA record of the
proceedings will be found below. The
follow= a gentlemen cornpostl the
Grand fury :
R. Manning,, foreman; Wna.lAnder-
son, John Buchanan, John °milts, H.
B. Evans. A. Fisher, T. Gregoity, Jas.
Leithwaite, G. E. Pay, B. Swtzer, J.
Taylor, R. Bacon, W. G. Biggins, L.
Dobson, John Evans, J. Glen,J Balls,
G. McGowan, Sr:, John Petty, r., Jas.
Scott, Thos. Wells. His Lords ip ad-
dressed the jury, after which Mr. Magee,
Crown Couusel, applied for ben h war-
rant aaainst A. Menzies, which as 'or-
dered tno issue.
Denny v. Dean.—This was a action
for seduction. The ptuties te ide in
the township of Howick. De endant
was unrepresented. The jury s ere out
two hours and gave a verdict for plain-
tiff for $400.
Thompson V. Adams—An ac ion on
covenant in deed. Mr. J. T. arrow
for plaintiff, Mr. J. A. ,Morton or de-
fendant. Verdict by consent fat 390.86.
Immediate execution noved f r and
granted. •
Payne v. Davis.—Action for seduc-
tion. The parties live in the to nship
of McKi.Elop. The jury return° a ver-
dict for plaintiff for $400. Mr. J. T.
G -arrow and, Mr. 3. H. Benson fo plain-
tiff. Defendant was nbt represe ted by
counsel. .
Moyer y. Delong.—Actioia on minis
sory note. Mr. 0°. A. Durand fo plain
tiff, Mr. 3. T. Garrow for def udaut.
This was one of the notes, purpo ting to
be made by Delong, of Port Alb rt, the .
amount represented being $4 0, and
said to have been given in pay ent.for
some fanning mills. Defendant claim-
ed that the note had been altered from
$100 to $400. The learned cou sel en-
gaged in this case 'showed considerable
skill in forwarding the interests qf their
respective clients, Mr. Garrote ey his
industry and pertinacity succe ded. in
impressing upou the jury that- th note,
as it now was, hatl never been nade by
the defendant. His Lordship in a very,
lucid manner pointed out to -, th jury
how they should, be • guided on some
poiuts. The note was now in the hands
of a third party. If the note had rigin
ally been for $400, and the defendau
signed for that•amount under t e im
pression that it was $100, he .ne .erthe
less was liable. To say that he as de
ceived, or that it was by fra,ud 5 at he
had -Signed for the $400, was no sense
now that the note was in the han s of a
third party who had taken it ter the
amount indicated. If, hOWeve the
note had origirgally been given fsr $100
and had since betel altered to 640, the
present holder, al tho-ugh innoc 4nt of
any' complicity in. the alteration pould
not collect the fece of it, and th 'note
was utterly If then the -alt
had been made they were to say s
find for the deionda,nt.; The jt
found, and a verdict•ivaS accordin
tered for defendant.
Queen v. Francis Fisher.—The
Jury brought in true bills on che
larceny and robbery. 1
Queen v. David Levis.—The •
Jury reported "no bill "J against 1 rieon-
er for forgery.
Qneen v. J. B. Markle.—The- rand
Jury brought in a true hill agains
oner on a charge of uttering a
note. Prisoner was arraigned and
ed "not guilty:"
Haggerty v. Great Western R lway
Company.—Action for false arrest. Mr.
J. T. Garrow for plaintiff. r.
Irving for defendants. This was case
growing out of the arrest and im rison- f
, ment of the plaintiff, at the insta ce of
the Great WesternRailwayCo pany.
The plaintiff, it was alleged, had mali-
ciously driven a protruding spik be. t
tween the rails on the road of the Com- r
pany, and had not obstrUction be n no- e
ticedand removed before atrain o cars t
came along, there would have been
serious damage to property and pr bably t
loss of life. The.present plainti was
acquitted. He now sought da ages a
from the Company. This case oc upied t
the greater portion of two days. Mr. r
Garrow, in his conduct of the plai •tiff's h
case, brought to bear avast amou t of
legal research. and acamen, an Mr.
Irving, the Company's solicito , left
DO phase of the case, favorable o his
clients, untouched upon. iThe jury fioal- 5
ly brought in a verdict fdr the pl intiff
or $200.
Canaeron v. Gardner.—Action o cov- f
nant in deed. Mr. Holt for plea. tiff ; t
efendaut not represented; verdi t for s
PROPERTY HOB. SALE. ,a-neeee plaintiff for 6892'2n.-
, and
ry ao
en -
ran d
ges of
'lad -
and His Lordship ordered a new pre,
cept, Which was accordingly issiied. The
same Was done in the other charges for
forge* .
The Queen v. Francis Fisher.—This
is the asein which prieoner is charged
with t rowing Mr. James Elliott out of
his bu gy, and driving off the horse and
baggy with intention to steal said pro-
perty. Prisoner pleaded net guilty,
said h had. no" counsel nor had he the
mean of procuring any. Mr. McGibbon,
of Mi ton, at the suggestion of the
Court undertook the defence, and made
a ver creditable showing that pris-
oner. .
icl not intend to steal the pro-
perty. In fact, he elicited from Mr.
Elliot. the prosecuting witness, that
Mr. . Ielliott had actually ' -abandoned
She prbperty, th,e prisoner siMply driv-
ing off! in a drunken freak. Prisoner
was s utenced to two years in the Peed:
tenth), y:
Bea tie v. Reynolds.—Action on cov-
enant in deed. Verdict by consent for
plaintiff for 4429 171. Mr.. F. Holme-
sted far plaintiffaMr. J. T. Garrow for
You g v. Smith. ---This was an action
for se uction. The -parties live near
Belgr. ve. The seduced lady has enjoy-
ed the smiles of 40 Summers and endur-
ed thelblasts of 39 winters. A verdict
was eritered by Consent for $250. Mr.
Holt fbr plaintiff, Mr. J. T. Garrow for
Anderson v. Curry.—An 'action for
seduction, The plaintiff lives near
Wiugham, and is just out. of her teens.
Defen ant lives in Turnberry. Ver-
dict b . consent for $235. Mr. Holt
for pl intiff. Mr. John Davidson for
ConSolidated. Bank v. CharlesWorth.
-•--Action on promissory notes. Verdiet
entered by Judge for $693 31. Mr.
Holmestecl for plaintiff.
The Queen v. David Lewis,—Defend.
ant in icted for obtaining goods by false
preten es. Mr, T. Q. C., and
Mr. II it for defendant. Ferguson,r. Jas. Mc-
Gee fo the Crown. Verdict, of "Not
Guilty. Prisoner discharged.
The foreman . of the Grand Jury
brought in " no bill" in the matter of
The Qbeen v. John Roberts and 3. B.
Markle indicted for false pretences.
The Queen v: James ,Howey. • The
Grand4ury came into Court with a true
Bill against prisoner for bigamy. Grand
Jury c me into Court and made their
presen meat and were discharged.
GoDERTCH, April Stb, 1879.
Wet e Grand Jurors for our Sovereign
Lady he -Queen respectfully present:
That i accordan.ce with .your Lord-
ship's instructions we have visited the
gaol aid find it clean and in excellent
order, •eflecting great credit on Mr.
Dickso the - gaoler. The prisoners,
fciurteeh' in number, appear to have re-
ceived 11 necessary attention and had
no -co plaints to offer. •One femalepristine , Ella VanHorn; committed for
six mo ths, but not for crime, who at
the time of her committal had a child
with her two'weeks old; but since her
imprisonment . it has died,- your Jurors
would itespectfully recommend that she
be discharged. ,One' insane boy! sup-
posed tb be incurable, would -recom-
mend Ws removal to the asyluna if pos-
sible. Your Jurors are also. informed
by the Gaoler that. he is greatly incon-
venienced for the want of both sleeping
and da 'y rooms, and'would recommend
the county authorities to alleviate that
trouble if possible. Your Jurore 'would
call the attention cf the county authori-
ties to the very great need of a House
of Refuje or some other .suitable place
or poo and indigent persons. We -re-
gret that the. criminal, as well as the
civil, callendar has been so large, but
hope that in the future, as in the past,
he connty of Huron may sustain its -
eputation. for sound morals and a
trict observance of the peace. We beg
a thank your Lordship for your able
and -instructive address -as to our da-
les, on the opening of the Court. We
vould also thank the -Crown Counsel
nd County Attorney .for their assis-
ance veld courtesy. All of which is
espectfully submitted. Sighed on be..
alf of he Grand Jury, .
His ordship thanked the Jury for
heir at ention to their duties and for
heir pe sonal allusion to - the Court.
He also favored their recommendation
f havi ec an asylum or place of refuge
or the lase of person's referred to. He
bought such institutions cotild be made
elf-sustm ining, mentioned the countyof
Waterlo as having an Industrial
ome o • Refuge, and from what he
ould le rn there Nkvere places of this
tind in everal other counties, and, so
ar as hi knowledge went, they proved
atisfact ry. His Lordship thought
he reco mendati6n of the Grand 'Jury,
n this •latter, was worthy of the seri-
us atte tion of the County Couneile .As
e did. n t wish to needlessly cfletaan
hem, e would therefore disgarge
een v. J. H. Thomson„--iThis
Dwelling house and two lots, containing one- ' .Queen v. Levis. -e -The Grand
half acre, in the Vdlage of Varna, situated bronight in true bill against prison
on the corner .oppo.ite- the post office, which
makes them suitable for building for.. buSiness false pretences. ,
ontains 5 bedrooms, sitting . Queen v. Donald McDoueall.
purposes,. The house
roota,dining room a
, .
d litchen, with -svoodshed
te n
Grand Jury brought -in true bill a
prisoner for enobezzlement and false
Jury 11
r for c
jury brought in a true bill against pris-
oner for indecent assault. - t
▪ Queen v. 3. MeRoberts.I—The
Jury brought in a true bill for forg
two Separate cases.
Queen v. Asa Malloy.—The
Jury brought in a true bill on the c
of einbezzlemeut.
• Queen v Francis Fisaer,---Pr+ner
attached, soft water ci
youienee to make it Cornfortable and conunodious
Ou the lots there is a good bearing
orchard of various kinds of fruit, and a quantity
ni grape vines.. There is also a well and pump
and geed stable and 11rivirag shed. Terms easy.
Possession given, tne let of October. For fur-
ther particulars apply to the proprietor. -4A
FATT,Varna P. 0. 593
the North part of Lots 8 aud 9. Cm. 13, MG -
Knipp, containing, 112 tierce ; there are about 80
cleared, well fenced, underdrained, and. in a high
state of eultivation, the baIgnee is well timbered
with hardwood; good dwelling, new bank frame
hem 50x7,7 with t bli g 1 • 1 tl
- outbuildings, also a good young 'orchard and
plenty of water. Is 10 miles from Brussels, 5 from
Welton, and 12 from Seaforth, with good gravel
roads to melt jlace; convenient to clituadi and
schools,' will be sold at; a whole or in two parts,
or b exchanged for a. small farm. Apply to
Walton P. 0. or to the proprietor on the premises.
FARM FOR SALE. --The aubscriber offers for
sale Lot 22, Con. ],Sof tb.e township of Stan-
contalubag one hundred acres, 83 acres clear
ed and in -a good state of cultivation,. and good
fences, balance 17 acres good hardwood bush;
°no half uf clearing Keeled down, there will be. 13
aeres of wheat put in this fall, there is about 3
acres of a thriving arc lard on the premises and
a Rill iety of fruit -trees' 111toi-bearing. The farm
Isthrowuegilli tIll'eatfeLarrendr, a imcrr
creek runs
also two good wells, large bank
barn SG by 60 feet With good stabling under -
the barn, and a log dwelling house. The
tarni is situated within two and a hall miles of
the Tillage of Bayucicir For further partieulars
apply to S. McLEAN, plroprietor on the premises
O r to W. Connor, Ba.yfield P. 0. 672
. Queen v. J. -H. Thonison.—The -rand
rand t
ry in
rand o
arge so
arra,igned and pleaded not guilty to both to
indictments. I to
I Grant v. The Reliance Insurance , $
Company.—Action on policy of in- • P
; surauce. Verdict for , plaintiff for b
$829 25. Mr. A. W. Foster for lain-
, tiff. Defendant not represent& by G
counsel. B
Ritchie v. Woodcock.—A.ction orp.- ti
mon counts. Mr. J. T. Gairow for .lain- tl
tiff, Mr. C. Seeger, jr., for defein' ant. u
Verdict for plaintiff for 6257, each,party pi
paving his own costs. - u
Queen v. Asa Malloy, Isaac ;rock in
Markle and John McRoberts.. Pr son- m
ers were arraigned 9u the ialiarae of con-
spiracy, and all pleaded 'not guilty."
Mr. Thomas Ferguson, Q. C., app axed
for McRoberts, and applied for adjourn- L
ment of trial on account of preju ce, p
The Q
'an in • ictmeut -Preferred against pris-
ner for indecent assault. T. Fergu-
n, Q. 1., for prisoner, melted for a.
ostpou :intent of trial. His Lordship
dered this indictment to be traversed
the n xt General Sessions. Prisoner
enter nto his own recognizance in
400, an two sureties of 1$200 each.
atrick eller and William. Hawkshaw
ecame • ureties.
Camp ell v. Shields.--IrWin & Mc-
ibbon ir plaintiff. T. Ferguson and
enson or d.efeudant. This is an ae-
on for respass, The offence , lay in
ie defei dant tapping sugar maple trees
pon pr • erty claimed to be owned by
aintiff, and that the defendant had
nnecess rily injured the trees by bole
g two i ich holes into them instead of
aking the oxthodox one inch hole for
all of wYch damages were claimed from
The 111 tieen v. James Howey.—Ira
ewis fo • Crown, P. Holt for prisoner.
risener was arraigned on an indict-
ment for bigamy, pleaded not guil
This ca e was traversed till next
sizes.—P isoner entered iuto his o
recogniz lice for $1,000 and found t
sureties •r $500 each, to then appe
A. Brow lee and Wm. Howey were
Aldrich v. Wrighton.—J. T. Garrow
for plain iff, T. Ferguson, Q. C., for de-
fendant. This was an action brought
by the roprietor of the Blyth Review
against t e proprietor of the Huron Re-
cord for 1 bel. Verdict by consent, for
plaintiff, for $0.20 and fullcosts, but
not to ex •eed $125.
Keith . Boyd.—This was an action
to'settle •oundary line. Case commenc-
ed at 1 45 p. 21s5 April. Jury
brought n verdict for defendant at 7
p. m., 23 d. Apfil. Fergnson and Holt
for plai tift, 3, T. Garrow and John
Davidson for defendant.
The Q een v. John McRoberts.—The
prisoner as indicted for forgery. Fer-
guson, Q. C., and P. Holt for prisoner.
Mr. J. T. Garrow for Crown. Verdict
of guilty gainst prisoner.
Queen . Isaac Brock Markle. Pri-
soner is c arged with uttering a forged
note. 7 T. Garrow for the Crown—
not represented. by counsel,
pleaded ' not guilty." Said he got note
discounte by Moyer, gave the money
obtained o McRoberts, knew nothing
of any al erations having been made in
the note. His Lordship in addressing
the jury s id that from the fact of pris-
oner havi g no counsel, it was his duty
to see th the prosecution took no un-
due adva tage of prisoner. There was,
no doubt •utthat prisoner uttered the
note. N w it was for them to deter-
mine if his was a forged note. The
evidence f Delong was material upon
this point Delong had been sued on
this note he obtained a verdict, the
jury ftndi g the note had been altered.
At presen it purported to be for $400.
His Lord hip recapitulated the eircum-
sta,nces 1 nder whiche note had been
given, sai it was immaterial what the
amount o note should have been. Tho
questions or them to determine were,
was it g ven for $100, and has it been
altered, nd did. the prisoner get it
discouute knowing it to have been so
altered. erdict "guilty." Sentenced
to two ye rs imprisonment.
The Qu en v. Isaac Brock Markle and
Asa Mello e—Prisoners ou trial for con-
spiracy, p eaded "not guilty." Mr. 3.
T. Garro for the Crown. Mr. Philip
Holt for Malloy. Markle not repre-
sented by ounsel. The Crown. having
no eviden e to offer consented to prison-
ers being discharged.', Verdict "not
guilty" entered. I
The Queen v. John McRoberts.—Mr.
Garrow o behalf Of th 4s Clown moved
for Bench Warrant against prisoner for
the forge of the Delong note for 4400,
which was accordingly granted.
This co eluded the !record. In the
matter of gaol delivery his Lordship to
was infori • ed of the girl Ella Van Horn 1
now serving out a sentence of six h
prisonment. She was sent
els for vagrancy; since be- C
nig in g ol she had given birth to a of
child.—This was her only offence. His d
Lordship hought her sentence very w
severe, qu
gladly rel
phd jaasivci et: rbge9e
taken care
have been
ty. have been left the -tidy little sum o
as- seven millions, upon which they will
wn manage to eke out a living.
wo —The Orange Grand Lodge will meet
ar. in Ottawa on -the 22nd of July, and the
the Imperial Grand Council of She world
on the 24th of July.
—Mr. John Wilson, of lot 26, in the
llth concession of Ops. Victoria coun-
ty, had new potatoes of a respectable
size on the 18th ult. .
—A mirage has been visible on the
horizon of the lake at Kingston every
day for the past three days. It is an
unusual and singular appearance.
—Mark Twain has begun a suit at
Chicago against the "Bose -Belford"
Publishing Company for breach of coy -
right in republishing "Tom Sawyer."
—Mr. Charlton, M. P., has been ap-
pointed by tho Manitoba Presbytery as
delegate to the meeting of the Presby-
terian Synod in Ottawa, in June next.
—The wash basins for the palatial
residence of a San Francisco million• -
aire were made at the St. John's Que-
bec, Chinaware Factoryewhich uses bet-
ter clay than the American potteries
use. .
' —Two Brantford lovers have centered
their affections upon a damsel who
would be happy with either were t'other
dear charmer away. A. walking match
has been proposed, and the successful
competitor will get the girl.
—At the band competition at the in-
auguration of the city of Guelph, there
were six competitors. among which. was
the Goderich band. Prizes were award-
ed as follows; Berlin band, 1st1 $125 ;
Stratford, 2nd, $75; Preston, 3rd, $50.
—The Scott Temperance Act has
been carried and will be enforced in
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island,
and also in Albert county, New Bruns-
wick. The Dunkin Act has been re-
pealed in the county of Lanark and vil-
lage of Scarboro. ,
—Dr. Smith, V. S., of Toronto, who
went to London on Monday, at the in-
stance of the Ontario Government, to
ascertain if there was 'any truth in the
report that hog cholera prevailed. in
Shat district, reports nothing serious has
—No fewer than three houses in Ar-
kona were burglarized one night last
week. The burglars got $45 in one of
She three and $25 iu another. They
took nothing from the third, being
alarnied before they could a.ccoroplish
their design. No clue.
—Messrs. Wm. Bell and Robert
Frederick lately cut down a treeson the
farm of Mr. A. J. Currie, of Erin.
When split it measured twenty cords
of stove wood. The whole work was
accomplished in two days and a half.
Rapid work.
• —Rev. Dr. Ryerson stated at the
Metropolitan Church, Toronto, on
Easter Sunday, that that was the fifty-
fourth anniversary of his first entrance
She ministry. On Easter Sunday,
825, the Venerable Doctor preached
is first sermon. at Grimsby.
— A bill having been made in the
ourt of Chancery to set aside the will
the late Ann McCabe, for whose
eath her husband and Dr. Bowers
ere tried at the last Assizes at Wood-
stock, a verdict has been ' returned by
consent, declaring the will void.
— Jennie MeLeonard was accused at
She Toronto Police Court, last week, of
keeping a house of ill -fame on Teranley
street. In the evidence of two of the
inmates it leaked out that McLeonard
had instructed them to drug all men
visiting the house who were seen to
possess money.
, —Three car loads of horses left Point
St. Charles, Montreal, on Wednesday
of last week, one destined for Provi-
dence and the remaining two for Bos-
ton. On Friday three more left for dif-
0 -ferent parts of the United. States. The
. parties shipping horses to the United
States generally clear from .615 to -$20
y ! on each animal, but in some cases they f
t I realize nothing.
—At Ottawa, on Saturday last, a 1
, game of quoits between Hon. Mr. Mac-
e kenzie and Mr. Paterson, of Brant, on
n • thi one side, and Messes. McCallum
- and McInnes, two Tories, on the other,
waa played. The game attracted con-
siderable attention, and the members
gathered about in large numbers. The
Grits were successful, . winning two
games out of three.
,---One of the young men of Waterloo
- county, who went to Manitoba on the
lst of April, returned home again on
Monday of this week. He said that he
.had a rough time of it out there, and
was glad to get home for the present.
; He has teken up 160 acres of land, and.
intends to return to it next spring. He
says he would -advise people who in-
tend going there not to go too early,as:it
was a mistake made by his party. The
• 1st of May is quite soon enough.
—Tuesday afternoon of last week the
body of a young woman was found by
• Mr. Chas. Kay in a small garden plot
in the Kinnettles Grounds, at the vil-
lage of Fergus. The coroner was noti-
fied, and held an inquest on Wednes-
day. During Wednesday night the
body was taken away from where it had.
been left, and has not since been recov-
ered. There was $2.35 on her person.
No person had been able to identify her.
There appears to be strong suspicion
she met with. foul play, and that she
, was put there and stolen. away by per-
sons implicated..
—On Friday night two large barns,
the property of Mr.Thomas Moorehouse, -
of North Dorchester, were completely
destroyed by fire. Besides these, a
number of outbuildings, nine hogs, ten
Sons of hay, a large munber of imple-
ments and other farming, material were
destroyed. The Ere originated in the 1
stable by the kicking over of the stable i
lamp by a horse. Before water could. I
be obtained the flames had gained such 1
headway that it wes impossible. to I
check them. The insurance is said to
be about $750, which will not, however, i
cover the loss, which is estimated at
over $1,500. Mr. Moorehonse and his I
son both sustained injuries, not of a 1
I 1/1cLE.AIT BROS., Publishers.
$1.50 a Year, in Advance
f very serious nature, in getting out th
horses. The loss is °Liee.ery, comin
especially in these bard times, an
much sympathy is expressed for th
—A report is current, apparent
with some foundation, that a -new even
in g paper is to be started. in Toronto, i
which Mayor Beaty will be. a leadin
by-law was submitted to th
ratepayers of Orangeville granting
bonus of 1f15,000 to the Credit Valle
Railway, and was carried. by a majorit
offr110 votes? 'Considerable interest wa
taken in the contest both for an
against the by-law. .
—Last Thursday week, Mrs. Joh
Heibel, of Minto, boiled some potatoe
and drained the water into a pail whic
she placed on a chair. The younges
boy, aged one year, upset the boilin
water over his body, scalding him ter
rioly. He died from its effects:
—A short time ago a villain entereel
the stable of W. J. Robinson:, East Nis
souri, and lacerated a very valuabl
horse in a most frightftil . manner, b
taking the skin entirely off a part of his
hip about 3- x 8 inches square. Ther
appears to be lee clu.e to the guilty par
" —About 12.30 p. m. on Thursday o
last week the, Arthur foundry, owned
by John Buschleia, and occupied by A
was burned to the ground
The cause of the fire is unknown.. I
was insured for $800. The loss on the
building and machinery is about $2,600
—The erection of a new Parliament
building fol New Brunswick has been
postponed for another year. Mr. Blair's
amendment calling upon the Govern-
ment to take immediate action was de-
feated by a vote of 22 to 9. It seems to
be conceded. that the new buildinamust
be built, but want of funds is pipeaded.
—Forest is said to be be cleanest vil-
lage on the Grand Trunk line. Twenty
years ago there were only two houses
in the place, now there are two news-
papers published there. The saw mills
in the vicinity are doing a good trade.
The people ar6 making a home law, a
fine of $1 is to be imposed. on any one
offering to treat his fellow.
—It is stated that two members of
the Dominion Parliament, both of
whom turn the scales at two hundred
pounds, will compete in a few miles
walking match for a sack of flour, to be
given to the Ottawa Protestant Hospi-
tal. Should the parties come to time,
the match will take place in the Parlia-
ment grounds at Ottawa.
—The first seizure of an illicit still in
British Columbia took place on the 2nd.
ult., when C. T. Dupont, Inspector of
Internal Re -venue, seized one at Stem-
berger's farm, eight miles from town,
on the East Sumach road. •The still
had a daily capacity of 15 to 20 gallons.
It was destroyed, and all the spirits on
hand spilled on the ground..
—The jonfneymen masons and brick-
layers of Kingston held a meeting last
night, at which the rate of wages wag
discussed. They came to the conclusion
that if the contractors chose to cut es-
timates in their eager competition, they
_should not be asked to work at starva-
tion rates, and concluded to ask for
$2.25 a day daring the corniva summer.
—The staff of engineers thabthas been
surveying the Becton and Orangeville
s.ection of the Grand Ontario Central
Railway arrived at Orangeville last
week. The road is to run from Ottawa
to Goderich, via Peterboro, Port Perry,
Uxbridge, Newmarket, Beeton, Orange-
ville, or Shelburne. The staff went
east to locate the line from Beaton to
Peterboro. Thus far a fine location
has been obtained.
—Biddulph takes the prize from Ar-
kona. Mr. T. Abbott produces a goose
egg which weighs 16 ounces avordupois.
I3ut what is that compared with the
chronicled production on another farm.
The farmer spates that last year four
COWS on his farpa had eight calves; eight
sheep had seventeen lambs ; one mare
had two colts ; one goose hatchedtwo
broods of goslins, one of nine and the
other of eleven; and, lastly, his wife
hadtwins, a boy and a girl. Some very
prolific geological structure must under-
lie this lot.
—One day last week, at Harriston,
W. Arnold. was. assisting m killing a
hog, and the animal being difficult to
catch, was shot down. Mr. Arnold
thinking the animal dead, went up to
bleed it, and when in the act the brute
sprang upon him, getting his arm into
its mouth and sinking its tusks through
the flesh, inflicting a very bad wound,
which although dressed immediately,
has given him a great deal of pain, and
now threatens serious consequences as
She aria is swelling badly. Mr. Arnoid
is confined to the house.
—Already since the -Union of the
Presbyterian churches in Canada, there
have been 37 caSes of amalgamation be-
tween churches 'formerly in connection
with the Chuech of Scotland and.
churches that previous to the Union be-
longed to the Canada Presbyterian
Church. Galt Seeras likely to contri-
bute another case to the number. The
subject of union laa.s been under discus-
sion in both the Union and St. Andrew's
churches for 1301De time, and althoug&
apparently the matter had fallen
through last week, at least for some
thne, we understand that the subject is
to be re -opened with a good prospect of
early success.
—A few days ago a youngnaannamed
Patterson, aged- 17, who resides with
his father, a well-to-do farmer of the
township of Windsor, was accidentally
banged. It seems that be had been en-
gaged boiling sugar during the dayavith
a young cousin, for whose amusement
he performed. a number of tricks: He
at length announced in jest that he was
going to hang himself, at the same time
taking a rope from the sap, bucket
which he had. been tarrying • he fitted
t around his neck, and. mounted a tub,
Making one end of the rope fast to a
'beam overhead. Hardly- had he suc-
ceeded ill tying the rope, when the tub
months i
from Brus
te uncalled. for. He would.
ase her, had no power to
er, said the girl never should
sent to prison, she should
ent to a lyingiu hospital or
of by the county or munici-
• —Caned au ten cent pieces have been
counterfeited and are in circuletion itt
Waterloo county.
—The juvenile Presbyterians of Oril-
lia. contributed over 61,800 to the
Church two years.
—A two year old. bull weighing 1,66
lbs;, was sold week by -Messrs
Watt, of Nichot for $300.
—A Parkhill goose has layed sixt
eggs within the last six months. Wha
a " goose " to lay so many.-
-Squire McIlhargy, of Biddulph
has been fined $5 by the London Polio
Magistrate for having administered a
extra judicial oath on the 175h of Feb
—The latest maniac: A Frontena.c
man drank a patent pailful of cold
water one day last week in seventeen
minutes. The feat was performed on a
small waxier. • T
— Warehousing at Winnipeg is en
tirely private, 'hence iminigrants have
to pay extra charges on each article of
baggage bef ere getting them out of the
care of others.
—A proclarnation is published in the
Ontario Gazette, attaching the village
of Shelburue, situated oil the borders of
Grey and Wellington, to the county of
—It is rumored that an amalgama-
tion, more cr less corriplete, is about to
.be made between the Northern Railway
of Canada and the Hamilton and North-
western road.
—The mculders in the New Ham -
burgh foundry are on Strike. In Janu-
ary the wages were recluoetl without ob-
jection from the men. They now ask
to have the old rate of pEty established
—hence the strike.
—A brakeman named Frayer was
killed on the Grand Trunk near Tavis-
tock.on Thursday morning of last week
by his head coming in contact with a
bridge. His body -was taken to Brant-
ford, where his friends live.
—Mr. R. Dickson, of Clifford, is a
heavy loser by the failure of the Glas-
gow Bank. He shipped a large quan-
tity of grain last year to a commission
merchant in Glasgow, who was one of
She Directors of the bank, and who is
HOW in jail.
—It is becomina monotonous, this
work of recording legacies, " hand-
some " or " enorenoris," left to people.
A whiskey informer in Hamilton has
been left $50,000 by a grandfather who
died in England worth $450,000. A
farmer in Lambton, (Noce a filemaker in
Toronto, and a nephew in Barrie, bear-
ing the fortunate mente of Oxenham,
e upset,suspending the unfortunate young
g man by the neck. He made several
d. attempts to extricate himself, and even
e succeeded in getting his knife from his
coat pocket, -which he, however, was Tin-
y able tame. His little cousin, unable to
do anything himself. ran for aSSiStatiee,
buS before it eame life was extinct.
—A chill named Caxrie Newman, 30
Centre street, Toronto, picked up the
e ring of an umbrella, and putting it on
a her finger, was unable to get it off. An.
y attenapt was rclade to file it off. but in
y doing- so the finger was cut, and the
s brass filings got into the wound. The
d poisoned linger soon assumed large pro-
portions, and when a jeweller finally
n got the ring offit was found, necessary
s to amputate the finger,
h —On Friday night about &dock,
t No. 4 express train on the Wellington,
Grey and Bruce Railway, going north,
ran into a land slide five miles north ef
Clifford. The loconiotive left the mai
and was badly wrecked,. On account
of the intense darkness and fog, Mr.
e Cottrell, driver, and Mr. Kerr, fireman,
y were aware of the danger too late to
avoid an accident, but they remained
e at Shier duty like men, and thus, in all.
probability, a serious disaster was ar-
—Last Friday morning, at Montreal,
Richard Thompson Trap:Ian, aged 42,
• better known as Richard Thompson,
. shot himself, the bullet entering his
right temple. He bad. been for the last
twelve years in the enaploy of the Grand
. Trunk Railway as caretaker, from.
which he received his discharge. He
leaves a wife and two children. At the
inquest the jury returned a verdict that
the deCeased committed. suicide While'
in a state of temporary mental aberra-
—On Sunday afternoon some citizens
walking in Mr. Tilson's woods near the
village of Tilsonburg„ found the body of.
a finely developed new-born male in- •
fent; partly covered. with leaves. At
the coroner's inquest the evidence went
to show that the mother was a domes-
tic servant named Mery Jane Bartlett,
whose parents reside in Middletbn.
The child had. been born alive and.
strangled. with a .piece of old cotton
wound tightly. around. its neck. The
verdict of the jury was " wilful nanrder
against Mary Jane Bartlett." The girl
as disappeared, and the constables axe
searching for her.
—Charles Robertson, a Toronto citi-
zen, respectably connected. in that city,
was charged' at the Guelph Police
Court on Friday with. attempting to
pick a lady's pocket, and also with put-
ting his hand in a lady's pocket for the
purpose of stealing on the 23rd. ApriL
The first charge was not made out, but
he was found guilty of the second of-
fence. The magistrate remarked about
the social position of the prisoner's- -
friends, his birth, education, &c. and
then allowed him his liberty on, bi's fur-
nishing bail to the amount of 61,000. ,
He also informed 'lie prisoner that if he
mended his ways he would not be called.
upon, but that if at any time he'was
mixed up in .any criminal transaction
She charge for which he Was bailed.
would labe pressed. A brother of the
prisoner furnished the necessary se-
—The following, illustrative of the
working of the jury system in some
cases, is taken from a despatch to the
daily papers from Montreal, under date
of April 25 : The Kerney ease has been
dragging along for several days. Yes-
terday 'Judge Ramsay inveighed -Very • -
strongly against the prisciner for receiv-
ing stolen goods. which Ilis llon.or com-
mended to the jury with the following
words: " If you give a disgraceful ver-
dict—one that will be a public ecandal.
—the responsibility with you,
not with me." At a 'tate hour last
night the -judge adjourned the Court.
This morning, when the foreman an-
nounced that they disagreed and could.
not render a verdict, His Honor dis-
charged them, remarking that 44 A jury
that could hear such evidence as had
been adduced, without bringing in a
verdict of guilty was e disgrace to Brit-
ish justice."
—A rather serious accident occurredat •
She village of Doon,about five o'clock 071
Friday efening. It seems that one
Robert Thompson, who is employed as
packer by J. Z. Detweiler, miller, was -
out shooting in the afternoon, and on
returning to the mill Iaid the gun down
out of the way while he attended. to
some other busbies. A young man
named Isra.el Detweiler, nephew of 3.
Z. Detweiler, happened. to pass by the
gun, and although cautioned to let it
alone he picked it up and was a,bout
going into the mill, when by some cause
unknown the gun was discharged. and
the full charge entered under his right
jaw, breaking his teeth and causing '
considerable pain. Some of the shot
went its far as the eye. Dr. Ilowlby, of
Berlin, was summoned and dressed. the -
young maxi's wounds. He is doing as
well as can be expected mule; the cir-
—,A. person who up to the present
has occupied -a, respectable position in
society in London, being a. respectable
merchant, wa&arrested. in that city on
Friday morning, on a charge of abstraot-
ing certain sures of money from the till
of the St Nicholas restaurant. It ap-
pears that for several days be had, been
in the habit of going into the bar each
morning for a drink of rum and nailk,
and while the bartender was obliged. to .
ge into the dining -room behind for the
milk, the accused Would abstract a
small quantity of -coin from the till.
On the morning -in question he was
caught in the act, and confessed that he
had on three other •DeCaSiOUS done -the
same thing. The accused pleaded
guilty When brought before the Police
Magistrate, and was sentenced to one
month's imprisonment, Inextannatien
of the offence it is urged by the friends
of the accused that he has not been en-
tirely sound in his mind since an acci-
dent which occurred to him some
months since.