The Huron Expositor, 1878-10-18, Page 1_ 7 — 1878. ferried, SG.Dal rods. Mt lime over the eoutward door and. xes and bar:re1s. ey has purehased. 11," in Logan, and rig it up for whataa s of Millbank. leas, Le position -a fourth High Sch001, at a • num. `of the taws' of Ste completed. There L of nearly $100,000 ssessment. enging to Mr.Wady, ays ago, fell into a. ter and WW1 so se - it died in a few mperance eltib olding a seriee of luring the coming these meetings was pig, belonging to = d. on the fair ground, ' effects of the drive , very stet, and be- d before reaching , died shortly after suffocated by its. of various 'Hilda of ; for the purpose of tory dimes in the eligious or seeular is a "honey social" ethodist Episcopal one evening this. CALL & CO, , ONTARIO. and Dealers in adS' Only. UGALL & 00.. Assortment of all the n Cloths for a Pirate de 3 invited to Geer Fall isting in part as fel- Vorsted Coatings, Torsted Coatings, tssinteres, It itings, awazngs, n Suiting, 4Litings. =Jatest Novelty in the ve5y handsome when •1.e for this Salting is elack. uble-Breastal Sack this Fall sre in favor this season ears, owing to the fact Among the Young 'of the more advance&. he idea of not wearing made from a variety of ' , a Goods — Diagonel ;heelss and Plain Goods. there is a Mcfrkict the Style of Goods, Fancy Stripere the nobby trade. I new featere in the over s high roll. >e very deair Ede for our • jt and Caps: hand all the latest novel-, an Hats. slebrated Chrisity Hats in t Free Trade and Protecs • leading styles 61 the day. - w the Latest IVoi.ieUi8. ;Its' Furnishings. -ge assortment of Gents' retailing just to hand, in medium, and outside sizes. Shirts a Specialty. Gs= McDOUG.A.LL & Co. •"" ELE V ENTH YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER, 567. SEAFORTH, FRIDAY 'OCTOB/ER 18, 1878. k. McLEAN BROS., Publinhers. $1.50 a Year, in Advance. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. - Toss SALE.—Niee Building Lots in Egmond- ville, a little west of the new church. Prices - reasonable. Terms very liberal.. Apply to A. ARMITAGE, Seaforth. 560 _ pliOPERTY FOB, SALE --Or Sale, that con- venient and desirable residence on the corner of High and Market Streetii, lately oeettpied by Da„ Vereoe. Apply to DR. VERCOE. 988 _ VARM FOIL SAT,1•1.—West half of Lot 2, in the 1at concession of Hallett, eontaining 50 acres of excellent land, all cleared. Terms to suit pur- chaser. Apply to MIL; 14thPI1 THOMPSON, Huron Road, MeKillop. 550x8 VARA FOR SALE. -1 -For Sale, a splendid farm -/: of 100 acres, composed of Lot No. 21, in the 12th concession of the weeniship of Hallett. Terms easy. Apply to CHARLES MORROW, Box 51, Clinton P. 0. 553 FSALE.—For Sale a. first Class Planing •A-: Mill, nearly new and in gooa running order, situated in the flourathing Town of iSeaforth, Will be sold cheap. Terms easy. Enquire of SECORD, COSSENS & eq., Goderich1'AIt FOE , Ont. SALE.—For Sale, LotNo. 5-1.3ay- , field Concession, Goilerieh Tov,-nship, con- taining 85 acres, 50 of whieli are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. ,The farm is adjoining the village of Hayfield, and will be sold cheap and on favorable terms. Apply to the proprietor, JOHN. GOVENLOCK. 1524 ' VCR SALE CHEAP. —is the ownetk•is,iaving the Country, a House and Lot ir04lie village of Harparhey. Frame dwelling, withell rooms; a large garden filled with fruit trees a all des- criptions '• good well and cellar. Appl# to THOS. WINN.E, on the premises, or to A. STRONG, Land Agent, Seatorth. 551 14-'AILII FOR, SALE.—Being nortn half of Lot 31, in the 5th Concession, East Wamanosh, 100 aeres, good soil, well watered, good frame barn 56x86, good stable and shed 1826, 8,3 mires cleared, good:house and -orehat d, good w.ell and pump. Apply, to jrillES MURRAY, on the place, or to Westfield P. 0. 5546 611:10IGE F.11.1441- FOR SALE—Being Lot -4, Con. 7, Hullett, County of Harlin; 100 aces; 80 cleared, well anderdritined, mud in a good state of cultivation; bnildingF, couvenient and. gOod ; terms easy. For further particulars app.y to Messrs. MeC AU Cr TIE & IIOLMESTED, Seaforth, or on the premises to WM. E. COLDWELL. Con- • stance P. O. - _ . tjALUABLE FARM FOIL SALE.—Por V - the east half of Lot.No.. 4, Cim. 4, 11. Tuckersmith, County of Iltu•on,: consisting acres, Oli hales from the •Town of Seaforth coaverdent to school. Tho land id of the best quality. For further particulars app SAMES P1CKA.RD, opposite the promises, Egmonclville P.O. WARM FOIL SA.LE.--7-For Sale, Lot 14, C Hallett, containiug 100 acres, 80 of whic -1155 LS., If 50 and very Ly to r to )24 - u. 7, • tire - cleared and free from t7ta1irips. Ihere is airame- dwelling house with stone cellar underneath also frame barn aud stable. Plenty of good water and a email orchard... Is withal six-aud-a-lialf of Clinton and about 9 mile); -from Seaforth. Ap- ply at THE EXPOSITOR Office, Settforth. 5-2.8 • „. .- VALUA.13LE keens e01,1 SALE.:—For Y Lot 2a, Con, 8, Hibbort, containing 100 acres, 85 of -which are cleared and free 14a stumps ; there is a log dwelling house, ao:goodh frame barn tiad stables, plenty of water and a gobd orchard; • is within 7.i miles of 'Seaforth„ For further par- • . Oculars apply on the p•refuises to WM. -ABli,..111- HAUT, or by letter to Setiforth Po 0. 542 ARM FOR SALE.—For Salo, West half 4fLot •ng wca o: a The ;Bay ad. Show:: Stanley Brench Agricultural Society held their annual fall exhibition at the village of Bayfield, on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. The show was considered by all to be thebed ever held under the auspices of the Society, Indeed, the exhibit in horses, cattle, sheep and pigs was large, comprising in quality quantity and verietyeof classes all that could be desired t� meke a local show e success. ,The show of cattle and sheep was especially worthy of mention, there being no' fewer than 57 entries in the fornaer and 5Q in the latter. The horse ring attracted mucli attention, the exhibit there being of a high order, competition strong, and the work of the judges a • troublesome task. The inside department of the show was held in the drill shed where a large and attractive exhibit:, of the various articles was neatly displayed. A large crowd of visitors took adva,ntage of the pleasure of viewina°the hall on Thurs- day. In fact; it isbelieved there never was a larger crowd at the shew in Bay- field before, and the energetic; and obliging officers and clirecteee of the So- ciety may congratulate themselves with having one of the best, if not the, best, of the local shows in this section thi,s year. Annexed is the PRIZELIST HEAVY PRATIGITT HORSES. — Brood mare, Cha. Tough. Three year old gelding, lst Chas. Tough, 2d J. Nichol- son. Two year old gelding, lst J. Nic- holson, 2d Ches. Tough. One year old gelding, Jae. Armstrong. One year old filly. Edward McLean. Spa rs working horses, Wm. Eliott. 7, Com 16, township of Grey, con am acres, 42 of which are cleared, balance hare 'rbere is on the premises a frame house, barn and stable, and. a goo.d young bearin • ard. The above property is only two rnllci goodgravel road. aucl 5iani1es from Brussels.; pos- session this fall, For farther particulars a, ply to C. E. COOPER; Brasses, or D. CAMPBELL, oo the premises, Walton P. 0. 551 • TJA.RGE FARM- F011 SALE. --For Sale, Lot Li and half of Lot V, Concession 13, Hullett, con- taining 225 acres of land, 130 acres .cleared and steady free from stainvo the balance is heavily timbered with beech, maple, elm and. bashwood, and islirst-class, not having been culled.; there ea acres in fall wheat, 80 acres newly seeded . • down and is a good catch; thalami is of the fines,b quality, being a rich clay loom, ; the land. lays a . little rolling., but not hilly ; it is watered by a never failing s.pring ereek ; , there are three and half:acres of a young orehard, with apples, pears, plums, peaches and. eherries juet begianing to boar; the buildings are large and commodieus- ; the barn is 5860, and is nearly new ; the tithing house and stable is 40x60, and is also new; the house is 'a large two2story frame, with good atone cellars under the whole buildiug, and is filled- be- tween studding with lime and gravel; the fibrin is sitpated 10 miles from Seaforth, 12 from Clinton and 6 from Londesborough; there is a good gravel road frora the plaee to all the above markets; • • in half there isa school house and.pest office a a mile a, good. part of the purchase mo Tetuan on mortgage long enough to ma of the plaee.• TII01AS _ATKINSON, I larlock Post Office. 567 ey can , it out ESTRAY STOCK.. ESTRAY HEE P.—Came into the pre' the undersigned. Lot 25, Cioncessioa 1 ersmith, on. or about September 37, a d The owner can have the same on proving ty and Paying charges. SAMES PATTI Brueefield Post Office. item of Tuck - y Ewes proper- RSON, 567x4 • —. • 't GENERAL POEPOSE.—Brood mare; lst A. Sparks, 2d Wm. Sherritt. Three year - old. gelding, .A.- Sparks. Three- year-old filly, A. Speaks. • Two-year-old gelding, lee E. Johnson, 2,d Wm. Mc-. Clinelly. :Two-year-old :filly, lst Jos. Bueliee, 2d,A. Campbell. One -year-old gelding, lst John Armstrong'2d Robt. Reid:: One -year-old filly, lst A. Foster. 2d. Min Peek. Speu Of working horses, jas..-0oWie.1 CanitiAGL.HonsEs.--;-Span of carriage horses, lst D. McBiden, 2d R. J. Turn- er. Bugg n horse, lst T. 'M. Elliott, 2d. A. M. Cardpbell. - _Treanot:0111111ED CATTLE.—Covrt A. El - Oat. Bull calf, A. -Elcoat. GRADE Cairn- i.—COW, lst Jas. Cowie, 2d Robt. ,Reid. Two-year-old heifer, let Geo. Sparks, 2d. Jas. -Lindsay. One- year -old heifer, 1st J. Snider, 2d A. El - coat. Yoke three-year-old steers, D. Wilsoe. Yoke two-year-old ethers, lst A. Elwell, 24 D. 'Wilson. Yoke nue- year-old steers, 1st Geo. Sparks; 2d R. Turner. A. Vomit Wilson, 2 Geo. Wes calf, -1st Yoke working oxen, E, Westlake. . melons, lst W. Woods, 2d A. Haacke. 1 class in Arithmetic, Water melo is, lst Wm. Townsend, 2d to understand thorou 1 F. Woods. Beans, lst W. Townsend, the meeting adjourne 2d J. Manson. Large tomatoes, lst Dr.- At the appointed ti Woods, 2d 14.-mccgun. Small tomatoes, took 'up the subject o lst A. Ilaan1e,'2d F. Woods. handled it in a maun MANUTIO#RES.— Ten yards white reputation which he flannel, lst Mrs. Stokes, 2d D. McBrien. led us to expect. In Ten yards &Pored. flamiel, lst Jas. Arm- believe he might ha strong, 2d Mrs. Stokes. Ten yards fac- other, he gave as hi tory cloth,. st Mrs, Stokes, 2d. J. Arm- Slowly." While it ii strong. Te yards of satinette, John hag to teachers, and. McKinley. Pair woolen blankets, lst been extremely so to D. McBrien„ 2d -Jas. Pratt. Skein of rent, yet space forbid woolen yarn, lst Mrs. T. Cameron, 2d I will only say that t Mrs. Stokes, Skein of stocking yarn, missed Dr. McLellan Mrs. Stokes„ Pair of fine boots, lst R. Cluff, 2d R. Cluff. Pair of coarse boots, lst and2d.]3 C. Stra,uebe C. Strauebe men of coo Arm strong. TIII,..YED..—Strelyeal from the premise of the undersigned, Lot 24, Con. 4, township of Hay, about the first of Attie, a red heifer one year old with one broker, horn, a white spot on forehead. and some white spots on her hip. The Ander will be suitably rewaraed MRS. BERRY, Hensall, P. 0, 507-4 f , ^ VSTRAY COW.—gtrayed, about the 425th of -1-4 June, a small liglat red cow, haviug etr eyed frcita Dublin on the above • date. Any person giving information that will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded, and any one retaining her after the cate of this notice will be prosecut - ed wording to law. THOMAS KIPD. 567-2 - TRAYED 011 STOLEN.— S ed or Stolen ''-' from the premises of the eabseriber Lot 10, Con. 6-'rey, on or about Oct. 9i a team o horses, one a dark, bay, and the other a sorel wi h white face and white hind feet, aged. Auy pe son giv- ing suell information as will -lead to t eir re- covery, will be suitably lea arded. HOMER LEAVENS, Bruesels P. O. 567x1 . Cluff. Set double harness, . Set buggy harness, lst , 2(1 T. Cameron. Speci- er's work, lst aud 2c1 James Specimen of cabinet work, lst W. Morriscm, 2ds G. Gennminhardt. LADiES' -Wene.--,-Tatting, lst Mrs. K. Weston, 2d Iles. Jessie Tough. Crochet '1; work, lst 1‘ rs. Turner, 2d Miss Peck. Embroidery in muslin, lst. Mrs. Thos. Fraser, 2d. rs. McCleuchey. Embroi- dery7 in wor ted, Mrs. T. Fraser. Em- broidery in silk, Mrs. T. Fraser. Fancy Braiding, 1 t Mrs. Stokes, 2d Miss R. f Watson. !cad. work, Miss M. E. Wood. Quilt in pa, ;eh work, lst Mrs. R. Elliott, 2d Mrs Sto es. Fariey quilt, lst Miss M. E. W(iocl, 2d Miss Watson. Log cabin quilt let Miss Stevens, 2d. Mrs. 1 -Wm. Baket. Gent's linen shirt, Mrs. ' nt's fancy flannel shirt, Mrs. in hand sewieg,Mrs. Stokes. iss Simpson. Berlin wool st Miss Maggie Gardiner, 2d at ox or steer,. 1st and 2d Fat cow or heifer, lst D. A. Sparks. Bull _calf,. lst on, 2d Jas. Armstrong. Heifer leo.' Green, 2(1 J. If. Elliott. • . WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED- — Wa reediately, a housekeeper. The wages to .a competent person. APPLY t.•-' HATT, Seaforth. TEACHER, WANTED.—Wanted for t A third Class certificate. Duties to e women e eter Public School a female teache COTSWOLD SHEEP.—Ram, lst John Walker, 2c1 Robt. Snowden. Shearling ram, John McKinley. Ram lamb, lst H. Love, Sr., 2d R. Pealiale. Pair of ewes, lst II. Love, Sr., 2(1. J. Walker. Pair shearling ewes, lst :J. Foster, 2d Jas. Well. Pair ewe lambs, lst John Armstrong, 2d. Jas. 'Wells. . -LEICESTER SHEEP.—Aged rana, 1st' 3„ Foster, 9d E. Westlake. Shearling ram, II. Love i Sr. t lst J 'hier shea ling Elea t. 2d Jas.\ Elcoat, 2 PIGS. Poste e 2 breed), sa. months, G. Sparks. Boar, large breed, six months or ender, lst J. II, roarer', 2d G. Sparks. Sow, large breed, six months or under, G. Sparks. Boar, Srn,oll breed; aged, Wm. Johnson. Sow, small breed, aged, lst 3. H. Pear - en, 2d W. Johneon. Boar, small breed, under six months, lst J. II. Peszen, 2a J-. Cowie. Sow, small breed, six months or under J. H. Peeren. i DAIRY PRODUCE.—Teniad salt butter, lst Mrs. Stokes, 2d Mrs. J. McMillan. 'Twenty-five lbs salt butter, lst Mrs. D. IMeBrinc, 2(3. Mrs. Stokes. Ten tbs of sea int - highest JAMES 567 e Virox- holding first january. Applicationa to befor, the undersigned. CrlilOILGE GIIISO., eter. carded to , Wrox, 567 IMPORTANT NOTICE t. OTICE.—I hereby motrn all oarties ing or attaching any vaitiewhatever 15th'en by nie to laraee Turner, of as I have received no value fhr it. '1, LOGAN, Brucefield. flED AR POS1 S FOR SALB.—For 5 261-Coneession 6, Morn, 008 111110 f sels, atik queastity of cedar posts, eit by the acre. Apply to ALEX. BOB Opposite Leyden's Hotel, MeKillop. -WARM TO RENT.—To Rent, Lot 9, -2- 7, McKilltip, containing 100 memo 8 are cleared, well fenced, under good .c i.tnd free frorM font weeds ; there" are g; Inge, plenty of iateri and convenient t i•••••• rom buy - to a note rueefield, "ILLIA.M 56'7x2 le, on Lot •oni Bras- er mit or 'ILTSON, 567 Jove, Sr. Rain lamb, lst H. 24 James Wells. Pair ewes, Talker, 2d J. H. Peeren. Pair ewes, let Dalgety, 2a A. Pair ewe lambs, lst AeElcoat, ells. Pair fat sheep, lst A. H. Love, Sr. Boar, large breed, aged., lst J. J. H. Elliott. Sow, large Stokes. Stokes. P1 Wax freit, work, flat, Miss Woo ls. Berlin wool work, raised, lst Miss de Strauble, 2d Miss Mary Morgan. piaci]. drawing. MiSs Irwin. Pair wool u socks, lst and 2(1 Mrs. Stokes. air woolen stockings, 1st Mrs. Stokes, 2d Mrs. John McMillan. Pair cotton eto kings. lst Mrs. E. Talbot, .Mis. _Joh McMillan. Pair -woolen mitts, 1st nd 2d Mrs. Stokes. Boquet of flowers, large, let Miss I. Woods, 2d Miss Homan. Boquet of &mere, small, lst MiSS a, Woods,- 2d. Miss Haacke. Nes.— Lumber wagon, irou ntelon & Bro. Single buggy, ;on & Bro. Covered buggy II. Centel & Bro. 'Iron plow, I. J. Fisher & Co: Chilled plow, John Nop-• per. Gan plow, I. J. Fisher iSz Co. One hors drill, cultivator or scuffier, W. W. Cowan. Set horse slapee ham- tensely masculine, mered, n.(4 polished, David Cullen. in sorne finer touch , SPECIALS.— Motto ill silk. lst .Mrs. not as though he Stokes, 21 Miss Gardiner. Tee coseye, pupils, but aS f Mrs. -Beech. Antique work, Miss Mag..' closed a fuse .disco er. Meh's pants, Mrs. Stokes. recitation. The IsireEm axle, 11. H. Conte hich he seemed hly, after which until 1:30 p. ra. e, Dr. McLelia,n Arithmeticeand such. as the high iears -would. have his subject, and. I e added, in any motto "Hasten as very interest- wdeld also have ny intelligent pa - me to say more; ose teachers who s address missed a treat. Mr. McFaul, of Seaforth, next took up third. class Al of the pFoblems itt showed hula to be at ject. Dr. McLellan ebra, and disposed e manner which home in tint sub- ollowed. again on the subject of Algebi a, and. gave smile very useful informa ion, and. I think that most students who have been studying in prisrate would come to the conclusion:that it as a hard task to keep up with the tr ohs of the trade. At 5 p. m. we edjou ned to meet in the town hall at 7:30, to listen to a lecture{ from Dr. McLellan with music by the P of Brussels. Short13 ed time, the meeting by the President, an by an excellent pie McLellan then iutr of Reading and ga hints on the teachi portant subject, ace illustrations. The - story 'teller, perspic teresting ; his °pith apparent care and t ed. The gist of tl may be summed. up teachers should fit dant practice for t their profession, ai have but one opp their children, t have them pursue hind the times, or er who does not me After the address teachers, some me by the choir, when t and gave a lecture educational topics. with wit, and bun quence ; it was li through its water , butter ir ' Mrs. D. tory pri , Home - Son, 2a G nAIN oncession of which Itivation od. build - Markets, being 7 miles -from Seaforth will be =tad for a term of years; it 19 within f; 80 rods of good acihool. Apply on Lot 16, Cbneession •3. TIM- OTHY RYAN. - --- 567x4 fAMLAMBS fOB SALt.,—For SaLe,auam ber of Well-brediLeielister Ram La bs ; they were bred from a, ihorottghbred priz ram and „ well bred ewes. Alsq: splendi roughbred two-year-oId rann- this sheep too Prize at the Coanty show last year; alui have their choice. Apply on Lot Mon" 2, London Road Survey, Ta IIIICHAEL` HEFFERNAN- • the first urchasers 2, Cone es- kersmith. 567 prints,lst - Mrs.G-. Sparks, -d cBrin.e. Cheese in ade on .fac 7 ciplee lst and 2a J. Tough, ade breed, lst Mrs. E. Robin- rs. J. McKinley, AND SEEDS. — White winter .-wheet; lst and 2d, ' Ches. Tough. Any ether kuid evieter wheat, lst J. Lind- sey, 2a J. MCKinley.. Fife wheat, J. Wild 2d C. Tough. .Red chaff wheat, - lst C. Tough, 2(1.A. Sparks. Any other kind sealing wheet W„ Campbell. . Two - reeved erley, C. -Tough. . Four -rowed ir barley, .lst Cr.- Sparks, ed C. Tough. White eats, lst C. Tough, 2d 0. Green. Black ontS. lst G. Sparks, 2c1 C. Tough. Large Peas, C. Tough. Small peas. A. Haackel. Timothy peed, John Manson. Corn, 1St N. 'Mossearn .2(1 j. Wild.' . . PllEIT.—Apples,•four varieties, five of each, lit ' J. Eggleeon, 2d T. Tough, 3d T. Elliett. . Collection of apples, five of each ;variety, lst 0. Sparkseal J. -Wells, 3d. J., Tough.- Pears, four varieties, five of 0a -ch J. Wild. Peaches, lst E. Rob- inson, •• d A. Hatteke. Grapes, lst Geo. t West() , 2d. J. Wild.. . ' Vece. ABLES.—EArly potatoes, lst J. Wild., 2a J. Spreadberey. Lona red field matgol - s, lst Ws Woods, 2d J5'. Walker. Yellow globe field mangolds, G. Sparks. Late. potatoes, lst j. Eggleeon, 2d Alex. Sparks , Beets, lst A. Haacke, 2,a W. w,o0as1 . Cabbages, lst A. Haacke, .2d R. Bailee-, :Cauliflower, R. Bailey, . Car- rots, lst W. Woods, 2d 3. Tough. ' Par- snips, 1st Dr. Woods, 2,d -W, Woods. Punapkine; lst W. Townsendaeal C. Wild. Squashes, lst F. Woods, 2d A. -Haacke. . Large English potato onions, Dr. Woods. Cenadien potato onions, lst A. --itiacke, 2d J. Lindsay. - Other onions, lst A: Haack°, 2d W. Woods. Field turnips, lst C. Wagner, 24 Alex. 'Sparks. - Field carrots,. lst J. Campbell, 2d W. Woods. White . celery, lst A. Haaeke, 2d, H. McCa,nn. . Red celerY, lst H. McCann, - 2d A. Haacke. Citrons, lst J. Armstrong, 2d ;G. W estop. Musk aie Garth 3s. Ladies', Boy's dre Miss Mo M. E. W son. Ne der clothing, Mrs. Stokes. singing G-od Save t s, Mrs. Stokes. Worsted tidy, day at 9 o'clock gan. . Phantom basket, Miss gave a running cm )od. Rag mat, Mrs. R. Wat- He gave some exce tine, Mrs. Wm. Peck. Goats, who were getting a. Stanbs ry. :Rabbits, lst J. Gardiner, interesting to the 2d C. Ga diner. Carriage yokes, James readers., Mr. A Armstrone. Neck yokes, James Arm- third class Gram of Wingham, gave a criticism on our one day last week. He was Readers, and reed very interesting pa- horse and cart, the herse bee per of a nondescrpt character. The cued at a passing train and Rev. P. Musgrave, of McKillop, gave an sudden bound. caught the b address on "How to Teach Morals in the end of the shaft and the School." He .ve y properly ridiculed. station building. The sb aft the idea of teaching them from -a -textbook. the chestpiercing him almos strong. 'Lade, h Specime apples, ,Stokes. Red peppers, A. Haacke. Dr. Wood:s. Honey in jar, a Armstrong, 2,1 Mrs. Talbot. lorses, W.. Peck, Bread, lst , 2,d. Mrs. J. McKinley. Green erlin wool flowers, Miss Peck. nd made, Miss J, Woods. darning; Mrs. Stokes. Crab eo. Sparks.. Chemise, Mrs. Rhubarb lst - jam Span of Robins() a bank head. foremost, and str box protecting a spring, disloca neck, causing instant death. —The sixth fire since spring ted an important portion of Po housie'on Wednesday night la —A boy named. Robinson fell cistern in St. Catharines on S His mother, in running to hi. tance, fell and broke her leg, b aged to reach the cistern and little fellow out. —A Miss Williams, at a me the Toronto Teachers' Associati on • Saturds.y last, delivered a on the subject of "Hygiene," i she condemned the use of tobse ing destructive to the system, physically and mentally. • 1 en, a ed his evasta- Dl- week. hate a turday. aseis- men- aw the •tin of n, held lect e • which 6 as be• •:orally, which he took as if he had. chewed all his life. By this time a large crowd of people had assembled, and by the united. effort of the multitude, pushing the animal from behind, khe was re- luctantly forced. down the gangway and ineo the ferry boat, by which he was conveyed safely home. —Last Friday • morning, a servant giel in the Queen's Hotel, iPalmerston, named. Janie Knowles, died very sud- d4nIy. She complained of feeling ill, and in twenty minutes afterward was a corpse. Au inquest was held, but no evidence as to the cause of leer death could. be found. Levius Milford, of Elizabeth- town, has an apple tree planted by his andfather in 1771. The tree coin- enced to yield fruit in 1786, and has elded ever since. There is quite a vest of apples on the aa centenarian is year. This is probably the oldest ee bearing fruit in Caua,da. —A large and very flourishing settle- ent being made on the north bank o the south branch of the Saskatche- . g —The Peterborough Town Council have passed a by-law to repeal the by- y law adopting the Dunkin Act• in the h , town of Peterborough. The T wn t Clerk has been authorized. to su mit t the by-law to the vote of the rte - payers, which cannot be done till Des i cember 6th. —One of the most successful sho s of the season was the annual exh biti n of and to be regaled the South Riding of Waterloo Agr cul- ilharmonic Society tural Society, held at Galt on he Oth after the appoint. was called to order proceedings began es of music. Dr. deiced the subject and llth insts. There were over 2,000 entries. The show in general has far serpassed that of any prededing Year, both in point of display and attend - an, ten miles below St; Laurent Miss ld families of Manitoba, While a few petty belonged to B. LaWrI113011, jacket, patent , leather shoes, Alpine shaped hat. Any011e giving informa- tion that shall secure him to his friends in Woodstock will be handsomely re- warded. They are aneiously awaiting his appearance. —Early lad Friday morning a valu- able horse was taken from the stable of Mr. McMahon, M. P. P„, in Dundee. The thief was captured. near Copetown. the same day, and the horse was found in a barnyard close by. —The man tried and acquitted at Winnipeg the other day on charge of stealing a, coat has commenced an ac- tion against Lieut. -Governor Cauchon for defamation Of character. The damages are laid at $5,000. —The death is announced of Dr. McAlpine, of Ekfrid, well known throughout the western portion of this country. He was at one time editor of the Glencoe Transcript and. afterwards held a position on the Great Western Railway. —A fire occurred at St George last Saturday morning, by -which e driving - shed said barn, rented. by Xr. Crysler, 3 3: e'en. Many of the eettlers are of the were burned to the ground..The pro- ' • re from Ontario.. The laud is -of the Esq, The fire. is sapposed to have - ery finest quality, with an abundance been caused by children playing with ;$3 ,•.;'1 it 7e f good wood and water. matches. A valuable democrat wagon _ =s, e —A brakesman named. Archibald was lost Iogg, whose run lay between Hamilton —Mr. D. Guiles an old. resident of ance. ed Kincardine on the Wellington, Bruce County, died. suddenly on the 6th e•\,•:7 . e some excellent --A dilassina accident tools plate at rey and Bruce railway, svas accident- inst. Deceased was at work that day • g of this very im- Dorchester, by which a little boy tilly killed on Wednesday evening of and. seemed to be in his usual health, mpasaied by several named Jones, while playing with in- att week by being struck on the head when he was called suddenly away. r. is an eicellent other child, amusing therusels es rght- vhen passing under the railway bridge He formerly o'vnied. alarm in Kincar- e - s •r• etween Galt and Preston while -walk- dine township, but sold_ out and bought ug on the top of the cars. • a residence in town, where he and his - se , —The nude body of a Man, evidently family residedat the time of his -death. , . ot a sailor from appearance, with head —A new pest has developed on some , es ,- - evered, was washed ashore last Friday farms in the vicinity of Galt, It takes ! Is online at the mouth of Silver Creek, the shape of a disgusting beetle or bug, i .. es a.bout half an inch long, which has t ,, ous, lively and in- Mg matches, set fire to his clothm ns are formed. with burnt his breast, neck, hands, • nd t mperately express- tion of his body in a fearful ma e whole discourse Slight hopes of his recovery e e as follows: That tabled. hemselves by con- —Two distinct diseases are e arduous duties of amongst horses in the neighb d that as parents Paris. The one proving m rtunity to educate shows its first syMptonas in y cannot afford to and heaviness of spirits and course of study be- of the chest. The other is att taught by a teach- inordinate thirst, but is not erstand his work. alarming, as it has been s on reading, to the treated. e music wad given —A telegram from Stele> e Dr. resumed work the gratifying news that Mr. to the audience on Arthur, of Lobd, has taken al This was replete ors at the State Fair on his ed. with tugged elo- Berkshire pigs. This is the e a 'ver rushing in seven years a Canadian ha il Worn hannel—in- the sweepstakes prize at this nd yet not wanting fair. Mr. McArthur is to be s. He told. his tale lated on his great success. vas teacher and WE/ —A German bricklayer's iend to friends; and named John nadir, died. of use by a beautiful in Toronto on Monday mo ¶.d Mi closed by all met with an accident some and por- nen ter - rev lent rho a. of st fatal dullness swelling nd.ed by onsidered ccesSfully 's rings A. Mo- thehop; ly of time • 18 San rst re eived elebrti,ted congratn- assistant, star ation inn vee e Queen. On Fri- and was confined to bed. H s wi m., Mr. Turnbull also recently taken ill and mautary on Milton. the whole family of four gut advice -to these up Literature—very n, but not to your heson followed on ar. Mr. Ferguson, ilteraily starving. The m would not allow him to mak tion known. —A young lad in Toro Owen Gleeson met with aho Gave a humorous school days, and beans. D. Woods. . - a very sensible . JUDGES. substance of his Horse • —James Forrest, Stanley ; D. teacher -should dis McIntosh., Brucefield. ; John Torrence, that manner whic -Varna. ducive to their mo Cattle, Sheep and Pigs.—James Big- a vote of thanks to i gins anc M. Smith, Stanley ; Neil I the meeting with Mathes° 1, Clinton. • Grain,Seeds and Dairy Produce. --j. = , - - C B. Secorp. and Wm. Luker, Varna; Jas. Mr. S. Arthur, Thomsoe, Bayfield. raised a squash, w - Ladieq' Work.—Mrs. Geo. McDonald, 1 —It is propose Stanley . Mrs. Dr. Stanbury and Miss , hams in the etre 1 . 1 ' King, Ih yfielcl. score of economy. Maim actures.—Wm. Logan and Jas. • 1 —Mr. T. H. i S truth ei s, Bayfield. ; orator, is laborin Fruit. F• Woods, 13ayfield ; Thomas i Kincardine. No 'oderich Township. . signed. : the pledg ents.—Thos. Lavin, Clinton ; I —Diphtheria o new, Blake ; Robt. Fulton, Eg- attacked quite a e. . Ship of Wihnot, Marks, Imple Wm. Ac mondvi Tel To the Sin, the Nor was hel llth of ers pres bave occurred. . e • °biers in_ Con.vention. - i —Proclamatioi ditor of ,the II Limn, :Expositor. .i: 1 cla.ring that the According to previous notsce, i -Wingham shall r Lb Huron Teachers' Association ; after the 6th of J at Brussele, on the 10th and —Sense Ameri etober. - The number of teach- • up their quarte nt was very large, (about 70,) 1 catching' bullfrog • meeting was One of the most , quantities to Ne‘ a,ccount of his early the back. Death was meta reated the subject in —IIanlau commenced ' anner indeed. The career early in life. In t ecture was that the Co/onist of Sept. 9th, 1.860, the pllow- —Mr. James P. Glass, ormer y- a, (seam . 0 ipline his pupils in ina parag,raph occurs : ' A Young clerk in the store of Messrs. Collins, —On Tuesday of last week a, passen- ed that a er on the express west from Montreal, • • • mc ave n's his to ribl dri me frigh t - making a y between walll of the penetrated threugh to tameious. is heating e Toronto 1181 ear Port Bruce. The body is sup- iosed to have been in the -water about a proved very destructive to pumpkm math, and was so badly decomposed vines and the pumpkins themselves. hat. Coroner MeLay could not say On some farms these vegetables have hether the head was knocked 'off by been utterly deetroyed by the pests. A the boom of some vessel_ or with some most offensive odor is emitted. by this • sharp instrumeiet bug. —By the gale which Swett over the —On Wednesday morning of last ' Ottawa District last week; the Chau- week Mrs. James Clarke, of Protestant diere lumber merchants have suffered Hill, near Port Hope arose as well as to a greater extent than was at first au usual, and ate her blreakfast, done up ticipated. Large quantities of sawn her 4ork, and went into the garden to lumber were blown into the river, and, dig potathee for dinner, and when re- floating down, was lost the owners,. turning into the house at about 830, most of it having been picked up by dropped dead. A. medical gentleman lumber pirates before i could be re- -WaS called, who pronounced. t'lier death covered. caused by heart disease. The deceased. —One evening last week Rev. Father was about 70 Years of age. Wadel, Parish Priest at Cayuga, 'who is —In his sermon 013. Sabbath morning another parish, last, Dean Gressett, of Toronto, depre- een 300 and.400 cated the practice of rennin,/ after fa - .e. testant friends, vorite prea,chers, and of liking scene th an address ministers better than others. All n upwards of preachers should be Estelle& to with. the an replied in same respect, and their words as am- bassadors of Christ shoull 'be equally acceptable. The above was probably prompted by the tact that Rev. W. S. Rainsford has returned. --Miss Louisa Sturdy, who wasteland U,)' of being an'accomplice with her 111 Ile about to be removed to s ago was evaited -upon by bet e was a hid Catholic and Pr then who presented him w been and purse said to cent pride $150. The rev. gentle ondi- =ed. death jng a feeling and eloquent t rine, expressing his sorrow at his forced. departute from amongst them. --Dunkin McInenzile; brought to Montreal from Winnipeg, where he was almost blown to pieces on the Pad& Railwey by a nitro-gly erine accident, father M the abduction of a young lady was admitted. to the General Hospital, at Guelph about a year ago, is to be re - where his leg was a-mputated. He lost leased. at the aspiration of one year in both eyes as well as hi nose in the ac- the Penitentiary. Her release has S4 cident, and now he is epriv;ed. of one been granted in consequence of a peti- leg. Ile is a native • of Nova Scotia, • tion from the citizens of Guelph re - and was a foreman on the railway questing that she be discharged. They works: _ had always tonsidered her more sinned . • th sinning should be inost con- -al well-being. After he speaker, he closed reefer. • nad.a. f Wilmot, this year ich weighec1113 lbs. to cut off all the gas Navigater.—We are infer young child named Edward years of age, will to -day, w naitting, row across the bay boat, starting from the Isla three o'clock—the first weather is ssuitable. He the market wharf." —The Quebec- detectives as of Quebec on the asked to keep a look -out W. Angell, formerly Seere eConkey, temperance Pullman's Palace Car Co !with great success in left Newark, New Jersey, fewer tban 350 have ago, and is charged with ro amount of $120,000. Ang a virulent type has quently visited. Quebec, an numb& in tb.e town- by a number of people th nd &number of deaths very gentlema,ely in man pearance, and about forty y s have beou issued de- An officer of the compan illages of Oshawa and in Quebec on the look -out f nk as towns on and —A. shocking occurrence nuary next. ' in the township of Keppell ans who have taken morning in an attempt of r s at Rice Lake, are young Man named James and. sending them in brother Isaac Arnold. Th and the York marliet. of the deed lay in evai successlul ever held in the County. A.; —Twelve sun( red head of cattle and brother on a road that he most attractive programme wag an- three thousand f ve hundred. sheep were and shot him in the back. nounce , and as far astime would permit, forsvarded from Toronto for English ea man lies in a very ,ditng carried out to the satisfaction of all I markets on Wed present , The meeting was opened with . of last week. a few (Anted remarks from tne 1 reen —A. bear -wei niing 460 pounds was " fore the •Alagistrates at 0 dent, e. Dewar, which no doubt were killed • within a mile of Petrolia last committed to Owen Soma sade a nuisanceof him- trial. by destroyingcrops in —Diphtheria mad typho been committing serious r in named Patrick O's New Hamburg Mr. Job lleyille a few days ago, a daughter of Mr. Daniel used by a nail in the. was working for him, wer Kincardine, some time ago went to Austin, Neva,da, where he occupied. a similar position. He has lately entered into business in the dry goods line on his own hook, and. is feverably. spoken of by the press of Austin. This is an example of what it is possible to aCC0331- plish by industry, ecoonly and perse- verance. —A horse belonging to Mr. Thomas Weir, 2nd. concession, Huron, met with its death in a rather strange manner, one evening last week. Getting through with the day's work, Mr. Weir turned his team loose in the 3ard and thought no more about them u til one of them was discoVered aro The horse getting on gave way, fell t drowned. —A little while ago the Portage was considered. to be the lest point to -which civilization extended and at which home comforts coul however, a man ma and fina a house to sl on the Grand Trunk Railway, fell be- tween the cars while the train was go- ing twenty miles an hour. Severs. Care passed over him without inflicting any other injury than scraping the back of his head and his buttocks as he lay stretched. fiat on his belly on the track. It was a most miraculous escape. His coat tails were out off by the wheels. Ha leas, 31 1 ath, r per - in small d at 12 or our if the ill land, a ha e bee harle of th , wh tim to Ks. as fre know He i nd ap of age bee' 01 ieeday end Thursday tion, and is not expecte ; Isaac Arnold was summer iiighly all pres procee of the t social ppreciated„ as they deserved, by week. e as ut. Mr.Turnbull, of Clinton,then self all Bummer ,e,(1 to give a very concise account . the neighborhoo( vag ••ansactions of the Provincial As --est. young in Ge ger a p n at its recent meeting held in Hera, died in 13 Go • er, w Toront . The working of the Model from lock-jaw ci te en si School 04; now anxilliary in the • work . sidewalk 'penetr tine his foot on ,the on the same day with kph() (1 feve of popstar education, was a fruitful sub- 1 day of the Parli mentary election. -1 -. ' Mr. Geiger died on the )7th. Ewa t ject of iscussiou. All admitted that it —A few 'days ago Mr. Isaac MaAle young woman on the 30t ult. At t was dung a good., work, but Many UM1, 0 at Elgin, and Mr. TLos. same time four of Mr. Gei er's childr though that even our brief experience i Coffee, of Hamilton, tried a hop, step, were down with diplithe a, o e, a b haa SVONV11 several defects -which. re- and jump, for en . The former .jumped. eight years old. died the ay gelired a, remedy. For various reason.s, . 40 feet 91 inche. , and the latter 39 eet father. On Sunday, the 3 )th second'class men have been retained in . o inches. er and. son were buried in ne Model schools although the law , ' —Havelock Boulter, son of W, J. the 3rd inst. another die requires 'lest class. This Is ..not to be Doulter, of Big eland, was drowned in and the other two are not allowell. in future. Again, some thought ; the .Bay whils duck shooting. His live. Mr. Christian Me the preseat sesSion too short and advo- skiff upset as h a -as reachin,g for a three children -within th cated. its extensien to three months; this duck which he had. shot. The body three weeks from the sam however, on more mature deliberation-, -. has not yet bee recovered. — Coneiderable amu. was nit thought expedient, considering —Large quan ities of potatoes are be- caused in Sarnia -the othe that he expense was already very e ing expel -ted fr m Nova Scotian ports fill donkey. The donkey ' ' d States. ApPles are attazhedlead been broug already sefficiently taxed, as i lower than. flee. oung teachers usually had no i and the crop is -o large that there is- no turn he, evidently liking f their own. Another real defect prospect of an dvance. - • -of Canadian life and d at all our model schools were —A son of t le Lieutenant -Governer :long his stay, refused to schools, the requirements of tu- 'of New Brunsw•ck named Stephen M. gangway leading -to the ools were not met. 'This is to be Chandler, wa - instantly killed on fouled necessary at lengt e in future by forming a mixed ; Thursday, 10th inst. The unfortunate him from the cart and t from the various. rooms and ; man having bu. Mess at a grist mill near separately; but the donk , , got out of his buggy, this and. refused to Move. tally on a small round was made to induce him ched him forward over was tempted by a che Or ary pan so ber 11 is re. er 10 ars h3 r hi • . • too plac ast Sunda ur r of by hi etrato lor hi to pas evoun not pe ing *es, TR. rou. to cond recove y t ied. en en. an 1 , owners of threehmg ing iD. h:is well. he cover,. _which ough and was las had. Now, leave Winnipeg ep in every night take—a distaece —,A. man named. Fisher, employed in -Bell & Co's„ organ factory, Guelph, met with a most painful aceident He was working a machine known as a " shaper," mouldine raised_ Tanels, , when his right hand".came in contact with the knives, whiele keep moving round and. round vvith great rapidity. The first three fingers were minced to a jelly up to the first joint before hecould withdraw his hand. Mr. Fisher ex- periences- coneid.'erable pain, and it will be some time before he will be able to res_ninTheewitoerkv.. John Ryerson, brother of until he passes Shoal The - Ryerson; died on Tuesday, 8th inst. at the residence of hie son-in-law, of two hundred miles; and this year ma inst, of eimeee. He and the ed still further westward. died la,st week, were the only sur - Rev. Mr. Corson, of Brantford, who _ the line of settlement has been extend- . —Chapter 193 of the Consolidated yiying menabers of the first Methodist - Statutes of Ontario provides that the Conference ever held in Canada, and, a . machines, wood -dress e to say they were buried_ within jail to awa t : sawing, or other maeldnes, connected I ton horse power by neeans of a timb- er ha' ; rod. or line of shafting, shall cause such a A haftin to be covered.' evith (I : wood, leather, or metal covering, so £1,8 toria College. , ia 1 to prevent accideen °centring. The —By the rise in the pie° of stock of k Act further provides bat persons who the Sierra Nava,da Aline, Mr. John 1, . I own such. machines, and who fail to Skae, a Canadian, who 'owns one-fourth ,e i comply with the coneitions of the Act, of the mine, gained abut five million 'e ! shall be liable to fiae and imprison- dollars the other day.' He Irenl. Mrs. n. ' ment. It is to be heped that all par- Skae came east a few days ago intend - 'y ties concerned—those who manufacture ing to go auto Paris 4 eut he was re - 1 fter h.s I these machines, as ell as those who ; called by this information. He had it, fat - ' runthem—shall see to it that the con- ! just time th call at Oellawa, to see 801316 ave. n i ditions of the Act referred to are corn- • friensis and. hurried home again, post- , a eittle • 1, I plied with. poning the trip to Paris. The seven expected o i —The boy Arthur Hallam, reported days railroadieg to San Premised is er has lo.t missing, is the 13011 0 07 B. Hallam, a not much of a pleasure, but there are a last two r missionary now in India, sent by his few to be found, who would take it for diSease. father to his friends in Woodstock to be the five millions. f 0 an hour of ea.ch other. Mr. Ryerson entered the ministry in 1820, and was co -delegate for many years. He also occupied. a prominent position in Vic - • heavy, paren these funds was, grade ral sc overc and bonie in a great measure by into e have been for years, Port Huron. When it w . . • 11 school demo strating to the teachers in train- B ing h such schools should be conduct- stepping accide ed. . re Dickson than took up third stone, wehich pi $ • ern ist w s educated. After a three months' voy- —By the will of the late Rev. Dr. da. . by a w 1- age he reached New york in safety in Speneer, formerly of Ottawa, who aiea. 1 wieb, a ca care of the Young Men's ChriStian As- in Scotland. a few weeks ago,a number of t dver fro • sociation there, who eared for him and legacies have been left for the benefit of ti e to - started him to Woodetock on the 25th the Presbyterian Church in Canada, e s ort tas e September via the New York Central amounting to about $11,000. To Queen's 'rink to p •- • to Suspension Bridge. Not arriving in College, Mngston, 38 shares of $100 go down t e Woodstock, C. II. Ilial, of the Montreal 1 each of Montreal Corporation mescal- ocls It W:13 dated stock,interest 7 per =tete be M- t mi h Telegraph Company,i was sent to New York to trace him up, and he succeeded in doing so - as far as London, Ont., from which place no, trbze has yet been found. • His age is 1$; he is tall, very rauch sunburnt and freckled, full face, vested in perpetuity for -the general good of that college. To the trustees of the said. College, simoo of Dominion of Can- ada six per cent. stock, to be investedin the perpetuity for providing a bursary in th College to students of divinity. e e ch do y • jected E ery eff g and. o tobac •• • to rt 6, heir long and. yelloW, wore dark pea- .....cosableNsiewra" .„