The Huron Expositor, 1878-09-13, Page 2WII0 KNOWS
The birds made such. a 'racket in. the
honeysuckle vine outside my window
that I couldn's sleep. The moon was
still in the sky, but a, veiled yet lumi-
nous splendor in. the east told that the
Jay was breaking—the day of June thet
began my twenty-seventh year. When
I say that I Was a woman, and add that
I was unmarried, and, worst of all.
that I had lost for good the requisite
energy that held forth any promise in
that direction, it will naturally be
thought I shall. make a /sorry. heroine ;
and it is just because of Ithese discout- was already em
aging facts that I want to jot down this I the perpose on sh
little experience of a day, as a sort of when they read 1
consolation to that suffering part of my I was jack s_ turn
sex who have latent hopes, long linger- when other hearts were sick a,nd sad. . -was nearly t
' ing, unfulfilled, at times at the last gasp, If he had only sent the one little line! At this time
He showered (rifts upon other people— hand by one
heart of the roses .'ese strength and fail
and fall away, to dome again as sweet,
as strong, as fres es ever, and Jack,
mh Jaek, never co
he was not dead
one good, thing;
among those woix
and stinted feet,
know a word of t
growing fat; he w
hie next door, a
matter on the top
he could keep en
tail. This was u
to set up for a C
counter, and in a low, tender voice he
detailed. to me the interesting diagnosis
of his pet malady.
e back to roe? Yet On the other side of me, the minis -
no; wed. That was ter's son, whc was home from college,
d .he was out there and suffering from that period of . egot-
enyiith narrow; eyesism whiski comes tdi young men'of his
Ilni,116 didn't sas yet,- kind, remained. duringthe-entire even -
e laerguage. He was. ino, to show his contempt for the young,
ote home to his peo- the fair, the frivolous. A. few old mar -
d bald, which didn't ried friends, whose wives were sick or
of his head, so long aig away, hovere 'about the grocery coun-
ugh to cultivate a pig- ter, so that it really did happen that I
cessery, as he meant was surroun ed by men. The evening
inese mandarin, and was passing pleasantly enough. My
roidering a gowu for dark corner -as well patronized, and
re nights. And I felt, every 'Woman who has to do with church
e the letter, that it entertainrneu s -will understand my
now to mak merry, gratification • nd relief when I found it
n o'clocjk and all was well.
i letter was pot into my
f the little Postoffice mes-
lways nade a leak -ire • of
at otr festivals, where
rti-colored missives, with
ler doting designs upon the
re distributed at extravas
f postage. 1 had jus
with liberal offer from a
, elated with my bargain;
put Up my beaks, mit
heed to the love-ktter
hboring booth. Truth to
ttle tingling df the bleed
the mockery that might
thereiu by one of those
then flidkering up again with a sickly
tenacity most painful to contemplate.
But who knows what a day may bring
forth? Who knows?
I went about fin tip -toe, not to, awaken
mamma; and I took it as a piece of in-
gratitude that when she came down to
breakfast, and began to enjoy the toeSt
I had so nicely browned. for her, and
the egg I had sp nicely poached for her,
and to sniff the fragrance of a bunch off; of wh eh lie 'lit
honeysuckles that I had scranabled for I fond Vite gdne,
at the risk of a sprained. ankle and the ; Sleepless eighte
cost of a shower or morning dew upon
my clean calico—I thought. it mean' of
mamma to begin about that church fes-
tival before tbe day had. fairly begur.l.
" I'm so glad it's fine weather, Jane,"
said mamma, with great urbanityeof
tone and mean:ter. "I thought • I'd get
up early, so that you could reach the
climech -in good. season; end I wouldrdt
waste any fielders in the house, dear—
I'd.keep them all for your table."
" You know very well, mamma," I
replied," that I'm not going to have a
table. I've served my apprenticeship
. at ta,bles. Long ago, • when I was
young and fair, I wore white, with my
hair eurlinee'about my shoulders, and
had the flosder table, and ,enjoved. it.
Later on, I pat my hair up, and 'had a
fancy table, and endured it with great
resignation. La,st.year I had recourse
to a switch t eke out my scanty locks,
and was com elled reluctantly to take
the Postoffice This year I shient have
anything; in feet, mamma, I'm not go-
ing to the festival."
Manama. put down her bit of toast,
and. ttused absolutely pale.
"Not going to the festival !".she echo-
ed, mournfially.
"No, mamma," I said, beginning al-
ready to plea.d my case. "Can't I ha,ve
one birthday to myself ? I'm 27 years
chests of tea, aud parcels of silk, lovely sengers—we
bits of decorated china, big soft beauti- the Postoftic
shadds of erepe. He sent gew-gasvs pitik and p
and gold to so many others ; if he had. doves and ot
only sent me one little word! I envelopes, w
They must ha.Ve hini I had been gaut rates
sorely pueished ; that my mischievous beenftwored
gayety he, had whiffed 'out like the customer, an
flame hi- cdudi ; -that even' the beauty proceeded t
beeu so proud and giving mucl
every bit of it gone. from the neje
ind useless repinings, say, I felt a 1
days, endless years - the idea of
be coceide
witty village soutles, and the letter lay
there for full half an hour, when some, -
body said, ill the most common place
I long, ,weerisome
; filled With wilds eruning for that -which
peless, had robbed me
bloom of the 'heart
took e --crimson chee'
k the
;laughing eye,an the light elastic step.
Even rest hair fe I out. Alas! poor me,
the flesh fell. orn my bones. As I
hinted before, it. was not a . very alluring
object that greeted the in the glithe -on
the morning ot ins, twenty-seventh
birthday. "Ar int thee, witch!" I
; cried, and wiped4 away with the hand -
1 towel some salt ears that fell upon the:
dimity bureau c ver. and upon the grave
• I
of sad, sweet emoriese Then I OA
on my ugly brad n dressedid the hideo:us
helmet to matel , and went •-off to the
• church, pa-usin at the portal to look
longingly over a the cool, quiet graves
'of some of our olcTI .neighbors. A soft
wind stirred the (mg grass.there ; -a few
birds hopped ightly and fearlessly
of all.
d 'greyer h
Tlie ol
with it t,1
"How calmin‘c ini13- mink: theead '
• Who do not t (-Were grieve:"
" The Yea of
and went on int
ladies were grou
berries that had
possession of a
sending the you
home to recruit
There were
" So Jack Hunter is back from
a ."
moment everything Wan black
dropped • my hands and
6 counter, and whets this
ess was gone, I sew upon
awdry envelope Jack's
serawliug haindwriting. Here was the
littleline 1 h td coveted all these years,
hat 'my half -blinded eyes
smeheca.use I was mad. to
see vou- bee tits° all these years and
• dy couldn't kill my love
d you just as I expected
'small enough to be filled
outside and • , ide with—men. You
ere as beautift 1 and fascinating .as
ever, said � f .nd of admiration. I
hear that yo aie- about to be married
at your elbow, Who so else
Atention that you •do not
at the passers-by. God
God bless you! I have
n. Now, I shall, perhitieS,
Good -by."'
tes after that I was eun-
ithout myhat, and With
nseAed.•• in my hicsid. The
featival no dotibt thought
t was taken suddenlhill.
ot have fancied I wad run -
because he had, been
hurch for an hour, and I
before Inc. e
my eyes to tl
sudden dizzli
the little'
and this is %
Made out::
" I came h
.yourold per
for you.- I fi
to, in a spac
eshen -yea:, T Beide to the grocer
grosses your
I care to lool
help him, an
had my less
, be satisfied.
Five min
the church, where the
ed around the straw -
just arrived. I took
whole crate of these,
g and :pretty maidens
or the evening,
few faint, politd re- mug home, s
old to -day." • ' inonstrauces w en I declined to take his note crt
"�h, hush, Jane," said. my poor
any active part i the_ _evening's enter- ' peOple rit th
mother. "You scream so, the Hunters' '
Wilmette e eo ' most leave that epart : that maxims
next door will hear you, end blurt it all.
over I'm not deaf. If ' von, to the young and attractive," I said, ' ThdY could 1
choose to give up all chalice- of --of soand there was ft general. buzz of ac- 1 hing kilter J.
- -
ciety, and neglect your Christian clutiee, quieseence. I 1
and retuse to help the chureh along, hearing several
Why, of couree, I have nothing to say, theordthery goo
; elly I mast in that case go myself." pebility.
" 'jt" I eried. "You'll besick for '. I was graciou
a Month afterward; you haven't been hulled a whole
able he de anythiug of that kind. for to hold a step la
! Mrs.1Smith, t
years." - •
"I kamitJ'ene ; but if you refuse while 'she hung
ad the consolation of there at the
remarks upon my ex-, had beets totally -tinconscions of his -
sense aud practical °a- presence. ear Heaven ?, how could it
• be flint I dh. n't know, that somethine
y allowed, after I had didn't tell HA , that I didn't feel he wans •
crate of strawberries, near me? ,
cler and some nails for But I did • 't.. I went on talking to
e apothecary's wife, the grocer a out/ a remarkable opera-
ome gorgeous drapery,. tion for au ker that he had under -
to do these things, I intuit1 kuow 1WUU eformecl the cool, grey gone, when ack must have been only a
. '
shall be prestrated the heat, and
walls 'of our little chapel, so that I was few rods aw y ! I ran down the road,
svith :
my nerves will be shattered, aud you • pretty well tired when I went home as my heert in myethroat. Fortunately
are young and strong, and still ttract,nightfall. Mam a met me_ at the gate, the village s reet was deserted.. Every
ive enough to compete \with any oung a -
and doolsed et pie so dolefully that 1 man, womos. thud kthild svere at . the fes -
I burst out laughi 4. tival, excep those who could not be
lady in the place, and might I verily be-
, .
.1- G. SCOTT, M.D. &c,Physieian, Surgeon MA
v -v • Accoucheur, SeaforthtOnt. Oftlea and rad.
donec south side of Godeeh Street, Aron door
eget of Presbyterian Chianti. 849
,' s_
have, it you Were not so abstivate and ''. '' Never in.ind, mammaI. said; Oout at all; o I ran on une,hecked, a
be surrounded. and. tide -tired
headstrong, won't- leek 80 c.a averous after Pin rest, dim fear gai ling weight with me that
as ou usera- to be, d ee'1
ed anr d dressed f the evening." Jack had no unpacked his trunk, and
y .•• envou naig-ht for
But I'm grid( I was rather a, hein- was of to C ilea again Within the hour.
my Sake, Jame, at least attend these en,1 --
. tertemments: .
. . I
()pee, allibitHiLIS lnotha even when I had was next do
Mans ma put her haudIterchief to her
eyes; aid I yielded; I groaned in flesh., p 1-- .3' ''.1
for the eventrig.
and in spirit, but I -yielded. 'After 1
• rimped nor cur
had tidied. up the work,. laid settled
-pended upon 7 t e switch, Which:duels the inooulig
memma ha the cool shady sitting-roorn
• . . bou (flit for peep ises • of that kind, thud.' quickly do W
thously at the lest 'no- SaW 1110 TH11
ached, and I could not fell from hi
ehuis thrust into my .over his bro
ful object for th - gaze of • a doting 'end But wheu I reached his home, which
nd to my own, I sfeen him
m the balcony smoking a
is feet perehed upon the _
ed. You see I had ale- railing. Ise his face grew -very pale in
it, and his! feet clattered
upon the porch when . he
in at the gate. The cigar
• -lips, the ashes &trebling
el white waistcoat.
tank God," he said., " this
own clear little girl. Now,
iv.," he began,. scolding, a
; but he kept • tight hold. of
Sided fully as much -with
I did.
n persuade him that I am
(apart anel parcel,' .and not it .despel ate flirt, as beautiful as an
left it to its perverse- angel, end irresistably fascinetiuo. I•
me ouwaa•d. • have not th least doubt 'hit half the
the church I was im- village are leughing ach's ridicu-
upon for 'eomething bus devoti n end .jealousy ; but the
dress and was read.v sitting out
My hide was ideitheh cigar, with 1
upon her favorite. lounge, -with a 1.1100
book at her lipid, and. it. palm -leaf fan taileti me *um -
close by—for the day was growing' hot ment. heac
1 • • h •
—I twisted up my hairbefore the glass,
o oth e way WOU14 the obsti- "Why, t
with many a sour mocking grimace et ';,e(di'lP ; in
the dark, thin, discontented face there , -
Mamma, waS .hearthroken, add I was must Le my
see here, Je
,nitte thing be induced •to stay on.
in, put of. . an ugly browu rinen dress, id,
disappointed ; bit even iiienimate erti- min ate 'mite
calabash of a hat, and went off to thel
e cles become, p6 -vets° at times. - I me, and tre
chorale - • thought perhaps the switch was hriev- happiness a
My mother looked atterme, with such'-
pag over -s., beksed and lost head of Nothing e
miseey in her face that 1. called back to
which it was on
her I would wear sometlaiug ince in thd
I forgave it, and
eveniog. ness from that t
"Will you wear your rose-colored
i When I reach
orape ?" pleaded ma'ament. :.
" Will I eveer speugles, and .jump mediately seize
through' a hoop?" 1 mid- " No. Seams they eelled " th
innoCation broueht about by the ad- end fann y
ma ; It weer my black silk." . - a, plain, fa
"And durl youriesir ?" she coaxed. 1- vent of a well -t -do grocer in our micliSt,
lected olct r
'•‘ There is a whole switch alreedy_' a. WitlOW01., et: et0 'k-raiser,.and. it mass af-
j[ L. VER00E, M. D., Q. Phy- eleisa,Snr-
'LA' • gain, etc., Coronerfor the County of Huron
Office and Remidenee, on .Jenvis street north,
directly opposite Seaton& Pnblic School.
WADAMS, M. De late of Lakefleld; Ont.,
• Physician, Surgeon 'and Acconchetn.
Graduate of the ltnivereity of Trinity College,
Toronto. Member of the Royal College of Phea
sicians and Surgeons, Ont.' Kinburn.Ont. 45t
WAL HANOVER, M. C. M., -Graduate of
IncGillrUniversity, Physician. Surgeon and
Aceoucheur,' Seaferth. Ont. ' Office—Rooms ie
tleyer's Block lately occupied by Dr. Phelan, tine
formerly by the lete Dr. King. Will attend -at
Crirronhrook Tneedays and Fridays. • 496
DMeN'AUGHT, 'Veterinary Surgeon, G rear
• etc of Ontario Veterinary College, Sea forth,
Ont. Office and Residence in tear of Itilloren &
Ryan's. talls prompt]) attended to, night or
Guy. A. Steel of veterinary medicines, nu haud
Charges ieasona.ble. Hence examined este Round-
inco.stt4cortificateK gieee if required. 4(17
_TAXES W. ELDER, V. S., Gradnete of the
" Ontario Veterinary College. After devoting
'two years to practice with Profeesor Smith, of
Toronto, has settled ,iu Seaforth. Office et bis
reeidence*.east of W. M. Chnrcli. Calls promptly
attended -to by day or night. A large stock -of
Veterinary,Medicines constantly on hand. Horsee
examined as to goannuess and certificates given
Horton bonght rend sold on commission. 424
erocery counter "—an .wellemeant endeavors of hie friends
. .
ourled for me up in my buecau draw- ilicted with in ny maladies, of which a emsPirac
weather to heve very little hair of ones sent clown from he cityein houndhaok- marnui"s•
own !"
replied- " Ith nice this hot he loved,to tal He had generously ettli
- ages and tin caa
" Don't scream so!" said poor mailer, able goods, and •
looking toward the Hunters.' side win- eery counter"
- dows. • which they dos
As if the 'Hunters &dal know ell poen of the g
about my failing charnee eala no doubt cur in their sig•
took an inventory of them half yearly him, filled his
to send abroad to the eldest sue, who I quets, his pocke
had be6iItisvay in Chine these five years -; looked up in his
and More and wonld. uever • to him, noor
5, samples of his avail -
f ut lig le,
ad proposed this "gro- . '
9 the.. young ladies, be
out neig
ised._ and would hay.° Lle is still
ocer IiiinSelf _found. fa- every way '
t. They flitted about iug• up dud.
utton holes With bort- door at thi -
s with bon-bo•us ; they deu by our
face and tried te talk .. .
hildren ! as best they
o eonviuce hint that I am
ed, unattractive and neg-
aid he laughs to scorn as
of envy arid jealousy. And
wonder at his delusion?
7s Jack has terribly aged
e years of louelinesds and
ex' • oks older and not so comely
hor the grocer.; but to me
the hand.some, alluring, in
derable Jack. He ie walks
own the. • little balcouy next
preseut moment, and, hid-.
dorous .-honeyhuckle vine, I
7 to him trill out the last
a e
words of his favorite ballad :
went away. -I had the old. letter- yet in packages for home tieeessisy, and I took , "Si:itglirsisig ,).'s. talli:l'elivelilati:Cillue..1--"er g ItWaYt
come beek twain. ' .sht least he 'had wield., But the '• appeeled tome to ta,ke
mg .
a scene, recess df that same old . ba- it with an ill -ca ncealed. avidity. - The - * --.-harecids. If' eekl§.
• lav tl - tient switcl of truth. was a hind of heart' sickness .
it etoudy mornine, for a cloudy in—o-Lorn-
written to me etio . that effect when he - the .ngly countes with its sordid pound 1.'‘`7
reatl,, alien,the coircei • 11 -
hair. • ; seized me when thought that -the even -
Time was when T: 'needed no- curls ' this must be pas •ed Ui healthier myself
shorn from maidens across the seas or ; generally agreea1 le, and I felt that to
manufactured from _home materiel. 1 wander. about ti is niece, disterted out
had plenty of my own. jack Hunter of its sweet savo • of godliness aud quiet
cut one of them' off :with his penknife Sabbath rest so eer to e weary soul— •
the night we ierted. s • to weeder about among the flags and
I don't lotow," he said eavagely, Ns -realm and ten as -and Srbprs, with a
" whetherI most hato you or Vivo you ; smilefor one, a nod. for another—was
1ietT11 keep this to remember ;the girl .. like the protac ed :and a.goeiziug pil-
soul. beyond the bore
• . - • -
et myself behind the
comfortably hid. more
all, gauut fieure, and.
e shelter. that I found.
interested in. these de-
• could, to make my
.s, -so --that -that I aud other
en might pave this.
these gala, ficasous of
' butchery-, and God knows I didn't care . myself beccimin
. if he was half tempted. to do me further was -so glad of t
can begin on your side, and. well meet . He extricated. hi
then if lie lied drawn the kuife across . spised parcels 1 iled up before me,
who flirted aud. fooled. ;away the trhest grnuage of, astluosri
He hahked the curd from ins- head counter, which
affection o, mau ever had for a wo- tiers of the Styx
my thrhat ; I would. not have resisted deteepained, if
with his penknife, end looked at me as than half my
last, helding the edge of his coat. ; refuge to fly to i
e Don't go aeyway, so far as China ; if misery. 1
you do, 1 shall commence to dig a, hole The successful grocer, who had not
when you get there. They say that ' been very well pleased with the open in:
each other half -way."
with a little pick and shovel as soon as and bri
we get news of your arris-al. Then you ' ing all air of s
China. is right dialer us, and I'll begin. gratitude for In
thinglike an oath. "You would joke tude, I began to praise his yoinedicolt
e Don't go, jaek !" I cried out at i poor weary wo
He flung me from him-withnae- ously over to help me. Tn
so misdion. a succe
, So I speedily
young and fair nes, and came gener-
ghtened r .
sheer grati-
and laugh over my grave," he said, . that was pa, g. in a field adjTaning
and went away, not to come back, or garden, and he remained with me.
e.gein.' Shortly after, When he found that a
Who weattla have believed it possible? ; queer feeling in his head agreed with
That the 'ars should come and go, the i the same disco fdrt in my own poor
sweet summers bloom and fade, the . cranium, he bro sght a chair behind the
s bequest, took heart,
p when he saw me giv-
artness to hie goods.
mself from a . bevy of
—Prince. s Thyra of Deuniark, who
was lately • eportecl as about to marry
the Freueh Prince Imperial, -like the
Duchess of Edinburgh, has not iuherit-
ed the beat ty of her parents, falling as
for 'short o Princess Dagmar as the hit-
ter does of ier elder sister, the Princess
of Wales; ut in intellectual gifts. she
is fulls:se match' for either. She is ;a
great foor te with her father: Cm-i-
ouslv enoti li, botli she and het 'sister
asenar— those influence over her bus-
and,- the Prince Tniperial of Russia,
may one d y have e momentous effect
upon the p liticd of Europe—bear names .
with whic Danish history may be said.
to coninsen
—As tit improvements at . Mount;
Royal Vale aaid. the proposed Victoria
. city appr h completion, we 08.11. form
• a correct ic ea of these immense proper-
ties which- e now for sale, about Mon-
treal. 'Nei rly twenty miles of frontage,
On the best drives around the eity of
Montreal, veraging from two acres to
twenty in depth, with about forty
houses, w th good out -buildings and
grounds, a eraging in ealue from two
thousand oilers to fifty thousand eaCh;
then there are the immense quarries of
unknown aloe, and the brick fields of
two hundr d acres of soft blue clay of
an unkno» depth, in themselves form-
ing- inexlia stible sources of wealth. All
of which ill be sold in lots to suit pur-
chasers, at d on the most reasonable
teims. T s city properties are also de-
serving of ttention.
--; --11-1-* Surgeon Pentist, ern -Amite
-of the. noyal College of Dental
i l'. ji '
Sulgoons of Ontario. Office
hours from 8 A. AL to 5 I'. M. Rooms in
Mtn Whitney's new nrielt block, Mein Street,
antettea I.
inAMERON; HOLT & CAMERON, Barristeis,
1-1 kolieitors in • Chancery, &e., Goderich, Outi
M. C. Cameron, Q. c., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam-
eron. _ . 506 ,
aseILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and. Commie
Y 'donor iu 13. R., Wroxel er. Auctioned aud
ilappraiser. Accounts ' a•nd notes collected OD
re:mon:able terms.
ln L. DOYLE, Barrister, Attorney, Soliciter in
Chancery, &c., Goderich and Seafortle Of-
fice, over Jordan's Drug Store, Goderieh, and
Kidd's Store Senior( la .854
MALCOMSON & WATSON, Barristere, Attor-
I `J. ueys, Solicitors in ChanCery, &c., Clinton,
Ont. Office—First door east of the new 1to3-10
Canadian Bank building. Money to loan ou farin
property. .
-s, exanoomson. 404 G. A. WiTS61.! '
ee cCAUGHEY & 1 1OLMESTED, Berrietei &t.
thhetotheys at Law, Solicitors in Chanceiy and
Insolvency, Notaries Public mud Conveyancei
Solicitors for the It. C. Dank, Sertforth . Ands trot -
the Confide rife Assurance Company,
N.B.—$30,000 to lend at 8 per -cont. Ferree
Houser Find Lots for sale.
tera, Attorneys -at -Law, Solicitors in Chancery,
&e. Private funds to loan at'o. low rate of name
est, .end rn terms to suit borrowers. Offices—
ntoderich and Wingham. Office in Latnedale's
building, opposite Scott's Bank.
I beg to intimate
niid epened out for
and excellence this
pieces are much lo
the Dress Goods d
in Seaforth.
In all the fashim
our new Broceded
=every lady shoul
to my numerous customei
inspection the bulk of ray
season's stock %vill be found
-er. Several new end very
partment, rendering the a
SEPTEMBER' 13 1.87a
1878 'flif. YOUNG MAN-OF-WAR'S MAN.
and friends that I have received
ew Fall Goods. ln value, narinty,
far ahead of previou$ years, hed the
desirable lilies have fieen ;added; to
.sortment second to ne other •House
able shades, end, newest an most suhat intial materials: See
'loth ,and Melange Twills, the handsomest goods yet imported
-see them before purchasin elsewhere.
The largest and cheapest stock of Plain and
—all prices. Over 200 pieces of Plain and Fig
to select from.
limey Flannels ever shown in town
11 -ed Winceys—all widths and prices
1 , , COTTONS,
1,500 yards of ['Leavy Bleached Cotton, 37 itiches wide; at 12hi. per yard, worth
14c-inost certainl§ the best value'. ever offered in Seaforth: 5,000 yards of Fac-
tory Cahill front 56. per yard up. Particular ilattention is directed to our. 10c.
yard wide Fa.ctory, which eannot, be beaten—Great reduction by the piece. 8,000
Extra, Fine No. 1 Outten Burs at $3 25 per dodee
'The contents of • T ,vo Laitge Cases of New irall Tweeds opened out—eery hand-
some hatterns—marlsecl at a slight hdvance on 'cost. Not having the expenses of
Tailoring Departm nt to acount for, I am in a pesition to sell- cheaper than any
other house in tow •
my stock of Rea dvmade Clothing. surpaisses
shows.. Tiaving ordered direct friar) the man
I can safely defy c'hineetitioIn in this line. No
judge for 3,'.oureelv s.
- I
p?oTs AND
The sto4k of .13a ts and Shoes has bseu lasg
tion has been paid to the selection of Men's a
Children'elFall Bo ts in great variety. Full 1
hsed loSvest pri •es.
nything of the kiwi I have ever
factarers in Moutreal and Toroutei
need of quoting prices.' Cell an&
I y au g, mented. and; particular atten-
d Boy's Long B eits. • \Venice's and-
ne of Ladies' Vine B iote alwa.ys on
3. T. .GARROW. n. W. ti• MEYER. • - '
, , -
W. J. ILA DENTIHRST. 474 A New and Fre h Stock lately arrived. S nnething Special in Teas—the best
sr Glenda, Wingbarn. value iietiiwri: All are co (belly invited oi co ne awl cempare prices, aall see that
IT W. C. Meyer, Solicitor Consolidated Bank 1
ea .
' Goods are being sold cheap at the New Cash tore.
ishisson e MEYEIZ; Barriaten. and Attor el a , ,
" ft t Law, Solicitore in Chancery u n d resolver ce-, .
Conveyancere, Notaries Public, etc. Offices—Sea- : TI-101VI S KIDD Seaforth.
-forth and 13russels., $23,000 of Private Funds to !
invest at once, at Eight perc'ent. Interest .payabk .
yearly. • e - 51:
JAS. H. BENSON. . ' H. W. O. MEVEI:.
The above firm has thio day been dissolved by _ _ __ .
mutual consent. All accounts due the firm to , n
be paid to i Mr. Benson who wilt pay all Habil-
Nov. 27, 1876.
Highest Price Pad for Good .Batter and E gs.
e J. McCOLL, or
Solici &c., B, ussels. Office I
• 'tt
a -t- • in Leckie's new brick building. 504-52
1? G. LANE, Auctioneer and Appraiser for the
i • County of Huron, also. Commission Mer-
chant, tleDougall's Block, Wingham.. 516.4 ,
N4 ONEY TO LEND—On terms more
tageous t-han ever, before offered. A. J. Ale-
COLL, Solicitor, Brussels. 504 fin
r 1'. BRINE, Licenced Anctioneer , for tbe
" • County of Huron. Sales aineuded, iu nil
parte of the County. All orders left at the Ex- ;
POS1TOR °Mee -will be promptly ettendeti to. -
TORN LECKIE, General Lorin and Real Estate , -e
Agent, Grain, Produce a.nd Commission Mer- •
chant. Money loaued on real ornate in town or
country, at 8 per cent. simple interest. Charges
moderate. Mortgages bought and sold."31atured
mortgages paid off. Terms to, suit borrowers. "
Forme and village property for sale. Office—
Led:len new brick block, Brussels, Ont.
I niE GREAT • FEMAIX It EMEDY.--Job Maims •
4- Periodical Pills—This invaluable medichie te
uufailiug in the cure Of tesose p:inful und ;
dangerous diseases to which the female constitai-
tion is subjeet. It moderates all excess and re-
moves all obtructions, and a tipeedy Cure may be
relied on. To maariedladies, it is peculimly suited.
It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly pe-
riod with regulayin . These pills should not be
taken by Females daring the fast three months
of Pregraney, as they are sure to bring on Alia- i
carriage, but at any other time they are safe'. In I
all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections,
pains in the hack and limbs, fatigue on slight ex- i
ertion, •palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and
wnites, these pills will effect a care when all other
means hove failed; and, although, it powerful I
remedy, do not 'contain iron, calomel, antimony,
or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full
directions in the paraphlet around each package,
wind) should be caretully peeserved. Job Moon
New York, 'Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 121 contp
for postage enclosed tu Northrop & Lyman, To-
nonto, Ont., general agent e for the DOMilli013,
Will insure it bottle containing over 50 pills by
return mail. Sold. in Seaforth by Hickson &
Bleasdell, J. 8. Roberts, and In Lumsden. 197
neceiti CITY T 11-011 A s' Exe5LitOit ECLECTRIC
Goo-re—Pain canuot stuntl e -here it is used. It is
the cheapest medieineever made. One dose cures
common sore throat.. One bottle has cured bron-
chitis. Fifty cents' -worth has cnred an old stand-
ing cough. It ponitively mires catarrh, asthma,
and -croup. Fifty cents' worth has cured crick in
the back, and the same quantitylame back of 8
years' standing. -The following are extracts from
a/ few of the malty letters that have been received
from different parts Of Canada, whicli, we think,
should sufficiently satisfy, the most ekentical : J.
Collard, of Sparta, Ont., writes, "Send me 6 dozen
Die Thomas' Ecli (Arial Oil, have sold all I had from
you, rend want more nurw; it cures are truly won-
derful." Wm. McGuire, of Franklin, writes, "I
have sold all the agent left., it sets like a charm—
it was slow at first, bat takes' aplendid now." H.
Cole, of Iona, writes.!" Please forward 6 dozen
Thomas' Ecleetrie Oil, I arn nearly out, nothing
equals it. It is highlynecommended by those who
have ivied it." J. Bedford, Thameaville, Writes,-
" Send me at ouce a further supply of Eclectric
Oil I have only one bottle left. I never saw any-
thing sell so well and give such general satisfac-
tion. ' J. Thompeon Woodward, writes, "Send
me some more Eclearie 00, I have sold entirety
out Nothing takeelike it." Miller & Reed, Ul-
verton, P. Q., write, 11 The Eclectric 011 14 getting
it great reentation here, and is daily called for.
Send us a further supply without delay."Lemoyne,
Gibb & Co., Buckingham, P. Q., writes„"Sencl us
oue gross of Eclectrie Oil. We find it to take
well." Sold by all medicine dealers. Price 25
Ceuta. S. N. THOMAS, PHELPS, N Y. And
NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto Ont., Sole
Agents for the Domifiien. NOTE.—Ecleette--
Selected and Eleetrized. Sold in Seaforth by
Hickson & Bleasdell, J. S. Roberts end 11.
Lumsden 521
to my 1
h andscs
rrival, of Old Country and
s, in Colored end Pi -right
hains, hockets, Gem fling , Eighteen -carat Wedding
stamped! "M. R. C., S." A Large Stock of those
ed Er,gliish and Longine W tches, also American. and
Tatehes, Clocks, h.e. I wo ItI can particular attention
rge and er 11. ',tea Ware, the most
Seaforth. The' above
e minufacturers, will be
nsistent with Good Work -
cases is Guaranteed. A
nd, ts fit all ages. Call
cherge. A lot of Fancy
mericen Goods, at M. R.
Gehl Sets, Brooches, Ear
varied stock ef Sil
se goods ever brought in
clog bought`direct from t
he Lowest Possible Bice c
and girlity, which in all
e Stocklof Spectacles on h
your sO,lit tested free of
elling atT net cost. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY—
tiring of Watches, Clocks,
, satisfaction. 4emernher
Vare in the Window, and
;Far.nitaire Store, Seaforth.
inanshi )
•1 Com pl e
and ge
Per.'oml attenti n given to all Rep
, and JeN -elry, an1 warranted to giv
CC the phi e Sign of Tree of Silver
„dee directl oppositi J. S. liorter's Casl
dvaHO -
SVO 1101 d V3 HO
•113-13M3r '' :13)1b
T WENT to se ool until I wear thirteen yezril.
of age. While there I was very ettentivele
roy etudiers, and picked up the rudiments of
good °audition, which proved 0,1 immense value
to rein efterlife ; and I acerenred a very strong
love of readinn. I was then apprendina to
Bookeellen when I lied marry opportunities of
indulging in my favorite study, mut took gnu
p'easure in reeding bookenof trevel,a-na aventtite,
• this time iny inatistitettion was not stein:anal
I beg Lu to be afieel thet I would not, es sees°
• f7sEen,ttti iettildee,basornoedk se; xsts:Orlrfeulell,( Ipt.tetitat ergoBriotku_ reinFigiyttoott
• sea. I applied to eeveral boats ru the learbeee
for a boy's piece, bot ntienacessfullye Tee Oen
queetien put to me by the maeter invaniblv wan
a -nave your eareuts eent you te sea? " hell -no
anerreets, a.nd I said sc." t oeee, em whieh inn
ted to begone for e good -for nething Ilene
ectInutnldenreglthi I learned tbret G. X ihip Nets to sea
on a long voyage, and that F(' verai been 'were
'wonted on board. Here 7011s lth opportiniity tee
Vgoliodat :109iii)eli;e1,11;11.1a);.:•iltas-11
be consent of my pereuts -LS tannin want5d.
eneen ahe worbi wbone I 0011111 Mier.
•coAultilleaBesgiTt 1:;° °snot toe
°el xeventr aindtcamtelate;
case as effectively as I couhl- My moestevi_
denth- surprised him, ten at lest be co:nen:4
to give me a note to Gonoreelore Elliott. 1 got
it next day, and boat no time in peesentieg het
the orren:r"linrg4e
gon; e'(rvlre.deliberately he tuned to
me and said Yeti young scoundrel, YOU AMA
to ruin, ourself de eleu ? You went to go to :ler
Haven't ;mu a father or mother ? ' " Ne, Sir
No guardian." " .No, sir." '4 What lie y der
• I run errand bey for Mae lilleenen•
tired of it. Yon see be Immo; Book,, Stationery,
Pio Merin and he sells so cmwers gaineadleIthavate:t.
keeps me on the trot delivering thelna, end 1 ein
1(1)114arnttel.le SYealre413iteWolttlitn4he:s;'hi Bens e tank raa
one darn-, uaiotto, alt complete ready to hem
up for sixty emits, ne41.4-h Ad on boy; yen bothen
same brat go and brieg me S. bottle el ink;
" Where'll I get it 2" 4' DOn't S-01.1 know *here
evoybody buys their hes;
WILLIAM McNAUGHTON bega to inform
v the business men of Seaforth and the travel-
ing public that he has purchased the Livery
Business and Stock of Messrs. Carnochan &
Abell, and will do all in his power to retain the
reputation which this favorite establishment has
secured. He will keep only good driving and re-
liable horses, ard his carriages will be kept
clean and in good order. Calls, night or day,
will be promptly attended to. PIC -NIC AND
/WEDDING PARTIES Liberally Dealt with.
t Terme Reasonable. All orders left at the Com-
mercial Hotel or at the office will receive prompt
Office and Stables on Market Street, opposite
T. Kidd's Store.
544 WM. MeNAUGHTON, Proprietor,
Pica' L
CURR A N Tz:1,
undersigned having entered into partner -
QEALED TE IDERS, ainiressed to the. Seem-
tary of Public Werke, and mold -sett Tender
for Canal mid Leek at Se. A nee," win be received,
at this offiee until the errival of the linen nri
Western mails on, the 8th eey
OCTOBER, nixt., for the- cenetermtien en it Lock
and the formation ef approeches to- it on the
hindwern sine of the present loek at St. lute.
A map of the locality, toe,other with plene Inn
epeeificution of the winier to be dene, cae be veep
an this office and A' the Doei lent Enaineerte
offine St. Arnie'on and after Tne.eday, the 24th
aty of sPpterriber, next. at either of whieh planes
prink -ed forms of tenner can be obtainen.
Contrectors are leg -tested to bear in reied that
tenders will not be ceneideren enlessenele st-rit-
iv accordance with the printed forms, end—iii
the case of firms—except there are atteehed the
actual signature's, the native of the occepation -
Anil resiaenee of each member of the 13 ItT110 ; and e
, fen ben an aceepted Bank eheipie for the sum of
t $2,C1iO must accompany the Tender, wilieh sum
I shall be forfeited if the piety tendering declines
' entering inn) contract for the a -nun at the rates
and on the terms steted in the offer enbenttela
The chegne thus sent in Will be, eeturaed to
the respective parties whose tennere are not ac-
For -the an -e fulfilment of the eontrettesetita
factory security will he regairen by the sI:peak sif
money to the amount of five percent. on the bulk
sum of the contract; of whieh the eurn sent en
with the Tender will be camsblered a. part.
Ninety per cent. only of the proerese eatimates
will be paid until the Completion of the work.
'10 each Tender must °be attached the eaten
sign tine:. of two reeponsible and sol vent peraons
—reeidents of the Dominion—willing ta become
suretiesefor the e en-3-iug out of these nal lieions,
as well as the clue performance of the wo ks em-
braced in the contract.
This department -does not, heweaer, bind it -
sell to accept the teweet or- lee tenter_ Ily
P. BRAUN, Seeretety.
Department et Pahlie Work -t,
Ottawa, Ang. 19, 1678. 560-3
e In the nletter of jea WES MARTIN', Sethi-, late
of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of
Huron, Gentlemen, Deceased.
LL PERSONS laving or holnine any eleinis
egainst the estate of the above named -Tames
Martiu. Senior, are -regaired un or before the
80th day of September, to send by letter etst-
puid, attires sed to Mesare, Mcnnighey & Hahne-
sted, Barristers, Sentorth, the full p irtreulare of
such claims, with vouchers attached, ant atone-
ment of- nil tin -e seid valne of any securities belt
After which date we, the undersienen Executors,
will preened to dietribete the estate of the de-
ceased according to his win, lerving regent tre
those eleinis only of whieh be I hen -shell bean
notice. All creditors 1 tiling to put ie their
claims by the time aforesaid Will be debarred
from panicipating in the said dente.
Dated the 29th (ley 'of Augnet. A.. 10.
SAMUEL BRO IDFOOT, 1 Ev,,,,„,toila
.550-4 Solicitors of E -state,
1F it sufficient number of entries e meeived, 11
is the intention of the above seocietioo to
hold a fell erne, at the town of Clinton, be-
tween tbe 15th an& 22rad of Oct ben Entries
Ioic. rtentewpineoptoistellerlit
gt hn
leainutst be ifeade with tue
TUESD A Y, SE PTE M BE It 10 th, 1878.
ExTRACE Alates and. Bulls,
. $2 inch ; Cows, ai-d en. -h; rams end pip, 50 eents
each 3 Eves, 51Ic -Der emir -
M. Y. McLEAN, 8caforth,,Seeretary.
And everything in the Grocery department. Ve Guarantee the best in the market,
China Tea Sete, et Ore large a sortment in French a
four Patterns. White Granite Toilet Sets, Gold Ban
The largest stock
beat. Hotelkeepers
making ea& pinch
arid partie
d English Ware. White Granite Tea Sete;
Toilet Sets, Fancy Toilet Sets, &c.
ported direct from t
eononeucing honseke
ernanufactitrers, and at prices that cannot be
ping will do well to give 118 it call before
.Ag Goocs Warranted 'a. Repres nted (Jr Money Refanded.
aRbNo's: BLOC
.1 L ship; are now prpared to manufacture Plows,
Wagons, Buggies, see- By using Jinn -dens ma-
t terial end honing all the work eonaing through
our own bunds, we tan guarantee a good a.rtiele.
, li
Particular at tentien given to repeiring, twine-
Beeing a7.1.1 gen coil jeabi en. Mr. Baron laron
ing bad 4iver thirteen seine exprieime in anee-
• ing mill picks, we 111 nake that it epeeirtity.
Agent- for Weteon'i Celebrated Agricultinni Inn
Williameon'a old *tend, Godericli Street, Sete
forth. 6130
Berm to Judean
Brick Buil.
South of %
hitherto, ea
General Insu?
In thanking the
has carried on thee
them the same sati
keeps on hand the
Oil, and Machine A
capable of making
threaded up machin
—a Ilacbine that h
sells the Wheeler &
Farmers' Wives,
and try our Sewing
the celebrated Fra
given to mist -omen
of Sewing Machines
c that he ham Removed
Mg oat East Side of Mai'
Minna Campbell's Cloth`
-ry on the
We, Money Loan, Agen
his Office to D. McGregor's New
Street, Settter-th, aud Fourth Doer
14: Emporiums where he will, as
y, and Sewing Machine Business.
uhlic for the confidenee they hav reposed in him for the past fifteen years he
branches in Seafoith, he Wishes 0 I info= them he will still endeaeor to give
faction which they have invariab ynexpressed -with his transactions. He still
est Sewing Machinesthat are ma Onactured an the world, as well as Needles,
"tachments. He sells the Oebore A Machine, which is the simplest, the most
ny kind of -work in the most pe 'hot manner, and the easiest imd quickest
of any tnachine made in the Do i1ion. He galls the Genuine Howe Machine
s never failed to give eatisfactio to every customer for the last ten years. He
Wilson Machines, the most rapi and least noisy Machine in the world.
lechanics' Wives, Mercbants' Wi eh and Manufacturers, do not 141 to examine
Machines—Family and Manufact hig—when yOu want one. Also Agent for
z and Pope Knitting Machine, ea rible of doing all kinds of work. Instrubtions
gratis on any of the above machines. Sewing Macbines to Rent. Also all kinds
repaired. TERMS LIBERAL. '
WM. N. t\J'ATSON, General Agent, Scaforth.
IStinS to inform the Ladies of Seaforth and
Vieinity that fi)ae is prepared to make up
In the Latest Eitehion from Combings.
Prices Moderate, Ina all orders nu -Tactually at-
tended to. A call solicited. Residence—Main
Street, Seaforth. 627
raeTTE untlersignedhavieg entered into to -parte
nerehito are prepared to meet the wants of
the Merchants of Seaforth and others wlio may
require their services as carriers to and from the
Railway freight sheds and eleewhere on men
reasonable terms. Orders maybe left at Joseph
13rownelln Grocery store, and will receive prompt
; and careful attention.
Seaforth, Aug. 8O,1871. ,a80
Wholesale and Retail Dea:er in LEATHER end
SHOE FINDINGS a Every Description.
None but the Very Best Stock kept. Terms
moderate. A Trial Solicited. A11 -order by man
or otherwise Pronaptly filled.
Statistias prove t
IA every thirty-nine .
conutr,y is eoior-bb
faualy of Detroit
ing up on stiatitties
good-natured. easy-
-Wife Is a good'ho
companion, buk-eN•
riage they have h
little things. ' If a
house when Kr.
mould, perhaps
mark to his wie t
" I wish you had
she has." _
" Bine.
as mine r *MAXI
'131�k 1 Will,
blue as the skiesof
know a, ts:5 bill fro
pine WODa I"
" Blue 1 If h.
, black as midnight,
my mother this ve
very day!"
That silences
not convince hitt..
want, his 'wife to
sorry that she
optica1 illusion, au
Alia not dieeover he
fore they were niv,r,
' eeenten in sHenee VIA
- per is a little MO
full two days befo
shines out as brxgl
A few any'S tgO, 1
the eolor of the sk
*hi& Mt. O'Dell
taaa. posted 0
a long donvereatioi
realizing that A *
tage to live -that W eon ult a
unusually pleasan
evening, and wile
gested s. game of
plied that she ettt11
Artery thing to hit
one game when IA
, Mr. O'Dell. ilkov
• I slighted; and sai41
. miamtes to span
show 'em how to
just started in wl
ed by 'Mrs. 0'11)
-and tailed out t "!
, vi Well, noW„ -
hand in tilati 3
they- plaYscrogne
It, WaS a ha
:played one gam
• marked that b
wall paper for
would liko an.
f from her orte
1. her husimna, a
turned it with
" I never did
44 Bluel , NN.
_French green r
it up, i
'French gre
German blue. 11
the roof off,1" 1
" Come, no%
,doctor, ..4 yen -
color is gray 1
'4 Gray I" ei
- tor,-•" I beg y
- piece of svall p
" Sir l'." ret
- " have yen los
" And yen, ,.
The eoior is g
" I say it is
"Green -l"
4' Gray r
White I"
, The four loci
ly, and the (1.0
lets and WalicA.
evening." W
O'Dell remarl
I " Lizzie, le
after this;
• blue:"
" Leinuel, :
More trouble:
doctors will 3;
Free Prom. !
,of the fall et
ties' of hoots;
dent froth a
If Paradise
tOrments of
ana bliss ie I
there is nott
nocent chiU
footed?, I
lel). heart, t
pnre wria -11
the artifiels
eon4itien1 iul
pings, !atial
things' We
Eden, hist
quantity IA
ferret a geol
and distill',
alled the
that prO
neck four
n a barefA
It wont
been caul
true that
tight sho1
when ned
To breedsj.
thing evh
than he
is tried 01
form ail,
feet bn I
by stret
into- nub',
ing bocce;
gets to xi
pie wh.41
ders bit
been we
the tt
eneeS• a
of love
and, ev