The Huron Expositor, 1878-08-30, Page 8-ss DISTRICT IVIATTERS. :4 Line Setforth. Arrived•this week at the Golden Lim -110 eases of dry goods from classed by Mr. Jamieson which aro now open for 1 RECOVERING. ---We talast=ow being part shi anent of fall goods 'Mr- 1. ••,., , choicest and most attractive stocks in the County of this town, who li .ef "Enron. Would direct special attention to the . 7 stock of staple goods-, mbracing linens, flanne0t, time a patient in the "urinous, Hollandss, gre - and white cottons, ite. Be says: "1 have u i 'Voted also direct Racal ion to the magnificent ak- severe suraical opera, enema in alI shades, w ich for quality and pri anent is also well assort d. Will receivctbalance f are unsurpassee. The hosiery and glove depn, Borne five large pieee he:1:y DTochetor jtaDAOCi:OiT hip joint. The opera liortraent of fancy dress goods, black lustres, cash goods in a few days. . Tax:mos. grand re -union at Toy ing of the excursion,a Falls. Reduced rate is open to the general ber the day, if you w pleasant trip. Ticke to Toronto and retu ten days. inspection, comprising ono of the finest, newest, following note from TIM GROCERY st re -next to the pot Toronto, in presence ease. Tao question i asked, how D. D. Rose n affo:d to sell groccrie .it the astonishingly low prices he does?. He ells for cash, the expenses are correspondingly loN er, and if there is any such a thug as rock bottcjnl prices, D. 1). Bose is pre- pared to offer them. FIRST INVOICE' arrivet1 at Hickson & ical staff of the h stead of chloroform was admimstered as they considered the Rimer safest. The operations haye been successful, and. I am so far rec vered as to be able I to. go home in a few days." f imported goods jUst leasdells. ' nto on the even - d. steamera to the at thehotels. It .'Remem- -nt a cheap and s from Seafortli , $1.75, good for • lia,ve received the r. jolan Lattimer, s been for some Toronto Hospital. dergone three very ions since I .came removed in all of bone from the ions were perform- s • and. Graham, of of the whole ined- spital. Ether in - THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Ponca on aecount of one of the lawyers being so busily.engagedin electioneering that he could. not attend. QUITE SAFE.—We noticed in this week's .issne of the Huron Signal that Blyth Sidewalks were dangerous, which no doubt was the case a few weeks ago, but as they have been repaired, We can assure our Goderich friends that they may safely -visit Blyth now without en- dangering their lives. NOT TO HAND. explained, our from Brussels a reached us this PRESBYTERY meeting of Slur held in Seaforth the purpose of coneidering the call ex- tended by the co gregation hereto Rev. Mr. Fraser. , Ciaae.TOE OF the commence/1i evening Sabbath dist Episcopal • 11 as:na. and 7 ° stead of 10.30a. heretofore. • For some reason, un - %nal correspondence d Wroxeter has not eek. EETING.—A special n Presbytery will be on Thursday next, for A A NnISANC Ba,by-carriege . sociables on th pleasant for th_ are certainly a are compelled and go into th • them. What s One Snow. the auspices of Agricultural Seaforth, on T At the last meeting TOWN CODN CIL .— ' of the town Gothic& held on Tuesday evening, the Street strueted to erect a ieh street, at the e • mill. Mr. Dunlop collect the poll tax committee were in • with the'digging of point on. Main Sr Trunk railway, aro ner west to the Tu as per specification naittee were autho lay new side walk Street from Od Commercial Hote number of accou joumed to meet Mayor. • orns.e'--The hours for nt of the morning and services in the Metho- urch hereafter_ be p. in. respectively, in - m. and 6.30 p. m., as -e-Mr. Editor — Sir: atinees andfnurse-girls' sidewalks may be very participants, but they ,noying to .people who to leave the sidewalk street on account of y you ?-13.s.cuer.oa. . The. fall show, under Tuckersmith Branch ociety„ will be held: at .ursday and Friday, Sep- teraber '26 and. 27. We understand that the prize list -h s been largely increased. this year, ima very effort will be made by the Directo s to have it even surpass any that has • deeded it. DRAWING- 0 kSs.,—The committee of the Mechanics' Instituteis organizing an evening cl ss for free-hand drawing„ with Mr. Wheeler, the- talented arta, as instructor..t The course TAR- consist of 80 lessons, and extend over ten weeks. Terms, $3, for the course. Those -wish- ing to avail t emselves of the present -favorable •opp ,neeessary art give their na, Inatitsate,Mr. day .evening. THE POLITICAL meeting, called b servative candidat was held in the rj day evening last. notice given there ance, the hall bei chair was occupie who performed th la 1 . A NEW Coe lo-wiug las Mr. S. Bart sesident Of tit, beceme a resi his residence many War earnestly ree earnestly h,os one that will tereets. Mv. rtunity of acquiring this n our modern' life, should es to the Secretary of the .ohnson, beforenext Mon- _ • • ----,--- ommittee were m - crossing .on Goders trance to the flax -was instructed. to t once. The drain ructed to proceed the draM from the et neat the Grand LTUd McGinnis' cor- kersirdth boundary, . The street coin- ed to repair and required, on Main ellow's Hall to. the . After passing a ts the council ad - at --the call of the • • • House was filled to overflowing,although I Road was re -let to j hn1. McMann, and every available spot was taken up, quite that on the Hepsall road t6 John. Fitz - & nuraber had to remain at the doors. gerald.. The following accounts were passed for pa,yment Thomas Tudor, • Stanley. Arreks.—Against the voters' .list of , . 1878, for this township, the Conserva- tives have made about 16 appeals and the Reforniers nearly 30. A number of those appealed against were names put on the list at a -Council meeting, af- ter the assessment roll had been ac- cepted is revised, who were. entitled to be put on, but had been previously omit- ted, the Council believing' they had rawer to do so. _Willett. , THAT LAWSTIT AGAIN —In reference to the Watt -Beattie -Murray dispute, Mr. Watt wishes us to state he never said that either Beattie or Murray left his emplOyment because they were of- d hi her wages. He can prove, spreadina aravel a-ndbreakina stonee on i • e POLITICAL MEETING.— A. meeting of the BaYfield and Huron Road, $49 503 • john. Fitzgerald, repairing bridge and 2 $4 a S. Louns- the Reformers of McKillop, at Hermon's Hotel, Winthrop, on Thurs- day evening net, the 5th of Septenaber, at 4 o'clock. A full attendance is par- ticularly desired as business of import- ance will come before the meeting. culvert on concees , 'Wiry, plank for culvert, V 52; Dr. Campbell, medicine and. attendance on poor, $14; end the following grants were niade in chanty: Mrs. Ketherer, to procure clothing lor a child in Deaf Clint on.. and Dumb 4syluni, $10; Mrs. McNa- rhara, $5 ; Mrs. Shafer, $4; Mrs. Ahl- prox., Messrs. Spooner, Mooney 84 Co., SHEEP FOR ENGLAND. -- On the 7th . , burn, 1f4 ; Thomas Downs, 44. The [From the New Era.) of this place, will ship 800 head of sheep I when called by the Reeve. , Council then adjourned to meet again and 50 head of cattle to England. S CHOOL B ware IIE ETING.—A meeting of EETING.--A. political • Mr. Platt, the Con- fer Centre Huron, own Hall, on Tues- onaidering the short was a large attend - g nearly filled. The by Mr. Thos. Kidd, .duties Most efficient- ly, and with the utmost impartiality. The audience, as is universally the case with Seeforth audiences,. was exceed- . r. Platt having called required toSpeak first, e of melting the closing already become versed ingly orderly. 1 the meeting; wa with the privile speech. Havin nia—We ribtice the fel- week's Galt Reporter 't en for many .yeers past a s town, has left Galt 0 ent of Seeforth. During u Galt, Mr. Barton made- '-: friends, who, while Wring that he, is leaving, e that the step may be -advance his worldly in - Batton has secured. an in terest in a hi. -einess already •established d' we shall - always ' be of Itis success." • , LOCSI, Bierees.—Messrs. Roberta= tis , Hickson On Beatorth ea ter was shi - intended - f• • An excitino game of base ball tookplaeo on the °Agriculteral grounds, on Thursday d,f last week between nines' • from eseh et the companies of the Fire i -33rignale. . beenix Company came out vieterious. Quite elarge force of men have been ereployed during the present , 'week -on the drain on Main street south of the raiiwity. • . , - - es • • — POLiTIcAr, Meierieoe, IN SOUTII ITURON..=-1. essrs. M. C. Cameron and 1 T. Groeuw .1,y aro advertised to address the eleceo •s at the following places, viz: Vern , Monday, Sept. 2; Zurith, Tuesdity, Sept. 3; Freidsburge Wed- nesday,. S pt. ' 4; Crediton; Thursday, • Sept. 5 • Limerick, . Friday, 'Sept. 6.; Baylield, Saturday, Sept. 7; .Farquhar, . Monday, Sept. 9 ; Horn's Schoolhouse, ' New Shop.es-Messrs. Swenerton st • Ushorne, Wednesday, - Sept., 11. Each Vanvalkenburgh have opened._ a butcher - 01 these meetings Will 'commence at • 7 , shop to compete in opposition with Mr. • o'clock in the evening. Mie Porter, the I Geo. Petty. • . . Conservet've . candidate has been in- : ReNNING. RACE,—the. foot r ace ar- ' ranged to take'plane between A. Mur- • in Seaforth, lad to near g ^ , the School Board was held in No. 3 - • PRECENTOR.—Mr. j. P. Balfour has School House, on Friday, the ,29th of in connection with the Canada All the members present. Ap- received. the appointment of precentor jelly. Presby- terian Church at a salary of $125. plications were received from Mr. Young, of Port Albert, and. Mr. Lees, of Morris, auspices of the Hullett Branch. Agricul- for the situation as teacher for No. 11 ; GANG PLOWING MATCH.— Under the tural Society, a -gang plowiug match Mies Jessie Reid, d Montreal, also pre- sented a permit from the .Inspector to drews, adjoining Clinton, on the 4th of teach on a L'ower Prevince second-class will be held on the farm Of. Mr. S. An - September. • ' certificate, and Wa3 engaged to open the A NOTICE.—The following " notice." new school No. 10 eS MAI OA ready. the office of the Third Division Court to Moved by J. Mawing, seconded by S. Wallace, that Richard Lees be engaged. t ach in School House No. 11, for the is framed and. conspicuouslby posted n working- his way to the front." The reverend gentlenaan so favorably Men- tioned. above, is son-in-Iaw of Mr. Gar- diner, the esteemed postmaster of Bay- field. AUGVST 30, 1878. • V.A.I.i'Ls GOODS, on Saturday Mr. F. W. Simpson, of Exeter, shot a crane at the distance of —While out on a shooting expedit.itone On h OPENED OUT ALREADY' isa2moyearaaays,mvirh.ilesiiintwpsaosnflaylisnog.dispiar:a ( some good shooting by killing a hell - diver across the river, a distance of about one hundred yards. This was a I very good shot, considering that these small birds are very hard to 'shoot, as theynere continually on the move. —Tlie Exeter Times says: While American apple tree peddlers are per- ambulating the country selling their trees, it Might not be amiss to pay some attention to Canadian nurseries. We were the other day shown. a young ap- ple tree in its third year whicb. is bear- ing nearly one hundred apples. It was purchased from Mr. John Allit3oia, ThameS Road, Trebel -tie. His trees sel- dom fail to grow well and to reward the purchaser with a biauntiful harvest of fruit. --Mr. Malcolm. Campbell, one of the pioneer residents of North Huron, died at his residence at Blyth, on the 22nd instainhaving attained the good., old age of 78 years. Deceased was a`ria,tive of the Isle of Sky; he emigrated to Cape Breton in 1832, remaining there until 1851, when he ,,moved to Morris, and. latterly into Blyth, where lee resided until gathered home like a sheaf of wheat, fully ripe and full of years. He leaves an aged. partner, and a family Of ten grown up children, all settled in life and respected, a comfort to the old man as he went down to the grave with his gray hairs. Is linton • " NOtice—Our hours \reurainder of the year at a salary of 4150 --Carried. Moved by G. Sproat, sec- •onded by N. •Cousina, that the building committee have a fence erected on the north and east Biles of the new school t hiah have the und tb.e foundation, so eredt two privies— a4 adjourned tonaeet f the Secretary. ain. met pursuant to new school on Friday, 2 o'clock v. na. Alt ent with the Inspector cept the school, which hed, but was in a for - that a, neighbor of Mr. Watt's had of- for listening to solicitors for benevolent however, that C. Beattie told a, p•erson " in the tricks that are vain,' in his opening speech he only made a few in-. troductory remarks, keeping his "big thunder" until his- last speech, so it could not be repl ed. to. Such a little rep led is not cred.table to a gentleman of Mr. Platt's bilities, and, it shows that he has little confidence in the cause he espouses. r. Platt ' was followed by Mr. Horton, who made e neat speech; in which he exe'ressed his unbounded confidence in th' of the -Govern policy on the t fered j. Murray 45 a month more tlaan he was getting from Mr: Watt, before he left. Ile- also wishes us to state that .neither of the men was ever re- quired to work later at night than it is customary for his neighbors to work; also that on. the Sunday night come plained of the door was not locked un- til himself and family were retiring for the night, and it is, and. was, his usual custom to lock the aoor that time. ..ped 400 tubs of butter .from Wednesday last: The but - ped to Montreal, and was r the Lower Provinces.— lionesty,and integrity ent, and defended their iff question.' Mr: Hor- purpOses are frora 8 a. m. o p. . Book agents, from 1 to 3 p. Beg- , gars, peddlers, and advertising agents, 1. • from 3 to 6 p. m. We attend to our own • business at night." A SCAltE.—UP to within a few days since, a party complssed of the Messrs. Ransford and Renton, of Clinton, were eamped on the picturesque banks of the Maitland, and one day vvhile the female members of . the party were enjoying themselves away frdm their male asso- ciates, they were suddenly startled.- by the appearance of a large wild cat in their midst. They beat a hasty retreat to the camp, and. their friends went forth, on " slaughter bent," but the ani- mal had disappeared. A MYSTERY.—Last week, in digging a draM in the Methodist churchyard, the laborers came across &number of bones, and curiosity induced them to pick them out. Upon examination they were found to be the bones of an infa,nt, apparently • several weeks old. There was no flesh upon them. They had all become displaced, but are complete with the exception of the skull, -which is missing. How they came there and to whomtheybelonged,is not known. The only 'supposition is that. they are the remains of an illegitimate child, -whose parents have taken this means of hiding their shame. •Tunkersmith. • Hay. COUNCIL MEETING.—Council met on Saturday, 17th inst. All the members present. Minutes of former meeting read and approved. Moved. by Mr. Kalbfleisch, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that the sum of $15 be paid. John. Bris- son, as damages for a colt, it having broken its • leg in a culvert on Lake road.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Sni- der, seconded by Mr. Rennie, that the Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to borrow the sum of $350, to:' aid in de- fraying the expenses of gravelling roads, and to pass their note therefor in behalf of the Corporation, if neces- sary; eaid sum -to be paid. when collect- ed in '4 taxes.—Canied. On presenta- tion by the Clerk of the County Clerk's letter, requiring 43,792.63 for county purposes and Legislative School Equiv- alent, it :was moved by Mr. Rennie, seconded by Mr. Wilson, that the 'slim of 42,5Q0be raised for township pur- poses, $150 for interest on S. B. deben- tures, 4520 for interest and the redemp- tion of two drainage debentures, to be levied off property benefitted by drain ; that a rate of three and four -fifth milis on the dollar be levied on all the rate- able property of the township, both for county and township purposes, the Clerk to draft a by-law accordingly; and that the applications fronathe sev- eral school. trustees to • levy a.nd collect ton -was followed by Mr. Orabb, of God. - rich, whose sp 'wild 'accusetio ment and ram trade questio followed Mr. Crabb, and in his usual forcible and eloquent manner defended the Government adeinst the charges made against them, and showed up Mr. Crabb's faladea to the evident amuse- ment and satisfaction of the audience. Dr. Coleman followed Mr. McMillan, and gave his reasons, or whpA he claims are his reasons, for having, 'as_ he ex - is coat." Mr. eech. Ile is a leasant, gentle- , but his argu- perficial. He is de a hobby of oh was a,' concoction of against the Govern- ing platitudes on the Mr. Joh-n McMillan pressed. it, " terned Platt made the last s fluent speaker and. a manly looking perso ments are -wild and s a theorist who has in Protection, .and he has, consequently, fallen into many glaring 'Wades. He seems to stake his all on Protection, and he made scarcely any reference to the policy or conduct of "the Govern- ment.= other matters. • I He was much more guarded in the censure of the Gov- ernment than most political orators on his side are, and rested his whole claims for election On his advocacy of Protec- tion. Probably he considers that, in a •constituency like Centre Huron, this co-urse is politic. The ineetinaa closed with a vote of thank.s to 'the chairman, cheers .for the Queen Lula the candi- dates. . ' around fe ground levelled r and. pump, land a Carried. The B again at the call '—Tho Board a a.djurnmeiat th the 23rd. Men, at the members pre to examine; and a• was scarcely fim ward and satisf ctpry state and would be ready for oce pation onMonday, the 26th inst. ; The estimates were ma,,de out, and would. r quire the sum of $5,- 000 to pay the b lance of teaaer's sal- aries, schopl b dings and other neces- o business of any fur - , A Poen CROP.—Fp,rmens generally, iu this township, are very much disap- pointed shout their spring wheat this season. Several have already threshed, and it will scarcely average more than. from five to eight bushels per acre. This is naost unfortunate, as a very large breadth was sown. Fall wheat ancl oats yield well, hist peas and barley are a light nrop. POLITICAL Menuano.—A meeting call - the sums they require be received.— ed by Mr. Platt, the Conservative can - Carried,. Moved by, Mr. Kalbfleisch, didate for Centre Huron, was held at seconded by Mr.eSnicler, that the Reeve the Red School House, Tuckersmith, grant orders on -the Treasurer to the on Wednesday evening last. The at - Road Commissioners for sums expend- tendance was very' small. Aside from inensures ed by- on public works as follows: tbose in attendance from Seaforth and and it will b Christian Oswald., 4235 ; Conrad 'Weber, f • it ceases %271.75; • Samuel Calele, 4200.12 ; William Moir, 4334.37i. Carried. Seer-, eral accounts were pa.ssed and orders granted for payment of the same. The Council adjourned to meet on Satur- day, Oct. 5th, at 10 a. m. sexy expenses. 'tiler importance wee done. The Board then adjourned to, meet again i31 the school house for the purpose of receiving applications fro ' the teachers of the various schools for re-engagenaent for 1879. ELu. -• Mr. George has corn. growl measures 14 fe • —Mr. P. Mo FishleigVs bric for the snm of —The ste business in Ex pany to place safe in the exp II. M. interesting le last Monday e audience, in Varna. —Mr. Fran a number -of nearly three y as ever. Mr. • on Notes. Kilpatrick, of Exeter, a on his -farm which e. t height. re 'has purchased Mr. residence in. Brussels 1,700 cash. y increasing express ter has led the Cora - fire and burglar proof Ceslsaroleffideelivered a highly ture on intemperance, ening to a very attentive the Temperance Hall, —A few evenings ago, . about mid- night, a fire broke out in. the stable be- longing to Mr. Wm. McConnell, bailiff, Wingliara, which was entirely destroy- ed, also an old. stable belonging to him and a stable adjoining it, the property of Mr. F. H. Roderous. Mr. McConnell's stable contained, at the time of the fire, a horse, two sets single harness, a cut- ter, a ton of hay, a lot of carpenter's tools, and other artieles, all of which, Witb. the exception of the. horse, were burned. The stable WAS new, having been erected only this season. How the fire originated is not known, but it was first ilia -covered. in the hay loft. The - total loss will be about $300. 4 PACKAGES AT A. a MCDOUGALL&COira Several Special Lots s Cornish,.of Exeter, has large applee which are ars old, and are as sound ornish intends keeping them till Christmas. —Mr. janaes Downs, of Exeter, has a squa,sh growine in his garden which nehes in circumference, considerably larger be - r. Egmondville, there were not over 1 - ON g. teen present, all told. Mr. George —A valuable dog, belonging to Mr. Jackson, of Egmondville, was appointed. P. McPliillip , of Exeter, was stolen by chairman, and performed the duties in I an. evil dispos a circus main It was, the most impartial manner. Mr. Platt however, rec vered a few miles from Made the first speech. He confined his 1 town, and brought back. o the question of Pro- ' —The village of Wingham has this year to raise I the sum of 48,500 • for schocl purp+ses. One of the hand - houses in the county is of erection there. . Wilson, -who has been usiness as a druggist and ayfield for the past few t to open a drug store at ill remove with his family outh. libbons has been appoint - officer for South Huron. ion will be held at Efensall. Holmes is the returning rth Huron, and the nom - be held at Wingliana. Barmier- MenTiene—Mr. M. C. Cam- eron, the Reform Candidate, is to ad- dress the electors here this week. _ vited to a, tend. . 1 doch, Of this place, and W. Balkwi , o CIII:Ite EXTENSIoN.—We learn with! Exeter, last Saturday, was Unavoidably pleiteure that _the members oi St. 1 postponed, but will come off on Baur - -Thomas .Church in this town have de- i day next, sure, on the Exeter Driving termined to materially enlarge their I, park, at 5.30 sharp. The race. is for lturch edifice -by adding to I so a side. . ._ Hippen.. SIGNS OF Li.—The storehouse for- merly belonging to Love & Mellis has- been purchased by Mr. Shaffer, of Kip - pen. He has rented it to an enterpris- ing a,nd live business man, who is hav- ing it fitted up itt. good style andintends beginning business immediately. As Kippen is surrounded byone of the best grain-prodncing sections of country in Ontario, -with excellent roads and with a grain buyer of Well known integrity, we bespeak for the above :place a good fall and winter trade. . AMU SEMENTs.—Q:11(lit pitching seems to be all the rage in athletic circles, somo. of the rnost noted pitchers being at tirnes worked up to fever heat. Quite an exciting getue was played last Fri- day seemingly to determine who should " wear the belt," as the umpire pro- nounced the Contestants "ties," it seems to be as hard to know who will be cham- pion iu their inext as 0 -whether Gamer-, on or Porter, will win in the coming election. —The Blyth Review gets off the fol- lowing good. note : Messrs. Farrow ana Sloan's first series of meetings have ended, and both express. themselves as being thoroughly satisfied with the re- sult. Mr. Farrow does not seem to want a rest, however, as he has :ap- pointed another series of eight Meet- ings, but if any of the electors can learn from his posters -when to attend those meetings, they are wise indeed. He announces his first meeting on Tuesday, A ugust.26th, a date which we fail to find in our calendar, and his three fol- lowing meetings are equally as mysti- cal. Dr. Sloan's circular dontained a couple of typographical errors in about a thousand figures; Mr. Farrow's post- er is muddled altogether. Of course they blame the poor printer for all such errors, but we think now they better stop chaffing on the subject, as one is as deep in the mud as the other is in the mire. If one committed his error in- tentionally the other did. also. Then drop the subject, gentlemen, and. give the printers a rest. • DIRECT FB,031 MattNUFkeT13/3,ERS AT VERY LOW PRICES. remarks entirely tection. Mr. Ho excelle t peech. made .b essrs McLean pato -th, Cresswell of_ Tuck- ersmith, an Mc illan of Hullett. Af- ter a vote of thi nks to the chairman, and cheers for t e Queen, the meeting broke up about11 o'clock. If this meeting can be considered an index of public sentiment we should judge the so-called " NUinnal Policy" has not muoh footing in this section of Tucker - smith. - A Namtow iD•te.krE.—The° barns and. other outbuildings of Mr. George Walk- er, Mill Road, Thickersmith, had a very narrow escape from destruction on Fri- day, the 16th inst. During the heavy storm of that day the barn was -struck and fired by lightning. Fortunately only one corner was struck, and the fluid entered. a part of the building where the material was not veryinflam- mable. From the severity of the shock Mr. Walker's ' family concluded that something had been • struck, end on looking out Fsaw smoke streaming from the barn.* Aid was speedily got, ton follo-wed with an Speeches were also Crabb of Goderich, somest schoo now in cours —Mr. C. carrying on chemist at years, is abo Blyth, and during next —Sheriff ted returnin The nomina Mr. Thoma officer for N illation will —The fa what disap ity of their the mai orit not worth t grain, how lent. —Mr. W IMPROVEMENTS.—Mr. Shaffer has had and the fiames were quenched before his hotel painted and has now the sat- I any 'serious damage was done. Had isfactims of knowing that it is one of the 1 the lightning struck in. almost any oth- t t and best in the County. The .1, er part of the buildings, or bad the fire work was done by Mr. C. Whiteman, a ; not been noticed so soon, the buildings 1 contents, I would. almost surely have been destroy; ; about 9.30 geutleman who possesses rare faculties I is $2,000, las a painter, as his .fine stemples of grain- - ed. They were filled with this year's ! crop and contained in. addition a large I the Cana present mg will testify. -1 —Messrs each side an additional wing. • This en- 1 MeuxeTS.—Now the grain is. coming • . Edgar and Phillips have. i number of excellent implements and i ning , th.11 largemen is rendered. necessary on ac- : , in to town, our three buyers, Messrs. added very neatly Colic tructed verandas i vehicles. Mr., -Walker was from home 1 —On T eountof he rapidly increasing congrega.- Charters, )V118111110,11 and McGregor st , to their hitherto co-mfortable and coin- at the time. ! . i the Bayfi . and titer being several wanting seats i . be seen standiii,g on the °corners. of the /1 --Mr. Collingwood has now got feirly. 1 dether with their contents; embracing 1 While co : —The barns of Mr. Eric McKay, to I ship, me ton, the seate being now all taken. up, Urquhart. of the flourina mills, axe to 1 naodious dwellings. who ea, not 'be accommodated. This ! i StreetS On thellOck out. Quite a trade • street. It iS a neat, coseedwelling built I ensconced in his new house on Main o . ; this year's crop, were- destroyed by fire ran away, i some days ago., The fire was caused by wagon to • • i th a a . - Selves lighting Mattches, they fired the I sone e Urn ' b nes we around quite smart -again. - possessor in its thi d. year from a cuttmg. ni has put for h three shoots, each about fourteen fe t in length, besides several smaller br nches, all of the -laterals be- ing allowe to grow. • —T. Mo at's two barns and shed, on the 11th c ricession of Ushorne, with were burned by lig,litning p, m. on the 18th. The loss ud the insurance $1,200, in 04 Agricultural. The ligh der and rainswere fearful. , iesday last Mr. W. Craig, Id concession, Goderich town- -with a painful accident. iing out of a yard his team by the dropping down of the gue, and he was thrown out, n passing over his head. No e broken, but he sustained. ses. V. N. Cresswell, of Reaforth, 'harles Chapman, of London, returned from a sketching he Muskoka district, having ekes Muskoka, Rosseau and and also the various rivers in the vicinity. They have large number of views of the ue scenery for which that place SPECIAL VALUE —On Ttiesday morning listMr. Thos. Cox, who came to Exeter some five weeks since, died at Mr. R. Atkinson's hotel. It appears that he has been for some tim& working in the flax -mill Leaving his -work on Saturday at noon he came to the hotel and. asked Mr. At- kinson to call in Dr. Moore as he felt a heaviness in his chest. Thie doctor aid all he could to save him; Inkt his lungs, were filled with the flax-duit to such an extent it was impossible to do anything, and he gradually sank Instil Tuesday, -when he expired. Deceased was of en- gaging naanners, but was sorriewhat ad- dicted to drink. He was a silversmith by trade, a native of Devgnsnire, Eng., and. had only been a few years in this country, and had. not amassed a great I deal of this world's goods A Deceased was about 40 years of age, and so far as is known, is without a relative in the country. A curious feature in. the case is that during his stay in Exeter, he chose to, pass as Thomas Pope, but for what reason no one appears able to tell. -.a-A. sad and fatal accident oecurrred itt Wingham some days ago. It seems that Arthur Thompson, an apprentice to Mr. Dawson, merchant tailor, was in the act of lighting the fire, and to ex- pedite Ms work he used coal oil,which he poured from a large tin vessel. The blaze from the fire ccmmunicated with the oil in the can, causing a violent ex- plosion, scattering the flaming oil over the room and over the clothes of poor Thompson, setting fire to both, Thorap- , son running into the street -with his clothes in flames. The fire was at once extinguished. The house Was Hat dam- aged, but Thompson was fatally burned. Medical aid was immediately in attend- ance, and did all that skill could. Sug- gest, bet to no purpose. He :lingered until Saturday morning, when he ex- pired. It appeared he had .been fre- quently cautioned not to use the oil in. that way. He was an exemplary young man, and his widowed mother willbave the syrapathy of the public in her sad. bereavement. ers in. Howick are some- ointed in regard to the qual- prin,g whpat. It is said that of the spring -wheat crop is e cutting; all other kinds of ver, are turning out excel - Carrick, of•Exeter is the • a grape vine, whicli. is only • prosper() is condition of the co. ngrega- is done in Hensall in gram, and w hilo by Ross Bros., of Exeter. Mr. Coining- ; two young children, who chnihe into a to' the tougregaticm. by a broken thigh, but is now able to be kcts are supplied frorn Bayfield to Farqu- ton nun entetic pLasing . . n confined to his ome and aceomplished pastor and tition -will no donbt takeplace• The mar- I. wood has long bee ha mow and while amusing em - t be gratifying alike to the en- there Rre so many buyers, keen compe- • , hay. The fire . spread so rapidly that —Mr. Pietetseee.eaThe friends of Mr. A. -er. • the children !barely escaped, and noth- and Mr. Vogt, the youtie num n•lio so ably 1 f(ortsnd the prices : Wh_ite whe,at, 90c toe i. Hunt long and fay°, rablyknown, )0c.• red svinster, hec to ; Fife Pin connec th B ll s has Dee jug in the buildings was saVed. The have jus sprnig„).)o`to ; red chaff, boo to ; ; '1 to his new premises, known as loss is a part cularly see ere one for Mr. tottir of -ion of' oreanist at the openme eo (Usti ngUished himself aS vieited ew Methodist churcli-liere', last retie, 55c to 58c ; barley, 60c to 70c. the " Cooper Homestead." The resist- . meKey. • bar and out to the lake. Below will be the posl • of the 1 winter, a. piani • moo of• which he has refitted in the Coterie :i••.-rnsc,.---The Council met ; JoSeph, • _Myth. ; most approved modern sts,le. That he 031 Friday, t . e 23rd inst. All the mem- and falls Pleased to learn that he has received INA DQ VARTER s for politics-- Kleg's." - hers present. Moved by John Hannah, , secnred , , Brothele4 . concert given here, \rill be e 1 u .1 be s 'axed to eu'o , hie new le d 3 3 • ‘ 1 th: zIppOintillOut, of organist in the First . Peneoxei.e.—Mr. Geo. Davidson, who comfortable home is the sincereevish of seconded_ by S. Landsborough, that the : pictures MethoLlist elnuale St. .Thorats, at aleft Blyth for AVoodstock some four , an appreciativee cominemity. followin , ra es be levied. for the curreut . 18 noted liberzit editry. Thappointment . months returned on Saturday, to ! New Scuooe Ildrsaa---The new school year : For ounty purposes the sum of —The . flattering coinpliment to Mr. Vogt 's resume his former occupation as photo- ! house between the 10th and llth con- $4,129, requi 'Ma a rate of two mills on Godericl , ability,1 considering that there was a grapher here. . cessions, Tuckersrnith, is now complet- the dollar ; or °township purpOses, the enemy i e is a large niumber of appl;cents for the po- ..._-:&. R. It Dunbar, Principal of the ! ed. The services of Miss Reid, a lady sum of $3,1 0, being a rate of 1,33. mills S wnim, o Sition, eeveral being old and experienced I3lyth school, .who has been spending ' from Montreal has been obtained as on the doll ; for railway, interest and , and legs organi. tee . . . the holidars at Yarmouth Centre, re- • teachey, and she is to be cengratulated sinking fun , the sum of $1,050, requir- , They ar at and organist at the Tandy turned on 'Saturday. . ' . . on having such a neat and .comfortable ing a rate of 5s3 of a mill on the dollar; 1 devouru TENteKRANCE . EX(TDSion.--.A. mem- : . Ineeoveee.—Mr• Archie Tai,,lor, who - school in whicb to begin lier labors in the : for general school purposes, the sum of mon wo path i eilway excursion, under the MIS- has been ill for &nue time with typhoid , west, reflecting alike credit OD. trustees 1 $4,500, and for Union School Section , formida .pices efti‘ C ) )1 Templars, to Toronto -fever, is able to get down town again. 1 and tontractor. It was opened by Divine . No. 1, McK llop, the sum of $98 41, as ' to light and .. iinnua Falls, takeplace next - —Mr. Peter Elder is also Unpins ine seices last Sabbath evening by Revrequired by the trustees.- A 'by-law in : * —A week. Excursion trains from Quebec- Slowly. - . . Mr. Cameron, who preached from the accordance with the foregoing resolu- in the C and. 1‘ ()areal on the east, .and Goder- MAD KI —1 95c to$1 ; l'ife, , text, Prose XIX. 2, " Also that the soultion, was re d and passed. A by-ldee : INIoutrei /eh al a Low:toil -on the west, will be 95c -to )'-i-c*; red chaff, 85c to 88c; barley, , be without knowledge is not good, and. vesting an original road allowance be- • Bray, w run. The train leaves Goderielt on '50c to 5 5c ; mai, 27c to 30c '; peas, 5.5c he that hasteth with his feet sinneth." , tweent'lots '‘ , 10 and 11, on the eecond i leaving Vridee morning next, September bt,h, at to :ite ; hav tucwi, .5,11j, 50 to $15"; brit_ The necessity of a good secular educe- and third concessions, H. R. S., in Con- erence 6.45 O'clock, and Seaforth a little later; ter, 1.0;)'se, lee, tub, eoe ; 'Rs,- 9 c, po- tion sanctified by Divine influence, and staut L. YanEgsmond, was• read and geonr, canine at all the intermediate StatiOnst atoes, 50c ; apple4, 50c, ' -Wool, 2'.1c to the connection between science and the I passed. Moved by S. Landsborough, man of , irfahree,a ti cukets are one-fourth the ordinarv 2 le. • ' . • ology was very eloquently demonstrated seconded by Robert Elg,ie, that Messrs. of an good to return in ten days, Coreeneerioe Surn—The suit. of L. ' by a sermon of marked power and ear- Mund.elleend Hannah be aeath.orized to Mr. S f with the privilege- of calling at inter- . Shaw Le co. vs. Corporation, which was nestness. The Hippen Presbyterian . let a. jot' of turnpiking on the side line ; known medi testatioese nes is said to be the i to have been, tried at the Wingharn Di- ' choir, led by Mr. Blair, conducted the, ,between lots 5 and 6, concession 4, H 1 pulpit' last heap excursion of the season. A 1 vision Court, last Wednesday, waspost- ! singing with the usual ability. The , R. S. The job of gravelling on Kippen I tident . , . , . - • --- - • IN SUPERIOR HEAVY GREY OOTTONSi. BROWN DUCKS, COTTON TiCKINGS, SCOTCH WINCEYS, TABLE LINENS, • STAIR OIL CLOTHS, GREY 'FLANNELS, MUCH UNDER -VALUE AT A. G. - McDOUGALL & CO.'S. potato crop in the vicinity of , is being attacked by a new s the shape of a large white • snub with .dark hinder parts e in the fore 'part of the body. attacking the potato itself and a them. It i esernbles the com- a devorm and. prornisei to be a le foe unless some enemy comes to cut it off. ong well-written pulpit sketches anad;an Spectator, published at I, and edited by Rev. A. J. - e• findthe. following: "Before the Presbyterian churches ref- nust be mad.e-to Rev, 3. Scrim - f St. Joseph street, who is a geod presence and address; and cute and iisvestigating mind. rimgeour ought to be .better than he is, for the quality of his ork warrants it a but he is dif- and modest. However, he is To the Electors of North Huron. . . . GENTLEMEN: Mr. Ferro* wanted a meeting called to prove twe'ity false- hoods iu my last Circular. What did. he prove? That the word " County'" should be inserted in the Sixth Resolu- I tion, and the words of Ministera in the ! last column. Dia he deny that the i Resolutions were adopted in the House? i That he wa.e sitting there, and therefore I voted for them? That they added $300,- A. 000 to our annual expenditure, making one and a half millions of dollais paid 1 away in the last five years as INCREASne on good salaries already existing? He can't qiiibble out of these facts. I re- , main, yours truly, i -WILLIAM SLOAN. TWMP3DS,. The Largest Retail Stocl in Ontario. We have - now in Stock of New Goods OVER 50.0 PIECES, Representing the Leading 'Scotch, English and, French Manufactures. ALL NEW PATTERNS,. Which will be offered at Very Low prices. 1 0 TROUBLE TO SHOW OOPS: Fall Shows. ' PrIX)TlahitciAlne iHuhxiveiibition, et Toroute, Sept. 23 to 28, Webt Biding of Huron, September 18 and 19. Western Fair, at London, Sppt. 80 and Oct. 1 to 4- ifullet Branch, at Clinton, Sept. 19 and 20• Morris Branch, at Blyth, Oct. 10 andll. Hay, at Zurich, Sept. 19 and 20. South Huron,st Exeter, Oct. 7 and S. East Riding, afi Wroxeter, Oct. 1 and 2. Central Exhibition, at Guelph, September 17, 18, , 19 and W. G. MCDOUGALL & CO IS SEA FORTH, ONTARIO. Direct Importers and Deale Dry Goods Only. BUTTER WANTED EliEvE WECOLE =AL ES 4s,„__•1_,-...... !-, ....•-•-•,---- On SALE."—Nit •Nine, 5 little w sonable, Term MITAGE, Seal WARM FOR S. :1-' lst concession Of excellent land, cias.sq. Apply to !Huron Road, Mc 'WARM FOR S.. 1: of 100 sties, p 11.2th eonceSsion n 'Torras easy,. Al 111)x 51, Clinton P. , roll $,T.—Fe -. -a: 'Mill, nearly til :situated in the fl ' Will be maid rebel SECOBD, COSSE) -,E.t.tam IN Me ' 1: Lot 7,'Con. ,cleared-gma well •. rumgorchard ; sof • time; price $5,000 . forth. 'POR SALE. -1 r -T ' acre lot in the t1 i Huron, 20 acres ex i 'timbere(1 with be will be sold. aeov Solicitor, Seal -oath `VAIIM POR SA1 • 1: field toncesii taining b acres, ol ' good 8t5*el cunt the rmaijt of BayA 1-- on favor blo tali f ,,TOTIN i,i VENLAIJ !, VON, SALE otn - 31: the -Country,, I of Harpurhey. 1) '. a large garden Mb i criptions; eouitw, R. WINNE, on tli ulna Agent, Ses,h WARM FOR SA] 1: M, in the 5t1 100 acrek gooa. A barn 80):26., good! •'cleared, good be PunIP• APPII, 1 place, or to West fessolan FAO '4-i.Oni; 7., Mlle 80 cleared, well V of -cultivation ; '1 terms easy. E Messrs, MeOLIN or on the Inez* stance P. O. . _ . VALI:A.BLE ! V the east ha Tnekevonithy (.743 acres, 3.1 miles A convenient 10 4 best quality. 11 TAMES 21CKA Egmondville P. If_TOTEL• Fel 1-'a- Hotel lcnol the Clyde Hotel Is a Airst-clasal land a*d a, -1200 .till- of 'which s liberal:: For • F. RTNG, Bliat WAIIM FOR 1 1: Hullett,leol cleared andifre dwelling, ,lionse 'frame barn ali a salial (11,010X1 .t3t ClititOu aria ply at TuE E • VALI) ABLE.1, V Lot 29, .e-01 85 of which or thorn is a, ing and stables, td. is within 7i n titulars apply if Alttl or by WARM FOlt. 1' 7, Con. 15, acres, *I of Nv • There is on t barn and stab itta. . Tbe six] • good gravel ra session this h C. It., WORE.; the preinises T_TOIJSE JO '1.1 humid land. The pa -fleece of S. 4,1 sully locatedi fortable. A corner lot, nn trees. -This to the propril - -- -z- -;.• il WARM P.A1 ,a-: Monis ; i • vety beat ft.) ea,. There a-] barn, ail ne4 u.r4.1s. Theal graxel read: Brussels. Brussels P. i premises. R -O PPEXT -a- Con. 14, excellent lot 29, Con., 5, sels, 50 acr • maildnery . Iota, and a I.: all the prow ber of imprOl ties. 30114 i VAIlli Ftii • A-- ly sites; County of which are' i; housea, btu' • Bala driv in water. lklii • Town of -,Si; particulars STEP, tor, on the „; ... VAL" west, batting 50; farm i sit Seaforth. Tiler is ings Th UAW atat 1eue1.I Ilenian, a easy. Tin to A. $TU Fhng WWI cleared ings and chard and be sold wi 12 from 1, gravel rou of exce1:4: Apply to PremPac•-:, VAR». the N -cleared, stale of c" with Item rosx» 501 orstbuil or water.. ton, and to each will be Walton ises.