The Huron Expositor, 1878-06-28, Page 3IS78 :BAND OF MINE iisMaettinery trona SEAFORTH re ite eseertnetteg try tee masses of Theron thee halt beet eV; eigrica nd lieteicat I Ate ittetrese ate areal:tee ie• the Singer, tee at/nettle, havitig certied the, Centeaanial end Sydney opureheste oesioaz the Meese iwtt intereeta lev eine:titer tre eart do_ beiier eir the e trade. ul other repaint ateass ea is GoderiehL. ateeet. .1EURPFIY, Atetfertli. " a. -y -1. "r ' ria -4-5,--3D I UME W OF1KS • tt U It It G INT 4 - :nee thia oppertanity etae. tee ittitelthante of Bresaere 4nttrOtt,kge• Ma,t be-,, to sotto • veatti traproveteoute in their !havalag, they ere in a bete te, sapply the puldie with e 1st tale. Cash at the' Delivered. ath seasout ottr bueinettit :and levying givee unquelid- ; the" tetblic eff.” relyo at and a first-eta:se article the spor Tim larrtssels :TOWN ,S; Btlft.R0 WS.. itefFi A tWAY. BAY BitANCI-1. addressed to the nrider, tett. " Teuder foe Georgian. [le received up, to noon of ay of Sane aex‘t. /A front Station O of toes- acetere siee of toonth River, a Office. to the heed of nevi- iver, ebout 5 miles east of I be in 1erlk;11, about 50-mileg. reeived in two terras (A. Itiel iemorandara of Ceratitions [tit epecificetions *ad other set or seett on applicetion Pablie Work. : encerteined nrilese on the less the printed. conditions 8es (rder, : F. BRAUN. Searetary. Werke, Masi_ 548-8 thanks hie tatinerone :others) for their liberal - ' plait seven yr, and ktopes, telose attention to beeniess, nee and trade in the future. larged his premises,. during prepared to pay the CASH /PRICE good fresh ego, delivered EMI'ORIUM, Main Street, Somforth. Fectiber all, tone of good dry W: LSO N. FARMERS AND 'H ERS, the attention of ail, these t.;tIlt:7Criber is determined to 4 ,.t.„0,1 inch Herolock, •L not sh," et the fallowing retest 00 oer thousand ; 14 foot t Cash. All orders over 4,000 CaJI eud ace if yea deal ed. t months wia be berged lake his numerous mete -more ' ort, and RolidiS coutiuu- , JOHN THOMPSON. iteam Saw Mills. MeKillop. LetERe=3, _ND REAPERS. g Ce, Iron Cita Single Mow - aid Bradley No. 2, te *warded two silver mealelti : the Cententlial Evhiaitiere Wattle given to Gamete for s Bronze Medalsat ARS= :Sycluey, test spring, Silver Inuty trial, I". S., 1.877, Gold the great Hurou trial, last as first prizes throughout ted States- They are sub- ight draught, can be iastant- and conditions of grebe, and 'the varioue Spring Shows (i-E0Raila STEWART, far the County of Huron. rtit at Seidel -tie 53g-13 N ItENSALL. !WHEAT. eying that farmers in this tow tufty convinced that has entirely ruined the CanadianSpring Grebe ratty be rret by E oz we to 30cf per bush. be- ' Fall Wheat; Oita it is also e harvest, producing ft itir fatuity uest. 1 would ae, the following choice iiia Storch(nse. Ifenettit atug'e Prime Minnesota owe Blue Stem, end the :tioderete Prices. Clover j). e LEN NAN. REAL LIVERY, ror _ fttetre liege ta inform Saaforth wad the travel- s (parchaeed the Live.ry f Mtsers. Cernoehan & his power to retain the, avorite establiehmeat Ilea stilly good driving &psi re - a Gerrit:gee will be kept ter. Calls, night or day, ntied to. PIO-N10 AND Ltberally Dealt with. orders le -ft et the Cora, Whet will eeeive prompt arket Street, oppoaitet tt(ilITON, Proprietor, AND- ORGAN kLLEI. 7 ae' Church, Seaforth, e prepared to instruct a ts in lustramental 'Ideate. O t) E II A T >rise North of the W. M. ' afartla. 545 RESSINa er iota Switchea, Curts,_ in the Latest Styles and k the IV -atm -al way at the top MISS CARRGW, four duorswest of the 528-211 JUNE 28, 187 The ilames of the Poor in New - York. Prompted by the interest in tene- men.t-house life -Which has lately been wakened in the public mind, a report- er of the Nev jerk _Evening Past started out one afternoonto make a journey through the worst quarters known to the police. It W. an easy task to find out whet the police consider the evorst neighborhood of the city. It lies on either side eif Mulberry street, from Bayard to Canal street. Mulberry street begins at the lower point,' of .Chatham Square and runs nearly parallel with the Bowery. Beginning se this point, the reporter wended his way slowly along northward, taking . . meit. habit THE HURON.EX OSITOR.. 3 not easy to know much of their life be- yond what can be seen by.going into their lairs and stir:Hug them up, like so many Tate, with a- stick. Unless pro- tected by a police officer this stirring up process, or, in- feet, any other pro- cess in Mulberry street, would be ex- tremely dangerous. The degraded crea- tures seem to. have the same sort of fear of tII& police that wild animals have for theireta,mers. They are cowed ,by fear. It was very easy to inaagine the panther -like rapidity -with which these swarthy, black-eyed men would use the knife, were it not for the knowl- edge thee the officers lend. is ou his pistol: The different rooms present very little variety; the occupants are . ' r notes of the greet and its mostly rag-pickersHere and there a nts as he wentUntil Bayard harp may be seen. Petty thieving is stree, also one of their ways of getting a liv- is reaehed there is nothing strik- ing about the scene. Mulberry street woman, occupying a cornerreet is big. narrow and. of course horribly dirty, of the cellar, lived by scraping the bill - The atvement is next to impassable, boards and dead walls of the refuse of 9,na ,agons and. carts avoid it, appar- oicl posters. " 'th the The officer whose night beat was in ently —a, fact w e , togetifler d appearance of the this part of Mulberry street, was asked ed Madeerepit shanties- and rookeries, the foreign looks of the people, the goats and. .Other, ani- mals feeding on the garbage 'whi h fills il the getters, gives the street a in ge,. f r off look which eannot fail o ira- how frequent were the disturbances which he -was called upon to quell. " An average of frit) or six a night," was his answer. Keeping a constant watch. 011 the dangerous ones is his method of maintaining peace. When trouble be- press the. visitor forcibly after an kcur's _ gine. to brew 1n. Mulberry street, . the wandering. At Bayard street the road - know exactly where to put their way grows narroWer, and there are 110- Police more houses to be seen which have strong hands on the unruly ones, or, as been built within the last fifty years. 10th.cer Crowley expeessed it, the bad " B d " Ih Some of the rookeries -are of wood, some oues• , of brick; very few are more than three with• murderous stories high. They are all alike in one There are a di:leen respect—they have an indescribable,' ter of a mile of Mulb - look of abject poverty stamped. upon I vile and crowded as ! them. Even their outsides suggest the house in the street is squalor, the. filth, and the horrible ! and fzowded beyon poverty of the wretches -who swarm like 511 15 -the rul e, smell the exception. How children live ; rats at the noise of a drunken brawl. Standing at the corner of Bayard and 1, is a . -mystery. They crowd the stair - narrow cases a,nd alley -ways, they are neglect - Mulberry street, looking up the street, it is clifecult-to realize that the ; ed, fearfully maltreated ; they may be eek the_ I said to be "eked up rather than a.tau- a ranch 11 ged. up or b m synonymous the country I ani -engaged in my liter- ary tasks till a feeling of weariness drives me into the open air, and I go upon my farm or into the garden and. prune the fruit trees or perform some other work abeeit them -which they need and then go bade to my books.. I do not often drive out, preferring to walk. e‘ In the country I dine early, and it is only at that meal that I take either meat or fish, and of these but a mod- erate qeatitity, making my dinner most- ly of Yogetables. At the meal which is ca,lled tea I take only a little bread and biitter, with fruit, if it be on the table. In town where I dine later, I make but two mule a day. Fruit makes it con- siderable part of my diet, and I eat it at almost any hour of the day without inconVenience. My drink is water, yet sornetimes, though rarely, take a glass of wine. I am' a natural temperance man, _finding myself rather donfused than eihilarated by wine. I never meddle with tobacco except to quarrel With its use. • "That I may rise early, I, of course, go to bed -early; in town, as early as ten; in the country_somewhat earlier. laces in this quer- Try. street fully as o. 37, while every filthy, dilapidated description. Fe- d merely a bad Bowery is not ten minutes tant, and, that Broadway is ff. The houses, ha ought up ; they are the ott- ke esotted wretches, s and thousands in ur . je caught , sPring of dr the palsy of the naiserable beings who i they die by hull summer, and yet there are more chil- li -9e in th.em. Even a, walk through of , dren to be seen in this vile alley than in leI lb street produces something whole wards fart the effect of nightmare before Ithe seri- i Bearine in ini ous work of entering the dens Of human i vermin begins. eequ' theeas- ! is -one of °the ver . . swing sight of officer Crowley of 'the, i Sixth Ward, a few statistics, made out i spine time ago, as to the population and Fourteenth preeinct to convince the struck : ways of living of one tenement- house, dazed wanderer that he has not into the leper's quarter of someE astern . will be found interesting. town, the swarthy "Els of the ill-ilftbit- 1 Nmnber of peisone in the house •• families in, the house &rata adding to th illusion. Strange .. (teethe in 'one year to sa,y, aanid the 0.,1) eet wretchedness of it persons skit at one tinae I 11,, P. Orte er up town. . d that Mulberry street worst parts of the LEGA f-laiER,o15, HOLT & CAMERON,IaBarristers, N--! `solicitors Chancery, &e.. Go oriole Ont, M. C. Cameron Q. C.., Philip Holt,. Id. G. Cam- eron. 506 e,VILLIAle MALL, Conveyancer • • sioner in Ie. R., Wroxeter. Au Appraiser. Ac ounts and notes reasonable te • s. nd Cormnia- tianeer and °fleeted on 366 1..1 L. DOYL ,Barrister, Attorney, Chancery i etc., Goderich and S lice, over Jo dan'n Drag Store, G Kidd's Store; Seaforth. Solicitor in aforth. Of- derieb, and 354 ALCOMSON & WA.'180N, Berritters, Attor- neys, Solicitors in Chaucte y, Ont. Office—First, door east ta Canadian Bank buildiug. Kent s Lel property. S. ateamottsoat. eCA.UGHE1Y & HOLMESTED, B rristers,At, ITA" turneas at Law, Solicitors in ancery and Cnsolveney, _Zotaries Public and Conveyancers 3 elicitors for the 11. C. Bank, Seaforth Agentefor the Canada -.!:ife Assurance Company, N.B.—$30,000 to lend at 8 per c nt. Farms Hollow,: and Lets for sale. 53 -CIARROW, MEYER & RADENHU ST, Barrie - N -A tete, Attorneys -at -Law, Solicitore in Chancery, &e. Private funds to loan at a low pate of inter- est, and rn terms to snit borrow s. Offices— Goderich and Winglaam. Office ie. Lanedale's building, opposite Scott's Bank. II 404 e., Clinton, new Royal an Oil farm . \FAT SON "-For many yea,rs I have avoided in. • J. T. GARROW. W the evening every kind of literary occu- e.RADENHIIRsT. Meyer, Solicitor Conso potion which taxes the faculties, snch of Canada, Wingham. as composition—even to the writine of letters, for the reason that it excites the nervous system and. prevents sound sleep. My brother told me not long since that he had seen in a Chicago newspaper and several other western journals a, paragraph in which it is said that I am in the habit of taking quin- ine as a stimulant, that I have depend. - ed. upon th.e excitement it produces in writhig ray verses, and that in cense- Nov. 27, Ir. B. W. 0. 349 14 18 ,115 O. SIFTER. 474 idated Bank ElerSON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorney _Conveyancers Notaries Public, ote. Offices—Bev at Law, Sricitors in Chancery and Insolvency, forth and Brussels. $20,000 of Private Funds to Invest at once, st Eight poroent. rest,payable yearly. 53 JAS. H. BE. SON. w o. HEXER. The above firm has thi3 day bee dissolved by mutual eons nt. All accounts du the firm to Farm Produce Taken be paid to Mr. Benson who I will ay all liabil- in Exchange. GROCERIES AND PRO A In That Old Grocery Stand, Post 0 THE CHEAPEST THE DESIGN OF THE V S 1 0 N S HARRY MiTOHELUS BOOKSTORE, SEAFORTH. Bletedzety. HOUSE IN TOWN NOW. PD.OPRIETOR OF THIS E6TABLISHMENT 1:0 FURNISH THE 1 ., BEST GOODS FOR THE PRICE, i , And in no case to allow decep ion as to the Quality of the Ait ih, sold, or is: Weiguts. 1 TO HOTEL kEE ERS, FAMILIE AND OTHERS IS i GRANGERS Buying Teas and General Groceries naanantities, I would say, Call and Compare quality and Pricee before purehaeing, elsewhere, as I ca be beat. Flour, Mill Feed, Corn and Oat Mal, Granulated tVheat, Graham Flour, and Potatoes always kept in stock, and sold a(Bottom, Fries. ities. Mulberry street ar to be seen pure In the SiXtli :Ward, in which Mill - Italian types of meii, women end dill- , berry street is situated, the yearly death, den—women especially. Here are 'to j rate seldom falls below 30 -in a - thous - be seen all the characteristic and , end, 17.in a thousand, it must be re - squalid features of the Ghetto., or the membered, is the standarcl ratio of Jewish quarter in Rome, although there , deaths in a healthy population. In some' are but few Jews in Mulberry street. years the death rate in this ward has Nearly a 1 the men have heavy gold been as high as 40. eateings, encl the women necklaces of I Such results must be expected when flat round pieces of gold and. silver, and crowding to an extent which is not al - on their heads colored kerchiefs be lowed in it decently regulated pig -sty is grimed with dirt and in rags. As yes- I universal. ' As en apt, though perheps terda,y was warm, the street swarmed ; exa,ggerated, illnstration of this aspect with half -naked children, sickly and of tenement hoese life, the reporter was listless, but not s:o sotted as their blear- told the following ineident : A. noted eyed. parents. Along Baxter street for clergymen. *Was visiting houses of the about a quarter of a mile, the dietence . same class its in. Mulberry street, in from Bayard street to Canal street, the = one house he found. a room containing reporter visited the most revolting a ' four good-sized,families, one family to these lairs. et. mere easual walk each corner. - Struck by -the terrible through the neighborleood is sufficiently : crowding from which the inmates of the impressive, and the visitor comes away i room -must haee suffered, he ventured saturated. figueatively sPeaking,' with 'the re -mark to one of the -women that ' the strange sights and smells; but when. there Was net Much room to spare, to the darker side of the picture is brought ; which. she replied that they.would do to view, the impression is one which ° very well but for the fact that one of can searcely bts given in wordsthe families thet occupied a corner of Taking, for instence, the rookery ' the room took boarders! This was the nambered 37 Mulberry street, a totter- it strawi,- , • lillf three-story denprobably m ore tha,n : It is reporte4 on good authority that fifty years old, the reporter, after a some of -the worst of these holes belong good breath of outside air, gropes along . to citizens prominent in public works a dark alley which is barely high' of philanthropy. And it is urged in. ex - enough to stand upright in, and not tenuation ' of their course in allowing wide enough for two pereons to pass their tenants to live in Such misery, each other; the walls are egrimy and that this class would, ina,ke a pig -sty out dripping with damp, and. even on fa of a palace within a month's time. The warm day there are pools of evil-smel- squalidity is in the people, and not Mere- ' ling water on the ground, oozing out 01 . ly in their surroundings. - . the earth, • apparently, and coining ---• doubtless from the broken sewer -pipes t ; Mr. Bryant's Mode of Life, or perhaps because there are no sewers ! , pipes to carry it off, which is the case , . The follo-wine letter, written by Wile in. mealy o es. It is barely ham Cullen. Bryant, lately deceaesed in - f the houses lieht • nothing can be djstinguished ex- the ,84th year of his ace, several yeers cept horrible smells ; these last are un- ago, describing the abits of his lite, to te 2 plea:9E1110.y i distinct. After groping in which he partly -ascribed-the wonderful preservatioti of his physical andreental qaence of usmg in that way I had . . 111 become as deaf 'as a post. As to my MED ICA . deafness you know that to be false, and the rest of the ' story is equally so. I abominate all drugs and narcotics, and have always carefully avoided every- thing which spurs nature to exertions -which it would not, otherwise, make. Even with my food. T do not take the usual condiments, such as pepper and. the like. I am, sir, truly yours, "W. C. BRYANT." Locked up vv-ith a Maniac. . BENSON. 1EYER. • T G. SCOT,M. D. &o.,Physicia , Surgeon and U • Accou eur, Seaforth, Ont. ftica and resi- dence south ide of Goderich Str et, first door east of Presbyterian Church. 042 H L. VERCOE, M. D., C. Id., Physician, Sur- " • geon, etc., Coroner for the County of Burma °Mei and Residence, on Jarvis street north, directly opposite Settforth Public School. W A. ADAMS, M. D., late of Lakefield, Ont., " • Physician, Surgeon and Aecouchent. o of the Univereity of T inity College, 'ember of the Royal *liege of Phy • rn.Ont. 486 Joseph •Lang, a, civil_ engineer, com- plained in the Police Court at Boston, against Joseph Wallace, a stout built German, accused. of having attempted to naurder Lane with it razor. Lang testified that the evening before, a few moments after 7 o'clock, he was stand- ing on the first floor of the building in which his office was situated. when Wal- lace approached him and sadd, " I want to see you it minute privately." Lang, after s me heeitatiOu, accompanied Welke up -stairs. They entered a large club -room at the heed of the stair- way. Vallace looked the door through , which they entered. • b. the direction of a light for some forty feet, the ieporter found himself in it small yard walledup on all sides by the rears of other buildings, all trying "To Joseph 11. Richards, Esq.: 2 seemingly to outdo the other in degrees "My Dear Sir: I promised some of uncouth dilapidation and squalid time since to give you some account of poverty. The light of day scarcely my habits of life, so fax at least as re- . penetrated this yard, owing to the fact gards diet, exercise and occupations. I that from every window ropes—some- am not sure that it will be of any use times two, sometimes ten—were to you, although the system which 1 stretched to some other window, and have for many years observed seems to along them were hung rags of every answer my purpose very well, I have color and description in all stages of , reached a pretty advanced period of life, dirt end decay. Heaps of rags every- without the usual infirmities of old age, where, under foot, overhead, rags put and with eny strength, activity and. boa - t° everyconceivable purpose by the ily facultiles generally in good preserve - Poor degraded beings who started up at tion. Htiev far this may be the effect of t the reporter's appearance and slunk my way of life adopted lone ago and back again to their work. This is the steadily adhered to, is .peraps uucer- 'business of Mulberry street—rag-pick- tein. , . ing and cleaning. The very atmos- "1 rise early, at this time of the year phere is irapreenated with rags. Not abont half -past 5'in summer, half an one of thc oner'hundred inmates of the honk or even an hour earlier. Imme- six or seven, lairs in this building called diately, with very little immanence of - rooms, but, has something to do with rags. It is no exaggeration to put the member of occupants of each roam fifteen feet square, at twenty. On three sides of these rowels are rough bunks, one over the, other, as in the loweet filled with rags are beds. Even in the- izontal bar, and a light chair swung proved in vigor, will be read with interest now: " News YORK, lelarch 30, 1871, Then he walked across the room and tried. a, 'second. door, leading to an ad- joining room, but which eyes already fastened. Then turning suddenly to, Mr. Lang, Wallace asked: " We -are • alonee int we V.' Lang replied: "Yes; what's exclair Martel Gradua Toren t etching the matter?" Mr. Wallace then ed.: "What did. you go back on for? 'you, I'll cut your throat from ear to ear." As- he said this le case, f razor. roan a wea,po fought ekes of emigrant vessels. These bun s are* from. his pocket it razor om which he drew a thin -bladed Mr. Lang sprang at the ma.d- d seized. the arm holding the L. The twp men wrestled. and fiercely. Lang: clung to the .a.rm holdine the razor, and ca,lled loudly for assistance. Lang is a small,slightly- builtman, end the powerful freme and superibr weight of Wallace at length began to tell. Lang found to his horror the arm holding the gleaming weapon slowly being- drawn away from his grasp. Suddenly Lang gave a jetle,and wrenching himself free, darted to the opposite side pf a billiard table in the Alum. The two paused. for a few sec- onds angazedbreathless at each oth- er, when the relentless, desperate neon rushed around the table to get, at his victim, the latter lea,ping about nimbly to the other side. Round. and round the table they went pursued and pur- suer, both too breathless to utter a sound beyond their hoarse breathing. As they circled. around the table, Lang Watched his opportunity, and, doubling his exertions, Wid.ened the distance 'from his pursuer, and then darted for the door through -which they entered. By a desperate effort- he succeeded in wrenching_it open a,nd. sprang out to the landing, just esca,ping Wallace, who tumbled headlong after him. Wallace .was arrested and committed for tri He is believed. to be a maniac. nd Surgeons, Ont. Kinb WM. Acoonchen Meyer's BI formerly b Carronbroo A OVER, M.D., C. 31, Graduate of 1 University, Physician., Surgeon and , Seaforth. Out. Office—Rooms in el lately occupied by Pr. Phelan, alld the late Dr. King. Will attend at on Tuesdays and Fridays. 495 DMcNfIGHT, Veterinary • ate o Ontario Veterinary C Ont.. Office and Residence in re rgeou, Giadn liege, Seaforth r of Killoran Ry en's . Calls -promptit attend d to, night 01 !lay. A stock of veterieary mecl eines tm head Charges aeisonable. liorseseaam ned itS to sound- ness and certificates given if reqn red. 40'i AMES W. ELDER, - V. 8., raduate of the Ontarfo Veterinary College.. After devothig- two years to practice with Prof ssor Smith, of i. Office at hie Calls promptly large stock of ou hand. Horsee rtilicates given mission. 424 Toronto, bail settled in Senior residence east of W. M. Church. 'Mended to by day or night. Veterinary Medicines constantly -examined as to soundness and, e Horses boneht and sold on co Tom Thumb and Jenny Lind. ' - " Where's Toni Thumb now, Mr. hours from 8 Mrs. Whitimy's Seaforth. DERBYS Surgeon l) of [ho C Surgeons of A. M. to 5 P. maw briek blue ete ASCE... IAA NE4 A J; modoLL, soueitor • in Lekie's new beicik buil Gs LANE, Anctioneer and • County of Heron, else 0 ,chant, 31ePougall's Mock, Wing , M ONE -91 TO LEND—On ler tageotie than ever before o 001,11, Solicitor, Brussels. RE. L. D. S., niist, Graduate liege of Dentel etario. Office M. Bowes in , Main Street, OSE Family Grocer. The hardltimes ere swiftly flyieg, And soon we'll be safe again, It in faith we keep on trying, We'll surely our wealth reaain. Books, Stationery, and an endless variety of Fancy Goods at Harry 111-117'isYconan'ag.tnen, why don't you got married, 'Tis then you'll enjoy this life, And say with regret I've tarried, Bat better 'I'd had a wife. ligaby Carr.ages' at coat nt Harry 111 itchelra. Sewing Machines — all kinds. The celebrated Etstay Organ and the 'Dominion Organ—the only perfect Organs manufactured for enle cheap for cash at Marry ',Nat - i chell'a. - IJ:. rassels. - Office ing. 504-52 ppraiser for the nunissioii 3Th r- am. 545-4 a more advan- ereds A. J. Mc - 504..52 WHO VANTS MONEY a-, " dolla s, private funds, for i went at 8 per oent. interest. A H.BENS N, Solicitor, Seafort RINE, Licenced An ty of Huron. Sales he County. All orde ffice will be prompt' J• Con _parte of POSITOD. Barnum!' " He is )iving in _Michlleboroughe Ply- mouth cptintY, Mass.,. near Taunton. He is a gehenig fellow now ; weighs 80 pounds. Yet he' draws ' pretty ,well. He and his wife, and. Gen. Grant, Jr., and MinnieWarren give drawing -room entertainments every winter. They , net abbut 200 a night. Tom ThuMb should- be very ;well off. But he has ' squan.dered a good deal of his money in . yachts, etc. He is 41 years old." clothing, I bettin a series of exercises, "Is jeuuy Lind poor ?' court for the most part designed to expand. "Not a bit of it. The reports to that the chest, and at the same time call effect in the newspapers were the grosse into action all the muscles and articu- est slanders—all that story, you remem- la,tion of the' body. These are perform.- ber, about her husband's being it spend- ' Ad with dumb -bells, the very lightest, thrift and making way with her money.; covered witli flannel, with a pole, it hor- He sued" one of the publishers, awl! ' - ' worth IP - daytene, when the dens sale half de- around my head. After a full hour, 1 000,000. She made :31,000,000 in Amer serted, and at this season oftheyOar, and sometimes' more, passed in this I ica, and Mr. Goldschmidt invested it sce the odor is sickening ; what it TIM.St. be manner, I bathe fibm head to foot. ' succesfully that it has doubled itself., on a summer night the reader Must When at eny place in the country I : He is a real Dice, quiet little fellow, a' . . imagine far himself. ,In one hduse further up the street, No. 58, Which • • - visited later bv the reporter,' there CisiatlYN-O'S BLOCK, SEA -FORT GROCERS, $ED few thousand • mediate invoSt- ply to JAMES 533 tioneer for the attended in all s left at the Ex - attended to. DEALERS IN CO • —AND— KERY CHANTS SSWARE. Large. stock of S e e Turnii Sfee Hungarian and Millet Seed, Mr is; 4,c. - Full Stock of Family Groceries, Flom-, Peed and Pro- . visions. Butte -r, -Eggs, and Potatoes Taken in f:friE SEAFORT11 PUMP 'ACTORY. — N. Cluff, successor to J. R. Williams, manufae- turer of Pumps and Cieteine.' I work warranted to give satisfaction. Factory o North Main St., 500 Seaforth.1- NTOTIOE TO DEBTORS.—Al perties not hay- ing settled up their account:with nie for 1877 failing to do so at once will b cho.rged 10 per cent. interest front January 1st, 1878, without ILHITAS COVENTRY, IF3 aforth. 581 _TORN LECKIE, General Loa and lteal Estate t' Agent. Grain, Produce and omroiseion Mer- chant. Money loaned on real e tate in town or country, at 8 per cent. simple i terest. . Charges moderate. Mortgages .bought a d sold. Matured mortgages paid off. forms t suit. borrowers. Farms and village property fdr sale. Office— Leckie's new brick block, Baum TRY PROF. GRAY'S GREAT BOOT ALTERA,,TIVE—Na torative cures Rheumatism, D mete Sick Ilead.ache, Liver Co nese, Palpitation of the Heart, Diseases of the Stomach and plaints. • For Scrofulous diseas as it is theyres,tett known bloo .purifier. Price, 50 eentsatitEDWARD VARCO, Brussels, Agent 545-12 for the County of Huron. t - SPLENDID FA.11)1 IN HIILLETT FOR SALE. For Sale, Cheap, Lot 5, Cr. 8, Hallett, 100 fates, 80 cleared, under-draine and well towed, and the remainder well timbered with hardwood. Good ham° buildings, young *chard and plenty of water. The farm is within 3 miles of Sea - forth and 10 miles distant from Clinton, and adjoins the Village of Kinlinrul. Tbis is one of the best farms in the Coun y, and will be sold cheap and on easy twine, a the proprietor wishes to retire. Immediate p ssession. Apply to ALONZO STRONG, Sean) th, or pmaithEs LAWRIE, Constance P. G. 644 h I e became it Christian chamber, and going out, occupy 'myself = when he married her—end three or was conipletely cured. sometimes shorten the exercises in t e .Jew— 0 . for half an.hour or more in • sonie work : lour yeaxs younger than she. • I saw her since, bat have had no tart t , was it runior of smallpox among the -which requires - brisk exereise4 After I only a year ago. She is -well and happy., of the Remedy in pint bottles, a box.' tenants. The wonder is how it is pos- my bath, ifibreakfast be not ready, I sit She has a grown-up son and . aug - _ _ physical rotting from making such 9, "My breakfast is a simple one— ona- en ' • old teacher told. 1118 that the J- nalatefae Igi •rHE GREAT FEMALE RE. sible to keep eruptive fevers, typhus and down to my etudies tilt I am called. ' ter. . Sir Julius Benedict, the composer, hideous spot as this part of Mulberry iny and milk, or in place of hominy, • deughter would have been as great a, iliireriosdicalfiels—Thifs ainuy‘ indisteahoseessitroe of street t street it nursery of pestilence, The first brown bread or oatmeal, or wheaten singer as her mother ever was if she tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re- appearance of tholera in the great epi- grits, and in the season baked sweet hadn't been rich. As for the son, he reliedalvee oanli. Otteaatieua, and a speedy eure Mal' be wearied ladies, it is peculiaily fitited. demi° of Bee was in this neighborhood. apples: Buckwheat cakes I do not de- knows that jenny is rich. He likes to iritoat, in a shorttime, bring on the monthly pe- --Nos. 8 and_ 10 Mulberry !street fur- cline, nor any other article of vegeta,blo spend the money, and Jeuny likes to 7 th regulerita. These lulls should not be nishing the second batch pf oases dis- food but animal food. I never take at have him.---intervieze with Barnum. taken by Feraalesalaring the fuat three months covered. On pushily* aside the door of n of Pregrancy, as they are sure to bring on we- eny of the rooms the misery disclosed- carriage, but at any other timo they are safe. ee is appalling. Of course it follloe-vs from all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, the eircumsta,nces in which these per- pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight ex- ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and sons live that all the decencies of life whites, these pills will effect it cure when all other. are lost sight of ; privacy is unluiewn ; means have ,failed ; and, although it powerful disease end nakedness are laid here be- remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimmay, fore the visitor's eyes with the most or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full complete apathy. . directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, With the occupants of No. 37, Mul- New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 00 and 1.2i cents berry street, rag-piekine seems to be the for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, To Mode of getting a livine As r, - very ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, few of them understand English, it is will insure a bottle containing over 50 pine by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by Hickson & Bleastell, 3.5. Roberta. and 11.Lninaden. 197 t, Is,Ont. 535 - EAST INDIAN ture's Great Res- spepsia, Billions, plaint, Nervous - General Debility, all Female • „ore- s it is invaluable, _Excha A good wife will save you money, And nurse you when aon are ill. • Yon both can live on less money Than now pays your 'courting bill. Engagement and Wedding Rings, at the lowest prices, nt Murry Mit- cheirm. An elegant Ladies' Gold 'Watch for $25, and other Goods in Jewelry very cheap. Silver Watches, the cheapest ever offered in Seaforth. _ Maclaine Needles, all tkinds, and the best Oil always ou haud. A• fall Ithe of Spectacles and Eye Glasses Mottoee, Frames, andglass. PictuTes Framed: sll sizes, to order. , Lacrosse, Cricket, and Base Balls, and Saba Cheap. IL MITCHELL does the Wall Paper and Win- dow Blind trade Seaforth. A good stock, all new patterns, at bottom 13TICAS. Call Respectfully Solicited. The Invitation is to all: Illy Stock will • always bear inspection. Deer husband, I think I will not go to Harry Mitchell's again. Ttly eyes become so dazzled that I can't see straight for a week after being inlis stele, then again r laways buy until my purse is empty, and sometimes I don't stop then. Penaps yoa can call to see if I left anything nn - paid, and if so pay it, as you know - Ile Does a Cash Business. REMEMBER THE PLACE: 1 No. 2 CAA1PBELL'S BLOCK, MA IN ST BEET, SE &FORTH. HARRY MITCHELL. CENTRAL GROCERY, IN CARDNO'S BLOCK, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTIL . LAIDiLA & FAIRLEY. THE PATTERSON MAXWELL REAPER 346 IN USE FIRST SEASON. THE MOST DURABLE, SIMPLE, AND- CONVENIENT ii\T '1:1 -1 113'1F:1% - IT TOOK THE FIRSTPRIZE AND DIPLOMA ' , GIVE ME A CALL . . : .. . 1:alloy:en:ant to furnish your house for a Mlle. At the West Riding of York County Spring Fairs in 1877 and 1370. Has taken the First . Prize WAREBOOMS directly Opposite M.- R. Coun- t wherever exhibited and never has bean beaten. . I PoPaimiRis FURNITURE WARBOOMS, SEAfORTIK THE Cilltrir TiogiNITURE IN T AM NOW Receiving a Large Stock of NEW FURNITURFefrom the best Factories in can- adaaand I am enabled to sell. cheaper than any one in the County, as I pay cash down and get a Large Discount. CAN SELL: Six Splendid ChaSes for $1 80. Six ;:hairs, Fancy Turned Legs for $2. Six Chairs, Extra Good, for $2 50. Six Chairs, the 'Very Best, for $3 2,5. Boston Bookers, each, for $1 15. Nurse Rockers, each, 90 cents-.• Board and Spindle Bedsteads; 4a4, 6 feetiOngl $250. a Beautiful 7 -Drawer Bureens, pi:ejection fronts, $18—Other kind e very low. Six Cane Chairs for $5, irt .ff.air Olga s Sofas. Loun- . • ges and !Mockers, I .Cannot • undersold; Baby Carliages and Spinning Wheels veil, 10w, steed Mammoth Jewelry Establishment, Main NG ABLE TO SUPPLY T7HE DEMAND, OVER 200 ORDERS iStreet, Seaforth. WERE RETURNED IN THE SEASON OF 1877. - Cash lor Ilidee, Skins, Wool and Wool Pielt- , Inge. I'. S.—Shall soon be in a position to funnel JOHN PORTER. These Facts, together with the Valuable Improvements made this Season places the Maxwell, beybnd a doubt, at the Head of the List. Funerals cheaper than any one in the place, THE COMMERCIAL LIVED,/ The Ithaca and Ontario Seft-Dumping Horse Rake cannot be Our Sprague and junior Mowerwcan all?iras be relied on. surpassed. SEAFO ARTI-fult. FORBEs, IT /LYING. purchaeed the Seoek and Trade of the -Li' Commercial Livery, Seaforth, from Mr. While thanking Our numerous customers for past support, we lin by strict attentiani to bust. George Whiteley, begs to state that be intends ness, to merit a continuance of their liberal patronage. The Combined Empire Drill and Seeder still stands unrivalled. And we heartily recommend our Wrought Iron Frame Gang Plows, and Nos. 11 and 12 'Wrought Beam Plows, &c. 'TO THE PUBLIC.—Bead wh t the people say -a- in regard to the Great S oshonees Remedy and Pills. Levi Jones, Markham, says: "1 hqd a very severe attack of bronchitis. I was so bad that I could hardly get ng breath. I sought for a quick remedy, and seeing the " Shoshonees Remedy " PO highly recommended. I. procured it bottle, and am happy to say that by the time it was taken I was entirely well, tied have remained so, although I was much explased through the y inter in travelling." Rev. F.113. S tralt. is., Dem- Orestrille, writes: " I have found your re- • readies particularly benefielal Or liver complaint, dyspepsia and bronchial affedtions, and would advise all similarly affected to give them a trial." John Ellingson, Athol, says:,. " When travelling., one of my feet got sore and broke out. I could not care it, and had to return ome. It became better and afterwards much w oe. I finally pur- chased a bot. le of the Remedy and it box of Pills, and before they were half gon I commenced to improve, and before they were finished my foot TL j now 17 months er attack." Price 1. Pills, 25 cants • 522. EDY.--Job Moses Wattle medicine is hose p:inful and LO female conetitaa carrying on the business in the old stand,and has added sev ex al valuable horses and vehicles to the PATTERSON & BROTHER, PATTERSON, ONTARIOformerly large stook. None brit First -Class Comfortable VehiclesanctGood WILLIAM GRIEVE, AGENT. Reliable Horses IViII be Kept) IMPORTANT TO TH'LA-DIES MOINTXRE & WI LIS WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE THAT THEY HAVE JUST RE- CEIVED F1IO3118. 1. SOLLERS & CO., OF PHILADELPHIA, A Complete Assortment of- Infants' nd Children's BOots and Shoes and Slippers, in Colors and Black. Tbeso Goods are the Finest and Best in America, S. D. Sellers & Co. obtaining the Gold Medal and Diploma over all competitors at the Centennial. We have also on hand a nice tissortment of LADIES' SHOES in Tie and Button, very cheap. 'We are the only firm west of Toronto who,keep these Goods. They require to be seen to be appieciated. brealefest. Tea and. coffee I never touch at any time. Sometimes I take a cup of chocolate, which has no narcotic ef- fect and agrees with me very well. At - breakfast I often take fruit, either in its natural state or freshly stewed. "After breakfast I occupy myself for it while with my studies, and then, when in town I walk down to the office of the EveningPost, nearly three -miles distant, and after about three hours re- turn, always walking, whatever be the weather or the state of the streets. In • —On the 24th of M birthday_, the Queen g quet, the first in a lon sor Castle, to which the Crown Prince an of Germany, the Lord Chancellor, he Duk and. Duchees of Sutherland, Lord Beaconsfield, Lord. Salisbury, the Duke and Duchess of Norfolk, and, the Earls and. Countessee of Bradford, Sid; ney, Rosebery, Spen er Mount Edge- cumbe and Bessbore y, the eve of her ve a state ban - time, at Wind' ere invited with Crown Princes - McINTYRE & WI LIS, SEAFORTH. S. STARK; SEA GROCERY STORE, BOOT AND SHO ROOMS, LAND AGENT, CONV A Large Stock of Boots and Shoes and Groce be sold on very small profits—all new stock. T old friends and new ones to give him a call. • ' ott to attend to- the shoe shop, who will make a „ 0 R-TH. S6HOP, APOTION YANCER, &C. Jut Arriving.."IP Subscriber invites his e has engaged Mr. John repair work to order. "ber needs money. Fa/1-m I will do the best I Old Accounts must be paid t once, a,s the subscr and Town Property for sa e. Give ,m,e ch Call can for you. 1?enfember t te Place, •Stark's 113 AMUEL STA °dz. K, SEAFORTK TR/A.3") THAT T IS THE PLACE TO G IN T HAVE Just Opened Out the Lar 'IL1 Sesforth. Not old Bankrupt Stock, bought from the best factori think, even -Grangers can hardly tali business so often lately, that I Imo got permanently located now for so from William Robertson & Co.'s • SIGN OF THE BI 1\/1331:7Z, OMAS COVENTRY'S T GOOD YALU OR rOUR .MONEY OOTS AND- SII9 Age Covered and Open Buggies lag .0arriages, end Double and SingletWagons always reedy fornse. ;Special Arrangemenf.s Made With, Com; .4nercial Men. Orders left at the stables or any of the hotels promptly attended to. est Steck, suitable for Sp tock, nor Wholesale Calls in the Dominion for cash, exception. I have been it is difficult for my mato 0 time at least, in Stark's dware Store BOOT, MAIN STR and Summer Wear, ever Shown ought in job Lots, but Good New and will be sold at prices which, I (impelled to change rny piss of ere to find me. But I trust I have ew Brick Block, next door ioath BUTTER TUBS. S. TROTT, SEAFORTH, TS now prepared to supply all enstonaers with BUTTER TUBS, ansyunpnmEbiterioollthis At $80 per hundred, Cash. These Tubs are so well and fevorably known to the trade that it is unneceseary to say anathing in their recommen- -- "iiIt 3. TROTT also manufaetures it smallBard- wood Tub, suitable for washing butter in. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly attends S. Till OTT, Selfort• h. • HAIR DRESSING. ed4t9o5. T, SEAFORTH. OMAR COVENTRY. MISS STARK Terisliz§ to inform the Ladies of Seaforth and T Vicinity that she is prepared to make up SWITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS, In the Latest Fashion from Combings. Prices Moderate, and all orders punctually at- tended to. A call solicited. Residence --Main Street, Sealorth, • 527 HENSALII SAW AHD WOOLEN MILLS. o• ALL in reecho/ the Hensall Baw and Woolen Mille should bear in =Intl that they are still in the best running order. Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing will be done in a manner- a equal te that of any mill in Canada., All Work 3 - Warranted. ine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lum- ber or salkat the Lowest Rates. 550 ' PAUL 1). BELL, Proprietor. DIGESTIVE FLUID. PERSON Suffering from Dyspepsia are treat- ed by Pepsitm in various forms to cure that - dangerous disease. It is not it want of Pepsine, but en excess of acid that occasions Indigoation. Brunton's Digestive Fluid hat' never failed to relieve or cure the worst case of head- ache, diseases of the heart, kidney diseases, and - many others which originate in Indigestion. field by all Druggists. Price 0 cents. 585-24Z • TA S. CAMPBELL, Provh3cial Laxid Purvey*, -kJ • itua civil Engineer. Orders by mall prompt- ly attended to. - 479 1). FL CAMPBELL, Mitchell.