The Huron Expositor, 1878-06-14, Page 24--
7 a heitsat,
" Hath he a shadow Ah! tell, then
he is not a spirit. 'Still, methinks
there is something evil about him, Now,
cousin, VII wager my new pacluasoy
gown that he is a dealer in the black
art, a- conjuror like the one Deacon
Bain told us of that hath so tormented
the good people of Beaton."
" And the contents of his box, didst
thou see them, Chloe? they are truly
strange." .
" Strange, are they'? No, I saw them
not. Simon Slim hid them from my
sight while he pressed close to the box
his eagerness. Doubtless they are
the instruments of his magic art, and
he must be the very one himself who.
bath so disturbed the country."
e ! think you so ?" cried Sibyl,
- with flushed cheeks and dilated eyes.
"I wonder if my father will allow him
to tarry here ?"
"Yes, certainly; Uncle Silas would
not refuse to shelter the Evil, One him-
self, If only he left his horns an
hoofs at home."
" How now, magpies ? What are yo
chattering about?" cried old Silas, wh
appeared on the threshold at that m
moist. "Who are you comparing to th
Evil One?'
." The black -brewed Stranger who has
just arrived," replied Chide, saucily!'
" Must lie tarry here r asked Sibe
going to her father and stroking his fa.c
all the distance he could between the
new comer and himself.
"How 'mow you this, friend?" asked
Silas. Have y9u witnessed it your-
"Witnessed It? . Yes, a thousand
times, in every country on the globe,
and am no- mean perfornier 'myself,
which I will prove to you, with your
leave; and I own not the devil for my
master, neither do I know aught of his
black art." • 1
" No, no, Silas," hiiecl the deacon.
pay thee not to allow it; it will
bring a curse upon thee and thine."
Yes, it willbring' a curse upon thee
and thine," echoed Burchard.
"Tat, tut! nonsenee!" said. the doc-
tor, gently pushing the deacon away to
Make room for the stranger., "Come to
the table, and give us aegeoof of thy
skill. Silas Drinkwater never refuses
aught that pleases- his guests."
"Oh, uncle, pray allow hien to show
us these strange things !" cried Chloe,'
eagerly, coming forward. "I should
like much to see there.",
d Silas glanced at his daughter, who
drew hack timidly, and remained silent ;
u then, nodding good-naturedly to his vis-
itors, he said,_ 'I've no objection; if the
o_ girls- are not afraid; I'm not the one to
spoil Sport, as you all know. Deacon,
may leave quickly if you wish. Now,
you can get near the oor, so that when
the devil comes down the chimney you
et friend, lei us see some of thy craft."
e The stranger looked a mei-tient
with her eoft hanch "I like him not:
mast he tarry here ?"
" Tarry here? by ray faith, yes; and
why not? Has Silas Drinkwater ever
dlosedjais door upon a tired stranger ?
theneihy upon this one? What means
this dislike? The stranger is of gentle
- breeding, and beareth himself right
"lilt his evillotiks, his odd dresSeen
thaet black iron -bound chest filled wit
such mysterious instruments !" return
ed excungly, for she did not lik
to oppose her father. -
Tush, child ! -you do but show your
ignorance. The man is only a peddler
of surgical instruments; and Heaven
knows we have need of them in these
times, when. there is more marring than
making and more pain than eorafort.
Enough' of nonsense. Come both of
you to slipper ; treat this stranger Well
and let there be Ito, looks of aversion to-
ward himi"
Chloe shrugged her shoulders, while
she pinned a height knot of ribbon in
the white herchieLfolded over her We-
enie and Sibyl sighed again and again
as she smoothed her soft gelden haat,.
" Thou art pale and Sad, cousin,"
said Chloe, putting her arm lovingly
about Sibyl as they descended the
stairs to meet the' stranger at the sup-
per table.
"And. thou, art as bright and gay as
one bent on conquest." -
"Am I?" returned Chloe, with a Hard
laugh. " Well, I would ratIler -win the
adrniration of Satan himself than not
be admired at all
"Hush, couiin. !" said Sib3d, in gen-
tle reproval ; " you speak recklessly,
but your intentions are better than
your words, as I who love -you so well
can truly declare."
Be not too sure," returned Chloe,
with a bitter laugh, as they entered the
room where the stranger was. already
seated at time table.
The meal passed in uncomfortable
silence, for the sombre guest seemed
little disposed to converse, and Chloe,
• who watched him closely, declared af-
terward that he sent plate after plate
away untested, and instead of- eating his
food as a hungry traaeller should do, he .
feasted his eyes on Sibyl's troubled iface
with an uncomfortable persistency.' No
doubt envy and indignatiou against the
stranger far neglecting her own brilliant
charme had sem etnieg to do with
Chloe's ungracious remarks, for not
once to her knowledge did his deep
- strange eyes rout on her flushed, haughty
After the meal seas' over, and they
had seated themselves around the lire—
„for the evenings were chilly the
strange guest came and silently took
his place in the corner by the broad
chimney, where, from the shadow, he
()quid watch Sibed, set like &bright jew-
el in the golden glow of the firelight.
thoughtfully over the :,eager, half -fright-
ened -group, then turning to his, black
box that stood on a table nearahe bent
over it, unfastened its many locks, and
seemed. to search for something among
its contents. While he was thae occu-
pied, the curiosity of the deacon got the
better of his prudence, and stepping soft-
ly behind the neweeonier,he peeked over
d his shoulder, anxious to get a glimpse
h into the mysterious looking, box e but
_ in vain, for just at that moment the
e owner closed the lid, ilea turning, faced
e leasF -surprise.
d that he was
taken nothing
to the table, he
ts carefully. At
ie said, quietly
The poor gid was uneasy. flushing
and paling under his persistent observa-
tion; impelled by some strange power
to return his gaze, again and again she
raised her eyes to his, only to drop them
instantly under his searching look • and
all the time Chloe, instead of being near
her, sat apart in close conversation with
Simon Slim, who followed her like her
shadow, his devotion and, adminitiou-
being the subject of Riau a ie.& Now,
although apparently engaged with Si-
mon, chiee's eyes nevem fur a moment
left the group around the fire, as she
studiedy both the stranger and -
her cousin with a peculiar meaning in
her gaze, while from tim;.0 to time her
clear laugh and a suppressed titter from
Simon showed that their talk was of a
merry naeure.
At length Silas, who lkiced that the
streamer seemed lost- it_ a silent reverie,
thought it incumbent upon him, as the
host, to make some effort to at-ouse and
entertain him ; but his well -meant ad-
vances were useles8, for his direct ques-
tions clad polite remarks” (nay elicited a
few monosyllables from his gloomy
guest, and, the (rood old landlord was
much relic -tell ei''-hen the usual evening
visitors began to arrive. Deacon Bain,
Doctor Milani, and Burchard the school
master eutered, and with an enquiring
glance at the silent figure in the corner,
took their accustomed places around the
fire, and. the conversation became gen-
eral, taming, by some Strange coin -al -
deuce, upon the subject Of necromancy. -
Immediately the dark face of the stran-
ger lighted. up, his eyes sparkled, and t
his white teeth showed. from time to I
time as though he smiled scorn-
fully. t
" Now tell me, deacon, When you
were in Boston, did. you see aught of
this conjuror and his black -art 7' asked:
Silas, after listening to the deacon's ac- ii
count of the wonderful things be had t
heard of dun lig his recent absence. I
I see aught of it? Surely not," re- a
turned the deacon in a whining toile
"It is the weak of time devil, and. I,
servant of the Lord, have nothing to de S
with it." -
"I tell you it is no workof the devil," ! f
said the stranger. suddeuly coraing out
the shadow into the full light of the fire.
" is only by a sleight of hand. that : a
all these mysterious tricks are done." t
All started at the deep clear voice, fr
and. Deacon Bain quietly slipped around b
to the other side of the table, putting 1
the old Man without t
Then they _ all notic
empty-handed, havin
from the box. Going
examined his pah„k
last, turning to Silas,
"After all, I- fear I ma not be able to
amuse you as I thought to do, for I have
no cards about me."
"Cards !" cried the eicon—" cards!
the devil's own book."
." Unless," continued the stranger in
a low, deep voice—" u less this worthy
gentleman whom you eall deacon will
kindly lend me those Ilie bath in. his
" I tatu my pocket!. Cards in my.
pocket!" fairly- screw ecl the deacon.
" leVhy,'I would as soo carry live .coals
about with me."
Silas and the doctor .aughed heartily,
on tittered., and
with 'mirth at
ld deacon. care.
have a. pack
meat tapped the
mg black coat.'
" shouted the
mself with .an--
thrustiug his
f his .Pocket, te
t dre1.4 Wont
.Wect whidh he
Sine enough'
that lay scat -
leaves over the'
B uechasel groaned,. Si
Sibyl and Chloe shook
the idea of the saintly
rying cards about in hi
"Nevertheless, you
here ;" and. the strange
skirt of the deacou'410
"It is a vile falsehoo
old -team quite -beside h
ger, at the seine tint
hand into the depths'
prove his assertion ; b
instantly, chitchine an
flung -from him violenti
. it was - a 'pack-, of card.
' tired like bright- color°
sanded floor. . .. .
' - ise e work of the devil," . eried
the horrified deacon, Etna without wait-
ing to see or hoar more of the myste-
rious art, 2.:.— rushed. out of the room as.
though the • foul fiend were pursuing
him, Ieaviter the groim -around the
straugendutil with astoniShment. .
It is needless to describe the 'Dinner=
emus feats that the conjuror performed
with the aid of cards, tinge, eggs and a
many other simple: things which were b
truly practiSed through a supernatural IN
agency. After 'performing some - time - si
to his suiprised and. half4rightened au- b
thence, the stranger said, looking ear- Si
neatly at Sibyl; who stood near, her to
wild eyes full of terror, "1 ..em often tc.
able to grant a secret wish, or to find th
property that has -- disappeared. If INT
either of you here have Jost anything NV
you would like to yea•ver, perhaps I w
can return it to you, if you. will tell -me F
What it is." -
. -" The. letter," . whispered -- Chloe to
Sibyl; - ask him -for the. letter."
• t I dare not," returned Sibyl, tremb-
ling. . .4 And, besides, what use? Long
hafrc'he thisat is lost hi the river, where
it must. have fallen," . , -
"Little fool ! -wouldst thou not like
to. have it if thou must have it for the
asking?" .
" Ain, that I would indeed."- .
"Then try. II d . 'miracles, and.
may give it thee back."
" I lost a letter. this M ruing; sir, and
I would like right well tc soo it again."
said Sibyl, -in a half -audible voice.
" A letter? Well; you shall , have it,"
returned the stranger, going near her
aid making a fevi rapid passes over her.
"It is in the folds of your kerchief."
Sibyl put her hands 'to her bosom;
and, as pale tes death, der forth a fold-
ed. paper, which she opened, and see,inl.,,t
before her -Startled eyes -Will Mime
phrey's width& she turned. to Chloe,
crying, " Yes, it is his letter." -
" 'Ile ver): identical one that flew
ay .-ay this moming,"-said Chloe press -
fol. -Ns -Ida and looking at it closely,
es, the A. -:6y one. -dhath. the marks'
of the fruit stains that I left on it when
1 suat.thed it from thee." .
"Awl' how hath it coin° here in my
dross 1" - asked Sibyl, looking wildly
of the strange events of the day, when
suddenly she saw a. shadow creep close
to her feet, and there • stood the dark
stranger before her.
With a cry of terror, she was about to
rush away; when he laid a 'gently de-
taining haled on her shoulder, compel-
ling her to remain.
"Listen to me a moment, sweet mis-
tress,"_he said, in a voice that sounded
like soft music; and Sibyl, unable tore-
sist, Sat white and trembling, waitingto
hear what he would say. In the moon-
light he seemed transfigured into p,
ble, gracious person, and his eyes th
t she sofeared were very tender as th
rested upon her. "Listen a moine
gentle lady, and. fear -me not, for
would not harm one thread pf gold on
your dear head. , I love you -1 worship
"Love me! Qh,, say not. so !" inter-
rupted Sibyl," for it 'can not be .possible,
seeing you have known me but fora few
" Say not that I have only known! you
for a few hours. Ney, I have adored
you long in silence and secrecy."
"kb, your words bewilder me! Ho
can it be, when we have met only t
day, and I know. you not even no
You are naught but a dark - mystery
me. I pray you; Sir, speak no more
this wise, but allow me to enter."
"Not until you have have heard me
radiated the .ettanger, firnily. "I ban
Mit explain all that appears dark to you,
but it is enough to say that. I lieve
known' and loved you long. You: tell'
me that I am a mystery. 'Well, then
my ways are like myself; nevertheless,
I worship you, and if you will be mine,
I will place you on 'a height that all
shall envy. Itehold, all these gems
shall flash upon your brow and deck
your beauty right well!" And w4h a..
passionate movement he flung the box
from his shoulders, and opened it 'with
hurried fingers. And Sibyl, following
his moVements .with her eyes, save to
her dismay, instead of the strange.
instruments, a • mass of- flashing
gems resting. on the • velvet . lining.
:Rubies bathed in wine -like color, em-
erulds as green as heaven's. meadows,
opals flashing in mystic light, diamonds
with fire in their ',hearts and rainbow
lines en the sui-face-eone blaze of living
color burning in the .pale roe s of the
moon. These are all thine, if thou
wilt give thy love to me," he cried, lift -
Mg them in his hands. -and holding
them before her dazzled eyes, "and
wealth and honor besides, Thou art
too bright a jewel for so rough a setting;
let me take thee' away to fairer lands, to
softer climes, and thy life shall be one
sunny day. Come,- My sweet lady --
come to the heart that adotes thee."
no -
tit, '
W building, opposite Scott's Dank.
0- j. T. GARROW, , , if. W.
w ?. , W. J. RADNNITURST. 474
to EL- W. C. Meyer, Solicitor Conseil baud Bank
of • Canada, Wenghain.
114 RIVAS ts
(nAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristem,
a-/ Solicitors in Chancery, &a.. Goderich, Out.
M. C. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam-
eron. . 506
1,TapaLLionIAlifer inSBMALB..LivCroolveetyercAcrn nd Commis -
Appraiser. Accounts and notes tioneer and
reasonable terms. collected on
lltb L. DOYLE, Barrister, Attorney Solicitor tu
Chancery, &c., Goderich and S aforth.
See, over Jordan's Drug Store, G detich,551,4nd
Kidd's Store Seaforth.
A4ALCOMSON & WATSON, Bar eters, /Imo
-h neys, Solicitors in Chancery, 'c., Clintor.,
Out. Office—First door east of th new Rosin
Canadian Bank building. Money to oan farm
property. •
S. MALCONsON. 404 o. A. wmcsoli •
,an cCAUGBEI & HOLMESTED,I3 riebteinAt.
an"- torneys at Law,- Solicitofs in hancery ani
insolvency, faotaries Public and onveyancett
S elicitor'. for the 'R. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agen Venn
the Canada Nb e Assurance Company,
N.B.--$30,000 to lend at 8 per a nt. Farms
flousee and Lots for sale. 58
ter8, Attorneys -at -Law, 'Solicitors n Chancery,
&e. Private funds to loan at a low r to of inter-
est, and rn terms to suit borrower . Offices—
Goderich and ‘Winghatu. Office in 'Langdale's
.IIENSON 4 MEYER, Bat:listen a
1-' at Law, Solicitors in Chencery en(
He was at her feet, his dark face was
close to hers, his eyes flooded her hea,-at
With their tender light, his voice .
drenched her soul in its liquid mel-
edy, , and Sibyl listened to him s'pell-
bound .gain and again she tried to
break away from him, closing her eyes
Ito the witcliefylof his, her ear to the
insidious charm of his voice; hut in
vain, he haCinthralled her beyond all
resistance-. "t' I am in the power of the.
'Evil One," she thought. "This surply
-is an enchantment of Satan. Oh, Will
why art thou not _here to save me?'
And at the thought of .her abseut lover,
and. his letter still clasped in her hand;
her strength' seemed to return,- and
with des,perete energy she Started to her
feet, crying, "I will hear no mord. I
leve you not. I fear and hate you.
How dare you. speak such words to me
who love anotherethe one whose letter
you returned to me? If you saw aught
of its nonteuts, you well knew I can love
only the one -who wrote those sweet
words; therefore, 1 prey you, do not
hurt my ears with' longer speech."
Then, overcome by her excitement
nd terror, - She sat down again and
urst into passionate weeping. She
gifted. ,to hear some reply to her
ieech, sonic of scorn and anger,
ut instead there was silence; intense
knee, natil a voice unlike the. sweet
neS she mad just heard, seemed to say
her from the air above "I leave
ee now but I will never -forget thee..1
hen thou art crushed and bruised, I
ill return and heal thy wounded life
ith my love and tenderness. Farewell,
arewell." She looked around, be-
wildered; she was alone; the moon-
light brooded over the trees, the leaves
tustled as though a wind. had just
swept over them; a cricket chirped near
her, but she was§ alone: herdark lover
• had disappeared as mysteriously as he
had come. With trenibling linibe- and
loudly beating heart, she fled toward
the house, never looking behind her un-
til:she gained the friendly shelter of the
north room, where Silas and his friends
still discussed the strange events of the
evening. As She entered, she heard
her father say.
" By my faith, I believe him to be as
much rogue as devil, for he diath gone
without paying for his fare." •
at theetranger.
"Oh, I like him net, for only the
devil could do such things. go will
work us some harm, I fear," whisPered
("bloc. Cid
"Stranger; we have bad enough of
his,- said Silas, sternly, after the girls
lad recounted the loss of the letter.
`I thank the for the skill shown with
hy- cards, rings, and other innocent
ttings,but this bringingbacktbe lost and
bestowing it so strangely on the owner
-deaseth me not, and I fear thy craft is
ot honest. I fear--" Silas -was
alking to Burchard, who stood behird
line for the stranger had suddenly dis-
ppeared, black box and.
Th f • f voices, the mystery
nd excitement the wonder and my ol •
ibyl at 'recovering her letter, all un-
ierved her to such a, degree that 'the
eh the need of fresh air and silence;'
o she slipped away from the bewildered
group in the north room, and. went for
Moment into the garden where the
he moon shone brightly and all was
esh 'and. calm. Sitting on her favorite
ouch with Will Humphrey's recovered
otter in her hand, she fell to thinking
nBut he ate nothing," cried.. Chloe;
"I watched. him; and he ate noth-
ing." .
" HeaVeals name what is this 2"
exclaimed Silas,. drawing something
from his pocket. " purse with gold-.
in it, as I live!"
"Yes, a, 'purse," they ,all cried, ex-
citedly, gathering around him ; " and ;
it hath the devil' S money in it, and he
pu thy eee
"'The knave hath a. strange and -gen-
erous way of paying his debts ; but I'll
have of his ill-gotten wealth.
Here, Simon, take it -and throw it as
far as thou caust into the middle of the
river, and let us forget him and. his
triCks also."
"That May not be so easy," said -Bur --
chard, ruefully, "for I fear he bath be --
witched us all."
"God grant that it be not Sibyl,"
said., Chloe, "for he did ,regard her
so strangely that I fear he hath east the
evil eye upon her ; and see hew white,
and strange s e looks standing yonder
by the door."
" Enough ! nough !";cried. Silas, im-
patiently. "'way, of you, to yome
homes, and e ur beds, for the- hour is
late, and I Wo la sleep instead Of gos-
4. ‘)
With unstea,dy looks and mysterious
whispers, one by one the guests went
'out,and the Drinkwater House was left
for the night to silence and repose.
(To be Continued .)
—There are indications everywhere
that the dandelion and the lamb are
about to lie down together.
—The girls of Tuscola, place a
blue ribbon and a mitten on the table
when their lovers come to visit them,
and say, "Choose."
d Attune r
Oonveyancere, Notaries Public,. de. ificcs—Sca.
forth and Brussels. $23,000.of Priva e Funds to
Invest at once, at Eight percent. Into est, payable
yearly. , . 58
JAS. B. BENSON. rt. W. . NIEYEn.
The above firm bes this day been issolved by
mutual consent. All accounts duo the firm to
be paid to, Me. Benson who will pa all Habil-
H. W. C. hi YER.
Nov. 27, 1876.
JJ. G. SCOTT, M.D. &c., Physician, urgeon ana
• Acconche , Seaforth, Out. 0111 e. and ten -
dance south side of Godetich Street ' first oor
east of Pres betel an Church. 84t
r.J' L. VERCOR M. D., C. M., Phy ician /Sur-
"' • Gre0D etc., Caroner for the Couu y of Huron
_Office and Residence, on Jarvis st eet north,
directly opposite Seaforth Public Sch ol.
ne A. -ADAMS, M. D., late of Lak
" • Physician, , Surgeon and
,G-mduate of -the Uuiversity of Trini
-Toronto. Member of the Royal Coll
.sicians a'nd Surgeons. Out. Einbarn.
ear, Out.,
y College ,
goof Pht
Ont. 4et
WM. HANOVER, M. D., C. M., G initiate of
! McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and
AccoucheurnSeaferth. Out.. Office Rooms in
Meyer's Block lately occupied by Dr. P elan, and
-formerly by the late Dr. King. Will attend at
Catronbritok on Tuesdays end Friday", 496
r) MeNATIGHT, 'Veterinary Surge
-k-j • ate of Ontario Veterina-ry Colleg
Out. Office and Residence in rear of
Ryan's. Calls prornptlr attended to
day. A stock of veterinary medicine.
Charges reasonable. Horses examined a
nese and certificatee given if required.
U, Greer
, Seaton},
Moran &
night or
on hand
to sound -
JAMES W. ELDER„ V. S., Grade te of the
Ontario Veterinara College. Afte • devoting
two years to practice :with Professor Smith, of
Toronto, has settled it, Seaforth. 0 'ce at his
residence east of .W. M. Church. Calle promptly
attended to by day or night.' A !erg, stock of
Veterinary Medicines constantly on ha 1. -Horses-
examined as to soundness and pertific tea given
Horses bought and sold on commissi tt. 424
Surgeon Dentist, Graduate
of the boaal College •
Surgeons of Ontari .f Dental
hours from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. mous in
Mit. Whitney's new brick block, .Main Street,
— -
111111114CEIrILA N BOCK.
A :I. MeCOLL,Solicitor, &c., Breese
al- • in Leckie's new prick banding. "•
a. Office
nn G. LANE, Anetioneer and Apprai. er for the
--t-• • County of. Huron, also Commission Me r-
eheat, al cDougalln Block, Wingham. 515.4
. .
ONEY TO LEND—Oe terms mo travail.
-17a-tageons than ever before offered.- Ae Art1'-
001,1, Solicitor, Brussels. 504-52
WHO WAe.TS MONEY aa -A few
!' 7 dollars, private funds, for inimedit
ment at 8 per ciente interest. Apply t
H. BENSON, Seliciton.Seaforth.
te invest-
a- P. BRINE, Licenced Aectionee for the
a' • County of Huron. Sides attend d in all
parts of the County. Al] orders. left at the Ex.
POSITON Office will be promptly attend -d to. •
.Cleff, successor to d. •
tater of Pumps and Cisterns. All work
to give satisfaction. Factory on North
Y. N.
rain St.,
5(10 .
ing settled up their accounts with m
failing to do So. at once will be clang
cent, interest from January- 1st, 187
fail. TBOMAS COVENTIIY, Seatorth.
not har-
t or 1877
10 per
, without
" FOR SALE—On easy terms of pay 'cut, or
te exchange for farm property. Gristing and
Flouriug promptly attended tel the same as usual.
Also a quantity of Dry Hemlock Lumber for sale
cheap for cash or short credit. WM. FEN WICK,
Proprietor, Zurich P. O., Ont, 546
_TORN LECKIE, General Loan and Re
a' Agent, Grain, Produce and thenmiss
chant. Money loaned on real estate in
contain, at 8 per cent. simple interest.
moderat e. Mortgages bought and sold.
mortgages paid off.- 'Terms to euit b
Ferree and village property for sale,
Lecidels new brack block, Brussels, Out.
-t- ROOT ALTERA '1 IVE—nsla hire's G
torn five cures Rheumatism, Dyepepsia,
'less, Sick Headache, Liver Complaint,
nese, Palpitation of tharfeart, neneral
Diseases of the Stomach tinti all Fein
plaints. For Scrofulous tliseasee it is in
as it is the great -eat- known blood pantie
-50 cents. EDWARD VAlaCO., Brussel,
for the County of Huron.
1 Estate
on &ler-
town or
Office -
eat Res-
le s ern.
- Price,
, Agent
TO TH.E PUBLIC.—llead what the people say
-1- in regard to the Great Shobliontee Remedy
and Pills. Levi Jones, Marthani, say: "I had -
a very severe attack of bronchitis. I wee so bad
that I, could hardly get my breath. I egught for
a quick remedy, end seeing the " Shoshonees
Remedy" so highly recommeeded, I preckired a
bottle, and am happy to sae -that by the time it
• was -taken I was entirely well, tied have remained
so, although I was Much exposed through the
winter in travelling." Bev. F. B. Stratton, Dem,
grestville, writes; "'I have found your re-
Meclies particularly beneficiel for liver complaint,
dyspepsia ana. bronchial affections, 'an, would
a bonle of the Remedy and a box of Pills,
advise alasimilarly affected -to give them a trial."
John Finlayson, Athol, says: "'When tt avellin g
one of my feet got sere and broke out. I could
not cure it, and had to return home. It became
nettee and afterwards much worse. I finally pur-
chasedand before they were half gone I commented to
improve, and before they were finished -my foot
completely cured. it is now 17 months
seinen ant have had no further attack ' Price
of the Remedy in pint betties, $1.. Pills, a cents
n -box. • 522.
-a• Periodical Pillse-This invaluablemedicine is
unfailing in tho care of all those paanfin and
dangerous diseases to which the female c nstittn
Lion a subject. It moderates all excess nd re-
moves all obtractions, and a spot tly care may be
relied on. To married ladies, it is peculiai I suited.
It will, in a abort time, bring on the monthly pe-
riod with regularite. These pills shoal not he'
taken by Females daring the first three months
of Pregianey, as they are sure to bring n. Mise
lean -tone, bat at any other time they are s fe.
all 'cases nd Nervous and Spinal Aff diens,
pains m the back and limbs, fatigue on sl'ght ex-
ertion, palpitation of the heart, hystence, and
whites, these pills will effect a cure When all other
means have failed; and, although a powerful
remedyannnot contain iron, calomel;antimony,
or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full
directionit in thespamphlet around each package,
w should be carefully preserved. Job Moses,
New York, Sole Proprietor. -$1 00 and Jai cents
for postage enclosed to Northrop & Lymen, To -
rotate Out., general agents for the Dotninion,
will insure a. bottle containing over 50 pills by
return mail. Sold in Senforth by Hickson
Bleasaell J S Roberts, and R. Lumsden 197
• S.
1878 -CT 1\T
JUNE 11, 1878.
Buys all his Machinery from
annonnenafi to the
This Week I it
ve to An20
n0/C6 the Arrival of -Several Kew _Lines of
zer Goods, Comprising 'Part the Following.-
To hand, the Sec
terns, a-nd Superior
Having pnrchesed di
excellent workmen,
give you a snit of do
•nd Shipment of Men's and Boys' Clothing, which for, Stylieh Cat, New Pete
orkinanship, cannot be excelled by any Taildring • Eitablishment Towa.
net from the Stanufactuters in Montreal and Toronto, who employ none but
positively eesert, without (carol- eontradiction, that ane la a position to
hes that will fit as aceurately as if,you had your measure taken by any of our
City Tailors.. Besiae , it effects a saving of from $5 to $8 on each stnt. Call end See the Worstest
Coats I am fcr $7, worth $10. A Splendild Assortment of Children's Clothing id Stock,
which -are being sold remarkably low. .1 .
The Largest and
cheap. Ladies' and
ingly low priees. Oh
-lest Assorted Stock in Town. Men's and Boys' Samnier
isses' Fine Boots. in E'runella and Leather—Every varie
ldren's 'Boots in all sizes and styles.
. 1
Our Milliners fin it rather difficult to attend to all the Orders left eitth 'us
would wish, and we srerely trust our friends will bear with us a littl a as
effort to execute as s as possible their valued commands. The Millinery
fore so complete as it is at present. In Trimmea and Untrimmed Hats our Shq
Newest Shapes in the Market—we have them. The Most -Beautiful Little Ornam
The Newest, Sheila On
am on Exhibition in
Cu the our vim li for a
hence our customers c
• . -
in Ribbons—hem they am
re. The t elegant and costl
Lir Show Room. Out Steck of Fane'
Flowers is unequalle
ything New and Fashionable, one Sock is being collate:la
Ln always find what they want.
A, Magnifieent As. ortmene on hand, -wl idle are selling very cheap. The most
economical Dress a le y can wear, admirably adapted tor eneursion partite . C
as they are going fas
Shoes extraordinary
of Style—exceed-
community 4e1 Huron that he is
still selling the very best
piements, and I Musical- Instru.
3.1r,. Murphy's favorite machine is the Singer
which is the bestir, the market, having eaeneel
off first honors at the Centennial and Sydney
Farmers wishing to purchase any of the above
would consult their own ineerests by applying tie
Mr. Murphy first, as be mop :do better for them
than any other in the trade.
Sewing Machine and -other repairs always on
band at his warerooms, Goderieh street.
518 L. MURPHY, Seafotth.
THE Subscribers take this opportunity of re-
turning thauks to the inhabitants of Brussels
and vicinity for past patronage, and beg to state.
that, having mane several improvements in their
kiln and the mode of burning, they are in a bet-
ter poaition than ever to supply the public with
Plink ..ClaraS Lime at 124e. -Comb at the
Kiln, or 14o. Dei iriered.
This being the fotnth season of our business
dealings in Brussels, a n,1 having given unquslifis
ed satisfaction so far, the public 'ean rely on re-
ceiving good treatment and a first -elites Reticle
from: us. Remember the spot: The Brussels
Lime Works.
as -quickly as they GEORGIAN BAY BRANCH. -
are making every
took was never be.
gorgeous. The
nts—we have them.
Ostrieh Feathers
, and being always
repleeished, and
durable, the most
11 and, secure one
I have always on hand the Largest and Cheicest Stock of Groceries to be found in any General
Store in this part of the Dominion. [buy in hone quantities, get the best terms, I buy the best
value in everything, anti am selling, cheap and guarantee Goods as represented or money refunded.
Special Bargains in Teas, Sugars, and Tobaccos. Parties purchasing in large gaantities liberally
dealt with at Wholeialo Prices. Farmers, consolb your interests and give me a call- Setiafitetion
earanteed. •
neEILED TENDERS. addressed to the under -
'at signed and endorsed "Tender fer Georgian
Bay Branch," will be eeceived up to noon of
Saturday, the 29th day of June next.
The Line will extend from Station 0 of loca-
tion of 1877, on the western side of South Myer,
near Nipissingan Post Office, to the head of navi-
gation of French River, about 5 miles east of
-Cantin's Bay, andavillbe in length about 50 mina.
iProposals will be received in two forms (A and
B) as set forth in a memorandum of Conditions
of Contract, which with speciazations and other
1 information may be had or Seen on application.
at the Department of Public Works.
i No Tender will be entertained unless on the:
I printed fonn and unless the printed eonditi0118-
are Gonna ied with. By order, '
F. BRAUN, Secretary.
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa, 28th May, 187n. 548-3
The subscriber hereby thanks bib numerette
customers(merchants and others) for their liberal
patronage during the past seven years, and hopes,
f by strict integrity andelose attention to business,
! to merit their confidence and trade in thefuture.
Having greatly enlarged his prerniees, during
the winter, he is now prepared to pay the
For any quantity of good fresh eggs, delivered
at the
Hig'hat Market Pride Paid for Good Butte); and Eggs
at the New Gash Store.
Iltga to estimate
Brief Bundle!
!Omni!' of WU
hitherto, carry
General Inswan
In thanking the pub]
has carried on thee° hr
them the s me tiefac
keeps on ha4dd the best
Oil, and M chine Attire
capable of naliing any
threaded url machine of
—a Mae hina that baa n
sells the Wheeler & Wi
a'ariners' Wives, Mee
and try our Sewing Ma
the celebrated In anz a
given to customers gra
of Sewing Machines rep
hal he has He -moved him (Mice to D. illeGregor7,4 New
on Elea Side, of Main Piitreet, Seatorth, and Fourth Door
am CanapJbell's Clothing, Emporium where he will, as
Oil the.
Main Street, Seuforthe
Wented, tie the subieriber 25 Ions of good dry
clean WHEAT STR4 W.
e .11fol;ey Loan it oency,-and Sewing Had 'fle Busiff less
c for the confidenr they have reposed- hint for the pas fifteen years he
itches in Seal or th he wishes to inform. them he will still endeavor to give
ion which they ha o hrtariably expressed with his tran aceions. He still
Sewing Machines hat are manufactured in the world, as well as Needles,
meuts. He sells he Osborne A Machine, -which is the implest, the mbst
aid of work in to most perfect manner, and the easi at. and quickest
any machine mad in the Dominion. He *mils the Genuine Howe Machine
ever failed to give satisfaction to every customer for the It at ten years.4e
Son Machines, the most\ rapid and least noisy Machine in he world.
snips' Wines, Mer nants' Wives and Manufacturersado n t aril to examine
hinks--Filmily an Me nufactuting—wben you want One Also Agent for
d Pope Keating Machine, capable of doing all kinds of w m4k, Instructions
is on any of (be altnve machines. Sowing Machines to Re t. Also all kinds
ired. TERMS Lf13ERAL.
WM. N. WATSON, General Age t, Seaforth.
Such as the Neercastle
Wood's, Akron and Duff
the above Maehines sold
Call and examine the m
In the Plow Business
Thistle -Cutter, having p
Coulter -and Clevice-nthi
In -Sewing Machines I
and Wanzer F. Machines
All kinds of Reaper an
Points always on hand.
ul .MOW Eli, are the order of the day; O.
agatn on hand with -a,
arrester and Maxwell Light Reapers, Woods' and Joh
du Mowers, ad, harp's Self -Dumping Hay and Stubbl
on trial, and Fan faction guaranteed Cr no sale. For fur
chines or mild fo circulars.
ant still ahead, , ring made some good improvements
ton Steel Land 'ides and raised the Beam two inch
is a positive pre entative against choking in wet stnbble
m still advancin , having ell exl in large stock of that Ce
, stud all other cor mon alaehia es known to the Trade.
Mower Repairs f et. the Machines I sell. All kinds of /al
Sewing Machine .epairs and Repairing Done.
stoun Reapers,
Rake. Any of .
her information
on the No, 13
higher at the'
ebrated Florence :
tv castings and •:
Second hand 20 Horse
Seeond hand 20 Horse a
Second hand 16 none
Second hand 12 Horse
A Hoisting or Boat -Eng
Second hand 16 Horse P
Second hand 18 horse as
Second hand 20 horse Po
Seeohd hand 80 horse Ps
Steam Gauge, Gunge
Second hand Shingle and
Heading Jontter
Reading Planer
Heading Turner
Stave Machine, with Knit
rigine, Balance Wheel and Sala Mandrel -. s .... . .... $225
tngine, Balance Wheel anti Pulleys Cortiplete.1 225
Ingine, Balance Wheel, Pulleys and Governora
New Engines awl B
for Flowing, G
1-Z.'" Agricultural Dimple
Attexided to .
egnie, Balance 'Wheel, Pulleys and Governors..
lee,with Hoisting Gear.... , .. ..... ..
rtable Boiler, with Smoke Stank •
rt -able Boller, With Smoke Stack ........ ......,.... .... .. . . . .
table Boiler, with Smoke Stack
rtable Tabular Boiler, with Smoke Stack, Furnace, Front, Grate Barn
and Safety Valves, all in Goad Order
Heading Machine
S THEY occupy the attention of all, these
bard times the subscriber is determined to
meet them by offering goo d inch Hemlock, "not
usnally sold for inch," at the following rates:
12 foot Hemlock. at $7 00 per thousand; 14 foot
; Fencing, at $7' 50, for Cash. All Feeders over 4.000
: 5 per cent. discount. Call anal see if you ain't
get what i reprenented.
Book Accounts over 3 menthe will be charged
8 percent.
The subecriber thanks Ids numerous customers
for their liberal support, and solicits a cord-hue-
ance of their favors.
! 4138 Steam Saw Mills, IffeKiliop.
The L. It. Sawyer & Co., Iron Clad Single Mow-
er, Canadian Single Harvester, and Bradley No. 2,
Single Harvester, were awarded two silver medals
and bronze medal at the Centennial Exhibition,
Philadelphia, only awards given to Canaan. rot
Reapers and Mowers. Bronze Medals at AuS-
trahan Exhibitiount Sydney, last spring, Silver
Medal at Jefferson County trial, U. S., 1877, Gold
and Silver Medal at the great Iluron trial, last
August, and numerous, first prizes throughout
Canada ,and the United States. They are sub-
stantially built, very light draught, can beinstant-
ly adapted to all kinds and conditione of grain, and
will be exhibited at the various Spring Shows
throughout the County, by GEORGE STEWART,
Clinton, General Agent for the County of Huron.
WM. GRIEVE, Agent at. Seaforth. 53948
THE Subscriber, believing that farmers in this
neighborhood are now fully convinced that
the Red Chaff Wheat has entirely ruined the
good reputation of our Canacliam Spring Grain
in the European markets, as may -be observed by
the unusual difference of 20c to 80e per bush. be-
tween it and thepriee of Fall Wheat.; thatit is also
very liable to rust befordharvest, producing flour
too dark and poor for family use. I would «a -
commend attention to this following choice
8gradestatiou,now-for vi z.:asaamleesLitns
at hisgStoprentreseminn, Heeneasotlat
, Fife Selected Lake Shore Blue Stem, and the
1e Whited bought. Eldoradoand as ali al
532 ti Moderate Prices. Clover
1LLIAM MeNAUGHTON begs to inform
the business men of Seaforth and the travel-
! fog public that he has purchased the Livery
Business and Stoek of Messrs. Carnoeban &
450 a Abell, and will do all in his power to retain the
90 reputation which this favorite establishment has
40 l secured. Be will keep 'only good driving and re -
50 liable horses, tied his carriages will be kept
70 1
. 80 I
era ,on hand, also Made to Order very cheap. Mill Machinery
t and Saw Mills. Middling Purifiers of Improved Kinds. i
mentsl—Stoves of -Various Kinds.—Repeirs on Boilers, Mills, &c., promptly
clean and in good order. Calls, night or day,
will be' promptly attended to. PIC -NIC AND
WEDD:NG PARTIES Liberally Dealt with.
Terms Reasonable. Allordere left at the Com-
mercial Hotel or at the office will receive prompt
Office and Stables on Market Street, opposite
T. Kidd's Store.
544 WE. MeNAUGHTON, Proprietor,
ORGANIST of St. Thomas' Church, Sea -forth, (Late of Toronto), is prepared to instruct a
limited number of Pupils in Instrumental Musio.
Residence—Third llonee iterth of the W. M.
IONCE MORE respee hilly beg leave to return thanks to my numerous customers kit their kind
patronage during tb last 12 yeses that I have been doing business amongst them, and kindly .
solicit a continuance of eir favois for the future. I have just -received a Large and Well Selected
Stack af DRY GOODS of all descriptions. Also always on hand a full assortment of
GROCERIES—T ASca. Specialty—which, for quality and price, are the best in the County.
A Large Stock of BOOTS and SHOES—McPherson's make. Crockery, Glassware, Lamps
and Coal Oil, Hardware, Paints and Oita, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Bacon and Bans, in fact every-
thing required in a gene I store. Ask for what you want if you don't see it. Cash, or farm pre:duce
taken in exchange. I woma1d also intimate to all parties indebted to me for laid and previounlyears,
to come and settle by ca h or note before the end of this month, or the accountwill be put Into
other hands for collection No further notice will be given. MONEY TO LOAN ON EASY TERMS.
—lam also valuator for tlhe Dominion Saving and Investment Society, one of the best loan societies
In the Demi/rim. The a ove Society loans money on good farm security fen a terra of from three to
twenty yeses, on the most favorable aonditiona. LIFE INSURANCE — w
If you ant your life insured
give me a call, as I am ag nt for the Sun Mutual Life Assurance Company, one of the best Life In-
surance Companies in theDominion, and conducted on th most economical principles. Don't for-
get to give me a call. Cal am always attentive to business. Post Office anal Telegraph Office in con-
nection. Olover,ITimothY, Turnip and other seeds on hand.
Church, Church Street, Seaferth. 545
'GS made over Into Switches, Canal
Braids and Puffs, all in the Latest Styles and
with despatch.
Hair arranged in the Natural way
with Roots at the top.
At Mr, William Hunt's, four doors west of the
Market Sea -forth.' 528-26
Life im
York is e
I hat'e R
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the Essi
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