The Huron Expositor, 1878-05-31, Page 7AY 31.4 187l, SEE$. AT SEED EMPDRI13M AF`ERT:. ad a large- atoek of all kindb of• reeds, having purchased trona liable houses that we haveiu ie can rely on getting LEAN FRESHSEEDS, tt bottora prices. To garden, ing in ggsntitioa we Bell al !ds in Balk, toad do not recolst. rs. I have oill hand a large E TURNIP, Westbury, Ca rter's, Imperial,. pa Lothian and Royal e, White Globe, &e. At. urnip Seed is very high thla `ng to buy will do. well to ex - see my prices before pur s1think 1 tr8n sell as Omskany other hose in the trade. OT SEED. green Top, Orthe, Short Horn, &et GOLD S Long Or- eth, Long Pied, and sesreral E E SEEDS ern, Cucumbers, Onions of all flip, Peas, Pump sin, Radish, large quantities. Tomato, Is Sprouts, Si.lsify Flower seed 'cher variety lock numerous to DINT irTS_� h Sets, Shallots.. tape,.. Lawn Grass and arch - re or French; Clover, Trefoil es, Hungarian Grass, Millet imathy always in stock, Seed nd Peas. LARGE STOCK OF MII.Y GROCERIES, and prices cannot he beat by the trade. 71 and Glassware e. Call and 'see the nes- pat- ina, only $:1.50 per set, and. tally low. • BED conetairtly on hand at ember the piece, east side of site Market Street. All goods Seatorth, Harpurhey or Ek wt. rVIORRESON. WHERE YOU CAN :ET THEM. st Stylish and Substan- t Rigs in the County. I A N & C O .. tetlities for Mannfactnring I: ESI BUGGIES, S AND SLEIGHS doll cannot: beet from any y in the Country. ACTICAL MEN, iderstand thdir business and. ;,end the works in each depart. Hess, and consequently there srt used in their vehicles, and. mown in their establishment. ose 1V obby Portlands • Mable Smell Body Cut- hand, which will be • exp. tads promptly and neatly ore- eafortlr Carriage Works, East Hotel, Seatartlr. I ILLMAN & Co.. -IARDARE. CE[1/ED MANUFACTURERS:: UT NAILS. f0VELS, -FOI KS, 'D RAKES, S, PAINTS, OILS, &c. MEG WIRE ING HARDWARE Deeriptio r Cheap. 5. AND COQ DUCT- -G PIPE! rtest N otiee :and Warranted. events o Cash and ccying C E stamers. JOJN KIDD. a est :restive Soap -Seller:. c Received a Novel Present± and 'Ypir What He Did with It. yesterday afternoon the amiable. and 4) x proprietor of a Market Square eietel observed that a young and good g female called frequently,en- orieg for a gentleman who follows the honorable calling of -soap-seller in the eget. At each repetition of, her call the vseartan seemed to"be getting more yvd more excited. The hotel -keeper thought nothing of the matter until tea - ,e, when all his boarders were as- sembled about the tea -table. The meal viproceeding in the usual satisfactory way, when suddenly the door opened toad the female above mentioned strode in, carrying a bundle. Without saying a Word, to any on she walked to t n soap -seller and, PLeel gg thebundle his lap exclaimed : " There! You've disow ed me ; here is something you oaut disown 1" This proceeding would seen harmless enough had not the bun- dle given out a most unmistakable - equaIl. It was alive, and on further ex- amination the bundle proved to be a wrapped -up baby apparently three mouths old. The boarders looked, on With wide-open eyes as the disgusted soap -seller unrolled the bundle and held the child up. `° What am I going to do -with this ? " he asked, in truly despairing t accents. Tableau . The boarders could net Mand, it any longer, and every one of them' laughed. heartily. Meantime -the woman - disappeared, leaving the baby with the soap man, who professed to be totally unable to give a satisfac- tory account of these strange: proceed- ings, After the woman left hewent out to look for a nurse, but being unable to find one, a wife. of one of the board- ers ldndly took temporary charge of the infant. It appears that during one of her calls in the afternoon the wo- man told some one ,about the hotel that the soap -seller was her husband.. Hearing this, the proprietor interviewed that ge a _`leinen and :was told in. -effeot that s , ' as not his wife, but ought in justice .: have stood - in that relation - ship. Upon this the soap -seller was re- gpested to withdraw his patronage from the house. In the morning he left the house, taking his baggage and the child with him. A diversity of opinion ex- ists as to whether the man is really- the female's husband or not, but on this point nothing can as yet be sail. Mean- time, it cannot be denied that he did receive a present; and if it was not a novel gift, the planner of its presenta- tion was at least out of the ordinary run of events. it that they always keep it on hand in case of emergency ; ' it may be given at all times -with perfect safety. — :Itemember the name and see that the signature of Hurd & Co., is on - each package. Northrop & Lyman, Toron- to, Ont., Proprietors for Canada. Sold- by oldby all Medicine Dealers. The Montreal Divorce Case. The divorce case of Haynes vs. Haynes which is now before the Mon- treal courts is attracting considerable interest. Mrs. Haynes alleges that when she was seventeen years of age sho was induced to marry a man in the city in respectable circumstances who turned out a confirmed drunkard, left the city two weeks after marriage, and never communicated with her since. - After the,lapse -of a year she obtained, on. the advice of Haynes, who was then a visitor at her father's house, a legal separation in the Courts here. Subse- quently Haynes offered her marriage on condition that she would proceed to the United States and obtain a divorce. She at length yielded and went to the StateofMichigan, was domiciled there for a whole year, and obtained a legal divorce from the Courts. On her return to Montreal he fulfilled his promise and married her. They lived happily to- gether until Haynes began to keep other company. ` Last summer it was pro posed by Haynes that his wife should go to her father's for a week and prepare there for going to the country. She ac- quiesced in his proposal, but was only at home a couple of days when she was called on by 'a notary with a deed of separation for her to sign, allowing her f$15 per month for herself and child. She refusedcompliance with such an arrangement, and on coming back to the city found that her husband had sold off the furniture of their dwelling and rented the house. She called upon him. to provide for her and his child, but he refused and repudiated her, de- claring that the United States divorce was not legal, United States divorces not being held as binding in the Do- minion. Mrs. Haynes is still young, ex- ceedingly good looking, and refined and ladylike in her manner. Haynes is a bank manager, receiving a good salary, and is well able to support his family. Requirements of the Colorado Me,mma.. Eligible young ladies in this youthful territory are held at a premium, and the accomplishments requisite - to prove - many of their claims to eligibility are neither numerous nor difficult of _ attainment. The daring young man who ventures to pay his addresses to one of these chosen creatures, has generally, it would seem, unless his social position . be assured, somewhat of au up -hill time of it, nor does he ever rest safe till the knot . is tied. Firstly, he finds it absolutely necessary to conduct himself in seich a manner as will please the exacting dam- sel herself, a task which often takes his utmost skill and patience. Then the "old party " on the male side has . de- mands, too, such as being treated when- ever they meet in town, requiring his cattle to be rescued from every mire- hole on the entire range ; and if the said o. p. be a cattle nen, that the youth hate the sheep tradewith undying im- placability, but if a sheep -man, to de- spise the cattle business with a con- tempt beyond the power of words to portray; and, lastly, that he possess a ranch, and vote right on election day. Mamma, however, with that nicety of discrimination and instinctive delicacy Characteristic of her sex; has but one eungiiiry to make—but a single interro- gatory to put—and, satisfied on. that, all goes well, as far as she is concerned. But otherwise, and down goes her foot, over which impediment nothing short of a clandestine struggle will ever drag Matilda Aun. This momentous ques- tion has nothing to do with the anxious swain's character, or appearance, or in- telligence, or hab-its, but entirely con- eerns his stock -book. Briefly stated, it is, in fact : " Has he got the heifers ?" If he have them, all right ; i'�f not, mam- ma can't spare Matilda Ainn nohow," and takes care to render the subsequent visits of William James exceedingly un- pleasant.— IF. 0. Trimble, in Brantford Expositor. - Terrible Results from a Thief Trap. , News has just reached this city of a horrible and fatal case of wholesale poisoniug at .Elk Garden, Russell. coun- ty, in the southern part of the state. It appears that Mrs. Martha Micalitor, a well-known farmer's wife had . been much annoyed oflate by thieves steal- ing large quantities of butter. She be- thought herself of e Mian to stop the re- peated, thefts ani it was this She put strychnine into all the rails of aertain firkin, and"placed the firkin in con- venient place for the robbers the night before last.. The firkin was promptly stolen, and Mrs. Micalitor was satisfied that the thieves would die. - But oh, horror! in- stead nstead of the thieves eating the butter .. they sold it 1 It wont broadcast through the country. lir. Jackson, a promin- ent planter, purchased several pounds of it yesterdav,and supposing it all right, tie servant placed it on the supper table, where there were twelve persons at the repass, of whom four died in a few hours after eating the butter. They were An- drew, Joseph and James Jackson, three brothers, and Miss Alice Gatewood,who happened to be a guest of the Misses Jackson; besides three other persons at the table were taken dangerously ill, among them a young lawyer, who was paving attention to Miss Gatewood. The greatest excitement prevails in the county. Neither the thieves who stole the poisoned butter, nor the lady who usal such a dangerous trick have been. arrested, but doubtless exertions will o be made to lynch the men who sold it—Il€elcritcilecl (Va.) dispatch. to Cincin- natti Enquirer. - " BEAi;`1IF UL Iloizsn —There is noth- ing that can contribute so much to ren- der the horse beautiful and elegant and make hire all that is desirable as "Dar- ley's Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy ;" it has been used by many persons who own valuable car- riage and other horses with decided suc- cess, and so well pleased are they with t. THE - H1mb N E! RQSITOR. 111111111111111Na. which he wonld`please send. ;Jr. Les- lie, instead of sending the money, went to Hamilton himself, but after! ft - gent search failed to find any John Leslie. AN ASTONISHING FACT.—A large pro- portion of the American people' are to clay dying from the effects dyspepsia or disordered. liver. The result Of these diseases upon the masses of intelligent and. valuable people is most alarming, making life aitually a burden instead of a pleasant e±istence of enjoyment and usefulness as it ought to be. There is no good reason for this,if you only throw aside prejudice and skepticism, take the advice of your Druggist and your friends and try one bottle of Green's August Flower. ! Your speedy .relief is !certain. Millions Of bottles of this medicinehave been given away to try it§ virtues, with satisfactory results in every case. You can buy alsample bottle for 10 cents to try. Three doses will positively relieve the worst case. Positively sold by all Druggists on the Western Continent. EPPs's COCOA. Grateful and comfort- ing.—" By a thorough knowledgeof the natural laws which govern the opera- tions of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine proper- ties of well selected. cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which rhay save us many heavy doctor's bills. It is by the judicioususe ofsucharticle# of diet that a constitution maybe grad- ually built up until strong enough to re- sist every tendency to' disease. Hun- dreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood, and ,a properly -nourished frame."—Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Sold only in packets label- led—"James Epps & Co., Homoeopath- ic Chemists, 48, Threadneedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, Lpndon." 482-52 • Return of a Wan Bering Heir. In October, 1847, over thirty years ago, Michael Meyer, aged 20, left his parental roof for the United States. He was the son of Joseph Meyer, residing in the township of - Wilmot, who died some years afterward, and left his prop- erty to be divided among his children. Nothing was ever heard of Michael af- ter his departure, and it was at last gen- erally believed that he was dead. A short time ago, however, a letter arrived from him to the surprise of all, address- ed to Petersburg post office—the nearest place to the residence of hie parents at the time he left them. It was address- ed to the postmaster and contained in- quiries as to the whereabouts of his relatives if any of them were alive_ His uncle, Mr. Caspar Meyer, the exec- utor of his father's will,`was at once notified and 'at once communicated with the .lost and . wandering heir. He. asked his now fifty years old nephew various questions to find if he was really the missing Michael. Thesequestions were all ans wered. satisfactorily, and he was noti- fied to come home at once and receive his share of the property left by his father,and held in trust for him by his uncle. Accordingly a few weeks ago Mr. Meyer arrived at St. Agatha from the States, took possession of his prop- erty, and is now spendinga short time visiting his relatives residing in various parts of the Province. He states that during the first years of his absence ;he wrote to his parents several times, ad- dressing them at Waterloo post -office, but never received an answer. He has all these years made his living in the States at hard labor, being at times em- ployed on the railkQ03, again as a sail- or', and in other occupations. - He is -a married man, has several children, and his present home is in Kansas. - Grandunk Rail Trway. Trains leave Seatorth and Clinton Stations as follows : GOING WEST— ` SEAFOu n. CLINTON. Express 2:25 P. M. 2:45 P. M. Express ' 8:58 P. M. 9:20 P. M. Mixed Train9:00 A. M. 10:00 A. M. GOING EAST— SEAFORTH. CLINTON. Mixed Train7:52 A. M. 7:27 A.. M. Express Train1:15 P. M. 12:50 P. M. Mixed Train5:00 P. M. 4:25 P. M. Mixed Train10:35 A.M. 10:00 A.M. - London, Huron and Bruce. GOING SOUTH— Mail. A. M. Wingham, depart... 7 80 Belgrave 7 50 Blyth 8 05 Londesborough8 14 Clinton 8 31 Brucefield.. . 8 50 Kippen. - 9 00 Hensall 9 05 Exeter..._ 9 20 London, arrive10 45 GOING NORTH— Mail. A.. M. London, depart7 55 Exeter ' 9 20 Hensall 9 38 Kippen' - 9 46 Brncofield 10 00 Clinton 10 20 Londesborough 10 42 Blyth 10 54 Belgrave . 11 13 Wingham, arrive... 11 30 Miscellaneous News Items. —A man always willing to make . room for others—The carpenter. —A. Southern paper regrets that something cannot be done to induce the blacks in some of the over -crowded sec- tions to immigrate to Liberia. It never occurred to' the editor to - start a report that they raise watermelons as big as a cow over there. - —In -the Globe of Monday we find the following notice A young roan named Patrick Lynch was drowned off: the steamer Dakota in Red River, near Emerson, on the 8th - inst. The de- ceased, who was a •deck passenger, it is supposed, was asleep, and waking up, rose and walked off - the boat into the river. The accident occurred about one- o'clock in the morning, and al- though efforts were immediately made to find the drowning man, he was ney seen to rise. It was not known tat the missing man was Lynch till n A morning, when his father, wile) was also on board the steamer, discovered the painful fact. The deceased was seven- teen years of age, and was from Mitchell, Ontario.-- . =Some unprincipled scoundrel has been playing sharp on the .credulity of a couple of honest farmers, as we learn. from the Beacon of the 17th inst. `About three weeks ago, Mr. Thomas Martin, of Elma, received atelegram from Hamilton., signedI- Nelson Folly, . stating that he was on his way home from California, had run short. of funds and asking him to forward $10 by mail. Nelson Kelly is a brother-in-law of Mr. Martin's who went to California some eight or nine years ago, and Mr. M. not suspecting any fraud, mailed the money and awaited the arrival of his brother- iu-Iaw, whom ho expected the next day or so. Nearly a'week passed and Mr. Kelly nor no- further tidings of him having some to hand, Mr. Martin be- came uneasy, and..telegraphed to the post. office officials at Hamilton to know if the letter had been called. for. He was informed that it had been taken aut`8 or ten hours before MI message reached them. Thus the matter rested in the meautimo, and Mr: Martin :night not have known anything more of why, his brother-in-law did not arrive, but - for a further, operation of the same scoundrel who had thus victimized him. About the same time that he received his' telegram a Message came to Mr. Wm. Leslie, of Maryboro', in care of his son. Thomas,; who lives in Listowel, saying that his -son John, who had gone bo California some years ago, was lying sick in ,Hamilton and required $25, Mixed. A.M. 10 40 11 13 11 87 11 50 12 40 P. M. 1 15 1 40 1 50 2 45 4 45 Mixed. A. M. 7 30 10 60 11 15 11 80 11 45 12 40 P. M. 1 10 1 30 1 55 2 00 Express. P. Pd. 4 10 4 82. 4 58 5 04 5 25 5 48 6 00 6 07 6 25 8100 Express P. M. 505 6 25 6 88 6 46__ 6 57 7 11 7 30 7 40 7 58 8 07 C7- R O 9. F I s I WALL PAPER, BORDERS, KILLORAN & OYAN Have now on Mand the Largest and Best Selected Stock f GENERAL GROCERIES EVER OFFERED IN 7.E1A'ORH_ We are determined not td be under- sold by any Souse in the Trade. .CASH CUSTOMERS S EAFORTIH MUSICAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIUM. SCOTT BROTHERS, PROPRIETORS. I'VE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW AND.''FRESH LOT OF BEAUTIFUL PARLOR ORGANS, From different Factories, which we offer at GREATLY • REDUCED PRICES. Are Particularly Invited to INSPECT OUR TOCK --AND— COMPARE PRICES EIRE PUR- CHASING ELSEW ERE. Also we have on the way Half a- Dozen of the Celebrated OUR STOCK OF CLOVER AND TIMOTpIY SEEDS EMERSON PIANOS MADE IN BOSTON.. Those Pianos have given the Bost of Satisfac- tion wherever sold. Time given for payment fro suit purchasers. Cannot be surpassed in QUALITY OR PRICE. Also all kinds of Garden and Field. Seeds as Cheap as the Lowest. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE A SPECIALTY. The Largest Stock in Town. Call caul See it. KI LLORAN & RYAN. N. B.—If you should require Good and Pure Liquors call at T. D. RYAN'S Liquor Store. SCOTT BROTHERS,. - MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. LOST OR FOUND. NOTE LOST.—"Lost, on April 23, a note drawn .1-1 by C. Btischle in favor of C. Roldan or bearer, dated 4.pri1 1st, 1878, at 12 nonths, for $50. Partiettre hereby cautioned against purchasing the nette, as payment of Mee same has keen stop- ped. C. SdLDAN. Znriisb, Man, 1878. 543x4 27 ' nor a.oyA4 0 03 ti 03 0) AND WINDOW BLINDS. I show in the above lines this year a FINER STOCK and BETTER VALUE than ever before offered in C.LINTON- Mqq Patterns are ALL NEW, and having bought direct from the manufacturers, I can sell at prices that cannot be beat. - • Also _Moth Proof Carpet Lining at Low Prices. 7 0HER n+ THAT IS UP NORTH. cv O ALMOST EVERY ONE YOU MEET HAS GOT A .BASKET FULL Or ▪ HERE! 38VMOHVH ALWAYS IN STOCK FULL LINES SCHOOL BOOKS, MISCELLAN- EOUS WOKS, OFFICE STA- TIONERY, &c. " ▪ rriP 0) ((KM 110A SV HO US CLINTON BOOK STORE, m m LUMBER FOR i - SALE. Express and Telegraph Office. JAMES A. YUILL. HEMLOCK, First Quality, $6 per M. PINE from 88. BILLS CUT TO ORDER, All Lengths, from 10 to 50 Feet, at the PONY -MILL, .IN McKILLOP. Tho Subscriber has also a LUMBER YARD IN SEAFORTH, Where all hinds of Lumber can be obtained. 479 - THOMAS DOWNEY, FURNITURE. FURNITURE. M. ROBERTSON, - CABINETMAKER . AND UNDERTAKER, DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. -The Great English Remedy is especially recommended as an unfailing core for Seminal Weakness Spermatorrhea, Impo- tency, and all diseases that follow as a se- quence of Self abase, Before akin as Lose' of Memory, After ing. Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other diseased that leads to Insanity or Consumption and a Prerinature Grave, all of which as a rule are first caused by deviating from the Path of nature and over indnlgenee• The Speciffc Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of ex- perience in treating these special diseases. Pam- phlet free by mail. The Speeifie Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per paekagc, or 6 packages for $5, or 'will be- sent by mail on receipt of the money, by! addressing WILLIAM GRAY & CO., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by Hickson & Bleasdell, J. S. Roberts R. Lusden- and all druggiet-thrchants. m HAS AGAIN OPENED A Reta Furniture Store Two Do Dors North of his Old Stand, opposite Waddell Co.'s Dry Goods Store, where ho is prepared . - TO SEII L AS CHEAP AS ANY IN THE TRADE. UNDERTAKING Attended to as Usaal. A Large Stock of COFFINS, CASKETS, CAPS, SHROUDS, &c., always on hand. • 531 M. ROBERTSON. .MARRIAGE LICENCES 013 CERTIFICATES, Under the new Act,) hunted at the - EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. Under authority of the Lieutenant -Governor Ontario. SEED CORN. SEED CORN. JUST RECEIVED A CAR LOAD OP BEST SEED CORN, PRICE LOW, And the Corn guaranteed to grow. A ' quantity of it has been sown and can be seen growing by calling at Brownell's Grocery. rti FULL STOCKS OF ALL KINDS OF SEEDS AT LOWEST PRICES. "3UVMaEiVH TEAS A SPECIALTY AS USUAL. .T. BROWNELL• '3HVMa?VH THE CONSOLIDATED DANK OF CANADA. CAPITAL - - - $4.000.000. CITY BANK OF MONTREAL, Incorporated 1833; ' and ROYAL CANADIAN' BANK, . Incorporated 1864. ' 3iVMC1HVH ezp H a re) 4-▪ 4 tei 'Zti0 `AS TOavas `-saa 4,4 PALE BOILED LINSEED OIL. Zco 0 Zco 0 m NOSNHOP co0 m . (1) PER ed danger but an Brun failed GI' IR. OCE 1=1. 1ES WITH A. G. AULT'S NAME PRINTED ON SACH PARCEL. Why:, he must be do: t g a large bnsinese. Yea, he does the bw'inesss v'hi:e the others are doing the talking. That is the night place to buy vont Goode. He has Just _ eceived, Another Lot of that Very Choice Green Tea, At 60 cents per pound, also a Fresh Lot of th& Choice Brand of Japan Tea, :at :50e. per pound. DIGESTIVE FLUID. - ONS Slnffering frons Dyspepsia are treat - by Pepsin in various forms to cure that ,ns -disease. Itis not a want of Pepsine excess Of acid that occasions Indigestion. ton's Digestive Fluid has never o relieve or cure the worst case of head- ache, d)seaees of the heart, kidney diseases, and many others ; which originate in Indigestion. Sold by all Druggists. Price 50 cents., 585-24 Ul i 0 SEAFORTH BRANCH. - 0 DOMINION BLOCK, MAIN -ST., t� SEAQ?ORTH. 1-3 Payable at - any London payable Kingdom. DEPOSITS. HAYES,staasaER op - v J)rafiht on -Nee{'{ York - Bank in the United States. Bills ot 'Exchange on at all Chief Cities of the United INTEREST PAID ON M. P. 411 CA. -17'1'10N - EACH PLUG 0' THE MYRTLE • NAVY TOBACCO IS STAMPED IT - W '77 Iii GILT LETTERS. , NONE OTHER. IS GENUINE. 539-13 0 SEAFORTH PLANING MILL. 5 ' b H r 1-3 O l SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY HE subscriberbegs leave to thank his numerous ; 0)T customers for the liberal patronage extended to tt him since commencing business in Seaforth, and trusts that he may be favored with a continuane of the same. O Parties intending to build wonld do \well to give j _tt him a call, as he will continue to keep on hand a H arge stock of all kinds of DRY PINE LUMBER, - fiA>~1IIEl8. DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATH, ETC. Fie feels confident of givingsstisfactiontothose wno may favour him with theirpatronage, actions but first-claes workmenareemployed. ta-Partioaltarattention paid to Custom Planing 1 201 - JOHN H. BROA DFOOT. 1 • • 4 Ser 1-3 T H 0 H A. G. 'AUL T Ia selling Groeeries of all kinds, and of the ,eery best quality, et prices that people oan't hells bat buy them. Butter, Eggs and Potatoes Taken in ,Exchange for Groceries. A. G. AULT. THE SEAFORTH - INSURANCE AND LAND ACENCY. ALONZ;O STRONG TS AGENT fa Several First -Class Stock, Fire and Life Insurance Companies, and is prepar- ed to take risks on THE MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. • Mds ad1fO� �O . Also Agent for several of the host Loan Socie- ties. • ocio-ties.• Also Agent for the sale and purchase of Farm and Village Property. A NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS IM- PROVED FARMS FOR- SALE. s50,000 to Loan nt S Per Cent. Interest. Agent for the White Star Line of Steamers. OFFICE—Over M. Morrison's Store, Main -St Seaforth. - THE CHEAP FAMILY GROCERY. L. MAB.EE Begs to inform his friers and the public that he has on hand one of th NICEST and FRESH- EST RESHEST Stocks of Groceries in town, and as he :sells for Cash, he SELLS CHEAP, - Giving his pnrohasers the benefit of what others who do not do so lose in bad debts and pay in in- terest to wholesale men. FLOUR AND FEED Always on hand. Goods delivered in town fres - ot charge. Remember the stand, opposite the Commercial Hotel, in the FRAME BLOCK: - L. MA.BEB. O y. 02 O 0: 0) 0 0 eo 02 U1 0 y tel 1 '-5 O ih _ttd Vl w O r 1• ki tel ARMITAGE, BEATTIE & -OD, Are now prepared to treat with parties for CROWING FLAX, 'Either by the Ton or Acre. They are also Selling All Kinds of CTTRED MEAT Ss AT LOW PRICES, AT THE SEAFORTH PACKING HOUSE, CAR D_ FLAX MILL PROPERTY, SEAFORTH. Orders left either at the Factory or Brownell's Grocery will have immediate attention. A large quantity of Clover and Timothy Selling at Low Prices. 586 ARMITAGE,BEATTIE & Co. JUST ARRIVED, • DS. CA BELL, Provincial Land Surveyor 1and, vil Engineer. Orders by mail prompt- 1ya tended' to. 479 D. 8. CAMPBELL,11itatiell. • AT ROBERTS' DRUG STORE, Opposite Cardno's New Block: Phosphozone, Boschee's German Syrup, Churehill'S Syrup of Hypophos- phites, .• August Flowers, British Oil,' 7.VIcKen-re's Dead Shot Worm Candy And any quantity Handy Pack- age Dyes, All of which are guaranteed to make Beautiful and Fast Colors. 516 THE -HENSALL PORK FACTORY. G. & J. PETTY Are prepared to pay the HIGHEST PRICE for any quantity of - H -OGS, ALIVE OR DRESSED ALL ALL KINDS OF CURED MEATS Constantly on Hand. F1NE LARD. SAUSAGES, PORK :;UTTING,S, &c. ' 523 G. & J. PETTY. HAIR D-RESSING. Ct031BINGS made over- into Switches, Curls, Braids and 1'uffh, all in the Latest Styles and with despatch. Iiair arranged- in the Natural way with, Foots at the top. - MISS CA BROW, At Mr. William Hunt's, four doors west of the Market Seaforth. 528-26 PIANOFORTE AND ORGAN MIS7S HALLE N, ORGAICIST of St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth, (Late of 'Toronto), is prepared to instruct a limited number of Pupils in Instrumental Mnsie.. TERMS MODERATE. Residence—Third 1iorpe North of the W. M. Church, Church Street, Seaiertb. . 545 R. N. B R E T T, SEAFORTH, Wholesale an _Retail Dea:er in LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS of Every Descrip tib - None but the Very Best Stock kep oma moderate. A Trial Solicited. A11 orders by ie Hi er otherwise promptly filled. 490 - B. Y. BBETT.