The Huron Expositor, 1878-05-31, Page 3m.Ay KnitAlio. OF MIHEII all his Maehinerf. front 1878 /PHY, SEAFORTH i1oaaui jannonecing to the cenminnity Of Huron that he le a very hist xd.tiateg, aatCleit tsrai and lizeeicaf, favotite raaphixte ie the Singer, mt in the market, having carried: a at the Cemitennial ;arid Sydney ein.g to parehiab any ert the above h , °eir own into .ests by applying to st, as he can ido bettor f,or them, in the trade_ ' doe and other... repair always on rerooree, Goderieh street.. L. lifliLaPECY. Steaforta. _ ID FORMOSA CiiiEF," - (26,5,17i) -Ceved Decerdbee IS, nem Bred urge Brown, Itew Park, Brantford, :mad to Janatia S. Smith, Mapte !' of Middleaim, and by him te- ar,. Ewe, Constanee, County of areh 6th 187is Got by Imported et/rata-35,4in ; dara Formosa, :man., (of Orand Tarki by Naptime,1 (11,841) ; Floreneer Fineilit by and -Duke, Foigh.tiaRaliegh, (8-.(182) ; nTY, (4,1754; tFareweit by Young a; altars. bu 'Isaac, (1,129) ; ---- (497); tri Pilot, (496) ; a (1,1431. ats wbe seen by the lea theblood tf the most popular d it both ana e3. I certify that urrel., pedigree of the Bull, " See - tier," being nahnber 26.517 in the r Horn. rfelid Book. A. W. aat Wi il ke kilt for the improve_ tiring the seasim en Lot 10, Con. ?er cow, with he privilege of re- ta be paid on the a1st. of C. T. BALE, Proprietor. F-71_491,JD, . LfME WORKS, & B gdws ••• 4'e ta_ this Opportunity of re - Ica to t'itilutlaitants. of Brnssels Lt pattonage, aud beg to etate te several hotatovements in their of burning, they are in a. bet - ever tin Imply the publie with ;itne at t1;!c. Casalis at the iftr .14e. Ilttilivereff. foarthIseas4 of otu busineas having given uriqualifi. far, the puhae afire rely on re - talent and o4 first-elase article IMIT the spa:. The Brussels -TfaaVsN' & ISUILROWS.: 141410RI hereby t.harika his numerous - tints and othees) for their liberal; ?the past aeve4 yeare,aud hope,' andeloee attention to bustriesep ertec and ttade in the future. F enlarged his! prerairtes, during aow preaared to pay tin. "I• CAStr1 PRICE s of good fresh eggs, delivered EGG, EiNli"'UltitTki, Main Street, Seaforth. iaeihaeriber 25 tons ot good dry - W `:WILSON;- ar-1(.1,7P1 FAIZVIERS AND. )Th ER& i a the attentfori of all, theee sabacrilier 1 deterzairied to i(ig good, inch! Heinioek, " not nein" at the ifollowing rates a :$7 Ott per thbrisand ; 14 foot rureash.. All orders over 4,000 s Call mud :leo if yea don't ttod. ee a mouths ;will be charged arika his mule...roils easterners 'aort, and sonata a coutinn- - JOHN ThOMPSON. 'Steam Saw M11b, Satcalliop. tivx=ts,-, D REAPERS. at Co afron Clad Single 1401,- ParveAer, and BradleY No. 2, F'(' wanted twa silver medals Go e Centennial Exhibition, wards given to Canada for nruitai: Medals at Arta- :at-0es-, last spring; Savo allay trial, i 8., 1877, Gold tee great Hnrart 1iit1, laat niA first priaes throughott States. They are :rub - a it dranglitaaan beinstant- anti conditions of grain, and the 1-.1triow; Spring Shows :a, by taataitalte STEWART, t for the °minty of Huron. ;it at Seawall. 5Zli1-laa kN, HENSALL. rW- HEAT. ving that f'armete in this fully convineed that es entirely the aim -Ile Spring hatin ete, ita may be oleierve I by 4 2h t oatts per bush. be - ,f Feat Wheat; that it ia also ;re harveat, producing. flour family use. 1 would re- fit the follawing choice his Stareleluse, Ifeateall Lang's Prime adianeaota bore Blue Stem, and the Moderato Pt ices. Clover D. MeLENNAN. RC1AL •LIVERY ?ORT (iliTt}X begA to inform a3fort h Rad the t ravel - I'm -chased the Livery Carnoehan & hi 4 power to retain the t establishment has iy ariving and re- 1- co. etes will be kept Ca114, niebt or day, d to. plu.:icie AND. Ltherally Dealt vrith. ortlt.r. /eft at the Com- tii,' win .te...eive prompt :iiik t S tre'et, oppes t ttrUflTox, Proprietor, TUBS. 1 rale all enitonier wi.th Crftlits ant- These Tabs are so Prt to the trade that it is ,thing in their recoramen. aufactures a email Ear& rashing butter in. ierwise proraptl3r attend - ; S. TROTT, Seaforth. MITLY 31 1878. Mutual Mi5take. *len Maine was a. Distrait of Ma - Ezekiel Whitman. was chosen. to represent the Distriet in the tifassac.husetts Legislature. He was an eccentric man, and one of the best law- yers of his time. He owned a farm. Ina did Much work on his:land; and when the time came for him to set. out for Boston his best suit ;of _clothes was & suit of homespun. His wife 'objected to -his going in that garb, but he did not care. " I will get malice suit made as soon a& I reach Boston," he said. Reaching his destination, Whitman found rest at Doolittle's City Tavern. Let it be ntherstood that he was a grad- uate of Harvard, a,nd. at this tavern he was at home. As he entered the par- lor of the -house he found several ladies and gentlemefl asseinbled, and heard, the following remark fromone of them: "Ah, here comes a, countryman of the real homespun genius. Here's fan." ANThibraut stared at the company and then set clown. " Stey, my friend,, are you from the country?" remarked one of the gentle - "Ya -as," artswered Ezekiel, with a- ludierons twist of the face. A.nd what doyen think of our city?" asked. one of the ladies. It's a pobty thickly settled pIace anyhow. It's got a eweepin' sight of houses in it," Andt, good many people, too ?" " Ya -as, I should guess so." "Many people where you come from?" " Wal, some." "Plenty of ladies, I suppose ?" "Ya -as, a fair sprinklin'." , "And I don't doubt that you. are quite a beamamong them?" "Ya -as, I beams 'em home, tew meet- • in," and singin' skewl." "Perhaps the gentleman' from the country will take a glass of wine ?" " Thank'ee. Don't care if I do." The wine was brought. ! "You must drink a toast.'t "0, git Kat! I eat toast; never heard of sich a thing as drinkin' it. But I MU give you sentiment." ; The ladies clapped their hands; but What wits their 'surprise when the etrEuagee rising, spoke calmly and dearly as follows: " Ladies and gentlemen, permit me to wish you health and happiness, with • every blessing earth can afford; and may you grow better and wiser in ad- vancing years, bearing ever ia mind that ()award appearances are deceitful. You mistook me, frona ;my dross, for a country booby, while, from the same superficial cause,I thought you were ladies aud gentlemem The mistake has beeninutual." He had just_ finished when Caleb Strong, Governor of the State, entered and inquired for Whitman. "Ah, here I am, Governor. Glad to see you." Thee. turning tolis dumfounded corn- - pony, he said: "I wish you a very good. evening." " Can you read and write?" asked a color sergeant of a recruit of this stamp who had past been, set up. "Read and write—," was the re- ply; " d'ye think Pst' squire or what?" "Well, my man, squire or laborer, you will have to use a, little more re- spectful language, or you'll find yourself in. hot water here." "Wot ?" he asked, gazing 1 -stolidly upon the color sergeant. "1 say you'll have to be a little more respectful im your ,a,ngtiage." "Strike me blira But here'e,a, go." "Pat him in the guard-rook:1," said the color -sergeant sternly. "Never .mind," added the officer as they were marching off ; "bring him bade. He's not to blame. It's his pa- rents or those who brought him up who should be punished." interest ; but by-and-by, in a year or two, it will seem old-fashioned, and most probably be pioked to pieces and dyed some serviceable oolor. Then there were probably at least four brides- maids, each to be presented with a jewelled souvenir by the not too affluent bridegroom, and the costly -wedding breakfast to be,provided by the father. One mischief Of the thing being that .the whole arrangement becomes a pre-. oedent, so that the next sister who mar- ries would seem slighted, if she were to have a less stylish wedding. Perhaps the costly entertainment - which is often a great trialto feelings of the parties most chiefly concerned -can only be given by dippiag into a very slender capital, or by relinquishing the autumn seaside holiday. The worst of the matter ie that the class a little be- low the one I have attempted to de- scribe imitates the bad example in -its own way, and to its own detriment. One of the meet estimable and charm- ing girls I ever knew, nevef poor, and holding nbw a position of wealth and influence, would not iiave a gay wed- ding. Her parents, sensible people who loved her dearly, and could well have .afforded to gratify her wishes had she desired display, yielded to what was called her whim in a different direction. She had loved. and. been loved froin the age of eighteen; and. was engaged at one and twenty, her lover being still at col- lege. Inedue time, after his .academic honors had been gained, they were mar- ried, and. in this wise. Due arrange- ments having been quietly inad.e, the young ladone morning, dressed in or-' dinary attire, escorted by her father to " give her away," and accompanied by a younger sister to serve as bridesmaid, walked. to the parish church, where the expectant bridegroom was ready Lto re- ceive them. There the ceremonk was Performed., the little party _returning to partake of the family luncheon before the wedded pair started on their tour. Was not this an example worthy under many circumstances to be followed? Welsh Love for Music. THE ITURON EXPOSITOR. 3 Mother said she would get you this beer if you would only (some home to drink it.' The drunken brute snarled. .out, Get home, or I'll break your back.' I had been to a temperance meeting, the night before. All in a mo- ment it flashed upon me that was the man that was making this father a sot. I said, I have sold my last glass .:of rum or lager.' I ;Signed the pledge and I have kept it. Everything has pros-- pered. with me since, and I have done my best for temperance." . A Sensible Word to -Young Men. Concerning Wedding Cere- -nwnies. _ 4 How many people there tri3 who, in fine:do:tiles and with smiling faces, "assist " at a modern Wedding, yet in, their heart of .heeeis think .the profuse outlay and. the general festive arrange- ments, usual on the occasion a piece of tiresome folly' Few,however, like to make a dead set 'against time-honored. customs unless strong personal feelings or personal intere*e_ are copeerneci. Marriage,myainly lay 'claim to .-. being themost important enrent in • life, and as suelji there must be solemnity- as - Beefs," ted with it: In fact,our Prayer- - -a Prayer - book speaks of the Solemnization of, Matrimony. Of course it -is right- that there should be a certainPublicity at- tached to every marriage ceremony, and prebably in this fact oriainatedethe ens - tom of inviting friends. to be present on the occasion, till by degrees- wedding parties have become more ancl -more crowded, and. now it is a, common thing for a. vast assembly to congregate at them. Of coars.e, where there is great wealth, and people love this sort of dis- play, and bride- and, bridegroom have nerve for it, and aro, moreover, happy • in possessing." troops of friends," there is no retie= why money.should not die culate-the confectioner revel in chef: (treeeres„ the ,fforist realize a, week's or- dinary iacome in, bouquets, and the milliner Make her mint of money by rich toilettes. But a vice of the 'Eng- lish middle cla.ss is to ape the raak We take the following sensible letter from the columns of the Boston Pilot, one of the beet conducted. Catholic weeklies in the United States. We may -remark that the advice contained in theletter whiCh we quote is equally a,pplicable to thel young men of other dehominations • EDITOR OP TIIE1 PILOT-aThere is OBS subject that 1 thiale it would. be well to speak of, through the colum-ns of your excellent paper, and that is the thought- lessness .of our Catholic young men in iia regard. to our yo ng -women. . , 1 A young ma becomes acquainted with a young WO an, and shows a de- cided preference .for her society; he meets her and invites her to places of amusement; she accepts the attentions and invitations, thereby bringing her name into notie in connection with his in their immedi This :goes on and Cus cac Of ssPitei .WO Oath ters by her sp places her in'an is an injustice t be. , Now, young Men, after four or five months' cpurtsbip, say to your lady: " My dear Mary, Nellie, or Katie, I like you very much; in fact, I like you so, well that I watild like to go into part- nership with You for life," etc., eke U you have not money enough to marry for some time, tell her se, and ask her if she ie not willing to wait for you. If she laves you sincerely, she will; if not, yen are better off without her. Ateany rate it is -well to have a clear understancling about these things, so that - our young women may .heive a, fair show and a firm. footing, A. MOTHER. ' In one aspect the Welsh people may be spoken of as a people whose lives are keassed in the indulgence of their love efor Music and dancing. The air of Wales seems always full of music: In the Christmas season there is an unend- ing succesion ot. concerts and of mis- cellaneous entertainments, of which 'music forms a part; while you cannot enter a trap -room where a few are gath- ered together without the imminent probability that one or Tore will -break forth in song. By this is not meant a general re.usioal.howl, such as is apt to be evoked from a room full of men of nationality when very much under the influence of the rosy god; but good. set songs, with good Welsh or English words to them, executed. with respect te circle of friends. for months, perhaps, no word. o marriage is spoken. tom, and, a maiden's in -nate deli - y, prevent her from mentioning it. course, you will say her parents can a,k for her, but usually a, girl is sen- ve about it, and. would rather they uld not. A. Catholic young woman be guided very much in such mat - ritual director, but it embarrassing position, her, and ought not to 11,111111AL CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, 4olleitors in Chancery, dm- Goderick, Ont. M. C. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. 508 WILLIAM SMALL, Criaveyancer and Corarnia- 'donor in B. R., Wroseter. Auctioneer end Appraiser. Accounts and notes eolleoted on reasonable terms. r 366 ISZ L. DOYLE, Barriater, Attorney, Solicitor in -a-'• Chancery, &c., Goderich and Seaforth. Of- fice, over Jordan's Drug Store, Goderioh, and Kidd's Store, Seaforth. 854 MALCOMSON & WATSON, Barristers, Attor- neys, Solicitors in Chancery, &e., Clinton, Ont. Office -First door east of the new Royal Canadian Bank building. Money to Loan. on farm property. 9. MALCOMSon. 404 0. t. WATSON ae oCAVGHEY & HOLKESTED,Baaristers,At• torneys at Law, Solicitors in Ceancery and :Insolvency, Notaries Public and Conveyancers Solicitors for the R. C. Bank, Seaforth. Agentefor c Canada T•ife AssuranceComPany, N.B.-480,000 to lend at 8 pernent. Farms Houses and Lots for - 58 aARROW,..MEYER & RADENHUBST, Barris-. ters, Attorneys -lit -Law, Solicitors in Chancery, &c. Private funds to loan at a low rate of inter- est, and rn terms to 'suit borrowers. Onices- Goderich and Wingham. Office in Langdale's building, opposite Scott's Bank. 'J. T. GARTtOW. IL W. 0, AlEYEN2. W. J. RADENIEURST. 474- 11- W: C. Meyer, Solicitor Obusolidated Bank of Canada, Winghain. What is th but which nob suit. -What qua Gaieties. t which nobody wants, dy likes to lose ? A law- rupeds are admitted to b 11 and dinner . parties? pENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorney 13 at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Intiolvency, "Conveyancers, Notaries Public, ete. Oftices-Set, f orth and Brusgels. $28,000 of Private Fund to invest at once, at Eight per eent. Interest, payable 63 F6JaalY...n. BENSON. - R. W. .0. 'VEVEY The above firm has thi day been dissolv by mutual consent. All Recounts due bit TM to be paid to Mr. Benson who all Habil- jUNesci'v . 27, 1876. • JAMES H. BENSON. for their wk by the vocalists, and a s, operas, listened to with a like respect by the White kids. rest of the company. When an.English- -Why is a poilt child like a Straw man is drunk he is belligerent; when bcnnet ? Bee use it's the better for a a Frenchmen is drunk he is amorous; geed. trimmin when an Italian is 'drunk he is loqu- --" Love th neighbor its thyself '-if acious ;' when a Scotehman is drunk she is pretty a d don't swear her -shoes he is aratunentative ; when a Getman run over at th heel. , -- is drunk) he is sleepy; when an Am- -In some entimental verses in a erican is drunk he brags, and -when a country news aper the, writer defines Welshman is drunk he sings. Some- tears as' " the uice ofsadness." times he da,nces , but he does not do --" Dying i povert3)," says a modern himself credit as a dancer under these moralist, " is nothiii. it is living ill circumstances for when I refer to danc- poverty that omes r'd. on a fellow." ing I do not refer to those wooden paces -The west tends to stick to "cow and inflections which pass for dancing butter." "B tter," she says, "to bear in society whether in England. or -Am- the ills we ha e than fly to othereathat erica, and which are little more than an we know not f." - amiable pretext for bringing in contact -7" A Byre° ise Sunday -school teach, human elements which are slow to mix er not his less ns sadly mixed. up last when planted. in chairs about the TOOM. I refer to the individual dancing of men who do not dance -for the purpose,. of touching women's hands, lor indulging in small talk, but for the purpose of dancing, and who apply themselves seriously•and skilfully to their work - to wit, the scientific performance of the jig.-Appleton's Journal. MEDI CA W.A.33=11_11_, cSiz CO., SM4FOIR,T1-1 t - G. SCOTT; M.D. &c.,Physieian, $urgeon and " • Accoticheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resi-• donee south side of Goderieh Street,- liret• door east of Presbyterian Church. 34? • A. -CloWn's Story. (From the New York Tribune.jaa In the little, low wedge-shaped hall on the upper floor of No. '70 Barrow street, josepla P. English, the converted clown, told last night the story of his life. :It was a strange interior. Upon the walls_were hung scriptural texts a,nd the meet astonishing chromes. Over the platferm at the end of -the hall , was the admonition, -" Get acquainted. -with Jesus," and immediately below the re- quest, " Gentlemen will please not spit tobacco juice on the floor." The audi- ence was composed of the people of the neighborhood, who assemble regularly for tempera,nee neeetiegs. The speaker is a tall, wiry man with iron -grey hair, a thin, sharp face and remarkably1 bright, black eyes. He gave his re- miniscences in driblets, interspersing much general exhortation.. His quaint manner, dry humor and dramatic way of talking made what' he said. interest- ina. eAfter a sketch of his early life in Dublin, be said : My father was as strict about eho-ws and theatres as about dUnking. One day I went to see a cir- cus. The clown took my fancy. I said 'then if .1 ever grew up to be a man I would. becbme a down. NO hardship ever kept me from that purpose. When I came to this country I joined my first circus. It burst up in three days, but that didn't discourage me. I kept on week when. he recited.: ":Do men gather apes frem corns and pigs from bristles?' - --" Charles" said she, to one of her Sunday -school ela,ss, "mention some act of violence that was inflicted near tte sea about. this time." "Don't re- member any, 'cept Jonah was whale -laid on the shore: - new tenaperance song is called, "To -night You've Been Drinking Again." ',If -the first and third. letters Of the last. word of the title had. only been omitted, the -name wenld be much mar( explicit. Now it deals only in glittering generalities. -" Hurrah!' hurrah!" cried a young lawyer -who eucceeded. to his father's practice,' " settled that old. lawsuit at last." "Settled it!" exclaimed the astonished parent , "why, we've sup- e...T L. VERCOE, M. D.,- e. Physieitin, Sur. -1-11- • goon, etc., Coronerfoi the County of Huron Office and -Residence, on Jarvis street ° north, directly opposite Seaforth Publie„Sehool. Ave A. ADAMS, M. D., late of Lakefield, Ont, • • Physician, Surgeon - and Amu chess . Graduate of the University- of Trinity College , Toronto. Member of the Royal College of Phy - siciane and Surgeons. Ont. laiuburn.put. 486 -rum. HANOVER, M. D., C. M., Graduate of • McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Seaforth. Ont. • .01fice--Boores in Meyer's i3lock lately occupied by Dr.Thelan, and formerly by the late Dr. Ring. Will attend at Carronbrook on Tuesdays and Fridaye. 496 ARRIVED THIS WEEK, A VERY FINE LOT OF MEN'S AND BOYS' HATS AND CAPS, fl MeNAUGHT, Veterinary Surgeon., Glade ate of Ontario Veterinary College, Seaforth, Ont. Office and Residenee in teak of Rillorati & Ryan's. Calls promptly attended „to, night or day. A stock of veterinary in edicieee on hand ,Charges reasonablci. Horses exionined as to sound- ness and certificates given if required. 407 ported the fe ten years." • A ly ou that for the Iast ., • . ice • Bedfellow. . told by a wel known officeeholder who The followi,ng laughable ineid.ent is has nothing to do but ride on the. cars' (he rideefree)„ and who. has numerous tales te tell of his observations and 'ex- perieneb. . T ere were two seats ill the cat turned o as to face each other.' Otto wes °cat pied. by '6 lady, the other by a Cbinana that she wa, mad their.fre wise across said, " Allri aisle, while s on the bed thus imprevised, with her head resting- on her valise. . She .sup- posed that the Chinaman would take the hint tha, she wanted to rest. in the .space usuallV oc-eupied by four persons. But John aConce prooeeded to crawl . in and stretch himself by her. side, with - his head on a little bundle of his own. - me sQemed pitiable to knoaeat 'what a my wife begged. me to leave. the show The Chinese are an imitative race, and above it; and I confess it hs often to and finally ebecame it clown. At last • • . . ..• e , • cost of alter self-denial a elioviy wed- business. I -wee then playing at Chat- like to do as others do, you know.' The ding has taken place.. - -• :: • ham Four Corners. I took her to the lady, as soon as she discovered that she . ead a bedfellow,:got up a little wildly people, suita,ble in character, sta.- I asked her Ion, she liked it. Said she: ,- • „ . and started for the- nex can to the in, It is deeirable that • when tW6 -youna circus to Incme. When -we got home e lea- finite amusement of • the" paseengers, who had been watching the little - scene with interest.• John took no notice of , coenpiished but pOrtionloss young lady, phed : felt so s. a the fun he had created, but -went to - the eldest of several daughters, who has . you iu the ring that _1' would. have given . • sleep with the whole bed to himself. .______, been accustomed to utilize her talent's anything to be honfe.' •That decided in the home cii'cle. She has been en- nie:- I was then p ayme. gaged, say font years, to iiegentleman in van's Hibernian Guards.' il said.: a government Ace 'with a slowly rising -( When I leave this show I will never salary. He is about thirty, she five or go to another.' I 'went to Poughkeep- six and twenty. He has saved- enough si.e andbpened. a gin -mill and lager -beer money to furnish a pretty little suburb- saloon, .whero I sang and told. funny an dwelling, and, she, will be provided stokieS. My wife thought it was a res by her father with a modest trosseau, taurairt;- and . nothing but eating a,nd and they think it now high time ta set- drinking into it. I didn't tell hee what tie. Their income, even hicluding a it was. I thought liquor -selling wa:s all tatherly- alma:nee of pin -money, will • right. Thad a good, .moral character- - be cousideea.bly less than ze500 per an. the CiO'Yernment declared I had. . Il I mina and they, being good arithmeti- wetted. to go. to see the. crowned -heads . eians, know they must live quietly, of Europe, all. I need is to show theni visit- and, eutertain only in. a homely, my liquor license. friendly manner,. and neither go t� nor give formal parties. , Of what use is the costly white. silk bridal dress-, which. in - all human probability will never iri its original state be worn again? It will, of course, be laid up- • carefully, and looked. at occasionally with sentimental _TAMES W. ELDER, V. S., Crradnote of the Ontario 'Veterinary College. After devoting two years- to practice with Professor Smith, of Toronto, has settled in Setifortan Office at his residence east of W. M. Church. -Calls -promptly attended to by day or night. A la.rge stock of Veterinary Medicines constantly on hand. Horsqs examined as to soundness and bertilicates given Horses bought- and sold on commission. 424 La -.1 -hours from 8 Mrs Wh itney Seaforth. - .• IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES, ALSO • A.MAGNIFICENT LOT OF ViORSTED TINS AND TWEEDS. 2 We would call Special Attention to Our' Large Stock of DRESS GOODS whichi for Variety, Quality and Price Cannot be Beat by any one House in Town. Wear#3 Showing a I3eauti- f I Line, in all the Newest Colors, at 15 Cents per yard, Regu- ar Price, 20 Cents --the Best Value Ever Offerect r_r DERBYSHIRE. L. D. S., -L."-, Surgeon Dentist, Graduate of the hoyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office A/ M. to 5 V. M. Rooms in new brick bhiek, Main Street, 111.11SCE. ILA EV IblOUS. a J. McCOLL, Solicitor, &c., Brussels. Office 4 'L '. in 'rookie's new brick blinding. 501-52 IT Cr. LANE, Auctioneer and AppraiFer for the 1878 . ST_TIVIM_&.1.- - • County of Aaron, Mao Commission Mer- chant, McDougall'alilock, Wingham. 545.4 . ....., . . . . . .... ... .__ _ _. . .. _ Ail ONEY- TO LEND -On terms more Raven. 111- tageons than ever before offered. A.. J. Mc. COLL, Solicitor, -Brussels. WHO WANTS MONEY -'./t. few thousand HATS AND CAPS AT ROGERS'. V Y d0119T9‘ private fends, for immediate invest- - ment at 8 per cent. interest. Apply to JAMES H. BENSON, Solicitor, Seaforth. 533 A CLOSE INSPECTION INVITED. 1:) 48Z CD.. 1878., SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. 1878. ANOTHER FRESH SUPPLY 1V- POIRIT=0'S FURNITURE WAREROOMS, SEAFORTH. THE CHEAPEST h'URNITURE IN TIIE COUNTY. I (AM NOW Receiving a Large Stock of NEW 'FURNITURE from tbe best Factories in Can- ada, and I am enabled to sell cheaper than any one in the County, as I pay cash down. and get a Large Discount. I GAN SkLk: Six Splendid Chairs for $1. 80. Six :11airS, Fancy Turned Legs for $2. Six :nears, Extra Good, for $2 50. Six Chute, the Very Best, for $3 25. Boston Rockers, each, for $1 15. Nurse Roelcers, each, 90 centa- Board end Spindle Bedsteads, 414, 6 feet long, S2 50. Besatiint_ifuolth7-0DIrkaiwneLB\netyrealuoive,.projection fronts, Six Gene Chairs for $5. In Hair Cloth Mal's, Sofas, Loun- guens dearsnodld.Rockers, I Cannot be Baby Carriages and. Spinning Wheels verY ow, GIVE ME A CALL If you avant to furnish sour house for a little money. 1VAREROOMS directly ortrosite M. R. Conn- ter'a Mammoth jewelry Establishment, Main S tract, Seaforth. -Cash for Bides, Skine, Wool and Wool Pick- . trigs. JOHN S. PORTER. P. S. -Shall soon be in a position to furnish. Funerals cheaper than any one hi the place. i\I-7/V BOOKS - NEW EDITIONS. " A IN:ODEhlal SYMPOSISIUM Subjeett the Soul and Future Life, and the intlueneenpon Morality of a Decline in Religious Relief, cloth, $1. FTJTURE PUNISHMENT -• The Present State of , the Question -Considered on Canon Fa.rraa's • Eternal Hope, 25 cents. • SCIENCE AND, THEOLOGY --Ancient and moa - ern, by James Anthony Fxonde, 25 cents, alOODI'S TALKS, 25 cents. GUIDE TO MA.N'ITOBA, 25 cents. TEAS, SUGARS, AND GENERAL GROCERIES RAMBLING. NOTES, by Mark Twain, cloth, a cents. RAMBLING NOTES, by Mark' Twain, paper, 80 EDIeT78L. by ita-ry HolniA cloths VI° EDITH LYLE, by Mary j.$11-olmes, paper, 50 cents. GTABRIEL 'CONROY, by Bret Hart; cloth, $L GABRIEL CONROY, by Bret Hart°, paper, 50 MIt8. NICHOLA.S MINTURN, by 3. Bollandi Cloth, $125. NICIIMAS MINTL111-7, by J. G. Eolland, pa- per, 50 cents, SILE115NeTenAtNeD TRUE, by May Agnes Fleming, Sent, Postage Paid, to am/ ,Address on 1?eceipt of Price. Address G. W. PAPSTI Seaforth. _ -AT- ALL GOODS ARE OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY AND 'WI L,L ALWAYS BE SOLD CHEAP. JAMES MURPHY BUYS AND SELLS FOR CASH, AND FINDS IT THE BETTER PLAN. • n. She explained to him ted to take the cushions es and place them length - from seat to seat. John htee!" and got out in the e proceeded. to lie •down tion are warmly attached. they should '0 you looked so ridiculous . e be married as aeon as prudence per- dor all oozed. out. at my fingers. Said mite.' Let us take, for instance, the ac- 1: But- didn't I play well?' She re - 'T 1 •I saw • • How Pat Got the Doctor. Defendant:. "Now, doctor, by virtue of your oath, didn't I say, 'Kill or cure, doethor . give you a guinea?' and didn't you say, 'Kill or cure, I'll take it?' Doctor: "Yon did; and I agreed to the bargain. And I want the guinea ac- cordingly." Defendant: "Now, doe- thor, by virtue of your oath, answer this: Did you cure -my-wife ?" Doctor: No, she's dead, you know that." De- fendant: "Then, doethor, by virtueeof your oath, this i Did you kill my wife ?" Doctor: "No; she died of her illness." Defendant (to the Bench): "Your wor- hi see this. You heard hirn tell our 1878 HARRY MITCHELL'S BOOKSTORE, .-r P. BRINE, Licenced Aucti4mee3 fpr the u • County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts id the County. All orders left at the Ex- POSITOR Office will be promptly attended to. NOTICE. -The Council of the .County of Hu- -1.;` ron will meet in the Court House, iu the Town of Gederioh, on Monday, the .3rd of June next, at 2 o'clock P. M. PETAR ADAMSON, County Clerk: Goderich, May 20, 1878. 546-2 THE SEAFORTH PUMP FACTORY. - N. -A- 01011, successor to J. It -Williams, manufac- turer of Pumps and Cieteinst All work warranted to give satisfaction. Factory on North Main St., Seaforth. 500. " One • day a customer who spent p, mucth money at my bar came in half 'bargain. It was to kill or _cure: By 'While he was standing there 5.; virtue of his oatla he • done neither !- little girl. entered with a pail. She : and. he axes the fee !" The ierdict, wanted a quart of lager. When I gave however, ent against poor Pat, not - it to her -she turned to the man, pulled. ! withetandi g his ingenuity. -Chambers' his sleeve, and. said, Pa, dome home. ' elournal. NOTICE 'TO DEBTORS. -All parties not liav- ,1-1 ing settled up their accounts Wahine for 1877 failing to do so et once will be. charged 10 per cent. intereet from January let, 1878, without fail, THOMAS .COThNTRY, Seaforth. 531 PAY TiP.-Mr. Graham Williamson having given np the Plow Business, begs to mattes t all .parties indebted to him either by note or book aecoant to settle' the same at once, if not they will be placed in other handS for col. lection. G. WILLIAMSON. ° 633 _ _ _TOHN LEORIE„ General Loan and Real Estate " Agent, Grain, Prodabe andCommission Mer- chant. Money loaned on real estate in town or conntri, at .8 per cent. eimple interest, Charges moderate.' Mortgages bought and gold. Matured mortgages- paid off. 'Terms t� suit bot -rowers. Farrut andvillage property for sale. . Office- Leckie's new brick block, Brussels, Ont. 515 - TRY PROF. GRAY'S GREAT EAST INDIAN ROOT ALTERA TIVE-Natnre's Great Rea. toretive cures Rhona -natant!, Dyspepsia, Billions-. ness, Sick Headache,Liver Complaint, Nervous- ness, Palpitation of the Heart, General Debility, Diseases of the Stomach and all Female ,om- plaints . For Scrofulous disease e it is invaluable, as it is the greatest known blood -purifier. Price, 50 . cents. EDWARD VARCO, Brussels, Agent for the Coenty Of Huron. 545-12 •pHE GREAT FEMALE REMEL)Y.-Job Moses -1- Periodical Pills -This invaluable medicine is unfailing in tho cure of all those p:inful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitu- tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves all obtruetions, and a speedy cure may 13 0 CC 1. 0 FINE. FUR HATS AT ROGERS'. WOOL HATS AT ROGERS''. FELT HATS AT ROGERS'. STRAW HATS AT ROGERS'. SILK CAPS AT ROGERS'. WORSTED CAPS AT ROGERS'. LARGE STOCK AT ROGRS'. ATTRACTIVE STYLES AT ROGERS'. cn c. 0 0 ;‘a Popular Prices in all Glasse§ of Dry Goods AT JOHN ROGERS, SEAFORTH. TO THE FARMERS OESTAHLEY, HAY AND TUCKERSMITH, wE SAY CALL- AT WM. HILL & 09.'S., BRUCEFIELD, 11? YOU WANT GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICES, WHERE A GENERAL ASSORTMENT WILL BE FOUND. WE CLAIM THAT .WE CANNOT BE BiATEN IN; THE COUNTY -CALL AND SEE. relied on. To mairiedladies, it is peculistily suite1. WE BUY IN LARGE QUANTITIES, AND THEREFORE BUY CHEAP. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly pe. _ riod with regularit• . These pills should not be. taken by Females daring the ilia three mouths WE BUY IN FIRST MARKAN ETS D SAVE THE INTERMEDIATE of Pregrancy; as they are sure to bring on Tills- ' CHARGES. carriage, but at any other time they are safe. In. • . all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, • • pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight ex- AS WEeSELL FOR CASH ONLY YOU' WILL NOT BE B.EQUIRED TO ertion, palpitation of the heart, hysterics, and PAY THE BAD} DEBTS OF LEAD -BEATS. whites, these pills will effect a cure when all other means bave failed; and, although a powerful . e remedy, do net contain iron, calomel, antimony, WE THEREFORE :SELL CHEAP AND FONFTDENTLY ASK AN EXAM - or anythwg hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, INATION OF OUR STOOK. which should be carefnllyinreserved. Job Moses, New -York Sole Proprietor, $1 00 and- 124 ,cents ST RECEIVED FROM NEW YORK, ONE CASE WHITE tor postage enclosed tu Northrop & Lyman, To- ronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by Hickson & Bleasdell, J. S. Roberts, and R. Lumeden. 197 _ _ TO THE PUBLIC. -Read what the people say -1"' in regard to the Great Shoshonees Remedy and Pills. Levi Jones, Markham, says: "I had a very severe attack of bronchitis. I was s0. bad that I could hardly get my breath. I sought for a quick remedy, and seeing the " Shoshonees Remedy" so highly recommended, I procured a bottle, and am happy to say that by the time it was taken I was entirely well, and have remained -so, although I was ranch exposed through the winter in trayelling." Rev. F. B. Stratton, Dem- • orestville, writes a "1 have finned your re- medies partici:11July beneficial for liver complaint, dyspepsia and bronchial affections, and would advise allasimilarly affected to give them it trial.": John Finlayson, Athol, says: "When travelling one of my feet got sore and broke oat. I could not cure it, and had to return home. It became better and afterward 'much worse. I finally pur- chased a bottle of th :Remedy and a box of Pills. and before they avese half gone I commenced to improve, and before they were finished my foot was completely cured. It ict now 17 months since, but have had no further attack." Price of the Remedy in pint bottles, $1. Pills, 25 cents a box. • 522. WORTH 20 CENTS PER YARD. SELLING yon 10 cL.-NTS. PIQUES, CALIai AND SEE THEM.' NOTHING LIKE THEM ANYWHERE ELSE AT THE PRICE. VVM. HILL. 1.4i CO., BRUCEF1ELD. SEAFORTH. Have you seen Harry!! Baby Can.iages ; just eri*ed, two dray loads. Grandest display of Baby Carriages Ever Shown in Seaforth, allprices and otyles. The new American Self -Threading Sewing Machine, best in the world, sold very cheap for cash at Harry Mitchell's. A good stock of Books end the best assortment of Stationery and Farley Goods west of Toronto at -Hurry ?Mahon's. Oh, I do love you john, 'You're it dear little man, Won't you buy me a carriage, Yes, surely you can. Harry can supply yen with Daily Papers and Monthly .1thigazines, (that you have been. getting frora ) our old friend, Mr. ,Arnistrong) if yen choose to favor him with your orders. Berlin Wools and. Fingering Yarns, all (solar' and shades, Cardboard -all kinds, Jewelry and Watches; Toys, Wall Paper, .%e. 'Variety inde- scribable. Step in and see for Step', 3 on will receive courteous treatment and (if you buy) good value for yourrnone)% P•MA.33 .A.1\1-130 1:2/1\./IME3MIR) THAT THOMAS COVENTRY'S IS THE PLACE TO GET GOOD VALUE FOR YOUR 3iONEY IN BOO'S AND SIIOES. T HAVE Just Opened Out the Largest Steck, suitable for Spring and Sumner Wear, ever Shown -a- in Saaforth. Not old Bankrupt Stock, nor Wholesale Culls bought in Job Lots, but G•od New Stock, bought from the best factories in the Dominion for cash, and will be sold at prices -which, I think, even Grangers can hardly take exception. LI have been compelled to change my plwe of business so often latsly, that 1 know it is difficult for my customers to find roe; But I trust I have got ' permanintly located now for some time at least, in Stark's New Brick Black, next door south from William Boberrtson & Co.'s Hardware Store. SIGN <OF THE BIG BOOT, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. THOMAS COVENTRY. REMEMBER 'THE PLACE No. 2 CAMPBELL'S BLOCK, Near the Qaean's Hotel, and directly opposite the Mansion, Seaforth. HARRY MITCHELL. N. B. -Boarders wanted at the Palace Board- ing House. Good board, eousfortalde rooms, and use of organ, at $3 per week.--HABBT MITCHELL, Proprietor. THE COMMERCIAL LIVERY, 8 E A I? d T II . ARTHUR FORBES, HAVING purchased the Stookand. Trade of QUI Commercial Livery, Seaforth, from Mr. George Whiteley, begs to state that he intends carrying on the business in the old stand, and bas added several valuable horses and vehicles to the formerly large stock. None but First -Class Comfortable Vehicles and Good Reliable Horses Will be Kept. Covered and Open Buggies and Carriagee, and Double and SingleWagoas always ready forum. Special Arrangemenu Made With Com - inertia/ Men, Orders left at the stableor any of the hotels promptly attended to. DAIRYMEN, ATTENTION. MRS. WHITNEY, SEAFORTH, TB 11471 better prepared u than ever before to sp. ply a Arst-elasg., article in Milk Cans, Milk I' ails, Pans, and all other Dairy Utensils at prices as low Se9 gOOd articles can be purchitsed anywhere. Eave-Trougiting Prormotly .Attended .t - to and ctt Low Rates. Every descriptieitoof Ti -aware Constantly on band and made to order. Custom Work receives prompt attention. Remember the Tin Store in the ,New Bn'ek Block is the best*place to buy, 582 MRS, WHITVEY. HAIR 'DRESSING. , MISS STARK AATIPSIIES to inform the Ladies of Settforth ana TV yieinity that she is prepared to snake up SWITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS, &C., In the Latest Fashion from Combings. Prices Moderate, andel' orders punctually at tended to. A call solicited. Besidenee--Wn Strait, I3eaforth.