The Huron Expositor, 1877-07-13, Page 7LAr 13, 1877. HURRAH I OR - 8 AGAIN, lLD STAND, YON -AS JUDD' a, in a short time AND WELL MAIM. ial and by competent :bum. THE TIMES. unks, Satchels, Ira- LaAeg, Bits, Curry Brushes, Kw., [Iv found in a first-class `tablishmerit. Cheap far Cash. NE SHORT NOTICE. SOLICIr_ED. WILSON, Seaforth. ,ARDWARE. IEIVED ffANUFACTURERSz NAILS, ItVELS, FORKS, RAKES, PAINTS, OILS, &a, MG WIRE G ITARDWA-RE eFeription Cheap. [S AND CONDUCT. PIPE t Notice and Warranted. nents to Cash and ving Customers. JOHN KIDD. `TtObINT 4G MILL, NSI -11, BLIND FACTORY. I a. good Stock, of ID LUMBER 1, I7ndressed. SHINGLES, HAY /LEESE BOXES, c rap for Cash. P LA NING. RF.CEIVE---- Attention. Lieber Yard an North Main. 11 GRA Y, &Vora. a -- INCH TICKETS. 'OBI CARRY, MAN., • First-eicAli, $39 54. Sdurn. S•';',36 thtfal trip for health seek - e inal;nizicLmt anti scenery Rl(JUf.. First -Class carsLo :•N, Liverpool l; e it., LONDONDERRY, V-AiinV, BELFAST, &c., $33. a -s Laii-etei• fare to Now HOLLAND, IlELGIUM, r;", N E, SO 1 ; GERMANY, itt ITALY. CARGO OF CORN Eleratur ex. schooner 4v i1iTiE Seaforth. ORK FACTORY JAMES PETTY, eked and Sugar Cured Hams, ea Rolla, Cutatarland Ba,con, RiAgk, &c. F.- Mail or Otherwise • 4ile-11(101 to. erays on hand. • G. & J. PETTY, nensall, • trULY 13, 1877, THE HURON' EXPOSITOR. 1 • A Case of Conscience. Some years ago in a Maine village a lawyer hung out his shingle. For youngconvenience we may call his name Web- ber. He was of a social turn, and. his office speedily beearae a sort of headquar- ters for the good fellows of the neighbor- hood. About two miles up the river lived. an old farmer, who was commonly known as "Old Alfred," or Uncle Al- fred." He was a eha,racter .with a well developed taste for ardent spirits and a chronic indisposition to pay his bills. The young lawyer was popular, and the store- keepers of the village sent him the bills which they could not collect. Thus it happened that many little accounts against Old Alfred came into young Web- ber's hands for collection. The old'man would never pay until he was sued, and then would make vociferous complaints. He accused the young lawyer of grinding the face of the poor, and railelvigorously against being compelled to pay. His vis- its were special occasions of delight to the wags who frequented the office, as a live- ly discussion always ensued over payment of bill and costs. One day Webber had had. three bills against the' old man, one of which he had sued, about one he had. written a letter, and the third had just come in. Uncle Alfred came to see about the one which had been sued, and after a prolonged and animated debate, paid it. Then Webber suggested to him the pro- priety of paying the one about which the letter had been sent, and thus saving the expense of a writ. The old man demur - ed for a while, but finally settled that, ancl then remarking in a conclusive tone, "I hope I've got through with you now," prepared to go. "Well, no," said Web- ber, "I've got another little bill here, which perhaps you'd like to look at be- fore you go." This was too much for the old man, and he broke out into a torrent of objargations. After he had. become a little calmer, Webber remarked in his blandest tone, 'Tilde Alfred, I will make you a proposition. If you will for the next two hours go around the streets here mingle in the groups of people on the streets and in the stores, and. lead the conversation to such a point that you can remark to them,that young Webber is a very clever fellow, I will dis- count to you $1.50 on this bill." Old Al- fred almost lost his breath at this modest proposal. He wanted the $1.50 baclly,but when he realized what he was expected to do for it his heart sank. He said im- pressively : "Squire Webber, I'm a very old an, and have done many wicked things in my life, but with my views of eternity I can't lie like that for money." True Politeness. While a Frenchman or German will take off his hat to every well dressed fe- male chance may throw in his way, he will hardly bend himself to lift a fallen child, or move an inch on the seat where he has planted himself to make room for a fainting woman. Our countrymen are yarttervedly notable for their tender so- Ifeitude for the weak and helpless, who - ver they may be; and their chivalrous attention to unprotected women where - nothing equals it mended by those Bedford, Thames once a further su have only one bot anything sell so eral satisfaction. ward, writes-" lectric Oil. I h • Nothing takes lik Ulverton, P. Q.., Oil is getting a gr is daiq called for. ply without delay. Buckingham, P. gross Eeleetrie Oil Sold by all medic cents. S. N. T Northrop & Lym agents for the Da tric-Selected and It is highly recom- ho have used. it." J. ille, writes-" Send at ply of Eclectric Oil, I le left. I never saw ell and give such gen- e). Thompson, i Wood - end me some more Be- ve sold entirely out. it." Miller 4eid, rite--" The Eceetric at reputation here, and Send lane a further min - Lemoyne, Gibb & Ca. , awrite-"Send us one' We find it takeswell.' e dealers. Price, 25 oma, Phelps, N n, Toronto, Ont., Iso e inion: NOTE. --Ep le -- electized. SOMEBODY SAY, " There is SOM thing peculiarly ttractive in a - hers His intelligent ey and ear, his lofty ca riage, his free and graceful motion, h s vast strength, his obedient temper, and his indispensrble se all endear him to us. We have to 11 ok at his fine propo tions, and take in he inspiration of his energy and power "but it is only who the horse is prope ly cared for -when Ie is free from disea e or unsoundness ctf any kind that he will exhibit theT points of attractio , and without whie he is of little value A package of "Da - ley s Condition I owders and Arabia Heave Remedy," hould be in possessio of every man who awns a horse, to be useji n me, and. see that t in case of emergeT. Don't fail to get iij. Remember the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each pack age. Northrop & yman, Toronto, Ont., proprietors for anada. Sold by ail medicine dealers. TWENTY years " Bryan's Pulmoni thern to be the mo coughs and irritati by cold or unusua organs. Public sp find them most b freedom faom all renders "Bryan's Cough and Voice edy for the most has caused them teem by all wh Sold. by all a ruggi ers at 25 cents per I experience in usin Wafers have prove t effectual remedy fojr n of the hroat,ca.use exertion of the voc 1 akers ani singers wi 1 neficial. ' The entir eleterious ingredien is Pulmonie Wafers," •r Lozenges, a safe re delicate person, an o be held in high e have used the ts and country dea box. 11 -Why do not same extent as bre work for the hea stomach ; where t achs, but one has ister. rinters succeed to th ers? Because prints s and brewers for the enty men have sto - rains. --Printer's Ret - rr .A. rr SEMI- NNUAL CLEARING SAL ever they are, found, is proverbial. Politeaess, civility, and courtesy, al- though they derive their namefrom the city ancl court, and would seem to have taken their origin in those artificial cen- tres of society, and to indicate merely a conventional form of rnanners, have now come to have a larger signification, and 'embrace net only the external motions of behavior, but the sentiments and feelings 'a- which prompt them, That which is pure- Irgesture may be distinguished as cere- ony, while emotion is essential to .What is now termed. politeness. True courtesy must be heartfelt; otherwise it is unworthy of the name, and its supposed indications can only be regarded as cere- monial observances. A Fur Cloak. The wardrobe of an English Duchess was recently sold for the benefit of her creditors. She is beautiful and fascinat- ing, and though she had £30,000 settled upon herself, she had contrived to con- tract debts to four times that amount. Rumor says that the turf and the card - table claim an equal share in the wreck 43f the lady's fortune. There was a cer- tain fur cloak disposed of at that sale which attracted. general attention, and had no rival in the world. The skins, which are the most perfect Russian sables took three years to match, and the cloak cost originally £2,000. It is a cloak with a history. It was a present from a very distinguished royal personage to a queen of the demi-monde,' from whom the Duchess purchased it, and. it fetched £460 at the present sale. Perhaps its history did not enhance its value in the eyes of those who b.ici for it. It was bought on conamission, and wonderment guesses who is the purchaser ? Whoever the lady be when she wears that well-kudvin cloak she will run the risk of being mistaken for either a Duchess—or for something else. As You Will KePs's COCOA. -0 rateful anal comforting ; be Sure to Buy -" By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations IF I YOU1 of digestion and nutrition, and by a care- ful application of the fine properties of well -selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro- GIVE U A CALL. vided our breakfast tables with a cldicate- ly flavoured beverage,which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every ten- dency to disease. Hundreds of ,subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood, and a properly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette. Sold. only in pack- ets labelled- "James Epps & Co., Ho- inwopathic Chemists, 4S, Threadneedle ,and 170, Piccadilly, London." 4S2-52 ELECTRICITY'. -Thomas' Excelsior Eclec. tric Oil ! Worth ten times its weight in gold. Pain cannot stay nil( IC it is used I It is the cheapest medicine ever made. elle dose cures connnon sore throat. One bottle has cured Bronchitis. FiftY cents' wortl:i has cured an old standing cough. It positively cures catarrh, asthma and croup. Fifty cents' worth has cured crick in the back, and the same quan- tity lame back of eight years standing. The following are extracts from a few of t e many letters that have been received fr m the different parts of Canada, which we think should satisfy the most sceptic- al: 3. Collard, of Sparta, Ont., writes- " Send me 6 dozen Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric Oil, have sold. all I had from you and "want more DOW; its cures are truly won- derful." Wm. McGuire, of Franklin, writes--" I have sold all the agent left, it acts like a charm -it was slow at first Remember the but takes speedily now." Mr. H. Cole, of Iona, writes- "Please forward 6 dozen Thomas' Eclectric Oil, I am nearly out, NOW G Is ING ON AND LASTING FOR TWO W HOFFMA CHEAP 0 MAIN 311?El oerter Goods Mark DON'T FO EKS ONLY T BROTHERS SH STORE, T, ,SEAFORT EEL d Right Down SOME BELOW COST PRICE. Call Early Behre the Best Bar- ' gai, ins f[ re Gone. RGET YO UR MONE Y HOFFMAN THE ROYCE BROTHERS. ENCJINE REAPER ND— FIRST PR ZE MOWER FOR SALE THE HURON FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP. REPAIRING 6,F ALL KINDS PROMPTLY AiTTENDED N ,w Foundry. WHIT LAW C MORE. F,IE811-1 -ARRIVALS CONSISTING OF CROQUET SETS, FANS, STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF THE CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION. LATEST NOVELTIES IN PIPES AND TOBACCO POUCHES, AT C. W. PAPST'S, SEAFORTH CC ALSO LA.TEST SONGS PUBLISHED: 1 . Write to Me Often," " Dreaming o/ Home and Mother," ‘‘'Twas the Master that Knocked at the Door," " Tommg, Make Room, for Your Un— cle," " Old Folks atIkme," "¶rabling Back to Georgia," &c., • 1, 5 cents each, at C. W. PAPST'S, Dominion Block, Seaforth. 11111!Min11.11.101111111•=1. ..r.P•••••••• THERE IS NOT LIKE LEATHE ----itri -2:: '. ' WHEN IT IS MADE .,. SUCH AS YOU II1ND 1-'-:'''-',..) -a.... - ...., UP INTO AT 0-00 P• 1.....C.,...... -4%.,..1 J, WARD •1 E [ HARNESS SEAFORTH, Where you will find all .Kinds of Harness Made up in the Latest Styles. , pEMEMBER, if you want a Fancy or Stibetantial Harness J. WARD can give you betterr satis- faction as to QUALITY and PRICE than any other maker in the County. A. Trial is all that' is wanted to secure regular custom. J. WARD, Seaforth. THE PATTERSON MAXWELL REAPU3 aa,..a.teasseaesats. as-a-aes, ivF fAr.'14' • = -- • . A iff. And, as aLight Reaper unequalled for Durability, plicity and Convenience. TIE P.A21=1=ZSOI\T ITILAC SELF-IISCHARGING HORSE RAKE, Acknowledged to be the best innse having taken 10 first prizes in the fall of 1876. PATTERSO'N'S Patent Combined Empire Drill and Seeder as a drill has never been beaten and ' 1 as a seeder, unsurpassed. ;. Our Sprague and JunioriMower's have stood the test for years, 1 I - Our Wrought Iron Frame Gang Plow, gave Unusual Satisfactior,' . While thanking the farmers of Ontario for their liberal patronage during the past thirty years we have been in businees we cordially invite them in their own interests to inspect the above implements before reeking purchases. W. GRIEVE, Agent. 1.1•11111•11•1111111e., PATTERSON & BROTHER,S', Patterson,. CENTENNIAL MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS AWARDED TO MALCOLM MONROE, SEAFORTH, FOR WOOD HANDLE AND WROUGHT IRON BEAM PLOW. _ ... _ CIRCULAR SAW. ao, 0 - al 0 Ro 0 m cn m -11 tt 0 0 LOADS OF WINDOW GLASS JUS WATER LIME AND CALCINED PLASTER FRESH AND GOOD. PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED IN • NAIOLI S I II LI ALSO SCYTHES, SNATHS, RAKES, '012 `S>11:10A 7 THE ROYCE REAPER V1CTQRIOUS! The followine extra et fr nu the report of the trial near Mitchell, gives tLe draughts of the com- peting machines : Field trial on Mr . Win. Eft fro in near Mit- chell, under the auspices,: of the Townships of Logan, t and P )1 art on Agricultural Associ atieu, on the 18th A ignst, 1876. Judges -- Mess, s. \V. Davidson, Full iiton, Janes Hackney, Usborne, llobtrt Joins; Lt gan, E. Stiles, andR.. Tucker, Mitchell. . . - `saorad A&01 HAIR DRESSING. MISS AMANDA STARK ISHES to inform the Ladies of Seaforth and Vicinity that she is prepared to makeup SWITCHES, CURLS, BRAIDS, &c., In the Latest Fashion from Combings. Prices Moderate, and all orders punctually attended to. A Call Solicited. Residence-Goderich Street, Seriforth. 467*19 ALCCI M MONROE has pleasure in announcing to the Primers of Huron and Perth eat he kT-1- is 1 (tit )itpsred this eel] son then ever to furnith a ill st•class article. . As proof positive that his Powe are the Best in the Marlset be has only to refer to the filet that the Plow Manufacthred by him obtained the INTF.RNATIONAL PRIZE AND DIPLOMA at the Centennial Exhibition. HE ALSO MANUFAC- ' Thistle Cutter Plows, TURES 1 FCP PLWS, RICHARDSON'S HMIs Patent Plows, Also a One -Horse Plow Suitable for Plowing Gardens. SOUFFLERS, IRON AND WOOD PLOWS • • 0 mg z 9 ° 1 This Plow is universally admitted to be the best Gang Plow now in use, and Farmers should give it a trial before purchasing any other. All these Implements are manufactured by himself, of the very best. material, and aro better and more durable than those got up by large establishments tor catch sales. Every IniPlerne t war- ranted to give satisfaction. Prices as low as those of any other respectable establishine t that turns Mit a good articl e. Plows of all theabove kinds kept constantly on hand and can beeen at ti his shop at any time. IRON HARROWS. The Scotch Diamond Herrows kept constantly on hand. Repairs fcr all kinds oi Plows kept con• sta etly on band. Remember the shop, -Main Street Seaforth, East Side. I 1 r 0 c CD R° m T1 0 r cn 0 0 z CO c 0 c c co HARD TIMES AND PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. BOOTSAND SHOES IN ENDLESS VAP,IETY AT THOMAS COVENTRirS. T AM JUST OPENING my Spring Stock, corn - prising all the Latest Styles in Ladies',IGents' and Children's Wear. I have bought from the best houses in the Trade, for Cash, and I am there- fore in a, position not to be undersold; and as I am more than usually hard up, I am determined not to be ; I therefore respectfully invite the cash buying people of Seaforth and its surroundings to give me a call before buying elsewhem,. w 1-i • CD W - IN THE CUSTOM DEPARTMENT i Of my business I buy none but the best material i and employ the very best of worknaen. MY repair- ing is executed in a style that cannot fail to,give satisfaction. So, with thanks for past patrelnage, and an abidinm g faith in a better time coining, I would simply say don't forget the place :I ,SIGY OF THE BIG BOOT, East Side, Main Street, Seaforth. THOS. COVENTRY, Seafor •MARRIAGE LICENC OK CERTIFICATE (tinder the new Act,) issued at the h. 0 S A PPRENTICES WANTED. -Six or seven ap- EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH'. prentices wanted to learn dresemalliag. Ap- DERSON. ply at rooms over L. Beatty'a store. MISS. AN- Under authority of OtnheaLlite.ntenant-Governor KOSKI-10f 4sualuozia z ..tulloavas 4d-Harals t•-7.° 1)04K10100 0111 s•-• zi2 • CD (7) well and favora.tliknown to Inc trade that it is saivedo truaiow Steel Scythes. Scythe Snaths, 11001thid N30103 0 0 0 ' Csi C1 01Oi .; - g .8 g s g. ..v. ..,, -;-.. ra ei Es Gt3 s'cl MACHINE. 7;0 -474 -4.,1 Ifo 171 r-1 Fa 3 • . g O 0. eiJ 74 0 0 0 EC ▪ de •-; John 'Watson. ay 4;7.0 lit °' 0 ccic' 2 -14 - • See and Examine tho Royce Reaper on Exhibition at MESSRS. WIWI ELAW & MORE'S, HURON FOUNDRY. Seaforth. THE GREATEST WONDER, OF MOD - .ERN TMES. ••=11•11.. -KOLLOWAY'S Pitts•& OINTMENT The Pills Purify theBloOd, correct alt disordera of the Liver, stomech, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. • The Ointment is the only reliable .remedy for bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of however long standing. For Bronchitis, Dip- htheria, Coughs, Colds Gout,- Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no. equal. BEWARE, OF NE4 YORK COUN- TERFEITS. Spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pills and Ointment." are manufactured and sold under the name of ".1.1 ol- 10V7EY'S & Co.," by J. F. Henry, Curran, & Co., trade mark, thus:' -Again o n e line Company of New York.with tia a asum ed Druggists, a n d also by the Me- tropolitan Medi- Joseph Haydock,, of New York. likewise passesoff counterfeits of his own make under the name of Holloway & Co., having for a trade mark a crescent and serpent; McKesson & Robins, of New York, are agents for the same. These persons, the better to deceive you, an - blushingly caution the public in the small books of directions whieh accompany. their medicines, which are really the spurious imitations, to Be- ware of Counterfeits. Unscrupulous dealers obtain them at very low prices and sell them to the public in Canada us my genuine Pills and Ointment. I most earnestly and respectfully appeal to the Clergy, to mothers of Families and other Ladies, and to the public generally of British North America, that they may be pleased to denounce unsparingly these frauds. Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots mid Boxes. If the address is not 533, Oxford. 'Street, London, they 'are Counterfeits. Each Pot and Box of the genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words, "HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. LoNnoN," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 588, OxForna $TBEET, LoNnoN,where alone they sre manufactured. Parties who may be defrauded by Vendors selling spurious Holloway's Pills and Ointment as of my genuiue make, shall on communicating the particulars to me, be aulply remunerated, and Signed their names never divuTliigeodm. London, San. 1877. 4'77 DR. WILLIAM GRAY'S SPECIFIC The Great English Remedy is especially re- commended as an unfail- ing cure for Seminal Weakness Spermatorr- hea, lImpotency, and all Before. diseases that follow asAft ri. a sequence of Self abuse, as Loss of . Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other diseases that leads to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are first caused by deviating trona the Path of nature and over indulgence' The Speciffo Medicine is tbe result of a life study and many years of ex- perience in treating these special diseases. Pam- phlet free by mail, The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or 6 packages for $5, or Will be 'sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLIAM GRAY & CO., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts, R. Lumeden and all druggist merchants. - AN OLD FRIEND THE BEST ri CD FRIF.T.C1), W. H. OLIVER, SEAFORTH, BEGS to acquaint his raany friends and custo- mers thathe has removed two door e north of his old stand., McIntyre's Block, where he has stock equal to any in the businese, and at the most favorable prices. All kinds of Repairing 0) done on the shortest notice. A good Stock of Collar. 481 ks,Nalises, Whips, Combs, Bruhes, and all other such articles required constantl,v on hand. Remember 3 our old Friend. Sign of the Scotch W. H. OLIVER, Seaforth. 0 I BUTTER TUBS S. TROTT, SEAFORTH, TS tow preparM to supply all customers with any number of hie SUPERIOR BUTTER TUBS, At $30 per hundred, Cah. These Tube are so C-A3D_ Ti S. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Surveyor • and Civil Engineer, Orders by mail prompt - of I y attended to. 479 D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell. nnnecescary to say anything in their recommen- dation. MB. TROTT also manufactures a small Hard- wood Tub, suitable for washing butter in. Orders by mail or othervase promptly attend- ed to. 496 S. TROTi, Seaforth.