The Huron Expositor, 1877-06-08, Page 7k : IDAT. D BANK CANADA. a a a $.4.0004 9.* iiONTBEAL, Ineorporaeed ll,. CANADIAN BANK, aoorporated 1844. RTH BRANCkla .00Ka AI-ST,tr rEAFORTH. 1rew Vases Payable A States. _ misname on London papa* of the United Kingdona. PAID UN DEPOSIT& M. P. HAYES, ManA8la .MPORIUNI hereby thanks hit nnmero , teats and .other ap for their liber the past seven years,, and hopes € andclose attention to bushiest* rfidence and trade in thehiture r enlarged his premises,( tiow prepared to pay the T` CASH PRICE r at good fresh eggs, deliver+ EGG EMPORIUM, Main Street,Seaforth. L subscriber 26 ton of good'•• TB�w. D. D. WILSON. FH PLANING MILL, 1 ARD BUB FACTORY begsleFve to tthenk hianumerotttt theiiberalpstrozage extendedi acing business in Seaforth, an -. ybe favored with a. continuant egtobuild would do well to give Fill continue to keep en hand *- finds of PINE LUMBER, ���1QEsl, LANDS, MOULDINGS, rLES, I ATl, ETC. eat of givingsatisfectiontotkoalt dm with their natronage, as now rkmen aaeempioyed. Lttention paid toCu atom Plaribig 1HN I. RIOADFOOT. BLOCK} SEAFORTT:. S ed the her:Ago-the and couimodi- itore• in Campbell's Bloek, Maim inform the public that her Y AND FANCY GOODS in every department. All the , Goods always en hand. Respectfully Solicited, La every artioie guaranteed.. ;HISS LEECH.. nticesWan ted, 491E ...OGS- WANTED. LEMAN & GOUTh LOCK r'the Highest Cash Prise -for GS, OF ALL FUNDS. ity of ELM LOGS suitable for the- Hoops. 'awing attended to prampt1yr at any other mill. f every description, aiso Shingles,. is always on hand, and at the very ;rices. IAR POSTS�tAFUR SALE. tI A N & G -O fI IIS LOC?]., Seafort% ER FOR SALE. fret Quality, 6 per M. PINX from. $8. 8, CUT TO ORDER, a, from I4 to ;56 Feet, at the ' :ILL* IN '1VIcICILLOPe Subscriber has also a YAR]) IN SEAFGRTH,: u of Lumber can be obtained. THOMAS- DO PNEY,. -L PORK FACTORY E & JAMES PETTY,' in Smoked and Sugar Cured Hama, Smoked Rolla; CunaborIand Bacon*, Mese Pork, Vie. s by Mail or Otherwise amply attended to. tity always on hand. G. & S PETTY, Hensall,: k,N» CHEAP GOODS. P. MARKEY, DEAL?1 IN IES and PROVISIONS, '~;FEOTIO-NERC:, &c, LIVERED FREE OF CHARCE=. EET.. SEAFcRTH,'OPPOSITE HAYS' HOI;EL. 485. E OATMEAL MILLS, SEAFORTH.. FULL OPERATION. S• plit Peas, Pot Barley, • n Meal Chopped, E.; of. Mill Feed Constantly on Hand une Tuesdea a and Fridays. Oatmeal' r Oats. Highest price paid for Oats, lay. CUI:EIE & T-IIOMSON. RESSI NG= S AMANDA STARK tc• inform the Ladies of Seaforth and that she is prepared to makeup- :S, akeup :S, CURLS, [BRAIDS, &a., t .Fashion from' Combings. Prices; it all orders punctually attended to- tted. Residence—Goderieh Street. 467419" BR ETT,; SEA.>4ORTH, ad Retail Dealer in T.F;ATHER end :ENDINGS of Every Description. the Very Best Stook kept. Terata Thal Solicited. All orders by matt promptly filled. B, N. BRRETT., tim 8, 1877 . Somnambulist's Eeoape. (Jil f the most remarkable of narrow Wipes occurred near Mansfield, on the ,atlantic and Great Western road last ihuiaday night. A gentleman and his wife named Wakeman, were on their way to Lawrence, Kansas, • accompanied by their only son, a bright young man of 16. On arriving at Mansfield nothing could be found of the boy, who had been seen by his father to pass towards the end of the oar a few minutes previous. There Was a dumb and vacant air in his manner at the time, which his father had noticed but thought nothing of till aware of his disapiea6,nce. The young man had on one or two occasions been known to wally about in his sleep, and it was conjectured that he bad, in this somnambulistic condition walked or fallen from the train. - jt had been running at the rate of 30 miles an hour, and the night was dark, there are many deer, fills along the road, and certain death seemed inevitable tin- der the circumstances. The mother of the boy wils overcome with fear; his fath- er, in company with several men started cut in search of his son's remains. They passed along the track for a number of miles till certain they were beyond the spot where he must have left the car. Nothing was to be seen of him, and the party were returning about daylight when they discovered the object of their search lying within a few feet of the -.track. - He was asleep, his clothes covered. with dirt and slightly torn and his face scratched in several places, but on being awakened. - he arose unhurt and walked back to Mansfield, a distance of six miles. The conjecture that he had walked off the train when asleep proved correct: The boy says that he has no recollection of leaving the car, ' but was aroused by hearing the crow of a rooster from a neighboring farmhouse. He - found-him- self ound-himself lying along side of a fence, and with much difficulty clambered up the railroad filling to the track, where, it still: being dark, and feeling tired and stiff in the limbs, lay down and slept till awakened by the searchers. His escape is the- more remarkable as there is a filling at this point with a descent of fully 50 feet. A boardience is at 'the bottomandhe broke through in striking this, and was proba- bly stunned by the contact. The family resunied their journey, taking the next train.—.Day on (04 Journal, May 18. . A Shacking Career. Horrible was the end of Henry Plaist- ed, a well-to-do farmer of New Hamp- ton, N. H., somewhat given to drink, - and a man of ungovernable temper. A little more than a year ago he married a widow with two children, andsoon af- ter the marriage began to shamefully abuse his wife and her children. His cruelties became at last so unbearable that she obtained a divorce from him, the court giving her an interest in the homestead, which seemed to drive Plaist- ed to madness, and he swore to be re- venged on her and upon her father, Mr. Rucking, who had given a home to the children. Four weeks ago Plaisted's : buildings were burned, and on the 17th the house and barns of. - Mr. Hn.ckine. Public suspicion at • once fastened upon PIaisted as the incendiary, and a force of men was organized for his arrest. For 48 hours he fled through forests and swamps, but at last, seeing his capture was inevitable, and driven to despera- tion, he returned to the old farm, and,. -amid the blackened ruins of his own dwelling, shot himself through the heart. WHAT THEY SAY OF IT !—A few Facts for the People.—There are but few pre- parations of medicines which have with- stood the impartial judgment of.. the people for any groat length of time. One of these is Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Read the following and be convinced :. Thos. Robinson, Farnham Centre, P. Q., writes, "I have been afflicted with rlheu- matism for the last ten years, and have tried many remedies without any relief, until I tried Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, and'since then have had no attack of it. I would recommend it to all." J. H. Earl, hotel keeper, West Shefford, P. Q., writes :--" I have been troubled with liver complaint for several years, and have tried different medicines with little or no benefit, until I tried Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil; which gave me immediate relief, and I would say that - I;have used it since with the best effect. No one should be without it. I have tried it on my horse in cases of cuts, wounds, &c., and think it is equally as good for horse as for man." A: Maybee, merchant, Warkworth, writes : "I have sold some hundreds of bottles of Eclectric Oil, and it is pronounced by the public one of the best medicines they have ever used. It has done wonders in healing and relieving pain, sore throats, &c., and it is worthy of the greatest confidence." Joseph .Ru- san, township of Percy, writes : " I was persuaded to try Thomas' Eclectric Oil for a lame knee which troubled me for three or four years, and I never found anything like it for curing lameness—it is a great public benefit." A. M. Ham- `ilton, Warkworth, writes : For weeks I` was `troubled with a swelled ankle, which annoyed me very much. Mr. May - bee induced me to try Eclectric Oil, and before one bottle was used I was cured. It is a most remarkable medicine. .Sold by all medicine dealers. Price, 25 cents. S. N. Thomas, Phelps, N. Y. Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., sole agents for the Dominion. NOTE.—Eclec- tric—Selected and electrized, To ORN±xS OF HORSES.—It is a well attested fact confirmed by the experience of thousands that-"Darley's Condition Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy" for horses is . superior to anything, of the kind now and ever known. We know that it has been used in many cases where the horse has been considered . almost worthless, with the most satisfactory re- sult, the horse having been restored to perfect soundness or so mach benefitted that the complaint could scarcelybe ob- served.—Many such horses have after- wards been sold for from $50 to $100 more than they would have previously brought, and were well worth the differ- ence ; let all interested, consider this. Remember the name,? and see that the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each pack- age. Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont:, proprietors for Canada. Sold by all medicine desists. FOR over twenty years " Bryan's Pul- monic Wafers" have maintained their reputation for curing coughs, colds and pulmonary diseases. Those suffering or threatened with any of the symptoms of bronchitis, or any of the pulmonary com- plaints, should at once give them a trial. They give almost immediate relief, and if taken in time generally effect al cure. Remember that a- common cold or cough, if not attended to in time, often leads to that distressing fatal disease, consumption Sold by all druggists and country deal- ers at 25 cents per box. ' H HI1,RfJN E OSI 1 CSR. A i . 1.1.-41 HAVING ABANDONED THE MANITOBA PROJECT, a I) M I HAS filled up his etre with 'everything that heart eonld wish in the way of Dry Goods. A large and varied Stook of Summer Dress Goods, Parasols, Linen Costumes, &o. Splendid Fast Col red Prints, 16 yards for $ , Ladiefl'.DreeePaps and Snndowns. A But variety variety of, Children. Trimmed Hats atl leas than half their valve. All the Newest things m loves, Hosiery, Frillings, `Flowers, •&o., ' and the Cheapest Cottons in the Dominion. ' A. few Carpets yet, at the old price. eats' Fnrnishingg f every description. Clothing Made to Order from the Best of Cloths and Twe . Go to Dent's for your' Shirts and save money, besides getting the right thing for the money. and inspect. and yon will certainly buy; Remember these Bargains to be- had at DENT'S, Opposite the Comd►ercialllotol, Seaforth., . GEORGE DENT, . Seaf arch. . At E. Hi WATO HAQ th can be WOn in g mo Crake CRAK, keen & Co.'s Jewe REPAIRING-, - PRACTICAL WATCHMAI Store begs to inform the public that he is prepared t Iwork in : PIPE - REPAIRING, ICER, o do first-class JEWELRY ,REPAY ft , �`� SPECTACLE REPAIRS. lG learned the trade thordughlyin. England, and for nearly six years past have worked in establishment of i.• Morphy, London, Ont., is a sufficient recommend that full satisfaction ver, in any description of vy¢rk. F. CRA KF,. reg to say that owing to'th4 scarcity of money and tight times generally, in order to reduce stock of Jewelry, • Good discount will be given on all purchases in order to indncethose hav- ey to invest. All ork repaired or sold previously the guarantee will be fulfilled by Mr. not running to eat daction, - E. HICESON .& Co. CROQ " Wr2 Mast cls," " FRESH ARRIVALS CONSISTING .OF ET SETS, FS, STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS OF THE CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION.' LATEST NOVELTIES IN PIPES AND TOBACCO POUCHES, T C. W. PAPST'S, SEAFORTH. 1 ASO LATEST SONGS PUBLISHED : to Me Often " " Dreaming of Home and Mother," "'Twas the that Knockecat the Door," "-Tornmg, Make Room for Your Un— Old Folks at Home,", Trebling Back to Georgia," arc 5 c nts each, at C. W. PAPST'S, Dominion Bloch, Seaforth. L Q CI- A N" 1877 AT THE G S- A 1\./X 1 S UDEN LION, 18771 1 SE4FORTH. BOYS' SUIT§ IN LINEN, VELVET AND. TWEED AT THE GOLDEN LION. All the above ; Good will be Sold Cheap. LOGAN & JAMIESON, SEAFORTH. THE PATI RSON MAXWELL REAPER, .1— C And As. a!Li ht Reaper unequalled for Durability, Sim.- '010 plicity and Convenience. THE P TTERSOI ITILA OA- SELF.DIS9,HARGING HORSE RAKE, Acknowledged toe the best inuse having taken 10 first prizes in the fall o 1876. 1 Patent atent mbined Empire Drill and Seeder as a drill has never Been beaten and 1. as a seeder, unsurpassed. Our SprLgne ape} Junior Mower's have stood the test for years. I Our Wrought Iran Fr me Gang Plow, .gave Unusual Sati g, taction. While thanking the farmers of Ontario for their liberal patronage during the past thirty years we have been in boldness we cordially invite them in their own interests to inspect the love implements before n: eking purchases. I ppj PATTERSON & BROTBERS� Patterson. W. GRIEVE, Agen�. !, CENTENNIAL MEDALS AND DIPL AWARDED TO MAI COLM MONROE, SEAFORTH, FOR WOOD HANDLE AND WROUGHT IRON BEAM PLOW, V AL COLM MONROE las pleasure in announcing to the Farmers of Huron and - Perth that he ILL is batter riepered th s season than ever to furnish a first-class article. As proof positive that bis Plows are the Best in he Market he be only to refer to the fact that the Plow Manufactured by him ol tained the INTER IATIOI1AL PRIZE AND DIPLOMA at the CentennialExhibition. Thistle 3jntter Plows, HE ALSO MANUFAC- TURES 1 RON PLOWS; so a - y r One -Horse plow Suitable Hills Patent Plows, ej14;:te' for Plowing Gardens. U SCFFFLERS, IRON AND WOOD PLOWS. .'-`1":4e'iI 1101 I 1.11.111% l'.'1'.41•11 Tt ^I. 4111 LM eelowe This it a tri All t more ranted turns his oho Th: ata nt Plow is universally 1 before purchasint ese Implements are arable than those to give satisfactio nt a gcod article. at any time. Z an m ov admitted to be the best Gang Plow now in use, and Fanners should give any other. manufactured by himself, of the very best material, an alre better and dot up.by Large establishments for catch sales. Every piement warms n. Prices as low as those of any other respectable esthb 'shment that Plow of all the above kinds kept constantly on hand an e n be seen at IRON HARROWS - Scotch Diamond Harrows kept constantly on hand. Repairs fel- all kinds of Plows kept con y on hand. Berner ber the ehop, Main Street Seaforth, East Side. ' M �LOOLM MON OJ. IN It L L.IAM H 1 L. L & E i P' i O T •j 7 CO,, S EAFORTH. TO -DY, COTTON' YARNS AND CARPET WA RPS. THE LOWEST IST THE MARKET. WILLIAM I HILL 8f, CO., SEAFORTH. `suaKolls NOSNHOf `ki as u s 1\11V W 0 m PLI e+ CD 1-1 c -t- 0 CD 0 CD 0 I. C12 0-1 E. cee CD. 0 0 0� CD 0' ct • .0 0 0 gna rn CD 0 3 0 0 0 z N 1f/ W "00 V 'H1SO4113S `1.331:111S DON'T BUY YOU ANY ONE THEM. PLATFORM SCALES STAMPED z 0 ' 03103dSN 0 0 0: m 0 r c r 0 00 m 3 X v Sn 0 z z z m z cI) m AIN1100 3H1 NI "DV `SMO3 ' S:00 ''8 NOS1.1:138O1:1 'WM ld S H11:1Odd3S NI S1N3DV 'MATS IWflP IID 2 m r 0 0) m O _. m m CD fn 0 2 -n0 V 0 - U) 2 0 m tog C LUMBER FROM ELSE BUT S. LOUNSBURY 8:. :CO., SEAFORTH. GANG PLOWS, GANG PLOWS, I HILL PLOWS,: HILL PLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, LAND ROLLERS J FOR SALE AT THE HURON FO,HNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. PLOWS And PLOW CASTING • Made from the CELEBRATED DIAMOND IRON. Far mere would do well tt, call and examine be fore purchasing elsewhere. I WHITELAW & MORE. KIDD'S HARDWARE. RECEIVED DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS: AMERICAN CUT NAILS, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS, HOES AND- RAKES, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, &c FENCING WIRE AND BUILDING - HARDWARE Of Every Description Cheap. EAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ;ING PIPE Put up on the Shortest Notice and Warranted. Special l nducements to Cash and Prompt Paying Customers. _ JOHN KIDD. MARRIAGE LICENCES OR CERTIFICATES, (Under the new Aet,) issued at the EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH. Under authority of the Lieutenant -Governor of On srto. THE ROYCE RE'F'ER. . MANUFACTURED 131 • JOHN WATSON, Ayr Agricultural Works, AYR, ONT., Is the Lightest, Splest, and Most Efficient Ma nine Made. BEWARE OF UNTRIED IMITATIONS. Mr. Watson has the exikusive right to sell the Genuine Royce Reaper in Huron and Perth Coun- ties. - - TESTIMONIAL. I{earl What Practical Farmer-st Say About the Boyce Reapor. They tell the Nvisole story . JOHN WATSON, Sir: " I have used the ROYCE in cutting 85 acres of all kinds of grain, and can recommend it as being right in all respects. I could eaaily-run it all day with one light span of horses, and as to the quality of the work I have never seen it excelled. I.wonkd not exchange my ROYCE for any machine I ever saw". - Yours Respectfully JOHN CA1iDIFFE, Grey. See and Examine the Royce Reaper Qk Exhibition at • MESSRS. WHITELAW & MORE'S, Huron -Found 'y, SEAFORTI L THE GREATEST WONDER OF MOD- - - ERN, .TIMES. . The Pilie Purify theBlood, correct all disorders of the Liver, t'tomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. - The,-Ointinent is the only reliable remedy for bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of however long standing. For Bronchitis, Dip- htheria, Coughs, Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. BEWARE OF NEW YOR COUN. TERFEITS. Spurious imitations of {'Hull way's Pills and Ointment;' are manufactured a d sold under to ars & Co.," C an, & Co., the name of "Hol - Druggists, a n d o by the Me- tropolitan Medi- a Company of NeW York.with an as an m e d trade mark, thus: — gain Bair, o n e Joseph Haydock, of New York, likewise passes off counterfeits of his own make under the late of Holloway & Co, having for a trade mark a. crescent nd serpent; McKesson & Robins, of New' York, a o agents for the same. . - ' These persons, the better to deo ive you, un- blushingly caution.the public in the small books of directions which accompany thei medicines,. which are really the epurioas imita ions, to Be- ware of Counterfeits. Unscrupulousdealers obtain them at very low prices and sell them to the public Canada as my genuine Pills and Ointment. --I most earnestly and respectfully appeal to the Clergy; to mothers of Families and other Ladies, and to the public generally of British North America, that they may be pleased to denounce unsparingly these frauds.; Purchasers should look to the Label on the Pots andBokea. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are Counterfeits. Each Pot and Box of the genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words, " HOLLowAT's Prate AND ' OINTa1LENT, LONDON," enved thereon. On the label is the address, 5W, OXFORD 'STREET, LONDoNN,where alone they ere manufactured. . t Parties who may be defrauded by Vendors selling spurious, Holloway's Pills and Ointment se of my genuine make, shall on erommunicat ng the particulars to me, be amply remunerated, and their names never divulged. Signed THOMAS HOLLOWAY. London, Jan. 1, 1877. - 477 AN OLD- FRIEND THE BEST FRIEND. - W. H. OLIVER, SEAFORTH, BEGS to acquaint his many friends and custo- mers thathe has removed two doors north of his old stand, Mielntyre's Block, where he has a stock equal to any in the business, and at the moat favorable prices. All kinds of Repan' • done on the shortest notice. A good. Stock of Trunks, Valises, Whips, Combs, Brushes, and all other ouch articles required constantly on hand. Rememuer your old Friend. Sign of the Scotch Collar. 481 ` I W. H. OLIVER, Seaforth. DR. WILLIrAMMEDICINEGRAY'S SPECIFIC , The Great English Remedy is especially re- commended as annnfail- i cure for Seminal Weaknessgg Spermatorr- hes,' Impoten ry, and ell Before.diseasea that followdas,Af$ ,, a sequenee of Self abuse, as Loss of Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pairs in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other diseases that leads to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave, all of which se a rule are first caused by deviating from the Path of nature and over indulgence- The Speeiffo Medicine is the result of a life study and many years of ex- perience xperience in treating these special diseases. Pam- phlet free by mail. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or 6 packages for $5, or will be sent by, mail on receipt of the money, by addressing WILLIAM GRAY & CO., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts, R. Lumsden and all druggist merchants. B LtIP-"NT A14 D. STEWART, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of FURNITURE, SASHES; . DOORS, FRAMES, . MOULDINGS, TURNING, ETC-., on band and Made to order. Also a good as- sortment of - UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES ALWAYS ON SAND.. Call on D. STEWART and he will give you as good bargainii as can be got any other place. 488.18 D. STEWART, Biuevale, • 6 J