The Huron Expositor, 1877-05-18, Page 81 ttk - 4' f , 8 1 • THE -HURON EXPOSITOR. Iron txpooitov. -DISTRICT MATTERS: HE COMMERCIAL BILLIARD Rooms. -- Ale ander Davidson, proprietor of the Commer- cial Hotel, Seafbrth, bega to inform the publie that he hair just fitted uPone of the most com- fortable and neatly- apportioned Billiard Rooms In the country outside of the large cities. There are three splendid new tables of the latest and Most modetn manufacture, and competent per- son will at all reasonable hours be found in charge. The rooms are quite convenient to the hotel, so that guests can enjoy this interesting and scientific game without being put to the in- covenience of leaving the premises. _492-8 OTICE.—If you want anything in seeds just examine Wilaon & Young's stock be- fore yen buy elsewhere. The largest and best selection ever shown in Seaforth, of Garden Seeds, Flower Seeds apd Field Seeds of every variety, and moat finportant of all the aziees are low. LIME. — John Wilson of the _Silver • Creek Lime Kiln, Seaforth, has on hand any quantity of fresh burned lime, for sale cheap. ce 15 titite per bushel, at the kiln. Deliver- edin any' part of Seaforth or Egmondville for 18 (write per bushed. 491 NOTICE is hereby given that I have pu chased the right for this County of the 'Harris Patent Stove Pipe Damper and Spark EXtingaisher. All Orders left for the Damper at Allen's Grocery will be promptly filled. WIT. ALLEN. 'THOMAS KIDD'S Empori11111—ArriYe4 to -day per Exprese, 10 dozen pairs of cheap kid gives,only 50 emits per pet; 20 dozen cheap paeasls,;illy 75 cents each. 12 dozen l of ladies^ bleaohed ose, only9 cents Pete pair. 493 PLENTY of Ham, Bacon and Spiced Bells, wholesale and retail, at J. Brownell's. A • car load of corn, for seed, just arrived. Crockery surd glassware, selling very cheap. J. BROWNELL, Deminion Block, Seaforth. 493. II. W. C. Meysn, Barrister, Wing - hem, has just received $10,000 00 private funds toloan'only on first mortgage farm property. Interest 8 per cent., payable yearly. 490 LAND PLASTER, in bulk, cheap at M. Morrison's Cheap Grocery, Seaforth. It will pay to try it. 493. PLEASE notice advertisement of new watchmaker in E. HICKSON ' & Co.'s Jewelry and Drug Store. 490 ; WADDELL & Co., Main Street, Sea - Rath, ellwaye give the highest price for Batter and Eggs. 491 ., FOPfTURNIP SEED go to M. Morri- 80n's.93 l , _ PLEASURE GARDEN. — The pleasure gardeniof Messrs. J. Peters & Son, near the new foundry will be opened on Thursday next, 24th inst. . THE TOWNSENDS. — The Townsend Family gave three excellent theatrical eotertainments in the town hall last week. The attendance at each perform- ance was, however, small. 1 4. , i CtwaorE OF TIME.—The time of the running of trains on the London, Huron and Bruce and Southern extension rail - Ways was changed on Monday last. The, corrected time tables will appear next week. . 1 ifIEETING.—The members of Seaforth Fire Brigade will hold a meeting in -the 13 town hall next Monday evening, for t1e Purpose of transacting special busines . Every member is required,to he present. Meeting,to commence at 7.20.. • NEW HousE4.-=-Over fifty new dwell- ing houses have been and are now being erected in, Seaforth this spring, and sev- eral more are spoken of. These are ex- clusive of the extensive business blocks that are being erected on Main street. This don't look much like hard times. : I, To ADVERTISERS.—AcIvertisers desir- ' ing a change of advertisement will please give notice at this office not later than MONDAY NIGHT of each weeek, in order . to ensure a change. It is not necessary to furnish the copy for the new adivertise- ment so early, but simply to give notice of the desire to change, The copy for the change to be sent in by WEDNESDAY Nooig. be sure to attr visitors. Sea in all things, bration of He full program found elsewh THE MAI We had the enjoying a str the Maitland et a very large crowd of orth is bound to be ahead d especially in, the cele - Majesty's birthday. The e of proceedings will be re. , AND BAN Ie CEMETERY. — pleasure a few days ago of 11 through the grounds, of Bonk Cemetery, and were considerably Surprised 4 the neat and. tasteful manner in which the place has been laid outiOnddecorated.1There is a car- riage drlve quite' axound the grounds, aod 'nicely laid o rims directio side of these shade and course of ave and shrubber a side -walk i laid frora the town to the cemetery, it cannot fail to become a most favorite l resort for our townspeople on leisure hors. I • GRASSIE'S Wa.40N So.—he frame . Grassie's new blacksmith shop, to replace that de - re last season, has been ;building is to be 36 by 66 stories high. When com- pleted it will make a large and commo- dious edifice Mr.Grassie has been most unfortunate, having hod his buildings twice destro ed, by firat, and. his enter- prise in agai rebuiblnig on so large a scale is most,commendable. Efe is , orie of the oldest business men in Seaforth, and his prob ty and skill have made him a general fa °rite with the public, and So soon as he has his new establishment t gravel walks run in va- s through them. On each everal wolks are planted momenta! trees. In the y short time,when the trees are grownup, and when z for Mr. W and carriag stroyed by raised. The feet, and tw • _ the wagon hox and roller, they falling upon Mr. Hayslop.. The horses got away with the running, gear of the wag- on, which was badly smashed. Mr. Hayslop was taken up insensible, having received some serious internal injury. During the evening he was conveyed home on a bed in a spring wagon. At last accounts he was a little better, and hopes are now entertained of his re- covery. in oDerationl he will again be thronged. with busin ss as of ,yore. His enter- prise and in egrity deserve and will most certainly se ure success. Mr. A. Scott has the con ract of the new building. MIILANCEt LY ACCIDENT. -- A most melancholy rid fatal accident occurred in Seaforth Thursday evening of last week to a li tle girl about four years of age, daught r of Mr. Thomas Holland. A number ojf boys had kindled a fire of -brush on the commons near Mr. Hol- land's hous The little girl was play- ing -in the yd, and being attracted by the fire, un nown to any person, climbed ce and made her way to it. 4 over the fe While playing round the burning heap she fell into the fire, her clothing at once becoming ignited, and burning the poor n a fearful manner. She lay unobserved by any person, lothes in 1 a blaze,for some gentleman who happened. r, being attracte,d by her to her assistan01 and with e difficulty exting4ished the lothes. She was I conveyed ' cured, but was done noon on intelligent father has hy of the community in his den loss. Tb.e funeral took day, and the re rano were in.terred in ithe Irishtown cem tery. • 1 . - PansoNale.—Mr. Thomas Lapslie re- turned holhae on Monday last. Mr. Lapslie lelabout thirteen months ago for Australia n which place he renaained a few months when he took passage for California, !Where he spent the winter. He has seeia a good deal of the world on his travels,' and returns better 'satisfied with Canada than ever, and intends re- maining inl this country. —Mr. James Charlesworth, son of Mr. Martin Charlesworth, of Egmondville, and Mr. Ramsay, of Tuckersmith, leave to -day for Manitobad I ' —We understand that Mr. George W. Cline of tills town intends getting up a class in Bresaels and in Listowel, for the productiore in each of these places of the i Cantata ofpEsther, So successfully given in this towla a few weeks ago. Whatever Mr. Cline nndertakes in the musical line is sure to e of the highest order, and we br have no do bt but he will find a suf- ficiency ofimusical talent in each of the above towns to give the inhabitants thereof a musical treat, the superior of which they have never listened to. —Mr. .iNi. G. McDougall, accompanied by three of his children, left for Liver- pool yesterday. They go by way of New York. 1 —Mr. Thomas Kidd, of this town ac- , companiedl by Mr. Joseph Kidd, of Car: ronbrook, And other gentlemen, left on Friday last on a trip to Muskoka for the purpose •of viewing a large tract of tim- ber land owned. by them in that section. Wroxeter. PEReONAL.—Our old friend, Mr. J. E. Dodd, of Taterto+ N. Y.; formerly of this place has been rusticating in this . n eighb orb STREET gusting st little thing on the gras -with her time, until to pass ne cries, rushe considerabl fire in her LOT SOTeD.— -The lot and house in Eg- inondville belonging to Mr. Joseph Stev- enson was sold by auction on Monday last. Mr. George Bale, of Hibbert, was the purchaser. The price paid -was $612 cash. Mr. Stephenson intends removieg to the, County of North Ontario, where he will engage in the business of wagon - making in company with his brother , THE- P.RESIYTIRLAN CHURGII.— The Reverend Professor McLaren delivered a most able sermon in: the Canada Pres- byterian church in this town on Sunday morning last. On Tuesday evening he delivered a •very interesting address on the subject ofiForeign Missions,to a very fair audience. The Professor will be eagerly welcomed by a Seaforth audi- eace at aey future time, should he honor us with a visit. TILE MITUOD IST CH [Melt. — he ,school room which was attached to he Methodist church having been purehaaed by Mr. Edward Cash, has been remobed to a vacant lot on an adjoining street, ,ancl is to be made into a dwelling -house. The church, in order to make room for the new building has been removed to the place vaca.ted by the school room,. and the work of excavating for the foundation of the new church has been commenced. Until the new edifice is cornileted, service . will be held in the present church building. TIE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. — At a meeting of the Committee of manage- ment of the Seaforth 'Mechanics' Insti- tute held on Tuesday evening last, sev- eral members of the Committee were ap- pointed, to canvass,the town for members. This work will likely be undertakeri in a few days, and we hope the canvassers will meet at the hand a of our tom ns - people such a reception as the object of the mission deserves. Every head of. a family and every clerk and mechanic in the town should be a member of the in- stitute: The fee is so low, that its ad- vantages are placed. within the reach of • Zurich. GRAND CELEBRATION.—The Queen's Birthday will be celebrated in Zurich on a magnificent scale. The following will comprise the programme: A calithum-- pion procession will take place at 8 e boll match, , wheelbarrow ping, putting e will also be d balloon as - 'lock A. M. sharp, ba horse racing, foot racin 'racing, sack racing, ju the stone, &c., &c. The a torch light procession a cension in' fee evening. The Aurich Brass Band will be in attendance to en- liven the proceedings. to her home and medical aid s although everything possible for her reli f, she died abou Saturday. She was a bright, little girl, and her bereaved the sympa sad. and su place on Su DRInINd — During the presenttweek workmen have been busily engaged on the Driving Park making the track, buildingastands and making other preparations for the sports to be held on it on the Queee's Birthday, and by that time everything will be in readiness for the best day's sport that has ever been held in Seaforth. , A comprehensive pro- gramme has been prepared and publish- ed, and nothing will be left undone to have all arrangements complete and sat- isfa.ctory. In the morning there will be a procession of the firemen in full uni- form, headed by their band. At 10 o'clock the Athletic sports for which lib- eral prizes are offered, will commence on the grounds, and at 1 o'clock the horse- racing will begin. In the evening pro- ceedings will close with a torchlight pro- cession by the firemen. Ober $309 are offered in primes. Should the weather prove favorable, the very excellen lead eomprelainisive proeTanime provide dwill Winghana.. SALE OF OTS. —On the 23r1 inst., over I 100 buildieg lots; beautifelly Situated on the rising ground east of Main street will be offered ,for sale by public auction, by Messrs. Leet & Davis, the enterprising proprietors. For private reidences the lots cannot be surpassed, and as Wing - ham is one of the most risiog towns in Huron, with good railway connection and splendid Water power it is likely the lots will double themselves in value before twelve moeths. Reduced tickets will be issued by the different railw y lines to parties attending the sale. The terms offered are liberal, immemislem. drawback e A warm climate is general- ly speaking not a healthy o e. Con- tinued warmthAia productive of disclose, generally fever ,of a typhoicl character, disease of the ;liver, &c., while sevare frost will often effectually check an epi- demic. It is riot true of our climate That it is the cause of so many cases - of consumption, but I will not discuss this point here. —Mr. Tolbert, of the Sauble Line got his house burned a few days ago. Most • of his goods, together with about $150 in cash, were also consumed. Fire caught from stove piper—Com. Varna. GRAND ENTERTAINME T.—An enter- tainment under the _auapices of -Varna Lodge, United Temperatice Association, No. 240, Will be given in their hall, on Wednesday evening, May 28d, 1877, when a choice selection of dialogues, recitations, songs, &c., will be rendered. Programme to commence with that well- known drama, "Ten nights in a Bar- room," in five acts; to conclude with the side-splitting farce, 'That Rascal Pat." Music by a string band. Pro- ceeds to be applied. toward i decorating the interior of the Hall. The entertain- ment will commence at 8 o'clock. Tuckersm1th. n Wednesday mber of young Gorge Nott, of f Tuckersmith, a feld on his belonging to his in which were eloeging to Mr. ht the animals Tether's barn ich I was fasten - On getting into - the barn . the horses at a quantity of wheat. The grain so injured the ani- mals that a three year old. and. a two year old colt, belonging to Mr. Nott, and a aln yearling colt, belonging to Mr. Turner, have since died. All the imals were very. valuable ones, especially those be- longing to Mr. Nott, winch were a hand- some matched team of drivers, and the loss will be seriously felt by these gen- tlemen. od for the last few days. Row.—Another of those dis- -eet rows took place on Satur- day night[ last. We think that some- thing in the shape of a small fine would go far in iireventing such frequently 're- curring ex hibitions 'as these. BAND held in th of the 24t. In a•dditi HORSES, KISILED. — night of last week, a n horses belonging to Mr. the second concession which were pasturing i farm, broke into a field neighbor, Mr. Turner, confined Severaljeorses Turner. ;During the ni wandered towards Mr and opened the door, w ed with al,leather strap. ONCERT.—A coacert will be Town Hall, ou the evening , for the benefit of ' the band. n to the already large number . i Stephen. DOINGS IN COUNCIL.—At the last meet- ing of the Stephen Council, hild on the 7th inst., all the members we e present with the exception of Mr. Baker. The following business was transacted, viz.: Iteeve and -C: Eilber to let jobs on Mit- chell and- Exeter Bide road. T. Yearly and -W. Schoen to see to letting jobs on first side road.' Scrapers to be got fir J. Elcottes and Mr. Willert's beots. Court of Revision. to, be held on FOday, ay 25th. Nomination meeting tn be in the Township Hall, on Tuesday, May 1 th, at noon;. election on Tuesday, May 2 ad; Returning Officers—R. Hicks,C. Pro ty, C. Brown and J. Mathewson; Po ling Places—School House No. 1, Town hip Hall, School House No. 6 and Sc ool House No. 8. Next meeting bf Co ncil to be on the second Monday in June. t ANOTHER CANADIAN° PIONEE GON Among .our obituary notices this will be found the announcem, nt of death of another Canadian.pioneer i person of Mr. Robert Love; who die the township of Stephen on the inst., after haying reached thelPatri al age of 80 years. The dece ed native of the Parish. lof Bieth, Ayrs Scotland. He came to Can a in and settled in the township of Blen near Ayr. From thence he r mov the township of Stanley, where he r ed for over 20 years. Though with blindness for many yeikrs, y many respects he was a very intell person, being gifted with a pe arly retentive memory. "The si have fallen from the eyes, and we he recognizes the marvellous light." Hay. er, who GOOD 8TOCE. —Mr. late- ly moved from the township of Wilmot, year old Durham bull hich weighs to the 14th concession cify Hay, has a two be- tween 1,700 and 1,800 mends, Hehas aloe some thoroughbted cowa. lie sold some calves not long ago, 101 months' old, at $75 each. He bought .a yearling heifer lately, for which be paid $80. A man of such enterprise will be of great benefit to this part of the country, - I BASE BALL. —A very interesting game of base ball was played on Mr. Daniel McColl's ram, in the township of Hay, on Saturday, the 12th inst., between the base ball clubs of school section No. 1, Usborne, a.,nd school section No. 2, Hay. At the close of the game -the score stood 20 to 17, in favor of No. 1, Usborne. There were about a hundred spectators present, and the prog ess of' the game was watched with the The umpire was ,Mr. Tuckersmith, who perf a fair and im artial match will b May. Rums reatest interest. m. !Stoneman, of rmed his duty in anner. A return played on the 26th of • 1 Stanley. RA:spou JOITINGS. —Seeding is now fairly over. Scarcely ver has the spring. ; seeding been done so arly, or the seed got in in sueh good condition. The weather has been remarkably dry from the very outset, so that farmers got right ahead with the wOrk. We are just about one rciorith. earlier than last year, yet it isto be; hoped hat' harvest will not be aa early in prop rtiqn. Last year a great deal of the gran dr not ripen at all, it simply! withered ; consequently, the sample was not first-class. The high prices this spring has inclu6d farmers to sow. wheat ini every dornr where they k thought it would have any chance what; ever. If the prices ke p up until fall, as of local aMateurs who ,have kindly con- I think they Will„beca se of the scarcity sented to assist, the committee has sem- even if 1 the war was ended to -morrow ceeded in !securing the services of Mr. A. and the crops be as good as expected, G. Burns; the well-known Scottish hu- hard. times iwill -be at an end. If morist, character • Walton. Fo M MeNab, Cowan; Ge rge Maloney and !Jas. start for Manitoba on Friday.. they arrive safe and success attend is the wish of the day. A NEEDED APPOINTMENT.1-11 son, postmaster, has been app missioner for taking affidavits pointment will. be a great. cona tion for the people in this nei hbor as those requiring affidavits made not now require to go to Se forth and Brussels to have affidavits sw rn to BUSINESS CHANGES.—J. . Le nox Itas succeeded John McNab as lack - smith, and seems to be getting a good share of bUsiness. He is ver ir acco mo - dating and obliging, and there s no doubt but he will succeed and in rease in popularityi —J. Lena*, brother to J. J. Ile has leased John Cowan's wagon and is prepaing to start business, a doubt but he will do well, as 1 ther good opening l for this businese here CELEBRATION OF THE QUEEN'S B DAY. —At a meeting held at title Vi Hotel, respecting sports, 4c., o above occasion, it was decided th W. Maloney !act as chairman, and Messrs. C. McTaggart, R. Pattiso H. Palmer, James Ryan, and Jame ran, be a committee to arrange m in connection. Also that Messr Bell, T. Johnston and 0. McTagg appointed judges, and it is ',antic that this I will far su pass thing of the kind th4 has viously been held in this lo Subscriptionllists have been ' pene mpia t 9 and and .— eek the the in 2th rch- as a ire, 843, im, d to sid- cted t in gent uli- ales rust ohn eed, ay hem atti- inted com- Th's ap- oda- ood, will MAY, 18 1877. tel, for holding Court of Revision and other business of importance. MELANCHOLY INTELLIGENCE. ---it 18 only a little over a year since Mr. Win. Cash, of McKillop, received the sad in- telligence of the death of his eldest son in California. On Tuesday evening last he received a letter, informing him of the death a his youngest son, which took place in the hospital at Sacramento, on the 3rd. inst. ' This son was 21 years of age, and had. been in California for about two years, during which time he had been employed on the Central Pacific Railway. The following letter, which Mr. Cash received from the clerk of the hospital in which his EMI died, will ex- plain itself: 1 SACRAMENTO, May 6, 1877. Mr. William -Cash—Dear Sir: I am called upon to perform the sad duty of informing you of the death of your son Edward Cash, which occurred. at this place on May 3, from typhoid. fever. He was admitted. into the hospital en April 6, and little did we think tkat he would breathe his last in the same room as his brother Peter. *The doctor did not think he would die until about a week before his death. At that time he was taken with a severe hemorrhage of the bowels which was checked in a day or two, but the disease had weakened him so much that he could not rally. Good nurses _ were in constant attendance day and night. Nothing was spared to promote his comfort, as he had many warm friends at Wadsworth with whom he has associat- ed during the time he was on the road, who would. have gladly been with him, but their duty to their employers would not permit. Saveral ef them who were here from that vicinity as invalid's and friends of his, stood by his bedside while he breathed his last. You may feel com- forted to know that, though far away from his father and mother, he had many warm friends, who will sympathise witk you in your bereavement. His body has been kept in ice until to -day, , so that those who lived at a distance could be at his Inneral if possible. He will be buried to -day (Sunday) at . 430 P. M. ,followed. by those who sincerely regret 'his early death. We have had quite a number of cases of the same kind of Aeber from Wadsworth and -vicinity, whidh appears to be of a very malignant type. Rarely one recovers who comes from that local- ity. Your son left a valuable gold watch and chain and other articles, which will be subject to your order. Any further information or_request you may wish to make, by corresponding with J, R. Hal - son, superintendent of the hospital, will be promptly -attended to. I will inow close, and may an all, wise God sustain you with his divine strength in your hour of mourning for the loss of your son, but always remembering "what is your loss is His gain." Yours very truly, C. H. WILDER, Hospital Clerk. POPE lor has s liana stre $600. hose delineation of Scottish -good. times i do return, as no is said to be:unsurpassed. doubt they will, farmers and others - should ,take a lesson by the past, and. Brussels. ' proceed more -carefully ancl lay up some - 41 TY CHANGE. —Mr, Henry Tay- - thing for a rainy day. his house and lot, on NU: —There was notinu.ch.fall Wheat sown t, to Mr. Wallace Simpson,' for last fall., but what little there is looks 1 . 1 . better than any I have seek' for years. BRUSSFILS MARKETS, May 17, 1877.— In fact, it looks -very like ,the fall wheat Fall whelat,- $1 65 to $1 75 ; spring, of bygene .days, yet ithe.-exceptionally $1 55 to i $1 65:; , peas, 75c to 85c ; oats, good appearance of it ' this year should 50c to 55e; hay, $10 to 11;$butter,' not entice faimers intro riSkieg too much 18c to 20, ; eggs'10c ; flourf, $8 50 to $9 ; of it another year, for si.t hest it is a very potatoes, 60c to 65c. E risky crop. .1 ' A StAl TER 1N FURNITURE. —On Mon- —There is every prospect of a good - day last, as Thomas Dunford, drayman, ' fruit crop if the caterpillars can only be was -pass ng along John street . with a . kept down. It is to be hoped that the load of • household furniture, his team frosty nights recently will have nipped a took frig1t at some article falling off the ' good many o them-. • wagon arld ran away, jleaving the whole i —The ice lilever left the lake bere so contents trewed along the street badly ; early in, the memory of the oldest set - broken. 1 ' - • i tiers. The 1 at vestige of it went out of 111.a. AL FOR SIDEWALE,S. -- The ; sight on the 25th of April. In former • Council; On Tuesday last, asked for *ten- ' years it was io unconamon thing to see ders for for sidel• they rece 0,000 feet of good pine plank, ice floating about until a few days alks in the corporation, when before the ' 24th - of May. Swallows, ved four tenders at the follow- ' too, arrived about one month earlier than ing figur s : $7 75, $8, $8 45, and $8 75 i usual. , 1 per thou.and. The contract was award- —Some pe ple are everi ready to de- ed to Scot & Watt, of Brussels, at i,57 75 . nounce our climate, telling us of some deliv ered 1 far away country such as Missouri, North BeeNAWAY ACCIDENT. —On Thursday Carolina, British Columbia, &c., where evening ef last week, as Mr. John Hays. the climate is so salubrious and the soil lop, of Glrey, was turning his wagon and ' so productive, where bread is earned team on Turnberry street, on which was , without the Isweat of the brow, where a large lapd roller, the horses became un. i "turkeys ruti round roasted_ with forks managealple, and, milking a sudden start, i stuck in their breasts," Those warmer threw -Mit. Hayslop out of the wagon. 1 countries have, no doubt % their advant- The horses in turning around short upse* ages, but they have inany and sakes a most liberal response bee A grand procession of eolith open the day's proceedings Jumping, standing, runnin Dole. putting the stone (ligh 1 r: climbing a I greasy pole, wheel race, jack race, men and bears' r and other matches, for all of which some prism will be lawarded.. T and running horse races, pl+ng e basket on time, scrub race. bli bell tournament, sMoking contes gerbread eating, grinning ihrou collar, best dancer for botli sex last, not least, a chase for a pig greased tail. A dance will be h the hall at the conclusion of the sport. , \laclIillop. 1 - A CERTIXICATE. —A co been appointed to examine into the 'books and. accounts ship of McKillop, the Treasure Shannon, wishes us to publish t lowing certificate, which ie r from the said committee: "To it may concern.—This is to certif Mr. Solomon Shannon, Treasurer township of MeKillop, waslcorrec accounts with the township duri years he was in office." Signed—T. T. Coleman, Robert Turnbull, John O'Sul- livan. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. The met at Davis's Hotel, on My 5. bers all present. Minutes iead firmed. The committee appointe vestigate the townshiand cou ittee and of th nex, hop, • d no is a RTH- tbria the Mr. that , W. Cor - rt twer s tbe ated any- pre- ahty. , and rded. s will M. aerwaro i til ;.v ve) nning hand- ottsin gn •dfoldm , g - h the siand tha id in day's • 7 7 axing quire town - Mr. Le. fol- ceived whom that of the in his g the Z.11 Huron Notes. Dr. Dowsley, of Clinton, has taken a Dr. Gibson in partnership with him. —Mr. John McCuaig, of Clinton, has a hen which is capable of laying an egg which measiires 84 by 6-I lollies, and weighs four ounces. —Mr. J. Hamlin, late of Dashwood, has been appointed assistant postmaster at- Exeter. He is a geed one, and will be found most obliging. —The school trustees of iWingham have selected the Snell property on Frances street as the site for the new public school building to be erected there this summer'. ouncil Mem- d con - to in- -tyaccounts having . presented. their •report, ,avhich appears to be very 1 borio s and lengthy, it was moved, by Mr. Ke r, sec- onded. by Mr. Horan, that the re ort be receive& arid that a debenture li grant- ed to them for their services, v z.: $26 to each; also that Mr. Sh nnon • e paid. $8 and Me! Hays $4 for ttencrng the investigatinn—Carried. he f owing parties were paid the folloN mg s ms for charity, viz,:' Widow McDona d, S8; Amos Robinson, $5; Jaines Ken y, $5; Widow Reidy, $5, and Wm. Fin ey, $4. Moved by Mr. Horan, seconded Grieve, that by-law No. 3, rel the stopping and sale of the origi allowance in front of lot 28 and 1, MeKillop, Huron Road, as no be passed, and that the :offer of $ Mr. John Beattie therefer be acc Carried. M.oved, by Mr. Kerr, s by Mr. Horan, that the f amounts be expended in pillalic the township this year, viz.: No. 1 and '4, $275 each ; ;ward and 3, $250 each; also that -a grant of $300 be given orl expe gravelroad north of Seaf rth, on side line 10 and 11 • $4 on boundary line, provided. Logan equivalent.' Moved. in amendmen Evans, seconded. by William that wards Nos. 2 and 3 b6 app the sum of $225 each, and tha Nos. 1 and,4 be apportioned the $276 . each]—Amendment carrie Council adjourned to meet on Saturday in June next, at Herm —Mr. Thomas Murray has sold his small homestead of twelve acres not far from the village of Centralia, to Mr. Jas. Elliot, for ; the handsdme sum of two thousand dollars. —The trustees of Melville church, Brussels, are now having the land ad- joining the Church enclosed. a picket fence. .This will greatly improve the ap- pearance of the property. subsaription has. been started at Londesborough to recoup Mr Bell for —7 7 7— 7 77 GREAT OFFEWNG 1 I OF CHEAP DRESS GOODS el the recent loss of his stallion, able him to procure another lists are in good hands, and amount will likely be raised. —Mr. James Laird, of Brussels, has leased the hotel formerly ocupied by Mr. James Clark at Ethel, and will carry on the business hereafter. Mr. Laird is favorably known throughout the section, and will mike a genial Boniface. —Mr. William Lewis, of Stephen% last week sold a colt eleven days old to Mr. James Hodgson, of Usborne, for the sum of $100. The colt was sired by Crown Prince, the horse now, owned by Messrs. Oke, Bowerman & Hodgson. —One evening last week I Mr. John Triggerson, of the I first concession of Morris, had four of his most valuable sheep killed, and one badly werried by a dog. The animal was caught in the act and was speedily -despatched. It belong- ed to a person in Wingham. 1 —A local contemporary say: We sel- dom criticise the ladies' fashions, for we admire a well dressed and fashionable lady, Vut we muat say that in our opiniOn a narrow-guage dress on a brbad. guage female is not exactly in accordance with the eternal fitness of things. —Farmers in the northern townships are in excellent spirits. Ev ry one re- marks that they never knew a spring so favorable to seeding. Fall wheat could. not look better. The prospects of a good crop and high prices :er grain are making the hearta of the husbandmen glad. —Mr. James Stretton, of Brussels; last week brought the last of 87,000 feet of lumber from the North Shore, to be used in the construction of the proposed Queen's hotel, the work on which will commence shortly. When finished the new hotel will be- the most commodious in this section of Canada. • —The.- contract for enlarging the Wingham :Presbyterian church has been awarded to Messrs. Thomas and John Cooper, of, that place, for $647. An ad - and to en - one. The quite an 1 THIS WEEK AT • C McDOUICALL & CO 'S I NOTUD CHEAP DRY GOODS STORE. .1; 1 1, 1 We offer 150 pieces of Dress Goods at from 8 eenits to 15 cents per yard. worth 25 to 40 cents-- 1 this Is, without exception, the GREATEST BARGAIN We ever had to offer to our Customers, and we hope to see then). CLEARED OUT IN TEN DAYS. " THIS WEEK WE REDUCE ALL OUR SILKS 25 CENTS PER YARD To make a Clearance, our Mr. HILLY haling purchased at a Great Bargain A I Second Stock of Silks While in PARIS Last &Louth. A' FEW PIECES OF TAPESTRY: CARPETS At 65, 70, and 80 cents per yard by the 5 cents added if out. 1 piece, or TO THE LADIES. A. G. IfeDOU*7 ALL & Co. Beg to intimate to the Ladies of Seaforth and, aurrounding country that they hive 1added to their General Dry Goods Business the Mane - facture of LADIES' JACKETS AND MANTLES In an the NEWEST STYLES and Made of the FINEST MATERIAL. - This Department is under the Charge of AN EXPERIENCED •CTTER In whom we have every confidence in recom- mending to those who may favor us with. their Orders. Ladies will find in this Department .1, AN EXTENSIVE STOCK Of the Very Latest Mantle Cloths to Select from y Mr. dition of 21 feet in width is to be made STyLE tive to to the church, which will give room for 1 al road 250 additional sittings, thus affording an 1. 1 entire sitting capacity of about 700 sit - 9, con. read, tings. 0 from —The receipts for the toweship of Us- pted— • borne for the year 1877 amounted to conded $11,605.84 and the expenditures to Hewing $12,537.67. Local expenditure amount-. orks in ed to $1,04850; Schools, $4.269.86 ;1 Wards County rate, $3,735.24. The amount of No. 2 the collector's roll for 1877, not including specinal tri,17tr2.64.aleedfor railway purposes, was decin8 nd $80 —One of the famous tribe of Lilipu- he east tiaus, in the person of Miss'Stewart, of yes an Hay, visited Exeter a few days since,and by W. caused no small excitemen1 owing to her Grieve, small stature. Her height would seem rtioned to be about 23 inches. She is 27 years wards of age. Some time since, an. enterpris4 sum of ing i showman offered her father $1,900 to . The sign away all claim to her. He showed he first much better sense,however,and kept his 1 's Ho- daughter at twine. FIT ANDr FINISH, Combined with Moderate Charges, Guaranteed Wi ARE NOW SHOWING SAMPLE . MANTLES Of our own manufacture, in adaition to a very 'large Stock of Foreign Make. We Invite a Call: NO TROUBLE TO SHOW THEM.. A. G. MCDOUGALL TENTIT YEAR. WIIOLE No. 494. 1 MEAL ESTATE FOR Pid PROPERTY FOR SALE.—Fr Sale, venient and. desirable residence on t, of High and. Market Street -a, now occupi Verooe. Apply to Bit. VERCOE: - _ Vil.RM FOR SALE. --For sale, Lot No -I: 18, MKiUop, cont ing 50 are, 15 are cleared, the balance welltimbered, one rcdle from gravel road, and cone churches, schoole'&c. Price $1,800. Ai STRONG , Land Agent, Seaforth. FOB SAT 11.—Atwo storey frame 11011,6C bilildittp, situated on the Market : Seaforth, for sale or to rent. The buil ° suitable for a boarding house or a public For particulaxs apply to W. N. WATS forth, -or to DANIEL GORDON, Goderie WARM FOR SATE.—North half of Lot -L" 5, township of Monis, County ef II • tainiug 97 acres, best of bend, 70 Imre. balance ell hardwood bush, a-001 frame stable, and a bearing orchard. The far watered eradin the best condition, and is and a half miles from Brussels elate Western Railway. For toms apply to eS SYTH, on the •prereiees, or Bruessele P. DESIRAI3LE PROPERTY FOR S„ - Side, a brick dwelling with 8 acres tubed, on which is an orchard of all kin treee. The house is 24x30 and in „ there is a wood.shed and milk house, also • and a second dwelling house of frame 18 property is situated within two and a. in Seaforth. Also several dwellings and o erties in Seaforth for sale. apply to A. Seaforth. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE,— that comfortable and convenient' dwelling house and lot, adjoining the Episeopal Church, and at present accupi W. S. Robertson: The house contain: - dining room, parlor and 5 bedrooms. A lor and woodshed, also hard and soft Av stable. The lot is a corner lot and is block of the Main Street. , Apply to W. ERTSON, Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot township of Grey, County of H leining 100 acres of good land, 58 acr. balance timbered. -with Beech, Maple New frame bank barn and. etable. -A goo orchard cif 50 trees. The above farm from 13ruesels station, Great Western Ra only 21 miles off gravel road. For! ticolare apply to JOHN LONG on the pi Brussels P. 0. vAgm FOR SAL -P, —For Sale, East h ▪ Con. 4, Turnberry, County of Hum. ing 50 acres, 40 acres clear -ed; good gotoear bS6tarhigationc'arenhad 1-d 2i sm jinni udbessvta rabeo aaltiNisrolono e en the Great Westor Possession given let September, 1677. particulars apply to ROBERT :RICILA.R the premises, Bluevele P. O., or to C. It, Brussels P. 0, with stamp for =ewer. WARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot * -v-: Tuckersruith, containing 100 awns land, about 70 of which aro cleared, the good hardwood bush; frame house, and stable; .an orchard, good well; con schools, churches, &e. Is situated abo from Seaforth and 1 mile from Bruceliel on a good gravel road. For further apply to the proprietor on the preznise letter to Brucefield P. 0, THOMAS Tnekersmith. VA11.11 FOR S&1-E.—For Sale, Lot ▪ Hibbert, containizzg 100 acres of e about 80 of which are cleared and in a of cultivation, the balance is good hard\ Good. franaehouse, frome bane stables buildings; good orchard, well watered; to schools, churches, &e. Is situated miles from Seaforth and two and a half Cromarty, 021 ft good gravel road. Te For further particulars apply to the pro the premises, or if by letter to Crum JOHN RICE. _ARGE FARM FOR SALE.—For -v--4 beautiful farm, eomprising Lot t) t eed the Borth three-quatters of Lot 26 175 acres in ell, situated in the Towne Finale County of Huron, on the lem road, midway between Seaforth and lertS farm is in a good state of cultivation, and watered, and convenient to church a 1435 acres 111,0 cleared. and the balance timber. On the farm is a dwelling le outbuildings, and a young orchard. l• particulars address SAMUEL HANNA, Pennsylvania, U. S. WARM FOR SALE—Being north half Con. 2, Township of Hey, containin 45 of -which are cleared, in a good state tion, and well underdrained; the bala- timbered with hardwood; good dwelli frame barn, stables, and all neeeesary out good orchard, two good. wells, good fi everything in firstclass order- toneenient churches,&c. Is situated 2 ;Mies from pen or Hensel; there are awns in cm rest is well seeded; the farm will be so -without the crop - possession will bogie. ately. For further :particulate apply t prietor on the premises or, address 10 •BENSON S. PHILLIPS. WARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lots Con. 6, Stanley; contaiuiug 99 acres, are cleared and about 40 acres in 5 within one mile of the village of Varna, v are churches, schools, and all village cm There is a choice of four good market - miles, the nearest being within 4 miles a good. dwelling house and frame ou consisting of barn, horse and cow stab shed, sheep pens, &c. Plenty of Water r tra good. orchard.. There is a cheese fac corner of the farm which could he purr.) the 'wee if desired. Immediate pewee,. to the proprietor on the premises -or to THOMAS JOHNSTON, Je: ATALIJABLE MILL PROPERTY Yo: ✓ The property is eituated on the Te Grey, about 3 miles -from Ethel etati Southern Extension of the Vet:Hinge e Brace Railway. The machinery ton home engine, 40-hoese 5 -fine b4ikr, lin edging and butting saws, shinele and h chine and shingle jointer. The 1021.0 filet -class, and has only been runeine and. eight mouths. This 122 a rare elle of capital, as thereisd good local trai quantity ofTimber of all kende to be factory reasons given for keeling. Full on application to (}ARROW BROTH Post Office. N. 13.—A1l notes and eree dee must be settled at once, and eat - expense. A,TALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, - • 16 and south half Lot- 17, Con. I, lug 150 aeres, 123) of wide): are dear, good state of cultivation- There is a house and a frame cottage, the harn. stable and other outbuildieee are ail 1: are about 10 neree of cheice apple, pe• fruit trees, and about 300 spruce tree - years. • There is a never -failing etre - through the centre 'of the farm, en we: raill tete, a good gra•,11 real on t farm It is eituattel one mile from tion and four milui from Exet. r. Road, and is ju.,,t acros7; the road fr.-iti• vine post office and church. For 71.1:- lari; apply to JAMES W. ELDER. /Surgeon, Seaforth P. 0. -- - VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR Sale, Lois Nos. 94, 95 and 24, in 11 • cession of McKillop, containing 240 80 of which are cleared, v:ell fenCtil xox state ef cultivation ; the balanee is: with the best of harilvoesdr There is is house with stone feundation, ale() a. and log barn; there is also another 1 house on the place. A bearing erehard also a young orehard with same mut of good water. Is on the nortbena from Seaforth, and adjoins t Winthrop, in which are all villege e including a cheese factory, saw and gris the btillaing known us Heamabee property will be solden one parcel- or in purchasers, Apply to the propriet premises or to Winthrop Post Office. HAIiNAH, Proprieter: