The Huron Expositor, 1876-09-08, Page 6N EXPOSITOR. •S • HOw to Fee HorSes. J -raving selected. the food or mixtur of food we propose to e, we have no to consider the form u which that foo may be most advantag ously given. I comes to us in the for of hay or grain. and is open to two obj tions. The ion hay is wasted by the a ihnals allovving portion of it to fall un er their feet, an the whole grain is lia le to pass undi avoid these sources Of 1. ss we advise ilia the hay be chopped an, the grain erushe Experience enables us to say positivel that these operations re productive o they entail is maliy ti es repaid by tit prevention of waste in ay, and the mor complete digestion of 11 the grain eate It has been objected t these operation that they induce a har e to bolt hiafooc o nly half masticated. We- crush kra not to improve upou astication, not t save the animal the t ouble of chewin his food simply to br ak- the envelope and thus allow easy d gestion. We d not grind. it to powder but are quite con tented if lit be split. No doubt,' horse with good teeth woul give a good ac count of 'most of the rain they are al lowed, but we are not satisfied to los auy, and, therefore, e reduce all th corn to a form which, hile it might stil be well masticated, it s most favorabl for digestion ; to a f0 I 11 in which, eve should it escape the te:th, it will not es eape the stomach. T e- cutting of hay i advised for a differen reason. We d not suppose that this ,. echanical opera tion affects its digesfi ility: We cut i to prevent its Waste in transit from gran ary to pit, and in th stall, when th horse pulls a mouthful from the manger bat principally to mix ith the grain, s as to compel the ho se to thoroughl masticate the whole I his provender der , foot, are trample on aed. spoilt some horses, from isehief, wilful' throw their hay on th floor,*and thes cutting the hay this aSte is prevented as the animal can only remove a -mouth ful at a time. The le gth of cut is al most immaterial, bein equally effectiv if cut to two inches as ut to a half. Almost of more im rtance than th form in which ifood is given is the fre quency and regularit meals. Th horse's digestive org nit _are, not con structed for long fasts .Long interval without food produce unger, and hong indigestion and' colic follow. This I doubly true and doub dangerous wit horses cloieg hard wor . They come their long -deferred me 1.not only hungry but exhausted ; not on y is the food bolt ed, but the stomach is in such a state a to be incapable of tho ughlY.active di- gestion, and is overpo erect bY half the digest.. The preventi,u of- waste is al- most attained when we give a proper form but there are two poin s to which it is right to devote some it entionthe form; of the mangers, and attention to the wants of the individu 1 animals. The mangers should. bot b less than three feet long, 18 inches e, and 12' inches 'deep. They should h ve an under bor- der of wood projecting inward for two niches, and a transverse bar of half inch of two -inch -wide hoop ron screwed on to the tep of the manger protects it from damage by the horse's th. This siniple arrangement 'prevents the horse from throwing out his corn, nd the provender is not in so thick a layer as in the ordin- ary nal row and shallow manger.—lfichi- gan Farmer. • Ladies and Sle ping Cars. speaks with del His proauneiatio is head is very.bro ks reverence a part of his brain nimal passions i era ion and with an im- n poorly ducated, d at the ase, aud toward he top. gm point of view he d benevolence, and that wlueh is the s at of the largely (level ped. To sleep tied up and steel bound is of course out of the que tion, so there is nothing to do but nfasten buckles, strings, &c., lie on one' back, and wrig- gle out. But yea cannot wriggle in the morning, nor can you convey such arti- cles as I have mentioned through the cars to the ladies' dressing room? while you endeavor to. hide, your diminished self en route under an all enveloping we= terproof. That is to say, it cannot pos- sibly be done without giving an object - lesson on feminine make-up to all the men in the car, for such articles caimot be bundled up so as not to reveal their identity by unmistakable outlinee. As if all this were not enough -to deter wo- men from entering "eleepers," the de- - signers of these conveyances with wan- ton malignity, have lined 'them with mirrors, and if one additional trial can I ,a 1 Cor Up to a rece as carried on Wiens, and ev n t the pre hey practice it Mor than any ion. At the end of the year 18 ere 433 Italian co 1 fishing b 1 Fishing - CLOTHIi4C ESTABLI;SHMOT, DAMNING POST OFFIC4 -MAI eriod, coral fishing • almost exclusively by ent day ther na- 69, there ats, 329 1 Greco. oral ves- e quan- 'of the ,000a 000 as, how- to the in coral fishi g—there er he French flag, but -e come Fre ch sub- itar service. he -only vessels. rail fishery of itther na- dors not amount to a of which belonge The shores most Seta were those_o tity of coral ann Vessels, accordin recent years, ex lire (X160,000). ever, declined si circumstance th Algeria—and esp place are engage 4re more than a boats sailing un - having cretis Italians, who ha lects to avoid mi Others who enga the Spaniards, a ho have sixt 41together, the ions than Italia million and a hal .A curious stor on a Western rai way, who, wh le going o his train one or iing not lang ago, as arrested by 4n officer of the law and o officer of -the road On his shirt front was a $5,000 diamond pin, and in his I tot, Torre d ally fished b eede in value Th fishery req ented by is told of a nductor bcket were a value chain: In his trilink 30,000 in gover rn. bank was t le gold watch and the officers found me t bonds. An East - leg aphed to, and the psponse mei tha bail could be furnish dd in $90,000, if necessary, as that wa the amount depo AO to the cofiductor! credit there. T e' conductor hen re torted by calling iinfo ed the offi been worn b thr conductor 20 years htthe watch slanged , to him before b money in the bank belonged to his wife as hei to an 'estate.' The lawyer sug o fp Ihis 't ion! would b asked a lawyer, wh 'politely ers that the lolia.mond d illegally taken had d ate en, ther ues ens ear raent dwelf Verse horn prom • alt °ugh hie. She e2?1 and Mar - riage. rtain liort f talent is alm st indis- bile for pe ple who wou d spend together a d not bore themselves e talent, like the agree - must abe or and aboot life. To happily getheri they should be with faculty for will ng com- and it will not Much mat - she jar talented i nothing nu t know her etier de d t is More impo ant that ul be a good gossip, and ly ndl smartly of common f the ay nd hour, than that she PPen ore frequently in mar - feigner t dinner. That people eve rniny a , gory of "grouse in ur-roo , many an old ioke be - them w fell. time cannot wither tom spa' is a better preparation by y ur leave, than many other ighe a better sounding in the ears. You coeld read ICant by f, if °ill wanted, but you must joke with some one else. You ve o e who do not follow you I your ifs laughing w en you had your eyes, or staring when you a fit f tughter, wou d go some e marriage. some dis- r So much g to dis- 140i:ft wtaokrde robs, the life turns any 'more I mind, r of the a a jfi alk easan rien and ings houl nd riege haul nd 1 he wee or hing orlc ours hare an f hrou o fin ears ere ay t aste be added to those I have described it is P to fr fora woman to be -forced to see herself at every turn as she appears to others the morning after a night in a sleeping - berth before damages have been repair- ed.—Lcotcloa Advertiser. • A Long Row in a Skiff. The Detroit Past of .Hriday says : "One of the arrivals at this port was that of a man named =raffles R. Gay, who 'started to row from. Boston to this city on a wager of 0,000, made between two m Boston men 109 days ago; he to receive 7 -$500 if reaching this city in four months. The trip covered a distance of something less than sixteen hundred miles, via the Atlantic coast of Maine ,Gulf of St. Law- in rence, the lakei and their cormections to this point. The time allowed him he- fif ing 120 days the limit necessitated but 1;0 a speed of thirteen and a half miles per h day, a very moderate ,rate. Gay, who is ahead of his time eleven days, is a short, thick -set man, with an -extremely florid countenance, and heavy, full face. He is a native of Keene, N. IL, 'and has spent most of 1328 life on the water. He has probably had an easier time while attempting to win his prize than when pursuing his usual vocation, the only mishap he has suffered being the cap- sizing of his skiff by the swell of a steam- er when about five miles from Portland, Me. He was provided with an ample supply of priovisions, but had leisure enough to enjoy the farmer hospitality along the line of his row. Gay himself states that he..had no very dangerous ad- ingui ther hrewsl mak his s ighe ank ake, osst As a g its ear D ad a ornet ventures, but that his voyage was al- most monotonous ina its freedom from stifling incident. His boat, which weighs but 160 pounda,'served as a roof nights when too remo rom dwellings to' en- joy their sepu Altheugh the Aril) seems to have een one which a man enured to expo ure—and with a powerful physique like at of Gay would consid- er a pastime rat, er, than a labor, especial. ly with a certai prize of $500 held out BrighaM Yo of age, ancl, no what feeble w some reason or m Young. is now abouli 75 years ithstanding his some - and the fact that for other his neck was ban- tty Well preserved.- Ile a w man who, fro ratan the Meaning and as given up try her o n politics, ask en or oinen, and th you il not find tren ha t, and hum plainer what hay n has a sh poetical und teres d en re rstanding, i things for their own rtg astonishment at the ong f neral Procession was wend - ay last week to the cemetery venport, Iowa) the driver of the riage gate a hay -stack by the at with nest is whip, and s Hundreds of swarme out of fte stack, an 1 horseal drivers and mourners reared' and bro wielded fans and intermittently ; kerchiefs and s deed, the corp e kept MS temp r solemnity of t —The introduct the gooclsoffiee westerpi Railwa at Birmingham- has • proved, so successful that the 'directors liave been induced to try the experiment ip other large centres of traffic ruck a hornets ticked Horses parasols and Shrieked en swung their hand - ore consistentlY. In - vas the only party that nd bore in mind the the London a d North - on of female :itlerks into LIM ER. THE CRA riErE UNDERSI the attentio Stock of Lumber aim best quality, SIZED HE From 10 feet, up. All orders sen ly attended to; orders. Intereet pricea be ore pnre EU NpD would beg leaVEI to call of the public to their Large oil all kinde, and Shingles o nd at the very Lowest Prices. °CIE ALWAYS ON HIM, b or otherwise napt- di count of percent on large ha7edi on accounts- running k -enquiries as to quality and sling elsewhere. GARPOWrIlltrW0,1 ti THE War ran STR emarkable his pa roils FAL A OF ET,. SEAFOF§TH success which has attended t during 41he past year well on of it, and 1Willitun. Hill hat the • WI NTER I ST4ICK MA ERIALS 'FOR gUITS AND Will be very :cowl ma CLOSE EC N Eve • g and Wo IL I op osit OUT b .11 te, and every effort will be MY with STYLE and a Gunrantried as its M HILL, the Consolidated Sank, SE AF' BUSINEOS VA E WE beg lean to DRUG S EST TO MESS ED • Possession to have disposed of our E AND JEWOLRY ISHMENT DR. VERCOE AND NOT H VI And all House - e in Clea IN THE E So we invite ur f GOODS M ST MATTE VI As the premise and HAIGHT, speak your kin • are nd a cone he Middle of Goods, these .must all be ed Out 'ends to come now for the eh your. tunnies, as- t143 • BE SOLD AT NO AT SACRIFIE. leased to Masers. *WOE nor we are sold ot4 we be ideration for our suceessors. ME TN an IC L RTANT TESTIIMCiNY FIL 11 an nicely kept, FILL clime TAG opt." FL OR Ace Emulation of lIUST, f moves, no nintte how 1 SECT LIFE rider be omes -it FRIGHT - of ISEA.SE and CON- • IL CLOTHS. Do no allow t e D ST to filter through, and For DI ING 00 and HALLS it is far can be kept perf ctly clean and hcallthful. Superior to Ca ets i A SP END D ASSORTMENT OF A TERNS In all W dths fro IL 12 feet, at M HILL'S, the Commercial Hot*. SMOK WELL They a ply at cnt PE URED Which they warranted e. STREET, SEAFORTH. AND SIDE-ME/4. AND Dior, will sell Cheap. GENERAL GROCER MAIN ST to Strong .ftFairley,) AND PPIOVISION DEALER, TN THANKING the Public for the very beral Patronage I have received since assuming the -1- business of Strong & Fairish andby s et attention to business and upright dealing 1 hope to have a continuance of the same. I have no on hand n LARGE STOOK OF 0 0104 FAMILY GROCERIES, Which I will sell for a Small Advn ce on Cosi for Cash, comprising ha part of Teas, Sugars, Syrups, Coffees, pices Sauces, Currants, _Raisins, Rice, Pot Bairley, Split P as, (672d Biscuits of all kinds. I have just received a large stock of Can ed Goods, consisting of Peaches, Strawberries, Rasp berries, Pine Apples, TomatOes, Plums, X alade and Jam, Canned Salmon, Mackerel,Lohsters, and F ee to any Part • FLOUR andi FEED Constantly n Rand, and Delivered POTATOES FOR 20 CENTS PER BUS EL. Remember the Place, Strong & Fairley's Land, South side. M. MO BISON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Alrparties wanting to buy Liqu rs of the best quality are inv'ted to 'visit THOMAS D. R • AN'S NEW ON MARKET Wiere they will find that th y can get good STORE Hotel Keepers and Oth rs buying in Larg ARE SPECIALL Any Orders left at Killoran & shortest noticr. REQ §TED TO CALL. yan's -1k1 'stand will be attrded to- on the T. D. R.1741r, Seaforth. Quantities 1876 THE A. TT TiZT M 1\T. HAVING JUST RET RNED FROM A VISIT TO 1876 LEADING WHOLE ALE HOUSES IN CANADA, WHERE I VE SELECTED MY I have much Pleasure in annou zng to 2ny Customers and the Public in General t t I will be able TO OFFER THEIVI GOODS THJS SEASON AT A VERY 8m LL MARGIN ON Co,ST. As I intend, in future, to c nfine my business more cloSely on a cl I would respectfully ask my friends to leave me a little more of that article as well as their REDIT and , TRADE. THANKING THEM FOR THE LIBERAL SUPPORT ACCORDED ME A Szipport which has increased former years IN TETE PAST YEAR, my Sales considerably in, advance of and hoping by' a STRICT ATTENTION TO T WANTS OF MY customERs In the Future to merit a con nonce of heir good -win and supilaort. .Full and Entire List of All epartments Next Week. it i HIGHEST C SH PRICE PAID FOR ANY QUANTITY OF GOOD DAIRY BUTTER. TH9MAS KIDD, Seaforth. EGG EMPORIU The subscriber hereby thanks his num customers (merchants andethers) for their libe patronage daring the past seven years, and h by strict integrity and dose attention to inutin to merit their confidence and trade in the futur Having greatly enlarged his yr:ernieesid the winter, be is now prepared io pay thee HIGHEST CASH PRIC For any quantity of good fresh eggs, dellv at the Wanted by the subscriber 25 tons of good clean WHEAT STRAW. Corn Meal -C And Kind.; of NM Peed Constaritly on' Hand Chopping dme Tuesdays andrrldays, Oatmeal exchanged:fosOate...Iligibest-pisielpsid fes - Peas auflJlasley,-. 4IS z WO** 41110340N • Vire preqr POdgFu•ABleute Olt; SE TEMBER 8, 1876. TRY I BEST PLAC. Al\TD PROVE IT. THE SE ORTH MUSICAL INSTRUMENT EMPORIU3, WII.J.SION 4. SCOTT Beg to dire t the atten um of the public to the foll wing fact They make A Speciality the Best Rianos and Organs in the Canadian marke CEL BRATED PIANOS. Never be ore has al' piano been sub - tests by f ends and oes as have the - above nam instruments, The scale, being so r *calif different from any other, to genious in, its construction, and produc g such 'WO derful power and. purity of to el has att acted the atten- tion and admiration of mechanics, phil- osophers at.d. =laical loritios ; and they have theref re been lo+ed. t4ion as into- lia other Pianok, who, behig unable to find in them. any weak points for assault, have endehvored to storm them by unjust as- sertions. BO aft.e.r. ten !Years of thoroUgh trial of the one, and. T enty of the other that they 114ve more t n vindicated. the highest hopes of thei friends, Ana are test silencing the guns of their enemies. A trial is sill th_at is req ired to thorough- ly convince the public ilf these facts. : TOE. VO EL & LINCOLN onus Are Universally acknoviledged to be the best in the market, and each instrutnent is fully warpnted .for five years. The folloWing are a few of the many advan- tages we els4im for this instrumenti over all others made : The 1rATENT PLANO is is- fully pro id and ted. Sparkling Vivacity is y this itnp rted -to the mu- sic. Is aliv yak tune The Manifold Pipe Igives 'chness an purity of ;tone, equaliling qt. e best Pipe Organs, is inov- 7 equalled= alone. " Sr 'ence, experience, goc411`stoc "skilled wiarkmauship and hones t pur e make these Organs. They fully voic Ana tuned. - Pianos a d Organs o other makes sup- ways'on d. Re Dem r the Esc , and don't pass us bY AGR The Whe BO re Anot Horse this sp being early a Woo the tea PO 8 AVORI# C. WILLSON'S IUM, SEJ,FORTH. est altd Che,apest Race in the 74 to Purelmise Agricultural pte 148. you get an Implement rom you can rely upon it being as resen ted. et' car load or Sharp's felf-Dumpbig akes, 700 ol which -hate -already been sold iug. there are oCly fifteen. hundred de t season,larMers had -bettering the e 04 win. soOn lEt nen out. s1 Selil-Bake Reaper isi in greater lemand r thala ever before. INone otter stands • john fielf Rake -neaps*, too weR knowiato need ommendation; Of all escriptions. Anothe car load a those perfect Meth, Slayer's, Masse?* No. 18. 'it Some hhig New in Gang lows. The . Wrough Ire4 Frame Gang low. This is • wiV. be ven, on trial. Satisfaction guaranteed er nose . its O. C. believes that an iMptelltent that wo 't stand toltizig ain't *Ortb buying- , SE What sensible Has no which very p, MACHINES,* yeays mutt be true, and eyerY - now admits that FLOItENCE . !All kinds of irmehines 141 iitockt= stddlf people will insist on 'laying Plow oints end ill kinds of Vsgtings pairs al ye mal hand. Sewing ons, Atti.ehments ter for th and There N waraly had a -the twa Mean a rkr he the you Ame gentlem to bathe the sea. r. rutted the spy -could on -and slwee eau sndi gad in Seed for Baei -Eve re from -the certmony seconds 4' ripplm gave fu of theb the her h iumn1 la ex.'s cool bzidegroo :then :we next Oe Comedy the sem a Grand -1 ENTIR Traveilet "You are one of o day, as n cars to She looke did not h just as we ,of onepas the point. —Two Richard agents fel bench ef of having Garafrax tie in at Gird evidence gave the they repr policy nn purchaser fire by it appears demnified paid. for t of the pro stated to was actu -eused. we that the A half of th ttepartie bmaeh false repr of -the Ac EPPRIS eden 'many hee . judicious .4 'tomtit stro to