The Huron Expositor, 1876-09-08, Page 5He might as gate posts of - The lists ew onesehad he township about $20. an for such at the time he was mak- e efforts to re of his foot ticipality so office next consequent een so great to such an int for the ENIEWER, another cora- Bayfield. conecil of model" tprotgru SCHOOL Prc-N Lee it ottr tin . The anus. • al picnic of the Sabbath l• ool- in coo. neation with the Presbye :an (Union) congregation of Bayfield, -er the charge :hibition of of Rev. Mr. Russel, was held on Friday ociety will : Sept 1. The place selected was Middle, Vednesday, ton's Point, which is well adapted for money will such gatheringa, and quite close to tge :ive stock, • village, The morning was cloudy and esual art i- threatening, but the arrangements were al exhilais gone forward with, and by 12 o'clock everything was in readiness and a large ne between number of people on the ground8. ne the silver tables presented a beautiful appearance [played on and. the energy and taste of the.ladies in ie -grounds charge were loudly praised. One lain- •5erice of dred and twenty-five children sat down ie did not to the first table, and it is estimated that ancount of nearly 500 people were present., Atter tit of both all had partaken of the good things' pro., tars, they vided for them, many repaired to the ars m the speakers stand. Wm. Heil, Esq.y was r, but to celled upon to preside and discharged his y of bath duties in a very happy manner. Brief arge score appropriate addresses were delivered by 'aulin, of Rev. Messrs. Jamison, Broly, Danby, to the en- , Yokezn, and. by Mr. Amason of the lib& The Freuch and Euglieh Presbyterian Mie- n visiting sion of Etrysdales and Grand Bend. The ell pleased children and teachers -ander the superin- hey were tendence,of Mr. Stanbury and Mr. An- luh. The derson, sang a selection of hymns which r .team in T addedgreatly to the pleasures of the day. Found. the Swings were provided for the children, r in print ! and a programme of foot races was, drawn f making out, into which sport the boys entered in fixture most heartily. Although the day was , quite cold, very few left until after five A o'clock, and all, especially the young, a n seemed to feel that they had spent a LI happy da,y. The school is in a, hearty condition there is an average attendance o , 0 2 of 50 scholars, with a staff of 10 teaehers 3 3 who manifeat the deepest interest in the ggood work they have undertaken. 1 4 ' E.,PTE:s(iBEit 8, 187 linnuftwommi school section No. 1, $400 ; 8ChOOI8_ tion No. 2, $770; school section ate.7 $490 ;sol,,1001 section No N . 4, $445 ; school section o. 5, $748 20 ; school section No. 6, $700 ; school section No. 7, g475 school section No. 8, 8675 ; school setli. tion No. 9, $630 00; scitool see. tion U 5, 8300 96; school section R 0 8, g487 ; total for schools,.$6,121 16; nee tion carried. The by-law was the read and passed. Moved by Mr. Britton, seconded by Mr. Howson, that the peth tion of Jae. Stanley and others be grant- ed, and that the sum of $15 be granted to Mrs. Buckle, an old and indigeat per- son -Carried. The Council was then, adjourned to meet again at Londetboro . on October 2.1. 11 25 A. E 0 2 1 8 4 2 1 4 40 13i 0 1- 0 u Id 29 7 8 9 10 5-39 • 3 1-26 • Left on ro-base hits blee Wroxeter. iMaples, T. mahip of a -as play- betuteen - mid the P ie Silver io doubt, rhe New [able an and the he latter eatehing, Domin- nris, and • roached ase hits g to the tich the fact of a genie h Stars, ings to. ampired y to. Ion has his ;old a stock ey the bitaatts , the in- • lamity. . trussels lace on d 15th . uccess. now in Walton. BA sE BALL. -On Saturday last the - True Blues -of Walt on played a friendly , game of base ball with the Haymakers of Irishtown, on, the grounds ,pf the • latter,. At the ew.1 of the seventh in- nings when the game closed, the score stood 63 to 25 in favor of the TrueBlues. , A zeturn match will probably be played before long. NEARLY A FIRE. -The house occupied , by Mr. Wm. Mitchell of this place caught ' fire on Monday last. Iwas caused by t a little boy dropping liglatecl matches dawn between the platform and th.e building. .Assistance was rendered and ! the tire quenched before it made .any ! headway. I Gaescs PLOW TET.. -A test of • gang ' plotts took place on Friday afternoon ' last on the farm af Mr. ,John Sellars, Walton. Three plows entered for com- petition, viz : A cast-iron frame plow . by J. Nepper of Seaforth; a cast-iron, - frame plow by Mr. Wilson of Brussels, and a wrought iron frame by Mr. Wilson : of Brussels. The plows were, thoroughly tested, first itt pea ground and then ia oat stubble. The ground with the ex- ception of being too dry was in goocl order, and excellent work was made by all the, implements. The judges had considerable difficulty in deciding which was really the best, but ultimately awarded ethe first prize to the Seaforth cast-iron frame, the second to the Brus- sels cast-iron frame and the third to the Brussels wrought -iron frame. So far as the work done was concerned there was scarcely any perceptible difference but w the Seaforth plowas consiclera the best adapted for stubble land, as the space between the wheel and the shears was about two inches wider in it than op any of the others and was consequentl considered less liable to choke. We al• informed that Mr. Nopper sold fair ef his plows an the ground. We did not learn whether or not Mr. Wilson I made any sales. There was quite a large attendance of spectators and. a very , lively interest seemed to be manifested in the working of the several plows. The following gentlemen a,eted as judges : John Mowbray, McKillop' - Wm. Little. Morris, and John -Ritchie, Grey. GOderiCh. CrEam THE sroNAL.1 E.oncert FoR THE CENTP,AL. ----Thos. Moore,who Star criminally assaulted. a -little girl in Col- der of borne, ancl Joshua Farr, who obtained inaday mone– y under false pretences, in Grey, raronte were removed. to the -Central Prison on d, seats Wednesday last. .Little, AGED] COUPLE . -On Tuesday last a marriage was solemnized in town, in ynn, which. the ages of the bride and bride-- alauce ' groom summed a total of 130 years, the h acre, bride being 64 years old and the bride - dames groom Ga. May they see many haPPY the - days yet. Turn-. INseet E. -Last week another unfortum all, to ' ate nanied Rooney was brought from .rames . Brussels, for confinement in the jail at ess GoderichHe was an old man of about Mr. 70 years, harraless, but without friends, e and and his body bore bruises caeised by boys rch at who pelted hina with stones. SE RENA DE8.-011 Wednesday evening the Silver Cornet Band serenaded Mr. Secord, lumber merchant, and Mr. E. Runciman. On Friday evenhag a similar honor was paid to Sheriff Gibbons. In each instance the mueicians were hospit- ably entertained, and liberal donations of cash made to the band. THE FIffEftIES.--The shipments of iish from Goderich last week onlyanaount- ed to 25000 pounds, operations here hav- ing been suspended. The fishermen nave been making preparations to visit the Fishing islands, and it is expected they will alt leave this week. Mr. Jas. Alit" chen shipped to Brussels during last week, 2,40u pounds of salt fish. AssesonT AND BORBERY.-On TuesdaY forenoon Douglas Smithson and Michael Markey were brought before Judge Toms on a charge ef assaulting and robbing Luke Kelly, of Harpurheye in Seaforth on Wednesday gvening, Aug. 30111, and elected to be tried before the Judge on Friday next. From the information laid, it appears that Kelly wait returning hon2,e from werk on the evening mentionea, and he stopped and seated himself in front of Markey's hotel, and there be met All °ruler hdi by itton, ; Vey. from . Sera- :/` for 5 fur ples, 1 11 ; • gra- r the tried. d. by oared , and ty itt for ur- s in three for SEPTEMBER 8 1876. ;net Markey, Smithson and some other persoos whom he (lid not know. Kelly bought a pint of whiskey and treated all genas. At about 10 o'clock he prepared to start home, when he was seized by Smithson and two other men whom he did not know, forced into the back part ef the stable, and while Smithson and one of the strangers held him the third person rifled his pockets, searched hiti elothing, even pulling off his socks and boots to be sure that he had no money concealed about him. 'They secured only .65 cents,when they let him go after he had been considerably abused. Markey was standing by all the time, but offered no interferenee. Both prisoners are har .cases. Clinton. [FRoNt THE NEW ERA.] BASE BALL.-The'recuniseh Base Ba .Club of London have arranged to give a -exhibition game in Clinton in a few days. EGGS FOR ENGLAND.—Stimulated b the success of a Seaforth merchant, w understand it is the intention of Messrs. Ross & Lee, of Clinton to send a quant ity of eggs to England, IMPORTED HORSE, -Mr. , J. ,Bell, o Londesboro, who had been spending som time in the old country,. returned lasti week, bringing with him from Scotland, a fine heavy draught stallion' which wil doubtleis increase the high • reputatio this county has earned of producing the hest stock in Ole Province, ACCIDENT. -A few days since, Mr. John Mulley met with an accident whic came very near costing him his life. 11 was at work in a 40 foot wellgmakin some repairs, when a pump log becam detached from above and. fell to the bot tom, grazing his head, and strikin. him on the foot, which is very badl bruised, • '('N CIL EETIN C. -The Council me at Chambers' Temperance House on th 2nd. inst. Memberae all present. nuniqr of accounts for contracts &c were) presented, examined, and ordere to be paid. The collector presented -hi bonds, secured by twit freeholders fo the approval of the council, when it wa moved by Alex. Kerr, seconded by Wm. Itrieve, that the collector's bonds -as no presented be accepted. -Carried. Move by Alexaoder Kerr, seconded by Wm Grieve, that the clerk be instructed to ascertain the total amount of interest accruing from the Municipal Loan Fund surplus appropriation received, and len out to different parties. Said amount o interest to be apportioned by Mr. Dewa the inspector, to each respective Schoo Section and Union Section in the town ship in accordance with the by-law rela tive thereto. -Carried The next meet ing of the Council will take place a Davis's Hotel on the first Saturday i October next. Kippen. FIRE. -About ten o'clock last night? th inst, the barn on the farm of Mr. C. McLeod on the London Road, about on ancl a quarter miles from Kippen, to- gether with its contents which consiste of the whole crop, grain and fodder'of Mr. McNeil, who has the farm rented with agricultural implements and threshing machine belonging to M Smith of Stanley. The building wa insured, but the contents will be an en- tire loss. The origin of the fire is u known but thpught to be the work of a incendiary. Carronbrook. ExcuRSION.-The excursion to Gode ich on Wednesday last, which was got up by the merchants of this place, was grand success, over 1,200 people par tieipating in the benefits of a cheap rid The Mitchell Brass Band accompanied the excursion, and enlivened the journey with appropriate music. There were also excursions on the lake, which were taken advantage of by most of the pleasure -seekers. About 7 o'clock the excursionists returned, after havink spent a pleasant time enjoying the breezT of Lake Huron. Stanley. THE FALL SHOW. - The annual fail show of the Stanley Branch Agricultural Society will be held at Bayfield on Thure- , day, October 12th. Huron Notes. Plums are selling at $1.50 a bushel ha Brussels. The crop will be a rather small one. -Mr. P. Diamond and family have re- turned to Wingham, where they intend to reside in future. - -Mr. James Mooney, of Brussels, re- turned to Detroit Medical College last week, where he will continue his studies. Mr. Jas. Smith, of Turnberry, a hale old widower of 66 summers, fast week led to the hymenial altar Mrs. Mary Hall, of Morris township, a ladyewhose lease Of life has already extended over half a cen- tury. -The house of Mr. Robert Baird, Con. 12, West hVawanosh, took fire from the stove pipe on .ugust 24. A portion Of the roof was estroyed, but the flames were extinguiied before any great'clam- age was done. -The trottinginare of Mr. Thos. Hall, Brussels, got one of its fore feet into the pipehole of a stove the other day, cutting its leg both above and below the fetlock. We hope it will be all right again before the Brussels races. -Mr. Jas. Somerville, of Lu cknow, has gone to the Centennial. He intends visiting the Elmira Water Cure establish- naent during his absence, to endeavor to getsome permanent relief for his throat which has seriously troubled him . for years. -The Presbyterians of Ashfield station are building a new frame chureh, four miles from Belfast, and it is expected the building will be opened for divine worship in the course of five weeks. This is one of ereh. thestationsbelonging to Dungannon -The hub and bending factory belong- ing to Mr. Jas. McNab, of Exeter, with all the lumber, &c„ was burned on Sat- urday, at noon. The roof of an unoccu- pied dwelling house was also burned off. The fire originated from the engine -house. Loss heavy; no insurance. • --During the free exhibition by Prof. Pratt, in Winghana, the. horse educator, the seats in the tent, on which were about 50 people, gave way and fell to the ground. Fortunately no one was hurt except Inspector Yates, who received a slight cut above the left eye. . -On Saturday morning ast the stable and contents, as well as s me stacks of grain, belonging to Wm. Jrindley, Ben - miller road, Colborne, wercj destroyed by fire. A horse, belonging t4 Mr. Richard Miller, which was in th stable, was burned,. and a wagon, plou In and other 9I! -r- E HURON EXPOSITOR: imp ernents were destroyed. There is , said to have originated from some person MO Mg in the stable. We have not bee informed of the extent of the loss, whi h is heavy; no i urance. Another :i ace sunt is given of th origin of thei fire, whi h is that it resuld through the sea- son' 'crop having been put into thebarn whe too green. 1 -Western Star Lo ge, No. 149, Inde- pendent Order of 0d41 Fellows, purpose hol • ing their second annual concert in the own Hall, Brus els, on Thuraday, Sp. 146, when an entertainment of unu ual merit may b expected. A.ma- tep s of talent have b en engaged from a dist ace, including M stirs. Kennedy and Lee of Brantford, Cli e Brothers and the Q6a tette Club, of Se forth. .111t [cultural Exhil•I Ione; for 1876 vineial Exhibition, 1amUton, Sept, 18, 19, 20 2 nd 22. 6W tern Fair, London, fRipt.25, 26, 27, 28, and 29. e Exhibition, Guelph, Oct. 2, 8, 4 Ind 5. So th Biding Hnron, Exeter, Oct. 5 and 61 W st Riding Enron, S ith's Hill, Se t. 27 and 8.1 , Eitet Riding Huron, Bra eels, Oct. 10 an 11. E Ilett Branch, Clinton, Oct. 8 and 4. rris Branch. Blyth, Oct. 12 and 18. Mi ehell, Sept.21 and 22, towell, Sept. 26 and 07. • rriberry liranchat Wingham, on Sept. 29. y Branch, at Zurich, bn October 8 and ir.ckeremith Branch, at Seaforth, on 0 tober 9 g 10. Friw ck, at Gorrie, on Oct. 3. W cgfeter, at Wroxeter, cn Oct. 4. bert Branch, at Staff, on Tneeday, o9t. 8. t nleyI ,Branch at Bayil Id on Thursday, S LE. -In Wroxeter, on Sept, 1, the w'fe of Dr. Smale, cif a daughter., HA 'ALTON. -In WroXeter, on Sept. 4, t. e wife of Mr. Dayid Hamilton, of a sin. 1 - Bit tots-. -At Staffa, on Sept. 2, the, wife , o EC W. Brown, of a daughter. Mc I E0D.-In Seaforth, on Sept. 4, the w4e of Mr. Peter McLeod, •of a sop. Beni or. -In Brussels; on Aug. 25, the w4e of Mr. Robt. Elliott, of a (laugh- . tzr. STA K. -At Walton, on Aug. 24 the w'fe of Mr. John Str1, ore, son. Mc 'RAE. -In Morris,j on Aug. 21, the w fe of Mr. Donald Mcorae, of a mon. Mc annnaneo-In Gr y, on Aug. 26, the w'fe of Mr. Dtmcanl McLauchlin, of a s n J)RNE - BRUCE. At the North ethodist Church, !Goderich, on Aug. , by Rev. Dr. Ure, J. H. Colborne,. 11Iiss Nellie Bruce? beth of Goderich. st!--Wanshait.---On Aug. 30, byRev- Sieveright, Mr. Robert Givin, car, nter, to Miss Margaret W ebster th of Goderich. Co 3 Giv g OY 3 3- HAlL h CURRELL.-In Goderich, onAug. i. , by Rev. R. Ure, D. D. Mr. enry y, to Miss Mary Ann durrell, 11 of deri ch. i r - HAGGART.- n Goderich; on Sept. 5, by Rev. James Sieveright Mr.', Samuel Hart, ToWnship of Col- borne, to Mrs. Sarah thwart, of Clinton. Aretais-MeIN TOSEL -At Wroxeter, On Sept. 1, by Rev. G. Brown, Mr. Albert A. Adams, to Miss Margaret McIn- tosh, both of Turn±rry. HODGSON-GREEN.- t Wroxeter, on Sept. 6, by Rev.} G. Brown, Mr., Jas. Taylor Hodgson; to I Miss Harriet Green, both of Cuirass. - DEATHS. KYLE. -In Seaforth, on the 6th inst., Ann, infant daughter of Mr. (lames Kyte, aged 2 months and 6 days. Cnown-In McKillopt on the 1st inst., Jane, foUrth daughter of Mr. H. B. Clow, aged 2 years and 3 month. Cnuc_hs. In Godericlh, on the•29th ult., Mary Elizabeth, only daughter Of Mr. Henry °Incas, aged. ten months. PATTON .-In Goderich on 29th August, Marg ar t Patton, idow of t he late Patrick Patton, of Goderich township, aged 87 years. Davh-In Clinton, on Aug. 30, of itt- ilamma ion, John Day, Sr„late of Erith, Kent, 1ng1and, in he 65th year of his age. ALMONTE. At Wroxetea, on Sept. 1, the infa t son of Mr. Almonte. WORTHINOTON .-At Wroxeter, On Sept. 2, at th residence of her brot er-m- law, Mr W. Small, Ada, fourth daugh- ter of A. Worthington, NI, D., Clinton aged 18 years and 23 days. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat, per bushel. 0 80 to Oats per busbel. ,,,,... 0 30 to Peas per broehei . 0 60 to Barley per hnshel , .. .. 0 50 to Eutter, No . , Loose ... ... 0 16 to Eggs ' 0 10 to Flour, per b el ... 550 to Hay ,4 . 7 00 to Hides. . ,. !. „ .. • 3 00 to Sheep skins, ]. .. 0 30 to Salt (tetailiper barrel• ... E alt (wholeiiale) per batrei .... .. • Potatoes, per bushel 0 40 to Oatmeal %' brl Wood.I Apple, per bushel Plums THE MARKETS- SEAF BTIE, Ang. 81, 1876. 0 80 to 095 0 95 O 82 0 61 0 55 0 18 0 11 000 8 00 El 50 100 0 65 060 O 40 . 0 00 to 550 2 00 to 250 0 40 to 050 1 00 to 125 0 NT Fall Whes,tiper bushel.. Spring Wheat, perbushel . Oats, per heishel l 3attseler Barley, per bushel... shel Bi Pothatces Eggs Hay, tier ton, • MOTICE.I-Alay person ha ing articled which -LI Were saved from the 1at fire, and which do not belong to them, will pleae communicate with Mrs.]Whitney, as severeart cles suchae carpets, tinwpre and honeehold linrniture were removed from ler Premises and can not now be „found. MRS.: WHITNEY. 1 ' 457 STRAY SOW PIG. -Carne into the premises lot the undersigned, Lot 8, Concession 3,11c- Si11op, on or about Angnst 20th, a white Bow pig the owner is requested! to prove property, pay charges and take her away; if not claimed within one month from this date she will be sold to pay expenses. HENRY PEDREW. 45744 Ang. 81, 1876. 0 85 0 0 95 0 85 0 0 95 Q,29 0080 0 50 0 0 62 0 61 g 062 0 15 0 016 040@050 010 6 010 70O 6 900 NOTICE. -The parties w o were seen carrying away books saved ron our building on the morning of the fire, thcltjdlng 40 voltimes of Chambers' Encyclopedie, wijl plesee return them at once and save further tro ble, or leave word at Trod EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Seafoith. D. Me- REGOB & SON. 1 457-2 1 1VIAITLAND BANE CEMETERY. -A Public 'LLI" 1 , Auction will be held on the Ground ,weath- er permitting, OD MO/DA, SEPTE31.ER 25, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. The Lots will be put I up at an upset price and sold to the highest bidder, All who desire to di !Atkin a nice 13 nrying gronnd should make !Ise !of the opportunity. Particulars at time of We. 1 W. HILL, Secretary of Committee. i 457 VOTICE TO DEBTOR. -Witham Grassie, 'LI ea forth, desires to lotly an those whb should have paid him their notes d accounts list win- ter that they must pay the xine on or before the Firet of October, next, ortlley will be sued with- out fail, and irrespectiie of persons. Mr. Graseie having been burned out he roust have thiti Money in Order to enable him to start hneineee again. WILLLBM GR1.138IL 1 07-4 • _ SP CIVIC 4 TICLE10. THRESH' G MACHIN -I- pale at ne-third of th a Separator Threshing Ma all Complet ; apply to Seaforth. FOR SALE. - For regular selling price, bine and Horse Power ILLSON et SCOTT, 457 TIRESS 'MODELS FOR has in her possession ame du Lon e's Patent Dee This Bystelm is the beet brought int� Seaforth. Fa given upon pplying at MIS Making Boo 'is, over T. Kid ALE. -Mies Quinlan he right to sell Mad -i s Model or Pattern that hoe ever been 1 instructions will be QUINLAN'S Drees. 's store, Seaforth.457 CIARD OF NJ sires to zeros of Seaf his property the efforts o ure the all nese is duly THANKS. -W etnrn his wa rth for their on the occasio hie frieods he t loss he nista ppreciated. HANKS. . CAMPBELL de., est thanks to the citie oble efforts to save of the late fire. To owes in great memo] ned, and their kind - 457 OARD OE THANES. - sire to hank their nn valuable aid rendered them On tbe owl ion of the late to inform t eir customers t bheinees as oon as they ea iees. They iope to be in a particulars iiext week. T the mean tfuo, in the stor drng store, cpposlte the Ma MAN BROTHERS. offman Brothers de -I erects friends for the] in saving their goodid Ire. They also wishl at they will ragtime] get suitable prem-] position to give fulli y can be found, in adjoining Lumoden're sion Hotel. HOFF= i 457-11 FOR SALE 0 'ROOMS 0 RENT. -M numbe of comfortabl to rent. Ap ly at once to Seaforth. TO LET. 0. P. Markey has a] rooms over her store! MRS. P. MARKEY, . 457-2h IQ owns To RENT. -To Seaforth, over Johneo number of comfortable roo C. MEYER Barrister, or purhey. ent in Meyer's block, '8 hardware store, a e. Apply to H. W. o L. MEYER, Ear - 457, ale, Let No.24, Con 7 acres, more or less, 11 fenced, and in a' balance is well tim rn and stable, and stone cellar, kitchen, veniences. A never- aring orchard. Is 2 n and 4 miles from dtng to each place. rna P.O. THOMA S 4134i SALE. -Being cora.! eld Concession, town -1 g of 84 acres, 1,0 of; ood state of cu1t1va-1 •eeded to grate ; the! are beech and maple, , being ot. firet-rateg cedar; there is a good er useful bnildinge rchard containing 1251 er-failing creek; the] the rising village ofi or on the premises.! For further par4t5ic7:7-: -maim Fop. SALE, -For 1, Stanley, containing 80 of which are cleared, w state of goo cultivation, th bared. The e is a frame b good new Ir lg. e house with wood shed a id all other co failing well and a good b milee from rucefield Stitt' Clinton. A gravel road le Apply to th proprietor at V PE' AREN. VALUAB E FA_RM FO • posed of Lot No. 7, Bay ship of G derich, consift which are c eared and in a tion, and n arly all of it remaining acres of bush nnculled aid very valuabl quality; a 1 ge quantity o frame bone and some ot also a good young bearing trees, a goo1 well and a ne farm Is abo t 2 miles from Bayfield, Co nty of Huron lace apply to the proprie JOHN EA LESON. IISUELL NEOUS. TANTE ✓ Pant work. HO aIRLS v -h4 Girls as nese. Appl rison's Gro .-Two Good Maker. Go GINS & PAY, oat Bakers and one; celinton. 45743g wages and steadyi ANTED. --Wanted immediately, 121 apprentices to the Dressmaking busio y to MISS ANDERSON, over M. Mor-! ery store, Seatcirth. 457431 • WOTICE.-A meeting of the License Commis -i 41 goner for South Hurpn will beheld at the; Coramercia Hotel, Seafoirtli, on Wednesday,1 September l3th, at the honr of 11 o'cloek A, M. EDWARD CASH, Chairmln. 457, s AT THE G LDEN LION. LO6 N & JAMIE,SON SEAFORTINJ. GRE T B RGAINS —IN— GO AT THE 13E1•T 1.4I01•T N & JAMIESO SEAFORTH. GREAT BARGAIN$ AT HE ' JAMIESOT, liAFoRTH• 1876 SMA.P DUNCAN 11•1111111111111111111b. 1876 ARE jINOW NEW COOD4 AT THE 777. TWENTY-TWO PAICKAGES Netz Via Goods opened this week !at the 777, c mpriding the pLaritceessttNhacitvewitimeet emof pteD eSoier tuo, tanydlamagrelsgeduanat. tities. 1 PRICES Otasperyard.otYack Resoirsible These Goods at AO um Useful, Plain and dieeke.4iSerge8, in Greys and Browns, at 15 cents bnd 20 centper yard. One Case Plain artd!Twilled Dreg* Goods, in all the New Colorings, Checks, Mai& and Stripee from 25 cents to 40, cents per yard. OUR WINCEYS The Lamest and Cheapest Lot ever E1309112 in Plain and Fancy Good); from S cents peryard, or 14 yards for One Ooltar. PRINTS. Very best Amerfean Standard i'rinte ftenia 5, to 9 conts per yardd CARPETS. 16 Pieces All Wech and Union Carpets, tilrect from the manufacturtir, from 37'.1-, Cents peryard. RECEIV1NGAND OPENING 0 UT Fall Stock in Bro .;13 Duets, 6rey Zottons, White Cottons, at our !usual Low PrIces. 1 A. (4.. McDOUGALL & Co. Cash paid for any quantity of good dairy Butter. ONE OF THE LA STAPLE AND FA HATS GEST STOCKS OF CY DRY GOODS, LOTHING, BOOITS AND SHOES, AND CAPS, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, AND. GR CERIES,_ THAT HAS EVER BEEN PLACED IN SEAFORTH AND AT GREATLY1 REDUCED PRICES. MONDAY being the usual time for the .EXPOSITOR, and being MONDAY MORNING'S FIRE, ADVERTISEMEN or us to Write interested in the we had not time AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE HOTEL AND 1 -OWN PROPERTY. Situated in the Bet Bus'ines8 Part. of 4eaforth. TR. J. P. BRINE has been instinoted by Mr. •"4- SIMON POWELL to sell by Public Auction on the premises on 1 TUESDAY,. SEVTEMBER 19, 1876 At the hour of2 o'cloes P, M., that 'valuable prop- ei.y known ae Powell', Ilotel, situated in the cen- tre of the business part of Seafortbi. TheLot has a frontage of 60 teet,Ithe building is large and e0113131odioni and has attached to tt all necessary outbuildings; elso the lot immediately opposite the hotel ou whith isle large stable and sheas; and a splendid building lot opposite the residence of Mr Coventry: Terms made knowii on day of sale, or prev- ionely on application to the Auctioneer or Pro- 111-ieS. POWELL; Proprietor. J.t17. .BRINE, Auctibneer. HENRY WARD1 M II. Will deliver IWO BECTUBES in the NEW LB:ILL SHED, 1 LONDON, During the FAIR wann., as follows TUES- DAY, SEPT. 28- Subject, "MINISTRY OF WEALTH ;" NVBDNESDAY, Sept. 27 -Subject, "COMMON SENSE." Ileserred Seats, $1; Unreserved, 50e. Doors open at 7; Lecture at o'clock. ] Ticket °Mee, Colw011's music Store, Dundas Street, London.. Parties should secure seats for either or bothLectures at once, exit is expected all the reserved seats Will be taken 'up long before the dates. Application by letter -with remittance will receive prompt attention. Seats will be al- lotted strictly in the "-der as applications are re- ceived. 457-3 KINPURK CARD Of THANKS. jWOULD beg leavo to return thvArg to niY numerous customers for their liberal patron- age in the past, and wouN solicit re continuance of the same. Ihave received a Large and well selected Stock of 1 Dry G9od8, Grocerie8, Gia88aiteZ Crock- erY Ware. I Have alsoa Well Seleeted STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, From one of the Best ;Houses in up trade. Hardware, Coal Oil, Paint Oild, Patent Medi- cines, &c, always on hand. I would say to thos running Yearly acc.ounte our Advertisement I will allow a. dieconn of one per eent per month to those who will aettie tip their tiecounts in ad- vanee. E misfortune, of last 457 JAMS STANLEY. 1876 OENTRA11 EX111111110N 1878 to Write a, .FUL.L S8,000 IN PRgIVIIUMS OFFERED. for THIS WEEK. , WILL BE HELD IN l'HE TOWN OF GUELPH, On the 3rd, 4th, 5t , and 6th bf OCTOBER. OPEN TO ALL. rize Lists and Entry Papers oan be had at th Secretary'si0flice, Guelph, ' and also from the Sec etaries of other Societieo throughout the Provi ce. Partieli not receiving their entry tickets pri tr the ShoW will find them at the Secretary's 0 ir ce. The several raj lwali ROOMS . will carry freight and passengers to and from the/ Exhibition at singe 1 re G. MURTON, Secretary. C. SHARPE, Preeicl nt. Guelph, September 2, 18110: 457-4 WESTER FAIR,1 1876. $12,000 OFFERED IN PRIZES,. COMPETITIOIN OPEN .TO ALL. Will be held in the City of London, September 20t4, 27th, 2Stb & 2911s. PRIZE Lists aiid Entry Papers Xnay be had at 4- the Secretary's Oilice. All entice are repeat - ILL BE ON HAND BY NEXT WEEK, ed to be made on or b fore the 16tli of September. Railway arrairgemeots have been made for One Fare to London and r turn. iiteBRIDE, Secretary. Western Fair Office, iondon, Sept,, 1873, 457-3 MILLINERY AND MANTLE WILL BE OPEN SOON. A FULL STOCK OF MILLINERY When we will be most havpy to many new see all our Old Customers and as ,es a8 p088ible. ihLOUR FALL MANTLES RE ALL IN STOCK. NOW, Ara to say that they cilL Cheap is Hardly Bno2'0h. 41\11) szm_ DUNGAN VOTEILISITS. TOWNSIVIP OF! HAY. VOTICE is hereby !given that the list of all pee - 1 4` sons appearli.g on the last revised assesement roll of the Municipality of the Tciwnship of Bay, in the County of Enron, to be entitled to vote in the paid municipa4ity lor the election of ram. - hers to terve in the Legislative Assembly, waif first po sted up inimy dike, in oaf& municipality, on the 4th day of September, 1818. Anyperson , complaining of any cinor in said Ust must deliver to me, within 80 dayS after the 4th day of Septem- ber, a written notic of hie intention to apply to - the Judge of the mid County in respect thereof. t457.1 SAMUEL FOSTER, auk- AUOION SALE & DUNCAN. I OF HOUSE AND OT IN SEAFORTItl, 1 Airs. T. P. BRINI?i hoe been instructed to sell -31by Public AuptiOU at POW.E1.128 NOTEL, SEAFT°TBJETSIL' n D0AY SERTEMBER 119th-, At Bo 'clock P. M., A comtortatih Frazee Dwelling Parties desiring tO see the property and reqnir- H.. House sep.al3nEdiLoNEtie:rtia2ctolitiolueonr.liert, 13 Main Street. eeinf or vthmeprietor partix.efilars can apply to the AuctiOn- *. GOVENLOOE, Proprietor: 457 AUCTION- S ALE OF !VALUABLE e \ . PROPERTY;, lti ill< A.131S:HOF has- been ii;istrueted by lir, 4- '1' JOHN ' LACOMBE to irkl.1 by Public Anction 99 acres f Lot 11, south, Thames Road, UaBrdfirete rue onitading gro, bruil"AYSsgo041 EPIIMerenaid028118" Lrch: ard , very conveni ant to church ni school; Ini- mpThireetieraseteen:ots:wasos:ales!en! sbtoemAL;tosotermlramdtkeneecon ,sera.2710:40140710elocaastk,ouki.ntblz.1 th n tiersigad, frirtAitherenn3partiaorai pia:pliolyytt.04tudioneer. 4 74