The Huron Expositor, 1876-09-08, Page 4•
Winceys-Logan & Jamieson.
Millinery -Duncan & Duncan.
Card of Thanks -James Stanley.
Tailoring. -A, G. McDougall & Co.
Farm for Salee-Tohn Eagleson.
Farm for Sale -Francis McCulla.
Notice to Debtors -William Grassie.
Girls Wanted -Miss Anderson.
Voters' Lists -Township of Hay.
Western Fair -Wm. McBride.
Auction Sale -Simon Powell.
Estray Pig -Henry Pedreva
Threshing Machine for Sale.
Rooms to Pient-Mes. P. Markey.
Rooms to Rent -L. Meyer.
Notice -Mrs. Whitney.
Notice of Meeting -Edward Cash.
Card of. Thanks -William Campbell.
Dress Models for Sale -Mise Quinlan
Notice -D. McGregor & Son.
Auction Sale -A. 0 ovenlock.
Auction Sale -John Smallacombe.
Central Exhibition -G. Murton.
Lecture -Henry Ward Beecher.
Card of Thanks -Hoffman Brothers.
Auction -Maitland Bank Cemetery.
Coat Maker Wanted -Hodgins & Pay.
• (*4111,011 expooitor.'
will alfow 1
overtake oi
they will p
brace the off
prove our plosi
to make on
o sotch fate as the latter to
r t iwn, but, on the contrary,
t brth the effort and em-
ing opportunity to im-
ion and tiurroundings, and
town even more 'attractive
subject of envy to her rivals
than she has ever been blore.
Re klBs Insurance.
. •
It is freq en ly the ease that insurance
companies are entirely too reckless in
accepting r sk !forwarded them by their
agents, and to ' little heed is paid to the 1
real value o the property insured and
the standin aii character of the party •
insuring. 'his recklessness operates as
a direct inc ntive to arson ; and perjury
A striking i stance of this lack of dis
eretion in e ect'ng insurance was brae&
to light at th trial in ,this town on
Tuesday ni ht. It was theettshown that
the propert of Mrs. Griffith as insured
for 8600 ; t at it was not 'Worth any
such sum, aid hat the cheracter of the
insered at t. e ime she effected the in-
surance was notoriously bad. If insur-
ance comp n' s would exercise more
caution in this respect incendiary fires
frequent occurrence and
Id not be so heavy. If
loy as agents responsible,
en, who have an interest
n n the field in which they
Seaf orth's Fire. would be of les
• Seaforth has, at length, had its big fir
This was an event not altogether unl o
ed for. It has, in- fact, been expe t
for some )ars. In view of the cha a.
ter of the blocks of wooden building
either sideth
of in street in the loca i
where the fire originated, there v
scarcely a resident of the town who i
not live in daily and nightly terror ( f
fire whieb might endanger the to
breaking out at any moment. This 1
. dreaded event has at length occurred, 'n
the destruction and devastation ha is b
even worse than the most timid ever
ticipated. The extent of the loss
town ham suffered will be ascertained
reference to our report of the c9nfla
tion 1., f Monday morning last, which
pears in another columee. But, heavy
the loss is to the town, aucl hard as b
blow may fall upou individual suffere 13
we have cause for thankfulness that h
general devastation is not greater tha
•is, and all will now rest more easily ti a
the danger which has so long rnena e
them has passed. While, therefo
we deeply sympathise with th s
who have unfortunately suffered s
severely, we do not,so far as the intere t
of the town are concerned, mourn over t
loss it has sustained. 1 The loss will o 1
be temporary, and will he much m r
than compensated for by the good resu t
which will, or should follow. With t i
exception of the handsome brick hlo
owned by Mr. Carmichael, the maj ir
ity of the buildings destroyed ; were o
a class which, although valuable to thos
who owned them, were a positive injut
to the town and a hindrance to its grow
and prbgress, and, from a town point lo
view, are well out of the way. Had tb
Mansion been saved, few would have le
gretted the destruction of the others, e
their existence prevented the erection r
good and ornamental buildings in th i
vicinity,and they occupied valuable spa
which, now they are gone, will Soon 1
, occupied by better. So that, upon t
whole, we anticipate good results rath
than evil for Seaforth from the cenfiagr
tion of Monday morning.; Thole is no
reason why the present iliurnt distri t
should not, ere this time 'eext year,
covered with brick buildings which wi I
be a credit to their owners and ora -
ments to the town. There is abundance f
capital to build them and there
is trade to' support them. All
that is required is enterprise o
the part of the business men who ow
the property, and public spirited
the part of our capitalists. Sev
those who own the property are a
willing to build themselves, and
who are willing but are not able
be liberally aided by those of our
ists who can spare the means.
investment, this could not fail to
rnunerative. No_surer or more
able investment for capital co
found. Our town is free from debit, and,
consequently, taxes are not burdei.some.
It has enjoyed for years a business un-
equalled in _extent by any other town o
its size and years in Canada. It is sure
rounded by an agricultnral country
which cannot be excelled for fertility,
and which is populated by people ansur-
, passed for industry, frugality and enter-
prise, Why, then, would it not pay,
and pay well, to employ capital in build-
ing up such -a place ? Let each one put
his shoulder to the wheel, and do ' his
share in proportion to his ability, and
before a year passes round our town will
not only have recovered from the Slight
shock it has 'received, but it will be vast-
ly in advance of what it was before. Sea -
forth has always occupied a foremost po-
sition among the towns of Ontarid, and
we are sure that it is the desire of her
citizens not only to keep her in that po-
sition, but to place-11er ahead off all
her competitors. We have now arrived
at a sort of crisis in our existence. We
are, as it were, on the balance. Wheth-
er we go backwards or forwards remains
entirely with ourselves. We have the
facilities for advancement at our com-
mand if we like to take advantage of
them; or, failing this, we can rem ti in-
• active, and retrogression will follow, an
the trade and prosperity we once eitjoy
ed, and which we might Still continuepossesa,
possess, will go to our rivals. From ou
knowledge of the capitalists and the
lumina* men of Seaforth, however, w
feel perfectly safe in predicting that the
or their losses vo
lc- they would ern
e4 reliable, loc 1
C. and are kno
on labor,instea
cy to strangers
as less about tJ
id insure, and
a the commiss
n, dangerous ri
n, as well as th
entrusting their business
vhe know nothing and care
e people or property they
vhee only o9ect is to get
on there would be fewer
ks taken, and the companies
pnblic would he gainers,
en HON, ara1
minion Premier, 'has been announced to
bel deliver a Pplitical address tO his constitu-
te- Hon. gentle sant will, no' doubt, fully
by ents at Wait ord to -day, priday. The
and satisfac ri1' disprove end set at rest
as ,the many pl iubie fabriCations which
• have been manufactured for thopurpese
' of injuring hims df and his colleagues by
e Opposition or to s at recent Conservative
it pic-nics,
who attached about $4,000: Tveth of prop
rty, consisting of horsealcaeriages an
ther goods, to satisfy the judgment fo
3,600 alimony due plaintiff. i
LY. -Advices from Debathr, Texas,
ays, Rev. W. G. England, 1Methodist
inister, us wife, step -daughter, and
our step-s•ns were murdered at their
omes, six If es from Montagne, on Sat-
prday nigh i, Aug. 26, by a p*ty of dis-
guised men. No particulars cif the fiend-
isleaffair h ve been received' but it is
supposed t e butchery Was committed
for money.
arly one ii orning recentl George Ray,
highly re pected gentleman.i was found
n a pool of blood in the yiarcli in rear o
is house, 5th street, He h d a severe
ash on the left side of his reck, and a
ong cut in his left thigb. After being
orne into he house he died. It is sup-
osed he c mmitted suicide. Deceased
as forme y a lawyer ia Wall street,
nd at the time of his death he was
orth betw en $100,000 arid $ 00 000
With our n ighbors across ithe2 line wo-
men. are 81 wly but surely getting full
ontrol of he schools of tire country.
Vomen ma now serve as scholol officers
n many of he States. In Pennsylvania
here are s veral women serving as di-
ectors, an. one as superiete klent. In
owa and Ilinois there are 1tweny of
hens serving as county supers superixitendents.
n the form -e- State a 1oca1cout having
ecided wo 'en ineligible to ny school
ffice, befor night the Legislature of the
State passec an act giving thenundoubt-
ed right to erve in thecapacity.
.zikt a meetin 0 of the coal operators of the
Lehigh Reg on held at Hazleton'Pa,, on
Saturday la t, it was decided tat work
should continue on the followin terms:
The miners nd all other ,insii e hands
are to be pa d i
'prices based on he aver-
age price of oal on board the vessels of
erth, Amb y, South Amboy, kloboken,
and with th prices of coal as ifixed for
t ie month of September. Wlages will
Fe reduced about 15 per cent. below that
aid them in August. All the engineers,
1. eases, firemen and outside hands will
1e reduced from 10 to 20 per cent. below
t e wages in August.
n Ex -SEN, TR OKILLED, --Several citi-
z ns went to the scene of the trcluble last
hursclay at d returned early next morn-,
i g, reportin all quiet. The negrcies genert
a ly were no to be seen. Apprehensions
o serious tr utile have partially subsid-
e but the f eling of insecurity Is reviv-
ed. Dr. B. H. Dunkgras, formerly
sheriff and late tax collector of ithe par -
b, was waylaid and killed yesterday
afternoon, ' he assassin escaped. Dr.
IJ unkgras NV S compelled iu self defence
kill a mani named Wimberly, Who bad
any friel]dsj. The impreseion is gener-
a. that his d ath is the result of the old
• can be had. The sewers will employ all
d who can handle the shovel, aid on -the
r railway OM, wages, we are assured, can
be made by as many as are willing to
- work.
-Col, and Mrs. French were made the
recipients of handsome present, consist-
ing of a splendid gold, watch to the
Colonel, and a magnificent silver break-
fast service to Mrs. Frerch, by the non-
commissioned officers and mei of the
North West Mounted Police, stationed
at Swan River. The gold watchewas
purehased and engraved at the !establish-
mert of; Mr. Northgraves, at first cost,
$150, and the breakfast servie of W.
Young, jeweller, Ottawa, at aii original
cost of $300.
• Stanley Township Matters.
To the 4ilitor of the Huron Exipo8itor.
d New of the Week. i
e, A HANDSOME ti'arr.-flarvard College
p has received n enonymous gift of $12,-
e 375 02 for th use of the c liege,
f 1
8 property in the 'up-town'part of New f
e York City, which in 1873 was valued at
y 8200,000, wait Field the other day for
Qi50 000,
YELLOW Faye1la-The official report
e e ,
e from Savannah,Ga., of the yellow fever
c cases,,shows ha there have been 250
deaths, 1
k • cases since A4gut the 21t, and forty
Bie WHEA1 FAinm.-A Dakota fernier,
f Oliver Dalrymple, finishedi cutting his
e 1,200 acres of ,i wheat on Thursday,
, and on Monday had two steam threshers
• at work threshing it from the shock,
li esseenooN.-1-1he chanapion whittler is
f a son of toil in 1 Michigan, 'With his
e jacknife he hat whittled, whittled, whit.
e '
tted for three Moriths, and now he has
chain six feet fashioned from a pin
pamphlet on he Turkish situation b
Mr. Gladstone will be published shortly
and Mr, Glad tone has written to hi
constituents a Greenwich that after it
completion he will be ready to addres
the proposed Irian meeting there on the
subject. 1'
NEW LINE. -The Inman Steamship
Company will a line of 'steamers be-
tween France ndeNew York, beginning
e this month. The first steanter, the City
t of Limerick, will leave Bordeaux on Sep-
tember 20, and will be folldwed by the
City of Bristol 'on'Oct. 20.
HIGH STEEPLE. -The spire of Rev. Dr,
Hall's church, New York, is finished, the
cap stone being in place at :a height of
286 feet -two or than Trinity. Six-
teen feet more of bronzed and gilded
crestings, which he architect had in -
eluded in his d aW lige, were rejected.
-Advices from Hay's City, Kansas,
says a waterspout burst in Kill Creek
Valley on Saturday evening Aug. 26,
and flooded the entire bottom in about
15 minutes. Horses, cattle, :crops, &c.,
were swept away; and several persons
AROUND THE, VVORLD.-It is said that
President Grant has determined to make
the trip rOund the 'world immediately on
the close of his Presidential term of of-
fiee, Mrs. Grant Will accoMpany hiar.
Mr. Ulysses Grant, Jr., will go to
Europe on -a vial to his MAO, Mrs. Sar-
cess o
oral o
le an
As a
be re
Id b
NEW SULTANi he deposition of Mu -
rad occasioned citement or disturb -
lance. The dep
assigned the Tc
deuce. Abdul a
was received by th
tionaries at the To
he was proclaimed is Abdul Hamed the
Second. 1
weather continues unsettled ond unsea-
sonably cold, as t has been -throughout
Great Britain fo
has also been
ram, accompanic
violent winds. S
received from
A Goon OLD GE --There is reported
from Stornoway, Sc tland, the death of
a woman at the ge of 115 years ; and it
Esaid that the age can be authenticated.
It is noteworthy that she resided all her
lifetime in a littl t etched hovel. She
was never marr ed, and until the last
f w years enjoy d pretty good health, •
nd was able to cut of bed. occasion-
STRAW BARGE UN . -The steam barge
City of Port Huron, loaded With iron
ore, sa k on Monday morning at four
o'clockin 50 feet of Water, in Lake Hur-
on, three miles north of Lakeport. The
crew Were saved! by; boats which went
out to the resetie. The City of Port
Huron is valued at $15,000, and is
probably well inured. She is owned in
Buffalo. ,1
-The order requiring payment ali-
monyin the case, of Ann Eliza against
monarelhas been
gan Palace as a resi-
ed, the new Sultan,
Minister* and fano.
capon Palace, where
pitch from I elgrad.e of Sept. g, says :
F esh arrival of Russian reinforcements
continue to r ,ach us, and to pass on to
the front. ifty Russian oflicers came
last night ; orty others, with thirty
Cossacks, to -.ay. This contingent cer-
t inly includ s some officers of the Czar's
I perial G
a thoritt.
leave ofabs
there are mo
andwhen abo
thr ugh the
ds, and I learn On good
t 144 of their comrades have
nee for Servia. Already
e than 1,200 Rustians at
e front, mo tly officers The reeenee
these auxiliaries has completely ch ang-
the aspect of the Servian cause. The
ssian offie rs thtmselves declarei they
ve saved! ervia. It is stated they
'ye the Servians to battle Wheta ueces-
ry, as notoriously it often is, with pis -
and sabre,.and shoot down the
y from tim to time have been in Mr.
rds remora ly.
hatever of democratic effect there
sraeli's car er in the House Of Com-
ps, his lea e -taking was of the • quiet-
. None in the House of the Treasury
ch, and no all who sat there, hadany
a that whe • ,a her the ApproPriatiou
1 had been
on the mid
ust, Mr.
with his
s, ss if
rcise, wal
uld never r
ailed "ele
n kept wit
rquis of H
the sligh e had
the last ti e seen Mi. Disraeli seat -
opposite • im. Even the whips on
Coneervat've side knew nothing of it,
t midnight the minor ran
ouse, they discredited it.
g -
read a third time, close
fight of Friday, the 1 ]th
Israeli took up his hat,
usual shrug of the i shoul-
teadying himself for the
ed out of the Hduse, he
turn. The secret of his
ation" to the peera
remarkable succes
rtington went awe
st suspicion that
e had
. The
• with -
oft e incompl
by an exhibiti;
an the small
as f
ned at the
nue, Phila
isplay of live stn k was
sew grounds on Belmoht
elphia, on September 1st,
n of horses. On a count
te condition of the ounds
roportion of horses which
re were no formal; cere-
al vacancies amongst the
ently been supplied, and
ts of the two groups are
horses, mules and i asses
y, Lexington, Kyl ; Dr.
New York City ti Basil
, Mo.; Col. E. T. Stowell,
George Mowray, ine,
Holt, Macon, Ga. Milo
, Mich. ; Gen. . G.
n, Texas ; S. P. Brown,
• .0. ; H. McAllister,
rnace, Penn.; • H.
tland, Me.; John iller,
. Parrington, Eu land ;
c, Canada.
arrived th
res. Seve
es have re
complete li
llows : 0
hn R. Vil
. Weldon,
e, St. Loui
wall, Vt,;
acl• Th deu
h, Owass
rams, Aust
ngfield F
ksbury, Po
mbus, 0,;
t n days past ; there Dr. Fete, Queb
n nusual qiiantity of -
d many sections by
mi ar reports have been
r nce, Germany and
Brig ,Young not having been com-
plied with, the e ecetion was issued and
placed in the ban of the proper Officer,
A eacher is w
las chool.
- few prai
Win ipeg mark
- he Emers
opened this we
-The new Fr
ed w 11 satisfied
read to go on
- fr. Angus
has tie boss pot
weig ed pou
tained full o
--Orders ve
bar r shops in
whic will herea
will ow have to
Winnipegtarii: fihlv
We enture to
Do ' Lion offers
than Winnipeg,
shown that if me
soft jobs -a8 ma
DEAR Sift : Last year a fly sheet, ens
titled " A Few Facts," was pr inted and
circulated through the townahij of Stan-
ssor, and
It con-
r a s eet
ted and
nthor to
usly cir-
f giving
ley. The sheet was made up almotentirely
of an attack upon the clerkig
certain members of the council
tained as many falsehoods and
sentations as it was possible fo
of its size to hold, or the corrn
distorted imagination of the
invent. It was likewise ingeni
culated just on the eve of the
when there was no possibility
it a public contradiction ; and las it al-
ways ha e been the case, and I suppose al-
ways will be, that a great many people
believe whatever they see in print, there-
fore I have no doubt but what the said
sheet had something to do with bringing
about the changes that took place in the
townshipefficials afethe beginnihg of the
present year. But have thosel chanes
been for the benefit of -the township ?
Let us examine and see. Mr. Ander-
son's place was taken by a man who is
as far inferior in natural ability as it is
possible to conceive. Then the deputy.
reeve, who is a man of honest Y and in-
tegrity, was displaced. and his plane sup-
plied by a man of chameleon hue, who
changes bis complexion to striteivhateve
company he may be with ; who, if h
thought it would. gain him a little powe
or popularity, could be
a In the course of one revolving, moon,
Fiddler, statesre9 and buffoen '
Last year the assessor was a pairing man
of undoubted ability, with a lar e inter
est in the townshi, who, we be 'eve as
sessed tbe township to the bes of his
knowledge and ability, without fear, fa-
vor or partiality. His assess ent last
year was said to be the best in t' e Coun-
ty. But how about the assessc of the
present year? He was aseessor of this
township some years previous to st year
and we were informed by Hi Honor
Judge Toms at the last Division ourt in
Bayfield that he (Mr. Downing) 1 ad, year
after year, sworn that his roll as cor-
rect while at the same time he had only
assessed at one-third. vale. This year
he failed to have his roll comreted and
as directed by law ; he never affixed his
oath to the roll as the statutes require;
he obtained his salary in a questionable
manner, and then left his country for his
country's good. So much for the assess-
or; And now a few words about the
Clerk and the way the duties of his of-
fice have been performed, and then We
have done for this time, The author of
the sheet before mentioned stated that
"the Clerk's office was the, place to look
for blunders umumerable ;' he went on
to make a number of charges -not one of
them having even a mixture of truth. But
where is the proud author of the "f
returned to the Clerk on the tit of May
facts now? Where is that loudmouth
ed defender of the rights of the electo
this year? we suppose that he is this yea
revelling in the warm bath of a munici
pal office that he will not be the means
of pouring cold water into it. We hay
said that the assessor failed to complete
and returer his roll on the 1t of May,
Mr.Plunktt, our present clerk, swore
positively in court that the roll was re-
turned to him at the time above mention-
ed. Now, we would not for a moment
suppose that the Clerk took a false oath,
but surely there is something wrong, or
how did it happen that the assessor svas
at the raising of a frame barn on the Sau
ble Line on the second day of May with
the tin case and roll under his arm? We
are not prepared to prove that he was
making assessments, but we can prove
that he was taking one farmer after an-
other behind a pile of lumber and writ-
ing and figuring in the roll. Now, if the
roll was completed, as the Clerk swore,
what did all this mean? Again, it it was
completed, how dared the Clerk let it
out of his possession? If 1 mistake not
he was laying himself liable to a heavy
penalty in so doing. How would our
spotless Clerk have looked if some rate-
payer had called, as he had a perfect
right to do so, to examine the roll? We
faney that his face would have had rather
a troubled aspect. Again, we question
whether the law will look upon a roll as
completed until the asseseoes oath is affix-
ed to it, which Mr. Downing has not yet
done. Again, if it was completed, why
did the Council at a meeting in *nput
order the Clerk to notify the assessor to
complete his roll immediately ? But the
management of the voters' list is perhaps
the richest thing of all. 39 Vic.,C. 11, S. 1
2 says that the voters' list shall be printed
within 30 days after the final revision of
the roll. 37 Vic., C. 19, Se. 11, says
that July lst is the latest possible sittings
nici ality to look for them 1 He might as
well have stuck them on the gate posts of
Jericho. But thi is not all. The lista
were entirely inei
rreet and new ones had
to be printed, th s putting the township
to an additional expense, of about 820.
The only reason We can assign for such
Pgre6ious blundering is that at the time
the lists were being prepared,he was mak-
ing a succession o spasmodic efforts to
find a resting plade for thesole of his foot
within the pale of this municipality so
that he will be eligible for the office next
year -the trouble and anxiety consequent
upon such efforts must have been so great
as to disturb his equanimity to euch an
extent as to entirely unfit him for the
duties of bis office. REVIEWER.
[En. NOTE. -We on land another com-
munication respecting this "model " council of
Stanley, and the doings of their "model" offi-
cials, but we are cotpelled to leave it over till
next it eel.)
SROW.-The first exhibition of
he Wroxeter Agricultural Society will
be held at Wroxeter, on Wednesday,
Oct. 4, when a large sum of money will
be offered in premiums for live stock,
grain, ladies' work, and the usual arti-
cles exhibited at agricultural exhibi-
BASE BALL, -The second game between
the Stars of Seaforth, and the Silve
Maples of Wroxeter, was played on
Saturday, September 2, on the ground
of the latter club in the presence of a
limited assemblage. The game did not
prove very interesting on account of
exceedingly bad play on the part of bothclubi,
clubs, more especially the Stars, they
making no less than 25 errors in the
1 SE T EMJJER 8 187
sohol sect nil No. 1, 8400; School lee
tion No. 2, 8770; school section
hoo15-13ecI4ores 20
No- 8700 ; school section No. 7,847e
schoj1 section No. 8, 8675; school Bee.
tion 1No. 9, 8630 00; school see.
tion TJ 5, $300 96 ; school section a C
San total for schools, 86,121 16;
tion rried. The by-law was then read
saencod)3dsesd8elby MMr.oHvedowsboyn, trie ttp:tin!
tionediaopfdJta sh tStt ah en Iseuynia and o8t1h5erbse
be gran.
to Mrs. Buckle, an old and indigent per.
son-1Carried. The Council was then
adjoui, ed to meet again at Lendeshoro
on October 21.
SCHBOOTPleCr.N.1C, --The 3.7au..
al picnic of the Sabbath Scho. ol in cote
congregation of Bayfield, under the -charge
of Relic Mr. Russel, was heldon Friday
nection with the Presbyterian ens -
Sept. The place selected was Middle -
ton's Point, which is well adapted See
Audi atherings, and quite close to the
villagg, The morning was cloudy and
threatening, but the arrangements were
gone forward with, and by 12 o'cloeic
everything was in readiness and, a large
number of people on the grounds. Th
r tables presented a beautiful appearance
and the energyand taste of the ladies in
s charge were loudly praised. One hun
dred and twenty-five children sat down
to theafirst table, and it is estimated that
nearly 500 people were present. After
all had, partaken of the good. -things pro-
vided for them, Many repaired to the
speakers steed. Wm. Hell, Esq., vas
pon to preside and dischar2ed 1i
game. Play opened very fair, but to
wards the fifth innings the play of both
was very indifferent, and a large score
was the result. Mr. R. Paulin, o
Wroxeter, umpired the game to the en-
tire satisfaction of both clubs. The
Stars, as is the custom when visiting
Wroxeter, were exceedingly well pleased
with the manner tin which they were
entertained by the Wroxeter club. The
Stars did not play their regular team in
this match. Below will he found the
score, which would not appear in print
were it not for the purpose of making
both nines do better work in future
- called
f R.
games :
STARS. T. B. 0, 1B. P. 0. A. Z..
ameron, 2b... 9 4, 4 6 2 8 8
gran°, e 8 4 4 4 5 1 8
Lattimer, ib.,8 61 2 7 10 0 6
Cooney, If.-- 8 5i 3 5 1 0 1
Smithson, ef.- 8 4 8 5 0 0 2
Hogan, ss,8 5' '8 `• 6 1 8 8
Carmichae, rt8 4 8 4 0 0 0
Lamb, p. .. , 4 I .6 8 8 • 8
Baird, 8b.. . 8 13 4 3 5 1 4
Totals- 57 89 27 46 27 11 25
NAPLES. T. 3. )1 0, IL P. 0,
Walker,lf.., ... 8 3 3 4 I 0 I
Gibson, lb... 8 8 4 4 8 0 2
Hogg, 2b 8 1 6 2 13 1 8
Brock, T., 1188 5 2 4 3 4 2
Paulin, A. W.,p.7 5 8 8 8 . 1 -4
Paulin, Wm., c. 7 4 2 8 6 4 8
Barker, bb7 8 1 8 13 0 - 5
Anderson, rL7 2 2 8 0 0 1
Brock, A„ of,7 2 • 4 2 1 0 8
••.• NOM. ,./=. •••••, WWI. 001M
. 59 28 27 28 27 10 29
I 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9
6 3 I 8 6 1 5 10 5-80
Silver Maples. 4 0 I 0 4 11 8 8 1-28
Pass ,balls-CardnO, 4; Paulin, 6. Left on
bases—Star, 8; Silver Maples, 5. Two -base hits
--Stars, 8; Silver Maples,
2. Threbake hits -
Stars, 4, UM
mpire, r. R, Paulin, of Wroeter.
Scorers-Stras, R. Campbell; Silver Maples, T.
Hog. Time of game, 8 hour.
-A match for the championship of
the County and the silver cup, was play-
ed on Saturday,the 2nd inst., betvfeen
the New Dominion, of .Howick, and the
present holders of the cup -the Silver
Maples, of this plae. Owing, no doubt,
re mainly to want of practice, the New
• Dominions did not prove formidable an-
. tagonists to the Silver Ma les, and the
game resulted in a victory or tire latter
b• y a score of 34 ito 9. In catching,
throwing and fieldin the New Domin-
ions were far benmel the champions, and
the only thing in which they approached
them was batting, ieveral two base hits
being made on their side. Owing to the
late hour in the forenoon at which the
game was commenced, and the fact of
the Silver Maples having to play a game
in the afternoon with the Seaforth Stars,
there Was only time for five innings to
be played. Mr. Robt. Paulin umpired
the game in a manner satisfactory to all.
of the Court of Revision and last day
or revision of roll by such Court. Now,
it will be plainly seen from this that the
lists should have been out on the 1st of
August instead of the 16th. In his notice
of voters' lists in the Sip 111 t
za e s ates that
the list was posited up in his office in said
(Stanley) municipality on the 16th
toba Items. - - day of August. In his crtifi-
cate attached to the lits, he states tha
it was posted in his office at "Bona Vista
Farm, ' on the 16th day of Augast, and
then he dates it as written at hi
office on the l3rd of August. Now,
how he could prophesy on the 3rd, tha
the list would be posted on the 16th is
more than we can tell; but, perhaps,
those who can translate the Bona Vista
will be able to explain this also. 1 But
where is the Bona Vista Farm ? Although
we never ew it by this name, and we
believe that the Clerk could not have
found a more unsuitable for it had he
searched the whole list of Latin phrases
contained in his 25 cent spellingbook.
Yet we have the pleasure of knowing
where this wonderful Bona Vista is !situ-
ated, and we have no doubt but t4at a
great many of the ratepayers will be amazed
when we tell them that it is not in this
township at all, and that Mr. Plunkett
has not now, nor ever has had sin his
last election, an office in this munic'pal-
ity ! Now, fellow ratepayers, what ne-
fit is it toyo that he posted up th vo-
ters' list at Bona Vista .Farm? You ve
no business to go outside your own mu -
nted for the Point Doug-
ie chickens are nw in
t and sell at 50 cents a
n public school was re-
k-Mis Edwards 4each-
nch settlers are Jport-
with Manitoba an'el are
th house buildingi
latheson, of Kil4man,
toes of Keewatin. Two
cls each and had nht at-
been given to clozul the
inmpeg on Sun ys,
ter be done. A f llow
go around to the iback
ers are reporting ithat
with unemployed Men.
ay that no city it
ore work for la rers
It has already en
want work here -i -not
of them look Or, it
AT IT AGAIN.-D4,vid Ross; tailor, his
just completed a small shop on his old
site where he will be found with a stock
of cheap goods.
CONDOLENCE. -The sufferers by the
late fire in Seaforth, and the inhabitants
generally, have the Sympathy of the in-
habitants of Brussels in their calamity.
iteces.-The opening races of Brussels
Driving Park Association take place on
Thursday and Friday, 14th and 15th
inst. The races promise to be a success.
A goodly number of horses are now in
ODDITELLOWS ConEwr.-The concert
under the auspices of Western Star
Lodge, No. 149, Independent Order of
Oddfellows takes place on Thursday
evening, 14th inst. A good programme
will be presented. Plan of reserved seats
can be seen at the book store of N. Little,
and seats are being taken np fast.
wagon maker, has p rchased the balance
of lot 33, Elizabeth s reet, one fifth acre,
in rear of the Tow Hall, from James
Laird, for $500. -Mr Wynn has sold the
site of his late business stand, on Turn -
berry street, opposite the Town Hall, to
Wm. Varustone, for $500 cash. --James
Lynn has sold the site of his late business
in a very -happy manner. Brief'
:ate addresses were delivered by
lessrs. Jamison, Breda', Danby,
and by Mr. Amason of the
Frencla and English Presbyterian Mis
sion of1Drysdales and Grand Bend. The
and a p
out, in
most h
quite c
o'clock,and all, especially the young,
seemed to feel that they had spenta
happyclay, The school is in a llearty
condition, there is an average attendance
of 50 sholars, with a staff of 10 teachet's
who ma ifest the deepest interest in the
good w rIc they have undertaken,
and teachers under the superb -
e of Mr. 8tanbury and ,Nire An.
sang a selection of litmus which
ready to the pleasures of the day,
were provided for the ehildren,
ograrnmeA foot races was drawn
o avhich sport the boys entered
artily. Although the day Was
ld, very few left until after Eve
True B
game o
of Iris
flings w
stood 6
A tetu
before I
by Mr.
fire on
a, little
BALL -On Saturday last The
ues of Walton played a friendly
base ball with the Haymakers
town, on the rounds of the
At the end of the seventh in -
en the game closed, the score
to 25 in favor of the TrueBles,
naatch will probably be played
LY A FIRE. -The home occupied
m Mitchell of this place eau&
onday last. It was caused by
boy dropping lighted matches
down etween t e platform and the
Assistance was renderedand
htheatie fivirraeirl ?trenched „before it made -an
GANG' Paow TEST, -A test of gang
plows lok place on Friday afternoon
last on he farm of Mr. /John Selina
Walton, Three plows entered for com-
Laetitioni viz ; A castiron frame plow
frame p w by Mr, Wilson of Brussels,
and a wtought-ironframety Mr. Wilson
of Brusls. The plovvs were thoroughly
tested, rst in pea ground /aid then Li
oat stub le. The ground with the ex-
oeerdPetir°,na df ebxeceinlfentot olkrywwaallshlinalbay
all the plements. The judges had
consider ble difficulty in deciding which
was really the best, but ultimately
awarded first prize to the Seaforth
cast-ironi frame, the sec,ond to the Bras.
eels castliron frame and the third to the
Brussels Wrought -iron frame. 80 far as
the worg done was concerned there was
wasbt spacehese t Sa eb oa db ea f
y J. Icotpper of Seaforth; a oastiron
any perceptible difference, but
rth plow was considered the
pted for stubble land, as the
ween the wheel and the share
two inches wider in it than in
any of th others and was consequently
considered less liable to chok. We are
informed that Mr. !Copper sold four of
his plo s on the ground. We did
not lear whether or not Mr. Willem
made an sales. There was quite a huge
attendan e of spectators and a very
lively interest seemed to be manifested
m • the working of the several plows. The
follo wing gentlemen acted as judges
John Morris, Moa db r a y ,
been maki g preparations to visit the
*;GWeeym,.. Little,
John34eRitchie,Kiikl )
FOP. TH CENTRAL. --h08, Moore,who
money under felse pretences, in Gre,Y1
criminal] assaulted a little girl in Col
borne, an Joshua Farr, who obtained
Wednesday last.
were retnOved to the Central Prison on
AN A.D COUPLE, -On Tuesday last
a marriage was solemnized, in -town, it
which the ages of the bride and bride
groom surbrned a total of 130 years, the
bride being 64 years old and the bride -
days yet.
groom 66. May they see many happy
INSANE) -Last week another unfortun
0 years, armless, but without friends,
te name Rooney was brought from.
russels, or confinement in the jail at
oderieb. He was an old man of about
nd his b dy bore bniises caused by boys
ho pel him with stones.
the Silveri Cornet Band serenaded Mr.
SERENADES. -On Wednesday evening
Secord, lamber merchant, and ;lir, B,-
Runciman, On Friday eveitingalimilar
honor wasi paid to Sheriff Gibbcins. la
each insta ce the musicians were 1100'
ably ente tained, and liberal dcinations
of cash le to the band.
fish trona oderich lad week onlyatteallt-
TIIE F STIERIES.—The slaipnients of
ed to 2,00 pounds, operations here lav-
ing been s spended. The fishermen have
Fishing Islnds, and it is expeeted *l'
will allleate this week. -11r.Jaa. Mit
ellen shipped to Brussels during hat
Assaut, AND ROBBERY. -011 Tu.6.0
week,;'2,. a pounds of salt fish,
forenoon Douglas Smithson and Michael
Markey were brought beforeJudge Toms
oLonnukasveceKhdanerlegly:a,-oyoff ellvaaeanaraitantigtinr,hAegesw,4linn.dsosSneabrill°11
elected to e tried before the Judge Oa
Friday next, From the information. laid,
fi)troampp:raersrk hot Koeellesersepitigretrutimenisiggouedlheine
and he ate and seated himself in
r y's hael, and there he
to Wm. Vanstone, f r $1,200, and Mr, 7
Lynn takes Mr. Va stone's house ande a
Jot opposite the new ethodist church at w
COUNCIL MEETING. -The Council met
at Kinburn, on August 31, 1876. All
the members present ; Minutes of former
meeting reed and confirmed. Moved by
Mr. Howson seconded by Mr, Britton,
that the following acc unts be paid, viz.:
J. Shipley. 83; R. :Brownlee 82; JL
Caiter, $4 40, all for gravel; Wey.
mouth, $1 50 for tea mg scrapers from
Clinton; S. Reid, $2 or repairing scra
pers R. Waite, $1 20 for lumber for
culverts ; E. Holmes , & Son $26 15 for
tinting and advertising 'J. Staples
32 70 for ditching on con. -R 10 and 11;
and that the aforesaid accounts for gra-
vel be not paid until the taxes for the
present year are eollected-Carried.
Moved by Mr. Warwick, seconded by
Mr. Mason that a by-law be prepared
and passed: authorizing the levying and
collecting on all the reteable property in
the township, the following taxes for
the present year, viz.: For county. pur-
poses, two and four hundredth mills in
the dollar ; for township purpoes, three
and two tenth mills In the dollar ; for front of 31
rt bo
ithsofl a
et hue
of the stab
1j1e4'f the
rffea riff
es to be
towelled ab
.65 eentg,wh
been cousid
. ! aBbk.ri Li;
• - ;,t 1 ti : ; es 86: .t afiziocfa g 41:::::see,;
: : ; . dal 3 io:Bulletbkeiell le lb lea eiratiy. :
s - (ft: cit. was i ila ee, county brtugeesr a zdpvatol I Triekno:
. jeb:smbtt s:Nivtolencrkyie:y.
- bruised,
' a!e:41uedn IC43briairg: bItfo.rtefor;0-1
1 * . tuti 3to W:20 00 bridea e s p d Grieve,p 1P p ibsrrti dye ga m rohy.A. Al Itr• l
out to differ;
Grieve, that
lug of tire
October next
all inst., th
McLeod on ti
and a quartc
gether with i
of the whole
with agricu
threshing in
Smith of S
Insured, but
tire loss,
known butt
ielt on Wed
tip by the m
gran sa•
tieipa.ting in
the extnirsio
With appro
also excussi
taittell adVa
spent a pl
of Lake ,Hur
SilOW of the
&iety will
ay, Octobe
iluras at
in Brussels.
Antall one.
-Mr. P.
turned to W
to reside its f
-Mrs Ja
tan -led to
wek, whet
-Mr. jas
led_ to the h
of Morris to
life has al
--The ho
• 12, West W
Stove pipe o
the roof was
were extin
age was den
-The tro
Brussels, go
pipehole of
its leg both
We hope it
the Brussel
-Mt. J
gene to t
viaiting the
ment ltin•
get 1501310
which has
-The Pr
are buildin
Miles from
ii the eour
e static)
--The h
jug to MT.
• all the lam
relay, at is
pied , -de
he :fire ori
loss heavy
Platte in W
the seats i
about 50
except Ins
elight eut
-On Sa
and. conten
naiiier• roitd,
er, ye