The Huron Expositor, 1876-09-08, Page 3seven Vitrereti th ed rase -hors v s :k (if each of the y had been match - one of %tibial' was The cause of the emaareeseememeameo_' Illtrtent. At- viteery, Market Sonare and . A. It ttit Nt:•*-1. and -denele W • lE.SirtADDYN. - - - ;• ata -•i en 1 Cee.fet-,- • t. Ane-Oiro /1 awl c reflected on 364 ttotreytSolicitor in and Seaforth, O•f- :ore, Goderich, end :354 Aere, Attorneyket- ;rv, NoterieePubIf • St.*:•tEn, (ha- ' 415 - ers. Atter.. Clinton, the • -w• Boyd yto1tit farm 0. A. 'WATSON. 4ro and <Attorneys U•ry and Ingo:van/1, etc, Ott.ccs-rea- f Private 1-tirula to t. Interest, payable U. W. • - '--MllarriteiK, eir& Cliancery nue. ;tad Conveyancers. ixforth. Agentsfot PREF. :per cent. Farms 48 !ri..111. Surgeon and t, °filet" and resi- rcet, first door &42 - I., Physician. Sur. I Comity of Miran. I Market and High ; ESS, Physicians, OFFICE--Mitin ton, JornAt Ci.mp- tt JOIN Ji. Bcx.- ; 424. Mite of the firm ; ford/ Graduate of .Ourgeou and c - e -Booms in I 1 by the late Dr.; Hotel, Will at - and Fridays. ard a SEPTEMBER; 8 POST OFFICE. STORE, Alt' CARD OF A 7 T BEG most respectfully to thank ruk- cuatomers for their kind pattemeao for eleveu yeare hich 1have been doing among them, aud Hallett ft cvntinnanie favors in the future. I lhavo received sIiiLnoon: and Shoes,' Dry G oode,_ Grace provisions, C:oel:ery, hteavvere, flardwar 0ti, Paint Cile and Patent Meclicinee of a criptions. Farm Produce taken in e ' I would eh.° tank reepectfully intimate to who have not pahl up their rte.:aunts, dee j to cull and do go at once, either hy efu note, fie I lariat Juice Kettletnent. without any further notice. h eii sa lIONIW TO LOAN, if yon wain to borrow mon( y on Boo r you do st-ell t 0 call on rue before goin, e,bere, es I tun t kr the bent Loau " tic/, in the Boo:felon, Terms Bell, LIFE INSIT4ANCE. - if you. want your life !figured give ma I am Agent for the Sun Mutual Life Ins company, of 3Tontreal, one Of the best prosperous Ineutance Companfee in the D chaos, ion, and cooducted Ott tho ninfit 000nonileal izin _Always A ttentive to Bush, • • Give Ofe a Call, - Gall at Pattison'e ff yon want Bacon, %sow Hams, asel Jars, Jelly Glasses, Ilarveat Gkemit • Sugar, Tea, AC., all very cheap for cash et ou't 43.1Pcsjt "I" 8t°reli. PATTIBOX, Post °Mee Sioy. " 7117. D R ;177 .11. STA GE BUSINESS; To The People of Seaforth, A IPRLI.171 begs to rettirn thane to the 3•iereha1ts and Business men of 8eatorth ter the li bend patronagee warded him sincebeasainn. ed ecultrol of the Braying- Bitelueseofteaktik, Ire would also kat° that ho Is now keret* s ed than ever to attend to the wants Of his aria erg having platted another team fu the %mkt, ; Goods by raft delivered pi omptly. lIonae Fatah - tire removed er.roltilly and on reagonable tenni, Gardene plowed, and all other chores hi this sus attended to on theshortegt runlet.. Promputudo, Civility, and moderate ebarges are the cardinti priuelpleg which he obgerves in his businene To the Traveling Ptiblic. The old Royal Mail Stage still *live and Ilene ishing, Parties requiring to travel between see forth and Brusgele will find the BIAID STAGS the safest and most comfortable. The- thifire are careful arul soberiit he horses fast and reliable the coaches warm and comfortable. JOHN CAMP. BELL, Proprietor. 441 - FARMERS AND DAIRYMEN. • Mrs. WHITNEY Seaforth Ts A.LWATS ready to supplY MILK CA -L and- DAIRY UTENSIL01 teens on the bhortest Notice, and at priceg thatest snit alt who want &good &Adele. Call and See What She Cum Lo Be- fore Purchasing Elsewhere, THE PUREST AND BEST COAL OIL st styles, neatly In the market Wholesale and Beta% rgieeloperatione 7., , Lu. Peere sealow zry Aina of 7 at 11 doork Comte/tali on }nice hours from Rand or Made to Order. 270 i Remember the Place -Corner of Johnend _ ; Streets. moon, Gradti- 4aa MRS. WHITNEY, ollege, Seaforth, etr of Ellioran k; SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, ,.t/ to, night or , • - rin 114nd' SASH DOOR AND:BLIND FACTORY ...e4 ask; sound- . • 'red. 4071 E subscriberbeggleave to thank his wunerent cnstomerefor the liberalpatronage extendedto radnatc " the him since con2rueneing business in Seaforth, snd After devoting trusts that he may be favored with a continuance !ssor Smith, of • of the isame, °flite at hg; Parties Intending- to build wonld do Well to give Callaprorot.ptly, him a call, as he111continne to keep on hand 6 latge iithe4' argestock of all kinds ef hand. Horseg -tigeates given. DRY PfNE LUMBER, teiseion„ 4.0<4 s s Id.'; Ps tiate and Prize- DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, haea, awl ollege,Toronto, SHINGLES,, LATH, ETC, adierehe will be all f f eelg confident of glyingeatisfaction that Idut/ff ej--an excepteal whornav f aro ur him with their patronage, as none 1. h • ' ourg. inte&i.: but firet-eMee workmen &reemployed, f cows Ten,. 3.--.1--art1ett1arattention paid toCustom Planing 310 ; 201 JOHN IL BROADFOOTi ntle Maker, • 403 LAN. Dress done in all its store. A <aranteed, Ap. 443 ;dicer -for the :tentleti in all at the Ex- it ended to Ont. T„ A. deem.' elegant :oreee elwayti 11.1 etablee Alain street. trtiptly attend - THE COMMEFICIAL LIVERY, SEAFORTH, GEORGE WHITELEY, T TANI:se- purehaged the S toe 2 and Trade of the A -A- Commercial Livery, formerly Bell's, from Megsrs. Morrison & CO., beg e to state that he in- tends carrying on the bueinese in the old stand, d has added several valuable bOraos and vehicles te the formerly large etoelt. None but Contfortable Treltieles and Good Reliable fiorses Will be Kept. Covered and Opeu Buggies and Carriages, *04 DoaAl Double nd Single Wagons ways Beady tortree, speetni Arrstrigemetats with- Confiner- a:mlt nt e. Ordere left at the Stable:. or any of the Hotels 111 oe promptly attended to, 418 • . 300 STEAMS}IP GIMPY. L - SRELS Sall Weekly from Quebec for Liver- Mitehell, pool, calling at Belfaet, Through Tieketg Lanka „th the Netted from Seaforth to Liverpool. for tho Very foloni 1,nd „ Steerage, Seaforth to Liverpool... 832 U the fact Cabin, Seaforth to Livirpoed„... 68 -Is, and being I tado-if good n to business! deal of thne 1 new raachin- gis of Cuendo the shortest paid to the A. IABI,"ITAGE, Agent - A few thougand dellarg to loan on imProved farm property, principal payable at any time. co1 in any PLUM tr. Mlit the borrowersconvenient*, Some very nice Building tote for lisle in Seldoldb and Egumnclville. Cell and eee plan, and Retro, tieulars. replete in all 488 in the ARmITAG:_,B, k have bout cing Heavy BUTTER TUT3S. rey and " tinanrpass- Cam vari. u•ap for eat.b, SAMUEL TROTT .tnut roar- TTAK now ou hand at the Seaforth Tub Peetory a number of his well and favorebly known 1wing ratea atine-t, Machine Turned Butter Package' 'ancr These Packages are the heat in user inla el; (h nd rutting, oanda • - gl ve satiszaction, 10c, ;Lai supervis- ; dole f..r no telt 1 SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO LARGE PURCHASERS. Mr. Trott expects in a short time to eorsinnege the manutantede of W aeh Tube on a large scale - SAMUEL TROTT ,Seedr"*b• - INSOLVENT ACT OF 1875. irt the Matter of PHILIP VOLLMAR' an Insolvent. t alt. those AND -- ermined - SAMUEL GLYN MCCAUGHEY. cd " lock, " nor r of Seaforth, In the Connly of Huron, jug rateg: been appointed Assignee in this ;natter. 4, 14 foot t Creditors who have not aneady filed their elainta over 4,000 are rermeated to file their claims before me lab' 7013 dcolit Ottla MOntit. G. MCCAUGHEY, - . _ 4544 be charged Seaforth„ Augnst 16, 1876, Affillence t* customer., continu. ; GOOD NEWS° saN. T HAVE come t� the 00I3eltt$1012 that I will sell thoee Two Dozen Sewing Machines et 7ectQr1 prices. Come uow if you vraut to make CES A BARGAIN E Ana "Ter YOUr money, Conte eoon, s User sye going out fast, sea lege ite A BIG DAY'S. WAGEL A bold the Agency tor, theiredesetsm.46144. For tartlet verticals* steer at I. Karrillgot Hitrre- 1111eitisr troosso....sw: s - Third door watt of OP a ort Ofiloa, . sesiwth, - SEPTEMBER 8, 1876. sou% squaws do not Nwear striped .5t-ockisge. Three streaks of green paint aftrilcir°hryanddoenhirl ;soru'r f4lier take a eeemPaPer ?" saidLgen a ern, a n to a lit- tle urclun Whom he caught in the net of •frflg 0110 from hie hoo step, " 'Cause „selitedsclimtee ytooutangke witif'e' says, „when out a awe snug day a 1: to myself, I 0 George dear mother iff uOnOttniii.11ogn,,eanitla then sea nothing of hi pat, „rm othregihfnhtiseillii.g; elealav'etj''d) i ewaintlist ed itnoe- Fhil, "Be "Arrah, and wh ciistoY, era?y" d"eajdr,threetauBrtn°edni Pat, "I haven't atelYaelragYliesr ;diem n was trolling out with a-Coekney-a g huine Coekney _-when thcy finally app oiehed a ma- in whieli was spree I out a heavy crop, The cockney gaze lt wasn't grass, i it wasn't turnip -tops. does you call this stuff ?" eonipanion, "That I WI sert,"'was the reply, "J sa he. "That's cutting thiek. If that's hay, jus hayeorns, Come -now." -,fa the Agricultural I tennis' Exhibition ther ` ease bogs stuffed, each -ett it wonder - wasn't wheat, "Vy, vatever said he to his y, bay, to be ay 11' exclaim - it a little too :show inc the 'ail 6( the Ceti- ' are two bearing a lee - sal telling their age, Sce., followed by the word "taxi1ernust.1 A man and is wife were looking at these with great iuterest. After reading the placards, the woman said: "Why these are tai- idermists. I thought they were hogs." ger husband looked at the creatures with a puzzled expression, and then wed carefully over the placards, as if tof satisfy himself fully 011 the point. Finally he replied : "They ,are hogs." Taxidermist is the naree of! the place they eome from." slhere was a Kerry priest," began ed She, "an' he had the fashion of hearin' confessions wid a slate an' pen- cil; an' he'd write down every sin, an' the price of it opposite. Well, one day a big naountainy fellow carne to his duty, ant says he, 'I bruk a db.111s. head last Hallow -eve,' 'That's ninepenee,' says • the priest. 'I cut the tail ov Larry cow.' 'That's a shillin' ; oh, be. gob, a shiltin' that is!' and down it went on the slate. 'I murthered me wife twice.' ‘Ttiat!ri thruppence ; go on.' 'I kilt an Orangeman. ,'Whoo ! says the pri et, rubbin out everything, 'that does iut all the rest,' " 3 -A day's 1 Scotch minister, after a hard bor, and while at "denner-tea," as he 0 lled it, kept incessantly praising the "h am," and stating that "Mrs. Dunlop at ham was as fond 0' harm like th t as he was," when the mistress kiudly ffered to send her the present of ahain, "It's unco kin' o' ye, unco kin', but I'll no pit ye to the trouble ; I'll just ta ' it hame on the horse afore me." When, a leaving, he mounted, and the ham was put into a sack, some difficulty was eeerienced in gettiug it to he prop- erly, Illis inventive genius soon cut the Gordian knot "I think, mistress, a cheese ih, the ither en', wad mak' a gran' balanees!" The hint was immediately - acted oh, and, like another John Gil- pin, he moved away with his "balance true." -An old Stewatiton lady, with her very ol and privileged handmaid, lately visited traish Church.° While resting on a he distoue the mistress, •captivated hy the urrounding hills and the quiet, well -k t God's-aere, said ; "This is a far nice place tau be buried in than oor place a hame, that' e owregrown wi' net- tles an' covered wi' broken bottles, I wad lik to lie here, it's sae qua -it an' bonnie.' "No me, mistress," said the ancieet nisi& "I wantttae lie in oot ain kirkyarl, °Anal% kept folk." "It's a dull, vome place," replied the mis- tress; )1"this hi far afore it," "It's a' 3. wed en ugh when ye're 'yin', but what Jult be l'ke whati ye rise, wi' nate but strange4s about ye, yatterin' Gaelic in yer lug, you no keniu' a word. they say ? I wont! r tae here ye, mistress ; I'll lie at ham an' ken the company I'm in when I'm waukened," - A Practical Joke On Himself. A Charleaiont marketman, when de- livering goods one morning, discovered on leaving the house of a customer a cus- tard pie setting in a window where the lady of the house had. placed it to coel for din or. Ile at once appropriated it, and drijring direetly. to the store of the lady's usband, called him out and, told him he lad •'hooked" a nice custard pie, and if 1-0 would get some cheese they would eve a nice time eating it. Of course be cheese was forehcoming, and after le tiefautorily disposing of the pie the que tioo arose whae to do with the piste. The merchant said he would take care of that, aud, suiting his actions to his words, .dashed it against the wall. When the merchant went home to din- ner that day his wife striologized for not having any dessert, saying she made a custard pie for dinner and set it in the window to cool, and she hupposed some boys must have stolen tt. Her husband wasn't pie hungry, Non seemed quite pleased about something, but .kept Next inorni;ng the merchant meeting the marketma,n sang, our "Pie !" In reply the other said : "Cheese ! And Bw oirtonPlitndwc-ialidt,hat i -;you smashed !"-- Forcing a Sale. It was a job to selllold Twister any- thing at a decent profit, and, indeed, to sell him at all halt the time. He ohly hauled over goods, asked prices, said they were too high, and Walked off. One day our head salesman saw him •cotuing in and told the boys te keep back and he would certainly sdl him something be- fore he left the store, and so we stood back and waited. "What's the price -of these goods ?" said Twister, taking hold of some that were lying in an open case. "These, Mr, Twister, are twelve and ene-half cents a yard," said the salesman, naming half a cent under the trite. "Twelve and a half! Too high. Now, at twelve we might trade." "Well, we will say twelve to' you, said the salesman, Men, 1 clunno as I want the goods haemilademia 1:da'n"-b"uebyijd.tei-rtw; insteowr, a‘tletle°vuegnbtatilblei "Well, you shall have a case at eleven and a half, said the salesman, determin- ed he should buy at some price. mid"W"Tewils, tlerd.on't want ,but half it ease," ,_ "Very well, we will divide the cue Ler you," s'e," said the purchaser, "you'll throw in the ease and won't charge for AI* THE HURO EXPOSITOR. the cartage ? "Yes," aid the salesman, 'we'll take out httlf t e ease, charge ) on.nothing for cartage, throw in the ease, a sell you the goods or II s cents." "Six Itio the/ s'pose " eel le keen buyer' "Yes, si wont& (zed- t, tid privi- lege of re timing all yon d ii't sell," said the ersevering seller. "Now, I suppose 1 they ship them right up to your town ?" • "No, no, don't be so fast, y ung man-; I guess I won t take 'eni-f d n't like to have good i forced-ou me iifs that style." Bodton Comimercial Alike& Getting Poste' d A colored man, hobblin ong with the aid of a crutch, hal ecl a police- man on Brush etreet ye te day, and said ! haen'tsbin in dis tow!, 1 ng,. an' I wants 110113 advice," "All rig it, °' was the re y eply. if I is walki g along de street an' see a tire t'wh t us'. f do about it? I asked - the e 1r -arrived citizen. "Why, you must shout ir as loud as you can to attract atten 10 ." yes .12 "And tl en go toithe ne aound the alarm," "I see." "The steamers will spe and the fir "Dat se mused the queshun." will be put ou ins sensible ai man,' "but da "Go ahead." W! "What SalarY does d and when does do cash in ?" The officer Medea furthe and the old meusshook his sponded "Couldelt do it-couldn While I was gwine frew tions, I could make tei o al wood: Is born, into, this Cash basis !"-Detroit Free • Without Bagg g The Norwich (Conn.) Bu this atrocious story : "4 maiden frem neighborin to the city on one of the h week to visit old acquain n West Sider I She looked robu cheeks ask med even a rubier iu her pal y days, and it wal something more than rouge f spiratiou hich rolled do failed to ake the least impre it. She b tight no bagg ge althoughI e, was goitig to at night or re. iShe said she to be botl ered with it. Yet sojourn s. e displayed a bout iful ward- robe. Sli received the at entkris of an res box and di y respond ll right," one more gl he t all ilhi WI Pr .4 CO pay me, to come planation, and re ink of it. deze mo- gs sawing rid on a 88. • lean tells iddle-aged iity came ays of last es on the t, and her hue than evidently r the per - her cheek siou upon with her, y a fort- idn't want acing her anxious w dower in a bea tif I `mourn7 ing silk,' pd -played crouget with more youthful gentlemen in one of those chaste, el gant dresses (miide a century ago) of c• nibric elaborately ti red with beautiful peacocks. An then when washing aYs came round, her accour- tlisinnent didn't hinder hr being use- ful, and hel helped her bootees at the wash -tub si in a calico as plain as that of a Quakerestr! After she returned home, it came to li 't that she wore all of her 0100114 4g ther on her person when she came the city, which explains the ruyetery her ruby complexion and a moustron bustle which 4tracted uni- verealatt riot." - . A Wo an's Scheme 4ig Burglars. Bargla is are busy almost! every night now. N ght before last ai attempt was made ou he rear of the h use of Dr. F. 777 IAT F. Starr, 179 Sigourney s reet, but. the burglars, h ee ia number, wcre seen and !nestle, h da.ieen absent a the seaside, but they l paned to get back last night, FINE D 2 didn't ge in The fatnily, ex ept a do - and the d ni stic, why hadi slept during . their aI,s-z:eo in her mistr sa's ' room, re- turned to he Own room ever the rear HIGHEST P apartmen About 2 o'clock this morn- ing she was awaiencd by sounds at the men, dark ' night back door. Going to thias the a Window she could see thee was, one u y boring with an augur, an- other apparently assisting him, and a third under a tree a rod or two off, keep- ing watc , to give at alarm if a police- man or any other person should happen along. Going to the room of her mis- tress, she informed her of the situation ; and Mrs. Starr, though she had loaded ri-IBE =demon revolvers lyilug on the table, Wisely chose -L of BeafortL an ecjunlly effective weapon hag commenced ad once before! used with Ile .t. She t olS a tin horn, , IN about three foot long, and, going to a! bay -window near the scene of operations, ! quickly put it out under cover of the in the Shop next Se r Thwart - 1 character ; wi grind mgifts of govern- ment and cons ruction, like Chandlish ; of winning and oving oratory like Guth- rie; and only notable fertility in 4 the produetion of s eh men e,ould have en- abled the Na io Jill EStablishment of that small country , endure the fearful drain whieh has been rought upon it, since its establishment y repeated catastrophes within its bold re."-4Air, Gladstone, Grand runk Railway. Traina leave 9 :al rth Station as follows: GOING WEST- i # Day Expregg, • ,,,,,, ,,,,,, P. M. - Night Express.: 8 55 P.M. Morning Mixed. ,,, ,,,,, 'Afternoon Mixed porno Easo- 31orning Exprese . ,...„ . , . ,, .....7,55 .31. Day Exprees, „ ,,, , . , , . , • ..1.1:306 3151.. Wren* Mize 4. 02 AlternOon Mi4ed .5,00 P. 51 London urott and Bruce. GoING Mail. Mixed, 1Vingham, depart .... 7,134) A, M, 11.00 A. M.1 Beigrave 7$8 A, M. 11.80A, M. Blyth 8.15 A. 51, 12,00 A. M. Londeeborough., , „ 8,80 A.M. 12,25 A.M. Clinton 8.55 1. 14. 1,15 P. Id. Brucellold. „ 1115 A. M. 1.40 P. 31, Kippen 9.130 A. 31. 1.55 P. M. Hansen 0:40 2:05 "- Exeter 10,00A. 51. 2.45 P. M. London, arrive -11420 A. id. 4.50 P.M. GOING NORTH- Mixed. Mail. London, depar • „ 7.80 A, M, 5.00 P. M. Exeter - 1.0,50 A, M. 6,80 11, M. Hensall, .... -11:15 " finie " • Rippen 11,85 A. M. 7,00 P.M.] „ A. M. 7,15 1', 51.1 12,150 P. M. 7.40P.M. Londesborough 1 lb P. M. 8,00 I'. M. Blyth , 1,85 P. 8,15 P.M. Beigrave 2„00 P. M. 8,135 1'. M. Wingham, arrive 2,30 P.M, 9.00 P. M. • --. % eiders. Hailway. Brueefield . Clinton Great Trains. leave Bru as under :' I GOING non a i 1 GOISG SOUTH. I Mixed., .... 9:2S M. Aceom.o. • • • dal A. AL Accom .. ... . 13:40 , M. Accom 8:08 P. M. Accom 9:35 . M. Mixed 6:15 2.14. sole steti8n, north and south, DISSOLUTIO OF; PARTNERSHIP.' HE Partnership for some time carried on1y the undersigned ndor the IMMO of BOEHLER & WEBER, as Pot ers, in the Village of Egmond- ville, is this day issolveal by mutual goneento Jacob Weber, one f the, members of the late firm, will payall d mends against said firm and receive all moneys tie said drill and will carry on the said bu eine s as before. ' VALENT1EN BOEHLER, JACOB WEBER. Witness -8. G. M •AUGREY. 4554 THE SE E9A WHEAT. ••••!••• THE BEST ND SUREST SEED WHEAT IN THE MARKET. W51. BEHItt, sale, in 8: , excellent wheat $ ouly variety of wh seagon, and is big tors and farmer& possible. 454 Sesforth, has on hand end for forth, any quantity of tnis itable for seed. This is the t that gives a good yield this ly recolinnended by both mil - end in your orders as early as 'WM. IIEHALL, Eleaforth, N OF PARTNERSHIP. heretofore snbeisting between , under the firm name of WIL- has been dissolved by mutual nese will hereafter be carried me. All debt,: contracted by liquidated by 1. B. Williams, he late firm ; will be oolloet- J. 111. WILLIAMS, NOBLE CLIME. h t e above the undersigned o is numerous customers and ds to continue the manufac- ng and cisterns as hereto- . Ile has now Knob facilities turn out a better article for y other establishment of the , d to him he would say that an ig desired, as he is urgent- DISSOLUTI THE Partnershi A- the andereige LIAMS & CLUFF consent. The bum on by J. E. Wil the late firm will and all deb to due ed by him. TN conneetion wi desires to state friends than be in Lure of first-class fore, at the old g as will enable hi lege money than kind in thin sect To those inde immediate settlen ly in need of =MC Beraember the o Seaforth Pump F d eetablished .and well-known tory, 415 - I. R. WILLIAMS. a safer au4 which she k tremendons blinds, and Ill,ew a blast that w shamed Roderick Dim. It w The burg ars dropped th ir i and fled headlong, temple' the tearing off into the dark ess (13 "Olcl Boy" Ow after th al. awoke the immediate xi igh an uutimsly hoar, but it is a burglars, land no accident oce any unfantillar I andling f re Tel. ould have as enough, mplements fence and as if the The horn IN ALL orhood at ttered the urred from The stook htivto volvers.- 18. FIRST -CL INTTPID, 777 00 TUBS IRY BUTTER I ICE IN CASH PAID. , McDOUGALL & Co, OE SHOP. 76. FALL IMPOR ARRIVING 0C4-=R,S7, RESS GOODS IN ALL T OUR BLACK SILKS, BROWN SILKS, BLUE SILKS, DRAB SILKS, DRAB LUSTRES, SEALBROWN VICTORIA SUITING, NAVY BLUE VICTORIA SUITIN'G, STYLISH MANTLES AND MANTLE CLOTHS, ATI ONS 1876 E NEW SHAD BLACK LUSTRES, BROWN LUSTRES, BLUE tusTREs, AMERICAN PRINTS, CHEAP COTTONS, ENGLISH PRINTS, CHEAP COTTONS, isrorittom NEW MAQHINE SHOP. s.Tarsa-G fitted up the 5orreerl envied. by CTII.kY SCOT, „Ire ptelared to contract for BOILERS & EIVQ1P4.12.*S, ES. STOCK OF FELT HATS AND GENTS' FUR- NISHINGS IS ELEGANT, 1 -100 -MRS_ CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE WILLIAM ALLEN 5 JUST OPENED OUT A VERY CAR FULLY SELECTED STOdK OF Grockery, Glassware Fruit Jars, &.c..1 NO OLD BANKR PT STOCK, *t New Goods, New Patterns, Close Prices, of the pUbli bey; to notify the inhabitants surrounding country that he sinew; EAFORTH, oor to Pinner& Carriage Fac- tory, whet he intends to c rry on The'Custo Hartford! (Conn ) Times, .- Notable Prost) Dr. McLeod tends ou having supplied after I) of tbe most distinguished history o Presbyterianis spects, mu after- Dr. others probably before s we see, the not, so ,tar a ulty of Chalmers, nor hi his gorgeous gift of ole. ue commanding pa-i-sion n g r simplicity, nor his ab'solu e, ere, sometaineS: embaras in Chalmers"! WhOse memor at more than 49 years back, is the mind of , the writer f was, inde4 a Man grea y I the region of mere flesh and may be compared with two in Church history or leg' n sented as risen into the a r u fluence of religious mot n. on the other hand, bad in re 8 more knowledge of 4the o 1 greater elasticity and va et Chalmers Was rather man r at it time ;! Macleod respect hands and it all ways. 'ha certain. clurnsiness as of ph mental gait ;, Macleod w mobile. Both were !nen eminently able, earnest, great gift* of oratory and power. i A Church .that may well en‘tr them to a had them. Nor do theystan Presbyterianism of Se,otland done but little for literatu :ology, ha% ntftwithstand" g yitifi - ed, during the last N. of many remarkable pers ns te ans. 'think as lneers, one E PLOYE es in the n some re- Imers ; in He had sophic lac - tensity, nor e, nor his s absolute ndh,unitoiloittyh-., 453 period of ill fresh in hese pages, ted out of blood. He gures, who pre repre- der the in - Macleod, rewdness and far of mind. one idea eckeri :hen:so:ay:a; i; to God; gli3ertgaic n, iwzithg them not burch that alone. The which hasl r fog:tilt 0 a nim , Oh a im. hilo a 111 Shoe usiu.ess ITS BRAN HES. been carefullly selected, and none but I :S S And by strict atte can rely on gcttzn REPAIRIN an 18 1 Lev en r arg h d tion to bus good value CKMEN nee* the public r their money. Teas, F1 runes, Sauces, Canned Goode, Oatmeal, EE DELIVERY. GROCER( FLOUR4SG, GRIST ATI) S 1W J11- [ LS, . Heading and Stave lachitery, 4z.e. 'BLACKSMITH WORK AND L GENERAL FIEPAIRS Promptly iitt' ncled To.; HES CAS INGO ; GRATE BARS AND ruaN FOUND= AND Mr-CY-WTI:BING Co. BOBEBT BUNC1MAN, Manager, ; Seaforth, Feb.?, 1878, near amoon *owe. 426 KIDD'S HARDWARE. RECcIVED DIRECT FROM MANUFACTURERS AMERICAN CUT N ILS, SPADES, SHOV4S, FORO, HOES AND RAKES, GLASS PAI NTS, O' FENCING AND BUILDING to whieh he invites the attention Of Every Descrip S. Sugars, Fruits, Mustards, Hams, B on, Corm al, Dried Apples, Piekles, Spices, Flour, Mill Fe4, &c, ILLIAM ALL* gARDWARE IOU Cheap. EAVE TROUGHS AND CONDUCT- ! ING PIPE - Pat up oft the Shortest Nike and Warranted. Special 1nducernen4 to ca84 and Prompt PayingiCustomers, .JOHN. I KIDD, 1 GRAY, YOUNG IIL&P SPARL1NG. S Ri I IT CA - AT TITE FARMERS/ STORE, CRAY, YOUNG THE CHEAP CAS 1 SEA'fOTh WO LEN NIL LS. S. WOOL W- NTED To Card, Spin, Jfa I/foam/re, or in Exchange for W -den 6rooda, OUSTOIVI ROLL -CARPING Alwaye done to take home the Bina° 4ay. SPINNING, WEAVING, COLORING, • 'CLOTH FULLING, DRESSING, (3- 0 0 :it 8 And every other branch of the busineee well done on short notice,. SEAFORTH. SF'ARLfNa GROCERY IS NOTED Fog THE EST SUGARS, TEA IIT o ---1- - TWEEDS, FUL., CLOTHS, • BLANKETS, MIEETI,.NG,. Flannel, Stoeki4g Yarn, &e. 1 .. Alii of our own "manufacturfn and Made out of good wool, cheep forret& or -t001. : WHOLESALE AND RETAR. 1 , • , Any kind of Woolei' -GoodS made.,to order out of yo ooni,iwool. 1 4, , TERMS -Cash, or 29 per east extra, • A. Ce.i VANE'GMOND . Seaforth, May 2.5, 1876. 1 i 442 AND COFFES HE BEST GROCERIES THE ARE TO BE HAD AT THE CH At tha Smallest Possibl 1\T ARKET CAN PRODUCE AP CASH GROCERY Advance on Cost. Fawley i8 Cutting Price8 Clo8 . Give Him a Trial. SAW -LOGS f-iNAOTED, Messrs, COLEMAN & GOUINISOCK Will pay the Hieteist, Cash Price for - SAW LOGS OFALL Also a quantity of ELM LOGS eaiLliblifOr the niannfacture anoops. • •••••m• Cif 680111 Sawing attended to promptly, andes cheap as 04 1337 other mill. lattatbOr of every deseription, sign Shingles, Lath and Pit ket!! etwelson hand, And at the very .ovrest market pricei, 5000 CEDAR :Iposirs, fe$ SALE,. 'COLEMAN-kl,GOUINLOK, 417 soLdotth PLOWS, OLOWS. 1Oft a Nuraber One Plow go to T. 01E1,- 3; 1,1141, Kippen, manufactured by MONflOB & HOGAN, Seaforth. eine, don't despise it because it is go cheap. !, IPlersonswanting a good Tb Well to give them a trial. Work or no sale. They --i11 or on short time. For Ten pounds of Good Tea for $2 50 -this Tea is good e got, either in Toronto or London. An 'done via Neatness or money refunded. Patronize your own Dispath. Teas bon ght from me parasietHeedkutlit eabifraeghreaeprP "ear cum:I:dell T,eas put up in 5 or 10 pound pac ag b you tau do as well if not bett•er at IMMO. tOwn, don't send your 0A J. J. SCOTT. BUTT R, B TTER. EDWARD CASH .WILI, AS U UAL, PAY FAIR PRICES. FOR GOOD DAIR 9U ER, IN ANY QU NTITIES, AT HIS OFFICE, GODERICE STREET, rAYORTH, the en of high NEAR LUMSNS DUG sToRE. FLOUR FEED AND PROVISIONS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. REE DELIVERY. _ FAIRLEY, Seaforth. MABEE (6 .111cDONALD'4 PLANING MILL nd Sash and Door Factory SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, liVr ABER & McDONALD having established ix 41? -2-- connection with their Lumber Yard a Plan- ing Mill and Bash ahd Door:,11140:rt are prepared' te exeente work in this line in a astWador, Manner., Flaning•luad Lumber knowing of way diestniAlon done to order. • Doors, 011818818. Trainee, de., always on hand as &to order bi ths bit manner and of good • 110 411110 ldndere ebarei sn4 (Or 11044 ar, • .- 1 EntiMates furnished for bandit* dell kinds. 4#9 NA.BEE MeDONALD„, I 1 I, 3 ROIYAL CANADIAN *BANK, EAFORT1.1 BRANCH. DOMINION !MOON, MAIN -ST. SEAFORTH. D flis on New York Peyabie st any Bs ha the ihiltedStates. .111 ila of Exchange on Loiaden psysib. n$, at) Chief Cities of thelquite4iRinadOen, LtV/WRly PAID ON 15EPOS1T8, M. P, KATES, - tit !taw* GOOD HORS B/# ebintith Wor Repai tcro to T. 31EIL1S',X.ippe known to the public 14n tele stand, two cloora no Hip,pen. sae Cutior ivld -40 hey are all Weiarantel be sold cheap ior cash SHOEING, and General 'ng ms weirk is too welt puffing1, BeleMber la of Shaffer'n Hotel, 4E56 THE SEAFORTH li.NSIIRANCE AND LAND 'AGENCY. ALONZO TRONG I s grartatilral in*cia4 Skj*Iire od to tato tisiototrt nee pulite, and 14, prow - VIE MOST FAVjRABLE TERMS, 0:14", Age" ..15 r!"2.1‘' atentrts plco,pr -"alry:sle NUMBER OF TILOVXDs, OPitesk--:dier ' Sesfortiu the best Loan Bode- purOase of loan I SZOLASS 14. FORSAIL_ naSts ,