The Huron Expositor, 1876-09-08, Page 1EMI\ et 6EPTEMBER 1, 1876. eamenememootatela had fallen his heavy dratight stallion•*-`13Ilettelet ider assist- and Mr. J. Swmerton. of Exeter takes above stat. his agricultural horse "Glory th immediate- Dominion his mare and y Nneen g the body of Huron" and also a firie carriage - ie decided mare. inaeeerisary The anirials shipped from this stati oult of at were all dressed in covers bearing their 74 years of -tnames and those of their owners. We active old hope to see these choice horses return to sided on 4 ilieron, bat fear that some Ameriata the Town •i millionaires will offer such baate thet the two/years r owner e will be tempted to part with ramith and their stock.—Signeta concession , a the time Saint Patrick. t, rinobtru- ad his sad , ro the Editor of the. Huron Expoaitor. gretted by SIR In the issue before last of your. excellent peer, r noticed a paragraeh • under the heading "Sa Patrick,' erhiroh ootatains a few historical errors. In the • first place, it is not trio that wee ventireA .1 Patrick was it Scetchma,n," as there are' destroying abundant proofs, which can be brou he - forward, to shew that the saint waabore in France, towards the close of the fourth ceutury, or about the year niention4 the spot as at or near tIti'Ller, Lanigant _ l in his 'Ecclesiastical .Histopari Di yatelr , now called Beulogne-sur-Mer. tle work styled '"Confessions," writtea by St. Patrick himself a shorr time fore his death, he says "that he was made captire while visiting some of hia relations, at a email villa near the town - • of Bonavem Tabernee." Now, no such town as this can be found in any part of Britain, either north or south, whereas the town of Bealogne, which previous to the reign of Constantine, had been styled Cressoriacum, roamed, soon after his death, its Celtic appellation of Bona - man set vem or Borman. The addition Taberniet 5tor their marks its hariug been in the district of 1g all his Tarvannti• alias Taxabennat a celebrated a house, city not far from, Boulogne, the ruins of all night which still retaia their ancient appeua. was sum., tion, althoughdizguisecl somewhat under to work. the modern, name of Teroaanne. Finally, omeietod all the old weiters admit that the place Ldy # wen where St Patrick was made captive 'was ethea en., Armoric Gaul, where he was. hying with mail felt his relative, and that his mother wa,e a " at once near relation r f St. Martin of Tonrs. He ing, laced was carried off in the year 403 by the p " and weee Irish soldiers who followed King Nial of qrf, :when, he the "Nite le ostth..ts, m his expediaon bachelor 0 France ; tl•t:e sold him as a slave to rich town- wee hlitcho, a fealtriedian chief, who em- ployed. hitf-r seven years in herding frequently sheep and e:Ittle on a mountain called ,ationa of Sleseeisie in the comity • Antrim. At tannings, #1 leneth he eseeped, and having succeeded - e in making hit way to France, he at once contraenced te presecute his studies in order tc enable him to .carry out the de- • sign he Lad ferneed, viz., of converting the wb.ole Ir r t ation to Christianity, He was ordained by Pope Celestine the First, and soon afterwards set sail again yownahip, for Ireland, where he landed, about the ee hit own middle of the year 432. The historiane the roadtell as that he met with unprecedented , eon), gae.e success, the darkness of Pagan worship remark, fled befoie the brilliant light of the Goa ng - pel, and "St. Patrick, by his preaching, with tt attained to eo great a power in the land, t o cu get from • bath popular and political, as enabled it. Find- him to establieh the Irish Church during bing and his own time, on a basis so broad and orked deep, that neither lapse of ages, nor s seemed heathen nor earthly temptation, est he be- tier all the arts of Hell, have been able len in the to upheave its firm foundation." The and held death ef St. Patrick is said to have is. fellows occurred on. the 17th of Mareh, 465; ac- ieomaa by cording to a very ancient tradition. It of God- coincides with the time'essigned by the "Annals of Innisfallen," which mark 432 cess mea. . as he is years after the Cruoifixion of our Saviour, elders at which happetec1 in the thirty-third year Ins be an of the vulgar era. It also ooincidei with • and pre. the cateulatierts of Nennius, a celebrated mtegrity, writer who flourished in the ninth cen- tau ; and further, it is a 'remarkable fact, that ea 17th of March, 465, fell Demean- Ilion a Wee-die-3day, the day assigned by tradition as the one of his departure from. tLis world. St. Itatrick was, con - he horses oguently, in his 78th year, When he othibition died—an age surely suffieiently advanced rad, part for so laborious a .naissionary. He had oxn Oita- been nearly- 33 years engaged on the rime con- mission in Ireland, and 10 years. Arch. as giving bishop of Armagh. Hoping, Mr. Editor, Is generaI 1 have not trespassed too much on Yntir. fri animals space, I am, years, &c., sh oil the A Veen s ELIcti:rE, Lcg, 26, 18,78. eear °id • or hum Agefetal urn: Exhibitions for 1S76 ke and in hie of royal ergason, OU Victoria wagon shop the cabinet G. Deih1. ragon- shop ly known. insurance miles west lido of the be.seen a rail. -although Id. Sever - Ter of the ill in love Kiang lady For a time re started rains-, and etasele-e,s a et us give idence ied upon. farmer on I a two - stallion, perhaps at horse. caanot gg.eet a im rove avid Provinelal Exhibition, Hamilton, Sept, 18, 19, 20, 21 Lad 22. Western Fair, Loudon, S apt. 25, 28, W, 28, and -23. Central Erhilatiou, Guelph, Oct. 2, it, 4 and 5. Sonth. Ridiag Huron, Exeter, Oet. 5 a,nd 6. West Riding, Huron, Smith'Hill, Sept.. 21 aud 28. Et Eiding Huron, Brassele, Oet, 10 and 11. Ritliett Branch, Olinton, Oot. 8 and 4, Meats F :acct. Blyth, Oct. 12 and13. Mitchell, Sek t. 21. and 22. Listcwell, Sect. 26 and 27. Taruberry Manch, at Wing ham., on Sept. 29. , Hay Drench., at ou October 3 and 4. Tackeramitia L ranch; at Seaforth, on October 9 and ha • •_-,- EoNvick„ at Gorrie, on Oct. 8. 1- relater, et Wroacter,.on Oct, 4. ogrased c-xit • tiEW MODS AT THE. '7M. COLti- 8t Prize finVENTY.TwO 14oKA,GEs Now Fail G°°d'9„ at every -a raer.ea thia weeki at the 777, nomPriging L'"0= ' eh.ie ,Lateatitoeolties of the Season, and marked at f erteee tiett win -tempt people to buy large van- Pres- twos. (.if Col- ar old ck and cents per yard, l first tet ii Plaad ia e&Reekedto Sps, in Greys asnit. Browas, at 15 etas an& !JO cents per yard. ktisher, One Case Ptah- ant/Twilled Drees Goods, in SL ti,t Can. the New Cob. rings. Cheeks, Plaids and StriFel i of the tram .15 ceat, ta 10 cents per yard. J. . OUR WINCEYS. (hie Let Black Leveraible Drass Goods at 10, d agrit ThaLaroat and Cheapest Lot ever shown ia tint Equia ft.f-dFaaay crucias from fo; cents per Yard, or n horst. • *4 yards f .? One Dellar. gain :at the J. P. Very beat American Standard Prints from S Lt. la eatas jar yard. y are f Iberia!, CARPETS. JItLraI 16 PUC : AU Wool awl Union Carpets, dir1. est I hr from tt..0 aaa.afecturer, from 374 cents par Ylvd' of the, "bone tech Steck in Brown Dneks, Grey Lott4tia' fillies what cetare, at our usnal Low Prises"- . A, 0. McDOCGALL PRINTS. 'd and, utitied relict s CaaL raid r aay quantity of good dairy Iltatte.r' . _ E.: pose „ VOTERS' LISTS. eading -aviest VILLAGE 0 -It WROXETER, te, a* Col. 'ta-0Teca is hereby given that the list of all per- ro,._ 0_ , a p, ariag an the laii t. revised sesessment ed by aa, ... -t the ,,..f.aaleipality of the Village of Wroxe- *a/lad& `-''''`ii'lli tL.,8 1;4nat7 of Huron, to be entitled to vote- , _ In a eta raardeipality for tho election of mum" never bera to serVe it,. the Legislative Aseembly, wag xhibt, trSttiluStedth,p,p L.l nxy omee, id said niunicIpalitY• cu le t6nataniningtray of Anguat, 1876. Any ittlPer8"1 first to mot within aay error in said list must deliver . daps after the esta ,day of Atig t- atice of his Intention to Appli to • ail ' Mr- i tLe*a wt.ittc- .a ,1 i ta, ....a nage of t -.. said County in' respect thereof, - i.:I WIELIAM SMALL, Clerk kesa ,. • • e • 0 etat - _ - - se isiostimaggarialgiamossmusotssossnirmosio / NINTIII YEAR. . 01110.1.E NO. 457. ' „ IN I I I I I I I I 1111 MI I MI I ID SEAFORTH, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 1876. .ILEA N 1118.0TIKE sabliviterx. $1. 30 zi 1.nir,ifl advinnee. SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE., THE EARLDOM (:W MAR. l alt31 FOR SALE.-Part.0fLot 11 C 14 , on. , Fcontaining about 83 acres of the !ablest of land. Price 8000 cash. Apply to A,Lits, Real Estate Agent, Exeter. 454*8 ; tt , BABE CHANCE. -For Sale Cheap, three very 23. desirable building lots, facing on Victoria squaleaSeaforth. .For particulars apply to E. W0192.1.1 & Co. s 447 .LigGI TOR SALE. -For Sale, a gapd -*Two- X Blared Acre Farm in the TownshiA of Hal- t,Coany of Huron; well 'improved and with igr buildings. - Price, $5,500. Apply to A. STRONG, Land Agent, Seafarth. 447 eatta FOR SA.LE.-Easthall Lot 11, Con, 12, F aaaillop ; also South 50 acres of Lots 1 and 2 Coa.10, Morris, adjoining the Village of Blyth. t ortiallare apply to MeC, Barristers, &c., Seafoeh. - 425 GlIEY & liOLME- ag /TOR SALE. -North half of Lot 12, Con. :F 13, garnet), eontainina, 75 acres, 40 cleared, well timbered, With good buildings ; for sale cheap and on easy terms f payment. Apply to Mo011IGHEY & HOLMESTED, Seaforth. 449 DLRIE LOTS FOR SALE.-Coutaining 5 acres 1 each, adjoining the Town ot Seaforth. The most desirable situation for private residences. Terras reasonable, with im4iediato possession. apply to FL W. C. MEYER, I3arriter, Seaforth, 441 or to L. MEYER, Harpurhey. peoPERTY _FOR SALE. -That valuable prop. erty on Goderieh Street occupied by the Goder- ioh hianaisotoring Company as a Maehine Shop.. also ciwelliughonse and lot adjoining. The above property will bo sold on easy terms. For partial, lars apply to GRAY 41: SCOTT. 439 ✓ iEll FOR SALE.-cSonth half of Lot No. 31, Cou. 5, East Wawanosh, containing 100 acres, OW 80 acres cleared; there is on the farm a gleiguagwoeaduhanouasepuamnpd orchardofbarnfgoornai and dtab 1e, aoa and a good spring on the back of the lot. Apply 011the premises or to JAMES MURRAY, West, field P. O. 453-8 pROPERTY FOR SALE. -Two lots, with a 2 story frame house and barn, situated on the Market Square, Seaforth. The premises have been used. as an egg packing establishment, and are well adapted for any ptiblie business. For particularapply to the proprietress, Mrs. MAL - COM, Seaforth, or to D. GORDON, Croderieh, Ontario. 456 TTOMESTEAD EOR $1,000. -No money re- " tiered down -20 acres of land, 15 :tares clear - ea, 5 in bush, with a good bearing orchard ; house of 7 rooms, frame barn and log stable; in a very healthy and desirable neighborhood,. only three - emitters of a mile from churches, stores, sehool, mills, &a.. C. It. COMMANDER, Baytleld, 456 xTALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE NEAR THE V RAILWAY STATION. -Lots 50, 51, 52, 53, 64 and 55, in Jarvis' survey, Seaforth, Theselots from their close vicinity to the ratlway statien are specially adapted tor maaufaeturing purposes. Terms-One-tomah cash, Mance in throe equal animal instalments with interest at seven per cent. Title perfect. • GARBO W Sc. BADEN -' BURST, Solinitors, Goderich. 41,6 FIFTY ACRE FARM FOR SALE. -East half Lot 10, 00n. 8, Hallett; there are 40 acres cleared, improved and underdrainecl, the remain- ing 10 is well timbered with hardwood; there are fair buildings on the praises; a gopd orchard of bearing trees, also a number of young apple trees, ad a good well and pump; is iituated about 8 miles from Seaforth and Clinton, and 14: miles from Kinburn, on a gond gravel rod. For fur- ther ;Indianan; apply to GEORGE MANN, Con. Ranee P. 0. 456 ✓ ARMS FOR SALE. -West half of South half of -1- Lot 18, Con. 3, Morris, Huron County, contain- ing 60 acres. The above lot is all bush, of the best quality, and is only six intim from Brussels ; also south half of Lot 19, Con. 8, Morris, Huron Canty, 100 acres, allso all bash and the best of soil, 6 miles from Brussels station, Great Western Railway. For price and terms apply to . R. COOPER, Brussels, or to CALVTN A. CAMP- -BELL, Seaforth P. O. i 448e VAR2 FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot 12. Con. 8, 1. Hallett, consisting of 100 acres of land, 40 acres cleared, and the balance well timbered with hard- wood. There is a log house, sided, a 1 ram° barn and outbuildings, a good well, and a young bear- ing orchard of ohoine fruit trees, Situated 8 miles from Seatoith, miles from Clinton, 1i from Milburn. Terms made known on applieation on the premises. Possession given immediately. ELIZABETH HARVEY, Constance P.0.430 consente of the Doessineinlis Reeentlfr Found at Amberley, !Ont. - Calisinsier, of Aram rior,ithe lLawfasi Heft: The Eisiatc, lined nt 5100,000,000. The interest in this cas d opens.Last week Mr. Callender returned home to Arnprior, bearing with him the docu- ments which he had sudceeded in die - covering at Amberley, ()eta and which he fully believes make gool his claim to the title and estates of he Earl of Mar. 1 • The documents are three in number, and are in the form of cowmunicatious purporting to have been written at diffee- • ent times and places, by the late Earl of Mar or at his instance, t t Mr. Hugh Campbell, Mr. Oallander'M guardiaa. The first, dated Glasgovi,(8cot and, was written, in the year 182$. 1The writer, who styles himself Erskine begins 'Iby statiug that, to the agreement, he th his son ancl heir, John to Mr. Campbell, who ift ab ing to Canada, as the child. . he thinks the air of Oanada him. Along with the !ch. Mr. Ceinpbell £1,000, iclo lery, silver spoons, lee., mar initjals"R. C.," and a che which ltacl been bough from or Mr. Callender, the chi d. There are t certain marks on the per by which he may be ide communication conclude declaration to the effect thus entrusted•to Mr. C is the true son and heir Earls of Mar by the m le son thus designated is enj death of his father to pay o the latter may have ontrac more, the writer expresses re arl of Mar, according ith consig Cis Ersktn , out enaiera - being sickly will benefit d • he sends hing, jewel. ked with the t of books, at an auction for the use Of en enumerated on 'of the child., ti ed, and the h a solemn t the child bell's charge e last of the e, and the tned on the any debts d. Furthet- a wish that time be call- ypended to signed Wm. ertifying ee of the child, heir of the wa written in y ar 1839, and c ild Richard e i is said his arname Cal lawful her, 1 ept to that n the child the whole the afore - and , John unication is date 1840. writteu by Mr. Ham lton'and in- '1-. Campbell of the death of the Mar, and to the f et that the ichard Campbell C Under had it by leis will sole heir to the nd title of the Earldom of Mer. rsonal marks are again described titled to by the same parties, Wm. on and John Rose. , , of gre t age; and are written for the .2v •t mi ed Ri hard ' Campbell. the co Munieation is a aote the child should in the ean n and John Ro s # to the arks on the per on • and a rming Iiim to be he Earl of Mar. , The econcl document Hamil on, C. W., in th sinatily repeats - that th Ciampi, 11, to whose nani gu di n has added the Lauder, is the Earl of Mar's and a rief will and testa effect i adde , the mar s ain eriumerated, an and! witnessedl b ed- 1, m. Hamilto bird and last 4an ebec, and bears th SI 10 being certitie mentio Ross. . • The frora It was forms Earlo' child been 1• estate The p and ce Hamil • The documants have the appearance 11 • most art on 'one side of a ,half sheet of note p per, tae paper being' in each case the same size, aud apparently of the same t xture. The docum4uts are writ- ten iii the Same hand -writing of the person styling himself Wii. Hamilton, with tic exception of the s gnature John Ross, vhieh is in a differo t hand -writ - t ough evidently e • de case traced same hand. On th supposition e documents are gen ine, the t o ing, - FARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot No. 29, Con.-- by th testeass cultivation. A. bean 60x40, nearly new, partial, Wm. Hamilton an John Ro are cleared. free of stumps, well found, and in a shed and. stable 80'30, a driving shed 26x40, a must ave az ompanied the late Earl brick root house and a Splendid brick dwelling • Mar, follow'n his fcirtu es throu house, and all other necessary outbuildings. A ••every • idosit good orchard and well watered, .This is one of • • the most desirable farms in this Emotion of coon- acting 111 the try. 'Terms easy. Apply to the prosrietor on the these • (Winne BALE. * • 442 and g Hibbert, containing 100 acres; 90 of which that t premises, or to Egmondville P. . GEORGE tary o aman van FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 5, Con. 2, one w -1- Hallett, containing 100 twee, 80 acres of which a man are cleared and in a good state of eultivation, the east D balaace is good hardwood bush; well drained ; bialdiugs good; log house, barn withlgood stone ably feandation and stabling underneath . Is distant Mr. from Seaforth, on a good gravel road, 5 !tilos, and two 0 near liatiburn. The above is one of the best ed tO farms in the County of Huron. For further par- ticulars apply to the proprietor ou the premises hunse tion. He ha a vague recollection of being aftez wards in a place having a fishy smell, which he identifies now with that arising from oysters. He has no remem- brance whatever of crossing the ocean, or being on ship -board, thon h he can recall tieing a canal, and. tw one of whom c oat 'hauled by horses on a men walking alongside, arried . for •some time a out to return to Scotland, while in the formed. on her body, which were not yet a piece of his skull had bee c mraunication from Quebec, written by he,aled when sheastaken to the asylum. Upon his brain. Four of th m. Hamilton in 1840, the announce- The jailer and Matron have bee a asked. lbaeiedntoareraeeshtendf, ecilr n%meheazg lent is made of the Earl's death, the ; to resign. p ace 'where he clted, however, not being —A number of Germans who some tune penalty of the law in this ea Mentioned. The estate is at present held ago left Breslau,' Ont., for the Western a righteous judgment,. lit the Earl of a nephew, it as States, a few dae-s ago returned to Can- • —The Shrievaltv of 1Ve1 eityclicttlio, the last Earl of Mar. —Artzprier ada, thoroughly clisgusted with the land ing been rendered in his arms, givinghim for liis amuse- • / • , raent a cane with a yellow knob, which Canada,. he now supp ses to have been gold, and Rev. C. Chiniquy is lecturing in afterwards pl cin him in the boat, t 0 country towns of Nova Scotia. , where he was I —Three men were tined $100 each at does not reme retylmer last week, for selling liquor with - has subseque out license. been stripped i —In Waterloo when speaking of the - broadcloth, ame(vulgarly called croquet hereabouts,) bright silver they say Presbyterian billiards, with coarse , —The people of Waterloo are now . . . and irritated 4gitatuig for the exteasion of the Galt left'by the men, whom he her seeing any more. He t recollection of having of some fine clothes, black e thinks, adorned with uttons, and being invested omespun, which so hurt is skin as to cause him to cry. 4nd noon Railway to their town. dian, was a aver a lecture in Montreal on the 211st l• —Rev. Henry Wara Beecher will de- • Hugh Cam Campbell, on tstant, in the \ icton. skating rink. McNab, who still living, and resides • —The "strike" at Hepburn's boot arid on the border of the Chats Lake, near ei.hoe factory, Preston, has been strangled, Sand Point. vital triumphing ov r labor, and. work settled at brother's plac he left, for Lo residence in Callender wa Duncan Cam until his gu second time removed hi Canipbell's ie •fits of tempo one of these about three of Campbell's by young Ca service thus r ed the boy fo told him he Mar, that th this were in - meautime th but that they fully and h guardian's de prove of serv a man of rah dispositien, a Callender de grave." Cal deavored to respecting h without suc him out of t on this point. ever, is wortl y of record. On one occa- —Mrs. McConnell, sion Callender had insisted on knowing years of age, was the reason. why he was debarred from his heritage, and asked whether he was an illegitimate child. . Campbell, with - characteristi vehemence, seized the youth by t e shoulders, and declarod solemnly tha heir of the E produced. his riage certific 1 and which se a bona fide not remembe mother's na thie docume Many yea company wit along treate and harshnes bell family I hinder lost a that the Ma confiscated i terly reverte thee enquiri heirs Mr. 0 • a search for bell, Mr. Callander's ar- t! brother of Mr. Peter of the .oldest settlers of Oil Hugh Campbell, et seems, rst in MeNab, near his . But his wife soon dying er Canada, taking up his Hawkesbury. The boy left for a time with Mr. I bell, on the Chats Lake; rdiaa, hating married a nd formed a new home, young charge thithep. as been resumecl at he reduced wages. —At Galt, on Tuesday of last week, ohn Little had his skull badly fractured, Ind two other men were slightly injured y the falling of a sc {fedi. upon which they had been working.E • —Old St. Andrew'S Church congrega- tion in Toronto, have unanimously agreed to give a call to fill heir vacant pulpit ond Wife was subject to to Rev. G. MeBeathMilligan, M. A., of ary insanity, and during Detroit. ensitatione, which lasted, eaMr. A. J. Allen, ear Oshawa, drew onths, an infant daughter load Of wheat into town livery stable was nursed and cared for or bedding. Many a field that looked lender. Grateful for the Well standing in that locality will turn tit no better. eidered, Campbell inform- the first time of his origin, ' —Mrs. Gillies, of leassagawaya, moth- , r of Dr. Gillies of Teeswater, was so as heir to the Earldom of papers necessary to prove Severely burned about a month ago, that ts possession, that in the 4he died last Mondey , week from the y were of no use to hime affects of the sad accident. • —Mr. George Benaett, of Harriston, ecently cut for Mr. /MI. .ISroonan, 51 acres f very heavy spring *heat, in nine ours. This was done without any ffort on. the part of Mr. Bennett, there eing no wager. cribes him, "secret as the —The villa.ge of Ayr Waterloo Co., nder at various times en- ivith commendable enterprise, has offered elicit further information a $40 prize feta the best Instrumental should. be preserved care- ded over to him on his tb, or whenever they could. ce to him. Campbell was rsh, proud, and arbitrary d withal reticent, being as mself from his guardian, ess. 'Nothing could draw e fixed and studied reserve One circumstance, how- rass Band and a $20 prize for theaecoad est, the competition te take place on he second day of the South Riding 'how. a old lady over II ell ed by the horse rt when she was 1, on Tuesday,- 22nd ogle place at the ith, M. P., near eking a sudden st etting into the hug It. The accident esideuee of Mr. S rampton. he was the lawful son and p, —A. young man n rl of Mar. He thereupon father taxi. mother's rear- • te, which Callender read, med to be in every respect ocument. Callender does tead, residing in Br ng as brakesraan at ast week run over b egs -severed. He di fter the accident. with any distinctness his and small family e, but thinks according to 1 —By her will, the lete Mrs. Boomer t, it was Mary Stuart. onated $400 to the Mission Fund of the 's ago Mr. Callender parted 1 Ins peahen, who had ; all him with much severity . Sabsequeutly the Camp- • ft Ilawkesbury, and Cal - trace of them. Learning uet, was returning home from Widtler estates which had been t)ne night last week, his horses started to the last' century, had lat- 1 run, and the pole of the wagon dropped to the Erskine family, and, from the neckyoke, throwing Mr. Smith 8 were made for the lawful la distance of about 90 feet. In the fall Render set about instituting ' Mr. Smith's ankle -b ne Was brokerr in nied Joseph Tun- ntford, while aet- o t Colborne, was a car and both d a few hours ge leaves a wife liocese of Huron, an o the Protestant 0 f which amounts ha y her husband the —While Mr. Sam a similar amount phone Horne, both e been handed over ean of Huron. el Smith, of Borstal - he Campbell family, With two places. the view, if possible, of recovering the ! i --A man name s . . papers in his guardian's possession. Be- ' armrdered near B ing in poor c rcumstances he was unable ! and the governor of for some tim to take any steps in • the i ed a reward of ,,400 matter. Ha .ng at length succeeded in , !the murderer. The getting fund he started, out west on his I stances of the murd mission of in utile and found the Camp- : jmystery. The bod bell family here they had settled near , imutilated. t Amberley . Buren county. The old a —A week or two ago we noticed that 0 man was, ho ever, unfortunately dead, , Mr. Henry Stoakley raked and bound having died two years previously from a after the machine, on the farm of r. stroke of ap plexy, None of the family *41 -dant HallidaY# 2,000 sheaves in ten knew anythiiig about the papers, the old ,ihours. Stoaklea Ilse exceeded his fornaer man having bserved the utmost secrecy 'achievement having faked and bound the tsoecwraeredysttohewrn in regard to the matter, a irrevocable' ed, however, dr if by letter, to Linburn P. O. MA charg f h cfe to the las ,the former case of the ; first two of ' its at least, s his sec e- ensis. F o the spelti g neral appearance, the writing uld judge Hamil on to have been of rather limited e ucation, the ()noun; for instance, ;being inva i- ritten with a smell 11 Callender succeeded in recovering the books that hiicl." been consign- guaedian at the ime that 10, a child, ewas anteusted to his . These are a volume of "Her- hn Nelson has been rg, Newfoundland, he colony has offer - for the detection of cause and ciream- r are shrouded in was found much deadly dise fatal, he call 5 Meditaftiolas," publisaecl m 1813, FdWLER. 45 Acres, 70 of which are cleared. well fenced, in Itinerery of Scotland," published as term, Lot 4, Con. 2, Stauley, containing 100 if not remor that -class eultivation and free from stumps the dicate on the title k. page ' in the year *ble utter FaIIM FOR SALE. -For Sale, on reasonable and another work entitl d "Duncaa's In in a tone wh balance timbered with the best lvood; buildings 1823. The words ' ' al i. • Callender, gl . • • Over him an cetafertable; a good aoting orchard of fruit trees; Tunkerton, June, 1825," appear twice in in eOnnectio the well watered • within 14 miles from Icippeu this bpok on two different blank Pages' whose desti and 4 miles from i3rucefield stations,- and 10 miles traced in lead pencil. Th ' date, iti,yjflf tem Seaforth, Clinton and Eieter, with gravel seems to ha be se corresponds wit that o tane ancl it deserving the attention ofi;mrchasere. first cpininunicatien tn. a r. ## d ie Close to a a an s roads leading to often place. This is a choice Er, d tif the family h apply on ale premises or to Kinnon . 0. WM. possession, in which it is Itieatione extraordinary number of 2,200 in the • same time—ten hours. Who can beat ich leis sudden death set an , this eal. His family remember- ' —On Saturday last a man mined 'that when overtaken by the Pinchard, a resident of Port Dover, was se, which 'so soon proved ' engaged by a travel d out the name "Richard," Port layerse by a sai eh seemed to indicate regret, turn the boat was a e.—This was his 4ast intel- running at the time. nee, the grave soon closed any secrets he might hold with the foster child, over y such a veil of mystery er to take him to boat. On the re- pset, a heavy sea The boat and part ,4 of his clothing were found about two miles out in 'the lake on Sunday morning, but the body is not recovered. Deceased leaves a wife and two children. —The barn of Me. G. Bricker, about three miles from New Dundee, was struck by lightning during a reeent storm, and the building, together with all this year's crops :of about 200 acres - and a separator, were totally consumed. Some men who were out plowing before the storm, ran to the barn for shelter, and had °scarcely got in, when it 'was struck. No insuranee. —A gentleman of Toronto, while row- ing across to the island. a few days ago, found a curious illuetration of the effects of greediness, in. the shape of a dead g,u11 floatirfg on the water with 'a very large dead catfish half way down its throat. It appears that the' bird fouad out too - late, as many a young angler to his sor- row has discovered, that a catfish is not such a harmless ash to handle. The catfish was also in a dilemma, for while it choked the bird/ its own defensive weapons prevented it from withdrawing from the gull's mouth, and brought about its own suffocation. g• old. dwelling, from which d removed some years ago, 'a was a little out -house, securely roofed BLAIR Jr - 446 - • * the books had been boutht at auct 'on f and floored, which the elder Mr. Camp- hinesdf was during his lifetime allowed IZAMM FOR SALE. -For Sale Lot No, 3, and from ene Mr. Callender r the use o Part of Lot No. 4, Concession 12, Tucker- the Earl of Mar's heit. Mr. the, bell had bin t, but to which no one but vitta.u, the balanee well timbered with harrood; ian s ami y some jewelle anhd a ntim- 'Itree Of Whi' an eleared, well fenced and ha a good atate of ealti- ?aso found in the pessessi n of his guard- d . d the character and. pur- mita containing 130 acres, 100 of which are a eaal frame barn, driving shed and eheera °use, ber of silver teaspoons on Vhic were en- et.y) a log barn and stable, and a good log house; . cealed from it bearing orcl3ard of fruit trees. The ffirma • gravel the initiate "-qt. 0 ," and which . jeeturinfg th well watered. Lfrom Hensel' 4 miles froHensel' station, he him brought home wit . scd a miles frorn either Exeter or Seaffarga, with The evidence that Mr. eut le sehools and churches. Apply an the prem. Perseil refen•ed to in the ;:rme: roads leading to each place, mid conveni- nose on is thus abund tesoie 1 456 able. The personal fma i i PAR31 FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot 27, Con. 1, another on the left side o eicareil and in a good state of eriltiva t1on. There 1 t in the left eye, and ) 're AleKillop, containing 98 a.crea, about 80 acres ' --ee, I.5 eerafoltable dwelling house, good frame baiaa mond-shaped mark near stables mad all other necessary out:bifildings ; 2 the thumb and forefin ic one of the,best farma iu this sectien 48 acres . hand, a rough diagram' o eve well9 and over 160 fruit trees bettring ; this . of St:earth ; this -------.4. ance for ispeculators marks aze plainly diaper ibes or to Chiselharst P. 0., to DONA.LD BOB- q I are a scar on the left leg ale lot are within the Corporation Of the Town , in one of the docu,me builaine lots on theofront that wonl 1 sell from SOD of Mr. Callandet, a trail property, as there are abont 150 good being of lo *ate to $250 each, and the rest would be suitable aPPearanc° of park lots, Terms mdae kilOWn o applicatiou From intervievvs with to the proprietor on the premises. ADAMS, Seaforth P. 0. XCELLENT FARM FOR SALE. 25, Con. 4, MeRildop, containing about 75 of a hich are cleared and in a high state gateways openint into t THOm As who is a man of good 454 considerable shrewdnes Being Lot the earliest recollection- 100 acres is living in a large' h cultivation; the remainder is well timbered whichbo remem ers se . elite excellent hardwood; there is a comfortable brick houee 2 storeys hrgh, and superior ontbuild- carriages Pass. Here 'Inge, also an abundant supply of water, and by a girl, probably' a 11. good- orchard; is situated two and hall whole appears t,0 him li miles uorth of Seaforth, with a good gravel 1M. h he had kept carefully con - his family., Naturally' con- t the papers sought for had . been secret about this building, Mr. documents in Callender a d'a son of Mr. Campbell's allan ei is e Proceeded t( the place, and having torn and irrefrag- ap the floor ng they dug into the ground •ks alluded to • underneath a little distance, when, tc elow the keee, • their deligh , they came upon- a bottl he face, a 'de - e , singular aia- seeured by closely -fitting pebble stop per, 'and i this bottte were found. th the junctiou of thee docu ents alrea,dy described, er of - the left which is giaen The este .8 included in the Earldoni ts. All tit' se of Mar, wh ch embraces the raanufactur ible On the ' er- Mg town of Feist y, are said to be wort nahave ea ry one hunch. d m llions. A number o standing.' connections mor or less removed, of th r. iCallaniter, Erskine fa ily niet in Hamilton Ont. elligenae and last Februa e learn list 000, to be e: has of hint elf with -the vi use, with %aide to the hei e yard, through estates. 1 ing horses and lineal Earl wat attended tivae in C nurse ; InitIthe 1 1840ait we n chiral in e crowd have of murder The extreme se would be ington bev- y the death of the West. of a range, Peter v, the local —Wm: Carruthers, station" -master of member for the South' Richt le, has been the Great Western Railvtaye Chatham, offered the position, a posit has absconded. It is rumored he has Reformers of the Radial!, ar embezzled through false shipping bills in saying he is deserving to a large amount. Several persons have agreed to accept. As a pre bon victimized, The embezzlenients are Mr. Gow has resigned his said to exceed $10,000. • - Legislature. —Crops in the neighborhood et Guelph —On the arrival at Stra are turning out better thanatenta antici- four o.clocit train from the e paeed. Threshing has commix - oats day afternoon of last wee peas, and spring wheat are turning out aged man woke from a doz to 'find that ell,wthe grain market is gettieg brisk ; be had been relieved of his ipocket-book a considerable quantity of new barley containiug $300 in cash, and. securities h been disposed of; the quallity was, to the amount ef several thousand. Mr. d. u which the unaniMOUS a and has iminary step seat in the ford. of the gt ou Thurs , a middle - by SO (11 ci ri el the blood was so much poisoned chant tailor. He was le his t t no help could be given. a coat on a custother, ;when - ,Morrice promptly despatched a constable The other day a women waS bitten ! with him in search of the thief, but with a rattlesnake in the blackberry marsh no results so far as aseertained. th of Cornell, in Oxford coutity, and —A very sudden death occurred at d soon after reaching home. A physi- Aylmer on Friday eveniug of last Week, had been sent for, but before his ar- the victim being Mr. Peter Glen, mer - shop, fitting, le fell to the s immedia- extinct iu a an old. and his family - Mire village ' t. i,noumbent of autford, and y week, for go at the egation to ay. Before al At the time of his death: be was , leaving, a large representation of the ior minister of Erskine Chureh, Pres- reverend gentleman's parishioners met erian, in that city. , and preseuted him with a well-filled - During a race at Halifax harbor on . purse and the good wishes of hie people urday, a squall struck the yacht for his and Mrs. Staree pleasure an' 3- A A youog man named Frank Carle - to was burned to death in a stable in Ottawa during Saturday night. He, with drunken. companions, entered the place to sleep, and while smoking some of them set fire to the bailcling, from which Carleton wee unable to eseape. 1-1-, The death at Portland, Maine on Monday, is announced of Rev. Wiliam Mrs. Starr, left on Saturd Taylor, D.D., after a brief illness. In Muskoka lakes, -where the years, and also in date of induction, Dr. urgent request of the con '2' lor was the oldest minister in Mon- spend a three weeks' holt tr se by Sa floor. Medical assistance tely summoned, but life wa very few minutes. He was much respected citizen, an have the sympathy of the at their sudden bereavemen —The Rev. Mr. Starr, Grace Episcopal Church, B Ce anet, and two of her crow were happiness while absent. e -The Brantford Eapoeiter gives it good, both by example an precept, it says :—"Messrs, L. Black der and. G. Bolton, of this town, who not long ago placed thenaselves among aedestrians by - walking to Hamilton (25 miles) in 4 hours and 48 minutes, are practising every morning before breakfast for the purpose of walking some long distance, against time, this fall, We Wish hem success, and for the sake of many weak, sickly young men who desire health we say, `Go and do likewise."' 4-s on has long dtborhi hens, ce of roving d back yard, entleraan do? put some old s and in the dr4wned. One was the mile* of the hoat, Wm. B. Fay; the other, Samuel Tupper, Inspector of Inland Revenue. th are married men with families. oung man who attempted to swim ore from the wreck also lost his life. The meetings at the Methodist Camp minds, at Grimsby, are still kept up largely attended. Over five thou: d persons attended the seraices on nday. The gates were kept closed ring the hours of worship. Rev. G. •1 A as an sa It: Sanderson preached in the morning, Ray. A. Langford in the afterapon, and —A gentleman in Lon Rev. W. S. Griffin in the evening. been annoyed by his nei --Two respectably dressed .en, bat- which made a daily pract ing the appearance of American ;tourists, through his front garden a 'entered the jewelry store of Savage & And what did this worthy, Lyman in Montreal, last Saturday, and He just went patiently an wane one of them engaged the ettention hats and hay under his ste of the clerks looking at some jewelry, • barn, and when those hens came on their the other attempted to carry off a case marauding expeditions those that came of diamonds to the value a $4,000. to scratch. remained to lay. He has had th men were arrested and held over all the fresh eggs he Wanted since spring, for trial,. . and has sold $4.60 worth to the man that --Ail accident occurred in Kiacarcline, owns the hens. o Friday last, by the falling of some —The death of Morris heavy timbers at the erection of the one of the oldest and m new Methodist Church in that town. citizens of Galt, occurred itt 11filliam Murray, who was within the Wednesday of last week, building, was dangerously hurt, and his a native of New jersey, ca nose split in two. The portioa of the 1844, and engaged it the foundry bum - .t building that received the fallen timbers ness in which he co tamed uutil 1873, was badly shaken, necessitating the re- During this time be occupied many b ilding of at least ten feet of the wall, positions of trust as public officer, be- ing Councillor, Reeve, and. First Mayor . —Two freight trains on the Canada Southern Railway collided about eight of the town- He Was al 0 for lnana' o' 'lock on Wednesday molting of last , years elder in the presbyt lien church. Five I Eminently hotiora.bla in his private life, miaele, one mile east of Waterford.. dal social and kind-hearted, he deceased . cars were badly smashed and thrown the track. Both engines are disabled. ii has left behind hunt a na e that will long be ientemberecal not al ne on account One car of hogs next the engine' telescop- of his public sere 'hes, b t aleo on ac - Li - - e the tender and engine cab and about h,f a dozen hos were killed. One o 18 p arid raised a sum of $10,- . —Some months ago an insane woman tven to the, Hon. Mr. Blak named Gignac, of ort Erie, was sent to w of 'proseeuting inquiries Welland jail and sabsequently removed ship to the Mar title an to the asylum, where she shortly after was ascertained that the t . died. The naedical man who attended f Mar had hved for sonie her at the asylum eapressed the opinion nada and died in the year'that she bad not reeeived proper care tend su posed either in Montre 1 , treatment while an inmate of the jaiaand ! the result was that an investigation! hit° the circumstances by the Inspector, Mr. ir, took place in Welland. last wee The Tri7n4g says that the fact s was brought out thst the unfortunate wo- e t man had not been properly attended to, s 'but had lain in her filth until sores had •ei a dream, fl,c1 or Chicago, on is way. home to Scotian he can fix no time lor locality for the leaving a road leading to it • there is a school about half a not . tulle distant, and it imonvenient to churches, its. scenes thus vaguely i pressed mil his I had nee is promoted to soy person wishing to pro- memory. The next • thing he recoil cts oarretP0* nd is a number of men Terms easy. This is is superior farm, and rare f le attendan , to I in that da 'gaud • g the docum ohs • cure is first-class farm. For further particulars , . - aPply to FRANCIS McCULLA., Seaf orth Post nail away from h us Owe. 4574 whom he remembers ch ging for protec- Earle the will; which up to thatti en discovered. This wont with the statements made • nts held lea Mr. Callender, 1839a it is Vetted ' that iti Hamilton, 0W., w # • . Lutz, Esq., st respected that town on ceased WAS e to Galt in count h. ftmeer sprainedhis leg. The mail -t•On the occasion • Buffalo of the Gran t amswere transferred around. the wreck. Saturday, one of t —The murderers Young weie re -sen-' the lower inert of the Queen's Bench. The day of execution is' on Sunday alonting the 22nd of this month. There was a of prostitution. Nothing ft. good deal of interest displayed by the intoxicated remaine t need on Saturday, by the 'Court of a orth. of th Tnin e num over, city, n al) excursion to employee on er becoming and, visitin as found dead d in a house rther than- an - was found on ntembers of the legal profession as to the his person to iden , He was employe's excursion ticket, farm that would, be adopted by the Co rt it this case, which stands alone in. ilhe probably 35 years of ark full wills- ify age; v est ; and. gone, hand chain erica ed. dark woolen kers ; wore white records of the Collets in Canada, and pants ; white shir ilk hat ; fore which has few eases similar to it in the records of the Courts in Englaitd, , finger of right hen silver rini, on ; wore silver —Mr. .3`ohn Frazer of Frazer Bros little finger of Barn watch and plated New York, shipping ' merchants to th'e: • attached to West Indies, Central and Sout . Anaerie whie, 31 was•a "r!) A• gold. piece. Fon.. play is suspec pot mortern ca, and Brazil, has been in Toronto late-. ' exaraination will be held. The inmates 1Y, endeavoring to make .arrangements i of the house have ben arr sted, for the purpose of opening up avenues of trade between Canada and these mar- • •—A fearfully destructive fire broke out klets. Mr. Frazer has been favorably: , in St. Hyacinthe, a towb ix -i Quebec, itapressed by the Canadian eahibits at which contained ab ut 4,010 inhabitants, Sabbath afternoon. In about two the Centennial, and has expiassed the on last hours the whole of the bath ess part of the opinion that these markets wilt be found. ,' town was destroyed.Six h lathed bailees , profitable to Canadians. s 1 — h Berlin Telegi ph las the knack T e •a ' were burned, and 100 were left standing. of seeing things iu a happy light—even, House after hous e mostl wood, were oa the darkest night—it says :—"Our swept off like Chaff. P ople had not time to save a stit . Au aged woman, Town Laiuplighter, who Is rather after leaving her dwelling, which was on Waggishly inclined, seems to believe in t e doctrine of `like cures like. On fire, returned. again, it is supposed for oonlight nights the lamps are lit,some hidden treasure, and was burned to ' hile on dark nights they ate left in death. In the , co sternat on the iiihab- arkness, and the citizens allowed -44 itants fleeing from grope their way as best they aan. The and velaicles sever ?write cau't see the joke, and very down and run ove naturally ask, 'How wines- those leg broken and se t ings ' or less injured. —There came to St. Catharines some ers dealt out ginge time ago a stranger named ilierray, re td-redrinks the i presenting himself as a property holderh nt from Port Dalhousie, he obtailied two ore —Two men na gans from local dealers under false pre i- Robert Webb ever fences -and shipped them to Detroit.' years in penit,en One was received at Windsor and the residence of Jame tither was traced to the Custem House Collector, Windso at Detroit, where it now het a:waiting 6th, and attemp the owner's instructions. Two carriage change office, W.. dealers were also victimized toithe extent young Holton, w Of a wagon each, one of which was sold morning of the in Hamilton and the other ,shipped to 1 bank kwassas siren, t:thincedthrtoeete; Detroit. -John Earles, a young man from for the burglary. Both Hamilton, Ont., aged 23 years was and richly dmry the pti murdered in one of the principal years, ed. If other Judes WO in San Francisco on Sunday 27th August. severe with. her ne was quietly taking an afternoon wallh profession wouldsoon when he came across a crowd of see ular than it is at present. Re was at once conveyed to the city dputerstaubd:eensirvaPPe,e4ri'draeCteand'nfmed°**4?IlheVivraalth' - drunken fellows one of whiom Ara hirn on the forehead with same jagg instrument, knocking him antenna , prison for treatment, but died on the fal- lowing morning. It was discovered that he fie I people . One ot vaveria a • ale an 04 es with horses were knocked. man heel his ers were more id hate' keep - 1 intoxicating ich jtoli.e wmeorre,g, an ,a- id * aed ame e sn t e wb - re tcoon stoh jut r t. e en:tilunggi i. r fory,Goonwlb, , r g, 1. ear i zlt ei nvge ntheue I night' to ro olton's ex - odw8°ars' ina 'c'halibrgoeo,tieilif thaet , E a e e eiodon if st: nhe gee captured equally a ur leyi : ra asJa gineelreiessgatt,pothpe. element award - re hard cases years for the rs additional Sweetzer, the hooadirte anr tags% o bis nsequently be summary trial, aiid wilt dealt with at the fall assi es.