The Huron Expositor, 1876-08-25, Page 1a AuGusT 18, 1876. —Car- building are 16 • feet. With the ex order- ,tion of the floor, all the woodwork lag I. Os- is Mack ash,highl y finished and oiled onle nen, thus setting out the beautiful appearance' 19.50; of the wood. The ceiling is open to .ts and ridge, showieg the six principal true 11, $23 rafters ; the rafters and ceiling all beim, 4; G. of black aah. The wells are finished j; wick, gray plaster and m.arked off in unites" . Bell, of stone. The windows are of figured, ground glass with colored borders. Neeth drain the exception of the contract for the win cul- dews all the work has been done by here prize contractors, and, on the whole, they hay 1815 done thenenives credit. The contract() shade for the brick and stone work werell ey Mr. Hodgins, & Prior ; for all the carpente I, that and joiner work, Mr. .Peter Thompson nd 22, plastering, F. Kelly; chancels and FERIA' 1877, ture, A. Duncan; bricks,R. MeNaughtee e same windows, Lydett, of Hamilton. The to ed $20 tat cost, including site, has been $5,00 red by of which only $1,350 remain unpaid,. Th Well. building is situated on the Mam street ed for onlyone block south of thebusiness centre aid for of the town. On Sunday last the church lay of was epened for Divine Service. In the es per chaucel were present Ven. Archdeacoa ici that Elwood, of Goderich; Rural Dean Davie, at no of Wingham; Revds. H. Bartlett, Rond. tarried. Eau ; E. It .Tone', Listowel ; A. J. ma. by Mr. (tier, Aurora; S. Woodburn'Wroxeter ow ad- H. Davie, D. D.,Tormato; and the eember cumbout, IL Cooper. The morning pray. er s were read by RevcIs. Jones and Fie. dler ; the Communion service by Aro deacon Elwood. The sermon was preae peter, ed by Rev. H. Bartlett, from Saraue Chap. IL, 23 and 24. The preach visit delivered a very able and impressive se rnave 'mon frona his text. The choir, under th leadership , ea it leadership of Mr. Chanter, at the djffer. th:eir ent services rendered most beautiful impreseive music, not the least touching wereog of their selections being that beautif of the anthem,- " I Waited for the Lord." T a - echurch is seated ui to hold 300 people co- eevilleaetee-„ fortably, but had extra sittings for this to -ere day to accommodate 500. This' fuie L;T- haliding is among one of the best in this 'DT site_ Erection'and the congregation of S. As the John's Church have reason to be proud ##. Il made - - of their fine edifice. itirprise Wroxeter. etting a erdially Leseameteroei. —The foil ing are the Indsorcie officers for Star Temple No. 500, Inde - rove by pendent Order Good. Teraplars, installed twenty- by Temple Deputy William Small, for dewing the quarter ending October, 1876. W. Edward C. T. Bra. Thomas Hogg, W. V. T, reraem- Sis. jane Forsyth, W T.,...Bro. James' ices as Orr, W. M., Bro. Jas. Coghill, W. le rganist, 5, Bra, Joseph Anderson; W. S., Bto. to offer Gee. Gibson W. A. S, Sis. E. Yoe- niration burgh, W 1 G., Sis. E. Black, W. 0. tion of G., lere. W. Hogg; W. C., Bro. Sohn M pro- Thompson, W. A. M., 'She A. Sage, society, W. R. a S., Sis. E. Knutson; W. L. .:11 your H. S., Sis. M. Walker. — hibited, • pace of ou, and Eseeoere.—Mr. Andrew Govenlochof tir effort the Winthrop mills has engaged Mr. Ai- fred Brewer, formerly of Trowbridge, aa manager and head miller of his flou min. Mr. Brewer is a miller of long perienee and will, no doubt, give tie highest eatisfaetion to the patrons of tie Wintbirep mill. MaKillop. e by the Le most ice and greateat . by the he old; id with 'bing up of God, . to the gotten.” .ble and Temperance in Hullett. To the _Editor of the Ihroli, Expositor. — SIR : In these days when so muchlis being said and written about Temper she con- anee, I am happy to inform you, that the and had. young people of Ilullett are not beheld ileasure. their fellows ha the great reform. They eforts to have erected in the township two re - e church spectable temperance halls, at both of :.e. might which spirited And well -attended meet - re. The ings are regularly held. But they labor Ishruents under great disadvantage here, as I fear ladies of they do in many other places, in not be. arm:ices, ing upheld, as they should be, by the Th.e re- members of the leading churches in the Tent in township, of whom corriperatively few i.nr1 the have joined them, and. scarcely an offi- e by all cial. And, although the people of Hui - anthem, lett are generally favorable to the go0 r several cause, yet the names of but few headsof families appear on their rolls ; hence I have said the young people. But the young people, or the rising gen.erati Driving are the hope of the country, and many track is1 of them, who are now getting th1r e training at debates in temperance hal ,tvien on. will, no doubt, take the lead in other c- lubs was forms in our country. But they takelit ill at not being better upheld by tie et, when gtotetet church offieials who are doubtlesste, • peraace men and would_ wish to see t e L.'ilg last, cause prosper, many of whom aspire .to lelivered be platform orators. Some of these re n aall to a whent spoken to on the subject, eta tAcI ...,..t of the that the temperance people at their Leetee of °la's introduced light matter, as son dialogues, reading, &c., whieh they co .0.f Brits- not sanction. Now, sir, as these prec a •concert gentlemen know that the object of ..th e e of the. meetin s is to make the cause attractive aged for end induce others to join with them; 1 eueeeee think that they would be acting more in 1. di, it, conformity with their professions, if, ili- a gtea-Tt stead of closing their arms and finding fault with the means made useofto pro - last Mrmote the good cause, they would show , f Blue- by their presence at the meetings that they ha.d their approval, and they.coeld then introduce suck topica as their su- perior wisdom could make attractive to the young. Hoping that this will meet the eyes of some whose consciences must tell them that they are blameable in this matter, I remain, sir, ' A FRIEND OF TE1PERA-0(Z - A. G. McDougall & Co., Seafortil; Twenty yards Print for $1 at the 777, A, G. MeDeueALL & CO. c' Reeve i Donald - d with he ease . . 11 was r ;the late . 0,tawn- Iai public ;iel,s, un- hancery, by a Mr. lento, for a mort- ars of an e of Sea- Episco- ley last. 'diets of [morniag eain, aeljr d. This d by the .h, Brus- ular ser- hy, then services ev, S. A, L''irusseie ; ied three he pres- w:ts. then ree yearn Previ- eat, the me five atechi5t. amid - la atone s 36x60 and tow - t is the ng, with he main —New Goods ripening every day at the - 777. A. G. MCDOUGALL & Co. —Brown Ducks, heavy, at 131 coats, worth 20 cents- per yard. A. G. go' Doream. & Co. —Rich Satin Stripe, Black Grena- dines, for .25 cents, worth 40 cede, at the 777. Ai G. MeDoraetee & Co. —The Dunkin Bill has alreadY bee1?.• adopted: in the Caunties of i‘lissisteei - and Argenteuil in Quebec and Add1r4- ton, Larnbton, Lennox and Prinee- Ed- ward in Ontario. Ottawa County In Quebec and Huron, Brant, Derliatee Elgin, Frontenac, Grey, Hastings, Solt thamberlaud, Ontario, Oxford awl Wellington Counties in Ontario are shortly to he tested as to their feeling towarda 777 WT E' 777 2yQ00 TUBS FINE DAIRY BUTTER. RICHEST PRICE IN CASH PAI.O. A. 0, MGDOUGA,LL 116 GO' / NOTE( It EAB. WHIOLE NO. 455. saggillIMMOMMINI2===72401010 BEAM ESTATE It0.11 SALIC. AA BARE OHANOE.—For Sale Crheap, three very disirable entwine lots, tieing on Victoria 'aquae Seaforth. For particulars apply to E. HICKION & Co. 447 FOR SALE.—Part et mot 11, Con. 14, blelCillop, eontaining about 83 acres of the eery beet of land. Price $2,000 cash. Apply to - A, LAKE, Real Estate Agent, gxeter. 4544,8 SEF9ITH, tRIDAY ATJGUST 25, 1876. 1 cif!. AN HBOTIIX110, Paibliaberei. 1 50 a Ilire-arstat advance. ' FiEm FOR SALE.—For Sale, a good Two Hundred Acre Farm in the Township of Hui. eConnty of Huron; well improved and with ear buildings. Prico, $5,600. Apply to A. STRONG, Latul Agent, solforib. 447 VABMS FOR SALL—East half Lot/ll, bon, 12, • MeXillop ; also South 60 acres of Lots 1 and 2 oelaa(), Morris, adjoining the Village of Blyth. For partioulars apply to Metak.t.UGHEY & HOLME- SPED, Barristers, &e., Sealorth. 425 SALE--Sonth half Litt 1, Con. 11, Grey; X containing 60 acres, adjoining the village of prune's ; said lot is suitable for park lots ; for farther particulars apply tt WM. GRAHAM) 0. proprietor, or to B. pouP 14, Brussels. 448e "WARM FOR SATXI.--Nortlo hall of Lot 12, Con. me -gallop, containing 76 acres, 40 cleared, balanee well timbered, with good buildings; for sale cheap and on easy terms of payment. Apply to MeCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED, Seaforth. 449 PARE LOTS FO II SALE.—Containing 5 acres .1- each, adjoining the Town of Seaforth. The most desirable situation for private rosidenees. Taras reasonable, with immediate possession. Apply to H. W. O. MEYER, Barrister, Seaforth or to L. MZYER, Uttrpo (hey . • 441 piOPERTY FOR SALE.—That valuable prop- erty on slcatirieb street °coupled oy the Goder- ieh Manufacturing Compeayns a Machine Shop. AIfo dwellinghouee and lot adjoining. The above fropertY will be sold on easy terms. For partial - ars apply to GRAY dc SCOTT. 439 RUILDINte toes IN SEAFORTII FOR SALE —Dr. COLEMAN, having laid oat the grounds recently occupied kts 3 Driving Park into Raid- ing Lots, it/ pveta.tooft to diapoae of lett; on reason- able terms to any who may deeire them. Parties desiring to parehase ehould raake imniediate ap- plication. 864 P ROPERTY FOR SA.Lt.1.—Two lots, with a 2'.! story frame house aud barn, situated on the• Market Sgaare, Seaforth. The premises have been used as an egg vaulting establishment, and are well adapted for any p blio business. For particulars apply to the pro rietress, Mrs. MAL - COM, Seaforth, or to D. ORDON, Goderich, Ontario. 481 :VARM FOR SLB.—South half of Lot No. 31, •a• .Con. 6, Beet Wawanosh, containing 100 acres, abed SO acres cleared; thee is on the /rain a good frame barn aud suable, a good house and orchard of good fruit trees, a good well and pump and a goorl spring on the baok of the lot. Apply ,on the premises or to JAhLES MURRAY, West- field P. O. 4534'8 'FARM FOR SALE. -*—For Salo, 5.4 Lot 27, Con. a: 4, Morris; 99 acres, 85 cleared and in the best stet° of oultiaation ; balance good hardwood bush ; a good bearing orchard; buildings good, log house, frame barn 40x87'frau as stable and shed 80xt2. Also north half of north half of lot 26, Con. 5, Morris, 50 acres, 01 bush; possession at any time. A.pply to ALEX. STEWART, Mor- ris, Brussels P. O., or to C.B. COOPER, Brussels P.0. 454c ARM FOR SALaa.—For. bele, Lot No. 7, Con. 10, Morris, containing ire cleared, weLl fenced an oultivatiort; the romaindo '4 acres, 25 of whieth iu a good state of r 18 well timbered. There are 4 set on of olunee fruit trees bearing, a good log house and frame stable. Is 1 mile from the Biyin eGatioa of the London, Heron and Bruoe Railway. Vor further partioulara to JOHN LAIDLAW on the premise, or to W. CLEGG, • Blyth. 425 PARMS FOR SALE.—West half of South half of " Lot 18, (Jon. 3, Morris, Effiron County, contain- , ing 60 acres. The above lob is all broth, of the beat quality, and is only six, mile from Brussels ; also south half of Lot 19, Con. 8, Diorrls, Huron County, 100 acres'alsoall bush an.d the best of soil, 6 milea iromBrussole ete.tion, G roe t VVestern Railway. For price and terms ripply to G. R. COOPER, Brnssele or to CALVJN A. CAMP- BELL, Seaforth P. O. 4430 tARM FOR SALE.—For Salo, Lot 12. Con. 6, A." Hallett, consisting of 100 scree of land, 40 aeres cleared, and the balance well timbered with hard- wood. There is a log houste, sided, a 1 Tame barn and outbraldinge, a good well, laid ,alyoung boar-- ing ol choiee fruit trees. Situated 8 miles —from Sieleith, t, miles trona Clinton, 1/ from Klubarn„. Torras madtht known on application on the premier:10 Poeseseiofe giveu immediately. ELIZABETH HARVEY, Constance (.). 430 5 VARM FOR Lot No. 28, Con. " 1, Tnettaatuithrlemdou Load, eoutaining 100 acres, about 80 of whith are slearod and in a rt -class state of cultivation; a now brick house 26,188, with kitelese 13x26 ; 2 frame barns andall other necessary oat-buildinge ;• plenty o1 water and good orchard; within half a mile of Bruce - field station, an 1 111 114 from aeaforth anO. Olin - ton. Apply on '”he p :ammo; or to Brucelteld P.O. WM, WERIXOTT. B. ---Also a 20 -acre Park Lot in Brueollold for sale eheap. 4624'4 FARM Fa SALE.—For a'a-ie, Lot No. 29,Con. 011111;1a:rt., centeating 100 flutes, 90 of wiiich are cleared. free of cDunipu, well feuced, and in first-olase q.citivation. A barn 001(.40, nearly new, a shed and etable 3:34:30, ariviog shed 21lx40, brick root home and a splendid brick dwelling house, and all ethyl- neci;sary outbuildings. A good orchard and well wetered. This is. one of the most riesataae tarots ilu tete steidau 01 coun- try. Terms easy. Apply o the proprietor on the premises, 01 to Lgroand illo P. 0. UEORGE BALE. 442 AP The spot on the Hue rd creek in the 'ds found alrea at a dozen out ter us, until fires scatter Huerfand is Med than a Colorado. and fertile, water for ir was a great year by yea culture is r the quantit or more yea Then from $6 to $10 price for cor portion. could afford still do well make forte produce is Missouri, freight char These old ti golden time is lamentin ways for d good old s $60 to $100 ter still, a goods almo ask, and ev ryb Now, .good ;are wages. are 1 money, and time and dull as an mer cannot born brought in y lets his ran enough for deserts it e VAB5I FO I? cl a IVM —Frit. Bele. Ttet 5, Con, 2, ' ECallett, containing 100 aereq;80 acres oi which are cleared and in a good ewe of cultivation, the i balance is good hard wocd bash; well drained; buildings good • log hens, barn with good stone foundation andetabling t nderneath. Is distant from Seaforth, on a good gravel road, 5 miles, and near Kinburn. The abOve is ore of the best farms in the County of Huron. For further par- ticulars apply to the prdprietor On tho premises or, if by letter, to Iiinburn. P. 0. CHARLES FOWLER. 455 .__ • Fkrix FOR, SALE.—rpr Sale, Lot No.24, Con. 1, Stanley, co:ft:tiro:to 97 aares, more or less, as a personal! N of whieh et e ..•lcoael,1 well fatated, aild in a by an associat OLORADCI. side, no tree Jr ho tony, and it is ver he o on Lown and r on tree f n Outs nd b ,th e bl R NO. VI. d for camping place as on a bend of that of thi k timber. We he cam 'ing-place about ts, a • d sev:ral came in. af- ther. were 15 or 16 camp- c.th ough t e bottom. The per aps m re thickly set - y other cr iek in Southern he creek .6 tom is wide d ere is n abundance of ti ri. A one time there unt of produce raised g this creek, but agri- ading n Colorado, and is now muc less.. A dozen s agoit pai to raise crops. to 18 ,ce ts a pound, or brialhel, w s the common tl. other produce in pro - t t ese ra es the farmers to IQ e half heir crops and -i---e eeding y well, in fact, :. Now, orn and other hep here as in Ka sas or ith the ex ption f the es n ess to bring it in. es ere th good tim:-: the t • I-. ; m volorad and ev ry one s #1040. and b aming t • e rail - 'wing them away: n the s 1 'boring men wer paid mo th, an mechan' bet- erchan got fo their hing they choose to y had lenty of ss oney. cheap, it is t '0, but • ere is Is o work nd no are g nerally s flat e imag ed. T e far- ete wi h the p oduce , an.,conse ently, idle sr merely raises his slim req irements or he tire' and ows it o run wild.' No doubt the rai roads h e de- veloped theleoun ry and brought people_ into it, benefitting it in e any wa s, but you can't ake 'any of he oldire idents #1 believe thi + ' he co ntry' h never •i. been wor • a cent sin'e the r roads came in," hey will al tell yo , and they can't e shaken in their op'mons. _ A large pro orti of th settlers on the Hnerfand re M xicans, who cul ivate a few acres o lan about heir obi 's and lead a very squa id reds ence, but there are also SEW ial ge ran'hes wherefarm- ing is still •arrie on on tensive seal-. A great kept on thi creekand p prairie bac. of of their Comparati ly few cattle here, eithe , th sheep i - cause havi g dri en the I will leav the ' uerfau ent, ,as I 1 ag m hay fer to it w en o the ret 1 The eve' fortunately fortunately ther and we soo high and b 'ght. fits had an equ From five to party, oc. two or th party havi sions and The memb usually nei near each who clubb gashed the erally known by pal owneri or b they hailed,' or, the principal o outfit," " them the "X. II out es cold was p our ca Eaele mint R men. ' being ee s ddle h g a wagon eddi g and a ts of the sev ral part es were often cultiva hbo s who k pt thei cattle YerY sensibly ther 12 the s me ere k, and buy their sup d gether d join ly fur- raise them an outfi . The arties w re gen- the na e of th princi- the cr ek fro which erhaps, by the rand. of er, for i tance "Jones' Hardsc abble ellers " t" Th. I have bee -la tun g so o a somew any sh stured wner's are to b or sonei off this for th occasio rn trip, nd stor enty of p tires f the ot mailer compos supplie rses, a o carry ok to a at ex- ep are n the laims. found other ranch. pres- to re y, but wood, blazing er out - OUTS. each with d each provi- rive it. met going in camp at nigh day journey road is broad ed. The riv of cottonwoo flat bottom • thio wide. Usually a sec beyond tha Sometimes t to touch the I have descri The Arkan nafrow rapid mountains so Pueblo, dra the , whole Frone Pikes runs the From this di.v run hate the country is dr water for mo cleat and has tion than th streams and one of the thi has to get us self to like, if mountains all impregnated difficult for a have good we digging down comes white passing throu Settlers alou ver, ed. as trea e h ns, of Pe Id de se breaks 'ae mono - seldom a traveler is posite direetron. We e river, and the next the south Ogle. The meoth and. well travel - eh bank has a fringe , ind outside of this slily a quarter of a d of this there is 1 OD2, then bluffs, and igh rolling plains. ffsi come in so close as brlt it is generally as Ivor, in Colorado, is a which, rising in the ndred miles west of ith its tributaries, Southern Colorado. k east and west e or watershed. uthward the streams • 1. If Med sbr 'thintlhalvtaer. d It: st of the year is cold and 'kali in its composi- Many of the smaller • gs. Alkali water is Man in this country has to persuade him - ti for except in the I' liter is more or less alkali. It is e very ttle ;in many places , to , o this account, as on a lit le way the ,ground be - wit alkali, and water ht MU sure to be bad. th river usually prefer the river water to that of these wells, and when it ' m dcly they let it settle e using it. Campers ular in Vile, respect; what water they can y as the case may be. Et to prepare his food e With water as brown banks above, is a soft is all the time being 'lowing the river to It is no uncommon /Or a settler to find ed into an island or apposite side of the re frequent and usual. .le suddenness. About mber last year, there Arkansas which our - misty known. There rain in the- mountains had occurred on Limp he tributaries, which rom a width. or some yards to nearly a mile. vanced down the river tea ilea an hoar, and e Se coming on, the ut six feet high. A ed along the bottoms from their 'houses and the bluffs. • A large s Swept away, and the ' a was flooded so a t the streets in t remember that any lives were lost. ' i Along this part of the river there is not much farthing, the occupants of the river front being generally cattle owners. The cattle meet nd sheep men do not y of their land. They nsider that they can cheaper than they can pend I entirely on their c liaeity of the coun- o community of inter- n are doWa., on the versa; the farmers the cattle men, as ess t af sp gs to he c the it for a while cannot be so they have to get, alkali or often the cam er and make his coff as chocolate. Th .sort of clay, hic melted away ind rse. efo arti ake tid change its co 'thing after a his claim tree transported t stream. Flo ly come with the 20th of S was a flood o passed any had been a h and a water -s Creek; one swelled the ri twenty or thi ty The flood wa e a oo for th ds rri ept th re avy ou er at a rate of a it could actua wave staudin good nieny w were forced t take refuge quantity of h town of Las that people ,en rafts, but dd n ut ly a o fly on 1 11 1 0 ' I • 0 • Western -variety o synonym would 'dem lishment," applied to "whole o belonging to such a pa parties, as I h ve bee scnbe, ar , roug manner arid ap but when the weeks camp, vvitkout to "civilization " they dred times wenie. .1ta combed, unshelven and would -be impossible to i er and harder I oking from the ,natu e of his some other ca e, is alw man in the ou fit, but does not lessen he zest grub prepared y him is ter supper the membr camps exchang visits. all old friends, having camps like this every s past, and the Oonversa miliar and im onventio is addressed as im or his first name may be, oughbred cow y woul ult to be &kegs I liras WS r W , and ts, but at most nate as a "ri or a s conce a number of bfit of Smiths, enough earance bavobI term i'outfit" n; is a thorough applied in a specially as a of my readers " or an "estab- " It is also ni as the he men mPer of to de - dress, ng out, or six turning a hun- rty, un - rued, it rough - e cook, ent, or dirtiest arently ich the d. Af- • various e neatly ound-up or years ery fa- ery one hltev-er perso ; ietz. y n tryieg both t start en fiv ever r come ged, sunb agine T employ ys the his ap ith w onsum of th hey a et in mer ion is .E k, or genuine thor- almost take it d "Mr." 1) # 11 Is 11 state of good cultivation, the balance it; well tun - 1 Next mor bered. There ii3 8. frtuu baru and steble, au d . pia. wood n & ew era e liatHe Ivi la atone cellar, kitchen , eamPmg Put wood thalami all Wier •ouvenieneee. A. never- twelve or fifteen wago sixty eiders and two or many loose horses, mak seen. Near the Hued is a little store,l where s ing little ar ic me stop. on by a bo son perh prietor, and csting on we enter, d soeing al the shape o merchandi aei ask, " ell, What h ithout h d Several 'several ot hat we wa e siye af tiss at:7, ib ott stores several krastt°hecyk ar r day's ra riee.RivTerr •vthe rgo 1) , from one water o nous a d tires ut the d . I in as we e 'd croS feline wen and a rood mile* from Brneetield St Clinton. A gravel road bearing oreb.ard. Is 2 tion and 4 miles from leading to each place. &lady to the proprietor at Varue . ITEUX A S "MIEN. 434 V.A.101 POE SALE.—For thtle, on reasonable " terms, Lot 4, Coma% Statacy, contktioing 100 $orost 70 of whieh are elearc 1,' well fenced, in lint -class cultivation e flow from stumpu, the balanot tiorbero with the best awed; buildings comfortable • good, yoeug drchaid of fruit trees, also well watered. ; within Ltz oralee from Kippen and 4 miles frem "re etatelat et/talons, and 10 miles eine boy, frona Seaforth, Clinton , fLnd Exeter, with gravel kwhiskey made leadirtg to eatth ,p*aee. l'his is it choice among the farm eatd is dwelt ing tho te atoll of purchasers. a oll out the c s, with three quite d cross me of We are waited ps of the pro. eyes around as •ost n e of ve you itatio ther th er th' ted a e ouali t 1 APPly on the. pronaides 01 I?. O. Wbf. not found -- whiskey, BLAIR, 446 ' Pitht-F011 ountainia eletre.4. and in geoll'et is a comfortable clv,•ellio stables and all other n good wells e.rol over 160 is one of the best fermi of the lot are within th of Beatorth• this is a rare chance for specalat ors tin t.°Wil Property, tok• Wore are about 160 good untidily iota ea tale front, that wool 1 sell from $200 fia $250 each, aud the rest would be suitable for Park lots. - Terms Made known on applicat ion 0 the proprietor on the prentiees. THOM AS ADAMS, Irleafatalt .P. 04 454 • were suspie orSale, Lot 27, Con. 1, g eureka, aboat 80 acres t of eultivation. There g horse, good trams barn, toeseary oat-baildings ; 2 fruit trees bearing. ; this in thiq ontio Et; 48 acres Corporation of the Town . • n Tiais, 1 ma the countr "Whiskey always th fortunate t between. Huerfand t across the prairie r is very Lao sees nothin from our eek, the fifty or imes as procese ng there requite : 11 thing in y kind, to sell?" replies, ngs." As gs" was d as we y be the out p rohasing. t a specimen of we ha e here. other hinge is trade, and it is so fe and far arch is from the d passing long these another, me. One on each. a lie herds. It is p try that there is ests. The cattle m sheep men and vie cherish no lope fo their crops not being fenced are constant- ly trespa.ssed upon by the cattle roam- ing at large; the Whole three of them are down on the merchant worst of all, as they can never: bey goods at ratee which they considat anything short of ' in naber an amusing s common between men which occur -I d which I will relate not be quite spree ankee Lawrence, g small claim on a ch of Old Thom- er, and placed his ourse, excited old to make matter* e er was not very his range, but he his sheep graze 's house. On one homson and his p and taking about away from the his . oorral and he rode off to the laid information r trespass. The ence Went to the p away, and put erd. Next day be d demanded hie . ! [ is willingness to payi had been done by the Old Thomson found e had, impounded the sheep and laidlai self liable for them, yet they were goneand he could not pre - duce hem and although he was abso- lute' cerLdn that Lawrence had stolen the and. that the were even then safe with the rest of the herd, he could not prow it. - Lawre ce pressed his claim and he result was that Thomson had to hand over the velem of the impounded shoop, some six oriseven hundred dollaiii. t 'least, the theep man a cad. y plai extortion. I r instance of the the sheep and c red. not long a o here, althoug pos to the su a sheep man, creek nextto son, a large sheep on it. , Thompson's worse Lawre partic lar ini wouldsome quite ear th of these o boys raided o three herde impo neare agai t a e a e ow s of aid 's ions e She undre the , broug hem nded t , the •t Justiceaad t La once f following nigit Lew corral, stole he he them again wAtli t went to Th m o 'thee expre ing what ver damages trespass. Here hims 11 in a ox, Ro Limp Creek, where the ro beget', and here we found q ite a number of o tfits from below' this int on the rive awaiting us. Our par y now num- ber about twenty different outfits with ove a hundred. then and per aps as many horses. To - gin in ear - A. McL. y Ford we come to tIte mouth of d -up is to as t ree or four hundred moriow the round -up will b nest. Canada. The wife of Ven. Dean B Lon on last Saturday right The Inspector of weight stats that nearly every wei in that city proves to be lig omer died at , in London, ht inspected t. —1,Two hundred and fifty- our one year old Purham steers will be hipped from Torento for the English arket next week. ly e1ii guil Wm. Watt, of Mitchell arged by Inspector g liquor without a y and fined $20 and cos --idiefebre, who was sta Ashen in Montreal, while children from insult at the ecouiadrel, died the other ni —Mr. S. S. Rothwell, of of Ems, has just finished t all wh'eat, and has realiz ed bushels of good gr half acres. hat alarming disease o ra ng badly in the vici mbton. All up the Chenil s an unusual amount of fe o doubt, by the high water —The assistant postmas uetieo, named W. G. Baisb sentenced to five years in for abstracting money from hrough the post office. he Waterloo Driving n having aroused fro announce two days' r e there on the 29th an a number of liberal p offerbd. —13eorge I•resbitt,,of Amb engaged in drawing out so the woods last week, was hors receiving a bad cu head to b Tu of B the half un 4 ing ciati argv con r whe was recent- oppin with cense, found s. bed by an efending his ands of the ht. he township reshing his d over one from four diphtheria ity of Port carte there er--ca-used, In t cam. _ Ne cl of our day's jonmei we, pass a little 'village palled Rooky orde There, is a railway station here with le store tud a hotel. There is also a very ive irrigating clitch which runs out iis case, out a littl ar the era and some of his ribs broken: A. foot race was run at ay of last week, betwe ampton, and Henry, of takes being $100, and ile. The race was dine* in 2.01e. --iThe Mitchell Advocate ita the South Ward used he a yOung man's head Sun Perh ps it was to shelter vulg r gaze, but where was the eime ? --Lest Monday morning, and $3 o'clock, the Luther Wellesley was destroyed by supposed to have been set bottie containing coal oil w the remises. Loss about $ — uncles Wesleyan Insti pupi s last year. Rev. Jani been appointed Governor, Clar son B. A., form.erl he 0 er at Sorel, rt, has been enitentiary, etters pass - Park AtiS0- their leth- ces over the 1. 30th inst., rses will be rley, while e timber in icked by a about the re supposed paford, on n Gardiner, wen Sound, distance a n by Gar - says a girl parasol 011 y evening. irn from the er head at extx from the river to la distance of four or five miles. At this point there is about 12,000 acres under ditch and ready for cult vabion. It is beautiful rolling land, low, Without a stone or ny kind. The ditch and r gation are, I understand, c thpany, who are very 18 ase of the land, but of not more than five hien- ilareltieeatieeeon,riendwinit beis,40"t are said to have been Sbsequently this young man went to j not sleep out all mght and they -finally titry A tittle bezond kegereoll, where he was arrested and resolved to Apply at the police station for ehangein his condition aim circumstances. re obs len OW the are like the ver, y for th ction f under d by ous to 12,000 are unde y that mu crops, sio f unsat sf . between 4 church at fire. It is n fire, as a, s found on ,000. tite had 115 es Gray has ncl. Charles Id master of St. Marys and Paris High 'ehools, has been called to the Principal hip. little girl in Port r of potato bugs, t of her parents. A p ministered an emeti num alar ing vomited a great many b said her mouth and throat ed br them. mall children up neat the reat annoyance of the ers, ere in the habit of sta tracli before an approaching how near they can let it them before they get out There hive already been s esca boot wor emp es. he workmen in Hepb and Shoe factory, Pr recently, in conseq oyers cutting down t Tenant° prices, which are lower than has bepn paid in ly. '1111e firm are now. dve non-liniOn_Orispins. levcral of the far ers Oxford, and neighbo 'ng c losing a good many of their sheep by ope ate a the great ysician have ,tehsI ! eh tit 18 ere blister - istowel, to engine driv- ing on the train to see ome up to f the way. me narrow • rn & Co.'s ston, struck ence of the � wages to 0 per cent. reston late-. tising for 36 Middlesex, ounties, are som unknown disease, whi brok, n out in a n mber Shoijld this epidei4le co loss Iwill be very g6e.i-, t mer, who pride thern elves flocks. —The grain harvest in th try about Hamilton i considerable quantity hed. Very little ne brought into the mark ce of the low quotatio on some new barley h elms d at 55c. --Thos. Roberts, a youla employ of Mr. Alex. Mel con and thre been que lin h has lately of places. tine* the some far P11 their fine section of well over, of wheat is grain has t, in 'cense- At Bur- s been pur- man, in the ille Ful - 'erten town.ship, recently raked and boned. 500 sheaves of oats lin an hour and tifteen minutes. Roberts is some - coach," but as well as taken from n with only mos the bay the watch and chain were found on him, which was handed over to the owner. child was born in, Ottawa last a4tnudes"theYotolineerhjnetllbolacf wkh. osebody is white 1, -- The grangers ot the London section. have formed.their excursion party to the Centennial, and will leave for Philadel- phia on the llth of September. —Mr. J. F. Talbert, on the 16th inet., bound fit acres of wheat in 7 hours and i9 minutes, which is considered fast norkmfeoGr eoffinne misanfa.rmT,heswthorkcewnueeedstnene ondon Township. ' —A series of swindles have been pr - r etrated through Western Ontario by a man of plausible address, repre.senting himself as the purchasing egent of the Grange organization. He has been oper- ating, when last heard from, at St. Thomas, Mitchell, and Cayuga. —A saw mill, ownedby Mr. Major. Of the village of Aurora, was burned doWn on Sunday last, with a large quantity' of limber, estimated at about $3,000. The machinery in the mill was insured for $800. No insurance on the lumber. 1 A large portion of the fence belonging _to the Northern Railway Company as urned down. — A country subscriber to the Kinou- al- my he er, at more, do less, and bear down har er oin a panel of the fence, than any other hired man within fifteen miles of the town hall in Kincardine." 1 —The milk dealers in Hamilton are hi great tribulation owing to the edict sued by the Inspector of Weights and easures, instructing them to use ithe Imperial measures. A meeting of milk vendors who sold at 5e. per quart was called, and a resolution passed to chaege (/c per Imperial measure The vendors at 6c a quart -have taken no action t, but it is understood that an advanc of lee or 2c will be made. —The Peterboro Times takes the liol- lowing gentle and kindly way of reconie Mending the filling up of certain empty Chambers, in the upper story of their own Council: Mr. Charles F. Ming, hile on his vacation caught inside of five hours, 20 maskinongel ranging from five to eleven pounds, in the river Trent. It is a pity he did not bring them; to Peterboro to feed our town councillors viith, as fish are said to be good for the braba. times dubbed as a "slow this i is proof that people thin- s are not always to b ap aranees. oho Nichol, a young one erm, essayed to swim a at Hamilton—from Maui 's boathouse to elc Bay—on Wedneeday evening last week, and succeeded • easily ac- complishing the feat in 55 • inutes. Seve era young men attempted to keep up ine Review sends in the following ch nge : "I will bet $13,25 cents that ired man can take' longer to go to arvest field, get back to dinner quid —Mr. Isaac T. Horner, of the Wien- . Ship of Burford, near Princeton `thrapth of September last sowed four bushele of 8eneca or Clawson wheat on three actes, harvested it on the 18th of July, lend threshed from it on the let of August 94 bushels, or thirty-one and 1-3 bushele to the acre. Mr. Horner thinks that had it not been for the excessively hot weath- er which worked such mischief generally, he would have had at least 40 bushels per acre. —Early on Saturday, 12th inst.) W. F. Burke, a farmer, residing on the Can- boro Road, was robbed of about $40 in cash and a valuable watch and chaini A stick about four feet long, with's stun Aponge saturated with chloroform on the end, was found on his pillow. he watch was a silver hunting lever, p be, diver dome markede"Longines, No. 32,- 17." The robbers were tracked seme istauce until they left theroad, when their traeks were lost. -1 —Certain residents of South Oshawa know more of natural history than they did a week ago. A young man set a trap to -catch rate In it one morning he found a lively and handsomely striped animal caught- by the fore foot. He took it to find out what it was, but none knew the vartiiint by sight, but in a short time their nostrils told more than eyes knew, and there is a hole in' the ground. which contains more than that skunk, although it does not contain all the stray scent by a long way. that beats a good farm in Downie I • lodgings. They appeared at the central station about nine o'clock nearly exhaust- ed aed stated their case. The sergeant in che.rge kindly looked after them and procured a wagon and sent them to No, 4 station, where there is a piece set apart for the admission of waifs. —The grasshopper pest has foundi ite way . to the township of Wiuchester. Some fine fields of oats on the farms of Messrs. Rae and Jackson are completely ruined. In fact the _debris left in the wheat As well as the oat fields, is seem- ly werth harvesting. leat their destruc- tive .wasting _is not limited. to cereals: Some meadows ha.ve been swept bare of herbege. The tops of carrots, beete, &c, have. disappeared before them, and even the onionshavebeen cut down as closely as if a mowing machine had passed over them. —The Sherbrooke Gazetta says :—A man named Robert Russel came from Englend to Carleton and boarded in the house of Titus Isaacson. His wife and children were in England,. About, a fortni,ght since his wife arrived with her two ,children, one of them about three, months.- Last Saturday our gay Teethe,- rio eloped. with Mrs. Isaacson, who car- ried off all the money she could lay hands on and left three children, one an in- fant of three or four months old. It is supposed they have gone to "the land of the free." —An important elease °too was tried at Napanee, on Tuesday, 15th inst., be- fore Justices J. 'Webster, Charles James, and Miles Caton. Mr. John McGrath,' of Camden, was charged with fraudu- lently selling milk for the manufacture of cheese to Mr. John YOUroalIS know- ing the same to bo sill:iterated. Mr. Youmans is the owner of a cheese fac- tory, atid the bulk of the eheese. made by him this summer has been spoiled. Chemical tests were epplicd, which showed the presence of soda in the milk coming from the vicinity of Mr. Ye- Grath's farm and from no other. -14iTe milk was brought from the defendant's on Saturdays, and the cheese made from that day's milk was good. Suspicion .at once. pointed to Mr. alcGraele and the suit 'was instituted. The furtherhearing of the case was postponed to secure fur- therevidence. —The town of Markham, York Coun- ty has recently been visited by three octogenarians of whom. tb.e Econorigat says : The Rev. R. Corson preached in the Methodist Church, Markham, on Sunday, 13th inst. He is tbe son of a U. E. Loyalist, was born at the Short Hills, Ont., in 1792, served. in. the war of 1812-15 with the Lincoln svolunteers, preached in Markbara in 1829-e-vvhen his eircult was composed of ten town- ships—an area now comporting eighteen circnits. His intellect is apparently unimpaired. Mr. and Mrs. A. McPher- son; who reside at Milliken Markham, visited some friends iu the village on Tuesday of last week, both appear ee- markably active and 'retaining their faculties to a remarkable degree. They were married in 1809, settled in Mark- hani in 1830. They have raised ten children—eight girls and two boys, the old gentleman is 89 years of age and the old ele,dy 87 years. Their united. ages are ;176 years. Seldom. has iebeen allot- ted' to a couple to share ea& other's jure sorrows and afflictions for sixty- seven years. An orderly and well spent life can only produce such results. -e-The Stratford Beacon gives the fol- lowing from a Canadian in California :— John A. Scott has jusb received a letter from his son, John A. Scott, ere, who went to California, over a year ago. The letter iidated from liloscovr in California. He is engaged there as a millwright at fromi$4 to $.6 a day and board. The question of tho importation of 'Chinese labor was aetreetceg much at- tention and he shared in the general feeling that their presence had a. d.emor- aliing influence "You ask about the grand ' scenery, when I see anythz —A traveller liniving from New York put up at the Temperance Hotel, Mon- treal, and handed the proprietor $1,167 in greenbacks to have it changed 'into Canadian currency. The hotel keeper let you know. As to wages, they are like everything else this country, - very unsettled. Were I to tell you that I am making from $4 to Ve a day, you W01111 think I was makingiots of money, turn. It is more than robable he is then comes your el and. $2 a day for left for the purpose, but forgot to re- hut board, and other things in proportion. You ask how I am paid? eekly, monthly and yearly. This year I am getting interest Oil my aleuey. The rate of interest on firet-class security is from 15, to 20 per cent. The people are pretty loose in their habits generally, but a well-conducted men will find his life and property just as safe here AS il1 any other country. One drawback—and a eery serious one it is—there is neither, church nor school within fifty miles of where Richard Callender, of Aruprior, left that plae..e reeetttly for Western On- tario to hunt up some papers in .peases- sion of his guardian's fainily which he says will establish his claiin to the title sued estate of the ancient Earls of Mar. Scotland. This estate was confiscated. at the time of the Stuart rebellion, but lately reverted to the original owners, whose true and lawful belt Mr. Callen- der claims to be. His true name, he avers, John Francis Erakine, this sur- name being the patron.ymic of the Earle oi Mar. He had. heen. coneigned by members of his family to a guardimutwho brought him out to Canada, giving him bus OWD. .name—that by which. he has hitherto been known. 5 this guardian Was also entrusted the pa re and. docta Menet necessary to pr v Callender's identity, and his title to lee Earldom of Mar, provided the ban hich debarred it from the rightful heir 16 ould be remov- ed. These papers - Mr. Callender has now secured, and he -writes home from tvert,on, Ont., to his wife, signing himself "John Francis Erskine," and. stating than "it's all right." Mr. Cal - Lander is a man of about middle age, with good intelligence, but limited education. He has a large family of young chik' lren, and is in poor circumstances, having sup- portedaeerpehinameter nd laidt4j2nebeY. "sinhogukt°ahde /*slit": 4ed in making good., hes title to the Earldom of Mar, it will irideeA be great now amoss the lines. The hotel e,ep- er's narae is Alfred Lafontaine, an his effects have been placed in the hands of Messrs. Doutre dr, Ferguson, assignees. Liabilities, exclusive of the $1,167 stolen money, are estimated at $1,000. ' ---A gentleman named Hines from England, who is traveling on this conti- nent for pleuure was robbed at 1 the Great eVestern Station, Hamilton, on Thursdey last week. The valuables were in a satchel. The satchel contained nearly fifteen hundred dollars in I gold erican currency, a gold watch in valued at £35, and two i dia- ngs worth £50. There was also and and c mond a draft or $50 drawn on New York in favor of himself, and a number of lelank cheques, and two Bank of England notes. , --His Lordship Bishop Walsh has ap- pointed Rev. Augustus Wasserea.n pariah priest at Amheratburg, and on Sunday, 13th st. he officiated in the church there. France Father Wasserean is a native of and came to this country over 19 yea ago. He was first located at with him, but were left far behind, and Goderi la, where he remained four years; he was then appointed to Ashfield, near socnk returned to the south here. • Goderi h, where he remained 14 years. -4-The Galt Reporter says of the cab- Lastyear he paid a visit of a few months bage worm: This comp ratively pew to France, and on his return was appoint - pest to our gardens is bu at work this ed to Stratford, where he has officiated season, and is getting tit best of the for the put six months. sto4 to its own use. he worm is __A very sad case of temporary death tution came - green, varying from half o an inch iri under the noticeef the length, and owing to ita " •hatel to find. It eats enti the heart of the cabbage, vents its heading. There ncdremedy except hand -pi On the 8th inst., M the 'West Zorra cheese w tch and chain, valued 113 very color . P° lice in Toronto last Fruley night. A . e shoots near family consisting of a woman and her nd thus pre sister and seven children traveled on eloPeare to be foot from Todmorden to the city, for the king, purpose of meeting with the widow's • S. Elliott, of father who hadiconurthere and taken a tory, had 'et home for them. They traveled about all at $60, stelae day in search of the father but could not l., from his residence. Suspicion fell on a find hini and having ne o money buy yelling man in his employ, ho was close- . bread they had to resort to begging. ly watched, watched, but withoub any result. Bein a respectable family they could -