The Huron Expositor, 1876-07-28, Page 3JULY 28, 1876, .14.06441.- itor, Amer 174 and 848 Era. and. on 13g tr ifl Of - and 154 •s -at- God - 415 ttor- iton, loyal farm )N. rneye- ency, =Sea. Els to yable tn< It. At r and leers. tater arms 58; Land resi- CORNWALL CANAL ENLARCEMINta NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, QEALE 11 TENDERS addressed to the Softie,. of Public Works, and endorsed 64 Tendeia the Cornwall Canal,' will be received at tide Ora, until the arrival of the Eastern and ay - male, on 'WEDNESDAY, T1TT. NINTH BAY OF AUGUST NEXT, for the formation of a :lei trance—south of the present one—at the end of the Cornwall Canal, embracingtheya7 straction of two Lift -Locks, Wadte-Weir, tam 7. The work a will be let in onesection, as amhx,_ ed en the map of that part of the line, rbt.67 together with plans and speeificatione oejt: various' -works, can be seen at this 'office, it the office Of the Canal Saperintendent,Ceeni eeand after FRIDAY, the TWENTY -RIG Day of 31.44Y, Instant, tit either of which Au* PrintedF&me of Tonder can be obtained. - Contractors- are requested to bear in mind OE Tenders will not be considered accordance with the printed formsnnleseinadeeteist., and, 14 - the case of tirme—except there are attached:the actual signatares, tbe nature of the occupation, arid place of residence of each. member of the risme; and further, an accepted bank cheque or other readily available security, for the Bumf -sof Four Thousand Dollen, =let accompany eetek Tender, which shall be forfeited if the peaty*, Bering declines or lane to enter into contrite* aoa. cheivorks when called upon to do so, at the refe stated in the offer submitted. The cheque or money thus sent in will be re, turnedato the respeetive parties whose tenders are not accepted. For the dile fulfilment of the contract, stab - factory security will. be required on real estate, or by deposit of money, public or municipal se. ciaritiea or bank stooks, to the amount of nye per cent, on the bulk sum of the eontractorit • which the sum sent in with the tender will be considered a part. Ninety par cent. only of the progress estimates will be paid until the completion of the vreirae. To each Tender must be attached the weer signatures of two responsible and solvent per. sena, residents of the Dominion, willing to be. door eGrae sureties for the carrying out of these cob. 342 ditions, as well as the duo performance of the - - works embraced in the contraet. nr- This Department does not, however, bind itself Iron. to accept the lea -est or any tender. By Order, High F. BRAUN, Secretary< Department of Public Works, Ottawa, July ity, 1876. 4494i qein 4.11P - Bea. aaa firm te: of Ac - de in Dr. at - 593 WOOL, WOOL. TUE Proprietor of the Woolen. Mills, Mit:Thea, would respeetfully tender his thanks to the public, and farmers in particular, for the very ; Liberal Patronage during the last season'and in doing so would can their attention to the fact that having plizehancr the ebove mille„and I determined to build up a custom trade—if goo work, fair dealing and strict attention to business will do it—and having spent a gooddeal of time and money in repairing and buying new ruaehie. pen, ery, he is now- prepared to do all kinds of Custom ario work in, the very beat style and on the shortest eatly ; notice, as especial atter tion will be paidlo the ions Custom Work this season. low , My stock of Goode is now complete In all branches. Especial care has been taken in the manufacture of these goods, which have been made for nay own retail trade, embracing Heavy Tweeds, Extra Fnlied Cloth, Scarlet, Grey and White Flannels, and Fancy Flannels unsurpms; able, Union Flannels and Stoeking Yarn in varj- ety, all of which I am row selling cheap for or trade for wool, a cent a pound raore than -mar- ket prices allowed. Manufacturing done at the following rates: Tweed, 87e Fulled Cloth, 85e ; Satinet, 80c - Blanketing, 25c, and I find cotton ; Fancy Shire •zc- iug, 8c;2Spinning, 14e per pound, and 9 pounds and of yam given out of 10 pounds of wool; CarIng, Lto, 5e; Fulling and Pressing, 10e; Coloring, lde. till be All work done under my own pf3rsonalsnpervis- ion, and all work warranted well done or no ds of chargemade. 3ted.) Real- I), H. DORMAN, Tem- 445-13 Proprietor, Mitchell. 310 -- 7 tram Me- i70 • Ada— orth, it or irind. )and-' 407 rtiTe POST OFFICE STORE, WALTON • oting °f CARD OF THANKS. office -zed, uasea I BEG most respeetfully to- thank my sattMereata aptlyi customers for their kind patronage for the tut ck of eleven years which 1 have been doing business arses among them, and solicit a continuance of their :imam fervors in the fixture. I shave received a Large Re&i. Stook of Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Greenlee, 424 Provisions, Crockery, Glassware, Hardware, Coal oil, Paint Oils and Patent Medicines of all des- erip Hone. Farm Produce taken in exchange. 1 would also moat respectfully intimate to those - who have not paid up their account's, due Jan. 2, the 187B, to call and do so at once, either by cash Or a all note, eal I must have a settlement. Please all without any farther notice. MONEY TO LOAN. and If you want to borrow money on Real Estete it to you would do well to call on me before going ohm - have where, as I am valuator for the best Loan Seeie- the ties in the Dominion. Terms Easy. 403 LIFEI INSURANCE. Ifyoa want velar life insured give me a call, as r. A- I am Agent for the Sun Mutual Life Insurance gent Company, of Montreal, one of the best and. molt weYe prosperous Insurance Companies in the Domin- 011 ion and conducted on the most economical prin- t tnd- lya1 am Always Attentive to Busine88. - _ - (}ive ale a Call. `$71-) 434 B. PATTISON, Post &Hoe Store ElISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. TEE Partnership heretofore subsisting between the -1-• the u nderei et ed, -ander the firm name of Wile !or LIAMS & CLUPF, has been dissolved by muftis' aaa. consent. The business will hereafter be carried rtit. r on by J. It. Williams, All debts contracted by the late firm will be liquidated by J. R. Williams, and all debts due the late firm will bo collect- ed by him. J. 11. WIDLIA.18, NOBLE CLUFF. TN connection with the above the undersiiMel debires to Estate to hie numerous customers and friends than he intends to continue the manufse- ture offirst-class pumps- and cisterns as hereto- fore, at tbe old stand. Hellas now Huai facilities as will enable him to turn out a better article for less money than any other establishment of the kind in this section. our- To those indebted to him he would say that stl .t,„ immediate settlement is desired, as he is urged' the ly in needof money. Remember the old established and well4camen are and Seaforth Pump Fa.ctOry. 415 J. B. 1,VILLIAM8 441. viee, nit- ans. 'no ude, 1114 1\TOTIO TO GRANGERS, FARMERS AND - OTHERS. d to, S THEY occupy the attention of all, these a hard times the subscriber is determined to nee anmeet them by offering good inch H " araiOCkp "1t d mutiny sold for inch, at the following valor.; 12 foot Hemlock. at 813150 ner thousand ; 14 fon 11eeaing at f•k7 for Cash. All orders over 4 t Per cent. discount. Call and see if you Lee get what is repreeented. Book Accounts over 8 months will be Ob*lled a per cent< The subscriber thanks -his numerous customers I for their liberal Eini,port, and solicits a contiou• aria: of their favors. TOHN THOMPSON. Steam Saw Mills, Melfillop. (Ise 438 one iing the in - ern dee od ECLIPSE OATMEAL MILLS. HURRAH FOR THE CENTENNIAL DOWNFALL OF MONOPOLIES. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRIOE0 • TTAVING retired from the Sewing Maehina business, although still holding the Ageng for lirst-elass maehinee, I beg to informray Ols customers and the public in general that I have still on hand two dozen sewing- machines of the beet raakea, which 1 will sell at reduced 06814 Liator For further particulars apply at T.EIDD'S ,. Store, where I will be always in attendance tom ready to ehow the machines and samples ef syc'rk.* Prepare for a eine ditys' wonder before yeti dome - THOMAS D. O'CONNOR, • Main Street, Seaforth se. r.• els 413 NOW IN FULL OPrLATION. ete Oat Meal, Split Pea4 rot Barley, Corn Meal ch,oppeel, And Ali Riede of Mill Peed ConstamtlY.ou of au Chopping done Tuesdays end Friday ket axe hanged for Oats. Highest price paid for Oates H. Peas and Barley. 437 419 CURRIE & VIODLEION. • - • • , . . - a JULY 28, 1876. Dr, SPeelfic. has an office on Broadway Dr. §Pe° , No York, * branch in Washington giro' ; &sewn, tind another in Chestnut. sWeet, PhiladelPhis• When he wants a eixetesion, be , advertises Boston or piLade1phie that he is about to spend week there. Twice in the Year he goes west. His track may be traced all ,over eeecountry by the sarsaparilla bottles he j°00se.cret of:his success is simplicity. Hie practice is as plain as a ,pikeeitaff. Everybody can understand it. There is only one medicines; therefore there can- e° but one disease. The one medicine is De, Specific's Sovereign Sirup, - Seven men met in Dr. Specific's office one morning, waiting their turns. They ea complained of ,clyspepeia. "Very good," said the doctor, smiling. " There is only one disease, and here we nee it. My Sovereign Sirup will ecure you fl. And now, gentlemen, to Show you your own symptoms. I'll take you allteigether," I "But, Sir," interposed the first, a sun - weed farmer from New Jersey— • •Sir--" "That's enough," said the doctor, rais- ing his hand. , "You need only open your mouth, Sad 1 See through, you. You've got no teeth. You can't digest without mastication, and you can't Inas- ,ficate without teeth. You mumble your food, and down it goes in lumps. It's net putting pebbles in a coffee -mill. Now a regular physician would tell you to go to a dentist, and have your old stumps out and get a set of good clean grinders, and you'd laugh at dyspepsia. But 1 know better than that ! I know that you don't want to have 'em out ; and you think you can't afford a new set. You think it better to pay me five dollars a. bottle for the Sovereign Sirup, which you can take with a teresixion, than to pay a hundred to have your jaw broken. • Ana I think so too. Here's a bottle. Five dollars, if you please. You'll feel better after taking it every day. There's a little spirits in it, to produce that effect. But don't -feel troubled if you don't get well right away. How long have you been ailing ?" "Oh, these fifteen years." "Very well, now. Remember that what's been -on you these fifteen years real be cured by sirup in fifteen days, nor fifteen weeks either. Come back for another bottle as soon as you've used this up.—And you Sir," said tbe doctor, turning promptly to the next, a stout, ruddy gentleman, who but for a pallid cast upon his sanguine complexion veould have seemed the picture of hearth. - "I see yell are in a bad way, Sir." "Yes," replied he ; "my food distrees- es me, and I can't sleep nights." "I see," said the doctor, "I see. You are in business ?" "Yes. My factory is in Williamsburg, but our warehouse is do-wn town." "You attend at both, don't you ?" "Yes ; I am back and forth all the time." "And you are on the School Board, ain't you ? " "Yes, Sir." - - "And on the Executive Committee of the Bible Society ?" "Yes, Sir." "And do you hold any office in y our church ?" "Yes, Sir ; I am an elder, and presi- dent of the trustees." "How many evening meetings do you have" "Two church meetings a week, besides vestry meeting, and church Sunday nighte." I 'Perhaps you are in the Sunday - school ?" I "Yes ; I am superintenderit of Our mission school." , "Any bank or insurance conipany ?" "Yes; I'm on the board in lour bank and one in Williamsburg too, and I'm in two or three insurance compa, iee. But what has all this to do with it I'll take care of my business, if you'll cure my dyspepsia. I "Excuse me," persisted. the doctor. "But who is , a good broker in Wall Street ?" You go down there once in a whirs?" "Yes ; Smith I always deal through." "And. for gold who do you employ ?" "Jones." "Well, how are governments to -day ?" "An eighth lower." "Well, well," said the doctor, musing- ly. "Stocks, gold, governments, church, board, committee, Sunday -school, bank, insurance company, mill, counting-rooin —now it's odd, isn't it, that you should have just the same complaint as our quiet friend here who has only lost his teeth? But that's just the fact. Your food distresses you. Now a regular physician would laugh at you, and tell you to get out of Wall Street and com- mittees, get home at four every day, 'and not leave till nine in the morning, and spend the evenings with your family like a Christian." " Yes," interposed the patient, "that's just what our physician told me." "Now you and I know better than that," continued ° Dr. Specific. "He meant well, but that is humbug. You won't take any such advice as that. . You ain't do it. It's sheer nonsense to expect it. You think it is a great deal better to worry through, with a gentle stimu- lant from the Sovereign Sirup. and a little sedative at night. You'd lose $50,- 000 a year, perhaps, on his advice, and mine only costs you $5 a bottle. You think it is better to take my remedy, and I do too. But you must keep it up. If you want the euro to be permanent, you Mdent. ust make the medicine permanent." The next gentleman was thin stu- " You don't eat enough," said the doc- tor. "Well," replied the poor fellow, meek - 137, "1 am in the seminary—" " I understand," interposed the doctor. " Some benevolent institution is starving you into the ministry. They might, at least, see that you were fed well till they getyou at work. I know what goes on sometimes in those dormitories, where proud and self-sacrificing young fellows, conceal their wants, and. feed on meal, stewed in water over the stove, and flavored with salt. Your food distresses you, of course. ° Isn't it odd, now, that you should have the same cpmplaint as . our friend here, the bank president? : 00ekey. wareegular physician would tell you to live well ; but, k. ood Lord ! that'r3 a Suppose I were to give you a prescription, prandia cum beef8trealcibue, they would not understand that at the seminary. Gentlemen there is a great deal of humbug in. tiiis world. This young man ought to dine umptuously every day ; but I'll not be ilty of the humbug of telling him to go and. be fed - Come and dine with me, m friend at 1 o'clock. It sha'n't be said t iat you were hungry and gave you no n eat. Mean - While, here ii Sirup, whic thing to eat will do you turning quio deveroue your digestio " Bless yo all." " You hav doctor. "Yes, but it se " I see yo r e ed the docto haps ?" "Yes." • . Is your " Next d " What ar " I amuse " Do you "Yes ---to " Then yo and drink ?" " That's a " And no boys, eh ? should -have friends here, the same me regular phy you eat too little ; you p fuel and too yonr food. d'stresses you, well say you haven't any d I know it ould 'be only you to make you think you your habits. That's what) to do, and y u come for Sirup beca e you know any better. I think it's t you can do t pay rue $ti a whispered h "-I'll take li at $3 a doze if the labels you were of man and di both of you then you wo pid than hu. I know it as this whene oftener the please—or w ,The next p: apparently a his hat and been broken and his c cares and du by oversensi ferings he fo to recover i morbid, nor ed alternatel excitement a eney.. ; "Now, ei see how works. A r you you mu abroad to re in your bra and you hav no forcelef . You ought t go away and leave your head behind you, a physician would say; but I know ou won't do that—you'vie no heart to g , ou've no means. Yonr conscience nn't let you leave the ttead- mill where , you know as it into reaso know the po thing to bel Sirup is j-ut day, and or good, and it The next ri rchant, a tall, stalwart per d have thought it impossibll ld complain of dyspepsia. eat nothing in the mornin he took ' food, his stomach rej . it was noon before he was fit fo hing. He had terrible distresses. , . "Now, m frie d," said the docto ' • you have plend,41 teeth; are not ove: run with wo k, neither starve nor surf& , have not bee i broken in nerves, and yet —isn't it od ?—you needjust the same medicine as our friends here. Perhaps you drink v ry hard at your evening din- ner; perhap you have to lbe put to bed three or fou nights in a Week by yoiir servant; pe haps you are so quiet about it that your friends are 4 most ignorant of your vice and you manage it so adroit- ly that you re never thc worse for liqu r in the daytie,yet your wife knows y u. are dying of drink. But if her cries and tears do not stop you , what's the use o regular physician to you, you? Ther no hope for you but to ;tali the Soverei Sirup, which is good for dyspepsia in its forms. '''here's only ce disease af all that's sa d4 Isn't it,' odd now ? regular phy ician would t 11k to you vain about topping the cause of t trouble; bu you know t at's no use well as I do. What's the, use of pay g doctors' bill to be told )it do what don't want o do, or not to do what e are going do ? That's what 1 c 11 swindling t Le public, toIpractise on that principle. That; you want is something to make yot feel better, and steady your nerves in the morning and quiet your stomach anii brace you , p till dinner- time, when you're all, right again. My medicine wont interfere with your diet. That's what I call seientitic practice. It's all one's disease. What's wanted is 8onte- . i tidily to operate On the mi 71 With that the doctor cz one, a pitiable object, wh cast down and fingers ner It was a wre k—a wreck hopeless, bu on the way hither and hi rents of vic . The only se ed was the ea " Good od reverent, to e, it is wheil i ec a battle Df the Sovereign if ou ean,oni I: get, seMe., ith it,' will .4. yOu--well, O harm.-- now, Sir," ly ,towbatth;ae Lie atiothrinlw ft, Sir I have rio digestion a plenty ?" said th me tee do; DO gOOd.1° at a glance," reipond- ou're a teacher, per - (shoo' in your r." ' your amusements ?" myself with my books." my s hool-roo alk ?; 0. r onlyrecreat Out " exec Ise but whip th ow isn't it ,odd that you he same comPlaint as thesia and that you should nee icine I That' he fact. ician would you that uch and mo about too littlet out thefire th too much Of cow* d ,you may tuition. But humbugging could change ou don't 2voidt 110 Sovereigia you can't do e best thin month (ancl, ck the bottle's re clean). If mind to take in this young ide your , ls with hi Id rather feel fall and stM- oald be about right. Bu gry and bright et any time; well as you. a. So tak4 er- you ,feel stupid, and the etter. Five oilers, if • you 11 you have h If a dozen ?" ent was a fi -looking man clergyman, 4,h crape upon rief upon his cc. He ha down by sudden sorrow shed heart, I ver -run • wit ies and incessantly drain ive sympathies for the suf nd about; him, was nubble elf. He ' had fallen into ous state, in which he p through extreme ment d profound oral despon 1 dear Sir," sai mirably the S( gular physics t leave your , uperate. 'Ye '7 use ?" .07 n is to a • 1 II 1 • 1 Dr6 Speer vereign Sirup would tell titles and go r life is all ou are killing well as I do with conscie ger of faith ; ' eve in, and' he Sovereign yourself, and ow little lute ce. But yciu you want that thing. thing, ; ly believe it surely will. d an was a me on. One woul that e shou But h could cted i any ake it every is doing yOu you good." THE HURON EX l . __44:.........,_-! doctor will write now, we Williiia tell him whattoask." "Certand .'"i said the toothless. old fernier. ;" ce say. that the doctor's advice his New me a greet deel i of suf. forinj and expo se. ,, i,me," or a d ,the overworked man of busineee, " le that Dr.Speiific hes enabled MO to ,on ,with myb . ;ail ilisual, when ot irtr physicisns h, , vim oonsider e has eyed me- thous of e up einess I topped work,, , at A dollars." ' ".For me "..s the 'starved , dent, Say that I have received frpin Dr. Specific kin4.attentions such as no other 'hysici- an ever gave me," 1 " For me," said the over -fed t . o for, "write tbat, being of a seden ry and have suffered a eat epeia, but ,cons der the aetly suited to ,,, n e, .ie to take it °es 1,ng it. ,Date it, if yo I nstitute." the nervou cle derstands the which flesh is, ho4 . to, Iv ,,. , lieve Dr. 8 to ' be. a physician.whd not wily thorough' un - but enters into the feelings of his patents nd treats the intelligently u' tn a beautiful scent fic and moral th pry." , • For me," said the wine-bibli g mer- chant, " write that I have many, physicians, but 1 they never ere toed r: y case ; that Dr. Specific understood perfectly, and that life medicine does pot reterfere in the least, wall m diet or habits." , " For me," aid the forlorn we ek, • write that I have suffercellerri ly rem ricl. blue devils—every kindicif unn ter- yspepsia, headache, particular debility, able torments—and never found anything 1 r any body to relieve me until I came to Dr. Specific and procured a blottla of his sirup." ; i " There," saidthe cletrgyMan, " now we've done our duty by the Idoctor, and dare say our certificates are qui as good as any he as got, and yet 7° ave none of us said hat isn't trete eno gh. Doctor," added ' he, "those; eolith tea Will be publishe in the daily papers?" " Certainly." " And you w 1 put my name in c pit- " Certainly. "Thank you.; I always look for I in such cases." ; ISo the seven en, bearing seven bottles of Sovereign Sir p in one hand, and seven Of Dr. Specific's Medical Almanacs in the other, marched own stairs and flied into the street, whil the doctor erranged his new certificates in a flaming advertise- inent, which m y be found in most of the Papers of the d y. 1 studious habit, ileal from dys . doctor's sirup e luid shall contin feel tbe need of at the Classical "For me,"Sai V. write that 7: r "Doctor, right. Yo We don't ,ter with us Don't ask me any ad on, but I wheels. % good. ?" " My fri deceive yo extreme a is all one d' every body can say, th nothing wil As the d asked the little certi he had tre man imm said he, ad due to Dr. him our ce true that yet, but w derstand h tice to giv whenever 9 TS an 1C :1 • me to the last sat with eyes ously playing. es erted , vacant, till cufloatin about, tossed ; f ssipati n, and drawn her in th eddying cur - [t was a phitntom of a man. lance of r4lity it posselss- ity of Iwr tchedness. !' said I D r Specific, in a with pity "what a• mercy 8 go to th bottom!" aid the reck, "you're is the se entific practi e. to know what 'is the rnTat.. e want s mething to tae. ny questi no. Don't gve 1 can't stop. I musI go w nt something to oil the.., ill your medicine do me ny . ' said. 4he doctor," I wi n't 1 -have neer tried, it ii so rie yoUrs ; but, you se it se, and w at is good for st be eloo for you. Th el my siru dont save you, HAM A. FINE LOT AN BROWNE ALSO 50 La ce r took th last $5 bill, he lemen each to give him a e of th s ' cess with which tiyheairro . The clergy - e. My friends," ssing t catti s ae ft s e nw' he go thinko u. 14 It is 'ave nob t ed his medicine ve taken advice and un- ystem ; it is my p ne- s letter of uecomxnendation t anop» nity. If the 110 HAla .1 OF SMO ED HAMS SIDES AT L'S 013-.)0ERY. VERY FINE IT T1, - dies dies of 9 pounds. Try It and if n t as represented return it, and your mo ey will be refunde . REMEMB R THE, .PLAQE Don NION BLOCK 1 Nearly OP osite the Post Moe. • • J. BROWNELL. BUTTV, E D VV A WILL PAY FAIR DAI R IN -ANY AT GODERICR NEAR LUMS R, BUTTE114. 1 RD CA H AS UStIA PRICES $'0R OOD BUTTER, I QT.J1U4TIT ES, 1 IS OFFICE, STREET, SEAFORT DEN'S DRUG STORE. TWO GC I-1 BEST P cI OD REA6ONS WHY • PC)Syrp.R; 1rEb During this Month we w t more Customers than 1 during any preYions month since commencing btu+ ness, and in ceder to insu an extra number of BUYERS for JULY we offer EXTRAORDI- NARY - • INDUCEMENTS i the way of PRICES. -RED THE LIST. • Ladies Collars and Cuffs, Fri Cents up. Readymade Su Hoop Skirts, all prices. L Trimmed Hate and Bonnet CONTINUE la ' 9 IS THE T.JACE TO BUY YOUR You get get th for your mon You are al FIT. Op READ THE LIST. lls and Ruffles, from 10 mer Skirts, 70 Cents. trge Number of Ladies' , all VERY CHEAP. READIN The Balance of our DRESS GOODS to be Sold at a NOMINAL PRICE. Han ome: Black Grenadines in Checks and Stripes. New Summer Plaid Dress Goods. THOMPSON'S Co sets in ALL STYLES. DONT SKIP A LINE FIRST. Best Value be had y- - ECON1). ayS euro of a PERFECT • DON'T SKIP A LINE. All those Beautiful Plain B ck and Colored Silks, at a Great Reduction. Ladies Gloves, Kid, Black and. Colored, Two -Buttoned, from '75 Cents Per Pair. , Lisle Gloves, from 10 Ce ts Per Pair up—Cheap. BIG LOT. Two Cases of American Go Factory, Prints, &c., whic BOTTOM D-PNOAN OTED FOR CHEAP 11 A BIG LO Just Received in Ducks, will be sold at ROCK RICES. T. DUNCAN. AND GOOD GOODS. GO D VALUE IN TEAS T EA 8. 3 TRY IT AND P THE SEAFORTH M INSTRUMEN WILL;SON & • „, 4 a „,f, Bei to dilredflineattenti to the following facts: Speciality of -the Best P. in the Canadian market. THE MATHU.SHEK & CELEBRATED Never !before has any jected toeuela close erit tests by friends and f ;above named instrume being so radically diff other, so ingenious in and producing such won purity of tone, has attr: tion and admiration of osophers and musical c have therefore been look vations b,y manufacture other Pianos, who, bein in them any weak points endeavored to storm th sertions. But after ten trial of the one, and Tw the manufacturers are e that they have more tha highest hopes of their tast silencing the guns Atrial is all thatisrequi ly convince the public o PLAG7. ROVE ICAL EMPORIUM. SOOTT n of the publin They make a nos and Organs ABLE & SONS I.A.NOS; iano been sub" eism and severe s as have the ts. The scale, rent froin any ts constriction, erful poser and cted the' atten- echanieS, phil- 'tic.; and they dupon as inno- and dealers in unable to find for assault, have in by unjust as - ears of thorough ty of tbe other bled to prove vindicated the friends, rind are their enemies. ed tothrough- [these facts. • THE VOCEL -& LIN OLN ORA -NS Are universally acknow edged to be the best in- the market, and each instrument is fully Warranted for ve year. The following are a few', of t e many advan- tages we claim for this nstrumeat over all others made: The 1' TENT P1ANO ATTACHMENT is a c naracte Ocean ; is fully proved and ted. Sparkling Vivacity is by this imp d to he inn.. ale. Is always in tune. The Dtanifold Pipe gives richness and purity of tone, equalling the best Pipe Crgans, i prov- ed,.and above competion, and. stands un- equalled, and alone. Scilence, experience, good stock, skilled workmanship and honest purpose make ti4se 0;agarau neji8 b. eTheyt ' commend thpuiselves. 0 1 ally voiced and tuned. Pianos and O.rgans of other makes sup - AT THE GOLDEN LION; MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. L GAN & JAMIESON. LINTON WOOLEN MILLS. THE Sub sciber would take this opportunity of finking his numerous customers for their! libere p t ronage in the past, and hopes by close attimtion to business to still secure s large share obit confidence. Having fitted up his machinery in liret class style, he le now prepared to Cad, Spin, Weave, Full an Dress Cloth; Manufactur .pkwkets,Flannel Skirting 7loth and Stocking Yarn,&c. He has also constantly on band a large assortment of Tweeds, Pull Cloths, Shirting Flume Blankhts, Stocking Yarn, Grey Flannel, Striped Flasnel, Checked Flannel, de., dff., which pie. wi trade or Wool, or sell cheap for Cash. ¶tIId Subscriber's personal superintendence wlllj be given to Custom Boll Carding, and sati actio may e relied on. Persons living at a distance ftomn Clinton may expect to get their woo card wbije hey wait. W. mix, ite Commercial Hotel, SEAFORTH. 2 000 lbs. of Good, Clean, Fleece Wool Wan ed, For which the Highest market price in Caeh, will Clinton, May 23, 1876. Paid - .E. CORBE T. *ILL4IA.1/1 QAtSMP3E3M MERCHANT TAILCR AND CLOTHIEll?, , • SEAFORTH, IS N0W RECEIVING A LARGE LATEST plied on, order when des The Trade Liberally A few Second -Hand wayaoa hand. Remember the Plac ,us by. I LLSON THE FARMER'S 7. STOCK. OF ALL .KINDS OF TH TYLES OF 8r41N0 T WEEDS, /WORSTEDS, AND GENERAL, )rURNIS HATS, SHIRTS, COLLA,RS-, Src., AT THE LOWEST QUOTATIONS LNG • 'red. cat with. Instruments al- , and do t pass Se TT. O. C.' WIL FAVO ITE. SON'S AGRICULTURAL IM LEMENT EM- PORIUM, S ORTH. The B8t and Cheapot Race in, the Cou4ty to Pwrehaee Agrioultural Irnfilement8. When you get an Implement from Will- son you can rely upon it being as rprisented. STILL TIHIE COME. Another car load of ree Self -Damping Horse Rkes, 700 of which hve already been sold this spring. As there are nly fifteen 'hundred being mtle this season, fa era had ;better call early as he stook will soon e run onto in greater demand None other stands Wood' y than ever before. edf Self -Bake Reaper s the telt lof time so well. Wood' Iron -frame Mower, the lightest draft, and moat complete working Macliine Made. oitnen'a Self Bake Beaphr, too well knowri to- ned recbnimendatjofl. The Back -Eye Mower, which ever -person ad - mita, ca 't be beaten. 1::)1.,J0 Of all ceseriPtions. Anot perfect Thistle Slayer's, ltros Bomeii1ng New in Gang Wrought Iron Frame Gan Boos Gang Plow in the ma and try it. Tnrn4p Seed Sowers, and all lasses of impl The abo-vi implements a will be g;iven on trial. Ss or no sale.iis 0. C. believe that wo't stand totting er car toed of those yia No. Plows. Ornelph Plow. his is the ket. Came and see 11 SEWING M weaid everybody says eensib16 person now admi Hoes and Weeders, •• • e all warranted and isfaction ;guarateed that anL implement 't worth haying. • CHNES-I be true, and every that tHE FLQRENCE Hu equal. 11 beidifpo l.0QAllkinepidszasehin s in Stock wta will insist co buYing,,, them. PlowlPointe and ell Pain swsy 04 hand. SerwW Machine 0114 dam swailieedY. A fun fiteclref ce • •