The Huron Expositor, 1876-07-21, Page 3JULY 21, 1876monsmammosomestmossaw 4.11.. CORN A L CANAL ENLARCEMENT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. QEALE T- TENDERS addressed to they Secreta Le of public Works, and. endorsed "Tender fo the Cornwall Canal,' will be received at this office tuetil the arrival of the Eastern rind western rnaitF; oil WEDNESDAY, THE NINTH DAY Op A bGUST NEXT, for the formation of a neer en. trance ---south of the. present one—at the lower enol of the Cornwall Canal, embracing the eon. atruction of two Lift -Locke, Waste -Weir,,. The works will be let in one section, as !Wiest. ed en the neap of that part of the line, which, together 'with. plans and specifications of rho eetiotrs works, enn he seen at this .voice, and at the wince Of the Canal Sit porintendent, Cornwall cin and after 1 UWAx, the T\%LMTY•EIGHTI Day of JULY, Instant, at either of which pleeea printed Forme of Tender cell be obtained, Contractors are requested to bear fit nrfnd that `1°enderewill not he considered unlesxmar3estrict.. ly in accordance with the printed forma, and -ate the ease of tl nl . -•except there ere attached the etna1 signatures, the nature of the occupation, and place of residenee of each member of the same; and further, an accepted bank cheque, or :other readily available Futurity. for the Aum of Four Thousand Doilal-s,. must accompany each pexider-,which shell be forfeited if the party ten_ Tering decllnee or fails to enter into contract for he works when called upon to do so, at the rate stated in, the offer submitted. The cheque or money thus sent in will be re- ttrued.to the respective parties whose tenders are ..ot accepted., Fur the clue- fulfilment of the contract, saris- :4rtc,*y9eettrilrywill be required on real estate,. r by 'deposit of money, public or municipal "se- bank- stocks the or , to t e aruouut Of five on the bulk sum of err cent. the contract, Of hieh the sora sent in with the tender onsidered a. part. llbe Ninety per cent. only of the progress estimates Will be paid until the completion of the works. To each Tender must be -attached the actual. "ign rterea of two responsible and solvent per- aons, residents of the . Dominion, willing to be_ Eumo sureties forth_c�r3i u Ont of them. e con- lit:ons, an well as the due performance of the ,or1i' embraced in the; contract. Th€e Department does not, however, bindd itself t , accept the lowest or any tender. 117 Order, - F. BRAUN, Secretary. 1-epertrnent of Public Works, Ottawa, July 10, 1s711. 449-a. WOOL, WOOL. ITE Proprietor of the Woolen Mills, Mitchell, would reeeectfully tender his thanks to the nblie, and farrrlet:i in p .rtfcular, for the very lbs) al Patronage during he last season, rand in orn, f o 'i ould call their attention to the fact tt it 1•.^vir.e m rcl:eser th at.a'"' mills, and betn�,r etcrinined to build up a custom trade—if go ,°ork, fair dealing and ctrl t attention to business ill d o it—and having spo t a good: deal of time trot money in. repairing and buying new machin- yi Ito ie now prepared to do all -binds of Custom eek -:it the eery beat style and on the shortest epee, as especial atter, tiara will be paid to the r astom Work this season. - 3fy stock of Goods is now complete in all aifc'nc:t. Especial care hag Lcen taken in the r.rannfacttiie of these goods, which have been =ate for my own retail trade, embracing Heavy r weeds-, Extra Fulled Cloth, Scarlet, Cleey and Vi,ita{ 1;'Ltnrele, and: 1' in y Flannels uniturpess- . ;.1e, Union I lanrrels and Stocking Yarn in vari- F ey, all of which 1 am row selling chap for cash, r trade for wool, a cent a pound more than mar- :t price' allowed. Manufacturing done at the following rates: `i weed, Lie ; Fulled Cloth, ,ifc ; Satinet, 80e; 1.1anketirig, 25c, and 1 find cotton; Fancy Shirt - <g, 2,'c , Spinning, 14c per pound, a.t.d 9 pounds t yarn given out of 10 pounds of wool; Carding, , Fulling end Pressieg, life ; Coloring, l0c. All work done ander my own perso_al supenis- in, and all swell warranted well done or no harge made. 1). H. DO.CLMAN, 41:.13 Proprietor, Mitchell. POST OFFICE STORE, WALTON. CARD OF THANKS. BEG most reef ectfully to thank my numerous ea-tcmcis for their kfind patronage for the 4, :even ears -which I hays been dei business-. a doing n hong therm, and solicit a erwntinuance of their sorb in the lettere. 1 have received a Large tock of Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Groceries, revisions, Crockery, Glassware, Hardware, Coal; Paint it"and. Patent Medicines of alldes- ,p tions. Farm Produce taken - in exchange. 1 would also most resp-ectfully intimate to those a no have not paid up their aeeounts, .clue Jun. 2, €e7G, to call and do so at once, either by cash or te, rot I must have a settlement. Please call theta any further notice. MONEY TO LOAN., ° If yen want to borrow ert.oney on ileal Estate u would do well to call on me bcfor•c going else- - acre, as I"am valuator for the best Loan - Socie- •s in the Dominion. Termer Easy.. LIFE INS ItANCE, if you want your We inset red give me acall, as ' •ra ee 3 n am Agent e Sun Mutual al Life Inert ,� th n t ,rnpany, of Montreal, one of the best andmost TTr,I c rf us 1n4t,ra.nce Companies in the Domin- i reel conducted on the: most ecouemical grin l'ea. 1 caffrf Always- Affrntwe to JJ1L tress. (ra.P Me a Cali. l >t. I'AI.rxSON, Post Office Store DISSOLUTION. OF PARTNERSHIP. t'"ITE Pan tnersbip heretofore Rabfisting between u. 111 nrderait:rfed,melee the firm i'meoflVIL- it MUFF, has been dissolved by mutual i=:.cut 'Ilse business ti, ill hereafter be carried ' . by J. 11 .l illrartee All charts cc retracted by F tate him will be liquidated by J. R. Williams, ..4 all d$ 1,:a elite tbt. late thin trill be collect- by Lim. J. 1;. WILLIA; n, NOBLE MUFF. N t (mi c c•t c}n with the above the undersigned eler ilea to State to his nunieroui+.jnstonaere and ends than lie intends to continue the manufsc- tr!e-of first-classpunils and cisterns as hereto - the old stand. lle has non such faeilitieo ti ill enable him to turn out a better article for s money than any other eettibllshrnent of the - !rid in this :=ectfou. 1'O -those indebted fo him ho svoulel say that an involute sc•tticnieutt is t.csired, as he is urgent - in need of money. ' _1treember the old establishedand well-known ..tfurtit Pump Factory. j•, J< 11. �FILLIAIFS. `t (;RANGERS, FARMERS AND OTHERS. S TH.I<Y occupy the attention of all, these h: rd tial( the, at/ha:Tiber is determined to et them by offering food inch Hemlock, " not T.talir se.'d for inch," at the folle,vring rates: feat fiernlock. at $11 50 Her thousand ; 14 foot it rite, at.;`7 for Cash. All orders over 4000 er rent. disc-oiint. Call and see if you don't ' what Lt rcerest reed, :P« c k Accounts aver a menthe will be charged r suit. : F. s: enbs.rriber thenks hist numerors customer•tt 1 tit' it lilti•i',11: htil.pOrt, and ts`Oite5itzf e confine. c• of tie ir telae. JOHN THHOMPSON. Stearn Saw :trine, McKillop. U -:RAN FOR PIE CENTENNIAL. EVN ALL EW MONOPOLIES. 1EEAT RED LT( 'rl if)N I1 PRICES r '.vI";ft retirttl from the Sewing hlaehlue t.ttlrt'n':h eti:1 bolding the AgencY ,r ae 1•t .s reac t:r e e s, 1'tse" to interna my old :enters and the public in general that 1 have: c.n Lana it t, :keen rt wing, machines of the ,• i;zrrkes, which i sell at reduced prices. farther Vol. ie. 41.tr4:Tllay'T,XIDD'SLiquor !t', where 1 will ITB etlwttvs; 1n attendance =a- te is t', i -Leet, tl±e= r.relt'i,irte•:t etlyd $111,121 121011 of Work• t.°rareror(a nine days' wonderbeforeyou e conic - r( ri0M1'1,5 1J, O'C'O� NOR, :!ain Street, Seaforth, �. EO UTO R N'OTIC•E, t = L I'T:I."ONS havir e any elain:r against the I.s tete L f the Lai,. VAIN WILTON SERB, ...eerly of Brno Eels, ; escaped, are hereby noti- to .1 r(F r nt the same for lict*ridatir n to C.11. )111c,1=1 us<relte, On or before the First Day of wet, or the undersigned will not be reopen- t therefor, and all persons indebted to tile esttltn rnt:st settle by said date, ass all defog to unsettled must be pot into Court for colJee- ':. All l•ertTe.us owning any documents left Fin Mr. Kerr are requested to call at the °ides C. Pe CoOP1711t, Ifrussels, and take them awsT- Drusgels, May 1801,1870. 1itrG1I COOPER, tEtecutorr. MAULS R. COOPER, f • JULY 21, 1issm 876. 2retting Wives. Oonatatirt drop ing`Wears &waya.stone,. d.a rush: wife will-detitroy the tern-, per of the best husband living. Item a pity that a nuraber of good ladies do not see this, the probability being tbat if they did they an would res n dt he lima o ter happiness falls to their l y s. Probably morethan misery results (.fretful wives than any other cause. It iAmparatively easy, says the Liber- al Review, to get on comfortably with a passionate s� provided that one un- derstands n- d sthat persons character,.but it is next. tohopeless to look for peace where one is tied to au individual of the ce ging " order. There are times, no doubt, when one is able to make,.light of her querulousness, and laugh at her gram - Wogs, but then there are others when these jar with the most exquisite discord upon the soul. The man who is low spirited, who is perplexed and worried b a day in which business has been try -- gand unsatisfactory,.when he reaches his home longing for solace and sym- pathy, is not in a position to have a cata- logue of grievances, iev knee for which he is un- justly , held to be directly or indirectly responsible,poured into his ear... The . misfortune is, however, that a fretful wife attacks her lord at all seasons, and so at last compels him to lower his :tend- ed r 'in i llie and rival arcl of imperturbability, irritableness. When she has succeeded • in,doing this, the chances sere that she makes herself additionally miserable upon the score of the sharp words to which he , treats her, No doubt she derives a great deal of satisfaction from the reflection, long-suffer- ing d len ill e poor, , g he is - that 8 small - but tbis must -be ing martyr � comfort to the remorsless• tyraut who, one is sometimes led to believe, spends his days in regarding her with a callous- ness which is positively brutal, but who v\js, in a general way, not nearly so for- midablea person as he is made to appear. Probaby, indeed, this person is disposed to resent the self=importance with which she airs her martyrdom, and exhibits his powers as a domestic tyrant. At any rate, in the majority of cases he can hard- ly fail to see the irony of the .situation, and to reflect bitterly thereon. Despotic tyrant though he is reputed to be, he knows very well that he has comparative- ly little authority in his own house, al - POSITOR. a' dressed in thei and every yin st inter. - Behold tl impressed wi' the as lie atilt y bowl makes a>remarkajb he saysi"It's mechanically rep i a very fine day."" silence.for twa-th reverence, . lookin'. r if they're ready his head a nervott minim breaks impressive prays livery ye'll very mother greetin', winkin' at yin an the ceremony pr "Join hands,' t vows twitching groom's features r beet maid fiddle pn' off the whi their hands. T as the last word dare you ou lawful those whom Go put asunder," s cracks, as the b bridegroom ; an company. -C ,Scottish Journal t. ' Tl a bell rings, for tills is the min. verend ,gentleman, dignity o' I.his office, the company, and t the weather. After tine day,"''every yin , "Yes, sir, it's been hen there's solemn THE SEAPORTS' IUSICAL e minutes, until hie' INSTRUM NT EMPO and hire; asks them he bride room glee #-- hake, and and du ng its de i' kely 'see. he bride's r some o' her sisters t er, Afte :it's owre, :ds, and art the words e's ggen r. he bride the bes a'at their ds that s hand cls THE BES ' PLAOE. TRY IT AND 'I�OV c� then the asolemn, WILLSON - I& SO Beg to direct the at "ration of th to the fo lowin f is : They fly a ner- in the Canadian.Mnar -et. h a Speciality of the Bes Pianos and and bride. l - IT • IUM. publ rc Hake a Organs ) ABLE SONS TH 3N EK C fingersMA► U to THE man ane. m glued to hand,and re said; ' I now de. e married persons, and s joined 'let no man Its resounids' like rifle 'firist gets yin free the' o on through a' the ndent df the .ondoi A Some time ag `) sash }s ' sweethe straggled into a ed in the vicinit wardly inquire e Peace was at h the law were Concinoni wealth, rion. • One of them I do for you ?" " Well, you s want to git manri "Ah, I see ;"y and you want done properly, eh? Is that it.' " Well,. I su " Very well; young man, ex. my usual. fee." The country and said, " No brit that he is nominally the head. there- The youthfu of. Bitter experience has taught; Ihim cused himself that if he ventures to chide his chilliren, out and hunte he will probably be pulled up shaufply ; and taking hi while, if, he presumes to indulge in any in is here fro way without having first received the to get married maternal sanction, he will scarcely fail to will you ?" be told that, he is utterly spoiling them. Together th it is pretty much the same inr reference while the cere to his servants. Yet, with strange in- the lawyer ap consistency, his better -half is continually of transformiv urging him to do terrible things with manuscript. her servants both- her children and , upon wedlock had the plea that she 'can do nothing with the-mriage them, the former, especially, being, past witnessed, th her control. Presumably she spends her of $1.50 as hi life in slaving upon his behalf. At any tonished. He rate,- if she does not, her oft -repeated "Why, I t and most earnest declarations are unreli "That's all able. Yet, if he presumes to hint that ney, "that's, her domestic management is - not" quite '` Why, loo perfect—that his dinner, for instance, to pay for th might be more to his liking, and that `` That, m his household bills might advantageous- f louselloor lybe li ghtor---she is upn in arms at once; p g tb ad he learns that it is useless to try to " that was a please hien, and that, though be is unable opinion, wri to appreciate a good thing, all the rest marriage to I of the world (herself included) are very and legal in properly' convinced, that she is one of the very best, though one of the most ill -re - Tilted, managers of a house and home, living. Then, again, if he has done something, or heard something, or seen something, which he fails to tell her - perhaps because he deems it unimportant, ti a tattler. T young pgriculturali: just fro! the countr torney' . fice situa f a law h p, and aw the u Lice of ti The y ng limbs g inside reading t d took i - the situ ti 1, " Yes, sir, what c e, Em line and d, and "' • u wish 'get marrie o be sur the ,thing d everything all straigh ,i, 4 ►i perhaps because he forgets all about the natter—and a knowledge of what he has done comes to her ears, straightway she • sinks to the gloomiest depths of despair.. She bewails over the circumstance. that she enjoys not his confidence, inuch_ though he -deserves to do so, and draws many dismal comparisons between the way in which she and a number of other less deserving wives are treated. In short, ahe is never without a grievance-- even a crit of her husband's coat o r the color of his trousers will supply her with one—and she takes very ood care that her grievance shall be aplayed to the. hest advantage.. Po $ e• b 8 r u O t 0 li f fee is J sa ou ill ►a s et to av 11 The count y wilde reel ma paid the Jus seeming ash • a marriage du. Lao G'OnI 1.02 wealth.: n 0 supports by a e-" if you please," said t ding hits land, "$5 y forkei 'over the. rive ahead, 'squire." ion of B ketone, e few mo ents, step a Justie of the P. e side, sai , " My e country, and wa ome up aid do the j e f e 1 e s is 1' 6 entered t e office, a ' d y was g ing forwa 4, d himseii to the w rk page of 1 gal cap 'i to. er the oly bonds of propel welded, a.e d ificate dul signed a•d. stice req cited the s m e. The G nger was ri- d ht -- t," broke in the at e r ight, pay him." ere ;-lI. j u t gave you $5 emcee, di n't I?" ar sir," ea'd the youth- iling bla dly; and de-. ountrymafa'e ignorance, iner; and here, sir;,is my out, guaranteeing rae in g the been perfectly formal espects !" au, in a dazed and be - r, pocketed the opin .on, his fee,nd went out, d to thik a didn't k low Id be ut rly void unless attorney' opinion. -Poral CELEBRATED - PIANO Never before has jected to Buell close tests by friends al above named - inti being "so radically other, so ingenious and producing atich as purity of tone, has tion and admiritio osophers and musi have the efote been vations by Mate Pi who other anos, , in them any weak pjoints for assa endeavored to sor>i them by u sertionse But after ten year of trial of the one,1 an Twenty' of the manuf alcturera re enabled a pr. that they halve no au viindi : ted highest hopes of her frietids, and. fast silencing the n of their enem Atrial `: all that i re uired to t ly convi ce the pllbli of these THE OCEL ny piano b criticism an d fees as h;, entre Tl different zr in its cons wonderful p attracted th a'of mechan' cal critics ; lopked upon takers and d berg' unable Signers of the Declaration. The Fathers " rt i*"hot old men. The average age of t1 rsl ners of the De- claration of Arericari.Independence ov the 4th of July, 1776, scarcely reached years -John Hancock, the President, • was but 39 years old; The six" oldest representatives were Benjamin Franklin, aged 70. ; Stephen_ Hopkins, aged 69; Francis Lewis, aged 63 ; James Smith, aged 63 ; Matthew Thornton, aged 62 ; and Geo. Taylor, aged. 611. The seven youngest were Thos. Lynch, Jr., South Carolina, aged 27 ; Edward Rutledge, of South Carolina, aged 27 ; Thomas ay - ward, South Carolina, aged 30 ; Arthur 'Middleton, South Carolina, aged 3` ; Thomas Jefferson, Virginia, aged 33 ; Elbridge Gerry, Massachusetts, aged 32; Benjamin Rush, Pennsylvannia, aged 31. The difference of : age between Franklin, the oldest member, and Lynch, the young- est was 43 years. Youth, middle and old age were fairly represented ; so were nationalities. Two members were born , in England, two in Ireland, two in Scot- land, one in Wales, and the rest in the colonies. . . Weddings in Edinburgh. N aethin g the noo but marriages gaup. A'body that's single's getting married. (.a-bs are fiyin' about in every direction, " Poor oot ! poor oot's !" cryin' at every stair -fit. Sic braw buskit brides 1 have- no seen for an age. White's the 'pre- dominant color—white, the emblem o' _spotless innocence. Hoo shy, reseefeil, and modest most o' them look, as if but- ter coulclna melt in their mouth !" 0 the guileless creatures ! They look • as if they were abovethe wants o' ordinary mortals, and never took a guid bite o' a tattie, or suppit par-ritch in their lives ! Hoo tenderly that young bridesmaid's lookinat the best. man that's gene` to fetch her in the cab, and what sheep's e'en he's castin' on her ! ' Wha wad think that angelic-lookin' dearie had a bit tem- per ? Look at her ! Hear to her, as the cab drives trp to the -stair-foot, and the best man nervously throws cot three- pence worth o' copers, a' in ha'pennys : —" 0 Willie ! div ye reals; think we'll get up the stair in safety ?'' 0 dear me ! what a panic the puir thing's in ! and what a mush take place when they' come oot ! " Poor oot r poor oot !" resounds on every side ; while auld bancheli are spinnin' through the air. See ,them a' assembled in the best furnished room, bride and bridegroom, best man and best maid, surrounded by their Reel-wishers, W • her he Mohest Goes. :en 1311 i seve eve t. e sea nia' ructic wera stir 8, pb nd tj ey as intro alert; in to nd, it, h ve just s1 horn gh" he of er five the aro fes, oroul h - acts. CANS be trume rs, y ad ent PIS e e e "Mr. Sw p:s, won't Von split 'ip a little wood t n go and borrow a tress u.go up town ?„ under, do jou want me to nt'to preserve some cher kettle' before y " What a t do that for?' 'Cause I w ries to -day." " Cherries " Yes, chi ' That's You're alw around with '` Nonsense. serves as well I don't reit If you a wood you'd li "Mrs. S ip know this money for u9 wood, and t But some think about e ing ribbons r but when easy chair no I can't all the mo own back.' "Now, no, you do spend it all. get money o to the boso drunk ? D know that glasses th drunk you t carie horn in the mi about squ ?1, Are uni best in is fully f ollowin ttges w • all othe ATTA • is fully Vivacit sic. Is Wipe gi equalli ed, and equalle good e honest comme fully v Pian plied o The rr es !" just like you :Mrs. Swipes. ys s_putteriig and - fooling s e me nonsense like this." well, I guess you like pre- s anybody." Iver, n'ti too lazy to lit the, When du et an mplemen fro Will- 3 �' tu on it bilin as son you can ''r ly . p rear seated. a • c, 0 ae y &k LI COL 0 wledged id each i� ersally ajkm Marie�r s a>ke , a nrrante f five ye • f s.re a fe o the ma Claim fo tl s made . h� HME) Tisa proved rid is by th' Mateyo in es jichne s g the hest above col and alon och, pki1le rose i d thensve iced and Ilan s and Or an circle wen rade e ib r s instru PATEN complet : sum • as ; tested. : par ling parted to the mCie t ne. The Ma old nd .purit of ono, Pipe Organs: is.. a rov- ption, and tan. z un- . ( Sciende, e peri worknaa ship k4 theee'Orgns. , They re be uti- d. of other ne alt:: s desired. Ira ly Dealt with. H, nd Instruments 1 11 6 h r HURR. NEW `LIQ E ? FOS R • =T OR and GENERAL DIE lIS _ FST KE PERS the HOTEL, of I beg, to call the attention- I PUBLIC of Seaforth and vicinity, to the MP0P A. That I have 0 NEW LIQUOR STO THIRD -DOOR SOUTH 0 And fiirect y opposite the' Consolidated Ban STOCK of ENTIRE ST ' PACT nedt Out a '- E IN .ScA,FORT H. TIDE POST OFFICE, of Canada, where I :have removed irituous Liquors. , I Have also Imported Heavil CHAMP GNE, HE1' NESSY BUR UNDP, ADE IRA CLARET, JAMAICA RUM, 4 R MOT J n they FolkowinTrines • BRANDY, BRANDY, ALES ROBINS' BRANDY, S4ZARAC, BRANDY, OUTA,R-D I)UPY'S BRAN ZOc3ETHER WITH 'A LAif:GE !CONSIGNMENT OF SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKEY - it of Bass's,Carling's and Yo ng's Celebrated Dublin Stout, any quhbt y Guineas' Ale, in half and quarter ba'rels, to suit purchasers. mY LI tE ENTS TO - HOTEL K`EEPE' S AL iNDUCEM AND FAfMERS - WHO WISH TO BUY IN LARGE- QUANTITIES. UNADULTERAT LIQUOR GUARANTEED. PURE AND I _ ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. (,:i+e ITIle a Cull. THOMAS KI D A Lar - OF - DYE STUFFS Of very supericroinslitzinst teeeivedOt ROBER TLS T E CHEAP CASH GROCERY BOUND TO W I.N. ace, BOT�'OM PRICES AND CO I D ARTICLES WILL TELL. a>�d• hey A. few Second ways 0.1 hand, Remember th us by. - Place, and won't W 11 ON -& COT'''. THE FARM R'S FA ) Pass Y ORIT O. 0, W ILLSON AGRICULTURRAL 1M PLEMEN PORIUI'rl, SEAFORTH. The Best and 1 eapest Con ty to I chase A 7 lem nt8 . BUY FOR CASH D SAVE MONEY. G o��ae -d Examine the _Following Goods and Judge for Yours k sou Parti EM - r i in>fpe e n the ral ' tfu rau c e then." ' • s now do lee sensible. You reserving ; ,business costs ar, fruit, !cans, wax, fire- e d,uece' knows what all. S or other you never do pease, for your always buy- Ano kilos, and flummadiddles; Horse 'ant anything suph as an this s est my weary bones in, oh being early. e it, becai;tse you've spent for duds to put on your wo this d it. O v said la the t ou e think you've t pend , any .' money, but. I af,o 3f that's Igo, where do you and play pedro and come home. of your family stone blind n t deny it, Smith, fcr you somebodyi blacked your eye other day and you was so ought it was midnight and w. th the lantern in your hand die of the dal'. You talk eying mo --- " Pious 'amily. Of Gov Presidenc o says in th whom we 1, Webb, w:1: Female 0 ill consistent Church ; n tendant u=0' fact whie of Though n t as we kn the beast tures nig and after kneel do er, aaift once and i o' tection. wife hay sion of -t certain t closed in1�b oclist. ayes, the candidate for the the United States, Dr. Tefft io.4 thernB'order s "Bis wife ew in her girlhood aa Lucy educated at the Wesleyan ge at Cincinnati,: and is a i ember of the . Methodist he is hainiself a regular at - its services.. There is one e cannot forbear: to state. a professor of religion so far he Iasi always maintained habit of reading the Scrip- nd : morning in his family e chap e• is read they all - and rep the Lord's Pray- believ di in God's previa dness f r ould h e fortutie of taking posses` yhite House, we are morally each da l Will be opened and same inimner."--'1'1,e 11ic'Gl�- 11 -r Jo • need Th mita, guidance and pro- ; And his' estimable 6°L" Of a So Wro Bog and and or n tha IL "HEY • ORAE. r ea I0. Rakes,ngEt, o ri. .,seE s the stock d.' 9e1fEBak thati ev s of time s0 • s' Irdn-fr o : t convict . ►d of shop's f which have a ere are only ea�on,farnners rill soon be ru Reif- pipping eady en sold. !teen undred • ad . b ttex call out: r Reaper is in ' este dela] d ✓ before. No ' c oth r stands well. m4 blower, th light working maeb�ne ma st draft, le. ' ti's Self hake Reaper, toi well 1kn wn to aeon: ends ion. - Duck -Eye blower, which Overy person ad. cen't be beaten, 14..ak:DIAT 11 deseriptio Thistle SI thing Ne t Iron F ang Plow a i Gang Flo 0. T e Gang PI w. et e market. Came 11 classes of im temente. e above imp ernents are al given on nal. Batista Sale. ao 0. IC. believes t Won't standltelting ain't w S WIN WELL They far ply at CDC HAMS AND SIPE-MEAT. a e oil hand a quantity of ED HAMS AND SID MEAT, eh they wig sell Cheap. th da THE of khose • a is the and see it and Weeders, byes DRUG STORE, Consisting in part of the f . UMW, MADDER COMPO'D, .' COC INEAi4 1 CREAM TARTAR, bUSTIO, ALUM, INDIGO, . INDIGO COMPOUND, ALSO A LOT OF HANDY DY PACK- Ie AGE DYES, YE W SLATE' SCA LE' 3UCHAS�.�.0 BL4JE, GREENY and ROSE, and 'in fact, nearly all colors, whish are guaran- teed to produce bearfti.lni and fast colors direct - ;;lona are faithfully followed. ROBERTS, S.RO. Opposite Powell's Temperance Hoose Seaforth. TWO GO OD SONS -- tit ia • IS..THE v • BESPLACE TO BUY 13 pounds good bright SUGAR for 1; i0 pounds RICE for e,1; TEAS from 80 cents per pound upwards— rge Discount on 5 and 10 pound Packages ; PICKLES from 20 cents per bottle to 50 cents per bottle. AR .CURED R E D AMS THE BESTST IN N TO1VH.6 'IDE MEAT,POTATOES, OES, FL(UR, &e., ALWAYS IN STOCK. 8 Callinrg at the Cheap Cad .Supply of Jt'anti VERY BEST QUALITY CVD LOWEST PRICES, not Invited, Whether You riirchpsc or Not. FAIRLEY-, Seaforth. trong & Fairley,) D PROVISION DEALE T, - SEAFORTI. I' Grocery can Always Find 4 full Groceries of the - - ear (loess Eelirered-FREE of Charge. 1Successor to MAIN STRE N HANKING the Public for the very Libe bu iness of Strong it Fairley, and by strict a aye continuance of the same. I have LICIV o ARGE STOCK OF OH will sell for a Small A drone Pot Barley, Split Pea Whic l Patronage I have received since ass tention to business and upright dealing hand a ICE FAMILY GROOP3I on Cost tor Cash, comPrialni1 ices, Sauces, Cwrramts, Raisi ei,ncl Biscuits of all kinds. Goodo, ,consisting of Peaches, Strawbe ade and Jam, Cauned Salmon, Mackerel, CANNE I I have just received a large stock of Canne berriek Pine Apples, Tornatoes, Plums, Mann FLOUR and FEED Constantly o of Seaforth, Flar warrented and • tion guaranteed t an Implement MAOHINEs. • AdMit8 the y Rays must bell trno, and every 1 Th FLORENE POTATOES FOR 2 Ile., ember the Place, Strong & Fairley's Hand, and Delivered Free to CENTS PER BUSHEL. nd, South side. M. IVIORRIS THING YET. --EXAMINE THE ROHER !-IAY RA IT IS THE S PLEST AND BEST. ho 1 kinds of Mathinels in Stock, oh will be sold if people williinsist i on buying ler/s4wPsoyinstod:74adaell kinde of Castin s and R ewing Machine Oils, Attitchmeiate and 'always reay.:. ming YOUR You get, the Best Value to be had for your money. re allkays sure of a PERFECT the to You SE' ORTH. sEAFtowirti WOOLEN MitLS. pail of *OOL WAINTED To Card, Spin, gawafacture, or in Bkchange 'Roo en, Goods. CUSANi,h:y0.abTe tot,f1,2.011-hot tOh.A.R.DdalyN. G CLOTH FULLING, DRESSING, And every other branch of the business well done ' on short notiae. es, asp bsters and ny art E - BLANI5.E113, SirriTING, Flannel, Sto'ckin.il Yarn, -Sic. All of Our own mandfacture and 1U-saw:nit a WEIPLESAITt AND RETAIL,. ,oird* out of yote own, wool. TERMS-,-.Carsh, Or 20 per dent, extra, liesierth; ilea 1876. . 412 Best Because the Simplest elf Dusuping Hay Rake in th 31 •ket. TT away with. all Clutches, ps, Wires and nprin we is the -L ear,'no Sudden or Extra Pull Tithe horse in Dumping as in other Dr& t Dinsissishes the moment the discha ge begins. Only Fifty of the Archer Send in your Orders Early or yon y not be able to have them filled. liALD, Agent for the County o THE ARCHER A Campbell's Agri Or at G. WILLIAMS CAN BE SEEN AT final Thaplement1W If'S Plow Factory, SEAARTH. Mntical Inetruments and Sewing Machines os nog. DIS 1 leg keg, t the es on rid, • MILL temetebnd the public generally of the SD- nudersigae4 -hereby inform 'their many and More :Coliraddiens premises on' -NORTH .1101141114 SirREETS Where, With increased facilities and some new machinery Of the best make, they -will eentinue . to manufacture it -04111 ell orders for • At Price* to 1finit the Times. era ms, 444.-1 Farn .Gates, Hoy Baas, Clwese Boxes, Ike. , LATH AND SHINGLES; Jig *mon iota Casten' irisming 111 T subseribers hereby hank Itheir mime us ens mars for the liberal atronage exte to tints are overdue we e rittosadeil cthoolosee:::isecoon continuance -and increase 0 fele seine, business, to me t 6 ' GRAY a& ROOltre . S.—Plans and Sped-10010ns for Building DOMINION STEMAsine cOMPit isectedgmt„:4343,084 ;beet: uyt :poo•Qa4;;bet f" II Stee e Seaforth to Jo lelee Oil imp al ',Ablest any thin, and act oxtv im akin * isigaXa tiroszel: sat