The Huron Expositor, 1876-07-21, Page 1JULY 14, 1876 TI • • • ••••••••-:-....-•••••••••••••••,••••••04, rHE MONTI/ OF' WARM WEATE(. ER AND TRIPS TO THE DENTENNIAL, LAOS, AND reparatory t(i Leaving awe recommend a Visit to the SIGN OF •171.1 7 7 7 Fl 777 Bllrgains in Travelling 131e its, ,i!nztt.ne Bargains itt Cloth4ng. Bfirtlainh' 'et t lratch Find t isleataiate- ilterge bee 11' 6'as:8inure Pa Pittti Baryaips in J171Duck Thin, -Woolen Itafgains Nita Alpaca Coats. /GUI II?' Barytha is,/ Linen Coats. Bargains ill Summer 'lats.! 'mine Bargains in Tr'hitt: Shirts. ENIJ N E BARGAINS el.* ell Der! cf f;0(,,/ 411arked Down, • I tee le•peretereet, liknele alb, He'll Drel1n, aEre'ree Depteetneent, ef't.1011 Marked. DOw', PRICES THAT WILL INSURE ET PURCHASERS. 1111,1V111141S tf* rintetirtii, Embroideries, ff A oti.,-iear, ( ti.tilfitt Goof1A". tP itirtieff Pei/It-XI' t BY ffUlt MIL klIGDO1';- GALL IN -srayi-C- Partigalar6 Ntt S•Veek. A. C. MCDOUGALL & CO. NINT VEAK. WitOLE NO. 4'4O. SEAORTH, ORAL ESTATE FOR MALE. 'Vag FOR SALE.—For Salo, a good Two J: Hundred Acre Vann in the Township of Hui- fetteCounty vf Ilaron ; well improved and with fslrsmiainge. Price, $5,500. Apply to A. STBONG, Land Agent, Seaforth. 447 'VOUS FOR ALE.—East half Lot 11, Con, 12, • leafillop; also South Wthaeortrei nOsfgLiee Lot, 1Balnydth2. pe°01:ripa. Irt0'ilica°1arrirssa'papdlyiliVoCAUGHEY 8a-HOL111E- STEP, Barristers. &c., Seaforth. 425 DOR SALE—Soath half- Lot 1, Con. 11, Grey, r containing 60 acres, adjoining the village of Brussels ; Bed lot ifl suitable for park lots ; for farther particulars apply to Wad. GRAHAM, proprietor, or to C. R. cooPER, Brussels. 448o JI FOR SALE.—North half of Lot 12, Con. L 18, Mcliillop, containing 75 aoreo, 40 cleared, 1 ballade well timbered, with good baildings ; for side cheap and on easy terms of payment. Apply to bleCAUGHWY & HOLMESTED, Seaforth. 449 DARK LOTS FOR SALE.1-Containing 5 acres • osch, adjoining the Town of Seaforth. The most desirable sitaation for private residences. Teams reasonable, with immediate possession. apply WE, W, C. MEYER, Barrister, Seaforth, or to L, Harpurhey, 441 110ROPERTY FOR SALE,—For eerie on resson-• • able terms, a desirable property sititated on Main street, Seaforth. A good business stand, which are two stores, with a -dwelling over. Apply to the proprietor or to Wm. Campbell, geaforth. 3. proprietor Ifawtry.. 442 - --T - DROPERTY F011 SALE.—That valuable prop- 1- arty on Goderieh Street occupied by the Goder- ichManufacturing Company as a Machine Shop. Also dwellinghouse andlot adjoining. The above property will be gold on easy terjins. For particu- lars apply to GRAY & SCOTT. 489 QUIZ rener FOR SALE—In the thriving • eta salubrious village of Bayfield; 20 acres of land, with house, barn and stable; orchard of choice fruit, trees in boring; never -failing sapply of hard and soft water on the premises. Possess- ion as agreed upon, C. R. COMMANDER, Bay - fields ilitUILDING LOTS IN SEAFORTH FOR SALE 41 —Dr. COLEMAN, having laid out the grounds reeently occupied as a Driving Park into Bu - Ing Lots, is prepared to dispose of lote on reason- able terms to any who may desire them. Parties desiring to purchase should make immediate ap- plication. 8114 PROPERTY FOR SALE.—Two lots, with a 2 story frame house and bang, situated on the Market Square, Seaforth. The premises have been used as an egg packing erstablishment, and are well adapted for any public bagmen. For particulars apply to the proprietress, Mrs. MAL- Seaforth, or to D. GORDON, Goderieh, Ontario. 481 TislIFTY ACRE FARM FOR SALE.—East ,34- Lot 10, Con. 8, Hallett ; there are 40nteres cleared, improved and uuderdrained, the remaining 10 is well timbered with hardwood ; there aro fair buildings on the promisor; : gauged about 8 miles from Sea forth and Clinton, and 11 miles from Kinburn, on a good gravel road. Fair fur- ther particulars apply to GEORGE MANN, CO - stance P . 0. 44044 FA 1131 FOR SALE.—Part Lot No. 3, Con. 7,11. R. S., Taekersraith, containing 75 acres, about 40 of which are eleared and in a good obste of cul- tivation; the remainder is well timbered with valuable hardwood; there is a large frame burn and other excellent oeitbuildine"'%; is Situated 5 miles frorn Seaforth, on a goodroad. For fur- ther particulars aptly to JAMES CUMMING, Egmondville P. O. 4484'4 P011 SALE,—For Sale, LotNo. 7, Con. ▪ 10, Morris, r45 containing 64 aeres of avouch are cleared, well fenced and in a good. state of cultivation; the remainder is well timbered. There are 4 acres of choice fruit firees bearing, s good log house and frame stable. Is 1 mile from the Blyth station of the London, Huron and Brace Railway. For further particulars to JOHN LUDLAM ou the premises, or to W. CLEGG, Blyth. 425 • Villn FOR SALE IN T (JOREIISMITH.----130- 1" ing Lot27, Con. 4,"L. R. 8., containing 200 acres, '160 acres eleared, 180 aeres in a good state of cultivation 20 acres [excellerat pasture, well fenced. sue we:tercel, hag good barns and stables, root cellars for 200 loads. This is a good terra, 4 miles from Seaforth station, 8 miles from Brace - field eheeee factory, on s goad gravel road. For farther particulars apply to 301IN LAWRENCE, Egmondville P. 0. 443-4* VALUABLE l'ROPERTY FOR SALE.—For • sale that comfortable aud commodious resi- dence on John Street, the property of Mr. Albert Sperling. The house is new, is well finished, and W12414138 Senn rooms • besides closets together with a wood shed, collar, and all necessary im- provements, Hard and soft water. Two lots planted with ehoice fruit trees. Tonna easy. Possession immediate. Apply to Mr. ALBERT SPAR,LING: " 444 PARMS FOR F3ALE.—Weet half of Soutfahalf of j" Lot 18, Con. 8, Morris, Aaron County, contain- ing 60 Rem, The above lot is all burih, of the beetquality, and is only air. miler; from Brussels ; also south half of Lot 19, Con. 13, monis, Huron Ceanty, 100 acres, alsoall busts and the best of Heil, 6 miles frorn Brussels etation, G rout Western Railway. Fur price and terms opply to 0. 14; COOPER, Brussels, or to CALVIN A. CAMP- BELL, Seafortb. 13. 0,, - 4480 `ARM FOR SALE.—Yor Sale, Lot 12. Con. 0, liellett, coneleting 01100 acres of lend, 40 stores cleared, aud the balauce well timbered with hard- wood, There is a log house, Hided, a 1 ramo barn and oatbaildinge, a good well, and a young bear- ing orehard crf tagoice fruit trees Situated 8 miles from Seu.antla, 6 miles from Clinton, le from ginharn, Terme made known on application on the prernisee. Possession given I tronedittoely. ELIZABETH HALVE Y, Comitance P. O. 480 PARM FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot NI°. 29, Con. 0, Hibbert, containing 100 acres, 0( of winds are cleared. free of stump:, well fer: a, and in - lirst-class cultivation. A bum (elx40, nearly new, a shed and stable 80x30, a driving shed- D.Sx 40 , a brick root hone° and a epienlid brick dwelling helm, and all other noceseary ontbuildinge. A good orchard and well watered. Tiiid 'is one of the most, de:girowe ferule in this been° eonn- tirlY;L:e.nn OIL8y. Apply to the proprietor on the preraiees, or to Eginoradville P. 0. .UEOR442 OBLESTLALEl CALii0 An in teregg °CIL Inelde Chin lie llomerte DIG FEST A.NDLITT E rEET.—HOW 1 AND anoie.--EniONOXY QF /SPACE. HOLIDAY. -801.7D TO SANTA I will take back e about not believing that any C men have feet only .three inc The great big -footed 1 hinese I w tramp bareh ded th ough t California ha% as ueua ugliest, fiat -so ed, bi 'ankle tremities Itev saw. Their generally abo half s big leaving the he 1 and. if the foot projectin over heir San other day I h. rd t t a Chine rank had latel com with Iter on a visit to S 1 nta B there, fill were only two nche and tyre long. Makin inqui ies of boy, An Fey, s to where lady with littl: feet puld be me her husba, was cous proprietor of wash house - she was stayi there. So by several lad s and gentle ed the ironin L oom, where then, clothed viihi e drave rti gowns, were utting the g!10 linen. On th table by each i was a yellow asin flllcd wa the garment t be oothe out, rough -d d on he table, man, suddenl duck ng his h bowl, sucked p ja outhfi d afinesj the ozen salable med' s been ver ,th deal teued CZ A 'PAINTER 44.11BARA, Ma ery word GE against the w. PRI' FOR RALE,--Foi Salo, I,ut No.24, Con, as much at ea HEY WASH A CHINESE IN OIL. 18, 1876„ ever said inese wo- es long. men who e streets of ,hing, the sh'edaperis. eaxre s t eir feet, le of the als. The e lady of husband her feet -quarters 11 laundry th. Chinese se n, he told t s Sing Lee, 'me and mpanied I enter- ozen hea- nd white on stiff ner there r and after as spread he China- • • 0 over the 1 of water, e h through . loses. The e spurting t e hum of tel after the scharged, mpene ry ; then in the same which he spu e in his closed tee1 ove noise made •a water in that a r sewing mach' s. mouthful of t r h the iron is ui place until i p another spot inoi way. 0 Sing Lee o rte usly jon. ucted u through the w shhous, here men were beating o hes with b m oo sticks, scrubbing the i to e suds i 'h bambo brushes, and hi I a boy w cookin dinner in a bi p t o er a ttl furnace, to a range of o r he ike thps of ocea steamers, and, li tint the ctirt ins Of the bed, introduc s ts the lady .ysaying "This is my uisin. The 'man im- mediately rose from the bed on whit she was sittid , and extended her han to us saying,; 1 ow do." he husban was sitting b h r si e, hold • g a boy year old. 114 was very pleas d at ou visit, and pro d of the notibe e took o his boy, who was already eased i trousers and g n, and wore red sil turban cap on .i head. The wife wa more elegantL dresed thar a y Chines I had yet seen Her hair was elaborate ly dressed, aU astened up in puffs an coils by long d dgevshaped pi s of gold Mer gown, or 'obe, vas loose, extende to the knee, a it haJI big loo e sleeves distended by 1 i4opsJ Fier r be was o dark blue silk einboidered w th yello and red silk; er arns had. sea eral brace let ornaments her 1tands aver small ant well formed, a d co ered with ings ; sh wore big hoop 4f g id in her ears; sh had a pretty ace oval-eha ed, larg eyes, small le .0 h, 4nd dirnpl d cheeks She smiled fre 1jenty as we converse with Sing Lee lint ook no p rt in th conversation. t ink she inly coul speak a very few entenees. When said we wante3 to s e her foo , she evi dentiy unders wad, s r she la ghed, an put out -her t y, psinted slip rs. I go on my Knee, lel sok her f ot in m lap and exaini d it closelse a d measur edit. 1'001-3 E1' 6R WA WI The foot an eg ere boOnc white satin, appa ently sle around the li is li, rherc we gold around h r an les ; her ured 10 inche in - ircumfer smallest place he foot er I long, two inch br ad in the one inch at th to '• over th in band or-sto kinshe *or slippers embro dere in silver. pers came aim st t a point She could onl lwal by and which was on he � ed beside with its aid, h r w lk was li ping a painfully slow Ti e doll h by foot elaborately de mat d in blu and silve hanging to the big ankle, w ieh was, • course, dispres orti nately 1., gc, look anything but and ome, acco ding to standard of a 'stoe, atically • oldedlim and feet. He leg. looked 1 e sticks wood whittle do • • to a poi t for a-fo —but shwas evid nay ver vain of h deformity. er b by, one y ar old, h feet five melee ion 1; but he as a bo andentitled to was om of lim It looked inc f!gr gold, silver, s tin little crippled sVo room back of wa and living i th 11. ed an 1 find ose epe like 'dice. 1 hrough the J s w, under •i that itir les it, the fro d earned t no here, sl ables o 0. tightly i 'ed neatl bands nkle mea nee at i inch •iddle, an white sa blue 'Bab The sli t the to f her can , er, Even id 0 4 RIDIAY JULY 21, 1876. 01111181I The upper porch 's hting with Chinese lanterns rimmed With gilt ornaments. , Ye Went throu gambling roora of the first where money w s clinking and voices shrieking a -horrible m and ascending thoi stairs in the the room, entered the temple, or dedicated to the orship of Joss. nese insoriptions ii boards hung the wall. The flo r wail bare, and al small tabl' s set arelessly areun one of thes, stand, two men were ing tea out of cu i* the 'size of w They chant • o first' one, 'then the then in finis on ;It eir faces were s throng of C inese, but we could 1. and they w re s rounded by a 3i idea of wha the , were trying After one v rse :of their strange w feline song, they men took a tin tea, and the strdek up a wail After a ha f hour of this amus another Chi ese took down from on the wall kind of banjo, and t . the strings in eecompamment. Chinese fid e was inlaid with ivo pearl, and be IboX or body f strument w., s covered with snake anaconda shin, glilttering, matalli ing, covere with ittle scales t li like fine inl id wo k. lored many h the floor, sh411 dley, ear of house Chi - round sever- . At d rin k - hints. other, silent et no do. ming sip of again. ment, nail anged This y and e in - skin, -look- t look A LAMP THAT OLDS OUT TO EU X. , The altar' of the !foss was curtain d and draped in crimson,and many gli tering gilt spangles and rnaments were hang- ing about. Just !under the pie are of their idol these is a little crystal h nging lamp filled Wi till the oil of the co oanut, in which th' thre d -like wick is urled. i This -lamp i neve • allowed to go ut day or night. eloW he lamp, on a table, is spread ri e, wine, candy, and f Mt for ile we the god. where in th just got a they were havieg had the new Joss. the Joss did. "WI "Melican go to chi talkee to big if oss boy go to Joss ho cto old Joss in a want to be good China boy wants hpuse, all a same There is in Santa' Barbara abo dozen Christian ChinaMen, belon the Presbyterian lebuSch. - The their regular corneir at the left aid • pulpit. It 0 a st dy tome, as I a pew mid th centre aisle, the rustlin silks nd rattling fan fashionable audie e,e, t(!) see one these twelve men alk quietly do side aisle, and dresed in their garb, crowns ehavotn, and cues ha their bee* take their seats and 1 intently, so breatlilesslie it seems words of their belovedlpastoe. when the Contribiftion box goes , John's silver tnak4s often a loud as it drops in the I• late than the d I suspect w cents the laun. oiler. Chinese tel us w Joss house that thy had new oss from Chi4a, and east da,y beeline° they I arsked what good by," said my heathen, rchee, singee, prayee, p in a skyee. China se, singee and prayee house. Melita man ee, prayee to Joss ; o goodee, go o Joss hristian." 1, litaattey, eoritahling 97 aeree, more or 1080, in her ellirtain SO of whieh aro cleared, well fenced, and in a state of good crativatiou, the balance is well tim , . „ erican ladies bored. There in a frame burn arid etable; and house. one good new frame lionge with stono cellar, kitchen , good-bye, aud wood shedand all other convouloneeff. A never- us in.a parrot - failing well and a good bearing orchard. Is 2 , ,, r 1... g. .,,m,,i„les from Bra -exude staffer; and • 4 miles from .ing lace uack& Clinton. A gravel road leaainef to cash pier: in wash -house, a Atply to tarn a 1.0. TH disarranged c P AREN. 54 long ironing FARM FOR, SALE. --For on reaeonable on the fioor, a • Acres, 70 ef which, aro cleared, well fumed, in who wash an terms, Lot 4, Cou. 2, gtauley, eontaining 100 belance timbered with the Inai wood; bui1411105 under their ir • tireaciass cultivation and free from dumps, the comfortable; n good yenta; cog:lend of trait trees; space, and no the millionaire, A rich man gives fiv, or cook giv es one eafeenrn SING CHINAMA I Ah Quin is one the most ast successful busines men of the cit runs an extensive laundry, a Chi telligence Office, Chinese store ing tea, silk and hinese toys, a a line of garbage wagons, and v gardens, frOul ivh h men carry on long poles, g °vier their sh containing celery, asJ lettuce a flowers the year r und, bringing ad not alone yourdpo r, verybut • every room re told to leav house, lint d with the ex Quin is no variety of zealous an gallery. tive photo tends to g tablishme muche mo J" oor, hroug 1 they satisfi is en apt h Qu ro,phe back t in II ey." The oth r day, the Saturday ev Ford and. wife, cago as th ir hom on canvas a few have loite d a ye the canon aid m bara—a inese, door and examined there are the walls, go throug Y aoapopromacahne same as o whichtcntibot a crystal and live o rise, but e i udent in a pho • says ther ar in China, an nd set up .a ng Kong, nd idle I was a ing reception of H. ists—who clam Chi - and came he California see r, making' sk unpins of Sa, nglLee, ta,pp d at the es. 11 , and a4 hes or ours to g, as he " Mehl. ne ; all rew at- ene, ia ut-lin ed camorek t one ing to have of the sit in amidst of the y one, n the trange ing to ten so to the notice round r clink • ime of en the ;y boy Chinamen and the freedom from rags and- itfi.ilethstoafteth3.e poor foreigners of the Mimi- - Canada, The merchants of Toronto have formed n early closing association. —Last Sabbath night Lord Cecil reached to a large congregation in Me- Hall,Hamilton. ng last week 20 Mennonites and h emigrants arrived at Toronto. er left for Manitoba, while the le about Toronto. w was arrested last week in having in his possession dia- lved at $22,000, of which he give a satisfactory account. Prof. Caven of Toronto, and Smith, of Galt, officiated at the morning nd evening services at the open- ing of the new Presbyterian church in Kincardine on Sunday the 9th inst. —A d ughter of Mr. 3. Armstrong, of Eramosa bust, by tying h head f r —A a meeting of clergymen in ±iamfl- ton,a res lution was passed and concurred. in by 18 inisters, discountenancing Sab- bath fenaals, except in case of absolute necessity Thos. Elmes, Sr., of Blenheim sowed a field of barley on the f May, and reaped a fine crop sday, 12th of July, 73 days af- , or 62 days' after it appeared and Beechwood, East Wil - ions of thePresbyterian church, ti rendered vacant, consequent ignation of Rev. R. Chambers, cepted a call to the Presby- urch of Whitby, Ont. , Preston, six years of age,found u to a Great Western Railway train at Harrisburgeand. was y Constable Bailey to London. ant home yesterday, his parents le having been greatly alarmed. ence. Gunthler, an employee of the ewery, was accidentally killed Grand Trunk Railway -crossing, day of last week, by the Buffalo oing west. Much sympathy is is bereaved wife and family. Methodist Church of Canada 5 per member to the Mission the support of its numerous les through the Dominion, the Islands and Japan. -This is the dative amount, so far as known, urch in the world. Sas. Sinclair, wife of one of the d River settlers, arrived at Win - En Francisco by one of the mers. Mrs. Sinclair left that t in 1854 ; consequently things aged somewhat during her ab - Mime —D 0 En he for tter Bet —A J oronto, ends, v could no Rev Rev. Mr li committed suicide on the 13th putting a gag in her mouth, r hands behind, -and jumping most into a barrel of water. 0e, —3 • townshi: first d y on W d ,ter so above —N lien* have on the who h terian C —Cha his way passenge brought He was 8 meanwhi at his abl —Geo. Ballen b at Ratho on Thiire expreSs felt forh 1 —The pays $1.8 Fund Pr missiona Burned largest r of an Y cli —Mrs oldest ite nipeg ro last sea settlethen have dm f.„ Bence. —Doc r Whiting, for many years a resideOt f. the County of Waterloo, died. very Suddenly at Berlin on Saturday the 8th ihst., after a short illness. The , Who was 54 years old, was very re ✓ e practice in that town. t t e Teachers examination for the Waterloo, there were in all 80 s, divided as follows : 2 for first for second class; and about 60 class, all showing as in other the third-class largely pre- il ir ta ee re • te and . He • ese in- onta,in- d owns getable 1 askets ulders, d cauli- hem to • your n your Ah nt and DOW a graph no na- he in-, rge esel "make tending e to put •es, and Phee in ta Bar- ked t see the pictu yip eech 'cture carefall ver t huudred el( it too hi several . them B fore leavi Mr. 'ord saying eke ictares very t door " Be then a lit le Woodland s lders, Ns land ferns ool, iged. in by s ks, ' bag e glimpse of purpl f them, and said h water was, and hoW is it worth? Mr. FordI was $600, "1 tak counted out the gol rise of the ertist anl, ilia]. away the picture lin It few days e return learn to p int iikp my last evisi to Mr, 1 Chinese a student e corner at is ease, he shows re • arkable he anti-cooli meetin not be , su ieient away from Ameri ave taste4 of he frui out by the h nd of t i g these line I he t, and see go g by y Hie clack of Chin:e . hinese, wa ing all ill other, talki at the apparently the air, ook around into the e person wl om they t is a sin ula fact thtit ✓ imsaaniC b aYndti atl, it° °thl lab rdeti 11 I• oil= free mountain bac Ours to SO so mu'h knew wh re th t rid jewels 'on one po r much mo ey w an, Ratan in a lit le told him he pr la house, ud dressing bunk o a bed s it," he re lied; notes, to he eu ut she s emeci to e his friend , and leave as much ro m under his arm, feet by ur as A 1- ed and exited in a tw nty-room .d raicae, •/le a aigedain„:00h .nbywee„ id Ford's st dio • e follow rk steami he sligh ounded t 10 These Chine u erste d inch of 1 altfo well watered ; withia 1/ miles from KipPoll waste. and 4 miles from Brucelield etations, and 10 miles from Seaforth, Clinton and Exeter, with gravel After leavi rondo leading to oath plac. Thie is a elloice We wandered farm and is deserving tioaattintion of pin -chaffers. ter of the tow Aeple on the premises or to Hippen P. 0, 'WM, BLAIR, Jr, N.G‘hreindesi!wflangeall surrounded t flag was there • or: for China bo ;" boy no work t ton's birthda further anoth same, Odd Fe low er, " All a sa e h. house is an ol t with porches xte FM FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot /o. 1, Con. 6, Ilulltt, coutaining 100 aeres, about 86 acres cleared, well fenced, free from stamps and in good cultivation, and free from fonl weedo • thl bal- - 'wee le wen timbered; there is a two-sec:grey stone house, and good benne sheds and stables, also a goo(' orchard; there is a never -failing spring ereek running through the farm; on a good grevel road, within 6 miles of Seaforth, milers from Clinton, and from Ifluburn ; this is one Of the beet Janne in Huron; terms easy; apply an the premises or to Constance pOet °Mee- JAMES HeMIOLUEL, 449 -011 Si hro in • 7.1 $ Lee'ff e h the 0 d espied rem the eroivd o, and as One aai another all a iirsu g my inqui fhnnant a a wearing ' celebrat on ;" ano h- their soe ristnias, ' The J s and the o -story obe h se, -have ding fro # both flo • rs. mark co was paint ng th and Mr. l'ord. g talent. on this c ie eradicate t room, be Is the Chin at the na u of knowl ep and li e g• New se the fio Asia economy of the stran oom goes to voices in 11 tablisbm inese qu graud Joss bou f men ed what "Bi. 11 gg C e Wash' door six nd a afgt or dri se wh ge he orldl " P63 fe en it he atie r seireia nt a row, one after, top of th voidef for they never countena • ce of t are addr ssin. the Chin always g Another they are ing, 1 r- e. ho he ay na f4 - les 1 1 0 Docto much very la. County appliean class; 1 for third Counties dominati —The den's wi red silk George t the inapr pierced or baron and no d pected, and. at one time had a e may be seen arty dayein Mars- dow, James street, Hamilten, a flag, which was 4presented by e III. to Chief Brant. It bears ss of active service, having been ith bullets and cut with sword t. It is an interesting relic ubt highly prized by its owner. --Edwiird Hanlon, of Toronto has pluck- -ily pope ded to the challenge of Alex- ander Bayley, of St. John, N.B., to row any Man in the Dominion. Hanlon will f meet Br expeeses him at penses. aside. —On C merit, d recip en tion y testiMonal consisted of a magnificent set of electr plate of seyen pieces, neatly engrave -- At •he examination for teachers' cer- tificates in Stratford, Perth County, there w e 89 candidates for third-class certifica es, 19 for second-class, and 2 for firt-iclas We understa,nd that the ap- . plitts for second-class were all unsue- ces ul • t one, the questions being ex- tremely difficult, especially in arith- metic. —At he teachers' examinations for the con ty of Peel, only two out of 14 second -c s candidates, and nine out of 55 third class, have survived the examin- ation, o the arithmetic and dictation pa- pers, th minimum marks required being one- alf the total forsecondse and 1 -third for hir -class. Some 20 school's will be thrown acant unless the board. 1881.I.e8 per, John Conolly, Con. 10, Minto, els, hold the biggest deer's horn yet. He ick d it up while logging a piece of new lan,. and thinks it will beat any the kind found. in °uteri°. The hough much decayed and broken, 4sent five prongs, and must have 6 feet in length. The diameter tt is now six inches. How this se neveil walk si e b single ile, one afte trange ing about th ever raged and un ve nev r yet seen dirty torn ga are al a s as whi r sandais rim and 111 • tr eh Co ho re str gr eh' ed ha 80 INV fre fo w. fr ga tie cr. to TI LffleIGITAN ublimisera. 51 34* a Year, in ad auce.- tor of this' dastardly act .to justice. Birmingham is the same gentleman o figured. prominently in the recent re scandal. ' e Galt peoplewere disgusted with e's Mammoth Circus Enterprise, their f 1 anticipations of something greed such a shock as to forever de - heir faith in circuses. Neddrie, a newly arrived ethi nt from Scotland, died at Guelph fever, on the 10th inst., and was b he samenight for fear of contagion. Come to purchase a farm for On Monday, the 10th inst., Mess son and Grant, of Ingersoll, ship Listowel, three car loads of ehe the Liverpool and Glasgow marke chased from Messrs. Collins & Har minion Factory, Elma. One day last week a brutal assa it s made upon a man named Hemph 11, m Listowel, by three men in the M House Kincardine. Two of the p have been laseen arrested. Hemphill is cal state. Mitchell has had what happily f ns in can "a woman figh e fair ones in question chose' Sunday fo their pugilistic exploits, doubtl havine in regard the old adage of " he better the day the better the deed." e directors of e Elma and Wall A ic Itural Society are makinkaarrange- m nt for a reaping match, in cennection wi h he above Society. This will be a fit - ti • g o portunity for having the eompaa- ti e exits of the different machines thor- ou tested. S.' Catharines borrowed $28,000 frOm th Hon. W. H. Merritt, and garve h. els collateral secinity,$200000 st-dek in pr re rn eiv to ply his nefarious trade within the limits of the town, he would make him uaintegil with the insid2 of thelock- . It supposed that the fellow Made himself -scarce, for he was not again seen:- about town, nd we have heard of very few cases of parties being sWindled, —On Tuesday afternec last week, in a buggy on lot 20, r, and while e vehicle, the e of Mi. Jas. 's daughter, her little girl, p the child ting in with the little one the horse waS whipped into about 3 a4ock, two men 1.0! s000drewndupooto4oes•thesiosnehToorlafriu Is hAerrd,pranOOdced e Om of them remained in t sedendtointghewhear cher ho was iti the house with get him a pail, picked and ran to the buggy. Ge • s. s, 1 ci 11 the Welland Railway. The a ved worthless and now the "ci uses to consider the claim Of rritt's heirs for the money loan is is decidedly sharp practice and v ch like this so-called city's manne eting its obligations. Daring the performance of Co cu S 'at Guelph, the other night, ver Of one of the chariots was thro t, and the horses ran away. A te attempted to stop them, when 5 rim over and seriously injured. s been sent to Toronto Hospital. excitement among the audience was te sce many being afraid that the ho w)uld dash into the seats, but no ot ca' uality happened. to 00 hi r. d. ry of e's he 11t - he he in- eers 1. —arg Friday, the 7th inst., Mr. A am fe4 a respectable young man of Lo ran ihip, was working in a field, nd. in ;overcome with the heat he as liged. to retire to the house. In the enihg he showed signs of being out of Mind, and continued to grow w rse u til aow he is a raving maniac. The c e is indeed a most sad one, and his ily have the sympathy of the ceni- m nity. —A band of rowdies, to whom Pro es - s nts appear to be an eyesore, are ea mg insiderable disquietude in Point St. arks. The Protestants were on the tch all Friday night fearing an att ck. bit fit. Charles is a part of Montr al, ou h the authorities of that city do t sem to be in a hurry to punish t ose ho wrecked a hotel on Wedneal on (I the volunteers on Thursday, s nd pt quiet citizens from sleeping on ri- y light. • fa • -s — here was an immense turn ou rangemen - in St. Marys on July 1 The procession was nearly lf mil 1 ngth. Several arches and ba ere thrown across the streets. he ayor was asked to have the arches re- oved, but having no authority. in the as sue , whole. I rd many E4tern peop e here te- aming t e neat f et of yley if he will take reasonable on Toronto bay, or he will row achine, eaeh paying his own ex - The match is to be for $500 he evening of Monday, tbe 17th t. Alex. Fraser, of the Govern dge, Challenge, was made the of a grand sup,per and presenta- he people of Kincardine. The 1 1 its, Mr. . : thing of horn, al has at p rneasUre at tie b mo ter could have navigated through the bus is mystery. —}-Mr plo of 011 of 1 t so e ev to he tha he de ee o fun ral ve lar cerTam that he celebra Mister In DS Robt, Birmiegham, in the em - Messrs. Hughes Brothers, Tor- ving been married on Thursday eek to a`young lady in Toronto, 1 -disposed person sent a notice lobe of Friday morning, stating died suddenly at the resi- his father-in-law, and that the ould take place on Friday. A e nutnber of people called to as- e cause of his death, supposing ree,eived, a sun -stroke while ng the 12th of July, he being one of the eity lodges. Every ill be taken to bring the perpe- 1 1 of th. in ers atter he refused to interfere. A ixpeoted through the night, hu rangemen patrolled the town and t as 'fortunately no disturbance. —Am old pensioner who arrive ininipeg last week relates a most vorable experience of the difficult Tiding emigrants travelling by the th route to Winnipeg. He says wing to the station master at that ot being out of bed before the cars s d, the passengers were unable to s hrdugh tickets to Winnipeg, the r at gall° and moth& left almost frau The perpre- last seen to rs of a mile t$c at e loss of her child. trators of the outrage were turn east a•bout three -three from the sehool-house. —Private letters from M Who accompanied the ship in elieese Philadelphia„ witbs g the intense be. the cheese ached its desti feet order, having been fo ef the Greed Trunkventdated cars,which are unequa,lled for carrying perishable ar- ticles. Mr. Caswell considers the display Canadien cheese very cteditabie, and. filly equal to any shoven by American factorymeil. • It has been arranged that in addition to the grand cenapetition in etober, sPecial exhibitis a August and eptemberi cheese will be made, and awards giVea Sons to epsure a con -than - us distils*. r. E. Caswell, ent of Canad- tate that not - t of last week ation in per- arded in one row, the ere in I nu- at- - Du - that lace rt- ufe stilt eing that by payment of several Ares nd various delays the cost of the trip here, was threefold what it should ave een. —A young scamp called Chris. ut Wholes right name is Chris. 0 roke out of Guelph jail on Mond Wit week, and has since then not mad of. Smith received his Bente our months only last week for ro r It. SinlOne, of Eramoea of his n the public highway. The follow description of the escaped e is about 20 years of age, stands inches in height,dark hair and pro ng eyes, with a hatehet-sha 'Own he left the jail he was e rison garb. --Among the other mail matter which me to the Musselburgh pst office the ther evening, appeared an Italian queen ee, sent by Mr. S. II. Mitchell, St. arm through the mail, an exped. • ent to see whether she co Id be carried afely in that way or not. She was two ays under way, only cost minon letter °stage, arrived all sofind, nd was intro- tteed by Mr. D. Cha ers, "Honey rove " (who was the rec pient) into a olony of s, and we le+ that she is oing wel . Both these entlemen are horoughly practical apiar ans, and we eel justified in saying tha any experi- ent in the bee business f iling in their ands need hardily be ried by any thers. —A sad case of drovvnin took place at he 12th Concessionbridge, ear the Dum- ries and 131enheim town line, .on Satur- ay night, the 8th inst., hi& resulted in the death of a young ma named Ar- hibald Barnett, aged 18, on of Mr. An rew Burnett, formerly of North Duna - ries, butnow of Blenhci It appears hat deceased along with another young an by the name of Woo went to bathe n SmitlfB creek. Burnet got in deep ater, took cramps and d appeared be - ow the .strface. The ala m was at once aised and every effort ma e to find. hint, ut the body was not (I covered until our hours after he went down. The vent cast quite a gloom o er the neigh- orhood, and much sy pathy is ex- ressed for the parents. —In April 19.st a num were received by the lechancs' Institutes of Ontario, in com- petition Mr two prizes of $40 and $20 re- spectively, for the first and second best essays on "Mechanics' Institutes, and the best means of improving them." The gentlemen who kindly' consented to act as judges were Professor Gbldwin Smith, Mr. Matthew Sweetnam, eadek T. Jones, a majority awarded the first prize to the essay bearing the mot the mechanic a better better mechanic," Mr. G riss, City Hall, Toronto, a prize to the writer of the the motto, "To make the inecha.rue and the mechanic Mr. Richard Lewis, teach( &c., Toronto. ✓ .of essays dation of and. Mr. Fred - of whom have the writer of " To make the man a rge B. Mor - d the second ssay bearing man a izetter a better sn," r of elocution, —On the day of Cole's 4ircus at Strat- ford, a Qennan from South Easthope en- - tered the tent of a side Shove, pitched ti alongside the old Ulnion otel, where a giant and giantess were on exhibition. The peoPle were undoub dly huge, but the shoNV was nothing more than a blind, for no sooner bad our Tut•onic friend. seen the curiosities than he was impor- ith, tuned to try bis luck 4 a gambling rtis, game. This he declined ;to do, not be y of 1 ing acqOainted with the gam, when been i the shasper asked him ,if he could ce of ' change some $10 bills. kb e thought he bing could, and pulled out a handful of money, atch which the sharper grablied and made tracks. The unfortuiiate !farmer irame- diately notified the police,but the Blimp- er was nowhere to be found. It is but fair to sey that the show in questionhad no connection with the circus, as Mr. Cole has put down witha attempt at gaanbling in his exhiition, 1 —Mr; T. J. Demers a ng is ner feet rud- face. ad iln the --A number of houses have r built on homestead claims nea rson. Manitoba. Immigrants co to arrive, Mennonites, French, Mor Americans, and Canadians, The F it is said, are finding excellent wat their reserve at a moderate depth. bridge over the Jo River, near Em is about completed. Money was raised by subscription for the ne plank. The grain crop continues as fine as possible. A car load of ere just landed here will go far to securing the hay crop. The atten at the public school continuesi toin Werk both on the Church of E and. on the steamboat -wareho hindoed by the absence of suitabl ber. —On Friday afternoon last w wll-dressed man ae,costed chiefcon Wilson, of Stratford, and askin whether he was chief of pollee town, said that be had become ed with the chiefs of ToronarEta London; &e, and had found the obliging ofdeials. He then tend $5 bill to Wilson telling him top in his pocket and keep his eyes and adding, that should the day he wouldn't raind shelling out V. Wilson indignantly bribe and gave the gambler, for was, to =dent -said that if he a ently Em tinue 01381 nch, r on The nen, being ear 1001 move4 party Teton Sioux, numbering 40 - ard warrior: They were dreSsed in Bulimia- = 'ran hand.any nneetion with ntlyi arrval in Winnipe, Manitoba, ,from French - town, Montana. He, vilth a party of eight, left that place oe the 1th of April, *ith 90 horses and 670 bead of cattle. About twenty of !the latter and a few heroes were lost. n the' 1st of June, *hen near White ver, about 150 miles this side of the Cy1,p ress Hills, in British territory, Mr. Donets met a war clothes ----consisting only -a little blue, red and yellow paint, feat ens, stc.—and they a red flag anal ii garried a scalp s 11 ek, the party be g well armed with enry rifles. Belo e any warlike demonstrations were e . de, a terrific snow storm came up' and prevailed two-, days.2 Mr, Deniers' pa y ininiediatly camped on the boundi prairie, while the Indians scooted, leavi • g one of their nuttiber behind. Front in it woe as certained that they wer on a bars°. stealing and marauding Icpedition and w it as hard to convince that th:itock wasnolt or nwot ethefrozeproa:cattle id. a fine stal- )erty of t e British Gov- lioernment—a pretext made if:Order to en- suresafety. During the atom, it Was ntheceenramoviry tong;exerbuciset uotthwis took', , ,dingand keep efforts a few of the •