The Huron Expositor, 1876-07-14, Page 7IIIMIELINVINMEW JULY 14, 1876. CET A STYLISH RIO. THE SEAPORTS GARRIAG WORKS; Is the Rig% t dace to Go.. P1LLMAN & GQ. :ave this season sold over 14 Buggies, id have still on hand a few fjrst•elass chicles, and are making more . Several Phaeton. Buggies and Democrat, ripens of the latest styles and neatly Ashed now ready. Good material and good work are 1%hat ake our vehicles sell so rapidly. For a neat,, Stylish and Substantial rh we will not class ourselves; second to. iy, in the trade. Repairing of all kinds: promptly :tided to. 'Our Prices are Low. t-• I LM AN & Co. TIS` VERY CHEAPEST SPOT IN TOWN'. EADY MONEY DUES THE BUSINESS. ,ROCER and PR.OVISIQN DEALER SEA.FO;RTH, kUYS for Cash, and sells for Cash, and, having; .tb bad debts, gives his customers the benefit. all business men would pureue this system Angeis= would soon die a natural death. GROERIES :every description. Fresh, New and Good. First Class Green Tea at 45 cents per pound in eta gee of not less than 10 pounds: Bright. Beautiful Sugar, from 10 tie, 12 pounds One Dollar. FLOUR AND FEED Every Description Delivered. in. Town Free of arge 51' FOR BUTTER AND EGGS, ;i other li`ariners Produce in exchange for floods Cash. Remember the New Grocery, nearly opposite- air`s Hotel, Seaforth., JOHN KYLE. OTIC.: i i IEif i ACHI&E SHOP. TYING fitted up the premises formerly oc- eupied by C=RAY it SCOTT, we are prepared eontraet for OILERS & ENGINES', • FL.O UR IN G,. MST AND SAW i' MILLS, SHINGLE, .leading and Stave Machinery, &c. LAGS Sice'! tl H WORK AND 'ENERAL REPAIRS Promptly Attended To. aTE BARS AND: OTHER CASTINGS• FURNISHED. bOfi'`Nf Et7 AND MANLUFACTURING Co. �EITT RTINCIMA.N, Manager. orth, Feb. F ,;157(t, near Mansion House. 428 jDD'>j: HARDWARE. RECEIVED -.ECT FROM MANUFACTURERS Ef ICAN CUT NAILS, FADES ., SHOVELS, FORKS, IIOE.S,AND` RAKES,, • GLASS,PAINTS, OILS, &c. F'EN'CING WIRE rD BUILDING HARDWARE Of Every Description Cheap. •E TROUGHS AND CONDUCT IN G PIPE e on the Shortest Nott ea and. Warranted. d'Iat Inducements to Gash and Prompt Paying Customers, JOHN KIDD. 4.W LOGS WANTED• ts. COLEM.AN & GOLTINLOCK Will pay the highest Cash Price for kaff LOGS OF ALL KINDS. } a quantity of ELM LOGS suitable for the acture of Hoops. atom Mn;iving attended to promptly, cheap as at any other mill. mbar of every deseript on, also Shingles. tict Pitketa always on hand, and at the very market prices. t CEDAR POSTS FOR. SALE.' COLEMAN & GO-IJIN LOCK, Seaforth. :LIPSE OATMEAL rms. 'i IN FULL OPERATION. Il"eatx Split Peas, P,ot Barley, Corn Meal G'lioirpeds Kinda of 3611 Feed ConeLantiy on Flsnd• ping done Tuesdals and Fridays.. Ostnsesi' ged for Oats. Highest pica; paid for Ostia nd Barley • CURRII & TH0MSON.. JULY 14, 1876. tfainbling in Siam. correspondent of a foreign newspaper fives the following description of Siamese gambling: "The Siamese are inveterate gamtilers. Gambling houses in Siam are sa plentiful as coffee houses at Bagdad and vire, or as grog shops in Calcutta a0, Bombs ; and perhaps the largest portion of theGovernmentrevetsue is derived froom them. One single division of the fort at Bangkok is farmed out for 360,000 tiacis, ainto lakbabf ,year. equivalent ar.Th about 42 hoursare Nieces erected in what's every 61led with mei , women and and hil- dren, who squat round in circles of ten or a, dozen devoting themselves heart and soul to the demoralizing propensity Which they have neither the will nor the Ability to overcome. You have a ser- vant mvh4'has perhaps served you well and faithfu.ly through the month. You pay him his wages, and he is at once off to some gambling shed where, if he is un- lucky lie loses every fraction of his money. Not till then does he return to duty ; and -in some instances, by no means rare, , he .does not return even then. Once taken possessibn of by the demon of gainblinglhe is not content with losing his money only; but if he has a family he stakes his wife and children, and loses them also. Still lie is not satisfied, and very often the stakes his own life and liberty. Tbeman goes ,til •a money lender .and borrows a certainamount, at a ruinous rate of in- terest,on condition that if he is not able to Tepay him within a certain time ' he will work for him until the debt, piin- "cipal aud interest, hes been liquidated. .A bond is executed to this effect, the borrower receives the money, goes and gambles with it in the hope of winning backwhat he has previously lost, loses again and becomes the slave and bondser- vant of his creditor, who hires him out and appropriates half his wages in liquiPa- tiion of the debt incurred. This state of things continues for years, and not un - frequently the poor slave dies in his slave- ry, having over and ovor again. paid his creditor the sum originally borrowed,but yet not free from his "debt, which the ex- orbitant rate of interest has swelled out to ablest enormous size. This is a most cruel species of slavery, and the present King of Siam, who calls himself an en; - lightened prince, ought to devote himself 'rigorously to its extirpation. Royal in- terference is the more urgently called for as' not only do adults gamble away t air own lives and liberties, but even thos of their children, who, on arriving at an age when they are able to work, hind thein- . .selves enslaved to hard taskmasters, who .dispose of therm as they please.' _. Slinging Baggage in America. SPEO1AL `i irOlf EPrs'S CocoA —`6 By a the natural laws w of digestiod"an ful application well -selected vided our Brea ly flavoured be many heavy d judicious use o a constitution until strop en dency to disc maladies are fl attack wherev We may escap keeping oursels blood, and a p Civil Service as ets labelled- • mceopathic Ch St.,and 170, Pi C ONFESSIONS a warning a and others who an of Manhood, &c., after undergoing mailed free on rec velope. Address Box 158, Brooklyn Ott EIS. abated end comforting knowledge of the ie govern ith operations n tritiou, a i4 by a care - of lie fine roperties'of oco : ,', Mr. E e has pro - fast bibles wit a delicate- er; ge,which ay, save us cto s' bills. ]t is by the su h article of diet that ay b!e grad ally built up ug to resist . every ten- e. Hundreds of subtle ati. g around us ready to r t ere is al eak point. ny a fail l shaft by es 1, ell fortiti d with pure ope ly nour ed frame." zet . Sold oly in pack- ,Ta,es Eppe & Co., Ho - mi is 48, readneedle ca • illy, Lop on." 421-52 .OF A VICTIM} Published n9 d to , the benefit of young men er f om Nervoun Dobility,Loss givi g ; his ries of Self -Cure, itch suffering and expense, and ivin , d post-paid directed en- AT : , IEL MAYFAIR, P. O. N. 404.28 • PEOIAL attenti • n is EEL alis is of coo ort. ate en ped called to i ' e grey t activ- ity of DR. W : it's Comp* nd Elixer of Phosphates and : ya in restoring the vital powers in all form debility Grilling from the use of Spirits, 'lob Opium, and that form of nepeexhaustion f epraved habits. Thie,pre- paration of Phosp : is the onlY agent known that will sustain t : teens systs and tide the invalid ovor that od of mental depression which must be pa efore recovery takes piape. "HE GREAT F MA i j'rc. liEATFIY.—Job Moses' Periodical Pi; s— `his invalnahle medicine is unfailing in the of all those painful and dangerous disease hich the feinale constitu- tion is subject. I : derates alllxeess and re- moves all obtraoti ' nd a speciey cure may be relied on. To ma, dies, it is p=belly suited. It will, in a short bring on t monthly pe- riod with requital , . rhese pill should not be taken by Females doth ' g the that three months of Pregraney, as t ' ey are sure to, `bring on Mis- carriage, but at an of ertime th'e are safe. In all cases of Ne von and Spial Affections, pains in the back nd hubs, fatigue on slight ex- ertion, palpitatio of the heart; hysterics, and effect a cure when all other h a powerful el, antimony, tntion. Full ach package, llyi presery d. Job Moses, etor. Si (j0 and 12i cent Northrop & Lyman, T gents for the Dominion, ordaining over 50 pills b Seaforth by' E. Hickson R Lumsdezi.: