The Huron Expositor, 1876-07-14, Page 44
Parra for Sale—McCaughey & Holmested
Fifty Acre Farm for Sale—G. Mann.
Store and Dwelling for Sale --W. Moore.
Boy Wanted—Expositor Office.
Shawl Lost—Mrs. Wm. Hogg, McKillop.
Girl Wanted—EXpositor Office. *
Farmers, Attention—A.. W. Ogilvie.
Cornwall Canal Enlargement—F. Braun.
Implements for Sale—W. Schoales.
Bricks, Bricks—John Sproait
Summer Dry Goods—Duncan & Duncan.
Planing Mill—Mabee & McDonald.
Teachers Wanted--Williarn McConnell.
Sugar, Sugar—Loganek Jantieson.
fun expoit.ort
GOOdg Enough as Far as it Goes.
A melees Free Trade advocate dis-
courses on the fallacy of i'rotection as
" Anybody who takes the trouble to
Oriole the matter out, can see that it is
net going to pay all classes to raise
prices. The law that makes cattle and
barley sell at an enhanced price might
be a very tine thing for the farmer, but
it would not pay the townsman When he
goes to -buy his meat and beer. So the
regulation that raises the price of stoves
will be nice for the man who owns the
_foundry, but it will not be pleasent to
the tenser(4rho buys the ' new cooking
This sort\f argument won't do. If
the fernier, as is admitted, will get a
higher price for his cattle and barley, he
can just as easily afford to pay the high-
er price for his stoves is he now ca,n the
low price. The same may be said of the
mechanic or manufacturer. If the latter
gets a higher price for his stoves, he can
afford to pay his workmen higher wages,
ancl they in turn can afford to pay the
farmer higher prices for their meat and
flour. The thing is just as broad as it is
long. The two elasses are se iotimately
conneeted that one cannot be benefitted
without benefitting the other. _There is
this, also, that the greater umnber of
stOves.of Canadian manufacture that are
used, the greater number there will be
manufactured, and the more that are
manufactured, the more employees there
will be required to make them, and, con-
sequently, the greater will be the local
-demand for the farmer's 'produce. If
our contemporary can prove to us that
manufactories are not a benefit to the
country, and that it is not more profit-
able to consume our produce at home
than to send it abroad, then we will ad-
mit that it would not be judicious to
place the farmers and manufacturers of
Canada on an equal footing 3vith those
of the United States in respect of tariffs.
Very Igncrant, but not Very
The Mitchell correspondent of the
Stratford Ilerald, who seems to be as ig-
sold, and a 1 who partook of refreshments
had to pay for theta, either by ticket or
with cash. This0 course was quite
proper, and we etiOn t see the object the
corre pondent could ve in representing_
-otherwise.In the s cond place, ,as will
be n iticed, it isst ted that the Rev.
• Fath r M rphy was ued, wh le a little
fart er on e centre iets himse f and says
it w a r. Callig en. The object of
this oar diction is quite evi i ent. The
feller tho ght fleet wr introd cing Rev.
Fat, ir M rphy's na e in sue 1 a comm.
tion the aide wou d be mor effective
in sensi g the r verend g ntleman's
man fri nds agai st the uthorities.
Beal ectin 'the corre tness or incorrect-
ness of th chargt a d thein ing of the
cour whi h eonv c d Catfish
no k owl dge, iVe simply s
Call ghen sold spirit ous liqu
pie. ic gr ands or ay other
out teens he co!nnjiitted a b each of the
law, and he authorities know ng that he
had one s Would ha4reheen re iss in their
dut had 'MY not Ibrought h'm to task
for sa doi g. It th evidence was such
as • prov conclusi rely that e had vio-
late the aw,the co a did ri t in fining
him If e were- n t guilty e has his
reco rse. Where t en is the e room for
the harg or"disg aceful pro eedings V,.
We re e ually at loss to understand
in hat 3 ay the" trite "are responsible
for t e ac ion of the authori les or the
find •g o the co , rt, be it jus or unjust.
Fiv of t e six ma istrates ho sat on
the ase re Conker atives of he deepest
dye, and Ir. Davis the Mayor of Mit-
-cite , an editor' of the Mite ell Advo -
t a likely ubjeet to go out of
.d unjus y punish a political
erely to ccoinmod te or please
s." Agan, why d ag in the
Mr. MeKenzie or he Reform
nt at all? .What ' 'under the
ither Mr. McKenzie • r the Re-
we have
y that if
re on the
lace with-
cate, n
his lay
of a
an ar c
liqu rs is
opinion t
ly a
of t
that tho
not han
dent to
fens' ve a manlier a
ernment, te do wit the Mit-
nee Inspe tor, or wi the do -
bench Of ilitchell Conservative
es, or WI. at act of he Reform
nt issuc1 an insult to the Ro-
holies ti1at they hould not
it? Stir ly the cribbler in
will nod re to ins nuate that
rtailing t e sale 0 spirituous
an insult o any reli 'jolts body.
he whole e are enc ined to the
at the .tf rahl by t e publica-
is rion. will n t material
e the int rests of i s party in
on; and f om our k owledge of
d sense w are firml convinced
e who4 i sought • please will
it for a owing its eorrespon-
rag bef le the publi • in so of -
atter wh eh it would
tter had 1, been let
refrain fr in here re
that the ourse and
8 correspo dent is in
hay bee
logic of t
meant as he is untruthful and dishonest, 1 keeptng,
has the following in the laet issue of that serv4i1i
paper : • their usu
" Rev. Father Murphy, of Irishtown, of tee 0
was fined $20 and costs by Mayor Davis, , lowed th
for selling liquor contrary to the statute
in that case made and provided. It seems inF, tie t
that the good priest of Irishtown,and his with
assistant, Rev, Mre McGrath, got up a they'
pic-nic for the benefit of the lrislitown .
church, which needs repainand the affair ion CT
came off on the farm of McCann, Cou, 2, •1 force
Hibbert. There was a very large attend- ly or
once of the people of Hibbert,
alarronbrook, Seaforth,
Brussels, &c., and on the whole, the pie-. De
Mc, in a general sense, was a complete Ogil
- saccess, The good Fathers of Irishtown
ebtreh were well pleased at the large at-
tendance and liberal contributions. As
usual on occasions of this kind,when Her
Majesty's loyal subjects meet together, bush
there were refreshments provided, for of w
which those who attended_ paid or not as ,
they ellen). Of course, the, Majority gave Iv"
something, which something was given as large
a voluntary subeeription to the Romeo eeteh
Catholic Church—at least, so all present Atm
understood it. As a sequel to a pleasant
digt, our worthy Inspector Comm sum-
moned -one Patrick Calligen for selling
spirituous liquors at pic-nic (he dere
not summon the Priest) before his Wor-
ship, the Mayor of Mitchell, and, at the
sclemn deliberation, the worthy gentle-
man decreed that Ciallighen should pay a wha
fine of $20. The diseentipg J. Perem in t
Mr. Kidd, Mr, Jones, and the County
Warden. The latter expressed himself °eV
completely disgusted with, the whole af7 mor
fair which he denounced as a -piece of un- this
warrantable tyranny and entirely outside ket
thee pale of juetiCe. Mr. Jones also said
sudh a thin' Was unheard of; but Bro-
ther -Flagg and -Mr. Humberstone- sup- thin
ported the Mayor, who was determined the
to convict. Thue mined a most disgrace- sem
ful scene which reflects but little credit on
.nil concerned. How long will Roman man
Catholics tolerate a Government whose are
every act is an insult to their creed ? I into
understand are people of Hibbert, Logan
• much
Ve can
e Her
and on
affic of in
iting thk
4. E
f the
This i
r with tha of the Con-
erally. with
cy,a.buse Mowatt
ause al-
e law limit-
iquorS, and
he Domin.
refuses to
law entire.
enicent be
re o pass
1301 and
"erizie of
caese hi
t V? pass
A "I' EEK the Messts.
la 'hoe Mills Goderieh,
recei red ves loads of vheat from
Milw uk ci Th one vesse contained
21,5(O h'sheiks, arid the ot•er 15,250
Is. given only s a sample
his one
at Jin does imported
t. These gentlemen ave three
mil s, one at eisforth, o e at Cod-
a d one, If we mista e not, at
real 'L'hesb Several mil s have for
hs ast bee Working o • American
grithe ex lusivel This grai is ground
in Cinad i, and toes entirely to supply
the Cana ian ft° r market. What this
firm s d ing is, ne doubt, a sample of
is eing do c by many other firms
is ountry. Now, we svould ask
ere nen it •would not have been
pro itable ti) the wheat grower's ,of
out try, if the Canadian lour mar -
ad een sup ied with flour made
Ca radian wheat ? 1Vc certainly
th t it Wont& In this instance
arm rs occupy a positio a precisely
ar o that cumplained Of by the
fac urers. The American farmers
llo -ed to sh p their sueplus grain
the -„`a,nadian market, free of duty,
O d triment o the Canadian farmer,
latter is prevented using the
market 'allege he pays a heavy
ichhe Cannot afford to do.
and.McKillop are getting upo•an indigna- •
tion protest agaiust the Gov- whi c
ernment and its oflieuils, and as I am in- Am
-sited to attend, I shall give you all par- tari
tieuldrs. Mr. Gibbs, Sir John A. Mac-
donald, 'rapper, Mr. Ballantyne, Mr.
Trow ancl others will be invited to at.
tend. I anticipate a hot time for the
Grits. I may add that the case was ap-
pealed to the County Court, when it is to
be hoped that bigotry will not influence
the cause of justiec."
We are somewhat surprised that our in-
telligent and clever contchiporary should.
give publicity to such a miserable diahot
tribe as the above. Usually fair and hon- Sin
orable towards an opponent, we are sur- 3
• car
prised that, on this oceai
sion, ns desire to -has e ple
ettreih-Of 1 the Week.
S' xtos —Ji New Yore Monday
thir y-si eco,ses of sin stroke v ere report-
ed befo e 3 o'clock, se'eri1 of them
fat 1.
N ieretoe Bineseo.—A fire n Monday
las at Elgg, Switzerland, a village 18
mil s notth-east of Zurich, de troyed 52
ses. Tsvo persons are rep rted mis-
es:Lingle --Sixteen lrn ndre
,many of them not 16 yE
ged themselves not
injure the Government induced it toper- wit
mita correspondent to misrepresent facts, gre
display his ignorance and 'vindictiveness,
and endeavor to stir up hatred and ran- ant
corous feelings among the people of a :do
quiet. and harmonious neighborhood. the
In the firstplece it is incorrect that those fey
attending the pie-nie were permitted to
partake of the refreshments provided
free, or to contribute what they chose.
Tickets were issnecl at a fixed price and
ne C
e is
r pa
es o
re of age,
o associate
answer It transpi
of 4$ na'es there were
ti'tn T. Stearn, who
ihicit w iskey
.187g, a fled the cou
and ple ed guilty, and
penten ary for 16 mon
fine, of $ ,000.
Itsui G PAYER. Quit
viaes ar suffering fro
funds, a d have issue
vanse been sever
Beach's div
Novi Ba ar, and suffer
killed a d w
e.nne, fi e m
stock, i the
canon, n i
The me we
the Ind ns
d to
o• n
ng men of tippling habits. A
imitation. is now looked for.
w FEVER,i—A letter rom Quer-
mmissioner. Yudd, ow York,
e are n grounds for apprehen-
arding ellow fever and that
ot to da *single dee ded yellow
lent in he hospitals.
retes rIEY—On th calling of ,
a Dublhe Court, the first three
tit!), hintee panel ere each
Muniahy, and when the name
di three persons sim Itaneously
ttr in s 'hoolmasters,
'fleeting of Oe Chamb
s i thait in * district
t on wa abo t one to
1 nd, th re e
t r, of w ich
f rther, post
Exce isio,
s °nets. —A
t emen, offi
t etn jiidge
f reign 4onnl
1 'ittsbuijgh,
aek to Phii
n, while o
to a par
not ala
orne time,
• with
oregLieSt ea TN ENGLAND —
e, Englan , boast's of a n v -
A speaker at tihe
r of Agricu1tiire
bere the -pop la -
very five acres 1 of
as a boar( school, the ms -
a bu her, cattle-clealer,
master, p id overseer, 4nd
excursio party of 120 gen-
ially con ected. with the
xhibitiou the m jority of
and co ig missioiiers from
ries, are o an ex ursion to
the oil regions, Buffilo,
f WO -kin Glen, aind thence
treisrr. Mr. W. A. Shaw,
some plo ghing
our miles back of
Ste. Marie, ich., n
ulter of hi plough becom ng
n searchi g up tie eau e,
tisfaction of diseperenn a
mineral d posit. Ijt has b en
und to anklwer the urpos of
that i4s pa
19 Murphys.
as ind cted or
in Be klyn in
try, has returned
wassenitenced to
ha and to pay a
the scarcity
a forced pa
sion of the S
I defeated n
a loss of 1
n.—Near Ch
t huntitig sto
the Big Lara
of 12 India
med; bat fou
when they w
Inc man, and
its rider, w
en y-
hile h4viN
ryn, al out
f Sault
hear and co
uite r4.
I e had tlhe s
ich red lish
teeted roe d f
i4i BLACK. -----k sejrious 1E1 -
urbane ha occurred t New amb rg,
hoeth C rol na, on th opposi e side of
herivej froku August Georgia; cul in
ting la$t S4turday ni • ht in sharp ti ng
*e1ween a c lored. miltary company nd
00 whiten IThe troub e arose from 1 gal
• roceeditigs gainst a egro company for
b�rueting the roads on the Fourth, nd
eta' n ing passengers.
ne on his
the town
tieed he
' New - entary for I
•ntirely in t e Ladies'
lelphia. Tie editors
ranters ar ail wom
erfect 'n t ipography,
ry sta4idpcint, it is
etked •on •ast with s
owl mapne ed journa
dited bly w men.
Beton G ArrLESN
ntering her kitche
ene., 1 st Friday mo
ention ttracted to- t
ling noi e, and to her
n it a la ge f•attlesnak
vas kill d iti was foun
let. It was suppose
nto the oven the nig
ave be4n satisfied to
'oy the 4arinth.
NEIN' V1 Amps.- -Alex
resentatives of nortlh and
encash re Cotton Sp' ners
acturere' Association at Man
uly 7th„ unanimously resolv
ime ha4 arifived whenl a redu
er cent m st be mad in the
the eper tiv s in the c•tton tr
district. T1ie resoluti n will
•r sixty ho sand opei tives.
—A paper called
is printed
Pavillion, Plena-
cotnpoeitors, tntl
n, Tho ghee is
and from a liter -
excellent and in
me of the rant ng,
s that have been
lady on
in Tracy City,
ning had her at-
e a at -
error b held w th-
. Whe the an ke
to hay ten at -
to have craWled
t before, andl, to
emain here tohn-
e meeting of
id Ma
chi etightae that
tion of
wages of
ade in the
ffect fty
re -
the the
CATER PIL 'AWL—A. entlem n who as
hitt returne 1 from a trip tl rough he
other p rtion of Keneb e Cou ty,
Leine, mays he was gr atly astonishedat
• he extett o the eater Altar sr on the
reit tre es. Acres an acres Of orchards
tending wi hin sight f, the r adside are
tripped of eaves), bl ssome, and every
men thing, and look s bare a,m1 d so -
ate as n ecember. The atetpil ars
-tang in fes oons, clue ern and ropes of
yams re" all the rees, p esenti g a
nicht die rus ing sight.
()RAT( RV FOR LA TES.—Of the 56
id, ing in the School lof Ora ory
n , niversity during the ast
we e ladies-- early ell of w om
ng bemselve as tea hers. ne-
MU I instruct on in el eution,the
s h ve studie with -4trof. ell
mai, m of the o gams o opeech,the
las ification, nd pr duction of
:is,o the Eng ish language, the
of visible sp ech, the cause nd
f the various -inds of deice we
d •mperfect ualitiet of VO ce,
ec apical pr ductio of in ec-
ueils s
f Bost
ear, 28
vere fitt
ides the
he class
he mecli
atu re,
he soun
lem en t
and the
was tot
bah es
made to
rival of
the buil
esti exei
intited ij
rad escaping
. The cause
but it is supp
UDEN BU NED.— aetle
grants' hotrie in eve Y
lestroyed by fire last •
g. Strenuous eff, orts
ne the fi e befdre the
ire depart ent, bet with
hundred migrants wer
and lamb g these the gr
nt prevail .d. in seying t
rom th' bur
k P I'VE
liam 1(rr, 8
Hemilt n,
was re entl
el ool. Th
with hi fee
across he a
th sch lars
in echo I. rile teach
ha e imsetf first, a
keep o der, I Ife•repli
ting pr •tty big, a,in't
too big for your shoes
new pa r." Mite (Timis
the sui erintendent an
OW10 t of the
Hfi,ralt writ s.: On ju
lor, secut fo Gen. Gi
ni ht nee from Ti
Gen. Custer found an
006 lo ges o the Lit
mediat ly ttacked t
took ve companies
thicke t portion of th
is known of the operat
ment oily as they trcu
Major Reno command
cornpa les, and attack
of 'the mp. The In
merle ous foe from
sides the greater porti
back. Custer, his two
and br ther•in-law w
•f the
sed to
a pi
d by
re is
have o
e. T
ig- take the 'bus, but we deelined. We foot of the Cascades on t
arks fro tall finally arrived at the *entre of t e cit of the rirer. Here VeSS
ce.1 and were startled. by the sight t • at met
ned by th
our gaze, as it looked as though alf the
i tatnee of
entet the Beauharnois
arouud the rapids just m
14 miles, into L
N SI:PER NTENDENT.-- il-i business Part had beet). burn down.
• On the north bank a bra
iperintenc ent of schools ini Whole blocks of buildings with nothing
.fratiot (Allay, `Mielfi ani remaining . but the ' debris, ad h wa enters the SD. Lawren
fined $1 for ieturbi g a and there a piece of wall s
school•n 'am says he sat and sometimes it Would. resemble
on the toe of the desks nd I was told by a hotel keeper th
sles, ceea ng a laugh am
ancl the dema ding o
r told iim to
d the she c
"- -
not ORO of his detachment escaped, Two
'hundred and seven were buried in (me
place, and the killed are estimated at 300
with only 31 wounded. The Indians
surrounded Keno's command an•I held
them one day in the hills cut off from
water, until Gibbon's' command came in
eight, when they broke camp in the night
and left. The_ 7th fought like tigers, and
were overcome by mere brute force. The
Indian loss cannot be estimated as they
bore off and cached most of their killed
The Indians got all the arms of killed
soldiers. There were 17 commissioned
officers killed. The whole Custer family
died at the head of their colonin. The
exact loss is not known, as both adjittants
and sergeant- mai or were killed. The In-
dian camp was from three to, four miles
long, and 20 miles up the little Horn
from its mouth. - The above i confirmed
by letters, which say Custer net with a
fearful disaster. Lieut. Crittendsto son
of Gen. Crittenden, is among the killed.
PERioR.—Last Sunday morning about 2
o'clock the prop. St. Clair, belonging to
Ward's Line, on her way from Duluth
left Ontonagon, having on board 18 ma-
sengers and a crew of 14 persons. VV, en
off Fourteen Mile Point fire was diihov-
ered in the fore hold, and in lees than five
minutes the boat was enveloped in flames
from one end to the other. Owing to the
rapidity with which the flames spread but
one boat was launched. Thelife preservers
were brought on deck, and all the passen-
gers succeeded in putting them or, when
a rush was made for the yawl,' which was
swamped six or seven times. The water
was yery cold, and it was not long before
16 passengers p enshed, together with 10
of thecrew. When the boat caught fire
she was about five miles from shore.
ST011.11.-0n the evening of July 5th a
terrific storm prevailed over the north
part of the State of Iowa on the lines of
the Illinois Central and Davenport and
St. Paul and Midland Balleoads.
Bridges and embankments on the Illinois
Central were washed out, and there have
been no trains On either for some days.
The village of Rockdale was washed out
the same night, and 42 personsdrowned.
South Burlington was also the scene of
terrible destruction. -Mr. and Mrs.
Stockwell were killed lust ntly while
lying in bed. Mr. Dyke wa instantly
killed, and the body found in the wreck
of his building, which was levelled to the
ground. Numerous others were more or
less injured. Twenty-ninej buildings
were riddled to pieces. Thelstorm was
of but an instant's duration, and its work
of destruction was like a flash of light-
ning. •
Mark Lane Expre88 in its weedy re-
view of the corn trade says Tie neu-
trality of the great Powers h s revent.
ed a warlike attitude of affa rs fom ex-
ercising, as yet, any great influ lice on
grain, though holders have evinced some-
what increased firmness. The present
state of trade, therefore, is °lie of watch-
fulness, accompanied by anxi tye as
there are weather risks well
as war to be considered. T e sep-
plies during the past week hav again
exceeded requirements, and whe t is go-
ing to the granary to await
There has been a steady
demand during the past we
quieter at the close, there
English offering either in
the country markets. Floe,
have been depressed owing
riva:s at the ports of call, a
at the end of the week indie
of ls to Is 6d per quarter.
o 1
d. t
A Trip Down the St.
Po _the Editor of the Enron pp
DEAR Sin. ---In conapany With
I left Seaforth on the afternoon t am on i
the 30th of June for the purpose of tak- I
ing a trip to Montreal, and think ng that I Passed up the river by the
eed- to United States and Canada p.
Canal. The boundary line be
a few notes by the way would be of in-
erience. j this town, and by some strang
occur- are at one time, we are told,
Upon - Ameticap territory, the qours
ure 'we
ut that
Ve saw,
of the
to put ' LesatkYe'sSt. Francis. This is th
' that expansion of the S. Law r
begins near Cornwall and St.
Lawrence is hereafter within
40 miles. The surface of this
extends Coteau Du Lap, ro d
Dominions. The iiex
Ise, eo it: : Oe
terspers d with a great numbe
ore the i
y a fur ! Islands.
g little
or in
rge ar-
e sales
village on the American side op
Thousand Islauds, and, 1 am
great place of resort for pleasur
as the fishing and shooting is s
the best on the St. Lawrenee.
Bay is the next port after Ileavi
ton ; it is built oil a massirte nil
and its sjtuation is romantic a
esque. It is also a place of
sportsmen. Some two r th
below the village it is said ther
tion from which can be co nted
TU'LY JAI 1876.
site the Canadian Navigation Company.
Id, is village of Laprattio is some seven
seekers, belbw Caughnawar. The
ie to be Rapids, the last of importance tha
exandria on the St.'Lawrence, are now con
g Clay. the most difficult of navigation, h
of rocks, descent of 444 feet and are abo
and i s one 0 f the most 1 i,uaol.eblifltaiiztee, unettPs i.townsreipt 1 ivrerer-: ‘,_ . milesst tubes
obnees . 1 n
in the Province of ' °uteri, . The
..nrin:gaNP: Prescott is
Rid au Canal The middle span 22 feet high and
9.13 import- ments thTeuree
through which the trains
esort for these We COM
ee miles the present a
is &post- spanning the n
100 Is- largest bridge
lands. Brockville is the nex place of above summer
importance. This town as nit ed after opening 60 feet
Gen. Brock, who fell at ueenston
Heights in the war of 181 'Ills situat-
rence,at the foot of the Th usan Islands,
ed on the Canadian side o the St. Law-
fIlowing are the size
il ::),st, be
sun, sr
•tt, a
• the
el• lse°o°kit
rema ns of an with its two la ge towers. VVe well now
be seen. rest for the Sa bath. Next week I shall
nee is at say sometleing bout what I saw in the
e Galop great city. '
Having got t
OW to the last wo
e, the Victorin
bee river, the long
'n the world, the
ater being in the
descending to eit
at the rate f 1 in 130 ; the mar
is 330 feet id ; there are 12 spa
side of the ten re, 242 feet each,
treme length, i eluding abutment
000 feet e the ontents of the mas
:3,000,000 eubi feet, the weight
in the tube's is ,000 tons, in the
s used 250,000
population is about 4,00
_the next stopping place
anee, on the Canada side
It contains about 3,1)00 in
vious to the opening of th
between Kingston and
Prescott, formerly By -to
of importance in th p carr
tween Kingston and Mon
that event its growth has
About a mile below Pres
called Windmill Point, ar
an old stone wind mill, in
the patriots under Von S
exile, established t emse
which they Were dr ven v.
Opposite Prescott it! Ogde
American side; it i nic
About five miles be ow P
ney Island, on whichthe
old French fortification ar
The first rapid of the St.
this Island, and is cal
ROpids. They have here
the Galop Canal, which
miles in length. The nex
American side is Wa&ngto
Canada side is Morrisburg for
a b ittle was
h and Ameri-
impohtance is
dous rapid of
eent e -by an
el. The
friend 1
• mile/
ting a
t six
der lof
et and
er end •
he ex-
, 7,.
nry is
of the
6 feet
a city, wide, at the extreme ends 10 fee high
a lee° and 16 feet wi e, and the whole 004 is es -
rade be- timated at ;Cl,
but since from the river
checked. yards leasthan
a place are now eoteri
ruins of There seems to
in 1837 Ships in god
la Polish the Quebne fa°
,000. The total length
ank is 10285 feet, or 50
two English miles, We
g the harbor of Montreal.
be a fine harbor, plenty of
d we sail along side of
t and discharge Or Que.
but from bee passengers, we get in a little after t
vere foss, o'clock in the e ening. The city not
h, on the an imposing -1 •k froth the water, the
ug town. most proneinen object being the large
is Chim. French chhre on Notre Dame! Street
ed t
what they call
is about two
tow on the
, on the Mr. 3.
erly call- grain wa*
ed West Williamsburgh,
Port of 3;torrisburgh, and
200 inhabitants. A shor
Morrisbu g on the Caned
lers Farm where in 181
fought be ween the Engli
cans. T • e next place of
the Long Sault, a treme
nine mile, divided in the
Island. 'he usual passe e for
is on the outh side of th clean
channel o the north side was
considere unsafe- and ang
since exa mations have ecu
now des nded with safe* T
in the so thern channel ve
and such is the velocity t
that it is said a raft will drift
miles in minutes. Th
rapids is he most exciti
whole pa sage of the St.
rapids at the Long Sault
the rate f something 11
hour. N
their infl
she is ear
stream et
sent all t
in a stor
and tosei
by water
tion. Gr
are here
the vess
J. B.
▪ ron Notes.
ullen is erectingh, large
e at Blyth statihn, and
is called with other's int nds engaging ex
ins about in the produce business when th
ee below commences this fall.
.is Chrys- —Memel. it aleplm of Seafor le and
Ballantyne of
Listowel Statics
of cheese for
—Mr. Dixie
son left de
their new om
formerly with theni the
ous, but friends. e
ade it is —Two hand
e passage eursionisti left
m 8
desc nt of the ally well repre
g pa t of the --One day Is
aWr irts
e 20
- 1
e current
Ithe nine
left Witigh
-for Kielce*
the South
ce. The _couple of e
Stratford, shippe fro
last week, two e rick
e London and lasgdw
Watson and . Wit -
Ch on Monday t for
in Wingham. They carry
est wishes of their many
ed and seventy -fur ex -
Brussels station, and 675
ation, on Dominien Day,
The other stations along
s:tension St -ere proportion-
elwted'eek a youthlund
a pair of old bots, and.
along at a revolv/ r Mr. !Staniburyt store -
e CI
miles an house at ton station. T ey ap-
had been there some
enee the steam 's sh t off and time, an
hen the vessel elite s within pear as i
f the shirts wan some -
'ed onwards by the f ree of the what blo y. 1
ne. The surge g w ters pre- —On the 2n inst., while Mr., Smale,
e angry appeara ceo the ocean of Bmsselt, was fixing the down water
the noble bo t st ains and pipes on his ho iseohe received an elec-
ut unlike the or inar pitching trie shock, similar to that given by a
gat sea, this g ing own hill battery, cause by his touching the
produces a high y no el sense- lightning end ring a flash of lightning.
t nerve and for e an precision —A female migrant, aged 85 years
equired in pilot ng so as to keep passed throughWmgham, on the Well!
s head straight with he course - ington, Grey nd Bruce Railway, last
iverges in the week, on her ay to her new home in
to th current, Bruce County. I The old la,dy says she
null aground, enjoyed the ocean passage, and. is none
°an us power the worse of th journey. ,
over the rudder. The wh el th t governs —On Mond laet Mrs. Wan Irwin,
the rud er is placed a ead, and four of Sebastopol, was a passenger on Adams'
men are at the wheel in th se rapids, stage, she hem on her way to G-oderiele
and two men more at what is ailed the to consult! medical aid as to her sick
tiller to ensure safety. I I b .lieve the child. of three years of age which she
ey have had with her. When nearing 'Smith's
ts in des- Hill she diseov red.- that her chPd was
is a pleas. ' dead.
' I
the Long" —The Huron Agrieultenal fall
e vessels show will he held in the palace *rounds,
Cornwall Brussels on •Tuesday and Wednesday,
ween the October 10 and 11. ' Over $100 has been
sses ' near added to the ize list, which it an in- -
• turn we crease of over 0 per cent. all:throng-h.
ntirely in . To the ladies' epartment $20 alone ad -
of the St. ditional has hen added.
er Maj. —A party in Goderich about a week
point is ago lost is cow and had searched in
name of vain for ler, w hen he chanced. to see her
nee which • the ether day being driven nolone with a
legis, and. drove of cattl belonging to al drover.,
stance of This same part observed two other caa
ake is in- tle belonging private individuals in
of small the earn& drove.
Darius Phale-an, of West
•s purchasing a !ticket at
turdey, for the circus, he
his purse, containiag two
d $50, and $20 in cash,
in one of the • pdekets of
so cautiously 'was it ta-
baleen did not feel the
of tbe ra id for if she
senting her side
Id instantly
necessity of e
least, pr
she wo
hence th
Canadiao Navigation
never lost any lives by a
cending the rapids. Cor
ant town, situated at the
Sault onithe Canada side
oot o
terest to your readers; I no pro
give you a portion of our ex
Notlungspecially worthy of not
red until we reached Tor nto.
reaching that city in safetywe
minutes for supper. That being
intended to resume our seats, I
was something not to ,be found.
however, by the matioeuveting
railway men that they were oin
on some more cars, so at a ven
went and secured. a seat Ion be
car was on the train. It wit on
minutes until the car was we 1 fil
after alittle while dre got um
again. I kept a look -out as f r as
see, and all the way from hone t
looked well. After a feew h urs
couple of walks through the tm
'posed of some 17 cars, to see ha
see, and to find some friends fr
forth. The cars were all crowde
is something of a novelty to 4ee
car load. of human beings fast a
every imaginable shape that peo
be in, and at the same time st
their seat. Time went on, and
after 2 o'clock on the lst of July,
rived in Kingston: We ha c pr
determined to get off here a d g
the St. Lawrence by boat. It
two miles from the Grand - Trun
way station to the city, but we d
ed to walk as it was not worth
go to bed, and as we wanted to
we could, as daylight was begi
dawn. We had strong invite
'The- villageof LitTleafi er is situ- Me,
er way ; of this leke. Coteau Du Lae
ed, tnd
I could ated on he northern side abo
e crops ; ap the foot of La e St
and, as can easily be seeti, it i
took a origin beim the name, a d et
ti, eonn buildings. Just below he
m Sea- '
I could - the Coteau rapids, Sev
this commences the Ced
and it extends ! about th ree '
• whole
leep M ' comes the Split Rock anc
which terminate at the h ad o Lake St.
6 could. Louis, where the dark w ters f the Ot-
tieg on tawa„ by one of its mout s, joi se the St.
we ar- , Lawrence. These rapids n 11 iles have
a little
- a descent of 8211 feet. In p ssing the
that on
eidoonwelny rapids of Split Rock, 1 a to
ordioary occasions the t :well r Will in-
s about voluntarily hold his brea h, a the vessel
Rain seems to be running on t e ro ks, which.
.termin. : are plainly seen from the deck f te ves-
• bile to
see all ; sel, but we were saved this feeling, as
the water ies now from th ee t four feet
ning to ; higher than usual, and t
e e t visible. Beauharnois is
t midway Wawanosh, w
a small Goderich, on 5.
Francis, ,1 was relieved of
of French notes for 59() a
-le of its The purse was
illage are ; his pants, and
t ken that ktlr.
I gentleme
• a large black
• along the road
!.not mend his
concessio lin
then qui ly t
all the p ty
not folio* d u .
—Two: eels women !wen
• the pasture field one day het
I milk their CON at eventide, e
; they melted t ere couid no:, ne
the se:Mitts i question from t
bovines, returned without
fully acce hing their misei
would seem t inclica.te that the
are nht, Much 'n the habit of p
- this comMon nd useful branch
! hold dutiee.
--Rev., J. roley, who has
tioned Dongannon during
three nee laving been app
BayileldS re leaving for th
n ra les , below
✓ ds, whieh
ilea, and then
Cas asle rapids
e roc re are not
vill ge at the
e so th branch
Is in oming
anal and pass
ntio ed, dis-
ke 8 . Franciss.
eh o the Otte-
ce. his is the
u Id
d, "Yu are get°
tou ? 11 you ar
I will get you
ed the school, n
ulled her cehif
neoes.—A spei
flelcna, M'ontana
y 2, M gins 'hay
en, g here ,las
tle Hu Riveti.
ndian emp of 2,1.
le Hoehn and ime-
e canap. Cute
and charged. th
camp.' Nothin
one of this detticht
it by the dead.
d the Other seven
d the lower ,part
tans Petered in
11 •directions ; •
n fought =hors -
brothers, nephe
re all killed, an
anding, navigable -branch of the Ottao a. From
house. this place is had a view ef the Montreal
t th elou.ntain, nearly :31., mi es d stant. In
Lak St. Louis,
is eautifully
the erey Nun -
are many Is -
Mo treal, be -
Nun eries, and
large revenues.
had been over 30 'stores burnt. Kingston, this like, which is callec
I believe, is a city of 15,000.inbabitants, is Nun's island, , whic
and was one of the most intporta t milt- cultivated, and belongs
tary posts in the Dominion. Fiv o'clock leery at Montreal. Ther
arrived and the steamer Corinth an was , land!' in the YiltinitY 0
M sifht which was to carry us d wn the longing to the different
St. Lawrence to Montreal. We secured from which they derive
our tickets and got on board, and at half ext is the village of La •hnies
past five we set mil, rounding Fo t H from tolontreal, with whi it i
with its huge guns looking out
in every direction. Had it been
vessel I would not have liked t
board. The water was so smo
one could track the steamer as f
eye could reach. The first join
portance and among the wmader
St. Lawrence is the Lake of the T
Islands, six miles below Kingsto
are, I am told, no less than 1,8
of thene gerns of beauty in the ri
wave, of all sizes, from the Isle
feet square to that of miles in le
covered with beautiful foliag
scenery is truely delightful. I
pon 118 •
be on
th that
r as the
of im-
of the
in all, -
g of the
a few .
gth, all
ave not
language to describe my feelings at the •
wonders of nature. As a place of pleas- '
ure in the summer season, I think it un- !
surpessed, and Canadians may well feel
proud of it. Clayton is the name of a •
ed lay railroad, Inc La
gin just below the town
here so swift and wild.
vessels to get up again a
cut around these rapids
sday, June 28, some
wee driving' along the six-
neess on of Grey, :they observed
bear walking enurely
before them. B uirt did
ace, but proceednek the
for some theta ce, and
rned into the wo chs, As
ere unarmed, the bear was
out to
week, to
d when
e other
success -
ii, This
e ladies
f house-
een ste-
ilae lust
inted to
t -place,
who; -after partaking of
go generously•providedY
sented him with. a well filloney, and a very siffeetion-
ciative address.
was met he Dungannon
church b members and a
of the cif:
. the good
, the lee -heel pr
ed purse' f
a,te ate!. pr
nae .C)11c1°deul 1811:nreeibel :et:: ladttbuh' ee-mneb- DO: adb Cr11°C 11' I 1:
sday of last week a little
years of age see of MrL
ruseels, wee p'layieg about
is 1
is an Ind.ian village on. the .t uth hank boy gnhsped is rescuer by the ands
. --At 6 rase et& on Friday molly] a
feet doep, and
The water was ebout 6 or
that n order for 8
cane has been sinking ttle third time, when la dolui
Ca erlinawaga Baker Dluinged in to rescue him, e,
near the entrance to the epic' . It is at 1 dragced hi under, giving him a -fetic
this place the old Indian pilot shoots out ;tout -Lillie- of! the water, ,Howevef$ 'hue
in his bark cat.oe and ho rdig t e steamer lad was btou fhb safely to shore,: .
for the purpose of pilotm her down the '
, T
Lachine Repids. Baptist , the
pilot is as anxiously too ed f
sengers on board of stea
the Lachine rapids as t e ra
He is now an old man, eing
years of age, and has in de i
ness for over 40 years pilo
elownthtte ipeiadsra.Du
,and he gt
day inwy
Season he is employed e clusi
old Indian fire neroleelou
e bY pas- & Connors s
ers down door factOry,
ids itself- tirely consu
about( dO . machinery a
his busi- •and lumbere
in the engine rocni of Watt
am planing mill. sash and
Wingham, which was cu-
ed, together with all the
d a quantity of eesh, doors
The proprietors have only
'deafly" been a short time in the place and bud°
i -
missed a i the fire large quantity of woren
k °wh
e summeteThis will &
but a dra beeek uilding operations
not eta great los -to thew
ely by the
.esene Of 86 aeries, ori the
loon, Goderich towns -
for $4,500, Whieh
nice, !
Friday last, a er
at Clinton betw
• yfielel clubs, reset
ton by one run'
ir ArChYt
n Tuesday last
and B
. eta to spare. Good play
.ea on both sides.
t ,
_The itnental I fall sho
•atrsei b. Agrichltural Soc
-in CI' ton, on;TOesday
tbe Zed and 4th of Oct°
.es every probability that
gextra good one,as
of the best ever
1 !
XL SUID13y ilaSt 11
'Don° at, livtiag at Al
e road, complained of fee
ens- friends, believing hi
-front -cramps; iednaini
him, but without any
he died two *tire after,
he had been sun struck
n the -2nd of el-
Mooretof the Base Lin
ntalete in the , morning,
horst, Young Dick 'To
-tied in a close eta, wi
hadly broken:
this' had been do
t is supposed it
orse had to besh
the -etre of the
t the last xneeti
s p of Grey, Di '
ce, No. 149, the
eketed for the
her Ws. Milne,
Barr, Ws A.; Beo
ister Mary Fogel,
. •
t h* e r'
Brother Wellington Fo
Maria Torrance, A. Co
-Grant, I. 5.; Brother el.
At the conclusion
tion of thesecond die
school on Wednesday 0
Broadfoot, the teacher,
rIPe ilea withena set
t '°
Broadfoot has retired f
in the school after a
faithful ;service, -rust.
closecl three hearty -eh
theilittle 033.0S -for Mi
thenformallytook lea
31B 'r.- aelf330orriEfslyt is
of T
A span of horses
ing to Mr. A. Rinto-
stataing in front of-
Wingbani, a' few,days
of paper was blown
„ wliteh so feightened
brcike the halter with
tied to the -post, and r
through:Lower We
ran on tia a plo•
receiving al severe ben
• They were then secure
damage being done.
—KIneardine was -0
visitors on Dominion
tius little town 'look
being gaily decorated
and Waiting—four ho
ar hes spaaming the e!
points. Three exelin
:3l1 passenger coachet
with excursionists, D
fo eneon. The nisitoi
.. ces of the numerous h
211 Ilt TOOM8 to thei
and fears Were expres
eardinites wand expe
.first day e
a diminutive looking 1
i4r, about 8 -or 9 year
the gateway Of the di
tineeted the gate.kee
see tlae races, stating
he had not 3 cent, bu•
?hirer , of swift hors;
keeper asked him evb
' From Chicago," sal
el unk, and Mother
away; and please, et
e the races."
travelled on the miles
thought he WAS one 4
ing her, and didn't al
hae—ep pwnAeoanrsetadh" uparticularly etdi 13, oIi . d atl
/rest delight,
within a ifew feet o
arbor in Goderieh.
teorge Hind, a you
vhose parents live !
rm%rm.:ship of Ueborn
in Exeter, had er
rninatton before t
elass certifieete, ,A
h,o*nntetoluevritennaesittebmtienisi:t„bilaeoiarul:ewt 7:rtelyagb
tawhenieths wweaesel udti
minutes After he hoe
knew laim,! being e
The eleeeated WAS.
character. In the:
time Mote ,resent
ridehneei• his fellot
his c
bathing with him
Clinton and surre
thrOW11411te a drei
talent on hearing
111 A St/01* in that -
ell -known fermee
mundened the
he Graaed Trunie
or 80
twee and A half n
Sunday cyening,
Clinton, oesd..a.3 NV4
part of the way Sere
ho wri ut irhute;:ati lwr016. donetThese thke. 3:01 isaideit efsairtIf1;:'
blood mob- whet