The Huron Expositor, 1876-07-14, Page 1JULY 7, 1876. t' IONEY TO BE SAVED B CALLING AT THE 7 7 7 777 airs' IU GLOVES, at all prim. .and, .shades frcua 50 Centsto xl- RASOLS at 25 cents each. - r 1K PARASOLS at 50 cents, G0 e cents. and�. cents t ccgts,; Q.. ,e.nts. 1; COLLARS Lot o f �cNew� �� � 1.�1Ga\ for Ladies. Lot of New DRESS GOODS, Extra. t 'heap. Let o f Wide E N' c 1.1 H PRIN at o e,ente, 6 c.t,nts,. 7 cents and 3 , 1 r' � r.l x a •a,. qtr.. r n-� yard, 1 COLOR. FAST �� _ These are much WI DER than the t mericaaa Lot of Ohildrt rfe and Ladies' HOS-. IEUY, White, Plain and Ribbed, one 10 aceta to ee . salt,.; per pair. FOR GE TIrL11M Week we tll.•:r N -iv. LINEN . 'OATS iii all the Ne STYLES a d FA RIC :4. :iso the; New MANT1-'eTTAN SHIRT,. all sizes from 12 to 17 nierlles. `Ew TIES ANI) EWA' •, 1\ EW ST iA kt If EW A i 1 I; F :,`. i N 8 ATS, the Latest IsltOAle) kS'A ' STYLES. f c, tht. New ENF;1,1Sf CI -MIST] ' HAT 1eadid fair SIT' '1: I El, .R. Leat of (se;utsT K Ile t . Lf}VES, all . hadss, from 7a Etta t-'. 1 25, 4E ORDEF DEPARTMENT FOR - :r fitit4 *QM PLIC T1. :'ith the BEST t rrtliat:itt cif ti-. 'atilt 4i ilei l7 LIF l g cfTt.'1I and FP ' r:11 ''..1,0THS we to Uver r litzt1. • ;.suds :Y:Lexi leav'ing" lr (Orders tort a. . 1: 41 c:c tl Go( !I FIT, it at iteanonabl:. 1 `, Work dobe ttr .i%'L: girt t:tr :t t. .raittal•t.ly and SATI SFACTI Qi •LT � TEED. McDOILAL CO. 777-SI(llti 1114` THE --777 EAFORTIi, - ONTARIO. i NINTII YEAH. %BULE NO. 449. OKAY, L$TAT1 FOR MALE. OR SALE.—For Sale, a good Tw L $undtoa Acre Farm in the Township of Hu' . le tt ,Q0 a n t r V Huron; ! well improved and wit Apply fur bnU3ngs. Price, 85,500. to A. STRONG, Land Agent, Seaforth. 447 FSA.LVARMS-FOR E.- Easthaif Lot 11, Con, 12, yft:l iilep;, also South 50 acres of Lots'1 and 2 ':► the Village of Blyth. Goa. 10, Morris, adjoining g For Particulars rtic ularsa pp ly to o MoCAUG . HEY & HOLMI : - Y _ 4, aTEDBarrist8rs.ta, Seaforth. -MR SALE—South half Lot 1, Con. 11, Gre r containing 5o acres, adjoining the village of • said lot is suitable for park lots ; ftir Brussels , rs apply to w1I. GRAHAM lurcher F:etticula PP Y Proprietor, or to 0. R. COOPER, Brussels. 44 c �. gt31 FOR SALE.—North half of Lot 12, Coi. F8, McEillop, containing 75 acres, 40 cleared, balance well timbered, with ith good buildings ; f sale cheap and en easy terms of payment. APPY to McCbt'GHEY & HOLMESTED, Seaforth. 4149 ARE LOTS FOR SALE.—Containing 5 acres each, adjoining the Town of Seaforth. ; T e most desirable situation for .private resrd.nc s. Terms reasonable, with immediate possessie . Apply to .V MEYER, Barrister,er Sealort , �- or to L. MEYER, Harpurhey. 441 sROPEBTY FOR SALE.—For sale on reason- able terms, a desirable property situated en Main street, Seaforth. A good business stand, in which are two stores. with a dwelling over. Apply to the proprietor or to Wm. Campbell, Seaforth. J. SEATTER, Bawtry. 4142 valuable re - LE. That u FOR P OPE .TY F P R bythe Goder• Party on Godereh Street occupied ieh Manufacturing Company as a Maehine Shop. - The above v Also dwclli ug house and lot adjoining. property will b3 sold on easy terms. For partien- lars apply to GRAY & SCOTT. 489 S>siA LL FA R 1 T O R S ALE --In the e thri vrn u and salubrious village ofLa ield ;ZO aeres of land, with house, barnand stable • orehard of choice frait trees in bearing ; never -failing supply of hard and soft water on the premises. Posses a- im as agreed upon. C. R. COMMANDER, Bay- lieid. 448 1' 'UILDIN G LOTS IN SEAF OBTH FORS ALE —Dr. COLEMAN, having laid out tiie grounds recently oc.:apied as a Driving Park into Buid• ing Lots, is prepared to dispose of lots on reason- able terree to any who may desire them. Parties desiring to purchase should make immediate ap- pfieation. 664 pROPERTY FOR SALE.—Two lots, with a 2 story frame house and barn, situated on the Market Square, Seaforth: The premises have been used as an egg paeking establishment,' and aro well adapted icor any pnblie business. For particulars apply to the proprietress, Mrs. MAL - COM, Seaforth, or to .D. GORDON, Go.lerieb, 481 Ontario. VIFTY ACRE FARM FOR SALE. East i Lot 10, Con. s, Hellett there aro 40 aeres=e eared, , improved and nnderd-rained, the remaining 10 is well timbered with hardwood ; there are fair buildings on the premises : is situated about 8 miles from Seaforth and Clinton, and ]k miles from Kinburn, on a good gravel road. For fur- ther particulars apply to EORGE MANN, Con- stance P. U. 449x4 EBF RTH. FR DAY, JULY 14, 1876. WANDERINGS IN COLORADO. PAPER NO. III. If there are any dustier la e � d 3 P world than Pueblo, I don t them. "Imagine a lace wh r: rains for nine months in the y the soil is partieula ly adapte 'here of du3t, � ' e no wagons perambulate the Wea where they have a c occasional hurricane, idea of Pueblo. • Tht at every crevice, es in the nt to see it neyer er ar, where for the prinkling g y streets, nstant wt id and an and you h ve a faint. dust int udes itself ompelling windows and doors to be closed. tight ;. i fills ones nose and inoutli a d eyes, a e d makes pedestrian exercise very unpleasant. There is a spice of ' lkali to P eblo dust r ' • from the same ar- ticle ltstin niches t g ticle found'in other laces, and gives it a flavor and pungonc of its own. On the it is somewhat mitigated ydrants which the Y ers em to their P la • VARM FOR SALE.—Part Lot No. 3, Cot, 7, H. -r R. S., TnekerHrnith, containing 77, aeree, about 40 of which are cleared and in a good state of eul- tivation; the remainder is well timbered with valuable ha dvtood ; there is a large frame barn and other eacollent outbuildings; is situated 5' miles frotn .Seaforth, on a good road. For fur tner partic,tlars apply to JAMES 0iJM IIIvG, Egtaoindvilie P. 0. 4484 -PAWL FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot No. 7, Con. lo, Morris, containing 64 aeres, 25 of .-filch are cleared, well fenced and in a good state of ealtivatiou; the remainder is well timbered. There are 4 the of choice frait trees bearing, a good log house end frame stable. Is 1 mile i from the Blyth station of the London, Huron and Bruee Railway. For further pertienlars to JOHN LAIDLAW en the pre,nises, or to W. CL" .G G, Blyth. 425 ARM FOR SALE IN TUCKEBSMITH —Be- iaig Lut27, Con. 4, L. R. S., containing 200 their musta principal street by water from -he and t eke s o ek leisure tithe nein sq K irtin" b r' premises. Longn psties in vary expert inthis rt, and th. with which they str' ke a stray shining boots of a ayfarer on iter i ams side ofthe street, sional pride aanng hem. - tending n the d st and the ge brush a general and he Pueblo ' e characterizes it place, and! he people tlii.k there'1i no place ieve there is no place orld for: matter, t at mat , the �s'anein ch sun here thee is so little l tuci is abs lately un- ts are ot paved, theyare : hard as ves hat an hardly ether, if i't were not er that is ise-would has to say 't rain," he any time- 11 the year ee natural t labors, a make the eral thing with irri- to produce arly all the the houses lasted, and ge is. doubly pleasing ith tne sterile mo - ins and ; bluffs. The roue of their town, t future or it -they t e ` the n etropolis of " and-dre m of a day rpas Denver:i population e. Enterprise and liberal- rings for eetl'is to b ore their kes them s precision dog or the the other Of profes- But, notwith. lis d the s alk, a dullness which is quite a tin who lave there like it. I verily be in America or he vi where there is : o m course of a yea cloudy weathe known. The etre •i simply gr. deal, but stonerand and ma e dr be beaten. T e w for the -wind and in sum rather agreeab e th be almost perf -ct. "we'lldoso a ds has a sure thin on can count on p c-ni round. Then, con -disadvantages and great deal has bee town attracti -e. As age they can't hav garens eve gation the soil is t sterile bowers or frui s, bt t along n streets and al out* many of . cottonwood tr es h: ve been' the dark green foli to the eye w : ary notouy of th pl Pueblo people are and predict a gre. are fond of cal ing Southern Colo ado when it will s and importan ity inay do gr : at t place, and Pa. blo It is a met ey ;rowd one streets. The numer of peo ly, is not so 1 rge, e• n othee; One neve if it do fair day weather idering t r which done . to almost any ave both. sees in its ile, oertain- the desired was a liver; a large yar countrype 'could leave feed their o corner of tl building of which was letters of Aloul) in 13 ,The room c was intends travellers as stable, and it but cook The ennour cautionary so having g who paid their horse inquiries or that an outfit from : in the corr 1 and t • locality should come in. r stable, and in additio cl or co ral attached, pie, by aying a sma the rw g ons • and hors wn - sial and hay. I to dorra there was is one roe , over the d painted this inscripti aril us es " No P ' e ar Duni. 83 STALKh in co } feed a co n eta ki d . g stov d for th use of rano 1d other; who patroniz who mi • t not only. sl their owe provision as cenient ever the door notice to dead -heads, ,n + a right o the room but or the use Qf the cor or ato.k. Tn reply t l e men toe of the' stable acels Bole wa fat the owner ar soon. After owner of the e. I arrange ith him next for the privil:ge hould take his up we, to which ,p obe.bly • un P tient wet in the a d wagon did; arri should hould ri e out ing, and i return stipulated hat he and breakf + st with glad to agee. I I soon fo nd out t race was : charac a ut 50 o 601 ver person, an : gifted Ci than; any.their i burin u own histor fad all his he told me He was a • phrenolo_ clow it one and he ha revelation - audiences, the, ablest divines, legal gentlem public me of the Territory. Yes, ology was hid profession ever should have a profession, so that labor of phi: hands failed him • be have some hinig to fall back upon, the old m tired of b Would. slip on anothe this way l • Teis hd he f:e , sa"d o e small or of n 'n rrs n �, eLv. and men, d -the ep ��ellin. vas, a per- t L-ae al or 11y d then o ld li le 0 e ac h new that He was ter. bon spare and Y P �' ore l with m aividual I eve per, he regaled me wi his hole family's h • history. His o ea hb s - o essor wa�a J s Pr f g , rofesso of Phrenology did no receive the at did, b t still it was a made some very rem • - He h lectured to c he had, read the chara' n babbl :ariig in awe -steer got hi d on,e-whenev im on one su switch •d and w him as it wer to talking of t ent nearness of the mountains is really sch • els are especially commended for gen- wonderful. It is from this, it is said, the era proticie e A new wh eh the b Greenhorn Range takes its name. goes, k the country, so thestory, m r in g comer Y 9 'n a be- o eta '219 1 tbe toreac ht } et out+ s , fore -breakfast walk. But he failed to reach them by dinner time nor; by break- fastnext day,in fact,he lost himself and it was more than a week before he I was restored to his anxious fitiends. mernor of this the mountains Were chris- tened. Y theYis The story ntold Greenhorn. nhor . agood many ways ; sometimes the pre- umed greenhorn is an.En lisbman, other s g an.Englisbman, ing shi tak wh ge. Ye Y Gr Bu ho times a'Missourian, and again, a Yankee, pa inthe main point,that from some•I ne but body's verdancy in judging of distance, tw the name ori inated. the all agree. St g Y ow the main distance we fell For short a southern highway,then we take a less fre- quented route leading more westerly and L more directly to the mountains. Colorado has the best natural roads in the world, 'n season in s um+ • daringthe rainy Except. Y P P 0 las pa: fu clo mer they are asTard and smooth as a to isthe ve es floor. The more travelled da road at better it becomes. No repairing or work la n- Of any kind is ever done on them. After no+ ho i a trail is laid out the frequent passing of. s and horses over it beats it hard O • erlwa wagons asstone,until it becomes bet- p1 as and smooth a ter than any .macadamized road old Mac- th tir t at be u pass around, make a new track above the th wash•out, which soon becomes as good as m , horse co the old road, if a freighter's mule or h r re- ' never e drops dead in th® highway, it Ci u d sec around as moved -the next comer it, P la the next follows, and so on,till the course • i9 slightly changed. The main high iu g general thin are simply mag- - th roads, as a `g, P Y , &� uificent. I hay elieen places where for miles the beaten track was so wide that four teams could travel abreast and as smooth • ua{in- + fan to 'ty et is h sto' naive , o s. g T o, on ice ble led of enc tie rke wt ter e Adam cyst; dreamed of. So little trouble rain when that he the roads w with is taken wa it d . f the roadway art o m washes out Y ,tor P is hardly ever repaired, but the wagons n, end ' as a race coursed ,1 andput in rennin order. • Branching off from the main road lye plete . g hz{en- S ' -The Galt Reporter regrets to learn Mace's Hole, -but fu>�•-'has are on the way to ther account of the day's journey by the that the midge has again made its ap- leave for 'pearance iii the wheat in that locality. Profesi or and - myself we willheld bymost that it is too late to A. bIc•L. its harm, much harm, but there is grave doubt this. Let that be as it may, it seems ery great pity that when there is a ance of _ good crops, this pest should I cents Y g s ow itself, and there is little doubt if he ts a good hold this year that. next he'll busy. -the Chatham Chief of Police has' rested James Wardrope, of the town- AN BROTHER $, Publiohers $1 30. a Year, iu Advance. ustees, and altering the range of sub- cts so as to improve the , standing :of ey and the tidy manner in ildings and their surround- r cal: schools, elicited some rjemaarks from d ffe en•t members, some] of whom took are a t. uotl that there ever too man- 0 - the �' v ka t Gibson, of Lobo t o� n p p Mr. . Tllos. ,.r nils to 'get through '�ts for the anti c County ' les ex has woolP g g e ounli of Middlesex, time G y the ti m e allowed, and in h r erg 't hi Leicester sheepY properly }• •n hl • n frena u sd 18 g an that were not reall- - beneficial 1Stnches, The ascus o y Y ch ineauredMany �tleman has Wool taken from, a this f rniers' sons. 1 la b Rush_ gun man flaw' �c � co Y g 'v inches. • aurin five r9 lamb measuring g Last week an express train on the n, attending a shingle mill near Ridge- a h bl Tru on While putting d nils L n Wednesday. a 259g in seven Y P ee of e •tana ago a familes, ' 2ia stop- tangled, e : in belt of the mill he, got his arm , rs and 45 minutes, making Utes for eon- and in an instant it was torn es, one of them ten min Paris and one aperiod of om has body at the sheedder andthrown ' eof several feet, e died from distance +�t�_ Roctors • arrived. thers before kl ss of blood eceased leaves -a , wife and three small- . Dairen. a c t in ' rri�. e man- it to w met his death 0 n Tr k was run from Detroit d n t e -f a li r tion at my -five atford. A few Toronto, .To congregation, , h rah • an cit it Friday evening presented their late tor, Rev. John Potts, with a beauti- illumiinated address, elegant bronze Y k, and a pair of chaste artistic sta- o t of - a also therecipient . ew as ttes. y valuable china tea set from the n y members of his Wednesday after- d' ,n class.,. t Mr. P.i R. Daley, President of the t tarso Dairymen's Association, who has'. Y t returned from Philadelphia, reports t Canadian airy products have en- ly d of the United States these beaten the Ce tennial. - The awards have n made, but the result will not be However, ginned ;for some•days. Howe , j • doff Canadian exhibitors have Carrie st of the principal" prizes in the first petition. FinanceTorontoeof Committee e Com 1h submit t oaub • has agreed iby- Yto Count 1 ra t- providingfor n the ou nail Cf3 , a further sum of $250,000 in aid of Credit ValleyRailway-said sum to b = given on the consideration that the w o rkshops of the company are establish- ed stablish ed in Toronto, aad to be paid over when the first 80 miles of the road are com- minutes for refreshments at lad • friends of the Metro - 3 1 , -A man named Thomas'Carr was ars - - rested in Toronto on Sunday for horrible cruelty to his child, a boy three years d. Carr, while drunk, tried to choke arrested had he not � en xr and he en child time his crime would have been mus- d from both r. Blood had been Circe - and nostrils o> be` little boy b e earst � Y Y_ e pressure of his fat t e man's hands.and ere literally covered I as been puuished before for similar cou- uct. -Lieutenant Cook, who:was killed in Indians at fight with e re?,ent the g 3 i i I 1g -rand -son of the d n was t na U.S. � Montana a t$'i' ohn Winer, Esq.. of H inilton. He la n.. .: Bated • n cin bornand was a Canadian, b a in the village of Mount . leeasant, County orf Brant, his father, A H, Cook, being + the physician there, ; Li ut. W. W. r young office ookwas amost promising o n P 3 g end held the brevet rank ot I.ieutenat- olonel under Gen. Custer. He has been n active service nearly the whole time ince be got his commiasiou. !Another illicit still has: been unearth- ed in Wellington Cou night District Inspect° partied by Acting Colla Officer Nicholas, drove jbhip, and after a long s It + i feit.distillery. as seized l� oeind and ked within a few left iia charge till when •the whole nelphe The par- ies interested will be pro ecuted. even Rev. Mr. -Last Sabbath g miter, the new minister of the Queen street Methodist church, Toronto, stated,:. after giving out a number of congrega- venal others; had ds on behalf of t he wished it to e pulpit was not mere advertising ewapapers made eatery home, and $er of for adver- give out from the • ee an he ht another time. n so a o rIgot - jet 1 • Oanada. off Strawberries in Winnipeg sold at 25 c In a quart a few da s a o. en- -Rev. Mr. Stephenson, of Hamilton, i toin connection with the . 1 is mentioned b out assistant ministership of Knox church, bid Toronto. l be -Last, Saturday a man was struck glee down by heat on the corner of longe uta L and King streets, Toronto. He was and taken biome in a cab. Id.' Geri. G. B. McLellan and farm ob- have arrived at Cobourg They ha rme taken r orris at the:__ Arlington Hot and int nd remaining during the su mer. tennial ► es he tChought he would Cente t ni 1T -i the props t • ed the Gents a well. It w= s a great wo der-ther be wonder ful thins th re. It w as great a wonder -thodes, sed th he leve wonderswf the eyeing benefit • y going there ; s come Vie, but ul car issemin of 'his e infoi self, ail egotist ere war the o a degrei y thing ld hot lack for amusem nt Ur - journey. xt day' journey. -.fin oculus he Professor ins self 15 and • etimes and had an ear y e art. he Ark Haas as we pass hr ugh blows eeseveral�vlexi•an*ag- ced •ng tthe depot. 1hes are compos d of five or s x large four run of- stones, was totally destro ith hig boxes, sloping ; utward by , tire at Forest on Monday nig s like a scow. To eac' wagon . It was first seen to be on fire in the ed :fou or five yoke of oxen per story about 12 o'clock. The 1 exioan boy or man fo • driver. will be about' 1;15,000.; insured for -ab in fact, as th scum of that I gigantic`. which spa straits of Gibral wasoneof A man of observation co tain grea b h men migh way end know than bele man ;of averag nation w + d y something aw him and c to it' at home advantag NV u c `C to er ld of avera but there seems to be meant hi a sprinkling fiovi Nearly eve y race and j loquacity class under th sun There s the Alexi ,wards, t can, with his hufLing gait nd slovenl i Hess abou appearance ; the Ohivama with his I talk with wooden shoes 1 e and woo : great ma man -like gar I that I w mountains ; s th I ing the n plains ; cowl y I Next I wer. a up I Crossing South Pu on trains I , generally wagons at the en I are attac , With a•A All the >f This is .th into 'la d for cam railways 1Vhen L and long cue ents ; the miners from th en from t e street o ts hangin, Idles ; the t, with hi appearance 1 these an' ng and resi sees no plac irbuint rauch s dash upt g. , with lari g Mexican sa Eastern tourit and natty' ' Colorado,- -al ake up a rloati n, such as one ssouri River. lima 250 acmes eleared,180 acres in a good State from their b there is the of cultivatie•�, 3tJ acres excellent pasture, well feneed and watered, hag good barns and stables, root cellars for 200 loads. This is a good fi-r�n, 4 miles from Seaforth station, 8 miles from Be:nce- tleld sheose factory, on '.4 good gravel read. [For farther particulars apply to JOHN LAWRENCE, Egmondville P. 0. 448.4' ALL 41 LE PROPERTY FOR SALE For sale that comfortable and cornmodiot.3 ;resi dense on J.(1.13. Street, the property of Mr. Albert . Spat -line The house is new, is well iinishe-1, and nobby clothe come to " do many more n dent populati east of the 111 `Walk out at night'to the 'outskirts o the town, and you may see a dozen o 'more camp fi .es, each with a group contains seven rooms besides closets together , campers gath with a wood sheet, cellar, and all necessary im- ' greatest oouil proven.ants. Hard and soft water. Two lots Lng -Travel] planted with eh side fruit trees. Terme easy. Possession immediate. Apply to 11ir. ALBE RT SPABLING:. 444 T`ARDIS FOR SALE.—West hail of South half of Lot 18, Can. t, Morris, Huron. County, contain- ing 50 aeres. The above lot is all hash, olf the - beat. qualit , and is only six miles from B me els ; else south h Of of Lot 19, Con. 8, ...orris, Huron Comity, NO acres, a�isoaiI berth and the List o1 soil, 6 miles from Brussels station, ,Great `�-e3'tern Railway. For price and terms apply to G. R. COOPER, Drusse:3, or to CALVIN A.CAMP- BELL, Seaturth ); . 0. - - 448e -VARM FUri SALE.—For Sale, of 12Con. 6, Hallett, consisting of 100 acres f land, 4J;acres cleared, and the balance well timbered with !hard- wood. Then* is a log house, sided, a frame barn anduutbiu..ings, a good well, and a young -boar - ug orchard u: ehoieefruit trees Situated 8 miles fr.'rn Seale' th, li ruffles from Clinton, 1 from Raub urn. Terme lea -le known on applieatian on the. prerniseil. Possession given immediately. hi.IGABE1H HARVEY, Constance P.O. 430 FARM. FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot No. 20, Con. 0, Hibbert, containing 100 acres, 90 of which are cloareJ.. free of stamps, well fenced, and in first-class caltivatien, A barn 60x40, near'.;? new, a shed ands table telx3O, a driving shoal 'lois•10, a brick roothuni0 and rt splendid brick dwelling house, and sill other necessary outbuildings:- A goet1 or,.•har l and well-. watered. This ii one of the must desirable farms in this section of ,cottn- try. Terms easy. Apply to the proprietor On the Premises, or to Egmondvilie P. 0. GEORGE BALE. 442 • Hilal F011 SALE.—For Sale, Lot No.24 Con. 1, Stetn.ey, c.tetitalniug 97 nares, more fpr less, :i0 of which are cleared, well fenced; and. in a state of g., J.i cultivation, the balance is well tial - bered. 'There is a frame barn and stable, and good new frame house with -atone cellar, kitcheu, wood shed ::al all ether convcnienech. A never failing well and a good bearing orehara. Is 2 miles from Brs ce:iali Station and 4 miles Ire Utntou. A gravel road leading to each phase. Apply to the i•rorrietor at Varna P.O. THOMAS PEAHEN. 4x34 FARM Fuld SALE.—For Sale, on rea-onable terms, Let 4, Cute. 2, Stanley, contatt.:ng 100 !tercet, 70 et which are cleared, well feaceJ, -in' first-class c:ltivetiou and free -from tautens, the balance tiruberel with the best wood; buildings comfortable ; a geed young orchard of Lru.t trees ; . also well watered , within 11 miles from liippen and 4 miles Froin 3rimerield stations, and 1 miles from tieaforai, Clinton and Exeter, withjft•avel roads leading to each place. This is a' choice farm and is deserving the attention -of purchasers. Apply On the premises or to Iiippen P. U. v .. BLAIR, Jr. -446 carrying goof do their tra think of pa big wagon an some flour an of _' grub,'" • the camper is go. \VI.Len • place by a st .earn and wood ar. ple tire and prep res has eaten, he ground, and, air," that gr goes to sleep as the state Clition of, his mit. The w ers his blaze minds that. will rain, b will`have no and with the a' pole and - structed a so off most of t takes it as a - akindofp tire which u campers sitt'ng a the stories ti+ at the free and easy must lead, o th and convent oval good. time There is ai however, -b around. ?after, stn Pueblo, I fu nd, it would be nee: (lace'. Hal quiries as to whe be found an as to get there. I e a notch in t e - w FAILVI FOR SALE.—For Sale, Lot No.':1, Con.. t,, Hallett. eon:wining 100 acres, about 85 acres cleared, a•s'_l fenced, free fi•oni stumps and in good cultivation, and free from foul weeds ; the bal- ance is well timbered; there is a two-storey stone honee, and good barns, sheds and stables, also a good' orchard; there- ia:a never.faiiing spring' rreek running through the farm ; on a good gravel road, within 6 miles of Seaforth, 8 miles from Clinton, and 1:} from. Kinbnrn; this is one of the best farms in Haron; terms easy; apply on the premises or to Constance post office- JAMES MSMICHAEL. 449 red e bout it. ry i the wer rs f r the min s, r. nehmen ing -none ron ing a bo teal a sup ba on and nd few cook• • g utens at 1+ofiie whe ever he ma feint approaches he seeks where wat e builds -h hen when 1 nkets on tl ht of "ni• other land s pleasant and the co. ns will pe but he gat n and uev reat while need camp ning cloud f his wage will have co ch will shy or the rest e. There about a can st envy •t ne thinks at night, the campe of constrai says wha are havi the pietu by turnin. s, freighter nearest ho come t. ' furl hst these ever ! raihva i el..-ti'Vth =, `the bulk i of blanket ' free by wa e� The exe or spring, ty, here its -food, spa e ids his bl witl ifo thou at bugbear of an • dreams f hi- couscienc dig %stive ors; nd •'ill blocV, i-ets about his Or•uceinag t t :e experie ed tl e threat can as cover c fel stakes ti t of tent, whi e ♦vital, and f ISO at er of colic: ctur squenese ake • one alrtu out. it. ill be tol sort of lxf absence ty, and hest fellows oth r side to t why spoil i • y for a de al I had ssary for , teerefo e Mace s to how 1 reply I K as pointed untain r uge away the west, and tol• that w Mace's and that th onl * way to •,et there be bet for yet no fternood his than 9 'as sten eh Deg to hire a ho se or wait til some of people who 1 ive• ; there • )uld come town and g• bac with th m. As I �'as blue an in some dou ts • s- to my bility to nd ed. wit • there was no one liv ng Stanch whom I could Mau re, miles f of the M cc's Bole • co- we are totown wthinasea •n- abouts or two me to go e, made Hole was they are bY the with the with the grazing ' large he gatherec ; maudlin .1 tering a it ch.'atter. the wag 0 I d of a ore for- ith or the eighbors. By a man two se d certainly wit all his ; It is not surprising that he is a popu preacher? . , and misapplic tion of considerable hrewd- -ta t Friday forenoon a young m ld man and h could 1 named m. Oliver, carpenter, and. M of intelligence, abdu,t di 1 ' Hugh aylor, were struck by lightni and ki led instantly at Luther villace. f . I made up 'nu Another yourig man was also badly st n - Monday two young girls, a d. r 13, daughters of Samuel Hoa e, r on the thirteenth concession of he of ed t. 88 Ilt -A Brantford clergyman preach ons the other Sabbath, neith lasted longer than 20 mina r' hands, child's clothes ith gore. Carr ty. On Friday etor McLean and. Guelph town - arch in a swamp ad evidently been 3V days. Two men wer lant was brought to s ip of Chatha , fourth concession,, for ,tional notices, -that a ebbing a mar, the property of James been placed in his h Classfor&I Prisoner used a pitchfork on ,various associations, -re horsea belonging to Glassford, and be understood that e of them died. He also ill-used a I to be turned into a w belonging to Donald McDougall, Imedium. The publi the same neighborhood. He was their way into ainio rumicted for trial to the Court of As- they should be made , sizes by the police magistrate, but gave Itising ; he would old u b il in $800. I pulpit, except on vtt y rare occasions, r -At 3° o'clock Saturday afternoon, . notices particularly affeeting that con - I --The Ottawa hut' trade is under an of ptetty Ifeatutes and fine figure, , fi y 1, 11 r a fume Brant, near Walkerton, went into river to bathe, and were both drowne -Cavanagh & Bros.'s flouring mill eight f territo ot yet r New Mexico s taken $8,000.1 y bY these trains, the . -Mr'. Wendell Bowman, a peomin having reached so far. • citizen of Waterloo township, expi s the railway terminus very suddenly on Friday morning 1 ico, a very large freight- Ilia death is supposed to have resul nt ed st. ew Me. ed ess f this kidd was clone. The from sunstroke or congestion of the br in, reight has gone with it. meereag. brought on by exposure to the shn in he as assed on, however, and this business re ver -Mr. Ernst Kiesig, boot and- shoe than average c ws„ bu maker, Mitchell, has absconded. His when turned loose a estate as been thrown into insolvenhy. His ilities will be in the neighbor- nd pick up th ir livin he 'ag; was rowed from honest people iu he in riv•t tow! nd neighborhood, for which there e 031 the was n security. wagens . -J hn Lynch, aged about 19 ye he road and a n of Mr. Thomas ' Lynch, d before • works n the Grand Trank at Mitch ose and had o e of his feet so badly crushed quite a • the w eel of a passing car, that amp ffee an Nevnitieldhie I tion 1 as found necessary. The , knee. waste en off about six inches below exicans and monkeys ca: three re smalls ' incaut ow of the used ' t larger ay sid he dra ers too carry t and ei t and sleep by NOthi g is so common 11 exican traiu. Th an ing 'in a line along e oxen ill be turned 1 little ays off, makin about little fire co their trong black c Euor ns, and ht, Con very le ia • s the expenses 'dering the dist is are the last rein ins of the " hu „ which a few ye rs age did all t 0115 than 15 years a o all the. frei f -I west of he ,Mis ouri river was ox teen s. and 11 the passer) was don railway bull t g• and cro it at to to are fon )Ie valley 1 to tain pr to izon is le, At the as Peak, i he the sou nee trav- wh n an tram his la ehae:r .14:adgiN• enrli eifeegaa .i.-1-18414gtstis entirely supeiseded the me t2 era back on t moan- Bri tains au 1 td New Mexico and But, o return to oar journe through Sonth lPueblo, up the are on hat is deflect the ife8cr land.' hiS is the prettiest p town, a a is wifere the finest d. It Overlooks the t eloiv, and commands a spect. iThe whole we -i• tteme right or north r s sum it ca,pped with the way, an as along the rc ad o ple should 01118 able time I ou them. On he conclusion, I public sta e, try people, in la ✓ to wait, came to ing befor me one f a UR - 0111 100 mi have t conditi ontana. an rs, ho by ta- leg the Canadian from Prescott was the ay robbed of $75, by a gang of ardanonte men at Detroit. He ously exposed the roll of moiley, ue of the gang snatched it f out d and made off, while the ot ers ine until the scoundrel was out t formation received at Ott o the belief that the disp ea ihe French fishermen on foj Newfoundland have - V settled between the Govern - of• Great Britain and France. All t rial rights on shore belong to the a who undertake to preserve law order ; but French fishermen ry- wa ted the een 18 , we pass be all wed to use the beach lines for horillt'abanled- ing tiAiht.the examination of the Galt rt of the le ate Institute held recently, M esidenees Jia lantyne, son of Mr. Thos. Ballarat wn in the M, P. .P. Stratford, took high bo as 'done every year he has be ine !noun- as tern hor- at ance at the institute. He ob Dufferin brenze medal for ge n range. ed s Pike's pr snow, at an ruggecl, and many places Streak - silver white, indicating snow. a at uebl we are nearly 2o om the eare t point of the range, 60 miles fr in Pike's Peak, and art of the prospect s erns more r .10 miles away. For more than es down the Arkans riatversowmee e same prospect, an ns of iiihe atmosphere he apper- fic lole ne, ors, n in ain- eral ow along on till on his breast, for a distance eet. He was picked up uncons nd the doctors have poor hopes eco v cry. --There has been much talk in ax, Nova Scotia, over a peculiar ent case. The -wife of a high c ngth of e herb esday of ut into , the lake. Fortunately they ere observed by some person on the ler, and. two men took a small boat and ent to their rescue, at considerable risk. fter a ,ring pull they succeeded. in eking the boat in tow, and rescued he children, they having suffered only - -At otliwell races on Dominic) Day ne of th running horses bolted in the !I of Canada, made up qf Cillop, s n of the Reeve of Aldboro!, on ' in fact almost any p Tame but a bank tel - he breaSt wi h its, knees, bearing hiin ler would readily sept it. Mr. Cam - the greund, and with the force it had eron, the manager o the bank here, in- ttained Whil ruuning, slid the poor fel- fornas us that they ve refused payment he gtound with its knees of quite a number o bills of their own, f 151 bank with pieces miesing, and also one ious,: of the Bane of Moatreal made up in a f his; similar manner to I the one- mentioned above. It appears Same wretch /3 mak- all- ing a business of ;this sort ;of -thing, Iope-11 and we would warni the public to be untyll I careful. Our cont poraries Would be official, living upwards of a hu idrect ; rendering the publip a service by copy - miles from the city, the mother of fam-; I bag this. 1 ily, and 50 years of age, ran 'away from] -a-Mr. James Cronibie, of Preston, for - her home -with a law student under 201: merly of Galt, and.Well known by many yeara of age. They came to Halifax and , in Seaforth, went into his mill -race at in ; t then went- t Dartmouth, wherel they; 11 P. M. pn Friday, with his foreman, hired a dwell g, and have been livin I to bathe. The latter ewam a.croils the for ae week. The furniture was etolen i mill-ra;ce and looked round for Mr. Crony - from the husband's house in the conntry. 1 bie, but could not see- him, but, noticing He cameto town the other evenina and ; by the water that he bad sunk, dived, ' . and brought him up. On reaching the captured the truant wife. --All the railroads passing di ectlY bank Mr. - Crombie walked. home and through the Western portion o tho ; felt pretty -well for A couple of hours, but Province', appear to be running their 1 after that time he turned ill, and a doc- trains at racing speed. The othe day' $ tor was eent for. 'tit he was beyond re - the Caneda Southern Railway eXpress •I covery, and died a i p A. m., in his 58th made the trip from Detroit to Bu 'al° in year. In 1867 Mr. Crombie contested unprecedented. time, which was maielf Soath 'Waterloo ia opposition to Mr. diately beaten by an express o the Isaac Clenaens, bnt was then defeated. Grand Trunk. Now we hear of a special * For many years heIdccupied a seat at -the on the Oreat,Western imitating the rive!, Council Board at Galt, and was honored roads- They left Suspension Bridge 4 as one of its most pushing and enterpris- 4:57 P. M., and, after making Severall ing citizens. stoppages, which consumed 48 minutes,' ', -A person who went from Dundas re- arrived- in London at 7:37, doing 11 - cently to Manitoba;, sends back the fol - miles in two hours and 30 minutes. ' lowing list of priees showine what it -At a meeting of the London Divisioili , costs to live in that Province of our Do - Grange, ;Patrons of Husbaralry, held laSt . minion : Milk, 10e pet quart ; oatmeal, alked as rope spanning the - Niagara great depression. Th extraordinary re - ver, a dieter* of 750 feet across 1mm ! ductions of traffic rates on the leading ie American to the Canadian side di" trunk lines of railwa , have enabled the ctly over theNiagara Falls rapids, 200 i Western producers to flood the Eastern et below the Suspension Bridge. She markets with lumber at ruinously low aceful start, walking the entire rates, with which Ottawa lumber cannot the lope in the most approved possibly compete except et a sa.crifice. It ing style in a few minutes. is not likely that the -low freights will be - map girls got into a boat in long continued, but the markets of the r at Port Dalhousie, on -Wed- East will be stocked. in the meantime, last week, and by some mis- and serious injury &Me to Ottawa trade. nt of the boat rapidly drifted Affairs in that city at as dull as maybe, though 'manufacture is [still proceeding extensi:Vely. Those! hc have to sell do so at very low prime while those who are able' to hold Stock anticipate better prices and a speedy revival of the --The Parkhill Oz •tte gives the fol - r. lowing !: We were 01 own the other day pieces of 8 different y pasted together, ea week, the scheme of organizing a Gran er Maniafacturing Company, upon t co-operative principle, with capital $100,000, in Shares of $10, was taken u ency ; first prizes for Fr nch , and. discussed. Most of the speake e for cla.ssics, English and mithe- preferring tol accept the offer of manufa . --The report of the Public Scho In- spect r for Waterloo County, states that petent, inefficient and indlilent v flour, $3 50 per cwt., and during the f 1- winter it was $7 per' cwte; potatoes, . $1 50 per bushel, and, other things in 8- ite7P:asrti:nritt:efteort7,8 Lija srtioe in:isk7a14:2Prlieo: turers, and inducing, greater unity and 1. ity, and when one,is found it is kept as co-operation among members before a - such. Carpenteraget per day, Board tempting to carry out the scheme pr is $5 per week. Bad bowies rent for $15 posed. +The oil monopoly was also di I Ood houses for $25 cussed, and the course by which Ciran ers residing next door to oil wells, a compelled tai pay more for their oil tha Europeans, severely condemned. A corn- mittee appointed will, in all probabilit shortly wait on the refiners to aacerta what can be done about it. The qu tions of substituting township for seeti 11100 teac The humber of teachers employed was 15 --males, 89 ; females, 64 -and the av rage salary paid was : males $444; toh, Waterloo, Williamsburg, Maple Beechvale, Branchton and. Ay rs are being gradually weeded out. - per month, middling - per month, end g houses cannot be e had. Town lots in Eilierson sell at from. n $100 to $150 eae.h.,j some on the outakitts can be had for $50. This summer AwO churches are to be built -one Ohara. of sn- E--ntglhenn-Ciformander taamcP6 fiEtPteml,IPa001, .1thlectilla°6s4;