The Huron Expositor, 1876-06-30, Page 44 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Chane,ery Sale -ll. MacDernaott. Morgan Cradles -Wm. Robertson & Co. Harvesting Tools- Johnson Brothers./ Hurrah for the Centennial -T. O'Connor. Boot Lost --Alexander Munn. A Rare Chance -E. Hickson & Co. Half -Yearly Clearing Sale -G. Dent. Farm -for Sale in Hullett-A. Strong: Tenders Wanted -William J. Shannon. Two Teachers Wanted -John Shaw.' • t 0 THE H N 1EXPOSITOR. ly the Conservatives deemed it un& vis - able to place a eandidate of their ow ; in the field. They, however, tried the ext best thing. They made A bold attetn t to : , createa rupture in the Reforlin ta ks, I and secure the election of a tort of alf- ' and- half or nottlescript, in the pets n of 1 a Mr. McMillan, who hacl A sort of I hankeringfor political life. In South Wellington the temperance eleinerit is : pretty strong, and, as isnot unusual?. the 1 case, the rnipbrance Rie ormers ar sin- ing to place their political princiP1 is in subserviency to th ir temperance p tem ati eere an onscien ious men w o are wi - It Olt Xf00/i d t• h '11 SEAPORTS, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1876. Political Notes: A fierce political battle is just now be- ing waged in South Ontario, between Mr. J. D. Edgar on the one side, and Hon. T. N. Gibbs on the other. These gentlemen, however, although the osten- sible figure heads, seem almost to sink oat of sight in the smoke of the struggle. The honorable Premier, the Treasurer, and the Postmaster -General have taken the stump in aid of Mr. Edgar, while Dr. Tapper and a host of lesser Conser- vative lights of the Tom White stamp are doing duty in behalf of Mr. Gibbs. Taking into consideration the heat 'of the pies, while ith; tives are too Censer ance totaket�hepli tion tce this elemen any Reformers , w1 ists. Mr. Guthrie, L bind e on these que tie ence the tempera Pro- tectionisf Ref quite satisfied with tives satis- bina- am- idate pport e of the o a f co rsue s, eran e Consery e to now tempt co. In ad a good Protectio eclined to tious con a conseq rs and. the e not jut e Consery slight di •cting a con ses, and th out a can mise to s , or alms any - could semi p the ate. Thai: ar all me apPea ances at Mr. G)thrie but this, li e alltn 'lances, wa des - The Teranee c mers by egrees polit e AT e als rse, a =fa nd a e Reform rine we him T wishing to pri fit b 'thi faction, sueceLded in eff tion with these tw cla algamated forces s ugli who was Willing t pr prohibition or pro ectib d he ndi' l e god, ly ved. efe himself toIp weather, wo sincerely pity the people of thing else, pr vid South Ontario. Such political (bees as honor of bein a c they are now havin,g dealt out to 'them, went well + and fo would be almost sufficient to exasperate seemed tO iTdica a less patient and long-suffering people. would have ppos We are told by the daily papers that nu - other similar unit( merous largely attended meetings are be- ing held, and addressed daily by the above mentioned dignitaries. Accord- ing to the Globe the meetings are all strongly in favor of Mr. Edgar and the Government party, and Mr. Gihbs and • his friends have scarcely a ghost of a chance. The Mail, on the other hand, With equal eattnestness, assures us that Dr. Tupper and Mr. White carry every- thing before them, that Mr. Mackenzie and Mr. Cartwright are nowhere in the presence ef these mighty intellectual and political giants, and that Mr. Edgar is sure to be sent home to Toronto a sadder but wiser man, and the Grits Will be at ence and forever wiped out in South On- tario. Of course, at this distance from the scene of action, it is impossible to say which of these truthful organs giVe the most correct account. of the situa- tion of affairs. There is one thing which we may very safely say.: either of them, or perhaps both of them, must be ec- onomical of the truth. But, entirely aside from the extremely partizan reports of these journals, and- taking such a fair and independent view of the position as an outsider is able to do, we would say that the issue is exceedingly doubtful. In sporting parlance, it would not be safe to bet heavy -odds on either side. Mr. Gibbs is a local man of considerable influence and wealth, but of meagre ability. He occupied a seat in ; Parlia- meut for several years, and, although he was awarded. a seat in the cabinet by Sir John, for whieh honor he had to thank the extreme scarcity of material, rather than his own native or acquired talent, he failed to develop any particular char- acteristic other than a most slayish sub- serviency to the will of his political lord and master. But, as wealth too fre- quently begets local influence, and the two combined are almost invariably esteercied higher. than ability by the ma- jority of people, Mr. Gibbs may be con- sidered a strong candidate. Mt. Edgar, en the other hand, is a person of un- doubted. abilityrand is well.versed in the politics of the country; he is ,an able speaker, and has. the additional advan- tage of having as a predecessor a member of the same party, but he has to face the disadvantages of 'being a lawyer, a non- resident, comparatively unknown in the constituency, and probably what is the worse of all, he bears the reputation of being A sort of political adventurer, who is over :anxious to get into Parliament. In view of these facts, none on either side should be too sanguine as to the re- sult of the election. We had almost for- gotten to say that as there is a large manufacturing and artizan vote in the constituency, both candidates are • load protectionists. The contest in North Ontarie is almost entirely hid frcm view, by the dust be- ing raised in the neighboring constitu- ency. Mr. Fraser and Mr. W. II. Gibbs are left to run their little show by them; selves, being assisted only by a few local . guns. From the character of the con- stitikencyr the result in this election is equally as doubtful as in South •Ontarie. At the last election Mr. W. H. Gibbs the present Opposition candidate, was defeated by the late member, hut before that, the -constitueedy had -been repre- sented by a Conservative. Mr. Fraser is said to be an intelligent, shreWd busi- ness man, ancl is a resident of the con- stituency, while his opponent is an out- sider, and has little to recommend him. During the short time he occupied a seat in Parliament, he distinguished himself only as a meek imitator mid follower of lus "big broth.er." Should North On not avail itself of his services, there will not be many, even of his ,own party, who will be sorry. In South Wellington, Mr. . Donald Guthrie, the Reform candidate, is having pretty smooth sailing, and he is ,now al- most sure of eleetion by acelanaatien. A alight breeze sprung up a few days ago, but that has subsided, and thet political sea of South Wellington is calra and un- ruffled once more. The constituency is overswhelminglyReforrn,aud cops; equisent • tined to be s and Protecti got their eye little genie that them by Ltheir they bolt d.1 As Mr. Mckill nTpu forming the pub ic, any reaBons tha he from the bontest. An to get ati optositi n ca ig nse ir a ✓ in hou rotectionist Re d about electro ✓ zeal for tem ad tnem to bee ort -1 inist ope ed as nse res lish present wax riay cease. .The patty a few d ys ago discharg nloyees from shopa at Jeree from lack of tetreuch 'nen i ADVERTISI ihing in adv the banks of of the Gla.sge rented the e noon, which the Clyde, a ting the na d perceiv eing playe waive alli It of this d a polite ithout as had wit so the, didate fin s. omintously We vatives of South] tion. et w genuity t thi d be a wa •mg t ormer times crane me th The at dem ibitio matir nmen Were .= Mac estinieis advice, ve pat: - named. ief un- . Mr. ; 11 Wellingten don't blame Wellington rather admi ethe little transartion Temperance: and to be on their gua, and not 'allow the or pret tiole to 1 failed he 0 or th teet long. d. the with si and burst; ard in- igning drawn tempt South ork, but from n of expenses.,,,„ u AT,LE.Nonf. rtfsenient is to he Clyde. The News, a Tory j tate of Bullwoo es sloping on d on the turf th e of the paper NEEDING ittarr.--At a mee ago ministe s it was agree loody shou d begin revival ser hat city in etober. He sit d wo years ai 1 two Months he ha d an acorn e of our sermon a he felt that e ought to have if it was tho ght berit he woul atonce. n Cam- dim etruoi eetYo A: *ghtful eeenion prrirs u rn l,rDu- heua.. he frith of re cut - 1 tters 70 111 dupes of thgir pol tical opponent are just as likely, more likely,' to s and suedi protecti require/ from the now in 'powler, as. Government hea donalcl:to assume of this country. we do �o all the tially belong to t . Another victim dei det the Diiminio McNab, the mem been unseated agents. 04 the e to the en°, It vaca Dr- M ted, a Mr. J t stic ' Wile ; McNeal) loses the fight the old battl i be hoped t. at in friends . wili be last elbetioln he h he could wily hi the aid Of brib Should he gain s little doul t, is aside from politic oonsiderecl in oleo gaily, he i by fa the constit ency tion of Pa' liamen Macdo alcl. ship ofi On to fill: th position to was c nte andi in fact a g cur both pro n a the Count Re orm Goye het would be ed y Johnl con rol of_the n giving this or freely, ar e second'ela s has come to Election er for Glenga ry, ha ecause of briery b ovation of ,M . D. Lieutenant G # verno r. McNab wa: electe •cy so mute in o Milian. The lectio d, by the cie sion n on Monday est, M seat and will have over again 1tis the 'next ,ele ion, h ore discreet. In t d a, large mato Ay, a e 'I been el ecte # witho ry. His re- g,lectio and, of which there -ee rta in ty. Entire , which are n t mu in contest "n Gle the most it man a EX-SPEANER LAIN]. - State Rep blican, Convent mends the a pointinent of fill a probe le vacancy in from that State. The ex-Spe suffering frail exheustion, a Mans imperitivelyi order res of air. CENTEN1tL MDS1C FOR TH er. Wendell Hol of welcome to a hiladelphia du nes on July 4th. ian hymn °iered by Dom duction at Philadelphia on arrrived, and is in the hands more. CRIME, REPENTANCE, AN A tramp, giting the name of assaulted Men. Mary Bullo sport, Me., Ion Tuesday. lethedist pmye JULY. -t-Oli ten a hymn be sung at niel ceremo went into a took part On being a will die. _AD ULTERYI CONF.ISSED BY A -At L business Meeting of vent Church, Lowell, Mass Pettefaceeife of the pastor presented charges of adultery, lying againtt herthusband. A at once waited upon the ace was taken I by surprise, conf -truth of the charges, and th t h mitted adultery vtith a nuts in He resigned his pastorate tian ministry. MRS, TilltorsarMrs. Til living now., SI seems to one of the dntire set who is and stoned. Theodore ea cash. by the te a r be he on r. th ke d h an es in •nt edr uly of oh k, ea n tbg devotio al 'este, he cut b s t vailable for he posi- • , th ve. represen dive. News 0 the Weelf. A DEAR IW HIST ti -Rev. H• \ ' . Beee er's salary is fiiea for next yea at $ 000. 1 Mn. SP RGEON. The Rev. r. Sp) geon writs that e e will visit t e Unit States in the autu le xi. - A LADY' BACHE GR. -Min a Oli took the d, ree of 1:# 4helor (?) of Divini at the Co - mence 'ent of Bot'n Th logical Se ool A f-" weeks ago. :11er o tion was elatitled `0 ristian E terpris its Field •1nd Rewi ri., SCOTL D YE 1.r Scotland as _ w the Inter ational Iti e Chall . n trop :at Edinbufrgh, for ;eh Scot4b, !Engli and Irish teams c ne teted. ' ' TERME; E SLA G ITER. - A : tern maseacre , f Chri ti ns, by Tur 's, is ported fr tu Bulg n . Many ieople both sexes and al a es were slit Iglater villages hid west nd genera tdevas tion. 1, Toltetilsiont a CESSION, phia is arranging oi an immen light procession o t e evenie Brazil will be se en ded. in the corse of h :thou:Ie:t.- ii "n in , treu s new �i atlettsbiir ed i ately after A SHOWMAN 1 the showMan, is appurtenances o seized for' debt i few days ago,ina ance. 1.) BURNE TO I) Carty ahd fou burned by a k ,at Ogdensburg, mother and one clay. A BRA. "-E la of the S eriff o playing c oquet a prisone atte chalantl liftin on the h ad, jus 1 brother him till t ed him. RAILR AD PEACE. Sever ern are r porte with the view promise leetwe ward froi tha 11 ATH. -Mrs, L children w ro ene lamp aturday eta - daughter die • ' t- : 1 OL th f t • • le e - of cl, a- lthiladel- e tor h- ' f Jul 3, peror of , an Pi e, le. he •eus w re , Ky., a perfo m- 0 able cotnpe ency and is so ized by his lectures. tient er scoops i a thousand d llare at a time. man is tur ed out to live t e b dan. A CRISD4 .-A cris affairs seen' s near. Princ Mi elated in rEply to Engla,n s i for peace t}at it is now to lat his only ch ice is revoluti n o vian troopij are being plac cl i for hostilit es. The repo ts wonted sta e of excitemen p Constantin ple are Contra ,ict despatches A WARipNG.--An e ch "All over the land wom n their babi s from nut= b ,white rub er tops. T e 'used in bl athing rubber is and deadly poison -white ox cu ry :and indred drugs an stant mum ling and chetin prepated p aces a child's ife Paralysis as been caus d • many a ba y dies in cons qu use. •A F ench mother or victed of L stting one to a b fined 20 fr nes or impriso m andto sell one in France is demeanor. Not rOl Se LE. -Mrs. is now in Sydney, Nel whence sh writes to a Francisco s follows : of Chi - at Mr. ices in hat for preach - ay, and st ; but n work Maine recom- laine to Senate is again PhYsi' change URTH OF as writ - tient), to. Centen- e Brazil- for pro - 4th has . S. Gil- ICIDE. - Seavey, n Buck- terwards ting and xercises. teat and RGYMAN. 2nd Ad- rs. hi. R. e church, buse, and ommittee sed, who ssed the had com- a employ . nd the chris- , on sews for a be the; only tro den ;down ns respect - hat lion rd Beech - d hundred e poor we- ' st way she it, and point out the graves of soMe o their dead. John Bright, in response to an invitation, says he deeply regrets that the state of his health will ptevent his attendance. WGLVEs F RANCE. -It 18 estintate that there are no less than two tho san wolves in France, which destroy 30, sheep a year, besides obliging the farm ets to keep 20,000,000 sheep in folds, in stead of letting them run in the fields an woods, as in England and America. Th wolves, it is said, are very cunning. pack will range themselves all on on Ride of a fold. The sheep naturally hud 0 d th suc force across the fold that they ofte knock down the barriers which Prete them. A MIXED Fatima -The folio told by the Los Angeles (Cal.) R can: "There is a family in this with nine varieties of children. husband and wife have each been ni twice before, and had one child al former marriage, which makes fou ten, each one having different p The present. wife's former husban each been married before, leaving by their former wives, which naa children of different parents. Th ent husband's two former wives h previously married, leaving eac child, making eight of different p The present husband and wife b marriage have one child, making n living and no two having the sa rents." EASTERN AFFAIRS. -The prese of affairs in the East may be epit as follows : The Servian army is a getting in readiness to take up a gic position on the frontier, but , with belligerent intentions or me its prestige, to aid thC•overn ditlomatic negotiations is yet un Servia is l to be warn ed by the E Powers that if she begins a w Turkey, even neutrality towards not be observed, much leas can pect assistance. Meanwhile Co nople is in a state of premonitory ness. The early downfall;of the Government is predicted unle adopt a more decided attitud Sultan's palace is strictly gua pickets of cavalry, foreigners ar ing their families, and the press jected to the severest censorship. DEA.TH OF yrs GLASGOW SHIP me -A brief telegram annonn death, at the age of 85, of Ro pier, the head of the well -know gow shiPbuilding firm &Robert & Sons.: The son of a Drimbasto smith, he started out in life so-called advantages save a go d so education and a, large capital of 'Scot energy. He worked with his father some years, became afterwards a our man millwright in Edinburgh, and 1815 started business for himself in Glas- gow, with a capital -after payine for his shop and fixtures -of just :C5. acl- ually extended his business i ron founding, engineering, &b., and 23 made his first venture into that ch of his trade -which ultimately b so successful in his hands -the bu • of mat•ine,machinery. He and his ave since fitted up the machinery o ral of the best known boats in the ish navy, Flitch as the Duke' of W the Black Prince, and the He sides constructing steam; rams a plated ships for foreign Govern. 4 WIFE IN DEMAND. --Six M a young woman, about 18 age, was found guilty of bigamy dee, Scotland, and sentenced ,monthir imprisonment. Her having: expired, her methen, brothers and sisters, and i a few of her first husband, all of w come from Glasgow, were at of Dundee prison in a cab, w coney the girl to her firet husb resides in G-lasgow. The secon a burly mason, belonging to Du also, waiting with a few :friends an who had suffered so sev ylng him. On the youn her appearance, she wa • seized by each of the pa made strong efforts to get pos her.' She seemed inclined to secondl lord and master, whose p ea the stronger, and the away, leaving only her- estion of her friends from OMEN AND TEMPEilANCE: International Te peranc ssembled at Philadelph =rry re ba explos ing. on S 0- ly: on he u - LE GIRL. -Th .daughter n the jail-yar I, noti ed Waupaca, is., whilc pting to escap a,nd non - her inallet sh as if e had aught cheat' g, an e gua, d dame up and , DIEGOT4 western railw toi be in New bringing also the roads lea city, in orde 0:111 hit been stu ;e -cap iNG OR m ag- ork ity a cem- g west - that the im er ed Ur" . Sc 5 fri 0 here are ve y flattering. M old friends are lavish .of th and attenti n. • I made b d May 13. remarkably ha Islander to k a great ad ira and ,Wante to buy me ent lord nd aster. to give six bunches of change." 1 SuERIFF AS§AULTED. Craivford dounty, Illinoi of the 23td inst., Di sheriff, entered the jail prisoners, swhee he was a boni, a mat who was co fin der. The isheriff ,graspe t and the ttvis struggled. Th ceived vety severe inj murderer, but held to hi screp,nas of his wife brou lit citiiens to his assistanc took a rope and immedi tel prisoner to a tree until he He begged for tespite, b t t there was to time. Th in a very desperate man. e THE CENIPENTN-IAL,-F at the Centtennial met o to consult pi regard to ob the Goverement an ab te stringency Of the present cu tions. The trouble is ha exhibitors den see any p rti voice, they I must pay du y o representing A committee was appoint d, wr the States; Canada,uss a, Austria, th Switzerland, Ireland, S ed adj land, to coiifer with the Sec etary of the Treasury. 1 The _feeling on the matter A Good Templar on the S tua runt high. I Some of th e hibitors are ; Again. thriatenil to close a d leave unless , the are relieved. ec pts at the I To tile Editor of du? Huron, po8iLor. exhibition 1 011, Saturda 'amounted to I Sin: I again take the liberty to d8k a 13 an A ; 4 ret • dietogether at the other extremity a sudden the wolves dart round, a terrified sheep rush in a body with 11 n Eastern an has de- tercession , and that War. Ser - readiness of an un- evailing in d by later nge says:: re feeding Wei with reparation; a lierrible de a men; the con - rubber so in danger. •y it, and nee I of its nurse, con- y's lips, is t 10 days, grave nus- tt Siddons uth Wales, nd in San r prospects husband's ir kindness but here on &some Fiji ion for me+ my pres- as willing nas in exe Robinson:, the night Henderson, ock up the ked. by Ose d for , mule e prisoner, sheriff re - it from the until the a crowd of he citizens heng the was dead. ey told hina rderer was n exhibitors onday last, aining from ent in the tome regale - before the n of an in - the whole. n and Eng - e 11 • rng publ tow Th arrie eac chil reh Ls ha chil es s pre be ren . th s ne, 11 e 0 • t sta miz tuaI stra heth ely ent ertai rope wi er we x- sten i- unea urk• sh s they . he v- b- 11 11 0 11 te, We have tried moral suasion and h been successful in some cases, but in n out of ten those drunkards brought wi in the temperance fold have returned hike theesow that was once washed. to their wallowing again in the mire. We wo lid like very well to save those men who re so unfortunate as not to be able to leave it alone, and restore them again to family, and society without encroaching on the supposed rights of Mr. " Tuckersmith " and those who think as he does. Per- haps he could in his far seeing Wisdbm and sagacious knowledge devise some plan for thus doing. If he can we would be much obliged for the information., I believe you might as well try moral sua- sion to induce a hungry dog to leave his bone as to lead men -to give up their +up who have become habituated it, to he , -appetite is so strong. • Perhaps Ir. " Tuckersmith" could afford to do with- out the widows, as he insinuates, of 'de- ceased drunkards, as they are left with- out means, if so slisposed, to buy any more liquor. I believe that the majority of those engaged in the traffic of rum lifen.. ing care not what becomes of the rum drinkers' families if they can secure t ' eir money, and they are chum good fellows if they have the chines, but if -they have none, the outside of the house is ood enough for them,' let it be ever st) storiny. A business that! will thtis destroy f,the finer feeling of a man's soul is dangerous to the seller as well as to the buyer. View the business from Whatever stand point you may, it has no redeeming featiire. The "Old Gun" that a few million dol- lars can compensate for all the evils low- ing from the use of alcohol, but the :all - wise being says that the loss of one soul cannot be compensated for by gaining the whole world.But agaitst those eight 3 millions derivable as a revenue, we ave to place an offset of over seventeen mil- lions of lost 'abet tor the country by those who drink to excess, and in addition'add to that the salaries of jailers, shetiffs, hangmen, officials of penitentiaries,'asy- lums and the support of their inmate and I may say without exaggeration that seven -tenths of the expense thus incurred is directly or indirectly attributableto rum drinking. Just think of a Go ern- ment spending over $100,000 of bur m ney to build an asylum to reform linebi ates and then, in the face of that, lice sing men to make them. Why not remove the cause and then the effect will case? Is there any sense in dabbling with t e effect by stringent laws, and lettm e cause blow on ? I like to see the p nc ple manifested by the late Colonel Nine who stated that although he indulged it somewhat himself, yet he was vvillig. to forego its use to save others. • Th s shows nobility of soul. HoW di t with " Tuckersmith." He howls t . pitiously of "Tyranny worse than e Spanish Inquisition,' of " Tenfpe an men sticking their noses into otherpe ple's business," and other scurrilous r marks. He sap) that men in potiti use it. But does that justify thel, ac Men holding executive power have ni the blood of innocent women and chil ren flow down the streets. Did:' th justify the act? I have seen ful physicians such inebriates tha _ y could scarcely ever meet with them sober; I could give you names by the dozen of doctors, lawyers, judges,ministers,eta men, artizans, mechanics, and in f . of men in every position of life, dettr ed soul and -body, by the cause. • Th ke ne ded rem is s Btu es ert Na bia ith be a- as- ier k- ew Ltd ish for ey- 1t1 Ivo mar ma, atel in pro her pos me 's tion 120 inst. During the day the time prieciPally occupied by busine s ma such as reading reports, electio of cern, 'U.. A session 'was he i rj. eveni g, at which thenew uni an organization, and w ich w to temperance orations terspersed with singiu of Near, York, and the lady Speakers were EchnlJurgh ; ' Miss Fr to in 1 bra cam ldin ns sev En llin 14 tore be- d i ents nths ear at to sent vith rela om the itini nd, hus dee, for •'rely wo hii ties, essto favo rty, ha onne lasg The Co a o e 01 It was un church be bu was immedi of influentia, e,ommittee push forwar on - ago of UR - six nce her ives had ate to ho a,nd was the for an edi- ho of her too, tied in w. 10 0- von - the was ters offi the n m t as s de.; oted y the adie + in by M s. C ark, uell fataily. The rs. Wi Isto d, of MI§ Vi.,'illar of Chicago ; Mrs. J. Foster, of Iowa; ;Ira Yoentans, of Canada, and Mother • tew- art/ as that venerable lady is cane by meinbers of the Union. Th spe ches were all far above the average o fem nine oratory, that of Mrs. Youma s in par- tici:dal' being hailed With con tar; ap- plause • and the large audi ughl up to the highest pi slum long before the la ournment, nee : was ch of en - hour of ion • 12,553 50, rnal i rep y to 114ESEN*TION .-A t an old gun." I participated its the prese him t at i ' the memoration vase to M •pint actuatedme to w le, s he len Bryant :in Picker ts, I could make a prett sh w of York, on the evenin eduction, competed as i f in inst., in !honor of th ions, and denials with out e.dovv and , persons ion of a coat- Villia,m Cul - Hall, New the 20th Oth annivet- ase had not its presente- e marvel Of 1 workman - resided aed e poet, who f speech, re- t. The vase ennial, • The k hands with little pace in your jot th 4 "New shot from gimp' wish to inform sarne exhib his p sinlua of a, nathat think ou ta 10 ng sary of birth. T proof. I have made been exhibited prior but what are pa tion, but it was found t ng world; and ehich ca beauty of ideslign and s ship. Ret: Osgoo presented! th vase' to acknowledged; it in a plete with. feeling and will be Kent to the audience filed: past and s the venerable Poet. I • • FOURTH OF ;JULY IN America residents of ti are prep ring to celeb Fourth o July by a di jority of ; the English were invited have dee ley, in reply to an invi ten a letter saying that of his wife prevents his any public afeeir of a 1 expresses his Farm s If on the Fourth of Jul here des** to visit We he will be happy to cond • il ta ri en EN a 11 no ed. at th LAND.—The on, England, the corning r. The ma- bilities who Dean Stan - on, has writ recent death icipating in nature. He hy, and says y Americans tmenster Abbey, ct them through e: a 13 pa 18 hes • • no nt ot b trove ted by the most , subtle irgu I dvonld say once for all that, -wh hie views are with resPect to t e a of levidenee he has given in fa or o modetate use of alcoholin any o its f he has failed, as far as I kno of vincing any one of its utilit man that assumes the prer gati Histaltor, and goes so far as the Chief Justice of Ontario i the sympathy he has for the tmp move ent to make falte state ent retpe t to the calander of �rinle, is o saying anything withou a v of :evidence to support it. But the subject is of too mu auce to spend any more time • to " Tuckersinith" or his That something should. be do e to the okivvard progress of the t e tstipperance is evident to a bu best way is a question not e ily s 3 7 •nimously resolved that a ilt, and the sum of $1,400 tely Subscribed. A number geutlexnen were appointed collect subscriptions and the work. -The L &now DrivingPark has -• heti:with Dr, eCtimmon, get' CAM, Vice President 'lle, Secretary- A thirty h a mile track has been se, been estab President; Jas. Somer acre park sesi cured. ' -The sal very brisk, the reduction of 10 cents pee barrel on Sainaw salt having its effect upon prices.: Freights are still low, and charters have been made to Chicago at 70 • cents per ton. -Mr. He Grey, on Tu three lambs, ed a fleece pounds. -Mr. Joh Brussels House, Brussels, purposes mow sing the present building back thelot, bus tiess in Coderich is not ry Buttery, Let 23, COIL 12, sday of last week sheared from each of which he work - weighing three end a half Parker, proprietor of the -ere MO • 11 9 s- et y - se were all once in that envious position of moderate drinkers, never dreaming.wh setting out on that road environed w perils that such an end was to be het Many of those died of delirium tr me having a foresight of their 'future in seeing spectres of the most h characters. These men to whom ence is made were not mean me most of them neble fellows when der the influence of strong chink. there is no evil in taking rum mod there is certainly danger of the m minent kind. would_rather say not drink than it or I can leave i continued by so and buildin brick hotel Parker. --Base a handsome three-storey n the front site. Good for Ball club has been organized in the,village of Ethel, township of Grey, with 'the &lowing officers k Clemens Frelick, emitter, ; Nathan Travis, Secretary; Vm, Spence, Umpire- The club will go by the name of Ethel Red Ca-Pskt the nnual me,eting a the Can- ada Presb terian, congregation, Wrox- eter, the embers presented their es. teemed pas or, ,Itev. Geo. 13rown, with the hands° e sun of $S1 as a token of their appre iation of his valuable ser vices. v. Go. 13odle, who for the past few years as ministered. to the Bible Christian d nomination of ,Brussels and neighborho d, lately received a call to Barry, Ohio, and on Monday last, he and played at his_faAmbilaysel fbialic•Irmthaattchpoiwnats. p Brueefield n rtiday last, between the club of that place and that of Clinton, resulting, a hours and latter club -Some f of Clinton cut their h 11 tit s. e, US r- ut n - if ly re ke to lid is ry m- an • ge Ete ds ot • ry 68- re - 111 de i ref e ot So rat st i T d oastingly say I can t alone. There is a Omit e which is a disgrace the community. , That is of passing aro the accursed stuff at funerals. : T custom ought to be denounced by ev christian man and woman in the c munity. How a faithful minister look on at such a proceeding and hbld tongue, I cannottell,only in the 14gu it of Scripture, "They are dumb 'do. I have seen me with crape hat : ba on, as drunk as they could be, return from the funeral of a relative. Des such a state of things call loudly on ev lover of his country to come to the cue and save our country frotn the da ing curse, rum Selling and dritakilng, would like to write more but I must frain. Yours, A Goo') TEMS,A. SEAR:M.1M; June 26, 1676. 1 musimmommoss. Huron Notea. A new grange has been orttan. in Morris Centre, with Samuel' L master. -The temperance peo le of lintel' pic-niced at Bayfield on eclnesday, nd 100 I e ve, spent a pleasant day. -Fishing continues very poor :tn. Bayfielcl fishing district, and must' of boats have left, for the north to tty t luck. -A "An Dedrickson, of 1 Toronto, rived in C-oderich last week to 'ass charge of the editorial departmen of Star, -Mr. C. 'It Scott, the Roth Wingharn, has let sthe contract or erection in that town of a large twos brick residence. -Thomas Greenway, Esq., haPc;' t into partnership with him in his nceessss. at Creditol n, Mr. Zwicker I a tlenaan of meant. We wish: the hIrm il --During a thunder storm ent Su morning, in Goderich, at 6 A. M. a hemlock tree 11 =at the International Works was st ek by lighteing ahd tate- pletely smashed. I o a -The crops in the neighborhoo con- ent. Molesworth, Township of Grey, ha toyer grand appearance, with the exeePtio ount 10 00 Sa b• h • • the rms, con - et a ter a play of three and a half n innings, in a victory for the. 37 One run. I rmers in the neighborhood avo already commenced to y, and find the yield a heavy one -from two to three tons an acre in some placed,. This is earlier in the season for haying than has be,en known for some time. , -At Messrs, Leet and Haywards sec- ond sale of tvillage lots, in Wingham, on Saturday of last week, bidding was not so brisk as at the preview sale, Mr. Thorrington bought three lots, paying $321 for them t N. Griffin, two, $205; M. Linklater, one, $101 ; atidJ. Risdon, one, $124. -It is stated that the Good Template of Blyth, have organized a vigilance corn- mittee whose duty it will be to keep a . sharp look out on the licensed. and un- licensed p blicans in the village and .14 vicinity, an when lam' gement of the law is made, to furnish the Inspector with the necessary evidence on which to found an action, and if possible secure # n. the Bayfield harbor, says a nt; of the Sifinal, is progress - an to show what benefit it will be to the' lace, we may mentionthat a large prOpelter, the Sovereign of the Windsor lme, loaded 14,000 bushels of wheat in 1 t days last week from Messrs. Keys & Ell'ott s and T. S. Mark's store- houses, an this before the dredging is near finish nt ;excursion trip takes place ls. and Winghina to Kinear- tril ion Day. Cheap excite. o e the order of the day lway companies this season. Trunk issues tickets to lis via. Toronto and return of each week, for $4,50 from Tickets are good for four conviction. -Work correspond ing rapidly --A 50 c from Bruss dine on D sions seem with the ra The Gran Niagara F on Monday Seaforth. days. -The ot er evening an unknown man attempted • teal a ride to Wingham by secreting h If behind the tender of a ms train on th Lendon, Huron and Bruce. He was dis ed, and as was given pelted to p fashioned p mare." --On Sailiday last, as Mr. Robert : Emerson, f Clinton, was driving his stallion, Po core, in a sulky through that town, it to k fright at the playing of a hand organ In turtling the sulky, dragging him a few yards, meantime kicking and ,junasing in close proximi to him. itself free f caught bef overed just as the train start - t was going quite slowly, he the grand bounce," and corn- rshe his journey on the old - n of travelling with "shank's and became unmanageable. short around, it overturned hiowing Mr. Etnerson offend he horse managed to kic om the sulky, when it VMS , re any further damage was done. Beyond a few bruises, Mr. Enter- urt, but his eseape was anar. son was u row one. . -Amor respondent t e people of the usually peaceable locality in and about Moles- worth, had • their nicht one day recent - the ly, Donnybrook Fair performance tea the small scale.: ; It seems that sa wrestling de match for $56 a side had been arranged between two I "sports named John Dyer ar. and Henry • ines, On the apponited y e .Dyer failedput in an appearance, and the messengers , ere despatched for him. When he arrived, however, Mines 1)081 of tively refute to wrestle, which caned the some angry ords between Dyer and a rey brother of Mines, which led to blows , and the blood flowed profusely for a time, aen This ends the aff-air for the present. AI- • fitliftoyugpherst,linie.:, resent, etacwoh party ydrgeodt andfair en - u c - day Another Villain Escapes, rge Dr. Andrews keeps a drug store on the 'oan t. th.e corner olf ielinthn and Walnut streets, Buffalo, occilpying the entire building; of and suspicioe havieg been aroused that the doctor wts carrying on other business aside from that of a druggist, his place was on Monday last entered by a detee- tive, who found two young women sick in bed and. two others attends/1i g them. A few question brought out the truth from Alpe ot er te beenhtive haudrrie dye dos- airss to arrest Dr. Audrews, dismay found that the escaped. The house to the statement of a cor- e of fall wheat, which is not more than a ird of a crop on an average. -The amount of cheese in the Brumfield factory fo of May was 13,600 po anu the nds, red m nth the patients. which matted.- let O of brought 9tc., realizing for the: 8sfsamoIrmlLid2t5h7i8,t:rwtea.0 Mr. John W. Phatis for 'the re :awinbpii e etgaahte. d by of $2,100. Christopher Dale, of who recently purchased t r Goderich, at chancery al 131 nth cended the t but to his ker- rascal heal -A meeting of the members of port- Ronaan Catholic denomination in ref rring and vicinity Was held in the reduction. House, Brussels, on Tuesday -ate of last week, to take pre1ininaity towarde the erection of a Rem= a church in Brussels. Rev. Father phy, of Irishtown, occupied the a stay f in- t the olved. Per was searched, but the doctor col not be found. _ At a late hour ent sum the following night it was definitely tod certained that he was safe at Fort Erie. the The two woreen found attending to the ssels patients wee arrested. One of thtm sion gave her nauie as Lavinia Andrews, wife oon teps ole hair. of the doctor, and the other is an eat' ployee, Mary Rogers, from Toronto. The patients themselves were pJaced under the c arge of the Poor One of than is from Canada. Andrews) 1 , • 'ye, WAS -formerly a ps, nottliel alleliftivie °-iiiusinaate"i°of KjiisintistoPanuto rreetireui:ensotsbnatiay, efarYirosu'mesa:'.andevin:::Badatuifibeeffablees:peliwillieciaued:is miluntotetd!ingjivadrweovismanba.gbyprasbeotrtisiedon 71::. e 1 s 0* " I il 1:: 1 lo c clv je 7ahnni °ow: shi se 1 n4 1! ne mailigh' ifratte'eMarP-efa 4,3,.gre,., ilia escape from justice • stat imui. ns pl al Geree en -n- ----- — - ÷4. — —civeiebooenit oso. 011eorttlth:Tr'eesSeat ouscoelanwtneyvta s.ovsefao.r t Getnor be's grave li of ithe b o ks co wistiiithkicoeedil ',toss cut out last autumn Gal ate, htheoositoifi wgrasanitWo howpeir:ceahewased: es,tites left .in each ntaben-atofieith.emosn _ urgent and even imperative . eson against _the y•osmr disinterment wof iaiburia's rribauinwsevbeYr in obedience ' saiatriilleoperagul w abandonedii Itoisseau, the Su rintendent . . Uttittit Canadie ,applied at tin ; .thxof tit..hecenha.qtrFyabuorf:qttitiheee, tbeotuouotbeitaini 0.vie-eardkipedtatri hothterevvel)r,u1-waibeshniii°g*IlltreeetirefuoiStire'vBe faitly and above board waited h permit in due fora*, and to tls.at •1 tpoteutnea.of seeingtwieesubsequently, 80°c1hunqealuieltYtel ,f'1)3ru't1 octsaion that gentleman Was abse Ida second.'visit he WAS prOMiSed a toantWtheri, t tNheexFtadahrtiounehreadtstuorninreig,„ make to his application ; that the edI the 1114i:tut Canadien, anQl0d ntly would neither grant fne him a permit. The block el was tying in . the yard , of Mr.j vaksiloat,iownhoof was eharsarcophagusg ewitwith it Early Tuesday morning four . itrs -men loaded. 'th.e block up nage and conveyed. i around t tain 'to the Roman -Catholic The stone is 7 feet 10 inches to 6 tnehe,s in widths and I feet 9 : les4gh... t and weioht about two tons. 'At 10 o'clock Mr. Rei s petnied by Mt. Boisseau,' pr • the' Roman Catholic cemetery i nage by . way of s. Mount Iloy . etery. On reaching the gro fond the workmen had arrived and were rolling t into its place. They stated th had interfered with them, and o e 'knew what i was on the] as the stone was :eovered by a x. Seen after teaching the g Destoehes the guardian of theC came up and askei if they wers pat it Oall PUibOTa:it grave. Tin 114 the ffilrmative whereupon la - . walked off Without saying more. Interact to ,aseettainthe - ot the Pottland 1 etueut with w oi cefem: had been su rounded) Mts dtivia, to it and. outlet it Impe the I pie and I bearing us of havingbeen tampered with rogood deal of lifting and tuggi istuiter-k:ta ue the tontbstozte was g tetly over the -coffin Snriane as marble tablet WAS I i bedded, bearing t o following in `4: Joe, Guibord, tecede 19 Ne Istioinlieul'w 16 beNin°PplalSee7dVtl% reN1 Canadians tame strolling anal timidly approached the grave. t iag-distance and commettea upo the inscription they with& climstanees. Filially everytiii irluirtioreenedetleopt,,entutiTtbhhoeruliawratzy.lailattthhee.1 nt : i Who Will 1 111 Be FITS I The attention f themarriag *lies of the county of Huron: -spectfulty direc el to the -; 't, vents pOssessed y Mrs. Rohl -wife of a farmer living iu V Territotts, 11. 5,-, who, this sp 10,000 .fettee rails from the mc , alone, put viiee7:5 dr, makes in wheat' Iiii,leotevk,, prepareda.es fine g at det 420 d:nee lt,Ive silliteuht.t °Mseisl; t'htheirall heaiYringgroeheerni livi , 0! four hieoruoithisetehie.eslitidnug,ie_esitiladrirtle we know of A very nice you: toys he will marry Any wont; go and, do as Mrs. Jives a outiono-to be sent in (post : tt junior editor of the Goderi . I e A kind ilear aY93112 recently /e0i department of the Lunatic that eitys 111 one of the wai c:a0 r;res;enileytde, 4et )r1 a3ne' alf u se Pa aekiss,; °( uYsia:+diad young tic gt through before ate was done ',1esse,eching style, iMplored. e whole ladyhn:1 'weal luaegrehd..7:1-and hb h eenq )huo aupd ; -David EveIarid,a lad I of age, M the eMploymeht burn, about twb miles from ; went to the Bela early Satu to drive the eoWs up to he p°11r:lokullguewecwillaatere be eneees:1,11241 meg ; search was letado when ! quite, unconselou4 lying ; stripped of every vestige 0' mouth filled With sand,t" thisekingly bruised, having 1 by a bull, a yeung aoimal ears old that ran with 4watoisueotanfeokerelniii:roc:tiuhriee itts° 1:b3i6ueSt inv.( • and a half after he was fou ing rallied frem the alms was eupposed to be harm' "Abouton 3 botiu4snel ,8a104-- jo4td6gr.thoaibligde e no: DJvil IleYoht Latterly a daughter of hit illited4;tc4Yheiinft7:411YA; 'silf:41-16elabbeeyienij titmght 110 would like to but; when he went to look it gone. The girl wee 8°theaireCiw wasS thathbki: ffiethe inlorihad. ex siderable quantity ot gad not15tPt Lehet kat neteher°11f-wtthhaeest3g1 siP9or 1:no eYwYe itt8htnhi Ingtr•ds ea 1