The Huron Expositor, 1876-06-23, Page 8// Nun trpoolitiv. DISTRICT MATT Rs. GOOD PHOTOGRAPHS. -Dear : I have lately seen some Cabinet -Photograpbo of several prominent townsmen and residents of the neighborhood executed at Moonz's Gallery, Seaforth, which will bear favorable compariron with those of the best city artists in that line. I would recommend thoee desiring. photographs to 6 call at Bloonz's Gallery' and to inspect those beaueles of art for themselves. SICAVOIMII. 456 THE CIRCULAR SAW is cutting prices very fine. Farmers, now is the time to buy your haying and harvest took. We have the finest assortment to be found in the County. The gen- uine American Morgan Cradle a Speciality. To parties who are building we offer special induce- ments in Glass, Locks, Paints, Oils doe Sole Agents for the Elephant Brand White' Lead -the best in use, WM. BOBESTS01( &CO. 446. Lime, LIME. - The Seaforth Lime Kilns are now working full blast, and will keep constantly on hand a stock of good, fresh burned it one Lime, which for cheapness and quality can _mot be equalled in the County -Price, 150 per bushel at the kiln or 18c delivered in Seaforth or Egmondville. Orders addressed to J. G. WIL5ON, or left at Wilson & Young's store iyill be promptly attended to. 448 FRESH DYE STUFF'S Madder Indigo .Logweod Magenta and all colours Just in -a full stock of all geode in this line constantly kept. Prescriptions and receipts carefully compounded it IfTexsoe's Drug 8mm. 440 CROCKERY AND CrLASSWARE. -WILSON Yotree have received their Spring Stock • f Crockeryand Glassware, which for quality, quan- tity and price beat ftnything ever offered in Sea - forth. 440 ; SPINNING Wilms. -A Large Stock of tpizu3ing Wheels, Reels, Baby Carriages, and the Cheapest Furniture in the County, at Poilezefs-; Mattak.bertson's old stand, Main Street, Sea - forth, 448 WILLIAM ALLEN announces a nice as- eortment of Croaker'', Glassware, &c., to which we direct attention. See advertisement in this is- sue. 444 A NEW Stock of American Watches and Clocks waranted correct time keepers and reasonable prices.. At HICKSON'S. 440 FLOWER SEEDS. -100 different varie- ties of the choicest Flower Seeds at WilaBON & Youeeee 440 • CASH PAID for Good even cdoured Butter in Tinneti at Hfoxsoree Drug Store. 440'. BABE BALL MATC11.-A base ball match will be played in Goderieh on the 1st of July, between the Shamrocks of ,Goder- ich and the Le* Batters of Seaforth. These are both juvenile clubs. THE NEW DRIYINO PARK. -We are re- quested to state that a meeting of those favorable to the formation of a Driving Park Association in Seaforth will be held at the 'office of Whiteley's Livery ; Stable to morrow (Saturday) evenin•g at 8 "; . o'clock sharp MASONIC EXCURSION.-- The Brethren of the mystie tie of Stratford, Mitchell, Seaforth, and Clinton, accompanied by their ladies, ihin in an excursion to God- erich and. a trip on the lake on Saturday. If the weather be favorable there will, no doubt, be a large attendance, and those interested in the excursion will ;have a pleasant time. • CLEAN UP, -Mr, Editor-Decur Sir: Is it not fully time bur authorities shou'al. look after the back premises of our town? Many ;of them are in a deplorably filthy state, and the stench emanating from them. is almost unendurable. During the warm days this was very manifest. 'If alloWed to continue, as at present, they will be a nest of pestilence for the season. CONCERT. -The concert to be given under the management of Mr. '0. W. Cline, for the benefit of the cricket dab on Thursday evening next,promises to be a grand affair. In addition to the local musical talent of the tawn, the services of the following _eminent vocalists haye been secured : Mr. James Kennedy,corn- ic ; Mr. Thomas Sheridan, soloist, • and Mr. George Lee, Ma J.:11. Wood, the popular elocutionist, will give ;several readings. Those desiring to attend the concert should secure tickets in time as there will be e rush. Pansoestfe-a-We notice the following in a London paper : "Mr. A. S. Abbott has received the gold medal which has been awarded to Mr. WM. O'Connor, M. A., for general proficiency as a high school teacher'. It will be presehted at the midsummer examinations, and will, no doubt, be highly prized by Mr. O'Connor, being as it is a mark of his great ability:" Mr. O'Connor was for a • time head master of the Seaforth public • school, and his many friends in this town will be glad to learn of his Con- tinued advancement. THE IRDITITOWN Pre-Nic. -The MAI - town picnicon Dominion Day will be held in MeCarin's grove, immediately op- posite the cemetery. Proceedin e are -- pectecl to commence at 10 o'cloc shar In the forenoon there will be a game ,of base ball between the Silver Stars Of Carronbrook and the Blue Stockings ,of Sedarth, and in the afternoon a game between the Hopefuls of the White School House and the liaymakera of IriSlawsiel. Holland's quadrille band has also been engaged for the occasion. If the weather be favorable, it is expected there will be between one and two thousand p ople attendance. THE FlEter Or TUE SEASON.- r. Wen. Campbell has kinclly presented s with a basket of sti-awberries of this season's growth.They are of u nus nallir large size, are quite ripe and of delicioue flavor. These are the first ripe strawberries vire have seen or heard of in this section this season, and they speak well not only for Mr. Campbell's care and skill in Cultiva- tion, but also for the climate and soil of the north 'ward. Who wouldn't live in the northward, if they could, ripe •straWberrlefe can be produced thus; early ? No wonder it id growing so rapidly, and becoming such a favorite locality which to locate handsome private resi- dences, of which Mr. Campbell's ' is the pioneer, and is by no means the least im- posing. I.* ceeesWAY. -On Wednesday forenoon last, about 10 o'clock, an old gentleman from near Cromarty in the township of Hibbert, whose name we could not learn, was passing the railway station le this town with a horse and buggy. As he had got over the track an engine' gave _a whistle, frightening the horse an caus- ing it to run away. The man w s per - fectly powerless to control the hc rse, it being a large spirited animal, and it ran up Main street at full speed, n til it came nearly opposite Robertson Co.'s hardware store, when it havi g, no doubt, a fancy for cheap hardware tarri- ed short in towards the sidewal , and _ ran in between a wagon standing n the street and the planks of the walk. The front wheel of the bu on on side struck the walk, and t e wheel du the other side struck the wagon. The con- cussion was so severe that the old gentle- man was thrown headlong a distance of about 10 feet on to the sidewalk, the ' horse broke from the ed the sidewalk, and checked, would have window. The fariou 4 and the 'old Man a was fomid that the was the skinning of breaking of the cross 'and the snapping of about the harness. abide and mon • ' had he not gone through t animal was.see ded to, when 41t y damage do man's knee', t e bar of the shaf one or .two stra s o n Saturday evel Co.'s Presma c nte inmect in t e nte •nment 1 gs, dances, &c., re will also be a distributed, in a4i ticket holder rtrait, 24 by 18 • SATURDAY'. NIGHT. ing next, Wallace & Cornucopia" give an Town Hall. The consist of piers, so the best artists. Th number of resents dition to which eve receive a lithograph ches, of the rie,en. TOWN COUNCIL.-- ing on Tuesday nig the 'Street COmmitte adopted. It is pro $1,200 in street imp to be -divided nearly three wards.; It is p to put a good coating Main street', from northern limit of th was passed instrueti inspect all yards an see that all are put i cleanliness at once. Putland, who was tank falling upon hi ter for the streets w pensation for his inj a few accounts, the for two weeks: MOWINO MATCH. match, under the au Farmers' and Mee will be held on the Carling, near Exete 4th of July.' The f be offered for coin machines, 1st $3, 2n $1 ; single mowers, $1 50, 4th $1, will be required trance fee of $2. All machin and ready for vr day of the mate become very pop facturers and far edly, of much be both the mowin were very largel no doubt but, agriculturists wi represented this t the Council me t, the estimates f were • resented a cl sed t expend abo t ovem nts, this a mill between t e °roe d, we belie o !screen gravel n hiteside's to t e tow , 'A moti n g the policeman o out- uildings a df a pr per state A an named • injur by e, wa r whil pumping gra d $4 as co nes. After pass g •Cou ell adjourn d The a pices anies ual mowi of -the Hur Associati farm of Mr. Is , on Tuesday, t llowi g prizes talon. : Combin $2, prd $1 50, 1st $ , 2nd $2, 3 1 emb rs exhibiti to ay an 1, and non-memb s must be on the grou rk 10 o'clock ori •hese matches h both Amon nee •, and are, undou to bo h. Last y d re ping smote ende , and we h • man facturers a d even more larg ly ea • la efi a at oth 1 I g- rs ci t- er es BOLD 'ROBBER . last about 7 o'clock sides, who keeps south of the rail to leave his stor yard for a few store door ope after returning t anything wrong had occasion to when to h. eu pocketbook con missing. an had out. The between $3 ing $5 or $6 at the time, When Mr. store he not his store a ay an m ed. Or o t pri amn be n Tnesd-ay even g Mr. Thomas Whi 'e - small grocery st e track., had occasi n go into the ba k utes. He left t e Mr. Whitesid , •e store, did not fi d short time until e his Money draw r, e he found tha a ng 'some bills a taken while he cketbook contain d . A purse conta was in the dra r ained undisturb es returned to is an come out front over to McBrid 's has no doubt•t ho took his mone n to him. • 0.11 tolen p and $4 II in si ve but re eed a Whitern d °roe II II hotel opposite. I He this was the persen The man w un no • • ESCAPE 0 THE 'ANADIAN EAGLE, Last spring a farmer in Tuckersmith c tured a fine large ea le. He brought it to Seaforth and sol it to Mr. Geo e Whiteley. Since t en Mr. Whiteley, a great lover of pets, as tenderly nurs d and cared fo the bir Under such go cl care his eagleshi be ame sleek and f t, and not a little inde endent at times. e was kept chained by the leg in the 1 ft over the livery s abl . Last week 11 r. Whiteley had been a ay for some tin , and on his return th eagle was so ov `r- joyed at seeing I hi. 'that he mad jump to approach im and, broke s chain. Meanwhile, he sharp eye of t e bird espied a fine, well bred, juven e canine quietly repos ng in a corner o • a billet of straw, and airing a dart at h •• he soon made mince eat of the poor p p. The elder dog made dash at the eag le, but the quadruped i as soon vanquish cl by the biped, and. th former was sent ff howling with pain.- -At this junctu Mr. Whiteley though it was time for h to take his eagleship n hand, and acco ingly, stick in hind, e commenced wor , • and as he had his pe nearly subdued t 'flew against e 'wind° broke it, and into the open air. hus at liberty it looked around con mptuously upon ts master, flapped its i ings and majesfe- ally soared aloft. I lit on a chimn y where it stoed for a ime taking a fa te- well view of the tow and its surrou • - ings, when it again t ok Wing passing to- wards the ninth, an was soon lost • view. No doubt ere this, the u' grateful bird has hat more than one goA i feed from the fend y rds of the farmers which lay in its con se. When it left it took with it, as a m mento of its impris- onment in Seaforth, attached 'to its le about two feet of tie chain with whi h it had been etherecl. - • i • If Hen ryn, BUSY TIMES .AHEA .7 -This w mmer, there bei s going on. Carpe be very busy this si so many improyemen tees will be iii deman THE SALE." - r. of village iota was a consequence Of the G way issuing return ti a large number of p and purchased; very f Among the named of Broughton, the gene Great Western Peail lots and at once lot The hotel is till for down to the wner's , 11 Lg 1- a.vies'i auction sa e grand success. eat Western Re' kets at single fare ople ;were prese eely at good price purchasers, is M all Manager of t e ay, who laought ton entracte to buil ale, being -knock etierved bid. 11 A jusT COMPLUN -The Henfrynit s are sadly co pleinin , and very reaso 11 ably, too, at he negl et of those entrus ed with seho 1 matte re' for not providi means of edu ating t eir children. Ha of the • village is in a phool section whe e there is no road at all to the school house, and the other half is hive miles from the school,. yet the towns • ip of Grey collec e school tax, and the G • vernment pass laws compulsory on the pa cuts to send the children to school: he villagers thin that the Government hould. rescind th account, and the to nship refund a1 taxes paidforthe las 20 years or else that the townshipsh uld provide 111 of education. ere no doubt but t Henfryn is not ge k justice in ths matter. It .is really disgrace to see so many children growin up in ignoranc 0 a country ha o a " mandam ,mtotone, gURON EXPOITOns ng a school 'system sec. Ernest has erected a Urge building at onld be the effect 8" upon the township ?- I IFA SOLD. ith has pur uro Road, r elix hompso g acres, f egur , but the cellent build Mr. 0. Dale of based the farm cently occupied , Lot 2, Con. 1,. r $4,500. This arm is a good on gs on it. Doinnuox cod people • ye arr n of Domin an pic-nie ul beach o Lake Juron.. Boating, orse racing and platform dan "pg will impose the amusements of the ay. Ex- ellent music has also been arra ged for« here is no doubt but a large nu 'bar will vail 'themselves of this execlle t oppor- unity of spending a pleasant d on the each, and enjoying the fresh, vigorat- g breezes of the glorious old ke. 0 • rysdales. Tucker on the by Mr. contain - a high and has Y AT DRYSDAL -The f Drysdales and vicinity ngements tor the celebra- on Day in gals style. A ' 1 take lace on the beau - • I: Grey• A OTHER. Ptortzza Gorra. In our •bitu ry column this week the • eath of r. onald. Rachana in his 7 . th year recorded. Mr. Bu hanan w one of he Soneera of the township of Grey nd settled on the 16 h Concess on when li e wnships of Ore and Mo • were hno t trackless wile .. • By per everanc,e nd ,nergy, he succee. ed in fo • , ing him. elf al comfortable ho » e, and th ugh ea. erin severele in his last illnes he bore •t w th chtiszian re ignation, nd died ith hope 0 a emit) resurrect on. He as iverially estee ..ed for is many ood nalit'es of ha • and boa . 1 Usb OD TUARy.-We alle upoa to ree eat of an and dent of the townshi e eeply re rd this- ighly este of Usb • et being eek the med refs, me, Mr, • be Bell • Mr. 1 has bee • afflicted ith cancer in the tomaeh fr over a ear, but was not on necl to b d until a, ow eeks la o. He died on he 20th net. Mr. 13e 1 was 6 •ly 49 yea a of age, eing a man we nigh say in th prime of e. He had been esident of Usborne or 27 years, and by dint f perste. eranee, industry an frugality ado for imself a Ooinforta le home. He was uiet and ,unassumi g, but w warm. carted and kind in the extr • e. He ill long be borne in ffectionat memory y al who knew him He was a consul- ut, zealous nd us ful meenb r of the • efo m party steemea f mily will ave the hell by of th ir many rien in the reavemen les COUNCIL ere ETING -Minute a• meeting red arid igned. $ • • to, road. in 'entrant from mai tatidn, on :c ndition that sai ompleted. • eeve 0 see to b ulverts fixesneer • is place. ilber and Y arly to ee to ope ear Mrs. Ar strong s on Con. o instruct Bo ndary Path M ome' of the tatute labor on ines. Reed% ed thatClerk a ee to expend ng the mount ag on Keith boun • ry road. J. St eceiire $50 fo right f way thr 2, Con. 5. i.esolve that $2 Pended on no h bou dary on hat Hay exp nd a like 11,1130U11 o notify path easter ake gravel from pits o that no gra el be ng of Conn il to ugust. His sympa, r sad b Stela 11 en. ;.• I and cont from top asted. N e first M CKi Ai. • ST Imes. hat Mr. Ore e, Insp sties lately id an •wnship of eKillo o say that he did no 11 up to the rk,an • r. O'Sulliv n, per rosecute clef alters lop. -We u ctor of -V fficial visi and we find the r he gave o mptory or if he d • 41, he will iie turn e prosecu elknmens' ec-Nic.--Mr. C. he Half -Way House McKillop, equested•by he far ers to get ic for the c lebrati n of the uly,' and a LT dial in itation is the people. The ic-nic wil n Mi. S. Ha nah's g OVQ, 00/1V be hotel. B oadhag n's quad as been engaged for he °coed° ill be a Urge pirate erected ng, also swingsand ther am nd a pleasant time is anticipa er provided for 100 couple 'clock. Tea nd ref eshments ancing from 2 to SIP. M. T 1 rge barn clo e to t e egreve w leen engaged for th oceasio vent of the wether oving unf he whole pr ceedin s will he anagement f a mo t efficient tee, and there is no d ubt but a ioyable time ill be pent. A ow and then s relis ed by th en, and we ve no oubt but e a large turnout of oth old an • I I • Mari Pie-Nie.e-- here is sic held on Domin riew. BASE BALL. The b eon praetisin prett c niniot say' ether t that degree of pr t em to give o , ace-ep 1 n e AILED. -T e atte o Goocl ; Tern plare b k, failed; o ying to p born want h ld their mee rugs. t at ere long suite f und for that urpos NGINE THAT Fine lunch fancy c e of fire, Its b t it hie lain g ne has not b f r practice fo o money was t purchase ittee being S id committ t eir duty in t h s has been q ently the en q iestion arise a d to what us I is full time t e matter. IMPROVEMEN i.ga have bee o which we ini fr e building t ilor, a very a blacksmith sho they a th ey citable en out about ollecte d ditio ppoint e have •at res forthe inc is #,-wh • has hat so , erecte ht me by H bstanti • by • h. to be a g and pie. on Day t Lake • of form - 5 grant - road to road be ving two Messrs ing ditch 2. Clerk ter to do oundary d Reeve eed upon nlake to ugh Lot be ex- ondition • Clerk actors to bottom, xt meet- nday in • derstand- tal Stats to the eel sorry turns at r friend, rdera to es not do ed avis, of has been • p a pic- First of ox -tended be held nient to - Me band • There for dime. ements, d. Din at 12,30 t 5 P.M. ere is a ch has in the vorable. rider the commit. ost en- ittle f best ii here will young. se ball el ib have regularly but we hey have attained ficiency t enable a frien ly ehal- pt to star a lodge ere, a fe weeks several Ca uses, the, f a proper place to t is to b hoped le place ay be -The ci izens of a quite s sure in ve a fire engine, act that aid en - f the engu•e house wo years. A sum . about t at time al hose, a coul- d to see fter it. been ye lax in ect, and to hose t ming ant' conse- good as x. The re is th: money t been a plied ?" ething be done in verasinl ceneo rbutuildt: ci tion a tw storey wry Zim erman, I 1 and corn odious I nis Thi 1. Mr. • for flair, having'to stack out a large quantity last year, also a dwelling house for his foreman. , Mr. W. G, Wilson has sold two village lots to Mr. Jos. Brenner', on one of which he has erected a dwell. g. The members of the Methodist Church have ,built•a very fine shed. for their ac- commodation. Henry and John lb- fleiseh, contractors, have got the f me of he Agricultural Hall raised. directors have got the ground leve and sown in grass, and it is the inten of the villagers to have a driving tr made around it. Mr. Geo. Hess is enlarging his photograph gallery. it is completed he is confident of be able to furnish first-class pictures. 1 Hills' Green. I PROGRESSING. —Sir. James ' jarrot selling village lots at Hill's Green. has sold three lots, and houses are to •built on them directly. Hills' Gree bound to go ahead. There are ho that it will yet beat Hensall.—Com.. TEMPERANCE MEETING. -The Good Templars of Hills'. Green gave an open meeting last Friday night, which was a great success, the hall being crowded to overflowing. The chair Was taken by George McLeod, of Rodgerville, and ibe audience Was addressed by .Rev. r. Yokam, Methodist minister of Stanley, who gave a very appropriate address. There were several dialogues and recita- tions given, which were very appropriate, and were Well received, Mrs. Stephen- son, of Stanley, presided at the organ, and at intervals during the evening gave several lfaasing selections. The lodge. now num rs about 60 or 70 members. By the help of the new law they are de- termined that King Alcohol shall have no resting place at Hills' Green. ed on Fie be is • Walton. FINED,—Mr. Henry Chapman •Pras fined $20 and costs, on Saturday, he 17th inst.;for selling spirituous liquor without liclense. Peornn Y SOLD. —Mr. Cavanagh has sold his farn of 40 acres, adjoining Wal- ton, to Mr.1 Lewis McDonald, of this Vil- lage, for $2,000. • WRITrEi ExAiiimATion.—The foll w- ing is the r suit of a written examination on grammar,held in the first divisio4 of Walton sc ool, on Friday, the 16th • t. : Fifth Class H. Reinhart, 84 per cent.; C. Dickson 61 per cent.; T. Simpson, 33 per cent. Fourth Class -M. Ryan, 85 per cent.; . Johnston, 74 per cent.; W. Smillie, 69!per cent.; E. Burns, 34 per cent.. R. irkpatrick, 9 per cent.; J. Dickson, 9 per cent. Third Class -John McFadzean, 82 per cent.; Wm. Hewitt, 69 per cent.; P. Reinhart, 34 per cent.; D. Smith, 64 per cent.; K. Johnston, 63 per cent.; iji. Murchie, 56 per cent.; M. :Hamilton, 5 per cent.; F. Stogdill, 52 per cent. J. Fulton, 431 per cent.; M. Kirkpatrick, 48 per cent.; K. McKibbin, 44 per cent'; J. McDougall, 41 per cent.; M. Smillie, 38 per cent.; P. McArthur, 37 per cent.: H. Hewitt, 33 per cent.; T. Morrison, 29 per cent.; Wm. Smith, 20 per cent FATAL ACCIDENT. -On Thursday after- noon, June, 15, a very painful and serious accident occurred on the farm of Mr. John Powell, Con. 6, Turnberry. Mr. Powell had a number of men gathered together for the purpose of raising a 'small frame shed. After the first bent was up, and when about to raise the second, mil 'account of not having the first emir*, propped, it fell to the ground, striking Me. James Hastings in the fall and killing him instantly, besides hurt- ing a number of others. One of the beams of the bent fell across the breast of Mr. Basting, smashings it to jelly. Mr. Thomas Anderson was thrown quite a piece from i the building and was badly hurt, but is recovering rapidly under medical treatment. Mr. Joseph Hig- gins and Dougall Fraser were both 'Mut, but only slightly in comparison with the others. They are both recovering. We think that such accidents asthis are caused to a great extent through care- lessiiess in not making everything secure. This sad affair should be a•warning to those who. attend raisings in future, and should cause them to be far more care- ful, Mr. Hastings was a native of Blen- • heim County of Oxford, and had been up here on a visit to see his brother, Mr. Wm. Hastings, of this township. The corpse was taken on the cars to Blenheim on Saturday last. He leaves a large circle of friends and relatives to mo rn his loss. Bluevale. ACCIDENT.- On , Tuesday evening of last week, !Mr. Willows,of Morris, hitch- ed one of his horses to a single horse wag- on with the intention of taking Mie T. Farrow inld his son to Bluevale, The horse had never been hitched alone before and was not accustomed to wear breech- ing on its harness, and the result was that whenever they began to go down g rade, the animal kicked furiously, am sh- mg the dashboard to splinters, som of he pieces striking Willows in the face. Ir. Ferro*, seeing the danger he was in, attempted to jump out of the rig, hut missing his foot in some way, he fel on the point of his shoulder between the fore and hind *heels of the wagon, the hind wheel paroling immediately over his rieck I and bruising it. badly., Mr. Willows nd the boy both jumped from the wagon hod were but &lightly hurt. Mr, S. Or of Morris, brought Mr. Farrow home in his buggy. Medical aid was sent for to d ess the wounds, and we are happy to ay Mr. Ferro w is fast recovering. The wa on was badly smashed and • the horse as severely mit in the shoulder by a spli ter from one of the broken shafts. OPEN LODOE.-The open meetin4 of Bluevale Lodge of Good Templars, held in the temperance hall, Bluevale, on Wed- nesday evening, June 14th, was a very successful one. Notwithstanding Ithe very heavei• rain that fell in th° fore art of the evening, the hall was *ell filled. Mr. Joseph -Leech was appointedeh ir- man, which office he filled with credi to himself and honor to the lodge. The ro- gramme was a very lengthy o e con ist- ing of speeches, dialogues recitations, nd music, both vocal and marnmental, The entertainment commenced about 8 o'cl ck with music" from the choir, then iialogtes, speeches and recitations in their ti4rn. Dr. McDonald, of 'Wingham, deliver d a very able and eloquent speech on the evils of intemperance and the best m th- od of obtaining a prohibitory law in n- tario, so strong were his arguments tiat when he spoke of bringing it to a el se, the crowd cried, "go on go On l" The singing of the choir was excellent, nd was well encored by the audience. Mr. Eggleston. of Bluevale'sang "Good-bye John," in his usual first-class style and was loudly enchored. On coming on the platform the second time he sang, "York- shire am," which MIS very amusing and, brought forth peals of laughter from the crowd. Before the; close the chairmani said it Was their intention to hold another ore long; we think the sooneelhe bet- ter if they all prove as successfill as the . About ir o'clock the meeting wee rought to a close with music from the hoir, after which each left for their ree pectiife places of :abode well satisfied4 with. the manner in which they had spent he evening. I i Tuokeremith. Cotrifcm METING.-Conneil met on une 15th. Present -Cresswell, Walker, ang and Sproat. Noved by D. Walker, nded by J. Lang, that James Dorse a eiethmaster on Sideline between Lots and 6, Con. 1, H. E. S., and that Luke. ortune be a pathmaster on the Huron oad from Lots 1 to 5 inclusive -Carried, oved by D. Walker, seconded by Wme proat, that J. Lang be authorized to rehese 90 pieces of cedar 7x8 inches and 1 pieces 4x4 to be delivered in equal pro• ortions at Messrs, Walker's, Sproat'S nd Robertson's -Carried. Application! rom School Board Was read, when it was oved by Wm. Sproat, seconded by J. ang, that the interest accrued for School und upto January, 1876, amounting to 995.39, be -paid to the treasurer of the chool Board -Carried. Tenders for jobs ere then opened, when the following wards were made : Jobs No. 1, 2, 5, 60 and 8, to T. Currie; No. 3, to Thos owney ; No. 4, to G. Wheatley; No?, 9, 10 andll,to McNaughton & Workrnani No. 12, to R. McLean - No. 13 and 14,1 to A. McKinnon; No. .16, to J. Dorsey i No. 17, to A. Ross; No. 19, to W. Pep" per; Nos. 15 and 18, not being tendered for, will be let by private contract by th Council. Moved by Wm. Sproat, second- ed by J. Lang, that this Council do no adjourn to meet again when called by the Reeve 1 i • Bruciefteld. 1 BASE BALL. -A thatch game of base ball took place on' Saturday last, Juno 17th, hetween the 'ball players of thig place and Exeter, on the grounds of the latter club, resulting in an easy victory f2or ourboys, the score standing at thei close, rucefidd 30; Exeter 12. At the close f the sixth innings the score stood 2 to , in favor of Brucefield, at which time the rain began . to fall, making the latter part of the game somewhat nu+ pleasli t. ' In the meantime the Exetei, club, aided by several overthrows, by the ninth "linings, brought their total run up to 12. The fielding was not at all, brilliant on either aide, the difference in the scores being principally attributable to the difference in pitchers, the swift pitching of Baird being seldom driven out of the infield, while that of Hayden, was severely punished. Below is the score: BBIJOEFIELD. EXETBIL. ° aird............ I Bi3. Orr .............. '3'2 22' attenbury .,.... 6 2 Balkwell.......... 4 X Cameron . . 2 5 Frent. - 4 I Stansfield.. , ..... 88 Herta 8 k 1 Bell ...... ,........ 2 ch8 4 1 Sermyn I; ri gs 13 mLehr" 8 Reid ............. 2 9 cQueen.. 4 8 Hayden 8 1 arks ............ 4 il Hyndmati # 4 1 Total ... -2-7 . it) Total'... . ... . . .-2-7 II Inning; ... ..... . 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 ' muff ld ... . . ... 8 1 4 8 10 1 6 1 1-30Exeter - ... - . . 0 '2 1 0 1 1 2 8 -2-12 Umpire -1. W. Radellff , of Guelph. I IS Ii I Brussels. Cai6K!r.-A game of cricket, between' the married and single men of Brussels,• came off on Saturday last, when the married men came,I soeff victorious by seve runaA.tg. -"OF LOTS. -The sale of a large number of building lots on the Stretto ropeity, came off on the 20th inst. ' an was --well attended.' Quite a numbl'er o , ots were disposed of, ranging from $1101 I Disterronsergo.-The game of cricket' arranged to be played at Brussels on. Saturday last, between the Winghaml nd Brussels_ club', did not come off.; or reasons, we cannot say any more than; hat the Wingham dub did not put in a ' ppearance, only notifying their opponent i he night previouslY. •I BA S BA. --The Independent base all club of Brussels, played a game with he Clippers, of Palmerston, on Tuesday eat. The Brussels club came .off vie-' orioue, by a score of 15 to 50. Thel lippers, of Brussels, also played the" unior champions of London, on Thurs-I ay,' -for a silver cup. TiT BASE BALL MATCH. -Mr. Editor In; our issue of June 16th, you give n acelount of a bale ball match played y the Independent club of this place • nd t e Dufferin club, of Parkhill, and I ould like to correct some niistakee, high have been made by your Exeter resondent. In the first place the he Brussels bore and you say only o; core n the match stood 29 to 48 in favor f orrespondent. B • 6, making a differenc of 2 in their favor. n the second place you say that the xeter club had arranged to play the inners, and consequently they take to hetriselves the credit of beating our boys , y a•s ore of 3 to 2, in two innings, time, ot ie rmitting lonelier play, Now, Sirei his-Jdeny. There was no arrangement' if the kind made, and the two innings # layel with the Exeter men were simply or eir etice, our pitcher and catcher hay - ng bo h left the field, and it is not like - y that we should play without them in nyth.ng like a match. If the Exeter OIL hieli ettheheare11e to $360 each. ish to crow or retain the laurels they say they have already won, give us a ' challenge and come r better, I speaking for my club, ge them for a friendly game and hey can choose day and place, if they hoose to accept my challenge or give us ne,truly, ararranged by writing to ours JoHN W. DuTrcee, Secretary Independent Base Ball Club, Brussels. -A citizen of Gederich was last week ned by the Mayor for neglecting to egister a birth as required by law. All nterested in other municipalities ehould ake Warning, and govern themselves ac- ordingly. All births, marriages and eaths must be registered with the lerk of the municipality in which they • ke place. -The • Court of General Sessions of he Peace for Huron, sat on Saturday ast, Judge Toms in the chair, with C. liable,' Esq., J. P., associate. The list f constables in the county was revised, esulting in dismissing 47 and appoint - g 35.; The Crown Atteeney was order - d to send Copies of the presentment of he Grind Jury to the Minister of dna- 'ee, Ottawa, an4 the Attorney -General, orontO. JohnuAitudey was appointed eeper ;of the lock-up at Wingham, and ames Oolmage at Seaforth. Adjourned Tuesday, Sept. 12. MONEY TO BE SAVED. I I BY CALLOM AT THE 777 ; 17 7 777 500 Faits KIp GLOVES, at all prices an 'shades, iron 59 cents to 11. PARASOLS t ad cents each. SILK PAR OL1 -at 50 cents, cents, 80 -mite '4t-iid 95 cents. A Lot of N .A24ER1CAN COLLARS - for Ladies. A Lot of Ne DRESS GOODS, Extra cheap. A Lot of W de ,NGLI-SH PRINTS, at Scents, 6 Cents, 7 cents and cents a yai, GVaranteed FAS IN COLOR. . These are American. A Lot of Chi IERY, W WIDER than the dren's and Ladies' HOS.. Lite, Plain and Ribbed, from 10 cents teir 50 cents per pair. FOR This. Week COATS in and )!ABR Also the New all sizes fr NEW TIES NEW In the Latest Also the Ne 4. T.LEMEN. Offer all the New STYLES New LINEN OS. MA HATTstN SHIRT, , to 17 inches. ND! OWS, TRAW HATS, W AMERICAN HATS, BROADWAY- STYLES: ENGLISH CHR S IE HAT, Splendid for UM ER WEAR. A Liit of nts' ICID GLOVES; all Shades fro 75 THE ORDE Is Is now COM Assortment o SCOTCH and have ever h their Orders II eents to $1 25. DEPARTMENT FOR THING LETE with the BEST thel Finest ENGLISH, FR NCH CLOTHS we Gentlemen leaving - an be, guaranteed D FIT, And at Reaso able riess. Work done on our own p emiaps promptly and SATISFAC 10 GUARANTEED. A. C. -MC .01!!.CALL '8t -COst 777 -SI N THE+71,7 1 EAFORTIT; ONTARIO., 1014L /ElOgrstlfE FOR *A BARE CTIANCE.A-Ver Sale -Cheap, everebie building lote, lacing e3n ggiare &Worth. FOr particulars ap IIKE11131+1 16tFir r1137bourigni,d7t re:1:4° sAeri. 11111 irall 71116:11‘21.11i5C44-PltwAv1124:lf SVIARM- NaS4FIAIORIld 'S'AgALe3:113Eettasf:rthabl'ILot an..! also South 50 acres of lotlo fl":1°Iielittlit'arnr:4111° tOillakeCtibil° OVI/EillagY'!&' 1m:t g'l Seaforth. rgL0TSFOR;s;iti the Town .s via; ty;detozsziLirasofilwpAle.bsIte,n,axsttituyhrinioiriaed4rIsaAtet:r! par 4°F,0:::: --:017t S41:;'°'1Z-Y'ror lige or , able terms, a assinege property sit# 4111in febarelikilltreetSerSitshto'r:eAgood busines s, ApPy to the :proprietor or to Wm, &Worth, J. SEATTER, ITAIVAM pBOPERTYFOB y 6-04eziee. Street occupied by Li SALE. -.-That vains.) lisbab*dawtteullittring.houge°ardParit-Yadaleirila _Tura mplytoa_.12.1±0.00rtpaL.:311114abtioe SOT: Orii*IOSSoBlote:T.a- !reci A." —Dr. COLEMAN, lovinglaid out tho -me•ntly occupied SO 14 Driving Park it 141140, is prepared to ,ilisposeof lots 01 able terms to any who May desire them. - desiring to purchase should mains *Me -113, OPERTY FOR 13. ..-T4r0i0t)$# It I story frame house -and barn, situate, Market- Square, Seafertb. The premia been used as 11,11mg peeking este.blislaree arearell adapted for any public basins particulars apply apply to thie-i proprietress, Mn COM, Seaforth, Seaforth, or to- 1 D.., GORDON,r :71414°.FOR SALE. --For Sale, Lot No a: I 10, Morris, 'containing 64 acres, 25 are cleared, well fenced and in a good zultiv_ation ,• the remainder is well ti Th4re are 4 acres of eliolee frail trees l• *good log hones and frame stable. Is lug the Blythstationad the London, TrIt 13ruOLA.wn Railwoay,taIFIini erpilf13nfurther prir to icldwars 1m:DW. 131sik. VON FOR BALE IN TUCKERSSITT -a; trig Lot27, Con. 4, le XL Se -center acres, 150 acres cleared, 180 acres in a go. of *titivation, 20 acres excellent pastu fenced and Wateredrhas good barns and zooti cellars for 200 load. nig Is agood miles from Seaford" station, 8 miles from field cheese factory, on a good g -ravel ter . further particulars apply to JOHN LA1V1 Egiumadville .VABLE PROPERTY FOR SAL V -sale that comfortable and rommodio dente on John Street, the property of Mr. Spa/ling, The house is new, lawn &deli conthtes seven rooms besides closets t with a wood - sited, cellar, and all neoess pro exits. Hard and soft water. Ti planted With choice fruit tre.es. 'tem Fostiession immediate. Apply to Mr- Al SPARLING. FA.ImS FOR SALE. ---Vest bait of :Send Iiot 18, Con. -8, Morrie, Huron-Coin:ay, e ing 40 acres. The above lot is all bush, bestique,lity, and is only, six miles from Br alsoisouth half of Lot 3.ft, Con, 13, 11101Ti13 Comity,100 flexes, also all bush 04dd the- soil,18 miles from Brasseleetation, Great Railway. For price and terrae,apple t COOPER, Brussels, or to CALVIN A. - BELL, Seaford' le O. -qTORE AND DWELING HOUSE FOR iForSale, in -Chiselhurst, a Dirge Store -with comfortable dwelling in tonr together with a quarter-aere lot. This Is - centre of a thriving agricultural country an *client stand for ,i country etore, T opiep is in connection with the store, estlY4 For particulars apply to to the pro on the premises or to Chiselhuret P-. 0 LIAM MOORE. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE --Vo . iLot. No, el, -Con- 7, ilnjlett, consisting aerefi-with the exception of some village being a liret-elass farm, situated close by. lege iof Einbu.ra. 74 miles from Seaforth from. Clint -on; good gravel roadk to market is a ood barn and stables on the prembree eo rtable '-house; some 200 fruit tte never -failing water. For particulars appli proprietor, Constance P.O. U. 12. °Y0°.11 SALE' --1°r Sale, li°t ELMATIETH HARVEY .Constence wood. There is a log house, sided, A /Tat Kint urn. Ti31.711.0 made known on App• lies the Posseefiion given frame cleeMd„ and the balance well timbered wit lug grehard oteheicefruittreesSituated from! Seatottle ranee ,from Andentbuildingfen good. well, and a 10/1,i 9 consisting of 100 acres of lande SALE. -For Sale, tot No. ng -ay 1:41*941 a°111 dRc ti; ,it-hb large:141146. and el n ll it t5 of which are cleat -cd, letterid end in brick house, good frame barns, eheds end- on1.00, OLDFIELD. 14144: 413111:11:"hsh'e4:111-ind neeerA :18112:8:r11:1:11e2.4343tIklij!787:81.1."2 VrOP4KetOX oft the prO111114C4 it -to Egmonee gofel -orchard of bearing fruit trees ; rsly44;:alisiirsblbeitrtti8,vcoaAtLino-Etnal.ini-41:44: 0,1800:1,atec40:1:40,s.:91n0:43:1; ore leered- free Of eternine well fenced, feltro Ax hs4tusabeleatVdx30afafipteruivainagi;spiceflk ii 1:tr°,40,11y7_ Hf 0 r:tetnri mh It I ref rael _Ie. Aral well rapl necessary ;u7this6 :4770eohitilliSoe.intt01010, es, ,or to Egmonflville P, 0, GE R. • e ARM FOR SALE. -For Roth-, Lot No.1 gtetalieffIgtaoolidTheYal' t°1;attailOI:gth9e7btlaelar:fiee' Int:: 80 of which are eleared„ well fenced, en 1 r°ea i lbg:Ide:14ex iri ilewg. 8f h erwello' Tr adi r11eaal 3:1 2 'earl:la:hie' ai:et18 ei? rghla in 1 ttittwittIi):0:Snavr°11ethIgnialleall4)41cellar, I 1 am itaArbillil ell:A:m. :ogTua:A..tx :24„--;:s"Agle,t:• ell pteeltuulf EtoNthe proprietor et Term P.O.C- It , . . ,r01;410 leading to' each place. This is 4 meegood.oe ta tl.,.11: itile ap;p6kri:41rp,p1 u In 1 n g.,01: tit # : a e so: i nein d _nvorhabnieeihi,t;ertidneati retete 6.0,ir a sm,rer as caContaining t free tr..: el:oil. otet isr:: i:peraie 4 sis :rot to farm; G 0:ostations,nfoulp.0.1.010i tivre,e gdp mrweeds; rol 0 11 1,43 tnps.1 )81 tit otaiapabguilin dln: -:000sit; heti: Swarth, Clinton and Exeter, eriti, utee re well timbered; there is , a two-stor -:.180.-erte' :31811 w:teorted4:Cw°111L2' SitaillieYrefllei9Inriaemhl tam end le deserving the attention of pro -41 171-ale"i"ttee' "thn°bietIvedhiclwiliths"tn'eolebut.:41;wrold1;1171 Art5t-elass cultivation a114 free from due k°44.cli #111414:vilt111111.. 6 rntie#41 of fiestarth, S Mill beet and lttfrom RiniKira; this is one41.rla:uron; tezmoTsyatplyconetatepotmc1 mekti:mazi,.