The Huron Expositor, 1876-06-23, Page 4e' 4 NEW 4a.DVERTISEMENTS, Farm and Crop for Sale—John LLt, Choice Family Grow-kir—Ws Morrison. Card of Thanks—Joseph Zettel. Notice—Births, Marriagod and Deaths. Rooms to Let—Edward Cash. Farm for Sele—James Meelichaerr Estray Mare—Mrs. Greer. I Farm for Sale in Stanley—Wm. Blair, Jr New Goode—Hoffman Brothere, Teacher Wanted—John Riehmon non txpoOot. 1876, SEAErenTH, ElLeDAY, JUNE 23, - The Leeenor Law. At the meeting of the Licens d Vict- uallere' Association, held in Albe Hall, Toronto, on Thursday, the following opinion of the Hon. J. H. Cameron touching the liquor law was sul+itted "The Legislature of Ontario passed an Act, 39 Vic., chap. 26, entitled Act to amend the law respecting thelsale of. fermented or spirituous liciaorse The following questions have arisen there- from : " 1. Is the Act within the power of the Provincial Legislature, or, in other words, is it constitutional? "2. If constitutional, have the per- sons who have been deprived of eller li- censes under its provisions any Iremedy in law or equity for damages and, indem- nity against the Provincial Government or their municipalities for such losses as they may sustain ? . " The British North America ti Act of 1867 gives to the Dominion Parliament the exclusive right to legislate Upon all matters relating to 'the regulation of trade and commerce,' and to the Provin- cial Legislatures the exclusive right to legislate upon all matters relating to 'municipal institutions, shop, saloon, tavern, auctioneers', and other licenses, in order to the raising of a revenue for provincial, local, or municipal 'Purposes, and property, and civil rights, all to be exercised within the Province. " The exclusive right of. legislation on t the regulation of trade and commerce' being thus given to the Dominion Par- liarnent, the Provincial Legislature can have only such powers to legislate in re- lation to 'trade and commerce! within. their respective Provinces as are given by, or will legally arise out of, any of the - above classes of subjects on which they may exclusively legislate. They may, therefore, under the heads of municipal institutions, and shop, tavern, &c., li- censes,' make police regulations, within municipalities which will cover many things enacted in this license ; they may require:- a license to be taken out, and exact a license fee, and they make, or authorize the making of, regulations in reference thereto, but they cannot, under either of these heads, prohibit or prevent the carrying on of the trade or business for which they may declare it li- cense to be neeeseary. Under the head of 'Property and Civil Rights,' they might gauge this law, were not the pow- er conferred upon them in subordination to the exclusive powers relating to trade and commerce conferred upon the Do- minion Paeliainent, and, therefore, , ex- cluded from the action which the Provin- cial Legislatures might otherwise take under this head. " I have no doubt that the Provincial Legislatures have the power to require that a license shall be necessary to sell spirituous liquors &c,, to determine the fee or duty that shall be payable_ there- fore, and to make regulations respecting the issuing of licenses, but I am of epee - ion that whenever any brewer has gore - plied with those regulations, whether enacted directly by the Legislature of by any niunieipality under the authority of the Legislature, he is entitled to a li- cense on payment of the license fee, and that the Provincial Parliament has no power to enact a law that he shall have it only at the discretion of the munici- pality or Commissioners, under such cir- cumstances. "I am therefore of opinion that such parts of the License Act referred to as prohibit or limit the traffic in spirituous or fermented liquors in the manner which I have pointed out are beyond the pow- ers of the :Provincial Legislature, and cannot legally be enforced, its they relate to the regulation of trade and commerce. "I am further of opinion. that if the Act be within the powers of the Proein- cial Legislature no remedy on indemnity can be had either in law or equity, against either Provincial Legislature or any municipality for any damage or injury sustained by any person in, eon -- sequence of the refusal of a liceture to him. On the strength of this opinion se eral of the local Conservative papers have opened a volley of abuse on the Ontario Government for having allowed the Legis- lature to pass a law Which they had no power to pass. It may be that, Mr: Cameron's opireon is correct, and it is equally likely that it will be found. in- correct. Mr'. Cameron has been mistak- en in his opinions before now, and so have other Lawyers equally as eminent arid as reliable as he. -So that it seems to us the censure of the Conservative press is. premature. The position Occu- pied by the Conservative press towards this law and in reference to the temper- ance question generally is very pecelia,r. There is not a leading C,otiservitive jour- nal or politician that has yet dared to come out boldly and say that the law is not in accordance with public sentiment, and demanclal by it, and that the Geiern. ment and Legislature in passing this law, acted in opposition to the interests and wishes of a majority of the people. They dare not come. out boldly and do this, because if they did they would offend the temperance party and create a division in their own ranks. At the same time, they are anxious to win the favor of the anti -temperance party, and inspire those who have been injuriously affected by the law with malevolent feelings towards the Government. They are in face en. deivoring to secure the support and aseistance of the two antagonistic ele- ments, and in doing so they place them- selves in the very discreditable position of commending the law and censuring the Government for having passed it. They cannot keep up this sham long. They must array They must lug the Go ated it, or and affirm t country an they do the Licensed V able to mak by making ously affes tunes are d sion of th take the la whole tem ate from th many who kept in ad pathies, very envia prised that Govern inc. dilemma. honestly b science ma independe may yet fi they had h' cerr, for th had a desir they wou ent positio selv t the rn ent ft hey must t e la .m just fuiii er th t lens en les hose who Wier! e to the t on either s w and quit ab hoeing item corne out bol is iujurious to the people, y will offend nd they will n the Governme the law has inj that their mis ranny and opp Gtet Gevernment. If t hey will offend y, and will al 'their own p cep iminciples eir political a IS certainly n ter course ranhe r4ks ii e te pop ane of e he plositito le one and we are not the shop. d feel sour at 1r t for piaci g them in int If, o ee , they will ta au Ii a course as die ate t be right, enti t of party onsiderations, d peace nd comfort, an therto eh ished as great good of tne country as to injurethe Govern not now ce,cupy the unpl as - they do. r - ler he If tb r- ey he n - re in- t a Ur - be a act n- ely ey if on- ey nt Th Macdo TheM; donnell di been-shelv d by the er year. On Thur week, afte a whol and after r. Macd very plain midi seem ment of hi position appointin a Cpmnn with Mr. acdonne present m eting of day the C mmittee nell Case. eulty has at le sembly for an ay night of week's discus nell had ma gly honest s motion was ca e to again c and report at sembly. On ported as foil "Considering (1) at this Genera sembly has alread declared that statement Of his vie made by Mr, donnell before it is t satisfactory; that on m eting wit the Committe pointed b the Ass bly to confer him he signified th he has at pre no further stateme t to make by w his position toward the doctrine in tion might be modi ed; (3) that the trine of the eternit Or endless dur of the futdre punis Merit of the wic as taught in the Co fession, of Faith, doctrine of Scriptu e which every m ter of this Church • ust hold and the General Assern ly feels under ob tion to continue its care in this matt "But inasmuch s Mr. Macdonnel expressed his regre for having prea the sermon which eve occasion to proceedings', has in imated that his is at present in an ndecided state feuds the doctrine in question, and has engaged while see ing further light not to contravene the t editions of the Church; the Assembly, in tie hope that Mr. ac- donnell may find h s Views in accord ith the standards on t esubject in ques ion, :Resolve t at furt er timeshould be 'giv- en him carefully t ' consider the ma ter; and that h be req ired to report thr ugh his Presbytery in he n xt General As- sembly whether he acceptthe teaching of the Church on the subie t. "The Assembly would commend heir brother to the guidance f spi t of Truth,pra ing that, with the Divine leas- ing upon further study of the eWo of God all difficulties as to the Scrip ml evidences (the momentous doctrin in- curred ma Speedily cease to perple his mind.. " ; After d'seussin this ;report for two days, a in tem wa earn i cl on a vo of 127 to 64, reee ving and opting th re- port. So e 0 ',inert ter and se eral elders ent red c issent from the d cis - ion of t e 0 Ur . Aftor the m ion above ref rre t was &niece th As- sembly al os i media ely broke up. The exci melt a the lose being very intense, b4h o e floo of the A em- bly room and e ga cry. Som re- marks in. de 0 y Mr. acdonnell ere greeted b rin in cheer and lou ap- plause fro oo those in the galleries, bile a motion o cl ar he H use of " s ran- gers," on cco nt of thi -demonstr ion, owes greet d w'th hisses. The sce at s the close of he Assesbly meeti of 1876 will no d ulet, e long re cm- bered by 11 w lo partici sated in or wit- nessed it. -- .Judgin fro t el new pepereepo ; the discus ion which too c place o report, it as on uctece in a very 1 and acre •oin us marine on both Taking a elm vie of th whole pro I ings from be nu • g to I nd, we c but feel t 'at he action! f the mai was, if • o 1 ars 1 at ast very clicious, a c a yet I result in ous. consequei cos to t e church. object of the 'ini ority Oleemed to pour oil upon he troubled waters, the majority app ared determined t the fire and keep t bright until it s burn out. All w re agreed that a in the doetrine of the eternity of f punishmett sho id be; retained prominent; plank in the creed o church. Mr. M cdonnell does no ject to tine but h confesses that th- sat on, a te- ied fer the on - : As. the ac - (2) ap- ith ent ich es- oc- ton ed, Is a nit - oh, iga- r. has bed ese ind re - a doubt 8 to w that it will not, b iil guage if correc verify th ir .doctr ously say that he has a doubt. M 'sembly confessed past, precisely Si. makes to thos The only diffe en got over their lou and. also that th themselves, ii For the latter his sorrow an iiess to suLlbmit to count of it, but help. What or pie want. Others ts of the tter des. eed- not rity •nj u- seri - The e to bile stir ould elief ture s a the oh - ..i has ether I Scriptural la,n- ly ineerpreted ne. • le e does no say t he cermet cense enti- is positive it will. He ny meinbers of th As - that they had, i the iiar doubts and • iffi- r. Macldonnell no has. being that they have Or and that he ha not, y kept their don its to he made his p blic. Maedennell expr ssed gret, and. his wi ling - any punishment n ac- e former he coul not could ;reasonable ow acknowledge they had doubts, a . Mr. t" he now has e for this te secute him, Psi le of the Plater. OA by the Toron . Macdonneel ac done wrong in ich gave rise to I of positive evi e been saved. icy to still ft:Abe nt, remains to be not mg nnell k 'miler do see to too ne Had it Pre by ,nowle, ge reaehi g t he tr ub nd ill fee heth4r stay off seen. RON' EXPo$1TO.Et. was said owledges bta, and desire to has been been dia- ry, when that he e sermon C, great ing would was wise the settle - The Way Th go re Done. We notice in the tratiord won of leat week the f llo ing adve isement : "A person of tie name of Ross, of Chatham, 'has ad t e assure e to ex- hibit at Philad lphi a pioug bearing a card with an is seri ion to th effect that his plough 11: o •bee awarded the "1st p ize at the 0 Uri Provincial Exhibi- tiin held in 1:75 ;I! also the "1st prize a d 'diploma fo 18 ',"and ala. "0 prizes at the Provin la lowing latch for . 1:75," the who e o which is f Ise. For the trut of p e above, ersons in- te ested, can appl to the Secretary, ( ugh C. The oo son,) of theA. icultural a • d Arts Asso datio of Ontaris-, Toronto. 11011A3 Y ANDLE. Such a bared ed mposition s is shown u by the abov noti e should b promptly e posed by th prde of the eh ntry, and t e person'pra tisih it should be exclud- e from showi g 14 articles a thelExhi- bi ion. It is fact that the p ow of an - o an maker r ceiee the 1st • ize at the P ovincial Ex ibiei n of 1875; that the pl w in qUesti on clli not recei e a prize a all at the rovl cial Plow ng Match in this distric alth ugh sever 1 of them e rolpeted, an it ie well kao that no e hibition ha yet been hel for 1876. If the above s atein nt be tru Mr. Ross h been guil y o very m • 'n and ,an e nally trans are fraud. ' e ater sure t ai if the rn tte ere brou ht to the a tention of t e a adian Co oil missioners a Philadelp in eh y would t once at- nd to Mr. 1 •se, aid take th necessary Means to ode ire eh: fraud. In this co nectio we may also state t I at a doubt xists tol whe her or not t. ere will be a pa cal test o the imple- etas on ex ibit o • in t e C radian De- p rtment at he e tenteal. hematter w believe r sts en trel wit the Can - lin Comm ssione s. 'houl the fippleeets not b tete and th prizes be a arded in grt so easure in accordance ith that te t, the how will be a farce, a the prizes, so far as prac- ti I value 1 cobc rned will be worth- ' 1 s . An i plerne t may be very hand, I s •'tidy finis ed,i an the workmanship on it • ay also be Of the best design, and s .ill'as an i ..picnic t of service it may be valueless, prae ical test of the work- ing of the v rious 1 pleinents can easily be had, and if the anadian Commission - es refuse t grant t, they will commit a eat misty, e whi h will have a most t i ierious e ect iipon the interests of this o t iiepor ant de artment, ii Ii Ii Ia. J. D. El) b on chose uth Onta ci vacant Ca eron. N. Gi -r W. H. o edidate rite coun : as he the the d 'AR, of Ttoronto, has Reform candidate for constitue cy render- ath of H n. Malcolm He Wil be oppos d by Hon, he la ormer rep .sentative. Gibbs opposes he Referm e Nortp. Ri ing of the Ne • ;of memo B rs. A, T. Ste the pris n a ci Cincin s ati Soigne' G NEN ✓ twenty five ye g the Perby r s igle cha ge of Lstwmsn inat r ic R AT kronide e timetes I riteeresid nt 51,250, of woin riles in t e metr OUT OF Is comson & aid Water ord t row out • f empl a 4,000 o eretiv PICKED e up in th writer alifax co at, on o. which as t ing like bis f 'ern, Live poi) .ingto b.ttorm ALSE.T Err e CrineSr.ecSovk nrufe f rnisheci re f then Re care ago, ourt, Bro. one bare' A POINT ates hay ortance t 1 er thhautaba 1 e a • aintenan ranted*fo Peesiou lartinez, et exacter i ✓ cently ovement 8 nzte din f .rypens floor with t • e arms o rotect hi "Wui en AR WE GOIN ?"— Bishop upanlotr , of F •ance has written a amphlet ntitied Whithe are we Go - i • g." It • deem s to show that society aid religi n are in the eatest peril t rough th triim .hant pro ress of athe- in and m in. The publication widely c rculate and can: es a sees/I- t on. THE ICE 'TENNI L ExHIn TION.—The a tendance at the entennia Exhibition • daily i • creasin Thu :i ay of last week the ethers ons we. 4.5,548, of which nea ly 32,1 "I Were e • 'Ile total eceipts during th, 25 daps for Which the Exhibi non has en opened the W as. A. T. TEWAR'r.— OJT has pres nted $1,000 so iations of New York .—For th 'first time rs on the day follew- ces there was not a drunkenn ss at the Court, L ndon. BRITAIN. The A/big that the children of `mat Brit in nuniber 39,863 1 ave sought polio. oY ENT.—T e failure of Co., of Belfa t, Portlaw, en manufe hirers, will yment be ween 3,000 s. bottle has been pick - twenty treks from the ainieg a p ece of paper di tinctly w itten some- " Ship Rosa ond sailed *ay 1st, 1 76. Vessel 8. uit of Solo- ard Beech - false teeth defendmit's er, twenty he Supi eine of lirnita- ek. t 51 with all han S er.—The . Henry r tlwo sets o -B echer and ynran Beec vas lisrnissed in kly fhe statut g r co ery. OF AN .—The Bistormagis- decidel a point o great im- boards of guardi ns, by rul- marriea. woman esertecl by d is n t respons ble for the e of he • children. A case was the Qi eerier Ben Ii Division ION OF PROTEST.. 'TS.—Velix a man of intel igence and San jorenzo, ow Mexico, nited with the Protestant he , a id he has been a,ssas- is OWil house b a mob of us, w o struck him to the el b nd phut im while in hi w e, who w trying to 11 _ - : have been $269,252, which is an average of nearly $11,000 a day, and as the Board of Finance have reduced expenses to about $8,04X) a day. This is comae ed s very satisfaatory condition of affairs. Die Tyke—The Rev. Dr. Tyng, Jr., of New Yor k, who tecenely induced two female preachers to take pare in the ser- vice of his church, has taken anothe re- markable seep an baptizing inee of his converts by immersion. He *eat to a baptist chetah to perform this cermet/nee The converts kneeledriend were iraralrsed face forward. NEW TOLES LIOUTHOUSE.—The new lighthouse at the mouth of the I iver Thames it now in working order. On ordinary eights the light can be se n a distance of twelve miles. The ight will be a teat advantage to those avi- gating the river, which, at this lace has no, natural landmarks to guidu the R e- SenteRINce —The New York Worldpilot. i I • says that the wandering street pedler is deluding (the credulous housewife with a prepareti e for re -silvering spoons. Itis a salt of I mercury which when rubed upon worn plate imparts to it a brief argentegless, but it comes off in the soup or the pudding, and salivates the family, THE _WInsRBY PEoSEOuTION S. —Alfred Bevis, A. B. Frazer, J. L. Bernecke+ and B. B. Ben • bergt distillers who had kad- ed guilty of whiskey frauds at St. Louis, and who had turned State evidence have been sentenced each to a fine of $1,000, and imprisonment for one day. The President; has has commuted the sentence of J. L. Bittieger, late United States guager in Misso the reve Penitent ty jail. then of the Milwaukee whiskey were sente ' ced,the former to five mo i) imprisonni nt and a fine of $10,000 the latter three months' imprison and a fine of $1,000. Nunnemaehe very old nd wealthy citizen. ri, convicted of frauds against up, fromtimprisonment in the ry to imprisonment in the coun- ., Nunnamacher and C. Guen- nge ths' and ent is a County Court. At the Sitting of the County ourt held last veek before Judge Tom the following gentlemen coinprised the Grand Jury : Me srs. Jas. Br wn, East Wawa - nosh; t. Bell, Jir., Tuckersmith ; Jas. Due ton, Colborne; Thos. Lead- beater, Br ssels • D. Morrow, Clieton ; G. McKete Wingbani ; L. McDoeald, Grey; A sfcNeil, Colborne; R. Well'. lan, Mc op ; D. McGregor, Hallett; W. Sim Son, Yarns; W. Walker, Us - home.; Wise, Goderich ; W. Wilson, Hay, and T. Weatherald, Goderich. Mr. T. i Weatherald was chosen fore- man. The Jiiry returned a true bill in th- ease of t e Queen vs. David Atkinson, at- tempt to s The fir O'Rourk the evid fondant tavern, and. while doing so, were ing up for a fight. After getting hill they. left on their homeward jo and beforer reaching home had a and tumble fight. O'Rourke comi oot, case disposed of was thItt o 8. Walters. It appeared fro nce that the plaintiff and de ad been drinking together at 81 corkt may' rney, oug go ships ruled their w evidence o.the POI and count for a common tumult, fro the fact of prisoner pointing the pistol in the direction of Youeg. Mr. Cameron thcM called the two boys who were with prisoner. John Diesel said that he was with prisoner when the difficulty took place, and that prisoner was underi the nfluence of liquor ; w4-. nen went up the slide before prisoner and was between prisoner and Young; 1 prisoner did not present pistol at Young; went out of mill before prisoner and toole pistol out of his hand a few yards frommill ; pistol was not loaded then; open- ed breech of pistol and Mitchell -put a cartridge in and fired it off; prisoner had no cartridges, Mitchell carried dint heard prisoner say lie would put a bullet in Young; am positive the pistol was net loaded when prisoner had it. John Mitchell cerroborated the evi- dence of Dixon and lidded that prisoner _carried a bottle of Muer with him. This closed the evidence ,and their Worships decided there was ne case to go to a jury' the defence having established that the pistol was not loaded. It seems that he order to convict the prisoner even of a common assault under the present law, the crown would have to prove that the pistol was loaded with a bull ett and that the prisoner points it directly at Young. This would be a difficult matter in any case and impossible in this case. There ireundoubtedly a defect in the law as re- marked by their Worships and also the Grand Jury in their presentment. The prisoner was discharged with a severe reprimand. I second beet, sued Walters for dan ages but the iu y, after listening attentively to the caa , gave a verdict for d fend ant. The Or to the cals nd Jury brought in a tr e bil of the Queen/me Frankli i, at tempt to soot, after which they mad he follokving presentment, and we e dis charged The jurors of our Lady the Quee be leave to present that, in accordance wit our duty, we have visited the jail, an Th thei mai oul sh found everything clean and tidy. prisoners seemed well satisfied wit treatment. --There is an insane f confined therein, whom we think s be eethoved to the asylum, wher could gee proper treatment. We mirei sorry to find so many (especia11 habit 'of the Geyer so that a posed oh arms. We beg able men young men and lads) i arrying fire arms, and ment should amend th penalty or fine could b ersons for carrying sai to thank your honor f r in which you expiable law, gove ning the cases which wer before es, end also the County Att for rende ng us all the assistance i power. Signed, o The foil behalf of the Grand Ju T. WEATILBTtALD, Fore wing cases were tried me th thin la im fire r th lai 'rue hi an. efor s with P. Adamson E Judge To en a associate Magistrate: The Q4en Vs. David Atkinson—Th age shoo ge o firs oung ut prisoner, e, boy of about 15 years o was charged with threatening to one Henry M. Young, at the vill Lakelet, Township of Hullett. Th witnese celled; was Henry M. who stated that on April 27th, ab o'clock the evening he saw the pr sone in company with two other boys name Dixon end Mitchell ; the prisoner ap peered to he drunk and was trying to g out on the river in a boat, he fell out o the bo t at) into the water and was nabl to help himself; witness warned p er not go out in the boat, but pr swore back and followed witness to mill, where he (witness) was wo and drew a revolver when in the sa and aimed: it in the direction of w but not directly at him ; witnes away and prisoner followed him out o the mill. • WM. Cushman stated that Ii was working in the mill ; he saw ptison er outiede the mill; he was talkini loud and theeatlening to put a hole thtoug Young; to whom he was talking—he ha a pistol inkhis hand ; prisoner went up stairs afte Young saying that he oul bore him t Young left the mill by A New Shot from an Old G114 To Ow Editor of the Boron Feaaveitora 1 SIR: It is diffieult to criticise letters, f the character of these which have lately appeared in tour columns in favor of tee- totalism. When a man makes a number of statements unsupported by evidence, it is a fruitless task to spend time con- troverting them. I have, therefore, pur- posely abstained in my previous letters from the attempt. However, the last letter, signed "Good Templar," is a fair average, and contains the usual number of stock assertions I have thought per- haps it might be interesting to see hew much therein is really worthy of consni- eration. Nearly one half is made up Of accusations, and misfortunes to which human life is, al ays was, and always will be, liable, but which the moderate use of spirits has eo more to say to than attending a prayer meeting has. Of course, the usual figures of speech of a 'temper- ance lecture are not wanting; of "the or- phan," "age going down with sorrow to the grave," and the "widows," &c.; but, don't you think, Mr. "Good Templa0," dispense you might with them occasione ally ? or are the widows so fascinating that they will come uppermost in your thoughts? "Beware,' as 8am Weller says," Beware of the widows." It would be impossible in al short letter to follow our woeful Knight through every,partlof his long tirade. It would also be useleis, as I hare already disproved the most sa- lient points. But I ask what connection has whiskey drinking with the making of prostitutes? None that I know of; but I know that numbers of women and girls i are led from the paths of virtue by at- tending secret societies at improper holies of the night. I what way does ethe moderate use oil liquor produce fever? How does it feed rheumatism? When did it welcome epidemics? How doe it impart' epidemics? Come, Mr. Knight Templar., explain yourself. . Show ureen what grounds you base these assertions. What do you mean by it embracing con- sumption? Do you mean to insinuate the foul insult that the many dear friends, wives, sisters and brothers, fading mid faded by this destructive disease, are victims from the use of strong drink?' or . is it merely a pa of a teetotal let asking, "In th what facts? fan nothing else -tee petuate such a t lust an respecta t of the wild rigmarole er? You conclude by face of these facts,1— ies of your imagination, who will dare to per- affic ?" Lots will 'dare, le,. just as moral, as Sir night Tem lar, What do you mean hy the little en o nothing, and whittling it off to a point Are, you the same gen- tlemin who, a few weeks agoe told. us "-that if a cup f spirits was placed ;on the other side f Hell, men would W lk through it to ge the drink ?" When ou explain these t o statements we will 1 more inclined t accept your dictum, t at spirits should n ver be used as a be er- age—when it is used on the table of the Governor -Gene al, and freely offerecir to his guests; w en it is used by eminent statesmen, judg s, lawyers, a majoritt of physicians the best mechanics, the m st ri-it he coil ne r- he he s, s ? c- succeseful farm its use in case many are in p weavers, shoem for 14 or 15 hoe rooms ' sound me rs. You would per of ill heath; but rfect health? Arc kers or tailors, who s a day in unwholes ? lathe pale, emacia clerk; the weakly factory hand; the n vous women, who cook, mencrand ma to keep up a decent appearance, at same time raisin a family of little on, from pains and ach , my dear sir, your d ison- —are they free sone Sueely not; wh a sa, tor will tell you[I am correct in sayug kin that net 20 iu 1 mi bag of a sound tnes " you can point ra lived without al Alla* me to dis cohol is an indis ensable ingredient ing all wholesome food and although your - quaintances ma not have purchased i at a bar; yet Natu e furnishes this anti k, if; le quantities in rip of bac cooking—whyethe stomach itself is a is- etair and Prisoner followed and shortl tillery on a small scale. Now, our wo by afterwardwitness heard a pistol sho friend, '1Good. eniplar," has told it a outsid ; *Anus did not. see th, shot number of thinks which the traffic in fired o who Bred it. Richard *loun er the fa er of W. M. Young, was in th mill a d saw prisoner folloye his so wit da hi rise th im ; afte adults enjoy the bl constitution. You ut hundreds. who h ohol in any of its form gree with this. As s- ay ye al - which you seem jto have such a -horror it provides thei with it in consider fruit and the proces a pistol in his hand ; soon afterwar son catne doWn stairs followed by er who asked witness "where di fellow go," and added, "I'll fix heard the report of a pistol soon liquor has not d he. Here are e num ofs, service" whi h he must admit it has dem. The revenue of the country is largely indebted to the comMerce in , spirits; it, therefore, contributes to the t support of colic Yes, assists scientific i ti- tutions,subsidis s steamboat and railway - companies, digs cenals, erectspublic wards but did not see the shot fired r building, supports the militia, material - who fired it. Nesbit Bigger, one Of the ly assists the common schools, and pays owners of the mill mid that about the salaries of our ublic officials. -I g (3te from one of Chain rs' valuable work , in treating of beer es a food. "Beer posies - see a three -fold property. It quenches thirst, it stimul ten cheers, and if taken in sufficient q alities intoxicates, lastly nourishes or s rengthens. From these combined quan ities beer proves a ire- freshing and sal below'. drink (if taken in moderation,) an an agreeable and valu- able stimulus euppore those who have bodily fatigue." I dent pie being as temperate or as they choose, but of is thrusting their no. . o'clock; prisoner came to him and eske for his boat, and he advised prisoner not to go out for fear of getting drowned, which he 'replied there Was not water enough; to drown him; prisoner was drunk ; taw prisoner come to the mill with a pistol in his hand, and swearing that he would shoot that fellow (meaning Young):; did not see that shot fired or who fired it, but I heard it; went out and took the pistol from prisoner, It was not loaded then prisoner said he had nothing but blat'ile cartridges. All the witnesses reviewed the circumstances in almost . the same. way, Mr. Cameron submitted, there WAS no evidence to go to a jury, but after argument their Wor- , 'Ee lo to :undergo much find fault with in the use of licu what I complain trona down other peoples'tleroate withlthe end of a constal;'s baton; We are loud in our denunciations of the terrors of Popish 243, 1876, 7 1 uttoymrabpinyranyei:n: Coparaprtti:ytool;famcou7sdamTnotytiricice, aswgz,aensmllimairnetgismonoterembouti the spirit exhibited by the mis-naraee dangerous to our liberties, than that ea. sated under the Spanish inquisition. wee,:but was mar bly crowded out.) FED. Noen,-1 be s e Ives intended /or lug Tint Walton Church Difficulty, Tos\talie;Edritordo not ItiliehinlikatabenatEeitpoheitorwo,rth even my pen to take notice of your foolish correspondents, , b et as hypocrisy and lies ought to be exposed and laid bare before the world. I shell, though at the risk of wasting my own Ow, give them a pale, swallow. It apPears that the former ground has now been shifted. The Bebe Earn entered, and they have vanished lee fore it. They ire afraid to challenge the itohrewv(tirtdnezsdesuiviathlo 10 good preparedmyformer to 1)ftsserrmg. tions. It has be shown that the al. mission of Grangers into the Church has been at the bottomof this unseemly ex- hibition of their malice,—that their ex- pulsion was determined on,—that the minister and people were prohibited from entering the Church, unless nuclei a sea vile condition, —that your correspondent/ have been guilty of the most bare -faced falsehoods, both as: respects the conversa- tion which took , lace at the manse and at the Church,— cid with these so patent to the eyes of al iwho knows what did occur, it wouldjust be wasting time to take further noticeof them. They dare not contradict factsto which witnesses are ready to attest,' If then, they have been convicted on ethe original ground', and condemned by every one conversant with them, their testimony can have no weight in reference to other statements, however plausible, though backed up even with Scripture. Satan himself was good at this sort of work. He -could and die quote the Scripturesalso. And he could do it more appro Heftier. They seem to de- lightin following is example. But dis. semblers are easily detected. I have heard of an old inister who, when a ' book tainted t American heresy was put into his an instantly thrust it aside; and when eked why he laid it aside SO soon with ut giving himself time to form an opinion f its contents replied: "It's not necess to eat a whole leg of mutton to ascertain whether it's infected; a little bit one of the middle is enough*" Now, the specimens of your correspond- ent's falsehoods and Malice are so glaring alinedt°sacyom; P‘e,lifmreemit;lifeaksteataemsimeniltasrasktreaadin'y proved false, one 13an glean what maybe the nature of the statements they are cap- able of uttering. From one learn all." But as your , correspondents seem to be unable to comprehend preaching, at least seem anxious to misconstrue and give false eolorin to hat wan really said, they liaIre B themselves to be the very opposite of hat a Christian ought 1 to be. And as r garde MT. Mann's sale 1 sctiption to he Anse and church being put forth b wayf boasting, it was the very revers T ey were given to show that he, at least was not • mean. He would spur to o as they have done. Strife and contention, however, seem to be their delight. They are never satisfied unless they are it. They have driven out every other inister, and now with our late behooved aster resigning to leave us with nearly t e whole congregation needing to • diaper e and fall into other Churches, land ith our money in - ;vested upon pro city scattered to the winds, and all t s occasioned by the ill - few. "From 8 eli characters, such ill- !, temper andlstub sertmess of but a very tempered, foolieli„ false, unreasonable character," I would say hi the words of the Angli Liturgy, "Good Lord! de- liver us P' s I am no bogus correspond- ent, I shall tell my name and subscribe myself. . ALEXANDER MS1CHfE, Winthrop P. O. [ED, NOTE ---W0tiiii it not be wise of our cor- respondents to let ibis discussion drop now? If matters are bad now, further discussion is not likely to make them bletter.j Is‘ds ,*amp, Ana to them iloave 7 gi Tr, Gaigere rn to meet eeld r, Hay. ADJOURNED th, All the members Ci IYET OF REVISION AND 3 APPEAL. --The Cu rt of Revision and sp. peal met' urge1' t to adjournment on Monday, June l of the Council present. The Reeve in the chair., The minutes of the former sit- ting being read end approved, it WAS moved by Mr. /teeColl, seconded by Mr. Kalbileiseh, th 1 the following altera- tions be made in the assessment rolls for 1876, viz.: 'That the Ee of Ne of Lot 1, Con. 1, be takem from the ' non-resident roll and be as essed to Abel Walper; that Martini Wo h be charged with the north part of ei of Lot 24, Con. 14; that Lots 1 and Lome Bash e, eit Hemi, tee tamkrefrom.n Wil. son; that Williani White be assessed in company th :theert liJrt .Whpart White, for Lot * Lot ,14: Con i Con. 7, containing66 acres, be charged to Jas. Tr, yer, aud the south part of 22, and north part of 21, be charged to Edinnnd Ti -oyer, and the south_part '-of of Lot 21 char. ed to Charles Tiara and that the nonresident lands on U011. 8, be increased 25 per cent—Carried. Moved by ir. eColl, seconded by Mr. Kalbileiseli, thatithe Court of Revirdoa carindedA_cppeatrid.feorbe year 1876 be now lo The ofvis e Councilna, aiintertree close ha se eftt co Zurich, for the ansaction of the follow- ing bounce : he Reeve in the chair. Moved by Mr. HpColl, seconded by Mr. Wilson; that Al . Ingram be appointed thC onta. k2e, iciall4frogoeof grm am".1 CPai int p°bn14ell,:094 of pit on • t °1281'1 reonaP. P1°--inCtedarruied°.veMrgeeeer- aWtethat Wilson, Moved' otnoGavintl i'llt t h es Cu In6lo' f s e$ el°50n d e db e bY1 ' Mov- ed by Mr. alb isch, seconded by Mr. Geiger, th t the sum of s$200 be appropn- st boundary,e be:. nipadr eat 1 e fieguaraaiv theaemllionu amount.. -Carrie thensobaisori; it: cltehf appro- priatedto epair the roads in each raid division 1iarrje.1. Moved by Mr. Me - Coll, seco aded Mr. Kalbfleisch, that the Reeve le and isliereby instructed to put the centre avel road in a proper stelreiair'dt:enVYe°11°1 sinners hat rps--TCaried.Mov- ed by Mr. Wile re seconded by Mr. Gel - ger, that - 'bt. erguson be a commis- sioner to e pen the balance of Surplus Frounclads ainnd "rikidg • under repairingndertereogratieuvcsel the Reev —Careied. Moved by Met Wilson, tse ,•for :e o by Mr. McColl, that the followe g unts be paid : To Robt. g I. culvert; $4-50; James Bo thro I, assessor, balance of csautryert,, $5s7 40Godfrey Nicholson leaking ecteidii3t; imorr.c 1,,:roce;rs, $. isiaeince.d26_n jd.•Cedoareat.biley ‘lblar.ftexiamoisciat fleittehe the Reeve, Deputy- Retires 3 (PucKxi* nu.] ASS OESiJOSTROICE.—OnSa, 10th int., 2r -te bipley Huron road, near CT see *truck,alitnatlefogilldaigh rrashoirtti esie despaired pardnewnitfarwayofibutwiearo township,aY jilt jh wl 7 Nnw:edw sArez :Vika theirabstar i similar emoi rrior usesg1x; sartt °fake" rdruifs son • ay, throwing both out ahe one of the horses (the same o inju KEID,v°1KenesurenAdubeePeed:kilyeltivioNTedfhiaohnen, 1p Fetasiinone to move a load of 44Wk i114111411 on tea 'ltebill appears a that -tieloft "aftet irw-wIngusirt hath: otpbh ,lafostolgiuinpnoeatE4trenath emue rgt: Ohe of his ribs Was broken, w trated. hie lung, 'musing it to oth�r injuries were inflicted e injuries, though serious dangerous, and, with Care, he out again, Mr. Fitzsuno Ainjurcd.' The furniture w -deranged. linrOn Notes. fAccording to ethe official of Brussels, issued this year, tii ntains 214 qualified ratepeyei --The Sims of Temperance a county convention at -Ceoderieli y next, at which important ; —The Good Terna tonlye-nP44erlykiedeuici otbnYw.tthellieWskinTo,rehtelts8yelsbfiadalibal-1 i —Brown ginger ale is &mew new: have igot for beer in the ta houses n and about Godericii. Oren beer under such a name 1)e,, --ralljgiledvresnew " mill in God been re -started, and the mac 'he establishment new weir' harm. It is driven by a Cotli The mill contains ten run of at 1 I—Flax sown on Mr. Rua Morris, on the 10th of May, i Sires 20 inches,,. and flax sow: Grower's farm, in Grey, on on ti ! --YIrniheeRauneresfoUrdaiinat ele3a0iL18/111 ken, which have been idle ionths owing to dullness - in the ave resumed Work,' and are - ining full bleat, ; —The insane women who , confined in the jail at Goderich three months months pot, and who hs jfenad to in the report of th( !court house committee severall iremoved to the asyluralast wee ' 1 —The e rst party of summ eirrived at GOderiela last week 1 iOrleans, and took up their.-- e the Point- Poina Farm. , The Signal led that the number of applicanti !at this popular watering place f I that of previous yearn. - 1 —Some 13 or 14 dogsawere g one night last week, on the F e A 1•eession. of 'Ashfield. Who eom: i net, none- can guess. There ) i be fewer sheep killed in Ashi ;while, until new canines grow ;!. place those slaughtered. i - —One day last week, a hen It° MT. Waltea Hick, Goder 3 with a desire to excel the eff 1 sisters througbout the- count 1 the -climax by laying twin egg I them was of the miner! lila g other was about the size o i Plf..g. 1 —fallevivirhe'aTh:rmowasiolti)g on 13 1 measureige:feet 5 inches 1 Ielinperish" esg,whis,evaet 11Wolipei c h tile ee s y.:1:eveeiat i will be as good as the yield i promises. 1 i —The POW PreSbyter4 iit r uThet(eerlvd ali;:as,,Iare being already,pushedor. truv, completed, it will be a most i Judging from present appearal 1 edifice, and -will be a credit to 1 and generosity of the omega:age 1 minister, .J. Wbbaisltofele, tBuiebie 1 elyieirhabes'enbeieZ reelmiarogveed°L the I ' - I Ln Preen gleetdad.pihii4faLfarewell vash ll sermon vei- i „destitezeetain: bhyotthh'e/mapopieeeaco f bit el, 11 ,.jzft—auliTes hbeon Tehenjoined: tr rii is sbsaid 14em 141,ton y inobt te I it, il . dilapidated state, and the Usl' i . 4 1 erg to 'oak after it. It is stah I who know that a haudsonu 1 addition to the statute labor, - i paired to put it in efficient ea il'German21ithenee—1ftibrinhw 1 igbsynhvni jail all:11:01: life campgfaa o,y1 i the:%rnear sman loe. tyiezahe! stated they were not so largel ete?: former occasions, an. ;s sicderablydiaturbed by rough —At build.iph:theotheraay,1r ofLxtardiue,wiilefiliig pteppingmacmne,adi finthegeet eduieta°11-depliarte mweasntator States army, and one finger ' 11:8the:that- -e8Pdi °M1 1300:ti nptifollfa:p e:wne dbLtresh44u.tveuen isnib'i, '-oal gn31,1mesfErlsIblateb eal remf leY:tedrebi:Rrteesodl'a aTfhewe .eavelfeeinks A Pickard, and, at two months V teinr-#-tob-ecienillIrppotfheinetchangesMa oe ero1 of 1 tl have changes are Among the It clip*, to Lucknow ; of Goderiele to Brussels Boa% an aetoGOltuerilletin here h; tE011nagire _113--it011e; Wednesday of last xtennieks, a -noted gambler wa's fined $10 by the Mayor l' Plying his nefarious -wed