The Huron Expositor, 1876-04-14, Page 1APRIL 1876.
-7 7•7
D RY-.G.C.$()D
ig the Largest, Cheap* arid Beer
ted Steck to Select from in See.
Most of these Goods we Import
teat from
are determined to sell them al
as any First -Class House in the
aim of Canada. We make Dry
a Speciality, and in many Iftiet
tods we have some
mg them Six Hundred Pieces Na,
N'T$, Warranted Fast Colors, at front
,ants to 15. cents per yard_ ;, Pik
ZS.- 02003:Ds,
k and Neat, In all the Choice Fit
I of the Season,at from 121 cest
cents per yard. Forty Piecet
able Warp Reversible, at 14 cent;
cents, 20 cents, 25 cents, 30 cast;
cents, 40- cents, 50 cents, sa cep*
Gents and 85 cents per yard.
nificent Display
New Silk Scarfs, New Ecru Lacek
Maltese Laces, New HOU'
es, New
Swiss Embroideries,
broiderie.s, New Guipure Erabol"
u $1 to $8 per Set. ,A.meriail
Pons, American Ducks, America
L Free Trade Prices;
rt viroi
Five Dozen Ladies' Seet4
cents per 1air, worth 45
A Great Bargain,
SEE Tiff A.
G. DilcDQUGALL 84.
Sign of the Three Seveate
WHOLE NO. 4315.
The Dominion Senate vs. the
House of Commons.
The clever Ottawa cOrres ondent of the
Hamilton Times11 one of hs racy letters
makes the following interesting compar-
isons between the surroundings and' de-
meanor of that staid, stolid, expensive
and worthless body, the Dominion Sen-
ate, and the equally bustling, active and
valuable Commons. While speaking of
the Senate, he says it may!not be unin-
teresting to make some reference to that
calm, dignified and generally grandilo-
quent body. When one st4ps out of; the
busy House of Commons, ith its hum
of voices, restless memb vs, hurrying
pages, snapping fingers and whistling for
messengers, its crowded alleries,the
the rush of
loud tones .of the speakers,
business, amid the score of other never-end-
ingineidents which catch th� eye or arrest
the ear ; together with t1e impression
left on the mind from the dark green icar-
pet,the chairs upholstered in green leath-
er, the deep green trimmings around the
chamber, the hats on the embers,' ancl
the other items that give th; place a dark
and uninviting cast. t Wh n one leaves
this bedlam and enters the! quiet, Otto],
airy ancl cheerful legislative hall of the
ge instantly.
nators, with
paneled peil-
of theCorn-
sit. _In- the
feel easy and
e oneself as
those of the
still, walk
most perfect
active in the
posite is the
one finds' the
- Senate, he feels the chit
- The room, seated for 70 s
its lofty carved woodenan
hie, is the same size as tha
mons„ where 206 members
Commons galleries one may
ohat, walk abou,t, and ma
comfortable as possible. I
.Senate one is impressed to
noiselessly, and observe th
quiet. There is nothing att
House of Commons; the o
fact in the Senate. There
magnificent apartment- brill:ant with life
size oil paintings,* marble- statues, a ,gor-
geous throne, elegant wainnt desks, , and
easy chairs, rich crimson carpet, benehes
upholstered in. crimson cloth to match
- the chairs- and. chief color in the room,
- polished brass railings atirmounted at
; frequent intervals with gat lamps, &c.
.The apartment is rich and elegant in all
its appointments, and, suggestive of Com-
. fort and -wealth.
Mr. Speaker, to whora the greatest
sits beneath a rich crimson canopy, sur-
rounded by the imperialicoat-of-arms,
carved and gilt. This throne is smaller
than one behind him, which is used by
no one except Lord. Dufferin when Pres-
ent in his constitutional capacity as Gov-
ernortGeneral, in opening or proroguing
Parliament. On the rightf Mr. Speak -
er stands a fine marble bus of H. R. H.
the Princess of Wales, ae on his left
one of the Prince her husband. Both are
of life size aad well executed. At the
end of the chamber opposite to `Mr.
Speaker stands a life size statue that any inconvenience
in white marble of Her Majesty, arise in the alteratioq . of the
tariff, .for no one has been able to
mounted on a red granite ped -
estal six feet high facing the Speaker's out any financial difflehlties that
chair. The Queen is represented as she in the way, and the argument th
might have been 20 years ago. She we cost of the necessaries bf life wo
to adjourn is made the Sp ak er m
says, "Mr.— moveii th t this H
do now adjourn. Is it you pleasur
adopt this motion ?" and If sce he
"Carried !" If the ewe irto ion, eve
opposed, was made (in , Senate
Hon. SPeaker would rise d say in
formula " Hon. Gentle it, it is
ed by 1 -Ion. Mr. seconde
Hon. Mr. --, that is Hous
now. adjourn. Is it yo pleasur
adopt the motion? All th se in fav
the motion will say 'content.' All
not in favor of the m ti n will say
content.'" And then Speaker
"The contents have it," which is
onyinous to declaring tha he moti
A Few Stray Th ughts. 4
; de,
h of
perehan e be
when th fal-
un -
To the Editor of thl Harlin &post
Sin : I think theiconcln ions to
men are compelled to arrive by the
of circumstances not unfre uently
to be more lasting than t1lir fond
erences, and when the Usborne Gra
" brother farmer" has enitivate
intellect, as in his letter in ; you
weeks issue heffecommeadt him t
he will fain acknowledie the tru
this-, and his smile at aa the 'non
written about " their in nsistenc
unworthy motives," ma
changed to a sardonic gn
lacies which , have led h
become apparent, and he
ply the axiom, "save
Your liberal and comprehensive
on Protective Duties is well timed
I trust the Government ill soon see the
expediency of a little he lthy legislation
on this matter, to stem he growill feel-
ing of dissatisfaction at heir commercial
policy and the present tariff. i Long con-
tinued depression of trate and the flood-
ing of the Canadian mar & ts with Ameri-
can goods have united manufacturers aid
prcducers in a common desire for higher
restrictive duties. Extreme free tra
principles are less and les supportedcl
it is admitted that thopesition of Canada
is commercially so peculiar that she re-
quires peculiar treat e t, and Call it
what you will, incidenta protection or
national policy, there is aidoubt a change
is demanded by the co intry and som
Oi be made. I
V Alai
t th
m estray
is forced t
me fror
concessions will have
really seems paradoxical, And not
the bounds of common reason, th
United States are allowkl to over
us with their productions'free fro
restriction, When our own, cannot 1 e
Without the i
y, an anomal.
'so aptly ill s
review of thi
Y own perks? a
I cannot th
Of princi le
res n
at -..n
t th
lcl b
mitted across the horde
position of custom du
state of things which y
trated last week in you
question. As far as
feeling is concerned,
her crown carries a, coronal of roses in th
her left and the sceptre m her right hand. difference wouldI not be appreciab y fel
She is dressed in loose drapery after the iu the increasedstimul s to the corn -me
• much increased is no tenable,'
Grecian style.- Her statue is the most of this country, resulting in steady
striking object in the; room. Behind it general prosperity. T
and against the wall -are stispended two remembered, when in .
- life size oil paintings of George IV. and declared himself to be
• ' f t 'der and I s
e 'Premier, be
cotland last yea
an uncom ffo
in' mita
d h 't
Queen Charlottom their coronation robes. g , ppose his a
Both are young, and arrayed in the cos- have not undergone au change, a
tunic of 100 years ago. In the Speaker's they are shared in by a number
gallery there is also -a splendid painting supporters, but the Lib, rail Cons
in oil of her present Majesty, painted in and Independent members have f
oil when she had but latelyiaseendecl the time maintained that theories mu
Throne. -• She, too, is in her coronation *ay to facts, and that Cana 's
robes. All these attractive objects, to. duty is, for Canada to take care of
gether with the heavy gilt mace on the self
table and its crimson cushions, the Ser- All conjectures whighl the residen s
geant-at-Arms; the Usher lof the Black our goodly Own have for months 11,e
Rod, the gaseliers, the uniformed pages, indulging in, as to the intentions of o
the messengers and attendants, in cut- civic rulers Nv4h regard to a bonus f
away coats and white neckties, and the the establishment of sonic works, is no
other matters too numero s to mention, set at rest by the publication of atirropos-
and, perhaps, too tedious to read of, ed by-law in, your columns, for the pur-
throw an influence over th chamber of Pose of carrying out this i desirable object.
the Senate much as may be ought for in 1 think the bonus and conditions are on -
in the Commous. he Senators ceived le a liberal spirt, and will to d to
1 y
$ We
t as
theii 24
ast rs,
at p esen
on hat
de uate
ion $, no
ter.' In
the ong
Rae stu
ther du
cula let
tion, of
of the C
herd of t
and Ov
andl Go
in C
k an
1' 15
este, wh
posed of
an love
me ting
HaMilt n during the meeting of Synod.
The Pre bytery adjourned to hold its reg-
ul• me ting in Seaforth, on the second
Tu aim) of July, at 11 A. M.
h inst., but that as regards the
remised in the *papers on the
y table as stipends of future
e Presbytery takes no action
beyond an expression of opin-
he amounts mentioned are not
to the abilities of the congrega-
te the necessities of a minis -
accordance with the request of
egation of Bayfield, Mr. W-
ent, was appointed - te-labor
ng the next three months. Cir-
rs wete read- anent the recep-
v. Mr. McGregor, a minister
ngregational Church, of Mr.
. a minister of the American
ian Church, and of Mr. Haw-
minisser of the United Presby-
urch of British North America,
rs of this Church. A commit -
sting of Messrs.' Gracey and
was appointed on the state of
Mr. Gracey, convener. Messrs.
Messer were appointed mem-
e Assembly's Committee of Bills
rtures, and Messrs. Ferguson
don, members d the Synod's
ee of Bills and Overtures. Mr.
resignation of East Ashfield
n up, when it was agreed that
ation lie on the table, and that
‘s interested •be cited to appear
nd tongue. The sewing is done
ith the regularity and neatness of ma -
bine work, and exhibits the wonderful
capabilities to which the human frame
can be educated.
I —Mr. E. J. Muina, a merchant of
rumbo, Blenheim, was set upon whilst
on his way home one night recently, but
he held fast to the money—about $100—
and after a brief hand-to-hand engagement
With his assailant, succeeded in getting
Jaway. Country merchants had better be
on the alert. e
—Mr. A. S. Whiting, an industrious
and persevering manufacturer at Cedar
Dale, near Oshawa, died recently) at the
'age of 69 years. The agricultural classes
are much indebted to him for introduc-
ing the superior class of harvest and gar-
den tools now in use.
—A dastardly outrage was committed
ion the Egremont road, a few days ago,
011 Mr. A. A. Hicks, who was on his way
to deliver a temperance lecture. He was
overpowered by three ruffians in masks
and made to swallow about a pint of
—The passenger traffic over the Grand
Trunk railway is at present very large,
between 300 and 400 through western -
bound passengers passing through Strat-
ford every day. The Port Dover road is
egular meeting for their inter- becoming quite a popular route, about
n said resignation will be dis- tickets being sold daily at the different
Messrs. Ferguson, Brown,and stations along the line.
lder, were appointed to prepare —An interesting case was considered
re to the Assembly on the before a full bench -of magistrates in South
ission Fund, and to report at a Marysburg a few days ago. The com-
a Presbytery to be held in plaint was that a patron of a cheese fac-
tory had delivered milk in which a cat
had. been drowned. A portion ' of the
magistrates agreed upon a conviction,
but the defendant gave notice of appeal.
—On a challenge, given by Mr. R.
Ferguson, of Listowel, a game of draughts
was played between that gentleman and
six players of Millbank, _Perth County,
on Friday, March 31st. The result was
a complete victory for Mr. Ferguson ; be
having won 25 games eut of 30, and the
remaining 5 being draws. Another match
is spoken of.
—A servant girl named Jenny -. Mar-
shall, living in Napanee, Ontario, last
week received a letter from England, in-
forming her that by the death of an un-
cle she has become heiress to 000,000
sterling, equal to $1,000,000. Mr, John
Perry was shown the letter, and there is
ne doubt of the good fortune of the poor
servant girl.
—The friends and well-wishers of Rev.
Mr. Musgrave, pastor of Milverton and
North Mornington Presbyterian churches,
have shown their respect and apprecia-
tion in a tangible manner by presenting
Mr. Musgrave with the handsome sum
of $84.50. Mr. Musgrave has labored
faithfully in his present field for the last
8 years, and the presentation is well -tie -
—Window robberies are becoming com-
mon in Dundas. The plan adopted is for
the parties to break one or two panes of
glass, then help themselves to whatever
is within reach. If this style of robbing
is continued much longer, Dundas store-
keepers will be compelled to re -commence
the old-fashioned practice of putting up
their shutters at eight.
--As a Canada Southern freight train
was coming into Ridgetown yard the oth-
er evening, a brakeman named William 120,
Clark, of St. Thomas, fell from the top --Harriston has a pottery just recent -
of the train, the wheels instantly passing ly established where they are able to
over his legs, badly mangling them, from glaze white ware, and. burn it equal to
the effects of which he died 15 minutes any stone ware manufactured, and it is
after the accident. He was 19 years of difficult for experienced persons to tic -
age and unmarried. tect it from the best stone ware it takes
—The young man Alexander White, a superior finish rings well, and is
who was accidentally killed at Chatham ly as hard. This ware can be manufac-
station lately, by the buffer overlap- tured as cheaply as the common clay
ping, was from London, where be leaves crocks. They have now a kiln burnt
a wife and two children. He was about which can be tested by any person call -
35 years of age, and had served in the ing This establishment is quite an :se -
78th Highlanders. His body was for- quisition to the village, and the future
warded to London the same evening. The prospects of Messrs. Cadwell & Peg -
inquest showed that his death was the ret ler, the proprietors,. are as bright as
suit of his own want of care. those of any firm in the village, as their
—Donald Campbell, a young man, ware only requires to be seen to be ap-
went from Owen Sound to Toronto a preciated.
couple of weeks ago, having in his Pot' —A Hamilton lady lost her purse a
. .
session $600 in $20 gold pieces. On Sat- few days ago, containing a $4 bill, a, few
urday evening a man named David Quig- street ear tickets and some loose change.
hotel, and while there, it is alleged, stole On Friday she received a letter by post,
retitreing the purse and other contents
ley got hold of him and took him into an
from him a gold watch and chain valued (excepting the bank bill) with the, fol-
searched at the. station. Quigly was re- lowing note written in a good hand:
MADAME—ipicked up the enclosed purse
at 000, Campbell had not a cent when
left las
ed bet
and ins
ran, po
in Ont
ing i
p nine
sum of
left lt
day of
v4th g
been 1
t� this
fax in
a d
c urc
ss simbT1
▪ eth
e t
. E.
r fyperamrse
Who s
has a
tihe c
ed a
etal redl
hoot otoli
pld r
pp, 1,
in 0
. Mr.
a V
Ma -
Canada,. .
allantyne, M. P. P.,South Perth,
week on a business visit to Eng-
akesman named White was crush
eon the cars at .Chttliam station
antly killed on the 3rd inst•
Presbyterian congregation in
ke ha e given a unanimous call to;
. D. Ballantyne, late of Whitby.
ring this season, Mr. John Cur -
k and cheese dealer, of Montreal,
ed $156,676 worth of dressed hogs
nry Cusack, of Wallacetown, re -
'at once in two, eight cords of
vood with a buck saw, including
10 hours.
e authorities of Guelph have pur-
a team of hbrses for their Fire De -
it from the Model Farm for the
$400, ' - '
•. Kennedy and family, after
uccessful farewell tour through
, have this week been giving fare'tertainments in Toronto.
enty car loads -t --a special train—e
ris station, Brant County, Tues
est week, on the Grand Trunk,'
ods for the Centennial, collected
point. .
enty-two steamers, 23 sailin
have nothing in common ttith the Com-
mons. They each have a esk to them-
selves; they have soft bond 'table chairs;
everything is better than in the Com-
mons, even so . far as _pent}, pencils, sta-
tionary, &c. are concerned.!
In the Senate there are 7 few
that no attention is them. , The
style of speaking is more c
more easy, the diction mor
better English and French
thought is ' more easily brc
cause more time is taken.
the Senators use good matt
them only are Of excitable
these make very ieteres
sometimes. Except a half
lters of the r-.-.-.. th..
e cultivated,
are used, the
ught out be -
Nearly all
1. A few of
emperament ;
mg speeches
dozen mem-
rest may be
the mutual advantage o
the bonus and the tow
is little doubt the r
their unanimous ratifi
law at the polls, satisfy the coticil
they have, in this inttance, sec red
the rectpien
and that t
epayers Will
ation of -this
popular will. Let us pe the succe
may predict for Mr. \ Maw may a
an incentive to some qf our ent rp
men to introduce other breathe o
dustry, so that our interests, and
perity may be largely aUgmentec .
' ONE Wu° TitIN1
SEAronTit, April 11, 187p.
; _ • ;
' Prespytery of Huro
The Presbytery n et at Cli
Tuesday last. There Was a largeat
auce of ministers, elders and other
said to be inferior speakers to the major- terested. Petitions front the c ng
ity of the Senators. Spine speeches tiaras of Rodgerville and Brae 'eld
which would have comm nded general presented, praying ior moder tio
admiration in the Commor s have been ' calls " to a minister. The p ay
delivered this session in t e Senate, anti said petitions were &ranted, nd
that, too, without any seeming prepara- Gracey was appoint, d to mo era
tion. On the floor of the ..'enate td -day a call in the former cdn regation
sit lawyers, politicians, j urnalistaland McCuaig in the latte t. In a
other gentlemen who have undispated with the request of th congre
talents, and as many of tit m have been Bluevale and Wingh in, thes
for many long years in the arena of pub- gations were separated and eac
he life, they would be of great service to a separate charge. 1
the country in shaping its legislation if aided to remain in B
the constitution of the Senate were not ly Wingharn become
of a kind to rob it of its egitimate in- gation. ISIn.ltieLea
fluence. ' declare the Wingha
HON. DAVID CHRISTIE, Ti E SPEAKDR, the 23d inst., and to
is an elderly gentleman, top well known Session. The follow
to the people of! this country to require ance of Presbytery
very particular allusion. He is the first of the congregations
Reform Speaker the House has ever had, having taken into c
and well does he dischar ,e his duties. titions from Winglia
He has a fine presence is dignified in his ' dissolution of the u
., manner, prompt in his decisions, and, tween them, and ha
above all, never for one moment does he utations of both con
allow business to lag. He is energetic, of the pastor, find -
and :
always has the House at work. He gragations, • especial
is blessed with a perfectly cleat and very of Wingham, have I
pleasing voice, one of the best, if not the ifying progress du }
best, in the Chamber, and, as is admitted of Mr, Pritchard,
on all sides, makes a capital Speaker. solution is desirable,
With one of his temperament, one can
almost think he is half annoyed at times
with the long round -about modes of ob-
taMing the sense of the Chamber, even
onthe most trifling subject. For instance,
if in the House of Commons a motion
C in
a ce
n of
Ir. Pritc iar de -
vale, consee tient-
a vacant c
was apppin
pulpit ar' ca
et as Me era
irk is th , cl liver -
n nt the s pa •ation
"The I' es ytery
idetatio t e pe -
end, Blueval for a
u now existi g be-
i ig heard the c
egations, as e
,st, That the -
i co 'gre
de extre lel
the minis
That such
not only in
terests of church ettension, JO
especially as the we k has bee()
much for the pastor ; • 3d, That th-
or of tho petition b granted, iin
as the dissolution f the union '
eerned, that said dissolution 'tak
edi to
or of
1 as
at -
a dis-
h in -1
e too;
pray -
e eet
, and 57 barges have this winte
id up at Kingston. In additio
12 steamers and 10 vessels are a
Island and. Portsmouth.
v. George Grant will leaste Relit
the next steamer for England
legate from the Presbyterian
in Canada to the General Asl-
. .
• ere are 11 Methodist Churches ia
ton, '6 belonging to the Canad
dists, 2 to -the Primitives, and
' the B. C., the M. E., and the
ere is residing in Collingwoo
is parente, a young man ninetee
of age, well developed and we
in body, who stands only
the case of Georgina McKay,
ed the corporation of London fOr
damages, for injuries sustained
defectore sidewalk, Judge Ellio t
aided the sum Of $22 damages an
sts of the Court.
he township af Warwick, has offet-
eward of $200 for the arrest oft the
-rem Of Patrick Monohan, and 14-
Monohan, brother of the murder*
as offered a reward of $500 for the
of the parties that committed 9e
. ,
r. Valentinei Boehmer, a studeht
High School, Berlin, shot himself
th the thigh, while fooling with
mg iron, a few days ago. Revolve
langerous playthings even in tlte
of full fledged young men. I
n Monday meaning of last week,
8 o'clock, as Thomas O'Connor, an
spected resident of Colebrook, was
g a horse to water, the horse, pa
g, kicked hira in the side. He got
alked to the house, and expired n
iinutes afterwards.
he sum of $900 has been collected
hawa and placed in the hands of a.
ittee for distribution amongst
of the village. Considerable di
prevails inconsequence of the H
s having been closed during tie
We are sorry te notice the death !of
Richard a&lliday, a well-knoWn
or of the to ship of Elma. .A few
s ago, signs of insanity presenting
selves, he was sent to the Lonclion
m, where he died on Monday mon-
April 3rd. ..
Mr. Matheson, of the Cold Springs
se Factory, West Zorra, has ordered
t capable of holding 600 gallons.
vat is the largest ever made in that
n of the country, and will cost sortie -
over $100. ' !
Mr. Thos. Ruisell, of Charing CrOss,
a Leicester ewe, that had six lantbs
in a year—last year on the th i of
ch she had three, and this ear - on
th she had three more. Who ean
this? • '
A piece of patchwork quilt has been
Le by a woman named Godin, living
ugar Island, above Fredericton, ew
nswiek, vrho has neither hands or
that are of use. The sewing Was
e with her mouth. The various !op
ions of threading the needle, Joliet -
the thread, cutting the squareil of
hwork and sewing them together,
— ;
111c1,11BAN HILO 1110118,Pablideers.
01_ 50 a Year, in advance.
Mr. Gould, though considering that the.
felicity richly deserved punishment, for-
bore to prosec him out of respect to
his wife, a If Y' respectable young lady
of the city, whom he lately married.
Nichols left town, immediately after the
exposure, for the west, promising to
fund the money he had stolen. •
--Among Nova Scotia's contributions
to the great Centennial Exhibition at
Philadelphia, are a number of paintings
executed ,by residents of the Province.
Mr. Forshaw Day has sent several of his
most excellent works. Miss Bessie
Brown, of Paradise, has contributed two
pieces: One of them is an oil paint;
ing, representing the inn at which_ the
Duke of Kent was entertained during a
tour through the Annapolis Valley. The
other is a sketch in India ink, entitled
" Resting."
—The 11th annual milk meeting of the
St. George, Brant County, cheese factory
was held on Wednesday, April 5th. The
object of the meeting was to make various
arrangements connected with the dairy
business, and to settle upon milk routes
for the coming season. This factory has
been in successful operation for 10 years
and is the oldest in the country. Laat
year over 120 tons of cheese were manu-
factured. The factory was started by
Mr. John Richardson, who still conducti
it and maintains his reputation.
--The inquest on the remains of Mrs.
Ward, who, according to her 'husband,
was burned to death in their. dwelling in
the township of Caledon East, on Thurs-
day morning of last week, has been con -
chided, the jury bringing. in a verdict
that she came to her death by the act of
her husband. The evidence beard at
the inquest implies that Ward first
murdered his wife and then set the house
on fire. She had been in Toronto for
some time on a visit, and returned home
with her husband on the day previous to
her death.
—Here is a little story as told by a
Hamilton editor: "A man named Pang -
icy, who went to St. Mary's bay, geese
hunting, seeing a moose on the opposite
shore, he fired, and, at the same moment
a porpoise floated to the shore, and the
hunter used it as a raft to paddle acress
to the moose. There he found that the
bullet, after killing the moose, had gone
into a hollow tree, in which was a store
of wild honey, which was flowing through
the hole -made by the bullet. Reaching
for what,he thought was a stick, to plug
up the hole, he caught a rabbit by the
leg. Rather startled, he threw it violeut-
ly from him, and struck a convoy of
partridge, killing them all.
the blinds were pushed aside, and eager
faces looked out at the sky. It was a
dull, dismal night, but about 11 o'clock
a few rents in the clouds appeared, and
hopes were raised in the breasts of the
adventists. By midnight all the clouds
had vanished, and the moon shone out
brightly, the earth showed no signs
of 'dissolution. A feast had been pre-
paied, but was not partaken of, and about
1 o'clock the disappointed ones dispersed
to their homes, sadder, but let us hope,
wirier individuals,
-1—At the closing last week of the first
Setsion of Knoae,s College, held in the new
building, Principal Cavan read ' a most
able and logical -address on the "Immor-
tality of the Soul." The Session just
closed has been more than usually suc-
cessful. There were 72 resident students
in the college, which was greater than
the average number of any previous year,
and had filled up the space which it was
thought when the building was commenc-
ed would not be required for a long time
to come. Forty-two of the students had
entered in the plass for theology. And
the Professors have all reported satisfac-
tion with the deportment and diligence
of the students, and with the interest
ev need by them in thei. studies. Among
the winners of prizes we find the follow-
ing: Scholarship of $40—Proficiency in
Gaelic language, A. F. Mackenzie. Also
the Medalists for 1876. Governor -Gen-
eral's Silver Medal --For best examination
ini classics, for third year, W. E.
McCulloch. Governor -General's Bronze
Medal—Best examination in classies,sec-
d year, Jas. Ross.
—Palmerston has a resident by the
name of James Dixon, who was born
near Park Hill, Ireland, in 1766, so that
he is near fl years of age. He Was
pressed into the British Navy at an early
age, in whieli he remained for over forty
years. He served under Nelson at the
battle of the Nile, Trafalgar and others. .
He immigrated to Canada and has lived.
for 25 years near Granton, Ontario. 'On
Tuesday of last week he 'was brought by
hi grandson, Mr. J. D: Caswell, to Pal-
erston, where he intends to spend the
eat of his days, which, from appear-
nce may be many. His father reach -
e the ripe old age of 116, and a bro her
Huron Notes.
The Brussels school register shows
a attenda-nee *1 299 scholars.
—Rev. T. Brock, of Clinton, occupied
t e pulpit of the Metropolitan church,
T ronto, on Monday evening of last*
'Lel,the " Royal," and Mr. Alexander
—Kincardine is very proud of her new
McLean is jus the right man to have
charge of it, an old hand, and. one who
k —Twelve
horses have been entered
f om Huron for competition at the Phila-
d lphia Centennial. The names of those
h ',ring entered. them have not yet been
p blished but will be in due time.
—The License Commissioners of East
uron have appointed Mr. John McRae
hairman of the Board. The COMMiSs-
I ners meet again on the 24th inst ,for
tile purpose of considering the InsPectors
—The London Free Preei says: "We
egret to learn that Mr.- Greenway, M.
. for South Huron, his been obliged to
uccumb to the commercial pressure of
he times, and has made an assignment
o his Creditors, It is supposed that his
state will yield a very, fair dividend."
- on the street yesterday, and return it to
°—The family of Mr. Martin Kitchen, you, less a $4 bill found in it. For the
visited by diphtheria. On the 2nd of reasons : I have been out of employ -
present I keep it, and for the following
South Dumfries, has been most painfully
on the 31st of March, a daughter aged 20 ment since the first of June, and was
totally out of money to supply family
January, he lost a son aged 17 years, and
years, and on the 4th of April another wants. It may be a Providential send
daughter aged:21 years. This disease to me. I will consider it as such, and as
has raged violently in certain sections of soon as I get into employment again, I
South Dumfries, but in no case have we will, from my first possible spare earn -
heard of so severe an affliction as has ings, send you the sum for the present
LOLL u.pon the family of Mr. Kitchen. kept by me.—Tne FINDER.
—At the Hamilton Police Court on —On Thursday, March 23rd, MTS.
came before the police magistrate. A bore, vomited, under the most painful
Stinson, of Seymour, County of Peter=
Tuesday of last week, a difficult case
man was charged with stealing a pigeon. circumstances, a large lizard. On the
Complainant and defendant claimed the day mentioned she was visiting her sick
bird, both sweariug to its identity. The brother, (who has since died) and porn -
who claimed a certain child when King heart, accompanied with pain and sick-
plained. of a violent palpitation of the
magistrate. thought of the two women
Solomon was called on to arbitrate, and ness of the stomach and in attempting
instructed the sergeant to set the bird at
large, saying that it would find its way
—VVe are called upon this week to an-
nounce the death of one of the oldest
residents of West Zorra, George Harris,
Esq., which took place on Tuesday of
last week. The direct cause of his death
was the shock he received by jumping
from his horse which became unruly
while riding, horse,
never entirely recover-
ed from the effects of a severe attack of
typhoid fetet last summer. Mr. Harris,
settled in West Oxford in 1811 and has
been a resident of Zorra for 40 years. He
has been a Wesleyan local preacher for 30
--For some time past Mr. Joseph
Gould, dealer in pianos, &c., Montreal,
has had a young man, named C. A.
Nichols, in his employ as clerk and col-
lector. Nichols was trusted by his em-
ployer with eonsiderable sums of money,
anti from subsequent revelations appears
to have taken a base advantage of his po-
sition, and embezzled regularly and per -
e done entirelyby her lips teeth sistently to the extent of over $
—On Saturday, a number of their).-
abitants of Hensall, on the London,
uron and Bruce Railroad, visited Lon -
on, as guests of Mr. T. J. Wilson, of
hat place, the party being mainly cornrised of his employees. The excursion-
sts visited some of the principal mann-
acturing establishments of Londen, and.
ere much pleased with what they saw.
—The annual examination of students
ttending the Ontario Veterinary Col-
ege, Toronto, was concluded on Wednes-
• ay. Among those who were awarded
the diploma of the Council of the Agri-
culture and Arts Association, we notice
the name of Mr. Harry C. Doan, of
o dgerville. Mr. J. T. Duncan of God -
rich, was appointed on the Board of Ex -
--An attempt was made Friday night
• rob C. Tait Scott's bank in Wingham.
he burglars entered the front door,
inch was locked with two locks, one
ing a Yale combination lock. The
utside door of the safe had an ordinary
Yale lock, which required a flat key to
adjust it. The burglars put in a flat
piece of iron in the keyhole, and by some
means it broke off, when they were
baulked in their further efforts to open
the safe.
—An applicant for the position of
teacher in the Ayhner public school pens
his application thusly. " Dear Sir hav-
ing Seen your notice in paper and as my
school Gives up on the 15th and weach-
ing to take another on Yous will please
oblige by Letting me Know by Return
of mail As to my certiffcate i hold a
a Grammar school pas for ontaoto with
is Equal to a first plus a plus certificate
and Good Ref erance is needed," Better
go to a Common school for awhile young
friend and. learn how to spell and. use
your Capitals.
—On Thursday last two young men,
Charles Baker and Robert Morrow, un-
dertook for a wager of $20 to cut 15
cords of stove wood, 22 niches between
sunrise and sunset On that morning
they commenced on the farm of Mr.
Richard Baker, Goderich township, the
trees being cut down and trimmed for
them. Instead of it taking the time
specified, they cut 161 cords in 81 hours.
The best time made was in cutting two
cords in three quarters of an hour.
Hands were engaged in splitting and pil-
I •
to sit up she fainted. ortunately Dr. .
Patterson present a t e time. _ -mg it as they sawed it. They not only
immediately administered a powerful
emetic, when the sufferer at once vomit-
ed a quantity of matter having a solid
and unusual appearance, which, upon
being examined, proved to be a dead
lizard ofnoordinasy size, of a greenish
color, and about six inches in length,
fully developed, but in a slightly de-
composed state. Mrs. Stinson, though
proving.isunfortunatetand deluded persons i
still in a low condition, is gradually
hardly necessary to state tha
and about Listowel, who expected tha
the end of all things would occur o
Saturday, April 1st, were again disap-
pointed, and that several persona who
had sold their property and made pre
parations for the great event are now be
wailing their folly. The event was
have taken place at midnight, and earl
in the evening the little baud Where
in the house of Mr. Patterson, to wait
for the final dissolution. They met
r room, and every now and the
won their wager but earned $5 for cut-
ting the wood. On Friday last another
display of muscular power took place on
the farm of Mr. John Churchill, Hallett,
when two other young men, B. Church-
ill and Wm. East, cut one cord of 22 -
inch wood in 15 minutes. Horse -power
sawing machines are at a discount.
• A Timely Suggestion.
Mn. EDITOR-: In these times of great
changes in hotel business and liquor traffic,
a few remarks may not be out of place.
Although from the imperative limitation
of the law,, a certain number of the hotel
keepers will be shut out from the more
lucrative part of their business it does
not follow that tbehouseshouldfte closed.
Some might do *. • II a business as board-
ing houses; and Pu • lie accommodation in
strictly temperance principles, and al-
though, not so lucrative, may be fully as
respectable and in harmony with sA-
vatieed public sentiment in the matter.
Yours rospootfully, Onszavgn.