The Huron Expositor, 1876-03-10, Page 27
7 11
11, Rio Jq EXPOS,
MRS. P19RQY'S FIERIL. :Was little pa V C, so that a, ng el.,i wehaA a god deal of plate itit' the boa and th n. i0iou it has softened, beiins without pres 3nitiment hey.wer4 LEG
jib bad arranged to begin operations af- to be his last he was the only'
WAS e 0 ne. the wo kdf w"biqg.
ThohgY I am a sol4iler'Xife I fear" Into 1) ful IVA o b
_T T. GARDOW, Barris Attvfteyl tbing alk*As, niet, and the -Ar4t TO ek out the precious- otoqea was fatigued with his jourpley, anxious 4 *C. Ofifee In 31
I can lay p b small Oortion mew bloeir,
see company tA d Ivicked rk J
cour g4 fo le 11"reop Wi treet, A lVickeel r)
V isu f 'Au: servants, at who `bedside ke x 4"s lo many. a mornma. 'er,
Ina h �t ti istly- attribut a at p and incomplete, and
e e �h bee" l 'cited ftom 4h for yea no - easy i�nattfur ; the appqatus be able to of the
'r u on a
b Befo 9 0 190kc Val 1, e -gem slipped throdgk and w" A4y foilowing, b4 woo; is co ed 6 the p erely. Auidden, appeared. �CAXEROX A MOPAD.) N, A Bel .0
rthur Peray, '011tain in Hiar A in Now: all thatis te�ment was An a noux labo His14
lbmlcl�4 -n� 00
w the, I tin he 4ebris clay,
-W. Jib
je8ty's Dragoons, i A 8 X. C. CAXJIA�X. The. mill iro, Wd In.
!UY lusband;' a thb, io 'tile he . #t,'empted 'I to "boica-pe, change , a closer scrutiny is possible t hL jeasured 6 feet Walies on 4 A
e ad venture I'am C erself, tho oth h been which' happily for h er ier- and so erfect bas become the means of inches wMe, 2 f4et 4 inches once
WILLIAM SKALZ,, 00,r VeYaneer and
out eighteen mo er t of fir' vant!was too paralyzed tq %I The sifting, that the debris iof foi COM919.
(M -xionarmB.B., Wroleter. Anotione" tion +nil j wo axle fou Lo -
_ ri,*
Appraiser. Accounts vni notes olleeLW
-t Flora 10
-worked over again, and many a wheels; the rooqi.(Ioor and 11rof t eJ. out of diove
fell, me ab Jitlis aft ou a Rated e c rmr yearai is was built upon tha
marriage, when, the regiment was quarb, to Icwk in, 1 it) 6 an
Id 6 doing us scream I had heard A's -1 leftl thid house being
64, and
dyll in
tered in Ireland. any harm. must have 6eeu the I e of the rich go al. taken fro its vast "cumula- room in which ble lay- were kea dowj4 reasonable terms. �an L bopght -out -of a b
detachment was station In th (I thus L Diatchan riel
A ed in one of , So I reas tim t ygelf, and so I poor cook, Oho a nurde, to allow of Ili's wdit f or Tht's -let litto great lills-"cier t
%ad pur tion. 9ood, )Voi q. an his remain.4 L.DOYLE Barrister Attornal "a of that count r -tried -to fe' 611 Under sued and ol�,crtaken before abo ebuld gain Chance!Y., '&c., Godke h and'Senforth.
the most unqiiiet par. r3 IF B.
and a,. itlea was borm
were drawn to.the place of i iterment tM, jug, circurni 'a, 1ce, GO&
Which I refrain, for obviotis reasons, amo ovef Jordan's Drug 8 Tieh, Ar4
7 w woul 1�ut.aller Oarts, 'tile
fromL any a es, I. was glad to feel my do'or, which was,, no dou4t, the point The Va us Automaton Chess- St. Martin Stamf6rd. Hit grave Kiddlo Store, Sestort. r
natlaig. Arthur was -ordered to W6 that we wer a ely shut'up, f6i the night
to wbiah she was - flying fOr succour. Player. with a grad u I slope for st -veral vard art, and the inil wagenii-for -a tre
-,lo soon to my roloin, N
command of it, And so 1, of course, ac -1 and dreternail ied to ot lalonle"ut too soon bald 1,� gone. An upward seTIER & McCOLL - Bv ---------- iti
a D c Fated Antom ton che8fi-pl 201 a of men were employe, rr1s6er#, At isguis alad �rhen foond, wo
Th el b a yer for nearly half hour in '. ttmig. th riaw,Solicit-o.rsiu,;loejy.Not,%rieg " 161 in And
companied him baby, an ihfarif herdl7fidtV ft Hbii ely than in the empby accolia in A!
out five months. Thee had been admitted by the was it vetat&t by Baron %V8 velop the ai-i
of ab We thought our- dra i i Iffizati De -
win front oor, whieli - bad been und wide
Had grroo 9
selves very fo corpseJuto its r C tin was
rtunatelia havng 8L in tered, but esburg, Hungary, Aulic g-plaee' erich; A..T,.Mc oLs,Brusiel"11 thus rt��
ecured a. then n( be -n the 'ell al ace of Ai- open, ny bed-roo doorilish Kbmpclon, of Pr 41E
t 11111111, but extremely pretty cottage'at an thur returnin, I.. wuld Counsi 'lor of the Royal Chamber 'of the _0111. obliN woula aistolli:�11
have proposed nothing touhed, my flight h i g doubt- The Chnie6e at Tabl. fr talkati
MALCOMSON & WATSON, Aitor. -world with 'the �pele
alinost nominal rent,� distant -about one that, the ser'a a a ioUld sleep in a bed less soared J,them. The trac f' their domait a of the E, mperor in' Germany. . Jowl 0 1 neys, Solici tots In. (hajavey., kv., M, i X- I
ot e from -the bacracks. n many Absurd n ions tre cuirrie7A Ont. Ome
Tho hi tory of the Machine has ofte been e.-Frst dbor Clinton would I
.0 ey -of the jgre t
'there. happt ie '" to be �in i hu dressing- purs4ifig fo tstej:Is were d!isceined easily.: As ast, of the rev i7o; e!
th ist. e uncle nly eding )f the Cbi4i Canadian Bank bufld� g. 0& 10 Sgo the'lynx
tj Lt ed morning li� tly told. The following is, we f lu AJOLQy to -I ?I �o_n hwm
idil' �ow I nt of it :
9 were nQb I 4f rs believ thetrue accou th oil ng acco�n I cautiot better describe the cotta e, room; but a i;. th 3y ossuired me they when e b �s 44tof Ch aboutl 'e ow
than by telling you that it was "Iled at nese, W con en e property. ested upoii a ista
1� Ap_ �
ks - - nothing mas Day *hone. They. ha4 evidently A dinner givex by an offici Sp NALOWBOMP 404 slab si e; I'MA I
The Bungalow," and, like its iianae- more b' It I n 1 690, a revolt broke out in a R usso- LI, in prool d d 'I the off h-ose
a. -d i of the t ian, and I gione in put. nit of me, but
xtobably my e-stoied. building, knew it WO Id 11 be 0, ish m Zat the Celestia,s are not so ti sake, was a long, on I - :,Oin I bad in s -,eet car
I t aisance to ula greatly at Itiga, headed by a I XSON mutes ana At V6
I A! grea . Ia whiteness, ? torne. with a vie aur, ri-pect as they -a aometime8 this BE liald, found the 0asllre. The next
afidah in front of the pri I Art] -if e.. i id ret�urn� I concluded of my Pole named Worou'8ki. The Poles were thought t6 at Law'Solicitorsin C ancery and Usiolvenq
via, r garments, which must�, have Yen - eve Conve.yancers, Notaries Pul lie, -%windows. A small entrance- lia,1911"ir, that it was be. The small tables were furnishe4 this, i ucepb 0 10 tber I sleep in Aered my fl ing figure Almo A invisible ritually defoated in -apitched battle ete- Offices,—ses. embryo
91 lorth and Britissels. $23,oc o of�e �F,,OzAs to 1, 1 :�s
with saucerso liti le-, bowls, a chin warq- erty fo, theI um -of
-which were two doors; was the' first their own ro th and in the rout bZ hi
Mg#, it�ww; at some Against thel snowy ground. The lice N14rouski had 8 ny0fitat4onecoatEigbtl)er4:ont.Intereot,p riblt
sy zent to I
p,on ind a pair Df ell Tb'e -cq1aWe Ia erS �fe�!
opstic for eaell
thing observed on etite7ring; one led'.to distance -fro I' in(. ere soon 6 questo, and Ore Many rolurs legs sh tttered by a;cannon-ball. He con- f groom ana
i,� diningoroom. and 1 went to I n'3 a _P triyeft ;o throw himself into awditch, and pergon. The dit ner was com osed of eviii brAs. u. isEssom.. I f. IV,_ Cow URYek. lug qi the drawing -room �ota hal st elapsed the, of e' asiassins was
retreat th
hbor- except Ptefa
flaree bed -rooms wh�ile the other led 9 and Pr le ied uttdro as At Anigli t drag'ged himself to th"eig erything �ind muiton wbicb�L in at. ro
after discovered. Af length e
directly to the !kitchen, aery t ing hoi ise 4 a 8urgoon named 0sloff. The are seldom eate b� natives i ra the part �CAGHE Y & HOL3DSTED, BarriftersAt. wlas& on the
ants' which I pil e 4191 inel dress- A despeialte struaffle onm'ed, and re- t alt
y ornoys at Law, Solic tors in Chancery n4 .0 P
to a passage leading to the ing B, cognizing tie man an i referr d to .- the stap e ss eveq
room, and in -gown y candles"behind in i4 the o ,scaped and surgeo, , moved by his sufferingii attended of China referr Mal tusolvenCy, Public and Conveyan"Is, and
outer offices. him a d co te are met the, o
f in itiont of the fire,' notorious qrivict- and :in flict
and seatitg 113 qljn I ncealed him in his house. rials. for their dishe's ork, fowl Solicitorefortbe it..C.Bank: Seaforth. Agenigtor banke kne
'aw ( �-A I* *,ere bii ts
apd fish, and all I cinds of veig tables, sea" the CanadaI.IfeAmsura; bou-nd"'g-L. 'A
Our establihment consisted of twq began, to re Both I gs were amputated, and AVorouki
I feeling his '6wn life waw in 4anger, the W. B.—*60,"000 to lend 9, 8 per Cent. FAT__WS
I weei I C. roadaide innill dok`kse
wodien servantsand one anaiv- thelatei In'spite recov ted, contrary to general expecita. 1. fungi & Everythin be it no4 nouseg an
.0 6�a my assurances td myself 1 constable fired �on him, 4ndlithe miser- e arip. L d Lots for saic�
being a soldier, returned every night and; ted, is boiled, come to ta, le in
my ser I feltistrang 1y uervoos tioh, De Kempelen came about this time th
I I able corpse -was conveyed: tol the police !an �o "raw
to the barrcks, which hapLpened. t ' be . form 'of soup easin was -S ento
0 and! re4tles )ook was� on a vi 3it to 0aloff, and to him wa or h a cot. Th
I y station, where our servant I a eon-
ft1L1EjDC Ag,.
oleatified it cl
the nearest habitation to us, not ev tere ting 0 fidlad Cie secret and his assistance beg- table is serve'da�ew I I _ who drove a
I ea per on ha
fled' obliterate, as the murderer of the cook, `,and the as-'
ss lest dwelling breakita he orAlble. rei embrance sailant of herself. man' ;,er(,l to get AVorouski .o before him a 011tion J G. SCOTT, M,D. ".,1 greattle
the latinala the lone f the countr
fro 'my in out (f what A hysician, Sargeoinind
0 y pulds, ceolue e&L�orth, Ont. Oftico _and wag neVer, JOW Mlto ad, with 8 compalliol ha( he been. found in the house, the 'hear,
Lness of the way between them and the of the fitce e vin�loiw. erh � a he I the course in y te bat t ere is L i
&P i and i4ccomplipe.. dionce south side of Godei ieb Stibet, -first door ern the ro uL Afte-r, the� bat
Bungalow. escaped'onl two days beforo from pris- I couseq iences would have been more seri- ced in the entre, an: 1 east of Presbyterian Church, f obled to the P iof his bent, he
was 1 thcre a illw e hap's lip *as wgtcl� ten a large dish Ia:
g for 11 on, ro sh inJ,,1Y ay to hi the latter was U for A
that the distance in Ar ui AAar t I , and ous. It happened that Wo uski was a which all!
T have already sai o also di' es of co, di ents in
ch H L. VERCOE, X.jD., ith Ce he b
from them was about a mile, and t4 murder hi 'I I vis,098 ed back by al couple of polle. men. fine ess-player, -and th6 idea occurr' ssibld Physielan,13ur
11 sort o The, IniatiLl. dip their chopsti ks It is iMpo e name
to attempt a des r�ption (,Lf f I la geonjetc-� Coreuerfor the County ofHurou.
to Pe er.1
And it in a ra e1v es my a ind. Once �, funeral',of ur poor servAnt4ok place a mpeletlLof C Officeand ��Zenee, coymerof M&rket &u43ff1gb road,L which was partly grass grown, lay re;1ented t I n 0ncealing the numb W Sort of his si and Bull alow at the contriv- it, but the' mile heatg,,
through a nrro Wale, encloseil i gaby movc I igb tly, made, me,: few days afterwai , ated rr an box, o ill less dishes comp(sling the fea 1. i otreets� text to the Xnngoui,
L each a ide by ve, 'high 1 1 9 d t idad, waoyi,. The
hedges- starp nearI3 U ny feet �wiffi t Brror. was finally deserted by us. anoe could be passe off as writer meations one to which justice w"11
ry The other a chess -play -
These bedges were a continuwl borroT I i�vas th( ot 13, upset, !aud the only tomaton. In three inouths the lways done. It is made from what ill' Physioisne-Ir at lengtl]i mie for Thursday,,
cl' nd the Ing at. D Es- CAMPBELL B1
servant recovered compl4el�, a
I to me., Scarcely ever did I see Arthur lit th c so led I pLe �&s tli.p;t I had w had beeg wounded al4onlatotl Was finiabed. It has been go are only us'ed to pelt un Old t Jfoah� zant that
0149 1 i policlainarr, Popular" i street, t�eafortb, near %ho ic �_u ars for -two
morning, without - visions begged Art dur ot to r4itu�n so; he was, by the f (BSCrlbed that it wil candidate wi -t eections. VVIlat pr 4 badJonla -se)
ifdy 'at t cqnviet rather f3eierely, was.. I be sufficient ergo bef 11 PISLL, 31. D.,.Coronier for Ifuron; Iionx A.236L. berfore was
f or more, aaa
arising of desperadolos conecaled behind no doubt, i il*ar11acks, little relyorted co availes'ee'ut b4bre our depar- 10-1 t� tile here that it,was a life-size fig- ciess"they-und ore 0 Ing to faUoi C-Espo M. D. 4U
-edient to t1i
them, dressed in the inevitabe long -tail. I drealming o. Imi; sta�e mind urrof1tiOT"urk se is uuknown,Yu-t -they appepa like b the ! 1. i I I ti, re. ated at a chess -board.
ed, ragget:: (late 61
.1 coat, tbe� hivh-6rowni It� WAS snow �u r was at- wed in some very the Arm atiFialg vue of thjaso, he earefully is
ar. rily atil never saw the 13 iiagatow again The m tchinery of 'tile: interi P, of Shayer & Ph(lau, trattord) Graduate qt
ad, n g Rea I kneW [ boiled black. eggs, ate
Anj taehed to -hanging fr�m lie I could le into -the, flo )r w,;�gon
0 es. ul 6nd are reall excell Surgeon an
row-rimin, ed hat, and the murderous itby the d'o' th�t came steadily and very joyfully I did V, enter palatable sauce, . McGill University, r rysie, an, AAe. lin
in steamer w ed back, so that %Vorous A dinner of the kid allndred o conehear, eatorth, ( �ntar o. 001ze
weaon, al of lv�i& things I in. down the ch nq(y. � Th It ophere hich convoyed'us be �Puslh ki could ften ex- -71toome in aleat, -so :ar, anged that is to
o dear old
c In ;And En
S, ant I yer's Block, formerly occ upiea b_r thq late Dr, strike it�
variably associaed itb the ruffian of see d to ke !so eb ow. colicea� himself in the, bo tends to thirty ot forty courg I lastii ��p
odY, 11-0twith- King. lftesjdenee—Co&Lme�cial 11--(
_,tei. W _�Ol 'tile' of the race, ho
st�ndibg that,, it Appeared to bo �, filled with -three or four hours. Rice wii ie, hot and tendat Carronbrook on. Tuqdays and F ridays. thote days: eve and ai un listening� Neither baby nor I suker d any' bad
to intentl-�. 'tr
The Dragoons had: been sent wheela,.cranks very tasteless; is constanty
were -on
effects from our midnight r cc through PtIlleyk &c. While th, handed I �k at the qffo�ll some ris at ue I rerytro1`9 e the Irish Ia ales ; but Willett I hink of its lolviver.4 nedWor.-J UnWIn. H. DOUTSLEY, ngs, and to suppor� upbo4rdNvasb6IIJgoxa i tiny cup,and-tbe Chinese and, were 't off to an even
tho xiath-oriti kii Member of College, o: Pbysiciang and Sur.
.108, Consequently they werl vi br aing tl roil, me on; terrora, I lift my he it in fdrve 'ept into the body,an( inassed his drink a- good deal, of it, tf ough- t plarty
nt grati- ou
eon of Ringsi.
Dot regarded those o 'the figure be me intoxica �ed the geons of Ontaxio. Late House Snrg bnker's f iie n ds�' "' Uentennal
z nd liands into those o ery rarely be
by the natives in any in fire r o in] preser*ed. fis when en-, tou General -and Lying-im Ilospital, PPhysilvat
ad mysqf tude to God, who . I 1 -14
J get exci in manner �_o tire �out the- b'_
Y 'Old t Im compasse by perils so`prqfound and.' ar Is ind flushe, Surgeon and Accoutheur. !Bee—Albert be, b eld in
friendly light. fee"I' ng ara!Rpet I h lie d into the inask 1whnce he �O
and' ilmos, merely
enough, 1 oppLosit-e7air's steam mim
oot n order to y he crown riaile, no
As the weeks iv�enf oil, and every af o� ilee the chess -board. about 4, theii let
ter 111 able. i-Tild the'face. Oddl Residen
i I guided '80 ciously my i failering f Street, opposite Commerei� I llotel,, Clinton, out,
noon bronlylit AAhtii safely back to Ine, What �)�rz frai of ? I asked my- gle ( om for the'passaige of h ing di§h'of the put is a hu
steps, as I fled throu' 11 the -snow is head, the ge b distance hii a `710 the first heat,
my fears were some &k. v Professional calls punctual ly attended to both in fotge ah�idwbnti
Christmas etrotinded with a large.collar led rice,; it is said th Is PLre-1 t -about t
what llayed, and self Ia hd ed till es -11 could not tell on -my first and last lo ely� as su� plain boi at th, town aind eounitry. j4a&
occasionally I wallk -as-4 a ag a, Ila wy terr6r that so c
_eA through the lane it %v Eve. or triveil as to vents any e irom. e3 th bell, -in -C;lnie to -a ull
conceal 'the hollow vil effacts ;ceas either' towa, ds the town to meet him of eating o J G.BlJZL,L. D. S., suiddiefily !ill n
space necessary there. Tile spectators r dri akig—sobe -8 you, M argeon
q`nd fact, sedde Von A� stl&e.,Seaforth Outs
—always, seemed t Jm� -down. 11
0 b 9 ha!iDt
hoever, feeling glad when I got safely had - h ard o leop 8 b ir. turning SOuth- A.frican Di Dig- Vay from ta e with WO1
pass any ollance P'a4e -by whom I Might White in i h lea -.' Surel ie ins e- doors were closed, clear ifttell*�a executed. 111 s ar&al oporst
iried t , as it appeared, thoroughly exam- Plate -k,' latest styles, u"fly ing pitahlM the
9 ginizs por o co r -se Ahe0. Y
y t B
Feesglow -horse
encounter. Mille-Wou-IC be Inow 4a he ground A big pit at top 12 aw es 6 P an4 e whole machine *having been peryoreawitbtare andrc "IPtitud. of the whip f superficial Whe
Arthur used IaUgh' t my fears, if I t IQ' i, pond' th ZNGTH.— as can be obtained elsewhe -e. omec hours I nt or, ;�a !caittgh -to
a e whole h(labout the room to show that HEALTH I 8, 1 f"M p
size, 200 feet deep at its eep�,st, its floor' 8 A. M. to a P. V. BOO), 5 Over Mi.A. and as I knew I was a des erate coward nig�4t thus vas n conquer disease 11 gy a 11 8, its sides: 8 ent ever imed �at by ma f"
I tried to think they were groundless, 04, for t i e. cut into irnurnetable actiart loor in the tbigh Was opened, and ;o e of the i -eat at� Doug&ll:lg Stoyc'Main-st. 21 ell sou
p f o connection from beneath, 4 rand un 11 of Arthu voice' M411 4 tainth
falling steq� from a; C ;
R0. cut edge. ll� ai�u;o �'was
perhaips I a: ou 11 ever' hear it aga maton woand up. Bryan.8 Pulmol tie AVafers wil McNAUGT, Veterin ary Sur Gradu. relpete I at interval
Around that -edge rise, i e over This winding a jD geon
and merely the result of'my.own natural t
ps he cure cou ate of Ontario Veteril Ary College, Seaforth h
perha, W( Id 1 n6v�r knc w- what up ww a more blind at each move glas, cold 8, tickling i: the thril i 'of the 1 wa
a three rows of wooden 14 ruis filioly
the Out. Oftle6 and Residence in rear Of Killoran
el f &7L _ t;
The year was drawing to a close, and night I ha -i 9en 'tb r 4e or !I noise c f ma4binery wgs heard this noise and pulmonary! complaints, r and Judge's s-tand
Which. wheels a pulle.3 a a
iron ro)es'
might or
pi rill, nd-er of
n the 10-th. of 3 aiaufwy e were to bid might be . i ide lii� pestilence Will i stroy. Sev xe colds, i� day. A Welt of veterinar, medicines
0 & be o i morning- was rpos6ly jntroducZ-d to drown the RYaW&, Calls promptl3 attend e d t7b, ou hau&
run downw rds into the a ing pit to, the Bungal6wkrelad and the HalfTpast I ul 36 infit� s since the t sodrid" f the movements of. the -nded to,,. ilooner or lar.-jead ChUtgem.reasonable. Iforses examieil a's to sound.
t ;ill L
low.'' Thick as black in n perfor. not atte
0 a' swarm !I Pctober 10, 1769, le -,at ""curable consull ption, and t, ie treng ness and certificates given lai B�Mw_ln
Irish. The -reVinialif w'as under ordera cloak strue eig a lli- me' 0
n -these wc oden platforn is, i th, fit
for -England in ring, and till then Ar- van f nal
CAN PBELL, V. & watch
SP ro t -I arra ka i m,ould come, y rehear"bal its held, the of the strongest 11 loon n Ice d. at -
I I ad. negmes, -workiog w'h*l and Pill- figure playing af fails if edit
tbur was to go on lea; ve. ev if ot to nak4 Li.centiate anaprize-
IA th bad seiJ14 d A. 1, " ... i U notes
en ley, 'bucke; and rope. LoOina down I game vith 08101 A month later, Wor- The remedies An!( - best means known fo i . a�n of Cornell Univei sity, Ithaca, : , P gom
. 1 5 1 Graduate of 'Ontario yeter nary coiieget Tbronto, i
in! --fig ouskivas suffidently perfect i I, the cure of thead omplaintis ai -e "Brvan
it lis part. I
I has set -tied permanently in, varbi,vierehe will be
I was in r�ptures 'at #Ld prospect of returd till he' ..m( rni it hoursof into t1le pit, one sees, the Lisa, �Jds 'of wire He was bid in a large box, which had to f - XA de
beitig 6�ttled in m Pullonic Waflis, which
Own part of the this� hae
ropes crossing an( re-crossinq c : found ready and willig to ittnd to all kilids; of
I ea la other,
world again. It was !Christmas Eve. A� quarte fr� in 21 B mighty ef- 44 e as F? ye iseases; in all lduds ol an
- to be muved very slowly, on retence of thoroughly trieqfor tl I t 2 ars, an
I - mals Thl hi of commerce in
taut" from I . pted),
i U
er been' m6l Singeil M& , Juilp ofweathera* ai,.ull hours, Resib,
tagly, i ge q glancing �eat�. ;he platform ;L nev -ern Nv e n
-fore YSE ito �� i Z fear.of br akitig the machitieryi but in
Arthur was obliged, 'most unwilli fort, 1, stretched, the, a aim) b a p have
Wve. Th dence anA office two doors east of Cook -',s em.
to ere rot and ppblic speali xswill also
spend. it a the barracks, as the few at the glas own, 4host13 reflectiom -rca�lity top' ect-theitimate. Ili order- ve great sofficers thereisfied to have'a f, t 11 ja�ms i1i this I me
V- lai I My, W L under my are six nil idred whole q h -t suspicion, it was agreed to give (ieri -them.
rev ell terrified an to -%lei benefit from the use of
WO-2.1th mightyip1b but claims i sp per'for i nanads on the road at all the towns 99 fixaduate ditiner, and, in addition ' there was arnd wa lit �hl6 Act 6 ying down been ev] i t ' Sold by all dria : ists an(! cout try dealers JAMESW. ELDER, V� j&,
into lialves quarters, eig and an p brief �p4celof ime, Withent, un
to be an entertaiumdut & the soldier at F) ei's'iodwe b, L -b t o 8 1 e e till two assed thro�' Price 25 cients par box. enpary lege. After devotin
Igh. The travelers got as fAr Outario"Vet C 9
ordim-4ry 1 goof -I luck-, and Wift-boat
an early li:our. o'clock, I s olx� 1 p6 or ri hur—when %a Vitebsk) on the road to the Prussl two to practice .N) F;,ofeiior of
flkul §eaferth, in the omef h Lzzrd ; the
It had been sil a sound, Nvfi I , broke 1)6wn b w black 1�dwarfed by an TTonto, hits Eet, I a XV
I ild, illupar It A 900D Ho* V "Th r is in
Owing heavily all''day, fronti(r, wit out interruption when the lately oecupied by Dr. 4urgess, 31ain Street distance, a a diggiffir , Rink and filling' Y ihe Itaul
and when Arthur I itillnes I oil - D ed, ber night.- in, -pi d pr' fit in the rvice of a! 11 be found rewlyto treatalid"
aft, hout half -past 3 the he dak� Dlqed i Etnpr(ss Catharine having heard of the pleasure an vb ere he wi
loathe d Of , th of the doinesneat daulma _0 loathe a sh good liorse, and at'vexy litti
to loathe bucketsol k 6 lui gin�,uf Lr poilers of. I the 61hiss-player co -131- oinvily
O.Glook in the afternoon, arkne38 was be It Was a ac,6�. from a, 5 ei le 01. ni All calls pr
'a voice it' half stone I ht. too, e face
balf marl - wl n sttewdedfo by i
ginning to come i dire �the bucket in a bad one A large stock of
011.1 eiist;re Mother follou,ad, and it mande'l its �?resenee at t no person fron choice wl -edicines cons nt)
fills, A sign, n y on hand. liorseg vantageg w1hith woula Im
U311 in Oe platform he imperial pl- retain a bad hoq��,_ many, h I I �I to the: ri�e ,Veterinary M
I had begged bf him, ot to return came fro 0 1v ere within the house.. aceo where the proscribed ebel actually ou ever, are in. xam-rued as to so-cmduess nd certi-ileates given.
bove is giv&n from benealth"the- wheels and tenied the
the"Snow continued,'as I k niew it- might Not a mom int.1 id i 11 hE sitAte.1 playeowithitbeEmpress. ItissividthA possession of sac Hones bought andsold -11 com=issjon. eoi-
very fly rourid, i'nd along the wire rope runs ere are ft e. 424 abe who need at be. , W
late ere ibe party broke up, i�nd pningin of b! putting on she at#empted to cheat by maki think th deb`00 UMTV OPPOSite-thC JXPOSITOR Offic
w horses so liad but th
g a false ded in *e the load of "Aiamondife -usl clay to the their condition cin for
I could not bea, the ide4 of his C-orni-rig - Only My Sli P�� ha, ng kept ou'l movel!wbera Worouski's temp6r getting be inaprov ad and ren-,
y ha, I
hon e through'that d* pit ed -16 alJft. diered �n 0 6,leorgie tain �Was borJa. -ins
rk, n&rr6w road my dressi g PT I s ei�, e d' my obild. tliq be ter,o him nearly caused the whole ore valuable anel. usef il. for theill't
Beyond 01 at'4111apt at
—snowy December' patqed onl to( ;niatch ittle shwl! I owners, to effect which ther' land on� iay �th, 193k Ifis"
L, EXECUTORS, NOTIVE, —All Under hfi3 fAther's
in the middle. of a P fitimber are. conspi'rac�j 0 collapse The� automaton e i�� nothin
these ropes, and lineg of I Wite buckets were
night.' It he hid co�he he that lay b he unbarred;f d i upset lie 5 Condition I owd erg and m s against I
was to- her� on he i es with a blow f. his hand alto "Darley, Aber pesous having ch ONA LD 4-'
corne an gq alOD01 thenal 1 puzzling Arabiin Heave Remedy ST XcKENZIE in his �f i M, ent 'he town -
tap at my Window, willioli'would enable my abtter, Qahed. tfie,wh d w, and- the and tb cibek-work. stopped a though in it s effected: lifethue, of -f ten
ill�pidity. A in lity wliir'r t Ity of Eron, Yeoman
ig astonishing reinl)s in e he �vas tail
-disturbitrg t t �" i Asluleld, inih(,'Coui
he tie, As 'On z t 3 e veir ),ndali. t ad. The'Empiess took tbousands of cases me to let him in without mome. the inirne of wheels fills jure it ery good wh died ill the montb -01 . - February,' Remember the A. D. nsparona, vast I unian. but" hum name, an that, are requested to -send in foi7 adjudication
servants, who sllep shriLE k to impel y t at; the other side riacded not a,t1l .1 14, 1 or (11 , possibly because 'he was not se(
and pay -
of the house. AioaW up from 10,000 tbroa a. Such a Mutt Inch claims, -with f a I uart motber He :remained
me to a SPE d- )eypn(--�Ii yh�VI had cvl6r!� s 0 rirr y - hus to save a . lost gailre. She at , the siinature of Hurd & Cc. is iculars thereoA
on eac
the 'a
sight1must the great tower b the Baby- to the Executors. Mado Y lfeLean of
Af is fil;are dis,,�p-1 drealult of a Di 5sible.� once a fore(I to purchase kage. Northixop& LyIn L, Toronto the town school �6r 6;o = ni�idle
ter I JUd watched 1�-
pear, I re-entered the cottage, with a In aseco d ian strelm. have present d but as- utomaton gin't-J, proprietors' I of forth, ox.Tohn -31cLe anan, ot he townsh2i was I qyond the' 8 r and'in sisted on its being left in the palace for Can ada. Sold of Ashfield, Arnberly P�. 0., bA or before the b
by alli
gate, flying edly nowher else could, t�h';cye have library lt ifight. Fortunately, De-Kem- Part ;:of,; b nolitig, dsagreeable sense of solitude and eerie- to; forl my o, vin. and an medicine dealers- I day of June ne.xt. On and immediatelv-after the
taken at a f ingle glane said first dfty 0f 1une mxi ',,he saidExiietors vill
other exist; nef) fa�, I a my arms - vast aa- pelen mnaged to muggle off Worouski father with his f Sco.
ness, which I tribd to dispel bly ringing tigt y h
i Mon fbe parties -en- ad 2,4
and the next �day lieold Iro
enqlng 0 one in the big chest,, proceed with the tlivjsiono� - the -said -estate, and P-��
-he nunie to br,49 my baby, stirr t A-m-eftca J- for t Clas�ed cumulationiof labor, aiel stck!'! I texidiu -.t- Bttle i t
the h dome—,flyffig1hroug the toil all(, oil( 'effort—the di the distilbution thereof
're into a cheerful blaze. and othei la'aea, pasi gilig of avast 0JM IWO TIE V
dill'ailc4l h?dg(,,s. on,�4 9 directed t y the last will of tho, Th� -I;n d
I pi the Ej npress that the figure could not titled theret Qabe�
t into the earth, - 0 as
wise Occupying mys�lf. 'i' Though alm ost stumbling 1 0% �n4r then, �ut recovering perfori said late Donald Bain 'Afle. Zeuzie, having regara and ith 6 mil� went -to what
0 n without him, and therefore that HOUSE to Let, that most comfort- only to those c1ni
qite dark, it 1 * Let the man be who hp m4y ; lot him J W 11 '1 UA �e- Tusof'whi they shalithea have rice
Was now :Only 4 o'clock. myself only to fesulme in rxe for life, e Ing i T'ree months lot gblc and called the Provi 1UTp-per
it Was no uq�e his a' it. riek bmse, and fcur rec+
. 1 11' , ived notice, and thev ; 11 not aftewardi; be
have seen all tbe. 'worldl hdlds that is a on Huron stree with hard ax d soft water - :li but I Bai:,lenter�d a and the blinds irij th On. eth surely � the autom; ablefoL the assets so I!ittle sitting -room with greate d sperLti D af termird.
wet worthseei in the work�iof �lman, old or as safe in and every conyouie ce.ii tribla.ted, or anypat
-e still undrap. was behind ns but a'r fu Appl to T thereof, to any pet on of V aose -claimnotiee shall m a e I His salary wati
Xnagement c %;f STEPHENS,)Bitis Hoteaessall
v', vas already' n , tinder the in 421'i not have been receivqd by them at the tinieof annum; the -wo& w.
new 166 him bave grown t4ed of *011- Aiathoa, to whom DeKempefen is stated'i Pump in Quebec for�some
I was sitting o1a t;be hearth -rug , wfth� looming in Lro If the Palo, Foil such distribution. !this m t, e is gvf_n purrasint rem
'Ira,!aer 28, Section, �Jete mii d to 'try his
S 'SALE —For stile, a, ' to Statute, 29 Vic C lar is
Dated tb-.s 17th ny.4-, lebruary &-.:.D
ders b3' land and sea; sim iiwe will ven:- to hav', sold it ; but, accordiiag to some FirstClass Fum Business in tAo llourishing� I 21 %7�
baby on my lap, ainusing her with -my iin -16 of the o4ts do. wateh-� tulle to assert that, as he,�clinhbs the side accour ts, it was not sold uii�il af to watc and its glittering appendages, er oyertoo mq now'' 'lvvfha� U uld be my
Of this cly 11101111d, and ooks from the r De- Village of. Nilroxetnfi Terms Libe ral. o oppo-q MURDO Y. _31CLEf AN,
fate ? l i 0
I i I I Kemp len' death in 1,803. nthon via. sition within 7 mil�s. One-eighth &ere of,laud Exeentors. which were an. unfailing source of pleas- i ed 'of the bordering roe If, a store,th re but at the sanie.
Good shoi), tools, s(ocki and. inter, . 9
9 she stretched out her God w, rud d to me, and ge rato the Celes- ited. t a whole of Europe an(, made large
tire to her ; and a 01 jZe %t combined
Apply to JOHN #OLLAND, lVioxeter p. befo le—$ per ntnill.
8) -8 e vice, he y
tracted to the direction of the
f al extremi y. ment ri'vete J to the spot. in the first ina- STOCUL.
berg '�, Kol ie, "he will Ia-no for a ino- 0.
gave me th p eti! tO, oc ed in my m- I il
little hands to grasp them I was- and- is f money by the exhi ition. At
denly at 2�4
wi adow, through which, H6aven's P, rtal pulse of , w astonislarri nt.,, his de th it: was bougbt by L Maelzel, ADO r amg ana welat
cc lhirdly hm* t . BE LET, IVI �R 11.1h, 'STRAY. HEIFE 11.—Strayed into thepremises 'as 1.
to my- unutter who., ook A to Arrierical" Taelzel died I To E
able horror, I distiDguished distincti - been more' -a uro 81 y a ut tberd . are many ques�ions- which on.1 IONT—Two goc rooraf.1111, of the underhig-ned, Lc t 14, Con. A,)1owick- a d than th its return passage, and his� beirs sold I d Iloor ; 'nee
y I on ouu0n SISESS_ ose, but A a
Heifer about 2 years old.
the readerill require alisvVering ere he th6 eliess-pla by prov!Dg ptopqrty aadlpa� ling expensm DAID
the fce of a man gleaming upon me. In barrack -gat I's 8 1 &% and 4 good chamber intithat neivi
of them. erectqd brick Te Owner con hae
in yer to M. -Cronidr, of Belle- K!elling house, jau teoL� )t
a gr(. can see e n. 1, Hullett,j V
Id its mode ville IR.
f at PO ing in the veil faintly the pit an
at swift, oentary glance, I acruld saw At whose house' �1 ill saw it In the occupation o Fel, x
4. Ho � di h�t
yb '8
utigl ain vemainea iof wu& How is the di-idiiag line kept in 1811. Houdin was the first to BAY
tweOn twila and three ymrs 1
hister.,ma-levol the produce of thef it - es, and F ST CALF.—Str
!v�y,, a, i d, w a[ I rushed, re- privilege, if de irea, of hanif �t
s( door ps n, the owner,,
,e that it was a pae, si give I Nvith garden, half 1
u nt oWhere is is remarknble figure _E
betwe and cl& In '
cognizing, y nu er We thankful- aye into t1e rarniiaegf
lea co enance witla� sma,11, hungry the truo story of tla able room for;
11 the clay pla� that is taker oq� f one horse. R Dt al d particulars n applicatio I - the undersigned, Lot 2 Con, 0,'yorlis, 1 Boo turn,efl Molttr&L He (fid.
liess, mong t1 na u b4d. 11 Calf,*On Feb, 25. The own 3r
eyes. MY 1 9 of the pit? on the uthority of 'INI. Hessler
I a nephew to Mr.,' TA Sog, on the of -Is, 426 may have the same
at wildly, but M I I i . I pri! em e)�penses. Jr.qqX_ her - a
My heart be His amaz Eiow! are t�o diamonds extiacted from of Dr, by provf ng property and Ila ying -e
t lalay e ;er imamn.
-1 di,ssem- y 0
a I o4 this bluish BARNHILL. terlV to, -Chic
Mad my ternbr we -11 I g ri I eho Id us and[ oard lTe:n1ot' ed than d d tis clay? I Is the clay
uppose, as had I aS-VIECAVIC AftTl1CF,,E?J.
-like Oescription are the 'Anirry Letters. as I could o �mor t �aj reaiaedtl i
(lone ot ot;d mL arl
herwise, baby and I mght have. point be- ob lieve p',or A thur -must o into the premj�se
dSo rapidly had I com. bind me, o'del of tho pit kept from"fAlling in? the undersign niployment for iha.
!FIFE,SEED _%VHV.AT.—r. ed, Lot 7, Like Shore noaawes Salk, on Lot NO4 stions, will 31l0Y,OuN0v-20,a, black and,white yen prehended the necessity for appearing !I ave thoug k had go le �sd d�nlii rav- Thew', and many more quie An ngry letter is much 4ercer than 4 Con. 8, Rullet;,.a quantity o Fife Wheat, 9
i the� readbr's mind an -y speech Seed, " is wheat hal
In mad. o y. hear thir voices mur-f 15 !Lngi There are words re nitable idt h bee -Holler, e( 0, ea Ing haf we halve written. mains. scorching, n d yields 1,011. ToSEpH tew 1p b
w n grown pay charges and take Aer lHoXAS I
not to have"observed him that I hardly mring rou 4s be scan one year an adI4 stviera)l weeks he i
d e prid baby lifted ot to be, explained LTARTIN. 430 STNSON,. to ay ; but. a 480*4
cal out of my arm, though t�',ey �old Me af- The pit �ides are cut si�eply down.. awayj not to be' atoned by a kiss—not to to 'Ili but )l tle 2ss
projects for -es e from my love PJANOFORSAL71—rnr e, -iond-haudi i t1v thev could ed them for the most part o�der, will be sob —Cam"!! into the premises of
present position terwards I iel. so 00 Nature bs fac be Boltened dowd by the wo Sal fie STRAY STEElt. ouiag Bailiwas too e.qua to
abeal) a --d Z
through my'whirli us. I Th, oil x E thing with a lining of rock. Thig! linifig call that niay follow, so quickly upon spoken lea sy terms as the Owner is leavir g towil.0 TI the undersigned, near I lerne, ti the Townihip
ag How could rd of revolved themselves. scarcely se )a- Piano, in gooti E]
lei of Hs;y, about Jan. 1, a s -)utfed yearlin
t ht thp lustrume�t le�ee� at the re iaenee g I escape f rom th oundary of anger. This at east shoulbe a rule Of t1r-1 The -equestea t4l rty, Pay At tbii fime, w)hen loo-ki-ng
w war r' o, charges and t
dark, 'unshided ahid tha the diamond mine one to t -,'outside that tiou're4juired ca be had. Also 11
room with its I knew ,Tlei.,d ale on ed " the reef, ": fo rms tbAit � � �GLICK, upar th �t,,t owner is x
a sofa in bri tbroui �h the- letter writing world, that no Chiareb, 3 bere all 1
i"dow? Furbivel 1 0 1 a�,e It wway. TAS. STYLE aouletbirig to,,do, n
I ------ Ayl, and t4d h4d' that a
kirtbur .'bai I lad I —an boundary reef there Are no' diamonds. ld. 42�
y a selection o
�At times the reef: have t was
looked a -gain, we were sa a gry letter be posted till 24 hours shall nhaoice green HOus VTlftntswill be
and was infinitely relieved
to find that the gtpg (I since i wrl titen. - We firm W
ngerously CK VO 9 -SAX.E. anted a man to inspoet
.-r stats f I co ve ed, to Ar. OATS
&Pp4riti6ra had vanished,, But the 0 , hangs all
has to be I nre a pat -of hiln.bor, Mr.
for the present, t least, from its clog tillur, as c over' the pit -and then Ili iow bow absurd is that other .,T�e antlersigued has on hand"
V( R 1110 __ 149. -0
1'f I abat but].
proximity t g rule 0 saying and for Sale. oil Lot 21, Con., JJLron Road C ONVS AND MANES _r Sale by
0 the wisdow.' 1111y as co the even t taken down, and the ed sl'ped off at the alphabet when you scriber, by piiv� te bargain, a few &Ao
ol or I 'Tu ekertmith, a quiaOtity of Black , artar oats io the sub 0 your 1,tter; Nvrite it Bruce of Hamilton, fro ni two to live years old,'all sire 10 nare all ry. Trash i it down Seed. Tl:eseoats4 0- Imported 'YOM eot-land class cows in calf, ali
I got up at last, still chattering to tuy Of the aft oca'arid nig'lat id^ my con-, greater an -de.' I and write 11 o 4 ffi-st-elass young =arev
unconscidus child, and in Fo a gre;A depth, now, tl�e ami last year p.
1. pol
oved slomy to- -yielded ovor bu is per acr. loa: by r. H-00-
victibn tba, no, hing short lof nurderhadl r work has with ft the vetiout 'by -T-ohn L. a y 4'
been Comm tt( e In less I n five iaiin-1 ! In yox iver spit out yonr spleen at One bush I e1of dra n t J igtv�n �1;0 lbiln. t hi, wards the door, even pausing for u ough nothipg but this eat SaudY. 1013NN LAUT, Lot 20, Con.. 4,1115tan-
these oats yv*el e I stvearoveri45busbelont
in- utes lie ww H with som at Ia f ullt-st it will do you good. You jarm of 1h he I ley, Brueefield P. 0, ax6full, I and 0 t
stant at the tab Partly to gaher e of the others, blue Juarl-I ke clay, but it *as not al- I as arfej!- JOHN B. HENDER-
t the cot"gi where a� Pwful scene way$; 80. irik you. have been injured.; say aH .9 ON - kilf.upyl - but b it erap �o
as my limbs ed- 429*4
strength to proceed, t first, the spil;�was a r
were presented i el ��, I
to:fbeir vj,,ew as they ell., d you can sayWith all your oisoned CIO- --- de�sA I -This pa-o'd Ai6i
tottering beneath me partly because I i ,Ia i� diamonds. XACHJ�-E 'NEEDLE, at NVholesale
ish 'gravel ; itwas ri( p by. reading regilar mploy-ruent.-
tered, S Z W1 NL C+
dreded lest -the lurker without might i 1, All at once the red gravel ga-�ve place to quence, and, gratify yourself: Prices tor Thirty Vays.
e le a est quality of EWADD.—The iboye r-ewoTd 'will be
rom bell to th.ef' y'elIo4'v clay. � N-len said ;" " our temp Then Bewl�g lilachine]Ne��dles, suit e or atlykind-of pald toanypersc nor persons who WA
In the p 6a f tb it wjl� er is still :hot. :20 ace�wl ated some- mo:ny
la 11-1 -machine. will be lutimsh
still be- marking my moveme, Vhere will be 1 $
put it in your dsk; and m a matter of ed by. e uc *nt#y�oommenee(I business ea
the legoll.
I had entrance la y the dpa4 )dy of our! ril more p'rqcious stones, lth� red gravel If t it the following i Florence ot er curvA co n-viet ion of the palty Qr:)aTties vho published
searcelY Stre'lOgth left to filln I I cours �urn it before breakfast the fol- furnishs hinformation4svvinjead I to
the unfortutia A !))low from � somel ig all1gone ;�' but men, as-th�y often a needles, 40 cents ier dozen - SID , all kinds th-e defamatory libel again 4 my perBomi Vbzrz&
handle of the door, but once on the
er Jr
iu� morriliog.
-0011 .lit on AVatzer, A., Gar Pr,.
heavy weapon I ad ctulftlly Jim8hed ini were Wrong— and the diaoio4ds wc lowi Believq me, that you Howe, Osborn, Raymond, -ter, in Fly Sheet Rorxa,da� ed _Nov.1,)Kniow1n other side -of it, I rushed across the the bacl gratification.
ofl�hdr- head, aind1li as beiore. took wi I ve a'double Hespeler, Lockma-d, Webster, c hampjon., and' f,,a me to be a isebood only
was quite, last. the buidla. soft fabrieaied ft to Glatt B-ain theu�-Vhhit to xTna.
lttle hall, and gained the kitchen all other lnds. onlyz'85.cents per dc extinat o lir 4- ier s'ervaq .a found ini was 'realchEd 1 again Vile my cbaraettr and vervethi iowii Ver f-11ire a -ad get, inarried. .9 se people I the money and needAes Avillbe sent post free orl ANXDERSO-N-, Sintley, in.
"NOT there is ad efid to dia- air t.ea.,
where I found my two domesti &it insensi b s4te, but,' Jt6i some t �A Big Man. Otherwise, as desired. Add
at th ca a eaed i ime, 1 said, Moon! AV LS �scarcely �ovRr
forth, Ont., 1 recovered sJiffikiently to b !a1le to give� mond digging. STER Box.. 28, Selo applw -rer the
I briefly told.theiiii of the fright I- bad But i4mond dia Dariel Lambert who ha4 for some'l V at W, swept o,
the parti ul�rsi Camp,bell'is Tailorinig Establishme t B � A
1 a multitude. Of
f the attaA �n in the com esaudatta( and a de- gi g went bl. arl rock time )reviously shown d Plete stock of shtttles an
got, and was not much reassurre. d- on find- is in I synip-
a r 'assat ho provedi as it had go e on in the c th 'r clays aud
ing that both were if possible I - kind of S.owing Mficj��e alw&y.g 0 424 4 miss BORLAND, Drei Waker- iwi�)ed irom the list f -in
Sal 1ption of" th" ilanti, I toms,waseigbed at Hun '�di 11 in June -hand. s and Mantle
greater to be no ot r an the mo)hpt r who had' Ave a.
cowards than I was myself.' 1809, Rooms over the Buuk, Sealiortb. X.. Bb--AP� wat.; riiiiied re n 4N
glitred in a ia on as,
gi*' adby the Caledtioung n b
9 e that vor afternoon � 4 When this clay, -or roe c, Or gravel is found ;o be 5stone 11 pounds (14paunds CHE.FS C
The sound of a whistle at no great dis �ICJES. iliir; house wh - r he
e from the cottage 'rolised d seen tha� brought'to the surface, it call no longer to the stone). His measure round the CA31HRO'IN, Prac tical Watchm.ker and
tanic' it seemed a;rlafter I lia
Ina to the everything I � ectire, the, 4eivarats had be piled' A In 186- Alb
y gone 0 as�of yore, arowidl�he edge of body i ms 3 yards 4 inches, and I yard I SEAFORTH CHYESE FACTO11Y.—TO THE, Mitchell. - istomers Vin fwd it to a
Imecessity of instantly making ever
07 fl' during he great pit- there, is Louis to Tesille and Wi
t )u 4.13TOCRROLDE, —Ttike �N*oti", that& meet- their interest to dWi with me, as'the v.M have
after this ' the beaefit Of in 40
1 le kitch ing of Ole StoOholders ivill be held in the Town zuy Eng praic bital exrerhonoe t
`ble. Accom. their tempo b;ence'f r;luin en� already the'lleap is high ailtd *ast enough. measurembliat, on June 20, he arrived Hall, Sea$orth, o 40S
place no I room now, and inch r( nd the leg. A few days
as secure as poss-1
bl%hea the firm
the I
wo k '61
T c
p _ k
.4 yip a
valu�b e ge
,)%U art t
a, in
paaied by 6e two tremblin servants, I A Tuesday 31 trade.
had slippq an 11farp-1 14., at I
tbeir business
C loory the H secreted So hundred's of horses are Omployed in from Rutitingdon at the Wagon an o'clock A. W., for ��e el
and with - baby in my arms, d ectio ectors and
began my himself in W'cu Jo&r4 in, thie�p Lasage, and carting away the diam6ndiferous soil, Horses' 1�1n, St. Martin's St for other business of the said Cojnpa�my. tour of inspection. At last 'every bolt thus being am do TO THE COMMERIAL in,-Seafortib, Ont. Proprietr. U ISOM
Ilylocked in P� 1i the where prepaTations were Ina& to receive
to the house 1 and placing it in various pirts of PATRONS—A meeting of the trons of the BUABP, Class reliable _hO eff
was drawn'. every. illutter closed, and with oursel ca. 1' Seforth Cheesenotory will b - and iftrs,,' always
e he� d In the Town carriageiii ii
great surrounding 'plain. leh iouse
H,ere the acb, in Chi
1011 and stables -as
e. Imaginin 9 ; ready. Chargegmoderate. 001ce, b en e: was
nothing more remai led to be don elo ti )ext day and during Stam. 11all, Sealorth, o a Tuesday, March 14, at2 olejopk
ex- east of 1du str0016
hp half-iinlid nia:R
looking at, the clock, that it tbur wou k winL, that
�as a that Ar- tion of sun, and air, and cold night soon fordp
found, o T -V F. M., for the tarp6go of niaking arrangements Huron street, e ond A r
that it r es, He was announced for 8 c 00
ld 'R tA fljQjn� Mt- 113sin Wuizht 4iut his
I eaumA f _ . _ ____ __ __ A ___ - - - e for the coming sess4u. A full aff�hlran mn fael- 0rilpra loft. Af Ar f f.hA