The Huron Expositor, 1876-02-11, Page 44
Stallions for Sole—David McNaught.
Great Sale of Furniture—M. Robertson.
Fifty_ Village Leta for Sale—A. Swan.
Implements for Sole—David McNaught.
Cheese Factory Meeting—F. Fowler.
Notice to Debtors.- McIntyre & Willis.
Rodgerville Cheese Factory Meeting,
Notice to the Public—James Martin, Sr.'
Blaelmmitl; Wanted—Samuel Reid.
Store for Sale—William Grigg, Exeter.
Blacksmith Wan d--Thomes Hills.
Auction Sale—Da id Sproat:
To BuiIders—Ja ea Braithwaite.
Money Found—Thos. Simms ns
Auction Sale—McCaughey Hol ested.
, I
lielping Themselves. .
The Government, some days before the
. ,
elose of the session, submitted further
supplementsty , estiniatee providing for
the increase of the salaries of the mem-
bers of the Government, and for the in,
crease of the indemnity to members of
the Legislature., 'It is scarcely necessary
to say that the sums asked for ie these
estimates were granted without a dies
senting voice.; Ministerialists and: Op-
positionists were alike willing to meet,
the views of the Government in this mat- ,
ter. The Attorney Genera:a salary has
• been ihereasect $1,500, and cads of the
other ministers receive en increase of
$1,300, while the sessional ,allowande of 1
members is increased $200. The present
salaries of ininist rs are: Attorney Gen-
eral, $4,000; ' am the other' members of
the Executive ouricil, $3',200. ' Their
salaries will, therefore, staid in future
as follows: Atterney General, $5,500 ;
and the other ministers, $4,500.- 'The
-sessional allowanice of members will be
$800. The total, increase slums. up to
$24,300. We notice that several of our
contemporaries on both sides of politics
con em.n the Goyernment end. Legisla-
ture for making this increase in selaries.
•We are not inlfir habit of apologising
for acts of the 4overnment which we do
not consider righti, but have no t hesitat-
ed to condemn Many acts whica we con-
sidered not in aecordance with the inter-
ests of the co-ae4ry. In this instance,
however,- we ;ate ;fully prep4-ed to com-
mend and justify the action of the Gov-
, ena,ment and Legislature. ` The salaries
which the members of the Government I
are to receive are not larger than are ,
given to the judges and heads of mane- 1
tary and, other' important institutions. ;
-The defies pertaining to the position of
a Minister of the Crown are certainly as
- :
empOrtant and, es onerous, as are the ,
duties of those other officials we have al-
luded to, and if ;they are, kshy .should
those who perform theta net be equally
as well paid? If the membeiri of the Gov- ,
ernment abandon their own occupations I
and devote their individual 'attentio_ n to
official duties, which they should dotthe •
salary, even with the inerdase recently
granted, will not do more than ademiate,
ly. remu•nerate them. • :With respect to
• the members of the , Legislature, their
former. allowance of -$600 was certainly
no meat - indecement for Men of ability
to neglect their 4wn private affairs for
• two months each year to serve a constit-
uency in the 1Le islature, and the in-
crease voted will ot maim the allowance
larger than it sbo ld be. ' The members
• of the Dominion Parliament receive, a
• sessional allowane
son begrudges it t
Dominion member
surely $800 is not
crease to heir sessional allowance.
ac Ant g the last session are
mo 0 dm rving of censure than t
we re s re that those journals
are now loudly condemning th
lat re foi. making the increase hav
ed‘ t 5s: much less heinous.
has r
of s
str in
to be
if t
he b
s le
ed t
e 1
t u-
t i
a d
• ds
pt tl
t pr
• gen
or ji
t t
wh'ca i
ten ion,
inn ar, a
hib 't ng
lig Or
the efor
ell) 1 tie
cer a nis
sel ea.
bill .is
giv us
a g at
So : far
Lia rase
fit, refu
even if 1
well ap
hou es
dail se
the guar
pub ish
ew Liquor L
. ,
mend the laiv
entedpr spiri u
e assent of th L
is now the la
ading feature 0
• nown to our
t amendment
it since it w s
Legislature, a t
of the dale co
• to be given t
is, and.
of the
is law
• The
h have
allow -
le ted by
e unioi-
see are
g the
ic pality.
he e the
as the
g the
y. A,
e the
vhi the license pr m
Th law also allows in
)143 power of Mere et
e any sam over that
ace cling $200, edit he
ces goes to the u
nee, in 'township %
fee is $60 the Coindil
pa s a by-la%v m, ki
00, ed. the whole of he
goe to the municipali
o irt was made ride
ent o amend bi 1 s as ea
'he sesdiag of sato n an shop
ut •hey resolutel r fu ed to
am ndment. Th i certainly
ette , as the bill i this mend -
be inhch more ffe ti e and
a e
r. hop and o eform
tro g urged, thi dment
Gover ment, but they efused
ny ch ge in the direction, and
to withdraw 'the bill e tirely
ends persisted in ther pposi-
on Oh; ground. ride these
nces was deerne gbru ent to
or n lose
to e in
of ay
thir etle
low rig ; I
issu d, a
Ma eh n
in e ct
one thou
t bei
, o
of $1,000, and no per- are
them. If, therefore, me
are entitled to $1,000, ma
too much for meinbeirs tiva
sixt of
of the Local Legis ature. It is not oniy 1
the* sessions of the Legislature and th ir pasding
., pal Ya
the time that me ers lose in attending suet Hee
for t
' ane
r Or
r th
expenses evhile in Toronto that should e
• taken. into accOunt, but many other, inci-
dental losses and expenses. Whenever a
_subscription list for any purpose *hat
• ever is started the member for the -Rid-
• ing usually applied to to -head the list,
and- f he refuses to subscribe liberally he
is putdown as a mean man. He is also
expected to give special prizes to agricul-
• tural societies, and do many other favors
• of this kind which are a continual drain
upon his purse. In addition to this every
constituent who has any grievance which
he thinks should be aedreesed either writes
to or 4alls upon the representative of his
• Riding to urge it upon his attention. The
representative has to write a eeply, or has
to give his constituent an audience.. All
this °emirs during the interval between
sessioris and takes up the time of the re-
pre,sentative which should be devoted to
his own business. If all the time which
the representative:, losesan this and other
ways, when Parliainent is not in session
and when he is supposed to be off duty,
were taken into account, to say nothing
of the 8111ns he is required to give in the
• ways we have mentioned, we have no
doubt but that even with an allowance of
$800 he will be out of pocket at the end
of tae year. Th,er are few men so pat-
riotic and self sac ificing that they will
•serve the public, eten in Par/fan:lent, for
any considerable time, at a pecuniary loss
• to themselves, and if we do not amply
remunerate our representatives for their
•services by a direct, salary, they will •se-
cure that remuneration for themselves in
some indirect way. The better way is,
therefore, _to remove from them the
temptation to do this by affording them
sufficieat pay,. for their services, so that
they will not require either to act dis-
honestly or lose money. We, therefore,
think that the Legislature have acted
wisely and in the interests of the Prov -
nee in voting theme* elves the smell - in -
of all in
undo th
and. sucl re
the endoteeme
license" •
as it is, rat
to be a great
ession the
.%14,y clear to
he law in thi
o prohibit
ns and stere
aid that th
ss the power
e with trade
• r, does no
I now giv
co n ils to pass
he ale of article
sh ps} where it
the Legislature c
res powe
exe cite such p
ow wire be this a
milled, and if
aa we wish fo
and. more wi
loins are c no rn
issiouers can if t
gijant them ic
d they will r q
d and suffi ie
e i.ppiiances cc
Tale to tr
11 t
1e fo
r for
ve nment
iritre e the
respe t.
t e ale of
as to re-
gi lature
as laws
s • con -
o sit to
po er to
by -la s pro-
s} he than
is solcl. If,
n muni -
s, th y can
w rs them -
it y, the
it does not
g v es us
1 et comm.
d, the
ey see
nss, and
ire to be
t eating
ss ry for
ve ers. For
n ils we
h act in
f municipal co
leaving clause ot
ear during which li en es are
rce hell begin on the fi st day
i e ch year, and en n the
lay f April, in •e ye r fol-
nd 11 icenses her to or duly
expirng on the fir t ay of
hall be deemed c ntinue
e thirtieth d y of April,
ig t hundred and s venty-
always, that u4-1 1 censes
ea for thatp rio pay-
deto the tie su r f the
u of the issu r espec-
ut§ provincial a Id uhici-
tienal duty equal t one -
e fo the now ewe t ear of
n that from an af er the
Act no beelatel or ertifi-
commissioners in c' ties or
mecile in othe mun cipalp
nfing of any icep.s shall
or effect in rant' g any
4c :pt for
said 1 censes
s and duties
s p , , inted
• thi
al c
e gr
e .o
pec t
ficenses, an
renewing the
rs and 'issue
recited Aet s
ewal may be
t ief the issuer -
de -by
n the
he Late- Se8sionJ
The fi t se tion of the third arlia-
ment of nta io ;closed yes rdlay The
Legislat e was in. Bessie or.y-four
days. rin that time a rgie mint
of '1 ork as p t through, erobraci g sev-
eral ea res f Very considerable i port-
shallIrefer briefly;to a few of
'p0 t measusee w ,hie have
w. Tho ballot ;haiiing been
ork well in the eleations for
atu e, :t -he. Correlate , a d for
1 Councilors, it was resol ed to
. .
to b -laws requiring he assent
le. A:private member 'shed
e a plied to the elec on of
tee and the Governme hay.-
4ed idea bills for bot these
re offered. There iv room
eme t; as the mode,of ere eying
ts, a Id a bill has heals • arried
w ren # er it next to impossible
mes to get upon tae roll hich
be here.- Bills Were arried
Is' ins raime, to providsi for the
• t o pre -petty adjacent • pub-
tion:when it is need d for
er ot eripurposes, ancl to ermit
or if .prisons to exami e wit -
u n o th i Some County Court
s w re fo na to be eve wo k d and
hil ethers did 1 ttl a d got
Or y El, system o mita ion of
izat ontis to be effected. Sev-
u es hieh have become e titled
TO iatialsi in part payine t for
g ou # y buildings, jails, &e.,
ee ed the sums due them.
ai rad of fees is to o ected
he iffe met classes of ranee
nie T, e bill for the amen merit
ed eational system intied ces a
ang . 'The office of Chief
t den of :Education has been
e he inister of Educable tak-
tie upon himself, 'a.:n the
of t
it a
for I
of t
nd i
8 to
8 1,
a el
1 ern
Cabinet will perform • the work of the
I '
Council of 1%1)110 Instruction. To the
law *society Has been aacerded the power
of permitting the ,creation of barnsters
out of the regular eounie, a function that
has kilways requited special legislation
for ,•caoh cases Short -hand writers may
be employed, when deemed necessary,
for reporting` the doings a the Anize
Courts. An effort vat made by a p i -
irate member to abolish the grand jury
&its!) ether, but iti failed, as did area a
moteen to accept m majority verdict
1 ;
certain cases.
The motion to i oreorate the Orange
Association Was log deer an acrimoneees
debate, the GoverntneiPt holding that the
Orangemeu could take f advantage of the
general act if they ,c oat, and the Orange.
men declaring that to ale so would he a
concession to Oath lieism. To relieve
the' Lieutenant Gov rile!. from the, neces-
sity of performing a lot of routine work,
such as the signing bf triarriage lice 8 s
a deputy was einpojvered to assist hiii.
During the last sess oit of the last 13 rlia-
meet, a member ai d been brought to
book for taking money :to pay for his ser-
vices _ as a .promoter of private bilis.
This has been deela ed by the House ,to
be ' a reason for expulsion. and dis-
qualification at thel hands of his fent; w
members. 1 - • .
By no means le t important of the
meaeures jest coati d :is the one for the
limitation -of liquor licenscs in proportion
to population, mole Mg a prbvision for
the appointment Of Commissioners and
inspectors by the Goterninent, instead
of by the Municipalities. Good results
are looked for from the new law. 'Cer-
tain! useful ainendments have been insert-
ed in the 1a1r for the election of mentbers
of the Le 's ative Assembly, the experi-
ence of the last year hiving shown" that
cases of acteal hardhip might arise ua-
dert ' he law as it steed, such, for use
stanee, as tlie disqualification of a mem-
ber who had done no personal weeng.
costs of their own conduct, and in cases
Agents will be held reeponsible for• t e
whe e a candidate is charged with : per-
sonalmisdemeanor,I two judges are to
try the petitions Jointly.
The railway bill stands foremost inor-
der of financial i po tance. By it aid
has :been apportioned' to a number .of
lined running fresh the frontier east of
Toronto to: the back country, where
there is mineral wealth to be developei,
or a here there is opportunity for su
ces ul colonization. Two competi
lin in Weitere Ontatio are also sub
cliz 1, and liberal provision is made fo
road to connect the uteri° frontier Iwi
the auada Pacific, Georgian Bay br. no
The usual grants t benevolent in Wu -
maid. An amend, d
Canada Car Co
iori of Central Pr
entered into, t
ilea to comply wi
The bill for :payi
criminal cases m
tioae have beeu .p
agreement with the
pan, for the utilita s-
on. • _alter, hes bee e
Company haying ;if b,
the- original termsa, g
Crown witriesses in 1 y
be eegardeda is experimental. Evety
poss ble safeguar41. I has been put in to
hin er the twelliag Of this item to a
grea cost, brit it teeming to be seen, if
expe ience cannot l further improve a
The public accountceminittee was net
so active as in some: former session's.
One {of the ntemheie attempted to create
a sensation by chitg ng the Speaker with
pen; nal extravagance at the expense ,of
theli rovince„ but u oe expla,nation the
ace. ation .Was seen o be groundless, and
afte that the OPeostien members toe -le
so little interest i hecommittee that; a
, :
quor m could hardly be obtained,
A ong the deadducks of the sessien
the first to ' be e u Mated is Mr. B -
thupe's bill for theOption of eonmel-
sort- voting. , The ejector has premised
that the bill will b eietroduced, and its
frieh s have every eaeon to hope that
it W'll yet becom law Hon. William
Mac ougall undertook' to bring about
fusionof the 'Cour f Law and Equity,
but l he House bel e ed that his wishes
had: een forestalled to as great an ea -
tent ethe good of t ie country required..
His ill for fixtim 1 e tame for the meet-
ing o the House , s Jelled out of order
as a unconstitution 1 infringement Imola
the r ghts of the L'eatenant-Governor,
whichare deelared. y the British North
Anse man Aet to beyond the control
of the: 'Tousle. \Wills proposed a
bill the protecton of brakesmen, Mr.
Deacon a motion t preserve the timber
on free ,grant, lands for actual settlers,
Mr. Currie one to give voters at munici-
pal eleatioes e num er of votes in ; pro-
portian to their asse entente, Mr. Creigh-
ton o e to allow ce t in classes of women
to vo e at menicip elections and upon
fbeyr-lea s, and; Mr. lel wet one to provide
rrying prisone at the Penitentiary
and atients to th ylums in charge of
Were withdraven or
them were good in
oee careful prepare, -
et find their weer
a bai iff. All these,
lost, though some cif
principle, and with
tiers tnd pruning
upon'the statute book.
The total amount f money granted by
the supply bill is 2,376,938. In j this
amount is included n eppropriatiori for
the enlargement of t e ealaries of Minti-
ters and for the ine me of members' in-
demnity. This me are was among the
latest of those brou h down to the House.
It has provoked cox iderable commeet of
a hostile charecter, t oagh it cermet be
deemed a party me sure, and objection
to it applies alike to very member of the
House. Lunatics will he cared for at the
liatalton Inebriate salum, as soon as
it cart be made ready. As for the rela-
tive strength of pa tied, it can only be
said•that the Ministry ands itself strong-
er at the close of t e seesion than at tae
beginning. The Op sition came forward
with expectations f tang able to main-
tain. et least Or menacalg attitude, but its
menibers have settle( down to a querul-
ous grumbling about the tyranny of the
Reform majority.
Mr. ,Bisnop on he License Bill.
meat Bill was efore the House
hen the Liquis license Amend -
for [its third r ading - and when
Mr. McDougall's ,mendment to the
bill, prohibiting th granting of li-
censes to saloonsdan. hops, was being
discussed Mr. Bi p, M. P. P. for
South Huron, remarked that in his opin-
ion the bill did not 6 far enough. He was
now and always hadaseen in favor of doing
away with both shop and saloon licenses;
indeed, he would even go farther and do -
away with licenses j to hotels in rural,
municipalities situated: within at 'eerie
three miles of a toxin or village. But
after hearing the views of =me
bers on both sides of the
House on the various, occasions when
the bill was being discutsed, he felt that
to ntake the bill more stringent would der
featedt entirely; that a: majority of the
mentbers of the House at present would
nettsanction a more stringent measure,
• aitithe considered it is duty under these
curnstances to ace • .tIthe bill as it it,
rather than loose it enefits entirely and
V.EBILITARY 11, 1878.
allelee thngs to rainfall is they are. With.! he
regard to e amendm nt subittitted by in h
the Oppqsition, he said that if he thought seici
they were sincere in bringing forward
the' amendment he wou el support it. He
knew, however, that they were not sin-
cere; that they merely brought it for ard
for the purtosie of ensnaring a few otes
fro the Government 'ranks, and: se em-
barrass the Governmen . If the Op osi-
tion were a ncere and eally desire to
haee saloo and shop li enses done away
with, why id they not bring for ard
their ansen ment et an artier stage hen
the, bill was, before Committee and could
be amended'. , Had they done th' he
woeld ha% supporteci it, - but ,as that
was merel brought for ard
rass the Government and
tees, he fel it his duty t op -
vote for th bill as it stood.
am ndmen
no to e
their supp
pose it, an
1The D
The Do
Ot wa y
the Thron
the. Govern
Tho speecl
visit of th
• genetic; aalnsdt a
for a consi
made to th
son, ate" to
the county
which exis
Bala was m
pletion of
which will
early in th
11) terru pte
o wn terri to
ince of Can
ine s of t
portant cor
in onnecti
during th
that this,
be laid be
suihg pf t
give effect
er Court ac
the Court,
was also ns
toba for a i
system of t
of the Legi
islative Co
it 'within t
tilt expend
the settlem
that the r
suffered se
to be'finan
cia depres
th t there
ttnhe tt tohfeexe
ec aornicall
withthe p
pr9 ised in the Speech relate to com
car iers, to l'fe assurance, to the collee
and classia atiou of criminal statist
to :the • cO olidation. of the s
ute laws,. 1 to the , administra
of . the I estates : of insol
banks, and to the enfranchisemen
Indians an the management 'of In
affairs. 'la Speech also contained re
once to the claims of Canada for com
Baton for the use of her fisheries by
United States, as provided by the Tr.
of Washin ton, and to the fact
though the Canadian Commissioner
appointed any months ago no prog ess
haslyet bee made owing to the failur of
the:United tates Government to app int
a Cemmissi per to act along with I tn.
The address, in reply to the speech ill
be submitted to -day, but there will not
likely be any discussion of importanc be-
fore Monday. The address will be mo ed
by Mr. Casey, the member for West El-
gin; and seconded by Mr. Taschereau, the
member fo Montmagny. Roth gen le-
mee have t e advantage of previous ar-
' liaMentary experience,and have had sats
in the House since 1872. They are A ell
known, to as flu.ent and effec ive
: -
, I
I News of the Week.
dinal Manning pronounces unfounded
report that he supports a scheme for
of the Ritualists with the Pat
Catholic Church.
THE ELVERN Q smerroN. -- laka v ces
from Herze ovinia state that the m as-
uret taken y the Imperial powers to in-
duce the insurgents to cease hostili ies
will most likely be unsuccessful.
ANOTHE CANARD. -- A promi nt
English joi real says the report of the
engagemen of Princess Beatrice, Qu en
Victoria's daughter, with Prince Lo is,
of attenb rg, Germanet is unfound
ly One hen red poisons have been poison-
ed at Eagley, a village near Manches er,
England, b drinking impure Milk. S me
of the case are serious and. may re ult
The, Tweed trial`of the six million dollars
suitavas begun on Monday in the ge ral
terra of the , fupreme Court, at New Yd -k,
before Jud Westbrook.
Observer sa s it has reason to believe, in
-view- of th unsettled state of polit cal
affairs, the ritish Govermnent inte ds
- to strength n its naval force in the
ceeded in g ttieg one of the judges of
Neve York , tate to issue a habeas cor nts
in his favor but a nfotion made for his re-
lease was enied, and the murderer of
Fisk was re ended to Sing Sing.
Internation Committee on the on-
struction of submarine tennel between
France and England terminated their
labors on S turday. They have ag4ed
upon the pr cticability of the scheme'
To eE U ITED.—The Duchy of L u-
enburg, con ected with Prussia in per-
sonal union, Is now to become an absolute
incorporatio *of the Kingdom. The
popalation the Duchy is about 50,O0,
andeembrac s an area of 455 square mi es.
SUPPOSED SUIcIDE.—The body of V.
F. Ward w 8 discovered last Friday a
closet of a cant house On the coiner of
Washingto is street in Chicago. he
body was already partially decompose,d,
and. was e tirely nude, but witheat
marks of v lence. His clothes lay on
the floor beside him. Ward was for-
merly a wel known operator on all
street, but in the panic of Blaek Friday
lost his all, which was supposed to be
over a milli n dollars. Since that e
isarainion :6arliamenti
Parliament openec at.
terday. The Speech flom
delivered ly His Exeell ncy
,• r -General, contained little of
rest, bdt, notwithstanding this, it is
ed by t ose who ought to know hat
session will be an interesting ne.
mtide alliolion to the re ent
Governor- enerel to Bng-
he gre,a depression nd
nation of b siness which has
Table time een felt in other
ad has at, ngth reached
t the same ti e reference vas
abundant ha veet of last ea -
the substantial prosperit of
in pite of the suffering
ii peatieular localities. In
wi railway matters, allu-
e to the approaching m-
th Intereolonial Railroad,
I it is expected, take p ice
summer, thus thus affording un -
communication .within. our
y between the former P ov-
da. and. the Maritime P ov-
Dominioe. As • some im-
espondence , has taken p ace
a with the Pacific Rail ay
, year, a promise ade
: together with reports of
• d other documents, vill
ore Parliament. The is -
proclamations necessar , to
• the Supreme and E,xch
of last session, and the ap-
f the judges and officer of
ith a view to its Mimed ate
, Was noticed. Refer nce
• e to the demands of M:ni-
arrangeme t of the finan iai
e Provinceetmd to the ac ion
ature in abolishing the eg-
ucil and otherwise curtai ing
tuee, with o view to brin ng
e income, and a scheme for
ntiof the difficulty was f re-
, The announcement is m de
vete of the Dominion has
-rdly during the year, o ing
ial steingeacy and com er-
soli., and, a jpromise is de
all be a considerable cur ail-
enditure in the future, land
timates will be frame as
as possible, - consist° tly
blic interest. The meas res
at -
beettliviag *penury and distress
city. It is believed he committed
e. • ,
OIWEOF TOE 141evrreeN tterewe.Y.
legriun from Rome says there is
reaso, to believe that arraneements for
the s le of: the Egyptian Railway to an
Engl' h coinpanyhave been settled, and
iwteekzes id the contract Will be signed next
ditstea h fiiom Paris, France, of Friday,
says i telligence has been received of the
comp ete defeat of the Carliste. It
is sta • that Don Carlos has fled, and
he is expected to take refuge in French
AN ' ' I
I INVOLuNTARY Sem --A despatch
from ay City, Michigan, reportsthe iee
mold g out of the bay. Twenty shanties
were ounted,on the moving ice, and four
or fiv men were seen running to aad fro,
unabl to, get ashore. • How many more
aro o the ice is not known, neither are
the n mes of the unfortunates.
LE oCHOIWSKI.—dardinal Ledechow-
ski; toe Archbishop of Gnesen alid Po-
sen; he an 1874 was imprisoned at Ost-
rowo •y reason of his resistance to the
paenacted in Prussia against the
the lee
l ed
i t, i
ITEevy VERDICT.—k suit of Mrs. Vir-
ginia urke against the widow of Ira C.
Gard • er and others of Mrs. Gardner's
famit , all of New York City, for Irecov-
ery of her ether's •property, he having
died. 'n ,t eir boarding house : while
kneel, to possess a large amount of value-
bl6 ,0
essI,es1).0. d tein a verdict for plaintiff
per p blished in Pestb, Hungary,', states
that omnania has a.ssinnedan independ-
erit;.a titude towards Turkey, owing to
the in; bilita of the latter to protect her
from ()reign invasion. Roumania has
also r, fusedto pay the tribute dernanaed
by th Porte before it is due. I ;
Npthi g is known in Berlin of the re -
parte visit of Queen Victoria to that
city. It is considered unlikely thatshe
will o th re, because the main ob-
ject o the Queen's journey is to visit the
tomb of Princess Hohenlohe, her half
sister, in Baden. She will also visit the
Du ke- of Saxe -Coburg.,
A AD 'CALAmiTy.-2-Au explosion of
fire damp took place hist Friday in Jabin
colliery, :Belgium. The men were at
week in the pit at the time, to the num-
ber of 230; of these only 26 have, been
taken out, two of whom were: dead.
Earth is falling in immense, masses.
Const rnation. prevails through the dis-
trict. A late despatch says 200 -miners
were killcd. ; 1
—A Berlin despatch says that Dr.
Levys an, an eminent Prussian jeurnal-
dst and Vienna correspondent of several
German newspapers, notwithstanding.
the intercession of the Gernia.n Ambassa-
dor, and despite Dr. Levyshants well.
known moderation, has been expelled
from. Austria, charged with dissemin-
ating intelligence unfavorable to the
the New York State Assembly on Fri-
day, a bill was introduced by My. :Mc-
Fall t� amend the act to preserve fish
in the St. Lawrence River. A resolution
was introduced by Mr. FiJih that the
New York Police Commissidheits report
all facts relative to the arrest and deten-
tion, of the parties Brydges and Allan,
who; eloped from saiontreal, and -under
what rule they Were arrested; also,
whether additional legislation in the mat-
ter is needel.
Mark iLaliel Express, in its review of the
grain eaark ts for the 'past week, says
The weather has been muggy and un-
favorable to trade. .Prices have general-
ly clec inecl ebout a shilling per quarter,
in consequence of deteriorated condition.
Home deliveries are still short compared
with last year. Business has been heavy
and the imaorts have been rather less
h, was released last Satrirday.
his imprisonment he was pro-
d a c rdinal by the Pope. :
T JW lAN EDITOR.—Samuel Boyd,
y 11. Se Marshall, was shot sued
on Saturday evening, at Browoi-
ennesee, by H. M. Clarke,: one of
itors of a paper published iji Oust
ti a quarrel which grew orit of a
al discussion -which commepced in
and will probably continue to diminish
T'eeekersrnith Nomination.
ro thel Editor of the Huron, Expositor.
until prices improve. At Paris flour has
declined a franc. In G-ermany the mar-
kets have rather improved, while in
Be1giuni and Holland they were dull and
uncha ged.
Come ative boniface, Will be
of his 1 cense, or pressure put upon hanved
to surrender in favor of a Grit nominee,
The process of reniediial legislation is
both Mous and difficult, and requires
the brain power of a Demosthenes or e,
Cicero to steal with it, more especially
such au importantasubject as the one in
question, and I think, Mr. Editor, when
a meas re is passed jupon the most an.
thentic and reliable data, and by men of
ability and administrative experience
and which all who are free from bias
must pronounce to be • a conscientious
and practical legislative effort, that stud,.
viersal feeling of satisfaction should pre-
vail and all political animosity silenced.
Whate er party rule?, Surely it is pose
Bible to perform such,a duty as this cons
scientiously and effectively, and without
compromising their due independence
and priaciples. Why then are there so
many political hucksters whose sole aim
le to abuse any Government entertaining
political opinions not identical with
their own, and to decry every step taken
as evil and corrupt? Ilthese are pin-
ciples of liberality and justice I think the
best set of Parliament- that could be
passed wciuld-be one repeal* the whore
Statute Book.
I do not know if the prohibit -Mn code
restricts the use of tobacco, if so, there
is ample scope for our temperance friends
to apply theirenergies t to a 'vigorous
crusade against the growth and con-
sumption of this article. It might be
deemed. a quixotic proceeding, but some
enthusiasts are never daunted even in the
face of rinsurmountable: difficulties. I
think it is conceded that Canada follows
closely on the heels of her brother across
the border in her fondness fer the "fra-
grant weed," in all its ::forms, and we
learn on the authority of the United
States Government that their two chief
seurces of revenue are the customs and
inland revenue taxes ; the inland taxes
for the last fiscal year were $80,000 more
than for the preceding year, and these
taxes are almost entirely raised from
spirits, malt liquor and teba,cco and the
tobacco taxes alone yielded during the
year over thirty-seven millions, and in
the manufacture and sale of tobacco and
cigars 450,003 persons were being mem- .
ed, and. it is estimate(t that nine millions
of people in that country are consumers
of the Weed, being at le* twoethirds of
the adult male population, .and the an-
nual consumption of each -user averages
15 pounds of tobacco j and 248 cigars or
cigarettes. _
: Two years of unprecedented industiial
depression has affected theDominion, and
still exists, and is no being felt severe.
ly f
in th's finmediate locality/ It is not
my desire to find fau t, but I do think it
a jpity this fact does net stimulate our
Neal rulers to consider itattentively and
uee every effort tolestablish some factory
or enain ming works to Promote the wel-
fare of all classes, the farmer and the
,niereliaut as well as the artisan and
?Annan. It is difficult to reconcile the
alleged earnest desire of our Town Coun-
cil to effect this desirable object with the
present barrenresults,results, but adopting that
safe rule of conduct, to interpret what is
obscure ,in the actions and conduct of
public beodies and private individuals by
what is obvious and certain, and apply-
ing this rule here I feel sure the Council
will no I longer delay tae -matter, but
bring about a speedy censununation of
the universal wish of tbje inhabitants of
this famed and growing district.
II should be sorry to think that ieleg' --
ion, which has done so much to elevate
humanity, has got to be: a matter only
for Controversialists and: Ritualists, but
a glance at the columns: of our public
journals clearly demonstrates that there
exist phases of faith which attracts many,
and the 'conclusion is forded upon us that
no church can with truth assert itself to
be the church of any one class holding
unity of opinion. I am glad to think
that the intellect of a man adopting the
true Christian faith, which is the purest
and simplest faith of the world will pro-
tect him, against the specious reasonings
of the, ontroversialist, however subtle
and argementative,,and enable him to
pierce through the veils of ritual and
ceremony, however elaborate. and how-
ever gorgeous, to the life and. -teachings
of the Author of the " Sermon on the
Mount," that one infallible i creed of
Christianity. ONE WHO THINKS.
SEAFOR6i, Feb. 2,1876.
A Flew Stray Thoughts.
To the Editor of the lit& on Expositor.
SIR Agitation and ,a arm prevails in
p of that largealnd powerful see-
the community, tb.e Licensed
Tiers, I as their influence and nurip
ben. will now be imperiled by the Gov-
ernment liquor licensing law. Without
entetaig into the vexed, question of pro
hibition or the necessity of a more strin-
gent nd comprehensive measute, I, as
one of the public, do honestly think the
FBhhI is a satisfactory poe, and will do
much o reinove many of the existirig
abuses arisieg from, indiscriminate licen -
ing. Vesting the power of granting
the ea
tion o
licensee in three Commissioners, to
appointed. -for each city„ township
electoral division, thus taking it out
the heads of municipahtiee and other 1
cal authori
often ideati
lord," is a
not- that in
Bill will be
for thpu
allude1 to i
issue, viz.,
uselesa hot
miserable s
which are
every mile
ships, and g
to a bia-cks
causing de
whose interests are t
d with those of " our. Ian
wise provision._ don
Committee a clause in t
so amended, or one adde
ose of diminishing the evi
your leader in last week
the existence of the man
• is, so called, but in reali
• anties and low groggerie
be encouritered on near
f road between two tow
nerallyattached or adjace
ith or Wheelwright's sho
oralization. among thoag
cultural claSses, and where all the i
loafers and. vicious characters of the di
trict esort.1 The advocates of •stri
tempe a-nce and prohibition are doubtle
with p
inted, as nothiog less than a tot
ion of the spirit laws will sate
ut I think they ought to h
easure even this slight eoncessi
to their views, and give credit to the
Geyer ent for n laudable desire to
amelio ate t e present state of things.
If not dfying, it is at least amusing to
con o'er the various untenable objec-
tions and foolish assertions which the
Oppos tion, throughtheir organs of t e
press, J indulge in. Corruption, selfis
ness, aid a long catalogue of negati
virtue are ascribed to the Governmen
one of the most week and finny eharg
being that in the event of the prese t
Administra ion remaining in power evelty
SIR f In your issue of the 21st ult.,
appears a second communication from a
"Lover of Justice," in which he attempts
to; reply principally, as he professes, to
the strictures of the Returning Officer on
his pelt article ; but BO dilated. as to in-
clude charges of inerapaeity; and even
worse, against the Council. If your cor-
respondent had confined' himself to his
statements of hostility to the Manner in
which the late nominations lead been con -
deleted, I would be under no necessity to
review the objections of I " A Lover of
a Justice. But as your correspondent
has seed fit to drag into 1 the discussion
matters for which the returning officeris
ifot responsible and extraneousto the
question at issue, a.ncl indulged in animus -
tens whicli nothing shoet of the purest.
malice could suggest, silence, under the
circumstances, would be; Unjust both to
the Council and the public. Your cor-
respondent speaks of arngs" and a pres
concerted schemes" in tie language of
one familiar with doing business in these
questionable respects. If he means that
the Council were, individually or collect-
ively, a party to, or that any such a thing
existed, ;he makes a mistake that few_
out of ,his own particular ring will be
found to endorse. a Ourilleeve;" he gees
.on to say, "complains of rings in the
County Council," and at,ionce concludes
we have them nearer home, but stops
short in 'stating whether they exist with-
in the Council or outside of it. If he
means the fernier, his charge is distinct-
ly denied ; if the latter, his word may be
sufficiently reliable; in the one case, he
but hints it is true at this possibility,
while in the other he perhaps speaks
autheritively of this existence„ "A
Lover of Justice " now arrives at a point
when a confession is cleeined necessary.
" At the beginning," he goes QII to SOT/
" I was favorably /impressed with the
idea of a Township Scheel Board:' Our
School Inspector is accordingly informed
of his impression with this convenient
rider attached, that, "if properly carried
out," it might prove satisfactory. ' The
subseqeent equalization,: however, bee
created, in his mind, ",grave doubts,'
and the obnoxious system:must at once be
sacrificed, notwi.thstandieg the support
that it received, even at the first, the
support of the best men in a majority of
the sections, and enjoys .at the present
moment; with the exception of a few
constitutionally dissatisfied individuals,
4110 in
jotity. Not in some sec
tram but event* the one
la 1
able majority the Townsl
It requires no great pere
the equalization of the*
:cease of 'the rancorous a
Iv Mil, your correspond*
ordinarygood !liense tq0!
fa4ass°61e. with
which, to hurl insinuatie
" pretences -aid sehemeil
eapaeity and, linpOtnila
0#30neit, ignorance a
against the Clerk, an ri,
ityi, to the Township Sc
-----" ,A. Lover of justiee a' i
SiOn ' that he favorablyi
idea of
jectiPn. now Mast test ea
and perplexing nature /
kindly volunteers the ii
the Council not hoeing,
economy is, perhaps, is
Council as by th
in hose ears the words
eain musical ring, but wl
Voliitical ;economy as a -,
'hetans and terminates :
JAI yli.44_ esidde"likistheeeeia "11 -14trir
*felll' and state plainly t#
hisl10; real ieai foyhi nj egg t t ei o ii s.
.eptinident that his dins
•fetise, perhaps he eotiel
tensity, where -it exists -,
peiisate for 10' absence e
sciterne of equalization,
eil bes adopted, unjust
the sections concerned, s
settee,' and, if Bo, to Whit
is the injustieedonet T,
tions to which a „candid
tick.. 1' would have devct
and • a legitimate' disc
• "pasts weak' have earl
respondent, in some -.11
right to the imme he fict
eenkelusions without givi
coUsideratiou 'beyond. th
serves his -own interest,
niug, the risk of his sin
toiled and his judigue
reliable, NO evidence,adduced, could more -C
*the charges, made by:"
tem:" against the Conn
Board, than the fact t
- 2 l' te ei ee arl:et1 could
t assailhe : etlicheieme:eittiBadiloaaf
I ask, are the indication
sualatft•Ict°ifonthoefe9WilliineCill; 'w()
E en f. A Lover of jti
te ditiley to feult tindi
ve ture to nominate a
.aciwors now to cover th
patty of which. he is th
thrusting on the publie
to -helieVe, that a -se
thrusted his design. rj
tacks which your corresl
es' against the Commit,
School Board shows ele
*Ma is his highest, if no
eitien for the task he
Persistency certainly h
he in Whom it beeom
peesity, and Who ton
-turning the crank after
ef the grindstone has die
ly Waretiag energy, whi
something more usefu
Mere -wisdom. : I must,
"lig this eerrespoudene
concerned, do your c
justice to admitthat he
Sareendistite nlapriLin.leftllat
aggregate Vigilance of
has ; by eome right, di
een entrusted to him
Ublie responsibility.
deed, as Important as t
- the Manner i:i which it.
, whe
exeess of gratitnele er
, e tablet of—snow,
, TicItEBOarki, TAU. 251 11
Ila' Teta. dXol.Eitarlbiaer ttd3wo"V%
hal it -with the diatinet nude
be tate last on this unbieet-.) -
Ontario Dah-Men
The nit* annual C
Dal/Tenet's Associate
sembled at ingerson-on:
Will :continue until this
Though there is a very -
Of members and others i
manufacture of :cheese a
eeeclingiy inclement we
and. iWednesday has
eeeing away many
tlistriet, who would
4Areeseinresirade, trhiebleehneueemetra-
the eastern part of the •
ly iu the neighborhe
otherwise, areHon.
Frankfort, Herkimer e
Peters, of Xew York
e,oMation was organized
July, 1867, and since t
Creased its membership
in a large .degree.' Ab
were enrolled at the firs
its present menebership
A Notesel
ilk neve feature in the
dies has lately' come to
an Hamilton.: A gree
, , .
po apparently Just fr
t appears at the ho
len wts to be of Scotch
ityl, and tells a pitiful
father had -sent him t.
a Country, paying his
ing hirn some money,
pay :his railway fare to
he professes to have an
After ja few minutes'eo
hihe epealm nothire
Seek, thus bringing
of Au d Scotia in the g ,
and quite softening her a
he pulls out it gold (?) eb
for gale,gayin' g that his
IlirR as a present to his a
but that he will sell it h
der to ' et to his destinati
seud the money back 4