The Huron Expositor, 1876-02-11, Page 1TA 4 1876. sign themselves Lov- , They will also seehow aers the man who, have. n office,. faithfully dis- ies, and how she apueis lily do the service of the ithstanding the intense which is said to exist, ),uld, be found to vote for nosed to the townahip Wieraaai NataCoatmara tre.-Each of the princia engaged in this contro- had, an equal show, we controversy to end here, that -•anything can be. inning ran Notes, , Logan, of Grey, broke his thug recently. .onging to Mr. Henry But- ', gave birth to a large ) oe Jan. 24. ick Moore one day last Lt 33, Con. 13, Grey, .rt Moore for $1,600. els Good Templars will st).dge on Tuesday evening tertainment will, no doubt, kham brass band gave a hall connected with the- in that village, on Wed - being made in Brussel& the penny reading enter- -10vere so- successfully car- er years. rssince while a brother of r of Exeter, was squaring ith a companion the axe lipped and cut Mr. Holt- ; the left thigh. fire and hook and lad- , of Clinton have tendered nis to the Council and have 'heir doing go, we under. !Iiiitott without any pro. tire. gas Wheeler, from near Ship of Morris, sold three ; the -Brussels market the - ch weighed weighed no, 370 and respectively, an average 'F pounds, They realized. tet; for the erection of the Lrch in. Brussels has been lessrs. Burns & SODS, of r $5,30f). This does not Enrnishing of the stones, as:: It is estimated that a` the church will be about rzeli, of Clinton, says -he iwing produce last season re than a quarter of an s, 150 bushels ; cabbage, 'Lions, 10 bushels ; beets; eas, 2 bushels ; celery, 50 s a. quantity of melons, er Scott, of Scott & Dry, Winghara, met with the factory the other day ail be deprived of the use . fingers. Mr. Scott was ie moulding machine, ancl ,Ite machine getting mis- hand was caught in it and. ers badly. lacerated. J. Henry, of IVingham, t_ar door -step at the school village one evening lately, • severely. When dis- as in an un-L.....onseious state . was bleeding profusely. taken home and medical nptiy received, and she is fr G▪ OV.1011 met with an acei. Garraw's mill, in (ran - one of his fingers was rhoneas Graham received a. some days ago while work .'s aa,w mill, on the Fifth ;-rey. WIL ile endeavoring elt on the pulley of the came in contaet with the badly cut Immediately be. a. He is under careful - Lent and doing as well ai Aed. tement has been caused by stealing from a farmer who ilea south of Exeter, the ing a bright little fellow of years of age, son of Mr. ing the construction of the rer empioyed thereon was , the farmstead, ancl the quent visitor at his house. since disappeared, no one; NV ith him the child. ; 11 made in every direction, the boy can be found. y and smash up oceurrecl: tiing of last week near the • B. Fralick, a few miles Mr, McColl, of Brus- en to see that gentleman_ -ss, and tied up the horse he residence. The horse e frightened, broke the it, and started wildly 1 road, The shafts were the cutter before it had ave a fresh impetus to the The horse was finally ad career, when it was d that serious injuries had -.y th_e shafts striking the heels, , ft will be some poor brute can do active It • ng runaway occurred in Lruda.y evening, Jan. 21 of that village, accorn- e Dora Griffin and Miss Iriving Mr. E. Kent's around the village, and. emetery the horses 'abie, upset the cutter and ey ran, across some vacant Let the cutter on a little iirinie street, near the . Griffin. On the previous Leppard was driving one • -s livery rigs, Niiien the from her and smashed. Lost beycLad repair, No - iii either case, us revival still continues Church, on the Twelfth (re. A. correspondent ay night of last week was arkable time of the six ug, by reason of an ap- were, from the grave. .ly dying from art, incur - having the appearance in the dead, rallied suf- _ e 1 the meeting and Ili called upon sinners to rath to come, and make God before it was eter- A missionary meeting he church lately. Mr. d the chair, Itev. Messrfa aitland, and Messrs. P. ossun addressed the gath- ount realized was doutde ARAI. ESTATE FOR SALE. VOR SALE, -A Weed Lot, containing a little Ie ss than 100 acres of land, well situated in the township of MoK ;Hop; soil most lexcellent ; timber heavy, will be sold cheap. Apply to R. A. LEGGETT, Exeter P. O. - t 420 FARMS FOR SALE. -East half Lot 11, Con, -2; 12, MeKillop; and Wed half Lot 19, Con. 12 hiellillop; also South 60 acres of Lott; 1 and 2 Con. 10, Morris, adjoining the Village ref Blyth. Fornarticularsapplyto MeCAUGHEY & HOLME- STED, Barristers. &e., Seaforth. 425 lataaratta LOTS IN SEAFORTH FOR SALE -Dr. COLEMAN, having laid out the grounds recently occupied as a Driving Park into Bind - lug Lots, is prepared to dispose of lots on reason- able terms to any vrho.,may desire them; Parties desiring to purehase elionld make imMediate ap- plication. ' 884 -VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.--IThe west half of Lot 13, Celia, Hay, in the Village of Itodgerville. Good orchard, well wet red, com- fortable buildings. Also 2 lots and onvenient house in the Village of Exeter. For artionlars enqnire at the farm or to the eubsetibe at Exe- ter. D. OTTON, ^ 426-4 VALUABLE PROPERTY IN EAR URHEY W FOR SALE. -For Sale in Harpnrhey, I mile from Seaforth, a large frame Dwelling House con- taining 7 rooms, with a stone foundittion and large cellar; a good well and pump, and 5 acres of god land, more or less. For ittrthe partial- lars enquire to tile proprietor on the remises. ROBERT HANDOOCK. , 425* VOR SALE. -The property of the late 3. C. -2: Copeland, being composed of 3 nark 16ts, in the Town Plot of Grey, containing 10 acres of the best' of land, and well cultivated. There 4s a good frame house and barn on the property. he above will be sold on easy terms. Fo'r further partiou- !are apply to HARTWELL 13PEIRAN, Menerieff P.O., Grey, or to C. R. COOPER, Brussels. 422 "POR SALE.--rSplendid Chance for a live man wishing to start business in Exeter, one of the principal points on the London Huron and Brace Railway. Good brick store Wit dwelling overhead, also.frarne dwelling.house et ble, orch- ard, and. everything convenient for :lei a good business. Old established. stand; over 20 years. Reasons for gelling, proprietor retiring. For terms, &c., apply pergonally or by lette to WM. GRIGG, Merchant Tailor, Exeter. Out. 427'4 VALUABLE. PROPERTY IN EGMO DviLLE T FOR SALE, -For Sale Cheap, that comfort- able and pleasantly enlisted residence in Egraortd- vill_e, formerly oecapied by Mr. David 'Duncan, and now by Rev. Mr. Scott, with one acro of land attached, whieh is filled with bearing fritit trees of the choicest kind. There is also a good stable and_ woodshed, and all other conveniences. Pos. -rn gelation given on March 16, 1876. '1eins easy. Apply at the EXPOSITOR Office, Seafoi th. 418 -- - A LARGE DWELLING EnUSE in Sealorth 2-2- for Sale or to Rent.-Fte e_de or to rent, that pleasantly situated and commodious dwelling nouse, ov,-neu oy .ear, ri. rowen. Inc n use con tains large parlor, dining -room, kitohe , and 1( comfortable bed rooms, together with demote n - good cater, hard and goft water, spa le, wood shed, &c. There are two loto filled iwi h thole( bearing fruit trees. -Possession given at ny time Apply to 8. POWELL. N. B. -Also a la ge quan; tity of square timber for sale. 411 AW MILL AND FARM OF 100 A.CI ES FOB SALE. -The gnbecribers offer for ale theft saw mill and farm, Lot 85, Con. 5, Ea41 Wawa. nob. The mill contains large cirettla , edging saw, butting saw, shingle saw, edger and packer - all in good order. There are on the 1 besides the mill, two h'ame dwelling houses a id *frame stable. There is algo on the lot a quanti y of val. uable timber, consisting of pine, blaek ash, and hemlock and other hardwood, with a la 'go stock In the vicinity to last a number of year . Satire factory reasons given for selling. Potatoes on given at any time. For further particular g e quire, if by letterpogt paid, of W.- G. HINGSTON, Brue- gels P. 0., or to R. T. HINGSTON & BROTHER, Westfield P. O. 880 , _ WANTED. WANTED. -A " modiately. Egmondville. ; Journeyman Blacks ith im- Apply to Mr. THOMAS HILLS, 427*4 TereveNsmtara WANTED. -Wanted immidi- .2" ately, a good ,T,ourneyman Blacks e ith, to whom good wageti will be given. Apply 0 SAM- UEL REID, Ilarloek. ; 427*2 I TO CONTRACTORS. -Tenders will be -2- by the undersigned until TUESDAY, for the erection of Sheds at the Pres Church, Winthrop. Specifications canb the °Mee of Mr, Andrew Govenlock, Only tenders will be noticed. A. GOVENLOCK. received Feb. 15, 1 yterian seen at sealed 42841 VIRE INSURANCE. -AGENTS WANTED 2- Seaforth, Clinton, and all towns in Huron Comity, for theCanada Fire Insurance Company. Special indime First.clase live mon. Apply at once, MA Box 72, Goderich. and earl- in villa ges Marine elate to AGER, 422 TENDERS WANTED. ed.-2.until FEB. the Brieklaying erected in the! proper performance ed. Plans an Hepburn, Stratford, gubscriber. DR. , -Tenders win li 15, for the Carpenter Work and Plastering of a honge Village of Myth. Security of contract to be given1f Specifications, drawn ly to be Hem at the office SLOAN, 13lyth. ; I receiv- and to be for requir- Alex. of the 425*4 TENDERS WANTED. -2. 'ed for the blinding Village of Brumfield, Feb. 15. Plans the houge of Mr, the 8th int., from can be obtained. themselves to WM. GRAHAM .. -Tenders will be of a Briar Church, until noon, on TUESDAY, and Specifications can be James hillier, Brneefield, whom any other information The committee do not 4ccept the lotreat or any Seeretary Cononlittee. I receiv- in the seen at after -bind tender. --.420-2 TENDERS WANTED.--Teeders -a- ed by the Tx Morris, up to 11 FEB 23, 1876, f House in said s can be seen u.t the rhe lowest or any s& THOMAS Lot 17, Con. 8 hi 4 will be ustees of School Section Week, noon, on WEDNESDAY, r the erection of a Frame etion. Plane and epecifiektiong residence Of the undersigned, tender not necesaarily SKELTON, Searetary, So orris Walton P.O. , I I reedy- No. 9, School accept - th half 426-3 ricFORMATION 2- would be very aive her gueh information liticovery of her is a blind man. August hist, and lays, but helmet the habit of selling ears, and mates His wife and !mildly his earnings, aa date, ANNIE Da. WANTED, -The undo thankful to any person wh as would lead htieband, William Sheppa He left h a home-13luev promise to return in been heard of since; poetry, songs, &e., cousiderable money in t aro in great need of i they aro in almost a d SIIKPPLRD, BlnevaIe atigned would ; to the d, who ale -in a few o is in on the is way. art ef sfitute P. D. 424 1 - TENDEBS WANTED. -Tenders will be ji- ed on behalf of the .Board of School al addressed to the Secretary, until au s Feb,16, at noon, for the erection of a 1, the School building in Seaforth. Tenders received for the whole work, or for the Mao Wood Work separately, ; also for the exc incl for the Contraetor for the blatant Work furnish the material and without matei iny case, the Contractor for the wood v turmgh all material. The measurement of to be in the walls at' 18 to the foot. Pia ipecificationg '0 he seen at the office of WA.TSON, Secretary, on and after MO Feb, 7. , ; receiv- , usteeg, I SDA.Y, ing to I vitt be • n and vation to al. In ork to bricks s and W. N. 1 DAY, 426-2 tufriCELLANEOVNE , .... --......... - . County of Huron. Sales attended in all Paste of the County. All orders left tat the Ex- POSXTOIL Office will be promptly attended to, $90 REWARD. -The above reward will be paid to any person or persons ,who will furnish sueh, information as will lead to the legal conviction of the party or parties who :publis heel the defamatory IlbO1 against my personal ohs me- ter, in Fly $heet Form, dated-Nov.1, knowing the loam to be a fabricated falsehood only to inj nre my character and serve their ownends. GEOR GE ANDERSON. Stanley-, Jan. 10, 1876. 423 ,STOCICR,A..18 1 - Southern Sheep raising iis ' business in Color so extensively eng ing, nor is there' n employed in, it. sheep raising, an metrically oppos have nothing in -they both use grazing Upon; ap pal reason for thei will not graze wh over. i Whether it `s the grass so close ha the cattle, or that th tutioaal autipath or both, it is cert in large numbers sheep are brought cattle leave. This of a good deal of era The cattle the sheep men ruining their busi mately drit-e the The sheen mea, 0 that they'have a range as any one, is as legitimate a a cc)untry as any other. tempted - to ! bri g bear ' upon th ests, so as, t some manner, but ritorial legislatur with the public 1, ngee eminent land And und the national gove m measures, the, sh e have been eettlin tween themselves resented the iutr terest by shootin sheep, and, in several lives have been made sheep owne ;operations, and a try to respect,the opponents. It it the sheep bus n.as creams to any gie t must give way be o - The raising of mainly an expera and in many. ease one. For one SU dozen failures. for the failures ha care, keeping the range, and genera ness. Many have trying to keep sh systbm as they la in the Eastern Country, and disast ed the attempt. T °ceded have done ing the COLUltrY al nature, habits an q sheep, and by the g ea and care of their lea Nearly every i loeal ty, varies, requires a Fl fie Northern Colorado an feed hay all throu ning gradually in lectien serves me, put up for winteri and head. Here the most sucessfu hay at all. 'Nu feeding part of_ weather, for nista have nia'de a faitu tamed to grass WI unleis broken !to i the most fruitful been the keeping one range. They out the thin dry la unless Moved at le a year, disaster is cause of failure is many in onej he generally as man gether vvithout ' tem vahich is 'foil N sheen owners both ' and IsT4 Mexico, meet successful, is t sheep elvvaya movir About June they ar ta itli leys or moiintain `.1) tains, where, in one f t geed water mid. pest ra September, Then; th their way back to t as:the Winter appro hes pro ee ward, until in Jartuery and 1' olo ORADO. 0, J KAN AS A,L1.887Y6, I 11L14 • i iv ly a ne ot et nearl s etttle rais, iugh capita in are dia inirrests o then They exeept ths, domain fo is the princi sm Cattl ave been le sheep ea ;ng is left for °me consti- the animals, mit be kept r, e d that when cat le range the eei the occasion g etWeen own- eral y look upon de s, who are d N ho will ulti- of he i country. the hand, claim rig • t to public at t eir business en ficial to the It as been at - leg slation to nfli ting ' inter- lat them in aile , as the ter- n° hin to do he being gov- the au hority of i'ailing legal c ttl owners di erences be - cat le en have f t e heep in- t) iso `ng the sta cee, human ee . This has ca efull in their as osetlele they d ri has of their lei , however, ;de ds and in. ten the cattle 0. 18 ge n 9,r as.i two rai ch o on, lic hi also a iigon re sheej at t oth is O en et ha 11 fe a 1g ou *d is ha th on! ac ITIO U SU 1 1 ii iee nt a SS 1 be be te OS 11 1 to 18 So he 113 a a no le w I w - • 8 e;) sh e a h t w'll da tit th th a di ea ce a I never a shee seems to be a ling in i ay, it is tak out of the herd,, and c red until it comes well or dieS. If t ith the otbe sheep the . infe Mon sooh spread. It is easy mien h to t herd t. roug u summer, -the eat ulty is in wint ring. With the *lost 1 attention, a loss of 8 to 10 1 per is calculatedn in a severe eaSon. owners make a practice of iarding eep at night. This is regarded:as a rous 'plan, as in a storm tiliei are -pile on the t p of each other and o • er themselves; The imost ; sareful owners look opt for winter quarters ltered placehere timber der hills hield the floe from winds. l Ini the methey send out the herd ers With mina° the prairie to graze, bringing back at sun a t, and keeping watch gh the night that they don't drift or get separated from each other. men employ6d, as herders are gen- Mexicans. Herding is a very nion- us and disagreeable 'employment. 1 erder'has to be out all day with his =winter or summer, stormy or fair, ften has to watch with them 'during ght. A white man will hardly ever as a sheep herder, unless he is very d p, or receiVe* extravagantly high • One herder will look after from to 2,000 sheeP. Where 4,006; or sheep are kept tagether, they are d d into herds. For instance, in 4,000 e there should be a lamb herd, a ewe a wether herd, with a man to h At the lambing season more men be employed, and the ewes and -lambs very catefully attended and a ted according to age, health end th. All this tequires , a great deal dance and care.' on the part of the er as the *tilts of negligence or ssness are moa disastrous. quality- of the wool produced is not a to that of sma 1 herds, The Mexii ool is very poor, that of th half - however, is considerably better. reat disadvantage is that the wool t be washed before shearing.. At earing season,' all the streams are n and muddy,and to wish the sheep cl. h water woul dirty the wool in - of cleaning it: Wool !here usually ands 20 email 10 25 cents per pound, irdless than if it could be washed. ounds to a fleece is considered a air yield. IfI a herd yields $1 a 11 round in wool. it is a very profit- ne. In New4exieo, t iis custom - shear twice ' , year, n the spring 11, but in Cal redo th winters are vere to permt of more thru,n. the shearing. , ere the sbeepbesiness is successfulit mously profitable, but Wherenot W- it is most disastrou . The ex - of herding and keepin the sheep is mall. 'rho yield of wool nearly 50 per cent. on the talue ;of the and over and above this are he It is estimated that where he not ever 8 ter e,eitt. from cleat a fit on handling ewes ill 80 perice it. wethers 60 - el' cent.I But to la is profit regal es the greateat shill tention on the Ipart of the mar a 6r, s I stated a ve, where there bas ne sueeessful sheep raiser in C(Ao- ere have bee4 dozen failures. largest herd i4i Colorado is owned Boggs, of La Animas, in this val- e has now ibout 11,000 sheep, half Leiceste and half Mexican, ntleman pursaes the nomadic plan ed above in grazing his sheep. 1 At e, his herd nembered over 2o„040. year, he sold wool and sheep to ount of $52,900. . Mat Campbellll a as 86 far been t is !country, ry nsuccessful ere have been a eine pal reasons W nt of proper too ong, on one nee of the busi- the mistake of e o the same ac ustomed to r a the Old al ay's' attend- wh have sue - tire ully study - (lin ate and the rem nt ii *of the t atafulness a d domfort. s he climate „ •t ys ern. In W om ng they w ter, begin - f y recol- an it of hay ton per thous - her slolorado, ra eta feed no ho have tried e, in stormy to week sheep 81 eep accus- thr ve on hay gr es. One of US of failure has p t o long on a d trample y uic ly, and. 6 o fo r times bb.Another eep ng of too out 1,500 is ea run to- ! Ph sp., he largest n olorado has been ee ng the cc o place, th moan. erftus val- t ey find til early in wl make c un ry, and south - binary they are as tar down as the Ind'an Ter- ritory or Northern Texas. in March they move northward ain, r aching their headquarter in pril, or the 'ehearing and lamb n ich be g safe- ly ,over they turn a to ! he moun- tains. The advert ages f t is System are mainly that the woo and he Ith of the flock are thoughtt e pr ved by the slimmer stay in the i un am ; that snew and storms a e in gr at degree avoided,by going ut in in and that fresh pasturag ay obtained. South there is dan e fr, I dia sg, oainii 8 The objections to t ar tha i that ip moving , fro pl p to 1 e the $ owner is liable I to cu lhos irit cattle men who;l ma de ti eir refer/718 1. eneroached upop. Mexican blood iu th m. 'Th Meicican Nearly all the ) h °rear less sheep is, a small, ligli -ant al, vith black nose and ears, its wo i this an I poor, and it is of 11.41e it co t fir latton. Its good. good, qualities t t it is , hardy, and that large herds fti me n e kept together. Meaican c a a tossed with Cotswold and ''1/4-feri ra S. First, 'perhaps; with Merir t sem riethfinceneets: and weight of ;woe n wold to obtain goo si a id Weight of carcass. There i (la er n breeding too fine, as a fine bre a al, is aelicate and cannot stand expesur an being kept M a large herd. Mexiea we can be get iiiNewMexico for abOut to 1.50 each. Here a herd of fair half red sheep are , a s rating to worth from $2 to $3 a he age and quality. The lee are very liable to disease, and Oq e,t e greatest care and attention to p Oven such dis- epidemic among them. s a • o • beeenting reventive eases as the scab and rot for the scab, it is the ge Oat erect -ice to dip in tobacco water ifte shearing. 1 a er 11 o in -TI e sh e an, th . iv • r ha w g 1, 5, gr sh an ea ms yo Bei st of 11 ea equ ear 'br e tOn !ea n th ;siv 1 in u ate toni Ion e ve y bead able ary an to p sh 1.8 s t i • ev he a ju ed y S tithe d at f fr en t nu ks,"eu sl ee ad ey •LO hi ne an from Aust wner ew exico, here robabl;t equ ve 2 ,000. In 0. neifay alone bpi Bixbyi& Co. an owns; an Ifslan OeOet,Imaian tc 01 n w The tr ly ge ra h, ho s a alia,is another largo lling Mt. Boggs. In re enortreous hercit, g reputed tals own Worn* the rniof have 110,000. This nthe Pacific abent they y one orth (sheep es from the c ast, whicl out 18,000 theep, with on look after t em. They are ve millions, al made out of ol. importing Of fine s ep t has been t ied ver ofte always wit ut success. in climate way of livin ly been fa 1 the sheen. 11 , this but The halve Mr. large and sc ssful eep o neat, I am indebted for Much • the nformation, t Id me that three o he bought 90 fine Cot wold rom the Stone and Snell he 'ds at aird suir- nL1°.4sil: - the ue ph, and brought hem out her a little over year only 1 Their progenY he has still d they are ! doing well, bu d sheep were almost a total joli A. M t in vivre' herr imp ‚5 rt Canada,. A nergetie hell belonging to Mt. J 81 M yhew, of Camden, hatched out'a b o9 • f chickens Mr Sunday last. , On Saturday morning, the town hall a d • rket building.of Ingersoll W6 O de - by fire. The consumed pro )erty rth about $10,000. Insure f,n. ct agr r fu t r pro ly • .John Clerbenis, lumber d 414, n trial in connectionwit ! the is end avori g tio diters for 534 ents nuell since hi con - has become very violent sh Wing deal of pugilis ic disposition He • receive any mister and declines any religious works. , . James Kennedy, one of the °St nt men in Ble helm, died -sit den - ay lately as was dressingto e funeral of a eighbora H was f Blenheim Council last year coudtry roads leadirig to 0 ere fearfully blocked up it Friday last. On one of the roads no lees than 27 odd ere stuck in. Otte snow -drift. .; wnship_ Council of A boll, hemselves lately.. A Pioto pe - that a complete split teak lltee _appointment of auditors, d ,a k for a vieek was the a ult. mbers insisted that an auditor be from each political party,*hile ervatives were bound to have eo nedialbawro,ritthiohl.liscaeare convict McC .11 at es ad 'l' taw spo le ohm s li Pain e Edward County, had a. hot time Mao, g olevr lat er t dead. 1 Tvvo m appoint the Co both. lidost a " Donn-ybrook Fair" on Council ys in that particular district. -A in a named Wm.. Legg, who re- sides in.Lo!ndon township ; claims to hevo cut dow maple; and beech trees, and chopped ad split from the same a cord of ordinary ngths in 65 minutes. -Mr. liner, the Montreal weather prophet, w predicts the it is extreme- ly probable that we have yet got a tough piece of ipter to o through, and that our greatest snowfallsare yet to come. -A m n by the name of Dannaly, was badly scalded by a woman of the name of Mrs. arshal, while he was making a landlord' !seizure, in the township of Wallace, minty of Perth, one day last month. —It etimated. that over 500 tans of rock fell to other . day from the point south of the Bridal Veil, Niagara Falls. The troll' ndous shock created quite a sen- sation am ng those who happened to be in the vicini —One Yr ' f ; the clerks in the Hamilton post office' was injured by tome explosive material la Friday afternoon, supposed to be dynamite, inside of a letter. The explosion ;occurred while he was stamp- ing the le ter. --Hon, G. S. Rodier, a member of the Quebec L4gisiative Counci and Mayor of Montreal fot four successive terms,clied in . that city on, Friday. He Was also a Com- missioner to settle the loeses arising out of the re Ilion of 1837-384 -Toro to City Council has passed 'a By-lavf to revent storekee rs and others from ex sing goods in front of their shops. T e practice is h Id to be a reet enco ragement of th ft, besides be- ing a nuns nee to the gene al public, I -The lane of Widder station, a vil- lage in t e County of iddlesex, has been chan ed, on petition pf the inhabit- ants, to t at of Thedford, ly which name it should hereafter be airessed. ?The- m nae of tie post office was changed het _Weak- ' -It is stated by a con Mr. Joseph iScurrah, towi County of Ifictoria, lost a ber, and tt1e last week of it a living skeleton, after ism interval of three mouths, under a straw stack. It is now as liwely as ever. I --A fire broke out in the Post -office at Chatham eborit 10 o'clock ,on Thursday evening of lest week, and kad gained con- siderable • headway befor discovered. The contents of the Post-oiflce will be a total loss; also the booksto e of Mr. Mor- rish, in the same building, , -A petition, numerousl signed by the ratepayers qf Stratford, as ing that the number of hotels in that to n may be e, duced to 1, that no saloo 1 license m be granted,and that the shop licen may be limited to 3, was p esented to t Council oni Monday night b e deputati of clergym ti., ' -A row, occurred in the obbies of the Legislature at Toronto, o e night last week,between a leading p itician and a prominent 'railway man, w en the latter accused the former of tryi to get the grant for his line reduced. he politician threatened to annihilate th railway man if he did notat out or come out. The rail- way man left. ! inporary that hip of Eldon, piglast Octo- anuary fouad I together with the 1 k of adequate cap ital, are the causes ssigned for this fail ure. The same gen leman failed in 1865 and eff cted a coMpromise at twelve and et -half cents on the dollar. His present list of creditorranumbers seventy-five for amounts over e hundred i dollars. i - -The city of Hn a iitan is infested with mendicatits,who visit merchants and e01- 1 icit sufficient stamps to prepay a letter to the Old Coun try.; Either money or stamps n, but bet are bartered away ey. One stalwart man boasted g made !$1 23 in one day last fur trade in the East is improve. ing materially. The news from England of an advance in prices; has sent out scores of buyers from the United States, and they are now scouring the Upper Ottawa in hopes of buying in all the fur held by the traders before they are aware of the improvement in the mar- ket. . The receipts of raw fur in Ot- tawa during the past ten days are very good, and the quality is much better than expected. -Between 2 and 3- o'clock last Friday morning four burglars entered the house of Mr. McCoy, a farmer residing near Rock Chapel, West Flamboto'; The ruffians Were masked. They entered Mr. McCoy's bed -room; one of them held him down in bed and theatened to shoot him if he res. ted, andthe other three ransack- ed the house. They ftsund $100, a silver watch and chain val ed at $50, and de- camped:, There were two stalwart young men in the house bu they were afraid to render any assistane . ‘ -Another religio rs quarrel is being ventilated in Mont eal over a young married woman, fo e erly a Protestant, who died recently. Father Dowd was called in previous to, her death and he asked the prayers of tho faithful in St. Patrick's church for • eceased. This was the first intimation o the matter the hus- band had,and he is vowing vengeance. Itis said it was the other of the young woman Who introduc:d the priest private- ly. Two Methodistm` nieters had previous- ly visited her. 1 -Last SundaY,`Ar hbishop Lynch, of Tor -Onto, announced in St. Michael's Cathedral that ticke certifying to the due performance of p rimeges at the re- cent jubilee were r •y, and could now be had. His Grace 1 id particular Weis upon their value as memento of tat memorab e occasion, more especially in view of the disturb ces that took place in the city. The Ar hbishop further an- nounced that the •ti kets intended for those thait walked o what His Grace termed 'f The Marty s' Sunday," 3d. of October, wero writte • in red, typical of Init-rtYrd tO Apral,from Bishop Bourget was read last unday mor ing from the pul- pits in the Montreal Roman Catholic Churches; He devotes his attention chiefly to Catholic Liberalism, Or Liberal Cetholiciera, which he defines and strong- ly condemns. He also makes allusion to Rev. Mr. Chiniq-ay's recent performa ' ce of the sacrifice of the Mass, under the pretension that he ret ins such authority, e Roman Catholic secreted the wafer, n pieces and tram-, pled it an er foot. This sacrilege the Bishop deplores. -;-----An interesting b44amy case has just - • , .111eLIKAN 13,R0IPIER.ERS., rwiblielsers: Si 30 a ItiarliOs aslivaisee. ; • - •.. . . ; , I - t . any person refusing at leave A 'tavern Or, - hotel when ordered to by the -lendloard ; , for carrying firearms when in. a sate of intoxication, and for being in charge of A horse or *vehicle when under the influence of liquor. The suiggestions probably eanie too late for use . by the - House, bat , are worthy of attention in. vier of anY fatufe 'changes.-1lems oast' r'a'ti. on he%• la it St; atfo ' siliamsl MaMifeeturgeWerkt t th on the 3d inst., in honer of e opening7- of the Po Dover Railway, tato ` Thom. on & W and the Gas Works, WAS a graild affair. A large munber of people from neighbor- ing towns and surrounding country visit- ed the tow*, and by neon it woe a very animated appearance. I The train -on the new railway arrived ; from Woodstock shortly after. 2 o'clock, "contenting the directors and a nninbier of visitors. The directors Were tendered a,' hearty recep- tion by. Tr M. Daly, Esq., Esq,; Mayor of Stratford, in behalf of the ciiizens of the town. The banquet -in the evening waS a brilliant affair, :and was attended by nearly al! the -ii,esit,ables of Western Qii• tario, -The skit entered byllessrs. R. Fish*. and Son, pi ;Seaforth; against Mr. Mathe;; ion, of Mitchell, has terminated in favor of the latter: -The particulars of the case are as follows: The planitiffs were the contractors -for the building of the " Roy; al" hotel, of Mitchell: Having completi ed their contract, they , made a demand for extras'frlailning- about $1,700; while Mr. Matheson; the proprietor, contended that they wre ovcrpaiLl. Failing to agree on this -pc,' t the Moors: Fisher institata ed an action at the spring'assizes'and th presiding judge ordered it to be referred to arbitration,. Mr. j. A. McCulloch) Steatford,-being chosenarbitrator. The case -was heatd the week before last, * number of viteesses being examined, and on Wedn day the arbitrator gave his award in f Or of Mr. Matheson. -An ins lvent 'named. Hamilton late- - ly called a meeting of his creditors in, Halifax. He was a grocer, commenced about three years ago • With •a capital of - '$300, and he meets his creditors to -day with a liability of $10,000, good assets; one-fifth of that gum. ; An attempt to run'a hotel left hitdia-alebt a year ago, .and a speculation in butter. with a butch- er, who has run:awaY, made matters worse ; but the Worst feature is that for more.than a year the cancern has been hopelessly bankrupt,and yet the insolv- ent went deeper into the affections of 'Ili creditors on the !strength of having a well-to-do father in the country at his back. This is another illustration of the foolishness of country boy. going to seek their fortune in aleity. ! . I -Limit week's I Nation, contains Mr. Goldwin Smith's farewell address to the Ontario school te4hers; as their reprea sentative in the Council of Public In. -I - struction. He defend* himself against ' the charges made by the Chief Supertn-1 tendeat: Dr. Ryerson and regrets on two! grounds the change that is about to take! place in thO, 'education system. His first reason is, t.44). the Conacif with all its! 'faults was beyondthe rap& of politicat, influence. Thea Churches, including! Roman Ciathdlic and ;other interests, were fairly- repreeented, 'but could never bring p,olitieal intinence to bear. His: second reason.is a.•Ithat• lb, is convinced that the teachers AisA suffered as a pro- fession under - the Bureatietatic Govern- ment nrider which thy had. been held, ! arne, defrom re. presea. tation se, them f ' i , t -A Now Scotialidper reports almost; tin Enoth AIen case, 'A-winnan-named Blow, residing .in the. town 'Of Pictou, Nova SC , whose husband'had left her sqmarseaen- years- itgo,*riag.the truant was in Mo real; went. there • after him last an me . - She -few* him, but the surprise at eeing.lier-7.-So she -said—was so great ,that ,. hel sickened and finally died. The arsconeelate widow, clothed in mOurnin ` of the deepeet hire, came back to.Pletem, ared After- the grief had in some degree -worn: away, listened to the protes tient* of i second love, love, and was to marry him.. Alertly. -The first - husband, howeyer,arrived in Pictou on the 10 o'eloOlt eve `rig' train on Friday last, and the prop° d. snairive is inde- finitely ; postponed. His resurrection 'from the;elead. remains to be accounted for. ; ' ; a • are giv for whir of havi week. -Th though he has left t -The licensed victualle s of London Church. Having co have adopted, a petition fo presentation Mr. Chim uy tore it. to the Legislature, whic surprise an alarm at bil duced for u her reatriet trade. T petitionat re may not become law have an opportunity cif it at the p -No les Stratford r meeting of they express g the liquor s that the bill transpired at Toronto A person named been tried and rge, It appears his firist wife in ith her emigrated , where they lived till 1870, hichdates a family of 13 ere born to them. In 1871 he ioned city a young tied, going to the bridge to have the The priacipal line had not been mar- , being intrca the electors flonry Brownlee ouncing upoa found guilty of thisc. that Brownlee manic Ireland ii 1849, and to Toront than $8,0�t of the taxes of !heaped amyl ected at the he Council last week. This beltween sum was morttly due by leading men. The children collector was ordered to re urn the roll met in th at once. One councilor at th13 board stated there was $2,0O0,.includin bank debts!, to be immediately provided or; and there 1 was only $ —The end tered letters, ton post offi year so fat amount. T any delivere attends to th alone and one to find fa in the trearm y. us number ef 8,960 regis- Passed' through the Harris - .above men woman whom he nia parish ch oh, of WOO ceremony performed. of defene was that h ried to'th first woma a --A do n -east pap a during last year, and this reliable alithority th bids fair to exceed that 19th of January last, e above does not include I and still th ; whole duties ouch a' manne ult. circular issued from the mereadtile agency, T the numberof failures in 0 the year 18,75; at 855, representing bilities at $8103,20'7. In uebec, dur- bable'.notwithstan er, they v411 have ing the sameyet before they Will l time, there w re 678 fail- ures, representing $13,994,909 of liabili-, feed. on. ties. These g t -tiling in their -A bo., , youngest magnitude, a1nd areller atieve the av- erage amoinit Of annual Canadian failures. McDonald, met with a cabinet factoz in e postmaster of the offibe • there is not the office of ronto, gives tario during potato bu4s were- obs Lot No. 3, in the 'Jr Mariposa, County were quite lively, an ously looking arourid your. This is the ea tato bugs, we belieae, the DoMinion ; bu1, i 1111 --Last Su day ing_ht t Boys' College at Loudon escape from fire. ()lilt as th retired a str examination found A lam near the lib work and The fire wa damage wa -In Mo man named ed to take hi the eveaing that he was bidding goo which he to and prefsenti exclaimed, our gAoofdeibvy tory service County of e Ha e. narrowl lmuth mrnates had 1 ng smell of funtoke led to an f the premises) when it was I had exploded in a closet ry, setting firelto the wood- s, which -wer destroyed. extinguished efore much ane. ; treal, ori Saturday night, e in. Henry Co ke attempt - life with a revolver. On n'question he gave evidence about to commit the act; r- ihye to the sejrvants, after k a revolver frokii his pocket ug 'it to his rig breast he ' Phis will put n end to all (al' and immediately fired. ays ago, during the dedica- it a church at Colchester, apex, a Mr. Fad suddenly dropped deaiti. A few miputes before he said to those pear that he would be will- ing to die, could he see the church debt paid off, towards which object he had subscribed .$0, others contributing freely, Only &few ollars more wer4 required to complete t e , cherished end,when the hand of death fell upon hint.; a -A large failure in- the hiraber trade has taken ace at Ottawa. Mr. _Robert Skead has been put into- insolvency by the issue of a Writ of attaehment, and tinued depression in lumbe an timber, to bear it, The general d lona eon - his debts amount to $188,000. . The leas will fall most heavily upon one or two large firms who are, howeve , quite -able ternoon last. e wa a shaft, vrhen the which he, had around shaft, and the unfor whirled round at the tions per minute. 1.11 close to the shafting caused by isuffocation. 1 two feet f om the pi on the outside of the -were badly broken terribly bruised. IT of the poor boy wae a deed. . -On Tuesday af I Adams, of Acton, Was ber's papermills in G became frightened at a standing y• the ro suddenly, brew Mr. buggy, cutting him on Adarns again taking hi au gy, the frightened ani and on tu 'rig a come Adams w a second ti also struck by the whi was severely injured b dent. So great wits t the ,horee was running the baggy Was sent fi embankment into the complete wreck. ---A licensed vi has brought to the a Government through member foiSouth P sions of the agnglish - would, no doubt, be,p if they were engrafted The clauses referred tc • r is informed on t, on Wednesday, large number of rved in a field on lfth Concession of f Victoria. They apparently arm- ee potatoes to de - Hest arrival of po- yet chronicled in is altogether pro - the mild weath- • ait a few weeks find anything to son of Mr. John horrible death at ora, on Friday af- standing close to ind blew a scarf his neat into the unate youth was ate of 180 revolu- e neck was drawn and death was The shafting was uildipg, and about nking. The legs and the body e Mangled: form • ickening sight in- ast week, as Mr. driving near Bar- rgetown, his horse" large steam boiler ide, anti, turning dams out of his he head. • On Mr. • seat in the bug - al again, at the mill Mr. no thrown out, and ling buggy. He the second mol- e speed at which at the time that ing over a steep mill -race, and is a ller in Stratford don of the Local r. Balla,ntyne, the leveret provi- enie law, which oductive of good on the new bilL provide a fine for 'a ! -An unpleasant affair happened at one of the high schools in Ottawa the other alternQou. A boy, shout 10 years of age, ecame-unrirly, and the schoolmaster at- tempted to chastise hintfor his 'bad be- haviour. Ueresisted, and another mas- - ter came to the assistance of the first in order to eject hint A I brOther of the boy happened ` to come naseeing the rum- pus, immediately made offfer his father, -who came and threatened violence to the teachere,;anelWas a,ont 'put his threat ) into execritian, whenan ther• person in the shape of the true* officer, or a police- man, made his applaratioe who managed to in to least a tempo-S.4y settlement. The moral of this is so Obvious that it scarcely needs repetitionl'here. ." Traiu up a child in the way he will go, and when he is old enodgh he- will wallop his father."- ! -On Monday cf ast week a farmer in the townsliip of • into, named. James Troy, was br,oiight, before two Justices of the Peace, charged with abusing a girl named Elizebeth.T omais, A daughter of George Thump, of that ,'township. The girl, who is -not quite 13 Yvan; of age, was in the employ of dire" *Riving for her work, her board and clothing. The nature of the offence, as self forth in the informa- tion, is as fo lowse On a very eold day, during the present winger, Troy forced this girl to g out and put straw in the barn, duripg which her ,hands and feet were frozen 'aobadly that -it -is fared two of her toes wiIl drop off. Troy also -amok her with s fcfrk ItindIe cia the head and inflicted twollarge antis, and kicked her person ‚go that her beefy in 'different parte was briised, blackinedandiswollen in a frighfu11 'limner, . Troy was fined .$8 and costs.E Ti tlie oitence be such as represented,- Ite pruaslimentnieted out is certainly too lenient. A -couple of months in jail and li- few app tions of the " cat " wouW. have served such a wretch only too weU. 1