The Huron Expositor, 1876-01-14, Page 11JANUARY 21., 1876. NOTIC4 TO CONTRACTORS. I* received at thili oilice for the enlargement this Cauca, consisting of the tviderung and petting from short distance above Look No. St. Gebriel Lock, upwartie to the Itiver St. trence at Lachine; embracing the construction l -new Look at Cote St.Peal, taking down and Hitting the tipper portione of the pt °sent lock kerts, bridge piere, and a 'levy entrance look at thiuenend the formation of a channel and in on the south or river fade of the existing en- tice. The werke will be let in sectione of the eetivelengthe indicated on a map of the line ein together with plans and epeettications of! varlet:le tvorks,can be seen at tide office, and le Lachine Cantu Ofilee, Montreal ; at either "cia places printed. forms of tender can be eee. Tenders for Section No. 0, or what lit e the Rock Cut," and Section No. 10, ;at wiii be received until tee art ival of the end Western mails ou 'Wednesday, the lay of Jannasy next, plena and specifications which ca.n be seen at the places above mention - nil after 'Wednesday. the, 5th day of Jaime . For other parts of the works, tenders be teethed. until Taesdey, the :Het day of h next, and for which, plans and specificat emu be Been ra tile respective places above 1, on and after Tnesdity, the Ith day of Contractoni are rennested to bear in drat Tenders will uot be considered utiles* strictly in accorditece with the printed ets, and—in the cage of ante-. except there . attached the acttaal signatures, jibe nature of oecupatiott and place of reaitience of each mber of the game ; and farther, att accepted of from Otte to Three Thoneand Dollars, ac- me to the extent of work on the 9ection, must rapauy each Tender, which shall be forfeited he party teudering declines or hale to enter _ o coutraet for the works when called upon to do - at the rates stated in the offer subnaitted. The onnt rentiired in each. ca Be will be stated °nth° :a of teuder. The cheque or money thus gent at ill be re,turned to the reepcotive partiee whose nders are not accepted. For the due fulfilment the contraet, satiefeetory security will be eee 'real on real estate or by deposit of money, pub- nattnicipal itecurities, or bank stock to the mat of hve per cent. on the EMU of the' tract, of whieh the sant gent in wi.th the ten - ill be etinisitiered a part. Ninety per cent. of the progreesestirnatett will be paid until completion of the works. To each Tender he attached the actual signatures of two nsible and solvent peafowl, residents of the `talon, willing to become suretiee for the tylag ont of these conditions, as well aa the formance of works embraced in the con. Tula department dace not, however, bind accept the lowest or arty tender. By 17., BRAUN, Secretary, AUCTION SALE a fraluaRe Farm in the Town - 814 Stanleg. -.f.:itsraNT to an order of fiale, dated the 18th I. Day of December A. 1). 1875, naade by the tor Judge of the Couuty Court of the County titturon, in the matter of partition between litiont Duncan and ()therm, Defendante, tee will be soid by public Auction,ly GEORGE , Tat` ettiAN, Auctioneer, at iflor ales floe it tit the Vilinone of- ifiertyfielii, on teat - slay, rite ".dretit Day or itliarch, A. Jte. i'76, at 12 o'clock- noon the following valuable t Bayileld Road concession, in the Township ,of inley, in the County of Heron, conteining S5 - res of Lend, more or lesit, The soi1 is the best y loam. Ablaut 70, acres are cleared, welt teed, and in a high atate of cultivation, the lame is wellwootied with the, best hardwoods. ere is npau the land x large brick bowie, with -ck kitchen and outbuildings, large frame barn, t • orchard, consieting pertly ot beeline' trees I partly of young trees lutelt- planted'. The el is on, the grayel road leading from Reynold. Si:alert/a, is ahout St miles frail Bayfield, and, tiles fromItrucefield, and is in all respects a ,st desirable and valuable property. The title lodieputable and Tree from all ineumbrances. :RMS -10- per cent. on day of side to the Ten- ,: or his Solicitor, balance to meke one-third of relatiee mouey ha ewe month, remaining two - "Ids, at ciption of purchaser, to remain on mort- vabie in two equal. animal instalments, the punt itser to be tot into immediate` poinession. In ter reepecta the conditions of /ale will be the '31(lint.; conditions (4 sale of the Court of Choate no Per further pratieulare apply to Moser& ticitore, Goderieh, or to the plaintiff on the nis. Dated Go derich, December 20, 1875'. ISAAC F. Texa, Junior Judge County Court, Huron. CHANCERY SAL.E. rizesti En -tate, ted In the TtrtvW *Lap of Hoy, County of lumen. FULSITANT to the Decree made in the cause eerie- VR.. Curry, and bearing date the 15th ofltiovember, A.- D. 1875, there Will be gold by Sinn Auction, with the approbation of Henry teDerreottrEsquire, Master of tide Coutt at elerich, on TUESDAY, the EIGIITH day of D. 1870, at 12 o'cloek noon, by -2 geld Master, at MeGREGOR'S TioTEL,-for-t nay Itattenburytt, hi the Village of BRUCE- ItLit, in one lot, the followir.g valuable farm the Township ef Ilay, in the County of Huron, riteinieg One Hundred Acree. Fifty aerea are ared and under cultivation and fenced. The nainder is a good hardwood bush. The soil is* ed clay ; on it me a frame how* oue etory- high ft sixteen feet by twenty-two, 14 log barn and a r etable. The land is situate within four mile0 -he Village of Zurieb, and within four miles of r, London (travel Road, and ie convenient to [itch and school house. The title to the land ieditputable. I he purchaser must pay down - elle time of sale a depoeit of 10 per rent. of his rehase money to the 'Verulers or their Solieltont, d the balance within one month into Court to credit Of this cause, withont interest ; on Freon: of which balattee he will be entitled to a xveyance and to possession of the land. The !petty will be put up at an upset price of $4000. e °tiler cendite ne of the elle are the standing elitions of the Court of Chancery. Further ticulers may be teamed in the meantime at the [tee of T. Garrott-, Esquire,' W. It. Settler, quire, and Messre. Cameron it: Me -Fadden, Vent re' Solicitore, attil of the mid_ Master. Dated H. rilfteDERMOTT, Mast er at Gooeriehe Vendors' Solicitore, 422 Partnerehip heretofore eubsisting between the uedereigted, under the firm name of WTI, - AMS CLUFF, has been, diasolved by mutual tsent, The busioese will h&renit,er be carried, .by J. It. IVilliatee. All debts contiacted by :late firm will be ligaidated by Jt R. Williams, ad debts due the late fere will be collect- ny hint. J. It. vi'lrziams, Noer_44, GLUT. ; connection with e above the unadereigned f cent s to state to hie numerona dustoinera and :tole time he intern:le to erattinue :the mentifee- t- tirst-eiass pump{ and eisterne as hereto - at the eld stand. "tie has now each, facilities :tin triable hint te turn out a better article for una.ev than any other establiehment of the te section. thoee indebted to him he would ietythat an .01,..thete settlemer, t desired, as be he argent -- Sr need of money. tforth Pump Factory. J. R. WILLIA51151_ fE LONDON, AND BRUCE RAILWAY IIAS COME. DLEAR THE TRACK. FIE nutittsigned, in thanking the pablic ter the very liberal tepport accorded him in the t, ttow takes the idefteure of infOrminv there t he has rented the shop formerly occupied by . Joint Cooper; and that he has ifeettred the Or- e; of a first-ehtesillacksinith in the person f 1 kuown in thia section lis a, steady and am - antedating roan and finite:Nee horse-shoer, one he requisitee eeldt In found in our blaeltemith ,ps. Ile is now prepared to fill all ordere alieh eery be favored with. He has notv on hand ins still manufacturing Sleighs and Cattets, *h for routeriat, style and price defy coml.* tin, as nothing- but the very best of materiel es ii, All those in want of any of the above will ne All work warranted. Jobbing done with tne-se and dispatch, r WM. EDGAR, Kipper:1. A fool is not alw-afiasharned of his laughs at his own jokes. 1 own offspring although Ihe invariiibly —A Yankee editor observing "the en - 4 sus embraces 17,000,000 women " ks education of Scotland is this, which s me —What a conipliment to the relilui one says is the true test of a Scotsman. " Ask him to repeat the twenty-third Psalm ; if he cennot do it, be sure he is —A young man suffering from "Iteed- no Scotsman." itary gout " said he didn't mind the pain so much, "out,"saidlie, "the thought hat some old aneester had all the fan of ac uir- -An undertaker, who was brieldy r- nishing up ti coffin, being asked 1;h it was br, replied, " I can't tell which but two women have started out on a tal in match next door, and it'll be sure to eul in the death of QM of 'an 1" —An impudent lawyer, of New Y rk, meeting a, soldier with very full whis ors, said " I say my dear fellow when are you going to.put your beard, on a peace service ?" "Not until you put your tongue mi the civil list," was the retort. —A foolish old bachelor says : "Young men keep clear of calico if you want to do anything great. Calico is a baneful institution. A pair of sweet lips; a pink waist, and the pressure of delicate hand wilt do as much to unhinge a man as the measles and the doctor's bill to boot.7 —That was a shreWd girl, and not! de- void of sense either, who remarked, *hen other girls were making fun of her short skirts, and affected to be Much sho ked at the exhibition thereof a a party, " If you'd only pull up your dresses a ut your necks where. they oug t to be, they'd be as short as mine 1' She was not treubled any more. —" I don't care much f r a quiet b by; but I dote on a squalling ,One," said an admiringly chorused all the mother in the room. "Not at all," esponded. the hachelor, " because, you s e, as soon as a brat begins to squall,, it's always t ken : from the room !' -The bachelor ha no sooner delivered himself ithus, than he took himself from thle room, fol- lowed by maternal execrat'ons. i —A Scotch elergyman; rimed Haxiton, one day said to Mr. Smibert, the minis- ter at Capar, who, like himself, was blessed. with a foolish, or rather wild, 11 youth for a son, " D'ye ken,' sir, that you and I are wiser t an Solomon ?" 411101i- can that be, George ?" inqu red whether his son was to be a- fool r a wise man ; but baith you and I are qnite Sure that our 80118 are fools.", Troubles of a Newlk-Wedde Pair. The Troy Pree8 tells an amusing s ry of the vexatious disappointments w ich betel a recently -married pair. It r ads thus : " George W. Pratt, of Pittsf rd Monroe County, and his wife were made one just before Christmas, and like most people started on a wedding trip. Port Henry was their destination, and they reached, Saratoga in safety. Here the groom found it necessary to ' see a man ' just opposite the depot, and he left his blooming bride in the car. He ' would be back in a Minute,' but while he was looking through the bottom of a tumbler the train stetted off and left him. , The bride continued her jouniey alone, while like a madman to get somebody to stop that train and bring back his bride. He finally burst into tears and fell prostrate on the street. Constable J. W. Gilbert volunteered, to assist the man in his trouble. A dispatch was sent to Port Henry for the bride. She, sensible woman that she was, got on the down train! to come back after her husband. The I up train and the down met at Saratoga. When the former came into the station the bridegroom boarded it and was whirl- ed away northward just as- the down train drew up to the station having on- board the wife. The situation is now re- versed, and Mr. Gilbert felt embarrassed with a new bride on his bands instead of the g000rn. More dispatches to rort Henry followed. The wife took the next train north at the same time as her lus- band took the next trein south from ad ere he was. Half way between Saratoga and -Port Henry the trains pass, one Win ing . on a siding, the other not stopping. At this particular point the husband and wife passed 'unbeknownst' to each other. When the groom reached Saratoga! he found his wife had left for the north !add reached on the last train, and ditto wife when she reached Port Henry. Finally, an order was sent to Port Henry peremp- torily requiring the wife to stay where she was fill the husband should come. By observing this order the two got to- gether at last, and everybody was ha py, including Officer Gilbert." [et - 1 clarets and cog 4: that tileareely rried and lower class s have always just stincts. He r Et ribk She herd in got through i I Ingle stun er e Mount pethaps, and Y it wa ,hard to ay how much the st on ihead ef these' sturdy Dintrionts ch orgather Ver he The very miL ors s ,t ithe sea of the gences of the lie, and we beli ve there were no me tneetifigs in the Country than those t etrame oft an man a 091111 - try manse o le sblemn oceasio IA the ishioners, el r end a I, gathere round the beef and ns -at a curlin dinner bandying th al jests and r partees, that h.ave ge beta pOint, ad Pith, . and then say if e &etch are an naocial people. The el rgyinen and the flecks, when in the ofineeting on a ortmon ground of a day, come sten each thoroughly,' lid the worthy ministe who rade the f most sensible an Mincein out amo g others the blessing My brethren th re is ho more harm in s ing than in thi king it, if the fr ,s holds, be on the ice to -morrow mor ng at ' N y, talk- ing of churches manses, loo at tbe -yard before t e let of worship f a fine ,morning. Th en a e ranged long the wall in their a ihath lack, like rows of rooks in the e -turn d farrow , laying their heads ti g her in eager c hverse - and the good Ves' *o home i .groups' fear, of other u pets than the it rmon. Blackwood. . Bret Harte wile.13 lecturing in ennsyl- appointments he! felt very much dePrese- are told, to b rageountally me ancholy mood now. of th cOmmitt e went in back of the nes to see him, and the glean' of unue ,1 gOod sunshine They shook hands I' Ito "earnestly, nd, the will find this nusually bealt y city." At this jii t Sooiability of ths Scotch. For golfis an eminentlylsociable game, and it could never have become as popu- lar as it is, had not the Scotch been an eminently sociable peopled We knolw it iii the faehion among th se who know nothing of them to say tha their manners are reserved, if not repelli g. Doubtless pon in not precipitating hemselves into the arms of silky strange s ; and when they consent to bestow " he pleasure of their acquaintaxe.e," they lo it like Capt. Cage, with a good deal formality. But they hay hospitable as Arabs to a' came to their gates wit recommendation. Before f preliminary always been the slig test the days of vit. Lege hotels and cheap exenrsions, a single introduction passed a stratiger from house to house over the length and breadth of the land. His worst embarrassment was in tearing himself away f om the s me - what oppressive iniportuni les of his 1 ind- the Scotch have carried s ciability t ex- cess, till the national virt e came to erge company at Tully Veolan was so loa i to part, they dragged the Baron away rom his own hospitable table, to empty the tappit liens at Lucky Maeleary's m ser - able change house. Read Dean Ram ay's stories of Scottish humor among the or- farshire lairds, whose native wit n ver showed to as much advantage as they were doing each others the h of their choicest bins. Or Archibald stable's Mentiors, :with the memoran Mr. Hunter's bacchanalian tours among the same convivial gentlemen, With! the excessively wet nights at Brechin Castle and elsewhere, Perhaps the old alliance with the French laid the -foundation4 of the eocial education of the Scottish en- try,as it supplied themavith those fat ous hen on - of mitteeman asked : " Who dead grave reply. The commi might into t e lecturer. coroner, or s you could fin( day has died I, ed the committ Out, and bets if possible, w he is dead, t to leave the c but feel une not _well to -n . The kind mediately hu When in hi night a serv wished him hall, as he w went down, teeman. you," he said information e death -rate I age." teeman. n for to -day,' was the an stared wilt all his minovable fac of the clerk h re, or r gister, or hint e that! f whom e so od, the to find corntri nee th lecture I am a right, for I am early t -morr morn - ed co mittee an im- oin at !the tel that step d wnstai in the d to se him. r. Harte here , et1 the commit - Q The first s profanity is temper. It i over what c especially sil ate objects, s not go up, s together, stic The best pla find it out 80 helped all th not mend in Take a co ject Swear wrong, but a oath you ut passes your 1 good whatev habit at once not quit ? oaths come o your own co your reasoni your w ife, or your sweeth the provoca would be ash words pass y ways in the vulgar word hear it. An profane ^ The Wes The New - takes rather influence of sugar -cane. the past few unfavorable t sugar crop. usually war warmer tha or even May. the three or .and put on incurred seri again, or ha literal miser temperature ranging on o sundown, as fine growing it has prove windrows ev luxuriant gr cultivate equa inuty of Ways foolish to get angry as w" dows 1 hat will -pipes t at wil not go that i not I split, etc.! 'to take such th ngs cool= 0 r, and i they c not be , swearing n he wo 14 will tt re. en anis Iview of t iii subJ ail r. ob rhY y foolish ; every, Igar word that you and does no ot ui the vile le yen say t at ou can - yip ha e tried 4ut the not sw ar before ,or you !sister or atter hoW great ? Bec Otte you' them h ar such ut yon are al -1 that 1:1 does not ot whit -1 d to be ou mot no d to lips. any tie you 141 ns 2"11 eg of th ! hearte ng vie I. , warm weather' iI ie prof( cts of n has o only r Dee ber, it , Those o took r cold ys in r win wear, h ii opted nd sWe le , isiroeiri as ,igc ;tic:1:r posited ben a and from which cane brown and n t in t tender the stubble hootin rankly through the 1. S sons lik fatal to the 0 are cif eed c d inst., l• of the ion the ither of tremely xt year's een un - las been in April larm at overnber Ve either g it off tered in r A" average F - y toward Call this nd such. at's and he seed cane , de - he brOad fields as boen cut foe ing their -tawny green of upward this are as well THE HURON EXPO as injunoui to the stubble intended for reoultivation. Nothing harms seed more cruelly than' the sptouting caused by this unnatural warmth. The freexes which, sooner or later„ we have almost every year, inevitably kill the Oprouts, and the handling -of the seed in planting time generally destroys whatever the frost and ,i TEN PER. ice have spared. The present season is I TEN PER wholly nprecedented. We ask our oldest citizens how many times within their menion s they have seen pepper bushes in full earing on Christmas :Day, with bloom, lossom, piing and old !fruit,green and red pepperi, all to be bad; according to the te or faney of the piaci,. Very seldom a venture to say. And as the warmth is unprecedented both in quality and dur tion, so will be the injury which warath at this seaion invariably inflicts upon th coming sugar crop." Wont n Less Extravagant Than Men. The acy Engliali correspondent of Harpe Bazar is not fat from the fact in the following. observations : " It is pleas= to think that there are some de- fendere f women besides their own eex, I have yself pointed oat that the crime ness so much complained of in often due to the vefy scanty onerwith_Which the lords of the furnish them, who themselves nobly r fuse to look twice at a shilling ;' the same effect : '18 05Mintillo/f8 deooxtrr.a7 aMgaennee's re not commenly re. A man 'spends ways of which his hing while the ex- ce o a wonlan is almott certain ntatioue. Indulge,* is his ots- play, hers , and so hie sins are whi1,6 hers advertise themselves ;' ce that ought to written in let- ters of old in everyhousehold—and paid mcluch sagacity, andloften what e ownright wisdom, in dogs. W adorn in Dogs. r Scott tells of his 4og Camp angel stories. This dog had a about him. He had been nderstand a great many uch that his Master felt very the progress . hie dog had nage, ttat the cOmmunica- be gre 'tly enlarged. Camp of eting pocket- creatio by a ne au persona expenses evident as Vomen's money 'n a liundr travagi to be os ject—di covered a Bente lior to at the the Ther seems h Sir Wal some st wonder what w sal taught to words, Deo positive from tion bet een selves ight was ve indiscrete one .day, however, and bit th baker who wag bringing bread the amily. " I beat him," said Sir Wal r, "and exclaimed the enormity of his o ewe ; after which, to the last momen of Ir!s life, he never heard the least al sion to the story, in whatever voice or tone it wa$ mentioned, without corner If the room, With great appearance of distr es. hen if you said, ‘'The baker was we 1 paid,' or ' The baker was not hurt af er all,' Camp came forth from his hidint 'lace; capered and barked and re - The says : Police Thursd For thr cancer of too past th sore as and th liquid f During been al this tu and for the poo death. was pr relativ which less to Starved to Death. cw-Haven Journal of Monday strange and painful fate was an John Benson's who died on y, in Norwich, at 'the age of 68. e months had suffered from a n the tongue—possibly a result uch smoking. For two months. ton e had been so swollen and a solute prevent all eating, muff rer wa kept alive by od means of a tube. the last'ten or twelve days it has ost imposs.ble even to introduce . so bad w the cancer growing; four or five ays before his death man was literally starving to The imm iate cause of death nounced to be starvation. His s and. friends, aware of the fate as coming th him, stood power - vert it. WI ._, RECEIVED AT LIAM ,GRY COTTONS, JD DRILLINGS, SHIRTING HAVING 11URC UNDER ASED These GOODS VALUE Owing to the Pressure the times, I am enabled I to oft r there at Prices That Wi Astonish Buyers. WINTER GOODS to such Low Figuifis that must elea them. REM WILLIA Oppoliite the THE PLACE : M IS CONE TEN PER C eNT. TEN PER C INT. TEN PER C NT. TEN PER T. TEN PER NT. TEN PER, NT. TEN PER NT. TEN PER C NT. OAS mai HERE '!IIE VitOODBINE TWINE111. TEN PER PENT. TEN PER PENT. TEN PER PENT. TEN PER CENT. TEN PER ENT. TEN PER ENT. TEN PER ENT. TEN PER ENT. TEN PER ENT. TEN PER 'ENT. TEN PER ENT. TEN PER ENT. TEN PER ENT. TEN PER ENT. TEN PER ENT. a. LLOWED TO ALL LOTH ods, bOTS TEN PER CENT, TEN PER CENT. TEN PER CENT. TEN PER CENT. TEN PER CENT. TEN PER CENT. TEN PER CENT, TEN PER CENT. TEN PER -CENT. TEN PER CENT. TEN PER CENT. TEN PER .CENT. TEN PER CENT. . TEN PER CENT. 'TEN PER. CENT. ERS I DRY GOODS G, BOOT AND SHOES, MENCD TO SELL OFF ALL MY mei( OF lothing, Millinery, Mantles, IND SHOES ;FOR CASH ONLY. REIVIE713ER "P -MMA -.4 NOW 1 THE INSP E 10 PER OENT. DISCOUNT' SALE AT KIDD'S EMPORIUM. TIME FOIFI GOOD BARGAINS. ECTION INVITED. E E T RA D E-. 1. Buy Y ui GROCERIES F I Me a4d Save Money – T ESE HARD TIM S. LOO -k H.E.RE : Teas 45e. Best TEN POUN lb. Teas, 60e. per lb wort '75c. Teas at 70c. per lb., worth 90c. ack Tea, 90e. per lb., orth Sugars—best value in tow_n. WHITE GRANT' ATE SUGAR FOR $1. NEW RAISINS, CENTS, PER POUN and fther Groceries equally cheap. The best in the Market. Flour, $2 50 per Hundre Large Stock of Provisio Don't Pal GOO DELIV Successor to Strong ale RED PrtOM Pounds—Warranted Good or No Sale. 0 always on hand. Purchase Goods Cheap for Cash. ves that the aboint fs no blow. TLY FREE OF CHARGE THE IntimstoS to Print New Oran Lento Town Pickl Labs 10 LBS. MER a many Friend HITE SU Also atoes, Carrot Flow and Feed Y SEA ON IS COMIN ILLIAM ALLEN hat his Stoc of Chrietanas GRocEFIES la Very Complete in Bright Sag I" Icing Saga Citron Pee Fruit- Bloc Bufferiu New Roblin', Lemon Peel, Wine Biscuit, Soda Biscuit, , Oyster Cracker*, I Candies, ate. LBS. BROWN SUGAR FOR.$1.i les, Fish, Lard, Britier, Cheese, Hemet &c. loods Delivered Promptly: 0 A CI NEW LI tNTS OF ALL HE UNICIPALITIES OF 'NE COUiT PING A L WI L ENJOY A MERRY TIME . GRAND StiCCOS, jOHNS ,84 R,OWCLIFF,E, nom ibair hale And their'Itotdture terMined to ember in the 1.1 IN .-EAFQRTII. -TORONTO- D ELSEWHERE 7roeie_iirouslinei 'c:U our ,etoelt, but haring that a8 :good oalia aE heap IN ISEAFORTH 4:any other phee, weir° de- ermined to GIVE -1T A Ti414. OUR NEW FA TORY New Pr ajiMPLETE iWORKING ORDER. With; New Maehtnety, Bound Dry Ntaterial We Are Determined to the Leading Furniture Oness • OF SEAFOR As tilual, in the 641 stand of T. apos & do., i where the t Still clouting° to Attract Alentihn. hEminthER ThiE FINEST HOARSE HOSTMAS IS CO INC. 1p.,0WNE arUST ITER1140FinS CORISTMAt GROgEillES FIRST B4AUTIFUL CrrantO an Aalsins, eimiiit Caddies 'of Five rd Tim Pounds to 1 J. BROWNELL. INT011%Ck Fll ISHING ANCif MACHINE SHOP 1SEAFORTH, ABOUT THE 20TE OF DECEMBE hen contracts b entoreld 1 to tor URING 1AND SAW'', MILLS. " de .of Repsits done on Short N Lice Ala 11,u Id of BARN kep on hand. " 410 P OPLE ARE F NDiNG OUT WHIP s to do . part toward their enjoyment has laid in TEikr PRUNES SUGAfM, GEN* RAL GROC.ElUES; utsual, sold ff for very email profits. ARE D, RE AND CHEAP, J ES MURPHY, Seaforthl OCKERYI AND SALE T HALL & RE IS Tja- GLASSWARE A MALL AMOUNT YET ON HAND. C if Yotv Wamt to Get Goods at Cost Price HALL A.VEY. LIPSE OATMEAL I LS. ow IN FULL, OP R TION. ot Braley, 0 Neal, Split P All Kilatledoned lifintiesdsleedygOonstand F astly7i.onoatinea‘Ifantl; pita for Oats,