The Huron Expositor, 1876-01-14, Page 4Inn NEW NEW DMR BEMENT'S. Auction Sal of Dr e : oda--G, Dent, Mortgage S le of Tow k Property. Notice of M tin —Pe r Adamson, Mortgage S: le Benso & Meyer.. Horse for S 1 Ie—M. M trrison, Seaforth. Notice ---E, ` icksson & Co. Twenty Dol rs Rswa d --G. Anderson Ptoperty fo Sale in ' } mondville. Doyen With Monopoly M. Morrison, Auction Sala Donald Ross. Farm for Sale ---Mrs, %limn Papple. Notice to Debtors--JoIi n Duncan. acx it Or 1100itot. 8EAPOR.T,II, PRIMA JAN. 14, 1878;. A Difficulty to.1 One of the most di not the most difficult, lature will have to de Will be the distributin ways, The Governor and day by represen atives of various companies vvhichh are a eking aid for their sehemcs from the pub, c treasury and the lobbies of tie House sire already swarm- ing with the agents of these companies, all waiting their char Cie to pounce upon the . repres fn Ives of the people and place befor t . m the benefits of their re- spective se e' "es, 'f'Yse claims put forth by one of t ese apple ants for. aid has *en brou t prominently under our no- tice through the kindness of the secre- tary of the icompany, who has furnished uis with a map showing the route cf the proposed railway, and the. ° country through which it wi 4 pass, This rail- way is -called the Ha laniton and North Western Railway, and we must say that if the many schemes fp r .which aid is be- ing sought from the public treasury have not very much gree r claims to sueh aid, the Governmen and the Legisla- ture will not be doin their` duty to the Province if they do net turn a deaf ear to their apcals. The scheme under con- sideration i for the co struetion of a rail- way, or rat : erthe con inflation of the old Hamilton nd Port D ver Railway from Hamilton Lake ipissing to connect with the C nadian Pacific, with a, branch from Tecumseh to Collingwood on the Georgian Bey. The 'overnment has al- ready grant a bonus of $339,600 to as- sist to cons rues this r ad from Hamilton e Overcome. Iicult questions, if. the Ontario Legis- 1 with this session of aid to reli- t is besieged'night to Barrie an are now s bonus of continue th township o Icer mile fr tertninlation This is cert quest. W if built, an built, wo Hamilton, 1jr service i large._ Th vases, bet already sup of railways country let Which this now within roads, the baehene an Both these Colluigw' od. The company pplicants for an additional. 2 000 per mi a to assist them to road to aubashene, in the Tay, and bonus of $10,000 the last amed place to the a distance of about 100 miles, inly not a ' overly modest re - have no doubt but this road, if it cold be run after it was probably be some benefit to ut we can of see what earth - would be to the Province at country through which it een Hamilton and Barrie, is lied with a greater number han it can support, and the een Bariand Waubashene, ailway we ld accommodate,is easonableristancoof two other d running to -Was- rn to Gravenhurst. are wetland econ- island ro the North atter road omically m naged, an yet one of them is on the v rge of ba ikruptay and the other is an thing butpaying concern. Why then should the Government bonus a third road to go in and reduce the traf- fic which is not sufficient to sustain ex- isting xisting roads ? The cims of this. com- pany to Provincial aid should not receive the consideration of th Legislature for a moment. If Ontario must assist in con- necting the Canada, Pacific Railway with our railway system, the natural and most feasible rich me is an extension of the Northern Railway fro Gravenherst. We have iso doubt but many of the schemes for -whish aid is being sought, it closely inqu red into, ould prove equally as absurd a d unneces ary as the Hamil- ton and North WVeste . The Legislature will, therefore, requir to exercise great care and discriminati n in granting aid. Ie view of be fact th t the Government were forced during las year to draw upon their rosary fund to clefray running ex- penes and urrent liabilities, aid to rail- ways or othe public improvements should be sparingly given, and speciallyat a time like the present, when rivets individuals are forced to exercise t e most rigid econ- omy and the greatest - re in their every day business in order o make two ends meet, it will not do for the Legislature to be, lavish -in expenditure fo-r any purpose whatever. • 'In this matter we from the Government in ordinary matters Government act es° e these railway compete ouch power, both inter ly, over the Governme ture that we are afrai have not stifficient p bone to resist their tile have proven' defective the past, mil we do no ter from them now. we may be dieappoin we depend inly upo membera of he Legis ical parties protect being plundered by merely to benefitsectio interests, This is a q Should the Goveramen sition to give way to • not expect much We believe that f legislation the onomicaly and as ble for them, but or rings possess ally and external - t and the Legisla- the Government nese and back- dishments, They this respect in expect much bete e hope, however, , In any event, the independent ture of both polit- e Provinee from. ese railway rings estion with which not interfere. manifest adispo- railway sharks - It { V whom they are being besieged, cpeiadent membe s df the House s arri them that t ' ey will stand b riniince and pr+tett he , no m 1 uh the Gover ment should fall. l[' leve there! ar et la an eient u f members in t }louse ho are ent of rail y rings cont o ;vcrnnlent cif y only a fit lite ;their influ n , If id be g v °li'ays at all, it should o ly be cl as wilt p 1 etrate n w sect uritry where here are w and even to these it s aringly, 1 the in ould r'the atter We ober nde- the xer- n to en to' ns of no r .ilways ould be given Newco 'YDROPI; rsr . J, Idled ie B �drophobia, c u altesc cat whi Deem Olt A uel G, How rc ppist and fo •he Blind in 1 74 years. emu ,t Il v. John; C r of East': L d enly of he eq►ing ata si 1 Tjt>; CAWS' els bevel) rothe who, 11ioa,, as the C ipeed at intery Ad fire at any JTUE PRINCE Prince of , in India. ticking ex j e,di ' . rTin gton hihhis co AID POR U of Nor U 1 r v e a t e eek. ugh urra , aged d oklyn, o Sun , of ed by t e bite , f a pet he had mita A , '1ILI4Abi Hol" Is' • - Dr. the well nown a Han- der of t e Jns it tion oston died last u LI11N( NIv ell, a M tbodis gmeado , Mas disease last 1 nday r wedding in ring- -Neste s of B i warned o kee' :S Spanish coast e • t rlist batteries f: re s s all alopg the jh ng: that pp sae o VALE IN I J lesi'has cached While en ged i bi n ; on S turda with an acrid n: ono was Token HOLIC i.ERUY. , Presiden of th ritain i ions in aid' of th many. He'su Ci al Mann ng 81, B i. --The Spanis le ed from Herr he n, ;sir. 1 -inch ler on, with 600 ro>[tn lelivery i A Cuba Each 1,000. -a LAND. Lord T 1 ynne • d to Pa liament from shire Englan t , to Il the si 1 n -a by h e own r cent I e otTMew° the T urer I ussehold, i ON FAIL d inner, of has 'j e Belgrade eve been ated at $ 1 reported notoriet Ily, brea daYr recently -led toIexpject large: shi 1 lead to a w there would Telegrams f preparations Roumania) RAILWAY fearful rail Odessa, in 311 which nearly killed, and 5f4 off the track f and took are. in trancportin rtir with urkey, - in which-- be some desperate fighting. ram Vienna repos t warlike on the part of Austria, ervia and Montenegt ACCIDENT IN. )�.t[7t4. as accident occurr sial, on Fri military r tided.. TI ver an i cars w uiployed nits for army, IN MARK) r. The in its weekly review r .e, aysi in the Pstris mar- t f t e reappearance of frost t e dcwnwarcl tendency o bile in tins are ices in have re has sing to e press. g axgged, so ssss1npmen s frons cease for, some:tim4, alia, whence we were mental, billin fflcult you 11 Th. rec Euitor A IGJI Mark Lane ' of the gram tr the repo has arrested prices, but'trade 18 stagnant, W several Provincial markets R oust a 'shilling 'ewer. The sarie'' p Holland, Belgi'' w and Getman been in syrnpithy, but no wh there been a ray crui tr rnba e n r t, i s we in ra knee t m terial reduction o the discontent of growers with tl ent rates, St. Petersbur is unc and Odessa c both places In'' In . Adelaide; 080 asst use_ A i d see prices have su den y raised five s nis- ' per quarter, avid t ere is great di ied in securing wholes le quantities. • MORMON ' WdMEN,• the number •if mo nd, are stated, to hay it g 1 t the United Stats ti ay k rnment for U h an of the annulinent of t e Poland: law again ta- Polygamy, Hu : n nature is of tit re, same in Utah as it is in other arts ddf the world! if so lar : e a proportio of th -- women willingly si : ed such a petitio de- unless they were nder thegrost del ig- sion of believing that Polyga y w s rd necessary for their salvation.. Os a great by social evil and ori e was perms ted i the United States; and it finally esulte he in a bitter wary wi h the expenditure f th- hundreds of thou nds of predict s lav s n- beforeit was end . Surely th' . lesso Tse- might be sufficient and the grea offers e es against public mor lity involved n pol- gamy and the l x d ivorce Ode whic i v- rules in many f t 1 e States be,pu sow p's before it invol es he nation in unix - h. anent which w 11 u doubtedly be : s great of in proportion to th extent of the often e as that which w the- natural con quence of slay Permute erten Mormon womep, t than twenty thous signed a,petition as ing a tate Gov tet lar Ci fol! io `Associa ion of {great tiing subseee�ip x,ted clergy in ,000 and Car (Guise Toa tit a Tent, has or undry, at Esi ailing steel cas Munition, foe n will cost $1 E Ecerox ix E been re-'elee h Wil ncy Uri intment to e Queen's TENSIvE G ars, cotton ire, Bright T oa Oldham, Loss esti OKE'4..—`1t 1 e 1 A, Aa e. rib 11 Go P 48 f Z+sk-Mansfie d lino, and grad sr th in prison fenewed efr av some hope N EWJ Y''o neral Cam ocal autho tante of iNa erre mule shment,i wl a are eitl the (Jarl s ss, to re es, and ann cera that of those w come ba n. r T A l Therm iJiev Seerr ni d Leta s 'Senate on n ver, of to " a, submi which Prov es that rthorized to cohere an st neutral t between of Spain a the peo that the •. esident requested lace in ation the ea ted by the 17th, 1861 war in the ion was ord be a sad c predicted s and Cub The On The Local gist ter its Christmas h considerable num 1 resent at the ' to them was Mr. .en for Peel, who ;as walked to his seat duce;. "a bill -rev voting and one j en ment of nine out o ufficient to secure Mr. Ross, of es hat he would, on to provide for he t_ ees in cities, wn ot. Neatly t e w vas occupied ith ittee of the b `: `1 ing on miinici Assent of the e 'be bill was of acdougall, 8 • sition menthe 8, b by Dr. Clarke I M e Hay, Hargraft j an the Attorne_ al, Mr, Lan er t ought the Ho gone far enoug ' in theemploymei t [ ballot, and co 1 A lained of the ad e expense' it east Mr. Boulter Scott went f d roof was wan d far proved sat d to which it h n cable, Mr, e tion between t''e ns litical and to game e elections, tont a gue er to allow th act ing on bylaws b that it would, courage briber measure alleg ballot in polity ry RE.— : rles p Oldha st fai a for cotto ills, destro+ by 000,000. that �St lie is l yr. ding 0711 His counsel are for hi release of accompl ping it. •AriltLT$T YMPA'THl , of .Spai , has or tiles to pe it all th r seirton ser abjo: urn to the priest k will< b 4 , A 11 E LIBERTY ut very na rem Belmo • coas dere(' tl when ear lee aete the Olen secured the r et We ele 'oast. On ved the tha ce8RICTS!H AFF erzegotin be suppes as wee pro is likelY to ish anther t between t e Sultan an decision, th e, for the o to let the Servis, ran iiksooner ill have thenise Monday he Free main i the ov le of Cu vernment of 8 sin ite,d States. he es r i to be Printed 'Phi War between the U Ited 4s almost a certain y. al occurrence is e rt - Ohio, Where arge for timber, tee law t coold la thei .. nds . gTess has bee ten - in pincintqati, has ent business Pe - all of lei, muc the oq January, 18 9 end e re ary of the T Bury s of the bonds the that, in he ju nt of the a id Act ould EN 8ir ii MI ley ed au port o the le ffaire of t t coif!' till as Spec 1 Coml., sion- dn the Gold oast, and men Ito at the iollowed them p from s return to En d he a in ak- and erect ni e of 1 or heir eon- ite fer th Mr olu lidays on Tit day, er of member being arnaly cheer as he Mr. Bethune intrci- ting that the agre twelve jurors shall e verdict in CiVil C Huron, gave not e and villeges by be ole of the af rnoo roviding that he vot- ing the eaude Opp a al 1y -dews requi eaple shall be pos d by Mews. t warmly supper se had a the inunicisrlitiet. similar vie M . o ing a en • a tris —Tu key hi s ated fo eign edita ion in o ly true, the t es have alwaTi been permit o any int rfer- hiS min' tors adh re to sitnation will be very onfllet go on, in hich fi been tom mittingit at there wa e measure on the peacefu operty ?bout 11 was fleetly plying for a e ;Voters' Li :ugh ConamIte ance Clamp e, and the e power to rks was als lete ed iha ✓ and declared t hat the ballot had ry in those electio n already made appl e of the ballet in p extent- in menicipel that it was lot pro of the ratepayers vo e secret. .He asserted • 'he supporte a of the If nd municipal eoliths s They denied, whi e lightly to the expens dissatisfaezian wi ground, and thstifie an orderly character at had, taken pla4e und that iwomen ' holding te on by-laws, T le rrespondencebetwee d some 26 railway as laid on the tabl as also did the I 'bilL The bi !for the iving the Gov rnme ire lands foe pub iaris a is nies lane lad Railway- 0 ning Banquet. The first pas eng r train on the lsondo uron and Brute Railroad left ndon Iml nifi ation Com ince, and pro , ed ringham for the purpose of coiaveyin e guests invited to the Banquet, alon e route to London. THE CONDITION OF THE 11.0AD, Of the history of the road it is n t n essary to Speak, the matter bein f miller to our readere. The ballastin is not yet fully completed between • Cli e coaches in traveling have a rockin • tion—not o e who has been laid t ied. In th nquered sea -sickness, bet , When all the gravel is Will no doubt tra- re - road from Hyde Par ;talon to Exeter, but little differen observed in the running of the tra' en contras with the Great Weate ilway main me.' In fact, for a newl c nstruet,ed ,the line will al le contrast with Many of older et T e fencing hes now been the is ed. The cuttin$ under the Gran T unk railroad main line crossing is a st completed, and in a word eve is very free front bridges, there being but throughout the entire len'gth, and elusive of the tunnel under O.& Grand, nk, at Irishtown (which has been re is but one overhead bridge. A culiarity along the line is the, cattle ,pe," a name given to the crossin the track to, the other under the rale is is an imprOvement on the Old swot. and one Which should be adopted ndin ought 81 er of ZPOSrOR. whenever the lay of the ground permit. It may tercet our reade know TILE DISTANCE% between the stati us along t startingrom Hy Park Jun is four miles fro London, seven miles furth r on, Brecon four miles past Ilderlion, Centralia b ing theme twelve miles, Exeter four m re, Email six miles from BOW, 1Cippe two miles from Hensall, Brneefield fou miles from Kipped,_ Clinton seven miles rom Bruce - field, and Londesborough th same dis- tance from Clinton Blyth being four miles additional, BA:grave si 'miles from Blyth, while WINO= Jun ion is the same distance from Belgrave and Wing - ham, the terminuie one mile ore. AT evierceneei. Having arrived at Wingha , the Com- mittee and others were provided with comfortable quarters till mor ing, THE RETURN, As was anticipated, the ma ority of t e gentlemen invited came on t e trip, t e first train, composed of six cars, steal!) from Exeter, amid the huzzas of a lane crowd, shortly after 7 A. M,1 Stoppags were made at the various stetions alon the route, many passengers tieing pick • i not have wished. The seconel train 1 t was reached over 500 gentle en were o . board, and a jollier compan one mut, xeter, an ngers alon arriving i 6 will that nuitter, and tha rs to mination to see it ca the resources of tbe fy it. The resourees e line, and etion,which Ilderton departure of , the first from also picked up numerous pass the route, the entire number the city being over 700. THE ARRIVAL IN LONDON. On arriving at London, tl# excursio Committee and a large number of t citizens, and Were given a most enthus - esti° reception. In the 644 a scene f 1. gayety presented itself, Fla s and ba tervals the peals of St. Paul' chime an the 11111SiCal tones of the st king doe added to the effect. About o'clock (grand salute was fired by the. men of M ior Peters' Field Battery, the guns bein located on Victoria Park. Tho exhib - tion by the Fire , Brigade gave a go deal of delight to the visitors.' and serye as the topic upon which to hinge many remark, and form ina,ny opinions as the relatite advantages of steamers an hand fire engines. During this afternoo all the public lastitutions and many. the business _places wdre opee to the speetion of the guests,' and if! they we e by what they saw it is not the fault f of their hosts, who did everything make the stay of , the northern people agreeable as possible. The banquet in the everting was brilliant affair, The hall wife deeora • 4 in the most attractive manner wi • streamers, festoons and devices appr Fiala for the occasion, Thai front wa 1 was hung with. impersonathms of La e Huron and Erie clasping bands, bea • . underneath the words, "Frain), Lake NI Lake." In large letters, "Wellcome to 0 r Friends from the North," end num dine" " All Aboard for London," MOt oe "Fair Canada, Our home" ran along t . e wall in oections, The portraits of II.r Majesty the Queen and the late Prin e spa.ces. On the north gallefy appears! the motto in great letters, 1 Prosperi to the Great Weritern Railway," and . . the walls, the names of the following time on the London, Hun* & Brn Railway. 'Winghain—Clinton—Central rum Rai ames of t e south gallery WAS the mot to the London Huron and way," and on the walls the following !stations : Ilde Blyth, Brecon, Londesboro, famous and popular Reeve lof Mo ' the cause of the railway thr ughout its diffieuities. 'On the west side a pended the likeness' of the In' ian Chie " Wawandish," in war cost the entrance to the Council words in large letters, "Go Queen," supported on either mottoes, " Agriculture," " " Manufactures," and "A tuber t Savo t side by t ommeree in the chainber was a continuation of t names of the stations on the ful and striking letters, Hyde Park, White Clime While the centre window c to the royal motto. The v nous pa colored streamers, festoons Ind wreat tte of evergreens together with he brittle illumination from hundreds f gas je formed p scene of brilliance ldom wi sat down to supper. The feast was pr sided over by Hirt Worship t e Mayor ene SPEECHES. After proposing and honoring the us al loyal , and patriotic toasts, the eh ' man gave the "'Parliament minion of Canada," which for West Middl ex, Thomas M. P. for South uron, Tho Ferro M. P, for North Huron, and other P.'s present. 1 Mr. Greenway, M. P. for Petah H rore expressed the great pleoure he fe in meeting so Many whom ready acquainted with, an whose acqeaintance he ho the future, to eelebrate the the London, Huron and Bru It was a marvel how this ro Brucefiel rtains bo e 1 of the D as duly Greenwa e was a tosmoarnakeni opening had bee constructed, an& the amount of wo and energy that ; had been required bring about. so grand a resulit, He iv la.d to see around him un ted th appy occasion so many wh had do yeoman service in- that inte est, in pr curing the bonuses necesea to set t deal of hard work had bee done, an now that the work was ov ry and t road was set in fairly runinn order, a must be pleased. in meeting re for m tual congratulation,' He w glad many of those gentlemen w took pa in the early stnigglft in th townshij had been honoral with in itations this occasion, and to notice prominen ly in the list his friend, Mr. Pat Kell to whose good offices they owed ve Mr, Farrow M. ,P.Ifor was glad to 1;1 with his Lon on this occasion, and' to kn London road, so long talk from this city th Kincar come an accomplished fact er then remarked upon the which Parliament and the ture had always extended to termini, alluding to the gi of the Pacific Railwa whie to see eazried out that the Government were in earnest on es 0I1 fzien of, dir e, had b The spea earnest Legis railway e tie eche e was glad to se • it was t ir deter - 'tat out soon as of Ca he con- sidered almost unlimited, and Ily equal to the task, and he 'ho th Govern- ment of the day, no ma, r w t party would be in power, on d 1 no time He proposed that t e nde Huron and Bruce Railway s o be 'ed for- ward to Owen d mnnica- Win opened with Col 1 BaY, at least, Legislature " which " The Ontario In reply to the • veil! end duly honored, dr. Thom bson,, for East Huron, res nd in a humor- ous strain. He thou ht he city of Lon- don deserved to be co gratulated for this celebration to -night. He thou t the railway should prope ly cal The London, Middlesex ur n and Bruce but he understood/ t e unt of Mid- dlesex didn't give a y nue. (Cheers and laughter.) He as rou to stand there as a citizen of Hu on, a d proud to say that Huron is t r su "ed with railway facilities tha ot county in Ontario, or the D # min n of Canada. The people hadeput I. eir han in their pockets and paid for all hue ilways. fle had just been fi no up w much they had paid for th urpo which had already come to 1,0 and not one of their debent me had ver been dishonored. It was soinethin to say that the counties of Huron a d Bruce can go by direct rail ay to th cities of Toronto, Hamilton a Lend() with all which they are now nnlec It was soinething for Loud n say hat the London, Huron an B uce a fact. The promoters had p se thro gh great tribulation, but had t t go into the Kingdom Come. Th aker .losed by singing a verse of the son and Blue," in which he ut with hearty good wi what was right. ( ea ile, did granting a bonus of $2 a London gentlemen ho prhomea ") tThtet scheme had, u ss re arke passed through great tribulati ns, a d been called any but pretty na es w ile using their best exertions hey been called stealers and i wa said hat they wanted to ge't the an y to put into their own pockets, H pai a high tribute to the liberelity and of the township of Tsbe e, ich _had dente voted $25,000, a sum mo e th u its fair share and refused r uce t when it other township woul do the me. He would say to -night hat hen y ere will- ing and able to pay it, d e result would be of great ad nt ge to he town - Ship, for they hoped that, the holesale men of London will 1 ok th own in- teresta, and not pe it t e ives to be ff The success of the Bruce Railway, was john Carling. The *ay was responded the General .Manager Hon. john Carling palities which coat wards building the Bruce Railway." two, or at most thr the route had refus munieipalities who were entitle,d to the promoters. The Ma of London had centre rea by av e s to to id ea or ute oughton, b Mises to- n uron and t'ed that but ntribute, The fassistance thanke of the vert' much to the successful building of this Teed. Mr. Carling proceeded to numerate the bonuses granted by the unicipalities of Stephen, Usbome and xeteri and the spontaneous nature of th grai4s. Exe- ter came nobly forwatd ith i support ii ate time when it w m st n. ed, and had given $10,000 t 0 ad nee the also made their cant 'buttons heerfull . In Stanley it etas a rd fight, , (Lang - ter,) It was 4 neck and 'neck fight, and they came very nee lo "ng he bonus there, the battle in i ler, or ' g hard. A portion of the p le aid we wanted proud to say that eve t g he had said to the people of t t unicipality, as - out to the letter by the Great Western Railway. The town of Baton had also come nobly forward, 11 as pie town - Carling proceeded to refe to die bonuses granted by the muni ipa ities ref Wawa- ieh. But for the n grented by Wingham and Kin rdi e, he ifelt sure that portion of the ne tild inot have been built, Mr. Pat. Kelly, Ree received with loud a said he thought the happiest in their live long and hard for it. eh ago he was one of he called the first meet ng i reference to the Lend Railway. They tho ght a railway within thi tainly na't so quick was proud to see the r and that they were now in the Dominion of Can lantic to the Pacific. (C glad to see this conn ti n wi of London, and was sur the e of orris, Who was y Lwae ee of the dividuals who the North in uron end Bruce hey Would get y years ;, but cer- had, been done. He sego d to none fr at the At- eers. He was h the city People of it as the it tray - Queen City of the W t. ferring to the railwa he thousand acres. S Inc people hardly knew they lived— au hter) but he assured them they in the No lived to liprvonspztp, rannsdpehrethnon. (ch nclorcn)irsmewown,asld 1 ne of the men that had. intained from - he beginning that this r ad wOuld pay a ' e'reat Western Railway ad get hold. of t, that it would do so, nd tbat before ested on the successful eo pletion of this ine,second to none in the orld..1 (Cheers, Clinton was one of the ' in rowing, and rapidly inereasiiii to la it Coun- ty of Huron, and he h no doubt the tromoters of the London, Illaron and ruce Railway did not consider them be- hind the tiMes, With their Innen popu- lation of '2,500, they eentrileited $20,000 to the enterprise, They thought their bonus large, but they e took the wrehs:nsi it. He sptake for the petite of Clinton hebilfsetTelltaliendy twhee}Yee hniteghln4atik pt.:ea/tear/3r with the result of the don, Sure» and 1 ress Clinton had made sine he went ts,and with very bad r The stride 1 from Loudon to that p thee an unin- corporated village, snrro nded with for - god rave JANUARY 14, 18M— had been great? but woukl, eloubt, be niuAch nu breerwofinvtoruniutetirratoasts, a rweshiponch as to" Tbhey mAgr,riLocuvitz oaillinIntey, w ivrenor,:kM111,41:d. 0,thMery.s. ho.An ng, etneeeet ke ainpiinat oelkarnlyuhuounrgint;ythnee, rightr eag st sty e, oTi este returned by rovid for their *cc m eae ed their several' est ut mis p or accident -to mar theipleasures of th u4 in their praises of th the peo lesof London, an vineed hat railway balm tion morning ions w ing own try, =and kind' t the hands feeling eting To the itOr of the Our°, munici election. and tit turrent et an o portunity to take . ing no lanky " which appeared n. your 1 of the 31st of December, "Ratepay takes on himself to reply a fly elnie4 rks by, because I am in no WAY eon- , elected with said sheet, w oever may be ti he antb!or OE authors of it. Having been. told of lit I wanted to see b, and an ep- from the eastern side of . township, tot by tor means a ov of some of eft -handed eomplitnents .. id ' to 'If , yer," one would sti inertly he purpose ef glossing o er the tabs made at these gen Leine!), Laster work, to say the least, is friendly, Well might th se gentlemen' I exclaim, 61 Friom my hien protect me." r Ratepayer" could nob damage 'the, , Reeve this year, because y some raise dare aa "Ratepayer's" letter, to some p or miscarria,ge of a let r, Mr. Sword.. iled to proeure his nom" tion as Reeve aplainly ted at and foreehadowed, tent, told against Mr. , . . -rim It as well timed ; no dia. = to reply per- . redly, because nozninat on IS paSt 3 either through publie pri t, because the teethe was on the ere i f coming off. here as only time left to read the ° coeds ad. where was Mr, impson when the vat g for tavern lieenees cattle up at he C ncil board el I reply -that I was, = nd, I kink, Mr. Simpson did likewise.: t the men, and, as the number of sp... lican was less than the law warren : 'he ot er three members Council did, ti one nse at least, as h -did. They (ruching the townline of Hey and f it, I ilo not recollect eve having voted W hwetnnse hill livP ooft; teln id -i . -50t °Tte liwits'a relcsl i n mtpnrtv iet n m iiilYe el ie: ' ;bout $180 to $200, and if Hay -does 1 hare should get as much & geta of Stanley m :ler: fr::_ ,u-litlis: fag' es o sudden breeeh by flood, no eat; not eve two years, Ce pi Stanley got over $100 -a the Sauble line, until the when it was found that -$ 1 & year weal nsufficient to keep cuiv do in repair 1, 150 has been granted to t = Sauble or each of the past two y rs ; 01100 Mr. Anson, then Reeve of uley, by eon« ;ent of 'the County Coune 1, spent $1001 n the Sauble line, and great man _ years ago, when I was the County' -=- Council? I obtained a wan of $200 from that body for the Bauble line, but this Money I did not take from the boundary line fund ; it WAS a grant. The , lact is this, that wh' o her lines get ieach $100 a year, and the uble line for ',the peat two ears only gets _$150 = lyear, the tow his 12, or should ',$4ha'010ea ear, that is if ila has paid hes getting betw $350 and share end this is over an above epeeist grant; from the County Council. Touching assessment : There may ',errors n the roll ; most robably these vision site ained an _are sue . The Court of correct such as are comp the appeal hsts. The law provides that ed, shall have their griev- t Court does - ly, and. after - h all the ethe ourselvee do the Stanley , having some would have wevidbekie so olly, -I am a for the I ask, tinn moi y, who were three several period of 17 on every owe - bought I had the township. 1873 or 1874, ne, and at . all parties, who feel aggrie lample Opportunity of hale; 'lances investigated. The C 'examines the rolls and as sets wrong righte—but t not take each lot separa Wards eompare each lot wi ers. In short, thatis the people Would° not stand on° 10 or 12 days Courtlof A we de Se, then " Ratepaye his evish,and the oldeoune ed out to make room for mayhap neither so eute no selfish man, interested onl ;We Line, and for Ba, ;first moved in Coime. for 1.,to the London, Huron a I Iroad? Who seconded the Iswer two western men Al !and Mi. Castle seconded, then occasee motet sten 1 ut *the Coni jecting the ro spread over a rejected our effer done enough and fairly fo And at the nominations of --the suite time stated in not again to offer $10, still held on to our un bids centric. He voted the $10,000 an no more, ant the stand taken b:y afterwards earried out by Mr, Castle hen the emit - ern men, as. a wholee-wer almoet rabid to give $15,000. It will easily be that a clear 45,900 was secured to aatepayerire This, they w know well, and on Monday last Mr 'Calitle and I rea d some of -the rewa justly due to us or faithful eervicee don and perf.orm- ed. The Stanley ratepay rs know also that they have the line I as Hay people- have it althou bonus-, 1 -think, two y " Pattepayte find con Simpson and then Sj jumbled hold water that for =could scar out having that this two years ern the 8 this tee fromSta to the Ste from his d lie backed dary, and. doiug the horror ell' my co loud leti on erne staving o was bad ject the overlie decision o board dealing the 112011, IngiS the Reeveis at home, a to 'this o pee le ered ney th may them out ready tw at the Co Rae acquir and Amu d left at h Sauna advi prehend that na ishould no idea, 0 longer we OSSA ve Mr. wish, he e were men, any re wit nesty new habi broken rge tree euivert between t the one o necessary What r side 4 th with rega and Stan fit a, first - Ki obtain fro of ;52;000 eh by t gravel ra should en payer wetdd en' TVS VI ship alai volunta edinstr far and al and the p Vie matt and the t free expr whose whose we words of of yore too fast finding b. e Ali Ts tespon ed, and fricrOemhatvhee dia Jercoersy ease judge Yo b ed Council there curring ties