The Huron Expositor, 1876-01-07, Page 3TANUAlit 187& WA. .1)0110 N SALE !aable wr i the num,. $ €i) o z t n1e; . ,T to an Drop r of sale, dater the 18th nbeE�..}}Vit. Iti7u, made h t ,e of the Coctntr Court of the City in the naatte?r of partition between [vial' »nnrnic, i'taitltiff, against »nmol and others, Defendeiite, gold by public Auction, by GEORGE Attctuin 4er,�at i! rgmit's Mo- w "I a f .hayfield, on Fi1 E €h poly of inntrck, 'clock neat, the following valuable rnes; ; Lo number 11, eonth of 4 ncc;tbion, ba the Township of vrtnts ,r Huron, containing $5 el, more or beet. t. The soil is the best About 70 acres are cleared, well in a high *tate of cultivation, the veil wooded with the beet hardwoods. on the land a large brick louse, with :'n and outbultdings, large frame barn,. is :►heels, stables, outhouses, and excel - rd, cous+ietiii0 partly of bearing trees of youug treeslately planted. The the gravel reed lending from Bayfield t, is about ;t mike frotl Bayfield, and Itrticefiel.i, and is in all resIteots Able andvalttab1e property. The title able and free; from nil iircnmbrancees. Lo per cent. oh day of sale to the Ven- ;ohertor, balance to make one-third of nc ney in ou month, remainieg two ,.tion of port i+aKe=r, to remain on mort- iands bearing 7 per cent. interest,snd itwc,equel animal instalments, the pur- e.• Jet into iennediate poteessitm. In tets the couditione of Pale will be the tnditions of pule of the Conrt of Chan Ifurther 1=.ssrticutars apply to Mess. & J; WINSTON, or J. T. GAItROW, G,,lerieh, or to the plaintiff on. the tet Go deride December' -'0,1875. ISAAC F. TOMS, Junior judge County Court, Huron.. ROW, Vendors solicitor.. 420 1WTIOM CiF PARTNERSHIP. rtn€r,hip heretofore subsisting between tier eic.r:cel, under the tirtn name of WIL- CUFF, hes been tis Solved by niutral The Luti gess e ill hereafter bo carnal . Williams. All debts contracted by gar will be Iigrn l.tted by J. R. William, toe due the late firm will be collect J. R. WILLIAMS, NOBLE CLUFF. tion with the above theunders<Ignegi to state to hie non eroab cestomers and n be intend:: to continue the manatee wt else~ s Inrmpe and cisterns as hereto - e fid utand. He hes new such facilitieda title hires to tutu out a better article for v than any other establishment of the seetiouh e indebted to him be mould say that aa.,se • r:c•ttlenrent iii desired, as he is urgent.' of money. ser the oll established and well-known Factory. J. R. WILLIAMS. }N DON, Ii L 1L( N AND BRUCE ItmLWAY IIAS COME, 'EAR THE TRACK. lersi •net, in thanking the pablis for ery liberal support accorded him in the takes the pleasure of informin,r them si rented the shop formerly oecnpied by Cooper, tout that he has bes;usled the ser- ,rr -class Blaekenith in. the, person of \114 Ml� LLIS, late of fseaforth, who is et in that section as a steady and so - ting ruan anti iircet-class horseshoer, one prisites seldom found in our bia.eksmlth e is now prepared to fill all orders which e favored with. Ile hag now on hand. 11 manufacturing Sleighs and Cutters, r material, style and price defy compe- nothing but the very boot of material is those in want of any of the above will Seise! hum a call before purchasing else - U,11 work warranted. jobbing done with end di -patch.. WM. EDGAR, Kippen. COMMERCIAL LIVERY, SEAFORT f. DRE WHITELEY, G purchased the Stoc k and Trade of the rnrnereial Livery, formerly BoIl's, from. tfonison a: Co., begs to state that be in rrying on the businers in. the old stand,, tuideilseveral saleable horsea and. vehicles rmerly huge stock. None but c14.4 Comfortable or'table Vehicles and Good tellable, ior-w8 Wilt be Kept, and Open Beet/lea and Carriages, and nd Single Wagons Always Beady for Use. 1 A atongentettis with Demmer®. clal bleu. deft at the Stabler or any of the notate tomptly attended to. 418. kit kitTI-I PLANING MILL, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY bseriberbegic leave to thank his numerous mere for the ;liberalpatronage extended to conrnenciog business in Seaforth, and ret he may be favored with a oontinut nee me. Eiuteiieling to build would do well to give II, as he will. continue to keep on hand a :lc of ail kluca € f DRY NNE LUMBER, I: s 1; tEry, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, HINGLIe S, l.A.TH, ETC, eonfident sof gi ring eatisfaction to those Ifavour hire with their patronage, as none ,lass workmen aro employed. titular attetstion paid to Custom Planing JOHN` 1-I. 131f OADFOOT. FQR WALTON.: - tSf0el/Wig/ W 2 E . Tit (,ffent Special Iterg gins in DRY ODS skiiel GROCERIES. In a=le Cnlvtletin and Boots and shoes he tter value than can be got elsewhere. I see for yourselves. PAINTS ANI) VARNISHES t brands airways on hand. Speeial In - 4 to Cetsh VtIrclassero. tiee having over -due notes and. `aeeoents' .ted to settle; the same at once, otherwise Le ut Into ether hands for collection.. FAItQUHAlt SMITH IMPORTANT JIO,11 IT MAY CONCERE letei;,•rr€ e'r, after doing business for over € tam 'h Borth, trade himself compel!- ' rt three to call iir all parties indebted • rc:mpt payment of their neonate, fora: they r that all accounts for 1875 not ea First o1 February will be charged with Et, t.. fmt Of Jaxivary wfthotit fail, Ti f 0 MAS CO VENTRY. ' .U1 aseouhts€ of longer standing will be Other hands for collection. 418-6 -IPSE OATMEAL MILLS. _ I 'FULL I OPERATION, cel, *Split Peas, _Pot Barley, Uoi`it ,Heal Chopped, Kind.; of till' Feed Constantly on Hand. I, g dere Ii ueseay# and Fridays. Oatmeal ;; for (late. Highest price paid for Cats, 1;arlev. CIJIRRIE & THOMSON. THE SEAFO.RTHH AI BE R YARD. BEE & JAC:DON-ALLI.) ,inform the public that they have re- el their Lumber Yardto the lot between =l:trnte Salt Cainpany's works and Mar- tell, idl keep (7 melee tly an hand a good assort - ALL Ii[Ni)S OF LUMBER, dressed and d. lav, LATH AND SHINGLES, all of ey are prepared to aellt a the lowest pos- ccs, for Cesih. Also, on hand any quantity it ACTON LIME. re and others will find it to their advan- spect our stock, tend' ascertain our prices rchasingel,ewhere, as we are in a position d iuctncernents to dash purchasers. MABEE & MACDONALD. 0?4,44.444 s04. NUARY 7, 1876. Gaieties. "1 have said you are boneet, ohn, with a clear conecienue ; but fear I have stretched a point hi saying yoi are sober." Shure, Sir, if you have st etch- ed a point that fur, can't you etre hat. a little further, and say„ that 1 ae fre- quentlysober ?" —Tey were enjoying the sun 0 1 the , post office steps 'yesterday, when when one of them askew-: " What yer oing to git your dad for Christmas ?" " 'hat's sit fixed," relied the other. " Dad hates -candy, and 1 In going to put it po nd in his stocking. He'll take a bite o two and give the rest to me, and that' the way than thing'll work." —Lady to servant : Mary, I not approve of your entertaining your s cet- heart in the kitchen." Mary : " Well, ma'am, it's very kind o' you to mention it but be is from the country, yogi see, ma'am, and I'm afraid he's 'too shy and orkard iu his manners,: ma'am, for you. to like him to come up stairs !" —Yawn until you make several others' in the room yawn. 'Nig can .be done by one person who can imitate yawning well ; and it will afford indescr'bable mirth. It should be allotted to o e of the male sex, with a large mouth, and a sombre or heavy appearance, if s eh one can be found in the party. —A Syrian convert to Christianity was urged by his employer to work on Sunday, but he deemed. " But, i' said the master, " does not your Bible say that if a span has an ox or an ase that falls into a pit on the Sabbath day he may pull him out !' " Yes," answered H:ayop, "but if the ass has a habit of falling into the same pit every Sabbath day, then the man should either fill up the pit or sell that ass." . —" Pa, are you in favor of the Bible in the public ache ?" asked a youngster at the breakfast able the othsr morning. " Why, of course I am," responded the father, pleased that such an important subject should engage the attention of his youthful,: offspring. `What makes you ask such a question, my son ?" "Oh nothing," rejoined the youug hopeful ; 66 only 1 thought maybe you wash t, as you never have had one at home." The urchin dodged, but he wasn't quick enough. —A young clergyman, whose repute - In her vi-iti 6;the harems s paniecl b the other or oth relatives f young men , dupes the t ordinary viSito a Aly hili as ) the OIJjedt o If they d e not! like the appe maiden, t ey p ead many uai 'unci cut hart* heir stray i , thoy Donorto bthnec 8 weakfindhow no r )pettygl, per erwise, t er g lady posses these lac - nascertaied with the intleitetionthat th again, If the young man is et the repot of the broke h again to he harem to state li pects in I fe, and, if she loo on his suit tli matdh is mat thing is !arra ged by depu i Mahomecan ver does not s• r his mistress a 01 she is ilia .! a Irprop er Use of... Wealth ordinarily! is, tlier e r e ti ie• y the resul of 4 cadeait than of merit • and even when it 1 er hard - business capaoiry, the ki and skill regi " are no guarar uisite to make very fact tha .a man has time and energies to the a most of neces ty implies tha thought mus f Of the best m bursement. he latter is ge sidered easy enough ; and wi tion the manage 1 bis hand be confi quired by sl ire to ma of the no a judicious use o et. Th voted 11' sition, a1 he has no es of dis lly con out clues rson ea d, it ie to: spen ood to s ch highs make i inly to d but n roan t oweve ci'fiicult :e their nd fin )urces i eqq esta f- the few, n dans, appear yes, an ore li ofte natio nU8t is aceom - f eminine 11,a intro th1 utgevt eir call, e of the make if satis lie, an or oth Whe depart may cal fled wit lends he o n pros f 'orably Everyy- nd thj he face o e. .tb. , rathe ny kin een ac nss an nowledge b ;money ease req most ,incoinpe$nt o s d any arflou n the other h ently, , asserted th money well, iWas to product ciety and net !evil; requires i! and- rarerutilities than Mere hap -hoz r.d has often with the acctnitritiort of we hap -hazard enable the spend hiS mean8 wae11. Few, trouble tieni:eelves about this 1 traders geneirallet tl p t e Successfr cae from the titled atristoera ample employment for their keeping 'up largo' and e the glorifi ' it familia lishments foe selves a d doubt, d rel' ly give of 'the a conoid tall, extent, fc�r r ea ees pe ss , n, s. r r, to them to h beneficent tion for veracity was none of the _best, are only pre''Ited from 'giv ventured to differ with en old doctor of orally by th °conflicting ev divinity as to the propriety of wh .ping roduce 138 wh` thea su ehildreli "Why;'' said he, `� the only do more goo i,cr harem, An time my' father whipped me was for tell= admitted thy ing the tenth." "Well," retorted the doc- tor, " it cured yon of it, did'nt it 1 —An Irishman was brought upbefore a justiee of the peace on a charge of vagrancy, and was ,thus quest ohied : `' Whattrade are you ?'' 8e Shure now ! your honor, I'm a sailor !" "Yotn a sea- ism, and faring man 1 I question whether you relief ha have ever been to sea in your life l" to sloth " Shure, now ! and does your honor think I came over from Irelan in a wagin 1" I1 lent h do it 'elle Mount of liberal me is often Perverted onto wror gi channel It is pr bale e the wo Id has, on t1 whole, of benefitted,but �Ufered, b the offerings ojr ireligio s an l l charitabl purposes M a religio las. not bee advance i;el y, ;but rattier sotariai t was'meat fol charitabc nn mo 'e a ori oni'agement Idejndence n a help to remove tip-olieausics wh is p oduee i digence. Jog ie pecuniary d. to worth and well -reg elate& person , !who ha fallen an10 j�o+''�rty from no faitt of the own, but fee 'I the pe1j've s(ity� of fat may be a very pro er and iluhiane pr uufortunq,te'y, I they a eecls ire leen likely to to the ki idly -disposed h ; and wh + Were their nowt, Wou in. many existing feta of public it hard to the uudcr `a feeling there is ho cannc cte of the btvious' ou egradatio ost deser ender the t:nOat cla e pittan e from the'r !the poo . Our gee eople—t u e extent a l- ir' usele ; s bounty .f atrin& th wb s b an • The Deacon t;nd His Calf, On Sunday, as one of the strictest deacons was getting ready to shalke the lines over his horses' backs and say "ge hup," his wife remembered that his calf hadn't been fed. The deacon lodked at his Sunday clothes, and observed that he did not deem it incumbent upon him to suffer for the neglect of others ; to which the deaconess replied that such language in the preseiece and hearing of the children, on Sunday morning, and from a pillarof the church, was enough to shake one's s belief in the professions that had been made by one she could name: fhe deacon handed the lines to his eldest boy, and climbed over the wheel without saying a word. He took the key from under the mat at the front door, arid as he was trying to put the key in the hole it slipped from his hand arid slid down into the snow. Finally he got into the kitchen, and started with the milk for the barn -yard. He at the pail do*n on the grou rn calf, blit the beast whi air and Ibellowed at hi d and called the sked its tail in the i.- Then he cap- tured the animal and pulled it along by the ears and jammed its head into the pail, bathe calf gave a spring, sending the milk in a cloud of spray over the deacon's shirt front. In trying to re- captl}re' the beast, the deacon dropped his hymn -book out of his pocket, and be- fore he could rescue it, the calf stepped both feet on it and tore the cover off. The deacon got mad. - He took a hop - pole and belabored the; calf. One end of the pole struck the- shcid, and, bounding up, kneeked the deaco 's plug hat. off. It rolled directly undel the calf, who let its footthrough the tile, and went tear- ing madly around the yard With his tail in the air and the hat fastened jut above the knuckle joint. The deacon went into the house, and as he.unbuttoned l.is shirt collar, he called out— - ie Maria, you go on to church, and -if anybody asks about me, tell theist I stay- ed at home to feed that calf." - Arppreciation of Humor. The following story is told as a remark- able instance of the appreciation of hu- mor, A. German soldier was ordered 50 lashes fpr some alleged act of insubordina- tion. Fritz, disciplined to silen e, was fixed to triangles in the presence of his company. When the first lashes fell upon his naked shoulders 'the worthy { fellow, instead: of displaying evidence of distress, burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. The executioner, regarding this manifes- tation as by no means coinplimexitary to his skill, laid on with, redoubled ardor. But the more he laid do the coolie Fritz laughed. When cut clown he stip found great difficulty in restraining his mirth, and indulged in loud in termittent guffaws. The officer in command of the e m any, . with a curiosity naturally excited, ap- proached the bleeding.wretch and inquir- the cause of the mirth; - " Why," replied Fritz, breaking into a fresh fit of laughter, L' I'm the wrong man." • 1 e e ceeding, but those whose +1 become knows among the wants adei cases, in the sentiment, fin pecuniar oblations with of ham' iatioii. And b large el ss Of the opul nt see that per,1ouls arp fit i ob bounty n ess= they show rks °f misery and that not the ry deserts tiring--1)nt t thlesi, ab$or filling to spa r the relief ppe s that, y, a class o -i to al gr sustained iu e, inconsider ti'ra,8er's llil Ie 0 r e si ward m Thus it co ing—whse modest and orous and w the rich iare ; private uses And so ` it l cities, espeeiI scum of !socia couraged An existence by wealthy mea! Modem Marriages Brokers generally arrange these mar- riages,though there are some love Imatches in which the parties become attached to, each other without the intervention of a third party. When a man has reached the marrying age, he is expected to enter the matrimonial ranks, unless p evented by poverty or some other imp diment, and it is considered improper a d even dishonorable for him to refrain from so doing, !. If a marriageable you h has a mother she describes him to the girls of her acquaintance, andenables hi to de- cide whom to take to his house a d home. Frequently he engages the sarv'ces of a woman marriage broker, who has access to harems where there are marriageable - women, and is employed by thein quite as often as by the men. She receives fees from ope party, and frequently from both. • 1 s r • It ur on Mr. Wash- u gton Mo 1 n new work on, t ed Engli: h. errors which = singles amusing. 1' exaimple, : A furriery meriting in ment the tri s played n t unpprinciplemen in his Earnestly it quests la their skins, xI ich he . p o converted i muffs an b Another • ertiseme t r '"'Cw sis a want as Here use ave been a s "He ode! i to town, and on horsebae . ' A gentle ' advertised " For a 1' of a 'da k trotter, hig stepper, and tail." Better, m' r amusing,fmo and more c edible is the f tration of tl e inevitable a volved n a urate languag man ob ere t to another : 'e 1 have wife and si New York' id never saw to Were y ever blind ?' no,t'l: eplied the o they pse of . tirne, ator t surreed the s I .0 a erstand yo a %fife and. six chi )rk,' and you had n 97t "Oh A f iii interro " Dic you has New Y of then e e Yerx, su, Here foil the eon vers fairly ptizzi `• "ca of therm ?" s r was born ac Curir A Il:idlit in March, shire, Engli her father,; had kept e is the fact.' red a still lot �'on, when th c, said, t be tat +yo i as the answe Sr 1 left." a us Freak o hire lady; wh Yd came to re d, recently p elle, before ah •o or three which She a s very fond. has retired rom business of all but nee dog. Thi lady with ell eenstrations h upon her are val at her and that bi t the dog we seven inille. , Ito a farm hog the of er gs had been s was blind, Ibilt kept as b vorite.)I� the morning went to the: door she no dog which lied given her ceptionthee 144 previousl old blind mete , which had brought by the other dog When I the; econd night one was telt n back to it same dog, iwhich afterw having trot led a distal) give pleasure to the old Written a fine of tie decided yb ver public n tr : + e, of firing hi os shall +e e - y thus : ,II e sigh rime 12 co s 111 horse : r; a go ng a to estructive, ing illus- uities in- (ne gentle- elfiillren in 44 of them." dr� cl then t e act. t shay tat e living in seen one g CHR H4S G STMAS IS BROWN 00 LL JUST GOT - IN IS ' FIRST ORDER OF A A 1 RiSTMAS GRO ERIES Gni Also Teas in CAILL BEAU1`IFU rants - and ;' aisins, NICELY CLEANED. Fresh- Suppk of TEAS' artcl SUGARS. Caddlea of Five and en pounds to Snit ,the Buyer. AND :EXAMINE FOR OURSELVES. { J. ' OWI -ELL. ✓ pause in ii errogatlr, ne FOR THE - LADIES, FOR PRESENi.'S. FOR CIOIST THE 7717 GSI - AP CASH OFFERS : AS. ST' RE Min t 'Sets at $112, Seto 'at$113, Min Sets at $14, Mink etS at $15, iMin . Sesta at $1O 50, i`finik Seitz at ' els, IIS Min Seta at $20, Min Set at $25, $ 0,835 and $40. Ant SEL M Se care FURS Are FRESH, QUICKLY THEY ARE AR KED TO A Li' Figure for the nd in order to R CASH ' i I AT THE NOTED 777 CHEAP CASH STORE. To Cash 'layers, to the Independirmt Buyers, to dim Buyers who can Buy Where 'Alley JPIcal c, WE OFFER THE FOL •OWING AND SEASONA LE GOODS Mink Far Seto, Seal Fur Sete, Al4sk i and Grebe Sots, Ladies' Cloth jaekets, Ladies' Fat Trimmed a d Sealette jackets, At 10 per eent. lower. Frain $1 to $10. equal to 20 per cont. off. 150 New Fancy American Victorines at $1 12t, worth $1 75, No other House in SOaforth has them. 50 Pieces of New, Winter Drees docols, 15 per cent. lower than last lot. 15 Piens of Heavy Mantle Beaver, 6.4 wide, from $1 to $4 per yatd, They aro a Great Bartgain. 25 Pieces of the " Dragon and Silvier Shield Brands " Black Lustres from 14o to 700 per yard, 50 Ilene of New Wincore--All 0010114 From Eh to 20e per yard, best value in Sefiforth. • You can get yon4 choice out ;Of 200 of the Finest and gost Fashionable Shawls You ever saw, at all pricee, from $2 up to $18 50. WE MAK SHAWLS A SPECIAL1T. SEE THEM BEFORE YOU BUY. 12 Boxes of 100 Prom= 800 Ladies' 100 New Fel ICOO Yards 1000 Yards 10 Piens of 4 Piens All - 2 Pines Uni 4 Bales of evr Blk and Cord Kid Giovee and Ledies' Kid Mitts, Lined, frOra 75c to $1 50 perpair. Searfir, trent 75o to $2 25. , d Childron's Fancy Clouds, tram * to 96e. f Canadian Grey Cottone, narrow, 16 yards for $1. 1 Canadian Gray Cottons, wide, 18 yards for $1. Tapest Carpet at $1, per yard, °goal to any you buy at $1. 20 per yard. ri ool 0 rpete, yard wide, at $1 per yard. n Oa et, yard wide, at 50c and file per yard. d River Buffalo Robes, Splendid Value and Quality. Ileadynade Clothing Department f.:omplete Over Coat Splendid lard Times."! IsTaTI ILL OPEN A MACHIN SHOp THE 2Orn THE !UNDERSIGNED FiNISHING AN OF DEQEIvIB W en contraets will bo lent rod bit° for All -kinds of Repaits done on S all kinds of ILE RS, ort I be suPplied, and a Good !Stock of GRA E eafarth, Nov. 25, 1875. 416 RESS GOODS' AND 0111 NG ES TO Suitable for Holida AT ATCH, 4FFMAN BR THERS', PLE ARE FINDING OUT THAT TH R IS PE IN T CB CKERY AND SALE ALL & P pg. Gall as married t k - to p dogs, of Ce thenlae clispoeed met the eat delight a distance of ri ere one of AN,6, the latter , n old foe the dy ly saw the' nt also idently releknne ante the home by f 2f3 mil d one. Yo a visit arri LA SWARE A ElY'S." t et' Goods 9 ice. ALL AMOUNT Y if You Wan , at Cost L & PAVEY, • Pea Jackete, Body Coats, Pants and Vests at 12i per coat. off old figuree, and Stock an this week. t of Gents' Fur Caps, in Soutle Sea Seal, Otter and Lamb. Gloves, Ties, chiefs and Cashmere Mufflers; OHRISTMS AND 'NEW YEAR cOmPLTmE TS TO ALL THE PEOPLE OF ALL THE MUNICIP LITIES OF THE COUNTY OF HURON, HOPING ALL WILL ENj Y A MERRY TIME, J. MUIll'HY being anxious to do his past toward their enjoyment has laid in a Fresh Stock ot NEW FRdIT, F!SH, TEA, PRUNES, SUGARS A,NDIGENERAi GROCERIES* All will, as usnal, be soldi off for v ry small profits. ALL GOODS ARE NEW, iXCEPT THE LI QUORSI WHICH ARE OLD, rURE D CHEAP. FEATHERScOR ENT6, etc.. table For Ho,id ty Present's, R SETS, the en er. old the S s to y Presents, RS', eaforth. 14.A.T.TC1-3E-I .A.IN.T3#) GROW PA.'r_ THE MERRY SEASON IS COMING. WILMA* lA14.4EN Intimates to is many Friends that his Stook o1 Cfaristmas GROCERIES Is Very Complete in Prim Nesr Oran Lem Tow Pickl Lobs 10 LBS. Also Teas, Bright SOgars, New Raisins, iurrunts, Icing Sugars, Lenion Peel, e Peel, . Citron PCel, 'Tine Biscuit, n Biscuit, Fruit Bisituit, Soda. Biscuit, Biscuit, Dufferiu Biscuit, 'Oyster Craikers, s, Sauces, Spices, Sardines, H1TE SUGAR FOR $1. i 10 LB1. BROWN SUGARNFOR $1. Potatoes, Carrots, Tutzips, Onions, 'Appleo, Fishi Lard, Butter, Cheese, Hams, &c. Goo -ds Delivered Promptly. Flov,r and Feed as Usual. WILLIAM A14.3LEN. E We are Just YEAR'S IMP RTATIONS SOIMETHING THAT . THE PUBLIC SHOULD KNOW. JOHN BROADFOOT A LARGE STOCK Of FURNITURE' W1Aeh be Is prtparecl to sell at prices to mit tbs.} the times. In t he won't be noderh014, As he 1 roanninettires alt he sells, putchasers can rely upon getting ths THE BESTiA.RTICZE WOK TILE :LEAST MONEY. Fuirait/ure ii(Evnufactural o` Order.' Hemember the piece to buy Furniture Cheap at the FactOry opposite the Market, Seaforth. $0METHING- NEW, IV: THE PE(jPLE or SEAF ORTH. WHAT EVERY PERSOR WANTS. GEORGE FORSYTH- In the Store first door north, of the Commercial Hotel, where he keepo conttantly ou hand a °hedge supply of Sum As HAMS AND BACON, ALso FRESH RORK OF .ALL KINDS, POUL IRY AND FISH. Sausae Fresh—and Good. No. 1 BUTTE always on hand; oleo Cheese, L Quantity of ',#rao. 1 LARD For Sale. ma Mamboed., Whose wishing to purchase Pothltry will And tt to their advantage to call on, we cleaned and ready fnr the pot or the oven. - ORGANS. Unequalied Reptitstion which these re., - mark/able Itistruments have achieved la the , le timate and Meatiest result of the' determine., ti of their 'Makers to predate a grade of wOrk-1 trienship that sboteldtexeel anything ever before produced in their line of luridness. -1 vrho -contemplate purchasing should, b ding, insist pan examining the interior eon etion of any rgarr effete,' them, and 00321pir t with that ef George Woods & Co.ta. ,The Is erxtended to ery detail 01 Action and__Cabiliet fe dollars expeoded in seeming a really line ine St naent that -will last a lifetime is TRUE ECONOMY, or ry or infeOlor one Is ERE eXTRAVAGAN0g. C MBINAITION SOLO STOPS, Adds greatly to their Value. . Opening Up a Fine Lot of Fancy GoOds ard Silver Warm for,the Houck/ Season, such, as Mo o Cups. and Saucers, Na n Rings, Bre d Knives, Pic le Stands, Bu ter Knives, Co cal Pederasty, To let Bottles, Flotrier Butter Coolers, Pe rl Card: Cases, Chi ter Set Finger Rings, Pia ed Tea and Table SpOons, e Baskets, And Other Goods All the;e Goods Will be MARKID Frices oil as are paid la Cities. Done, Toys, Chino Ornaments, Motto Mugs, Meereeltaum Pipes, Cigar Casee, Eaney Oval Mirrors, Ladies' Companions, Farley Tea Trays, Bread Trat 0, Shelt Pocket Books, Work Boxes, Ladtes' Writing Desks, Frew& and Amerioan Clocks, Wedding Rings, — 13leetre Buttons, Children's XXIIVCS and Farb, ToO Numerous To Mention. t their CORRECT IVALVE. No Fictitious E. HiCkSON & Co. de in he attention of the trade, profession, and all iet erested in what is progre sive in Music le ealle4 G moral .Agents, 98 Yonge Street, Toronto. COLD WINTER 1$ COMING ON And every pebrsey plittreslehaollngd i.arepare for it MRS. E. WilITNEY'S, MAIN STREET_;_, SEAFORTI. Parlor, Sox and oni. Stoves, of t Most improved pattern, an from the bestraske -which will be sold at Bottom Plices for cash o.tIrgillartnetrtarin3:. of all kinds 'in stook or made t order on short notice. Repairing promptly a - tinCdoedar oht-,-on hind, 'a large supply of t hist and pureet Coal Oil in the market, which wl be sold wholesele or retaiL Special inducement* . 1 given to large pereliasers. ' Main Street, Seaforth. THE HURON PLANING MIL MESSRS. GRAY & SCOTT Martin, ardent, nowprepa ed to till orders fOr ashes, DA02481 Bbi 4g, M0211(2* And all hinds of pilaned lumber. ALSO LATH AND SHINGLE a CHEESE BOXES AND SETTERS FARld GATES, /JAY RACKS, &a. A good stock of 'Seasoned Lumber on hand. Factory and Lumber 'Yard on Godedeb sty*, ej4igr MASawininsgtTntd. Custom PlaningwoeiLatlyscdon.mei) EGG EMPORIUM. The subsetiber herebyl thanks hie numerous ustomers (merchants and others) for their li tronage during the past 80,812 years, and ho strict integrity and elotae attention to bus o merit their' confidence na trade in thefutor Ileving greatly enlarged his premises, d the winter, he is now preeitureel rep pay the HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of gond fresh ego, &UV 4 at the EGO EMPORIUM, Main Street,Beaf th. Wanted by, the subscriber 25 tons of good .y clean WIEBAT STRAW. D, WILSO* • MANTLES, SHAWLS, SKIR UNDERCLOTHING, #fr.c, Suitable for Holidary Mel;