The Huron Expositor, 1875-06-18, Page 1:u`ien e t at first, ice to take ex- t€) iilcreaae it. will be found-., `itlilleut x seine :Imre tr Strict,,, lit`.( :n# er entopl4, but a whose iolluenee benisll It t C races ad went* which hear at home, 1sry. Ho is ex. ki,t(lnes3, those neithee kind - lege incorrigible r, they roust be ce►rte tit habita. e'heol, notwith t that the at home. , Be-, progress must .i+tiil(1 One child ing knowledge ( Ii 1leywi.Ii,; and The sante per- I11echaui(; to fr(tlli inferior [,,Mess, 1,y some -awe a genius, s, Aiel Wool; sic ai i=tli.4` »e Y x h Ids, frr a higher gt lig lnspec-' r but somehow, wisdom,; r4 1 Eli cion. 'it% the ear- n'nice-titles •Melt ,experi<. .. it Is. ;goner. 'cel loses three Eire o teachers, iber when corn- lrusteee fail to but let its hope; lll,e reformed clifested. • But ei no one will ronnectc d with. gling sunbeams r&i indispensible sfeetthen to fill f r#sranee of a Conference: of the Londoi2 dist (`Meth of irantfor(1 last 'my of action 'inhere of the e(isnposed ref eyan and New following ap:- stations in the ulereon, el, A. depoiul ; Thos. lilliken. 1s. 1, M. :.; A. uleman Br s - a. i1. ugeiit. tbral(arn Th - fey, 1„ c'. M Laughlin. Thompson iteerary (Bel - afford A. A. ell; 2d. A. .John S. 1nmated. inti ; llol. set—Another - ::II(rther township of .ewa . Mr. 1'c•Siit('11Ce int i, i f Hay,. (lIt- � �lm:eratce to in the year 'en wiwre. he =death. He quite smart week of his •ghe-;t es - r' F k as heft be- il(lre;1i and ji(any warm. t is now Only Mr. iaoai nfi <aruily `tie three last hall of the patronized ie hall bein, 'klels('el with ight being Lf audience. ai; tit a -vial ue„ awl F E lr(Jn ee kl r John ir(lay night a1i:iwer t*, liquor iasv. 11 Monday, fief etidatiti 4.. w•�s .ago the 1 lyes, school iiI•(11Jerry, 'ett. bit firs'. vas seen I house,. bat fav Isy timely-- ',heti. imely',heti. before e us that a ktgt , gram I- t a.lamp in and had it burning lamp had The fire I(,(JrI1, and - ng. A 11aI.d, the tion took . on Tuee- rominynt iestroyed, srmated at 11 gailirrwauw° .,'"79"7 IMIE.11 igt4TATE IVO It SA -Dulf,DING LOT Yon sarite—For Salo, Lot Mtn the Town of Seaford'. The lot 14 situ- adjohling re,sidence MI, Monti/mot, South sti tho market, Apply to the undersigned VOR SALE, -A eine fortable frame cottage, con - X tattling dining roonkparlor, 8 bedrooms, kit- chen" woodshed and coal Weise. exood cellar, pump, palatasaion given 'on the 1st of May next. Tejon; --One-third Jown ; bslanee la three years, meanly occupied as a Driving Park Into Bnid- Mg Lots, ix prepared to aeipese of Vita on reason- able. terma to any who roily desire them, Parties desiring to purchase should make itumetlialus ap- plication, - 334 VAID1 FOB SALE.—Being the west Bali es Lot 20, Conceskion 9, Townahip Hilbert, ,c_oanty of Perth, There bi a good frame house cn the lot, audit tirst-rate orchard ; 44 aeres clear- ed sod free front atumpft, and ts-sill fenced. ; out- buildings inured logs. For further particulars spply the. farm, or It by letter, to the under - Alni FOR SaLE,—Being Lot' No- 3, Con- cession 3, Tuck/I-rife:11th Township ; 100 acres; 85- acres cleared, nearly all clear of stumps ; fed commeneing to hear; two wan; h pumps ; it ta8 miles from Seafortia. The la it is as the best quality, and will be sold cheap, For farther liatticalatgaPPLY to 441 proprietor on the prem- ises, 1. 31cCANDLESS, Lgrtiondville P.O. 887 •1: Sale, that beautifully situated furru, on the gluon Road, adjoining the fermi of Mr. L. ed and in a state pi geea cultivation. The bal- ance is well timbered. There are eight,acres tin- der fail wheat, For further particulars -apply to la MEYER, or to BENSON & MEYER, Barris- ters, Seaforth, 875 ITOTEL Von HALE.—That commodious hotel Ai- *aided on the Seaforth and nelmore Gravel Road, 80 long And favorably known as Dayie Hotel. Thlis iii one of the haiit stands in the County for business as it is on the main traveled road from shed. and barn on Me, premises, For further par- tfenurgapply, if by hitter prepaid, to Wroxeter P, 0,, Huron, 891 VAll31 FOR SALT,,—.r or Hale, a hrst-elass farm, situated in Tnekeratnith, Lot 2, Con. 1, near Post Unice and Presbyterian Church, about a 110104mm-station cif London, Onion and Bruce lust -class, 2- wells, good orchard with a vartety.pf fruit and ornamental trees, well drained, ita good state el cultivation. For terms apply to VARM FOR SALE.---teing pert of Lot -1:.` Cones:Won 12, Townehip ef Hay, containing 80 aerex, 55 of which, are cleared, the halftime 'Peng beech and maple. On the land are a frame barn 40x50, a log house, and a young orehard bearing fruit, iu good state of cultivation. _ The 181171 eitnated wi thin two miles -or the thriving village.of Zurich, convenient to- a grist mill and saw rail. For further biformation apply to GEO, WILSON, Ira Zurich P.O. 374'46 pItOPEITTY FOR- SALE IN EGMONDVILLE,— and a large frame hontte with a -gotta barn 'end ;stabling, 11 aeries of land, a beautiful orchard of 60 ehoiee fruit treee, and never -failing wellx, The property hi all Well feneecl. It is a desirable property. For further partteulare apply au the premises to IC If N CARMICHAEL, Ir., Egniond- or to BENS,'/N & MEYER, Barristers, Sea - 'FAUX FOR SALE,—For Side, Lot 28, Con- "' ceesion 7, Township of Veborne, containing 74 acres- 55 of which tire dearest awl in a eta° ot good enitivation, There's a good frame BARN and STABLE. The farm lecated on': a good thurchee and post Ofilee, and la within 13 utiles from Seaforth and 7 from Exeter. Far further partienlars apply to t be proprietor on the prom rese, varsmem Ir., Lumley 11: 0. 851 -1: London Road Stanley, 100 ;time, 80 cleared and under fence, the balance timbered with first - claret hardwood ; frame barn 90x40, fratilf: stable like distance from Clinton. Farm well under - 'drained and in firetatiatte cultivation. Apply on the prembiex or to the proprietor at Brucefield P. PAWL FOR SALE.—For Sale, part, of Lot 22, " Con, 5, Stanley ; 76/ acres, 60 tierce eleared and in a ittate of good cultivation, the balance is well timbered. The whele farm is vrell fenced ; these la a good dwelling hints°, and frame barn and stables, abut a good young orchard bearing running through the farm and an excellent, 1-nring at the house. Iff situated within 1:1, miles of the hayfield Road, le within 2/ miles of the Loudon, Huron and Bruce Railway, is 6 mace front Clinton and IV from Seaforth. For farther particulars apply te the proprietor on the promisee, or to Varna P. 0. THOMAS MILLS, 802-4') -.11-A.101 FOR SALE.—For Sale, the eget halt x of Lot No. 15, _Cmaceesion 5, Township of Stanley, containing 50 acres, 40 of which are cleared and in a state of good cultivation, The barmiest III well timbered, with hardwood. There le a log dwelling holm, tt good new frame barn and frame driving shed, with other outbuildingsi. A good voung orchard, alio a pump and a never- /411404mm of water, Ds situated on a good gravel road, mei within 8 miles ef the village of Brumfield. It will be sold either with or wit hout the mop, The whole farm LK seeded down. Terms easy. Apply to the proprietor, Varna P. 0; c,ZAW MILL AND FARM OF 100 ACRES FOR 8ALE.—The stibiteribers offer for sale their itaw mill and. farm, Lot 85, Con. 5, East Wawa - noels, 'The mill contains litrge circular, edging All In good order. There are on the lot besides the mill, two frame dwelling' houses and frame stable, There ia ale° en the lot quaritity of val- uable timber, conxisting of pine, blaek agh. and hemlock and other hardwood, with a large stock in the vicinity to last a number of years. Sittig; factory rOILS011ti given for selling. Possession given at any time. For further particulars enquire, if by letter post paid, of W. G. HINGSTON, Brus- Weetfield P. 0. 1180 I-TT:ND, on SATT:RDAY,May 29, on the floor of sum of money. The owner can have the same on proving property and pitying expellees on applica- Tuantn from the pi owing of the undersigned, Lot 10, Con. 4, Hallett, on or about the -80th of Nay, DARR URI) COW, with short horns and white ander the belly. She had a bell on when Bite loft home. She had not calved and had a bra tee. Any portion giving such lafermation, addrested to Settforth I', 0., as will lead to her aaroi S. MORTON. 'NOTICE TO FARMERS. — 'The sUbscribers -`-' would respeetfully call the attention of the Fanners in the neighberhoodef Seaforth and surrounding country Int it is their intention to they will be praparedto pay the highest market price for any quantity of good Oats Peas and harley, -delivered in Seirforth immediately after harvest, W. THOMSON & BROTHER. 880-18 ' sale CABBAGE, TOMATO, AN CAUL'. FraowEit PLANTS, also any. quantity of Gar- den Flowers* The plants are front the very „ choleeet ;teed, and the Flowers aro g own from steeds imported from the choicest g rdeners in Seetland. AU orders left eithor with the under. siatalal, Lot 9,8, Con. 7, licKillop, or at the storey of Metiers. A. Cardno and Thomas Lee, sestarth, will receive prompt attention. All ordere deliver- ed in fiesforth free of charge. ALEXANDER R. BOBERTSON. 8F-0.4 THE NEELY MOTOR.. Twenty Theism! sa el- Psi ss sks1 w of VII pot, the Piquant 'A Di c112 -:-A ir is 11.1 Writs mossphere, it ceases toe '�pand, an ly goes batik to its eri if ly air and water, thercfo� ¢, in this ►' imkletss dangerous thaneeither gu or steam. The -vapor 4 thinner and will not cut the 1 (Lta1 in ea. p;issing through the t Crottle s a cannot be exploded cis caueed to to it, t the ino air', did i licl' did i fact, deli etre rapidi le generat "Jit five 8 an Supp square •i ,of ten c ork and .limos, , 1 The vap tare is not generatic to any en a dispel er and g rcondly, s a usele locomuti er. Th ti engine, by rate provided 'the "mot "motor age of th. ;coal, but II proelu n tested, it or not a vess 1 b the spa with wa ii on apliea. i!llthat with Witter a 14.de to run tvi CC, living" in t , Keely s of the ll and the he tame on or \Va lit t publi ,Pensylval to take •t : oris and erator" s ,fill the "r L' engine twenty '1`11e pa 'Lt. Ther is g steam, fir , to bri(lg i. er lJian those r suer horse ne1ietor can c - left at. (,f the e jet and "t •us la motive is :lainue(1, of tiler, Th: l aDge froiri he size ai Plimanar,enta, June 10, 1875, `,110 mechaniCal and scientific 8% odd has , beet! greatly excited of late by the dik- covery of a new motive power by a Me, John W. Keely, of Philadelp tie, The lately -discovered motor is generated, os and air, and evolves Into a vapor 1110t powerful than steam, and (ror siderabl inore economical: It is peoposed by th 8 new invention to revolutionize the worl , and turn machinery topsy-turvy, Steal will be a thing of the past, and tha wo - uses -application of 1 ea , (JailI(11e lute been hc" d - (dais:, rul(1 tlic force .of e,' tiilguieh the Egli any offensive octor- W .s perceptible, sick this vapor o Jest inappreciable, d Mr. Keely, un(.l» of vapor to (sugh to run a tr iila(.l.elphia to 1ti e seczius almosst<. inista is the time cone= ie ct Wise Bold feeling, ti derful power of this new creation will out - ply all the needis of Man for the U81-38 t P which steam is now apnlied, Just this vapor is, and how it is made; the - coverer refuses to make plain n dive) his bidden secret until he has letters' pa- tent taken out in all the counti4es of the gine which itf8U0 patent rights This service alone will -cost about $30, 0, ,ar 1 th will not be completed until three or four cent on the subject of hitedisco very, ap referred your correepondent to atto ney, Charles B. Collier, Esq. no latte gentleman said that a private vic4 of working of the motor lied bop made on the lOtli of No vembe 1874, before a number of another ex hi bitaon had been given befor a number of gentlemen from the Ne England States. - The latter We !e so w11 lieved 80 firmly it the ultimate seperse - ure of steam by the new power, that tile formed a stock COM pany, purchased the patent right for the ADC,. New -England States, and paid $80,000 cash in mediate- ly fot their share in the invention, and are ready to forward $200,000 more na soon as called upon. They will orgaunte a company with a capital: of 0,000,000, and neeessary apparatus •as so( n as the proper patents are secured, Mr. Keely alleges that the diseovery To eppy this m the leoiler, as the r in -use wil first rec 11 take its place x 1.11118t be remov it to d will be. no use for a tei 11 be supplied to in _will move off doh may -he desi h 4 been claimed v or has never be t be seen 'whether It t be obliged to fi pi 'd ,by coaltbin J et here :the inv w nderful, It is s• or inary tumbler o p liver engine can b 'Seeing will be - eli te , and the Sooner 3/ ill t public eXhibit on .as they do that of l l'ii Keely Says that tli WO will be upon he road, when he pro II will have the ' ge v• ior 'enough to dra N w -York and ba k. the train will be il 11( cinders, 110...Ogee pi tis of coals to- set eogine will be smal use, bat will be of II sayS that the g adeording to the wi It -is small and. co very little MOM, this i ventiou, it Forr'istreet cars, ihe apparatus will lit is eVid eit•fro antount of money that they regard t wOiiilet of t ie (duet al Ispettk favorably s lel lotegrity and ev oi gene so far as hi position of peel. and purchase and fr :oat r millioos of do ti le "F this power was purely accidental. Up of tO within a short thud he was a poor man, b coamcal skill, he devoted all his time for water with aeview of -precuring a Motive power from it. He was engaged upon an idea of his own reg,ardipg the force !of columns of water 0110 day when Le acei- dently discovered the vapor whieh he hes certained how it was generated; learn harnessed, • T -in studied. the, subject, tr- ite power and hencefoeth applied himllf solely to the perfectien ef this idea; worldng night and day for a number !of f311C0888. The apparatus by which thie ycars, until his -efforts were crowned with • or " multiplicator " and the vapor is then passed into a "receiver," twid from thenee to the cylinder box of the engine, wheee it drives the -pistons and sets the engine - • in motion. The " generator " aboot three feet high made of etust eau gilin metal, in one solid piece and will hold about ten or twelve gallops of wi, stand the very heavy pressure of 2o,opo to 30,000 porinds of vepor to tilt squelre inch, The inside is compoSeil of 1, nueit piPes, and furnished with coel-s and, valves, The ;" reservoir " is al); tit six inches in (thunder and forty inch a lone, and is connected with the " gel veto'!" by a pipe wilted' is about one me cilr- about one-eighth of an inch, Co. nect 1 ie " stand -pipe " of brass, abo and a half inches in diameter an( feet; high, having ,a, sperical chair ber at the bottom, made in two parts, by lianges, and conneeted to the pipe uniti ig the por generated in the inoltiplientor ie cOn- veyed to the. reservoir, which c intai )8 " feed -pipe,"' to the engine. engi is of peculiar construction, but th inven- tech id , with t two tor elanus that the vapor can to any ordinary engine now in 1. s very slight alterations. CLAIMS OF THE VF,NT01. Mr. Keely claims that this a mechanical appliances, without tit chemicals. The water used is c aratus ter by use of mmon river, spring or well writer, and d es not undergo any previous preparation, a rub- ber hoge from an ordinary hydra,n to t generator being used as a means ef co - this vapor is that it can be usedj to t e hest advantage at a pressure of fr in 2 000 to 30,000 pounds to the square inc To the mechanical mind this wits i possible, Yet such ie the claim 41 Mr. ICeely, and it has been attested that su h is the fact by gentlemen who are held be mechanical eiperts of the bighe t grade. Yet with all this innnenae pre sure at his command, the inventor is e F- abled to control .his engine,- ani run 4 with the same ease and- facility• a en- gines are now run by steam. Ht tried the " motor " upon an engine of horse power, and it defied the efforts of 11 the gentlemen present to stop the fly- tired, The water used, after it passed tl rough smell or taste, a id seems as pure when ltipli- f great Octing thick - s so r m ectet ut the it first entered, t us ahowing con that no secret chemical process ployed to carry out the object The parts of the generator and cator are all wade of welded iron thickness and strength. The co pipes are also small and of grea ness, and are oxidized and plan as to prevent the force of the a coping through the pores of th Steam could not pass thlough fleeting pipes which are used on paratus, 8112Ce the bore is only a dimension of la knitting -needle. DANGER OF EXPLOSION'. With this immense power at wouhl naturally fear an explosi disastrous in its results?. But s claimed, cannot be the ease, sin the vapor comes in contact with a II 1 d one most it is when the at- a ed 08 instant Daniel powde ban air aping o flame b tce th of ot (Wail of hay at al y wits ci is al (muds, y 2,000 ieh, ane re fro return," o slior ,r has he leas nes no sing :0 nerato he fire s adorn es there powe nd th. f ripe ?1 the ✓ "doe: attach wort( as th ing th remain 1 woul( e occu r -tank,, s mos bout an horse alt hou lis mat akes hi ventim voila d Keel ts. Mr exhibi ia Rhil a trail d tak ears tr. sage o will b r drop fib now iu power. ther depot gineer kes ill 11 Cost 0 d finis]: charact r of th( e uterested in th h have ad 'mined nvention as tin .01 h centure The of Ir. Keel s per lift him p Iron Ir are already in ts Pleb PALESTIN 7,, :lieit 28. ou in this settlemen on Tues( ay, th been hatching since ar experi .11C8* 0 tho pest has not be .11 t long (1 ration to destroy all th c p , sown, The seem to be thicker Some plac s thai ally alive with the , mi altho gb th potverlo destroy t e they are numer Otiff ye . They see ol do mor dam age to tknue fields tl a others. ' he far mere if.e, hopeful ai sowed largel this Spring, but 1 f a many of us wi of c op; sown is lar er ban last spring goal The prairie 1 as been bii t, al th spare hay an Straw h bee able opinion enterta ne here las we.ek, porit to-day—the gr es nppers arele, very - where and in great n wrs, mo mg i coristamtly from ,th est. The check wee owing to the co d other, a id this being over they hay n av full swi' g„ I is unnecessary to e la eupon th mat Wine& the calamity ler vely in the face. If 'fIfil is to be take as a precedept, th broods will leave it ut laying eggs, and, perhaps, this ill e the la t yea mon 13LII idAY 31. he grasshoppers ar numerou —veil -m eh so ; yet they are more I 80111 tii th will be still o flamer° s yet Th y _are still ha li• . They are, o in king sad havoc in i some pl s. noticed one field in iticular, o abou 20 to 213 acres, belo gi g to Mr. Vhite which was compl te Y ruined. The have just _started in Many othe fields still, on the whole, he damage is not great as one would *expect, thong' many has suffered Med are a ering • They ar very small t, hut when we consider hat they ar rowing rapidly, least five weeks yet, I thinlil it 1.3 not bard to p edict what el end will be, I may say here haii beeii f illy an average crop put here, nio 1 of wdihdersiiti jaeriri,! oets, whirl' really loo spier the gras hoppers hale not interfered yet. shoppers do not seem so Mu - they were two year ago, when red here, 'I' re set lers in this' 0 not fear them, "'hey have more grain the' forn-ferly, there will he a go d average iti and vegetables, here being hoppers this prin as they hied with tie fe days last therefore, depos 1 but few e Pros, 43 Future ?mop et, netaiw q'inaex„ the lett in form - et reliable anthorit on term in Canada remarks : a good deal of t wp think Always taken a ea tious and ve view of Matters, and wheu inflation was upon s, we were' °Iioasly.Prleeahdelsi juvse.to TslaTi iobuoisongestos oars entertained b I to another, or to t p eposits by circulation, Money ore or less stringent, but we id OR it the banks will carry ders through, The harvest ere excellent Wool is bring- ing a goo( price, Ihe 8 ticks o urn er posed of uring Elie year, as production has been l eavily cut -tailed. And though there ma be a shrinkage in vilues and a diminut on of profits, there is no rea- son to ape itheria anything like a general period. of disaster," The gr' serous A they mat vicinity e mown IIID The Men not fear huge cro and potat sign that crop of g hitt few only rem fall, and; eggs. --k's The elf ed and in eial ma There i unnecess ing the ill We have conservat time of blamed same cau that the drawn fr this will cone ban k 01013t of may be May depe eound tr Prospects • Mrs. F play, of Sombra-tragedy no— toriety, is reported to be insane. . I ----The "(may Council of Middleseic tolls in t lat County, provided the city - of London throws off the market fees, Monday ight, some unknown person. left at th , house of Dr.. Hagerty, Lon- ' don, form rry of Logan, a negro infant, not who i ekes the laws.'" ' t. ---A pic•t!pocket a few days ago relieved Bev. Dr, tyerson of al pocket book con- : taioing $7 in bills and his railway tick- , trio' of the County ot Waterloo, has been appointed by the Government one of the Commissioners to represent Canada at the Cent nnial Exhibition at 1 hilii- ---A No wich farmer complains that a . hook midi dder company has been organ - „teed in his eighborhood. He statesthat the ladder is used aftee dark for climbing into - his en house, l after which. the hooking is (tone. 1 1 sions of F ntenad were discharged after four day's C881011, with° it being called on to find a bill or eintioine a witness. ' The only ' dictinents Were those for nuis- ance, whi were dropped: —The s des of the main sewer in Lon- don, Gaye( in last Wedneisday afternoon, while und going repairs, One of the *Workmen amed John McNeil, a married man, was rushed to death, Two Other laborers w re slightly injured. : '—On 8 nday of lett week Charles horse wor li about 8130. , This, is the Inflainmat on of the brain was the cause of the de th of the last.' —The.. "'Mance Minister, Mr. Cart- wright, ha issued a eirCUlar to manageis depc,sits W et -they must -hold themselves in readin s to honot .all drafts open the, m after the 1st of July. anentranc into a school house in the Week, T vagabOnd. gathered up all ' the books nd slates,. put them in 'the l stove, and et fire to them, ' —Four ousand five hundred bushels ' of potatoe were brought to Quebec from Princ Edwards Island on the 3(1. inst Tire . were very, large and fine, as were also some turnips, which show, - that PrincS Edward Wand must be -as ”, fined for 8 lling liquor without a license. Being of a 1 revengeful .spirit, he set fire to the nia •strate a saw mill.. He was arrested an found guilty of tbe act, and will no dou -t get a few Years in the peni- tentiary to cool off. —A pri ner in jail 4- St. Hyacinthe, Province o Quebec, has sent a petition to the Min ter of Jusitie,e, raying tbat his terns elf imprisonment le extended ; over the c4naing winter. The poor pros- 1 pect of employment is given as his reaeon —A few! evenings ago. the temperance people of Harriston held a concert in that village. While returning from the hall to the hotel where some of the party had their teame, they were. pelted with rot- ten eggs by some unscrupulous persons. Not satisfied with this the malicious sconedrels took off the taps which bold the wheels on the vehiclee of their vic- tims. Had not this dastardly trick been diecovered in time serious consequences might have occurreds Such -actione should be punished with the utmost rig- or of the law, and as thereare strong sus, pinions or the guilty parties justice %Yin. likely be meted out to them, The em- perance people have offered a reward for their apmhension and conviction, --An intoxicated man in St, Jo ins, New Brunswick, recently entered the church, went to sleep, woke up in the middle (I the .serinon, persisted in 8 wee ing Old -Hundred at that inappropi late time, and, after severe -labor, was eject - went Oil it fishing. exenntion last wee- .. to a small river bordering on Lake Hu on, west of Southampton, and succeede( - tu catebin r 72 pounds of fine trout wi hie hook, ine and common bait, without any of the artificial appliane,eis -which fishermen generally use, --A meseenger belonging to the $ent ate haa disappeared from Ottawa under somewhat extraordinary conditions. He was earning a very good. salary, and ought to have been well off, If e Was mould forging the signature of a *da- tive, and in order to escape the CO1ise- quence he has decamped, i —One of the machinists in the railway workshops at Charlottetown, P. E, I, -is a deaf Mae, He is a fine loekingi 'fel, low and a . capital workman, He 4 353 inarried maa, and his wife, like .him elfi is deaf and dumb, but their baby, to the delight of th the parents, can heat as well as any ne elee's baby. —Says he Rondeau News : Our cheese fact ries are all in full -blast 'Wit 110W, oppos tion in the business has he, come so strong that it is said som them offer to make the farmers' milk into cheese for nothing. return all the 'whey, and keep tbe family in butter and. cheese, besides supplying them with cream dur- ing the strawberry season. is the mnst extensive farmer in the Ptov, ince of Manitoba, Some five hundred bushels of seed have been put in on his farm at Burnside. He describes the growth as being very fine and is not nearly so apprehensive of grasshopper destruction as many people. i —An enterprising agriculttirist of the :township of Adelaide, has recently im- ported some seed peas from Cleveland, Tennessee, that cost at the, rate of quo per bushel. . The peas are a new variety lately imported from Japan, of a rich yellow eolor,large size, and are said to give the enormous yield of 200 bushelslper "—re.Miss Mary Wilcox, of Arnherstburg, has been at work on a quilt, which 'she has finally completed with 19,740 distinct pieces, and which she has called ",Pa- tience." Miss Wilcox must have been an indefatigable worker, as this yearebes sides the quilt last mentioned, she pieced. one with 9,670 parts, and last fan sheefin, ished one with 5,000 pieces. i ----The residence of Mr. Thomas Mc- Cann, North Croeby, County of Leede, was struck by lightning Oil Saturday, the 12th inst., ahattering the stove, floor ,ind a stove outside the door. His wo children were also struck. The. e er one, 3 years old, received a heavy str ke and was insensible half an hour. Of —Last Friday, the ratepayers of Oia Voted OD a eby-law to do away saloons or hotels, which was carried a majority of 105, after a hard and. dey'e work, The voting was coneide a moral standine point in the Ten,' mice Association. Many people expr ed themselves in favor of total pr bition. and hope our Government soon be educaeed up to that stand P°--intitiver poachers are plying their tr on the River Thames, west of Loud by stretching seines across the stre and bagging all that come up. It is parted that these men often catch 1, good fish at a haul, valued at from $7 per 100 pounds. They have m• from $400 to $600 al month at this wo The effect has been to destroy the fish above the village of Cashmere. —The follbwing circumstance *ill trates the dangers of the burning fallo Hamilton, named Hildreth, was enga in burning up stumps and brushwood his field. A strong wind. prevailing the time, the sparks communicated t wagon loaded with cordwood. in the joining road, and before he could f3 the flames the wagon, worth $60, w contents, was entirely destroyed, —The Argo mill property, which is ancient landmark, and one of the m valuable in Stratford, has changed han having been purchased last week fr Mr, Argo, by Mr, james Foster, popn rumor fixing the price at $25,000. Argo's devotion to business has enab him to amass a princely fortune, and now proposes retiring into private 1 to enjoy the remainder of his _days ease and comfort Ate :,11.4.t1V 1111,01.11 „WC Publisohlerre, 30 sit "Tear in ndwince. mu other obstructi ns: 08 the roadside b the ause of accidents to life and pro erty i many eases, If municipal aut orate take pr4per steps to abolish the praeti e, these eases might never oc- cur, and t e ratepayere would not have to pay the As of damages arising there- from ---1eA ma by the name of Piinee, re- cently frr in thibri lge, attempted to eonimit s icicle on Tuesday evening, at Lintlsay, y cutting his throat with a buteher k ife, It is not likely that he will recov r, Family trgiuble is supposed —4. -Fort rie, once !noted for drinking, ' ganibling lid rowdyism, is now quite as notable fo the abs4ce of these evils, it havin h owe one tot the ouietest and The chang is ascribed to two causes . 110 *Hirai' on of th ll number of licences by the Co mil, and he exteneion of Po- liee'Magis ate Hill'e powers to the placet tieel comin r over fro* Buffalo to fish on - On Monday ev ning of last week, as be eve ling trainl on the Wellingtons Gr y and ruee Railway 'eves about five mil s from Elora, a tittle. boy, two years old aon o the section man, Mr. Craig, str yea o the track, and was Struck by fan and k locked off the traek about thir- ty ed. D 14,11 Wa8 almost inotantaneous. An ther s n, older than the one killed, see ng his rother's danger, ran to rescue hi and arrowly escaped himself, ° .. The 8 ration' Beacon says that the CO filiittee appointed to investigate the fin 'mixt sition of the Stratford and Huron R, lway, met on Tuesday of last w k, and came to the conclusion that th poeiti n of the Company, as shown by he Dir ctors, was far from what was 1 ted be ore lian*g over ' the county dehenIture and instlrueted the Warden not to ha r'',1 over. the saine, but to kohl their' read for delivery, es soon as justi- fiable in tl e interest lof the ratepayers. --'I'he f Bowing We clip from a con- temporary : Farmerii I don't neglect to cut your C nada thitotles, Many of us knew that there are Certain days in the year on w ieh to met thistle's and kill them. N w I wish tell you the days for 1875, siz.: The Oth of June ; 27th of dilly ; a d 23rd o August If they are lPlenty with you, take the scythe ; if few, take he hoe ; but be sure you cut them all, As far as my ownfarrn is con - by f011owi g this rule, I have got rid of road, neat. open hug the horse front feet fee going matt, and ar- had la live by atelier close ed er- 88- hi- le 0, ni re 00 to ng at ed d-. ay th an st ar Ir. ed he in —On Monday of last week the co er stone of a new Catholic Church was 1 id at the village of Arthur, by Bis p Crinnon, of Hamilton, assisted by be resident pastors. The ceremony as very imposing, Over two hundred el II- eren of both sexes, esniipmed by the Bishop the day before, marched in pro- cession, with banners displayed, several times around the foundation of the build- ing, while it was blessed by the Bishop, —A whirlwind or tornado passed over Broekley Point, Cove Head, Prince ward Island, lately, causing much de- struction. Fences were levelled to the ground, in some eases the wind carrying stable was struck and shattered, and palming from that to a barn, 62 feet Ittitg and 26 feet wide, was lifted two feet find thrown over smashing it to nieces. f - breaking glass and doing other dama —Two young men, named Cha Fleming and John Innes, residing near Sliefliekl, in the County a Waterloo, re- ceived severe injuries one day last week, by being thrown from the bu in which they were riding, through its coming in contact with a pile of stones on the side of the roads The yo4ng man Fleming had his lett leg broken in —One e Church at 't, Catharines was entered by burglars, ho carried off the altar ger- vice, sever 1 of the church ornaments and other artic es valued n all at about $200, _For some time past St. Catharines and the immediate vicinifr bas been infested - by a number of the, light fingered and honsebrea 11 all ways few :except ens the burglars h ve mad Several ins ances of Galt a fe days ago, got into d fix, 11 was driving in an , at the ame time leading at id the vehicle, when suddenly e was leading sprang with its into the buggy, both of its s through the bottom of the , orse in th shafts didn't relish ion any more than did ,the or a, few minutes the driver y time of it between both of y mattets were soon righted. ening las week the Catholic ing fraternity, but their oper- been pia, cipally confined to nd, clothes lines. With but epredators escaped a bolder class of their appearance, horses being stolen are 'also rat orted. -e-A. mos destruc ive fire occurred at a place cal d Thurso in the Province of Quebec no day la,A, with cook about eig,h C. Edwar which , is supposed t much inju built of s burnt to t men have ment —A stra is reported ship of Tra ekfew day respectable while labo ity, attem ting the v ter, imm a knife fro but not so others who him to p• far froi which a house, wo dwelling he proper e engine ed, th engine house was ne. The wharves were also water's edge. About 200 en thro n out of employ - Ottawa, on Mon - large saw mill, an n lumber, together rkshop, stables and y belonged to W. whose loss is es- - only $80,000 of insurance, It is nd boilers art not to have o urre,d in the town- algar, Co nty of Wellington. resident of that township, under au attack of insane conimit suicide by cut- na of his im. Two days af- the tabl and cut his throat, d ly as open the vessels . e be ed his wife and interrn him in Ilia rash his neighbors intend cutting —Comp' ints have been made for some time past, y people rriving at the sev- eral railw y station* at Torooto, that theyl have ad their pockets pieked. A band. of v y suspiehous looking fellows bad ' been 8 for some time loitering about the Union statieri, and although suspicion was strong Against them, there was : not suilicient evidence to convict them, so the detectives watched their lq chance. few daysi ago the detectives gentty " in the act of relieving passengers of tbeir c h and jewelry. The detec- tives were also auceeesful in ferreting out the h ttarters of the baud, On silk goods to the value of ,000, W949 secuidmfmleelirnereitld'hifla:n:telhile.arenh-n4+foernhertsulaiinlbaerrethebebEgLiegrcwlinernftd:hre.tnele;t •