The Huron Expositor, 1875-06-04, Page 3: -0 eeteehte MUM ty-Ami ssociation LO N T. i iron bnut the through thb pleaeed t patrous who 3 4001 of tiny leetro to n Favorite. interval will Card and giving township to the -Tied in Huron— fushfield. P. 0. 'reovium Note Sdeals, has been precisely the s. This Company hag except -for rirdae-wn log )1.-ieff, till .6614re/tient.; of itlastandingeee_ 4,101, itox A, Owen Sonettle 'rey, Bruce and Huron. will - ate of hist be loss .e riea aud Fairope. The iui the wealthy and ereles of the eterttireel :he noted :epee, tleff of I erg, Gottgehalk, Mar- nbinetein. &e., eurap- km:ornate. RT PIANO. • Stodert I'inno made,. /own to be retiumed or heeartse they have al- nin sting buyere„ and king o(tart le known e %men inventors that ifIDELL PiANO. uding in tune, Any Beautiful touch. Me - Le Pelle warranted. 5, ireinttanan, feca, o order, CH ORCAHS. -orgrat in the Unita ell things cousidered. C�& ORGANS. purity of tone. Thor- elgreat beauty and ohne, Vox liamenA tRattlif F-11.1).18 rariety. - frJrr &SifITH Toronto, OLE ettZENTMe ILLS oNT. FARMERS Soling. iji good yieli1,11 es - very ease eatiefaetion lateet and most im- .mpetition. CHOPPING 'rt will be mHed to Alva l:faction. xxc FLOUR. - y1;) FE ED, let hey and - Store,. . & rden City Middlinee. 4 lumber will find it. '• the old ,eand on and MeiCillop, FEEP; lig to the 3111.1. .Earan,teed. nunnons• ens- iu the past, aud eir fume. II /IP Chttrge( 1031PiiteN. 11 A2,TENTS. E :Aire sat- 6an.1 wheel for • -tar, or other 1r the belt. R„ECt. JIENTS tur. PERAIION. . to Order ED TO. LIA S, Mitehefl platte a 130g Out Of Minch, I The other day an apparently devotion. a canine strayed into a church, and after a 000I observation of a few moments -atarWl to Inspeet the aisles and pews. .Smitlt, alno devotionally- inclined, was there, too. Being rather early, very few of the congregation had yet arrived. An old lady hotritiecl at the idea of a dog within the sacred edifice, pantomimed to Smith to procure his (the dog's) ejection,. Smith bringing to his aid, the reflection that it did net require the generalchip of Napoleon to put n dog out of ehureh, at once addressed himself to the task. Can - us, in his peregrinations, had waddled to the vicinity of_Smith's pew, but observ- ing, no doubt, the belligerent aspect of his (Sruith's)counterunice, beat, a etreat. Smith pushed on tip -toe. Cantu, after leading his pursuer a bootless chase around the aisle, finally happened to slide into the pew of theaforementioned O. L., and then squatting on hi hams looked at his panting pursuer with a, dog-ged ex- pression oa his phiz. iSriiith, now rather red in the face,and considerably'excited, not caring to risk hisimandibles by too close a contact with his bayed foe, made a hearty kick at, him. (Janus saw the approachieg danger and jumped aside in tune to eseape Smith's No, 12, which struck with full momentum against the ankle joint of the aforesaid O. L. The do.g yeiped, the lady moaned in anguish, and Smith invoked a left-handed bone - diction on the unfortunate cur and his own awkwardness. Meantime the ani. . mile had scoured away,pulpitvvards, when a member approaching from the opposite direction caused hint to double, on his course. No sooner done than he again encountered Sinith,, who felt happy in the ' thought that the momeat for revenge had arrived. Canus, seeing no other alterna- tive, gathered up his streugth for a coup de/at, and made a dente as if to pass . Smith. The latter, seeing his opportun- ity, suddenly struck out his dexter, fully intending to seize the cur by the neck. The fates were against him. He missed his aim, plunged his nose foremost against an opposite pew while the canine [howled May at full speed with noother injury than the loss of a few hairs. . The con- gregation had by this time ' commenced to crowd in, much to the embarrassment of Smith, sell° renewed the'ehe,se with a new volley of benedictions and a scarred proboscis, but with an increased desire for revenge. To cut it short, we will say that he finally succeeded in catching the quadruped and at last sight had flung hint headlong towards the eidewelk, to- tally regardless of the canine life or limb. Bat the end was not yet. In his progress streetwarcls theunfortunate animal mine saddenly in contact with a passing ,eiti-- zen,resulting in a continuation of cirenrn at- 'dnces hat- would defy the Danbury man to delineate. Citizen with demoral- ized garment and wrethy countenance de- i mewled explains ions. Smith—crestfal- len, • prespired .a iil completely blown— humbly begged arclon ; while the cause of all the troubleesitting across the road, wagged hie tail, lolled his tongue and rue- fully _speculated an the trials and tor- ments of canine existence. -------eitaale--- . Running a Newspaper. J ' -)T Flame unaccountable misapprehen- sion of facts, there is a _large class of people in the world who think that it costa little or nothing to run a newspa- per, and if they buy a copy' from the aewsboy, when too far from the office to come a,nd beg one, they are regular pat- rons and entitled to unbinited favors. Men call at newspaper offices to get a copy of the paper; jast from the press, for nothing, Nvho would. never dream of begging a pocket -handkerchief from a dry goods store, or a piece of candy from a cortfectioner, even upon the plea of old acquaintance, having. bought sortie - thing once before, One ' paper , is not much, but a hundred a week ameunts to aomething in the course of time. But this is a small drain compared with the free advertising a newspaper is expected to do, Some men who have paid two dollars. at an early period. of life for an advertisement worth four or five, appear to think they are stockholders .in the establishment for eternity. They de- mand the publication of all marriage and funeral r °Hoeg, obituaries,' and family episodes, - for the ,next forty years, gratis. Speak of pay and they grow in- dignant, "Dont I patronize your pa- per ?" " Yes ; but you receive the worth el your money for 'what you pay," . "Bat," says the patron, " it will not coat you anything to put this in," which is just as ridiculous as to ask a man to grind your axe on his grindstone, and graeiouslir tell him it won't cost, him a eent. It takes motley to run a,aewspa- per as well as any other business; no Raper will succeitd financially that car- ries a dead -head system. Any mention of the people's affairs that they are anxious to sec in print is worth paying for, and when printed is generally worth as much as any other investment of the same amount. : The newspaper business is Very exact- ing on all connected with it, and the pay is comparatively small, the proprietors risk more money for smaller profits, and ilie editors and reporters and printers -work harder and, cheaper than the same number of mot in any other profession requiring the given amount of intelli- gence, training and drudgery, The life has its charms and pleasant :associations, scaredy known to the outside world ; 'hat it has its earliest work and anxieties and hours of exhaustion, which also are net known to those who think the busi- ness all fun, The idea that uewspapera, dom is a, eharmed circle, where the fa- ' 'wired members live a life of °sae and free from care, and go to the circus at t night on a free ticket and to the Springs on a free pass in the summer, is au idea which we desire to explode- practically . and theoretically, Dueness , is business; and the journal that succeeds is he one that is run en a 8qUitre business footing, the same as banking or building bridges, , keeping a hotel or renniog a livery stable. ! --MpiaphiN ( Tenn. ) A ralanche. , --. - - --... • iti— - -- — I Showmg the 'White Feather. ! A man took umbrage at an article which appeared in a paper publish.ed in the I town in which he resided, as personal the i other clay. and in an irate manner enter- 1 ed the office, and inquired of the first one he met who wrote that artie'le, show- i 4ng the piper, and pointing to th e one in which he tixik exceptions. . Said he, (raieing his.voice in a loud key, ; and with clenched fiet high in air), " f . want to see the editor that wrote that ; article," "You do," answered the man interro- gated. "Yes, i do," anawered the -stranger : angrily. "Lt is satisfaction 1 eome for, i 1 and will have it and before I leave here, .to ; do you hear and undorstaud that V , "All right," said the young Mall. "But before'I call him I would.likefolisk you if you, ever saw the gentleman: beforeV' " No, of course not," wan the sa.yago answer. "Why do yliti wish to kri " p, nothing very , particelnr. I thought if you ypu would not care to see him." That just what I come for. young man ; and there .will be flip, you iet. AVeli, stranger, I tell you before- hand, he is p, powerful man,..sta ds six feet two in his stockings, weighs near two hundred, mid owns ti o its that strike tremendous blows ; when angry, his eyes flash fire; his tread is like aii elephant, and he can lift a thr e -hun- dred -pound weight with perfec ease, and top it over his shoulder as easy as I could a base -ball. No one dare approach hun in an anary mood, for they would be in danger of losing their live. He has held an elephant's trunk for ten minutes, and put his, arms arouud the neck of a horse. and turned it over with comparative ease. He has done Power- ful things, I tell, you; stranger. Ilesides, he always carries a six-shooter, and is an excellent shot, scarcely miss mg the. bull's eye one time out of twelv . St anger. he is the counterpart of Samson, of old!' During the young man's btief recital of the personnel of the edit r that wrote that article, the stranger turnc(l very pale, trembled all over, ba king all the time toward. the door, out of which he suddenly darted, and ha not been heard of since, doubtless deeming it, wiser to depart quietly han to en- , counter such a formidable ca ponent, Wanted -4n E itor. , The Pallilfall Gazette says "The story about the King of Burma,' , whit* has for sonietime past been going the round of the papers, le an old one refurnished. His Majesty, so it is said, i tends' short- ly to publish a newspaper, an those of his subjects who decline to su scribe' to it are to be beheaded. The cal facts of the case, as we understan 1 them, are comical enough. About fo ir years ago the King of Burmah wishe to Start a weekly newspaper in the ve naeular and in English, and forthwith, (insulted an eminent British official the in Burmah about the matter. His fajesty said there need be no trouble ab ut minor de- 1 tails ; he would see to th m himself what he wanted was a competent Eng- lish editor, with Anglo-Indian exp nonce of journalism, to whom a t leUria icl ru- ' pees a month would lie pal( . H 8 Ma- jesty added that he would oi ly in ke one stipulation, namely --that the editor should pledge hiineelf to foll w with Con- stant approval the line of po icy adopted by the Gout t, that nothing ispleasing to his Majesty should ever a pear in the journal, and that tin case o these rules being infringed the editor sl ould before- hand sanction his liability t receive im- mediately five hundred str kes n the sole of the foot vviith the ‘slulatak wukk.' —whatever that may mean ! The eapital of the Burmese empire is stil in u ant df a newspaper." ----46.-480-- A S W feET LA.van.--A w nan has no morebewitching grace Cum a weet laugh. It leaps from the heart in a clear apark- ling rill ; and the . hear th t hears it feels as if bathed in xh ilarating spring. IV CROCER DomrNip' N BLOCK, RR hi • FOR HE G )LDEN.LIO SEED EDS. e Orly Oppotelite he POST °FEU) ho Wants Seeds? ORE 1' JUS H GROCERIES - REIVED. JUST ARRIVED T otter 4/ST RECEI RDE!I A Plc Ly of Mee CI e in Sugars. AFULL STOOK OF LACE CL tIELD SEEDS ireothy, Hungarlah. aria Ste., &e. RTAINS AND CURTAIN LACES A LARGE SIOCK AND SPLENDID VALUE, THOM EE'S F JUR AND SEED •TORE, A Large Quantity of C oleo Clover Timothy, Tares, ungarian 6-'iase, 0 - JD P 1\T :Lai o INT And 11 kinds of Meld and Gal den Seeds. CY 8h Paid' Ki zd Lot !of Early Hos Go Delive 02 Butter, Egge and f Produce. - LOTS OF FRESH 1 atoes forSeed and Fam- ine. Free of Charge - PARAS8LS AND ARASOL UMBOELLAS GOOD 44.ND CHEAP, ROWNELL. ...n•••• N F W WATO VVELRY, 11144, CLOCKS, d FAN AT THE G 'LDE.N LION Ladi s Collars and Groceries and P °visions ALWAYS IN ST CIL All will be sold at M.e Lowest Pi ices, Glee us a call before you purchase elsewlier. TH IAS LEE, THE SEAR* CARRIAGE FA TORY,. Cuffs, Ties and Gloves, Y, GOODS NIC g GOODS, Mit. UNTER'S. AT THE GOLDEN LION. T TE and • finest, dna he aboye good 'Plat MINT. upwards est ev fill id best selected stink of brought into the (3ounty. ea on all purchases of $1 Oppoeite O. C. WIL/BS N'S Agri- cultural InTlentent E orium. FIILLMAN -19(THILE returning thanks for ronage they have received sin businees In Seaforth, would sta now prepared to furnish MUSLIN iSiSPE6 No Tron A 'Very La/iv N INVITED :ORINTS DON'T FAIL TO AT THE AND DRESS GOODS. CALL AND SEE THEM, OLDEN LON. Co 0 liberal pat- e commencing that,they are DOUBLE AND MOLE A Sph beet Clots tion On hand, f out for the roidal anti La. in the market. retinal *eat and Jewelry Show Goods. ock of /Spectacles theto $8 perpair. a L. BLACK & Co.'s 4.1 MOrris' Spectaelcs, the 11 ;to Repairing Watcbee tranted to give satisfy -co THE D LLAR, TWE DS are Something Extra Cash for Olcl and Silve 11.. COUNTER, t_.AT THE OLDEN LION. A STYLISH HAT CAN BE PROCURED AT A REASON - BLE PRICE AT THE GOLDEN LION. AND BUGGIES - DEMOOR Which, for style and excellence 0 and mat rial, cannot he surpass eetablishruent in the Provinee. They a e practical workmen, de sonal attention to their businee make light 'work a sp platy, the satisfaction. TS, workniansitip by any other oto their 'per- , and as they - n guarantee GIVE TH M A REPAIRING. PRO PTLY AT e ND CHAR ES MODE PIIJLMA RIAL. NDED TO, TE. & CO. -DO M INI° Y R T CHANCERY OF NONE Valuable flush Wolin) hi Cho . . elrip of Itleatilloi . IN pursue -me of a. Decree 'Of the ourt Chan- cery, dated the Seventeenth da • of MIareh, A. D. 1875, and made in a certain eau of 0' Mt VB. O'Hara, and with the approbetion of t1ii under, signed:Mader of the said Court, a Godenieh; the following lands and preeeises will e offcred for sale, by Public • Auction, at the CO!MJiR0IAtt HOTEL, in the TOWN OF SEAFO unDAN, the 19th day of JUNE,- 18 in the afternoon, by JOSEPH P.. tioneer, that is to soy: Let Num Ninth Concession of the Township in the Comity of Huron, containin One andred aereS of land. The lot is Hitnnted ebout 9 miles front Seaforth, andis ebvered witi bee.cli maple, elm and other timber, and is mils iprove 1. The purchaser will be required to pay n Tepee', in'the proportion of 10 per cent, of his pu 'chase nonoy, to the Vendor or his Solicitorfehn he doe of sale, and to pay the balance into Court, witho t inter- est, within one month the+,fter, and up u pay- ment the pureheiset ifball be, entitle 1 fo -a convey- ance, and to be let into poseeselon. The 'urehas- er Khali, at the time of sale, Meet an agreee nent in writing for the completion of his perches,. The parties to the suit other than the j iuintil are to be at liberty to bid. In other men ets tb vondi- tions of sale shall be the standing mint ions of the Court of Chaneeiy. lenrater p irtietairs and conditions of sale may be ohtainea it app nation. to Meson. McCAUGHEY & HULA EST ID, Sea - forth, and to ;LT. GAIIROW, Esq„ (leder eh. H. MaeDERMOTT, Mast r at 0 (brick, MeCAUGHEY & HO [AMSTED, -Seaforth, Vend vs' So Leiters. Dat ell at G•oderich, 14111 May, 1875. 890-4 L N A V Y. OkNUINE EBB SrAmitED A SPLENDID AT THE TEA FOR SALE., GOLDEN LION. LOGAN & JAMIESON. minion Anemmumammiemes 777. 777. A. G. McDOTTGALL & CO.'S, On SAT- . 5, at o'clock • HEIN , Au- er El von, in of .Killop, CHANCERY NOTICE TO C EDITORS Th re are Nuttier° 830-18 a 14111110cent On the Market. BUSINES VINO' eold my 0-, E, HENDE 180 )enefit and inf rine hat these gent ern essoetment of i 11 1 RUNkS A And great varlet' 8 mad both for the Vh , and sI have cound ne I - ! ENTIRE S To all who patron', et get fair share of t e ;. 881 01-IANGE._ IS THE PLACE TO BUY DRY 'GOODS. fitaliehment to Mcfon.s. Co., I beg to eta.to for ion of the public veer - intend keeping% lret- ndo of Trei LLSIES, HARNESS, WW1 are' Ode and Retail T in. the now firm g yin 1SFACTION I trust that they may psiness done in Tow W. H. M Y. WI LIA BOO STORE kck, Se.orth, ELL, OTT BEGS t inform tbet public gei hima o toned a Bo411 and Stet the front 1 the Donn ion T legrap Whore an jassortment 11 be kept c S HOO BLANI4 BOOKS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW N ONSPAPE RS 1 Goods in nstetntlyni BO rally that he neier Store ih Office, he *helve line and. KS, 4 L1NDS„ AZ1NES, 0 LLIOTT. 1 ARRIVED MS WEEK SPECIAL LINES : THE HURON' t OARi IAGE FA 'TORY sEA1''0 R 2' 41 . I_IM pSUANT to an order of the ourt of Chan- ceey, made hi the matter of Dan el Meradzea.n and ahem, Juntas aud ereditors (1 Willi tin Me - Falun, late of the T-ownship of Grey, in the County of Huron, who died in or all nit thc month of August, 1871, are, on .or before _the Eleventh / day of :Trine, 1875, to fiend by po,d pre )nid to Metiers, McCaughey & Holmented, Q . H01110 ih, the Solicitors of the petitioners, their chi 11Linn and eurnam en, addreseee and descriptions, he full . particulars of their Within, --Statement of their aceounte, and the nature o the BuretieR, if arty, held uy them, or in default thereof they will be "peremptorily excluded fromhe benefit of he said order. Every ereditor holdi g_ any security is to produce the same before me at -my Chain the'Town of Gmlerich, on t e El heeenth ;rune, 1875, at Eleven o'clock in the foren on, be- ing the time appointed for adjudlorttion on the i claims.• Dated at Gnaw leh, this 14 h day qf May , 1875. / . H. 11.1ecDEEMOTI , Magi r at G derich: :1IcCAUGHV EY & HOLMEED, - 090-2 Sea fOrtli, etitioners' So icitors. • I , tria Fl Subs ave con ew. 4111 LIMES. ribers bee4 te announce that het fanny n h ina, at their ' t Vanstone's "Sa'W rssels, TITY 01? NT NT 1.1114 ANY QUA FRESH BU ere, ee. piticE-14c per bus lel lilt/ the kiln, litY of , , 089eJ 'pwN & BURROWL 25 Pieces New Dress Goods at 10e, worth 20e. 15 Pieees New Brown L 20 Pieces New Grey Lus 140 Pairs Ladies' Cotton H stres at 15e, worth 25e. res at 200, worth 30e. ose, from 8e to 20e, worth 121c to 35e. I Tapestry Ceipete, Nev iStyles, at 90e, worth $1 25. 1 Lot Union Carpets, 1 yard wide, at 55c per yard. 1 Lot .All Wool Dutch Carpets, 1 yard wide, at 75c per yard. 1 Lot All Wool English Carpets, 1 yard wide, at 90c per yard. 1 Lot All Wool CU whim Carpets; 1 yard wide, at .51 25 per yd. 1 Lot gall Oil Cloths, 1 yard square, at 75e per yard. Lot Hall Oil Cloths. 2 yards wide, at $1 50 per yard. MORTGAG SALE. JN purouance of the power f Halo conta ned 111 a certain mortgage, date( the 8rd day f ;Tann- ery, 1874, and madoiley joh, Wood and ife, do - fault having been made in the pflymont1 of the principal .rooirey and in tea est SW Urod jy said fa cm !gage, the following volt able pi ()party will be oftener for eel° by Publit ' Auction, be J., P. BRINE, Auctioneer, at the 10MM RC14L HO- TEL, in the TOWN OF fi AFOR oe SAT- URDAY, the Beth day of JLNle, A. D. 1875,at o'clock P. M., viz.: Lets 148 144, 18 an l, in the Village of GOMA, (or H wiek,) nd th build - fogs thereon. TERMS—Cat. F rther art icu- Mrs and conditions of sale to be had ft m the undersignea. MeCAUGHEY 1 HOLM 'STEP, Solicitom for A eignee of Mo tgagee. Fle ft forth, 181b May, 1675. 800 NOTICE OF CO -P J. It, \VIII I3EGS to ante nnee to hie ()Wing to the Jaige inc he lino been (,bliged to am NOBLE CLUFFewho Is it pr thorougblyunder$ttuids the now thee will be kilowatts W and v7.111 be enabled hcreafte tention to !Antinomy. The 8 I RIMY IV011aild favorably lin ity itO pumps. There is of FottCE, CO:NINO"; and ale° Solt Water Cisteine, other TaTikfl, made to orde of an improved pattern on this t woo)]. All work warr tion. Repairing promptly aft low fie those of any ot Remember the Seaforth P tory.f1189.42:1 NOBLE CLUFF, RT ERB 11P. IAM, WILLIAM GR SSIE HAS no* on hand mid In course° construction a nuMber of liandflome and sulistnotially built BUGGIES, CARRIAGE DEM CRAT TAGONS, AND P AETONS. These vehicles are 1 ell rnade, i4ndsom�1y fin - Jelled and warranted t • run easy, an4 will be sold cheap for eash or on sh.rt time, Grassie's L mber Aro too well and favor ly known o lug. He has o, number of his best and they will be gold e eap. REPAIRING ONE A6 agons require puff - hand now, USFAL. Remember the old sti nd Huroit 'Road,. Oppo- site Knox1s Hotel, Sea rth. %%ILIUM GRASSIE. WELLAN6' CANAL Yb TICE TO (1IThTRAC TO . TIT letting of the wo rent of the W.elland raw:301On the Flrst day h bly pOstponcid to the fo dere Will bei received nut june next. Plans an ready for examination o 1 June. By order, Ottawa, ay 14, 18/ - Deport/nalit 0 ublie many pate° reuse i 1 hikb Wade_ vhole rziA. to giv aforth ith h vorkrn • sine -18 & inert: . thrup wnfo • the $ hand a goo CIST ,I1N Ghee • Fite . Ho c Ha nted t give isfac- and, I time pr ie el to. Vices the bitsiness. Ciste . Face is that sinew.; In Mr, u, and s. The sect at- actory parlor - tag, mend Rakes attend et 'hi- p- an• RIF ILLI 15, Thc Nide Illnyo ier the Buyer who can 'buy where they pleaeo, aro invited to call and see these s for the enlargement Canal, advertised to ake June next, is unaveid- lowing dates : The Ten- Thurany, the 24th day 1 Specifications will- be 1 Friday, the 111.11 da • of F. BRAUN, Secretary. rIts, 5, 8,30-8 A C090 Bum • undersigned, wb elth, intends rosigi neso raker in the Villa sale s entire stock, con A.11DWAR He ill either sell or yen which is a good wenn' -0E1,1)41 place for any pet harness making. For undersigned. 188-2p I JOHN ,• THE PRICE SILVE ohm $109- 088 CA SS OPENINC. in consecpience of ill ng his business as Her- o% Zurich, will offe for sting of EATHER, &C. his house and lot on ono stable. This is a it desiring to carry on rticulars apply to the . 'WIDEMAN, &rice. 'TOOK IN THE ING 00, N, ONT., OF LON been increased t sults be, equal to pow coeting only $150.1 For pros 10 per share. Should agent indications, meth will be worth 1 rom due, &e., apply to . ARMITAGE, Director for Seaferth. REMARKABLY CHEAP LINES, And all n w and °flint best quality. We at times buy large lots at -a great discount, andwhen so wc give those wbo favor us with a call the ad antage of the samo. do 'THE (-MEAT INOREASE. IN OUR BUSINESS HE HURON PI. NINC .MESSRS. BEG to announce th huffiness in the 8 Martin, and are now pr Sashes, Doors, And all kinds ALSO LATH MILL Is the beat gnarb, fnerit it. tee that ony.humble efforts have been appreciated, and we shall try to continue to G. McDOUGALL & Co PRING AT DENT'S. CHEESE BOXE FARII GATES Ar 411 they ha op lately o pared to IU _ 1 planed 1 ND B AND 0 HAY RAO OTT commenced e vied by Kr. raters for ouldings, ber. NGLES. TIERS, 5 &c. Aped stock of Sea snedLnmb4r on hand, Factory and Lumber lard on Go erich street, near Main street. Jig Salving and Cast m Planing p fitly done. A. GRAY, ¶1. SCOTT. HE NEW PHOTOG APH CALLERY IN SE FORTH.' 01(1,Stbe1 al Auctioned OS: Filled. up with New Goode at DENT'S. $25, 00' WORTH . TO CHOOSE FROM. !RICH DRESS GOODS, Lofely Parasols and Jackets, Beautiful Printe, Durable Shirtings In Wool 'LI) or Cotton, i4 large stock of Summer Tweede very cheap, beetAxnerittan and Dundas Cottons, an endless variety ot Staple and Fancy Goods comprising everything needed. for Ladles', Gentlemen's or Children's Wear. THE MILLINE Y DEPART4 Will be complete by SATURDAY, APRIL 17, aud will be found replete with, evetritSnilte that line. Don't buy your Mflhlnery until yewhave been t DENT'S. " Remember DENT'S Cheap Dry Goods and Millinery Establishment, A. C'1.D 18 now th better prepar d an ever patrons -with real -genuine 11 Photograph or Am Give hint a call and 1 hien, audit satisfied be won't -ask • to come A Sew of those superfe Sewing as the Osborn, on band and Or Renumber the plate, newly don 1iete1 Main Street, OW PP104.r., ' lutelteete; LDEIL