The Huron Expositor, 1875-04-16, Page 11 al
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VFOR SALE, the Union Hotel, Harpurhey: TO
. be gold by private sale on ensy Wiens. The
° above le a large team° hotel, with etable end
good well of water, line oroshard and garden, and
80.*4 JOHN DILL, Proprietor,'
T41011 sale, the north half of Lot 15, Con. 9,
-I; Morris, County of Huron, containing Macrae ;
0. cleared, balance. pine, cedar, tee. Log house
and barn; well watered; young orchard, bearing.
Terms, easy—part may remain on mortgage. • Ap-
171B, COLEMAN, having laid out the iiounds
ing Lots, le prepared to diepoee of loto on reaeon
11 able terme to auy who may desire them. Partles
desiring to parchaec should make immediate ap-
plication. -804
COMFORTABLE frame cottage, containing
dinieg room, parlor, 8 bedrooms, kitchen,
woodehed and cola house. Good cellar, purnp,
ofee., Poseeesion given on the 1st of May next.
TERMS—One-third down; balance in three yeare.
Inquire of proprietor.
875 A. O. MoDOUGALL.
OT 18, Con, 0, Hallett; loo acme, 65 acres
-Li cleared, remainder wooded with beech and
Olivier, frame dwelling; River Maitland and a
miles from Clinton. Terme to onit purehaiter.
For particulare apply to L. MEYER, Harpurliee,
or -BENSON ot. MEYER, Seaforth. . 346
von SALE, a home and lot on the Huron Read
nearly opposite the Roman Catholic Church.
The iireperty conveniently situated, and the
houae is large and commodious. There - is a
good well and other convenienceff on the preniisee.
Foe further perticulare apply te the proprietor on
the premises.'
VCR SALE CHEAP, a good frame dwelling
--IL' house and three quartere of an mere of land in
the Village of Egniondville. -The house contains
four roerne, With a good cellar and a never failing
vtell in the cellar, The lot fenced with a picket
levee, and planted with, various kinds of fruit
treee. For further ilartieulars apply to the pro-
prietor on the ewer:noes.
"REIN° Lot 6, eon. 17, Orey, County of Huron,
On the preinieee itrO a good logi house and frame
.Thiflarin eittutted 11 miler; from Seaforth and
6 fi'enn 13-1130$010, and le convenient to churches
and Ke14001s. For fnrther partioniforo apply to
1178-41 JOHN MeNEIL, Walton P.
1CeEING part of Lot 28, Con. 12, Hal, containing
-%-' 80 aeree, 65 of whieli aro eleared, the balance
being beech and =plc. On the land are a frame
bearing fruit, In a good etate of eultivat on, The
farm hi sitaated within two miles of the thriving
village of Zarieh, and convenient to a grist. mill
and saw mill. For further information apply to
- VOR Sale, timtbeantifully eituated farm, on the
, -11: Huron Road, adjoining the farm of Mr. L.
1 7
, Meyer, centaining 101 aerate of whieh aro dear-
, ed. and. in a idiot° of owl, ltleation. The bal.
ante is well timbered Th e are eight acres ' un -
i der fall wheat. For urther particulars apply to
To101t, SALE, Lot No. 8, Con. 9, Iluilett, contain-
• (elle°, the balance well timbered with hardwood.
There are 2 frame lidiiTifice, frame barn and Al
retiree stable 80x86, also a hiree log bard. Two
good bearing orehards. The farm is well watered'
with never failing wells, Situated lf "allot; from
the 'same distance from, Clinton, on a good gravel
road leading to (tech place. This is one of the
beet farms in the County of 'Huron. Apply to
8844 JAMES yEASE, Sr., Conetance P. 0.
T ere No, 5 and. 6, in the township of De'wnie, 40
27 cleared, balance in good hardwood,
with a good Grist andFlonringenill, doing a find-,
clue bueineee. Size of mill, 24x40, throe stories
high ; dwelling honee and bank barn, 80x40;
two good grafted orcheeds. Land well fenced and
watered. Only three miles; from St. Marrs, Ott
the St. .Meryeand Stratford Grand Road. i'rice,
$6,000; $3,000 down, and balance in live yearly
inatalments, at 7 jeer cent. Apply to JOSEPH
IREDALE, St. Marye, or to
FOR Sale, Lot 28, Con. 7, 'Osborne, containing
4' 74 acree. 55 of which are eleared and in a etate
• of good cultivation. Therois a good ft-amen/VIM
arid STABLE. The farm is located on a good
!gravel road, hi conveuiently eituated to eehoole,
churches and poet office, and is within 13 milem
from Seaforth and 7 from Exeter, For further
pirticulare ripply to the proprietor on the premioes.
VOR SALE, Lot 9, Con. 1, Lnndon Road Stan-
Iey, 100 aerate 80 cleared and under fenee; the
balance timbered with tiret-elass hardwood ; frame
barn 60x40. frame mtable 18x40, log house, good
bearing orchard, well watered • situated within 7
miles of Seaforth end a like dietance from Cline
ton. Farm well underdrained and. in eirst-chois
cultis-ation: Apply on the preplide8 Or to the Jiro-
prietor at Bracefield P. 0. '-
FOR Sole, Cheap, Lot No. 30, Coh. 6, Townehip
-A:. of Bruce,- County of llruce, containing 100
fierce, 80 of whieh are cleared. This farm is tan-
. tiled within live miles of the rapidlY.groWing vil-
lage of Paisley. The uneleared portion iff well
through the place. It is a desirable' property.
For further particulars apply to the Proprietor,
Box e4, Seaforth P. 0.
ii•OR subeeribere offer for Hale, their
'A' ARM mill and farm, Lot 85, (Jon. 5, East Wawa-
noale. The contains large eirculer, edging
saw, nateoor law, shingle few, edget and peeler—
all in good °order, There are on the lot hi:Hideo
the mile; two frame dwelling houses and frame
- hemlock and other hardwood, with a large stook
in the vicinity to last a; number of TOitrf1.
at any time. For further- particulars enquire, if
eetter post paid, of 'W. (e. HINGSTON, Brue-
VereteneD, 500 good cedar poets. For 'tertian-
* lare apply to WM. HILL, See. Com. len
„e NV oae wanting a, and clams Melodeon can
proem t a great bargain. by epplying
:Vain Street, North. Seafortle
rthilltrE OR TO RENT,
THAT eliedhee honk. and lot situated on the
"1-` corner Of John tercet, and former]) owned by
Mr Griffith Daviee. Apply tO
ere Goott wages will be pea: Apply to
r11/1E above reward will be given lot such irifor-
. motion do will lead to We deteetion and. con-
viction el tho party or parties who on the night
of the Oth pf March lest cut and carried away a
fliekory TREE witich etood at the gateway cm the
riond011 Road opposite the farm of the uudereign-
88o-4 WM, WILSON
R yen, FLA., Marebi
Considering yse f entirely!'
for the present
write anything ab
having been re res
from home that ce
thought of rorida,
original intenti n, and,
sible, jot dawn he resul
tions and expe "ences
weeks' residen e in
The cliniate
Florida, and ce
season it is de
that it is perf
to find a perfec
dise. Neither
it cannot be g
to see anything
• find fault with
the most delica
whole of almost
ter Out doors in
ter, in 'January
and. in both Ja
a good many r
were by no mea
dents assure m
s the gr
t we
cli ate
mb ed
cell g
very d
the ope
here W: r
uary an
s *air
that th
ally severe win r here,
North, and th4 damp
quite rate in th wiriter
of Jacksooville forty
the lowest pol t mark
en one
the Col
and -t
ot to
uch th
not in
s trip
vill If
as brief
if w
ter, and not 0
lam bound to sa
reason one feels
at the North,
changes from
quickly. Often
at noon would
sun, the evenin
almost neceseary, Of the suinM
above 90 in th day t• o and
evenings are c 01. As Wri
last week of M rch th emu
from 70 to 80, II find e t
I have not to got y here a 1 inn!'
course, even io Canada e
'exceeds the de ree intl ted
We have no it ea how t rv
beco es 'when ntinu for"
more pleasant nd tei rete
This it WO to its insul Ositi
fanned by the 'sea ',Hem fro
Though. Florida was t e wit est set -
beau veryailow. It in. rises an area
nearly as !large as th tato f New -
black, is only bout '211,000. -It has
about half redoz n good -in ed to ns, and
only two or: thr lines of railw . The
St. John's Rive is the reat ighway
for trade and co municat ori fol. he eas-
tern part of the 'tate, opg: I is river
who visit the IState in i toren arty all
spend their tidie on its a ' los, r in, its
vicinity. The. St, Jelin s a ieceliar
river in several res,peiets. rig s a few
miles from the gentle, ii i n north-
ward for about 00 Mile e pt ng into
rice. It runs n arty par 1 el to ie coast
its, entire length arid at poin s much
mote than 20 mi ee dista from t. For
80 piles from ts mou it is broad
winding stream, and i a in i course
into the large and e titiful Laker;
lte banks ere el sely lin d With live oak,
cypress, paAmet o and 0o her ; Southern
trees and shru s, whid ith the long
grey moss hang' g down ir ranches, the scener .a very a ked , and, to
tbe Northerner, a peen r' ap (Armtek.
St. John's, to its he nate 8, daily
steamers ply, hich de g th season
are crowded wit_ Nort nevi i i search
points along th river la h tels
and boarding ,h,puses, ere tile ally
excellent accoi -modal • to be
foun d.
The average 'medial
be apt te form, on a cuts
cultnral country. He
to agree with a certain 1N
who said that " Florid
water and one -teeth 8
country, espeeially the ea t, is
is said Ware is not a mi 1 nivil
Florida The soil is edi osed
FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1 75.
81101r1tE IRO, ubli*heric.
ff flinty"'
nded to
Bnt it
n Jotters
s of the
w what
ige, my
as pos.
observe -
out ten
and of'
tion of
nOt say
of Para -
ch that
uld like
ly sa factory
bier' uld ,not
• iS eh that
mayl rend the
'inn the win -
r. his win -
it s at the
ether is
son: All this
rees- las been
e ther-
e ee ere win-
ct 11 more
me! re thaii
the weather'
tha I or some
eti in the
ool that
; Months
o have
m gets
hat the
in the
s begin-
ter. Of
t otten
y these
ing and
ike this
eks and
a has a
farpie would
ida as an agri.
uld likely
am p. The
eo:y. flat
1111s at
that it
ge in all
1 white
it 'snow,
cc ki ids, the
id am sieamp
asily .leaned,
quail The
• la a thick
'ate he- live
shrlu ) of all
ficelt to clear,
ferti e, The
rage, hut °re -
ale -4g to ren-
t ani ot pre-
leictiv4ness of
01.11. vege-
pro u ed, but
at North,
table, as they
local I emend,
hippo, north,
.egeta les can
round Pota-
and ne\ver of darker c
land... The pin land 1
hut is . light an poor n
hammbeks are where h
growth of hardwood, st 0
kinds ; this land, is very t
swamp land afgards pa t
quires a great amount of d
der it lit for eultivatioe.
pared to speak Of the p o
any Of these qualities of 1
that cotton, sugar gene,
tables of all kinds earl. e
whether in suftipient qu
it pay 1 ain no able t
tables could be raised n
thing like what they car
they should be very pr
conunand a high price for
and any surplus could be
The climate is such tha
be had fresh all the yea
toes can be plaided any ti e du ng th
fall, winter or sprinig, and A six r ;Jewett
weeke the new on s will be r*iy for
the table, 'and it i just t e sa is e with
is no doubt that hree or four crops a
would equal ane no -them rop f out the
Same breadth of la 1 •Co al ca I never
be a profitable crop on this soil,i or eau
they can be raised to prof t an ;where,
except on a large scale, e d it la said
to be impossible t prom la r here
and grfiss, such as ve use for asture,
will not grow, T ere is , o tur grass
sand, through whioh wee and, rough,
wiry grass' make t o eir Wa and appear!
of Floride and the so urce of muc of its1
ture. The climate nd soil Ire p, culler -
of the other tro ic 1 fruits Th:: apple
Melly situ ted. 0. the its have;
ange takes the firs place : : be" ig the
the TOOfit eaasily rais d. On. his count,
and because in ma ty mind the orange ,
I will try to tell w at I ka w al out: it,
and describe the n due ope 'anal neees-
The orange, is the most ,b utif I tree
tree, as large as an pple tre ., wit, thick
foliage of a fine da k green • the i fleck
the dark green wit i a the sand bright
and brilliant' mon' t, and ou h ve the
orange tree as it a pearolwth it fruit.
It is almost equal y beaut ful *hen in
blossom, and it the 1 emits a delightful
fragrance which is ereeptil le at la con-
siderable distance:- %he ora ge ree be-
gins toe blossom i Felon: ry, and in
•11areli will be in f 11 1.Aoo oo The fruit
begina to ripen in 8 •pterobb and in OC,
it is all ,gathered at once. The eanges
are only ta •en off requir for use or
market, an the lot ger the rem in on
_not disturb fnany of them. Oran es are
often left on the tr s till , reh; and it
is nothing unusual o see n e fr it and
which remains on he tree late in the
in the North -have been j uck d half
green, aud bear ab rut as uch resem-
blance to the Mon a oran e as piece
cious Spitzenberg or Seek -no furth r,
The orange tree is grow -fr in the
seed. The first ye r it is u ual plant
about two feet rip rt ; the lir l year
ftext year ,they are t ansplan rows,
they are large enoi gh to ee out n the
grove, about one 1 unclred trees being
generally planted to an acre. Mt er fa-
vorable circumstan es and witle good
luck, the tree mg e expec ed bear
the sixth year fro the ed r the
fourth. after setting ut, but it ge ierally
takes longer. If a rove ge s in pod
bearing within ten ears fr m th seed,
it is doing pretty w 11, The oran e tree
is very durable. 01 ce it ge s a tart it
will last for generat ons. B t in 'its in-
fancy it thrives mue i the be ter fo care -
kept? from its wood and eave . It
quickly responds t : such tten ion in
rapid growth and f 'eshened color of its
Let us now see ho v the or
pays. 'In Florida, e rly in
about Christmas, or nges ar
scarce, they comma 'd as higl a fi
orange cannot now e bough • in
kuville :fer less- the, ten cen s.
tree, in full bearing will pr due
cents eech these wo Id be. ort
,520 to $40. Sappos ng a ma to
grove of 500 trees, hie ineo ne,
—nearer the latter, In feet, or
tree witi mere often bear 2, I i i
than 1,000.1 This w uld pay let
*sing fall ;wheat, e en with 30
to the aere.I Our as erage Ca adi
mer begins to free the vihite s
much as: at first. , he abov is
ineans an ver -stat ment of the
of orange c lture. know gr
Enterpri;se, on Lake Monroe, con
only ah int 80 trees, some 30 yea
this with very little attentioi bei
containing some 700 trees, yie ds $
annually. I do not kno•w o an
only drawback is he long tiin
must elapse before t ie first re urn
in,. A eettler here with sm 11
12 years, _till his 'orange tree be
make returns, then he would e al
A young man who 'desires 4 omp
wishes to make his ,hilciren id mend -
children nth, could take no 'nor cer-
tain way to reali ,e theii am iition,
than . to plant aucl cultivate au • range
he lemon,
tire as
t two
- from
five a
t -this
r than
n far-
nd is
08 not
ite se
ve at
s old,
an to
grove. 0
I hope anything 1. have Oat so f
not result in rand g a Florida
among the farmers of Burn l'
North Carolina fey r, vehieh rag
or three years ago, There ar , of
telee sides to the pie ure, and lo
disadvantages as well as o her
r will
-e the
1 two
Except along tbe main thew ughfares of
'travel, the country is a vas wilderness,
There are no roads, such we would
call roads ; churches and schools are few
and far between ; there is n society, or
very poor soeiety, and the S ate govern-
ment is, like that of most o i the other
Southern States, in very dou tful hands,
many of these disadvantages would die -
appear. Butoit does not eeni likely
that Florida' will fill up ve fast. The
transient winter population ill increase
every year, Out the influx of regular
settlers will not keep pace ith it. So
long as the Western States offer much
hardly be diverted Southwar
The price of land in Flan a is very
varied. Immense tracts are atilt in the
hands of the Government, nd can be
had as homestemlar by act 1 settlers.
But malty all the land on t St. John's
River and on the principal avenues of
communication, is in second hands, and
commands from $5 to $50 an acre, ac-
cording to loeation and improvements,
The hardwood land is •difficult to clear—
more $9, I should judge, tluni the aver-
age of Northern bush !an& Much of
the land is covered with the saw
palmetto, a shrub which gro s three or
four feet high, 'and sends out oots thick-
er than a maife leg. After t e trees are
cut down, these roots Must grubbed
out, at a cost of from $10 to 30 an acre,
according to their abundan e. By the
moved, and the palmetto ro ts grubbed
up, he has paid a pretty g price for
his land, even if it did eeast im little in
the first place. .
It would astonish e Canadian farmer
to see- the live stock they h ve in this
country. The hogs are wonderful ani-
mals. They would be a great attraction
at one pf our fell fairs, and Would quite
take the tibiae off the Berkshires and
Suffolkee—judged for racin,0 qualifier',
tions, The Florida bog is boilt like a
bound, with long le e and no e and slen-
back one of them for ten mil s an hour
at least. The cattle are s all, lean,
hardy animalsewhosubeist o the coarse
grass of the woods and swa ps. They
run wild nearly all the year und, their
owners taking them in o ly in the
spring, when they are b anded and°
" cow -penned" for a short ime„ The
cows are hardly expected to yield milk,
the calves being allowed run with
them froth their birth. Veal • unknown
as it is considered unlucky t kill le calf.'
lt is a common saying Ord a Florida
" cracker" woul as soon lei a _baby as
kill acelf. Th horses are mall hardy
animals,: very in enor in appe ranee, but
equel to a good Carat of hard ork. They
are never shod, as thee:soft and ,which
composes the roads does np break up
their hoofs ; for tbe same r ason they
Before th,e war there were rge sugar
and cotton plantations, but these have
been almost all discontinued, on amount
of Abe difficulty' of proeurin labor, or
because it does not pay to e ploy free
labor. Many of the old pla tations are
lying waste, their owners ng neither
able to eafry them on nor to sell them.
VVhatever plantiog or fartnin is done is
Their mode of fatming seems very prim-
itive indeed. They have n es of the'
labor-saving implements wh ch makes
work easy to thelNorthere fa mer, They
scratch the geound with a fu ny looking
little plow, drawn by one ho e or mule
or ox, as tbe ease niay be, a d the hoe
accomplishes the rest,
The number of Northei ner who come
down here to spend the winter, or a por-
tion of It, increases every y ar. They
begin to come early in NOV mbee, and
the influx inerearies until the beginning
of 11•Iarch. Theo every hotel is full to
overflowing, and many find. it difficult to
obtain accommodations of ny kind.
Aboutthe middle of March tbe tide
turns, people begin to look onieward,
by the let of May Florid is almost
deserted by Northerners. ihe great
majority of winter visitors se tter them-
selves along the St. John iver from
Jacksonville to Enterprise, nd at St.
Augustine, pia the Atlantic oast. Thie
past season tha Indian an. Halifax
River countries further south have also
atttacted a number of tourist . Accom-
modations for travelers have e eatly im-
proved in the past few ye: Large.
well -kept hotels and boar mg -houses
have been established in grea numbers.
.-No one mining here need fe r lack of
accommodation, except it be when the
rush is at its height, about t e end of
February. Then, as I hav said, the
hotels are overcrowded.- ,
Whether Florida has *hat is called a
" bright future" before it, I cannot say,
but it evident that it -ha a better
chance of prosperity than al ost any of
the other Southern States. ts orenge
groves will be a source- of wealth to
many or its peOple, aed it beautiful
winter climate will always ttract an
increasing host of Norther ors, e who,
during their sojourn, scatter their sur-
plus change with a very laeis hand.
are drying
of a good
milies will
he sprink,
licly bap -
can ot get at the fish t rough t e ice.
Th re seems to be a pred caMent r the
fish in either ease,
— The Right Hon. J Brigilit, the
gr t Liberal leader of E gland, pi one
of t le directors of the shwa Cabinet
Co pany.
The petitions for apr hibitory liquor
lew his ;wagon have bee extremely nu -
mer us, the total presen d being no less
than four hundred. and fif en, -1
on the night of - Wednes y, 3114 lilt,
The victim is said to ha
wife's sister.
place in the course
between the boys a
Hig School.
clai s the championship as Lein pos,
ses d of the largest calf in the dietrict,
It as raised from an rdinary 'grade
cow and weighed 107 pounds at birth.
n, under the date of arch 29e says
Toronto, Grey and race Railway
hs and three hours hind time.
throat "I for a
reat W;
have e
all cam
e married
has r
of a cou
e of
f the
the t, Lawrence is still rider th eon -
side ation of the Premier f Ca ; who
Kin ston, Jamaica, for 9, lbs. of their
cele rated hater, to b delivered ati
type ily as possible, at 2rc pee poiind.
wee ( nidi GiAlrfeatri neiat orbd 1 :PT i Yin' ni 13kegi I ail 'lei veu at
of The Can Suet B tter Company
The project of winter naviga on of
have receiv au order from
e car-
appoint a me persen eased • Marie
ich the efendant, l' ter Me
few da, s ago, durin the pr
tried in Lon -
to mairy the girl half a hour
der to settle the mat r. Th girl
ated, then said she guessed not,"
McGregor had to f rk over $600
obn Street, a young builder, while
nag a bundle of shin es up the roof
house, the other day, in Walkerton,
d and fell. Taking wo bun les of
les with him, he t bled o the
into a well 23 feet de p, in wh eh at
ge to say, neither w re hurt, ,
at Bel;tville, Wa8 Mpleire y de.
s all escaped. The urniture
illan, re iding near rgyle, was out
harn y rd trying catch some
re The ate being o n, the orses
ed two d ys after.
ng the j gular vein. He h been
d the fa al deed. e had e wife
✓ end 50 cent pieces n eircu time:
11 made, and so muc like th gen.
at one can carcely etect
eing the c e, sharpness
exercieed now that the
silver coin li been put in
of w
in o
of a
The reads ill the country
up fast, o
--There is every prospect
fruit season.
:--Appearances indicate a
—Three hundred. French.
eorne from Massachusetts in
to Sherbrooke, Quebec.
—Two youn men were pu
tised into the 'Aomori faith a
Ont., en'Thursday of last we
burg, and sporting men in t t vicinity
are having a good time.
--On the 1st inst, a son of r. Andrew
Lemon, of Guelph, bad his band badly
mangled by the explobion of a flask of
—The fish of Lake Erie, mprisoned
by the ice, leave been dying b cause they
bad too much water and not pugh "air.
Now the fowl on LakeHuro are starv-
ing becaue they have too ,mu h air and
is it
in t
in t
he d
in d
80 NV
the . Such
:ne0__wrti unaxi,urbeadriddiathgne
give notice o
ever, buildin
Arth r, The
inch 8 in eke
inch s the ot
its 9 the cor
and :he places
riosily in the
Mg( of whic
take to pre
the s relying
he edito
quil of ma
one, o to spe. k, knocked
of ti e and ca aed them to
man pieces h ve stepped
others, like J seph's coat
ors, ave com to the front
of St Vincent has lust com
your quilts of any col'ors.
I 11
has fire spectors who
ental only, or they have
their inten ion -to inspect
and yard Vein the 'ite-
ration, in o der to ewer -
her proper p ecautio are
where ashes are. stor
of the Mou t Forest Can -
at he has at is officel a eu-
hape of an gig within an
hie egg was aid by &S -
farm of Mr. yttle S
Will s, living Centre btr
was n. the ya splitting so
year of age, as in the way, right be-
hind him the consequence being that in
swirr ing'the axe round it a ruck the lit-,
ting he skull nto the brai , which es,
cape by the rifice, prot ding to abod
the , size of the thumb. Medicel ai
so w 11 that nothing unfair orable is an,-
ticip ted fro it.
ie Jury said
eonsid rabic
the diff tenet)
' from ae tail -
point and re-
lay pasSenger
for the time
ith the mo-
bile a general
pf late . bout
hat Pr ston
hide th ir di -
if qui ts eg
own au milk
f man col -
and de and
the -tow ship
leted quilt
'email the
n trot out
Mr. Charles
t, Cha hain,
udge, in addressing t
ase before them was o
rtanee, and he defined
een a ticket purchase
company to any given
and a general rail
t without speeial con
ticket is valid only
d and in accordance
us specified upon it,
rate is'
an abs
kb. is no
e of two
or the defe
y's cabinet
was bit ned down
volving a loss of $2
—Th have som
Elora. t a recent
of 24.
raise th
orders f
cons fro
ab e ekne ds
oP er e dt m. de
ig0118.1:Tar a'etlitjTilUarYeds'i"litawif4thrl
n Saturday last in -
match eight
ranaged to kill t o birds out
3ishop of !Niagara proposes to
eateries of 'the eler in priests'
Om $600 ty1,000, and the d
numbers of wild docks e
len ashore- n the so th shore of
ring the se ere we ther in F b -
To Let," the olunteer
—Tw lyoung me , nem, James Bal-
four, of liaimItem, nd Ja es Kelly, of
Freelto have been, sente d- to three
months "O. the Central Pris for dead -
beating a ride on the Great estern.
—Th sugar -refining bust ess has be-
come so unprofitable in C ada, owing
to Ante •ean. Competition, t at Redpath,
of Mon eal has given notice of his inten-
tion to lose -doors.
—Re orts from all parts f the coml.
try ind eate the fall wheat to be in, a
healthy eondition, very littl being win-
ter kill . Should the fates be pro 1 -
current hat he will not ret rn, but w 11
be appo nted to India.
ployed the County Office, Cayuga, was
found d in the woods, on Wednesday,
7th ins he had been miss ng for some
days, a d as he was addle to drink
is sup a,sed. that he di .in a lit of
deliriu `tremens.
ricultur eta of Esse , after
enquiry into the tter, h
to pr tically test the
-growth f beets for the Ma
cation as to
ate of that a
profitable -
uboture Of
- --Th 19th orAptil is no the day n
go up, The 6th een et aside for
that pu le, but the ev nt did not
take pl e, it was p rogued ill the 1 -9th.
—Th musical c tie of t e Globe bail
stars vi it Toronto. he give's them to un-.
derstan that unl ss the fork over
His litt el game coin lig to th eare of the
editor, he critic. now search of
fresh fi s and past res ne
—Th ury in the case of atie Blake,
of Woo ridge, charged wit child-mur-
said inf tit came to its_ death n the month
of Marc last in the villag of wood-
hridse, unty of York, at he hands of
Katie B ake, its mo her, by cutting its
ruler maile to Mess s. Chisholm
en overpai by th: on a load.
four year , ago. he Banner
would touch the consciences
who have been gat ng their pe -
laxly for se eral ye rf without
pay for it
wedding of liss B des to Mr.
'tuert, on nesday said to
Montreal. There were eight
ailds; ell dr sed a ke, and the
of the bride, which as imported
eels reported to ha -v cost $1,500
he had
of whea
have b
seen in
brides -
The pre
to a Hu
tity of
tmhex.e0ohr da
has sire
sor as a
the Gra,
in one
shops i
a great
ladies i
'an old
and is
does al
have a
vtT:13.0t eo rirde ps
its; E. Hut6hins, of Huntsville,
p in men'sticlothes, pa,id a visit
Rev. R. /1L. . Hill, nearly sue-
ilaerchandise. The eontents ,of
rtevere so badly sp It that the
t 'suspected his cue I mer, and by
Pecorci says the proposition to
la line of steame 8 between
and the head of ke Su ' rier
g purposes should he line be -
Sites for an eleva r and other
Nearly $1. ,000 w re taken at
sr for ticket to Win ipes. Col.
;:.IA large c mpany is being (*-
the City of 1Winnip g, while the
immigration burea es anticipa
i the Dominion, frs. Brow ,_
LI, was born in th year 177e,
consequently 105 y ars of age.
eative of -Munroe, 'au tity Li
eland. Sh is still quite ma
the marketing, and attends ,
o lance she Iooks as. much like
ong those of the vete ans of ,.18i -i -
the ;t. Catharines .1s7 ews, who
lied 'for a share in the grattritY
Parliament are Mr, --Barnet UN,
!wan McFarland aed John S.
on, of Niagara, They arenow Of
eetive nee of 77, 78 - nd 65 years,
was at the eangum ry battle Of
Lundy' Lane; McFarland a the siege of
--ftboreceeas oder ColoOe ,Murra and also at
Ftaanlearitnt: riler 'Faonitd N34istarTa,b°b1; thQen Batrittillher
can side cif
tahnedNBn aro!, River tween ort Niagara