The Huron Expositor, 1875-04-02, Page 7F NG 5 t•+ to -hot Qe.have fiti. tbaws'to for their in - AP Atm for doing n ontinuane which we will opening, at prices, eredulcua GOODS, TSTRES, UE, L s es, , ig&t Cheap, of HOLLANDS;; OF shton's Prints SHII'FTxN( of our regular st 1, and odder& can depend on i in t SPRING GAPS od DS OES, 4.lftcfI 4 :;« our toll s'oek of i s I.sne* 0! r< RIL _ 1875, What Rate can Do... AIarmer.named- dames Laverty, Iiv ing near.31ontreal, was lately very much annoyed by rats, which " carried offhie eggs and made sad work with his corn in the crib and then invaded his granary and commenced destroying a bin of wheat. Mr, Laverty, on examination, -found there was but one place to get in. He thereupon resolve.i: to kill the rats by an artifice well Worthy of the cense. He strewed cornMeal liberally on `the the floor of the granary, and about one h&r later he nailed the hole shut: he then called his dog, a Spanish terrier, and armed with a club went forth to battle. Now thio door of the granary is fastened by a long wooden Iatch extend - ink full across the door and can only be opened from the outside;' and Mr. Lav- erty on entering thegranary crew the door shut and heard the latch fall. He then 'thought the enemy was his, but this was an error, for the rats were more numerous than he expected, and finding no way of escape, attacked both Mr. Laverty and his dog with great fury. Mr. Laverty laid on his blows hard -and. fast, and one blowaimed at a rat, un- fortunately hit the dog on the head and killed. him. Mr. Laverty, being thus deprived of his faithful ally, would have fled, but could not. He then commenc- ed calling for help ;• the rats meaawhile keptskirmishing around his legs, ran up his body, bit his hands, marine, bold- er than the rest, bit his nose. It is im- pessible to say what . the result of this unequal contest would Have been, had not a passing neighbor attracted by the noise* and cries, gone to the relief of Mr. Laverty, who presented a shocking spec- tacle, his face and hands bloody, and his clothes fora into shreds. Mr. Laverty being washed and ' rehabilitated,' at down to reflect, when he luckily hit on, a be ter plan of warfare. He went and and rrowed- twelve cats, which with his own made fifteen • these he, in the plexion - ore a at, .:as •th ' e plexion that will next contrast f vorab y, aroadat ons in th not mingg, if lac tract with the skin, of white or =black in most beco i ing e n be arriv, in the cent tarmonize nor again, there e 'that are direct con With a line iilig, have of doLDFx is a pain c never hear agoodb person wh them makir versation, ceases to time. j If t tion is to fails of its suffering, friends wou ful not to' for what is nese pain wv leviate,anti of sorrows- , red," is a but We t Wekno cherishes a sieve. -fa hick tie interesti e purpose btain sym� hject. regard fo d cause o talk about more distre hich olio ha to be ; con which Bann forgotten rr we have t would be re than one ts, and of Eadie of con- eeable, and hers after a 'h converse - it certainly ne is really - feelings of very care- lneee isarily, than to wit - owe!' toal- y reminded suaged? TN SPRING tonic to tional vigor is or old ; tate in trition caused FIE NECES S IT fy the blood,. nd re iversal yexp Tien cationaris g fro by the acprey tug le ed cold weatte upon the ner -out s oat -door life xercicte, and p fro su stitutionsenLbled byagc or infiueneed by t i ere causes, t ie app poor, digestio + feeble, t e bl f d fin the vital pow - deer sed.: To force and mu solar- orgy Dia: COMPOUND 'LIXIR F P c OSP. CALISAYA is reliable rem Jiff all the ties AvICTIlI of aehility, pr F : TAXING A tore constitn- by the young depraved nu- ect of protect - stem, want of whine. Con - are especially tate becoming erished, and store nervous v1IEELEWS ATES AND ys el etaiily :vitaliz- s.and organs of the body. Avoid !Qua. ks. Iis early iu cre on, ca emattire eca3 &c., vain every ad rtisied. ensec1v, has simple weans, f self -e e, w lea he to his fellow -s fferers. Ad : ess, J. 78 Nusxau Street, New vet* evening, shut up in his granary with the j sing nervous vying tried in discovered a will send free 11. ILEEVE5 ALens Lung rata, and the next worm ng he found, on IN warranted breaJ up t , e mem examination, 'ten dead • eats, one blind ' Cough in an ing edible sht it t rue, i. edy that can slaw more vides re. of r. one, and two with one eye apiece. The this B, r Guying ovo n, Co remaining two were unhurt, and by ac- clxsxar, de. tual count he found 119 dead rats of It"At" a p'eL'oratio an cause throw o;f the p.t�ate° m or mien ; "c the dog there was nothing left but the cret�ions rind pn�3 es the oleo bones and hair, the rate doubtless hav- ed isarts; gives strength tot disc mg eaten hint while Mr. -.Laverty was brines the liver to its proper etfan, strength to the Whole sy, tem. hunting e'ts. It is introduced to the suff ing p merits for the pbsitive cs�re u such ,, been fully testa Thet rine s> fro How They 34anage Topers in . prepared le ride .ed to by lead ngme r France. es being equal t any pros trip an alit (Heal Tt is perhaps not generally known that Ir i� i t q iy teem the French lava, relating to intoxication, ►' h by is not much milder°than some of the en-- setments of Draeo and Lyeurgus. The most restrictive clauses are the product of the prolific brain of U. Thiers, and were promulgated by him in 1873. They are sufficient to make the hair of the most inveterate "toper " stand on .end like the : quills of a fretted poreu ine." and frl htfnlly severe i the wart! politician and his jolly myrmidons. WFe ctuote this unique specimen of M. Thiels''' legislat- ive wisdom verbatim : • Whoever has been punished twice for public intoxication will be declared by a third condemnation, incapable of exer- cising the following rights : lst. Vote and election, 2d. Eligibility for Parliament. _. 3d. He cannot be called on or named. for the 'functions of a juror, or to any other public functions, or to employ under the Government,, or exer- 'OLTH TIE' TIM rS ITS WEI011 vise these functions or cmployrnents: f x: ow .t YirrlxNti oz� IT ? up for such die aces by the Balsam a ' consequently physicians eve everywhere. Sol Price fel ger bottle, • ' PERRY DAVIS & SON, Harkness'. lair The best propel}stion !rinse f ing, and ,bett,tallying the m g it soft and This invaluable preparation the public, kuow;ing it to, pos claim for it. Bi ons ingredients mtnts,"we can es and ogre remedy for the "Fall tering grey hairto its Origins healthy tone and vigor to its to grow lexuriarLtly. ' As n where the hair 10 strong and able, as it imparts a rich glos pearance, which Ina and who to admire. Frei area o by Uncal Cfhern lug perfectly and compo nfidently co Pharmae PI10E, 50 Cb For -sale by J. p. ROBERT. RT. Seaforth,•and byDrnggis.xge T1lorlas' Ee ect 4th. He is prohibited from carrying arms for two years following the date of conviction. It is esti mated that in Paas 100 er- sons per month Ione their civil rts, throti.gb the provisions of this law. Con- trary to the general rule regardieg severe laws, it seems to have the desired effect, However. Paris is noted. for its sobriety. 'Out of a population of 2,000,000, only 225, on Christmas night imbibed so free- ly that they were unable to go home, and had to be tran ferrel to the tender guar- dianship of the police. Modern $Cie l),Ce. } An English physician recently removed. a section of. a patient's liver, placed:, it on a plateascraped it carefully, and re- turned. it to its place, fully restored to its normal action," This promises to work a revolution in the treatment of the disease, and in a few years we. will have an addition to domestic literature some- thing like this: "I usband, I wish you would take John's right lung dower to the doctor this _ morning, and have the middle valve fi 'c;s1." or, '• Will you st:.p into the doctor's when you come home this noon and awe if he has Mary's liver mended, a' sbee-ants togo out to tea this evening." he practice will become so common in time, we are sure, that none of the neighbors will be in any way start- led to see a wife with a veil tied around her head leaning out of a bed- .rootxi window and shouting to a receding husbands " Jeremiah ! Tel T1r. Serapen to send up Willie's rightkidney.' t once, whether it is (lobe or not. He's had it. there more'n a week, and the child might as well hs without any kidney and -be dolls with it. "--J aniner y Nem. A Scotch Nickname. In the Justice: of Peace Court, Paisley, Davie i.lrawiooin, an honest weaver, was sumi;noned to appear, to answer for a • debt'wliielehe wars sure had been paid,. but for which he had omitted to take a receipt. The buses t r was well known in the neighborhood to be a L° loopy cus- tomer," and -he used, rso. many specious ,argn eritt against poor Davie, before '" tiler lienors," that .l.lavic lost all pa tien , and cried out, in the bitterness -f his wrath, `Haut tby tortPrue, noo, Tam ; haud thy tongue ; else T'ifgae thee a name that nee ither body in Paisley • will gie thee, se:estu.", "What dare you eau me, you worthless creature ; I defy you to call me anything that's bad." " Hand thy t ngue, nooor else .I'll Flet it out< I'll gie thee name that nae ither that kens thee will gie thee." " What' name dare you. give me, sir- " " Honest man—but I'm no obleee' l to gar the folk believe DED .-Coinparatively few possess an innate perception of the beautiful, but all may dress in taste by the observance of ,certain laves of nature. Thus, sky— blue is becoming fair person, because it contrasts agreeably with the „orange in their complexion. Light green. is also, particularly to fair complexions, utterly cdes-oia of ceder, because it add the roee tint altogether wanting. Red and yellow are becoming to. dal, fresh colored coirlplcxuns, the; yellow by con- tra st, the red, by h7trmony. Violet, dark . green, and link are more- limited in their adaptability, and require to be brought into juxtaposition with the coni - " TIME YOUDi There. are bite few prepa which have In toed th tpeople for Ithese Is Triemas ati n of six of ssoijxseel th best eat one possessing virtues of ph sitians:know that'•mejliein severalingredien Ifin ,certain greater power, a d producing never result from the uses 41 an differentcanibin tions. Thns cal shim re t i could plot b ny groat ELscTrs flat len tc�O of this oil a diem a eoMponnil-chie; mole from any other coma: ina of the same ingredients, r au and entirely (11 rent fro a made, one wnich roduces the stilts, and having a wider ra than any mcdiyinio ever be !ore tains no alcohol or other vola gitently loses nothing by evap applied yon get the benefit of ct with other prep aliens nearl lost in that way, nd you get on tity of oils which hey rnmt con , N. T11031A, And NORTHROP & LYMA Sole Agents for the Dominion. NoTE.—Lriectri —Select •den So;'d in ,Seaferflh by E. Lumsden. The t relut Ventage Jon 3108(1S' PNi:IODICC -1" fs invalua1 imedicine is cure of all those painful and e to which the -female consst!Ituti moderates all execys and remove and n. speedy euro #nay be relied To married lactic ss, it is peeuli a in a short time, br4sig on the Hie regularity. Tljese Pills should net be tri' during the first three mentis of .are sure to brim:; on Miscariiiage time they are safe. ervous and ti nd limbs, fa of the hes Swill effect a c d; and alth sin irony calx In a pains' ertion� [leases of Z n the bade palpitation whites; these pills means . have fails remedy, do not con resto Ir, an ossy.. ewe s all ree fr sol mend goft color, ots, a smeti althy news w verb, troublesome ere is no rem - al merit than f3, ASTHMA, the lamas to- angor the se Is the irritat tive organs; and imparts bile, atter its itseases have which it is leaf journals can be made eulty. The eeuded . by II Druggists. Montreal o., '1tS,S.c • don. F . nd 8. LXISDEN, orally 8461-26 ng, preserv- render- • Id present to he virtue we all injur-i- ly of nntri- t as a sato o Hairurea- imparting a d causing f t• alone,, even it is 1uvaluL d silken ap auty can fail c0, IN OO D. DO YOU IYKcl ,rrrs3 - ttionsi of medicine rtial ndgment of h el t me. One of • pur Iy a prepar- fis th • t are known, s own ' Scientific s may a formed of ixed p , oportions of cots hieh could one (it; them, or in n thpreparation co p ce, forming any- r ' ssibility be to or proportions other ugrellients, `thin ever before estas nishing re - go o application scov•fed. It eon Ile Ii ! r iris, eonse- ation Wherever y • d p; whereas all a alcohol is y the .mall quan in. , PHF rs3, IV. Y. , T• roto, Ont., Elee feed. on Co -and R. PIL nnfai angel all o n, ly sni +thly en re buta pixel igue 'ts by re w ttglx a anything hurtfulto the con1stitut+ en. Full directions n the.panxp let a pnckare, which shot-ad-beecsrefn y pre Job Closes, New York, Sole Pro rieto ies cents forpostage,enclosed to `orth Toronto, Ont.,general agents k r the will `luso o a botle, centafning .over return m ii.: om` So din SeafOrthby E. Hickson R. Luxus en. s. ng in the ussdiseases ubject, It tractions, c1. It will cried with Females cy, as the, any othem fractions, relight ex- terice, and n all other powerful timony, or and each rved. $1.00and .2 Lyman, omirlion, 0 pills by Co., and 197 GREAT AUCTION S OF DRY G D LE TII17 subscriber has received ' trnetions from i Mr. DENT -to sell by Auction ithtlut reserve, 1 at his Store, in Seaiorth, �I - ON SATURDAY, AI RIL 3RD, r - The whole of his splendid Stock of Dry Goods, .consisting in part of a fi a loft)/ Cloths. Tw eds, k lemnei ;Inc Cot Dress Coo , Shawls, Jackets, Skµrts; Undershirt ti and Dbawers, Hats and 6 5 Pia Blankets, f tens, In fact a fuIi i tock Also at the same Staple and Fancy 1)rf Goods. ime anti jplace will *e sold GOOD DOUBLE REEDED (.13GAN, Nearly new, with p tverfui sub -be ss, sells, knee stop, dee. Six bout ' tune will b v 'with Organ by fnrnisb1u approved endersed fes. Axl excellent Yam ly SEWING !1 will also be sold on the temps. 'Sale to c '. • at 11 o"J~ c A, M. 7, y. Ent E ectioneer. THE }JON Pi 0ODS: A 14G WANTED AT COLEMAN & COWNLOCK'S e Sa/u) Mill, etsfortla. A -.WN LUMBER OJf .ALL RINDS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. EMLOCK LUMBER FAO31 $7 $9. ILLI FILLED At the Shorts i Notice. i COLEMAN clo GOUINLOCK, 1 C THE SEAFORTH yRIAGE AGTARY. Op osite O. C. WI LSON'8 4gr wle ut'c l Im4leme, t Empori m. rr bnsi now ILLMA & r4s., ILE returning thank for the libe ronhgo they have reedy Once corn offs in Seaforth, would state that prepared to furnieh • 01 pat- eing eY are DINIBLE AND SIN LE BUCIES AND DEMOP and TOO SZti GI E THEM 11, for style and exeell material, cannot Do' onn Hahn:tent in the Provi are practical workm attention to their b light work a speciality, action. nee of workmanship nosed by any other n, devote their pore sineffs, and s they they can guarantee REP RING PROMPTLY AND CHARGES M PILLM ATTEND TO, ULIUS D count with the Mimic SYil0P818 OF ACCO To ballanco from i878 To calth Murket scales " Hall rent " Hall rents " Hotel licenses Shop licenses Circus licenses... Billiard licenses Trader's licenses Fines Water tax Poll tax Assessment Clergy refferve Boundary line, Municipal Loan Fund. .411 it .44 it it ti it • 't Drains 4 it Printing it it Interest 44 ft It 44 It it ft if ba panty of Beltforth. WS 95 86 104 25 80 50 550 00 450 00' • 40 00 60 00 • 10 00 82 00 246 60 54 00 15,002100 118 90 48 08 $8,442 58 OR. 675 00 172 18 85 93 224 84 County rate . 884 88 School board • 8,100 00 Offie,ers' 807 00 Streeto and sIdowallos 1,481 60 Charity 158 09 Sundrieff . 642 44 Uncollected taxes . 87 50 ee in Treasury 151 47 $13,442 58 WM. N. WATSON, Anditonl. The detailed statement is "msto4 up in the Cleric's office, and open for inspection by the ratepa ors. Seal rtb, March 16, 1875. 881.2 CR T SALE OF GOODS Oa SATURDAY, MARCH 27 • At $. Stark's Shoe Shop. To be s Geffen other a contin A LARGE QUANTITY OF TS AND SHOES Id without resbrve. .44 so a unantity of ne `HARROWS and CULTIVATORS, and ieles too numerous to mention. Salo to e every day after until all tho stock Is IL W. COLLIN'S, Auctioneer. SOUTH HURON ELEOTII9N. 4FILD JANUARY 18, 187r,).. INCURRED BY A CANDIDATE. H. W. Meyer, telegrams 4 00 Pere° expenses 26 00 $45 75 GEOItGE CASE. (Signed JAS. H. BENSON, Agent for Geo, Case. Public 4 world UCTION SAL OF M STOCK, . P. BRINE has reeeived ins ructions Mr. DONALD McFARLANE sell by action, on Lot 7, 0012. 6, Stanley following 'Valuable Property, z.: g horses, 1 bull two years 4)1d, 5 milch cows in pelf, 2 steers coming four, 1 thr year-old heifer, 5' two-year-old steers, 8 eelves, ewes in amb, pigko also s separator manatee axed by 'lave McPherson & Co., Clinton, and variety whole of the above property w post' Urea, sold without reserve. to commence at 2 0,100 , MEM' stuns of $5 and ander h, weer; that mount ()months' credit will be Ten, on! funds apyrovedjoint note*. I, T. BINE, Auctioneer. Is ITOR 18!5; li/ECEIVED TWO CASES CIE# HAi% NEW STYLES IN FELT AN ALSO A NICE LINE OP W. HILL'S, SEAFORTH. Uri:311ES to inferm the rining community and the pablie generally that be hag lettee4 the v SEAFORTH FOUNDRY for term of years, and refitted ft throughout He is now prepared to manufacture all kinds of AGRIOUL URAL. IMPLEMENTS SUCH AS Straw butter , Plows, Gang Plows, D 11204411m3 the *OTIWAN, is the beat 2, -berme 8a BUILDING AND ALL1OTHER CAST (fumed oat ou shertest notice. Mill, &eine and other Repairs done with Neatness a 4 CALL 80 LTC/ TAT, JOHN " Saws in use. NOPPER MYRTFE NAVY. NONE I1S GENUINE T:NLESS STAMPED There are Newnerous Imitation 880-18 on the Market. r V that she has re oved her premises lately occepied by Jamieson. She has 'now on stook of TINWARE AND Of till klub; which wiR be disrs d of at her CRS - to mary low pricee. :MILK CAN Parties in want of Milk Cans ea any extent at •' Mkts. W lers and others in shop to the elms. Logan ft d an immense be supplied to SEAFORTH PLANIN SASH, DOOR Ar BLIN rrHE subseriberbege cave to the 4- customers for the li eral patron him since commencin business i trusts that he may be vexed wit of the same, Parties intending to bnildwonld him a call, as he will continue to large stock of kinds el DRY PI E LUM DOORS, BLINDS, MO LDINGS, SHINGLE', LATH, ETC. He feels confident di giving satis ction to those who may favour him with their pate nage, as none but iiret-clefal workmen are employ 41. t. -a- Particular atteuti on, paid to 201 JOHN ,11, BRO FACTORY k his numerous go extended to Seaforth, and a continuance lo well to give eep on hand a ER, ustom Planing • :GREAT' RIEFORM. aiv Greatest Refonn that as ever been made is. tho yri es of T. JOHNS & 00., y altogether with exto not to your interest t half, and have dem ionate prices. It; it patronize them. L imps 07 Tbey are slap p h Funerals Wit quisit 41 to attend personally In bee taken in archangel URNITUM upared to Everything vith their Hearse, T THE PUBLIC eTar AFOOT. ghe ANDRE* CALD ;n WISHES tp liWorrn his friends nd. the public ! that he Das fitted up in the b 1st style, a new PHOTOGRAPH GA LERY, eOn Main Street, nearly opposite the Mansion Hotel. Hifi aparates is all new n 1 of the most improved kind, and from his long erience photographer he can gliarantee sot faction to all who savor hire with their patronag . COMO at owe and bring your hildren. Re- member CALDER'S New Photo spit Gallery. N. B.—A. supply of sborne SeWing Maehines kept constantly on ban and for sale, 858 SPARL1NC'S SAW BRUSSELe • -a- friends and the public gene y, that he le prepared. to turnieh all.kinds of BUILDING LUMBER, FLOORING, dr4sed or dressed, PINE, 'Clear or commone AND FIRSTtCLASS NO. 1 FOR SALE All Orders salt to Brossels P. 0, w be prompt- ly. attended to, RIM SP WANG-, AT LARGE, rness, Saddr and Collar 1,4 SXGN OF THE SCO 0, Eclis,Horse Clothing, es moderate. Ilememb eoteh Collar, 0 CC ell 0 CH COLLAR. Alia heavy Harne0s, &e., kept constantly ty attended to, and BE THE SEAPOIETH. UMBER YAR'D. to inform. tbe public, that they have re- oved their Lumber Yard to tee lot betweon the 3 ercliants Solt Company's Works and Mar- shall 0 Mill. • menTh *-' will keep constantly o ihiluruln,aargeeoottssorant of ALL XINDS OF LIJ whic they are prepared to s llat the lowest po allay .asea.- Also, LATH AN SHINGLES. all 1.f. purchasingelsewhere, a -we are In II position lin of th beet ACTON LIME,,„„ Bu Mors and others willh d it to their advaLl- tage o inspect our stock, and ascertain our pric-es clod ludo cements to coo purchasers. befor offer 160 eneto ers(merehants and others) for their liberal patro age dining the past seven years, and hopee, by sti a integrity and dose attention to businega, greatly enlarged big premiees, during , he is now prepared to pay the Ha the w HI For t Ws sksn Es room Xareia 1874, HEST CASH PRICE ay opantity of good f+sh eggs, delfrered EGG Ex.! ,POsttetIU, Eforth by the gubseribet 2 IOU a goad dry HEAT MAW, MS entity of ly to MIN WI Victoria TRIM 1 Walton geo4 01101 TO Digs -tons, orinderrigns4 Using red train armee id and iettledin Detroit begs to moot ag4 WACO to Wm to tie the elm* ld adore the aete We. NUSBO co c CI WULAIR SAW, 0 0 0 eule 0 ea Jae Cr • 1-3 o o tzi eP aNV 11V0 fri CD joi eas Peme 0 ee- e e ofj rt ttl teel TILE subscriber blviDff putchoed 40 meta* mili awes/4 is prepared to frar le fibingks large fiesutities at -the forst 400, araeular attalikai 144414 11,4-9/14 NOW 004 oti CV are eaSee *setae molt °fa. tn7-8 1014'AII CA Witt Ice, •